Ireland’s public broadcaster – undeclared earnings bad, endorsing The Great Reset good?
Gavin O’Reilly

Over the past several weeks, Ireland has been rocked by a scandal related to the significant undeclared earnings of Ryan Tubridy, the most prominent presenter on the public broadcaster of the 26-County State, RTÉ, and the long-time host of its flagship talk show, The Late Late Show, until his departure earlier this year – prior to the revelations related to his salary becoming public knowledge.
In response, Director General of RTÉ Dee Forbes tendered her resignation, and both Tubridy and his agent Noel Kelly have been brought before a government tribunal to account for the undeclared earnings, something that has received significant media coverage across Ireland, including OJ Simpson-style live television coverage of the proceedings.
What has been noticeable however is how this extensive media attention lies in stark contrast to the virtually non-existent mainstream media coverage of RTÉ’s endorsement of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset initiative over the past three years, intended to usher in a totalitarian global corporate dictatorship, where technology is used to stifle and censor debate.
From the outset of the ‘Covid Pandemic’ in March 2020, Ireland, like numerous other countries, introduced stringent lockdowns under the guise of preventing the spread of an alleged virus. In reality, the forced closure of vast swathes of society served the purpose of making it virtually impossible for smaller businesses to operate, thus creating a greater dependence on corporate outlets such as Amazon.
As a result, the global lockdowns saw the greatest upwards transfer of wealth from the working and middle-classes in history, with corporate elements receiving upwards of $1tn in profit.
With Taoiseach Leo Varadkar being a WEF ‘Young Global Leader’, RTÉ was fully complicit in endorsing the ‘Pandemic’ narrative, WEF-linked scientist Luke O’Neill being a regular guest on The Late Late Show under Ryan Tubridy in order to further its promotion.
The public broadcaster would also condemn Irish anti-lockdown protests as being ‘organised by the far-right’ in lock-step with similar mainstream media descriptions being ascribed to protests in New Zealand, France and Canada – each country also being under the respective rule of WEF ‘Young Global Leaders’, Jacinda Ardern, Emmanuel Macron and Justin Trudeau.
What would be perhaps the most sinister aspect of RTÉ’s two-year promotion of the ‘Pandemic’ narrative however, was the use of children to promote uptake of the ‘Covid’ Vaccine during the 2020 edition of The Late Late Toy Show, a seasonal edition of the programme used to showcase that Christmas’s latest toy selection, one that is traditionally very popular amongst families with young children.
Indeed, Ryan Tubridy himself would later double down on his promotion of the vaccine by infamously using his radio platform to encourage listeners to disinvite guests from weddings who had not been vaccinated, his incendiary remarks coming amidst a time when access to bars, restaurants, hairdressers and gyms in the southern Irish state, was forbidden to those who had not yet received a ‘Covid’ jab and the resulting digital QR code that would subsequently be placed on their smartphone.
This enforced segregation, in Ireland and further afield, served as a dry-run for the introduction of mandatory digital ID, a key part of the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ that the WEF envisages will come about as a result of the Great Reset, with the ultimate goal being a cashless society. One where the corporate-government alliance has full control over its citizen’s financial transactions, and can easily impose sanctions against those it deems to be dissidents.
Indeed, this very situation would play out during last year’s Freedom Convoy in Canada, when Justin Trudeau would use emergency legislation to freeze the bank accounts of Truckers protesting against his decision to mandate that truck drivers re-entering Canada from the US had to be vaccinated. A truly dystopian move, and one that could be far more easily implemented in a society with no physical cash.
RTÉ’s two-year endorsement of the introduction of such a totalitarian society has come in for little criticism since the sudden collapse of the ‘Pandemic’ narrative last January however, the undeclared earnings of its chief propagandist being a far more newsworthy item it would seem.
Gavin O’Reilly is an Irish Republican activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism; he was a writer for the American Herald Tribune from January 2018 up until their seizure by the FBI in 2021, with his work also appearing on The Duran, Al-Masdar, MintPress News, Global Research and SouthFront. He can be reached through Twitter and Facebook and supported on Patreon.
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Got zero sympathy for anyone who got jabbed just to go outside. If you weren’t bright enough to see through the magubbins as an adult then you don’t deserve to live.
A very WEF esq comment.
Be the change changed nothing….
I’m going to vaccinate Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab before my time on earth is done.
Trust me, they won’t enjoy it.
GIRAFFES & DEER high on vaxx list due to their contact w humans during feeding
Sept 2021 Dallas & Ft Worth Zoos announce they’ll vaxx their animals w Covid-19 vax for animals, donated by Zoetis, an animal health company. They’re on a waiting list w other zoos.
April 11, 2023 Mark Crispin Miller wrote about “died suddenly” zoo animals.
July 17:
“Vaccinated” animals continue to “die suddenly” at zoos throughout the world
2 elephants; 2 giraffes; a chimpanzee; a black rhino; a koala cub; a sloth; a squirrel monkey; 5 meerkats; a fox; a deer; a python; a lemur; a Golden Eagle; a sea lion, a cheetah; and 4 lion cubs
Mark’s an NYU prof under investigation a couple years ago for his course on “Propaganda”.
George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future imagine a boot stamping on a masked human face forever.
COVID-19 = CON JOB-1984
Horses & Wireless: The Canary in the 5G Mine?
