Every Mask is a Nail in the Coffin of Humanity

Todd Hayen

Aren’t you tired hearing about masks? Mask-talk is almost as ubiquitous as Hitler-talk. Well, if the shoe fits…Just because we are tired hearing about appropriate things to discuss, does not mean they should not be discussed. At least that is how I see it. Obviously.

Mask-talk may be annoyingly worn thin, but seeing a mask on the street still makes my blood boil—even more so than it used to. It has become a symbol of ignorance to me if seen in places that don’t require it, and a symbol of compliance and apathy when in places that do require it, such as medical facilities here in Canada. But as shameful as it is to admit, I am guilty of throwing the damn thing on when visiting my urologist, after being told I would have to leave if I didn’t.

Can you believe that? Me? Complying?

There are two types of “non-compliers,” one complies from a place of ignorance, a place of succumbing to authority because that is the “right thing to do.” The other complies when they know the truth but comply because it is just too much trouble not to, doesn’t want to make a scene, and knows at this point that one person standing up and facing the consequences isn’t going to amount to a hill of beans. In other words, being a coward.

Heard that one before, eh? One might ask, “which is worse?”

The second reason to comply is still no good reason, and I come to you here fully exposed and deeply ashamed. But…I wore a FAKE MASK. Even though that makes no public statement, it does make me feel mischievously satisfied. Mind you, I do not wear masks anywhere else, public or private—only in medical facilities (albeit fake, but not even that anymore).

I make this distinction because, in the context of this article, it is an important one to make. I think the person who wears the mask for the second reason stated above, is not stabbing humanity in the eye with an ice pick. There will come a time when those reasons will no longer fly, and wearing a mask, even when required, will be a powerful betrayal to be avoided. I do not believe we are at that point now.

Some may disagree with this reasoning, but the mask isn’t the problem, it is the reason we wear them that is. There is also a tiny bit of rationale in wearing masks in a medical facility. A tiny bit.

I do not think we will win this war allowing ourselves to be mowed down with a machine gun when we refuse to wear a mask. If we can get away with persecution and punishment by pretending to follow the rules, then so be it. Revolutionaries have done this in the early days of a revolution for centuries. There are more effective ways to fight these injustices then getting kicked out of a doctor’s office because you refuse to wear a mask.

I can clearly see the other side of this argument. I would stand up and applaud anyone who refuses to comply and is then humiliatingly banished from the premises. More power to them; such a person is a hero. But I also at the same time applaud the person who is fighting this fight in other ways and chooses to “pretend” to follow the rules in order to get medical care if it is needed (ala a fake mask!). But, for me personally, I am on the fence. And I may slip down to the other side of it soon enough and make a spectacle of myself in the near future by telling the receptionist at the hospital they can take their mask and shove it.

I sat down in the waiting room at my urologist’s office with my fake mask on and feeling rather smug, “I showed them,” I said to myself. Yeah, sure, whatever. My urologist is pretty cool—young, ambitious, a good surgeon (at least he appeared that way to me when he cut out a sizable stone from my kidney a few years ago). I fancy myself a decent judge of character and summed him up as one who would think all this mask crap was a farce. I was mask-less when he came into the little exam room; it was just the two of us. He had a mask on.

“You can take that off,” I said, “don’t keep it on because of me.” He sat down and made no movement to remove it.

“You don’t really think that does any good, do you?” I said after an awkward pause. He then launched into the speech the sheep-folks give when dealing with a client or patient who indicates they believe in all that conspiracy hoopla out there. He wanted to remain kind of neutral, which was not a success. It was obvious.

I shut up. But left the fake mask in my hand, off of my face. I was devastated. “Of all people,” I thought. This is very sad.

I had no way to know if he was just toeing the company line or sincerely believed in his rant. These doctors have been threatened beyond comprehension to walk the straight and narrow, and probably don’t think the mask thing is really a hill to die on. I guess I am one of them myself. At this point it really does not feel like the hill to die on—but am I wrong? I think about all the rebels and dissidents during soviet times. They did not walk around with a sign on them saying “F—k Lenin.” They knew their protest would be lost. “Live to fight another day.”

I left the doctor’s office pretty depressed. I put the fake mask away and checked out, and then walked out, barefaced. The fact I was deceiving everyone with a fake mask no longer appealed to me. I no longer felt excused being an undercover agent for the cause, worried I would lose my cover if I stood on a chair and lit my mask on fire screaming, “viva la revolución!” I was a spy after all, best to lay low. That attitude lost a bit of its appeal.

Doctors don’t seem to have a problem following the rules in order to stay in practice. Most of them don’t even think about it. The orders come down from above and they acquiesce. I wouldn’t be surprised if the CDC, FDA, AMA or whoever else in authority, told doctors to administer gasoline through an IV to cure some new (fake) disease afflicting the masses, most of the “soldiers of medicine” would comply.

Maybe I am being too harsh here. And maybe they comply with something like mask wearing because they see no harm in it, and if it is required for them to keep their license (the license that allows them to help people, which is the real concern in their mind) they are perfectly willing to do it. To be honest, wearing a mask in a medical facility with a ton of sick people milling about (with pathogens that a mask could block) may not be such a stupid idea.

But when does this sort of compliance based on these sorts of reasons, start to backfire on us? Maybe we truly are at a point here where the sacrifice of not getting into to see the doctor becomes necessary to preserve humanity?

Yes, it is that big of a problem now. Being forced to wear a mask has nothing to do with preventing disease, whether people think it does or not, it doesn’t. It has everything to do with marking those who are willing, happily, to comply with arbitrary authority. The mask is a symbol of humility and degradation. It is a submissive gesture, just as shackles are on a slave, or the Star of David is, if it is sewn onto the coat of a Jew.

Complying with mask wearing, if you are doing so because you are afraid of a ghost virus, or of authority that will punish you if you don’t wear one, is being compliant to a lie. That is why it is not a choice. People believe they are wearing masks because it is their right to choose to wear one. But their decision to wear one as their choice, is based on a lie. Any decision based on a lie is false, it is wrong, and it is a nail in the coffin of humanity.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Sep 19, 2023 10:39 AM

Discretion draped over the face of Valor with straps of fear is not a mask, but rather a shroud. Better to have tried and failed than not to have tried at all.
I too have worn a mask, a thin veil for the sake of peace and conformist tranquility covering a conflicted soul and a troubled heart- I’ll not do it again.
Unless of course I have a painful kidney stone. Wisdom, methinks, would have it so….
PS: your doctor thinks more of himself than he does of you….it’s called the human condition….

Jul 31, 2023 3:30 PM

Rationalizations don’t save you from hypocrisy.

Chrissy the Hyphenated
Chrissy the Hyphenated
Jul 30, 2023 8:02 PM

FYI: I am severely hypersensitive to fragrances and other common chemicals and have had to wear an N95 mask in public since the mid-1980s. When masks first came out during the pandemic, I thought, “Great. Now I won’t look like a weirdo.” Instead, I now have people like you glaring at me and thinking I’m a stupid sheeple. For the record, I am an unvaxxxed, anti-abortion, conservative Catholic who voted for Trump.

Milos Zac
Milos Zac
Jul 26, 2023 5:18 PM

In my view Covid and masking was for the elite lords of mammon to see a copliance
level by fear or bribes to plan the next step by another “virus” or Climate change as we see nowadays or something else to depopulate and control the survivors as slaves.
Amost everyone can be bought or threatened and that is why this dystopia will be hard
to break. Also seeing so many brainwashed, gaslit, numb, MSM believers or bread and circuses or I just want to be in my bubble crowds makes me sad. This started probably 50 yeas ago and now in full force as observed. 😥 

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 29, 2023 8:24 PM
Reply to  Milos Zac

Hard to argue with much in your premise and perception, but, as a young Mexicana mother told me so beseechingly & touchingly, a few years ago, with her baby in her stroller beside her, “I think there are a lot of us that kind of get what’s going on, but we just don’t know what to do about it!?”

Since she asked, I told her that simply there really is nothing we can do about it, other than go more deeply into prayer to see any of the signposts that will point the way out of all “this.”

Really, all the other known ways have been usurped. What’s more, redundantly. The answers for anyone, are only to be found much more deeply than we now know.

We are going to really have to dig.

I know I must!!

But now, as the entire “species” we must.

As the late Mort Sahl (10.21) said over a half century ago, in his “glorious quest” as Jim Garrison’s deputy sleuth:


John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 29, 2023 9:27 PM
Reply to  John Ervin
Jul 26, 2023 7:34 AM

I am currently in Thailand. Despite no more regulations about enforced mask wearing . 90% of Thais are wearing masks always everywhere in public. Also many of them at home. The entire country in fear. Very very sad

Hugh O’Neill
Hugh O’Neill
Jul 26, 2023 1:13 AM

I have been busy but wanted to make this comment: I went to Life drawing Art Classes during those crazy times. The model was completely naked, but wore a mask throughout. I marvelled at her logic and her bravery to risk exposing other potential routes for the virus…

Sep 19, 2023 10:58 AM
Reply to  Hugh O’Neill

The In Silico virus enters through the ears and attaches itself to the receptors of conditioning and unwavering faith in the voice of institutionalized authority.
Those that prefer knowledge over belief and have not such faith are perfectly safe.
The Truth, as they say, shall set you free.

Emails about Yoga
Emails about Yoga
Jul 25, 2023 11:17 PM

My PCP would not prescribe me a brand name medication even though I agreed to pay a higher co-pay. She sent me to a specialist here in Los Angeles to request the brand name med for another $40 copay. I arrive and practically get tackled and shouted down that I must wear I mask. I said it’s over. Why are you all so terrified of your patients? Aren’t sick people supposed to go to the doctor? I thought you wanted to help people. I get to the little room with the technician. I tell her I cannot breathe or communicate with the mask on. I start sweating and pull the mask down. She barks at me to pull it up. She takes my blood pressure (bottom number elevated due to this drama). 70% of communication is non verbal. People cannot effectively communicate with health care providers with both masking. You cannot read facial expressions or understand muzzled people. What a nightmare! They want to be in fear forever. Health care has eroded and destroyed. Take care of yourselves at home because your needs will not be met in any of these facilities.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 29, 2023 10:51 PM

So familiar, too, as a “nightmare.”

I saw the aggressions in so many places & spaces, just as though little programmed robots, all reacting on clue.

I stopped going to one of my favorite churches in late 2021, where I was usually the only “gringo” at Mass, in Spanish.

Some weeks before, I had had a long talk with a lady usher about the utter nonsensicality or absurdity about all the mask mandates and all the rest. Mass had been held outdoors for years, well, almost 2. We spoke afterwards in a darkening parking lot beside the outdoor tented Mass area.

She hung on every word, followed my logic and science, nodded, most welcoming.

But in one ear and out the other.

Next time I went, months later, Mass was indoors. The last straw was when I took the Eucharist, but before I could put it in my mouth, a young female usher accosted me & grabbed my biceps with some force, two fingers encircling it like a pliers, and gesticulated, in front of all the pews, that I must consume it before I turned by to leave the altar area.

Inasmuch as I was doing it all in one smooth motion, it really seemed like obsessive micromanagement. I simply stared at her impassively, then frowned mildly but In her face, while putting it in my mouth then walked away, her Coronapalooza™® “rage” (not a pretty sight) barely mollified.

And some of the others participating in the liturgy as I left the back of the church after Mass clanced at me a little apologetically, not quite knowing how to deal with all of the issues and “mutual” embarrassments.

But I simply couldn’t feature myself going back after that, and haven’t, even after all the restrictions were lifted, the spirit in which it was all done was a mixture of fascism and fear and it just oppressed me and alienated me to where I didn’t want to worship at that particular Church, which was really not an exception for the most part. She wasn’t the only one inclined to channel her inner Himmler. It was rampant. It was hard to take most of the county seriously, and we still suffer from that phobia.

But the little lady who grabbed my arm (which still had the Communion Wafer in its hand) was so lacking in self-awareness and so full of a particular spirit (sort of a hybrid cross between Madame Defarge, in Tale of Two Cities, & Nurse Ratched, that I was quite disgusted, longterm.

By the same token I feel a need to understand where they are all at in their befuddled and addled ignorance, because I don’t really think it’s so much cowardice or ill will, so much as just a rank potpourri of this age’s anomie of confusion et al. Etc.


