NO, Bill Gates didn’t fund GM mosquitoes to stop malaria…it’s far worse than that.

Karen Hunt

“…With tears and toiling breath, I find thy cunning seeds, O million-murdering Death.”
Ronald Ross, written in August 1897, following his discovery of malaria parasites in anopheline mosquitoes

If you’ve been reading the news lately, you know this has happened already. In 2022, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved releasing more than 2 billion genetically altered male mosquitoes in Florida and California following a pilot program in the Florida Keys dating back to 2020.

And now, it is all over the news that Americans are contracting malaria in the U.S. for the first time in 20 years. Here’s how you can protect yourself from the deadly disease this July 4.

How many cases of malaria are we talking about? That would be 4 in Florida and 1 in Texas. Okay, that’s not a lot, but still, for the first time in 20 years?

And that’s when social media got flooded with the Bill Gates “conspiracy theories”.

Didn’t Bill Gates fund the company that released those genetically altered mosquitoes—way back when no one was getting malaria, and now people are?

People jumped to that conclusion. I confess I did, too, for a minute. And when we get it wrong, the MSM has a field day pointing it out. Discrepancies can be blown out of proportion to take away from the larger, more alarming issues that are then ignored. It’s an insidious way of conditioning people into accepting lies as inconsequential if the lies support a cause or a belief system that they believe is of more importance.

If you google Bill Gates in connection with this, or ask ChatGPT, you will find article after article debunking these mosquitoes being used to eradicate malaria. Like this one in Forbes:

Malaria Cases In U.S. Trigger Unfounded Claims About Bill Gates, Mosquito Project.

This news also opened the gates in another way—allowing a flood of even more conspiracy theories about billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates to be spread across social media. This included claims that Gates was somehow responsible for these new malaria cases via a project that has released genetically-modified mosquitoes in the U.S. However, such claims really provided zzzzzero supporting evidence and, in fact, detracted from what’s really happened.

There’s no link whatsoever between the Gates funded mosquitoes and the malaria outbreak. That’s because the genetically altered mosquitoes are for other diseases, like Zika. Remember the Zika pandemic of 2015 that pretty much fizzled out, only we are now being told it may be one step away from explosive outbreak.

The facts didn’t matter. The link between Gates and these mosquitoes was too good to ignore. Social media influencers took off with it. Liz Churchill (who proudly calls herself a conspiracy theorist on her Twitter profile) tweeted this to her 269.5 k Twitter followers:

It must be a coincidence that from 2003-2023 there wasn’t one case of Malaria spread by mosquitos…and along comes a company funded by Bill Gates…to solve a problem that didn’t exist…and suddenly in the exact places where he releases mosquitos…there’s an outbreak of Malaria?

Tantalizing! The tweet garnered 60.1 K likes with countless memes in the comments like this one:

It’s easy to hop on board, especially when alternative media pushes you into murky waters like this, time and time again. You have to be wary of all media sources, keeping in mind that conservatives have purposely been lured away from MSM toward social media sites that align with their beliefs so that they can more easily be manipulated. Conservatives love the new Twitter, under Elon Musk. If they didn’t, he wouldn’t have been able to corral so many influential ones and their followers into this echo chamber, would he?

So, let’s get the mosquito story straight and use it as a warning to be extra vigilant. We are being influenced to relegate Truth to some unobtainable, pie-in-the-sky, impractical, out-of-date, downright dangerous and cultish concept. A story no longer needs to be accurate to be ‘true’. If the ‘spirit’ of the article speaks to you, who cares if the details are iffy.

Don’t allow yourself to be wooed down this slippery slope. And don’t make the mistake of thinking this only happens on the left side and not on the right. It’s tempting to only listen to what you want to hear. It’s easy, too, because your eyes and ears are being tickled every waking moment. The more we passively eat what we are being fed, the more the algorithms will feed it to us. After a while, truth isn’t something we search for anymore. Not like those long-ago days when we went to the library and had to wander the aisles looking for books and stack them up and read them if we wanted to learn about anything. That was hard work.

We might think we are in the know. But that’s only because everything we ingest reenforces a comfortable feeling inside of us. There is no more argument from dissenters. We are surrounded by people who think the same. Anything that makes us feel uncomfortable, we are being conditioned to identify as false—or disinformation. Both sides now use this term to attack each other.

So, when someone on social media says Bill Gates funded genetically modified mosquitoes to fight malaria most people immediately agreed because this is exactly the sort of thing a monster like Bill Gates does. Even if we then find out that the genetically modified mosquitoes, released by a company called Oxitec and, yes, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, are not the kind that transmit malaria, who cares? Gates is a monster, and he does stuff like this. Maybe not this, exactly, but stuff like it.

Except—it isn’t true. And more than anything else right now, TRUTH MATTERS!

We should be sticklers for truth simply for that reason alone. Also, because the truth is so often worse than the lie that everyone is focused on.

According to AP News fact-check:

Oxitec’s work in the US has involved releasing genetically modified, male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in the Florida Keys with the purpose of combating insect-borne diseases such as Dengue fever and the Zika virus. The intent is to have the modified mosquitoes mate with female mosquitoes and pass on a genetic change in a protein that would render any female offspring unable to survive — thus reducing the population of the insects that transmit disease.

Here’s why the facts are worse than the “misinformation spread by people like Churchill.

  1. They focus on the false assumption that these mosquitoes have been genetically altered to fight malaria when it’s multiple diseases including Dengue fever, yellow fever and Zika.
  2. They focus on the boogieman Bill Gates instead of what is actually happening.

Instead, we should be asking the question, if they kill off one type of mosquito—no matter if it’s for malaria or zika or whatever—doesn’t that upset the balance of nature and cause other types of mosquitoes to thrive? Perhaps malaria-carrying mosquitoes will now multiply. Perhaps other insects will have less competition for food sources now that the disease-carrying mosquitoes are dead, and they will thrive and cause even worse problems.

Another question is where exactly will this “genetic modification” craze take us in the future? We have absolutely no idea what we are messing with when we start artificially tinkering with the genetics of insects, animals, plants, people. A few megalomaniacs have newfound ways to play God and think they know better? It’s not only absurd, but dangerous and should be stopped.

I mean, look at this:

A Bill Gates Venture Aims To Spray Dust Into The Atmosphere To Block The Sun

Bill Gates is financially backing the development of sun-dimming technology that would potentially reflect sunlight out of Earth’s atmosphere, triggering a global cooling effect. The Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), launched by Harvard University scientists, aims to examine this solution by spraying non-toxic calcium carbonate (CaCO3) dust into the atmosphere — a sun-reflecting aerosol that may offset the effects of global warming. Opponents believe such science comes with unpredictable risks, including extreme shifts in weather patterns not dissimilar to warming trends we are already witnessing.

And now, instead of stopping this run-away train, and without knowing the consequences of our actions, the US is poised to release 2.4 billion genetically modified male mosquitoes through the year 2024 to battle deadly diseases.

Opponents have “raised questions about the modified mosquitoes’ interaction with Tetracycline, an antibiotic used in agriculture, which can be found in wastewater and works as an antidote, enabling female mosquitoes to develop. They fear the complicated interplay could lead to hybrid mosquitoes that are even more difficult to control”.

Don’t worry, not a single female mosquito will survive, because, you know, things like that never happen. And anyway, even if they did, genetically engineered mosquitoes aren’t being released near “wastewater treatment facilities” or “commercial citrus, apple, pear, nectarine, peach growing areas, or commercial cattle, poultry and pig livestock producers”, or other places where tetracycline would be used, and mosquitoes are known to thrive. I mean, how would these mosquitoes ever get to places like that? It’s not like they fly. Nor do they hitch rides in vehicles or on people or animals…you get the idea.

Looking back at a hundred years of promises to eradicate malaria in Africa, and what do we have to for it? Just a bunch of billionaires like Bill Gates growing ever bolder as they inch closer to death themselves, in their plan to experiment on people everywhere. Nobody gave consent for them to do so. Which brings to mind the thought that no one in Florida got to vote on whether or not they wanted genetically modified mosquitoes in their neighborhood. Will we get to vote on whether or not the sun is dimmed? Somehow, I doubt it.

Will we even get to vote for our next president in 2024? And if we do, do our votes matter? No, they don’t. Did anyone really have informed consent about the Covid vaccines? No, they didn’t.

The WHO assures the world that its rollout of the Mosquirix (RTS,S) vaccine currently underway in Malawi, Ghana, and Kenya is a “pilot introduction” and not a “research activity”. You see, a “pilot introduction” isn’t subjected to oversight and regulations. They are so good at making these legal distinctions.