The spring meet this year at Churchhill Downs began on April 29 and was to continue until July 3. And beginning on April 29, and in every race on every day thereafter, every horse was fitted with a device they had never worn before. It is a wireless device, shaped like an iPhone, that fits behind the saddle in a pocket of the saddle blacket. Horses also began wearing these devices this spring during morning workouts.
In a month 12 horses died: some keeled over, one flipped over in the paddock, breaking his neck, numerous horses inexplicably ran in such an uncoordinated manner that they injured their legs & had to be put down.
This STRIDESafe device monitors the horse’s movements 2,400 times per second throughout the race, sending 2,400 pulses of radio frequency (RF) radiation every second through the body of the horse. It also contains a GPS component that communicates with global positioning satellites. It also communicates with the RFID chip implanted in the left side of every horse’s neck, ensuring that the chip also emits radiation throughout the race. The frequencies from the STRIDESafe device and the RFID chip are absorbed and reradiated by its aluminum shoes. Each horse, then, carries not one but six continuously radiating antennas throughout each race at Churchill Downs. So with 14 horses normally competing in each race, there are 84 antennas among animals in close proximity to one another running around the track.
How absolutely stupid and cruel. Idiocy. I haven’t read your link and I may try to later, but it will probably make me so sick I will not get through it. Why in hell do they need to track these horses like this? For some asshole to bet on, no doubt. Personally I loathe what racing does to these animals and would like to see that abolished. Takes a really sick fucker to torture an animal. Yes, I know, a sicker one to torture a human, but still.
At first when I saw the headlines about horses dying during these races I thought vax, but no, they have even uglier tools to use on these magnificent animals. Savages.
martin are we not lost it does indeed seem so.
as dysart said about equus
Is it possible that at certain moments, we can not imagine, the horse can add its sufferings together, the nonstop jibs and jabs,stabs,burdens beatings that are its daily life, and turn them into grief?
What use is grief – to a horse who lives in the nosebag now.
You see,
lost trapped in a satanic realm
equus son of fleckrus and man now bluetooth enabled
Lizzy, you are so right about horse racing being barbaric. I remember some 50 years ago, Maryland’s Joe Tydings, who had race horses, tried to get the method of training “thoroughbreds” changed. I don’t know if he succeeded – but he did at least bring it to public awareness.
Race horses were trained using barbed wire on their ankles to switch their lead foot – to make their run look more elegant. Very few things humans come up with aren’t barbaric.
Horse of course. Inconsequential differences between free & self have been your problems for a hundred and eighty years.
Its a race. According to Putin, who wins the race for AI rule the world.
With these digital devices on race horses we can win the purse in any race. With these test chips and vaxxes inside any human we can conquer any economy and any country if we win the race.
In this fight for Full Spectrum Global Dominance we have to “think BIG, Kissinger” as Nixon said to his aide.
A few million blood clotters, SADD’ers and some thousands race horses is a small price to pay in the fight between Mordor’s orcs and Western peaceful goofys and hobbits and our way of living.
It is simply worth the price, as Neocon Madeleine Albright also would have said.
Nixon was Kissinger’s aide.
Did you find comma failures?
Disgusting.Bring on the nuclear war and wipe us all out please.
I suspect the horses died from jabs. Remember, even animals in zoos purportedly had “covid” at the start of the super-scam. The current flap is that cats are getting “avian flu”. As described (in a TV show) by a couple who both left the veterinary profession to live in the wild, this work is not much better than the medical profession.
Perhaps all that “monitoring” is to control (stimulate or hamper) the horse. If you had money beyond measure, fixing a race in plain sight might provide a kick.
Isn’t it fascinating how all these killer devices and chemicals are introduced “for the sake of safety”?
Yes. Many years ago, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR of the former United States) decided to place tracking devices behind the ears of individual wild moose. They first knocked these docile creatures down with tranquilizer shots. (Nice of them) The idea was to track migration and feeding habits across great swaths of the Superior National forest and its adjoining Canadian border. It was an idiotic experiment, as once they collected the data, what the fuck were they going to do with it? (I digress)
Well… Many moose began to tramp around in aimless dizzying circles. Some simply fell over within a few days, and eventually died of exposure and starvation. Some began charging trees, other moose, pedestrians and oncoming vehicles. Migration habits also shifted, and many hundreds of moose were affected.
They (DNR) never admitted the tracking devices were at fault, and the whole fiasco was quickly shuffled under the table…
The raw ignorance displayed within most reader/comment sections, reminds me of those aimless dizzying circles. EMF phenomena are well documented. Let’s ignore them…
We humans seem to waffle between using animals for experimentation and using our fellow humans.
EMF is the ultimate egalitarian: it kills any and every category of life without the slightest hint of discrimination.
With EMF on the job, nothing need ever feel excluded.
This is the best information I’ve seen yet on this. Seriously thanks for posting the link!!!!
I don’t like being critical of an article. So I’ll be as discreet as possible and say simply that I thank the article’s author for giving it a title. That way I have a clue what’s being said.
nice face
full of satans promise
the oirish the welsch the scotch
they are gone just gone.
barbera lerner spectored
a new underworld overt not hidden any more
khazaria lives matter
Seems like the article is missing the last half of the article… Ah well.
Definition, Expert: A formerly pertinent individual…
Mr.Ryan Tubridy has now left the building…
Bon voyage, asshole…
Covid had little or nothing to do with disease. It was actually an experiment in crowd control and from that aspect it was wildly successful. Expect more.
