The “BBC Nonce” & the acceptable face of pedophelia
Kit Knightly

The scandal doing the rounds across all British media is the BBC’s revelation that an as-yet-unnamed BBC presenter has been suspended following allegations he allegedly paid over £35,000 for nude pictures of an unnamed teenager.
This would technically be a crime, due to a strange legal set-up in the UK which says that even though the age of consent for actually having sex is 16, the age of consent for taking naked photographs is 18.
The story broke a couple of days ago in The Sun, which reported that the “BBC star” had sent the money over a period of three years, starting when the complainant was 17 and continuing until they were 20. Apparently the teenager spent a lot of this money on crack cocaine.
Since the revelation hit the papers have been filled with speculation as to who the presenter might be, and spirited denials from various BBC luminaries.
#BBCnonce is trending on twitter. Guessing the suspect has turned into a national pastime over night. (For our non-UK readers “nonce” is British prison slang for pedophile)
So what’s going on here? Doesn’t the whole story raise a lot of questions?
Firstly, why has no one named the man? That’s bizarre, he’s suspended and allegedly the subject of a legal complaint so his name will be public anyway soon enough. Explainer articles claim it’s a legal issue, but rumours and accusations get published with names all the time – that’s the facts of life in the age of “cancel culture”.
Secondly, why did this man spend 10 grand a year to see a naked “teenager” when OnlyFans exists and an almost infinite amount of free pornography is only a google-search away?
Third, and most importantly, why on Earth should we be listening to anything the BBC or The Sun say about anything, ever?
As I wrote a couple of years ago:
Everybody should have learned by now, the media – and most especially the BBC – don’t have ANY duty to the truth. They can’t be forced to report something just because it’s true. They actively and willfully ignore true things all the time. When the powers who control mainstream media don’t want to talk about something, it. Doesn’t. Get. Talked. About. The corollary of this is that when the mainstream media is talking about something it’s for one reason and one reason only – they want to talk about it, because somewhere, somehow an agenda is being served.
That’s from my 2019 article on the Prince Andrew interview, Prince Andrew – The Right Royal Lizard Tale, and in fact there’s a very interesting parallel with Prince Andrew here.
Andrew is the only Epstein “client” ever named-and-shamed, and accused by all of being a predator and pedophile for allegedly having relations with a 17-year-old girl.
The thing about that is, as I wrote before, that while adult men in their 30s or 40s sleeping with 17-year-olds is certainly not seemly, and potentially predatory, it’s not illegal and it’s not pedophilia.
In short, you don’t need to fly to a private island to sleep with a 17-year-old, you can do that in the UK perfectly legally.
It’s like taking a boat out into international waters to play monopoly for gummi bears.
Likewise you don’t need to spend £10,000 a year to see an 18 year old naked, when you can spend a fraction of that on a dozen OnlyFans models…if that’s what you’re into.
Do you really think the worst excesses of Epstein Island were consensual sex with girls of legal age?
Does that sound likely?
Do you really think the institutional pedophilia of the BBC is all about paying nude models over the age of consent a fortune for a some photographs?
These stories are held up as a shocking glimpse behind the curtain but they are neither shocking nor revelatory.
The Sun’s appalled tone at the “exploited” 17-year-old is shown up by their own record of printing topless pictures of 16 year old “page 3 girls”.
In fact what these stories really do is brush the truly shocking and harrowing reality of real child exploitation aside, replacing it with a fake “shocking” but ultimately legal “official story”.
After all, if “institutional pedophilia” is just consensual sex with young people of legal age, it’s maybe “not that big a deal”, right?
Again, as I wrote in 2019:
While Andrew is being pilloried, and the BBC is getting plaudits for “hard-hitting” journalism, there are proven cases of institutional paedophilia that are far deeper and darker than anything being discussed by the BBC. While we’re all laughing at Andrew, we’re forgetting that Prince Charles never gave, and was never asked to give, an interview explaining his “friendship” with Jimmy Savile. While we’re huffing and puffing over “Royal conduct” and sex with girls of legal age, we’re not talking about the fact there are sitting MPs who were once “affiliated” with groups that campaigned to have the age of consent lowered to 10. We’re forgetting that accusations of REAL paedophilia circulate around many high-profile MPs (usually only after they die).
This TV presenter – should he ever be named – will be a sacrifice to the idea “the system works” and there is “accountability”.
Like Prince Andrew before him, the “BBC nonce” will be a PR exercise. A public display designed to show that a) The elite can be held accountable for their crimes and b) Their crimes aren’t that bad.
Meanwhile, the real untouchable elite are on private islands drinking the blood of eight-year-olds. But no one is talking about that.
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Do girls and boys even exist anymore?
I have just read this from a link from another blog. Whilst I am not qualified GCE “O” Level (English Literature – Grade 5 – not good but a pass) and at the same time CSE’s Grade 1 – same set of boys and girls..we even went on field trips for a week when we were 15…long before sleep overs and pyjama parties…we didn’t do that…It wasn’t like Skins, though probably was for our kids…
For many years, I used to nominate a Journalist of the year..and posted it when I wasn’t censored
This year Kit Knightly is doing extremely well and so is John Ward…who keeps telling me..can you please stay on Topic – you have been warned several times – and then posts my latest at the top of his slog pile.
I don’t know wtf is going on either, but have massive respect for anyone who publicises my views,,,especially when they don’t agree with me… much..or even worse agree with me.