“…Present day life goes on in its old atmosphere of bourgeois inertia… And psychic anomaly (for it isn’t man but the world that has become abnormal)…”

~ A. Artaud, about century ago

Doly Garcia
Doly Garcia
Jul 25, 2023 7:22 PM

“It has become a symbol of ignorance to me if seen in places that don’t require it, and a symbol of compliance and apathy when in places that do require it, such as medical facilities here in Canada.”

Because you are incapable of noticing any other symbols of compliance and apathy, presumably. Because you are, by and large, compliant and apathetic about everything but masks, presumably. In short: you are the compliant, apathetic cry-baby that you despise. Quit your job if you don’t like it, instead of moaning about masks.

Jul 26, 2023 1:22 AM
Reply to  Doly Garcia

Galling, isn’t it.
Incredible how many here can’t see it or don’t wish to.

Jul 25, 2023 6:00 AM

Great article. Masks are nothing but the constant reminder that there is something to fear. It’s advertisement on a human. I figured early on that it is not effective when you can smell odors before seeking information and learning of the particle sizes and infection through eyes, etc. What confuses me is how are there people and even organizations that support masking to become the normal. Why? What is this obsession? How do people enjoy covering their mouth and nose and eventually getting nasty effects? I don’t get it! As someone who suffers with anxiety disorder, when being forced to wear one it was not easy. Like this article mentions, doctors and others go along with it because they think it’s no big deal, but for some people with certain conditions it is a big deal and especially pissed knowing it’s not helping anything and suffering for no reason! My blood boils too whenever I see someone wearing one. I consider them an enemy who encourage and support authorities to implement these stupid rules, and I am worried during the next bad flu season they will start requiring masks again or worse respirators.

Emails about Yoga
Emails about Yoga
Jul 25, 2023 11:22 PM
Reply to  Alex

Diagnostic codes for diagnoses involving fear and imagined illness. Hypochondriasis F45.1 or 300.7; Illness Anxiety Disorder F45.21 or 300.82; Somatic Symptom Disorder F45.20. Healthcare workers now meet criteria for these disorders as does anyone who keeps playing along with this insanity. Same healthcare workers who flat out deny anyone a medical exemption from the jabs.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 26, 2023 1:02 AM
Reply to  Alex

“Masks are nothing but the constant reminder that there is something to fear. It’s advertisement on a human.”

Hmmm. Advertisement as mask. So it’s like a corporate endorsement without the logo. Unspoken, “uncredited.”

Everybody already knows WHO.

No wonder so many politicians insist on wearing them.

Barbara Anderson
Barbara Anderson
Jul 25, 2023 12:40 AM

My solution: after being chased down by the security guard, mask in hand, during a prior visit to my eye clinic, I decided to be more proactive the next time. When asked by the receptionist to put on a mask I politely declined, saying “I have mask dysphoria.” Case closed. 🙂

Jul 24, 2023 12:12 PM

It’s my turn to cross the River Styx into Hades. I am hoping for a video consult. Even then the doctor will probably be masked. By the way, the fee the same and you don’t get Carbon credits.

Jul 26, 2023 12:40 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Update: Saw the Doc today (A young pretty PA. Could not undress fast enough when she asked to “see”. “Sure, I will undress. You want me naked?” At least, that was what I was thinking.) No masking. No vaccination status questions. My nostrils may have flared a little when she told me she liked my shirt. Downside: She was younger than my daughter.

Jul 24, 2023 8:04 AM

If enough people stand up to them we win! I have not nor will ever wear a mask and have walked out of several doctors offices saying the same exact thing as I depart: If you are really STUPID enough to believe in masks – then there is no way in hell I would ever trust you as a DOCTOR! When I get home I send them printed studies with a note that says HEAL THYSELF! There is no excuse whatsoever to comply! It boils down to only thinking about yourself!

Jul 24, 2023 5:11 PM
Reply to  BJG

Been saying right from the start mass non- compliance can finish anything the scum try to force upon, we are many they are few. The problem we have is a lot of people remain wilfully ignorant and even want to be controlled because they are as thick as pig shit and deserve what’s coming. Just look at all the twats that still use swipe and go in shops etc, fucking morons are going to destroy all our freedoms.

Jul 24, 2023 12:35 AM

This is for those who criticized what I wrote about “WW2” and the ‘nazis’!!!
First of all, stick in your head that to criticize is not the same as to hate!!!
Second, have any of you read books written by honest revisionist historians? You know, the doctors Mike Yeadons, R. Buttar, Sherri Tenpenny, Sucharit Bhakdi, John Loannididis and so many others who spoke up against the filthy current of the official narratives on covid.
So it’s the same with many revisionist historians.
Have any of you invested time researching the other side of the story of WW2?
Have any of you read a single book about it? Or you are parroting what you heard others saying.
You saw Auschwitz ‘tattoos’? Yes, FABRICATED BY THE JEWS!!!
= https://www.bitchute.com/video/vAFKVGuW0QL1/ [by jew Dave Cole, who went to Auchwitz to investigate]
= https://www.bitchute.com/video/iquZd26uN0BG/ – the last days of the big lie…
= https://www.bitchute.com/video/GUt8cGHduFLG/ – the jewish gas chamber hoax.

Jul 24, 2023 9:36 AM
Reply to  Luís

You saw Auschwitz ‘tattoos’? Yes, FABRICATED BY THE -EWS!!!

Yes, you fucking idiot, I saw one on my grannies forearm, my whole childhood. Courtesy of her sojourn in Auschwitz.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 24, 2023 1:35 PM
Reply to  Luís

So, so off topic. You’ve had your say, Admin will respond diplomatically, then the thread gets closed. 

This is not a terribly original post. 

I’ve not seen one revisionist claim there wasn’t inhuman persecution of Jews. The Nazi machine was brutal and its brand of authoritarianism – with its roots in traditional, wholesome German values – are echoed in many of the worst aspects of Covid authoritarianism and the greenwashed New Normal. 

Anyone who skips over Nazi authoritarian fascist conformity/fanaticism to query the 6m figure – ignoring or dismissing with special pleading the yellow stars, the ghettos, the cattle cars and the industrial reclamation of human fillings – is radically missing the whole point.  

Nazis were not a healthy society. Let’s stop hinting that they were. Let’s deal with the sickness at its core which, many feel, we witnessed a resurgence of in 2020.

I’ve seen Nazi persecution of Jews blamed on Western Jews many times. It is argued they allegedly financed the rise of the Nazis. And yet the Nazis always get rehabilitated in this revisionism movement, never accused of being a Jewish tool (which would be in keeping with views expressed about Jewish origins of Communism, often used to discredit the communist movement).

Why is this? This doesn’t seem logical on its own terms.

On the whole, regrettably, I’ve had to conclude much of this topic isn’t designed to make sense.

I think the topic is largely designed to shock and bamboozle people, rather than be consistent. It’s become a classic troll manoeuvre because of this. Sites lift up their petticoats and remove posts for fear of being labelled ‘far right’, and they don’t take the time to reason out the huge inconsistencies and huge self contradictions at the heart of many of these revisionist stances.

Increasingly these stances boil down to a bigoted religiousness, as epitomised by this comment underneath the David Cole video:

There is ZERO evidence of genocide of Jews in ww2 but there is plenty of evidence Jews have been murdering Christians for thousands of years! This is because they are liars and murderers like their father the Devil!

In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if this whole revisionist thing was largely a psyop designed to kettle opinion on alt news sites and discredit by association.

Jul 23, 2023 10:05 PM

Been through 54 years of life and most of them without masks in medical facilities.

The lies we tell ourselves are the most effective. 😉

Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Jul 24, 2023 5:33 PM
Reply to  syllamo

This is a response to admin. Re WW2 revisionist history. This is not a subject i spend much time with but did read this article yesterday which is an interesting thread about reasons for WW2 and parallels to the current Ukraine war.

Ron Marr
Ron Marr
Jul 23, 2023 8:35 PM

I don’t get angry when seeing a man or woman in a mask. I feel bad and responsible at the same time…as if I could run to them and tell them something positive where they remove their mask and smile. My children and I are separated by the hoax and vaccines, politics. I said to my son, I can’t believe my kids have swallowed all the lies. He replied ( just returning from a visit with his sister) We can’t believe our dad has fallen for it. We both broke into laughter. What else is there? After all, the Reptiles told me (after I had seen them and they harassed me on every bit of technology.) “NOW THAT YOU KNOW EVERYTHING IS FAKE, WHY SAY ANYTHING? Sometimes…I think they are right.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 23, 2023 3:54 PM

The new mask:

‘Facekinis’ become popular in China as temperatures soar

People buying full-face masks alongside hats, fans – and hats with inbuilt fans – as temperatures rise above 35C


What does the “Facekini” look like? Like this:

comment image?auto=compress&fit=crop&format=auto&q=50&w=1200&h=800

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 24, 2023 5:35 AM
Reply to  George Mc

So bizarre

Jul 26, 2023 1:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc


Jul 23, 2023 3:15 PM

Here’s (my attempt at posting) the image I earlier referred to.

comment image

This misguided notion circulated widely on the internet.
The image shows two petri dishes, one breathed upon with a mask, the other breathed upon without a mask.
The dish breathed upon without a mask is laden with bacteria, the other, barely anything.
The suggestion is that wearing a mask is the healthy choice.
What it actually illustrates is that humans exhaust bacteria with every breath, and that wearing a mask, the less porous the better, ensures an individual will capture, regurgitate, reinhale and recycle their own quanties of bacteria, like dogs and pigs do their own vomit.
Apologies if the link doesn’t work.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 23, 2023 2:32 PM

OT again but this is a scream:

Let’s hear it for the first (?) trans punk!:


This is Ruth Pearce who apparently had his knob and sacks cut off. See here:


Let’s hear it from Ruth:

“I don’t miss my balls
I don’t miss my balls
Oh so fragile stabbing pain
I don’t miss my balls

I don’t miss my dick
I don’t miss my dick
What a pointless bundle of nerves
I don’t miss my dick”

Other things that Ruth doesn’t miss:

Chest, Boy’s club, …. and voice. Just as well for that last one.

Not to worry. It only gets 18 up votes and 4 comments, the last of which sums it up:

“this is the most cringe song I have ever heard in my entire life, I want my 2 minutes back”

Jul 23, 2023 3:17 PM
Reply to  George Mc

George, allow me to inform you that you’re a sick masochist motherfucker. You simply can’t help it, you have to devour all this putrid shit and then share your derangement with the rest of the world.

For FUCKS SAKES, who gives a FLYING FUCK about some sick motherfucker who had his dick cut off?

BTW, I didn’t watch the shit.

Jul 23, 2023 3:25 PM
Reply to  Zorgling

The Alien has it right. Why would someone keep fetching and carrying the shite from MSM? Unless….well best left unsaid.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 23, 2023 3:36 PM
Reply to  Zorgling

Well I can’t possibly match your eloquence there. So all I can offer is this:

In the new weaselly language all is reversed. When you hear the expression “gender critical” you would naturally think it referred to those who were critical of gender. And that would automatically put you in mind of those who support transgender ideology i.e. they are critical of gender to the point of abolishing gender all together to arrive at that “non-binary” concept.

But the way this obfuscatory language works is to reverse the meaning so that “gender critical” refers to those who uphold the basic – and fundamentally logical – notion of gender.

“Gender critical” refers to those who BELIEVE in gender.

And those opposed to “gender criticism” refers to those who actually OPPOSE gender.

The vicious manipulators of language are creating a new world of their own:

“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?”
Thus trans ideology – like all ideology – is silent about its own existence since it is presupposed as “the truth”. Meanwhile the opposite view i.e. gender in the traditional (and only meaningful) sense is labelled “gender critical” as if to highlight it as something unnatural, the trans ideology surreptitiously assuming the mantle of truth by default. This confidence trick is ruthlessly cunning.
That’s all I got. But one day I may scale the heights of your own domain with Fuckety fuckin’ fucketty fuck fuck!

Jul 23, 2023 3:56 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Sorry man, I’m too stupid for all this shit. Don’t know nothing and don’t wanna no nothing about gender critical. All I know is that when I see a babe with a nice round bum and full boobs, something makes me wanna get in her pants and that’s all there’s to it. Especially if she has brains on top of that.