BMJ study argues otherwise but arguments fall by the wayside. It’s a perfect example of how these corrupt pharmaceutical companies get around rules and regulations even when it’s obvious they are doing so:

If an activity is classified as research, then all sorts of rules and oversight mechanisms are activated. For example, the activity must receive the prospective ethical review. Unless certain conditions are met, human subjects must provide informed consent,” said bioethicist Jonathan Kimmelman in the report.

“The fact that the activity has been registered in clinicaltrials.gov [NCT03806465] amounts to an open declaration that this is research,” he adds.

First developed in 1987, Mosquirix is the world’s first licensed malaria vaccine. The European Medicines Agency reviewed its use in children between 6 weeks and 17 months, followed shortly by a WHO recommendation for large-scale pilot implementations in children 5 to 9 months of age despite outstanding safety concerns brought up in previous clinical trials during which children who received the vaccine were 10 times more likely to contract meningitis or had an increased risk for cerebral malaria.

Time and time again, the cure is worse than the problem. Like the polio vaccine that we are being told is now reemerging as New York Reports First Polio Case in a Decade.

Despite news outlets like NPR announcing in 2019 that polio had been eradicated by vaccines, it has been discovered that the Oral Polio Vaccine Can Cause Polio.

[The vaccine] has mutated. It starts circulating again, just like regular polio. But early on, it’s just – it’s still a vaccine. It’s not dangerous. And then slowly, it sort of regains strength. And they’re finding they can actually genetically see this – that scientists can actually trace it back directly to the vaccine. And now these vaccine-linked cases are actually causing more cases of paralysis each year than actual traditional – what scientists call wild polio.

Did you know that in unvaccinated people, “90% of polio cases are asymptomatic. 10% or so develop a mild viral illness with fever, malaise, etc. 1-5% may get an aseptic meningitis with headache, neck stiffness, etc. 0.1% can develop paralysis, usually of one limb.”

The tragedy of the first polio vaccine isn’t widely known, but it should be.

In April 1955 more than 200,000 children in five Western and mid-Western USA states received a polio vaccine in which the process of inactivating the live virus proved to be defective. Within days there were reports of paralysis and within a month the first mass vaccination program against polio had to be abandoned. Subsequent investigations revealed that the vaccine, manufactured by the California-based family firm of Cutter Laboratories, had caused 40,000 cases of polio, leaving 200 children with varying degrees of paralysis and killing 10.

And they say it’s impossible that batches of the Covid “vaccine” could have been contaminated. Based on the history of vaccines, it’s more likely that any number of things went wrong with the Covid “vaccine”, which they will do anything to cover up until maybe 50 years from now. That’s about the distance they like to put between the horrors they create and letting the public know about it.

If they really cared about people’s wellbeing, wouldn’t they invest into figuring out how to boost people’s natural immunity rather than destroying it? Why vaccinate billions of people against diseases that most people’s natural immunity successfully fights against anyway? At every turn, we are destroying the natural world and our own bodies along with it.

Even the Gates Foundation (which gave $168.7 million towards the malaria vaccine) admits that despite requiring 4 doses and being only 30% effective against severe malaria, not working very well in older children or adults, requiring a specific adjuvant that limits its supply, and losing most of its protection for young children over the first 18 months, as of April 2022, the RTS,S vaccine had been given to 1 million children living in areas with moderate-to-high malaria transmission, with millions more doses to be provided as the vaccine’s production expands.

And it is full steam ahead, with Africa News reporting that 20 million doses are being administered in 2023.

We all know the playbook by now. Experiment in Africa before bringing the drugs to the West. It’s all being blamed on climate change and the answer is more synthetically manufactured drugs.

CNN tells us that as the world warms, these insects are thriving – and bringing disease. TIME says Europe Faces Growing Risk of Mosquito-Borne Diseases Due to Climate Change.

Does every insect have to be nice to humans in order for us to allow it to exist? Or are these insects just an excuse to make money and conduct experiments with little care about helping anyone? In 2019, Africa was home to 94% of malaria cases and deaths while funding for malaria control and elimination reached an estimated $12 billion per year.

In my essay Once Upon a Fomite, I relate how the World Health Organization opined the tragedy of malaria, using words such as “stalled” “off course” “increase of 5 million cases” “pesticide resistant” “worrying trend” “reducing malaria cases and deaths will not be attained” and so on. Meanwhile, disease experts and the organizations they fund fly to exclusive resorts in private planes and hold conferences to discuss new theories and award each other with prizes for their noble efforts.

Now that they have boldly experimented on all of us with the Covid “vaccine” (even those of us who didn’t take the vaccine were still part of the grand experiment) and no one stopped them nor has anyone suffered consequences, we can see how funding to “eradicate” malaria or zika or Covid or HIV or cancer is directed and controlled by “a small group of elites that favors incomplete results.” Nobel Prize malaria recipient Sir Ronald Ross, who was called “the poet who conquered malaria” warned against this as “research of little value enriching only certain organizations and chemical-based industries outside of Africa.”

Perhaps the real researchers who cared could have conquered malaria if the megalomaniacs, starting with John Rockefeller who Created the Business of Western Medicineand carried on by disciples such as Bill Gates, hadn’t gotten in the way.

It’s vitally important that we insist on the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it makes us feel. We should not be satisfied with watered-down half-truths simply because they fit with preconceived ideas and make us feel comfortable. It’s tempting to want to feel comfortable in such unsettling times. It’s hard work searching for the truth. It will become harder and harder to find it. If we do not hone these skills now, we will not suddenly have them later on.

Proverbs 14:18 says “The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge”.

Remember, information is a dime a dozen. Knowledge must be searched for; it doesn’t come easily.

Karen Hunt [aka KH Mesek] is an author and illustrator of 19 children’s books, the YA series Night Angels Chronicles and the science fiction novel, LUMINARIA: Tales of Earth & Oran, Love & Revenge, to be published in August. She recently returned from living in Luxor, Egypt where she started the first boxing club for girls. Having lived and traveled extensively behind the Iron Curtain, she is devoting her time to writing essays related to the loss of freedom in the West. You can read more of her work, or sign up to her newsletter, here. You can’t follow her twitter any longer, as she’s been banned.


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Categories: latest, The "New Normal"
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Human values
Human values
Jul 14, 2023 12:54 PM

The malaria vaccine Mosquirix (RTS,S) is a killer.


They are reducing the poor people (murdering them) while saying they intend to reduce poverty.

Criminals tend to lie, to avoid judgment.

Murder, as all peoples know, is the most serious of crimes. 

Haruhuani Spruce, MD
Haruhuani Spruce, MD
Jul 13, 2023 6:32 PM

Jim Kunstler echoes my thoughts.

“First of all, they just assume that the Oxitec press release was telling the truth. ”

I wish you had featured your doubts closer to the lead as many will not read to the truly interesting and valid part of your article. The verdict is not in on the mosquitoes. It is more than dangerous to trust Bill Gates. Keep watching.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 13, 2023 3:46 PM

Does anyone else wonder how Bill Gates of hell, manages to not have a fatal accident?

Jul 13, 2023 3:14 PM

‘Pending’, the fear of a certain doctor on this site is palpable.

Maria Johnson
Maria Johnson
Jul 13, 2023 11:03 AM

Take vitamin D3 every day, summer and winter. Lots of it.
Always keep a packet of Ivermectin in your cupboard.

Not much else … have a nice day!

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 13, 2023 3:44 PM
Reply to  Maria Johnson

Ivermectin is just another big pharma product.
Just saying.

Haruhuani Spruce, MD
Haruhuani Spruce, MD
Jul 13, 2023 6:33 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

A bit more research on ivermectin would be good for you to pursue. Not difficult to find articles about its origin and its history and its COST.

Jul 13, 2023 7:19 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Yes Thom, it is just another one – a toxic compound made to suppress symptoms and potentially cause other possible problems down the line, depending on who takes it, for how long, and in what state of health they happen to be in at the time etc. For those who do not already know – Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic medication normally used to treat parasitic diseases and also some other diseases. It is also claimed to be ‘ant-viral’ whatever that means nowadays.

Possible adverse effects of Ivermectin include: encephalopathy, seizures, dizziness, headache, somnolence, vertigo and tremor. Also, anorexia, constipation, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain and distension.
Asthenia, fatigue, chest pain and discomfort, laryngeal oedema, facial oedema, peripheral oedema and dyspnoea . Also decreased leukocyte, eosinophil counts and anaemia. Elevated liver enzymes, bilirubin and hepatitis.
Also tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension and abnormal ECG changes. Pruritis, rash and urticaria, Toxic epidermal necrolysis and Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. Transient proteinuria and also myalgia.

The drug actually has more adverse effects in some people than the ones I have already mentioned.

Jul 14, 2023 4:06 AM
Reply to  CO-

great article i read the other day on Invermectin and IBD and cancer of the colon.. research shows invermectin works wonders. recent non peer reviewed paper in major Journal from a university in china appeared in advanced papers , they took it down in about 14 hours. . People have been using Invermectin to avoid and treat malaria in Belize..for quite some time. I have not heard of complaints from side effects.?