I really did get hit by a virus attack..Shingles -starts off with a spotty face, and then can get very much worse..Still here..and the green pus is no longer dripping from my face..and when it was I knew I was going to get better
My Natural Immune System Kicked in…and I am slowly getting better
Shingles is not nice but rarely kills anyone
I hope to make 70 yet..
I am getting very much better.
(and my wife is georgeous -even if she does tell me off most of the time..she retains a brilliant sense of humour – even when everything does go to shit)
That’s just life…we have lost a lot of family and friends – but we didn’t get jabbed.
Still here..and she will get her pension soon 6 years late
Love her to bits. Over 40 years together – and she is still a rock/yoga/etc Rock Chick.
The Grandkids just love her to bits..and so do I
Some people keep their heart and soul wide open..and try and help
whilst I am just a vulnerable old man,,with my walking stick – and a smile…
Come on – Keep Up Grandad
Sailing Next
They’re playing whack-a-mole with the following:
Brendon O’Connell’s “The Sound of Freedom” & The Clinton Foundation
‘Mental Health Problems’. The new go-to malade when you get caught with your fingers in the cookie jar.
Gay boy deceives wife and family for years, while blowing excessive salary handed to him by taxpayers on threat of imprisonment, on seedy teen pic trade, gets found out and scarpers to hospital to hide. In other news…
That my friend is the unmistable truth, laid bare as it were. My problem is with a news caster’s excessive salary: how the hell does a news caster afford £35k to splash around while we are all playing a vastly inflated licence fee for the privilege. Sod you BBC I refuse to pay a penny more to subsidise nonce activity.
Pending …
As a slight aside, such a post is, of course, intended to be deleted later, once its aforementioned reference point has been revealed or has been deemed unworthy of esteemed, semi-respectable company.
Just sayin’ – there often being a tendency to leave such reminders (including this one) hanging ad infinitum for no great reason that is immediately apparent, other than there being a reminder of what once was the case or what never made the grade, in terms of perceived quality …
Poor guy. In hospital. Mentally ill. Gotta feel for him, regardless of his lonely, deification-of-youth crimes. Who was really the real vulnerable one?
So he broke Lockdown Rules? Well, well done. Didn’t everyone with an ounce of virtue do the same?
More broadly though, ‘anonymity’ is the key issue at stake imho.
How come the only media outlets that felt able to state the obvious (at least as regards the suspect’s identity were concerned) were a few semi-anonymous message boards such as 4chan? Whilst the rest of the world’s media outlets cowered in fear over potential reprisals. Or complied with deference/obeisance to those they wished to please?
OK, so a few drunken BBC employees in London pubs did also reveal it. And there were a few subtle hints on TalkRadio/Youtube. Plus some AI-generated articles. Places where some degree of anonymity can still be assumed. Nevertheless, it’s clear that only the ‘anonymous’ can state what they believe these days. This being the *key* ‘take home’ from the whole saga imho.
Something to consider next time, when giving a mobile phone number to WhatsApp, Facebook, Google etc in order to “verify” an account for ‘security purposes’. Whose security purposes?
Snowden made his point, to be ignored at humanity’s peril:
“Oh Brave New World! That has such fearful creatures in it”
(the modern update of Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”)
The media hysteria is for another agenda. The nonce is just part of the camouflage.
Nothing appears in the MSM by accident or gets this much coverage without a hidden agenda.
My guess is to do with anonymous social media accounts and the alleged threats to BBC presenters.
All will be revealed soon…
Finally, news sources are beginning to report:
ooo00000hhhhh it’s him ;-()
I wonder Huw it could be?
I wonder Huw gives a flying fuck?
You should do. There are bigger issues at stake. Revealed by the media coverage of it. A perfect case study on the virtues of anonymity.
Who was it that felt able to spill the beans on any aspect of the case they wished to and who was it that cowered in fear over the prospect? There’s much to be drawn from analyzing such aspects.
As well as why the case was framed in the first place. We all having skeletons in the closet that need not ever be revealed…
Four Jacks and a Jill – Master Jack (1968)
Your second sentence contradicts your first. I agree with the second.
Never mind. It was primarily intended for those wishing to progress beyond the second sentence of a comment before passing judgement.
Reminds me of a system in trouble, and lets keep it that way.
The rest of it was overthinking a topic that wasn’t worth it.
If the media are going to push distracting dross, they should at least make it interesting distracting dross.
First obvious question to ask is: ‘was the dating app an over 18 site and what if so was a 17 year old doing on it?’ Misrepresenting your age in a sexual context should definitely be a crime, since it is completely unreasonable to say ‘Show me your passport/birth certificate to prove your age’ if you don’t want sexual tension to burst like a deflated balloon.
Obviously if you are a sane individual and it comes to your knowledge that a person on an ‘adult’ dating site is underage, you report them to the administrators and tell them to close the account. It’s not very nice, but it’s responsible and self-protective. It not acceptable to be called a criminal when a website claims to have confirmed the adult status of all participants and your ‘crime’ was trusting that they did they job properly.
Second obvious question: how many older men have had 21-34 year old women on dating apps saying they hate young men due to their immaturity, constant desire to grope them etc and what they want is older company? Maybe they are prostitutes lying through their teeth, maybe they are telling the truth. I can attest from my own experience at Almaty International Airport that Kazakh taxi drivers treated me like a woman who would feel they were sex pests. They never took no for an answer, they in effect called your boyfriend a wimp who was standing you up and then they bleed you dry overcharging you 500%. As the correct price to get downtown was about £4, this didn’t bankrupt me, it made me angry. But I sympathised with Slavic girls who said that young men in their part of the world were disrespectful….