I would have said nothing.
BBC: “Heatwaves are new normal as 50C hits US and China – UN”
Photo of newsreader in front of the now typical molten lava map.
The basic message:
(And you’re overlords will still be around to check the planet is saved!)
If our ‘overlords’ ever get what they’re clearly aiming at, they will be welcome to it, since normal human beings will not find it tolerable.
I have to admit this is a fairly new type of scenario for me:
The odd psychopath trying to run a country is one thing, but when dozens of people who are completely mad form a global club consisting entirely of other people who are also completely mad, one can only imagine drastic remedies.
Just think, the normal reaction fifty years ago would have been to write a letter to your MP.
Today, that would be like trying to shame a garden weed into resigning.
This is what occurs when one completes for money with insanity, its a lose lose situation, nothing gets done right, on time, or on budget.
lol………dont worry. Exact for that reason and conclusion we have the samson solution, nuclear WWIII or some global small pox or black death virus..
The only thing I dont like about that, is to burn up in group thinking with the sheeple.
That’ll be a pretty sight, Erik in a fiery Nordic Swaz Wheel spinning down the hill.
Except the overlords themselves are in trouble and still in need of reform, then the planet can be saved, hooray.
At what point did the planet cry out begging to be “saved?” Or would that be self-evident like the humanitarian aid and the freedom and democracy being foisted on the Third World?
For all we humans know (or care), Earth may be ready for the next phase of its evolution. Perhaps its goal is to borrow something red from Mars and something hot from Venus and mix it all up into a place with a surface like an iceberg and an atmosphere like a sauna.
And a great big neon sign that reads “No Humans Allowed.”
No, that perhaps wont due.
As I was actually researching consumption trends in “lockdown” recently; apart from the headline dip in the demand for oil (down 6-7%) – demand that was quickly reversed, then exceeded, in the early part of 2021 – overall, consumption continued to rise.
Whether this was despite “lockdown”, or because of it, is impossible to say. Overall, long-term consumption has continued to rise for hundreds of years as humans double their economic activity every ~25y (for at least ~200y.) In terms of overall economic and industrial activity: <lockdown did not happen> ….despite the hype.
We staid at home, but we did not consume less, which therefore has little to do with Amazon. We consumed at least as much as usual because a great deal of consumption is infrastructural; and we were using more at home – simples.
The generalisable trend of upward mobilisation of wealth is even more ancient. The Sumerians knew about this 5Kya. Michael Hudson and Dave Graeber have both written a great deal about the monopolisation of wealth – as did a certain German fellow. Wealth only ever goes one way.
Wealth accumulates at the top and debt at the bottom. As in: we get to pay the debt as a further downward mobilisation. David Harvey called it “accumulation by dispossession” and (neoliberal) “state redistribution”; terms he coined for the ‘new’ imperialism in the 1970s. Hudson has also used the “‘new’ imperialism” to great effect more recently.
Therefore, wealth and debt monopolisation have been the driving anthropogenic force behind civilisation(s) for millennia. Greater and greater wealth inequality is a feature of most (but not all) civilisations — it is what we do. (Cf. Graeber and Wegrow)
Therefore, wealth and debt ratios are crucial for civilisation-bound anthropogenic economic stability. When wealth ‘creation’ is outpaced by debt creation the economy will crash back to a more stabilised ratio – that is when the debt is socialised in case of memory loss. In fact, the exponential ratio of debt creationism makes periodic collapses mathematically certain as Hudson has shown and recent economic history attests. “Debts that cannot be paid, won’t be paid” is his adopted motto. A civilisation intent on indefinite economic growth will certainly collapse as economic (cliometric) empiricism shows.
Therefore: according to long-term civilisational data and empirically verifiable principles of all economic systems: <lockdown did not happen>.
Consumption, monopolisation, dispossession, imperialism, and dehumanisation continued on their centuries long trends. We could stay at home under protest because they were working to support our incomes as a cultural lifestyle imperialism and net appropriation of wealth, as per millennial usual.
Thus, the long-term trend of the rapid intensification of our imperialism continues on its upward trend as per the anthropogenic norm, despite the hype. In terms of all of our accumultative work as civilisation-bound consummatory anthropogenic behaviour — that is day-to-day human act consuming the life-support infrastructural ecology – it was just another year-on-year intensification of voracious libidinal economics. Only, we never managed to incorporate the entire species before as an Anthropogenic Incorporation [AI] irreducible to Amazon.
Did chatGPT write this word salad?
Your point being?
The best part of this is the total absence of irony on the part of the gov in having a government tribunal (collection of barristers) to account for the undeclared earnings.
This is the pot calling the kettle black.
But not a racial bigotry type of thing it’s allegorical…
Except that that is not what happened. They appeared before a Parliamentary committee. You know, the sort that Governments worldwide have.
2 years late to the party!!!!!!
Truckers Freedom Con very in Canada was such a huge success in psyop they had one in netherland with farm tractors and fake farmers needing nitrogen and then voted in an Monsanto rep to help the farmers LOL they even called it the BBB party- Build back better.
only the demented Conservative Christian MIC alt media would sell this to its fanbase as winning. (special kind of stupid)
The Farmer–Citizen Movement (Dutch: BoerBurgerBeweging, BBB) is an agrarian, center-right leaning populist and food politics political party in the Netherlands which appeared online during covid.
