Shanghai & Moderna Sign Medical Research Agreement
Take that globalists!
Kit Knightly

In yet another blow to the globalist plan for World Domination, last week the government of Shanghai has signed a “strategic cooperation agreement” with US-based pharmaceutical company Moderna.
For anyone living in a cave on Mars for the last couple of years, Moderna are an mRNA-focused research company who produced only the second ever “safe and effective” mRNA vaccine basically just a few days after Pfizer produced the first.
Thanks to Moderna’s rushed and untested “vaccine” – the first product they ever successfully brought to market – over the course of the “pandemic” their stock value increased over 2000%, from $19 per share to $450.
Moderna’s founders were among the 44 new billionaires (totally accidentally) created by Covid.
…and now they get a brand new research centre in Shanghai, along with investment and co-operation from the local government and permission to run human trials using Chinese citizens, according to China Daily:
Moderna, the United States-based pharmaceuticals manufacturer, signed a strategic cooperation agreement with authorities in Shanghai on Wednesday, marking the company’s first investment on the Chinese mainland.
Under the agreement among the Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatization, the district government of Minhang and Moderna, the parties will collaborate on investment, research and development, production and commercialization in the biomedical sector, it was announced by the Minhang district government on Thursday.
The company’s first investment project on the Chinese mainland will involve setting up an R&D base in Minhang and conducting clinical trials on new medicines to put its products on the market, and produce and sell them in China.
Now, since I’m reliably informed China are some kind of multilateral, anti-globalist 5th columnist who only pretended to go along with the Covid narrative (for as yet unknown reasons), my first thought was that this must be some kind of trick.
Perhaps the Chinese government is simply helping produce Moderna’s products in order to profit from Covid hysteria by selling them to idiotic Western governments, right?
…but, alas, it doesn’t look that way according to the Financial Times:
Any medicines produced under this agreement will be exclusively for the Chinese people — who face many of the same health challenges that affect other communities around the world,” the company said in a statement.
Yes, it seems all the *ahem* “medicine” Moderna produces in China will only be for domestic use. That is to say, for use on Chinese citizens (perhaps at gunpoint or merely under threat of being nailed inside their homes and losing their job. Who knows.)
Don’t worry, I’m sure this is all part of China’s plan to really stick it to Western hegemony while pretending to go along with the fake pandemic and all the other globalist narratives.
We’re reaching levels of 5D chess never before thought possible.
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You can bet the mRNA/ graphene/assorted poison cocktails they make for the Chinese will be extra strong just to keep up with the sheer numbers of the buggers.
We are told by wikipedia that the social credit system there is not really a thing that affects people, until it does… but I am not sure if they also mention that the CCCP does a cracking trade in human organ harvesting from suitable undesirables…
Ahahahaha…the only plan for World Domination comes from the communist party of China (the Ruzzians are too stupid for this). Thus, it must be fought in any possible way to lock this mafia party into China. Every free man must recognize that China mustn’t conquer the world!! Stop China now by every means necessary!!!
Luckily the Chinese communist party also makes mistakes…underestimated Covid and spread it around the world by deliberately withholding vital information and telling propaganda lies (and you stupid fuckheads believe these easily).
Then there are those enlightened F.H’s who believe there is a covid to spread and a sars-cov-2 to spread it.
Perhaps the extent and influence of persuasive deception is also underestimated….
Those that believe a virus actually exists are first deceived and now delusional.
Are there really any FREE countries in the world today? I would hazard a guess and say, no. Too dangerous …
China, Russia, Iran and even Syria appear to be getting white-anted from their fifth-column, Gladio-style operatives, within. One would be foolish to envy the leadership of any of these supposedly sovereign ‘dictatorships’ because it is apparent that they never know who the Caspius or ‘Brutus’ is within their closest governing-circles. And, I do suspect that we can take it as a ‘given’ that Brutus/Caspius are ever vigilant for the opportunity to plunge the proverbial ‘dagger’ into the hearts of whomever is not following the broad-script of their masters in Switzerland. Therefore, the sovereignty of any country is incompatible with genuine sovereignty and can’t exist within the broader-ideology of the BIS remit which, invariably, is so phenomenally powerful and controlling. Everything we’re witnessing boils-down to … a rich-man’s trick, EVERYTHING. So, opium for the masses, not just for China?
Well… The one child policy, didn’t work. Killing off or sterilizing all females, didn’t work. Poisoning the entire fucking countryside, didn’t work. (Too slow) So let’s just directly shoot ’em up with poison and hope they die a lot faster…
Whew! That was a close call. Sure wouldn’t want our Chinese “wisdom” violated…
MODERNA = DEMON-MRNA slightly messed with.
I think they are just sticking it in our faces, to see if we are paying attention.
M and E is 33 and start of 3. A is the all seeing eye at the end after 33.
3 thumbs up..
“That is to say, for use on Chinese citizens (perhaps at gunpoint or merely under threat of being nailed inside their homes and losing their job. Who knows.).”
It’s a slippery slope from real journalism to shoddy propaganda. While most of Kit’s reporting on covid has been excellent, it’s a shame that
“Axis-of-Evil-phobia” + “All-In-It-Together” conspiracy theories colour the reporting of most “independent” NATOstan journalists.
Some little district governor has gone and done a partnership with Moderna for an R&D facility.
A serious journalist would not provide a whole lot of silly opinions based on cut and paste from FT (hardly reliable except of course when it bashes China or some other Evil nation) and China Daily. They would firstly find out what the partnership entails, what incentives Moderna has been offered if any, what it is in the fine print of the agreement?
There are many possibilities.
a) Perhaps the purpose of this collab is for Chinese scientists to keep any eye on Moderna.
b) perhaps the district governor guy is part not of a 5D chess game but of the Chinese fifth column that the alphabet people work so hard to recruit.
Let’s remember that Robert Malone himself said he first heard of the plandemic when a “CIA asset” later revealed to be Mike Callaghan called him in LATE December from Wuhan. Not one journalist what a CIA asset might be doing on the ground in Wuhan other than coordinate the rolling out of the first part of the narrative….
