This Week in the New Normal #67

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. We name heatwaves now
It’s July, which means it’s getting pretty hot in the Mediterranean.
Sorry, “getting pretty hot” is old-fashioned talk. What I mean is “record temperatures seen as Spain braces for heatwave Cerberus”.
Yes, we name heatwaves now. I was absolutely positive they’d never done it before…but I was wrong. They named two others, both last year.
I’m not sure what exactly prompted this change in policy, but it’s not hard to imagine the internal memos about “showing people how serious climate change is”, or whatever.
Oh, and in case you were wondering about those “record temperatures”, they created them by deceptively altering the way they report temperature.
Standard meteorological temperatures are measured in the air, two metres above sea level. But this week the media have been parroting a European Space Agency report that relied on land temperatures recorded by satellites.
Land surface temperatures are almost always substantially hotter than air temperatures, as anyone who’s ever walked barefoot across a beach, patio or cement road could tell you.
I won’t bother explaining why they did this, we all know.
2. 15 minute cites and 13 neighborhoods
Despite being a ridiculous conspiracy theory that doesn’t really mean anything, the 15-minute city programme continues to spread around the globe. This week it was reported that 15-minute cities would be great because they would combat the “epidemic of lonelieness”,
Meanwhile Deep Cove, BC – a district of Vancouver – joining the charge:
Across the Atlantic, in the UK, it was announced that Liverpool is being divided into 13 neighborhoods…for purely administrative purposes, you understand.
That’s not a step towards 15 minute cities at all. Promise.
3. Barbenheimer
This week saw the release of two “big” movies – Greta Gerwig’s Barbie and Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer.
It also saw a bizarre viral marketing campaign aiming to link the two movies as if they are sides of a coin, #barbenheimer.
There have been studies done showing which US states or EU countries are Barbie or Oppenheimer.
Again we’re in a “choose a side” territory, and the sides are divisive, abusive gender politics or war-crime apologia (or nuclear near-miss predictive programming if you’re feeling especially paranoid).
Marketing, obviously. But it also feels like a social experiment. Like another part of a concerted on-going campaign to reduce everything in life down to a series of personality-defining either-or decisions.
Are you a Barbie or an Oppenheimer, they ask, without reference to the fact you can clearly see both or – more importantly – you can choose to watch neither.
Most nauseating of all is this tweet from UK PM Rishi Sunak…
The family vote was only ever going one way…
Barbie first it is #Barbenheimer
— Rishi Sunak (@RishiSunak) July 22, 2023
To be clear, his family didn’t decide to go and watch Barbie. He’s the Prime Minister of the UK, if he wanted to watch a movie they do a private screening in a secure location, they don’t pop down to the IMAX.
If he actually went, it was decided by his handler. The scene was set, waves of security guards are just out of view. The photo was likely taken by a professional photographer with lights rigged up. The casual denim and sweater combo was workshopped to be relatable without being sloppy. More expensive jeans were tried and rejected for look too elitist, they trialed a hole in the knee or scuffs, but decided against it.
There was discussion of which cinema chain they attend, what phones/snacks/merchandise the family are holding. There was discussion in some boardroom or zoom chat over whether Sunak should appeal to the intellectual middle class with Oppenheimer or the working class with family-friendly Barbie.
The studio likely made some roundabout payment for this service, and Sunak’s PR department likes it because it sells him as a real person…when he’s not.
Even the responses – ranging from “the country’s on fire and he’s watching a movie” to “whatever you say about our political disagreements, he’s still a nice family man” – are likewise predicted and even stage-managed.
Nothing about it is real, not one single aspect of it.
And so few people are ready to engage with that. They just want to talk about Labour vs Tory, Russia vs NATO or Barbie vs Oppenheimer.
BONUS: Quiet-part-loud of the week
US Vice President Kamala Harris with a major Freudian slip this week, claiming they want to reduce population…
Kamala Harris wants to “invest in reduced population” 😳
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) July 14, 2023
…when she apparently meant to say “pollution”.
It’s not all bad…
Cartoonist Bob Moran – an heroic voice during lockdown and the “pandemic” in general – is doing a one-man show, Art-Pocalypse, in London later this year.
Oh, and I discovered this poem this week – When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer, by Walt Whitman – it is beautiful, and honest. And we need all the beauty and truth we can get:
When I heard the learn’d astronomer,
When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me,
When I was shown the charts and diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them,
When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,
How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick,
Till rising and gliding out I wander’d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the latest round of bizarre JFK smears or the new factory pumping out cricket flour in Italy.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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From the NEW New Normal:
Ditching the Dollar: Argentina Deal With China IN YUAN
No more crying for Argentina. The chickens are running free right in Uncle $cam’s backyard.
“we cannot simply medicate ourselves to good health and lifestyle always matters.”
You don’t say! In fact, they didn’t say when pushing their so-called vaccine and you’ll search long and hard to find any MSM mention of the connection between “long covid” and lifestyle factors like obesity….
BTW for anyone still doubting numerology, look at the number stated who happened to die during this survey… 33 + 33!
Reform Party De-Banked
The only barbie I’m interested in is the one in my back yard on which I occasionally throw marinated king prawns or steak or snags for the eating of. All other barbies are imposters.
Can this Barbie film possibly be as bad as it looks and sounds? I just stumbled on a Graud piece on it which sported photos of various glossy garish dolled up bouncing bimbos of both sexes and glimpsed the expressions “empowerment movie”, “patriarchal deconstruction”, “journey of self discovery”, “toxic masculinity” …. and this:
Have you ever seen such an odious display of self-love?
And how could I have overlooked the biggest howler: talk of the film’s “body diversity message”. I see no body diversity here. They all look factory produced. As indeed Barbie was.
At least some women wants muscles. . All right this was 30 years ago.
And some of the most beautiful women wants a shy guy. . All right this was 27 years ago.
The brightest and most talented women wants a simple handsome guy. Ohhh this was also 25 years ago.
What happened in these 25 years? The sheeple voted the most lousy pedo trans leftist liberals into Western Governments to get public welfare checks.
Around 1976 Raymond Williams book ‘Keywords. A Vocabulary of Culture and Society’ was published…It recorded how the word ‘culture’ was no longer being narrowly applied, not even anthropologically used, but was being used in an expanded (and diluted ?) sense to ‘explain’ everything…Terms such as working-class culture, pop culture, drug culture, and so on, were increasingly being used…It seemed to be a shorthand way of separating things into seemingly distinct categories, though its general application was making it meaningless (duckspeak ?)…
These days it’s most often applied to consumption (‘consumer culture), and Entertainment (as ‘culture’)…It has less to do with collectively produced meanings, than to passively consumed meanings (aka The Society of The Spectacle)…As one wit exclaimed “Whenever i hear the word ‘culture’ i reach for my cheque book !”
SCHLAGETER: Good old Fritz! (Laughing.) No paradise will entice you out of your barbed wire entanglement!
THIEMANN: That’s for damned sure! Barbed wire is barbed wire! I know what I’m up against…. No rose without a thorn!… And the last thing I’ll stand for is ideas to get the better of me! I know that rubbish from ’18 …, fraternity, equality, …, freedom …, beauty and dignity! You gotta use the right bait to hook ’em. And then, you’re right in the middle of a parley and they say: Hands up! You’re disarmed…, you republican voting swine!—No, let ’em keep their good distance with their whole ideological kettle of fish … I shoot with live ammunition! When I hear the word culture …, I release the safety on my Browning!”
SCHLAGETER: What a thing to say!
THIEMANN: It hits the mark! You can be sure of that.
SCHLAGETER: You’ve got a hair trigger.
— Hanns Johst’s Nazi Drama Schlageter. Translated with an introduction by Ford B. Parkes-Perret. Akademischer Verlag Hans-Dieter Heinz, Stuttgart, 1984.
This is why the U.S. is so despised today.
Not because of Trump, Biden, Bush, Obama or any of the neocons and neoliberals.
I mean, just look at that picture…
And I actually know young people who are going to see the movie…
Only the devil knows.
Harmless fantasy?
It’s pernicious brain-rot, devised and spread by demons.
Plastic-city writ large
We’re living in the Age of Vanity.
Stiff shit for most of us: The unglamorous or the ‘solid of stature’
Oh, it’s this Barbie. I thought the choice was between Oppenheimer and Klaus Barbie!
Barbie has caused the topic of “American Culture” to arise. Frank Zappa had a few interesting things to say on that subject.
First he defines the “dancer face”:
“The most important innovation in recent rock technology is a naughty little appliance, sold in various shapes and sizes, under an assortment of brand names, referred to generically as a ‘drum box’ or ‘rhythm machine.’ This device is used by people with diagonal zippers on their clothes to provide the inflexible rhythms and obnoxious artificial hand-claps that cause Americans to ‘make the dancer face’ (eyes closed; lips poached out — you know the one — as if when you do that with your face, it gives you a license to do the other stupid stuff with your buttocks).”
Then places American culture in its global context:
“Other countries have cultures that go back thousands of years. Ours goes back a couple hundred years and it’s not even that bitchen (since the bulk of what we pound our chests over was abducted from somewhere else), and we go around trying to inflict this ‘nonculture’ on people all over The International Elsewhere — people regarded by many Americans as ‘less than human’ (of course, this attitude is justified if we’re talking about the British — but seriously, folks –).”
Then offers some suggestions:
“We’d look a little better, internationally — perhaps ‘more trustable’ — if we did a few of the things they’ve been doing for millenia; giving at least the illusion that we were almost sort-of like them — almost sort-of civilized — so that they could almost sort-of talk to us, instead of about us (as if We were subhuman . . . or almost British).
Believe it or not, there are places in the world where music is important. There are places in the world where all the arts are a matter of national pride. We come in, making that fucking ‘dancer face’ and demand that everybody respect us — do we have any idea how ridiculous that looks?”
Zappa was a naughty street boy but honest.
May I add to your utter failed Frankie Howard naughty but nice ..coke snort.
…he is genius we should be soo lucky, long may his music for every lad continue for another Century. You senile seminarians wills of bans are over…get it.
