The Insidious Truth Behind Free School Meals
The UN is pushing for universal free school meals, but that level of control would be easily abused.
Kit Knightly

There is a growing international campaign to institute free school meals all around the globe. On face of it this might seem like a great idea…
but in the New Normal age nothing is ever really free.
So, let’s unpack…
The campaign is being spear-headed by the UN-backed School Meals Coalition (SMC), whose self-proclaimed goal is “free school meals for every child by 2030” (for some reason they are obsessed with that date).
The SMC already has over 80 national governments signed up to its pledge, with over 90 “partners” (including the Rockefeller Foundation), and these numbers are only likely to grow after their presentation at the UN’s World Food Summit earlier today.
At the same time, the Coalition is getting glowing press write-ups, like this one from The Guardian’s economics editor Larry Elliot:
For the scheme to work, rich countries would find around one-third of the $6bn annual cost, with the rest found by the governments of low-income countries through their budgets or though innovative financing ideas such as debt for school meals swaps, under which countries would channel the savings from debt relief into school meals programmes. At a time when aid budgets are being cut, $2bn a year is small change for donor governments and represents just one day’s worth of annual subsidies to food producers. It is a small price to pay for something that could do so much good.
This agenda has been lurking in the shadows of UK politics for a while now, with Labour Party MP Zarah Sultana first pushing FSM to all primary kids back in the winter of 2022.
It feels weird to write sceptically about this, because, as a self-proclaimed leftist for most of my life, free school meals is exactly the kind of policy I likely would have supported without question just a few short years ago…
…but those few years were Covid years, and they’ve taught us all a lot.
Firstly, and most importantly, it’s become increasingly apparent that any policy is only as fair as the people implementing it, and only as decent as the intention behind it, and, however superficially humane this plan might sound, the practical impact would be to hand yet more control over to the same murderous, eugenicist state that very recently killed thousands with a lie.
Secondly, a monopoly is a monopoly – whether private or state-backed – and the moment a monopoly exists the freedom to choose is dead. Freedom of choice is always the first liberty to go, but never the last.
Consider, for a moment, exactly what free school meals means in a post-covid world still reeling from a deliberately created financial crisis and in the midst of a “Great Reset” transformation.
1) The cost of living is soaring, and many parents – working parents as well as unemployed – are simply not able to afford to heat their homes or feed their children.
2) “Covid” caused a huge spike in homeschooling in countries all around the world.
3) there is an on-going campaign to “revolutionize global food systems” by promoting eating insects, GMOs and lab-grown “meat”.
Let’s trace the point where all these policies intersect.
What are we looking at?
Essentially, free school meals can be used to…
a) counter the rise in homeschooling by effectively bribing or coercing struggling parents to keep their kids in school so they can be fed
b) condition children (and their parents) into accepting eating whatever the state chooses to provide – be it ‘healthy’ GM veganism, bug-burgers or lab-grown food paste
c) this conditioning will help to normalise a more general acceptance of these “foods”
And that’s just the passive phase of control. We can assume it won’t stop there because it never does.
Maybe free school meals will one day be tied to accepting universal basic income payments, or conditional on your digital ID or your social credit score.
Maybe only vaccinated children will qualify for free school meals.
I’m sure you see my point.
The unfortunate truth is that we live in an era of ever-increasing – and anti-human – corporate/state overreach.
The food might be free in the financial sense of the word, but there will most definitely be a price to pay.
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Free school meals , as in “tax payer funded” free school meals
Most definitely? Quite a bold statement to back up what was total conjecture.
I’m surprised there was no mention of Michelle Obama failed “get fit” school lunch program. Hundreds of schools pulled out of the program in the first year because kids refused to eat it. Apparently feeding kids carrots, apples and whole wheat bread everyday for lunch wasn’t keeping their bellies full. Go figure.
The insidious truth behind free ANYTHING it should be.
“Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state lives at the expense of everyone.” (Frédéric Bastiat)
In the very last pragraph:
“The food might be free in the financial sense of the word,…”
On reflection the food won’t be free in the financial sense either: In you look at this in the Natural Law view point, the governments are stealing the money through taxation and then paying certain companies/their own workers to organize the food manufacture and distribution. It looks to me that this is a double blackmail con job, first they (Goverments) black mail the people to finance the “philantropic” food distribution. Then on second round they (powers that shouldn’t be) can black mail parents and children with the food.
This seems to be a recurrent theme. For example during the corona years the EU swindled the Nordic countries to contribute to the “Corona subsidy package” and then the EU (or certain interest groups in EUI) used the subsidy pakcages to blackmail Italy (and probably other countires) to agree to certain legislative revisions.
Keep these type of articles up Kit and your end up appearing along side Jacob Rees-Mogg’s State Of The Nation show on GBNews.
It was the best of food, it was the worst of it. It was the age of growing, it was the age of yearning, it was the epoch of trust, it was not yet the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us…
School dinners in the 1970s were a sight to behold. The Second World War was not long past: 25 years. Think back to the year 2000.
Aside: my gulf with the editors here is largely of perception. The same world but seen differently. That is not a matter of conspiracy theory – what a stupid phrase! – but of time and place.
Kit makes excellent points about a surprising, easily overlooked yet important topic – school dinners!
Mine cascade down the ages like a Technicolor up chuck.
WW2 bequeathed us dried egg. Probably the greatest puteifaction. The best you can say of it is that there are no pieces of shell.
Instant potato – “For Mash, Get Smash” – but that was the commercial version. We had the sweepings (of which more later).
SPAM, or luncheon meat. Usually served as SPAM fritters, which is a distant joke even to older folk, but for us a weekly inevitability. Wednesday lunchtimes, if I recall accurately
over a span of 50 years. Press a fork laterally on the fritter and the oil would ooze out.