These assets btw even include very high up people like George Gao.
c) there is a difference between those Chinese who form part of the global technocratic elite (those who run around to WHO and plandemic planning conferences) and whose ambitions and career goals are aligned with NATO vs the folks high up the food chain in the planning organizations in Beijing who focus on transport, energy, housing, agriculture and all that other boring infrastructure stuff which has propelled China’s growth.
Whatever the actual case is, I am very confident that China will never approve any medicine that it deems harmful to its population while Moderna mints more millionaires.
That’s just not how the Chinese government behaves. They were handing out 6 different formulations of Chinese medicine to help deal with early covid (aka flu) symptoms right in Feb 2020. The death rate in China from Covid (aka flu) over 3.5 years is just a few thousand people, which amounts to less than five months of suicide deaths in South Korea.
But I get it, if NATO is bad and evil, China must surely be one step ahead. I mean in NATO we don’t as KIt says, “nail people inside their homes”.
Did he seriously believe the crappy Canadian reporting from CBC which showed a bunch of guys standing near a door doing nothing while a woman’s voiceover said in spooky tones: “they’re WELDING people inside apartments”.
I get it that in the new geopolitical cold war, slamming the plandemic is fine but only if you also slam Russia, China etc. If you don’t know anything about China why not just STFU instead of regurgitating FT???? For cheap Sinophobic propaganda, frankly there’s no difference between on vs off G.
“The death rate in China from Covid (aka flu) over 3.5 years is just a few thousand people, which amounts to less than five months of suicide deaths in South Korea.”
I noticed that from right at the start: Stats from “WHO Covid by Nation” showed that Con-19 was a disease of affluent “Western” nations — especially those with a strong banking system like U$A UK and Sweden. China was in the forefront of Civil Defense against Bio Warfare (Track and Trace, Lockdown, Masks, Protective Clothing, Ventilators and as you say, simple remedies (not that these amount to much against a flu epidemic). In contrast, “the West” copied China’s civil defense procedure and bought Chinese civil defense equipment but published far higher numbers of “cases”. Thus practical measures (for what they were worth) came from China and scare figures came from “the West”.
China is also the only nation which used traditional vaccine made from whole Corona viruses, thus avoiding millions of deaths and bloodvessel injuries among young people due to the mRNA Vaxx with its Human-binding Spike Protein (U$ patent to Moderna, 2016).
Whenever I see China written instead of CCP I get suspicious. Normal Chinese are about as free as Julian Assange, while the CCP top can do as they please. The CCP is the only party on Earth officially with its own army, the PLA.
Why did the CCP allow risky bio experiments in mega city Wuhan? Rational people would have done none or in the Gobi desert. Hint: Mao didn’t mind losing 2/3 of all ordinary Chinese in a nuclear exchange, as he was sitting in his under mountain fortress dreaming of CCP take over of the devastated globe with the remaining 1/3.
I can see you’re an expert on Mao. I wouldn’t be surprised if you are actually the Head of the Department of Chinese studies at some Ivy League “establishment for higher education”.
If you profess to know something about China, why don’t you start by learning the name of the ONE party in their ONE party system. There is no such thing as “CCP”.
The name is the Communist Party of China.
Is Julian Assange sitting in a “CCP” jail? I must have missed that part!!!
They called themselves CCP in English till a few years ago. Then they changed it to CPC with the purpose of misleading Internet searches revealing their past misdeeds. Where did I write that Assange is sitting in a Chinese jail: I must have missed that part. Mao was the worst thing ever happened to the Chinese but possibly necessary to form a counterweight to Western monsters.
Liking the sarcasm Kit
however slightly hypocritical as you was all in for Trump.
Five-million-D chess! WINNING!!! 😂😂😂
After watching the documentary One Child Nation, I see how that policy from 1979-2012 really traumatized the Chinese people. (Today, the policy is only two.) Millions of newborns were either abandoned outdoors or sold to international buyers. Reluctant women were captured, roped and tied to get sterilized. And now China leads in implementing Technocracy, which is crushing them even further.
Yet, at the same time, we see how China’s preserved State economy continues to benefit its people, as every government should operate:
“It’s because China’s state-led model is vastly superior to America’s “carpetbagger” model. In China, the government is directly involved in the operation of the economy, which means that it subsidizes those industries that enhance growth and spur development. In contrast, American capitalism is a savage free-for-all in which private owners are able to divert great sums of money into unproductive stock buybacks and other scams that do nothing to create jobs or strengthen the economy. Since 2009 US corporations have spent more than $7 trillion on stock buybacks which is an activity that boosts payouts to rich shareholders but fails to produce anything of material value. Had that capital been invested in critical infrastructure, every city in America would be linked to a gigantic webbing of high-speed rail extending from “sea to shining sea”. But that hasn’t happened, because the western model incentivizes the extraction of capital for personal enrichment rather than the development of projects that serve the common good. In China, we see how fast transformative changes can take place when a nation’s wealth is used to eradicate poverty, raise standards of living, construct state-of-the-art infrastructure, and lay the groundwork for a new century.”
The One Chart That Explains Everything
I guess the goal here is to make Technocracy appear more successful than crumbling western Democracy, since everything is about optics these days…?
U.K is doing it part!
Adjustments Passports announced for disabled veterans.
All companies should be receiving Government incentives and forced by law enforcement to employ only disabled, minorities, LGBT, refugees, women and veterans.
All normal healthy heterosexual men should give their job to vulnerable people and occupy themselves in the army or with something else. (sarc)
I certainly hope you’re being facetious…
Or should “they” have forced “All normal healthy heterosexual men” become merc’s in Ukraine.(sarc)
But now the healthy hetero males are the vulnerable, and soon to be the minority!
Off topic but worth a serious eye roll:
Bernstein’s operas Candide is clearly in serious trouble. Norman Lebrecht reports:
“Ahead of tonight’s performance, ticket holders at Welsh National Opera received the following email:
“Please be aware that throughout this operetta there is anachronistic and explicit language used as well as themes that some people may find distressing. These include;
occasional strong language
reference to rape
depiction of war and violence including murder
misogynist language
references to religious prejudices and blasphemy
a scene that shows nooses culminating in two hangings
references to slavery
depiction of an earthquake / volcano erupting”
We might as well pack up the whole of opera and stay home.”
