Trans Rights and the Order of Speech: Part One

Simon Elmer

‘There is a new word in Newspeak’, said Syme, ‘I don’t know whether you know it: duckspeak, to quack like a duck. It is one of those interesting words that have two contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it is abuse; applied to someone you agree with, it is praise.’
George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-four, 1949

I didn’t go to London Pride this year. In truth, I haven’t been for years, since the early 2000s, not only because of the festival’s increasing commercialisation as a platform for corporate advertising in search of the so-called ‘pink pound’, but because of its more recent embrace of the Metropolitan Police Force and the London Mayor, who have used it to promote themselves as ‘LGBTQIA+ friendly’ while overseeing the increase in their power over us, whether that’s in new Stop and Search powers against protesters or the Ultra-Low Emission Zone about to enclose all London in its tax regime.

Now, though, I am not merely disappointed — if no longer surprised — by the failure of the increasingly apolitical gay community to resist or even question this appropriation and co-option of Pride, or concerned about how a festival of resistance and solidarity in which I was proud to participate back in the 1990s has become the enforced orthodoxy of the UK biosecurity state to which every politician, institution and public figure must pay homage and exhibit dogmatic obedience. Today, in 2023, I am directly opposed to Pride’s recent, politically dubious and morally indefensible embrace of the violence, abuse and misogyny of what has come to be known as ‘trans-rights’. In this article I’m going to discuss why.

I’ve been meaning to write this article for some time, maybe years, since the orthodoxies of trans first crept into our culture comparatively recently. It was only in January 2017 that National Geographic, then the most-read magazine in the world, put a 9-year old boy on its cover with the quote: ‘The best thing about being a girl is now I don’t have to pretend to be a boy’ (the boy later recanted).

I’ve discussed the authoritarianism of woke in my book, The Road to Fascism, and why it is now the official ideology of the West; and I’ve made reference to the link between the transhuman programmes of what I call the Global Biosecurity State — which has emerged from the coronavirus ‘crisis’ as the new paradigm of governance in the West — and the practices of trans identity, which include the use of puberty blockers on children and the promise of ‘transitioning’ from one sex to another through hormone therapy and surgical mutilation. But as these practices and the ideology driving them have become more institutionalised, particularly in our schools, I have known that I would have to write an article devoted solely to this topic.

I have found it unusually difficult, however, to put my thoughts on this issue in order. Partly, this is because of my horror and fears at the thought of children being subjected to the predations of a medical industry that has just shown itself, under the guise of a vaccination programme, willing to inject experimental gene therapies into a demographic that is statistically immune to the disease their parents were told it would protect them from. Partly it is because of the absurdity and tedium of having to argue rationally and calmly against the irrationality and hysteria of these orthodoxies, which fly in the face of everything we know about human biology — and, indeed, what we call intellectual and moral debate.

But there is another reason, too. Since I am talking not only about an ideology, a political practice and an industry but also about people, it’s hard to discuss the former without speaking of my relation to the latter. In the past I have known and, as a Londoner, still on occasion meet transvestites, drag queens and, occasionally, a man or women who is undergoing or has undergone some sort and degree of medical ‘transition’ that, they hope, will make or has made them happier, more content with themselves, more at ease in the world — nothing more, perhaps, than what we all want. I once counted several of them as my friends, and although I am repelled by the new breed of violent young men who think wearing a dress gives them the right to threaten and attack women and then denounce anyone who disagrees with their dogma as ‘Nazis’, I am very aware that anything I say about the enforced orthodoxies of this ideology will undoubtedly be interpreted as an attack on those who, under the doctrinaire catch-all of ‘trans’, have had all the distinctions between their practices, behaviours, beliefs and identities reduced to the descriptively inaccurate, sociologically reductive, politically totalising, biologically meaningless and medically fraudulent term ‘transgender’. How this has been done, why and to what ends is what I want to address in this article.