And those “forks full of pork” that you cannot mention nowadays… for what the Russians call cutlet, we called fag got.
We were adolescent boys… so we ate as much as we could. An afternoon in the sports field would follow.
Tinned tomatoes from 5 litre cans, that frequently contained brined maggots.
And chocolate suet pudding – sometimes with cigarette butts but that was a special.
Suet, lard, lots of it, spotted dick, jam roly polly.
Most crucially, all made by ladies who loved their job (I have to assume the fag fell from someone’s lips while they were leaning over the chocolate sauce.)
The upside was the strikes of the 1970s when suddenly there was no bread. The ladies without breaking step started making home-made bread, and it was good. Crusty rolls that I can remember to this day.
Tea was much better in the 1970s. A freshly-opened packet wafted a scent that was heavenly, and so strong the proverbial spoon could stand up. On YouTube you can find a debate between an Indian and a Ceylonese tea planter… what they agree is that today’s tea bags contain the sweepings.
We were eco, too. There were dumpsters – what we called them forget – into which the waste was tipped for the local pig farm.
Everything was made on site, allowing of course for the dessicated, prepared wartime ingredients.
In an earlier primary school we had taken turns to be milk monitor. The quarter-pint bottles were distributed to children at 11 am, with a straw to punch through the foil cap.
As cub scouts we went “Wombling” and collected foil caps for recycling. Bottles were of course recycling. Many milk carts that did their round at 5 am were electric.
Are we driving forward or backwards? It seems to me that the solution was in place half a century ago. Somebody smashed it up, and is presenting themselves as the Great Reset.
Milk bottles were reused – not recycled.
I am adopting subliminally the globalist Newspeak.
UN_Backed anything is Bad News–but, Children’s Food–Really Bad!
Is this Kit guy girl even had school dinners in a normal school.? (betchya the answer is nope)
I get the impression he she is silver spoon fed. yep!
This is the type of article, you would see in a Conservative blog just before they announced cut backs.
10 years ago dear dreadful excuse of an journalist in the U.k where your clearly not based.
The poorer children where finger printed to get there school poison called state sponsored dinner. The stuff is toxic and serco won the contracts decades ago to serve this slop. (real journalist in MSM covered this) you should do a better job.
I also noticed earlier in the week you had a pop at Liverpool where I am from.
I dont see your point, I only see a form of shilling.
Start with – why are children in the 1st world country having to go hungry…? I dare you.
Why are they being fed at prison camp
school this toxic crap called food.?Uk is a WHO signatory. They dressed the kids up in villain costumes.
As I remember it the school dinners in the UK were the best in the world😘but we have to raise the bar. Please go forward,
Nothing is free, the US taxpayer should not have to foot the big for foreign countries kids. Kids are their PARENTS responsibility.
If you honestly believe US taxpayer dollars go to feed kids in foreign countries, you could maybe become a poster child for US Freedom & Democracy.
GM is explicitly not vegan since veganism is defined as wholesome food in the original definition:
The definition of food, seed and fruit etc. all mean wholesome natural non gm and viable. A fruit contains a seed and a seed is defined as producing a plant that produces a fruit thru sexual reproduction that contains a seed. It is all a circle that precludes GM in the definiton. Food means food so has no room for glyphosate or other antinutrients, poisons etc. in it’s definition. A meal would also be defined as food so you couldn’t have gmo’s in a school meal. The emphasis of wholesome is there to ensure that these foods are complete and rich in nutrition. Anyone suggesting that veganism can involve anti-nutrients and nutrient depleted soils is obviously out to destroy health and the success of the practice.
Genetic mutilation (GM) means (a) food becoming the private property (IP) of plutocrats (b) more profit for the medical industry.
In my opinion, these are examples of non-UN, local supported school lunches done right.from Japan. One on a small scale, the other on a larger scale
I think the kids could do better peeling some fruit or just like eating it. Course there is lots of fruit and salads already in the schools in Uk. It is world renowned for having fresh juice aswell.
Large-scale cheap food means more kickbacks. More carbs, excess fats and low fibre means more profit for the medical industry.
Supposedly, changing government policies to aid plutocrat business is not socialism; it is “tricle-down economics”.
Let’s put it simple for all kinds of fuckheads (antivaxxer, religious, …): no school for your children!
Go have fun with yourself with a big vibrating rubber thing.
For the oligarchy, the primary incentive to impose and control schooling is (d) brainwashing: political propaganda and (e) censorship: omitting or deflecting from inconvenient info.
What next for schools, jabs in food? The globalist partners and stake-holders should get the ultimate jab by 2030: a stake through the heart.
“School, the only place I can get a hot meal” — Kelly Bundy.
‘Free School Meals’ in the age of ‘mRNA vaccines’ is a license to force vaccines into children via food.
As a parent, I would not allow any third party to feed my child without first ascertaining that they were sourcing healthy, unmodified, properly grown and processed food.
In this day and age, to do anything less would be parental neglect.
I wouldn’t trust the UN one inch where food security is concerned. Any more than I would trust Bill Gates.
If there are to be ‘free school meals’, then the food should be sourced locally, cooked in house. Provides local employment, keeps the children safe from mRNA poisons.
Life has become to busy and expensive for that, with labor shortages and all.
4/17/2023, NY Times: “But we now have to talk about beef. And I don’t know if people are really ready for this conversation.”…Mayor of NY City Eric Adams
“In New York City-run facilities, meat is increasingly missing from the menu.
