Creating a World of Distrust
Todd Hayen
I remember a time when people were left to their own devices when determining what to pay attention to and what to ignore.
Remember “Bat Boy?” A strange Weekly World News (sister tabloid to the National Enquirer) creation set to terrorize and dismay. Did anyone really believe this? I doubt if many did. Some did, I’m sure, but what can ‘ya do?
I remember wondering about it. I was still young and impressionable (actually, I still wonder about it, I guess I am old and impressionable now). The operative word here is “wonder.” No government agency told me I was not allowed to wonder if something was “true” or not. I figured that out on my own. Why is this good?
Well, for one thing, you would have to be a nutcase to allow the government, or any authoritative power, to tell you what you were allowed to wonder about. Secondly, wondering is healthy. It hones your senses; you figure stuff out on your own. There is nothing more powerful than having to figure something out on your own. It takes something called “thinking”—which seems to be in low supply these days.
I just saw a meme with two heads speaking to one another. One head is visibly angry and is saying something like, “look at this!!!” holding up a cell phone. The other head says, “oh yeah, let me tell you what I think of that.” The angry head says, “shut up idiot!! You are not an expert!!” There’s more to it than that, but that’s enough to make my point.
Expert? Since when do you have to be an expert to have an opinion?
Sure, if you were in an operating room witnessing a brain surgery and the surgeon moves a scalpel in a certain way and you yell out, “excuse me, Dr. Surgeon, uh, I think you might want to cut THAT instead.” And the surgeon says, “shut up, idiot!! You are not an expert!!” MAYBE that would be ok…but…who knows?
I have a real life experience similar to that little story.
When my first wife was dying of cancer, something went horribly wrong with her Port-A-Cath (a device surgically placed in your chest for easy administration of chemo). She got very sick, and had some rather obvious symptoms. I scoured the Internet for clues, and thought I had figured out that the Port-A-Cath was plugged up with a blood clot.
We went to see her Harvard-educated oncologist who immediately diagnosed her condition as accelerated cancer growth at the site of the Port-A-Cath. I said, “no way!” and was told, albeit in different words, “shut up idiot! You are not an expert!” I realized what I was dealing with and to make a long story short, I manipulated my way around his ego and got him to change his diagnosis to “blood clot on the Port-A-Cath.” And I made it seem like he came up with it himself, not me. It saved her life.
So…never underestimate a non-expert idiot.
What does this mean? Yes, there ARE experts, and then there is just useful insight. I believe we have been maliciously trained to ignore the latter, and pay attention only to the former. But it gets worse. Who determines who the experts are? You guessed it. The “state.” Yahoo…now we’re happy.
“Science” has also been made into the state’s impenetrable god figure that only certain “experts” actually understand. The former “Science Czar” Fauci is one of these “Science Priests.” Only he, and a few like him with a similar appointed position, can determine what science is.
So rather than yelling “Fauci-denier” we hear “science denier.” Definitions of certain words, such as “vaccine” and “immune” among several others, have been conveniently changed in order to fit the “New Science.” So now no one can utter anything, no opinion, no alternative insight, nothing, if it disagrees with the hierarchy now set in place.
It is interesting how much disdain is projected on “normal people” making comments about sacrosanct “determinations” handed down from the priests on high. And anything anyone says, if it is convenient to do so, can be disregarded as “non-truth” depending on the “expert status” of the speaker. Back when talk of vaccines was all the rage, I got into an argument with a “vax-cultist.” He was claiming that no vaccine, including the Covid shot, is fully safe and effective (duh). “Who says it is!” he blurted out. Wow, he walked right into that one. I suggested a few names, particularly the President of the United States, Joe Biden—“the vaccines are safe and effective.”
His response? “Biden is not a virologist, he is not an expert, so no one should listen to him.” What?? I said the same about Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, who claimed the vaccines were never meant to stop transmission. My friend’s response? “Bourla is a business executive, not an expert on vaccines.” What?? This is what we were up against—and for the most part, still are.
But where did all this start? Surely in the Bat Boy days people were not so gullible to need “experts” to tell them if Bat Boy was real or not. (Well, some people were I guess.) The point again is that we made these determinations ourselves once upon a time. Sure, we often referred to experts for things that mattered, like brain surgery. But we did not think there was only one expert in the whole world. We got second opinions. We even got opinions from friends and family. We listened to different viewpoints, different insights. Sure, we would not ask Uncle Bob to wield the knife if surgery was imminent, but we might listen to his experiences if he at one time had a similar surgery.
Yes, there are things in the world that are far too complex for us to figure out on our own. But you might be surprised those examples account for a very small number of things we personally have to deal with. And for the most part, our concerns about complex systems like microwaves, 5G, jabbing with strange medicines, among many others, more often than not turn out to be correct. A common sense question like “if this vaccine is brand new, how DO they know what will happen in five years?” is quite appropriate to ask, you don’t need to know anything more complex than that. Hearing as an answer, “don’t worry, we know what we are doing,” has never, ever, been reassuring.
I think this deliberate process into a “non thinking” world has been slow and steady, and a study of this phenomenon would take a book full of research to completely flesh out.
The Western educational system is a good place to start, and the hypnotization of the Western medical system that has been fully monetized, and manoeuvred by powerful forces, since the beginning of the 19th Century is another. It is a formidable problem of which we are currently seeing the devastating results.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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I had a vision like dream state event back in the day. I was a passenger on an airplane, alone, just me on the plane. As the plane climbed I watch from my window the earth pull away, as I always do when i fly nothing new. On this flight, a short time after the plane leveled out it began to dive, tumble, and climb and tumble, dive and climb. I freaked moved quickly to the front of the plane opened the door and there was no pilot.
Perhaps, it would help if everyone on an individual basis would realize they have no pilot on their journey.
Someone said, “You are what you THINK you are no matter WHO made you think it.”
Ah yes the ‘experts’. I think we’ve all come to understand over the last 3 years this is actually a synonym for quack or huckster.
It’s good to mention in dispatches,some of the people who you think write really wel…you can even send them some money if you want to…and then you come to nearly the opposite extreme..a man I still have some respect for..but wtf has happenned to Dan…his latest effort is far worse than anything anyone wrote in the Guadian – Dan makes Monbiot look sane – The lead article in The Daily Telegraph today…but they have probably have got the young teenagers in control now – and they agreed -let’s put this up as the lead article/news for a laugh..
Daniel Hannan – worst ever effort at propaganda – almost all of this is total nonsense….no sources and no evidence -Dan he makes it up in his sleep – presses send, and the kids publicise it – whilst their parents are away on holiday
Maybe Dan is trying to get London nuked.
You are a seriously sick person. I’d say get help, but your are your own expert on everything, so…
Do you also give remote readings? I have a neighbor I would love you to examine and report on.
The last few years have revealed the medical profession as the most vile parasites of humanity. Worse than vampires.
Many will be familiar with the image of the Doctor sat in his/her (yes, also women) big leather chair behind a big desk, with the air of unquestionable authority over your own health, in other words your life.
They are trained to be part of a system that poisons people, defines diseases to explain the poisoning, and then sells synthetic medications and very expensive machines, not to cure or heal ( these words are anathema to them) but to manage the disease.
It is a drug dealing system: creating addicts so as to sell the drugs.
The authoritarian atittude of the all-knowing Doctor is supposedly to discourage self-diagnosis and self-medication, but as most of us here know, it extends well beyond that to discourage the use of anything not sold by the doctor’s employers…that often actually works.
Best I could tell was the doc was a clueless authoritarian figure who took the administration role to a level of corruption never witnessed before, ergo the last words spoken by said doc were, “We’ve never seen this before”
Claims of needing to examine, test or treat further are common. It may be genuine ignorance/inexperience, or money-making. As one doctor said some time ago, how many in the “profession” can make full use the ubiquitous stethosscope.