Thats your alt media fighting for you is it……………………….. 😂
There comes a point where a healthy suspicious outlook turns into self defeating paranoia. And EVERYTHING becomes a psyop. But you already know that, don’t you Woowoo.
Some off can see a psyop, whilst others using the alt media lens
#gets programmed to think it is real. (like you).
your got and been programmed and now your in the oppsite thinking state and believing your not.
oppsite being thinking that the alt media lens- videos like truckers or farm tractors or fake MP’s discussing vaccines videos shown by the alt media is actually real.
Your type follow alt media needing the alt media drug to help you cope.
its a drug to you.
Unlike you, I look at alt media in the same light I see normal news,
difference is your very sceptical towards mainstream news, yet believe as gospel in alt media.
It is earth shattering for you to even contemplate that alt media Is set up to send you down the wrong path.
Make sure you log in for your dose of your UKC drug fear porn fix @ 6pm.
(them tell yourself your awake)
I presume the peculiar opening of your comment was an attempt to quote yourself which somehow exploded into a weird permutation. But since you seem to have trouble expessing yourself I’ll offer,
Woowoo’s Guide to the Media:
Mainstream = psyop
Alt = double psyop
Alt alt = triple psyop
Alt alt alt = quadruple psyop
By which point I reckon everyone has gotten the point and can extend indefinitely.
It is worse than that. We were all abducted and had our minds completely re-programmed with false life memories and false knowledge of ourselves and everything else!
The very computer you used to send that comment was made to re-inforce the false, implanted mind!
Actually it’s Catholic Christian if that’s the avenue your hoping to spin down..again. Common themes over the last 100 years virtually all related to Central Power.
Bidens Woke NY Kojak AI system ran out of toothpicks.
The whole point of global power structures is that you can never discuss the things that matter, because misdirection is the never-ending constant in how the non-elites rule by corruption, murder and sexual depravity.
It simply isn’t realistic to expect those that take the shilling to confront their masters.
It has to be done by those who gave a two finger salute to the corrupt Establishment.
Chris Packham’s services to the climate change cult are richly praised in the Graud:
“This grand, wise nature epic reveals the fiery terror of prehistoric global warming – plus how Packham has evolved so much that the BBC need no longer rely on Attenborough”
The opening is a sobering declaration of what to expect from now on:
“No natural history programme can, or should, be made these days without the climate crisis as a looming subtext at the very least.”
The first “disaster” happened 252 million years ago:
“But unfathomably distant as that is, it is painfully relevant because of what happened at the close of the Permian period: Earth grew warmer, ending life as it existed then.”
“Unfathomably distant” and yet we know what happened?
That’s as much as I could stand to read.
And then I wondered: But what about the that famous “comet that wiped out the dinosaurs”? So I had another look and there’s no mention of a comet or a meteor. So I’m guessing that that particular theology has now been discarded.
Dee Forbes -a depopulation pusher.It’s all so banal and predictable at this point.
Guess those of us who would like to opt out of the ‘Great Rehash’ will have to go back to using wampum…
Yes.Another Devil.But,when are we going to revolt?
“I love a good scandal. I love it when the silly buggers get caught, as only silly buggers get caught.”…(anon)…
We know, we know…
They “come in for little criticism” because they have been bribing, bullying and threatening key people into submission for many years now.
The masses follow those ‘key people’ – those specially-selected bumpkins and airheads who run all the big fairground shows.
So, “Mission Accomplished”.
Something, somewhere, sometime, somehow, will stop them.
It’s just that I’d like to live long enough to see it.
I’ll drink (albeit a nice cup o tea) to that wardropper
To be $$$URE to be $$$URE.
‘It’s a private club and we aint in it!’
Ireland, Ireland, when will you be free?
Why can Ireland never be allowed to be free? Why must Ireland always be slaves to London??
EN,..Slavery was abolished way before 1900. The above article is tackfully omitting the early 19 Hundreds imo. Past history let it go.
dont pay your tax free man then tell us your not a slave!!
Because of a slave religion.
All right, so Irish are Catholics and Brits are ehhh what? … lets say Protestants.
So to avoid the Catholic Pope’s influence and regime change operations into the British Empire, London has to suppress the Irish and other Catholic Colonies with all means necessary. I buy that one.
From your Link: Brought to you by Universal Music Productions. Sung by Marianne Faithfull.
From Wikipedia: “Marianne Faithfull was born in Hampstead, London. Her father, Major Robert Glynn Faithfull, was a British intelligence officer and professor of Italian Literature at Bedford College of London University.
“Marianne Faithfull’s mother Eva was the daughter of an Austro-Hungarian nobleman Eva von Sacher-Masoch, Baroness Erisso an Austrian aristocrat, whose father Leopold Johann Nepomuk Ritter von Sacher (“Ritter” meaning knight, a title of nobility), combined his own with the von Masoch Slovak aristocratic title of his wife (last in that line) when his loyal services as Commissioner of the Imperial Police Forces in Lvov (in present-day Ukraine) were rewarded with a new title, Sacher-Masoch by the Austrian Emperor. Her mother was Jewish.
“Eva Sacher-Masoch fell in love with Major Robert Glynn Faithfull, a British Army officer and spy. The couple married in 1946 and late that year had their only child, daughter Marianne Faithfull[8] “
Indeed: Ireland, Ireland, when will you be free of the EU and England?
What a nasty background. However, nobody can take away from her she is an outstanding artist.
A Romanian MEP goes off on the WHO in plain, simple language. This alone is worth sharing.