The Castrated Self

On 23 March this year a protest was organised by students at Purdue University in the State of Indiana, USA. Unusually, it took the form not only of chants and banners at the protest but, later in the day, of a block party and drag show organised by oSTEM (Out in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Inc.), an LGBTQ+ organisation with over 100 professional and student chapters in the USA and UK. The occasion for these actions was the visit of the conservative political commentator, Michael Knowles, who during his talk to a sold-out crowd of 400 students called for the ‘eradication of the ideology of transgenderism’, and discussed how parents could protect their children from educational institutions enforcing its orthodoxies.

Purdue is a prestigious research university specialising in science, engineering and aviation, and whose alumni include twenty-five astronauts, Nobel Prize-winning physicists and chemists, Pulitzer Prize winning journalists and senior politicians in the US and other countries. Of its more than 50,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students, 85 per cent are categorised as ‘affluent’ — and they need to be. This year, Purdue charged an annual tuition fee of $9,992 for in-state students and $28,794 for out-of-state students.

As Mr. Knowles gave his lecture, in the hallway outside students stood chanting ‘Fuck off Nazis’ over and over for the duration of his talk. Many of them wore medical masks. Along the corridor, young women marched like drill sergeants between their lines. One wore the pale-blue, pink and white trans flag emblazoned with a black assault rifle and the words ‘DEFEND YOURSELF’, which means far more in the US, where 327 people are shot every day, than it does in the UK. The home-made banners said a lot about this ideology. ‘Eradicate transphobia’. ‘Unite to fight anti-trans bigotry’. ‘For the good of society conservativism must be eradicated’. ‘Intellectual discourse requires intellect’. ‘Shut the fuck up’.

These are not the terms of a debate, in a university or anywhere else. These are authoritarian instructions issued from a platform of growing cultural and political hegemony that has come to be known as ‘woke’, and these wealthy students from the US middle classes are its future politicians, civil servants, lawyers, doctors, scientists, professors, teachers, curators, journalists, company directors and institutional administrators.

The policing and manipulation of human sexuality has always been used by authoritarian and particularly totalitarian states to control the behaviour of its citizens. But across the West today, not only the adolescent, puritanical, censorial and increasingly legislated sexual orthodoxies of woke but now also the gender orthodoxies of trans are being indoctrinated into children by our education and entertainment industries, normalised to the British public in our media and cultural industries, and written into our laws and policies by our government, parliament and local authorities. And the goal is the same: to control the behaviour of UK citizens. To this end, the UK biosecurity state has programmes and technologies undreamed of by the totalitarianisms of the Twentieth Century, whether that’s repressing desire in obedience to the orthodoxies of biosecurity (for example, the effective ban on sex between people from separate households under lockdown restrictions) or — as demonstrated by the students of Purdue University — releasing the pent-up libido of the compliant in exaggerated anger and hatred directed against those who fail to obey.

Indeed, the contempt for and violence against women we associate with the machismo of historical fascism, and which has returned today in the guise and on the justification of defending so-called ‘trans-rights’, demonstrates how easy it is for the ideologues of woke to direct the emotions and behaviour of its acolytes.

If we look to historical parallels, it took just twelve years for the Third Reich to make soldiers from the Hitler Youth, the membership of which was compulsory for all German children between 10 and 18 years of age, and less than that for the Nazi Party to turn them into paramilitary Brownshirts (Sturmabteilung) whose membership had risen to 3 million by the time they formed a government in 1933. In the wake of a similar financial crisis to that which gave rise to fascism, woke started to receive governmental, institutional and financial backing after the Occupy Movement of 2011-12, which drew attention to the inequality produced by the global financial system — pronouns being easier to police than challenges to finance capitalism. But we should remember the trajectory of the Hitler Youth when judging the import and seriousness of the growing number of activists calling on transvestites to arm themselves and — as they openly declare — ‘Kill the TERFS’ (an acronym for ‘Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists’). Just as the National Socialists propagated such attitudes towards Bolsheviks and Jews, trans has fashioned a paranoid and absolutist ideology that reduces any questioning of its dogma to a threat to the existence of its acolytes. We’ve seen this repeatedly stated by trans activists claiming that anything less than vocal agreement (‘silence is violence’) and obedient compliance with their dictates (‘respect existence or expect resistance’) is a murderous attack on their lives (‘protect trans kids’). As Pastor Martin Niemöller might have said: ‘First they came for the TERFS…’