If somebody wanna jerk off about gender critical, whatever the fuck that is, they can do that, ideally in some dungeon where they can have their dicks, tits, balls, vaginas removed/installed too.

I’m not gonna allow anybody get this shit into my head, and I suggest that you don’t either.

Jul 23, 2023 3:55 PM
Reply to  Zorgling

Zorgling here’s some advice you weren’t asking for.

Just for a bit take out the “fucks” as it giving these types an excuse to minimise the valid nuanced 360° points you make.

You are leaving a flank open & they keep using it to invalidate the points made.

Jul 26, 2023 1:11 PM
Reply to  Zorgling

No one cares. Adults can do anything they want. But when these aberrants march nude in the streets announcing they are coming for our children, it’s a problem. Luckily for you (and us), your lineage will dead end and you won’t have to worry about it.

Jul 23, 2023 2:17 PM

Oh well shit(e). I was going to write up my thoughts on maskers, masking, dumbass mf’s but you lost me, Todd, with your second-to-last paragraph which included that “star of David” bs crap. If there’s one thing that gets my blood boiling more than masks, it’s lying, genocidal, creeping zionazis of isisraheel who get away with cold-blooded murders every single damned day in Palestine.

If this comment isn’t approved or something, I’ll never come back here or read a single word anyone writes on OG ever again.

Jul 23, 2023 1:00 PM

The biggest «mask» is the one the Anglo American global playboys hide behind, mask of the «we healthy, you unhealthy» type. While playboys get rhapsodic over the war criminal Oppenheimer and his cinematic persona the history of the mass killing in the defence of their particular notion of «freedom» is gradually erased from the popular memory.
Compliance will make you so happy, chuckled Barbie.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 23, 2023 12:43 PM

The mask bullshit was the final application of an old theme with the ruling totalitarians frustrated by all that freedom of movement and opinon i.e. the meme that “We are too liberal and this won’t do because we now face an appalling threat!” etc.

Thus it was with 9/11. “We have permitted too much allowance to those pesky critics of our wonderful system! You are either with us or you are with the terrorists!”

Thus it is with covid. “We are being attacked by a deadly virus and everyone is going to die unless everyone wears a mask …… but of course we hang on to our liberal fixations and so we’ll leave it up to each of you individually…..” And the most gullible in the public can be left to make the inference: “You either mask up with us or you are going to kill us all!”

Jul 24, 2023 4:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Nah, not necessarily. Occult rules, and they DO play by occult rules, although they may swear they don’t, jump up and down and threaten you with dire this and that. I wore a mask just once and realised ‘this is going to make a lot of people seriously ill.’ This is before the many vids with oximeters demonstrating that with a mask you are actively AND passively gassing yourself…look for the loophole. There is always a situational loophole.
Wear a ‘hidden disability sticker’ or identification, and optional shades. After which, business as usual. There are government sites which supply the necessary bits of paper, and charities which do nice cards and lanyards.
Bon voyage. This whole thing is an intelligence test. BUT
you have to pay attention. It is each one’s personal responsibility to be fully/sufficiently informed (self-created) before expressing consent. Knowing as much as we do about governments (mind-control) duplicity as we do you do not throw all discrimination away when it gets a little hairy..
Or face the consequences.


Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Jul 23, 2023 11:35 AM

The only people who I see wearing masks around here these days are people who look like they’ve never seen daylight (scared of the sun, naturally), are either waif like and look like a strong wind would fold them in half or they are fat bastards who get out of breath and sweat after waddling for 10 or 20 yards.

Either way, these people are of no concern to me, they are weak minded and weak bodied and they will be the first to perish if and when the shit hits the fan. Let them wear their masks, take their jabs and trans their kids. It’s their own genetic oblivion that they are headed for not mine and I’m not going to waste my energy getting angry with them while I go on my healthy, none compliant way.

Saying no to bullshit gets easier and easier the more you do it, so, as the anti-drug campaign from the 1980s said “Just say NO!”.

Jul 23, 2023 11:00 AM

The complete world of academics, $cientific and medical “professionals” have proven themselves to be a sad excuse of ‘knowledge’ and are made total fools during the CV-Tyranny. Besides that they are a wicked ‘society’ of mass murderers towing the line for the satanic globalists

They totally destroyed their ‘trustworthyness’ and betrayed their Hypocratic Oaths!
I have no faith left in these sickening “useful Idiots” anymore!

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 23, 2023 10:23 AM



Pampered spoiled brat whining at its most excrutiating:

“I don’t see the [expletive] point, right, I do not see the point of inviting the 1975 to a country and then telling us who we can have sex with.”

(Because you were expecting to fuck the entire country?)

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 23, 2023 10:34 AM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s cynical crap too. Two of the band kissed on stage after a “defiant” speech. They get banned. This has already granted them the most media exposure they’ve ever had. And they will be continually congratulated throughout the Western press, books will be written, movies made – and their future as “brave protesters” is assured.

Jul 23, 2023 7:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

They’re all set to become the Pussy Riot of the West.

Jul 23, 2023 10:51 AM
Reply to  George Mc

You’ve been instructed to stop shitting the BBC crap all over the place, so act the fuck accordingly.

If you’re addicted to their propaganda, consume it in your privacy and jerk off over it if you must.

Why the fuck do you keep propagating it? You’re a paid BBC shill?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 23, 2023 11:22 AM
Reply to  Zorgling

I’ve been “instructed”? Yes Massa!

Jul 23, 2023 1:17 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Finally, you seem to be getting it. Good!

Fuck the BBC

Jul 23, 2023 2:38 PM
Reply to  Zorgling

Difficult for some to break the programming.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 23, 2023 3:40 PM
Reply to  Zorgling

Thanks massa, can I get my chitlins now?

Jul 23, 2023 3:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

As long as you clam up about BBC, yes.

Simon D
Simon D
Jul 23, 2023 10:15 AM

A maskie goes shopping:


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 23, 2023 8:20 AM

In public space we need to compromise.as we all have a right to be there peacefully.

If majority get extremely upset by someone bearing/not bearing mask, its little nuisance to take a mask on/off to calm them down.
“Im willing to compromise to make you fell comfortable”. Fixed.

Jul 23, 2023 8:32 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

It would behoove everyone to check out the RED HERRING FALLACY.

The mask – and all the blather about chain link fences, farts, viruses, whatever – is a giant red herring. Something for people to yap about, to worship, to detest, to fixate on.

The issues that matter are something completely different.

You might say that articles like this one, and the vast majority of comments, are an expression par excellence of useful idiocy. Unless they’re intentional, like, “Hey Todd, buddy, can you write something about masks to make the sheeple bitch some more while we’re figuring out what to do about this fucking civilizational collapse?”

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 23, 2023 8:46 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

The covid narrative did not permit compromise. You had to wear the mask or else “everyone would die”. And wacky rebel rock stars were telling presidents to “put on a fucking mask”.

Jul 23, 2023 9:07 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I’m starting to think that if I hear the fucking word “narrative” one more time, I’ll do something highly injudicious. Like ripping off the head housing the mouth that uttered this word and playing fucking soccer with it.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 23, 2023 9:25 AM
Reply to  Zorgling

Alright. “paradigm” then. Or how about “Set of orders that, after making a few phony ‘It’s your decision’ noises, gave you little choice in the matter ’cause you’d either lose your job or get your head kicked in”?

Jul 23, 2023 9:38 AM
Reply to  George Mc

What the fuck is that now?

Ever heard of the word “bullshit”? Or if that makes you blush, use fucking “blather”.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 23, 2023 10:02 AM
Reply to  Zorgling

Fuckin’ right fuckin’ fuckin’ words like Narrative fuckin’ long fuckin’ losin’ interest now fuckin’……

Jul 23, 2023 11:31 AM
Reply to  Zorgling

By the same token, I’m starting tothink that if I read the word “f-cking” one more time I’ll do something injudicious.
It used to be just skipping over the few comments, now it’s looking to find a comment without it.
Free speech and all that, I know. But dummed down free speech just the same.

Jul 23, 2023 1:16 PM
Reply to  judith

You’re confused.

There is nothing wrong with words, the whole lexis, y compris fuck, shit, cunt, and all the other usual suspects that you and countless others have been instructed by your slavedriver/indoctrinator are somehow defective, improper, prohibited lest Devil himself will descend upon you if you utter them.

Fuck is a cute colloquial word widely used precisely for the reason that people are fucking tired and fucking sick – observe the foregoing hysteron-proteron introduced for your linguistic pleasure – of having to conform to some fucking conventions concocted by fat fucks somewhere in the fucking office where the fuck they run every-fucking-thing from.

In contrast, narrative is fucked up word used by the progressivists to push their nefarious agendas. A disgusting word, probably second topmost on the list right after COVID, which is a word that ought to be prohibited because it makes wanna puke and I bet I’m not alone.

Hope this explains it to ya!

Jul 23, 2023 3:22 PM
Reply to  Zorgling

FWIW, I agree completely. There are words which are so horrific they practically blaspheme language – like the word “narrative” has become.

It’s not a “narrative” when lies and propaganda are dispensed solely for the purpose of deceiving people. It’s an evil plot, well-thought out and executed.

Now it’s true a “narrative” (as in literature) is generally thought of as a piece of fiction – so in that sense it fits. But people don’t think of propaganda as narration; so it loses its very nature to take on a new meaning which is opposite its true meaning when used as cover for propaganda.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 23, 2023 3:44 PM
Reply to  Howard

“Narrative” is the best word for a set of propagandist propositions that ought to be relentlessly critiqued. “Narrative” can therefore mean – and usually does mean “lies and propaganda … dispensed solely for the purpose of deceiving people …. an evil plot, well-thought out and executed”. The meaning is therefore not only legitimate but elegant.

And if people don’t think of propaganda as narration then they should. Indeed I consider that to be my primary task.

Jul 24, 2023 2:44 AM
Reply to  Zorgling

Not confused at all.
Don’t need an explanation.
Hate the word.
Couldn’t be more clear on that.
But thank you, anyway.

Jul 24, 2023 9:43 AM
Reply to  judith

OK, hating a word is fine. There are quite a few words I detest too, such as baloney, the aforementioned narrative, feedback (when used in the sense of response), so on.

However, my dislike of these words is my choice, whereas I’d venture to say that your hatred toward “fuck” stems from indoctrination by your favorite whisperer who pounded into your head that “fuck” is a prohibited word. You might wanna give it a thought – why did they do that? Is fuck prohibited because it generally refers to sex? Is there something wrong with sex? Or what is it?

Hate whatever you like, but hate it yourself. Not because you’ve been instructed to hate it.

That’s the fucking point!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 24, 2023 5:47 AM
Reply to  Zorgling

CIA (et al.) psyop. Easy to prove.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 24, 2023 5:46 AM
Reply to  judith

The F words by the bye are one very very intentional CIA psyop.

I’m not making this up. They hijacked that whole “nomenclature” about 10 or 15 years ago with the special purpose of globally blanketing all the conversations with it, so when you see too much it’s a red flag straight out of “Langley.”

Not a jest!

So, the question (which is easily answered) is simply ‘cui bono’?

Jul 24, 2023 1:02 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Good point. Thank you.

Jul 24, 2023 5:04 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

I’m sorry; but this makes no sense. Now I grant you that the “F words” make far less sense and have far less impact when written rather than spoken.

But there are times when nothing else conveys a particular sense of outrage, disbelief and just plain frustration at some piece of idiocy.

WTF! says it all. I can’t think of any other three words strung together which are capable of evoking an unmistakable impression.

So if indeed the CIA came up with the idea of using such words, that falls in the category of the broken clock twice a day. Finally the fuckers got something right!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 27, 2023 9:11 PM
Reply to  Howard

I’m talking about spoken F’s, with the written ones coming more as an echo of those. I had the occasion to see the way this Project F Bomb was widely deployed, by Intel expressly, from 10 to 15 years past, though those oblivious & not looking for it would certainly not spot it as quickly, if at all perhaps. After all, the F word is in play (or worked) over half a millennium and more!

But I was already watching all the symptoms of their cynical pre-programmed pandemic of it, and so easy to connect the dots.

