So what’s the REAL point of “Just Stop Oil” protests?
Kit Knightly

It seems every day lately there is a new “shocking viral video” of “desperate drivers losing patience with Just Stop Oil”, or some similar phrasing.
Something like this…
🥊 BREAKING: Just Stop Oil Supporter Assaulted While Demanding No New Oil and Gas
🦺 Daniel was assaulted while marching this morning, and remained nonviolent throughout. Disruption is difficult, but it’s necessary.
🖋️ Sign up to slow march at
— Just Stop Oil (@JustStop_Oil) July 19, 2023
No sporting event has been spared the orange dust and hi-viz vest of Just Stop Oil, and wherever they go they are either cheered on for their antics, or the subject of vigilante justice…which likewise gets a cheer.
But are these videos and protests organic? And if not, what is the point of these clashes?
First of all, let’s agree the protests themselves are pointless, even on their own terms.
Not only do none of the people being inconvenienced by the blocked traffic or disrupted sporting events have any power at all to “just stop oil”, but slowing down traffic actually increases emissions whilst the destruction and disruption will certainly turn many people against the movement.
But that doesn’t actually matter anyhow because the entire movement is FAKE.
Yup, stop the presses guys, news incoming is that Just Stop Oil are not actually a guerilla band of desperate anti-petrol hippies!
Turns out they have branding and funding and social media managers.
Turns out they are a product being marketed as much as anything else, and they are backed by the Climate Emergency Fund, a US-based NGO.
Shocking, right.
Ok, before any of you get apoplectic, it’s perfectly possible some (or all) of the JSO people out there actually wearing their hi-viz and chanting their slogans genuinely believe they’re doing the right thing.
But it’s just as possible they’re all being paid to be there.
Yes, just like charity collectors or seat fillers, paid protesters exist.
Hell, it’s possible the “ordinary people” doing the violence are paid too and the many of the “viral videos” are entirely staged.
Staged or not, paid or not, the violent videos will certainly encourage real violence eventually. And even if they don’t spawn more physical violence, they provide endless ammunition for violent disagreement.
Yes, you guessed it, it’s another fake binary.
A dialectic construction to control the conversation. Making the question on the public mind not “is climate change a problem?”, but “is protesting hydrocarbon production this way right?” or “is violence against protesters acceptable?”.
And, of course, no matter how you answer those questions you’re providing support for one establishment narrative or another.
See, if you support the protesters, you’re agreeing we should be using any means necessary to reduce CO2 emissions etc. You agree that the problem these people are reacting to requires a solution. That way lies carbon taxes and a laundry list of restrictive policies that contol and impoverish people in the name of “saving the planet”.
But, on the other hand, if you’re anti-protesters you’re going to be gaslit into supporting “new anti-protest legislature” to “stop environmentalists disrupting daily life” or “prevent outbreaks of violence” or something.
This anti-protest legislation will be used to stamp-out REAL protests when they inevitably occur in response to Great Reset policies down the line.
See how it works? It’s a win-win for the establishment.
That’s the nature and purpose of the false binary. Violent disagreement across a very narrow band of opinion, and no matter which side you take you’re partaking in a constructed reality that directs your behaviour and responses into endorsing a New Normal policy.
This is almost literally everything that’s been in the news since Covid sputtered out, and the solution is always the same: Keep objective and refuse to take a side.
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I’d point out that there IS a point to protest, which is to get on the news and provoke a debate, to get the issue on the table. I’m not suggesting the rest of your article doesnt have merit; i’d agree with a lot of the opinion, and of course there is much indisputable fact provided.
But let’s not throw the baby out eith the bathwater (classic CiF btl terminology, takes me back!): protest is not only aimed at those who have direct control over outcomes. Protest has always been about getting coverage.
Of course staying objective and not taking a side also plays into the hands of the managers. It makes you a passive individual ready to accept any scenario or future planned for you.
Here’s one approach: We’re not responsible for what others do (whether the minions of JSO or the Committee of 300 calling the shots), or for the fate of the planet and the persons thereon. We will be judged for what we do, not how we respond to others. Let them do what they do. Our time will be up one day and the “salvation” of earth’s inhabitants is not our responsibility.
A company that was allegedly involved in plot to kill JFK is apparently about to use seismic blasting to explore for oil in the seas between Tasmania and Victoria off Southern Australia. Schlumberger Co according to a 1976 book by Richard Sprague funded some assassination related activity prior to the assassination.
The blasting will affect whales and have other negative environmental effects. Sadly the environmentalists will not bring this to the attention of the “lawmakers” now about to rubberstamp the proposal.
Check this, its insane bc filthy rich support ER, invest in Raytheon and sells special nutrition for starving war children.
British hedge fund backer profits from ‘dirty’ firms. TCI Fund Management, which is owned and run by Sir Chris Hohn. TCI investments include Raytheon, a £50billion American missiles
Raytheon Missiles & Defense
Javelin anti-tank missile, Tomahawk cruise missile, Stinger person-portable air defense, etc.
Sir Chris Hohn, philanthropist and Chair of the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) also co-invests in Ready-to-use Therapeutic Food (RUTF), a lifesaving, nutrient-dense, peanut-based therapeutic food for foodstarved warchildren.
I think you are right about the videos. They were somewhat believable at the start but the script now follow the same pattern of upset person pushing and shoving out of nowhere and protestors adopting the Gandhi pose. Fine. But if they really wanted change they would be protesting against BlackRock and other corporate polluters. And they receive far far too much airtime.
in the hazy pre “c” days a gvmnt think tank was tasked with analysing the motives and funding behind one of these groups, the piece is illuminating as it shows a pre agenda disparity in authority thinking which (imho) shows how the “need to know” bigger message is now filtering down through the ranks with increasing speed, those being “taken up” and seduced with the “bigger message” are convinced that the “big plan” or at least the small piece that they have been shown which relates to their little sphere of influence, is the RIGHT plan
this in turn evidences the new “religon” combining “science” and “woke ideology” that is intent on sweeping through the masses, the “luciferian new world religion”
such a sweeping movement is of interest to types that read here… why? because these are the minnions who will place the rope around your neck or force you to kneel before madame guilotine, when you refuse to compromise your soul.
the form of resistance we put forth, that being the realistic breaking down of bullshit narratives may ultimately save our lives, somewhere someone said:
“its a battle for hearts and minds”
that is the truth of it, recent whistleblowing from within the nhs has exposed the top down directive of midazolam murder to be 100% as we thought
there are fisures opening in the thought processes of the masses, those that oppose us seek to fill those gaps with meaningless tripe and ever so slightly, intentionally flawed reveals, eg the background of those involved with the “sound of freedom” wearing masonic neck ties and knights templar “jerusalem crosses”….. :0p
Just Stop Oil’s moment of glory – martyring a baby to save the planet!
Do you remember when they were saving an sour ice bear on an melting ice floe by downing an airliner and an ocean liner with tourists who were using CO2?
The tourists all drowned and deserved to die to save the now smiling ice bear on the now icing ice floe.
Agreed Kit. But it would still be ‘interesting’ (maybe not the right word) to see what happened if some government somewhere did actually, literally ‘just stop oil’ (and fossil fuels in general). How many hundreds of thousands would have to die before those sadly deluded protestors who actually believe in what they are doing started campaigning to ‘just start oil again’?
The protestors’ motivations are to get paid, and/or get laid, and get instagram likes. Of course no one is stupid enough to believe we could just stop oil. All essential in modern life depends on oil, winter heating, clothing materials (like all plastics), food production and distribution, technology (mineral extraction and machinery), infrastructure building and upkeep, transportation (bikes making requires metals, plastics and lubricants which all depend on oil).
It’s all immersive entertainment where we all feel part of it. There’s nothing there, it will fizzle out and in a few years (dare I say months) no one will be talking about it anymore, until the new episode in the climate change show saga is introduce. And so on ad-infinitum.
Short summary. The Green lobby is substantially funded by the oil industry and its foundations.
Left wing NYT best seller Naomi Klein
“Large parts of the movement aren’t actually fighting those interests – they have merged with them,” she writes,
And Klein herself is associated with the Ford and Rockefeller foundations…
Which makes you wonder at what point she was bought off… after or even before she wrote Shock Doctrine.