I did not like Bernstein’s slick cynicism nor his galvanically skeletal music when I saw the London production; though I still found Voltaire’s original prose version convincing.
However, some decades later, I read Bertrand Russel’s explanation of what Leibnitz really meant by this our real world being “The Best of All Possible”. From Russels PhD thesis on Leibnitz:
“God can do anything except contradict himself, because God is Truth. Hence, when God designed our real world, he had many possible alternatives in view; but not every possibility was Logically consistent with some rival possibilities. God was Logically compelled to compromise in his choice between different possibilities in His design: hence this Our Actual World is “The Best of All Possible (but not Logically compatible) Worlds”.
There is a strong hint of Evolution Theory in Leibnitz’s idea, and the 18th century German biologist Wolfgang von Goethe took up this idea of gradual Improvement Through Successive Failure in his Faust series. Samuel Becket put our actual real world situation pithily: “Fail. Fail again. Fail better”.
Modern science rejects Leibnitz’s idea that our actual world is bound by Logic:
“Logic demands us to choose One or The Other of two opposites; but Nature imperiously compels us to choose Both.” — Wehner von Heisenberg.
If we have God’s key, we dont need this bs of fail, fail, and build green back better.
Lebrecht responds with this list of suggestions:
“Opera Warning
Marriage of Figaro Infidelity
Fidelio False transgender representation
William Tell Food waste
L’elisir d’Amore Drug taking
Nabucco Zionism
Ring of the Nibelungen Incest, disability abuse, female immolation
Otello Racial stereotyping
Falstaff Fattism
Tosca Rape, torture, mattress abuse
Jenufa Child murder
The Makropoulos Case Ageism
Lulu Anti-feminism
Porgy and Bess Cultural appropriation
Peter Grimes EU fishing law, child abuse
Billy Budd Naval language
Death of Klinghoffer Disability issues, anti-terrorism”
It’s good but note that bit about “Zionism” being sneered at as if it was a fake offence.
Also note that the inclusion of “anti-terrorism” as an offence may be prophetic. I read that the recent film “The Sound of Freedom” is “an Anti-Child Trafficking Fantasy”. So it seems that child trafficking is now a reputable business that needs defending!
The properties of mRNA have been well known for some time. What companies like Modern and Pfizer pioneered was a way to mass produce mRNA in a form that could be injected without causing the Mother of All Allergic Reactions.
There is a precedent in this in that the properties of antibiotics were known about for a long time before they became generally available. The problem was producing them in quantity and in a form that could be easily stored, transported and used. It took a lot of R&D — and the availability of public resources to fund it courtesy of WW2 — to make them widely available. As we’ve learned subsequently widespread use of these is a double edged sword, it can cause more problems than it solves. I am concerned that mRNA is also one of those ‘too good to be true’ techniques — yes it works, but it carries with it some insidious risks. Thanks to the lessons learned from antibiotics the scientists involved seem aware of the potential for problems with mRNA but at the same time there’s lots of money to be made, enough to pay for the rationalization of all risks, so we need to be very careful with this material.
The anything but careful MHRA which gave such speedy approval to untested experimental drugs with mRHA did, for quite a while, issue reports of their Yellow Card statistics. Before they then decided that such information was best hidden away, there were approximately 3000 deaths and over half a million life changing injuries due to serious adverse reactions to their CV19 “vaccines”. And there’s a huge probability that those numbers are significantly underreported.
So mRHA “vaccines” have ALREADY caused more harm than all previous vaccines in history in history.
With such an appalling track record most organisations would have been closed down but instead the MHRA is repurposing itself to become an “enabler”.
So the only “rationalisation of all risks” that you glibly write about is that the pharmaceutical companies which provide the vast bulk of MHRA funding have bought peace and quiet – at the expense of anyone who is unfortunate enough to use their products.
Your claim does not quite correspond to reality. There is no significant rise in mortality, which there would have to be if what you say were true.
Basically, you’re using the same sort of skewed statistics as covidians were using to prop covid.
That is not to say that I condone the covid fuckccination. That is to say that one needs to refrain from employing double fucking standard, tovarish.
From your Link:
“This week’s overall pooled EuroMOMO estimates of all-cause mortality for the participating European countries are within expected levels.”
I have emphasised all the dubious criteria, the ones where one can fuzz.
There is a deadly serious question: Does the RNA Vaxx cause vascular damage and death in younger age groups?
A strict attempt to answer this question would start by comparing statistics between two matched groups of younger people: those with Vaxx and those without The Vaxx. Compare them not “this week” or that week but over the full 2 years since amost the entire population was Vaxxed.
And state clearly what are “expected” levels: expected by whom?
Everything else is fluff.
Right. Then compare them and furnish some pertinent results.
Not paranoid hallucinations about how kill gates is after you.
Incidentally, what is “galvanically skeletal music”? Could you elaborate in technical terms? Whether the galvanized skeleton has to do with melody, harmony, form, rhythm, timbre? How exactly?
“what is “galvanically skeletal music”?
That was my impression of the musiic: a Danse Macabre. Perhaps you prefer this more favourible opinion from the New York Times: “the verve and mocking lyricism of Leonard Bernstein’s score”?
I happen to be a musician with proper musical training. I have an intimate understanding of the various constituents of music, such as rhythm, melody, harmony, timbre, form, orchestration, so on so forth.
There is NO SUCH FUCKING THING as “galvanically skeletal music” or the “verve and mocking lyricism”. Those are your hallucinatory phantasms and the New York Times’ hallucinatory phantasms. Your impression of a subject that you know FUCK ALL ABOUT.
My question was intended to underscore that ignorant examples of the Dunning-Krueger effect – in this case your ignorant self – take it upon themselves to make broad pronouncements about stuff you know FUCK ALL ABOUT and present it as fact.
I see, so you are a “music expert”.