Jul 14, 2023 11:02 AM
Reply to  eman

Hi Eman, the adverse reactions to Ivermectin don’t necessarily show up in their clinical trials, but many do show up in the so-called post-marketing periods. The vast majority of pharmaceutical drugs are toxic with very few exceptions.

However, the toxic adverse effects experienced using Ivermectin will depend on many different factors and I have only mentioned a few in my previous post. As a rule, pharmaceutical companies do not broadcast much information regarding drug toxicity (not just the so-called “side effects” on leaflets), and how for example, some of them can combine with the body’s amino acids to form ‘wild peptides’. These substances once formed, can also block enzymes and also act as antigens and lead to the formation of auto-antibodies and in some cases, autoimmune diseases. Here’s a simple quote from the textbook ‘Basic Pharmacology’ by Foster & Cox on drug toxicity:

All drugs are toxic to all individuals if large enough doses are given, but toxic effects often occur after reasonable therapeutic doses..

However, there’s a lot more to it, as that only scratches the surface of the problem.

Human values
Human values
Jul 14, 2023 12:51 PM
Reply to  eman

Here’s a list of 12 videos researching ivermectin studies.


They know exactly what they’re doing. Making people sick, infertile or dead, ”by any means necessary”. It’s always been a recipe for tyranny. 

Jul 24, 2023 6:24 AM
Reply to  CO-

I can think of one big reason you lurk on these discussion boards: to badmouth Ivermectin. You do remember, right, that the go-ahead was given to inject people with the experimental gene juice quackzines precisely because the Pharma industry badmouthed Ivermectin in order to sabotage it so they could get ‘Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)’. If they hadn’t lied about Ivermectin, the EUA could not have been authorized.
“All drugs are toxic if you use high enough doses…” You use this statement to slander Ivermectin. Right here we can all see the fallacious nature of your ‘arguments’. Ivermectin has a large safety and dosage profile. There are zero entries in the Toxicology books on my bookshelf for Ivermectin. Your so-called ‘toxicity’ of Ivermectin is not a ‘thing’ in any hospital Emergency Department’. Aspirin, Tylenol (paracetamol), SSRSs etc are a ‘thing’ in those departments. Close to ZERO doctors have EVER seen an Ivermectin toxicity, or an ‘overdose’. It’s just not thing. If it were a ‘thing’ there would be chapters on it in the toxicology books. (but there probably will be in the near future as the lying liars of the Pharma Industry get their lies put in books).
Ivermectin is cheap, pennies per dose if you buy a 100ml bottle. I’ve taken it dozens of times and watched others take it dozens of times.  I’ve given it to dogs thousands of times to relieve terribly suffering from mites.
Your statement Ivermectin suppresses symptoms is another fallacy. It FIXES the problem. In dogs, for example, who have mange mites (Sarcoptes) that live, crawl, eat, defecate and die UNDER the skin–a very small amount of Ivermectin KILLS them. In a day. The constant frantic itching that was keeping them from sleeping is gone. Overnight almost.
Mosquitos transmit ‘heartworm’ to dogs in the form of microfilaria that develop into heartworms up to 10 inches long curled up in the hearts of dogs. People pay 5-7 U.S. dollars per month for HeartGuard which is a few cents worth of Ivermectin to prevent Heartworm in their dogs. The dose is about 140 MICROgrams, 140 millionths of a gram. That tiniest of amounts of Ivermectin will KILL millions of microfilaria circulating in the blood, not ‘suppress symptoms’.   
There aren’t too many drugs that work in the microgram amount. Most are milligram—a thousand times more than a microgram. It is a thing of beauty and wonder to see a dog who was suffering from the itching that makes the dog ‘insane’—to see that dog not itching frantically a day or two later because of a few milligrams of Ivermectin that stops the ‘alien’ attack *under* their skin.
Any medicine can be harmful to some. But to give Ivermectin a blanket label of  ‘toxic’ to humans or animals is a an exaggeration merging into a lie. Are some sensitive breeds of dogs in danger of being given Ivermectin, the ones with a gene mutations that lets Ivermectin cross the Blood Brain barrier? Yes. So–no big deal. You don’t give it to those dogs.
Dr Kory, MD witnessed thousands of people get dramatically better in a short time after starting oral Ivermectin to treat the flu that was being called Covid.  
Dr Kory: “This not because I ‘think it is true’It is not because I treated two patients and they got better and I think this is a wonder drug. I am speaking solely on the MOUNTAIN of clinical evidence. There are now over 30 clinical studies of Ivermectin, including over 7,000 patients. In almost all cases it shows very large benefits in reducing transmission, hospitalization and death. Every single study…over and over and over again.

It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory and also anti-cancer. One of thousands of articles at pubmed is “Ivermectin: An Anthelmintic, an Insecticide, and Much More”. (has antiviral, antimalarial, antimetabolic and anticancer effects plus of course is antiparasitic in dogs and people) Ivermectin is given to hundreds of millions of Africans to treat ‘River Blindness’.   

Jul 13, 2023 12:15 AM

Achtung! The mosquito mentioned was of the genus Anopheles, which is the transmitter of malaria. It is the Aedes sp that transmits dengue, Zika, yellow fever…
They have done this lunacy here in Brasil, also, but here they released the Aedes one. If they used Anopheles in the US, it is truly the transmitter of malaria.

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Jul 13, 2023 12:01 AM

Pro Gates ?

I just skimmed the article. Is there a touch of pro Gates sentiment ?
Some of the anti Kennedy specialists have made an appearance in the comments.
I wonder if they really want a Malaria vaccine. I nearly perished from Falciparum Malaria after a visit to Uganda in 2019. Kill Gates is keen on limiting the African population. They warp sped the convid clot shots and had them ready in 6 months. Unfortunately they haven’t been able to do the same with a malaria vaccine. Their snail speed has resulted in no vaccine in 150 years. But then do any vaccines work ?

Jul 12, 2023 4:50 PM

That last sentence is so important:
“Knowledge must be searched for; it doesn’t come easily.”

In fact I’d go even further, and suggest that knowledge doesn’t actually ‘come to us’ at all.

The knowledge that our mainstream media are so diligently ignoring is all around them, all of the time. But that has not made the media knowledgeable – far from it.

So it could be said that there is really no such thing as ‘knowledge’ unless a human being, somewhere, possesses the necessary mental organs of perception to register it.

What I call “media science” is, by definition, very easily accessible, while the genuine scientific path which uncovers the true nature of things must, as you say, be searched for.

And it’s hard work, with endless obstacles thrown in one’s way by people who don’t see any profit in ‘the true nature of things’.
The true nature of things annoys them.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 12, 2023 10:04 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Knowledge as far your concerned revolves around what you can’t get out from it. Carry on trying to explain gain again again just how you pre propose to beat our willing while sat in the middle of a self inflicted exodus roundabout, ting! There goes the nuke oven…salivating baffled buffoon…the boxed EU mud pie is ready….little doubt to replenish that warmed canned oxtail soup pull ring veggie tit.
Are you sure you’ve checked The Date! Oh my God! date again again again the date….Money dolls & follies never forget the dates.
Says who says you oh my God beep. We understand it is necessary just think into believing we are dummies. To Lease the folly is propaganda or to be more polite idler feathering.
Think on…

Jul 15, 2023 3:22 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Just like to add what’s obvious, namely, that the MSM and other ideological apparatuses (IAs) are knowledgeable in how to suppress, control and circumvent the type of knowledge that would have an important reactionary effect on the population if it were made known on the scale which these IAs currently operate. As to the “true nature of things” that’s another story and a nightmare for a genuine science, let alone those who believe that they have all the answers!

Jul 12, 2023 4:45 PM

I suspect someone in this discussion will point out that the aerosol spraying overhead has been going on for years along with a mention of HAARP. Weather modification and sun blocking isn’t new.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 12, 2023 10:34 PM
Reply to  NikkiBop

Weather modifications are dated digital seasonal computer programming since long before you sat your bottom on a plane! Correct it is long not new, and furthermore appears to continually fed into the rag and muffins propagandist transmits by American 19 mega bullpenist baby boomers since 1968. As for Spraying that began again in the Americas following World War One.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jul 12, 2023 2:58 PM

My wife is from the Philippines like many from that area her blood cells are slightly different they call it thalassemia. They think it gives some protection from malaria.
When I was on holiday in Florida some 11 years ago and taking a trip on the Everglades I was told about plants that they had been introduced and how they had caused so many problems.
We know about animals that have been introduced to Australia and the problems they have caused.

As the saying goes the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.
Or as they say in engineering if ain’t broke don’t fix it.

