WATCH: Stop Buying Their Crap! – #SolutionsWatch

Boycotting evil companies and institutions isn’t a new idea, of course, but as you may or may not have noticed, the idea has come back to the forefront of the public consciousness in recent months.

On his latest edition of Solutions Watch, James Corbett explores the boycott solution, examines their effectiveness and ponders how they can be used to go beyond the divide-and-conquer culture wars and hit the oligarchs where it really counts.

Sources, shownotes and links – as well as audio versions and download options – can be found here. Previous episodes of #SolutionsWatch can be found here and here.
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Categories: Covid Positive, latest, video
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Jul 16, 2023 11:24 PM

We should be taking it a step further. Growing as much of our own produce as possible and/or buying from farmers’ markets, independent retailers – either local or online – and avoiding corporations as much as possible. It’s simple. We know the big boys are all bought and paid for and small businesses need our support or we will have no choice. No big deal. Having said that I grow a lot of my own fruit and veg and that’s what my main diet is. The rest I buy from a couple of local suppliers. I buy meat from an independent butcher and pulses from another independent supplier. All i buy from supermarkets is frozen fruit for my smoothie, tea bags (I’m a Brit!) and stock pots – also toilet rolls, bin bags and kitchen rolls.

Jul 10, 2023 2:49 PM

Okay, let’s all start: building our own homes; making our own clothes; growing our own food.

And if we’re really lucky, the system won’t get wind of it and start taxing us for it all.

And if God is looking after us, our home won’t be bulldozed, our clothes won’t be shredded, our food won’t be confiscated to determine if any Monsanto seedlings somehow slipped into the mix.

Then let’s all stop buying their crap!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 10, 2023 5:34 PM
Reply to  Howard

Where ever we build our community and homes, it will be on someone’s ancient promised oil and gas reserves land.
My regrets, but I think we will have to make the same fight for 75 years to live there as the Palestinians have been doing.
Some will be massacred in camps, others will sing Palestinian freedom songs. Thats just the way the is. At least we will feel free. https://youtu.be/nnaWla-oK8s

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 10, 2023 2:37 PM

My two pennies…Title should read stop investing in reinvent ineffectuals that needs reassurance warranty, it hurts peoples retail spending and also legitimate insurance companies. imo

Jul 10, 2023 1:04 PM

Sorry he has that specific American accent that feels like a screwdriver bring inserted into my brain

I am sure he is a lovely guy and has some things I might be interested to say but I can’t get past that noise

Jul 11, 2023 8:52 AM
Reply to  Snarf

Canadian, but yeah equally as irritating.

Captain Spock
Captain Spock
Jul 10, 2023 11:51 AM

I’m glad i sussed this dynamic of the game about 20 years ago…

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 10, 2023 4:00 PM
Reply to  Captain Spock

What game is it, investing in immature amphitheatre theoractrics or essential metric influences that I alone can now boast about. Self praise is not a factoid recommendation of either a big mouth or a judgemental arse ., that is previously bluit by other centurians sod off.
Says Who You…get real strolling isn’t walking in any directional distance other than what you have around ..a safe heaven. Where is it other than a back yard. What Country or perhaps a Continental dividending buffer Port of Called.. I am Glad I am Him who Saw The Game, that can only be Played Once.

Jul 10, 2023 11:47 AM

There is only one solution. Submit to God. Follow Christ. Purify yourself and everyone around you. That’s the only way we drive out the satanic influence in both our ‘rulers’ and the common man.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jul 11, 2023 1:51 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Yeah … but what about Zen?

Jul 11, 2023 7:09 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

What is Zen? It’s both something we are—our true nature expressing itself moment by moment—and something we do—a disciplined practice through which we can realize the joy of being. It is not a belief system to which one converts. There is no dogma or doctrine. Zen is the direct experience of what we might call ultimate reality, or the absolute, yet it is not separate from the ordinary, the relative. This direct experience is our birthright. The practice of zazen—meditation—is a way of realizing the non-dualistic, vibrant, subtle, and interconnected nature of all life.
From zenstudies.org

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jul 12, 2023 12:30 PM
Reply to  zenpriest

Shouldn’t a zen priest be able to give me an answer without citing a third party?Something like, “MUUUUUUUUU!!!”.