Curiously, Klein shares the view sometimes espoused here that the Great Reset is “exaggerated” and that the WEF is simply engaged in a bid for institutional relevance.
“The author never rebutted the observation that her IMF, Falklands War, and Iraq scenarios were conspiratorial. Instead, she simply ignored them. This was an understandable strategy, as Klein’s status as a pillar of the progressive establishment would be over if she explicitly stated that the actions of the elite not only have vicious consequences, but often malicious premeditated intent.”
“In 2021, concern about conspiracy theories has grown into a full-fledged moral panic fed both by the neoliberal establishment and by the respectable left. Social media companies now have a policy of censoring any post regarding the Great Reset; YouTube banned a Zero Books video that merely mentioned Reset theories to criticize them in terms similar to Klein’s. Then there are the jibes made by Adam Curtis in his new documentary Can’t Get You Out of My Head. Alongside a sensible warning about crediting the elite with omnipotence…”
“What explains Naomi Klein’s current silence on, and even deflection from, crucial issues? Once perceived as the spokesperson for street activists of the anti-corporate globalization movement, Klein now works as the Facebook and Ford Foundation-sponsored Gloria Steinem Endowed Chair in Media, Culture and Feminist Studies at “Public Ivy” Rutgers University.”
Someone called Klein doesn’t need to be ‘bought off’
Thanks, yes. I basically agree with what you wrote.
She’s corporate (pulled her punches on Gore) but she knew about carbon trading back in 2009 (Copenhagen climate conference) when she presented an award on behalf of Friends of the Earth. That’s what she address in the article above. carbon trading is the capitalist (Enron) response to global warming.
I had a carbon trading website and I implored her to address the issue in writing which she did in the book “This Changes Everything” quoted above. She’s still a climate fraud denier (she enjoys being on the profitable bandwagon).
You haven’t shown any evidence she’s connected to the foundations she attacked in the book (brilliantly and crucially connecting the green movement to big oil).
Corbett does the same in his video ‘ WHY BIG OIL CONQUERED THE WORLD”
I agree that (like Monbiot) she abandoned anti corporate anti globalisation movement to work on the corporate global warming scam. She’s a petit bourgeois from an academic family. She’s not the only one who enjoys having that status (Chris Hedges, Chomsky). Not surprised she as an academic job.
You haven’t shown any evidence..
Did you expect an essay or book to your satisfaction?
This my website of carbon trading links.
The Climate change industry is a multi trillion dollar Enron created carbon trading scam .
Next there will be a tax on walking! After all the proles will be breathing out CO2! Cant they just stop the proles by mass murder. Put them in concentration camps okay!
Maybe a tax on on drinking water too, after more “accidental” incidents of poisoning. Masks for covid alone may have doubled plastic trash.
How about this for idiocy.
”To help clear up London’s air, the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year, except Christmas Day (25 December). The zone currently covers all areas within the North and South Circular Roads. The North Circular (A406) and South Circular (A205) roads are not in the zone.”
Yes our wise persons in London’s local government have decided to impose a punishing tax on vehicles in Greater London. I live in Merton, one of the outlying boroughs and my wife who works in Surrey is now to be taxed £12.50 per day – every day – which comes to ”£12.50 times 5 = £62.50 per week and = £62.50 X 4 = £250 per month = times 12 = £3000.00 per annum. Not bad going eh!?
How do these cruds in local government expect people to come up with that money?! They seem to be looking for trouble. Presumably these people are supposed to go by train, but they can only get to the periphery. Then its a long walk to their place of employment, come rain or shine. These people are expected to be fit of course!
I think that this is just a declaration of war on the man in the street.
Government began as bandits and highwaymen (highwaypeople?).
This would not be the first time there is evidence of both protests and counter-protests being part of one orchestrated narrative. You may remember the press images of a BLM demonstrator rescuing a right-wing thug back in 2020. There was a strange web of deceit, and official connivance, behind that too, which I explored a little here.
Astroturf organsisations have been around since the 1920s, when the same US institutions funding the Bolshevik revolution also set up protest movements against communist infiltration at home.
“Just Stop Oil” are somewhat redundant, given we’re on the other side of Peak Oil, the reality which underpins all the changes being implemented to head off Global Warming, ie EVs, windmills, solar panels, 15 minute cities, UBIs, CBDC to “income manage” what you can consume, etc… (as well as get Complete Control over you)… …
What exactly is a 15 minute city?! Bombay? London? New York? If you created a 15 minute village you might make some real sense!
these protesters about oil would bitch if they got hung with a new noose.The UK has gone full-woke and stupid with all their politically correct BS and propaganda. No one cares about ehir causes.
The two sides of the same coin: in winter, we should be trembling of fear from some vari**t, and in summer we should be trembling – yes that’s right – of fear from the sun and the heat.
It’s the disaster Capitalism of Naomi Klein, or the more recent emergency Capitalism of Fabio Vighi. The point is keeping the public on edge, as if expecting drastic measures incessantly; and the media is a big part of it. They must keep us on our toes, ready to receive orders as soon as TPTB find a good fix for Capitalism.
I see two big chapters in what is going on:
– Attempts to concoct new value through digitalisation of commercial and financial processes, the green concept, the societal concept, the climate concept, and God knows what else they could force value into;
– The geopolitical re-alliances of groups of countries into custom unions or free trade unions to protect local production, not very much profitable, from outside of the union’s competition; Ukraine being at the border of two unions (European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union), it causes conflict. (Let’s remember that the whole story started with th EU accepting – they shouldn’t have, from the purely economic POV – in 2013 Yanukovych’s request to join a free-trade arrangement with the EU, thus breaking its non-block status, followed by Yanukovych’s volte-face just one week before sealing that arrangement, and thus frustrating US/EU attempt to reduce Russia to a purely Asian actor.)
So fasten your belts; these are times of transition and the young and not so young among us who likely will be living the next 10, 20 or 30 years will be the cannon fodder of this transition. But remember, to the Spirit individual existence is an illusion.
“But, remember, to the Spirit individual existence is an illusion” Beautifully put, (doffs cap)
It appears that in parts of the 1st world, the entitlement & selfishness is soo deeply ingrained that many appear ok with a continuation of the disproportionate & mindless consumption materialism they’ve, by accident of birth, become accustomed to.
Believe that just assists TPTB.
I’d love to see this on the front page of the Retardian. Meanwhile, I’ve seen some screenshots on twitter of thermometers on buildings at around 10° lower than the “news” is quoting.
The ‘news’ are reporting ground temperature readings across Europe ATM in line with their alarmist message that there are never before seen hot temperatures.
Another strange article which seems to be taking on the climate bullshit … and yet curiously hedges its bets e.g.
“Such sensationalism is revealing of the climate hysteria that has gripped the West — and the way in which it is seriously hindering our ability to devise rational solutions.”
The first noise there sneers at climate change. The second noise talks about “rational solutions” – to what? To the climate change formerly sneered at?
“Yes, climate change and global warming are real — and yes, they are largely a result of human activity — but the planet is not about to be “uninhabitable”. The science is, in fact, much more nuanced: according to the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), it is far from clear whether the world is actually experiencing more drought, flooding or hurricanes, nor the extent to which any changes are influenced by human behaviour.”
Note the breath-taking assurance that climate change is real and yet it is far from clear etc.
Furthermore, “Scientists aren’t even sure what the impact on agriculture will be”. But “the overall impact of climate change on humanity will be negative”. Life will not perish ….and yet etc.
We are told about the “futility thesis” i.e. “how people will reject preventive action due to a fatalistic belief that it is simply too late to make a difference”. The implication is that we must not be duped into doing nothing! Ergo we must do something! What a strange argument for a climate sceptic.
The “rhetoric of impending doom” hinders “the possibility of fixing the problem” – and yet,
“even if Western countries were able to meet their unrealistic climate objectives, we will continue to experience the negative consequences of climate change — floods, storms and heat waves — for a very long time.”
Just pause there and consider what is being said here. Even if we met those unrealistic climate objectives, it still wouldn’t be enough!