You also need a dose of professional help. Clock don’t tick right.
When a dog raises its head and sniffs the air, it doesn’t wait for some other authority to define the scent…
– Paul Vonharnish –
Never assume.
We assumed.
Congress assumed.
We assumed the model makers knew what they were talking about. When Ferguson said we were all going to die and quickly no one had the balls to ask questions and verify his model.
We assumed that WHO was credible.
We assumed that Fauci could be trusted.
We assumed that PCR testing was accurate.
Instead of verifying, we panicked.
We panicked because we assumed.
They are assuming.
They are assuming that they cannot be held to account.
Never assume.
As the old saying goes: When I assume, I make an ass of you and me.
Ferguson had form though in sending millions of animals to their deaths with his ‘modeling’ back in 2001. I lived on the very edge of a city close to fabulous countryside including farmland and a national park. The countryside was closed for the whole of a Summer – no walking, no climbing, no sightseeing or visiting historic places. Farmers were happy – no walkers on the public footpaths on their land. The National Park was happy – no dealing with the public and the land empty. I realised the ‘rules’ only applied to the land off the roads, so I walked my dog on empty public roads with the views of fields, moors, hillsides over the stone walls or hedges. One day I got talking to a man who was an employee of the National Park. He told me the restrictions ended in 2 days time – late August – the end of Summer here, and every one back to school. I started walking again on the land. No one ‘official’ told me off but many members of the public chased after me and told me I couldn’t walk there particularly with a dog.
That event was about CONTROL – of farmers – destroying their businesses and way of life, destroying animals, controlling people and their activities, and their Summer holidays, restricting them to towns and cities.
When Ferguson cropped up again 20 years later with his ‘modeling’ I knew he was talking rubbish.
Professor Lockdown, aka “The Master of Disaster”
Also known as Professor Pantsdown (British pants as in underwear, not US pants as in trousers) The ‘rules’ were not for him. During lockdown he had his married mistress cycle across London for a ‘session’ with him at his place.
Yes indeed you’re preaching to the choir here, but thanks for the memories. I advertised his gaffs, especially that scarlet treason, county-wide here in Orange County California the moment I read it on May 6th while it was still hot out of the adulterating oven. As far as I know I was the first person in the region really who stood out in front of stores like Walmart solo and shouted HOAX! to the sheeple filing in through barriers. I was expecting to be dismissed or arrested but instead I found that all the store security was on my side and looked the other way!
The rabbit holes just kept getting deeper and deeper from then on, but as far as Ferguson goes I had read chapter & verse all about him by May 2020 and published all his dirty laundry widely, or rather hung it out to air in very public ways.
Was only a speed bump for SAGE though.
I had pants like that from Marks & Spencer’s, 1974. Colorful. Wore them as bathing trunks on the beach at Cannes, bequeathed to me by lads on holiday (this time of year) from LSE, who became good friends.
TMI, but helps give context, from a Yank!
One of the central heads of the hydra – MIT – can always be relied on to shill it up for that “eco-friendly smiley face” transhumanist future:
Note the most urgent concerns here:
“Cultivated meat is coming to the US. Whether it’ll clean up emissions from food is complicated.
In theory, that should be a big win for the climate.”
Got that?
“One of the major drivers for businesses focusing on cultivated (or lab-grown, or cultured) meat is its potential for cleaning up the climate impact of our current food system.”
i.e. the only driver for shovelling out this shit is that mysterious “potential for cleaning up the climate impact of our current food system”.
And, to deliver the illusion of something a little bit more solid, cue the waffle-de-doo about greenhouse gas emissions, percentages of something or other etc.
“Exactly how this shift happens will not only determine whether these new food options will be cheap enough to make it into people’s carts. It may also decide whether cultivated meat can ever deliver on its big climate promises.”
The “cheap enough” bit is irrelevant. It’s that theological “delivering on big climate promises” that matters.
The deadly cow farts are back! These dastardly creatures managed to hide their devastating effect on the environment for millennia but now, thanks to “The Science”, they’ve been rumbled!
But it seems that this “cultivated meat” may also not be good enough for the climate! There are “still many open questions to answer” i.e. We don’t know if the public have been sufficiently bamboozled by this steaming crap to go along with it yet. So – hush hush, softly softly etc.
Even if cows produce a significant amount of methane, this is easily rectified by giving them (a) what they eat naturally – grass or straw – instead genetically mutilated and other grain (b) less antibiotics (c) some probiotics.
The safety of GM crops has NOT been establised, and all the indicators are that they are deadly. Now, we have lab-grown meat, and GM lab-grown meat may follow.
Meanwhile, someone (IEEFA) has just discovered that the mining industry has been “under-declaring” methane emissions. For petrolem/gas, it was 90% less. For coal, it was 80% less, at least in Australia.
Vilnius NATO summit unveils plans for global domination
The world is run by very trust worthy people they intend to rule the world..
read this POS and crawl back into to your slave chains.
Every US/EU man must stand up and fight for our way of living, Go Green Global.
Those who dont wish to save the planet, are with the enemy who wish to destroy nature..
Bat Boy exists. He grew up and founded Amazon.
Wrong! Its clearly Elon before the cosmetic slices. (I’ve stashed the negatives, no need for extortion, they’ll go for millions at auction, in due time.)
Nothing to disagree with – just common sense that’s lacking almost everywhere today.
Just my pet peeve – jabbing us with anything is bad for us. Except in the one in a million instances where you need to be put under for surgery. Sure, it’s still bad for us but it’s way better than biting down on a stick.
There is a big difference between simple proven inorganic compounds and totally secret organic molecules (plus many “adjuvants”) going straight into the bloodstream.
I wonder why I wasted my time reading this article….
Must be your Wonder Years
Whatever you would have been doing otherwise must not have been all that important.
I took a look into Bat Boy and to the National Enquirer. Same crazy category as the comic Far Side . Fabulous Freak Brothers, all making a joke out of our weird life.
So you are in a stage where you have lost yourself, and you want to bring that out to the whole world? You wasted your time.
For me, the comment thread is where it is at)
As Alan Watts may have said, it’s where it’s Atman.
Nice one. Thanks.
BTW, it’s only by pure accident I get it. I was never into Alan Watts; but I did do some research on various unusual terms.
My attorney father by the flesh (ecjlaw com) asked one Spring night in ’69 if he could borrow my bad to the bone Russian cossack shirt. I was shocked because he simply hated the shirt, so I was alarmed at his switcheroo. But he wanted it so I taunted him within the limits as to why all of a sudden that of all shirts was so important. I had to probe a little. Finally he said that he was invited to a dinner at Alan Watts’ home over the hill 10 miles in Hollywood. I pleaded that he take me with him but he would only take the shirt, on him. He never came home till long after I went to bed and then with one ear cocked I thought I heard the back door open about 2:00 a.m. I asked him if Watts had retained his services as attorney. He said about as sheepishly as I can remember him in that mode ever saying anything, finally that Watts had told him something like “I don’t think that I can be your client, we have almost nothing in common on the really important levels.” Thanking Laura Huxley for inviting my old man he showed them to the door and in bidding one another adieux, he parted company, saying, “But I’ll say one thing, anyone who can wear a shirt like that can’t be all bad.” I give my ol’ scalawag of an ol’ man points for his candor to me, since he was clearly crestfallen and blushed, but the shirt and my inner Cossack were redeemed at least. (I sometimes wondered why I had been drawn to the shirt when I saw it in a hippie magazine that past Christmas, and then some decades later I saw a picture of… Read more »
As a matter of fact, Watts did say that.