Ireland… ??????????? this is the alternative alternative Conservative christian media talking points.
not long ago didn’t bojo give the BBC chairman the main job to guarantee a 800.000 loan on his new house.
You didnt even mention that but mention this.
OFF G like the guardian gets told what story’s literally storys to print so it not so wise viewers think there getting alternative news when in theory there getting lead into the next political party that sells you freedom phantasy via is MIC alt media outlets.
by the same people who sold you bojo trump nigel brexit & Conservative as anti Establishment then locked you down.
You can talk about OffG’s “not-so-wise viewers” after another 10 years in school…
ANY school.
I’m sorry to be the one to break it to you, but there were about 30 mistakes in that short comment – an average of more than 4 per line.
I don’t know why I bothered, but there’s no charge for this purified, intelligible version:
“Ireland… ??????????? These are the alternative, alternative Conservative Christian media talking points.
Not long ago, didn’t Bojo give the BBC chairman the main job to guarantee a 800.000 loan on his new house?
You didnt even mention that, but mention this:
OFF G, like the guardian, gets told what stories – literally stories to print, so its not-so-wise viewers think they’re getting alternative news, when in practice they’re getting led into the next political party that sells you freedom phantasy via its MIC alt-media outlets – by the same people who sold you Bojo, Trump, Nigel, Brexit & Conservativism as anti-Establishment, then locked you down.
Woowoo made a booboo. Or twenty two.
He’s probably on the B77 young offenders scheme.
I hear they are having trouble with recruitment…..
Ed, fell hook line and sinker for the above.
go and have a look at Ed’s past comments when bojo got busted.
typical alt media devotee. programmed to the hill.
No mind of your own.
What a absolute Twat, who makes mistakes in his own comments thinks he is smart due to his private school spelling content competition.typical guardian reader now turned daily mail mindset due to alt media..what idiot, you going to start commenting on everyone elses comment to prove what a OG asslick teachers pet..?? and now you like to think the private school programme, programme. made you some clever spelling cookie…Come back when your literate in linguists.
Linguistics dummy.
I had a perfectly normal education, but some of us pay attention.
I wasn’t the star of my school, and some of my teachers actually thought I had astonishing lapses, but I cared enough about language to want to be intelligible.
Of course some of us don’t care, but that can’t be helped.
for a really wonderful take on life in the Eire, please give a big hand for the rubber bandits.
if you dont know this you should
All thanks to a religious upbringing ?
thank you duckman for that
Have some TPM
Feck Fine Gael and Feck Fianna Fáil too
Still prefer The Wallopers, though
The chief problem with the Great Reset is that it’s the fuckers who are perpetrating it and not us. Us being the freedom-loving crowd, the organic people who oppose transmotherfuckerism, the plastic make-believe culture, the puke-inducing crap that is pervading the world.
We’ve fucked up. We’ve done shit, sat on our assess, succumbed to all kinds of horseshit about the End of History, we’ve let the klaus anal schwabs of the world take initiative.
The world is, and has been, ripe for a reset. Anybody who has their head screwed on right must have seen it, which is not many, I admit, but still.
The transmotherfuckers are smart, proficient schemers, resourceful, you name it. They took initiative and got a mighty substantial fucking head start. And I mean mighty substantial because we haven’t even started. We’re still incredulously croaking shit along the lines of how is this even possible. We’ve got shit to offer.
So, that’s basically where we’re at.
What is your solution then?
You think people can comply their way out? Vote their way out?
What are you going to do when the jack boots come, and they will come, submit or fight?
If you intend to fight, what are you going to fight with?
Your heart would be a good start, then move on too the brain, who tells the limbs to function and its all good in the junction.
That isn’t a solution. That is a state of being.
My heart is in the game because I have a child.
My mind is in the game by building a homestead, prepping, and creating time and space in which to maneuver.
Now instead of mumbling a philosophical mumbo jumbo, how about your solutions. That is if you have any other than compliance.
Do like I did, learn to do everything for yourself, so then their is no big fight to worry over. This is the only solution going forward, good luck and watch out for that train going over the cliff, I’m sorry I could not afford the ride.
None of them are sound in this day and age.
The immediate solution is to adapt and fly under the radar. You can do something mammothly stupid and die a heroic death of which nobody will know shit and you’ll be painted as devil incarnate. Or you can formulate a vision for the future and promote it, and eventually have the rest of people join you.
Going grey isn’t a bad idea, if that is possible when faced with full spectrum dominance via surveillance tech.
Never said anyone should go lone wolf and go down in flames, unless that is the only choice to be had.
No one is smarter than the collective intelligence and experience that penned the USA’s founding documents. The only thing better would be anarchy, provided the people remaining are substantially moral, of good character and good ethics.
The brainwashing is irreversible. There is no “rest of people”, only a little group of maybe 5-10% of the populations who still are able to think……..maximum.
Thomas, aren’t you in the US? Don’t you think it strange We haven’t had a National Strike.
What is a “National Strike”?
@What are you going to do when the jack boots come, and they will come, submit or fight?
That’s a bit subjectively interpretative, an illusion, a proxy fighter, and should one arrive at your doorstep, ask them what else they have besides that one trick pony, or do as they do here, put your trust in Jesus.
Jesus never said anyone has to be a panzi, and roll over to show their belly.
Trade your robe for a sword.