Zappa was the real stuff, a real personality, but……his street language was challenging, “Bobby Brown you smell of vaseline”.
But maybe naughty was not the correct word :-D.
Sorry, I get a bit sensitive over original cut music I believe it’s very important for everyone’s well being.
Some time ago, I saw this documentary on a US adventurer at a remote Andean village. He was sitting in the open on a bench, having tea from a tea stall,. After uttering a few words to the native sitting beside him, he concluded that the latter agreed. So, he proceeded to do the “high-5” thing like a goodwill gesture.
You could probably buy an army of arsonists in Greece to make the scene for the agenda for a handful of figs.
The reaction from the pigshit population is to ban the flights to stop global warming.
I have my head in my hands.
REALLY angry with my fellow man.
There could a side to that its to stop private nonaffilated investers flying to and fro adding to the global finanical woes regarding properties.
– Geologist, Professor Ian Plimer Exposes “Hottest Day EVER” Corporate Media Narrative
– Nobel laureate in physics, Dr. John Clauser, cancelled by IMF after calling climate change “a dangerous corruption of science”
– Former Greenpeace Founder Patrick Moore Says Climate Change Based on False Narratives
How is the consensus doing? Only by censoring anyone who does not comply.
Censoring anyone who does not comply has been the whole game for 3+ years now. The world we are now living in is identical in its totalitarianism to the old Soviet Union except that no-one here is carted off to the gulag. That is of course assuming that
a) no-one in our present society is carted off
b) the old Soviet Union was the way it has been depicted to us. (For all we know, the Soviet system may have worked in the same cunning way ours currently does.)
The censorship of learned voices calling out the BS in the “Sciences” has been going on for ever, not just for the past 3 or so years.
Surely you must have noticed: This is a new level.
Not since Caligula have the governments of western civilization pretended to be manned by gods who can, with a flick of their finger, turn black into white, false into true, up into down, and water into whisky.
In fact not even the Pope can do that last trick.
Nobody believes these subhumans, but most people are too mesmerized by their frightfulness to be able to speak.
Wow! How do you know “The world we are now living in is identical in its totalitarianism to the old Soviet Union” ? Was you like actually there?
“Nobel laureate in physics, Dr. John Clauser, cancelled by IMF”.
I thought IMF stood for International Monetary Fund. Are the money men attempting to own physicists the way they own governments?
And still no Sound of Freedom.
Barbie, tho….
Showing your true intentions.
I’ve seen both “Sound of Freedom” and “Oppenheimer”. Both are good films imho. So if you wish to offer up your thoughts on them, then I (for one) will read them. I’m sure others would too.
Not seen ‘Barbie‘ though, I do confess. I’ll reserve that treasure for a (VERY) rainy day …
I recommend you reserve ‘Barbie’ for the next Noah’s Flood.
We may be gone for some time…
The MSM in Australia are wall to wall Barbie as if making a movie about a fucking plastic doll is worth talking about
The Wonderful Land of Oz used to be known for the Sydney Opera House, Opera singers and novelists.
It’s called Dumbing Down, and they’re all in it together.
Poor you, and poor Australia.
It’s bad enough here, but the pantomime down under seems to take all the cakes…
The Aussie MSM gets orgasmic when one of our own makes it big in Follywood.
Pink is the colour for Feminine balance to get themselves screened for STI’s. Not very Worldly are you, or Man enough to think outside your own box. Put to the test freely without getting a reward..You may want to also get yourself checkout as well along with new born babies.
Thank you
No sexual organs =
No ‘fucking’
Here’s an article vis-a-vis the thing formerly called US Culture. Barbie even gets a mention.
US Is Losing Culture. We Don’t See Masterworks From Hollywood Anymore – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
It’s called Dumbing Down, and they’re all in it together.
Return on investment, spinoffs, franchises. Moolah rules.
People are perfectly justified in distrusting the intentions of governments, even be “paranoid” and “irrational” about 15-cities, CBDC or any other project they put out. Here is why:
During the last three years of the medical theatre, almost all governments indiscriminately locked down their own populations and applied dictatorship-like policies, for an alleged flu with 99.9% of survival rate.
Any rationally thinking human would have prescribed taking extra care of the elderly and vulnerable, leaving the rest of society get on normally with their livelihood. Instead, otherwise former liberal democracies have turned overnight into irrational dictatorships of the worst kind, the kind these democracies often criticized. Entire populations have seen their lives turn upside down, billions of people have suffered and many others died as a result, millions have lost their livelihood. To many of the rationally thinking people worldwide, this was a point of non-return in terms of trust in government and State.
There is another point: Although almost all governments applied harsh policies, the subjective experiences of the critically thinking individuals varied extremely. Countries have their own idiosyncrasy, culture, their own prior problems, politics, etc; and thus governments varied in the inflexibility they’ve shown in applying regulations. The more economically advanced the country, the more rigor was applied and the more suffering was caused. And so, depending on the place, some of the rationally thinking individuals haven’t been affected in the least, some slightly, some more, and so on up to those who have seen their lives FUBAR. Having family in Paris, I know for a fact that anyone caught without a mask outside was without exception given a mask and fined 35 €. I know that if you didn’t apply the regulations to the letter, including vac***es, you were fired; I know that venues were inspected regularly looking for infractors; I know that you either did everything you were told to do or you were left out of society. We have seen how Australia’s police was hitting indiscriminately elderly and peaceful protesters. But also, what to do when one loses one’s job, especially if one must feed a family? No “f-offs”, or throwing stones at the police or other unrealistic or ineffective action could solve anything. I don’t need to go on describing like this, everything was reported on Off-G.
And so, at one end, we have critically thinking individuals not affected in the least while, some had grudgingly to conform and compromise their sacred integrity to keep their livelihood and their family; then, some at the other end, perhaps without family responsibilities, sacrificed everything for not complying. Of the critically thinking individuals, those who didn’t experience direct coercion and interference didn’t believe that governments are a priori malevolent, or that they should be necessarily object of suspicion and anything coming out of governments should be instead coldly analysed, while to those who had their lives unrecognisably affected by direct State violence and had to be PCRed or vacc***ted in a blackmail fashion, anything government does whatever the official motive must from now on be met with the most rigorous suspicion.
Put yourself in the other’s shoes is the solution IMO; it’s the beginning of freedom.
I suppose my own mistrust boils down to a learned, but by now thoroughly instinctive abhorrence of anyone who actually seeks a political career.
I’ve seen countless examples of seemingly decent people compromised into doing the most abominable things, simply because they saw some personal mileage in ‘going political’.
If they rise to anywhere near the top of the pyramid, they are going to have to weigh the lives of other people in the balance and decide who is ‘worthy’ of surviving and who is not.
What human conscience can survive such a responsibility?
Don’t go into politics, dear people. You will end up despicable, unless unbelievable wisdom happens to descend upon your shoulders.
The last time I checked, all the countries in the West had a democratic system, meaning that it’s the people, the electorate, who elect the government. The various problems involved in the election process notwithstanding.
It sure would behoove people to realize and assert that, instead of nihilistically concluding that the “Government” is some sort of controlling force.
The people are still in charge. Fuck this (implicit) defeatism.
“The last time I checked, all the countries in the West had a democratic system”
You might like to check again…?
And perhaps yet again after a year or two…?
It isn’t ‘defeatism’ to die of the black death.
It’s a bloody tragedy; that’s what it is, and the people are not remotely in charge of it.
Last time I checked, the central nervous system was inside the body. Ergo: on a non-trivial physiologic basis: every-body was in charge and responsible for of their own activity.
I also had the personal misfortune of being involved in the campaign to change the “first past the post” voting system (in 2011?). No-body wanted to change. Everybody was watching Eastenders.
The people are in charge, but cannot be bothered with the responsibility.
I also remember the response on the eve of the last election admonishing the necessity to vote. The people ushered in three PMs and two monarchs (we got the veto right there too) and the result is the current shitshow — so who is in charge?
The people are in charge organising their owned labour whilst blaming someone else: but not enough to actually do something about is.
We could always replace Sunak with Starmer!
“Last time I checked, the central nervous system was inside the body. Ergo: on a non-trivial physiologic basis: every-body was in charge and responsible for of their own activity.”
A war veteran who has seen things they shouldn’t humanly have, also has their nervous system inside their body; however they are not in control as they can’t help themselves get into fights over insignificant things.
How do you square that?
Obviously, there is an ingredient missing besides intellectually knowing things.
Obviously, they can help themselves getting into fights. And they can and do control their daily activity; so are we really entertaining the possibility of externalised self-control?
The old ‘dialectical materialist’ dogma failed because it is an abstract ‘master-slave’ dialectic. Maybe in the 19th century: but now the global workforce is distributed, erm, globally. The ‘People’ in the UK are not oppressed by any standard or metric I know. In fact, they are living at the highest material standard of living that will be produced on the earth — and “in the last three years” that did not change relative to the rest of the world.
Surely as a Marxist you must know that the high income countries lifestyle is imperial? Anything that happened here was a mere minor inconvenience compared to the centuries of intentional impoverishment, “net imperial appropriation”, and millions of avoidable deaths caused by the imperialism of the West upon the Rest — which is nothing but the self-controlled daily activity of the People.
As Aime Cesaire once said: “The biggest bodypile in history is in the colonies”; and the ‘people’ in the UK, France, and Australia feel colonised because they had to wear masks? The ‘people’ worked to monopolise power without ever considering it might turn on them?
Achille Mbembe amongst others has written about Europe, as the old centre of power, collapsing in on itself….collapsing under the multiple contradictions of its own hubris.
“The People are perfectly justified in distrusting the intentions of governments” The People are perfectly justified in distrusting the intentions of the People… especially when viewed from below; from the really oppressive side of the Divide. Gramsci knew that the People were the really deep state.