But it was allowed as a pun 50+ years ago. And even then he said it rather sheepishly to a packed lecture hall, disguised by much swag Wattsian patented swag. It was around the time of the Summer of Love and everybody dug it. Too cool for school right then, in that stretch of mad months. So there’s that.
What about his near namesake, Alan Watt?
Exactly why I made the comment…I love the hysterical reactions.I get by flipping the thread narrative
At least you didn’t waste your time bothering to give an explanation.
The State appoints and relies on Experts mainly for propaganda purposes…Though the Reality is, The State doesnt need Experts because it has Guns…(anon)
“You dont need a Weatherman
to know which way the wind blows.”…
(1960s folksinger)…
I guess we’re talking about the fallacy of appeal to authority here.
In other words, it is a fallacy to claim that a statement is correct because it is made by somebody who is supposedly an authority if the statement is a crock of shit. The somebody’s alleged authority doesn’t enter into it.
Now, it gets a bit more complicated in matters where a layperson is unable to determine the degree of crockshittedness of a statement due to technical considerations, and has to rely on an expert to explain, in a reductionist manner, what the fuck is going on. In such a case, one still needs to rely on his own judgment and gut feeling, which the author very correctly did in the aforementioned situation.
Be it as it may, there is no doubt that many an expert are full of shit to say the least, but one shouldn’t go to the other extreme and conclude that all scientific disciplines and all of science is full of shit, corrupted, etc. There is a lot of it, for sure, as is always the case. The world is nuanced and one gotta stay vigilant, expect foul play, and keep separating the fucking wheat from the fucking chaff.
‘…there is no doubt many an expert are full of shit’ – i’ll stake my expertise on that…
There’s a lotta groupthink amongst Scientists: they gotta, because their jobs depend on it – that’s my expert opinion, anyway!
“You gotta serve somebody”…(1960s folksinger – when he got infected by that 0ld Time Religious bug.)
We’re told Einstein was a patent clerk.
It can be debated whether the guy new anything about physics and cosmology but what can’t be debated is that he was exalted as an expert. Amen.
Dylan served the ‘commander-in-chief’, the one you do bargains with as per the famous interview: Shocking excerpts from Bob Dylan’s 60 Minutes Interview-Did he sell his soul? – YouTube
So you think that a person that has less “intellect” than the person claiming to be an expert, isn’t qualified to question the expert, or to outright discount them because of any doubt they are acting in their best interest?
Are you a government stooge tyrant in training?
It is much safer to assume all “experts” and “scientists” are full of shit, and make them prove otherwise, than to assume any can be trusted.
You’re introducing a strawman here by invoking “acting in one’s interest” and “trust”, tovarish.
It’s not a question of intellect per se, even though I understand that the lack thereof is an issue in your case, it’s a question of a lack of expertise. In plain language, if you know fuck all about something, it’s kinda fucking hard for you to put into question what somebody says who happens to know something about the relevant subject matter. Even you might be able to understand that.
How “government stooge or tyrant” enters into any of this, I understand not, and I gather that neither do you. We’re talking about expertise now.
I’m afraid that no expert is required to prove anything to you and you, in turn, are not required to accept anything they propose. Perhaps you could try to become an expert at something too, so that you’d know what the fuck you’re talking about, instead of rejecting everything in a nihilistically paranoid manner.
Right, so how many jabs did you get because the experts told you to?
Do you still think those experts shouldn’t have been questioned, and we should have all just “trust the science”?
If the experts in the medical field are so smart and experty, why is medical malpractice one of the leading causes of death in the world?
I do not need to be an expert lawyer to know that the legal system is a pile of shit that does not really represent the ideal of justice for all.
I do not need to be a medical expert to know that it is always better to get multiple opinions, and that medicine can be poisonous.
I don’t need to be an expert at war to know that war is a racket that only benefits the Central Bank Cartel.
I knew then, just like I know now, that CONVID1984 was a total BS PLANNEDemic, just to inject people with poison so that Big Pharma could rake in the money. I didn’t need to be an expert in at mRNA technology to know it was untested and that I didn’t want to be a lab rat.
Trusting experts is how people get fucked over by the system, because they place trust in some a-hole that can’t wait to take advantage for themself at your expense. That is what makes you a government stooge and the one likely to stand guard at a death camp. You are just the person the government is looking for.
I am an expert at something you fuck tard, and I don’t go around demanding anyone do anything. You call if paranoia, I call it learning from history and being critically skeptical.
Go get your boosters.
You sound like an expert at running at the mouth about watering the tree of liberty while sitting scared shitless in your basement, propping your non-existent confidence by spitting toxic spit at anybody who happens not to be as paranoid and plain fucking stupid as you.
Yeah, all experts (read: people who dedicate their lives to studying a certain subject) are idiots because your from-the-sticks self can see right through them.
So you trust ‘experts’ implicitly. Gotcha 😉
Obviously, you don’t get what’s at play here.
There has been a multitude of reactions to CONVID, an event that grossly abused the issue of expertise, i.e. experts were misused to prop the obvious scam. The reactions included anything ranging from sheeplish compliance to the rejection of expertise, knowledge per se.
A large part of the dissenters, the stupid, gullible kind, now reject every expert issue, statement, any knowledge amassed over millennia. Like it’s all bullshit because experts are no good cunts.
Beautiful! Yet another way how to deprive people of foothold, how to suspend them midair with point de repere, to make everything relative, to blur fuction with reality.
Are expert misused, is some expertise bullshit? Fuck, yes. Does it mean that everything is bullshit and all knowledge, expertise we have to date is a crock of malevolent shit? Fuck, no. Things are nuanced. Live with it,
When it comes to government, this isn’t the first time, and won’t be the last.
How many times does a person get to lie to you before you decide you can’t trust them anymore?
Why does the government get a pass?
We’re talking about experts, idiot, not government.
They are one in the same in the context of the discussion of mandates, retard.
You just let go can ya!
Realise you’ve got most base’s covered in your comment. But it doesn’t account for the amount of “experts & professionals” that are just institutionalised regurgitators. That’s the mind virus that’s been a huge driving element of this shit show, has facilitated it, continues too.
‘Its been ‘us’ doing it to ‘us’ & the zombie like unquestioning conformity & obedience that accompanies it.
Virology & Germ Theory is Weapon.
You seem to get a pass here. Why is that?
What are you trying to imply? That the world should be purged of everybody who is not croaking the same incoherent shit like you? Whining about germ theory and virology, always ready to wave all the FOI requests that prove that the government has no isolated virus?
You bitch about conformity, but turn on a dime and require that everybody conform to your own orthodoxy? Ts ts …
Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m doing 🤣 Every chance I get, like fuck.
“Calling for a purge” 🤣 That’s very creative. Yes, I’m leading a culling, absolutely.
I am bored of the 1st world whining, that’s true & what you accuse me of is a very good fit for yourself.
You fly into rages at any that dare question you dear.
“They don’t create cures but customers” is still the truth. Now who pushes the drugs?
You and me would probably have a really nice chat, but you’d have to step up coherence. I have no clue what the fuck you’re talking about.
‘Potty’. Ignore the dissenters. Keep up the posting.
I (for one) appreciate your (often wayward) thoughts. You’d never make an undercover spy (eminently recognizable regardless of current moniker (as is ‘YourPointBeing’ btw) but, nevertheless, you do have good thoughts to offer. ’nuff said.
“Ene Bene” – a good film btw. The reality of democracy?
How convenient. No dishonesty there!