I dont follow the guy much, but plenty do here in the deep south, and live by the sword, die by the sword, i’ll keep the robe
I would submit. If you cant beat them, join them. If we fight we could risk being wounded ourselves.
No matter how many down votes I get, Im not going to Ukraine to fight.
Im not taken a yellow vest on, Im not going around with a poster. Im not going to invade Capitol Hill and claim the President’s chair or his head on a lamp post. Im not going to throw stones at the police.
Why? It just aint me babe. I could get hurt and I have MY life and my new car to take care of!
First, you need to stop being the myopic idiot you presently are.
Second, you need to realize that if you want to fight for something, and you’ll need brothers in arms to do that, you need something to fight for.
That would be the vision for the future I’m alluding to above, which the Great Resetters have and which “we” fucking don’t. They knew what was coming, that one historical era was ending, and they are prepared. We are shit. We have fuck all.
Moreover, they got most people hooked on their vision of things. The vast majority of people will go with them, not with you.
Stop this idiotic blather about fighting already.
Never understood the rationale for supporting anything merely because “the vast majority of people will go with them, not with you”…
The vast majority of people can’t tell the difference between Beethoven and a hole in the wall, but I have no intention of ‘going with them’…
Going with the mob is exactly what our current persecutors are doing, only they created their own mob in the first place.
They are effectively going with themselves – mad narcissists to a man.
Germany 1933-45 should teach you all you need to know about the consequences of that sort of thing.
You’re using the wrong analogy. You should look at what, say, the socialists (in broad sense of the word) accomplished in 18-19th centuries when they educated the workers to exercise their collective power, whether through unions or through political parties, to win for themselves the prosperity that people subsequently had roughly in the second half of the 20th century. Even though it was a bit more complicated than that.
People need to understand that the “Great Reset” is a scam (even though it addresses some issues that do need to be addressed) and that the direction the world is going will ultimately rob them of the abovementioned prosperity and freedom, and they’ll for sure won’t have more of it, which is what most people think.
You need to present the Greater Reset, which will include addressing the issues that need to be addressed (economy, energy, environment, organic living, etc.), but will be equitable, freedom-based, and so on.
You DO need to have the majority of people on board. Not in a fanatical way, but in an informed way, knowing that your way is the better one.
Speaking about Beethoven, it would be good to make it illegal to manufacture sound reproduction devices. If people wanna listen to music, hire a fucking musician or learn to play an instrument yourself. What do you think?
The problem is that we are not currently living in the 18th or 19th Centuries. Things have changed a lot, so I think my analogy holds for today.
Following the mob is the ‘safe’ option for insecure individuals, but it’s a lottery whether or not it’s the right option for most of us.
I like the suggestion in your last paragraph, except that the costs of going to live concerts these days is prohibitive to many people.
Schubert, for example, couldn’t have afforded today’s prices, and without ever hearing the symphonies of other composers in a live situation, the learning processes necessary to cultivate a normal outlet for his own wonderful talent would have been severely limited.
Also, most of the more recent great composers and performers were pretty happy to have their music reproduced for general accessibility, and actively contributed to that.
I do appreciate the sentiment behind your suggestion though.
I’d like to have daily access to live symphony concerts myself.
So, I have to console myself with the knowledge that at least my collection of recorded music keeps me in touch with some of the miraculous artists of the past.
Without that, it would be as if they had never existed, and that would be pretty tragic as far as I’m concerned.
Re symphony: You’re too much of a maximalist, a trio in the corner of the bar would be good enough.
Re going with the mob: No. Gotta make the “mob” go with you. And not the “mob”, that implies fanaticism. A bunch of informed people.
None of that makes sense in the real world.
Symphonies have an average of about 70 players, making a sound which no trio in the corner of the bar could match.
One does have artistic ideals, even if trios are great on their own terms.
Now tell me how to make the mob go with me.
But I have to warn you that my personal charisma might not be up to it…
Mobs, by definition, represent a loud minority, tending towards the fanatical.
They rarely represent an informed majority.
You don’t want no mob go with you. You want a community of informed individuals treading more or less the same path of freedom.
I’m not too much of a symphony guy, even though my most profound musical experience was doing Mozart’s C Minor Mass (double choir, full orchestra). A huge fucking wall of sound. The church was reverberating. The second one was a year I spent playing in a big band – like a herd of horses galloping at 320 bpm. Incredible force.
But as you say, money is in short supply, so trio is it.
I get that.
There’s nothing like personally taking part in such magnificent large-scale works.
People say, “it took my breath away”, but I have even experienced some music that made me feel “it took my body away”…
Long live great music, and, as long as hardly anybody is composing music with comparable genius these days, long live the creations of the great masters of the past.
No one, including you, has come up with a better form of government than the USA’s Representative Constitutional Republic, based on INALIENABLE RIGHTS. Don’t flatter yourself by assuming you are smarter than the collective intelligence and experience of the men that penned the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of RIghts.
No shit dipstick. Not once did I say myself, or anyone else, should act alone. You obviously fail completely at reading and comprehension.
Your future is a dream with no structure, no substance, and based on your statements, rooted in idiocy.
The vast majority will never have the intestinal fortitude to do anything other than comply. The very reason that freedom and liberty have such a high cost. Only 3 out of every 100 American Colonists fought for freedom from the yoke of the English crown and prevailed. That you are so worried about the masses only indicates your trepidation.
Just because you are a coward that doesn’t have the courage to face Goliath, will never be a reason or excuse for another to do the same.