And then we hear about “adaptation”. We can apparently save lives by “demanding subsidies for air conditioners and lower energy prices from ….governments — straightforward measures that would drastically lower the number of heat-related deaths” – this after passages building up a nightmare scenario of climate devastation that sounds pretty much like the one the mainstream are shoving out anyway – and so implying that a few more saved lives won’t matter anyway.
“In this way, climate hysteria is completely distorting our perception of the world. Last week, a report by the World Meteorological Organization that the beginning of July was the world’s hottest week on record received widespread attention. At around the same time, another report was published — this time by the UN Development Programme — that was greeted with less interest. But it was arguably more important. It estimated that the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent surge in inflation and borrowing costs had pushed an extra 165 million people into poverty, bringing the total global figure to 1.65 billion, over 20% of the world’s population.”
Note the speedy shift there from that “hottest week on record” to that “other report” bypassing the issue of whether the first report was reliable. Anyone who checked the temperature record would have known it wasn’t. But hey – it’s too late, we’re on to the other report which, you will note, takes the covid crap at face value.
And isn’t it a familiar device by now to switch the focus to that old campaign for the poor whilst glossing over factual claims that are …. less than factual?
The sign off comes as (deliberately?) limp:
“As long as poverty continues to kill more people than climate change, environmentalists who profess to care about saving the world should think about who they are saving it for.”
After the sneer at climate change scare porn followed by the sneaking in of the very same scare porn, concern about poverty fades into insignificance. The implication we are left with is the reverse of the above and goes like this:
“As long as climate change continues to devastate the planet, the ones who profess to care about the poor should wonder if there will be a world left anyway.”
See? The road that looked as if it would give you some truth leads … back to the mainstream!
RE: The road that looked as if it would give you some truth leads … back to the mainstream!
That’s what “commodified rebellions” are for!
You might find this interesting:
From your Link:
“Capitalism requires it’s political superstructure to be continually refreshed and re-organised to find new ways to attack the working class. This is where the need for commodified rebellions has become a key part of bourgeois strategy in the 20th and 21st centuries.”
Yeah, I wish there was a transcript. That’s just one of many gems of analysis in there.
It means Kit Knightly is bold enough to change his mind.
Let’s keep things simple, after too many decades of professional analysis , also initally working for Oil Corporations image dept. creating your Carbon Footprint for you & all humanity included, along with subsequently Re-wilding at personalexpense, (being my concept originally literally over 3 decades ago), seriously, there is only one solution to vigilantes, protesters & Corporate sponsors of same, for over a century… and it is not a
Kick in the head, strangely enough,
Quite simply “Chop their bollocks off” or, I should add, remove their ovaries, surgically…
This way, the dumbed down and the producers of dumbed down Corporate mofo’s,
Will be reduced in the longterm.
Is this eugenics ? 😂
There is No Sanctuary. So run, Logan. Run…
How the West Has Won
What Do You Think Is Worth Fighting For?
END CIV Resist Or Die
Unfortunately they are not all being paid to be there. The architect for 1 of my current project has been on various just stop oil protests even getting arrested for their first time in his life really thinks he’s giving it to the system.
I don’t have the heart to tell him he’s a completely brain washed fool
I’m sure the achitect live a very comfortable life which is only made possible by the use of oil. Even the safety boots and hi-viz vests he wears are made with derivatives of oil.
Also I bet he doesn’t swim across the channel for his frequent continental breaks.
The irony is that he is the embodiment of the system he pretends he is ‘giving it to’.
That’s the life of a wealthy family’s wayward son, he moans and rebels but certainly makes use of dad’s credit card.
American Airlines grounding planes because of pilot shortage:
Hmm… why might they be short of pilots?
Still, every crisis is an opportunity as they like to say – how long before the A.I. co-pilots start being floated as a serious idea?
Let’s install the Artificial Dumbness Pilot in a..hole J. Kerry’s businessjoker-jet and then get it to try to land in Madeira on a windy day, would be fun to watch… crash and burn.
Too many SADS and vaxx black outs.
Excellent article per usual, Mr. Knightly; and one that should surely be invoked – and imbibed – whenever said scenario (i.e., fake binary) is manifested by the major players (i.e., NGO’s; MSM; alt news; etc.) of this phenomenon; as they continue to nudge/corrall us all onto their prescribed and proscribed patterns of pre-determined agendas of power and control (i.e., BBB; The Great Reset; Agenda 2030/SDG’s; ESG’s; etc.). Just one more thought on this most recent experiment on a subsect of society that’s been executed by said Kakistocracy: it appears one of the inherent elements for these (fake) binaries to be successful in altering people’s behavior en masse revolves around the concept of mimesis (see Girard – and concomitant works s/a: ‘Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World’; ‘Violence and the Sacred; ‘Deceit, Desire and the Novel’; etc.); where said concept is outlined in the following manner, “Man is the creature who does not know what to desire, and he turns to others in order to make up his mind. We desire what others desire because we imitate their desires.” Not only does this provide us with an ideal lens to view these types of staged deception events – and, moreover, in how they succeed in engineering the masses – but, also, it enables one to erect a bulwark in an attempt to, at the very least, mitigate some of the deleterious effects it can have on one’s life. That is all! RGB-Y3 out!!!
Is there a place where ‘we’ can vote for our favourite crisis actor (catastrophe thespian) or favourite staged to enrage video?
Some real talent out there.
Here we are being stripmined into serfdom by neoliberal governments and their corporate cronies and instead of resisting we’re busy working ourselves into a frenzy over some imagined “climate crisis”…
My response: Shut down government services. No more regulations. Period. Just dump. Pour raw sewage into the waterways. Burn waste in open burn pits. Abandon broken vehicles on roadway shoulders. Drain the swamps. Eat the endangered species. Open the park systems to squatters. End policing and law and order. Etc. Etc.
Fuck them.
You don’t work. You don’t eat. Good luck if you become ill.
This is a negotiation, Isn’t it?
Back to square one.
All that money going toward all those services. Money produced by fossil fuel consumption.
Cut off fossil fuels and this is where we will be:
Irreversibly Fucked (dead).
I’m thinking you’re being facetious here – just dumping it all, or burning it all in open pits, sounds like a very binary choice to me – either all in for regulations or none at all. Seeing as so many regulations are simply ignored while the dumping continues, it really is not as if any regulations stop the idiocy of rampantly polluting one’s own environment anyway. As we do indeed live on a finite planet, there’s really only so much dumping one can do before everything is contaminated – and in many ways, we are already at that point. And no, I’m not in any way saying I agree with JSO or that CO2 is the only problem.
This is just what the article is driving at – it isn’t really a binary choice, and we cannot simply stop what we are already doing on a dime. We could work to mitigate it, if we had actual regulations that meant something and polluting practices were regulated properly, but with our current sickos in charge we’ll never get there. Our owners would rather pollute it all and dream of cleaning it all up later, but I think we all know that is as big a pipe dream as thinking we can simply Stop Oil….
I am an environmentalist through and through. So much so, I majored in it.
I cannot take totalitarian extremists, however. We’ve done so much but most of it was done before these dweebs were born. If it were not for me and my generation, none of those environmental actions would have happened. It would be nice to just shut it all down for a while to get their attention.
No doubt, there is more to be done.
However, if it were not for fossil fuels most of us would not be here. It took a lot of energy to produce this many people and we will need a lot more of the same to sustain these people. The current plan being pushed by world leaders ain’t gonna do it while maintaining our living standards.
I don’t know about you, but I am not enthused about living in 15 minute metro center high rise cubicles, drawing UBI and eating vat grown proteins supplemented with insect powders, while taking daily virtual vacations. Nor do I want my descendants to face such a fate.
It is understandable why more and more young people are getting frantically wild eyed. Our leaders keep telling them they are going to die because we use fossil fuels.
Our leadership is failing to question the propaganda being generated by oligarchs sponsored by the United Nations.
The task of our generation is to calm them down and have them take a step back and think. Simple things like Carbon gas sinks that have stabilized Carbon gasses. Basic concepts about the earth’s ability to neutralize our waste products. What we know about natural cycles like ice ages, glaciation and solar flares. The falsehoods about stronger and more frequent storms needs to be discounted. It’s all lies.