Jul 10, 2023 10:52 AM

The fact you guys at OG keep punting Corbett makes me wonder…it really does

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 10, 2023 4:17 PM
Reply to  Corarden

There isn’t a single decent wonder loaf of bread in the whole of America if that helps.
US needs to import Bakers., they’ve had two hundred and fifty blooming years. ☺

Jul 11, 2023 3:32 PM
Reply to  Clive Williams

I’m told we Americans send shredded chicken to China, which turns it into Chicken Nuggets then sends it back to us for packaging.

Does that help?

Jul 10, 2023 8:52 AM

Join the flock
Get in hock
Go and shop
Get your shots
Until you drop

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 10, 2023 4:20 PM
Reply to  Johnny

You Clots

Jul 10, 2023 8:42 AM

Buy with what? Macron appears interested in dollar alternatives and his country promptly goes up in flames:

Another one for the coincidence theorists.

(Macron is such an obvious Rothschild stooge that this apparent interest needs some explaining – he’s probably jumped the gun and the response has been pour discourager les autres at this moment. However a split within TPTB can’t be ruled out totally with Macron in the vanguard of the globalist faction and the pushback coming from the US-hegemony faction. They all love seeing Western European countries in chaos so it doesn’t really matter).

Matt Black
Matt Black
Jul 10, 2023 8:16 AM

Activism for autists

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 10, 2023 8:10 AM

Are you fucking shitting me? Half an hour of drivel about dollar voting? Branded as this fucking babbler’s invention?

A solution to what is none other than a civilization collapse? Give me a break. This guy is an intellectual dwarf. Snake oil peddler to idiots who look up to him because he can run at the mouth faster than anyfuckingbody else.

One thing you gotta give this fucking guy, though – nobody can pat himself on the back better than him.

Jul 10, 2023 9:35 AM

James is a tad over zealous and verbose (it’s an American affliction,like the worship of Mammon) but his heart’s in the right place.

Jul 10, 2023 12:40 PM
Reply to  Johnny

He’s Canadian.

Jul 11, 2023 12:58 AM
Reply to  Corarden

Afflictions without borders.

Jul 10, 2023 7:38 AM

Let’s boycott James Corbett so he can’t make $5000US a week fear porn money offering patented “solutions” for hoards of global intrigue gossip desperates and has to go get a real job.

Jul 10, 2023 10:51 AM
Reply to  yep

Good idea – I did that ages ago along with ignoring Whitney Webb who is another cartel stooge

Jul 10, 2023 4:01 PM
Reply to  Corarden

Heavy hits for calling James and Whitney out…they get paid way too well and have way too much profile not to be working for the man….as in the same people that Alex Jones and Joe Rogan work for is, just appealing to a more discerning audience.

Jul 15, 2023 12:27 AM
Reply to  Corarden

Jesus Christ, No one was reading or listening to James Corbett for YEARS.
He was doing excellent informative work. Many fine documentaries. He predicted much of what is happening now.
If you don’t like him, fine. But to “call him out”? What?
Thank you James Corbett, Catheine Austin Fitts, and many others who were howling in the wind for years.
Also, their sites have linked to many other independent journalists, lawyers, authors and groups that inform and provide real history.

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 10, 2023 4:38 PM
Reply to  Corarden

Thumbs up, man ….

Empty vessels. Supplying people with inconsequential crap (James) and perverse stories (Whitney).

I don’t care whether they’re stooges or not, but they’re full of shit nevertheless. Never say nothing of importance.

And yes, ain’t it funny to see how angry the alt sheeple get when you dare diss their gods?

Oh, I forgot to mention standup comedian Stefan Lanka … 😀 … Another babbler par excellence. At least he’s funny. Unlike James.

Jul 11, 2023 12:56 PM

Well, I have learned more from listening to James since 2015 than I’d learned in my many previous years.
He’s done some remarkable documentaries and interviews.
I do not always agree with his views, and he does get a wee too snarky for me sometimes, but in the end, he provides a great deal of information I would not have gleaned from my previous sources (mainstream media)
Same with Whitney. I have always suspected that she has financial backing and plenty of protection, but again, she provides some very interesting info and connections that I never would have been aware.

Jul 14, 2023 10:36 PM
Reply to  judith

That’s ok Judith. You’re a weekend/ hobbyist truther. Whitney and James are there for you.

Jul 11, 2023 3:40 PM
Reply to  yep

He has a real job: he teaches English in a Japanese school. And given all the crap the English language has spread around the world – who better to teach it?