I don’t get the ridiculous sanctimoniousness of large swathes of the population who conflate large age differences with perversion. It’s nothing of the sort. If both parties are fully consenting and both are fully happy and adult, it’s nobody’s business but the two people concerned.
In fact, it’s arguable that the best way for inexperienced 17 year old boys AND girls to have a fulfilling sex life is to start out with a more experienced, older partner who gives them the understanding, encouragement and attention to their needs that can often make the difference between a lifetime of confidence and a lifetime of feeling a sexual freak.
Sorry Rhys, but the old “but m’lud, I thought she was 18, not 14” defence has been tried, and failed, many times.
Sounds like your old-ass self is lusting after a young piece of ass, as you refuse to acknowledge your age and degree of your body’s putrefaction, you fucking pervert.
Let young people discover what they need. They’ll make do, like countless generations before. No pretty young girl needs to fuck ugly old fuck like you.
If you’re sexually frustrated, jerk the fuck off.
Sometimes it’s better to accept redundancy packages when they’re offered. The Firm has other ways of cutting 6-figure overheads if not …
Some really good points in ths article Kit. 👍🏼
Looks like the whole ‘official’ story is – perhaps deliberately – falling apart though. I’m really interested to see how it turns out but I suspect that we won’t be given a name of a person at the BBC and we certainly won’t be told who the ‘young person’ is. I’m starting to wonder if any of these people really exist (the presenter or the ‘young person’) and if it is in fact, as you say Kit, just some other agenda cushions they’re plumping. Clamping down on social media could be one reason for sure, as we saw with the bizarre Nicola Bulley stories. We shall see.
Well said Kit.
One of the things rarely considered is that if pedophilia were not illegal, the spy agencies would go out of business overnight.
This is because (or so it would seem) most of the blackmail going on in the world today involves the use of children as sex objects.
Politicians, heads of corporations, even bankers: all squarely in the spy agencies’ pockets.
So, really, who works for whom?
I suspect there’s a correlation between the rise in population and the rise in the “Age of Consent.”
If the teenage years represent the period of greatest fertility, then as the population is viewed as a problem, there would be a push to limit “underage” sex to try and limit population growth.
One could probably construct some kind of graph to show this correlation.
Somehow moderns have equated Nature with Morality – perhaps as an offshoot of the belief in a God. Nature could care less who does what – just as long as the species retains its viability. (Which is why the emphasis on “Natural Law” is not only a bit bizarre but actually detrimental to Morality.)
Below a certain age, sex only leads to harm that may be permanent, not reproduction.
The spy agencies execute the will of their masters. Belgium may be the global capital for such blackmail.
While the nation was merrily tweeting pictures of a newsreader’s arse, our “prime minister” got an impromptu visit from The Emperor (no doubt to make sure that sunak is “on message” wrt cluster munitions at the NATO summit) and the deadline for Bojo to provide his whatsapp messages to the covid inquiry (lol) passed without him submitting them, of course.
Please ignore the bullshit and sign this incredibly important petition instead. It might seem like they’ve forgotten all about the “pandemic”, but they’re quietly working to amend the IHR 2005 to give full control of the entire World to the WHO the next time someone sneezes:
currently at 86k signatures so it needs 14k more to guarantee at least “consideration” for a “debate” in Parliament. UK subjects only, unfortunately
87,135 now. 👍🏼
Your name is now on ‘Ze List’, well done.
UK subjects only 😂
City of London,
included ?
Subjects indeed !
N.b. with a little help from my friends, we just collected 604,000 signatures in Bulgaria,
Demanding a Referendum on our Currency, whilst the City of London hoards our Gold.
A tiny poor nation, you understand ? Far fewer heads to mobilise, seriously, in % terms
Whadya’ actually expect ? Serious public debate ?
Were you President &
Ex-Airforce General, with
Command Strategy Training
From NATO, in 2009, (thanks to Wikileaks, i know this)
A heads up ? When, Zelensky visits ?
You jest, surely ! 100,000 UK citizens ?
Who are you, if not wildly & damned naive ?
Just digest this & think beyond …’s+President+Attacked+the+Government+for+the+Latest+Decisions+on+Ukraine+and+Supported+the+Referendum+for+the+Euro
In one day, everything-everything “the big guy” wants.
Parts for a Nuclear Power Station.
Armaments & Munitions.
Membership of NATO.
& Monetary acquiescence.
We have nothing, seriously with which,
To defend ourselves,
Not even bullets !
Let alone F-16s
Already paid for,
Money in NYC !
Have a guess where the Engines
For our Mig-29s will be ‘refurbished’,
In the meantime…
Get real, Stewart!
I have been looking at reviews for this “Sound of Freedom” film and find it significant that protests against it, predictably from the media sanctioned “Left”, are determined to link it with QAnon I.e that major sock puppet for the shadow boxing ring. Naturally they have no idea they have already sunk all their credibility shilling for the Covid crap.
One such review is hugely and embarrassingly revealing by referring to the film as “an Anti-Child Trafficking Fantasy Fit for QAnon”.
“Anti-Child Trafficking”?! The prefix “anti” implies unfair treatment e.g. “anti-Semitic”, “anti-gay”. Are child traffickers to be assigned to the list of those persecuted?
George: you are one of those people who lets others create problems for you, to antagonise you,
So you react. In other words, purely predictable reactions… I.e. Predictive Programming.
Have you ever considered that everytime you react,
You are neglecting to consider Solutions ?