Rather than break down the many reasons for it, that matter is maybe more useful left unsaid. And no doubt I’ve missed different aspects.

But control as always is at the root of their reasoning, or rather unreasoning.


“Although you be, as I am, one of those

who feel a Christian ought to write in prose

since poetry is Magick, born in sin, you

may read it to exorcise the Gentile in you.”

~ Auden (epigraph to his Collected Poems)

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 23, 2023 3:58 PM
Reply to  Zorgling

How about script?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 23, 2023 9:55 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

From a practical point of view off course.
But for people who fly high and mean this is a point where they stand, they fight, and the other dies. Expect the police to fine and move you to a non-public safe space.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 23, 2023 12:46 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Instead of fighting nukes, wars, digital slavery, you are fighting masks as a principal matter?
Come on guys, Im seeing Liberals crawling around everywhere….pretending to be do-gooders and progressive resistance.
In this matter I am an absolute pro-police fining and carrying you away after you have thrown all your stones at them and called them fascists.

Jul 23, 2023 6:33 AM

Re: Masks and all …

Let me play the devil’s advocate and propose a highly heretical scenario.

So, the human civilization has found itself in a deep-shit situation. Resources/energy needed to run the highly complex just-in-time circus are running low, getting close to being depleted. The economic/financial system has been milked dry, indebted to the max. Debt (claim on future energy use) has become impossible to honor because there will be no energy in the future for current needs, let alone debt repayment. The slaves providing the West with surplus economic input that facilitates the Western luxurious lifestyle have had enough of it, some are getting stronger than the West itself. Culture, society, everything is in a state of utter decadence, idiots brandishing both tits and dick on their person being a case in point. People want more and more of mad useless consumption, oblivious to the senselessness of their lives. Doom is imminent.

Something gotta be done lest the whole thing collapses into one big pile of putrid shit. People need to be made to wind down, to face the reality that future life will not be as luxurious and prosperous as they expect and believe they’re entitled to.

Traditional methods of bringing people to their sense, such as religion, won’t work. Nobody gives a shit about God – money, consumption, the next fix of dopamine is God.

So, how about scaring the shit out of the motherfuckers with virus, carbon dioxide, climate change. Would that work? After all, people are relatively well educated, they might go for this scientific crap. If served right, they might swallow it. For they would never swallow the actual truth.

Face masks? Respirators? They’re just a small part of this. A symbol. Like the crucifix.

Now, is this all bullshit because nobody’s proved that oil reserves aren’t unlimited, because nobody’s proved that climate change is caused by human activity, FOI requests have revealed that the government has no record of any of this shit? Not to mention Klaus Anal Schwab who has taken a leak in the same as Volodya Putler somwhere in Switzerland which means that they must be acting in concert.

Suppose that it’s not all bullshit, and some of it certifiably bullshit is not. Such as the racking up of debt (check your government’s deficit). The fact that people feel entitled to luxury that doesn’t correspond to their economic output.

Anyway, what sort of solution would all of you great thinkers have to this (hypothetical) predicament?

Jul 23, 2023 7:30 AM
Reply to  Zorgling

Enjoy Life one day at a time, after all, the future is just a projection of our busy, chaotic minds.
Your hypothetical seems feasible, but ultimately we are only in charge of our own well being.
When all seems lost: take the next step.

Jul 23, 2023 3:26 PM
Reply to  Johnny

On the personal level, yes.

Jul 23, 2023 10:02 AM
Reply to  Zorgling

why does there have to be a solution? becuase otherwise there would be very little to live for? let alone what do we say to our kids, in my case a 25yr old with great ambitions to have a great life….

if, if the de-construction of civilisation was being managed by people that actually have a soul we might stand a chance,

but given that they do not have souls, as they have outright, literally sold them the options are thin

they know civilisational collapse is likely and like all good demolition operatives controlled demolition is preferable to “run the fuckers falling down”
having previously worked in demolition the “run” bit can be very exciting if a little un-nerving

for evidence of this we can look at maurice strongs statements to west magazine in 1990 (?) thereabouts, the richard day tapes show evidence of an earlier working, arguably the protocols provide an earlier one than that

more recently it is now clear that an up to date re-working that focuses on sterilisation and a form of “brain control” that has not yet fully shown its ugly head, graphene, nano etc, albeit with a cosy “back up plan” involving complex and very well stocked bunkers sited stategically all around the world, ticket allocation to those in the know is well evidenced by their complete, unswerving compliance to the ruse, (see i used the word ruse, not narrative, i hate football)

a very rapid, bumpy ride back to medieval forms of existence will be the norm for countries that have exhausted their oil, coal and gas, in this respect the disgusting destruction of coal in the uk, which i witnessed as an above ground contractor for ncb, was in reflection a wise move, steam is after all pretty fucking cool

if we practice what we preach as i have tried to do for about 30 years, which is grow my own food, produce my own electric, water, firewood, repair anything and everything that can be repaired with machines that i can repair myself, then we have some idea of what might be involved, but granted this is all worth as little as the hungry fucker that robs my veg, steals my livestock or the availiability of a teeny tiny diode required to make a solar charge controller work again

angela carters novel heroes and villains gives some insight as to what a post collapse world might look and feel like

the sad irony is that any life line handed humanity, say in the form of alien visitors or new technology would rightly be suspected as having an ulterior motive…

so in many ways its a case of “enjoy the ride” and try to navigate the descent as best as we can, providing support and wisdom (?!) to our families, depopulation is a given, its under way, survival is now a deadly and very serious daily challenge, deep fried mars bars are not the solution and never will be

Jul 23, 2023 1:48 PM
Reply to  Duckman

I appreciate your comment, man.

Jul 23, 2023 2:16 PM
Reply to  Duckman

A most balanced comment & appraisal. Respect 🙏

Jul 23, 2023 11:08 AM
Reply to  Zorgling

Trouble is- most of the prople living these lavish lifestyles will continue so to do, whilst those surrounding them: not thousands of miles away- they have their own parasites, will wither away.

Jul 23, 2023 12:45 PM
Reply to  Zorgling

A Jubilee a debt cancellation.
A change in our consumption practices, especially amongst the spoilt herd. Whereby they’re encouraged to salvage & redesign and God forbid make do.

That’s why aspects of the WEF & Agenda 21/2030 will appeal to billions upon billions not experiencing the 1st worlds “standard of living”. Many in the “developed world” are akin to a fat kid at an all you can eat buffet. Not understanding(misunderstanding on purpose)or caring to curb it’s encouraged tendancies. Even though when it looks out the window it sees starvation & needless suffering. That’s the entitlement that has billions scratching their heads at their selfishness.

But of course, fat chance of that.

Jul 23, 2023 1:49 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

Yeah, fat chance …

Jul 23, 2023 3:28 PM
Reply to  Zorgling

We don’t have to worry our pretty heads over a solution – reality has already provided one for us. It’s called Extinction.

All we have to do is stay the course we’re on and – bingo! – reality gives us one big middle finger with the word “Gotcha!” emblazoned on the tip.

Jul 23, 2023 4:03 PM
Reply to  Howard

Could be. We could be on the fucking Titanic bearing down on the ol’ iceberg. Us on the lower decks bitching that we’re only getting beer (the American piss-like variety, not the tasty Czech stuff … ha ha … ) while the elite up top is drinking champagne, but soon we’ll all be drowning …

Jul 23, 2023 4:31 PM
Reply to  Zorgling

You need to understand, study Modern Monetary Theory, that governments that are the monopoly issuers of a free floating currency, create and destroy money on a computer. Such governments’ deficit spending is the private sector’s wealth, penny for penny. The deficit is not problem, it’s the projects, goods and services that the government purchased, and didn’t purchase, to create the deficit, that is important.

Jul 23, 2023 8:30 PM
Reply to  Tom

Actually, when I’m talking about deficit and debt, I mean the underlying physical economy, most specifically energy.

The separation of financial economy and physical economy is one of the problems.

Jul 23, 2023 11:22 PM
Reply to  Zorgling

The ‘economy’ is officially recorded transactions.

Jul 23, 2023 6:08 AM

Meanwhile in the real world, where they’re NOT “all in it together”:

 The Duran: Endgame begins to push NATZO out of Syria:


Syria 2010 was the first “stone in the middle of the road” to halt “our irresistible armed might”: our NATZO juggernaut in the Middle East. In revenge, the 2014 U$ regime (Obomba, Biden and Nuland) unleashed NATZO on Ukraine, bninging Nazi-style genocide officially back to Europe.

“Scott Ritter: Russia is Mounting a Large Force to De-Natzofy Ukraine:


Russia, China, Iran, Syria – The Axis of Resistance. More to come, and every member is a nail in the coffin of NATZO.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 23, 2023 4:00 PM
Reply to  NickM

Thanks for info. But….it is as we have seen and heard it all before.

Everyone is welcome to buy S-400 from Russia, only Assad cant get the S-300 he ordered 15 years ago.
Ok there is small Arab political movements toward the money centres at East, but at we saw with Turkey its all Arab Bazar bargaining.

We have heard many times about the “large Russian Special Forces” since 3 years and the new Russian EW and hypersonic weapons would push NATZO back to Sovjet borders of 1990.

But reality 500 days later shows Blackstone and Vanguard still investing heavily in an digital paradise in W. Ukraine, US/EU celebrities still visiting and partying in Kiev.
As Putin recently said, “we have not even started yet to defend our Slavic brothers in Donbass”. “We dont understand why we cannot be equal partners”.

Russian Sber bank, Russian Oligarchs, Health top Officials, Mayors, are all promoting, participating and licking the back of the UN/WEF/BIS top and agenda of Great Reset and Green Wave.
So forgive us to be a little pessimistic about all these “axis of resistance” and “axis of evils” and whatever label they call it in the diplomatic world.

Jul 23, 2023 5:55 AM

I read a couple years ago that surgeons were finding plastic nanoparticles in people’s lungs when they were operated on for non-associated reasons– lung cancer, etc.
The usual mask seems to be composed of pressed plastic particles, no?

Jul 23, 2023 8:08 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Additional plastic contamination (particles and leached compounds) comes from food packaging (e.g., fruit coatings, wrappers, bags, bottles, can lining), tableware, toys, shampoo, clothes and furnishings. Plasticiser DEHA is added into deserts, frozen fish, processed fruit, “breakfast cereals”, etc. Getting into a car that has been in the sun for a while also gives a dose of vinyl chloride (from PVC).

Our intake of such plastic particles is ~250 g/year/person. At best, the body can expel micro-particles from the upper respiratory tract and intestines.

IMO, the claims to have “just” discovered nano-particles in blood and organs, and to not know the mechanism or compund that harms, is a fraud. This double-talk situation parallels others, e.g., on RF/microwave radiation.

Jul 24, 2023 5:58 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Thanks for the info. As far back as 1967 I remember a Lecturer mentioning our unavoidable daily ingestion of traces of washing-up liquid; and the asbestos menace surfaced soon after. It is good to know people keep track of these things.

Jul 25, 2023 6:05 AM
Reply to  NickM

This small sliver of info is restricted to plastics. There are loads of other goodies from agri, animal farming, mining, transport, power generation, manufacturing, construction, etc. Homo sapiens, indeed.

Jul 23, 2023 3:36 PM
Reply to  Penelope

As I’ve mentioned before, nano-particles of plastic also come from geoengineering, as the elements listed in the patents and sprayed into the atmosphere come trickling down for us to breathe.

Now that’s a true and genuine “trickle down” dynamic (eat your heart out Ronnie Raygun!).

Jul 23, 2023 5:45 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Yes they do.
You should only wear them a few times, then put on new ones.

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Jul 23, 2023 5:47 AM

Masks are excellent for both misdemeanors and felonies.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 27, 2023 9:16 PM
Reply to  Joe Smith

But not Crimes of the Century?

John Manning
John Manning
Jul 23, 2023 5:34 AM

There must be a vast gulf between psychotherapy and microbiology. I do not understand where Mr Hayen gets his ideas about masks so I will explain mine.
I have had a career in microbiology and biochemistry. I have routinely used masks during my work. The purpose was to stop me infecting the bacterial and viral cultures I worked with. The masks worked. Infection/contamination rates increased when they were not used.
I have never seen data to prove this is transferable to public spaces. However if I can reduce the spread of microbes between my face and a workbench by using a mask it is reasonable to assume the same is happening across a room.
The key point is wearing a mask protects those around you. It does not protect the wearer. When you have worked in microbiology this is not a matter of polity or faith, it is a certainty.