Mayor Eric Adams on Monday vowed to reduce emissions tied to city food procurements by 33 percent by 2030, unveiling data showing that in New York City, food consumption rivals transportation as a source of planet-warming gases.
Every year, New York City spends roughly $300 million buying food — for public school students, for detainees on Rikers Island, and for patients admitted to its 11 public hospitals. The city estimates that its food purchases produce as much carbon as the annual exhaust from more than 70,000 gas-fueled cars. In 2021, during the last year of Bill de Blasio’s mayoralty, the city committed to cutting its food-related emissions by 25 percent
by 2030.
Monday’s announcement increased that commitment to 33 percent.
“It is easy to talk about emissions that are coming from vehicles and how it impacts our carbon footprint, it is easy to talk about the emissions that’s coming from buildings and how it impacts our environment,” Mr. Adams said, standing next to a chef in a toque at a city hospital kitchen. “But we now have to talk about beef. And I don’t know if people are really ready for this conversation.”…
The announcement is the latest development in Mr. Adams’s longstanding interest in vegetarianism, but it also represents an unusually frank admission from a national political leader that Americans will have to eat differently if they want to rein in climate change.
The city for the first time released a new measure of New York City’s carbon footprint that incorporates the greenhouse emissions created by the consumption and production of food. It found that food rivals transportation in the size of its carbon footprint — at 20 percent of the city’s emissions, it trails just behind transportation, at 22 percent. New York buildings produce 34 percent of the city’s emissions.”…
“33 percent”
Nuff said
I guess any day now Mayor Adams will be asking the Pentagon to curtail it’s purchase of carbon produced and emitting weaponry by 33%. Good for him! I can hardly wait!
Free school lunches exist for decades in most Indian government schools. It made going to these schools a bit less unattractive for village kids. Now the schools have improved and might not need that extra incentive.
The UN today is a far cry from the already unbalanced setup amongst the WWII “victors” + the PRC & ~50 mini islands to dilute all non SC big countries. Its gotten way worse: unrepresentative and elite driven. Still the old foundation was kind of solid: a forum where all major nations can interact. It needs to be restructured and relocated out of the US to a less dominant nation.
There were no WW11 victors, aside from the weapon industry. USA/UK did not destroy Nazi Germany. USSR did that, at huge expense of lives at Stalingrad and beyond.
A former Australian prime minister was fond of insisting “Life Wasnt Meant To Be Easy !” to ‘justify’ attacks on Social Security payments…He was also a believer of “There’s No Such Thing as A Free Lunch !” He was very popular with The Haves……
Given the control that will be exercised over The Family Budget via Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), it’s easy to imagine how the control will be used to ensure kids depend on school ‘dinners’, and how the ‘food’ will be used to control / coerce the kids…
As jobs dry up, humans being replaced by robots, there’s less and less need for “education to help kids get a job”. But there remains the primary function of schooling – obedience training, so The Authorities might indulge in some honesty, for once, and call schools by their main function (Daily) Juvenile Detention Centres…
Compel rigidity.
Expel creativity.
You cannot have creativity without knowledge. And you cannot have hard knowledge without rigidity.
First learn hard facts, acquire knowledge, creativity will come later. Creativity is easy to acquire, hard facts aren’t.
Children at the lower lever gotta go through the drill, learn the count, write, etc.
Today’s fucked up world is to a large extent the result of lenient education that puts fake creativity ahead of knowledge.
there’s no such thing as a free lunch
Says the men/ladies in Parliament/Congress/UN on free lunches. 😂
I’d debate that ‘Ladies’ title for about 95%.
Seems to be yet another scheme primarily concocted to further own the “developing world”- a hateful notion that implies that all nations must “develop” to eventually become like the USA.
Very good insight into what on the surface looks completely benevolent. Although as a lot of us are aware, if the UN is pushing something, then you can be sure it is not ultimately for the benefit of mankind. Along with the insightful observations made in the article, anything that is a “universal benefit” is being pushed, because it then sets precedents for everything being at a universal standard including basic income etc. All seems fine however it is really for the elite minority to gain total control over the rest of us. The WEF and it’s members would like to enjoy the rich resources of the world while the rest of us homogenised automatons get on with owning nothing living half our lives in a virtual reality and being happy.
And paying them through the nose for the “privilege”
Thomas Sankara: “He Who Feeds You, Controls You”
Henry Kissinger quote: Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.
He was thinking of Mothers ?
If kids become reliant on being fed at school
will schools be re-labeled ‘Mothering Centres’ ?
Control rice, and you control the world.
You see! There is such a thing as a free meal.
not true, someone has paid for it to be produced and prepared.
Tru$t the $cience…
“Fish, and plankton. And sea greens, and protein from the sea. It’s all here, ready. Fresh as harvest day. Fish and sea greens, plankton and protein from the sea. And then it stopped coming. And they came instead. So I store them here. I’m ready. And you’re ready. It’s my job. To freeze you.”
“Soylent Green is people!”
Scientist suggests eating human flesh to fight climate change
“Brawndo: The Thirst Mutilator. It’s what plants crave!”
You will own nothing and be happy. Now shut up and eat the bugs!
When is something pending fit for consumption?
When it’s been made to appear that it hasn’t passed an Ashe Conformity Test via supposed consensus. That’s how they tweak it or you’ve pissed them off some how. No power tripping there lol
It’s like some sort of narrative shaping. Must be imagining it eh. Now who has a history of that?
The old-fashioned word “consumption” meant tuberculosis. Already declining thanks to improved sanitation, potable water supplies, and to a much lesser extent, BCG vaccination.
Good points. I agree completely.
Like Rothschild said. Control the currency and control the nation.
Like Kissinger said. Control the food and control the people.
Everything they do is about control.