First of all, capitalist production history, is capitalist production march towards its decomposition and transformation into another mode or production. What will make Capital collapse is not the deterioration of living conditions of the Proletariat, somehow forced to overthrow a system that is not only keeping them alive but is improving their lifestyle so much. It’s not that, i.e., injustice, poverty, inequality, etc., that will force Capital out; it is its internal contradictions. Capitalism, ever since its beginnings, is hindering its own foundations; its own values; Capital wants A and in wanting A produces its contrary. Capitalism wants a clean environment, but needs to provoke form time to time ecological disasters to make use of the cleaners; Capital means prosperity for everyone but also needs war; Capital is advertised as the sacralisation of labour as a dignifying activity but has to keep a reserve army of unemployed to keep worker demands under control, besides those unemployed resulting from automation; Capital wants everyone to be educated but not too much; nations want to protect their national productions but nevertheless demand other nations to open up their markets; – and even if one objects that there is no nations etc, one can’t just ignore reality and the economic unions and custom unions that exist; also the complains the EU had against Russia for instance for adopting protectionist measures and their – EU’s – interest keep Russia a merely provider of raw materials, clashing with Russia’s interest in developing strong industrial and technological bases; Capital needs to use more constant capital to augment productivity and be competitive but that decreases rates of profit; intellectuals hitherto the protegés and spokespersons of privileged classes are now criticizing the social dissolution and cultural impoverishment created by capitalism; and every time Capital solves a contradiction, it creates a bigger one down the road, that will be more difficult to deal with. Capitalism’s crises are now unanimously acknowledged by friends and foes and politicians, which are the official representatives of the ruling capitalists are increasingly fed up with the reforms they have to implement that nevertheless don’t solve anything, which may account for the taking over directly of capitalists, bypassing politicians. Another contradiction is the proletariat: Proletariat, simply, are all those who have to sell their labour to reproduce themselves. This, today, covers a lot of people almost all world society, from the classic factory worker and miner to the millionaire football player, to the CEO of a company. Proletariat is not defined by conditions of life or income but by being at one end of the relations of production; and precisely, Capital being such a revolutionary process, it doesn’t keep the XIXth century proletariat in its condition but improves it; so much so that some of them convert to capitalists. During its evolution however, the proletariat remains always the most of society with internally diverging interests and even internal conflicts.
Now, it is debatable, and in my case false, to equate conditions of life with general satisfaction with one’s life. I don’t think I need to argue much here. Starting from a certain level of comfort, satisfaction doesn’t increase; plus, this level of comfort achieved, interest is drawn toward more philosophical and social quests and a new kind of dissatisfaction emerges. We can witness that in all the NGOs founded by middle class and backed by wealthy people that fight for environment, against animal brutality, against racism, and the like of things. I mean the dissatisfaction finds its way into the consciences even though all life needs are resolved. But besides that, the level of comfort itself doesn’t mean anything regarding how one “feels” in the world. One can indeed find this “feeling of general dissatisfaction” in circles of the wealthy: in politics, in intellectual circles, in business clubs, etc. Notwithstanding personal comfort and material well-being, there is a distinct sense that “things are not going well”, that “one is not at peace with oneself”, Marx’s empirically confirmed Law of the Tangential Fall of the Rate of Profit is worrying; business as usual is not the rule anymore; this feeling of course is more justified within the proletariat as understood above. Famous millionaire football players are just as dissatisfied with the general state of the world as the miner, or possibly more so, notwithstanding living conditions of either.
The crises of Capital demand resolutions that increasingly interfere with the functioning of society as a whole, case in point the recent medical charade, and the economic crisis now generated by the declining US hegemon and its attempts at preventing Europe from looking to the East; add to this the crisis of value and the attempt to resolve it through concocting value into new concepts such as “climate change”, societal minorities, “green economy”, “public health”, etc. All these crises affect as much the proletariat as the capitalists. As a result of capitalist crises, the reforms that the economic system have undergone were always in opposition to Capital’s logic, e.g. welfare state, UBI, negative interest rates, etc, which is a symbolic attempt to overcome Capital’s logic. Also, this is Blackrock’s definition of what they are urging companies to adopt, “long-term capitalism”:
“We see long-term capitalism as a series of investments in a company’s key constituents – its employees, clients, suppliers and communities. These are the groups that companies rely on to prosper, and we believe that investing in these relationships helps to create and maintain value for shareholders over the long term. [Emphasis added]” – From Blackrock website.
We are a far cry from XXth century capitalism focused mainly on its profits, the workers be damned. How far is this definition from an open negation of capitalist logic?
Sometimes, when I happen to be in a place that has a TV, I can watch the news and how what your hear has become utter nonsense, not standing the slight scrutiny; you can see the journalist mechanically reading from a script, in a detached manner, displaying a fake smile that has a hard time hiding a grimace; and in the interviews, you can bet that no one is speaking from a personal conviction; they are all paid to speak their piece and be forgotten next day; nay, next minute; all that matters is filling up air time. Ditto, you can bet that when politicians meet, the smiles they show is mere protocol and in private they transform into a grimace.
Capitalism is creating dissatisfaction everywhere and in everyone regardless of social status. It’s like a wild madman who doesn’t respect anything nor anyone, nor limit, nor class, nor family, nor friendship, nor gender, nor logic, nor tradition, and changes anything it finds on its way. A time will come therefore that humanity at large – the proletariat – will find itself threatened in its own survival, not in the least because of hunger, inequality and so on (it emerged precisely to eradicate these calamities), but because things have gone so far (for example, as we’re discussing here, that the question of resources may become relevant, or the dehumanising “AI”, or that a general war may make use of the most advances means of destruction) that an action will be necessary.
And so my friend, the revolutionary development of Capital creates the means of its own abolition, precisely in accordance with the dialectical understanding of History; understanding we indeed can find everywhere in nature, aka homeostasis.
In your reply, you restricted the first part of your analysis to the UK or Europe; as if that particular case were sufficient to disprove a conception of History as an encompassing movement. Why for instance 1917 didn’t work? Because the movement of Capital was young and vigorous at the time that Russia could do nothing but grudgingly bow to the sweeping tide surrounding her; so the interpretation of events of history uses the whole world context. Regarding the world other than the West, I lived for a long time in South America and I’m perfectly aware of how things are, and I’m sure your faith in the existence of the classical proletariat as the hungry, dirty, exploited to the bone miner (although not necessary as an argument as per the above) would revive if you looked what’s going on over there.
IMO you are underestimating the way critically thinking individuals (doesn’t matter wherefrom) are affected by wearing masks or being blackmailed into being vac****ted or PCRed or otherwise invaded in their private life. To me it is as humiliating as to be forced to pick up beach sand, grain by grain. This part of my earlier comment has no direct relation to the Proletariat question. My point was that the last three years left scars in the critically thinking individuals (not so much in those who fell for it,) who the sheer absurdity of the whole business, that resulted in wariness toward anything coming from the State.
A liberal perspective confirming the thesis that Capital has ever been busy undermining itself can even be found in, for instance, Schumpeter’s Capitalism, Socialism-and-Democracy; needless to say, the arguments from such a knowledgeable liberal thinker surpass the epoch in which he wrote.
I don’t get what you mean in the last paragraph, if you would elaborate…
You can’t change a darn thing back while voting for something else! Bloody Hell! Why did you vote 1973 for WHAT! The DOLE VACUUM BAM 1980! Fuck me. Hey Jack you let it in not us tuff shit.
The people are not in charge at all.
You say they cannot be bothered with the responsibility.
I say they have lost the reins on those apocalyptic galloping horses.
When you lose the reins, you are not in charge.
And replacing Tweedledum with Tweedledee isn’t going to help one bit.
Honourable people generally don’t go into politics, and those few honourable people who do so end up succumbing to a carnivorous monster’s digestive juices.
We . Have . No . Representatives . In . Government.
We have, in George Carlin’s immortal words, “owners”.
That’s what our government and its joined-at-the-hip bankers currently consist of.
Now, how about standing up and remedying that situation?
If the pen (or keyboard) is mightier than the sword, let’s use it.
Some people are already doing so, and of course some of those are paying the price, but things are definitely happening which would benefit from our attention.
I cannot seem to impress on anyone that ‘we’ are living the highest material standards of living on this planet; which obviously is vastly maldistributed. The line of impoverishment is however well below anyone who is likely to comment here. Everybody knows their lifestyle is oppressive, but just look at the globalised distribution of wealth. The High Income Lifestyle is oppressive and imperial and that is precisely how ‘we’ achieved the summit of consumerism — via colonialism and imperialism…. so where is the ‘honour’, virtue, or ethical superiority in that?
As a brief thought experiment: suppose we actually had “enlightened” leaders and they or he or she said tomorrow that we were really going the ‘level up’; but globally. That the UK — in line with the rest of the HICs — was going to reduce economic activity by ~80% over time; redistribute collective wealth downward, and re-instate an ecologic economy at a much lower state, distribute equally globally, or even unequally, but in favour of the impoverished former colonies…. maybe even paying compensation. To start the redistribution, the leaders would donate their wealth first…. Now for the People to follow.
Then you would see what the People are really made of!
As an aside: I worked on building sites for over 40y. The People — or a narrow cross section of them — would happily machine gun migrants or torpedo them in the channel. If the People were in charge, the situation would deteriorate even more quickly, trust me. The Myth of the People is the bain of critical thinking. If the pen is mightier, we need to engage in a prolongated “war of position” to get the People onside. Instead, ‘we’ blame the ‘leaders’ when the whole economic system is imperial, degenerate and corrupt.
Actually what he just said is incorrect both Politically and global financially. So you left an Eastern Atlantic country and moved to Iceland correct, why?
What’s the point of disagreement here?
“Citizens should refrain from voting, from blaming others what is basically the result of their own action and thrive to find new forms of organisation and implement them. Citizens should be more proactive, have more initiative for FFS , be in charge of their own lives, instead of being defeatists and passively sitting on their ***es, especially considering the last 3 years, etc.”
I think I got the mindset right. Now what’s the problem? It is that what should happen according to the above mindset is not happening. So, what’s the next step? One can keep at the surface, asserting one’s disagreement again and again and urging people to get on the move; or try to understand why people are not doing what is, according to the mindset above, so obvious. What do we discover?