I would guess music might be the only thing you know fuck all about.
Did you sell your soul at the crossroads?
You are in fact very wrong. I happen to possess a sizeable vinyl collection of precisely that: galvanically skeletal music, some of which contains “verve and mocking lyricism”, from a point of view, but for me it just galvanizes my emotional skeleton in indescribably blissful ways!
Such an experiment needs at least 10 years and has to involve thousands of people to be meaningful. Cancer, auto-immune diseases, heart failure can take a long time to show up. I wonder why none of the funding bodies will fund such a huge study!
A few years ago I joked online about how Elon Musk should just fuckin’ buy Twitter, then he did… Maybe he can fund this!
You’re stupid. What Moderna and Pfizer really “discovered” was that if you can get the government to be in your sales team, and all customers being forced to take your product “for their own good”, then,. there’s no limits to profits.
“Too good to be true”, LOL. Yeah, I guess, like water fluoridation, HCFS, OxyContin, Talidomida, DDT and other great technologies that helped us.
As they say, there’s a sucker born every minute.
“the scientists involved seem aware of problems with mRNA but at the same time there’s lots of money to be made … ”
So these scientists keep their mouths shut and their heads down. In French it is called “Trahison des Clercs” (Betrayal by the Professional Class”).
I gave your only Upvote (to date) because you put this important problem clearly, and in modern language; although it was first stated around 2.500 years ago in the Axial Age when great minds began to wonder about The Duties of Humankind.
How do we judge the best man for the job? — Plato.
How do we judge the judges? — Juvenal
Fortunately there are always a few righteous scientist martyrs ready to “tell the Truth and shame the Devil.”. Hence:
“There was never a shortage of Cassandra’s to warn us that our march was folly” — The March of Folly, from Troy to Con-19..
Antibiotics works, mRNA so far only make profit. Thats a difference.
Yes, well I guess they failed, unless you’re considering Allergic reations something other than immunity disregulation, stage 4 cancers, interstitial lung disease, heart attacks, strokes, myo and peri carditis, brain bleeds, neuropathy, tinnitus, brain fog, miscarraiges, blood clots, nose bleeds, migraines, paralysis…..
They’re criminals.
Well said.
Erm… Anyone home?
Video: Pfizer’s “Secret” Report on the Covid Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The Evidence is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should Be Immediately Withdrawn Worldwide
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
June 18, 2023
Excerpted from the article:
“This Confidential Pfizer Report provides data on deaths and adverse events recorded by Pfizer from the outset of the vaccine project in December 2020 to the end of February 2021, namely a very short period (at most two and a half months).
The data from mid-December 2020 to the end of February 2021 unequivocally confirms “Manslaughter”. Based on the evidence, Pfizer had the responsibility to immediately cancel and withdraw the “vaccine”.
Pfizer’s Worldwide marketing of the Covid-19 Vaccine beyond February 28th, 2021, is no longer an “Act of Manslaughter”.
Murder as opposed to Manslaughter implies “Criminal Intent”.
Pfizer’s Covid 19 Vaccine constitutes a Criminal Act. From a legal standpoint it is an “Act of Murder” applied Worldwide to a target population of 8 billion people.” [End quote]
The Moderna product is essentially a clone of the mRNA poisons manufactured by Pfizer (and assigns). Mr. Chossudovsky is not alone in his analysis.
Re: Prof.Chossudovsky, I could not recall the name immediately but it sounded good vibes in my memory. From Wikipedia:
“Michel Chossudovsky (born 1946) is a Canadian economist and author. He is professor emeritus of economics at the University of Ottawa[1][2] and the president and director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which publishes falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[3][4][5]
Chossudovsky has promoted conspiracy theories about 9/11.[6][7][10][11]
In 2017, the Centre for Research on Globalization was accused by NATO’s STRATCOM of playing a key role in the spread of pro-Russian propaganda.[12]
U.S. State Department in August 2020 accused the [Chossudovsky] website of being a proxy for Russian disinformation .[13]
[ Irony Alert ! ]
Heh, heh… I just don’t understand this prejudice against conspiracy theorists. Some of my best friends are conspiracy theorists…
It should be duly noted that it is highly probable that Xi, Putler, Brandon, Anal Schwab, Kill Gates, and all the rest of them fucks take a shit pretty much on a daily basis, if not more fucking often, wherefrom one can extrapolate that they must be acting in globalist complicity, not to mention that they all breathe, eat, piss, and some of them might occasionally get laid.
In other fucking words, not sure how accurate results observing the world through the lens of vaccine manufacturing will yield. Yeah, I know; there is no virus, germs are harmless cute little bugs, everything is a fucking fake binary, but somehow the pesky fucking Chinks don’t think so.
They’re probably thinking that we’re in a situation akin to, say, the 1910s, with a major global upheaval, reshuffle, and advent of new technologies. One of them being genetic engineering. So, like everybody else, they’re trying to get ahead to have a competitive edge in the world that will emerge out of the current mess.
“Yes, it seems all the *ahem* “medicine” Moderna produces in China will only be for domestic use. That is to say, for use on Chinese citizens”
Like the Gates vaccine which killed and maimed Indian girls was only tested in India. Guinea pigs. I don’t know if Gates vaccines are still allowed in India.
Like the Ginsburg RNA Vaxx (Sputnik) is probably killing and maiming Russians — mainly young and healthy Russians. Guinea pigs.
“Who will regulate the regulators?” — Juvenal.
China currently differs from Rest of World by using traditional whole-virus vaccines rather than RNA Vaxx. If the Chinese team up with Moderna to do RNA experiments this will add 1.5 Billion guinea pigs to the current global genocide by RNA Vaxx.
Do you have some mortality data substantiating your verbal ejaculation to the above effect? Or are you using selective statistics just like the covidists?
Brigade 77s most eager new recruit?
Fuck off, stupid cunt. Furnish some data as per the above or shut the fuck up.
I’m just trying to show you how deluded your ‘they-after-us” crowd has become. You’re fucking worse than the covidian sheeple. They’ve mostly stopped giving shit, you’re still going full steam ahead with your paranoid hallucinations.