When you drop your child off at school, you are legally consenting for the state to take control of your child.
In loco parentis
Latin for “in the place of a parent”, refers to the legal responsibility of a person or organization to take on some of the functions and responsibilities of a parent. Originally derived from English common law.
The state, in place of a parent, can make decisions that you don’t like, and because you voluntarily dropped your child off, you are legally consenting. This has been abused in many ways over the years. They are going to use this amoral principal to take children from parents en masse, on the basis of parent’s mental illness. Mental illness like being a dissenter, not getting jabs, not promoting gender dysphoria, etc. etc etc.
They will make the children eat ze bugz.
You will own nothing and be happy.
We will steal all of your possessions and property.
We will kidnap your children.
We will drug and mind influence you into thinking you are happy.
If you continue to comply and give consent, you aren’t going to make it.
The post WW2 consumer boom was an historically transient period…The Boomers gained because organised industrial labour was able to obtain concessions from Capitalism …Now that the industrial jobs have been shipped overseas there’s no organised resistance to Capitalism taking back what it was forced to cede…
‘It was only lent to the serfs, anyway, until it could be taken back. The serfs are having their self-aggrandising conceits revealed for the self-deceits that they are…They NEVER owned anything, and they are being returned to Owning Nothing !’
From now on, only your OBEDIENCE matters…
I don’t think being a left libertarian and being vehemently against any of these global bodies that the people have no way of holding to account are mutually exclusive. If we’re going to have some sort of state it would seem like aiming to feed everyone should be right up there as far as priorities – but as pointed out we have no reason to trust the actors who are pushing this stuff and imo anything global is inherently unsustainable.
In proving nefarious motive behind what would (to the average ignorant uninitiated bystander) seem a perfectly worthy cause (such as giving free meals to schoolkids) it generally helps to look for the ’33’:
Where does the ubiquitous ’33’ lurk in the particular scenario?
It’s always there. Somewhere in the mix. Sometimes overt, sometimes lurking a little under the surface. But nevertheless always there.
So … ‘meal’ = m+e+a+l = 13+5+1+12 = 31. Close, but no good. Two too short.
Likewise ‘free’ = 34. One too many.We would seem to have met an impossible impasse.
BUT… what if were to say “a free meal”?
After all, a schoolkid doesn’t get “free meal” but “a free meal” (basic grammar). And a free meal usually consists of two courses (main course and a dessert), not one!!!
Applying this to our research, and yes, “a free meal” does indeed add up to 66 = 2 x 33. One ’33’ for each course.
I recall primary school with affection. Not secondary. Back in the 70s they would segregate every generation when they reached third year. The split was between “Certificate” and “Special”. “Certificate” meant “Bound for University”. Everyone in the world knows what “Special” means. Cf. the five most terrifying words a new parent can hear: “You have a special child”. Though, to be sure, they couldn’t have always been so blatant. When one of my teachers saw the new listings, she muttered – in a none-too-quiet voice – “Special … so that’s what they’re calling it this year!”
And kids aren’t stupid. They soon twig. The “specials” get the fuck out as soon as they can. Meanwhile the “certified” move on to their “higher positions” – which usually just means commandeering a career at Uni, impressing gullible first years, and writing twaddle that always sells since it’s on the curriculum as “necessary reading” which everyone reads purely for the purpose of passing exams, getting the Big Certificate and landing a job which will have no relation whatsoever to what they studied. Meanwhile the “specials” often do better.
Green vegan food with ‘natural’ Corona vaxx and mineral water with flour, good for children’s teeth..
YUMMMM…can I get a side of flouride with that?
and a bug roll 🕷 🍔
No problem, just have a glass of tap water.
I’ll never know why vegan food (i.e. fruit, vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, seeds, GF grains, herbs, algae) are lumped in with the bugs, lab-grown whatever and genetically engineered shite the Controllers want us to eat. And now it’s being lumped in with BigPharma’s vaccines?!
Of course, I realise that a healthy vegan diet is not the kind of free lunches the Controllers have in mind for school children.
No, they love the vegan diet, because it can be farmed industrially more easily. It’s also deficient in the most important nutrients needed to reproduce (e.g. retinoic acid), and in important brain nutrients needed for brain development (e.g. cholesterol). They want our children to be sterile and stupid.
Your body makes all the cholesterol you’ll ever need – every cell produces it. The only fats we need to take in are omega 3 & 6 fatty acids.
And plant based provitamin A (the range of carotenoids available from plants) is converted into retinol, the animal based vitamin A.
The latter, if taken in excess, is dangerous, whereas plant based carotenoids cannot do any harm.
For sure, the psychopathic elite wants us all to be dumbed down and weakened but they achieve this through other means – propaganda in schools, in the media, through fake foods and fake medicines, etc.
We get enough and more Omega-6 from plant food. A ratio of it to Omega-3 is too high is bad.
Bioavailable retinol comes from sources like cod liver, beef liver, egg yolks, grassfed butter and milk. The danger of retinol is exaggerated, in an attempt to demonize healthy food, just like with red meat, cholesterol and fat. We also need animal fats, vegetable oils are inflammatory. (Except olive and coconut in moderation). As humans we do not have the same type of digestive systems as herbivores. We need real fat and protein. I was vegan for years and years, eating very clean and healthy plant based foods, and I started to suffer from a wide range of medical problems. And my digestive system crashed. It hurt to eat. I recommend the book “The Vegetarian Myth” and Weston A Price’s findings.
“As an ex-leftist” – I suppose I’m a bit of one, though very a-political and I’ve recently seen enough to put me off completely. It’s just half of another false binary and a very treacherous one too. I’ve also become a lot more picky about my food and wouldn’t eat a school dinner if I was paid. I even think that the NHS is sugar coated poison.
don’t even get me started on NHS food….