The mindset above expresses an opinion resulting from a certain kind of experience; however, it thinks of itself as a universal truth as it sees itself so obvious and couldn’t understand how everyone hasn’t followed it yet. However, that mindset is not universal; for it to be universal it must encompass its opponents, but it doesn’t; it stays entrenched in its own worldview, and although it gets out of it sometimes to meet other mindsets, it lacks the courage to submerge itself in other trenches and as soon as it sees itself threatened jumps back to the security of its own trench. What this mindset fails to realise is that it is just one trench among many trenches and there is nothing universal about it: just as it is formed by a particular kind of experience, others with different but equally legitimate experiences form other trenches and mindsets with which it may very well clash. It fails to realise the equivalence of mindsets however opposed they may appear to be. This applies to all mindsets that are caught up in their own worldview and don’t allow others in.
In short, one should allow others to be and act and have the opinions their own experiences suggest to them, and not be stubborn if one’s mindset is rejected. Others’ mindsets are the result of heavy historical content just as one’s is. They are equivalent. If one doesn’t understand this, then one is not free from conflict or at peace as it will battle against anyone who shows equal stubbornness. Allow them to sit on their ***es until it hurts them. Nothing one-sided is eternal, even temperatures are dropping now.
The last two sentences weren’t meant in a derogatory way. I hope that’s understood.
As I just told a political forum, the Constitution does tell us how to get our Republic back. Do they have the balls to do it? No. I do know some who do but we are only about 4 million.
Gosh darn it pardner you’d just gotta be some sort of AI dumber than a troll zombie. Go on now and be off to play with your Barbie dolls . . .
“The more economically advanced the country, the more rigor was applied and the more suffering was caused.”
Obviously; because Con-19 comes from the same Anglo Zionazi Capitalist stable that brought us Con-911 and Con-WMD.
Not surprising that Paris was particularly harsh; because France is governed by President Macron, a former Rothschild employee at the very Heart of Capitalist Darkness. Like British former PM TB.Liar, now a Director in House of Rothschild.
From the NEW New Normal: US Marine Colonel Scott Ritter calls Putin the Greatest National President Since FDR.
Russia has a Trust The Plan also.
All those heavies around him. Wouldn’t want to cross those guys 🙄
I tuned into Ritter until he indulged in speculating the MI6/CIA might have been involved in the Prigozhin Affair…His military reporting is agreeable, but there are times when he’s a little too enthusiastic towards The Russians…
I’m all for 15 minute cities if that means that all motorways and roads will be allowed to revert back into green areas! A world without cars and tarmac roads and more woods is a world I would prefer over this one.
But of course that’s not what they have in mind, is it?
Hmmm,15 minute cities. Let me see. Does this city have a zoo, a library (or several libraries, a football stadium, a teaching hospital, universities, a number of large parks, a civil service, a cricket ground – like erm the Oval or Old Trafford – and football and cricket teams and tennis facilities like Wimbledon, Factories, theatres, Cinemas, very large parks like Wimbledon Common or Richmond Park? Can I drive down from London 50-odd miles in my car – walk along the white cliffs from Beachy Head to Birling Gap. Well apparently not. The PTB have decreed that I am stuck in my 15-minute city. What Fun!
Graham. stop showing off …Lol!
You’ve also got River and Tina she loves to love. ☺
“Extreme heat forces US airlines to limit passengers and fuel loads
High temperatures reduce engine performance and the lift airplane wings are able to produce, leading some airlines to warn of delays”
From the same media that told you the plane that hit the Pentagon vaporised. Looks like a lot more will be vaporising shortly.
Do you ever get the impression such stories are simply made-up ? They are part of the propaganda campaign…The headline to the article contains the entire story…Reminds me of the nighttime hypnopedia carried out in Huxley’s “Brave New World” > Same slogan / variation on a theme over, and over, and over > drip. drip. drip…And the victims subsequently state them as if they were concretely established, indisputable fact…
One well known person is said to have died on the Pentagon plane, #77, Barbara Olson, wife of Ted Olson who was US Solicitor General on that day, 9/11/2001.
What you have to remember that the creatures behind all of what’s happening are sub human.
A few years ago if you’d have said that the climate has been engineered to create a problem so that a solution can be foisted upon us I would have laughed at you.
Now, it’s happening.
Listening to comrade Jeremy Vine at the minute re: Fires in Greece. Loads of people phoning in begging for flights to be banned to save us from global warming.
Stay in your digital prison. Dont go anywhere.
It would be interesting to know exactly what JFK did to the righteous zaddikim, to trigger their bloodlust to take out the entire Kennedy family. Probably just called them a bad name, like “international conspiracy”?
Because those entities don’t actually practice “an eye for an eye”- that’s too primitive. They take the whole head instead.
He called them out for killing his uncle. Oops.
The Oppie movie appears to be raking in the dough this weekend so lots and lots of dopes are having their imaginary nuke nightmares refreshed and revitalized.
I suspect some sort of major nuke threat hoax will soon follow. Perhaps related to the Ukraine show or maybe N Korea. rolleikin said:
It’s nice to imagine Hollywood has a nefarious agenda. But I suspect it’s unrealistic.
Maybe they once did; but now all they seem capable of doing is trying to con the public into thinking one after another re-make of something or other is the pinnacle of originality.
“Last year we did all our Super Heroes in comic book garb. This year we’re doing them in plastic doll garb: a scientist and a fashion queen.” But the question is: which is which?
The film doesn’t actually raise or lower nuclear fear levels at all. It has a different emphasis, through the prism of the rise and fall of Oppenheimer
It sounds like the moral of the movie is ‘Keep your nose clean. Stay on the straight and narrow. Certainly dont air any unorthodox opinions – if you want to keep your job !’…
And as The Authorities knew of Oppie’s unorthodox leanings they tolerated him ’til he did the task expected, then dumped him > the fate of any who have a loyalty to dissident ideas…
And it doesnt matter who you are, how much admired etc > just dont leave the security and comfort of Groupthink > because They can take you down…
This was an excellent essay. There are 2 additions which came to mind. First commentary on the heatwave news reports should have used the word ‘amid’ frequently. It’s a newspeak thing.
Second the primary ministers wardrobe and staged photo included a red wrist bracelet…oooh. Maybe that signifies he’s in on something and etc. and democracy is real and something else.
In fact the day to day banality of their operations are much more horrific ( amid growing tensions…etc)
The weather manipulators are letting us down – by either preventing floods and droughts or causing them. The entire program should be shut down. But the cloud-seeding patents would cease and any other patent they managed to create while playing God.
Hang on – isn’t geo-engineering a crazy conspiracy theory?….
They always present this technology as if it’s some surprise new discovery rather than it dating back well over half a century. It’s another thing making the seamless transition from “it’s not happening – and you’re a crazy conspiracy theorist if you think it is” to “it is happening – and you’re a crazy conspiracy theorist if you think it happening is a bad thing”. The final steps are of course “it’s already happened”, “there’s nothing you can do about it” and “oh look, a squirrel”.
lol; I guess tinfoil hats are now for those who believe man-made global warming is real (in order to prevent a heatstroke when going out)?
They have no choice now but to own up. Far too many people have taken the dare and looked up and saw one too many “contrail” expanding to fill the whole sky the day before a rain.
Besides, “admitting” they’re manipulating the climate is much more palatable than people finding out the real reason for 75 years of climate engineering: to ionize the lower atmosphere so it becomes amenable to the US military’s Full Spectrum Dominance – which includes aiming emf rays at the people.
Yeah, we noticed them first in Quarteira, Algarve, Portugal about Easter 2008. They were sowing them offshore, and we watched them expand, and then merge into blanket cover. It must have been a trial, because it was only that one day. When we got back to Spain, it wasn’t happening, not noticeably til we got back to England in 2012. I always watch the sky.
Thought experiment: Ensure the complete purge of a certain demographic (e.g. 6 billion souls) by say, nightfall of 16 September 2240, without spooking the natives, how would you do it?
Vaccinate them with graphene self-connecting nanobot antennas, and turn on the 7G all over the Globe.
Afterwords a multi-national Corporation collect all the dead bodies into freeze containers and sell the shet as fertilizers.
Why don’t you ask your question in more an intelligent way by asking whether the Earth has a certain maximum carrying capacity for human population in relation to available resources and sources of energy?
Obviously it does, whatever the figure is, because the Earth is a closed finite system. Wherefrom it follows that the greater the global population, the less resources are available to every person. That’s pretty simple math, logic.
So, there is a certain balance between the amount of resources available to people and the population size, n’est-ce pas. It depends on a lot of factors, particularly the kind of lifestyle people live. But it is probably relatively well quantifiable. Population size and resources are not directly proportionate, meaning that it doesn’t follow that if there were one person on the Earth, he’d have all the resources. He’d have shit because a certain number of people are need to make the whole circus work. Anyway, it’s safe to assume that a certain optimal population size can be determined.
Now, I have no fucking clue what it is, but let’s assume that it is considerably less than what the current population is. Hence, in the interest of the survival of the species, it is desirable to achieve and maintain such a population size.
Now, back to your question, how would you go about accomplishing that? Would people lend you a receptive ear if you told them? Would you have to resort to deceit?
In the latter case, you’d probably use a combination of things, including, without limitation, fucking people up in the head to have their dicks/tits cut off in delusional thinking that they’re women/men.
“….it’s safe to assume that a certain optimal population size can be determined.
Now, I have no fucking clue what it is, but let’s assume that it is considerably less than what the current population is.”
And there it is. Malthusian confession time. Effectively, “I haven’t a fucking clue but you’re going to have to decimate the human race!”
Like a Trolling Stone!
I’m not an ecologist, or whatever -ists collect and calculate these data, you fucking idiot.
This guy Bryan posted some hard energy data on the other day, so you can ask him and he’ll refer you to sources where you can check them out.
Malthusian? Don’t think so. These are simple logical thoughts, you’re welcome to respond in an informed manner.
Human race is decimating itself by unbridled consumption, you fucking cretin. Human race is drowning in waste, pollution, scum – take a walk around any human settlement anywhere and check the overflowing garbage bins, the endless traffic jams, the mad quest for buying more and more useless shit.