The biggest questions I would ask them are these: Who will benefit the most from these actions being taken by our governments? The haves or the have nots? Which one are you?
The manipulators got too greedy. The younger generations cannot afford houses or cars, or see through these scams. All the spin in propaganda does not change that.
Yep, the PTB are simply longing for a fight. The man in the street has two options. Fight or die!
Nothing has changed.
Always been this way.
My grandparents struggled.
So did my parents.
So did my wife and I as are my children.
It is called life and it can be scary.
There are no short cuts. Work hard.
Keep looking forward.
If you get knocked down, get back up and try again.
The world is not ending as they keep saying.
They are lying.
Whining and wondering why you have to work harder than others does not solve your problems.
Otherwise, you will end up living in a 15 minute high rise cubicle eating cricket power and vat food.
Just do the “right thing”.
Do not exercise any directive what govmnt tells you to do, but most importantly, do not do anything which harms others for your gain.
The two are mutually exclusive.
From King Crimson: “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”.
Love that quote from Crimson (or whomever). Used it many times.
“Dilution is the solution to pollution” sprang out of the environmental movement.
Beginning in the late 1930s aerial photos were taken of the Chicago area (and I assume other metropolitan areas). The University of Illinois archived them digitally and made them available for download.
I was having them Geo-referenced and incorporated into GIS as a layer in our mapping system. Unbelievable images of the Calumet industrial region where dark swirls of “something” were pouring into the slow meandering rivers from the adjacent factories.
Absolutely sickening.
If “they” wouldn’t have polluted and destroyed every living being, waterway and ground on earth, aided and abetted by our governments and their agencies, we wouldn’t be f*#*ed and constantly sick; wildlife wouldn’t be close to extinction; we wouldn’t be exploited to the max through taxation and slave labour wages, nor be too exhausted through 40+ hours / week of working for the man to understand what’s going on around us; we wouldn’t be murdering each other on foreign lands with government sanctioned high-tech weapons.
Yes, dump the governments and their bureaucrats with their hideously high incomes extorted from the working population and used for all things the population does not want.
That would be a good start.
Is that the “It’s not my fault I just work here” defence or cope?
Don’t worry they’ve given everyone the WEF to point at and blame now. Though Agenda 21 was signed in 1992. Some of us were paying attention then.
Who has been enabling these parasites? Who has benefited thee most from this “arrangement”?
It really comes across,here, that very few will accept any role or culpability in their facilitating of the parasites pre-covid & now. I do understand the intergenerational coercion. But people accepted it as long as it benefited them. Austerity was the litmus test that showed how little solidarity there was/is in the West. That people would accept unnecessary suffering on their own doorstep.
Now that many in the 1st world are beginning to realise they might lose it all. Now they want unity,with who by the way? those they exploited or bombed? & of course a halt to the previous arrangements they facilitated. An eradication of the institutions they held up as a reflection of some sort of civilised way of life.
That’s the plan by the way. To get people to want Order out of chaos. Some trap indeed.
And here “We” are.
Which one are you?
Who gives a flying fuck why some deluded twits are protesting?
The issue is simple.
Energy is the driver of economy, everything depends on it.
During the last few centuries, humankind have gone through a period of unprecedented prosperity thanks to the discovery of high-density energy resources – coal, gas, oil. People have invented all sorts of machines that have made life easy, created highly complex global systems, enjoyed gluttonous consumption.
Despite claims, most likely made by deluded wishful-thinkers, that oil deposits replenish themselves and that the supply of this stuff is infinite, it appears that the world is getting close to a point where the fucking juice will simply run out or energy needed to extract the shit will be too high, which amounts to the same thing.
The way the world presently works is completely dependent on oil. Nothing is nowhere produced locally anywhere. The world, especially the “advanced” (advanced meaning more fucked up, more advanced in decadence and decay, than the rest) part, is one giant just-in-time system, where everything hinges on the availability of energy to supply shit to people. There is nearly no local self-sufficiency anywhere anymore.
This is a rather serious problem, ain’t it? Wouldn’t it be a good idea to address it? Instead of endlessly looking for ways to stick your fucking head into the fucking sand because a collateral issue – in this case the deluded protesters – is a crock of shit?
On top of the problem with the physical economy, i.e. economy that consists of tangible, physical stuff, the financial economy has been thoroughly fucked up, in more ways than one, including the shifting of the cost of today’s consumption into the future through debt. Fucking people have invented ways of craftily fucking with money to offset physical problems; alas, the physical issues seem to be catching up with us, and printing money simply won’t produce new oil deposits, figuratively speaking.
The whole fucking thing is ripe for one giant collapse, if, or when, oil becomes scarce. Whether it’s imminent or not is a good question, but it’s simply bound to happen at some point, considering that oil consumption keeps increasing and so is the illusion of perpetual growth, which requires perpetually increasing supply of energy (not to mention the fucking debt which is basically energy extraction/consumption shifted into the future based on the premise that energy will continue to be available in greater and greater quantities).
Me says that it’s time to get ready for a gigantic crash, that American gun-toting idiot has a point with that homestead of his, even though he’s very unlikely to survive very long if things go south and unhinged hungry hordes are running around intent on stealing anything left and right.
Just curious where all the gas and oil was to build the pyramids? The world is vast and endless basics physics teaches you energy never dies merely changes form
Your point is exactly what?
Free energy is all around us
Great. Could you advise me how I can channel that free energy around me into the gas tank of my fucking car so I wouldn’t have to buy fucking gasoline at the gas station no more? Your advice will be most appreciated.
How about electricity in the house? How do I hook up everything to the alleged source of the alleged free energy?
Artificial scarcity really is a thing. So is large scale migration a la Stalin.
Nothing actually new under the sun, round round round like a record baby.
How is all that related to geology?
The contours of our “freedom to debate” continue to enter ever more absurd territory. We can either choose to vigorously debate the theological parameters of asking whether – “‘women’ can have a penis” – or we are left to ponder the absurdity of young people organized, funded and promoted “by elite interests” – taking to the streets to boldly – “protest”- those same elite interests – that fund and publicize them. For the population at large it is clearly all some version of this – “divide & conquer circus” – “all the time.” Can the first “trans-gender” – “multi-racial” – “proudly obese” – “differentially abled” – incarnation of a new – “Greta” – be far off? Funded and sponsored of course by all the big NGO’s and the Fortune-500 companies. I see endless marketing and product placement opportunities!
There might be some vitality left in some communities to be expressed
in hooliganism and eventual rioting.
At this point in time burning pride flags are overdue virtue signalling IMO.
Excellent conclusion to the article, this ongoing MIC-psyop thrives on the data generated from emotional outrage that, through systems such as SWS, manages & steers outcomes.
Those outcomes are not hidden, they are the seventeen UN-SDG’s of Agenda 2030.
Global governance, all inputs & outputs managed on digital dashboards; we do not consent.
There is plenty if evidence to support that it is all bull shitery.
I’ll take the side of not BS, and stop the retards from spreading it.
Folks just don’t get it? The entire MSM narrative is controlled by the Oligarch owned global corporations. Six Oligarch owned corporations own 92% of the media world wide I am told. Arguing against them is useless. The only way to win against them is to limit the size of the global corporations and to tax the wealth of these large corporations. End of Story.
So what will your MP and government do about that ? ZERO. Those spineless jellyfish are owned by the corporate elite.
This insight applies to anything being given news coverage and of course anything being memed in social media.
Emotional reaction becomes the basis of choosing manipulative private illusions (resonating with inner conflicts of our human conditioning) over truth.
Now ‘truth’ like all meaningful words is grossly abused by seeking to weaponise it and run under its banner of self justifiction.
be still – or pause and look directly within (this very moment at hand) to feel, recognise and know the movement of being that is true of you. Or if you prefer, think some more.
The capacity of the mind to manipulate and thus be manipulated is the fruit of judgement of good and evil in personified projection or self dissociation. It’s signature is a sense of self-lack set over and apart from life (beginning with its own), such as to be set against life set in terms of boosting a sense of possession and control against feared threat of loss of face, of control, of defences to self humiliation, & a pain of life intolerable to which death is invoked as saviour.