Jul 14, 2023 10:36 PM
Reply to  Howard

He used to work in a Japanese school as an English teacher. He hasn’t done that for a while.

Kalvin Stardust
Kalvin Stardust
Jul 10, 2023 6:44 AM

Hey James, either stop moving around so much and waving your hands everywhere, or manually set the focus on your camera and leave it there.

Jul 10, 2023 5:01 AM

Some of it was not nice at all – doing the 0-69’s – it could have been better..but not that bad…in fact a lot of of it was really good…you know like….falling in love and stuff

She has bought me loads of Peanuts…to give me start..on the 70s-90’s

wtf am i still doing here?

she has just asked me to come to bed.

not 70 yet.

must be love..or more turn the radio down luv

and don’t fart

I can hardly believe it…soon I will be 70 years old..and I am feeling good.

Just life..how did I get so old?


underground poet
underground poet
Jul 10, 2023 11:31 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I judge my age by the way I feel when I wake up in the morning, I’ve been getting younger everyday for quite a while now.

Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Jul 11, 2023 5:02 AM

What’s your secret?

Jul 11, 2023 3:44 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You got “so old” by believing the propaganda that 70 was “old.” It isn’t.

Old isn’t a mathematical formula. It’s a way of looking at everything.

When nothing further interests you – that’s when you’re OLD!

Jul 10, 2023 1:30 AM

We are possessed by the things we own, especially our opinions.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 10, 2023 12:48 AM

The little man’s revenge? Come on Corbett.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 9, 2023 10:54 PM

A bit late to the party, James.

Jul 10, 2023 1:26 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

… also probably stayed too long …

Jul 9, 2023 10:26 PM

The promotion of trans-genderism to children is in a way even more insane than the compliance with convid.

Having a kind of trans defence group for protecting themselves legally and in the streets wouldn’t be a problem. But someone is really trying to rub this extreme and pathological way of life ( surgery to remove the genitals and using hormones is a type of self-harm that likely removes decades from the life expecancy of the person) into everyone’s faces and promoting it to children as well as constantly baiting adults into appearing as intolerant bigots. It is also an attempt to negate both manhood and womanhood.

Anyone know where/who exactly this comes from? (preferaby with a link) This seems to be the action of extremely malevolent entities intent on making young people poison, castrate and mutilate themselves with the help of “doctors” .

Seems like someone is trying to create a civil war but I believe the trans camp is much smaller than it makes out to be, and will be crushed.

These are the end-times for the “melting pot” of the USA; Balkanisation / Stanification seems only a matter of time and is something at least half of the planet is eagerly waiting for.

Jul 9, 2023 11:22 PM
Reply to  Ras-Puputin

Research Maoism. Even a cursory wikipedia level.
Especially photos of the Struggle Sessions, and the idea of the Four Olds.

Jul 10, 2023 12:14 PM
Reply to  Ras-Puputin

I expect some young person who became disillusioned to sue all those who advised/encouraged the “sex change”. I hope it is for a very large sum of money.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 9, 2023 10:11 PM

We-ism an annoying gutralel utterance favourite of Corbett along that vein, dreadfully sorry, I for one can’t stand him. Perhaps it’s a lifelong personal failing believing some requiring attention talk too much. In my mind yes I could better ask: why he is one moment in Japan western next in Bath euum nice Great Britian, but doubt it would make much difference in time.

that dude that said it
that dude that said it
Jul 9, 2023 9:46 PM

There is a simple reason the boycotts don’t matter and it is this….

They print money from thin air and can run their businesses at a loss forever and never suffer for it. Besides that one reason, you can add that if you boycott one of them, they own the other one that will get your business.

If you want to do them proper damage, QUIT USING THEIR NUMBERS AND LICENSES. Don’t use an SSN, or use a drivers license. Move title to all of your property into an unregistered Trust. Be broke on paper and they will leave you alone.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jul 10, 2023 1:31 AM

Yep. They also bet against their own companies to fail and reap the rewards.