Given which, is it any wonder that the pathetic young men lining the corridors of the Purdue University union shouting ‘fuck off Nazis’, their every utterance policed by ‘butch’ girls of indeterminate gender, are so ready to pull on a dress and cut off their genitals in a desperate attempt to gain access to the phallic order they’ve so easily surrendered to trans tyranny? The phallic order, as we have had demonstrated over the past three-and-a-half years, determines who has the right to speak. The phallus, in psychoanalytic theory, is not the penis but the sign of this right. When Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, for example, proclaimed that her Government was the ‘single source of truth’ and that New Zealanders should trust no other, she was laying claim to the phallus. When radical feminists claim that ‘all men are rapists’, or a transgender exponent of critical race theory claims that ‘all white people are racist’, they are making the same claim to the phallus. And, once again, it’s to the same ends as the Nazis who declared that all Jews were bankers, or all Bolsheviks were degenerate. The stereotypes are different, but their ideological function in identifying an imaginary threat (coronavirus, rape, racism, transphobia) and silencing its representatives (conspiracy theorists, men, white people, TERFS) is the same. Trans, like every absolutist ideology, refuses to debate with what it classifies and dismisses as ‘transphobes’. Indeed, this refusal is one of the principles of this ideology, which its acolytes are proud to declare.

As examples of which, in 2021 Richard Dawkins, one of Britain’s most eminent evolutionary biologists, author of The Selfish Gene, one of the most influential science books of all time, the former Professor for Public Understanding of Science at the University of Oxford, an outspoken atheist, vocal critic of pseudo sciences and defender of free speech, declared that, while race is a spectrum, ‘sex is pretty damn binary’. In response, the American Humanist Association that in 1996 had awarded Dawkins the Humanist of the Year award stripped him of the title, and he was vilified in the press as ‘anti-trans’ and ‘right wing’. Then earlier this year, when the LGBTQ+ online newspaper, Pink News, claimed that science in fact ‘debunks’ what they call ‘anti-trans myths’, they began their learned rebuttal by asserting that those who ‘deny trans rights’ — by which they mean the right to control what we can say — also ‘deny the fact that humans drive global climate change and spread misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine’. The rest of the article, of course, contained no ‘science’ but simply repeated the founding principle of this new order of speech — which, as the author rightly points out, encompasses not just the orthodoxies of trans but also those of the experimental gene therapies and environmental fundamentalism — that disagreeing with its dogma is harmful, dangerous and ‘rooted in harmful beliefs’. Like the acolytes of critical race theory who proudly declare they’re ‘no longer talking to white people about race’, the ideologues of trans don’t ‘do’ debate.

Contrary to what its ideologues and fanatics assert, disagreeing with someone’s beliefs does not endanger their existence. Like the majority of the population of the UK, I do not believe that someone can change their biological sex through medical ‘transition’; nor do I believe they should be permitted simply to declare their gender and then be regarded as such under UK law. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t extend the courtesy of addressing a transvestite man, for example, with a female pronoun and by his female name; but that is conditional upon him not accusing me of wanting to kill him and his fellow transvestites for not obediently repeating the mantra that ‘transwomen are women’. And I won’t be made to do so by the threat of arrest for ‘hate speech’ for not according someone’s personal fantasy the value of biological reality. There are many people in this country with whom I disagree on any number of beliefs without hating them or endangering their existence. Many, indeed, despite our difference of opinion, I continue to debate with, because the agreement to disagree with someone without attacking them physically or threatening them with arrest is how a mature society arrives at coexistence of its population. That is how inclusivity works. By contrast, accusing someone who disagrees with your beliefs of endangering your existence and then threatening to arrest them is how a spoilt child behaves and an authoritarian and dictatorial society controls its population.