Joylessness can hype up a masking front, but only to feed the hollowing out of life to die in absurd & ghastly parody. If we let it run as accepted currency of exchange.
David ickes really good recent interview, alludes to the fact all this crap is aimed at the new alternative media for them to then repackage it as news.
(more like pollution)
I dont personally understand how the above is alternative news if it is on MSM.
DAVID ICKE EXPOSES COVID! – Calls Out Fake Alternative Medias! – The FULL Truth! (Part 2)
The alternative news is that the above is on the mainstream and it’s crap.
I may have misunderstood your post. Sorry.
This was very interesting. Thanks.
Protest against mandatory masks and or medical treatment? You get shot, gassed and subject to experimental weaponry.
Protest one of the acceptable issues of contention? You get paid.
The real point that nobody wants to confront is not false binary construction – though what Kit says is not without merit – astroturf or not: our lives are totally dependent on oil.
Oil is a finite resource. Therefore: there is no need to stop oil – oil will stop itself. As a finite resource (that probably peaked in 2018) oil is already in decline anyway [Berman.] Life independent of oil is not even a consideration ….yet.
For ‘us’ to stay neutral: oil must be in indefinite supply in order to support our every need and desire at the current level of energy-complexity. This is a very unsafe assumption. Right now, the proverbial ‘we’ are turning gaseous hydrocarbons into ‘oil’ as “all liquid” petroleum equivalents – liquification which is in fact an energy inefficient net energy loss – energy sinking just to keep up with our insatiable demand for oil [Berman, Hagens et al].
Oil dependent demand that cannot be met for much longer, whatever ‘we’ do. The ‘shale boom’ has peaked and bottomed out, ‘we’ cannot drill wells fast enough to keep up ‘our’ oil dependent desire consumption. All of these measures and more are keeping up our shared delusional anathema to admitting that planetary resources are finite, but our collective libidinal ego-consciousness is infinite, insatiable, and illimitably voracious as economic oil dependency.
Thereafter, anybody who tries to confront the collectivised mass economic delusion with facts and objectivity is likely to be stigmatised anyway, astroturf or not. There is also the not so small matter of the US proxy war against Sino-Russian strategic alliance; which very much looks like the indefinite extension of hydrocarbon dependency; which may or may not have been triggered by said shale decline. Anyway you look at it: oil equals war as “petro-aggression” (Operation Iraqui Liquidation.)
The false binary between ecologic and economic egologic is that ecologic is in fact correct. Earthbound resources really are finite, and we need oil to access any and all of them. In fact, we need oil for every form of economic activity from extraction to exhaustion as dependency totalisation. There really is only one planetary life-support system, and we are corrupting it with our daily economic activities. Daily economic activities that are therefore hydrocarbon dependent, even hydrocarbon determined “petro-economics.”
There are about eight years of human labour in a barrel of oil and our libidinal demand is currently met by a consumption rate of ~100 million barrels per day; much of which goes on transport. Do the maths. As multiple research can show; ‘we’ can electrify some of that power consumption – but we cannot replace the transport logistics (inter alios Friedemann: When Trucks Stop Running.)
All, I stress – ALL – of our physiologic necessities and libidinal desires are not merely oil dependent – they are in fact determined by that astronomic power consumption which is in turn dependent on the continuous availability of ‘cheap’ oil. Whichever is a form of hydrocarbon determinism of the libidinal superego as “petro-psychology.”
So if you “stay objective” and carry on regardless, refusing to take a side; who and what are you standing for — perpetual oil consumption?
If we ever wake up to the fact that the oxygen saturation of our blood and the oxygen saturation of the atmosphere are part of the same great cycle we might choose life-support instead? Living creates its own atmosphere and that is not independent of the hydrosphere, pedosphere (soil genesis), lithosphere, cryosphere. Our planet has a unique “non-equilibrium thermodynamics” supporting and regulated by life. (Marguilis, Sagans, Lenton et al).
Everybody intuitively knows that there is no separation between the human body and the earth (“ashes to ashes”) – thereafter, all separation is in the human mind. All separation which is the human mind; whichever is also oil dependent. The body and the earth are part of the same ecologic system as inseparable. Thereafter, there is no ‘false binary construction’ – all binaries are false anyway as mind/body subordination as “petro-psychopathy.”
Those who assume that the current hydrocarbon based form of anthropogenesis as oil dependent is ‘immortal’ and will carry on indefinitely – which is an assumption you are gonna have to truly believe and wholeheartedly commit to even to sit on the fence – better be sure you can do without breathing, potable water, eating and defecating and that your immortal mind will survive the economic corruption of the earthbound life-support system. Which it won’t.
There are 16 people in the main photo: so where is everybody else? Even if JSO is astroturf, nobody can afford to avoid the real point that life independent of oil and war is possible only with Degrowth. So don’t just sit on the economic fence voraciously consuming oil; choose ecological life-support instead…. While there still is ecological critical infrastructure to support. It’s not as if your next breathe depends on it.
I don’t share your assumptions.
Scarcity is organised or utilised and protected as the means to choke and acquire control.
Closed system thinking frames Fabian and Cybernetics (technocracy.
Its fundamental axioms run quantity over quality in life defined as war for dwindling resource. That is EVERYTHING is subordinated (sacrificed) to war – that now masks as delivering care services & etc.
That’s what a control mindset is – a defence complex.
Post WW2 the MIC expanded its spectrum of controls to phood and pharma but more insidiously as regulatory control via bent science set in bent risk modelling to bend emotional reactions to consent or demand the ‘delivering of solutions’ towards the final solution of eradicating a hated life!
Well I sort of agree with you, especially about the eradication of a hated life. Except humans rejected embodied life millennia ago in favor of another life, in another place, at anther time. Except there ain’t one. It’s this life on this planet we are working so hard to destroy with or daily oil dependency as power consumptogenesis. It’s almost as if this world is total sacrificial eradication in order to make our immortal life sucked up into our minds more real. Sacrificed for the great god Petroleum.😂
Consumptogenesis. Could be marketing, but it is not.
Sacrifices on the altar of wind and solar will neither benefit you nor me.
That’s what I’m saying: we need to use the remaining non-renewable resources to transition to a lower level of energy consumption and not remain oil dependent. In other words: we need activism, vision, ethics, understanding and compassion. We need to take a side and oppose the current necropolitics, not ‘remain neutral’ and actively continue consuming oil, passively endorsing imperialism, passively participating in war in order to remain “objective.” If ‘we’ follow the editorial advice; then ‘we’ are the establishment partaking in constructed reality and so on.
In the straight ethical binary: “Just consume oil or just stop” there is only one workable solution: use oil more diligently to transition away from oil.
We need oil. As the apocryphal saying goes “burning oil for fuel is like burning Picaso’s to keep warm”; to consume 100 million barrels a day to stay ‘objective’ is a suicide pact. But hey, what do I know.😕
The judicious approach would be to use oil and all the technologies that have developed thanks to and around oil to transition to existence offering as high as possible degree of comfort based on the amount of energy available in real time, using knowledge and technologies essentially facilitated by the historical carbon pulse.
The predicament is that people are too fucked up to even wanna hear any of that. They’re high on getting new and new doodads. They’re addicted.
At best, they’re either deluded and promote some phantasmagoria or they think that the solution is replacing capitalism with some form of socialism – they think that resources are plentiful, but usurped by a class of parasites.
I personally know ZERO people who would be willing to even consider any of this.
Unfortunately, the people on top have got all the power and money, and they don’t want to give up on oil. They would like to increase their consumption if they can. They just don’t want to share it with the rest. Therefore, it’s murder, as the most effective policy to pursue their schemes and dreams.
Not much about art…Picasso
Whom has produced evidence that oil is a limited resource?
They call it a “fossil” fuel to make you think it is.
How many experts over the last century have declared that oil is about to run out, and it never does?
Fabricated scarcity and collusion to control the price.
In fact, fossil remains are found at much shallower depth than oil.
Oil might not be ‘about to run out’ (sic), but it’s safe to assume that it will sooner or later.