Jul 9, 2023 8:00 PM

“Shut up and keep spending. Because soon you will own nothing and be happy.
Now sit down and finishing eat your bugs.” — WEF

Jul 9, 2023 7:43 PM

Ride a bike. Talk on a landline. Keep the smart(fascist)phone @work. Buy only local non-corporate food. Stop eating grains (the first mass produced, highly processed, low quality junk food for serfs). Repair whatever is needed to use. Block parties, block sharing, block meeting halls, block markets, local clubs & music. Eat well, drink well, sleep well, exercise, sweat, live local and wait for the mfers to give up to our demands. …GTF out politicians, but staff can stay as long as they obey our Policy & Budget Directives. Our streets, our government, our planet. Confiscate the top 5%’s excess wealth and place into a Public Commons of services eviscerated by 3 WWs and create localized egalitarian societies with limits to poverty and wealth.

Jul 9, 2023 9:04 PM
Reply to  sandy

I don’t think they even know we have any demands…

Jul 9, 2023 9:42 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I have sent mine numerous times to all my poliTricksters. Print out and fill out your DEMANDS for Policy & Budget Directives here…


Then send a packet to each of your poliTricksters from City Council to Prez. Will cost you less than $20 and will place your DEMANDS in their possession. Do it each year. Tell your family and friends. When everyone does this and realizes, yes we can make policy that makes a livable world and they STOP VOTING for these MONKEYS, we can start making it so. When no one votes for either Party, neither have consent to rule. We need to rule ourselves. Like adults.


underground poet
underground poet
Jul 9, 2023 10:23 PM
Reply to  sandy

Except all the adults left and now the kids are in charge of the candy store, this wont end well.

Jul 10, 2023 8:08 PM

So… those who operate this nightmare upon us are the “adults” and we are the “kids”. This is exactly what i rail against. Adults are brainwashed to think that sociopathic adolescents should make the decisions. So you are not adult? Nor your friends? Hello?

Jul 10, 2023 1:25 AM
Reply to  sandy

Thanks, but I think the ‘authorities’ would rather die than let us get such a system off the ground.
Many decades of plotting have led to this 21st Century mess, and by now the retrograde humanoids causing it are in so deep that they just can’t stop.

Jul 10, 2023 8:11 PM
Reply to  wardropper

If 99% allow 1% to tyrannize them, don’t you think a little clarity of mind is necessary? And a reality check. We are 99x them. And we are also all their police and military that will turn on them when they have to.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 10, 2023 8:33 PM
Reply to  sandy

its less. They are now 1 0/00.
But it shows the stupidity and mental matrix people are locked into.

Americans have weapons, but Biden says they cant handle the F16’s, meaning all military personal on heavy weapons are brainwashed into serfs.
So do we see ordinary armed Americans make any upraising. Yes but few. Meaning the majority are satisfied with their lives.

Jul 10, 2023 5:22 AM
Reply to  sandy

From your Link:

Proposed People’s Policy & Budget Ballot for 2020

Exhausted by the daily shock of idiotic and destructive policy and budget decisions made by politicians?

“You can do something about it. You can direct your government to implement the will of the people. By filling out the ballot available here”

Many good and sensible measures on that ballot. But filling it out, discussing all those measures at the Online Parliament, proposing amendments to Parliament via Zoom and Voting Online for proposed amendments: all this looks like hard work. Might lead to disagreements in the Block Council — even in the family.

When does one get time to fill in the football pools? The crossword puzzle? Do the Sukoko? Earn one’s living?

Jul 10, 2023 8:15 PM
Reply to  NickM

Hah hah! So true if you still have 40+ hour 5+ day/wk jobs. But in 21st C we all can be ok with 20 hr 3-4 day/wk jobs if there are limits to poverty and wealth to keep an egalitarian economic engine going. Minus of course all the criminality executed for empire, at home and abroad. That’s over if Humanity looks at reality pragmatically and without the sociopaths allowed the car keys,

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jul 10, 2023 1:37 AM
Reply to  sandy

Landlines are digital which means all conversations are easily listened in on.
Local stores have been decimated. But even if you do buy local the shit in & on the produce can’t be guaranteed to be safe for consumption. Hard to geat the brain dead to even indulge in a diffent way if they are glued to the TV or a digital device. It’s an uphill struggle but worth fighting for.

Jul 10, 2023 8:21 PM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

Landlines don’t track your every move like a farm animal. Do you not trust the food in your local Farmer’s Market? Make local stores with collective efforts locally and screw the Banksters. IOt’s all about reconnecting to your community and building a new society from your locality. The anti-global that has existed for millions of years.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jul 11, 2023 12:48 AM
Reply to  sandy

They still keep records, that’s bad enough.