The mark of a scientist — someone who thinks according to scientific principles — is an innate skepticism. It can be summed up by the notion that “the more you know, the less you understand”, its the realization that comes with possessing a large body of knowledge of just how little you actually know. This is especially true in the case of medical knowledge like the examples you quote because until recently medical knowledge has been entirely empirical (a polite term for ‘guesswork derived from observations’) and even now we’re only just getting to grips with how things really work.
(Here its worth a statement attributed to Ernest Rutherford — “All science is physics or stamp collecting”. This is another way of saying “If you can’t quantify it then you can’t describe it accurately”.)
Scientists are actually human beings with all the foibles and shortcomings of human beings so your brain surgeon example could just be a case of “Leave me alone, I’m doing something really tricky“. (Its the same problem we have with activities like flying aircraft — humans can only tolerate a limited number of inputs st one time before going into a form of mental overload so designers have to bear this in mind if they want to make warning systems effective.) The poor attitude of the oncologist, though, is unfortunately all too common. Sometimes it really does take a child to point out that the Emperor was naked.
So many words to say nothing…
What, as opposed to so few? By you?
The last sentence was ok.
Very generous of you….but I disagree
You disagree with everything to get attention. Look at the wisdom:
“Sometimes it really does take a child to point out that the Emperor was naked”.
Come on. Tell us Confucius, Socrates, Pythagoras, were clowns compared to you, to get more attention…………………..LOL.
With lifelong runaway A D.D. (innate, then add quite a few shots to the head, rugby, hoops, crashes, etc etc) and my brain is a potpourri which lashes out at times, with too much input. I snapped at a driver this morning who was asking for a coveted beach parking space, mine, because I had my door open for cooler air and so she chirped right in, sweetly, right when I was just as intense as could be in concentrating. Then pretended to misunderstand my “no” so I said “NO!” and many feathers were ruffled. So I hear you, I was thinking the same thing about the brain op and surgeon. I have to lock in (hyperfocus, for us sufferers) when I play public piano, which is why I have mostly played recitals, on a stage, since anyplace where there is access I will always without fail get requests, or whatever interference. I can’t do that, beyond my skill set. Many people don’t get that. Once at a pricey event I had some character approach the keys, dripping with Cleveland Mob vibes, who then asked for a song while I was playing. For me that’s like being interrupted on a high wire. I’m fine as long as no one breaks my focus. I tried to clear him out with “Sorry, I have a set playlist.” He began to glower. Wouldn’t leave (had had a few, end of the party). Finally, he says with some weighted menace in his throat “And if I was to ask you to play the theme from The Godfather you’re telling me you won’t do it??” I say, “I’ve never heard it, maybe you could hum a few bars.” Which was true this was 1997 and I had yet to see the movie. He strolled off… Read more »
Check out Feynman: “…. I have the advantage of having found out how hard it is to get to really know something, how careful you have to be about checking the experiments, how easy it is to make mistakes and fool yourself. ”
There is a video of him saying more in this vein – saw it once – never found it again – scathing in his appraisal of the “social sciences” – … I often wonder if “they” scrubbed it.
But this is close.
Our biology teach in high school showed us his prized skeleton and asked us to suggest what killed the man hundreds of years ago. After some inspection it became clear that there were a number of holes in the skull but they had all grown over but one, and that was where the doctors of that era had applied “early psychiatry” not all that remote from some of the practices we have in our times like electroshock etc.
The poor fellow had not survived the final “tap” that had been intended to let out spirits from his skull. So the hole remained a real hole.
When you reflect that this was being practiced only some hundreds of years ago it gives you a perspective and context on what some of the our health professionals consider S.O.P. today. Like so many dubious jabs!
Am I right?
The power of suggestion: the TV news showed shots of folk on the beach whilst the reader solemnly intoned about the unprecedented heat. Some folks were doing exercises and my wife (now lining up for her umpteenth covid shot) said “Look at those idiots risking their health in that heat!” It never occurred to her that the fact that folks were exercising disproved what the reader was saying.
Last year I went away for a weekend with a friend. We ended up going to a big chain steak house for dinner that night – it was close to our hotel which no longer had the restaurant it once had due to covidiocy. The beef there was from corn fed cattle. My friend is very into clean eating, has to be due to a physical condition, and cannot eat a lot of spices, etc so I knew we could get her a clean steak there as far as that goes. She is of course vaxxed, at least once, I have no idea if more than that. She was pissed at the restaurant for other reasons, but felt the need to add a remark about the corn fed beef and how she might as well have eaten at McDonalds as corn fed could give her cancer. I did not say it, but I so wanted to say now wait a minute, you mean you’re worried about cancer from “McDonalds” or wherever, when you just took a shot you know NOTHING ABOUT AS FAR AS LONG TERM SIDE EFFECTS? Was all I could do not to scream it. Irony is lost. Critical thinking is lost. Questioning is taboo. WILLFUL Idiocy is now the mode of operation for most.
The corn will also be GMO corn.
Inadvertently, your wife may have been on the right track. Heat itself is, after all, only dangerous to certain people and at certain temperature-humidity conditions.
However, because geoengineering is rapidly depleting the ozone layer and exposing us to not only increased UV rays but also UVC rays – which are quite dangerous – being in the sun is becoming increasingly perilous.
If you can find it, there’s an interesting little booklet (too little really) by Rudolf Steiner, called, “Practical Training in Thought”.
It doesn’t try to turn the world upside-down, or delve into arcane gnosticism, but the idea that thinking can be trained is so seldom mentioned that I thought I would throw a recommendation out there.
As Todd says, “wondering” is a healthy, and very necessary human attribute, and I’ve notice the same signs that he has; indicating that everything in our modern environment seems designed to stop us using that attribute.
As a child, I always thought that everybody pondered and wondered about things in the same way that I did.
I was born wondering.
But I was mistaken about other people.
Some people hate wonderers and thinkers – they fear them with that famous ‘fear of the unknown’.
But others can be inspired to try out such activities – just like one tries out one’s first swim.
It’s very difficult for an American to look at the notion of wondering and thinking objectively because our culture is almost rabidly anti-intellectual and even mildly anti-artistic.
Americans exhibit the classic mentality of empire builders: sports and military rank highest on the scale – even higher than business and banking.
“I was born under a wondering star” – lee marvin…
Good movie. The line however was “wandering star”
I’m no Expert !
Then why make the comment?
You aren’t remotely interesting
Kindagarden, yes. hopefully ones first discovery is ones abilities are taking a paddle in salted sea water.
As a reminder the field is no longer blood red, ok. Perhaps you were jawed into overruling thunk first excessaries ie: an Aqualung spear gun and where to discover quality seashell seashore seaside saltwater.
“Uncertainty Rules, OK?” — Wehner von Heisenberg, quantal physicist.
“I’m not so sure about that !”
Life is not what it used to be, simple. With the advance of science and techniques, came division of labour, both productive and scientific. Now we have experts for anything you can think of; within science, new fields have appeared, and within these new ones, etc. This is not just a scientific or technical issue; it is a social phenomenon. Societies have become complex, and our social relations have become accordingly complex, and every one of us is fulfilling a social function however redundant or useless some of them may appear to us (Graeber’s BS jobs). Just like in traditional productive labour, there is competition and survival instinct in scientific labour and experts also will defend their social status (synonymous to professional status) teeth and nail if doubted or attacked, because attacking it is attacking their social function and usefulness, the very thing they’re getting paid for and gives sense to their lives. That’s why experts, just like in any other labour, won’t yield their “authoritative opinion” to a “layman”, hence the “don’t worry we know what we’re doing”, or “we believe them because they are experts” responses. Everything started when some had the idea to own or produce more than needed in the foreseeable future and use the extra for exchange against something else, or when techniques allowed that state of things; there you have the first expert – and the first division of labour – who didn’t need to produce what could be gotten through exchange against what they did produce. That exchange process supposed organisational challenges if compared to when everyone produced everything they needed and was knowledgeable in everything they needed to know. Hence the emergence of the State to manage that extra property and its exchange. Things have been evolving ever since in an… Read more »
FRIEDRICH, to you sir. As long as we’re all in NATO here we should at least speak like The Good German. (Remember Cate Blanchett in that “eponymous” role? Ach so.)