Time for you to wake up, idiot.
Slava Ukraini !
yeah it does have that tone…
The theme of the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2023 is ‘Entrepreneurship: The Driving Force of the Global Economy’.
At the 11th annual summer meeting of the WEF in Tianjin, next to Beijing, this June.
Kissinger’s dream team: cheap Chinese labor with affluent Anglo capital.
Well, the UK is also signed up to become a “hub” for new Moderna products, so I wouldn’t read too much into the Shanghai deal. In the long run if the globalist Great Resetters get their way, the entire effing world is going to end up aping the Chinese technotatorship.
Recently political economist Michael Hudson posted an article informing that the USA government had a choice of canceling the US Federal Debt or letting the economy crash – a crash worse than the Depression.
Ellen Brown outlines a solution:
‘Drawing on data from the Bank of International Settlements and the [US] Federal Reserve, [economist] Smith shows that the monetary economy is hundreds of times larger than the physical economy. The [US] budget gap could be closed by imposing a tax of a mere 0.1% on financial transactions, while eliminating not just Income Taxes but every other taxes we pay today. For a financial transaction tax (FTT) of 0.25%, we can fund benefits we cannot afford today that would stimulate growth in the real economy, not just infrastructure and development but free college, a universal basic income, and free health care for all. Smith contends we could pay off the national debt in ten years or less with a 0.25% FTT.’
Ellen Brown. The federal Debt trap, Issues and Possible Solutions:
It’s odd-on the midgets at the WEF etc favour letting the economy crash as they need a major economic crisis to enable the rapid imposition of their global digital prison…
And if anyone’s running a book on the odds that Trump will say he’ll Cancel The Debt if re-elected, let me know, ok !
‘hope and change’, ‘drain the swamp’, ‘cancel the debt’ – catchy phrases with no meaning, just like advertising jingles, and many people will love them.
What catchy jingle will we get from would-be president R.F Kennedy Jnr. I wonder? ‘tax the vax’? Any suggestions?
Just thought of one ‘all the way with RFK’ – whoops – used already!
If – and that’s a big “IF” – there are aliens; and if there’s a God…then the aliens will carry all PR persons to another planet.
And politicians will have to run without any “catchy jingle.”
Infrastructure, development, free college, universal basic income, free health care instead of deeper debt slavery? Isn’t that evil Communism?
If we can’t change who effectively controls those institutions, making them ‘free’ wouldn’t do us any good anyway.
Yes. But if we get free jabs and free money and free lagers who can say no?
Moderna, Moderna;
I’ve just bought some shares in Moderna,
And suddenly I’ve found that profits are unbound for me.
Moderna, Moderna;
I’ve cremated my cares in Moderna;
I kissed Baphomet’s rear, though not (you’ll be glad to hear) actually.
Play it fast, as the science ain’t stopping.
Play it loose, don’t count flies as they’re dropping.
The pharmaceutically absurd, or far worse, for the herd.
When are we going to stop calling these mRNA shots vaccines? They’re not and never ever were or will be no matter what they claim.
All vaccines are simply injectable poisons, so I don’t see the problem.
“We will vaccinate the entire global population”, (Gates)
Business is business…
The One Chart That Explains It All…
‘Nearly all the lollies for sale in a supermarket lolly aisle are mostly made of sugar.
Only the discerning are taken in by the different packagings.”…(anon)…
your link doesn’t work
Yeh, i know…For some reason links dont work sent to 0ffguardian – it could be a glitch in my pc…type in the link. or, type “the one chart that explains it all. mike whitney” – that should take you to the article…
Don’t be upset, people.
All dictators, despots and tyrants go through this ‘pre-terminal’ stage.
Before they are stopped.
Moderna might look like a big juggernaut, but inside it are mere humanoids, who can be held to account when we dig them out.
Wardropper: I’m not quite comforted by the fact that that is precisely what JFK might have advocated … and things have only become worse. Much, much worse …
Additionally, there is not even the pretense of – what used to pass for, ‘International -Law’ anymore. In my country – our mincing-poodle PM has had to make several trips overseas to indulge in the somewhat-obligatory and undignified arse-kissing requirements of Zelensky, the ZOG pin-up dickhead. The virtue-signalling is that the bastards appear to be winning and we’re still consoling ourselves with placatory niceties, and ‘turning-the-other-cheek’.
It will go away by itself, I believe, I hope, I have a dream. Something will show up.
I understand your doubts, but even within my own life I have seen many a dictator fall.
Of course there seems to be an unlimited supply of others waiting to take their place, but, frankly, every single one of us casts a shadow when the sun shines…
The point is whether or not you want to live the rest of your life in that shadow.
Some clearly do, but there is a price to pay for it.
Please list the number of dictators and/or chief politicians who in human history have been held to account and have gone to prison.
All of them died, held to account, and so will we.
Stalin was a criminal and spent years in prison for bank robbery.
Donald Rumsfeld, died from Multiple myeloma, a cancer of plasma cells, progresses with bone pain, anemia, kidney dysfunction, infections, amyloidosis.
Pol Pot, died from poison, heat failure.
JFK was shot. Dead.
Insatiable avarice breeds expedient, convenient and cannabalistic bedfellows.
The thing that’s getting lost in translation here in all the discussion about who’s one-upping whom is that the Chinese people will be coerced or forced into yet more experimental medical intervention.
China like the West is a pillar of the bankster’s world government. This agreement is hardly surprising given that convid was born in Wuhan. The Chinese governments’ heroic if dystopian efforts to combat the scourge are well known. The action has moved on. The new Churchill in Kyiv is leading us to victory against the dark forces to the East. A great time to be alive.
Meaning US was right all the way.
All the bombs thrown on the Commies, in Africa, ME, Yugoslavia, Hiroshima, Dresden, were justified.
The red danger, Hitler and the axis of evilness WAS the red danger, was Hitler and was the axis of evilness.
Our government did the best they could to save us and the Constitution, while we were running after the red, kissing their butts and too late realized we were digging our own graves?