Best way to defeat your enemy is raise there children.
All these new ‘programs’ hide under the sheepskin of doing good, for eg: the massive influx of refugees and if you point it out you’re called racist; the promoting of children questioning their gender, and if you call this wrong you’re killing children who will suicide; net zero where if you point out c02 is good, you’re helping destroy the world. Ect.
Funding Your Own Enslavement, the Curse of Liberty Ignored – The Burning Platform (Oct 2019)
Quote from the conclusion – part 3:
“… I hope I have given you enough information to consider thinking of nation-states differently. To consider in your assessments of information and media; that nation states and governments are not independent of this global Money Cartel as long as it exists. Nor, can they be until the force of law is removed from dishonest money.
We must understand; nearly all major international organizations, sub-organizations, large non-taxable foundations, and their acting NGOs derived from this corruption, are illegitimate. Even the ones who do small acts of kindness in the world.
As they are derived from the same evil, included must be: The United Nations (UN), The Bank of International Settlements (BIS), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) all founded, endorsed, and/or directed by the same Money Cartel for purpose of oppression and control of peoples and resources through debt and war.
It should further be known: Non-profit does not equal good. Small acts of charity do not excuse massive social and political evils and manipulation afforded through special privilege and exemption from law.
AND; that supranational powers, through the sole virtue of powerful families being cunning enough to capture the currencies of the world and hold that control across generations, have come to influence and control all governments and people for their own benefit and that of the 20% that support them voluntarily or by coercion.
This is no way to live. …”
Yes. It’s really obvious once you find out the facts of finance.
When I entered high school circa 1960 a school lunch was 10 cents but if you didn’t have 10 cents it was free ! I remember eating my first hamburger in the high school cafeteria at that time . A school nurse was also on staff during that era in the larger schools , who regularly administered various government mandated vaccinations while monitoring the health of the student body ! No Internet/computers , limited telephone , and TV availability . Things have changed and not for the better , as runaway overpopulation destroys humanity, and profit seeking becomes the only goal of most of our rulers and their servants ?
Wrong about “runaway overpopulation”. The best way to naturally reduce birth rate is to educate the global population. People following a career path are less likely to have large families.
The Hydra has many heads, but the legends teach us that there are remedies for that sort of monster.
The Lambton Worm is another such legend
Our imaginations need to be quickened again, according to the times in which we live.
Perhaps the knee-jerk equation of “free” with “control” overlooks the essential point: ANYTHING someone else provides – whether for “free” or for a “price” – is controlled not by the consumer/buyer but by the producer/provider.
Human nature makes it way too easy for everything to turn mischievous. Paying 100 dollar pounds for a chicken nugget or getting it for free makes no difference in who controls the nugget from the gleam in Mr. Rooster’s eye to the thing handed to you on a platter.
Eating on a silver platter or a makeshift paper plate really isn’t the issue. Nor should it be made the issue.
All these dates so far out into the future: “We must do this by 2030” “We aim to achieve this by 2050” etc…Why doesn’t someone in charge say “You have three months to get this done”
I’ve started watching some of the recorded House of Commons select committees on YouTube. The quality of those being questioned is staggeringly low. Both from the private and public sector.
The motive for control is distrust in free human expression. Important social change takes time, decades. The less impactful the change, the less time it takes; so a small grocery store can plan on month-by-month basis, companies in year-by-year, etc. Governments and corporations that are powerful enough to have political interests plan change in generation-by-generation basis.
The Mirror gives the game away:
“UK weather forecast: Exact date maps turn red with 30C heat blast to hit in days”
Note how they didn’t say “date the temperatures soared” or “date the heat took off” but “dates maps turn red” which is at least undeniable. Though whether the maps had any connection with the actual weather is debatable.
Well they sure are taking credit for it today
S4S talks about this…
Funny how Queen was always predicting the world through their songs. Mysterious ways,
Or maybe it’s just the eternal recurrence that Nietzsche was talking about:
‘One man, one man
One bar, one night
One day, hey, hey
Just gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme fried chicken!
Vision, vision, vision, vision’
“Wild fires” are easily started in dry conditions, by bad actors.
The idea that hillsides spontaneously combust when the air temperature reaches 45° is nonsense.
Arson, industrial accidents (strimming, chainsaws etc), lightning can cause fires, however.
The process for the current “wild fires” was tested in a mostly deserted part of portugal in 2017.
However, a number of people (66?) died whilst escaping, as there aren’t many roads around there and they got trapped, apparently.
Please note “the President of the Portuguese Firefighters League expressed his conviction the fire was sparked by arsonists”
Search for “Pedrógão Grande fires 2017” for more info.
I recall there is some interesting post fire drone footage from the road where the people died.
I have a suspicion that many of these fires are a form of protest , set by those without access to guns or explosives , just as many of the so called drug overdose deaths among the worlds youth are probably suicides , the ultimate form of protest .
The arsonists I refer to are employed by secret services most likely.
They may use disenfranchised people to be the patsies.
Here is the fire map of British Columbia, Canada. We had no smoke until the covid alert started, yet the temperatures are the same as they have been in the past. I’ve lived here for over 50 years. These fires are not natural:
Being blunt: Yes they are.
It took millions of years for fire adapted species to develop.
These events occur on a geological time scale that one cannot comprehend such that he or she will make such a statement as you did.
It is not really a question of the fires but the conditions that are conducive to fire. It does not matter how they got started.
Fire scars on old growth timber can tell a good story about fire frequency in the last thousand years give or take. We are talking about a much longer time span of seasonal fires. Many natural communities will not burn without extreme drought conditions.