Maybe one day you will put the big boy pants on instead of panties.
Let me inform you that you’re an obdurate cretin, and that’s all there is to it. Your modus operandi is simple, as follows:
1) America, its founding fathers, and your fucking self are the greatest of the great because of all the usual suspects, blah blah blah
2) Everybody else is substandard, subhuman, blah blah blah because blah blah blah
3) Blah blah blah
4) Blah blah blah
I like quite a few things about the American culture, but I strongly dislike some of its aspects too. That would be especially the stupidity exhibited by trust-the-founding-fathers cretins of your ilk. You’re an idiot par excellence, a moron wherewith one cannot have a reasonable exchange because you turn everything into demonstration of American exceptionalism. You’re one-trick pony who can do only one thing – jerk off that you’re the best and everybody else is .. whatever.
Shove it all up your ass, you indoctrinated dimwit.
Don’t flatter yourself by assuming you have any information that I need.
I never said the founding fathers are the “greatest”. I said you are not smarter than their collective intelligence and experience, that was put to bear to pen the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. INALIENABLE RIGHTS.
Never said others are subhuman. I said others don’t understand American Culture and how that culture is rooted in individual liberty and freedom. Specifically the RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS.
I never said I trust all of the founding fathers. Specifically I think Alexander Hamilton was an elite puppet. I do trust the words on paper that have not changed for over 200 years.
Your response above is just more of your bias, asserting I made statements that I did not, as a means of justifying your own ignorance and ad hominem attacks that prove you have no logical, rational, or intelligent argument to make.
You are an empty vessel relying upon the masses to save you.
Be sure to share this will all your buddies in Brigade 77 at the water tank.
Fuck off already.
You make all of the above statements all the fucking time, whether implicitly or explicitly (look up what these words mean).
As far as “You are an empty vessel relying upon the masses to save you.” – imbecile, discussion forums are not pissing contests. They’re place for exchanging ideas, for having ones views challenged, seeing what other think, getting a different perspective.
As far as masses – once again, it’s you who keep yapping about America (=state=collectivist organization=masses). I don’t give a fuck about that.
Fuck off already? As you said on the other day, Make me fuck off, bitch. I bet you’re a chickenshit coward hiding in the basement scared of sticking your fat ass out. All the blather about arms is a pose – you’d shit yourself if you were to deal with a real man.
And speaking about brigades, you’re either a complete idiot, or, more likely, a shill provocateur whose role is to make people pick up on your idiotic remarks about violence so that the pigs could go after them.
I recognize very well that my posture and position is consistent. Thank you for noticing.
All you are exchanging are ad hominem attacks.
That in your mind all forms of government are collectivist, ignores the form of government. That We the People have, at least on paper, a justice system that protects individual rights, means that American ideology is not collectivist, as in it is not promoting acts for the greater good.
You are just conflating subjects in order to promote your idea of endless peaceful protest leading to compliance. Just a government teet sucker.
I never asserted that I can make you f*** off.
LOL, as if you know what a real man is.
I never said that anyone should commit violence, you lying POS. I said our trajectory is towards violence, and that people should prepare accordingly.
If you are going to make assertions that I am promoting violence you better back it up, or face the consequences of making false accusations of criminal intent.
You’re a tyrant c*** and blue d*** sucker.
Hmmm … you keep yapping about “We the People”, but you’re not a collectivist, eh? Ridiculous!
Stop hiding behind the people, chickenshit asshole. Be yourself for a second, whatever your fucked up self is, FFS!
As to how people prepare, how about if you leave it up to them? What fucking business of yours is it to tell people how to prepare and force onto them your violent vision of things? Mind your own business.
Just because someone is part of a community doesn’t by default mean they are a collectivist in form of government.
Your constant conflation of the two is hypocritical at best.
You talk about being in a group to act, waiting for the masses, no lone wolf. So how is that not then collectivism based on your assertion above?
Collectivism is an ideology where the needs of the many always outweigh the needs of the few. Mass murder is ok as long as it improves things for the masses.
That isn’t the same as belonging to a community or group. False binary / straw man, noted.
Resisting tyranny is not by default violence, or are you saying it is? Being prepared to deal with tyranny, and suggesting people be prepared, is tantamount to wanton violence?
You don’t qualify and won’t make it.
dude, if i can call you that?, we are facing “crisis management” of the human race by psycopaths, a crisis that is at least 2 fold, but in reality multi fold!
a crisis of dwindling profit margins of managing the “herd” for “best performance”, coupled with an impending cosmic foreclosure on the whole “ranch” and given that historicaly only the “very high ups” knew that the lease was expiring and all the pretty fences, feeding troughs and associated “farmalia” would become not only redundant but meaningless they had to come up with a plan, in fact not just one plan, but plans, on plans on plans.
for example, if the lease was “up” above ground then go under, but how to not alert the livestock that “change” was afoot….?
clearly the threat of a really nasty “dis~ease” that would affect the “herd” would do the trick.. (it worked early in the last century after all!), so the inside line was given to the farm hands and a juicy spot promised to each and every one of them in the “new underground farm”, now it was clear that not all the livestock would make it to the new underground farm, but hey, what the fuck, whats a few billion rotting carcasses matter when the wind only blows… above ground and at least those that remained would not be making a mess.?
so while the livestock huddled in fear of the deadly “dis~ease” the farm managers and farm hands got busy and built their new underground farm, this cunning ploy they were sure would fool the “Main Manager”, after all the “deputy” had told them all in tones of earnest complicity that the plan would work, after all the deputy was the only one who had ever met the Main Manager, so he must be right????