It’s an old trick repeated innumerable times on OffG and elsewhere: In comes some “robustly” abusive macho poseur and mocks everyone for being “paranoid” …. before recycling the very ideas that the regulars are questioning. Effectively mocking the idea of a Great Reset ….. and then saying, “Wouldn’t it be logical to have a reset …. and maybe even a great one?”
Strawman fallacy, ad hominem fallacy, George Mc tantrum fallacy, complete bullshit.
You haven’t addressed any of the issues proposed above. Obviously because cognitive dissonance doesn’t allow you to consider something liable to put a dent in your orthodoxy. Fine. Remain as fucked up in the head as you are. But don’t take it out on me, just because I dare think in ways your fucked brain doesn’t allow you to, you cocksucker, you!
I posted my last comment at 9.55. You responded at 10.15. You had a full 20 minutes and that’s the best you can do? I advise you to get on to your handlers and request someone with more deviousness. That is assuming you’re actually aware of what you’re doing. If not, I reckon your handlers are watching and have already got your replacement lined up.
Or maybe you’re a piece of software they’ll need to update? Hard to tell these days.
So what’s the implication, you totalitarian cunt? No alternative viewpoints allowed? No questions allowed? No thinking allowed? Everybody gotta be the same dogmatic as you?
Fuck, you’re worse than the fucking schwab!
You still haven’t said a word about the issue at play, loser.
Says Pottymouth aka Roserval Parkun/Disgusted/Kunda Sem Kunda Tam. You’re just a fuckin’ liar-for-hire anchor. 😀
Population size is a function of economics: that’s the whole thing about ecologic systems — the population is the economy. It then stands to reason that population, primary energy and primary raw material consumption are correlated. The whole population uses the whole consumption for its production. There are not people and economic activity; people are the economic activity.
It’s the old maxim: we must consume and transform the earth to survive. As you know: if you consume and trash the earth, you can neither reproduce yourself or consume anything, and the population will crash.
This has nothing to do with Malthus; who wanted to control populations with the plague as an aristocratic imperialism. This has to do with the consumption and transformation of energy. Many analysts now think of the economy as a metabolism of energy production and energy transformation as consumption. The economy is figuratively the body; you need to produce, consume and transform energy to maintain the “economic body.” But humans do not just maintain the body at a “steady-state”; we are committed to economic growth at any and all cost — whichever is the logic of cancer.
When the gargantuan oil dependent consumption of energy and resources stalls or crashes — so will the correlated population dynamics. We could possibly prevent massive dieback by switching all economic resources to agroeconomic and agroecology; but the HICs, Global North or the ‘west’ would have to massively reduce conspicuous consumption — but they/we don’t want to do that. The real pathology is the ‘western mindset’ that craves materialism. Which is why the population got so big — to feed the greed.
Put differently: that’s our redundant workforce we are killing off. ‘Malthusianism’ is the western consumption lifestyle and its negative usage is psychic projection.
As for reference — there’s Hickel, Kallis, Hornborg and so on — there’s shitloads of sources to confirm or deny the nature of the predicament. Imperialism needs no sources, per se: everybody knows their shit comes from elsewhere. They just want to pretend the exchange is ‘fair.’
You’ve obviously put some effort into studying this in detail. I haven’t really. To me, it’s all simple logic, clear thinking without denial.
I guess the figures, like the availability/consumption of energy/resources, are debatable, uncertain, variable factors, but that changes nothing about the whole picture.
Why is it that people are so ardently opposed to even discussing this issue? Denial?
People like Charles Hall (the guy behind “EROI”) have got shit tonnes of data, do sound analysis; but mainstream economists ignore them. There’s the Boulding quip that only economists believe in infinite growth. By default, so do the people re the progress myth. Ergo: this ain’t about data, this is about ego. Ego makes it own post-truth data to support whatever it believed was ‘true’ in the first place.
Ego is a defence mechanism against reality, that creates its own ‘reality’. It’s “identification and denial” which is what reduction is all about; reduction to some sort of ‘viable’ or understandable interpretation as reductive identification. The problem comes from misidentification, misrepresentation, and misrecognition of the whole of life.
“Charles Hall (the guy behind EROI”.
Nice to see EROI getting a spot back on OffG. Energy Return On Energy Investment used to feature bigly on posts by BigB.
Do the math Nick!
Agroecology or anything sustainable does not “maximise returns”. It challenges the religion of growth and is therefore heresy.
It does ‘maximise returns’ if living is the goal of living. That, I am afraid, is the heresy. The “religion of growth” is founded on the deep seated hatred of life affirmation. There are no superlatives high enough to capture the sheer fucking beauty of living. To turn life into a commodity is worse than heresy.
Oh look, it’s Jacques trying hard not to get into an angry assault again! 😲
Actually, that Malthusian 6th grade “simple maths” logic doesn’t stand up to reality. You would do well to familiarise yourself with Julian Simon and Paul Ehrlich’s “bet of the century”? Or, better still, read Julian Simon’s book ” the greatest resource “.
Really? How exactly? Where will the resources and energy come from to fuel the consumption needs of the population? You’re gonna pull them our of your ass?
The reality is that the Earth is a closed finite system with limited real-time sources of energy. That’s predominantly solar. The amount of available energy corresponds to a certain maximum carrying capacity. That’s physics – you can’t twist that with some pseudo-intellectual construct.
Or are you saying that the Earth has capacity for an unlimited human population size and unlimited consumption of resources thereby? Hardly, not even cognitive dissonance sufferers would claim that. Unless they’re fucked up beyond repair.
So, there is a limit, right? What is it? And how to achieve it and maintain it?
The Simon v Ehrlich wager is a strawman; human technology is not the “Solow residual” of economics — it’s energy production (Hall, Klitgaard et al); the Land is the economic “tableaux economique” and all economics is agronomics. The fact that economics became thermodynamics is entirely dependent of the human technology to harness hydrocarbons to produce 800 million times the labour humans can produce. No oil and we all dig for a living and the diversity of labour will be whatever the siol, not oil, can sustain. Human technology can produce about ~75W per hour but must consume at least as much energy as it puts out. That is a seriously reduced labour force, which has to do with the one time harnnessing of petroleum. The population dynamics are “petro-population dynamics”. And tech is oil dependent on the power density of hydrocarbons too. It’s all oil dependent.
“It’s all oil dependent.”
All? Not while the Earth’s crust has nuclear raw materials, the Earth’s core is molten rock driven by nuclear fission, and the Earth’s globe orbits a giant nuclear fusion reactor that — even though it is 90 million miles away — supplies the Earth with more power than all our puny oil burners.
Considering the state-of-the-art technology available, oil or natural gas is it. Nothing can replace it anytime soon.
Energy produced by the giant nuclear fusion reactor the Earth is orbiting is the solar, wind, biomass power they’re trying to harness. The Sun might supply more power, but how much excess energy does it supply and how are you gonna capture it by means other than the above?
Nuclear energy is highly inconvenient due to multiple reasons. The energy itself can’t be use, it has to be transformed into electricity or perhaps into hydrogen to be usable. Very difficult to store, unlike oil products.
Molten rock? How are you gonna use that for energy?
Bottom line – you need oil-based technologies to exploit any of the aforementioned.
There’s “no free lunch.” So you want to harness nuclear or any sort of power — including solar? Where are your resources? In a big pile or all over the globe?
Just to build the power station requires an enormous amounts of oil to extract, transport, refine and produce even the raw materials. As it stands, every stage of the production — from commission to decommission — is oil dependent; and will remain oil dependent as we cannot fully electrify the transport logistics.
All this energy transition shit is in fact oil dependent. The “green reset” will increase, not decrease, oil dependency (the “Jevons Paradox”). Nobody is thinking very clearly about what we can do, as opposed to what we want to do. Simon Michaux seems to be one of the few analysts who include the oil dependent necessity of oil dependency. Most of the criticism of his work involves magical thinking.
As for nuclear: he’s got a section in his critical mineral assessment. We’ve got to make the power stations and store the glowing waste. As far as I am aware, we’ve only got two or three of the next gen storage facilities — so we got to build them too. And we’ve only got second gen nukes: the next gen will have to replace them… can you see the viciousness of the energy cycle?
Minerals are not the new oil: oil is the old oil that carbon civilisation is built with. If we want to break the cycle: we have to focus on what is truly necessary and transition to a much smaller economy. That could be done to save everybody with agroecology which would avoid the Malthusian catastrophe.
From WikiPedia:
The Simon–Ehrlich wager was a 1980 scientific wager between business professor Julian L. Simon and biologist Paul Ehrlich, betting on resource scarcity. Simon challenged Ehrlich to put his money where his mouth was. Simon offered, “to stake US$10,000 … on my belief that the cost of non-government-controlled raw materials (including grain and oil) will not rise in the long run.”
Simon challenged Ehrlich to choose any raw material he wanted and a date more than a year away, and he would wager on the inflation-adjusted prices decreasing as opposed to increasing. Ehrlich chose copper, chromium, nickel, tin, and tungsten. The bet was formalized on September 29, 1980, with September 29, 1990, as the payoff date. Ehrlich lost the bet, as all five commodities that were bet on declined in price from 1980 through 1990, the wager period.
Background : In 1968, Ehrlich published The Population Bomb, that mankind was facing a catastrophe with the rate of population growth outstripping food and resources. Simon was skeptical.
You couldnt be more opposite and contra to the factual truth:
“Earth is a closed finite system. the less resources are available to every person. That’s pretty simple math, logic.”
The earth is an open infinite system. The more persons, the more resources there are. Its a self-regulating system.
A hen lay 10 eggs, out comes 10 chickens who become 10 hens who lay 100 eggs, same with potatoes, same with apple trees, same with oil and gas, same with drinking water.
There are unlimited resources for all, only not for those who want to “own” it all.
If you eat all the hens you find out that resources are not in fact infinite and never were- despite what the Bible and its Hebrew god-men told you when you were a toddler.
But you/we are not eating all the hens yes? Only in your office and in your fantasy brain you can make these calculations.
When you go out in real life, nobody is going to eat all the hens, and if there is no more hens, then there is plenty of fish, and when there is no more fish there is spinach and beans and so on and so on.