Well, strictly speaking you’re right of course. However, scores of translations of Engels’ work written by knowledgeable authors spelt it either way. You can have a look at and confirm it; for instance, this 1966 English edition of Anti-Düring.
And since we are all in NATO, I’d drop English too and write it… maybe in Russian? Фридрих Энгельс😀
As long as we are taking liberties with his name, why not just “Freddy” ? Makes me feel more closely involved with the dialectic. It was my teutonic only uncle’s name, but we all called him Fritz.
I bet his hausfrau called him Fritz Engels.
Engels was a marxist…His binary was ‘necessity / freedom’…He wrote about freedom coming from putting Nature to work (Very Scientific) – not freedom as a social relation…He never wrote about how technology could become the chains of unfreedom…
The liberal conception of freedom (absence of hindrance) and the Kantian one (autonomous will) are overcome in the Hegelian conception of Freedom which Engels adopts. Now, I wonder what do you mean by “freedom as a social relation”; you got to elaborate a little. In any case, to Engels, freedom is not doing as I please and is not making, if I can, rationally chosen actions. This is a first clue of the social character of the Hegelian conception of Freedom. Freedom first of all is born in consciousness; the manifestation of it in action is a result thereof; Freedom is the consciousness, the understanding of the the bounds that connect us as human beings. If these bounds or laws are not conscious to us then, we are not free. This is a pertinent example: I post a comment here voicing an opinion, and someone replies defending an opposite opinion. If i can’t realise that to be what I am, I must allow her to be what she is; meaning, I consciously understand (stand under which implies a sense of humility) that, just like my opinion is the necessary outcome of my subjective experience, her opinion is the corresponding necessary outcome of her subjective experience. In doing so, I am acknowledging that we are governed by the same law, and, thus, that we are one. In that realisation, I’am being the manifestation of freedom, freedom from conflict; and action, if any as freedom doesn’t necessarily imply action, derived from that conscious understanding (as understanding makes contradictions vanish, makes consciousness undivided – R. D. Laing comes to mind) is a free action. I am subjected to necessity, not free, when I have not understood the necessary link that connects us two so that, to me we are mutually independent and,… Read more »
No. BS jobs are just that. They are not fulfilling a genuine social function, which is why they are soul crushing BS jobs, they are fulfilling some capitalist’s get-rich-quick scheme and the peons are the descendands of the peons who were forced to leave the countryside and their agrarian/hunter gatherer or even nomadic lives, and be stacked into stacks of concrete boxes called “cities”, where the fireplace is replaced by a brainwashing BS box (now also mobile) that will help keep insanity through boredom just one step away, and that the peons have to pay for and have no choice but to to work a BS job to keep.
40 hours a week, 44+ weeks a year, for their entire BS lives.
Yeah, I know, the system of exchange is itself absurd because one doesn’t reap the fruit of their labour but gives it away; and just to keep a semblance of a solid wage system and not too high unemployment, these BS jobs are created. you’re right there of course. But I was considering this system as given and how workers, however objectively unnecessary one’s job is would like to think of themselves as doing their part to society, otherwise IMO one can’t live with oneself if one thought of themselves utterly useless (debatable, I agree).
Like those lawyers who get paid thousands of dollars for just signing documents; these people would like to think, “well, with these signatures one is contributing to the state of Law, democracy, businesses can legally start, etc, etc.”
It is easier to remain deceived, rather than admitting to having been deceived.
Ego and pride are powerful enemies of evidence and truth.
This, IMHO, is the root cause of cognitive dissonance.
The Mystique of the Title. You have the “right” to second guess anybody without a title – specifically, the title Dr.
You can freely tell the plumber what’s wrong with your toilet; or the electrician what’s wrong with your light; or the mechanic what’s wrong with your car.
But NEVER EVER attempt to tell a formal professional – wearing the Doctor emblem on his name – what’s wrong. He/She/They/It will ALWAYS tell you it’s anything BUT what you said. And, as I’ve discovered many times over, that goes equally for Veternarians.
That is something even more certain than that the sun will arise tomorrow.
In Canada the title “Dr.” is actually controlled by the state. Of course anyone can stick it on the front of their name whether they earned it or not, but if you are in a profession that the state regulates, like medicine, psychology, psychotherapy, or something else, the state (government) tells you if you are allowed to prefix “Dr.” to your name or not (of course you have to HAVE an approved accredited doctorate from an approved, accredited, institute of higher learning.
For example, I have a PhD, which I can use (the letters AFTER my name) but I am not allowed to use “Dr.” in front of my name. I am also required to tell my patients they are not allowed to call me “Dr. Hayen” or Dr. “anything”…
So if you are honored, and thus sanctioned by the state, to use “Dr.” in front of your name…some get a bit of an ego swell…separating themselves from the riff raff who are told by the governmental authority they are not allowed to use such a prefix.
What if your name is Doctor? Can you call yourself “Dr.” then? If I would have another child (which I won’t) I would name it Doktor. – Doktor come in and eat now, will you!
And then you have Roland and Dr. Beat. How did they manage to fool the government …?
Dr.=Sales rep ;- Dd ;- Drug dealer.
The Oligarchs are making their play. But their have had to come out into the open. That levels the playing field.
Jack London’s insight was perhaps a key passage in his book (The Iron Heel) and his grasp of the mentality of the Oligarchs. It reads:
‘’They, the Oligarchs as a class (writes the imaginary author of the book) believed that they alone maintained civilization. It was their belief that, if they ever weakened, the great beast would engulf them and everything of beauty and joy and wonder and good in its cavernous and slime-dripping maw. Without them, anarchy would reign, and humanity would drop backward into the primitive night out of which it had so painfully emerged … In short, they alone, by their unremitting toil and self-sacrifice, stood between a weak humanity and the all devouring beast: and they believed it, passionately believed it.’’ They surely did.
Their great anxieties made their observations correct, wouldnt you say ?
Chicken or egg sort of thing huh?
Got into it yesterday on a mainstream site with another commenter who brought the “trust the science” thing up when discussing “climate change”. I was trying to make the point that the psycho globalists are trying to use climate change as an instigator/excuse to implement their psycho agenda, REGARDLESS the “real” science. The commenter kept missing that point, or ignored it, and came back with more CO2 science BS. I told him that I was willing to be open minded about CO2 levels and the causes and problems, but the Great Reset was a separate thing. Dismissed my contention as CT, and simply would not address my information, including some quotes (own nothing, etc.) regarding the Great Reset agenda and the history behind it. I guess some will, most won’t, move on to the next. You can’t make someone understand something they don’t want to understand. It seems to go pretty much along the same lines as the Covid-19 believers. Same people.
I always find myself wondering why people don’t want to understand something that is worth knowing…
What do they find so attractive about not knowing it?
“Take it easy boy boy, go to your home, smoke a cigar, spend your dime, let the other make the hard work for you”.
“If you dont do what I say, you will soon grow old and grey, go to your home, smoke a cigar, spend your dime, let the other make the money to you.”
Do you understand it now?
Less congestion. Same with traffic.