Only you, can know your soul.
Meanwhile, is it okay for me to
Send you Snow , there in Scotland?
Or should I divert Energy more,
Towards growing economies
For example, India ?
Crispin Miller on a number of issues one being the emergence of a two tiered society consisting of the communistic notion for the lower level and a realm of luxuriant splendour for the tiniest portion at the top.
This would explain why the media have suddenly “gone Left” thus encouraging Marxist rhetoric amongst the masses whilst of course intensely disparaging rejection of the covid narrative as “Right Wing” thinking.
It also explains the allusions to the “wise” approach to covid exercised by China.
Thus it is clear that the boom period in which a considerable portion of the Western populace could be encouraged to celebrate capitalism is now over and the communist mode has come in.
Oh they do like their celebrity advertisers. Springsteen endlessly celebrated for his raucous “heartfelt” performances. And M C Miller’s video above played the excruciating “put on a fucking mask, Mr President” again. BS (highly apt initials!) knew exactly what was expected of him and knew it would offer the gratifying chance to do a bit of “rebellious” posturing. Yeah let’s hear it for the Boss!
“Strike the pose …”
What absolute drivel. Anti commies getting it wrong again.
Here is an interesting rant.
A guy who’s running a porn business has been shut down by his bank and no other bank will touch them with a 10-foot pole.
Now, one might argue that porn is sick, that people should get out there, seduce their favorite member of the opposite sex (same sex if you’re faggot/dyke), and engage in the stuff they’re masturbatorily watching in a realistic kinda way. Live a real life instead of drowning in virtual hallucinations.
At the same time, what the fuck is the fucking bank’s business to poke their nose into your transactions? What business does a fucking bank have to make judgment about your legit actions, not to mention close your account?
Who’s (more) right? The bank because porn is ultimately detrimental to the survival of the species? Or the porn operator because money is money and should have no strings attached?
That’s the core of the matter.
Banks have no right to do anything but look after their customers’ money – and, preferably, see to it that nobody working on their premises is corrupt.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, no less, should be reminding each and every branch executive of that simple fact.
Morality clearly has nothing to do with it.
If it did, then systemic usury would carry horrific penalties and the banks would be having a hard time recruiting new staff.
While that is true the studio in question is based in Canada, which brings me to the conclusion the Canadian G’mint want it gone. We’ll probaly find out in a few years time nearly all those involved in Cherry’s demise have shares in P-Hub, who knows. Call it Stiff competition
I had never heard of CoedCherry’s dilemma, until I followed your link, in various directions.
Nonetheless, an interesting statement of facts and of programming, given the ‘code ‘.
The question remains, were you liable & your business, bank or porn,
What to do ? Don’t you just hate it when someone answers a question,
With a question ? 😉
May I add, I just picked up a Firefly that was struggling in my house @night,
And released it, into the Darkness.
To Transmit Light.
May you please say something about the movie “Sound of Freedom”? Thank you..
Yep. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny cost $295 million Bucks to make, compared to Sound of Freedom’s cost of production being $14.5 million Bucks. Yet, the Sound of Freedom is out performing Indiana Jones at the box office, largely ! R.O.I. Returns on Investment to distract, have not worked. Think Whitney Webb.
Cue the BBC, to help deflect from perverted reality: if ‘they’ wanted Murdoch &
The BBC could kill any ‘story’ , just like WTC7.
This is Scripted to occupy idle minds with,
Insignificance and water 💦 down.
To dilute & mitigate & Litigate,
With Plausible Deniability
May you please, Kit, write an editorial about the recent movie “Sound of Freedom”, about child trafficking and pedophelia?
Thank you.
i would also be curious to hear Kit’s opinion. . Recently I saw part of an interview with Jordan Peterson and the special agent whom the movie is about, but it seemed framed in a context where they weren’t addressing hard-hitting questions around links to Epstein and his friends in high places, but more the ‘bad guys’ on the border. Fair enough. It was an honest interview for the most part and Don’t get me wrong, I like J Peterson, J Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Russel Brand, but I’ve noticed they all go out of their way to avoid certain subjects such as 9/11, pseudopandemic, they stay within the lanes so to speak and maybe this is how they don’t get cancelled or censored. Should I be suspicious?
Online Safety Bill in the House of Lords. At the report stage.A Bill to make provision for and in connection with the regulation by OFCOM of certain internet services; for and in connection with communications offenses; and for connected purposes.
“the welfare of Humanity has always been the alibi of Tyrants” Albert Camus.
Some news from the real world, as relief from the strange legal setups that enmesh Britain;:
“S.Africa President confirms personal BRICS summit despite US threats”
“A Palestinian posts his essay on The Decline of U$ and Israel in the ME”
Another example of the ‘limited hangout’ genre.
This outlier is a good news source, I must say. Smart, well-thought journalism.
Britain is the original Epstein Island with both girls & boys being handed around by people in certain positions of power and influence. Nothing is new here, this like all the other historical abuse will be buried and largely forgotten about. Just blast the population with all the nasties you can think of & they become numb and no longer care. As sick as this is It’ll be a rarley mentioned joke after you’ve had a few beers in the coming months, just like Savile is now.
“Britain is the original Epstein Island.”
Probably not true.
I’d go for a secluded palace in the remote wilds of Arkansas, although I’ll admit the Victorian sewers underneath Broadcasting House are also a distinct possibility.