Fire is essential, however, to the survival and maintenance of these communities.
Blame it on climate change if you like. But don’t tell me that climate change is being caused or accelerated by human activities related to the combustion of fossil fuels.
It is just plain bunk.
It is nothing but an unproven theory being pushed by the Chicken Littles of the world.
At the end of the last ice age, give or take, 12,000 years ago the glaciers began melting and are still melting and will continue melting till they stop melting. Then they will start growing again. There is nothing we can do to stop or slow the natural cycle.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee has proven that Carbon Gasses are stable because of accelerated photosynthesis. 90% of so called greenhouse gas is water vapor. 6% is carbon. The rest is methane and other gasses. So much for the need for killing cows and blowing up cars and airplanes.
Being blunt again: Fear porn.
Some of the fires appear to be arson
My point: Does not matter how they started. Conditions are conducive for fire. Nature created the circumstances.
Arson should always matter,
it’s a crime, ..and a despicable one
Come on. Let’s pretend.
Like the ones in Australia 2020. Preparing us for hell?
Excellent reply but I think it does matter how they started. We have enough deception, lies and corruption in this world and now we just want truths. If natural event we want to know, if done by arsonists we want to know. It is important that if our lives are to be affected, it should be based on truth not lies.
the road is now known as the via mata, “death road”, i have friends living in pedrgão pequeno, they watched the fires from the hill where the igreja is, v frightening, the deceased persons cars engines all stopped as the fire was pulling all the oxygen.
other friends who live in the serra medina, sub alentejo river, live on a mountain property that was engulfed in fire back in the 1980s, the occupants then used to use the water storage tank and bamboo stems to shelter as the fire went over, livestock and pets likely fled or perished
the serra medina hasnt suffered from fires since it became part of the lisbon flight path, heavy rains are now very regular, noted by locals
when you go further south toward beja and ferreira alentejo you can buy agricultural land for a few thousand euro a hectare, why? there is no water, no matter how deep you drill, “saharafication ”
portugal, the land of dreams, tho many are broken dreams nursed with medronho, maciera and weed
Yes indeed, arson is not climate change, and climate change is not man-made or even man contributed. The idea that human and animal carbon dioxide and methane emissions are causing global warming is a total nonsense.
I recently watched a video with Tom Moser a NASA Engineer who gives a nice easy to follow summary of the truth:
Climate change is man-made (at least partially – solar activity is the other natural cause)! Just not in the way our Controllers would have you believe (the Co2 meme).
The military and big industry have been dabbling with the weather across the world for decades and refined their technology decade after decade. There are documents of their intent, as well as companies engaged in these methods who quite freely admit that that’s their business.
Being able to influence the weather (locally) is not climate change…
Good point.
Yes, you are right geo engineering including weather manipulation is definitely a part of creating a climate of fear about “extreme” weather events, however these are localised and not climate change.
Good share. Sent it around.
Thank you, appreciated.
In Corfu, Greece the Independent wrote the wildfires were caused by arsonists.On the island of Rhodes, the police are questioning a man suspected of arson ( On Corfu, arsonists are also suspected of igniting the wildfire sweeping the island (Evening Standard). Three other men have been arrested on suspicion of arson in yet other areas of the Greek islands (Greek City Times).
Greek wild fires have always been a thing, as has the role of arsonists in igniting them, according to Wikipedia – e.g. the 2007 wildfires with temps of over 40 degrees C (not unusual for Greece in summer) and suspected arson.
While some of the fires may be caused by negligence in the care taking of the natural environment (e.g. in Australia we do back burning of low scrub in the cool season to reduce the fuel for fires in summer), arsonists play a major role in those fires. The question is why?
Could it be that the young men (arson is a typical male delict) are frustrated with their lack of productive prospects and feeling disenfranchised, and this is being expressed through arson? Other factors that have been named include mental illness and/or being on the autism spectrum.
But the MS media are pretending these fires are a recent phenomenon and all due to climate change.
Seems to me exactly the same MO as the “lone wolf terrorist” who generally happens to be “known to the secret services”
I.e. spook trained patsies
Same in Australia and probably other places too.
I suspect deep state are arranging this. Its to document clima change and other liberal bs profit models.
In Australia the leftist ban burning of farmers crops, which actually is not only good for the soil but also make fire belts who stop wild fires to develop.
This together with arsonists make the wildfires in Australia which burn 5 times more of the nature than if farmers were allowed to maintain their good old traditions.
It wouldn’t surprise me very much if we discovered that the climate change activists are behind at least some of the arson. After all it get’s the headlines and the lefty globalist funded and censored media really gets off on anything that can be exaggerated as being man-made climate change.
I think this has already happened in Australia where the govt wants to clear the path for a fast rail project on the east coast where fires wrecked natural habitat and killed countless wild animals and people’s homes just coincidentally along the stretch of land where the railway line is going in.
Even in Australia, you’ll find the Greenies don’t like back burning, Supposedly robs native animals of their habitat. This despite the Aboriginals having carried it out for Millenia.
“over 90 “partners” (including the Rockefeller Foundation)”
Here are all the “partners”:
No doubt there’s a lot to be discovered here. For starters, I notice the C40 Cities Initiative (committed to abolishing car ownership and meat/dairy consumption by 2030 – London is one of them so extending ULEZ isn’t where Sadiq Khan’s plans stop whatever the people of Uxbridge think) and UNESCO (remember Julian Huxley’s paean to eugenics that is their manifesto) are two of them. Another one is Oxfam who recently abolished all use of the words ‘mother’ and ‘father’.