Its a fucking mess n no mistake, its layer, on layer, on layer, but i do believe we are making small but significant in roads to fuck ye olde plan right up, for sure, sucess in that will lead us to a whole new world of challenges as us livestock run amuk
and for those who need to be reminded/informed of just one of the “features” of the “disease treatment” heres a wee snippet from a moderna insider, take it with a pinch of whatever takes your fancy, its a wild ride were on, but it is not “all good” because no matter how you re-write crowleys “do as thou wilt is the whole of the law” satanism will always be satanism and it is neither big nor clever
Keyword depopulation. The leftist death cult, plastic Lolitas, plastic penis, spirals, p-pills, free abortions, free vaxx.
So, you’re giving up?!
Giving up? What does that mean? I never give up and I have a rather long history of that. Plus a rather long family history.
I see no brothers and sisters in arms around capable of mounting anything resembling a fight for something, as per the above – we only have rough contours of what we want.
So, I’ll fly under the radar, dodge, discuss stuff with a view to changing the mind of a person or two.
I’m certainly not gonna put a target on my chest or try to stop the tsunami.
Actually, we’re farther along than you think. I’ve heard some people say the word revolution. That’s progress, to me anyway. Except I’ve also heard others tell those people that we can’t have a revolution because it’s violent and they’ll win and that it’s a stupid idea. So, we’re stuck between a revolution and a hard place. Personally, I think we’re in the same place we were at 20 years ago, only worse. But then again, it could be better, because it’s worse, because you know what they say, it’s going to get worse before it gets better. Sure would be nice to know when the worst is going to be over though, but the fact that it keeps getting worse is a good sign. Because then it’s going to get better. Unless I suppose it gets so bad it can’t get better. I guess that’s the chance we’re willing to take.
Based on my review of the total picture, it looks like we’re trying to out truth the bastards and the game never ends until they win. We need to start a new game.
We can’t do a revolution as long as we don’t have shit to stage one for. You do a revolution to usher in something new, not to preserve the status quo, let alone one as totally fucked up as the pre2020 status quo.
If you don’t think we have shit to stage one for, you aren’t looking very hard. Good grief. Who is saying the revolution should be to preserve the status quo? That’s just made up bullshit.
What exactly do we have for the future?
Another ATM you Yankie fat Nazi. 🤡
The ‘us’ is a fraction of a percent. Most people don’t care, go along, profit, don’t know, don’t want to know, don’t believe you, hate you, think everything is fine, are too busy etc etc.
The BS will continue until some of these parasite puppets start to sudden and baffling fatal accidents.
I’m afraid all the usual paid assassins have been C-jabbed to death. Or where have they been all this time?
Paid assassins only work for money, not justice.
The day of the rope is nigh.
Everyone should know by now that any “scandal” that gets high profile coverage – and continual coverage – in the mainstream media is just a pathetic shadow boxing show. From the various sex scandals to the money scandals etc. I was prepared to list a few but I can’t even recall them now. They no longer rile me as distractions because I realise that even to rail against them as distractions is a distraction.
The media is unified. “The Science” is a closed shop totalitarian outfit. I was on the phone to my mother tonight and she said she was going to be watching Chris Packham’s “Earth” programme. I found a few articles on that and learned that Chris was talking to his buddies Sir David and Saint Greta about the “criminality” of world leaders who weren’t taking climate change seriously enough. And poor Chris was being hounded by psychopaths from the “fox hunting community”. Nice touch. Fuckin’ Tory bastards etc.
Poor beleaguered scientific community standing up to the Far Right and The Climate Denying Corporations i.e. the very corporations who are scripting the media that “rails against them”.
Distractions, limited hangouts, conditioning, psyops, etc. etc. etc.
No wonder more than 70% of people don’t even know what CBDC is.
They are trapped in the false religion of bread and circus.
Many more I’m afraid haven’t a clue about the economic drivers of CBDC and how the idea slowly took shape.
Reading economic and financial stuff by the think tanks is no fun though.
Reading being hard for the masses they are counting on.
And I’ve noticed that the “Comprehensible-English” campaign of years ago has gone into reverse again.
Some of the compilers of today’s official forms are clearly neither English-speaking nor even educated.
Typically, even instructions for mandatory changes have not been checked for (a) validity, accuracy, logic (flow) and completeness (b) language including brevity (c) clarity, by pilot-testing. Instructions for commercial products are no better.
“Everyone should know by now that any “scandal” that gets high profile coverage – and continual coverage – in the mainstream media is just a pathetic shadow boxing show. They no longer rile me … because I realise that even to rail against them as distractions is a distraction.”
Right. Not worth our spit.
Funny how the same logic is not applied to what alt media shoves down your throat as latest news.
And once again your super smart cynicism destroys everything apart from rants about “Bojo” apparently. Finger on the pulse!
You don’t have to show up here, with your throat open like a fledgling crow, waiting to see what this irresistibly addictive site wants to shove into it next.
Do yourself a favour.
Stop attributing Grauniad motives to everything you see around you.
Nobody here is shoving anything into any of your orifices.
But you might consider closing some of them from time to time.
No words from you on the massive profits made by Bill Gates from his dealings and promotions in the world of pharmaceuticals.
I wonder why that is?