I think Matt is suggesting he wants to visit so he can participate in the rituals. They gotta have somewhere to go now Epstein is on permanent vacation, from life.
epstein is in tel aviv along with the maxwell clan and lord janner
mcalpine is in italy
lord lucan went to ukraine
many others little america admiral bird what a trueman shoah
just sayin
Do tell. What happens in Arkansa-www ? 😂
Victorian sewers & Dickensian revelations,
What to say ?
Please Sir, can I
Have some more ?
Touche! The peeps at OffG are the stars still shining brightly. Thank you.
Just the thought of the reality of that last paragraph, sounds so, in equal measure, repulsive[ly]- revolting, it makes one want to dry-wretch over breakfast. (still a.m. on this side of the world)
The world has become a very sick place indeed.
The LAW is a total Arse and the criminals in Parliament MAKING the LAWS are the consummate ARSES/ASSES.
Who can one even trust anymore? … rhetorical.
There’s dog-whistles, and proxies…
And there’s Freud’s “displacement.”
When Teachers are said to be The Blame
is Teachers proxy for The Parents, and
as The Parents is proxy for Mum, and,
as Mums are sacrosanct, it must be
Teachers who’re to blame ?
(In Freud’s day ‘educators’ of the young
was a term that primarily meant ‘the parents’
which translated as The Male Parent)…
Who decides The Target, and
Who makes The Arrows ?
Wow !! They’re often the same “Who ?” ,
that’s who !!
They’re brilliant, really, aren’t they.
On the US, the documentary film The Sound of Freedom has been out since early July. Perhaps this is making headlines across the world, and the pedo crims want to mitigate the damage the film is creating.
“It’s like taking a boat out into international waters to play monopoly for gummi bears.”
Busted! Damn, how did you find out?
LOL… I live in Wales, UK… and I’m not acquainted with ‘prison terminology’… and I bet nor are the majority of people!
He hasn’t been named because he’s part of the sickening system, most probably he’s a freemason and they all cover for themselves. The system is rigged with both corrupt people and perverts.
Once rife in Wales so I hear with it’s past history of care home scandals.
He probably hasn’t been named because if they don’t have their ducks in a row to fit him up, he may well sue them to hell and back for blackening his name and prejudicing the outcome of his career.
I’d sue Piers Morgan for £10m if he called me a nonce either in print or on TV/video/online and I’d recommend in court that his former wives all take him to the cleaners too.
Nothing like a bankrupt chancer calling themself a ‘journalist’ if they potentially ruin someone’s life without proper evidence.
Being made to live like a tramp is an appropriate punishment for that kind of repulsive pondlife.
All former wives and systems too eventually die, its your job to remain alive and relevant once they die.
This requires that you are not dependent upon either once the timer has expired, and that God has enough resources in the right place to evolve, if not, they hopefully learn and do better the next time.
If this were an easy task, it would have been done by now and we could all live in peace, until then it looks like war and suffering is the present answer.
If it turned out that, as is the more likely case, that this BBC presenter was in actuality having sex with this teenager for very substantials amounts of money, i.e. prostitution, would that not be a felony in the UK. It is for sure in NY State.
It took 30 seconds to find the name of the guy, yet the Beeb still won’t name him and I think he got overcharged. 35 grand for pics of a jerk off? Sounds exorbitant, is there smething else going on here?
“Sounds exorbitant, is there smething else going on here?”
Yes, as the author of the article you are commenting on has pointed out right here, just in case you didn’t read it.
Thanks for enlightening Barofsky and me. You are right: I didn’t read past the exorbitant payment and “strange legal setup”. There are more important news around the world, quite plain and straight forward.
Then waste no time commenting here, good sir, go read it.
I read OffG’s output of serious articles and honest analyses, the sort that one can find only on small Truther sites these days.
If I wanted “All the News that’s Fit to Print”.there are more entertaining sites than OffG. Sites with headlines like this:
“Huw and Cry”.
Maybe they spent £35k over three years (a thousand a month) on the site, which included purchasing some pictures?? It’s easy to run up £100 a day on plenty of ‘adult sites’, some of which may be chatting, some of which may be buying pictures or videos, some of which might be exchanging letters.
Given the scandalously low level of rigour to all UK MSM titles, it’s easily conceivable that this is what is being talked about.
You were right Kit, all staged, the big breaking news right now is that nothing illegal happened and no investigation…all most likely to keep ‘Sound of Freedom’ which is a major box office hit off the radar. Things really are so profoundly rotten and corrupt, the collusion between the intelligence services, the police, and the press is so obvious, this clown show is impossible not to see it clearly unless you are totally braindead.
Another storm in a teacup. The BBC and Sun probably work together to keep real news off the front pages.
There is no probably about it. All sing from the same hymn sheet, all are in on the deception.
So, yesterday, it was James “Waterfall of Verbal Shit” Corbett, with another completely inane suggestion, today, it’s pedophilia, another favorite subject.
No wonder, most people had their brains fucked up by religious schooling, where this fucked up occidental religion for some strange reason deems cunt, tits, dick, and the mutual use thereof objectionable, not to be admitted to exist, not to be seen. Since the reproductive instinct (sex) is the second strongest after food, which means pretty fucking strong, no wonder that people are fucking perverted.
The allegation that some guy’s paid 35 grand for pictures to jerk off over sounds pretty far-fetched since there is tons and tons of pics free for everybody to jerk off over until they get blue in the face.
In the meantime, while people are righteously upset about these ‘important’ issues, the remake of the world is progressing nicely.