Shanghai is also ahem updating its QR-code system:
“Shanghai is upgrading the standards of its city-level Shanghai QR code, or Suishenma, which has been used as a colored health code for COVID-19, to cover a wider category and optimize daily life services.
The applications may include disabled people’s parking, hospital queuing and net café registration in the future, Shanghai Daily learned.
Currently, the Shanghai QR code, with millions of resident users, is widely used as a one-stop for services in hospital, transportation, culture and tourism, and urban management.
In the future, the center will upgrade the Shanghai QR code system in three directions, covering personal services, enterprise services including “digital business cards,” and city infrastructure information, such as inquiries for public infrastructure, road traffic, park and culture building.
Up to now, Shanghai’s QR system has been widely used in daily life. It now covers over 400 public hospitals and 1,442 pharmacies citywide, 1,560 public transportation lines and culture sites including the Shanghai Library.”
So what happens when the power fails?
If and if my d… was stick, I could walk and do the talk.
We call the maintenance team, and this is not the first time we do it and not the first time we did it, and not the last time we will do it.
Or a big solar flare hits ?
The question isn’t “Are China and Russia playing along with the globalists?”
The question is “Are China and Russia being led to the slaughter by the (US led) globalists?”
“Come on down!” said the US (spider) to Russia and China (fly).
That is the question. What I used to call The Axis of Resistance (Hezb’Allah, Syria, Iran and Russia) to Anglo Zionazi Capitalist exploitation of the Middle East is still called The Axis of Resistance ten years later — but it has grown to include the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and is now a beacon of hope for the Rest of the World. The new Multi Polar World view has become an attractive alternative to the past century of despotic financial and military hegemony by the EU$A.
If they’re poisoning their own people, too, in what sense are they an ‘alternative’?
Dr David Martin is the best listen on all things Moderna, patents, bio weapons (vaccines) and Mr Fauci…
Dr.David Martin
Part of his CV:
With current work including financial engineering and investment, public speaking and writing,
he has also served as an advisor to numerous Central Banks, global economic forums,
the World Bank and International Finance Corporation and national governments around the world.
University of Notre Dame campus, Notre Dame, Indiana. 2015.
Speaking 53.00 in Dr.David Martin You-tube
The Founder of M·CAM®, the international leader.Two of who’s clients are Pfizer & Moderna. See link to Google/document.
Yeah, he actually says in the video that “climate investment” is nonsense and just trashes the whole thing.
His past career is how he is in a position to know the things he is talking about, and talks about without hiding behind an anonymous account or blog. Do you think Pfizer & Moderna are still doing business with him?
Instead of being the sleuth why don’t you just tell us what part of Martin’s recent output and activity on the matters discussed on this site you have a problem with?
Feels like an end game to me, as if they ask, beg: please stop up us
As in that film the Hitcher where Rutger Hauer could only be stopped by becoming increasingly blunt and sadistic to make clear to the innocent driver that he needed to be stopped (but couldn’t stop himself..)
Meanwhile in NL the cabinet is fallen and all the political hacks are weaseling out.
For the same reason.
Did the Dutch regime fall because of the 3rd Boer War? And are the farmers who grow the food now better represented than the financiers who cream off the profits?
This just isn’t terrifying enough.
Gonna make a fresh pot of coffee, go back to my copy of The Daily Alarmist and get a proper adrenaline fix.
Fear porn does sell.
I don’t know if my comments are going through but remember this rainbow pride comes before a fall.
Im not quite with you. “I will never destroy all humanity again by flood”, ok. So why are the queers using this sign? To show they won over God or what??
Well, we did have Sodom and Gomorrah after the flood, and a fair number of those inhabitants perished.
If we take those cities as metaphors for God’s wrath, it looks to me as if The Flood didn’t quite exhaust the Almighty’s repertoire.
I think treading carefully is usually a good idea in apocalyptic times, but what do I know…?
Fair enough. I would stick to the good idea even now. But it still doesnt answer my question to both you and Annie.
Why do the LGBT team use God’s treaty with humanity.
I have no idea why the LGBT team do anything.
After all, defining human beings as ‘teams’ is such an Old Testament philosophy…
RAINBOW 🌈 it means I will not destroy humanity again. What does it mean now?
Means the same now as ever: there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Iris, the messenger of the gods, wore rainbow clothes. The rainbow means Light, and Light was God’s first Creation.
This time he will destroy us with infertility. Pride marches are a celebration of barrenness. But I don’t think they are working. The clot shots have just felled 30 million. I am not sure how things will go. Not too well is certain.
‘Or are we destroying ourselves?’
Rainbow 🌈 what are your first thoughts? They have taken God’s sign to not flood the world again into something immoral.
No, the all merciful, all loving God will destroy us with fire this time around, not water. Ain’t He just the greatest! And to think they’re using His sign of love for immoral purposes! Is there no decency?
Jehovah is an artificial bankster created construct.
Other way around!
It’s mockery.
I am guessing that this is China’s plan B to solve their male overpopulation issue.
Plan A being a war.
Sad that the Chinese people seem to be so helpless to deal with the utter tyranny and oppression of the CCP.
Thank God we in the West are able to deal so effectively with our tyranny and oppression!
Yes, Israel, Gibraltar, Australia, New Zealand and others being prime examples.
Compared China, yes, we are way more free.
That however certainly isn’t an excuse or reason to comply.
If all the American people did one thing in defiance of government, what would be the most effective?
Withdraw their savings from the bank and walk outside with banners saying NO.
40 million people might be enough 😅
What?!! Here at the nemesis of false binaries site? Is there no escape?
I can’t take the years BC (Before Covid) seriously anymore. I’ll refrain from my tiresome – so I’ve been told – habit of referring to “Left” and “Right”. So I’ll just say that the moment various channels assemble the old rhetorical machinery about imperialism /high profile protest movements/ wailing about “the downtrodden” – who invariably turn out to be affluent consumers who can’t get their gender reassigment quick enough, etc. then I just switch off. Admittedly some of these are new developments. But they have the habit of making the old developments seem suspicious. e.g. “gay pride marches” which now look like artificially encouraged provocations.