“The top 10 of destructive invasive plants listing, as well as listed in the Category 1 by the Florida Exotic Pest Plan Council: Australian Pine, Brazilian Pepper, Java Plum, Melaleuca and the Old World Climbing Fern just to name a few.
Australian Pine, originally from Australia – but not an actual pine tree – was intentionally planted on purpose, back in the 1880s, along the shorelines, as a landscape tree, while also providing windbreaks along both property lines and canals; however, its shallow roots are easily uprooted in hurricanes and tropical storms, and prone to toppling while creating massive amounts of beach erosion during these catastrophic events. It has been classified as a Category 1 pest by the Florida Exotic Pest Plan Council and is illegal to plant in Florida. Due to its denseness, it crowds out the native plants while also producing allelopathic compounds – as other exotic plants do – which prevents other plants from growing. These trees were a major menace following Hurricane Andrew in 1992, when they toppled into the canals which then became clogged and led to extensive flooding.
Brazilian Pepper, also known as “Florida Holly”, was introduced to Florida in the late 1890s from South America, as an ornamental plant, due to its small, red spherical cluster of berries. One of the most aggressive and widespread invasive plants, it is hard to control, because of both its hardiness, when its trunk is cut it produces basal shoots, coupled with its abundance of seeds that are scattered by ants and birds alike. Since it can grow in both dry and wet conditions it quickly chokes out most indigenous trees and plants. Here in Florida, it is legally prohibited from sale, planting or transport, having been classified as a Category 1 pest by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council. The sap from the plant can also cause skin reactions, to those with sensitive skin and many have experienced watering eyes and/or breathing problems if ingested. The smoke from burning the wood is also toxic.
Java Plum, syzygium cumini, is native to the Indo-Malayan region but has been found disturbing the hammocks of central and southern Florida. First introduced to Florida in 1911 by the Unites States Department of Agriculture, it is a fairly fast growing species, and generally described as a perennial tree that can live for more than a century. The wood is strong and water resistant, and because of the denseness in their canopies, it stunts the growth, or life actually, of the young native trees in our hammocks, wet pine lands as well as well-drained upland areas too.
Melaleuca, ironically and purposely introduced by plane, to Florida, from Australia, in order to dry up the swampy Everglades, to make it more suitable for human use. These plants covered half a million acres and are now being removed at a huge expense. It has now become a serious problem, since the plants are highly flammable and spread so aggressively; quadrupling in Southwest Florida over the past decade. It is prohibited by the Department of Environmental Protection and is also listed as a noxious weed.
Old World Climbing Fern, which is native to Australia, is a serious invader of swamps, glades and hammocks, while literally smothering anything in its path. The dense growth from the plant has also been known to be a fire hazard, enabling small ground fires to reach into tree canopies where it kills growing branches. It should be noted that invasive exotics, such as this plant, can change the effects of physical processes in plant communities. This climbing fern shades out the native vegetation of acres of plants, and while ‘climbing’ can quickly stretch upward into lengths up to 100 feet long. Our research indicated that this fern was first found naturalized in the United States in 1965.”

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 12, 2023 7:08 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Shoemaker, stick to your shoes.
Isnt it a bit funny how everytime we try to improve the way nature is organised to our way, we fok?

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 12, 2023 11:12 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Brian. there are inenvervted lite seeded grass seedlings plants saplings from Asia China in eastern Americas woodlands. Sea board of the Appalachian Mountains. The fern you speak of, could be one of those that appeared to be strangulatiing trees in Georgia in the ’80’s. Its all on the Web, American friend of mine used to know all about it, but haven’t seen him in almost 40yrs.

Jul 12, 2023 1:14 PM

Vaccination is a more vile practice than most people realise, goes back over 100 years was introduced by the elites, and rejected by scientists at the time.

The practice is based on the fixation with the pus oozing out of infected sores of domestic animals, and decding that inserting that into helthy people’s bodies was a good idea. This is all you need to know…..



“Calph lymph” is still a standard ingredient even though its exact composition, like the rest of the frankenstein poisons, is NOT DISCLOSED/UNKNOWN. And it is routinely injected into babies….

Also, for the umpteenth time I pour shit on this comment system, its spam filter, and wordpress sites in general.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 12, 2023 7:10 PM
Reply to  Ras-Puputin

What? You shit on those who feed you??

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 12, 2023 7:44 PM
Reply to  Ras-Puputin

Agreed that whoever came up with WordPress is having a hell of a laugh. (Assuming of course that his laugh can actually get through to WordPress!)

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 12, 2023 10:07 PM
Reply to  Ras-Puputin

Fear of the Invisible by Janine Roberts is an excellent book on just this topic. It’s not just the yuck factor of what goes into those vaccine vials for us humans (and domestic animals) but the insane (psychopathic) cruelty involved in developing those shots.

Here’s a free rundown of what goes on in vaxx labs
“The dangerous impurities of vaccines” 

normon wisdom
normon wisdom
Jul 12, 2023 12:41 PM

the malaria issue is a complex one for the safety of all i feel a lock down of say 2 or 3 weeks to flatten the curve.
i believe like neil and nial ferguson of rothschild and imperial college fame that the models do not liar.

hunkering down inside away from the sun and floods london knife attacks and future musselim fish fish monger hall city of london horror tavistock terror is the best and only option
moving forward house to house vaccine supported by the army police is the only sensiblew option
shirley you can sea that fact
my life already

Jul 12, 2023 11:50 AM

According to Ms. Hunt: 

“There’s no link whatsoever between the Gates funded mosquitoes and the malaria outbreak. That’s because the genetically altered mosquitoes are for other diseases, like Zika…Even if we then find out that the genetically modified mosquitoes, released by a company called Oxitec and, yes, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, are not the kind that transmit malaria, who cares?”

But per Oxitec’s website:

“Oxitec is developing a new Friendly™ mosquito control solution that targets two malaria -spreading mosquitos, Anopheles stephensi and Anopheles albimanus.”

So how exactly does Ms. Hunt know that the Gates Oxitec “new Friendly mosquito control solution” didn’t release the mosquitos responsible for introducing malaria into Florida?

Is it because Bill, Oxitec and their captured regulators said they didn’t?

Jul 12, 2023 11:26 AM

The Harvard connectionWas a Fauci-endorsed Chinese donation part of the lab-leak cover up?

the Chinese real estate firm on whose behalf George Daley had contacted Fauci pledged a $115 million donation to Harvard Medical School.

Money talks.

Jul 12, 2023 10:05 AM

If the Covid shots are given away for free because they’re life-saving, why isn’t insulin free?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 12, 2023 12:36 PM
Reply to  McMurhpy

Dont ask so much. Be happy it is heart warming and they are free of charge.
Like the Sioux Squaws receiving warm small pox infested carpets to their children from the British Army.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 13, 2023 12:41 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

US Army Cav. Bottle fed Dutchie.

Jul 12, 2023 1:33 PM
Reply to  McMurhpy

Are you questioning the right to extort?

Jul 12, 2023 3:57 PM
Reply to  mgeo


Jul 12, 2023 9:09 AM

“Conservatives love the new Twitter, under Elon Musk.”

That the twitter that now requires creation of an account to even read tweets? I don’t agree with needing an account to make tweets but I can at least see some rationaly behind it – however there’s no rationale at all for merely reading them except blatant data-trawling.

Musk claimed it was “tempoary” but it’s been going on for two weeks and one might almost think it’s acting as a trial run for how registration requirements impact on uptake. He’s such a libertarian, that Elon – not at all the grandson of a technocrat.

BTW ChatGPT requires intrusive data submissions as well.

Jul 13, 2023 8:57 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Like the verification ID = blue tick twitter members now pay 100$+ for to prove there credibility which means giving loads of personal information to get it.

Matt Black
Matt Black
Jul 12, 2023 8:22 AM

I knew Gates was behind all this tyranny, thanks for confirming, although RFK Jr’s a Scientologist and JFK’s sister was married to a descendent of the Bank of England, his father was part of a Nazi financer group called Cliveden and a Knight of Malta, JFK was enrolled at Fabian LSE and championed Foreign aid IMF/World Bank debt, Vietnam war, and Socialism at home, he’s gonna drain the swamp.

Jul 12, 2023 8:43 PM
Reply to  Matt Black

Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi ….

Here’s a fun fact for you ……..

Did you know Rudolf Hess was Adolfs homosexual lover in Landsberg Prison?

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 13, 2023 4:19 AM
Reply to  Matt Black

World Central Bank was your deal not us. 1968. Public denialists are scoundrels that leach off another language. In print harmless, in reality they are evangelist. 1919.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 12, 2023 7:30 AM

We got the polio sugar lump drops. Once for life,…recognised by our immune system Karen Hunt.
US got the Polio Shots., we didn’t. We don’t get Influenza Jabs or Pnemonia Jabs..