The most important cue in your conversation is your interlocutor saying “Trust THE science”. I never heard the phrase “THE science” before 2020, and I am a STEM professor. “THE science” is the worst enemy of science. “THE science” means argument from authority, which prevents exploring alternative hypotheses. “THE science” means government, media, big tech, big pharma telling you what you are allowed to think and what you are allowed to say. No thanks!
He immediately knew (from his programming) that you are simply repeating “nazi propaganda” or something equivalent, and hence all communication was in vain.
You must put yourself in the position of those who are exposed 24/7 to the relentless propaganda, which was cleverly orchestrated with stories about “fake news” for years before convid.
Directly giving them the truth does not work; we have been pre-empted by the Borg on that front and imagination is required to get people to snap out of their hypnosis. They must be “nudged” into thinking they discovered the truth for themselves.
WONDER → Speculation → Conspiracy Theory → de facto Nutcase, state-based.
So, looking ahead of the directional arrows, I chose to be a humble CONSPIRACY REALIST.
No harm, no foul.
A lost generation. We have had this before. How do we deal with lost generations?
You cant change people and you cant change stupid. Its an uphill fight and usually in vain to try to convince the Harvard educated or average Joe they are wrong.
They must be left with the consequences of their wrong convictions after we have done our universal plight of giving our experience and knowledge about the subject.
Excuse me if it sounds like “I superior to all the sheeple”.
Its not meant that way, but about how to deal with brainwashed people as per Yuri Bezmenov:
“They are contaminated; they are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern.
You cannot change their mind[s], even if you expose them to authentic information, even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still cannot change the basic perception and the logic of behavior”.
In other words, these people… the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible.
It is not irreversible if they become suspicious and start digging. But only events in their lives might force them to do that, or very clever subterfuge- not straight words or reasoning.
When I read these kind of things, I go out in real life and test it. I regret that my examinations shows he is right.
As Yuri says, its simple. Its going on just in front of your eyes, but they cant and wont see it. My experience is the same.
You tell them white is white, they say ok but,…..and….1 hour later they are back on track with bs. My experience is, it is irreversible, they cant backtrack.
The solution he suggest is very drastic. An iron boot in the balls and a couple of those people up against the wall and shot.
Then they finally realize they have been used as doormats and exploited as bitches, and then they want revenge.
That oncologist was right about the cancer blocking the IV but did he know that chemo causes cancer?
Oh wait no, it’s the thing they use to cure cancer…
Upside down world
Could it be – and I’m no expert – that the cause of illnesses could be the medical interventions supposedly designed to cure them (polio / anti-depressants/ Covid ‘vax’)? We’ve all been had folks.
Not sure what you are getting at. No, the oncologist was wrong. Cancer did not cause the blood clot. Actually it was unusual that the Port-a-Cath had a blood clot form on it…because typically a patient with one of those installed for chemo is dead before it causes a problem. Since most of her treatment was alternative, she lived much longer than expected. This doctor didn’t have a clue.
And yes, chemo causes cancer. The whole thing was whacked. If anyone is interested in the whole story, check this out…
From the comments section of the following article:
That’s when (unless you’re an omniscient being) you need to trust the climate experts
The comments section is stunning:
On Venus, it happened billions of years ago, because of the greater sunlight and heat the planet received.
Earth is catching up. Fast.
450deg C temperatures, all water boiled off the planet. Lead melts.
That’s the objective truth.
The reason why the surface temperature of Venus is so high, and exceeds Mercury (which is closer to the Sun) is because of the atmospheric pressure, not that it is composed of CO2:
Should read:
That’s when (unless you’re awake) you need to trust the climate experts
Every line in that Jonathan Freedland piece is a howler. As heat records break, the climate movement has the right answers – but the words are all wrong Yes they’re playing all the right notes but not necessarily in the right order! The fossil fuel industry has spent billions on winning over the public. Green activists must learn from its tactics And I’m sure there are plenty of channels to supply more billions! You may think we have all the proof we need. Clearly not Jonathan, otherwise why would you lot keep droning on about it? Then he cues the Book of Revelations for a bit. Ooh – there it is: “biblical downpours”! (Hint to Jonathan: If you’re going to refer to The Good Book then at least have the decency to capitalise it.) Then J frets how nobody gives a shit! Bastards! ….we tend to prioritise the urgent over the important… Get the feling we are nearing spooky invisible covid mode now? “You can’t see it but here are The Experts t convince you why you should be slashing your wrists!” And sure enough: “Thanks to our evolutionary history, we’re programmed to deal with the lion coming from the woods, not to strategise how to save our civilisation over the next hundred years….” Cue The Experts to tell you how to save civilisation over the next hundred years …. and I have a feeling you’re not going to like what they tell you to do. Ah – a reference to the movie Don’t Look Up. It’s a bit risky trying to sell the public a turd about what’s actually happening. But a movie has it all staged already. More specifically, this movie is a turd that’s already been pooped. (Nevertheless there’s a risk involved when saying: “Hey look it must… Read more »
Which “good book” do you refer to? The one filled with nonsense that makes Scientology look like a cheap imitation? Was it Bethlehem or Nazareth? Mysterious ways indeed!
Or the one containing the oldest known hate speech on record, emphatically commanding genocide? Hint: they are both published together in the same tome, and demand submission to the same false god…. Who first sent “Melchizedek” as his emissary to deliver his commands and threats, but let’s not worry about that eh??
Please write the long version, it would be an interesting lesson, and could be a useful tool against the problems you highlight.
If interested, but might be too much information, check this out…
I’m sure it wasn’t a book length conversation.
An article explaining how you navigated around a narcissistic ego for a positive outcome would be helpful, I’m sure a lot of people have difficulties with this, I certainly do.
Experts that have a price..
The profit motive is huge in USA Inc for professionals, especially medical doctors. (After all, they start their trek having to pay off million dollars student loans! Prisoners of the $ystem.) The System has been designed to shackle everyone with redundantly tightening shackles. If you look at it from a certain perspective that becomes clear. Most people most Americans won’t even consider that perspective because as that “commie” Upton Sinclair said (something very close to) “it is hard to persuade someone of a thing when his salary depends upon his not being persuaded.” Of course for us Bohemians escape in fugitive status becomes a preferable option. But easier said than done. It calls to mind the plight of Roman Polanski (90yo in five weeks 8.18) as a 6 year old whose mother had just been abducted and murdered at Auschwitz, while pregnant (markably, as was his murdered wife Sharon Tate 30 years later, on the eve of childbirth of their son Paul ) and his boyish escape, with his ghetto-quarantined father’s help, from the Krakow ghetto in 1939. (He made a “by the book” remake of Oliver Twist in 2007 saying his life was much like that on the streets of ’30s Krakow.) When he saw one day an old limping woman shot in the back by a Nazi soldier, because she couldn’t limp fast enough, and gushing a fountain of blood, he hid for hours in a hole in a wall and said that later he began wetting his bed. Eventually & soon he saw the writing on that wall and escaped into the countryside and lived there until the end of the war, for 5 years. He often said that it was not escape from the city that was all that difficult but surviving outside it afterwards. I… Read more »
And Mr Polanski’s tough childhood makes sodomising little girls ok?
I have no reason to doubt Mr. Polanski’s childhood recollections. However, there is some precedence for elaboration of personal events.
Writer Jerzy Kosinski’s novel “The Painted Bird” was presented as somewhat autobiographical. Then, years later, much of came into question. (I don’t remember the exact details and really don’t care to research it just now.)
Doubtless we all elaborate a bit, if only for effect; but it’s a matter of degree.