So when the Western capitalist media start singing the praises of The Chinese System, you’ll excuse my lack of enthusiasm. And when the Western “Left” (sorry couldn’t resist it) demand that the Eastern way is the way to go then my enthusiasm plummets further.
As Lennon once sang, the dream is over.
Exactly. The only major question that plagues me now (pardon the phrase!) is: How far back does this great deception go? The French Revolution? The American War of Independence? The Enlightenment? The Reformation? The New Testament? The Old Testament? Babylon? Atlantis?
More and more, I just see all of human history and civilization as one long rope-a-dope manoeuvre being conducted against the human race by a crafty and shadowy élite. Am I just paranoid? Should I stop consuming alt-media? </SARC>
Babylon is the likely start of it as far as we know. “Atlantis” was destroyed by a polar shift before that, which is the most likely end of this shit show, excepting more benevolent divine intervention.
The danger of sarcasm. I initially took the subtitle “Take that globalists!” at face value till I realised it was meant ironically. Or I at least presume it is. It doesn’t make sense otherwise.
Sarcasm is meant to be exactly dangerous. Telling people if you cant get this is sarcasm, you are too stupid.
The Bible says be careful with sarcasm because it is like barbed wire who tear the flesh apart and it can kill people.
So it should be used with care, but it is a way to say, if you cant get it you are too much.
But in times of authoritarianism, that’s one of only few weapons we still have.
A pity that almost no artists (writers, painters, actors, etc.) are making use of this in these dangerous times.
Entertainment is just another syndicate controlled by the globalist élite.
I generally get sarcasm, but not always, and I am pretty bright. Lots of people don’t get it; it isn’t their fault. This is why it is important to be clear in what we say. We want to convince and inform, not alienate.
Americans dont get it and they dont like it, in general. It depends on the culture.
But sarcasm can be a very useful tool to get info through you cant say straight out.
We are closing in on woke, new speak, free speech, hurt feelings, m.m.
AI and IoT doesnt like irony too, Thats why we use it.
Because AI doesnt like it and can handle it. Sarcasm has a human angle and purpose.
Russia and China are the real Globalist and the NWO.
The gates are closed, and the Commies are now EVERYWHERE on you job, in your schools, on the streets, in your grandma’s basement, inside all airplanes, inside all governments.
I and McCarthy warned you about who was lying under your bed. We tried to save the American people and our Constitution, but you refused.
Aldous Huxley:
Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there’s hardly a healthy human left.
Now shut up and eat the bugs.
Which members of Congress hold stock in the company? The question has been floating around for a long time. I wrote my Congressman and my Senators asking them if they owned stock in Moderna.
None of them replied.
No doubt, they checked to make sure I was on “the list”.
Fuck you NSA. Obese homosexuals living in your mother’s basement sucking popsicles all night while playing computer games and watching porn.
Fucking traitors violating the U.S. constitution.
And their traitorous deeds were carried out through the Military Operation Warp Speed that was a feather in the cap for the Father of the Death Clot Jab.
I love this site but there will come a time I won’t be able to express or view my points.Its getting worse this is a spiritual war the overlords if you can call them that want to to take your mind body and soul like China please don’t let them win.
With the eventually being introduced quantum computing and compulsory ID verification to log onto the internet (in progress in Australia), all encryption tools will be overridden and ineffective. So, yes, enjoy reading alt media articles while we still have time.
We are going to have to go further than reading, methinks…
Moderna…signed a strategic cooperation agreement with authorities in Shanghai…
Who exactly are these authorities? Any names?
To just say Shangai authorities or Chinese authorities as the linked article does tells us next to nothing.
A tiny group of key players representing the super-rich in the United States and China coordinated closely to promote and implement the lockdowns in China. If anyone asks who makes these policies in China, who handles the data, or who is control of the programs, that undergird QR codes and contact tracing, the answer is inevitably it is the Chinese government.
The reality is that few, or none, of these policies were made up or implemented by the Chinese government itself, but rather that the Chinese government is occupied by IT corporations that report to the billionaires (often through Israel and the United States,) and bypass the Chinese government altogether.
They have their own shadow government (don’t like the term but oh well) in cooperation with private consulting firms and intelligence contractors which controls IT processes (for but one example) using private intelligence firms run for the benefit of the billionaires.
The Shanghai billionaires are doggedly and frequently in opposition to Xi- unlike here in the US there are very real internal (and regional) divisions in the Chinese gov’t including divisions within the CCP itself of which large sections have been turned into a business club.
There are powerful US business interests including Big Pharma, major hi-tech companies, banking etc. throughout China- specifically throughout Shanghai. As well there are droves of Chinese academics, scientists, medical doctors who tend to be “pro-American.”
China’s Academy of Sciences China’s business schools (e.g. Beijing, Dalian, Guangzhou) going back to the early 1980s have ties with Ivy League institutions. Many of them have joint MBA programs, e.g. Shanghai’s Fudan University School of Management with MIT. Stanford has a campus in China as well an agreement with Beijing University, etc. Another example is Tsinghua University’s School of Journalism’s graduate program which is funded by Bloomberg together with several Wall Street banking institutions.
Again, simply saying, the Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatization and the district government of Minhang, doesn’t really hold much meaning.
Who controls the Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatization for example?
Who controls the district government of Minhang?
How does the funding work? How does the IT sector play into this? Who do they report to?
And on and on…
Need some meat on the bones here.
No ‘authorities’ in China.
Everybody is equal, don’tchya know…
Thanks for putting some meat on the bones. As far as I am concerned, Communism is a good form of government and James brother of Jesus was the first Communist chairman. So there is a real ideological division between China and EU$A; and a perpetual war against China, Cuba, even Russia because of its Communist era.
As you say, China is “Communism with Chinese characteristics” which means Communism by a people that love a deal. It seems to me that businessmen play a large part in China’s economy but (unlike in the EU$A) the business class does not own the government.
Yes, the link between communism and Yahweh’s chosen ones (chosen for dinner) has been talked about at some length….