Human values
Human values
Jul 23, 2023 6:46 PM
Reply to  John Manning

There’s just one problem, people are not petri dishes.

Jul 23, 2023 7:32 PM
Reply to  John Manning

The key point is wearing a mask protects those around you. It does not protect the wearer.

If it’s a virus you’re afraid of, please be aware that masks won’t protect the wearer or anyone else, since viral particles are too small to be stopped by a mask.

Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Jul 23, 2023 10:36 PM
Reply to  John Manning

I have trouble accepting that the value in that very specific field of endeavor transfers over to everyday life. Thank-you for the specialized scientific perspective but most of us aren’t conducting experiments on bacteria and viral cultures nor are we evaluating mask use from that perspective.

Jul 24, 2023 6:05 AM
Reply to  John Manning

A reader who really knows something about the topic gets 9 downvotes but only 1 upvote (to date; plus 1 from me).

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 24, 2023 11:53 AM
Reply to  NickM

This is an anecdotal opinion, though, from a reader whose specialisation should make citation second nature. That’s strange. Just to be clear, there are multiple Randomised controlled trials demonstrating that masks are ineffectivE at influencing rates of respiratory disease. There is no scientific data that I’m aware of to flesh out the myth of ‘protecting others’, therefore. A2

Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Jul 25, 2023 2:55 AM
Reply to  NickM

He knows something about working in a science lab. That doesn’t transfer over to the real world outside the lab. The real world of flesh and blood humans living their lives. The real world in action not the scientific experimental world of highly specialized details confined to laboratories. Not the science world of being so caught up in the details as to lose sight of the bigger picture of how to apply those details to LIFE and LIVING.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 27, 2023 9:30 PM
Reply to  Gordon McRae

It doesn’t transfer over, but it is embarrassing that someone who bluntly touts his scientific knowledge in his own field has no apparent capacity to see how it relates to other fields, based on all the exceptions between the two.

Jul 24, 2023 7:42 AM
Reply to  John Manning

This is a very special “virus”. It does not attack (a) the eyes of mask wearers (b) customers eating in restaurants (c) our beloved leaders when they meet abroad. It is like the unicorn: no one including the “traditional” jab makers has any of it.

There were long lists of questions on the whole affair on this site – many of them hilarious – by
(a) “Branch Covidian” on 2021-03-11
(b) “David Robinson” on 2021-06-14.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 27, 2023 9:20 PM
Reply to  John Manning

Expertise or other, maybe you need to read more serious studies of what has been observed and recorded over the last three years throughout human populations, rather than leaning some on the staler verbiage.

Over and above all that, trying to stop virus travel by using masks is the same, drawn to scale, as trying to stop mosquitoes or pollen with chain link fences

Ludicrous and patently stupid, really. Let’s be clear

Jul 23, 2023 5:26 AM

Charged w extremism, he’s a real Russian patriot. Do you remember the “39 Questions About the Ukrainian War asked by Angry Patriots? That’s his group.


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 23, 2023 8:11 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Hanging their heroes, and bearing their cowards around in a goldchair. I think the Liberals in Russia finally won the game.

Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Jul 24, 2023 5:40 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

I think the whole topic of how Russia should handle the conflict is incredibly complex and that the patriots group may or may not have the best opinion. However, arresting them for speaking out is not a good look for the so called liberal faction in Russia.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 24, 2023 6:23 PM
Reply to  Gordon McRae

I know. We know nothing, almost nothing. However, there are small signs where we are justified.
I think this Strelkov case is one of them. The system cant take nor like real heroes.
A population’s admiration belongs to the system, and the system only.

Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Jul 25, 2023 2:58 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Perhaps that is the reason he was arrested but i would admire the authorities a lot more if they weren’t such control freak assholes. If the system doesn’t protect free speech it is a crappy system. We are seeing that in the west big time. I suppose it is the tendency of all authoritatians everywhere.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 23, 2023 5:16 AM

Masks are bullshit, and evil.

comment image

Kalvin Stardust
Kalvin Stardust
Jul 23, 2023 5:14 AM

The eye-opening turning point for me during the panicdemic was when I saw Boris Johnson on TV one evening uttering these words: “We will follow the science”. I never believed a word he said after that.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jul 23, 2023 7:15 AM

My favourite was “build back better”
He squirmed in his seat.

Jul 23, 2023 4:30 AM


The face muzzle is a bit like the crucifix. Wearing one tells everyone you have faith. Men with long hair and women that have dispensed with theit locks are more likely to don muzzles than the general populace. I was once reported to the pharmacist for being bare faced trying to get my blood pressure checked. The arsehole then proceeded to talk football with the chemist. Sport like corporate religion is a powerful force for making people compliant. I would think people that hate the burkha love the muzzle. Dog owners also tend to be muzzle friendly.

Jul 23, 2023 4:21 AM

mask mandates provided tremendous opportunities to enhance facial recognition systems, as these systems can improve recognition of partially hidden faces.

Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Jul 23, 2023 5:08 AM
Reply to  GR-Watch

I once had the idea of inventing a special hat that inhibits facial recognition cameras. I wonder if anyone else is working on that. I should check with the Russian electronic warfare experts. We are currently in a state of war with over zealous technocrats.

Jul 23, 2023 8:13 AM
Reply to  Gordon McRae

Around 3 years or more ago, there were reports of such spectacles on sale.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 23, 2023 8:59 AM
Reply to  GR-Watch

Yeah, what else should we use our short life’s span of 60-70 years on.

Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Jul 23, 2023 3:56 AM

One of my best memories of the maskapocalypse was being in California and seeing the signs on some shops saying that unvaccinated people were required to wear a mask. I was typically in the minority without a mask on at that time ( a couple of winters ago). I’d rather not say if i was vaccinated. I’d like to plead the 5th. I do however strongly suspect that the mask wearing customers were vaccinated. If your reading this message you are the resistance.

Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Jul 23, 2023 3:41 AM

Ask yourself this: how good is the service i am getting from people who wear and or force others to wear masks? I suggest to you that our current certified medical experts are not that good at practicing medicine or healing others. If you can find alternative practitioners it may be the best course of action.
Same goes for the monetary system. The current system is highly corrupt and dysfunctional. We all need to spend time exploring other alternatives.
In the meantime, laughing about it all seems to be a positive alternative response.

Jul 23, 2023 3:40 PM
Reply to  Gordon McRae

Excellent point. Since it’s well established that these masks impair proper breathing, how could wearing one all day not affect a physician’s competence?

Jul 23, 2023 3:27 AM

Good news from Australia:
Barbie is ‘beating’ Oppenheimer! Which may confirm two things: We are shallow, but we’re over the fear porn!

Jul 23, 2023 3:43 PM
Reply to  Johnny

I don’t know. A movie about a real person becoming a plaything for madmen gets beaten out by a movie about playthings becoming real to save humanity from madmen.

I think the culture wars are finally over – and our side lost.

Jul 23, 2023 3:14 AM

It is easy to say “just don’t wear a mask.” For a year I couldn’t visit my mother in law, who lives near us in a small residential home for people with dementia (about 30-40 residents). Why not? because I was not vaccinated. Then I was allowed to –but only if I (like all other visitors) wore a mask. So I did. She loves to get visitors; she needs the support of those who love and care about her — and the other residents need outside contacts as well. After a few visits, I started slipping the mask off my nose, no one said anything. Then off my mouth. Then off totally. Only once did one of the staff tell me to put it back on. Now the requirement has been lifted. Was that wrong? I think the policy was insane and stupid, and very likely evil. But I had no control over it, and the well being of another person was at stake. I do not think I did wrong. What do you all think?

Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Jul 23, 2023 3:44 AM
Reply to  mjh

You made the most of a lousy situation. Good for you.

Jul 23, 2023 6:23 AM
Reply to  Gordon McRae

Thanks for your sympathy — a commodity in rare supply in these frenzied times.

Jul 23, 2023 4:01 AM
Reply to  mjh

Do not feel bad about wearing the IQ symbol because you/me/we only ‘complied’ where overarching-circumstances, or threats of (governmental-violence, viz. brainless-police/security) might have inflamed a situation or made the situation intolerable for our loved ones. Although I feel terrible at having been mandated into the mask-wearing in several situations – I feel that it will absolve my ‘guilt’ when I volunteer for the position of operator-of-le-guillotine. I will have ZERO compunction when the authoritarian bureaucrats are ‘black-bagged’ and queued up for their just-deserts. Fact is I can’t wait … roll-on N2.

Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Jul 23, 2023 5:04 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

May i suggest sending them to their final reward unbagged.

Jul 23, 2023 6:22 AM
Reply to  mjh

In a trial run I was allowed to visit my wife in a care home provided we both wore masks and faced each other 2 meters apart in the open air for 15 minutes under supervision. I complied.

After our trial run, other inmates were allowed to see a family member under the same condition. It was a great privilege in the scariest time in my life, because inmates were forever cross-infecting one another and being whisked away to die in isolation.

Jul 23, 2023 7:38 AM
Reply to  mjh

The artist formerly known as Communism. Now rebranded
Welcome to Communitarianism “for the greater good” ” we’re all in this together”

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 23, 2023 9:15 AM
Reply to  mjh

I think you jeopardized all the elderly by being non vaccinated and therefore you were infected by the virus, and on top of it you made the fantasy that you were the do-gooder and cared for the elderly, but deep inside yourself you only had the wish to spread your virus to all the elderly……… and kill them.
Therefore you had this extremely strong feeling you must pull your mask off and breathe all the elderly into their face, and then afterwards you pretended to be the nice guy who cared.
That is what I think!

Jul 23, 2023 11:22 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Those with dementia need human contact. They cannot recognise or befriend a person who is hidden behind a mask. Masks do not protect people from viruses or other contagious, air borne diseases.
Moreover I was not infected with the Covid virus. I was not ill; if I had been ill — with Covid or with any contagious disease — I would have refrained from visiting until I was well. The (untested and dangerous) vaccines don’t work; they didn’t keep people from getting sick; they didn’t stop the spread of illness; they harmed many people.
I do not claim to be a saint or “do-gooder.” My purpose in commenting was to indicate there are times when going along with absurd requirements might be justifiable. What exactly is YOUR purpose in commenting? To prove you are a jerk?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 23, 2023 1:07 PM
Reply to  mjh

My purpose in commenting is to lift the awareness up a little bit by challenging the author when I see someone confused.

My comment was sarcastic to show your “I and my Grandma were victimised” whining dont bring us anything than feel porn.

As you are not the only one but one out of many many who does the same, it gives public meaning to challenge it.

We/I already know the Corona was a scam. Now is time to find a way around it, not to write our tears down or make a new movie or an exhibition or a museum about “all my personal sufferings in the lock down period”.

gisela mueller
gisela mueller
Jul 23, 2023 12:37 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Good satire!

Jul 25, 2023 6:22 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen


Jul 23, 2023 7:37 PM
Reply to  mjh

Exactly. Masks, as odious as they may be, are the not the hill to die on. After all, you can always just take the mask off again, can’t you? No, the hill to die on (at least for me) was taking those experimental injections. After all, there’s no ‘uninjecting’ yourself after the fact, is there!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 24, 2023 6:26 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Yes, the injection was surely a Sparta moment. Here we stand and they die.

Jul 23, 2023 2:40 AM

I wore a “fake” mask to fly cross country to pick up a new pup. I wore a fake mask to continue working for a while until I couldn’t live the lie anymore. Otherwise I’ve never given in and worn one and life was hell for 2 years.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 23, 2023 3:02 AM
Reply to  NikkiBop

I took a lot of heat too, mostly 2020-21, but am glad I did. So I feel you. Interestingly, the message got through to many, but it seems like “they” are working “to resist, or not to resist,” both ways: basically a classic military pincer movement, only fitted for psyops, to divide and conquer no matter which position you take.

Jul 23, 2023 4:34 AM
Reply to  NikkiBop

Dog ownership is promoted by the same forces that push the face muzzle.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 23, 2023 5:21 AM

No. Dog “ownership” is a product of the best impulses that humanity possesses.