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 13, 2023 4:20 AM
Reply to  Clive Williams

Yea ok Grandma.

Jul 12, 2023 7:19 AM

“Truth Matters”

Good article; reminds us how important it is to separate Truth from Con-truth — especially when the Con-people are spreading Lies we would Love to Believe.

“The truth is scattered all around us, and we pick up little bits at a time” — Bantu Proverb.

Jul 12, 2023 5:30 AM

‘Does every insect have to be nice to humans in order for us to allow it exist.”
Perfectly put.

Fucking mad scientist-go away.

normon wisdom
normon wisdom
Jul 12, 2023 12:43 PM
Reply to  Hele

the insects had to die so chicken town can lives

Jul 12, 2023 3:39 PM
Reply to  Hele

We do not discriminate! Even bees, the most “useful” of all insects to humans, is anything but a protected species.

I remember an incident a couple decades ago when a truck carrying bee hives wrecked on an interstate (I think it was in Kentucky). At least a million bees got loose. They were simply torched.

We don’t care what we destroy. We somehow don’t realize that’s a recipe for our own extinction.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 12, 2023 7:20 PM
Reply to  Hele

What use do bloodsuckers have? This is the existential question.
Do they have any function other than sucking blood and spreading deceases, and then survival of the fittest?

Sal P
Sal P
Jul 12, 2023 5:12 AM
Jul 12, 2023 9:19 PM
Reply to  Sal P

Thank you, Sal. Many years ago I did a partial study of the explicit philosophies espoused by the psychopathic class– but it made me almost ill; I had to stop.

Have you ever seen the actual satanic celebration of the opening of the Swiss tunnel thru the Alps? It was attended by some European heads of State including the mis-named Angela Merkel. In this ceremony Satan is represented w a goats head, also a baby winged Lucifer. Here’s the quite astounding video:

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 12, 2023 11:40 PM
Reply to  Penelope

What a boring video. Excuse me but satan has always been boring.
Its a doll house, how can these people take themselves serious?

Sal P
Sal P
Jul 20, 2023 9:46 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Quite bizarre. I think the Swiss have been eating way too much cheese.

Jul 12, 2023 4:28 AM

Thanks Karen Hunt for your valuable info on the risks of these mosquitos, however I would prefer you not presenting such info dressed up with the suspense of a ‘who done it’.
Just the plain facts first up, clear and unambiguous.
In a sense by playing with that info as it were takes away from some of the horror and magnitude, but as I say appreciate your intent and how important it is.
I sometimes think to myself, about ‘off Guardian’ that it can be too cute you don’t need to do that, the info stands better on its own, my opinion.

Jul 12, 2023 4:12 AM

Foundations like Bill Gates’ don’t donate a lot of money to XYX, no they divert it from their taxable income to something they promote.
These 100% tax reductions are billionaire favorites, not the lower middle class nurses, teachers etc.

Jul 12, 2023 3:59 PM
Reply to  Antonym

I bet you they can even claim vat back on donations.
Charity shops do a similar thing when you donate to them and sign it in.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jul 12, 2023 4:02 AM

Problem is, the search for truth is getting in the way of action. It’s not like we don’t know the deal by now. WTF difference does it make what Gates is up to now, we already know he’s a genocidal psychopath. Some people claim there were no planes, some claim they’re all pedophiles, some claim this or that but what difference is that really making. That it’s getting in the way of the real truth? That even the truth will be painted as a conspiracy theory because the fringe give us all a bad name or rap? What are we doing anyway? Nothing. So since we’re doing nothing, all this means nothing, until we do something. Because we know the big truth, it’s been out there for awhile now. I suppose it depends on your focus. If you want to solve the 9/11 crime, you might not want some opinions/speculations or whatever involved. If you’re trying to solve the vaccine thing, maybe you don’t want certain things involved. But if you want to bring the criminals behind everything to justice and create a new world, we already know enough and nothing can stop that. That’s the truth.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 12, 2023 7:38 AM

What’s it to do with us people East across the Atlantic will you please stick to your side of the Atlantic calling out your problems when you dont have one cent of a National Health Care System!

Jul 12, 2023 1:50 PM

Yes, it’s ultimately out of our hands. But where ability ends, grace begins. This will humble the truther (happened to me) and you now focus on serving God, and spreading the word about Christ.

Jul 12, 2023 8:06 PM

Ok let’s do something. Invent an anti vaccine vaccine. Inoculate those involved in, and victim of, the vaccine scams; 4 doses each, six month apart, during isolation, the patient is to wear their underpants backward, isolate the patient from dogs, cats, and other animals, until 6 months after the last injection. Confirm the Anti Vaccine vaccine is working: use microdot test. Place patient 6 feet from a card with a 1*10-18 size red micro dot placed in the center of the card. If the patient can see the dot on the card at 6′, the anti vaccine vaccine is working; otherwise, continue the injections, three months apart, until patient no longer test positive. Bill the government for each injection and test.

Jul 12, 2023 10:17 PM

Albert, the actions most vitally needed are
–an alternate currency; nothing prevents 1 or a couple US States from starting one. In fact we’ve had any number of not-very disseminated currencies in the past.
–public ballot counting with no machines and no pre-counting transportation of the ballots
–an public dialog about how to distribute the assets which have become too centralized. Clearly no freedom is possible while so few control most of the world’s assets.

If one is unwilling to discuss these things they cannot occur. If they are widely discussed they become possible.

I quite agree w you that to continue to complain while advancing no idea or action to better our situation is stupid. It is especially ridiculous to malign others as sheep. Which has the greatest failing– not to identify what’s wrong OR to identify it & to do NOTHING: Not even advance ideas?

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jul 13, 2023 1:30 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Been sayin” Penelope. Hard to find a place with enough people to really discuss and debate other than some of these alternative sites like Off G, but the owners don’t want to go there, not seeing that as their scope, which is spreading information. I’ve seen this over and over for that last 20 years, the only exceptions being political blogs which do organize for their political parties or candidates. I started my own blog over ten years ago and called it, Global Revolution Center. Have posted since the beginning of the scamdemic, but this has been my contention for awhile, we need some kind of a global revolution against the ruling class.

And to emphasize your point, I’ll discuss your idea about public ballot counting. I agree, certainly their have to be those kind of safeguards involved, but we have alot of work to do on the political system before we get to that part, i.e., as it is now, it doesn’t matter how the hell they’re counted.


Jul 12, 2023 3:33 AM

amid media silence.

Does anyone still think China & US “elites” are rivals?

Jul 12, 2023 1:13 AM

Malaria was endemic throughout all of South East Asia but is now extremely rare except in isolated rural areas in Cambodia and Myanmar near the Thai border.

Singapore, for example, was famously a malarial hotspot well beyond the end of WW2 but I doubt one could catch malaria there today even if one lived naked outdoors.

The reason malaria has been defeated is simple. The reservoir of the parasite in the population has fallen as a result of the advances in the development of modern building techniques: mosquito screens on sliding windows, air conditioning, high rise buildings (the higher you live above the ground the less your chance of being bitten by a mosquito), etc. Most new building in South East and South Asia incorporates these advances.

It is not because of medical intervention or vaccines. Just as enteric and diarrheal disorders have been eradicated by the reduction of poverty and the introduction of clean drinking water modern building technology is inexorably defeating mosquito born diseases.

Jul 12, 2023 1:42 AM
Reply to  toranon

Engineers, plumbers and builders saving far more lives than scientists and oligarchs.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 12, 2023 7:41 AM
Reply to  toranon

Thanks, and don’t you still have those HCQ tabs, for us travellers?

Jul 13, 2023 6:25 AM
Reply to  toranon

Thanks for that breath of fresh air. Confirm what OffG wrote a year ago: that infectious diseases had been subdued not only by vaccines but by advances in hygiene as well.

Incidentally, re”high rise buildings (the higher you live above the ground the less your chance of being bitten by a mosquito), etc”

This fact was well known to the Ancient Egyptians, and is reported by Herodotus.

les online
les online
Jul 12, 2023 1:08 AM

In Praise of Riots…
‘[In France in 2017] a law was passed permitting police to shoot at a vehicle fleeing a traffic stop, if the driver was putting the passengers or passersby at risk. This [Nahel] was the third fatal shooting that occurred during a traffic stop in France in 2023. In 2020, there were three deaths, followed by two in 2021,and 13 in 2022. The victims were often people of black or Maghrebi origin.’

‘The next few weeks will determine whether the spirit of the French people will be one of submission, or of defiance.’