“Elaborate”? In what sense? The girl, now 60 has been consistent in her support of Polanski and flew in March to Paris to be with Monsieur and Madame Polanski along with her own husband. She took a charming picture with Roman P, all smiles, and basically her unspoken mission was to tell the CIA AKA global media to get off his back. They have some clandestine interest in RP that goes way way beyond transgressions and has a lot more to do with his art and mission of Justice in such things. Essentially they have been trying to extort him for at least 60 years and when all of that didn’t work the CIA provably butchered his bride and son in utero on the eve of delivery. Charming projects they cook up at Langley, Sidney Gottlieb & acolyte Louis Jolyon West! So they have been pursuing this one trick pony of a crime that he already then served the time, and they wanted to extend it into maybe a life sentence of 50 years with an occasional stabbing in jail, or two, or what have you. The whole thing smells to high heaven irregardless of what they have or do not have against him. He has been married 35 years to Seigner, with 2 grown children. Something that almost never comes out is that LAPD detectives at the very time of the ’77 arrest said that it was not clear that the girl was unwilling and that also she was physically mature and that she was actually considerably taller than Roman P. And that her mother who dropped her off knew full well that Roman was a womanizer and yet left her daughter with him alone, at Jack Nicholson’s, 2 weeks before her 14th birthday, in such a scenario? Sounds… Read more »
The death of his 4 month pregnant mother Bella soon after her arrival at Auschwitz, taken from their Krakow home in one of the earliest Nazi raids of 1939 Poland, has been confirmed by records before. It doesn’t make much sense to conflate painted bird with Roman’s saga since someone at the height of his global profile and controversy has had all these things double checked against fabrications.
It surely doesn’t conflate easily with things like painted bird. Almost all the things that Polanski chooses to share in his infrequent interviews all stacks up with past facts, such as all the amazing stories in his film The Pianist do as well, with Wladyslaw Szpilmann and the records about him then.
Both, very famous Poles. Tall tales would. be scrutinized, especially by CIA, not his best friends.
In fact, US Intel, judging by the well-established collusion of US MSM in such psyops, past and present, has planted about a million canards about Polanski. And counting. Gee, what a surprise.
No wonder he has compared his 2020 Dreyfus film storyline to his own unique saga.
À la Zola.
Polanski was responsible for the murder of Sharon Tate and the others. Manson and the chicks spent their lives in prison so he could escape and molest schoolgirls in Switzerland. The Polanski Tate murders are a prime example of the rottenness of the “law enforcement” and the judiciary and the hierarchy of the castes in Western society. Chappaquiddick was another.
Baloney what you say, or exponential bs.
Incredible that any kind of mammal, as you bill, could arrive at that silly verdict. Have you any grasp at all of the evidence? If so, what are you smoking, it’s argument enough for delegalization, if it applies, as needed.
Your Chappaquiddick comment is more evidence about that .
Both were CIA ops. Just digging up the facts in evidence about both events, heavily suppressed but extant, makes for the obvious conclusions.
Talk about your “rottenness.”
This kind of targeting of these two has been pursued thru black ops of all kinds for decades, with impunity, like Sirhan’s case, but the huge wickedness of the three campaigns, is slowly but surely becoming clear, however much they bury it.
See “CHAOS” book by Tom O’Neill, 2020. Hundreds of (verifiably) referenced endnotes.
Do some homework and get a clue. It’s all there, so find out about it or be quiet.
I’ll take whatever else comes under your banner now with a ****load of salt, for starters.
The coroner said the weapons used were bayonets. It is unlikely that one guy and three hippy chicks could have scaled the gate in the dark after accurately identifying the telephone lines to be cut. It is incredible that they could use their bayonets to slaughter five people, driving them through rib cages. You are either ignorant of the story of the glasses that were found on the scene, the prescription , the optometrist that received a visit by a chap asking for the same unusual prescription, or your job is to reinforce the whole fake official story. You ignore Polanski’s desire that his wife have an abortion and the Hollyweird – mob connections. The mob could have done the job quite easily. Polanski insisted that Tate travel to Los Angeles from London even though she was too pregnant to fly and had to sail on the QE2. You obviously believe in the 19 hijackers fable and in the guilt of LH Oswald. Your own credibility is absolute zero.
What bollocks. Still waiting for a clue? I won’t hold my breath.
Yeah, right: her husband has a pack of
tripping maniacs with buck knives disembowel his wife and unborn son and then hang them, just for tweaks and giggles?
Anyone who would front that explanation would, by all the appearances, be as deranged as the Manson groupies were, themselves all victims of an MKUltra “project.”
So Roman P staged that op from afar? The Grand Guignol ceremony of the century? Counterintuitively, for all the global publicity?
You’re way out, ‘PM’ baby.
Sharon Tate’s father, Lt. Col. Paul Tate, was a very high-ranking US Army Intelligence agent/officer who had retired just before the murders.
A source in LASO said that “Paul Tate ran LAPD in the months after the murders.”
And yet while I was digging up references and bona fides I found that the Wikipedia article list Sharon’s mother Doris with a blue link to a biography by them, yet has no mention of a father in the boxed column at the top, almost unheard of for their articles. That raised red flags in my past experience instantly, while I exclaimed in Sherlock mode “AHA! Watson, Intelligence afoot.’
And sure enough when I dug deeper I found that he had joined Army Intel right about the time, 1946, that Allen Dulles imported all the Nazis to Langley. Sharon had spent some time on dad’s various Army European missions, some growing up in Italy, (Angleton “The Ghost”‘s early haunts still alive for 16 years after her early death) when he was stationed there. (Roman P & Sharon T had already named their son Paul after him. And so their son is buried in her arms with her at Holy Cross Cemetery near Loyola Marymount. My baby ‘hood too. Many relatives there.)
But it was those digs that led me 4 months ago straight to the 2020 book by Tom O’Neill “CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret History of the ’60s”
He has a lot to say. And so relevant to one and all, and not just in USA Inc.
Both Hitler and Charles Manson said: “History will show I was right”.
They were both “Right” all right. Or all Reich, the silly fascists.
Manson was the ‘avatar’ of our 4th Reich, and counting, it needs to be better understood and the CHAOS book by O’Neill traces a path into that hidden history. It’s all there.
He had the Hollywood – mob connections to use. Ever heard of Sidney Korshak ? Lew Wasserman ?
Pitiful. I decline a battle of wits with an unarmed person. You have bollocksed almost all the evidence. Just ludicrous, forgive me, but sad. Read “Chaos” by O’Neill. I’m sure you got it in you and we’ll get a rest and you’ll get a clue. 400+ end notes and 1,000+ direct interviews over 20 years..
Not all this stuff pulled out of your, ahem, (55yo) “hat”
Your articles seem fiery lately Mr Todd.
You had enough of the lies and nonsense.?