It was looking at the supporters of BLM and XR and finding pillars of the Fortune 100 like Bank of America that revealed the true nature of these bodies. The headline cause is one nobody much can oppose, but it’s what lies behind that like BLM’s strange fondness for transgendeism that was in their original manifesto.
When something’s free, you’re the product.
Yup. Sad, but true.
Man, you need to snap out of this. Anything, any policy, any initiative can be abused, and you might say that it just about always is and has always been, but going to phantasmagorical lengths to reject an essentially good thing is batshit fucking crazy.
You’ve been fucked up in the head by convid more than most of the people who might have fallen for the covidistic crap but have since essentially come back to normal.
Free or subsidized meals in schools are a good fucking thing period. If you don’t like some aspects of it or want to prevent free meals to be hijacked or piggybacked on by something else, focus on the something else, not on the meals per se.
What’s that? You somehow think that the utterly fucked up financial/economic system is the result of a recent deliberate action? Seriously?
The financial/economic system has been fucked up over long long decades due to multiple reasons, the most important being giving the western populations better living standard than what corresponds to their economic output.
Nice story.
Complete fantasy, but nice and comforting.
You’ll be saying inflation is “prices going up” as opposed to what is really is, dilution in value due to increase in the money supply, next.
Keep taking the pills
Leave it up to me what I’ll be saying next, tovarish.
The various ways wherewith the financial system has been screwed with is the result of trying to cheat the simple fact that the economic output of (western) populations is inferior to the living standard they enjoy and feel entitled to. There are numerous factors involved, including exploitation of slaves in other parts of the world, pillaging (their) resources/energy, and financial machinations (shifting costs into the future through debt, trying to offset that by inflation). Part of that is that people at the helm embezzle the fuck out of the system and make sure that they get more and everybody else less.
That changes nothing about the aforestated.
You plainly don’t know what you’re talking about. Fractional reserve banking is the alpha and omega of the impending financial crash, which is what covid and nearly every other globalist initiative is about.
I plainly do and the difference between us is that you observe things in a matter of years, whereas I consider developments over decades and centuries.
This phenomenon is colloquially referred to as not being able to see beyond the tip of your fucking nose.
Wanted, mistakenly, to give zorgling you or whatever name your calling yourself today, the benefit of the doubt. But it’s just impossible. You seem to love everything the parasites suggest & attack anyone else that doesn’t. Saying “Come up with a better plan” as if that makes the parasites plans worthier.
School meals will likely be used to weaken kids not strengthen them. It’s another way the State can poison kids, if so inclined. Frankly, many now advocate for home schooling & one hopes that that initiative achieves critical mass. But understand how difficult that is for some due to the rigged financial system. Whereby sometimes two incomes can still make it difficult for families to keep their heads above water.
You are just arguing the toss & about everything. Every single millimetre!!
Well, somebody has to be the devil’s advocate, n’est-ce pas. And you need the court jester too, don’t forget.
You’re succumbing too much to nihilistic, defeatist, out-and-out negativistic view that everything is fucked, that the glass is empty because the motherfuckers drink all of it.
All I hear is bitching how everything is fucked, in a kind of masochistically joyous manner – a case in point is this twit George Mc who literally wallows in the most putrid shit published in the media and then gleefully reports how it was.
People gotta snap out of this. I grew up in a totalitarian country where generations after generations were doing exactly that while the government kept fucking them over.
No. I’m advocating for people to make positive changes in their lives, if at all possible. As lockdown etc proved that “Our Rights” mean nothing & can be reinvented upon a whim.
The plans the parasites have coupled with their, seeming, determination to implement them. Leaves few options.
One, is to minimise how their plans can impact upon ‘your’ life. That means decoupling from their systems as best one can.By pursuing a path of Autonomy. Many seem to want a return to 2020 before our celebrity virus took the stage. I don’t & didn’t like the system waaay before that.
Yes, I do find many posters hypocritical but thems the breaks.
Agree with autonomy. Personally, I’ve been pursuing the path of autonomy my whole life, nothing new. I don’t really have to change anything. I’m more or less fine personally, but we’re discussing societal stuff.
It’s highly unlikely that a sizeable number of people will embrace autonomy anytime soon, the trend goes in the exact opposite direction. That’s simple a given you gotta work with.
So, like it or not, if you wanna do anything of consequence you gotta howl with the wolves, insofar as it doesn’t affect you too much. In other words, I’m not ready to decouple from the system by grabbing my family, they’re too old for that anyway, and fucking off into the deep woods in Yukon or Northwest Territories (even though that was kinda my plan should the shit ever hit the fan).
“I grew up in a totalitarian country where generations after generations were doing exactly that while the government kept fucking them over.”
And, yet, you trust the government to provide nutritious, life sustaining free meals to school children…..
You of all people should know that when the government steps in with wanting to help you, you should run for your life.
This victim role of the government. Couldnt the people take some personal responsibility?
You need a mom and dad and plenty of nannies in all your grown up life??
Had a pal who was sick of people telling him they were in a band or played an instrument,as they generally tell you pretty quickly upon meeting. He used to retort “Really you’re in a band! What do you play the fool?”
That is what you play when you are devil’s advocate for this and these themes.
He is just banging a stick around in a barrel to see what comes out. A young person panicking because he believes the World’s end propaganda being spewed by our leaders. Probably puppeting a leftist professor from a recent class he took (or is taking). The only cure is time and experience. I remember those days well. College know-it-alls. Don’t believe everything you read (or watch). Just because you can does not mean you should. Extremism is a demonstration of ignorance (inexperience). It all comes out in the wash of life. He hasn’t been in the washing machine long enough. Be happy. Get married. Raise kids they way you see fit. Spoil your grand kids. Die happy.