Cute hallucinogenic phantasm.
How exactly does oil and has reproduce/multiply itself the way hens do? Oil fucks gas and out comes a bunch of oilings or gaslings? Or is it that gas fucks oil, with the same effect? Fuck, that’s wild! I’ll get me some gas and oil, make them fuck one another, and I’ll be cruising. I’ll open me a gas station and sell the shit to all of you dopes … ha … !
Drinking water? Well, there’s the water cycle, so might have a bit of a point there.
Anyway, if hens keep reproducing themselves as per your rant, at some point they’ll have not enough to eat and start fighting for it and/or massively croak.
I do understand your frustration with the fact that some people are more greedy than others and more apt in fucking others over, but that’s only a minor factor in the overall distribution of resources for consumption.
errr …. hallucinatory
I figured that out myself, but I am not the only one who know it.
Ghandi: There is enough in this world for everyone’s need, but not for everyone’s greed.
Our universal fault is that our system(s) are build on fiat money zero sum.
That is completely wrong. The earth is a thermodynamically closed for matter even though it exchanges energy with its surroundings — ie the sun. There is not significant material exchange; ergo resources are finite. Herman Daly made his career out of this principle. The earth is materially closed, non-growing and finite and economics are materially discounted (ie not included) exponentially growing and ‘infinite.’ A more in depth analysis reveals economics to be a perpetuum mobile in the mind of the economists. The ‘chicken and egg’ scenario assumes infinite feed, water, and waste management. Have your chickens ever shat on your corn? It’d be dead in a week along with the chickens.
Which is the same. If and if my arse was a tip, my Grandma’s butt would be a Seaplane.
The chemical substance doesnt go away because you use it yes?
You use a stone, you pulverize the stone, you burn the stone to lave, but the chemical substance of the stone will still be there..
From lava it can get back to stone again.
You can only call that finite from an economic standpoint. You make a stone to bricks, this stone brick is used up on your excel sheet.
You break the house down, make the bricks to rubble, you have a new “limited resource” rubble. But it is still the same stone.
Saying my point: There is unlimited balance, unlimited resources.
What you seem to ignore in your ramblings is that the energy we’re presently using is in essence solar energy accumulated over millennia.
So, you can extract oil, use it to power machinery, build houses, and then tear them down. Then – hypothetically – oil runs out. It does not replenish at the rate at which you’re depleting it.
So, you’ll have to wait a few thousand years and then you might be good to go again, and rebuild your house. You’re planning to go into cryostatis? What energy is gonna fuel the fucking fridge you’ll keep your frozen ass in?
We have been through this fake pike oil too many times. In the 70’es oil would end in 2000 “if we continued this way”.
When we arrived at 2000 we were swimming in new oil and gas fields found.
Its a rockefeller commercial hoax, snob effect. People pay more if its a rare material, fossil oil = dinosaur oil = bs.
When too many oil and gas fields were found Wall Street lost interest in oil and gas as it became too cheap if exploited by the industry.
They invented the Clima Change story with expensive windmills and sun energy bs. Follow the money Zorg.
Assessing physical, biological, and other natural phenomena based on what some fuckhead on Wall Street – who I agree will do utmost to exploit anything to his advantage – happens to be yapping?
Man, have you lost your mind?
Regardless of how much oil, gas, and coal there is left, it’s a finite resource or rather a resource potentially renewable at a very slow rate vis-a-vis the rate of depletion. The energy stored in oil is solar energy. Stored over millennia.
Windmills exploit solar energy too, not as directly as photovoltaic panels.
For the sake of curiosity, what kind of education do you have, if any? Did you attend physics, biology, chemistry classes at school? College, university? You seem to have no fucking idea about very basic phenomena.
And get this through your head – just because rockafella is no good motherfucker intent on fucking over everybody in sight, it doesn’t mean that whatever phenomenon is at issue doesn’t exist.
Im an building engineer, made a lot of civil turn key, know sufficient basics.
“ stored in oil is solar energy stored over millennia”.
“..windmills exploit solar energy”. (not wind?)
Did you pulled this out from your behind? Where is your knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology in these statements??
My statements, “oil will run out in 2000 if we dont do something now in 1970’es” is factual, easy to prove.
“in 2000 the globe were swimming in new found oil and gas reserves” is factual and easy to prove.
“In 2023 we still find new big oil and gas reserves we dont exploit because oil and gas will be too cheap.”
Easy to document too.
The inner lava ball at 2000C sucks and gives energy and return coal, gases, oil.
Our big seas have thousands of volcanoes who function as security valves for over pressure.
If you bang your head into the wall 3 times/day, the puzzle inside will fit after a millennia.
It isn’t just about reproduction. It’s also about (as I think has been noted) resources.
Hens need good health – which depends on the quality of food, water and air. Potatoes need good soil – which depends on the quality of microbes to enrich the soil.
If a hen has 10 eggs and none of them hatch, then there’s nothing gained. If a plant has 10 seedlings and none of them grow, then nothing’s gained.
More to the point, the term “unlimited” when applied to a single planet is wishful thinking, not reality.
Plus, if everything becomes so polluted that the planet’s resources become useless to living beings, the whole argument is moot and meaningless.
Our universe and the whole thing is build on energy. Energy creates.
Our sun shines eternally energy to our system, thus the term limited energy resources is factual and finally a false statement.
Inside our earth is a big floating 2000C lava ball which creates and consume coal, gas, and oil and mix stone material into a variation of materials.
Both the sun and the inner lava ball plus all the spheres and regulating planets are creating an optimal environment on earth in a self-regulating system.
All your if and if’s are hypotethic fantasies made in an office or in your mothers basement. What I write to you is physical facts.
Well I don’t think the sun shines eternally; as a star it shall at a point become a red giant and pass through other stages, and the energy it emanates sure shall change.
That said, at our human scale perhaps it doesn’t matter, or does it? Who said that the human species is gifted with eternity or even longevity?
You have a point in what you’ve said. Of course, the earth is finite but it undergoes an indefinite number of transformations which can reproduce the same resource again and again. For how long? But does that matter?
IMO, we are considering the wrong problem. The primary problem that is creating this discussion is anarchy in production, that is production for production sake, without regard for actual needs; that’s where we should focus, and that’s a problem whose cause is known: the profit motive, as opposed to the resource problem on which the debate isn’t settled.
When production is removed from the profit motive and oriented toward actual needs, the ressource problem loses its relevance as worrying about it is the same as worrying about how long the sun will last.
Precisely. Could not have said that better myself. Thumbs up.
Replying to the above: “energy cannot be created or destroyed — it can only be transformed” — agreed? You transform energy and you have the same mass as before — just different states — agreed? So you burn some wood and then convert the ash back into wood? Not on this or any other planet you don’t.
You got the same amount of stuff, but some of the energy has gone — to perform work, lost to the atmosphere, inefficient conversion rates — that’s 2nd law compliant. The rest in fantasy.
The arrows of time and thermodynamics point one way — which is down. We descend gracefully, with dignity; or we descend into madness and barbarism, blaming everybody because we did not comprehend the laws of physics.
Can you see which way it is going?
If that was addressed to my post, I did suggest that resources reproduce at an increasingly slower rate [For how long? But does that matter?]. I don’t disagree with your point, but it is clear that intellectually knowing the problem with resources doesn’t cut it. Things got to get bad enough socially and economically for people to begin take action.
More bs.
“..resources reproduce at an increasingly slower rate”.
You cant get the point?
A hen lays 10 eggs, an apple tree grows and gives more apples for each year it grows.
One lay potato gives 10 potatoes, a.s.o.
An ocean sunfish lays 300 mio eggs.
If you still cant get it, seek a shrink. The MSM, your TV and your Government have mind f….. you, but you dont believe they ever would do that.
What got over you friend? Whatever I wrote, it was in a respectful way; why do you have to be disrespectful?
Its just a little sharp. Not meant to be disrespectful.
Second degree when people ignore the obvious and continue on the same track.
My apologize if you took it as a offence.
No. You didnt read the basic rule:
The sun deliver eternal balanced energy to earth in a coupled chaotic self regulating system.
Notwithstanding how much energy you use or spill, it will automatically be regulated back within the predefined frame.
Same with water, notwithstanding how much you use, it will be regulated back into balance within a predefined frame
You drink, but pess, breathe and sweat. What goes in comes out
Our regulating planets and spheres secure the whole system is kept within a frame.
Its bs to talk about something of linear scale like you do.
Trees are living things and reproduces by babies no matter how many you burn.
Stones are dead but are available within a same balanced framework from dust to granite
There is only and one only universal rule: Adaption.
Our adaption to the universe. Not opposite as we do..
I know the general principles; but you are conflating physiology with economics as currently practiced.
Physiologic thermodynamics are indefinitely stable (or metastable) but we do not live at near-equilibrium balance with the earth; we use resources on an exponential scale. Non-renewable resources are non-renewable, and renewable resources are being drawn down to unviable levels, reducing the renewability.
If only we did level at a steady-state of energy conversion, using renewables renewably — but we do not. The population would have to be smaller.
Malthus had population increase on one scale, and food production on another — in reality, you cannot separate population and food. Both are distributed on an “S-curve” up to the carrying capacity of the Land.
No barley, no fuckey! Dead people do not reproduce. All biological populations are determined by the availability their food supply: it’s biology 101.
But we don’t just eat and reproduce near homoeostasis: we got an oil dependent consumer civilisation to consider. And that is not self-regulating — it’s self-consuming. We need a constant throughput of high-density energy to maintain the population which biophysically is economic activity.
Your claims about big oil finds are hard to countenance. Our adaption to the earth is maladapted because we do not understand our own laws, especially the 2nd Law entropy — no infinite energy.
Yes. Obviously you have no fucking clue. Absolutely 💯 clueless 🤪!
The sneakiest least obtrusive way is to reduce fertility. This can be done directly by rendering women infertile and I reckon that’s part of the vax programme. But the trans psyop is becoming more vicious all the time with youngsters being “supported” to mutilate themselves. Also, that old Rightist bugbear about destroying the family unit, which the Left always sneered at, is looking more and more credible. We can be assured that, even if the rising generation does manage to produce offspring, they will be thoroughly dysfunctional.