We have farmers markets once a month and barely anything is labelled Organic. Knowing the farming practices, no I don’t trust them.

No go here with any type of collective. I don’t know where you reside but hear this. Many societies have been smashed, troublemakers shipped in and the arable land sold off. You can’t wake the sheep over night when they’ve been brainwahsed for decades. Even if you did they wouldn’t have a clue how to start taking care of themselves.

Jul 11, 2023 5:52 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

None of what you said corresponds to anything I’ve experienced in my lifetime of 72 years. You sound like you are from NY because their farming practices there are BigChem. We have weekly Farmers Markets all over the West Coast every week and sometimes daily access with small organic markets everywhere. Your diatribe is like a psyop for the System wanting to make us feel like we are ignorant children.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jul 11, 2023 11:06 PM
Reply to  sandy

You’re from the West Coast, how nice. No I’m not from NY, or even the U.S for that matter. I’m from a land that has let corruption run amok nationally, regionally and locally while all around me turn a blind eye.

40 years ago we were surround by greenery, fields that grew fruit, wheat & rye with cattle dotted all over the land. Because of curruption and the plan to force us into corporate hands all that has gone.
Even the once protected parts were sold off to housing developers. Just because YOU don’t see what goes on in other parts doesn’t mean it’s not happening. For a 72 year you sound as though you’ve lived a sheltered life.

Jul 11, 2023 11:16 PM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

We know the negative because our overlords are prosecuting it. Some of us want to talk about and actually do solutions. What are yours? I have not heard one from you. Your nihilism is yours to keep, thank you. If your country is hopeless move somewhere where the people will and can rise up and stop this crap, like the US.

What do you propose as a solution?

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jul 12, 2023 12:20 AM
Reply to  sandy

I’ll put it this way. If we in these parts show our hand we’ll be shut down quickly by the corruption at the top. And the weather, i’ve never seen such crop killing weather in all my years.
So where do we go from there, not far.

We have a local populace that lives on a diet of junk and think a garden is somewhere you have a BBQ. So, apart from myself and two others, we are pretty much on our own and up against it. And no, I’m not a negative person. But observing this type of behaviour and corruption leaves one with little room to move.

You can’t fight a battle if your soldiers are dead but you can try and avoid being taken out yourself by keeping your head low.

Do you now understand from my perspective?

Jul 12, 2023 5:42 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

Seriously. Man, you got some growin’ to do. “Your soldiers” are you man. Buck up and get involved daily in activity that will not get you arrested. Be creative. Possibilities are infinite. And are happening now.

junal hershaw
junal hershaw
Jul 10, 2023 7:29 AM
Reply to  sandy

You left out ‘blockheads’.

Jul 10, 2023 12:24 PM
Reply to  sandy

Grains are good if processed/cooked minimally. Fibre is a critical component of food.

Food (above all) and local origin can be the principal basis of valuing any good or service.

Jul 10, 2023 8:31 PM
Reply to  mgeo

The claims you cite are propaganda from the ruling class that wants you to eat their ultra hybridized GMO’d grazing animal food. Grazing animals have digestive systems for grains, We humans do not and we did not start eating grains until about 10,000 years ago. We have a hard time digesting them. Hybridized versions are worse every time they make them do some other perverted trick to make you want them. We ate flesh and easily found and processed fruits and veggies of very low sugar content. We see all this relatively new plague of illness because BigFood corps create and sell to us are foreign, highly processed, low quality, nutritionless crap. It makes them money and makes us diabetic heart attack on wheels profitable in stage 2 of their corporate harvesting of Humanity for profit, in the hospitals.

Jul 9, 2023 7:16 PM

i like the idea of converting the brands owned by the “too big to fail” and the “global corporate powerhouses” into net negatives. Big companies seem to be very sensitive to their brands. you might want to read the book Branding, Measuring and managing Brand Equity by Kevin Lan Keller, Ambi M. G. Parameswaran or Isaac Jacob ISBN 978-93-325-4220-4.. to understand what I call the science of deception.

Kalvin Stardust
Kalvin Stardust
Jul 10, 2023 6:52 AM
Reply to  eman

Amazon doesn’t list any book by Keller with that title.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jul 10, 2023 12:10 PM

It’s Kevin Lane Keller. $90 for the paperback version.
There might be an online version but I haven’t looked.