The energy stored in oil must come from somewhere. Where? The only possible sources of energy are the Sun and the Earth itself. Solar energy might have created so-called fossil fuels over millennia, but it certainly doesn’t replenish deposits thereof in real time. So, are you saying that the energy stored in oil comes from a source from within the Earth? What source? Do you have any evidence of how the alleged process works? Or are you just shooting your mouth as usual?
You are stuck in the Keynesian economic model that asserts all resources are limited and finite. That is a lie to create conflict and perpetuate war.
Technology determines what is a resource.
No one has ever proved that oil is a limited resource. The fact it can be extracted from shale, and the more we learn about tectonic plates, the more it would suggest that oil is made by the earth from plate movement.
If our world was not so manipulated by TPTB, likely we would have through innovation reduced our reliance upon oil. We have been kept on oil for this long for a reason and an agenda.
At the moment, no other source of energy has the density potential of oil. As long as that is the case, to oppose oil production, is self destruction, and leads to austerity that TPTB want.
Crock of shit, as usual.
Focus on the subject matter, the physics, not the prism through which your deranged gun-toting self perceives it.
So, somebody has proved that oil is available in unlimited quantities? Hardly. Oil is made by the Earth from plate movement? How exactly? Do you have a slightest bit of anything resembling scientific evidence? Or are you pulling this shit out of your ass, as usual?
I’m all ears, honestly.
The fact is that there is “abiotic oil” that replenishes wells after being deemed to be exhausted.
Soviets found out when a previous thought be exhausted well had oil back in the well, and found that happened in many other wells.
I’ve read about this. Not sure that it’s true, but let’s assume that some wells have been exhausted and then found replenished.
Is there any scientific substantiation for this phenomenon, description of the process, anything at all? Is this automatic? Every well is eventually replenished? Any substance at all?
Never head of nothing.
I’ve seen some guy once, claiming that oil is the second most abundant liquid on Earth. OK. So, why isn’t everybody drilling a fucking well in their backyard to have stuff to fill up their car?
Anyway, at what rate does the alleged abiotic process replenish wells? Meaning how much energy gets replenished in real time to be available for people to burn on an infinite basis? Also, where does the energy that is stored in oil come from?
Lateral seepage would make sense to me.
Right, you start with an ad hominem attack then end with all ears?
You are anything but honest and arguably tone deaf.
What physics are you speaking about specifically?
I did not assert that anyone has proven oil is unlimited. That is just you making a false binary,
What I stated is not my theory, it is the theory of other scientists involved in the oil exploration business. Same as oil as a limited resource, coming from fossils, is a theory.
Don’t flatter yourself by assuming I need you to hear anything.
Hardly tone deaf, idiot. I have perfect pitch, cretin, and have been a practicing musician my whole life.
Ad hominem? Read the horseshit you produce. Just giving you a taste of your own medicine.
Ah yes like one of those Reality TV shows where the sad specimens announce they are “Not here to make friends.”
Good for you, Potty M.
Is this just another account for Potty Pie Hole?
You being a minstrel isn’t an argument that refutes my assertion.
I am the one giving you a taste of your medicine you disingenuous POS.
You started the ad hominem attacks and I put back into your pie hole.
Fuck off already C***.
Tovarish, let me explain what the ad hominem fallacy consists of.
Ad hominem fallacy consists of claiming that the crock of shit you produce is a crock of shit because you’re a stupid motherfucker and not because it’s a crock of shit per se. In other words, regardless of whether you are a stupid motherfucker or not (one would say that it’s safe to err on the side of the former), your argument might still be valid. In other words, your stupidity and motherfuckerness do not enter into the validity of your arguments, the fact that it’s highly unlikely that a stupid motherfucker would produce a valid argument notwithstanding.
Hence, when I was referring to the crock of shit you had produced as such, there was nothing ad hominem about it. The statement did not concern you, your stupidity, your motherfuckerness, irrespective of the degree to which you’re a stupid motherfucker, as applicable, but solely the fact that the crock of shit your produced was a crock of shit.
I hope that my affectionate explanation kinda clarifies it for ya.
Speaks a lot and says nothing.
Go back to sucking the royal government peter.
Your natural state of existence is obviously on your knees.
Have fun when the list of names of everyone in Brigade 77 comes out and it becomes a list for patriots.
I would prefer abundance balanced by prudence.
Has anyone proved that there is an infinite supply of oil ?
Has anyone proved there is a limited supply of oil?
I cited Art Berman, there are plenty of others. Please do not start spouting about abiotic oil. It’s not just about oil — all resources are limited so even if you had ‘infinite energy’ you’d need an ever growing galaxy of planets to provide primary raw matter.
Instead of assuming unlimited oil, look at what oil means with the reserves we have. We spaffed our petroleum reserve on war, colonialism, imperialism, and maximised dissatisfaction. If we could access 100, 200, 300, 1,000 million barrels a day we’d spaff it all again. Nobody wants to question why we need to augment our power consumption to the Nth degree. It sure as hell ain’t making anybody ‘happy.’
Anyway, whatever we thought we are doing; it is over. Hydrocarbons. metals, and minerals are running down. If we liquidise gas, that will run down quicker to. All to support our ego confabulating desires we never had or needed, demands for power way beyond sustainability, and making moral friends and moral enemies in our heads. Which we could continue to do even without oil; only we’d have to make it ourselves instead of using the Third World as an imperial sweatshop.
Not sure if you’re right about ALL resources being unlimited. In theory, you could recycle most shit. Energy resources are the only ones that cannot be recycled – talking about those you extract. Wood is renewable thanks to solar energy. So is wind. Tide. Anyway, you need energy to recycle resources, so you’re back to square one.
You’re totally right about energy being wasted on shit of absolutely no value. The absolute vast majority of stuff that’s being produced today does nothing to enhance the quality of life. The crap is produced for the sake of being produced. Makes nobody any happier, on the contrary. Energy is basically being wasted on the fuckupedness of people’s heads – their addiction to consumption and needing yet another fix.
People are unable to see the sheer absurdity of the present raison d’etre, since it’s been going on for so long that this sheer madness has become normalcy.
Agreed: we use 100 million barrels of oil a day and turn it into a couple of litres of neurotransmitters across the species. It’s the most inefficient use of precious resources imaginable — we could just take a pill, like the soma in Brave New World. 😆
We could live better, more fulfilled, longer lives, in terms of species viability at a fraction of the energy consumption. It is precisely because of the excessive production that we have ‘the them’ investing the surplus in destructive ways; as per Bataille’s “accursed share.”
As for recycling, like you said: it has been shown not to be cost effective: there’s too much energy invested with not enough return; most things you can get a couple of rounds of recycling, up to about 7-9 for paper; by which time it is all new material as well. As for microtech — forget it. You burn wood or oil — you don’t get it back. Most conversions are irreversible.
It is gonna be the mother of all waste to use the last resources trying to save techno-industrial anthropogenesis. Sitting on the fence is not an option. The remaining resources could be eked out in transition to a lower level of neurotransmitter production; if anybody can see the sense in that!
I am not assuming anything is unlimited. I am challenging the assertion that it is as limited as TPTB want us to believe, such that we should be raked over the coals because we want to travel freely.
Your assertion that I am assuming unlimited, just because I question limited, is a false binary.
There is no shortage of resources, metal or otherwise. There is only a shortage of willingness to gather those resources in the face of corrupt government regulations, and the control of innovation and production.
If it’s limited, as you implicitly admit, what is your solution to the use of whatever resources and energy are available?
Should there be some way of centralized planning the use of energy and resources, or should the use thereof be completely unrestricted and, say, gasoline should be available until the last drop thereof to transport the gigantic buttocks of the generic American lardass motherfucker to the supermarket down the street to stock up on more plastic stuff you people over there consider food?
Good comment but for the “those people” bit. Stop slamming on ordinary people, fat as they may be, and direct your ire towards those who taught them that consumption is king. That is learned behavior pushed by those who now want to point fingers at those they taught.
So, you’re saying that people are helpless sheeple living under the authority of those “who teach them” (sic), with no volition of their own?
Don’t think so.
People have been more than willingly complicit in living consumerist capitalism. It suits them just fine and they want more.