For those interested in taxing their brains to a tad greater extent, here is an interesting article
Wow, with such amount of bad language, you never thought that makes you look less credible?
And ‘religious schooling’? What religious schooling? I can see you’ve been brainwashed [also by the media] to believe ‘religions’ are a very bad thing, right? Predictable!!!
Yeah, most people nowadays use their genitals to think, not their heads. Humans are not animals, so there is no such thing as a ‘reproductive instinct’ within humans [nice euphemism]… there is SEX, lust, vice and dysfunctions.
Don’t bother replying as I’ve got zero patience towards people with a bad tongue!!! I’m not even pressing the bell…
Tovarish, leave up to your interlocutor whether or not he will reply and what words he will use. For starters, there is no fucking law to require you to read anything. So, if you’ve been indoctrinated that some language is bad, and some other language presumably good, avert yer eyes if you see some of the former kind, lest Devil himself will possess you, or whatever the fuck you’re thinking.
Incidentally, your use of language is not much to write home about, so shut the fuck up.
Religion, tovarish, is a filter inserted between reality and your perception thereof. Lens, prism. Everything your religiously indoctrinated mind perceives passes through it and thus distorts reality. Hence, you’re a prisoner of whoever concocted that fucking religion, an intellectual slave, sheeple, unable to think objectively.
Humans have reproductive instinct alright, as evidenced by how they fuck one another and the extent to which they make themselves attractive to that effect. Maybe it’s not your case, who the fuck knows, but a very very large number of things people do are closely tied to getting into the pants of their favorite member of opposite sex – or the same fucking sex nowadays or some other sex altogether. Whatever they told you in your favorite house of worship notwithstanding.
Now, this is a discussion forum where people express views, ideas, opinions. Some might resonate with you, some less so, some you might disagree with. That’s the fucking way it fucking is, tovarish. You can discuss stuff, you don’t have to. But don’t you fucking tell nobody what to say or what not to say, you totalitarian piece of shit. You got zero patience for “people with bad tongue”? Well, I got zero patients for patented assholes who think themselves better than others, somehow vested with the power to tell them what to do.
Have you been drinking? You sound a little ‘out of control’ angry.
Why the fuck do you conventional normies have to assume that when somebody differs from your herd of sheeple, they must “have been drinking” or are under the influence of something?
Have you considered the possibility that in fact all of you adherents to conventions are the aberration because you’re not your own selves but endless reproductions of the generic humanoid manufactured by your slavers, while people like me who refuse the conform to your fucked up conventions which you can shove up your ass for what I care are what’s normal?
Why do you always keep changing your name? I thought Plino was fine and Jacques, though common enough, was OK.
Surely your not changing your name to hide your online identity. Style is a lot like a finger print, Tovarish …
České pivo je nejlepší pivo!
Never hear of some Plino, you’re hallucinating, Victor.
Speaking about style, your gibberish is completely devoid of any. It wouldn’t matter under what name you penned your meaningless verbal ejaculations; they would still be as meaningless as they are.
To je snad jasny ze cesky pivo je nejlepsi “pivo”, staci napsat ze je nejlepsi ty pleonasticky redundatni pablbe. Nebut vole trapnej vole.
You’ve been “Disgusted” and “Kunda Sem Kunda Tam” recently. Yawn.
I see by your downvotes you struck a nerve.
There are certain “set in concrete” items in the Alt Right grab bag: pedophilia; gender change; virology; climate change; overpopulation.
And if you don’t come down on the right side of these issues, and at least acknowledge their crucial importance to human survival, you will not be well received. And, where appropriate, acknowledge that there is much hoaxing going on.
In a word, normal everyday discussions are viewed with suspicion.
You da mahn, mahn. One of the very few objective people around.
Oh I would say that the left is much more concerned with overpopulation given their support in the last three years for gender change and all that it entails, i.e. sterilization through puberty blockers and genital mutilation.
It looks to me as if eugenics has been practiced by our social darwinist owners for a long time and if the population is debased: that’s exactly what was intended.
A universal debasement, what a concept, what a tool, just like the pioneers and founders intended.
Yes, the pioneers and founders of the money system. It’s been ongoing for a very long time
Still not older than the universe, or universal time, but but but what’s that?
It has, and this means we are only 6 billion now on the planet. From 9 billion to 6 billion according to counting in secret societies.
Nobody in the public knows this yet, but some day we will have to tell it to everybody, when we meet the target of 3 300 033 033 Smart City people inhabitants on the earth:
Those who took all the booster jabs………………….LOL.
Thanks for the link. “Spiteful mutants” really interesting.
Promoting sexual deviance and promoting sexual reproduction are two entirely different things.
spam filter stole my comment!
The ‘authorities’ have insisted that all media institutions now have a “Woke Office”, where a robot modelled upon characteristics stolen from both of Greta Thunberg’s parents will supervise the distribution of allowable quotas for certain politically-sensitive words.
I have researched your particular case, and the following message came up:
Stay strong.
Next week isn’t that far away…
So – FUCK THEM. Fuck the media. They’re full of shit. There’s no law requiring anyone to watch the shit.
On another note, pun intended, do you know this guy?
Quite so.
No, I can’t say I know this guy.
Always good to hear Mozart though.