An expert can only be an expert in something if he can limit himself to a particular case. The limited view, paradoxically, doesn’t feel limited to the expert at all who thinks he knows everything he needs to know in the whole world. For knowing that his expertise is limited, he needs to know that he himself is limited and this he doesn’t know. I recall during my internships that a surgeon once boasted that he knew everything that could possibly be known and challenged the interns (me included) to ask him anything. – Well, we went silent, but after some challenging of the surgeon there came some questions, all related to his expertise, from which he knew all the answers (or maybe not, because how could we know). Anyway nobody dared to ask him questions that were not related to his field, or maybe daring is the wrong word: we simply could not think to ask him anything else than that what was directly related to his expertise. And that is how he got away with his boasting. And then he continued with his expertise over the surgery table by regurgitating all the talking points of du jour that he found in the papers. Needless to say: he was certainly not the exception of identifying what expertise was all about, except maybe in his boasting. The experts of today are like a cartel, who all think the same through the pages of the media, and therefore all believe, like the surgeon, to know everything one needs to know. And they go unchallenged because most people don’t know to ask a question that is outside the capability of the expert’s opinion. For the simple reason that they are just as limited as the expert is. A bit psychological maybe, but… Read more »
There are signs the propaganda focus is shifting. For the last couple of months the normalisation of A.I. has been the main item. However there are signs there’s a shift to a “nature-in-revolt” line. This is always a good one for high summer when hot weather and wild fires can be folded in and presented as if they’ve never happened before. For example, this has been getting coverage across the media: They always like to function-stack a story so there’s been repeated emphasis that orca pods are led by females. Bow down to the avenging dark goddess of the forthcoming matriarchy! Then this morning good ol’ Microsoft was recommending this: In the short term this will be used for another round of vaccination tub-thumping but in the long term this can be presented as a consequence of domestication. Liberate your cat whose rights are being infringed by your cuddles and buy that robot seal instead! (What a remarkable coincidence these two stories are happening, if they’re happening at all, around places where the UK had a long term military presence i.e. Gibraltar and Cyprus. Have they done a John C. Lilly on those orcas to drive them mad? Is Cyprus being used as a testing ground for a society without domestic cats?) Finally, and thanks again to those wonderful folk at Microsoft for recommending it, This one’s worth a look for their current cointelpro tactics. Rather than raise some of the evidence to counter it, it simply asserts there isn’t any. Then we move on to the usual allegations of “death threats” (unsubstantiated and against some poor minor functionary) and guilt by association with the far right (predictably NIgel Farage was available for some convenient quotes. All devotees of correct-think now know Farage was responsible for Brexit… Read more »
Domestic cats dumped by owners 20, 21, 22, in high road laybys. Last few weeks somtimes you see them at night while out walking. They drag in those filthy wild cats from the woods. You don’t want those around your kids get real. They are like rats. Media is dumb and so are those irresponsible feminists on TV.
Stick with your own problems, cleaning up your own filth! Where You are..Jack Shit.
Nice catch Todd. But this Simpson episode wasn’t released in 2022 as an example of disinformation wrongthink, but rather in 2010. The Simpsons have a long record of uncanny and unlikely predictions including their somewhat obscure prediction of the destruction of the Twin Towers and the presentation of a future President Trump. Maybe they are hiring the precogs from the cast of Minority Report. As to the future President Trump, this episode wasn’t created in 2014 but rather in 2000. It was titled “Bart to the Future” and involves, in part, Bart’s sister, Lisa, as POTUS who inherits a bankrupt country due to the previous president, one Donald Trump.
Specialisation in science, medicine, journalism, economics, politics, law and even religious studies has created tunnel visioned ‘expertise snobs’.
They are often blind to the Big Picture, the Truth.
“Siloed-vision.”. Omniscient within the parameters of their silo.
Their blinders are often visible on the street, to certain others but not all, like the drayhorses of yesteryear.
Lest we forget, the Sy$tem plays the bigger role, in placing (& keeping) them there.
So, in the end, it’s mostly conditioning.
But each’s habitual acquiescence to it grows it ironclad.
There must be an Art to Freedom to be more widely found, and had, else we be left bees in a bottle.
“Now a strange thing in the street seems every human nod/ Where shift in strange democracy the million masks of God.”
~ GKC (oft quoted by Alan Watts)
follow the money it leads away from the truth
The thing people need to understand about technocrats in general (which include scientists, medics, engineers and all the corporations/organisations engaged in those disciplines) is that they are politicians like everyone else. The first delusion that every sentient human being must rid themselves of is that scientists, doctors and engineers are somehow saint-like servants of mankind. They aren’t. Mostly, the most senior ones are self-serving, avaricious political players who love nothing more than shovelling a lot of spondoolies right into their front pockets, back pockets and bank accounts. Some are much worse than others, but the only sensible starting point is trying to refute the hypothesis that the ‘expert’ in question is in fact a charlatan. The second delusion that senient humans must rid themselves of is that ‘the scientific method’ is being rigorously practiced in ‘scientific organisations’. The majority of them, from the Wellcome Trust and the NIH down, are steeped in rounds of salesmanship using whatever political shenanigans are required to bring in a seven figure sum. Scientists now are judged by their revenues, not their scientific output. It’s the most obvious tell-tale sign that the system is rotting from within. The third delusion is that funding bodies are non-partisan, dispassionate funders of hard-headed rigorous science. Large numbers of them, notably the IPCC, any Covid research funders and certainly absolutely all pharmaceutical company funders are people who wish to pay prostitutes to suck their proverbial political cock. They know what answer they want and what they seek out are those people best suited to singing for their supper to give them what they want. So the IPCC have never, even in 1990, started from any premise but that human-driven global warming was predominantly caused by increases in carbon dioxide. They have never considered natural drivers of climate change, nor… Read more »
Some perceptive points there Rhys, but l reckon the sexual analogy undermines your analysis.
Men are seduced by appearance, but ultimately only Love can calm the ‘savage beast’.
yeah fair point but in my experience I think its deeper, seduction is a two way street and its to do with pheromones)
There is a fourth “delusion”: that “the Scientific Method” is infallible if people would just practice it correctly. Infallibility does not exist because perfection does not exist.
Whatever “the Scientific Method’ is used to discover can never be infallible because whatever is being studied can never be perfect. Everything changes constantly (at least on a quantum level). So one nano-second’s worth of infallibility will become fallible in the next nano-second.
In recent years all the accepted rules have been torn up. It used to be that Crime doesn’t pay – now that only applies to the plebs. Any establishment player is green lighted for any wheeze they come up with and ideally the bigger the better.
Yes that means you Bill Gates.
This article says it all:
The degradation of the Western elite is a serious danger to the international world
On the subject of the Really Brainy Scientific Ones:
I recall an old running sketch series from Newman and Baddiel (yeah I know they were crap but bear with me) in which they had two professors in a discussion who would start off with a lot of Big Words and Pompous Gravitas but eventually ended up hurling childish insults at each other (“That’s you, that is” was the catch phrase).
That was quite an astutely observed series. I know of someone who can deliver the most wondrous extended erudite articles but when in discussion resorts to the most crass invective with spelling and grammatical errors galore. It’s like Jekyll and Hyde. And quite funny.
The question is George, is there a ‘scientific epistemology’ that is not based on empiricism, rationalism, or a mixture of them both? I ask that question because these epistemologies all derive from philosophy not science and it also includes the so-called “scientific method”. If that is correct then what are the consequences for mainstream science???
“…And that’s *You*, that is…”
worth a read.
“Trust me I’m a doctor” has taken a severe battering in the last few years. Maybe because of the sight of already well paid people focusing on earning yet more money in complete disregard for the consequences.
Despite all documented proof that mRNA injectables are dangerous, they are holding to their agenda like defective robots to deploy them for the next plandemic:
Health is being rejiggered into pandemic preparedness, huge expenses and rapid deployment of mRNA vaccines for infections but maybe all other medical conditions
Yes, I think the new immunotherapy protocols for stage 4 cancers are mrna.
Interesting that there just happens to be so much stage 4 cancer all of a sudden.
Lots of research opportunity.
God, I hate that I’m so jaded.
I tend to think that most doctors went into their profession with good intentions…to help people. I believe the system they have to operate under, the AMA, the FDA, the CDC (at least in the states) is where the trouble comes in. And of course, all THOSE institutions are run by Big Pharma.
That distrust was one of the few good results of the great scam – but only applied to a small proportion of people, many of whom woke up too late.
Some woke up dead.
Like the great slugger Hank Aaron, an outsized icon in Georgia, aka the Black Babe Ruth.
He did a spot in January a couple years ago for his Moderna jab (CIA front?) saying how great it was, then died in his sleep 17 days later.
That’s the wrong kind of wake up call, at least for us, right?