Yes I agree. Well said!
Reducing everything to economics is a logical cul d’ sac from which there can be no exit except to go back the way one entered it ?
“You’ve been fucked up in the head by convid more than most of the people who might have fallen for the covidistic crap but have since essentially come back to normal.”
You mean those who have fallen for it and believed the official discourse are now “normal” in the sense that they recovered their wits, woken up to the medical charade and have learned the lesson, not to be used again? Or in the sense that they recovered the usual sleeping condition they had before, the same that permitted the State to use them to rescue the system?
The “normal” state described in that context could only be the state of mind that didn’t see the obvious irrationality of the three last years, or to put it more accurately, judged rational extremely irrational behaviour by the State.
IMO, better be highly f’d up in the head than in that “normal” state.
If you see irrationality where it is, okay. If you become obsessed with irrationality and see it where it ain’t, not okay.
Agreed with that on principle. However, this is not a problem of formal logic in the sense that irrationality is either there or it isn’t and if you have no indication it’s there then it isn’t there; or like “I’m human; humans are mortal; therefore, I’m mortal.” It’s to do with how humans are hardwired to learn from experience and become wary and suspicious after bad experiences; no rationalising can overcome biological wiring; so psychology and psychiatry tell us, and so human experience tells us.
The experience of the last three years, for those who were consciously aware of the humiliation they were subjected to, and the insults to their intelligence they had to stand, evidently left scars, whether one likes it or not. Not physical scars one can heal from quickly, but scars embedded in their psyche; scars that later become suspiciousness and wariness. Can we ask of them to forget those scars and start anew? Can historical content and its associated behaviour be removed from an individual and leave only the ahistorical intellect, the formal logic such as the individual acts as if they hadn’t gone through their own past? How can we argue against biology that escapes rational will?
But there is a simpler argument: “Everyone of us has the opinions and actions given to one by one’s own experience”. If I agree to that statement for myself, not agreeing to it for another would be self-contradictory.
Fuck! A new week and a new moniker … Ho-hum.
I wonder if the admins keep track of all the handles this individual uses?
Kupte tomuto chlápkovi pivo!
Jacques, this is a waste of your time and you know it.
You are wasting your time and you know it.
I was thinking more along the lines of curricula. Each bag of “food” will come with a mandatory curriculum change.
The advisory board of University Presidents will have overseen the development of the curricula.
Eventually all these new students, indoctrinated with globalism, will be escorted by the United Nations to the southern border of the United States where they will ask for asylum.
And they will get it.
Unlike what you think, it’s not that easy to indoctrinate anybody, including kids.
The determining factor for kids’ worldviews is the home, their parents. If the parents maintain healthy views and through their actions and explanations show their kids that there are discrepancies between what the school, the government, the media, the fucking church, whoever says and reality or the right things to do and think, the kids will be pretty much okay, and any attempts at indoctrination will be water off a duck’s back.
In contrast, if parents are conventional conformists who obediently comply with scripts the outer world tries to foist on them, kids will be just like that.
Thus, if you’re afraid that school will indoctrinate your kid, you need to take a long look at yourself in the mirror.
Paradoxically, the biggest problem with attempts to indoctrinate people is not that they’ll succumb to indoctrination, but that they’ll throw the baby out with the bathwater, meaning that in pushing back against indoctrination, they’ll reject some positive aspects that are either part of whatever is being imposed on them or is somehow laterally connected.
You can observe this phenomenon right here, both in this article, which rejects the completely beneficial concept of free meals for kids, and in the comments, where one idiot after another rejects school and even education as such.
It was certainly easy to indoctrinate me.
Most people are well prepped for indoctrination due to their religious upbringing which fucks up their heads with the concept of BELIEF IN AUTHORITY.
I wasn’t subjected to that, thanks to the place where I grew up being at the top of the list of irreligious nations. We know why – motherfuckers have fucked us over countless times in the past using religious pretext.
Hence, a new curriculum. You are missing the point. Maybe you have not been following the trend in the U.S. The targeting of parents attending school board meetings to protest the Woke curriculum. California is ramming woke books down the throats of local school districts under the threat of fines and criminal prosecution. Children are vulnerable and schools are using that vulnerability to undermine parents. You need to pay attention to alternative news outlets. You won’t see this in the MSM. You catch the part where President Biden announced that your children are “our” children? Or when the Governor of California declared that the State is going take children away from their parents if the parents don’t conform to “state standards”. Must have missed that one too. One big commune. Indoctrination is real. Just like the conscripts in Germany prior to WWII. I met one of those conscripts in person. She defended Hitler 40 years after the war ended. Not everyone can home school but the trend is climbing and Blue State governors know it. And they want to build a road block to stop it. The politically powerful hard left organization known as the National Education Association (NEA) is pushing hard to stop homeschooling. One big happy family of tyrants working together to infect the minds of children so than can train them to become socialists. Sounds whacky, doesn’t it. Just a paranoid psychotic. That’s all I am. Those things aren’t really happening. Close your eyes and click your heels and it won’t be long before you are safe in your 15 minute city cubicle high rise getting stoned and playing video games while snacking on crickets and vat food. All that saved energy will be funneled into the elite so they can can continue living their lavish lifestyles without a care in the world. Are you a have or a have not? That is the question you need to answer for yourself. If a have not, you need to be prepared to fight with the rest of us. Your laziness and unwillingness to participate in fighting the tyranny won’t go unnoticed.
Sadly, say something is “free” and most people are going to take it.
Irrespective of the fact nothing is “free” and the “money” comes from somewhere (usually from other people just like you, taxpayers)
Yup. Just like those free shots….