It is similar in Russia. The counter-oligarchy (plutocrats and government officials) hoping to “align” with the West are called Atlanticists.
As someone who used to comment here said- there is one overarching corporation and lots of franchises. Period.
Who controls a one-party state? Well … ultimately it’s the globalist élite, the same as everywhere.
Max, as a longtime fellow traveler and admirer, this is one of the only instances in which I have to disagree with your analysis. From my perspective this and other comments of yours in defense of the CCP and Xi are drenched in denial of the fact the Chinese revolution was betrayed decades ago and has been steadily reversed since, and the Chinese and US ruling classes have been and are currently in collaboration to exploit, impoverish, repress, poison, and enslave their respective populations.
Hi Joopy,
I don’t see where I’m defending the CCP or Xi or “China” for that matter.
As I said the current iteration of the CCP is as much a business club as it is a political organization which is in keeping with China having become a capitalist country.
I think we are in agreement here on the betrayal you speak about.
A comparison might be with Russia and Putin- I would have to say that overall the articles here and in particular the pieces from the featured writer on Russia/Ukraine, Riley Waggerman, are not very contextualized, don’t really provide the reader with solid footing of any sort- lots of conflations and assumptions.
This doesn’t mean I then support Putin, I don’t, he is a scoundrel.
However what is happening in Russia/Ukraine right now has a long history and it is one of non-stop Western meddling and aggression.
What I’m saying here is that the situation in China is far more complex than how it is portrayed here and in fact the sources used for this article are pretty poor.
I think you’d be interested in this piece:
where are your sources?
There are three levels of government; first we have the visible government, the State, the superstructure, the president, ministers, bureaucrats, the usual characters we see on the media that keep saying the same things in a discourse one recognises immediately regardless of language. Then we have the invisible government of shadowy economic and financial interests that dictate their “suggestions” and “advice” to the visible government so that the system of government that keeps the visible government employed doesn’t crash; then you have the Core Governing Law of the Tangential Fall in the Rate of Profit, – demonstrated independently by several economists – that compels the invisible government to make the “suggestions” they make.
It doesn’t really matter if it’s the US, Russia, or China; we have the same structure of decision making, and therefore asking “Who?” is of secondary importance to asking the question “What?” or “Why?” or “How?” as there is no one really at the core to point a finger at, and as actors of flesh and blood can be replaced if needs be.
This is the ungoverned government, the primum movens:
World Rate of Profit
Source: Economist Michael Roberts’ article “A world rate of profit: a new approach”
So its the system or ideology behind who are wrong. Not any people. Very important.
Thanks for this new and interesting perspective. Got any links about CCP’s infilitration by people who work with Israeli/US interests?
Yes, we get there are no heroic nations. Only heroes. And too few of those. Still, it is intriguing to watch the world being reconfigured. Granted, still in its early stages and too early to predict the outcome.
Maybe they should study the moronicron variant that signed this deal…
Do they really think that this vaporware tech works?
It was a scam by the department of defense to poison many.
Maybe they should read Sasha Latypova and learn what moderna really is.
Moderna’s like what it says, like totally modern, you know, progressive and totally amazing, no fuddy duddy trials or any of that boring stuff. Don’t be too like down about the domestic use only, I’m signing on for the first n
ew product whatever it’s for, they’ll make me immune to everything quite soon, let’s face it promises are so yesterday, the shots will be on our chemist’s shelves before you can say tedross gaybraces.
Next you’ll be on the Grade A disaster contributors list, woopie
More gain of function research with zero over sight.
Googled Sasha Latipova. “Live stream not available on this video” but here is the screed:
“41,906 views Streamed live on Mar 22, 2023
“I know whodunit,” says Sasha Latypova. “I only guess who ordered it.” Sasha joins Dr. Kelly Victory to discuss her research and what she calls the “executive organizational structure of the covid crime.” •• LINKS & SOURCES: 」
•• Sasha Latypova is a former pharmaceutical R&D executive with 25 years of experience in clinical trials, clinical technologies, and regulatory approvals. She owned and managed several contract research organizations and worked for more than 60 pharma companies worldwide. She interacted with the FDA as part of a scientific industry consortium on improving cardiac safety assessments in clinical trials. Follow Sasha at and read more at
[Emphasis by NickM in final para because a global outbreak of Cardio Vascular Injuries (CVI) followed global injections of RNA Vaxx. Obviously the Vaxx was not adequately tested for safety — could not have been because it was rushed out by WHO without the usual 10-15 year safety trial for a vaccine that is going to be injected into the global population — where even a small risk will lead to many injuries. This might be why Rob advised us to “read Sasha Latypova: she might have been “one of the righteous clerks” who protested against rushing an experimental treatment onto a mass of people — which is a form of genocide under Nuremberg Convention.]
So far the injured represents <1-2 0/00 or lets say 1 % of the injected.
Shouldnt we also talk about all the 99 % who have no harm other than 2-3 days of nuisance? All those who feel good about their jabs??
We continue to discuss all the problems that minorities have yes? Why is that??
Not sure why you are commenting on this website. There are hundreds of other forums where you can air your support for the “vaccines” that allegedly protected against what got labelled “Covid.” My nephew’s son is one of what you call the “1%” of those harmed by the vaccine. He died of swelling in the heart. I will continue to raise the issue for that reason alone, leaving aside all the other BS we have heard since 2020: that masks work, that lockdowns were justified, that the loss of basic rights and freedoms were justified, that pressure to conform rose 1000%, that the “vaccine” protected you/prevented spread/lessened symptoms, that billions were spent to get the vaccines that could have been used elsewhere, that economies were shut down, etc etc etc. You like the “vaccine”? Fine? Go get another injection, why not get a thousand since they are so safe.
Or were you being sarcastic? If so, accept my apology.
I am more clean than any of you in the anti-vaxx camp. I smelled wall street fraud already from the beginning.
You probably got at least several PCR tests, I got zero.
No, I am just challenging my own and our narrative. All the 70-99% people who got the vaxx tell me they are fine, and intent to continue with boosters.
So the harmed I know of, but I know nothing about the majority who are fine and will continue the scam.