That also means that what Bryan is mentioning above, i.e. finding an energy/resource-sustainable existence voluntarily is kinda unlikely because people don’t wanna have none of it, and they especially don’t want to stop getting their daily fixes for their consumerist addiction.
Most of those fat people can only afford (or have time for) fake or unhealthy food, unklike those exploiting or manipulating them.
That you continue to latch onto false binaries and cannot grasp the idea of neither being known, only proves your limited intellectual capacity.
It is like people that say, based on what we know today, the sun will eventually burn out and go red sun then nova, destroying the solar system. However when critically analyzed, then they say, well, it won’t happen for billions of years. To the persons currently living on Earth, that is, relatively speaking, an unlimited resource based on life expectancy, development of technology, and time.
Oil is potentially a similar thing. It may very well be limited, NOT PROVEN, however the quantity is so vast that it will be billions of years before it actually runs out, assuming it is limited. However that doesn’t mean it is an emergency that requires all manner of austerity to be implemented as the super rich ignore everything.
Until another source of energy, with the same density of production capacity is found, to oppose oil production is self destruction.
Go hump another leg, dog.
True, but getting your point across to emo doomers is tricky.
Like Run DMC Tricky.
In which case I refer you to both Berman and Simon Michaux who has quantified demand against known resources and reserves. Demand is beyond reserves by 1,000-7,000% in some cases. So where is all this oil, minerals, and metals — ‘cos you can bet your bottom dollar we’ve been looking for decades — eg USGS?
Again, the critical mineral supply is less of the question than why? Why do we think we need to pursue ‘wealth and happiness’ at such a high energetic state? It has nothing to do with physiology, that’s for sure. Maslow’s pyramid is balancing on it’s point to fulfill our imaginary ego demand for more, never less, never make do, never enough.
We have to invent new psychiatric demands to keep up with supply. It’s the most vicious and wasteful egoification cycle imaginable…. and that is because we imagined it and managed to harness hydrocarbons to empower our psychiatric dependency on oil. Even Freud knew — <psychodynamics is thermodynamics> although he held a more benign view.
It’s not about supply as much as anthropogenic demand which is exponential — but why? If we could encounter that then we could maybe power down and meet our demand more reasonably? Or sit on the fence and let the status quo oil dependent imperialism play out in extinction. Pure genius.
Reserves do not represent all known sources or potential sources.
When the Club of Rome said we had ~20 years of oil left in 1973, they were ignorant of the technology being developed that would discover oil we never knew existed, or oil we knew about and couldn’t reach.
Technology created the opportunity to expand that known reserve.
Technology in automobiles extended the life of known reserve.
You are free to believe and trust who you want, and so am I.
I do not trust think tanks, or academia, or economists, or anyone else involved in the development and production of oil, when they have everything to gain from continuing to pursue the “scarce and limited” narrative.
why we need to augment our power consumption to the Nth degree
It is the nature and essence of capitalism.
That is the nature and essence of humanism; capitalism is a euphemism; right now humans are engaged in economic anthropogenesis — there is no sparate or independent state call ‘capitalism’, ‘the economy’, ‘the market’, ‘neoliberalism’ and so on; there’s just humans doing stuff — Humanity Inc.
Yep. Atmospheric Oxygen. A direct result of fossil fuels found in the crust of the earth. Based on the weight of O2 in the atmosphere, fossil fuels are more than plentiful. The conclusion of Academia when Nixon was president. Their response when he put a ban on Christmas lights and lowered the speed limit nationwide to 55. I remember. Academia would not dare to declare that today. I think they hated conservatives as much then as they do now. Arrogant bastards. They would rather continue cutting the genitalia off of children and injecting babies with poison than risk lawsuits. They are all in on it.
But us human-like forms in the Collective Waste must degrowth. Those human life forms that continue to “consume until sustainability” must get used to consuming , about 50% less in U$A, Canada, Australia.
It’s not the energy source, it’s the amount of consumption.
Agreed: like I said, you need oil for every stage of production; which is prime energy and prime matter; much of which goes from source to sink in a matter of months. We actually waste about 60% of the overall energy we produce; much of which simply disappears in conversion, waste heat, and so on; even before charging all that shit on standby. 1% of economic activity is agriculture, a couple more percent for feeding, clothing, healthcare and welfare: we could ditch fully >90% of economic activity; spend more time with each other, watch the kids grow up fulfilled and still have energy to burn, and a supportive ecosystem indefinitely. Or we could spaff it in the next decade or so. That is gonna be the most expensive “refusal to take a side” in human history. The earth doesn’t need us, but we need the earth!
In other words the energy transition sounds like a plan but in practice it is a giant
finance and resources sinkhole. The germans are in over their head on the Energie Wende.
It is a faillure. And so is multi-kulti.
Merely crashing head first into a brick wall wont do, nope.
Crashing And Burning is what is aimed for.
The german Energie Wende is at an, erm, end. A more detailed analysis of the need to transition from oil would concentrate on the situation in europe; where we’ve just realised how vulnerable we are with regards critical mineral supplies. There is the strategic cutting of Nordstream by the US (and Norway?) isolating Germany from gas. Now where is all that gas routed through?
If we do as Kit says we are between the US-NATO and Sino-Russia in a hydrocarbon war scenario far more dangerous than the Cold War. China has quietly positioned itself as the main supplier of critical minerals for economic infrastructure. If we passively consent to consuming oil, conforming to the status quo — are we or are we not complicit in creating WW3? Be ‘objective’ endorsing WW3? Nuclear proliferation is on again with the recent deployments. And we got the big hype Nolan film.
The article recommends passivity in the face of real danger, in order to protect yourself from the imaginary others in the head. Pure genius.
How do you like your Crashing and Burning we’re aiming for?
Could be true. Nevertheless, apart from a few deranged and no doubt bored retirees, most of the protestors are young. For them these “end is nigh” protests are an opportunity to meet like-minded neurotics and the chance of finding partners. They are probably not finding them in daily life, unsurprisingly. But they are all useful idiots to JSO.
The cultivation of manipulated meaninglessness generates the conditions in which to sell ‘identity’.
Yup. A bunch of simps looking for ersatz-mommies.
The real point of climate change / stop oil shock and awe is exactly the same objective as that of pandemania and before that the War Against Abstract Nouns (Terrorism, for those who have already forgotten).
The strategies are the same: censorship, labelling dissent a security threat but above all at the end of the day, just follow the money. The trillions in taxpayer funds being transferred to the same big shareholders who control the NATOstan banking system. defence, pharma and now with “climate change” basically everything else; your shleter, your food, your clothing, your transport, energy consumption etc.
Just compare the police violence against real protesters (e.g.those fighting for the right to choose what is injected into your body) vs. those marching for climate justice or lgsdbfasdjfkshd++2x5yz*-+ etc. etc.
“Just compare the police violence against real protesters (e.g.those fighting for the right to choose what is injected into your body.”
A good point. This very small group of Stop-oilers has a large and remarkably well behaved police escort.
The police violence in NATOstan for any protest not approved by TPTB has reached horrifying proportions. It started in earnest maybe 25 years ago around the time of the “Battle of Seattle” in the late 90s. Now it has reached its zenith especially in Europe where most of the population is unarmed.
In the recent French protests, the mainstream AND independent media narrative is that your average immigrant construction / service industry / agriculture worker just woke up one morning, went berserk over the death of one teenager. They then went out and risked their work permit, jailtime and depiortation over the life they have worked so hard to construct by smashing a store window and stealing a designer object.
The reality is that the news was heavily censored, the narrative was disseminated by the government. Nobody has any idea who did what. I know for a fact that (at least) since 1997 law enforcement and the alphabet agencies across NATOstan have infiltrated genuine peaceful protest movements and send in some troublemakers to create enough chaos to have an excuse for using the heavy duty firepower.
I don’t doubt that some of the violence was the work of disgruntled youths without encouragement by the police but they don’t have the means to coordinate that “across the whole of France”. as claimed by the government. Which btw never released any stats on how many protesters were injured by police violence.
Good line of thought: If it’s getting attention by MSM, it’s most likely fake. It’s all about PR/marketing/optics, not substance. Weaponize sincere movements to end all movements. Status quo hates movement, except if it’s adding another filthy layer of tech surveillance or subscriptions to the product-to-service economy.