It’s not by accident that dogs are considered “man’s best friend.”

Jul 23, 2023 6:06 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

And man’s worse fiend?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 23, 2023 1:52 PM
Reply to  Johnny

“Man’s worst fiend,” is that a typo?

Jul 23, 2023 8:27 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Agree. Often, dogs are essential. However, leaving a dog isolated in an urban home for half the day is regrettable.

Dog breeding for profit, dog shows, birds in cages, etc. are another matter.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 23, 2023 1:50 PM
Reply to  mgeo

“Robin redbreast in a cage, puts all Heaven in a rage.”

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 23, 2023 1:51 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Likewise, dog’s best friend is man.

Jul 23, 2023 2:31 AM

During the pseudo pandemic I told various bank tellers:
“Before I would have been arrested for wearing a mask in a bank, but now
I could conceal my face legally from the bank’s numerous cameras.”

Some of the tellers even caught the irony.
Now mask-less, I tell them I want the banknotes in one hundreds
so it wont make my mattress so lumpy. 😜

les online
les online
Jul 23, 2023 2:27 AM

“Pre-exposure” HIV Prophylaxis (PrEP) is a growing cult in the AIDS world: Activists made Facebook remove ads about class action lawsuits, it’s pushed on heterosexuals, and children are next…

‘I know of no cult more asphyxiating, dishonest, or deadly than the HIV/AIDS Cult. The cult’s core faith is that there is no “treatment” protocol, no drug regime, too toxic to be worshipped and violently defended. The cult is both sadistic and masochistic. You will never understand them, decode their logic, never get them to face what horrors by toxic drugs they ushered in, and never get them to be interested in other people’s right to think differently and still be employed.’


Jul 23, 2023 8:32 AM
Reply to  les online

Young teen girls have already been the market for HPV jabs for 25 years or more. The claim is that it will protect them from cervicl cancer, especially arising from sexual activity. The implication is that they can be libertine after the jab: this is export of a cultural value.

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Jul 23, 2023 9:16 AM
Reply to  les online

Abstinence, or better yet conversion th…py.

Jul 23, 2023 1:59 AM

During the scamdemic I had an abscessed tooth, it had to be removed to prevent my death, so I wore the damn mask. But I only wore it until I didn’t have to, until the tooth was gone, and you know what, they didn’t tell me to put it back on until they got their money. By then I didn’t have to do anything but ignore them.
I’m still alive and still fighting.
A smart tactician knows which battles to fight and when, even which battles he needs to lose.

Jul 23, 2023 1:41 AM

But their decision to wear one as their choice, is based on a lie. Any decision based on a lie is false, it is wrong, and it is a nail in the coffin of humanity.

John 8:32 says: “..and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
In reality any decision based on a lie is a form of slavery. Therefore, coerced mask wearing is submitting to slavery.

Jul 23, 2023 1:38 AM

Absolutely redundant for me…I will NEVER wear a f****** mask again, period!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 23, 2023 1:23 AM

Well, at least I can say that in 3 years now I got booted out of half a dozen of my dozen regular stops not so much for not wearing a mask, which was the flashpoint of all the issues, but more for giving them a lot of grief about it.

Or at least that seems to be how they took it. All I was trying to do was to spur thought & questions but that is considered grief enough in many circles. Especially these days.

Jul 23, 2023 1:38 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Great job…!

Jul 23, 2023 8:54 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Some governments recommended 2 masks. A few wanted it used even at home. Extensive earlier research and mask sellers’ disclaimers contradict government claims; WHO agreed up to mid-2020.

-poisoning: ethylene dioxide, graphene, heavy metals incl. silver, TiO2
-skin, mouth or respiratory illness due to moist surface or microfibres
-weakened immunity: raises CO2, thus raising blood acidity
-pneumonia from inhaling droplets deeply
-breathing difficulty, even collapse or death, due to exertion or weak lungs; in practice, no exemption was available even for COPD or asthma
-proven reduced IQ of infants and children, masked or interacting with masked adults.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 24, 2023 5:55 AM
Reply to  mgeo

The scarcity of exemptions really unmasked the tyrannical intent, in and of itself.

Jul 23, 2023 1:01 AM

For the record, my face self-identifies as an impermeable mask that keeps harmful Schwabs and Faucis away from my soul.

Jul 23, 2023 12:49 AM

More like DEALER$ than healers Todd.

Jul 23, 2023 12:40 AM

I hate when people make references to either Hitler or the nazis, as if they were the worst cancer in history. For a start, most of the official narrative about WW2 is totally distorted and in many cases even inversed; the holohoax never happened and there are plenty of proof of this!!!
This is how efficient the jewish luciferian cabalists are in indoctrinating the entire world, creating a gigantic illusion and make the entire world fall for it.
The ones portraying themselves as the biggest victims in the history of the world, are themselves the biggest mass murderers in the entire history of the world. Alexander Solzhenitsyn said exactly this.
= = Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, russian dissident, nobel prize of literature in 1970:
– “…in per capita terms jews were the greatest mass-murderers of the twentieth century, holding that unfortunate distinction by an enormous margin and with no other nationality coming even remotely close. And yet, by the astonishing alchemy of Hollywood, the greatest killers of the last one hundred years have somehow been transmuted into being seen as the greatest victims, a transformation so seemingly implausible that future generations will surely be left gasping in awe.”

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jul 23, 2023 11:33 AM
Reply to  Luís

The true evil that gave rise to fascism and Technocracy in the 1930’s was PRIVATIZATION. “Neoliberalism” was rebranded fascism that began in the mid-70’s, after activated democracy during the 60’s decade sent the corporate class into a tizzy. Corporations are totalitarian. When they are allowed to monopolize, the metastasize, becoming a threat to life itself. The war profiteer is the queen of welfare queens, filling their pockets with newly created federal money. It’s the biggest scam going (along with unfettered patent profits). Larry the Fink has the nerve to want to “force behaviors”, but until we change the behavior of The Corporation, we will be faced with the callous, anti-life nature of the beast.

Jul 23, 2023 11:44 AM
Reply to  Luís

This train of thought – holohoax – always makes me wonder.
Did those elderly women I swam with at the Y, the ones with the numbers tatood on their arms, did they make them up? Was I seeing things? Was I so brainwashed by luciferian cabalists that I THOUGHT I saw them?
I wonder.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 9, 2023 12:23 AM
Reply to  judith

I had a good friend in Paris, a rather famous film-maker, Piero Heliczer, who won quite a bundle from the German government in the 1950s, when he’d come of age, for the war crimes against him and his family when the Gestapo in Rome forced him and his mother to watch while they castrated and killed his father, who was a Polish Jew and Resistance fighter who had converted to Catholicism. They then led him to a door of the prison while the Allies were bombing Rome, and said, “I think you know the corner street there and the way home. You really should take your mother home, she looks like she needs some rest.”

German courts ten years later settled his suit, I don’t know the exact amount, but it is noted in his Wikipedia biography and many papers in England and elsewhere in his obituary in the 1990s. When I knew him he had recently married and was on his honeymoon, on the Left Bank of Paris. He was quite poor, since the story went that he had given most of his settlement away to other poor artists.

As we parted, we didn’t know then in 1977 that we would never see each other again, I sang the strains of the song to the tune of “Bridge on the River Kwai” or alternately, “Colonel Bogie’s March” and its iconic melody:

“Hitler has only got one ball.
Goering has two, but very small.
Has something sim’lar.
And poor old Goebbels
Has no balls
At all.”

At first I thought he was taken aback, as he stopped and stared.

Then he began collapsing with laughter and his foot slipped on the curb and he fell in the gutter, howling.

That was the last time I saw my famous friend, Piero Heliczer. Crowned once nearby there by rive gauche Bohemians as the King of Europe.

Aug 9, 2023 2:33 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Well, I don’t remember those exact lyrics, John, but I loved that movie.
What a horrific story of your friend.
I read so many like that.
The human spirit is indomitable.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 13, 2023 2:39 AM
Reply to  judith

Perhaps the most riveting of all is that pierrot later came to New York and was a good friend of Andy Warhol after he had earned four degrees in foreign languages at Harvard University. I don’t know the exact time frame his daughter has a website up that is devoted to his wife and films and poetry and there is still a lot of interest in him in France and Holland and throughout Europe. But what has really caught my attention is that my friend Sean who spent more time around Pier road than I did told me that he had eight electroshock treatments and I don’t know exactly when but I believe it was around the time of his Harvard graduate work. I read into piero’s life story so very many parallels to another French polish Jewish filmmaker with ties to Catholicism.

And of course I am referring to Roman Polanski who will turn 90 years old this Friday.

To me these are two film script with the fingerprints of intelligence all over them specifically CIA as it was de facto founded by Nazi Intelligence. Roman was born about 5 years before pierrot. Both gravitated by their artistic natures to Paris apparently and there are many other influences and connections. Piro was more of the pure artist whereas it appears to me polansky used Hollywood as his War horse and shows a hitchcockian profile to reach a wider audience.

But both lost a parent due to terrorism as a lasting “valentine” from the Nazis, the dualtraumas of a gift that keeps on giving.

I am currently reading Polanski’s autobiography from 1984 (very wittilly titled “Roman by Polanski” since Roman in French means “novel” but that would not be recognized in the word elsewhere, as used in so many other languages, another clue as to his deep and redundant cleverness: after all since the wonderful Brit historical novelist Robert Harris credits two of his best sellers as having been instigated by suggestions from Polanski,and I recently devoured the latest one, “An Officer & a Spy” about Dreyfus 130 years ago, in nearly non-stop fashion, basis for their 2020 functionally banned Polanski film “J’Accuse” (Zola’s famed title) since the storyline is at the very epicenter of our WW III storm globally, as hard as that may be for many people to believe: I just told a cop who questioned me at my car about filming, the other day, about it and he had followed most of my argument till I got to the aspect of Polanski’s centrality in our whole saga, what’s a bridge too far for the PD youth (20+), and he walked off after my 20-minute spiel smiling at me a bit patronizingly, but at least I planted the seeds!)

Polanski’smemoir was written almost half a lifetime ago as partly an explanation for the apparently heavily setup sex charges against him of 1977. I wanted also to read his account of his mother’s Bella abduction from their Krakow home and her soon after murder at Auschwitz when she was 4 months pregnant. As was his bride Sharon Tate murdered clearly in a CIA Black op whatever the reasons while she was 9 months pregnant nearly and in such a horrific way she and her murdered friends anniversary was a couple of days ago. I began to see so many parallels between piro and Roman and I am plowing my way through his autobiography to get a better understanding in as much as the details in both their lives have so many intersections with my own! Quite uncanny. But the song I sang piero from River kwai had lyrics that I had first heard in a separate piece of film that had been made a few years before I last saw pierrot and left Paris. Then I was shocked to see the lyrics I used to get a laugh from pierrot later used in a really fine polish film called deep Blue World that I was the Richer for finding in a dollar bargain bin!

Oddly that was the year Polanski sanctuary in Paris where he is basically been under national house arrest ever since and also the last time I saw Piero o and we parted without being able to say goodbye since I had to return to California and wound up not making it back to Paris for different reasons. Ça me manque infiniment, d’ailleurs!

Gosh I think I may (have to) write a book about all this when I’m finished with my investigations, because my own father (if only by the flesh) had clients that were all caught up in the very center or fringe of Polanski circles and UCLA (his undergrad alma mater) and all the MKUltra work going on there in my last few years living with the “old man”. In fact I wrote about my first “Beethoven Moment” that took place in ’69 only a few months before the Tate killings (and I was at summer school in Paris at the time in August).

And the killings of the next night at the La Bianca home took place within a literal stone’s throw, or 3, maybe a thousand feet from my father’s notorious client and his lair at philosophical research Society on 3910 Los Feliz boulevard. Just around the corner! (As you might recall the client’s book healing the divine art was found under the front seat of sirhan’s car when it was impounded after the RF Kennedy killing. (MPH was arguably the most prominent hypnotist in American history and all that Biz still gives the willie’s to those who know what he was about! So, The story goes that Manson chose 3301 Waverly for the second night of killings because he had stayed next door at one point. Sure. Whatever?)