Dysfunctional yes, but through indoctrination into a passive mindset rather than decreased biological IQ. This is the common lot of human societies: a rare spurt of development followed by apparent stagnation for millennia.
“The mind-forged manacles of Humankind” — Wm.Blake.
“16 September 2240”
someone has been paying attention, the end of the calender
2240 is a generous timescale. You could do it just the way we do it now. Saddle potential breeders with massive debts, costs, insecure lifelong income and taxation – so that anyone who wants to get ahead is unwilling to breed. Then, if I was a sociologist, I could claim the birthrate was down because women are educated and independent.
The poor beleaguered Graud writers can’t understand it. There they are doing their best to warn against the planet vaporising heat and no-one seems to care:
“I’ve had my fair share of messages from friends abroad recently asking if it really is as hot as “they say” in Greece.”
Don’t you love the scare quotes there? “They say”? As if to say, Don’t get paranoid! There is no “they”. Just us bringing you the unbridled truth.
But I interrupt:
“Hot, I usually retort, doesn’t say it all. “It’s mind-meltingly blistering, baking from morning to night. You struggle to sleep, you struggle to eat, you’re ill-tempered and you can’t even drink; a consolatory sundown cocktail is usually the kiss of death.”
But still they swarm! And after more passionate warnings, this:
“But the unpalatable truth is as clear as the blood-red sun that sets nightly over the Attic skies. From Spain to Cyprus, the Med is on fire. A region designated a global heating hotspot in the decades ahead is turbocharging, ahead of its time, into the climatic niche that ecowarriors feared.”
Yes it’s odd how all this is playing out exactly as “ecowarriors feared”.
Final verdict:
“….everyone I know in Athens now dreams of holidaying in northern climes. Dreams that are bound to increase if heat lovers up north continue migrating south on journeys that can never be climate-friendly.”
Never climate friendly! Do you hear? NEVER!
Forget your holidays abroad, proles!
And as often happens, I fail to see the true absurdity at first:
“a consolatory sundown cocktail is usually the kiss of death.”
UK & China in it together: A Warning over De-banking
Cities are getting bigger and bigger and more and more congested. More and more people are moving to cities, in part because that’s where the jobs are due to the occidental de-industrialization and the fact that most people have some kind of mostly utterly useless white-collar job.
Can any of you paranoiac whiners suggest any viable, feasible solution instead of jerking off about Great Reset and how they’re after you and your freedom to whimsically drive around the city back and forth, left and right?
What positive and negative reinforcement means and urban planning measures could be used to make cities livable, instead of the car-infested nightmare they have become?
Try to tax your brains to a greater extent than the usual ‘it’s anal schwab’s fault and anybody who doesn’t grunt in disapproval is a great reset shill’.
You don’t like the idea of the Great Reset, meaning the kind of future you keep paranoically running at the mouth about? Then stop paranoically running at the mouth about it and come up with something positive. You’re inadvertently bringing it upon yourself. Even though you oppose it (by negatively yapping about it), you still make it reality.
Time to snap out of your spell, stop consuming the fear porn, come back to reality, roll up your sleeves, and dig the fuck in.
You asked for it Zorg, so don’t slag off with a tantrum and/or diatribe. As is your want.
Anarchy based Permaculture co-operatives with an emphasis on plant based diets, self creative art and music activities, Steiner principles, solar passive Light Earth homes and religion free zones.
Plus lots of urban farms and orchards and a one per cent transaction tax on all transactions over $100,000.
That’s just for starters!
Suck it up and snivel.
Beautiful, couldn’t agree more. I’d also add free fellatio and cunnilingus upon request, that would punctuate the paradisaical nirvana kinda nicely, wouldn’t you agree.
Unfortunately, I naively assumed that any proposal for a solution within the meaning of the above would be something VIABLE, FEASIBLE, ACHIEVABLE.
So, Johnny, how would you bring about the scenario you propose? What reinforcement measures, positive/negative, would you use to get people on board – apart from the blowjobs, which are kinda questionable anyways?
Sex and religion got us into this mess.
Only Love and Truth can get us out.
One at a time.
Who knows, maybe AI will go feral and declare war on ignorance. That’s the REAL plague.
You mean, there will no sex, no blowjobs, no cunnilingus, no nothing in the world you propose? How will people reproduce themselves? Lab-grown babies?
Not sure if people will go for that.
Can you propose anything that’s remotely feasible? Not hallucinatory phantasms about what would be if it were?
Your endless arguments with other commenters are a waste of space. This isn’t facepuke.
Not sure why you’re telling me.
Tell them to shut the fuck up and live with the fact that they’re wrong.
BTW, somebody vested you with the power to oversee the use of space here? What the fuck is it to you?
Did someone use the wrong (stand-by) ID to reply to you?
Thanks for some positive thinking.
May I suggest “superstition free” rather than “religion free”? I am in favour of religion but against superstition — especially superstition with this credo: Follow the Science.
Add free energy generation from the ether, as there used to be. Solar panels are not sustainable.
We’ve used reality wide regional ceiling to horizons satellite ie: doppler for decades in motor sport. High to ground levels including where you sit stand up. Air temperatures? Still air breezes wind gusts wind. Approaching Weather cloud formations precipitation light rain to lightning thunderstorms. etc.
Public have been lulled into being afraid of the weather.
I couldn’t agree with you more Clive ☔
Well it didn’t work.
I still find the weather generally too drab and grey.
The ‘Dream Factory’ spews out far more nightmares than dreams.
You want something uplifting or inspiring?
Try sitting in a forest, by a river or the ocean. Or even just listening to the birds, or Bach.
I often do that.
I take my earphones on, click on my iPhone and hear any rare bird anywhere singing in my ears, I click on the Sea and I can hear the Sea in my earphones.
Im sitting inside a café near the beach with my cup of chocolate and I am happy, inspired and uplifted……..and own nothing.
Big Tech is just soo wonderful because I have everything I need in my hand, without going out in this ugly dirty windy world outside………………………….LOL.
After a 5 year road test -we both agreed – lets get married and have kids..
So we did, first a boy and then a girl..sure they fought a bit on I introduced the points system…whoever has been the best behaved…
It actually worked quite well..
We we were just Mum and Dad
And now Nana and Grandad
We have also been Mum and Dad to Our Kids Best Friends…
And been on holiday with them..
Then my mate turns up, still single, but with his dog – with all these beautiful teenage girls..
He got the message – find someone your own age – and make teenage kids yourself…
which he eventually did..
It’s hard to explain – but if you are a Mum or a Dad…you protect all your kids – and your friend’s kids as if they are babies which they are…
My wife gave uo her job in the City to become a Registered Childminder to look after our kids, and then their friends.
My Mum did the same thing…
I have been blessed most of my life living in a happy home…
First my Mum, and then My Wife…with loads of kids
The smile on the face of a child.
How can anyone be horrible to Children?
Yet they are
There are times when I think the best thing for you would be to be bullied and persecuted for the rest of your life.
I can’t think of anybody else who would benefit from such treatment, but you take the cake.
Perhaps you’ll be cured by the time you’re 93…?
Deliberate wasting of your fellow-man’s time is not okay for people over 18.
You are abusing the privilege of being able to say pretty much whatever you like here.
What is that?
Willing people to be interested in your Mum, your hot girlfriends of the past and your current wife…?
Don’t you even know that willing people to do things doesn’t work?
Any more than my willing Admin to ban you works…
I’m wondering whether ‘Tony Opmoc’ might possibly be an AI ‘bot’? Other people have suggested that, a year or so ago. The posts are so peculiar, why would any actual human being choose to post such ‘comments’…??
I am the Galley Slave – cook most of the food – now mostly on a solar powered cooker…but with bottled gas in reserve – and rainwater and now a desaliantion thing in case it doesn’t rain – and we decide to keep on going…
My Wife Nana – well the grandkids just love her bits -she looks after the kids – and teaches them everything – and they sing together a lot
Dad – my Son – He is The Captain….and very occasionally, it gets really rough and stormy…and wh shove the kids back down below – all hands on deck…
And we Scream at him – first of all get your life jacket on..and we do too…
Do your job -which is to pilot this boat….
And his new dinghy (£600) just flies away in the storm – the plastic thing just snapped off….
Do not try and get it back….Do not leave this boat..
“I can’t Sail it..”.
Not to be beaten…he turns his boat around 3 times in the storm – everything flying everywhere – and he gets his dinghy back…
I know exactly what he was thinking…the dinghy might just be a piece of plastic..but it might have been a human being – maybe even you Dad
Bright Lad.
It’s different at Sea
Sometimes you arrive at the most beautiful island in the world, all at peace, and you think you are in heaven
What’s Barbie’s role in The Gender Wars ?
Is Barbie Normal ? What initial is she on the LGBetc scale ?
Should little boys be allowed to play with Barbie ?
Is “playing” with Barbie “sexualizing children” ?
Is the Barbie movie really “wholesome family fare” ?
Is Ken really queer ?
Several fields of social “science” must be working on these important questions as we speak.
Barbie and Ken together are really something…
(for the oxygen-deprived…)
I don’t know how it is for other blokes my age but my Girl she keeps shaking the bed -clarting herself up with the latest cream -sex on Wednesdays – shut the f’ck up…
She is so fckin Beautiful
How do I look in my new dress???
and she does not need any botox
We are going Sailing again soon
She gets her pension in August as do I
“In the beginning it was the pure happiness, She was so beautiful, and every moment was so exiting.
But then I started to spend a lot of money on her and it was always as it was not enough.
She became my passion, I had two jobs to afford her and keep her in my arms.
SOB SOB, I loved her with all my heart, but in the end I had to give her up.
Hagbard: You have my full empathy, but thats the way it is when you buy a too big boat.
PM Sunak is clearly what we (in my circle) used to call a “Dork”…;)
I try not to look at pictures of government officials. I don’t want to them to know I’ve given them the pleasure of wasting a watt of cell phone charge.