The corporate state wants shiny new Technocracy to appear more successful than messy, volatile, crumbling Democracy. That’s why China uses old-fashioned FDR fiscal policy to build all that new hi-speed rail while the “real” western democratic governments are forbidden to invest in the public sector. It’s as if Hollywood is the new governance modus operandi. Babylon behind the cameras.
Watch Corbetts ‘Why Big Oil conquered the world’ docu and find out what the real agenda is. And that it’s in fact the oilicharchs that are behind these staged rallies
Could be true. Nevertheless, apart from a few deranged and no doubt bored retirees, most of the protestors are young. For them these “end is nigh” protests are an opportunity to meet like-minded neurotics and the chance of finding partners. They are probably not finding them in daily life, unsurprisingly. But they are all useful idiots to JSO.
The people behind these types of things won’t be content until the prerequisite number of people just stop breathing.
They did the calculations aligning their variables in such a way as to support their preferred conclusions.
“See how it works? It’s a win-win for the establishment.”
What Gregory Bateson called a “double-bind” where in game theory a player is presented with two choices, both of which lead to loss.
Another of Bateson’s ideas was “the archaic revival”, the idea that people could be reconciled to modern society by a tokenistic revival of old traditions. Why isn’t it surprising that the origins of the idea came from how Siberian peasants could be reconciled to communism? The idea was deployed in the 1960s’ counterculture whether it was that get-up Stephen Stills used to wear or the Indian character in ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’.
Bateson was an anthropologist, one of the most infiltrated of academic professions (see the book by David Price). Bateson’s wife Margaret Mead legitimised sexual promiscuity by claiming it was natural among Polynesians which turned out to be completely faked research. They learn about cultures to understand how to manipulate and ultimately destroy them. Cultural change is more important than political change because politics is downstream of culture.,rival%20those%20experienced%20in%20Europe.
GB News, that bastion of Tory Right Wing climate and covid denialism, serve up …. another of THOSE maps. Just look at it. The countries are burning, the oceans have turned yellow!
Interesting how they frame this.
First they say how dangerous it ‘could’ be
Then they assume that it is dangerous (‘experts say’)
Then they will impose all sorts of measures against it to make it less dangerous
Then they claim victory that they prevented the danger by installing dreadful (yet necessary) measures.
And these measures need to stay or else the deadly ‘it’ will return with a vengeance
Works for covid, climate, terrorists you name it.
And people love it for which reason they probably colored the oceans yellow. Taking the piss or let them eat yellow snow. Duping delight.
The people behind the “Climate Emergency Fund” are the Getty family – as in Getty petroleum. Wait, what?? Big Oil supports the climate alarmists? Most Big Oil execs sit on the boards of “climate change” NGOs. Like you said, they control both sides. It’s a racket. And a very profitable one at that.
They sponsored Louder with chowder and heavily donated and sponsored Ben sherpio daily wire.
That doesn’t surprise me. They want control of every side of the conversation.
I am strongly convinced that the climate disaster is real, but these protests are bullshit, targeting consumers who have little power. And no surprise, they are being used, willingly or unwittingly, to promote a ruling elite agenda which has little or rather nothing to do with actually addressing the core reason for the disaster, the global industrial capitalist system and its growth imperative, and everything to do with herding us into the Blockchain global hive mind/4IR/SDG2030.
“targeting consumers who have little power.”
If he who pays the band calls the tune, why have consumers so little power? Why has Public Opinion in “the West’ lost its influence over Government in “the West”.
I have a friend who is in this save the climate nonsense. He is not payed by an NGO, but does get payed by the university as an associate prof. His career is built by doing part of his research into the climate (easy money he says). And although he is honest enough to say to me that his research leads to nothing, doesn’t stop him to give these anti climate movements the so necessary organic voice of protest.
Pretty immoral, but don’t tell him that. He thinks it’s just a joke.
Similar friends of mine (medical doctors) are in the covid business. They tell me that all it brought to them is the extra day working from home. They are not jokers (doctors don’t joke about the death of other people) but have an other way of dealing with their immoral behavior: they’re absolutely silent about covid.
Recently our statistics bureau noted excess mortality in June which was directly caused by ‘heat wave’ (it was 25-30 C in June, very nice weather) according to the pundits. Even though they are the first to say that association doesn’t mean causation if we talk about vax->excess mortality.
Pretty tired of the slogan that association doesn’t mean causation. because if association doesn’t mean causation, what does?
All of this behavior looks like a cancer to me. It all needs to be removed from society before we ever can start to think how we can build back society decently.
But maybe cancer=society and I am the odd one out. Like being a non-player in one of those casinos in Vegas (where the bank always wins, by fooling the audience) and where you can easily find your way in, but where there is no exit sign. And even if you find the exit, the only thing that’s waiting for you is the desert.
The technocrats (lawyers, doctors, academics, engineers, researchers, accountants, banksters, regulators, law enforcement etc.) are the implementers and the enforcement “guard dogs” of the elite. I love dogs and don’t mean to insult dogs but the technocratic mutts are really just trained robots but with the ferocity of a dog loyal to his master.
It’s always been like this throughout human history. The pandemic was the final nail in the coffin, when they even accepted the injections in order to cling to their lifestyles and cushy careers.
I admit to being dead wrong in one prediction. When I heard that the medical community would be the first to get the jabs, I was sure they would refuse. But then I realized that most of my practicing doctor friends got their covid facts from…..the TV!!!!!!
None of them had ever read a single medical research paper on the topic.
I underestimated the degree to which the desire to conform to the rules of their professional cult + salary far outweights the ability to find one’s backbone.
“None of them had ever read a single medical research paper on the topic.”
I got the same impression from talking to our GP. On every subject she was consulted (on Statins and Cholesterol, on Anti-depressants and Serotonin Syndrome, and on Vitamin K2) she faithfully followed the Received Version from college days, and was ignorant of recent research. Yet I admire the professional dedication and devotion to her patients of that holistic young airhead.
“I admit to being dead wrong in one prediction. When I heard that the medical community would be the first to get the jabs, I was sure they would refuse…..”
Maybe many of them in UK at least)did Rita. Which profession would find it easiest of all to falsify c*vid (vaccination) certificates/records – without involving the need to involve third-parties?
Precisely! Maybe that has something to do with why their trade union in the UK, the British Medical Association, reports that FT NHS doctors are 29k fewer today than before the alleged pandemic.
At least you are not completely a loner. With Rita we are three (against the entire global vaccinated population, B. Gates) :-D.
Maybe society is the cancer and you are a bit of healthy tissue?
Can you survive being cut off from society?
Usually Nature wins by playing both sides: Plays the dinosaurs to win by subduing the earth with their thunder, and at the same time plays some little feathered creatures and little furry creatures to survive when a meteor impact from outer space subdues the huge dinosaurs. Human society is not a single body with a life-and-death struggle between healthy tissue and cancerous tissue; on the contrary, human society is made up of diverse individuals, some of whom will quietly go their own way while the rest go stampeding over a cliff.
So there I am in the kitchen and I see an RSPB magazine in the post. My missus tells me she’s still with them but doesn’t bother reading the mag and I can look at it before she chucks it in the bin.
So I have a look and within the first four pages I read about “climate change” and “the existential threat”. I thought, isn’t it funny how they don’t worry about trees being grown and cut down to provide paper to print about existential threats?
“According to scientific studies, a single tree can offset anywhere between 21.77 kg CO2/tree to 31.5 kg CO2/tree per year. In order to offset 1 tonne of CO2, you would need between 31-46 trees.6 Jul 2022”
So better to leave the trees standing rather than cutting them to use the paper to complain about too much CO2?
Thank you! I see some of the propaganda techniques now. No writer explains these as clearly as you.
The likelihood is that the JSO mob consist of both the paid up and the sincere I.e. moles leading dupes. That’s the general pattern. After all, the best propagandists are the ones who believe the bullshit. So you have the deliberate encouragement of useful idiots.
But I’m guessing that supergluing hot babes to a Van Gogh us no longer such a big draw?
Another freshwater batch of woke flipper clappers ignore em imo.