Jul 12, 2023 1:32 AM
Reply to  les online

Viva la courage

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 12, 2023 8:19 AM
Reply to  les online

I read about that he wasn’t kid child he was a 17yr old if your planning to use race or colour of his skin you obviously don’t know much about your own Countries gun related death rates. Or across Oceans Ethnic immigration beginning following World War Two or Belgium and France at all since 1900. Or the Whole of Europe back to You from Your Eastern Front untill you hit salt water West flying back over it.

Jul 12, 2023 12:42 AM

Gates, like most of his ilk, is old, rich, unloved and mired in ennui.
What is he to do? Cultivate his Messiah complex of course.
As all of his sycophants gather round him bowing and scraping he approaches his final, feeble years on Earth.
Sad that. He’s mortal. Just like us.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Jul 12, 2023 12:13 AM

“If they really cared about people’s wellbeing, wouldn’t they invest into figuring out how to boost people’s natural immunity rather than destroying it? Why vaccinate billions of people against diseases that most people’s natural immunity successfully fights against anyway? At every turn, we are destroying the natural world and our own bodies along with it.”
That’s their plan, undermine and eventually usurp our natural immunity and the natural order so we become Zombified from using the drugs, eating the Frankenfoods, and ingesting the poisons Gates and Co. fund and foist upon us. The governments, the UN (WHO UNESCO), CDC, FDA, legacy media, WEF academia and global finance are all in on it. As George Carlin said, it’s one big club and we ain’t in it!

Jul 12, 2023 12:57 AM

Pharma mafia can’t make money if the immune system is made to work because the immune system cannot be patented? The Pharma mafia will fail over night if the bottom up would rise against copyrights and patents. Bill Gates famous company would likely be near worthless without the slew of patents and copyrights it owns.<= companies grow stronger that the governments that gave to private parties monopoly powers. The citizens war against corporate ownership of the world is simple to win, merely outlaw any person, corporation or other entity the benefit of a monopoly power. No more government-private partnerships.. Peace in the world will happen only when all monopoly power belongs only to governments and is used only by governments that are within the control of those who are the governed. No more privatization of monopoly power. Most of the corruption is about monopoly power.

Jul 13, 2023 6:51 AM
Reply to  eman

The citizens war against corporate ownership of the world is simple to win, merely outlaw any person, corporation or other entity the benefit of a monopoly power.”

Interesting idea, Back to the Future: return to the Middle Ages when there were no monopoly patents but Craft Guilds hid their crafty know how as Mysteries.

I seem to remember one of Shakespeare’s workmen (Bottom the Weaver? Snug the Joiner?) protesting:

“They will profane our Mysteries” [ie, make them commonplace]

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 12, 2023 8:58 AM

Yea but the jabbing surrounds someone who maybe sick or not ill at all chum. This Shite Attitude came from the West to the East apon all of us really beginning 1953, again 1963….Its been led by privatering western fostering parents and their generational offspring since 1920.

Jul 12, 2023 12:01 AM


It’s called marketing strategy. Doing the same thing as we speak with “vaccine patches” directly mailed to people’s homes and to villagers across the globe.

It’s a business model, invent the “disease” (or “pandemic” or war or…) and manufacture the publicly funded “solutions” around that.

You’ll have to forgive them for the redundancy. Late stage capitalism also means no new ideas.

Jul 13, 2023 7:20 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Correct, it’s an old business model: invent the “disease” and market the “cure”.

The classical representation of this business model in European Literature was “Dr.Knock ou le riomphe de la médecine” (1923), Jouvet gave an outstandingly convincing performance as the medic who conspired with the pharmacist to con the entire village into lining up for medicine.

2023-2025 is the Centenary of Dr.Knock. I am not surprised that our dumbed down EU$A seems to have missed an opportunity to revive Dr.Knock — even though it is an ever-topical classic of European culture, like Lysistrata.

Human values
Human values
Jul 11, 2023 11:54 PM

Yes indeed, the truth must be searched for. Search and you will find. The one who doesn’t search, or the one who doesn’t care about the truth, or the one who loves to be lied to, or the one who lies – have you considered that they form the majority?

”the truth is so often worse than the lie that everyone is focused on.”

What truth? That scientists in their labs created some new deadly species or disease?

You do seem to trust their sources, Google, Forbes, US government, Fortune, BBC, AP News fact-check, the MSM. Then you’re appalled. You think you must fight their evil schemes. How about realizing: they lie.

They have made people believe their lies.

They made people believe that they are in power. That they are all-powerful. And there’s nothing you can do about it because you’re just one. And they have the majority.

Opponents fear. They are worried. They raise questions of ”what if”. They too scare others. People who are gullible. Also people who simply don’t know anything. When you’re ignorant about a subject, basically anything can be lied to you first. And they often stick, those little and big lies.

Belief in voting is one such thing. People believe it’s good. People believe it’s fair. People don’t have any questions about it. Democracy is so good! Presidents are so good! All we need is a good president who we can vote.

And even the opponents raise questions of ”why don’t we just vote on everything, you know, direct democracy”. Yeah…

”Will we get to vote on whether or not the sun is dimmed?”

Do you really want to vote on that?

Do you think you have the right to vote or that you should have the right to vote?

And every vote counts, one man one vote, it’s fair, it’s democracy.

What if you lose that vote against your fellow Americans? What would you do? What could you do?

Are you still happy you voted? Are you still happy with democracy, elections and voting, the majority rule?

What opponents of the ruling system often propose is the mind of a rat: escape or fight. So some of them escape, or try to, and some of them fight, or try their best to, but we do know from history it doesn’t work. The system hasn’t been questioned, properly.

When there’s the idea that the majority has the right to vote and decide, everyone is subject to it, even those who are against it.

The idea is what’s wrong. The whole idea is wrong. Decisions should never be made that way.

Jul 12, 2023 1:34 PM
Reply to  Human values

So minority rule is better? Less arbitrary? What’s your point?

Human values
Human values
Jul 13, 2023 11:12 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

The majority rule means the minority rule. Look at this world.

My point is, it’s ridiculous, unreasonable and pure idiocy to vote on anything.

To trust that the majority of voters have it right. They never have. And why? Because the majority of people are easily either ignorant or manipulated.

And the minute you give the power to make decisions to anyone, you lost yours. No freedom for you, then. You gave your power away to someone you don’t even know, or some group of people you don’t know either, or the majority – mere numbers. You may like to make that decision for yourself, but you have no right to expect anyone else to submit to your decision.

If anyone rules over you, you are ruled over. People have given their power to ”democracy”, meaning majority, meaning minority rule. Nothing but evil has come from that.

Do you think the American voters have the right to vote on whether to dim the sun or not?

Or who’s the leader of their world?

Who makes the decisions of war or peace, whether to vaccinate or not, what is basically true or not, good or not? And punish you when you don’t comply.  

Jul 13, 2023 7:38 AM
Reply to  Human values

Agreed. Direct voting is only to ensure that one knows whom to kick when one’s vote leads to the opposite of what one intended (“backfired” like EU$A “sanctions”).

Plato pinpointed this drawback of Direct Democracy but unfortunately, being merely mortal, died before he could work out the details of his proposed solution: “Elect someone who is judged, “Best Person for the Job”.

So we are left with the classic problem: “Who will judge the judges?”

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jul 11, 2023 11:53 PM

Bill Gates is financially backing the development of sun-dimming technology that would potentially reflect sunlight out of Earth’s atmosphere, triggering a global cooling effect.

With the aim of starving millions to death. Genocide is the end goal here is it not?

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jul 12, 2023 1:36 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

Nah. They already have this in full motion with Geo-Engineering.

Jul 13, 2023 7:42 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

I believe that global deaths from malnutrition have stabilised around 6 Million per annum since the end of WW2.

Jul 12, 2023 5:35 AM
Reply to  Thom Crewz

Gawd.Enough already. Don;t fuck with the Sun.

Jul 11, 2023 11:41 PM

Oh, well, that’s all right then.

Jul 11, 2023 10:58 PM

Reminds me of Mao’s 1958 “Four Pests” campaign that is said to have included eradicating sparrows to near-extinction, in order to protect harvested grain, resulting in pestilence and famine.

Jul 11, 2023 10:22 PM

As bad as nature is in its treatment of living entities, it is but a little old lady knitting doilies compared to humanity’s attempt to one-up it.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 11, 2023 10:04 PM

Excuse me, but the article remind me about the Ebola campaign:

1 case of Ebola found in EU and 1 case found in US, from an ape to one tourist in Africa, and the whole globe went berserk in purchasing Ebola vaccines to all basements in all hospitals just in case.

With all respect, 4 +1 polio cases in Florida and Texas, and “Its far far far worse than that”. Man sieht die Absicht und wird verstimmt.

One thing to remember is that medicine exist that actually improve and cure millions of people’s lives much better today than yesterday.

One very dangerous thing I see in this, is that people who actually help (with excellent curing medicine) are among those most who are smeared most.