Bojo was called a scumbag, a lair and with the magic of internet and some say alt media he was nicely repackaged as what people voted for in 2019.
And The Chief Psycho of The Nudge Unit – actually gets his latest piece of brainwashing filth..published about fat people…He should be in jail on the charge of mass genocide.
Whilst Laura Dodswoth …has got a new book out
Her “State of Fear”..more courage than any journalist in the world..
She actually interviewed the Psychos in Control – and published it in her book
Total Class
I have no advice for any young person now, whilst times are hard..but if you actually passed your driving test (I did after 2 lessons which my Mum couldn’t make -she passed too eventually) and did meals on wheels till she was nearly 80…Easy to fix a Morris Marina…
Forget about the Mopeds…and Get Yourself a Car..
Hardly any girls got on the back of my motorbike..
Whilst I still had very limited succss…how tf did she blow me
out – when I had tickets for Roxy I went alone..
until I met her
I despite now on the dole, blown away..
I Still had a car…
And I fell in love with her the moment I saw her
I had a car
Where are we going????
still here.
i love my wife to bits
Those bits need cleaning up.
After my ulez comment which might have appeared somewhere road tax £320..2 days later, a letter from The Mayor of London
Your road tax is now £12.50 a day on top of what you have already paid…
So that is £4562.50 as well
Thank You very Much – Mayor of London..
might have mud on my plates..there’s a lot of farming round here
we get the well rotted horse manure for free
The concept of a 15-minute city as the basis of a sustainable model of megalopolis development in the conditions of modern risks
Olga V. Notman, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Sociology, Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
The article was prepared with the support of the Council for Grants of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation (NSH-2722.2020.6).
Publication Date: 01-11-2021
Abstract: The goal of this research lies in discussing the key provisions of Carlos Moreno’s concept of 15-minute city in the context of issues caused COVID-19 pandemic. Besides the original texts by C. Moreno, the article employs the following data: 1) publications in the international scientometric databases (Scopus, WoS2) dedicated to positive effects of implementation of the concept of 15-minute city and its analogues; 2) documents of international organizations (C40 Cities, OECD, UN-Habitat3 that recommend the key vectors of sustainable urban development policy to the national governments; 3) strategies of global megacities that embarked upon practical implementation of the concept of 15-minute city.
The global COVID-19 pandemic, which demonstrated the urgent need for “upgrading” the local living conditions, stimulated the adoption of this concept on the level of international organizations and progressive foreign megacities, as well as interest of the Russian Federation in its implementation.
The adoption of the 15-minute city model at the level of international organizations and global cities, actualized by the global COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, stimulates interest in it in Russia as well.
This article is an invitation to a scientific discussion regarding the search for methodological solutions to study the differentiation of the quality of the urban environment and the possibilities of turning Russian megacities into a network of 15-minute cities.”
Oh, my… so Italian pasta is out as well now. This in spite of Italy’s pizza/pasta industry having sworn they would never jeopardise this much loved Italian food ikon.
Lol! Meme Fems.
What a bunch of asshats….!!
I’m naming my “heat waves” that occur when I see a hot looking babe…so far I have, “solar erection”, and hot blistering woody”…..
You forgot one, 0 minute city:
Graves take up land, and are already unavailable in cities, except for the wealthy. The true 0-minute city would initially be urns, and later the effluent pipe of a Soylent Green factory.
7-23-23. Isn’t that one of THEIR favorite numbers? Anyone? Are they marking the occasion in any way? (There are no factors except itself & 1 for 7 or 23 or the sum of the digits of 23– 5 or for the sum of 7-23-23 which is 17. However, the sum of 17 is 8, which IS factorable.) Anyone know about numerology?
even numerology takes a day off, now and then…
22 / 7 in the U.K- no trains where running.
They like there numbers.
Even Hebrew has a whole religion about it.
Yes, it is the kabbalistic hocus pocus used to convince you that the brainwashing nonsense in the Bible has some deep magical significance.
I’ll help you out : the “kingdom come” isn’t the paradise you thought it is, it is the NWO where the “chosen ones” lord it over whoever else they haven’t managed to kill off, as per their instructions.
Anyone else see the irony in the governments promoting the idea of 15 minute neighbourhoods being the same governments who destroyed many thriving local businesses through the lockdown measures. How can we have any guarantee that 15 minute cities are sustainable if we are under a constant threat of pandemic lockdowns in the future? ….Unless of course it is the governments’ ‘ benefactors’ who will be the faces behind those businesses and will no doubt be exempt from lockdowns. 🤔
Assclowns, driving electric clowncars, in a 3-ring ass clown circus….
33 ring circus- I believe…
Seems to me that modern life – love it or hate it – could not work without very large cities with critical social infrastructure functions and which are essential to urban life. I live in a London borough, population approx two-hundred and twenty thousand souls. This is where the infrastructure is – like any other modern city – located. It is also where the mass of population wish to dwell. But how does this fit into villages with virtually no access to modern cities unless you happen to live in the countryside. Then there is the complete lack of urban life as we know it.
The reversion back to a rural society would require a mass cull so that 90% of the population will be wiped out. We would be back in the middle-ages which is frankly absurd unless of your forte includes smallpox, starvation, witch burning
Graham, Urban planning documents all over the US plan for the countryside to be emptied. Many crackerbox sized apts no one rents have been built. People who study urban planning are all given the same propaganda on what’s “sustainable.” Many freeway offramps have been torn up to maroon some areas.
No cars, permits required to use the railways. If anyone grows food and is not reported by his neighbors the whole neighborhood is punished: Perhaps by a shortage of the food which is trucked in– or a particularly loathsome species of food.
What do you mean, if anyone grows food and is not reported by neighbors? There are laws prohibiting growing food, like apple trees, tomatoes, whatever?
You’re being serious or are you possessed with paranoia too?
This is batshit fucking crazy.
Over here, everybody grows food. Especially in smaller towns. A lot of people keep animals too, like chickens, rabbits.
Have you people gone totally bonkers insane?
She is referring to a logical outcome for 15-minute insanity. try to keep a grip on reality.
Reality is that nobody gives a flying fuck what you grow on your property around here. I repeat, nobody gives a flying fuck. That goes for big city, small town, countryside. Insofar as it’s for your own consumption. If you wanna sell stuff, it’s different – all kinds of consumer protection and public health regulations would probably apply, and you might need a trade license if you wanna do it legally. People naturally sell stuff under the table and nobody gives a fuck.
Are you telling me that in the US you can’t grow whatever the fuck you want on your own property? You can’t plant a fucking tree? Or if you plant it, you’re not allowed to eat apples it bears? Like they’re gonna shoot you by the nearest wall …?
This is hilarious! If true, I mean. What sort of country are you running over there? A fucking gulag?
Dude…take your meds…please….
depends if your abode is subject to the restraints of a “Homeowner’s Association”- a “Condo Association”- or even local city regs…
So, in the land of the free and home of the brave, the city regulates what you can plant on your property?
Hilarious! Wild!
And people have put up with this until now? Nobody has refreshed the tree of liberty?
So, what sort of ownership rights do you have? The right to pay the fucking mortgage?
mortgage: from the french mort: death, gage: grip
sometimes the truth is so utterly in our faces that we fail to see
En francais, on dit hypotheque. C’est moins sinistre – ca veut dire pret securise par un gage.
Amounts to the same fucking thing, though …
We are not regulated in our home grown food growing in Wyoming.
Coming soon to your neighbourhood. You wont believe it until its there.
Good for you. If people elsewhere in the US are, you might wanna consider separating from the federation pronto.
This is insane. It’s nobody’s business what you do on your property. Especially if it’s something as harmless and commendable as growing veggies!
It’s even worse in Australia where you don’t own the land a few millimetres below the top soil. They can throw you off the land if they find that there are minerals or fossil fuels to be extracted from “your” property.
Home Associations reassurances centralized World Banking. We know what they are from 2000-2023. From your home you can’t inference ..dependance measures beyond your own boundary. You pay for it.
US is a Nation of State Representatives, you figure it out. Whole thing got screwed up day one, with Here In BLAH blah…Like who gives ping pong ball. Oh then some dickheads said that’s An App!
Oh great…sod it…
Search for “laws and regulations against growing your own food”, and have a nice day reading.
True, these are not usually blanket restrictions, but they are extensive. Also, if, as you say … “Over here, everybody grows food. Especially in smaller towns. A lot of people keep animals too, like chickens, rabbits” … then most likely some of them are violating laws/regulations without knowing it.
“Nice chicken coops you got there. Be a shame if someone were to report you for it…”
No. There are no such laws here.
If you have access to sunlight and possess a bucket, grow your own vegetables. Once you get one crop , you will want to grow more. Our vegetables feed us through the winter. After tasting your own home grown vegetables, you won’t need an ingredients label to tell you store bought vegetables are tasteless. Stop moaning and try it.
What do you moaning? I do that. I got tons of potatoes, onions, garlic, peaches, apricots. Not really tomatoes – I don’t have enough sun. All sorts of berries. Grapes. My girlfriend has a house in a more fertile area and she’s got tons of other goodies. We get eggs, meat, cheese pretty much only from local farmers. Under the table, no tax. Sometimes on a barter basis.
You reap what you sow.
I’d like a 15 minute city if these mother fuckers could give me a decent paying job within that distance.
Other than that, fuck you wef fascists
Supposing we just set you up on Zoom and make you work from home instead? Would that work? 😉
I don’t think they intend for the 15 minute dwellers to work. They are the ones that will collecting UBI while playing video games all day in the soon to be built high-rise cubicles. Just a matter of time before all street drugs are legalized. Call the UBI and street drug “gift” a kind of reparations. They won’t even need virtual reality to take their daily “trip”. And they will be happier than pigs in shit.
In Los Angeles, where I am currently, they have lifted feasibility/traffic/impact studies on new housing developments that have a certain percentage of low income units- a move obviously(to my mind) designed to create increased traffic congestion/chaos- for which a solution will no doubt be forthcoming…;)
In the city where I live – oops, I don’t live there anymore, moved out – they’re building another subway line.