Well, as always, Kit, you’ve shown yourself to be the best and most incisive of OffGuardian’s writers. About seventy per cent of what you say here is exactly what needs to be said about this matter and you’re pretty much the only person I’ve seen saying it. I am constantly amazed that people I’m otherwise inclined to stand shoulder to shoulder with in the resistance to globalist tyranny continue to enthusiastically buy into this conflation of “creepy” and mildly undignified and unaesthetic behaviour with the rare and repulsive mental illness of actual paedophilia or the almost inconceivable evil of ritual child rape or child sacrifice. Why is it not obvious to everyone that dogpiling on sad older men who snatch pathetically at a little bit of sensual joy from out of lives that, for reasons we cannot know, may well have been entirely bereft of it amounts to pumping more blood into THEIR, the globalists’ narrative and plan? You could have made a lot more, I think, out of this weird anomaly in UK law whereby having sex with a 17 year old is legal but sending them an SMS asking for a sexy photo is a grave criminal offence. I haven’t researched this but I would guess that this is a legal situation which has emerged only recently, in the course of the huge re-regulation of online and other forms of communication that purports to be about “protecting the children” but is, of course, about instituting surveillance and control of communication of every sort, sexual or otherwise. But even if the impossibly unlikely were true and the legislation that criminalizes a 40-year-old’s asking or paying a 17-year-old for sexy photos really were intended to “protect the young”, I’ll come right out and say it that I do not support such legislation. I suppose I’ll be accused of “the slippery slope fallacy” here – though is the “slippery slope” argument really fallacious? – but it seems to me obvious that this trend toward making punishable by law behaviour that cannot really be emphatically denounced as “criminal” – because, as you say, it’s very difficult to wax punitive about looking at someone’s bare arse when actually having sexual intercourse with the same person is legally permissible – is just “the thin end of the wedge” toward a situation where the “creepy”, the “inappropriate” and even the “aesthetically displeasing to behold” will indeed be completely conflated with the criminal and a Committee for Social Morality composed of all the vindictive veterans of MeToo and Black Lives Matter will meet every month and issue a constantly updated list of who is allowed to desire whom for ceremonial nailing to every town hall door. Perhaps updates no. 1 and 2 will stay within the territory marked out here and push the new strictures only a year or two beyond the generally shared boundaries of moral common sense and natural intution. But you can be sure that in a short while, if we allow this to get underway, a forty-year-old starting an affair with a thirty-year-old, or an eighteen-year-old developing a crush on a twenty-four-year-old, will carry a custodial sentence of several years. Because those kind of age differences are kind of weird and creepy and inappropriate, right, so why shouldn’t they be criminal? I mean, do we want to create a GOOD society here or not?
You hit all this spot on, I think, Kit, and frankly I wish you had just left it at that and not gone on to pander to our misguided brothers- and sisters-in-arms in the anti-globalist resistance by suggesting that all this creation of “paedophilia” where nothing of the sort exists serves some further nefarious purpose of distracting from paedophlia, and from some demonic misopaedia in the form of cannibalism and sacrifice, that supposedly DOES go on. I’m sorry, Kit, but I honestly don’t think it does – and the whole narrative whereby Powerful White Males like Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates and Prince Edward and so on are raping babies and drinking their bllod is one of globalism’s cleverest and most evil tricks: a Trojan Horse that we have rolled gullibly into the gates of our all too vulnerable citadel. There is indeed no magnitude of evil that we do not have good reason to ascribe to these people: they killed hundreds of thousands with the COVID lie and ruined the lives of hundreds of millions more. But the evil that you ascribe to them here is one that they are not, I suspect ,guilty of. And, as I’ve said, I suspect still more: that they WANT you to ascribe this evil because, discrediting as it may seem to be to them, it serves in fact to reinforce their lying narrative.
you seem to have a pro stance, on pedophilia..would that be right? not trying to be offensive
You seem to lack a dictionary of the English language; Is it a “shortage of financial resources” or a ‘functional illiteracy” problem? Not trying to be offensive, you worthless stinking no-life shut-in retarded bogan piece of shit;
You’re right, Kit. The truth (TRUTH) is much worse than the cover-up versions. The wonderful chapesses at have done a magnificent set of series examining the nuts and bolts of the vampire paedoverse and it’s history and origins in considerable detail. I several times had to play father-confessor to Balkan Special Forces soldiers who described in detail their experiences because, back in 2000, they didn’t/nobody spoke out/of what actually happened except by nudge nudge, wink wink
…I mean we all learned about Srebrenica, but what these guys experienced and DID was pretty horrific and well beyond a simple kind machine gun massacre.. And what the ‘Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal’ will show you is a lot worse than that because it’d being done on camera to innocent helpless children…..on Epstein Island (for instance)
If I said any more you’d probably block this comment.
Fall of the Cabal is an antisemitic 2019 documentary created by Dutch conspiracy theorist Janet Ossebaard about the downfall of the cabal, the global elite who control the world. The video is a popular recruitment tool for QAnon followers.
How strange. That comment matches word-for-word this item here:
What a peculiar coincidence!
Following your link to ADL I thought it might be fun to search the site for “Azov” and see what comes up… Only one result:
“Denis Kapustin (also known as Denis Nikitin) is a Russian neo-Nazi who lived in Germany for many years.”
So the only Azov connections they have a problem with apparently are Russian ones.
Of course. According to today’s MSM, there are Nazis literally everywhere except Ukraine. And if you say otherwise, they will call you a Nazi!
There should be a Law Against Coincidences ?
And are we not being dis-trustful enough ?
We dont smell a rat ?
A Scandal has been concocted to distract, and
no ones asking “what are They trying to hide ?”
“Hallelujah !!”
Perhaps we can soon expect an AI in the OS on our personal device to censor misguided attempts at posting anti-“semetic” or “conspiracy-“theory” comments.