Not saying anything about Bill G., but just a general pattern I see against people who actually help and do something good.

Jul 13, 2023 8:27 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Google translation: “One sees the intent and becomes upset.”

Yes, after a dip in sanitation and nutrition due to overcrowdinig into towns and consequent food shortages following Privatization of the common land during the Tudor Reign of Terror, gradual improvements in social life and hygiene have restored life expectancy to near the Biblical ‘three score and ten”. The most marked improvement occurred during the technological 19th century (Thermodynamics and Germ Theory) with a smaller rise due to Socialism in the 20th. Global Life Expectancy has risen during my lifetime:


“Estimates suggest that in a pre-modern, poor world, life expectancy was around 30 years in all regions of the world. In the early 19th century, life expectancy started to increase in the early industrialized countries while it stayed low in the rest of the world. Over the last decades this global inequality decreased. Every country in the world [today] has a higher life expectancy than those few countries [of yesteryear] which had the highest life expectancy in 1800. Many countries that not long ago were suffering from bad health are catching up rapidly.

“Since 1900 the global average life expectancy has more than doubled and is now above 70 years. The inequality of life expectancy is still very large across and within countries. in 2019 the country with the lowest life expectancy is the Central African Republic [still groaning under EU$A wars and oppression] with 53 years,”

The problem is, how to distinguish the sheep from the goats. Right now the sheep are being led to the slaughter by Anglo Zionazi Capitalist Judas-goats in the UN, WHO, WEF, EU, and 5-Eyes.

Jul 11, 2023 9:11 PM

Bill Gates is like a Bond Villain that just won’t die before the end of the movie.

Gill Bates

Jul 12, 2023 11:50 AM
Reply to  turesankara

Already long gone I’ve heard.

Jul 11, 2023 9:02 PM

Aldous Huxley:
Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there’s hardly a healthy human left.

George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future imagine a boot stamping on a masked human face forever.

“You will own be nothing and be happy.” — Klaus Schwab WEF


Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 11, 2023 8:57 PM

The idea of releasing millions of sterile male mosquitos is to mess up the reproductive chain by introducing overwhelming competition for the ‘real’ males. Whether it works or not is debatable. Whether it does any harm or not is clear — male mosquitos don’t bite and suck blood so they won’t infect us.

Malaria will spread to anywhere where the climate conditions favor the mosquito population. Its most common in tropical climates but historically has broken out as far north as southern England. Its kept in check by public health who track the insects and the diseases they spread. If there’s an outbreak they will take action to eradicate the mosquito populations by applying insecticides, draining stagnant water and so on. This has been going on for many decades behind the scenes; the only reason why it might get front and center now is that people get complacent, drop their guard and so allow dormant diseases to spread once again.

If you like horror stories then ‘back in the day’ (i.e. when I was a preschooler) the pesticide of choice was DDT. It was sprayed and puffed everywhere. It took a number of years for it to dawn on people that this stuff was bad news so its now banned with more benign pesticides such as pyrethrin being preferred. Even that has a problem, though — like everything else if you use it a lot then your targets will adapt to become resistant to it. (Meanwhile a whole bunch of leftover sludge from the DDT industry is in a dump in the sea off Long Beach, California, acting as a menace to the environment for decades, maybe centuries, to come. We were so careless with chemicals back then.)

Jul 11, 2023 11:41 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

We are no better with chemicals today, duh.

As for those sterile male mosquitos, I’m sure our owners know all the details and long term effects of genetically altering those mosquitos. Just like they knew all the long term side effects of the magic shots. Obviously, both of those statements have a double entendre effect to them, don’t they?

While we hear about all their lovely “experiments” and are told they are “trying their best” for humanity, if you still believe that, after all of what we have seen over the last 3 years, then you are either willfully naive or simply not paying attention. Or you really are the shill others out here keep saying you are. Try all you want to give these sickos the benefit of the doubt Martin, but they would not do the same for you and they could really care less about any negative side effects of anything they do. These are the very same ilk who so “carelessly” dumped DDT in the oceans you speak of, why would you think this current iteration is one bit different?

Jul 12, 2023 3:26 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Our benevolent masters would never make us sterile, whether through jabs, bugs or trans propaganda.

Jul 13, 2023 8:32 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Been there, done that, got the teeshirt: Sweden, U$A, India.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 11, 2023 8:57 PM

I agree with the sentiments, but this article is a bit too disjointed for my tastes. One premise we can be well assured is that demonically possessed oligarchs such as Gates will market their potions as a boon to the lowest economic rungs of humanity, while their intention is always to injure and destroy humanity.

I also agree that they are adept at manipulating conservatives through alternative and select social media. While most conservatives have sussed out the top layer of BS, it leaves them open to being suckered by the next level, a certain form of arrogance. The most striking example is the lab leak theory of SARS-CoV-2. I am sure that our elitists overlords had set this up in advance realizing that the bat soup theory had too many holes in it. And their lab leak theory has many advantages to their agenda than bat soup. First, if these insidious Chinese virologists engineered this virus with gain-of-function “technology,” then it must be very, very dangerous. So it makes the purported virus that much more fearful than just a naturally occurring one as it has intentional malevolence built into it. Yet people such as Del Bigtree will cite endless studies that SC-2 was no more lethal than a typical seasonal flu, and then go on with the lab leak theory, never stopping to think just how oxymoronic this is. Agenda #1 – Fear is the mind killer.

Second, it gets conservatives really pissed off at “those Chinks” for creating such mayhem and pain in our lives. So let’s just nuke’em. It’s only fair. Agenda #2 – WWIII.

One way out of this mess if one really wishes to get a handle on some truth is to go to prime causes. One prime cause is that SARS-CoV-2 has never had any conclusive evidence of its actual, physical existence. All the work has been done “in silico” with illogical computer models. If one has the curiosity to follow this rabbit hole, I would suggest you closely watch one of Andrew Kaufman’s video deconstructions of the methodology of a peer review paper which “proves” not only that this virus exists but it causes CV-1984. The problem with this “deep science” is that they forgot to use a control group. The basis of real science is that you construct an experiment which isolates a single variable, and then you run it with the variable, and without it. You cannot have real science without this. Another case in point is, as RFK Jr. shouts to the hills, no vaccine has been tested against a real, saline, control group. Every control study just does not add the “virus” in question, but shoots up the test victim with all the other adjuvant crap including nano aluminum and mercury. When one examines why vaccines even need adjuvants to “work,” it puts the lie to the entire industry.

And if you follow this rabbit hole even one step further down, it brings up the question of viruses itself. To paraphrase the late Carl Sagan, extraordinary theories need extraordinary evidence. Once again I point to Andrew Kaufman, not because he is the only one to claim that there is no valid evidence that any viruses exist, but because, for me anyway as a chemist, he is the most articulate. Well, no viruses, then no zika and no dengue. But I hear the voices yelling just how are these diseases transmitted? They are obviously contagious. What is the agent? For that matter yawning and laughter are contagious so they too must be caused by a virus (though a fast acting one). Once again I revert to the maxim of extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence. It is not for clear thinkers to prove a negative, but to the “virologists” to present honest, non-fraudulent science. And the century old pseudo science of virology is only extraordinary for its duplicity and basic stupidity. It is like the master magician who confounds the gaping dupes with sleight of hand.

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 11, 2023 10:49 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Part of giving money away is pleasing the people whom you entrusted your money with, if not, they wont give you the money to give away

You cant please all of the people, all of the time, or as I have found, even part of the time.

Jul 11, 2023 11:54 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

First let me say to the mods that all the comments are showing up in bold as I’m sure will be noticed.

Now on to the meat of the matter which is that this is a very, very good post.

I just so happen to be in my thousandth debate with a batch of conservative nut jobs about the lab leak lunacy. This group rolls around in the mud at a substack from one of Naomi Wolf’s hirelings and the current debate is in response to RFK’s regurgitating the “Wuhan lab leak narrative” once again.

Certain ‘establishment’ Covid skeptics have built cottage industries on the ‘lab leak’ mythology. If the ‘lab leak’ theory is torn apart then their credibility takes a big hit. Specific to “SARS-CoV2” as a lab created virus this story has so many holes in it that it is hard to comprehend that anyone with integrity and critical thinking skills would not walk this back if they had posited this sophistry at some point.

The biggest problem as I see it is that the likes of RFK, Bigtree, Malone etc. are not just simply wrong on this matter but their insistence on using the “lab leak” red herring covers up the actual crimes that were committed. The “lab leak” theory does not hold water and covers up what actually happened which was straight forward mass murder in nursing homes and hospitals. 