Then, as I quite lately began studying the infamous Dr. Louis “Jolly” West, I find that he knew Manson from SF and then was made head of Psychiatry from ’69 to ’89 at UCLA at the time that my old man jwe was attorney to the founder of the UCLA Medical Department, and still teaching there in those years: Colonel Stafford L. Warren, a famous figure. (I have spent hundreds of hours in the last year since I found that Polanski’s 2019-20 PG historical film “J’Accuse” has been functionally banned (without being censored or rated or subtitled) in the United States, in as much as you can’t play it on DVD recorders made in this hemisphere (Region 1) and it was not picked up by any North American distributors, and it was only released in France and Italy with only French subtitles for the hearing impaired and until quite recently you could not stream it in the United States. (Originally I found last year that there were there were a few eBay copies available online that had Dutch subtitles and then those disappeared, apparently bought out by operatives, which the Nazis often do, such as Paul Manning’s “Martin Bormann, Nazi in Exile” suppressed and The Secret Team by Fletcher Prouty had the same fate for almost 40 years or s until recently). But I started almost exactly a year ago researching this and it led me in both whiter and tighter circles locally and globally to try to understand this phenomenon since I consider it of monumental importance in our affairs and the global situation.)

And the beat goes on! Quite amazing for the number of interconnections.

Poles, Jews, Nazis, Catholics, two famous Parisian film-makers, and moi.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 13, 2023 2:58 AM
Reply to  judith


(RP made a classic movie in ’88 about the US Embassy and Paris CIA, the neo-Hitchcockian noir satire “FRANTIC” – starring Harrison Ford & Polanski’s soon to be bride Emmanuelle Seigneur (Ford flew to Paris to present RP with his Oscar for “The Pianist” ca. 2003) a grand film and one which just killed me several times over with all the hilarious references to that whole “Americans in Paris” crowd which I knew only too well from my time as a starving pianist practicing at the American Cathedral, their Sunday lair there!)

And of course, I was also raised
as a Zelig or Gump among the Stars in Hollywood. My first piano recital was at a ’72 McGovern fundraiser that, I found out, when took a beer break from my playing and then suddenly saw her in the kitchen, was hosted by Candice Bergen.

She had graduated from our sister school Westlake which merged with Harvard School the year I got the boot there, and she had basically handed off the keys to their house, where she was living then with Terry Melcher, to Roman Polanski! How weird does this get! Seriously.

Melcher was deeply culpable in a sort of accessory way by not warning the Polanski newlyweds how odd and dangerous he personally knew Manson was, when he left 10055 Cielo Drive to Roman and the late Sharon RIP (just around the corner, I find from an address check, where George Reeves breathes his last as a suspicious Superman demise!)

I love what Melcher’s mother Doris Day had the class to say to Charlie when she met him, only once, “If you think I’m going to produce your record you are out of your ‘Effing’ mind!”

That was about all she had to say to him. Smart Mom!


Aug 13, 2023 12:42 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

John, I am always fascinated by your stories.
Have you read Chaos by Joseph O’Neill?
A very interesting interview with him on Joe Rogan. I must watch it again. 3 hours long but goes by in a flash. I could have listened to 3 hours more!
ONeill started out writing a story for Rolling Stone on the anniversary of Manson killings.
Twenty years later he finished! It became the book Chaos. All about that time in LA and SF. Manson, Jolly West, the Farm, Sharon, Roman, Beach Boys, Terry Melcher, and on and on.
What a set up.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 16, 2023 2:02 AM
Reply to  judith

Judith, FYI, I am ALL over the CHAOS book, or so to say, on top of it. I have a hard copy that I soaked with so much highlighter that I bought the Kindle version because it is more handy to notate with the capacity to attach long commentaries in the “margins” and added references. And I’m now rereading it a second time. It has just so many times to my father’s law practice and to the book about his mysterious and bizarre client MPH the biography called “Master of the Mysteries” 2016 edition. And I saw the Rogan interview in fact there are many others if you look on pirate stations so to speak all over the web maybe a dozen interviews of Tom O’Neill. The Master of the Mysteries book is pretty creepy, I hesitate to refer readers to it, especially creepy for me to say the least since it recounts in chapter 10 titled “Metaphysical Turbulence” the event of my father’s “suicide with a small calibre gun” whereas I have known for over 20 years that LAPD never closed the case? How wondrous is that?

My father (and namesake) was, I just discussed in these readings +, attorney to Col. Stafford L. Warren, a rather notable figure who founded the UCLA Medical Department in the 1940s after World War II, and returned in 1965 in professor emeritus status, so he and my father were very active there in the years I was living at my father’s and going to Harvard School, and my last year there is when Dr Jolly West became head there of the Psychiatry Department. You may have seen my recent blurb about my dinner with Laura Huxley in 1967 and she taught also in the UCLA psychology or Psychiatry Department. Jolly West was made head of that department in 1969 close to the time that Sharon Tate was butchered and hanged at her home, her Anniversary being only several days ago.

I was shocked the other day as I looked for the book by Laura Huxley, skimmed back in the day, that she called You Are Not the Target.” My heart skipped at least one beat and several rapid breaths, which is not the norm for me, when I saw that one of the editions of her 1960s era book had a close-up photo of Sharon Tate’s face on it! What?! Given the fact that she was teaching at UCLA as she herself had told me and that Dr Jolly West was head of her Department all those things created a perfect storm of existential shock when I saw the close-up of Tate’s face and kind of boggled me to say the least. It is very clear to me that many of these things were interconnected and it is quite the coincidence that Nicole Simpson was murdered 3 miles to South of the campus UCLA where is Sharon Tate and Friends were murdered 3 miles due north. Actually in researching the addresses I realized that we had lived in our first place in LA on Beverly Glen just around the corner from the Tate spread.

Yes, have been talking up the CHAOS book for several months here and just about every elsewhere and had recommended Joe Rogan’s interview of Tom O’Neill though I haven’t seen all three hours of it yet. The one that is captioned for mk ultra is only 20 minutes but gives a pretty darn good terse taut overview of the book. A great introduction. I believe I have mentioned a number of times and posted links to Psychological Research Society which my dad had been attending since boyhood and later became the lead attorney and vice president there during the assassination years. When I heard the Labianca murders that took place the night after Tate on August 10th 1969 I got a nagging hunch and did a map check and found that their address is only several stone’s throw a couple of good pitcher’s fastball lengths to Psychological Research Society. Anyone can look it up it certainly is more than fascinating that PRS is at 3910 Los Feliz boulevard and LaBianca murder rooms were just around the bend at 3301 Waverly. I got curious remembering the unusual name Waverly which I have never seen as a place or street name anywhere but they’re on my childhood drives in my father’s caddy back in the 1950s and ’60s. But the reasons given for Manson’s choosing that home are very suspect and that of course peaked my curiosity and it is just too much of the coincidence that it’s virtually next door to PRS especially since someone told me in 2016 that the founder there and my father’s lifelong client both of them unsolved Hollywood murder mysteries was the director of project Monarch mind control a sub project of MK ultra. So all the things fit like fingers in a custom glove.


Don’t want to jump to conclusions but all the different interconnections are just so many as to be too obvious.

Nicole Simpson was nearly beheaded by a very similar kind of buck knife, or whatever, as was used on Sharon Tate and the other victims 25 years before her. Nicole Brown Simpson. She and went to a high school quite near my haunts on the Orange county Coast around Dana Point and so on. I got into a lot of trouble there myself about 43 years ago! Same deal, in a way. Fingerprints of intelligence all over me then and till today. I had a woman I met on one of my petition sessions give me her number and I called her about 10 years ago and we talked a long time toward the end she said not shocking me but out of the blue these people have been after you for a long time and they will never give up.” I should have said that they might have to take a ticket and get in line! It’s that thick! As thieves.

Many black op similarities between what they laid on OJ then in MSM as well as Polanski back in the 70s. Good old LAPD. They do parallel training with the CIA so in many cases here now if you see a PD badge you might well be talking to a Langley agent all at one & the same time.Do we see a pattern here? Many? 😂

Polanski will be 90 years old on Friday.
Certainly a resilient character when you recall that both his pregnant mother Bella and his pregnant bride were murdered by MKUltra NAZIS. (Thousands miles apart in 30 years apart in time.)


Now they have effectively, functionally, canceled his 2020 award-winning hit (critically) film “An Officer and a Spy” about the Dreyfus affair a PG film about an event in French history 130 years ago? You can’t get it to play on DVD recorders in this hemisphere, they won’t add subtitles, until just a month or so ago it couldn’t be streamed, and it’s only available in French: a $24M film with a release only in France and Italy, and showered with awards at several European film festivals! At one of them the entire board of 21 resigned in protest because Polanski is well, you know, a scandalous character. And you can see his blockbuster “The Pianist” winner of an Oscar for him but not an officer and a spy which garnered Three French Oscars for Roman P. Every and he makes a CIA themed movie such as 2010 The Ghost that he co-wrote with Robert Harris, a brilliant novelist in 2010 and now 10 years later they begin turning up the heat all over Europe on Old Roman. New allegations from women of dubious character, judging by the evidence, allegations which then slowly subside after the movies release only to rear their heads again when he begins to preach to the world once more about the Nazi contingent (hefty) at Langley! Black Comedy.

So he finds himself in the eye of an intelligence storm and I don’t know if there is anyone else who is calculating all these different oddities as much as yours truly, muted online, his own life’s parallel to the Dreyfus scandal that brought down the entire French military high command at the turn of the 1900s. And STILL resounds loudly throughout France and Europe.

The plot thickens, into stone, the appropriate historic inscriptions awaiting.

Aug 16, 2023 12:32 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

So interesting John.
I did some further reading about the Tate/Lobianca murders after watching the interview about Chaos.
Also, as a little anecdote, I was living in LA at the time of Nicole Simpson/Ronald Goldman murders.
I was meeting a friend for lunch in Westwood. I drove by a condominium complex with police cars, tape, the white sheet still on the ground, news truck. For some reason I thought “A physician must have been murdered” and went off to lunch.
After lunch I visited a friend who was watching TV news and said to me “So sad about Nicole Simpson,huh?” And I immediately thought, oh God, that was her!
Looking back, that trial was such a clown show.
I have had my suspicions over the years about what really happened and why. Very sad.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 16, 2023 2:32 AM
Reply to  judith

The first really public recital I played, July of 72, was hosted (unknown to me until I had finished playing my first half hour and stumbled into her in the kitchen at the fridge) by Candice Bergen.

Terry Melcher’s girlfriend during the Manson murders. We were all doing a fundraiser in Newport for McGovern at a private home, about 30 of us.

Only 3 years before she had essentially handed the keys to Polanski and Tate! She had graduated from Westlake my 1st year at their cousin campus, Harvard School. Merged when I left in 1969. David Talbot left then too. Head of Hot Books now. Amazing.

And I knew, or spent a few hours with, the Labianca’s daughter, Alicia Glicksman, introduced to me by my roommate Doyen, her friend. Same summer, 3 years after those disgusting MK crimes.

It all seems so set up now. Too many DOTS!

Aug 16, 2023 12:33 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Well, John, I was across country on the east coast in the only state that went for McGovern in that election. My first presidentail election. I voted for him.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 17, 2023 5:14 AM
Reply to  judith

That’s amazing that it would appear you drove by the Simpson address at the time of the crime, quite remarkable coincidence, though those kinds of things happened to me every other day, seriously. I was in Miami at the time and got laughed out of every place I ventured yes I had the temerity to say that the bloody glove found next to his Bentley was a plant. And I also suggested that the police had put it there, knowing LAPD. And also coming across the curious prank at the end of the bronco Chase that PD had approached OJ in his own kitchen, opening the fridge and giving him a glass of OJ….

Well that and 100 other odd discrepancies had me convinced that he wasn’t the perp. It didn’t know about MK ultra then but the whole handling by PD and Intel reeked of parallels with the Polanski cases….

I met some one a few years ago “by chance” (?) whose whole family knows OJ quite well, they also are rather well-known so I’ll keep them anonymous, but we discussed some of this, and I told them that I was never even nearly convinced that OJ had done it, yet he’s been lynched throughout the land for 30 years now.