Good eye, George! Is Matt Black a ‘North Atlantic Fella,’ I wonder?
Ain’t it the truth, must be telepathy, or channeIing, I don’t buy ‘coincidence.’ Maybe Mr. Black is directly connected to something or other???
Well spotted Mr, Mc.
got any more fake links and references to snuff videos that only exist in your head?
Why would anyone want to watch something like that- when such a video would prove NOTHING even if it existed because it would never show any perp’s face.
Umm…the Balkan stuff took place around our campfire above Otric, I can’t speak for or against the testimony of former Special Forces soldiers. We were however in a heavily ‘ethnically cleansed’ area. In the Gracac valley, 5000 lived before the war. When we got there, there were 24, mostly elderly ‘ethnic Serbs’ who had returned once things had calmed down a bit.
Personally, if something obnoxious shows up online, I look away.
Ad-hominem stuff speaks for itself.
Agree. Mental problems in ex-soldiers may not be due to what they expeienced, “PTSD” or “Traumatic Brain Injury”. It may instead be due to what they did, colluded in or saw. What they saw may include acts by fellow soldiers who were psychopaths.
I’m vaguely aware of this scandal, the news (in the US) is desperately trying to peddle this with the tag line of “Could this be the end of the BBC?” but so far the amount of traction its getting seems to be nil. It might do better in the UK where its the national broadcaster but the whole thing doesn’t sound very interesting for many reasons. One is a ‘presenter’ — this is an employee (soon to be an AI generated image if reports are to be believed!) that’s a face in front of the camera. Its just a face, a voice, one of potentially millions of faces and voices. The other is that ‘sex scandal’ is getting very American these days. In the US we have a weird relationship with sex, especially among younger people. We try to protect our young women to an extent that makes the Taliban seem laid back — an ‘underage’ girl these days seems to be any unmarried female under the age of 25 or so — while all the while tolerating, if not actually promoting, promiscuity. Its a mess caused by our anarchic national culture with myriad voices substituting for a national culture. The UK seems to have dropped its national tolerance (along with the ‘age of consent’ which used to be 16 but is Heaven Only Knows What these days) and like with everything else fallen into lock step with the US (or rather, what it thinks is the US!).
Anyway, this time of year used to be known as the ‘silly season’ in the UK, the summer months when news was slow so there was the constant search for titillation. This obviously qualifies.
The UK? After the Jimmy Savile tip of the ice berg yUK hid more girl grooming rings than the olympic flag holds. Police and procecutors protecting adult Muslim men and dumping underage white girls to avoid “racism”.
A lot is rotten in the kingdom of England and the stench is overwhelming in this self-righteous “pinnacle of civilization”.
You’re not alone – ditto across the EU.
Seems, if you’re not sure the label “pedo” will stick. there’s always ‘groomer”…
“Pedo” could land you in court; “groomer” is harder to defend against…
(Exception: bride groomer)…
Seems, if you’re not sure the label “pedo” will stick. there’s always ‘groomer”…
You’re going to need to break this comment down for me les – it bears no relation to the comment you’re replying to and sounds a bit dodgy, to be honest.
“groomer” is harder to defend against…
Really? I think as long as you avoid trying to make contact with random children online (and avoid sending them pictures of your arse in particular) it’s fairly easy to live your entire life without anybody accusing you of grooming
That’s been my experience, so far anyway…
An ongoing problem the BBC have to grapple with is the more senior people they clear after alleged wrongdoing, the more bloated these individuals’ egos become. Here’s a case in point and a prime candidate. On Twitter, @ianpuddick alleges that Asians may have been targeted by the suspended BBC presenter:
interesting blog
Thanks. I’ve asked the same of my local council
Maybe nobody is talking because there is no convincing evidence… These stories have been around for decades (centuries actually) but there has never been a single slip-up on behalf of the blood drinkers.
You do not need to posit such speculations, that many people will immediately reject because they cannot contemplate such sickening evil.
The elites have already logged enough documented crimes against humanity (genocidal invasions, “3rd world” famine, mass vaccination of children, convid).
To get back on track – here’s a new and to my knowledge unprecedented, exhaustive debunking of pro-vaccine propaganda, by a decidedly NON-“right wing” source.
The first study is being published in chapters, and is not fully published yet.
Here is the free part of a printed book
Roman Bystrianyk
I think everyone should just pull their pants down and let their tits hang out. Ya, it would be a bit gross for a while, but the thrill would die a much needed death once and for all…
Naked Affraid is cross popular why don’t they show four nipples, all we get to see is two bottoms. “I’am Gay” ok chum cover them nipples., while your at it make two thongs., give one to the Girl Gay Tom Boy.
You are discriminating against the flat-chested including most men.
You pretty much nailed it right here: “Third, and most importantly, why on Earth should we be listening to anything the BBC or The Sun say about anything, ever?”
There ARE no reasons – unless you happen to own corporate shares…
So what happens if a 12-year old “Identifies” as a 25-year old porn star?
Does identity and wokeness trump the law?
It probably would in CA and NYC.
Mothers and their baby daughter’s ie Ramseys, some parents completely lost it with reality tv. imo
Good choice 25yrs Howard, it’s what Globe players look for in big Corporate.
Considering the history of the English Royals’ links to child or sex trafficking, why would anyone be surprised that the same is happening in any government agency or government sponsored media. The price of liars and deceivers is usually a licence for perversion. Something that has been born by history a thousand times over, mainly under the guise of slavery.