And, as you point out, it whips up more ‘yellow peril’ derangement among these right-wing reactionaries. That is not by accident.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 12, 2023 12:27 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Good post Maxwell. I am willing to cut RFK Jr. more slack than the others for two reasons. The closest info you are going to get to the core of the scamdemic have been uncovered and released by Sasha Latypova and Catherine Watts who started out as independent of each other but have now become a team in their areas of specialty; Latypova in molecular biology and Watts in law. RFK Jr. has had 2 hour long interviews with Latypova and other member of his team (Children’ s Health Defense) have also. Bigtree despite his claims to being the king of truthyness and the real science won’t give her the time of day.

The second reason is that he is trying to be a practical politician and he doesn’t want to throw the whole can of worms at the public from the start of his campaign. He has some practical considerations. The Overlords will never allow him to be the President but his run may be a strong teaching moment. A debate between him and the Donald could be interesting and entertaining.

Jul 12, 2023 10:18 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Thanks Ed. Yes, Katherine Watts and her substack Bailiwick News is right on the money…it contains a wealth of information that would keep anybody who wishes to take the time well briefed with a huge amount of resources on the true horror of how this started, how we ended up here, what has been happening and is still happening as the plan rolls on relentlessly. With her research and what we have been seeing, I can’t fault her on any point whatsover. Naomi Wolf has taken all the plaudits, whereas Katherine has been quietly doing amazing work with no thanks whatsoever.

Jul 12, 2023 3:42 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

RFK has reassured us in a recent interview that he respects those who don’t believe that we are in peril from Anthropogenic Global Warming, but that he does; that oil is just as bad as coal, etc.

Jul 12, 2023 8:52 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

For a deep take on RFK Jr. one can no better than perusing Alison McDowell’s work (YT/’wrenchinthegears.com’); as she has researched and identified a # of salient points vis-a-vis said Jr.’s background in both the public and private realm; with the following examples provided for the reader to ponder whilst debating on the merit of RFK Jr.’s legitimacy: (1) previous employment as a lawyer for NRDC included being a part of an organization that was successful in implementing the subsidization of ‘clean’ energy sources s/a wind and solar whilst simultaneously holding a position that was vs subsidization of nuclear energy (viz. the former should be verboten for many reasons with 2 being of utmost significance: 1. the former needs ‘dirty’ energy s/a the latter for its creations; 2. the former types of energy are inefficacious and too expensive to be viable primary sources of energy in most countries) 
(2) current position at the company, Vantage Point Capital, is highly suspect; for many reasons: 1. it’s one of the many companies that is leading the charge for the buildup of the Web 3.0 (via investments in biotech; telecommunications; health care; etc.); 2. clear conflict of interest should be noted for anyone discerning (i.e., RFK Jr.’s association with company will naturally place him on a pre-determined position of thinking, behaving and planning; which will, in toto, only serve the interests of Big Money (i.e., Big Tech; Big Science; Big Pharma; Big Health; Philanthro-capitalists; etc.). 
(3) RFK Jr.’s association (i.e., Chair) with, ‘Childrens Health Defense,’ is problematic for many reasons: 1. although in theory a Non-Profit organization, CHD has seen its funding increase exponentially over the past 5-7 years; with RFK Jr.’s salary (i.e., annual) increasing commensurably (i.e., from ~ 50, 000 to today: 500,000 $); 2. CHD, I believe, has been the recipient of millions of $ of donations from Steve Kirsch; who may be looking to influence said organization via current campaign vs mRNA vaccinations; and, in lieu of said therapies, introduce ‘Early Treatment Model’ (eg., re-purposed drugs; and concomitant ideas s/a ‘pay-for-success’ finance schemes via blockchain)  
(4) In his most recent book, ‘The Real Anthony Fauci,’ RFK Jr. details how, in his eyes, the response to Sars CoV2 was botched; but, in the near future, with the introduction of said idea of ‘Early Treatment Model’ and concomitant concept of repurposed drugs & new biotech interventions, the ‘next 1’ will be handled more efficiently and expertly, viz. the man has a clear agenda in mind vis-a-vis any future pandemics; and it involves the monetary and financial benefit of companies and organization he’s been affiliated with in the past (i.e., conflict of interest) 

Jul 12, 2023 3:56 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

There are other signs giving the game away, mostly listed here in an off-G article, e.g.,
-no definition of disease
-fake test, valid despite no symptoms,
-no diagnosis by doctor,
-elimination of dissidents and eminent critics
-prohibition of proven treatments (for pneumonia and harm from the jab),
-harm from official treatment and jab,
-censorship of all related issues.

Jul 12, 2023 7:46 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Agree totally.

What bugs me the most is the testing. Why are none of them willing to go there? The foundation of the proof of PCR testing fraud is fairly solid but yet no one is willing to take the risk of discrediting it. All those asymptomatic “clusters” that drove the fear and emergency responses.

Years ago I had this discussion with a group of golfers over post play beers. It was too incredulous for them to comprehend. I ended up leaving the group because of their inability to be open minded. Obviously, it was more than that. I was the only one not vaccinated out of a group of approximately 2 dozen retired men. As loyal MSM followers, they saw me as selfish and a threat to their health. (In retrospect, I can’t really blame them for falling for the propaganda.)

Everything related to the Covid event was based on the functionality of the PCR test. The idea that the test was faulty destroyed the entire narrative. I don’t get why no one persisted in this vein of thought.

The story of how Fauci killed all the those gay men with AZT and declared they had died of AIDS because they had positive PCR tests was too telling. Later it was suggested that the tests were faulty and they did not have HIV at all. They buried the story and Fauci came away unscathed after murdering all those young men. Being dedicated to curing HIV apparently made him a hero no matter how many people died in his experiments. Lying about the cause of their deaths should have landed him in jail.

Then Fauci turned around and pushed the same PCR testing format for the Covid event. No one questioned the testing format. Who knew about the problems with the test and chose to stay silent? Were they being paid to stay silent? Mullis himself spoke out, as we know but no one cared what the Nobel Prize winning inventor had to say about Fauci’s format.

It is likely to be used again in future events. The only way to prevent that from happening is to expose the fraud now. Why is no one is willing to take that risk?

A lot of doctors oppose mRNA technology and want to end the use of the technology. PCR testing will, again, be the key to promoting the use of new mRNA vaccines. Why are they unwilling to go that route?

Will it be too dangerous to expose it? What other past diseases depended on the same testing format?

Was it all fraud?

Are they all dependent on the fraudulent test and afraid of being exposed for having used it?

So many people have been fighting the Covid clot shot disaster so hard. It does not make sense.

Seems to be such an easy solution.

Are we sleeping with the enemy?

Jul 11, 2023 6:57 PM

False dichotomy.
The mosquitoes that gates said would make females not reproduce, didn’t even work well in their own lab tests. If it worked, we would be hearing how great it is.
( I read an article back then when they were going to do it)

Second, malaria has such a wide symptom list, that it could be another condition…
Let’s say jab side effects are most likely in Florida. We won’t know because this “outbreak” already has an “explanation”…

In Panama, pesticides and other chemicals.
Same in third world nations.
But they obsesses over a singular cause, because it’s a great way to cover up for other shit.

Jul 12, 2023 12:04 AM
Reply to  Rob

Ding, ding, ding- we have a winner.

Same shit with Ebola. Invent the “germ”, the “disease” and cover up for dumping toxic Pharma poisons in Africa, Firestone’s mass poisoning of water systems and on and on.

Takes a little of the edge off of colonialism if you invent an invisible enemy.

Jul 12, 2023 4:00 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Capitalism is not sentimental or partial about the home country either. It has no home.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 12, 2023 2:29 PM
Reply to  Rob

Nothing Gates does is beneficial to humanity. Everything is malevolent. The fact that the GMO mosquitos failed both in their lab testing and when released on the public should come as no surprise. The safe and effective syndrome. What we do not know, as of yet, is what their real, malevolent purpose is.

Jul 12, 2023 3:22 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Surely it isn’t that hard to do a micro-autopsy on a few hundred mosquitoes to find out what they’re carrying?

That’s what a real scientist would do…

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 12, 2023 3:34 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Viruses, assuming that they exist at all, are sub-microscopic, with a typical diameter of about 200 nm. The purported malaria pathogen is quite large, however, and easily visible with optical microscopes. Few biological or medical labs have electron microscopes, and even if they did, the fragments that they detect are almost surely not virus particles despite the MSM BS. Apparently, the diseases that the mosquitos purportedly carry do not effect the health of the mosquitos themselves. Thus, doing an “autopsy” on mosquitos is not a simple process for any viruses such as dengue or zika and rife with potential fraud.

Jul 12, 2023 4:31 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

I’m well aware of the things you mention.
My thought was just a simple non-virus-related look at the vital fluids of a mosquito, just to see if anything unusual is to be found there.

At least that would be a start, since of course it’s hard to be at all confident that anybody is even bothering with such archaic methods today.
They’d rather ask their laboratory pet AI if it has any comments to make…