But I think it is very relevant that there are many parallels between that murder scene and the one equidistant from UCLA to the north at the Polanski home.

(Roman turns 90 in less than 30 hours.)

He has drawn parallels between his plight and the core story of his 2020 movie about Dreyfus co-written with Robert Harris 2020’s “An Officer and a Spy.”

Since I was having so much trouble trying to view the film, with an obstacle course set up throughout NATO countries about it, I read the book cover to cover almost without closing them. An amazing book, one of the best I’ve ever read. (Harris was a literary icon to Nelson Mandela, so that’s an interesting reference.)

I have studied Polanski and Tate about as intensely as I’ve ever studied anything, of that kind anyway, for the better part of a year now I got an email from a classmate from 60 to 50 years ago, last summer. He was asking about me and my experiences in Paris. (He had had the same French teacher as I had at Harvard School, I went summer school with her the first time I saw Paris and Grenoble).

I looked him up and found that he is now an OBE of the Queen, or rather King, of England! Since I hadn’t really spoken to him since his bar mitzvah in 1964 albeit that we then transferred to Harvard School from (Tucker Carlson’s + Kardashian) Buckley I really didn’t know him there at all and didn’t have any classes with him.

He dropped a word at my classmates.com Harvard page in April of 2020 right as I began fulminating at this site. So I thought it and odd coincidence and waited almost 30 months after he first contacted me at classmates.com to respond, and then found out that he has had quite a prominent career also as a lecturer at West Point and on various European commissions etc etc.

And we haven’t spoken since he was singing show tunes when we were 12 years old for the entertainment of us at his Bar Mitzvah…?

Astounding, like your story, only with all kinds of interconnections that just keep weaving in and out and amaze me almost speechless.

How often do you get emails from someone 60 years later? Then in a second replies he told me he had had dinner that night, last August, in London with another classmate of ours from Buckley School! (And later, also Harvard School.)

I looked up the classmate and found he had been a correspondent for 30 years with ABC and had won an Emmy!

Ron and his brother Keith were the only Black boys at Buckley back then and I invited them to join my club my the week there, quite a daring thing in 1960s Los Angeles, but at 10 years old how was I to know! ?

In any case their mother must have had a soft spot in her heart for me because after I was dismissed at Harvard in ’69 (weeks before the Tate murders nearby ) as a rabble rouser, she invited me to their home on Mount Vernon in LA. Was 7 years after they had been infrequent guests at my little Club.

But all the guys, including David Talbot, went on to Yale and world fame and fortune, and I languished in poverty, because I was ‘mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore” from Harvard, that hotbed of future spymasters.

Well there’s never been a dull moment.

I am knee deep in researching the connections between my father’s The Firm and all the events in those years that are connected with philosophical research Society UCLA Psychiatry department nearby à la Jolly West, and on and on. Of course I grew up in and around Hollywood and Beverly Hills to a large extent for my school years at least but the rabbit holes that have sprung up in my personal life or without compare and endless. I have my investigative work cut out for me.

I really prefer other studies and activities by far but I got so tired of us intelligence putting me under virtual house arrest that I decided to scrutinize them while they do the same to me. And as I do so the story lines expand in every direction.

I know Roman Polanski will understand.

His Dreyfus movie is what got me going on all this although I already had sundry conspiracy hypothesis long before these ones are riveting to no end especially since they intersect in and out in unimaginable and endless ways with the circles I was in back then.

It’s another intriguing fact that Marilyn Monroe died at her home just around the corner a piece from Nicole’s! 12305 5th Helena Drive. Just a stone’s throw and George Reeves my boyhood Superman hero endured a suspicious death within a few minutes walk of the Polanski house?

I continue with all kinds of research from all angles about these things because I believe there are answers in crime solutions that Sherlock himself would find most edifying, above any crime he had solved. There are very important global answers buried in these crimes.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle himself was an original member of the Society for Psychical Research in London of the 1880s as was Mark Twain (Gandhi was a visitor) and here we have in Hollyweird my father’s Philosophical Research Society.

My theory is that the latter was definitely name changed to deflect suspicion from such a curious name as Psychical Research which would have put them on the radar of many for its spooky implications. Philosophical Research Society on the other hand sounds quite harmless, however pretentious. Mirror you already had been going to the lectures there since 1927 I recently found out and called dad’s client MPH “my guru.” There is a picture of him in the mph biography you already standing shoulder to shoulder with him.

Perhaps recall that L.A. Mayor Yorty was the character who as mayor seized sirhan’s diaries 10 hours after the assassination, and then read them over the air while I sadly listened….”

Finally put it together what McGovern’s connection to Bobby Kennedy was at the 68 convention where he was RFK’s flag bearer.

As the senator from South Dakota he was driving Bobby to all the Lakota reservations, Bobby’s favorite stops, as is detailed in a very good book, The Last Campaign, by Thurston Clark. Shortly before his death, the Lakota Sioux had adopted Bobby as a tribal member, giving him the tribal name Brave Heart. Wonderful stuff. His campaign managers kept up the complaint that he was spending too much time there and he’s quoted on his plane out as saying “My advisers just don’t know how much I love Indians, the bastards!”

Me too.

Well the intrigue is endless, I will sign off on that note.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 17, 2023 5:42 AM
Reply to  judith

I’m really going to have to change my way of thinking at this site or at least texting off site since it keeps spitting my longer dictations into pending and I haven’t had a chance to correct the many typos and homonyms that the voice to text software chooses out for me preposterously. Well no big deal it’s all still pretty legit and comprehensible but for one thing David Talbot now the gatekeeper of all alternative assassination conspiracy alternates at hot books and sky horse publishing did not go to Yale I already knew that but to UC Santa Cruz and then he was a bit of a trailblazer founding salon.com. he may well have changed but at the time at Harvard School he was the fair-haired boy of the administration among the handful of us leftists yet he got the boot supposedly as well the same time frame that I got kicked out. We were editors of the two mags, the one I found in palantir was underground.

But the main reason I started up the magazine was because he spoke often to us cadets at morning assembly and red flags shot up in my mind all the time when I heard his spiels. He never seemed to me like the real deal back then, though he is quite authoritative and well-versed now. Just another example though of the many people who are groomed as spymasters like James Jesus Angleton where now you see them now you don’t. Counterintelligence sleight of hand. I certainly don’t want to bad-mouth Talbot he’s done a lot of great work but it just haunts me that I just distrusted him so deeply then.

And so I felt compelled to start our own magazine. Ain’t that a (N.) Hollywood kick in the pants? (His father Lyle Talbot was one of the founding members of SAG. His brother Steve gave me my ride the first day to school in ’64 when I was still 12 and is now a documentary filmmaker for PBS, as well as a child tv star back before we met, and their sister is also a fairly prominent writer, journalist.)

The more I explore and exploit these long ago early connections or intrusions the more clues turn up. Especially my father traveling then in very close circles shared by Jolly West. Who would believe it!

Aug 17, 2023 4:35 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Well, John, I wish there was a way of communicating over private emai;, but I don’t have the type of email that I see people put on these sites as something more private – proton? I’ll have to look into it.
Here’s a question – did you ever meet Mae Brussell?
I have listened to some of her tapes and read some of her reports.
She was so ahead of her time.
She knew back then that the Nazi regime had never ended and had moved over here to USA.
She paid the price. Two daughters in a hit and run car crash coming from a dance recital. One daughter died, one broke her leg.
And then of course, Mae, herself, died of a “fast acting cancer” (we didnt coin TURBO back then) at a rather young age – I think 66?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 18, 2023 12:31 AM
Reply to  judith

Yes, correct on all counts. I have been under VHA since the cradle, or beyond 😂. (I thought I had coined that term Virtual House Arrest but then after prying around I found that the British Home Office uses it, yet quite interestingly not the DOJ or CIA etc etc).

I have read, and read about, a lot of Mae Brussel, but I appreciate hearing about her daughters, however sad, I didn’t know that, although it certainly doesn’t surprise me at all, nor does anything else in our age! 😱✅

I have suspected for some years that her immune system was incurred upon in some way with the state of the art technology. I think many of us given what’s at stake feel comfortable enough laying our lives on the line more or less, knowing some of the grave risks, but hey no guts no glory.

They know I don’t fear dying as such but they have accosted me in subtle ways at times with the notion that there are worse things than death.

I read years ago about a legend of Saint Dominic, O. P., who I am very attached to in many ways and a sort of putative lay Dominican (I tried to become a tertiary some years ago and found that the sources I approached out here West, seemed very infiltrated, so I figured I’d just go it alone In my own bohemian style, such as it is, no candidate for any official cause!) The Legend had it that the Albagensians who were his deadly enemies in southern France laid in wait as he walked a country road singing songs of praise at the top of his voice. They encountered him later in safer quarters and one said “What would you have done if we had seized you right then?” He replied mildly “I would have hoped that you had tortured me so that I would win a richer crown in Heaven.”

I imagine that was followed by some blank stares and “Who is this guy?” In any case they left him alone believing that the worst that they did to him would be received as the best!

Well I already have a lot on my plate but it’s just one day at a time and it’s all good!

I didn’t meet Ms. Brussell though I am a big big fan, yet I did meet her protegé and “heir apparent” 5 years ago in South Pasadena, Dave Emory, who I had already been listening to on KPFK for about 30 years or so. He was her right hand and has kept up her work at his very admirable site spitfirelist.com .A source in many ways, though nothing’s perfect.

Intelligence has made it quite clear to me that I have been their VHA prisoner forever and a day, or so they see it. In the past they have ransacked, censored or deleted my email, phone calls, snail mail et al. at will, and things like proton are really useless, if they target you like they have me or Roman Polanski, because they have the means motive and madness to override any encryption. Really quite easily. They pretend otherwise. They do that a lot & about a lot of things!

But it’s all good, all of it has led me more and more to a great and total dependence on God, period, and s/He has more than enough of his own technology to short circuit their “best laid schemes o’ mice and men” anytime he wants, such as, for example, an itty bitty solar flare, say only 10 million miles or so long and Pfffft! ~ not that I am keen on that as being the go-to trick to trump their worldwide gadget!

But all things work together for good for those who love. That’s all it takes! Simple!

To quote the Beatles, All You need is Love. I guess the copyright had run out on sacred Scriptures.

Public domain!

All of what is going on at its worst, against us, has been coalesced into a noisome ball by Nazis and (upper) Freemasonry, and their known associates. Brussel brought out the Nazi roots in her landmark articles.

It’s interesting that my father JWE who was quite loquacious to say the least was at one and the same time very meticulous in excluding me from all mention of Freemasonry. As I have stated here and there before he was attorney to quite a number of their more exalted ilk, like Armand Hammer & MPH, weirdo of the millennium (Did I tell you that the latter’s widow Marie Bauer contracted Cyril Wecht, JFK-related M.E., famous, to do a second private autopsy on MPH and Wecht said he would go to the wall to convince LA County Coroner that it was a homicide. And in 2000, he did I first heard it at dinner from my sister around that time. I only found out about that whole ruling a few months ago after reading “Master of the Mysteries by LA Times joint Pulitzer winner Louis Sahagun, in biography of MPH. Kind of a scary book since I’m so close to it and knew about a dozen people who are interviewed in the book! But essential history for those who dare to know!)

I saw a lot of clues about all that now have resurfaced a half century later and I am able to connect just so very many dots.

“They” all know that I know all that.

It makes them very edgy, but I have made it to 71+ in one piece somehow despite quite a slew of near misses.

Seriously, Lots!

Fortunes of War.

And all spiritual warfare, as The Apostle forewarns us.

You got to pay your dues if you want to sing the blues!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 18, 2023 12:49 AM
Reply to  judith

Well, “the software” spat my long spiel into pending. At least I remembered to edit typos before posting.

But I just noticed the time stamp, so…


HAPPY 9-0 Monsieur Polanski


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 23, 2023 1:23 PM
Reply to  Luís

In order to hate you must have your knowledge organised a little bit better. What makes genocides and mass murder is ideology, not racial bs.

If you wanna point your finger at a particular group of people connected to Israel involved in bad history, you must say false Jews or Zionist ideology which is the same.

Are all Germans nasis because they were nasis between 1930-1945? No, the ideology was nasi.
So stop jumping around in the porridge with big boots.