The flip side to this absolutism is that obedience to the orthodoxies of trans requires a symbolic and sometimes an actual act of emasculation, and with it a willing yielding of speech, which is replaced by repetition of its dogma. Castration, whether through medical procedure or symbolic transition into the masquerade of femininity, is the cutting out of the tongue, the organ of speech, but also the severing of the Western male’s historic domination of the phallic order for no other reason than his sex. However, this is not to the benefit of women or a feminist discourse of gender. The castrated self, who has voluntarily torn out not only the organs of ‘their’ sexual identity — penis, vagina, breasts — but also their tongues, is the ideal because sexless subject of the Global Biosecurity State. They speak in dogma (Orwell’s ‘duckspeak’) because their tongue-less mouths are now the organs of the state, empty instruments for the sounding of its propaganda. The penis — whether that which has been surgically removed from the male body or that which has been moulded from the flesh of an arm or leg and grafted onto the female body as its functionless but symbolic representation — has become the phallus of the state. In this respect they resemble those actors and celebrities who sold their mouths and reputations to promote the lies of the government about the justification for social distancing, masking and lockdown or the safety and efficacy of the gene therapies injected into the public as vaccines.

Trans, however, contrary to its ubiquitous slogan, isn’t a demand for new human rights apparently unique to this castrated self. Trans is an imposed order of speech determining who can and cannot speak, what can and cannot be said, what must be repeated without question and what must be silenced — if necessary by physical violence. Like fascism, trans is not content merely with censoring the speech of those outside its symbolic order — and which it has identified and categorised with the prefix ‘cis’ — but demands, in addition, that those so designated speak only its dogma. This starts with the new division of humankind not into the old and now rejected biological difference between male and female but into the new ideological differentiation between ‘cisgender’ and ‘transgender’. And like the Nazi distinction between Aryan and Jew, or the Zionist distinction between Jew and Arab, this is not a difference between equals but a new hierarchy between the chosen people and those whose identities the acolytes of trans describe with such derogatory terms as ‘toxic’ (masculinity or femininity), ‘unreconstructed’ (male or female).

This language explicitly suggests that the signifiers of our sexual difference require purging, surgically removing, and the bodies and identities to which they belonged reconstructing — more, that humans are born into a defective male or female identity that requires correcting by the chemical, surgical and ideological intervention of the biosecurity state. In this respect, trans shares the Puritan’s notion of original sin, which it seeks to redress through a biomedical model of the human being the trans consumer is invited to assemble from a choice of identities — agender, androgyne, butch, femme, genderfluid, intersex, non-binary, pangender, queer, transsexual, and a hundred other brands.

Perhaps because it has been prefabricated for its consumers, the ideology of trans, while denouncing anyone who questions it as a ‘Nazi’, is open and even proud about using the methods of historical fascism to threaten and silence its opponents. As an example of which, during her recent trip to New Zealand to speak on the threat to women’s rights presented by the ideology of trans, the British woman and founder of Standing for Women, Kellie-Jay Keen, was nearly lynched by a crowd of male and female trans-activists. In response to which, Tess Hall, a New Zealand writer and herself a trans-activist, published footage of herself burning a book by the writer, J. K. Rowling, whose defence of women’s rights and the biological difference between the sexes have made her a unique target for the vitriol and hatred of the trans movement. And the parallels with historical fascism don’t stop there.

Whether fluttering on their flagpoles above the Houses of Parliament, the Foreign Office,  the Department for Education, the Department for Communities and Local Government and — most incongruously of all — MI6, or hung the length and breadth of London’s Regent Street that so recently held the Union Jack, or printed on the vehicles used by the Metropolitan Police Service, Essex Police and the Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service, or displayed on walls in the Victoria and Albert Museum and the British Library, or hung from the porticos of University College London and Brunel University, or sprayed across the new link bridge of the Princess Royal University Hospital in Farnborough, or hung by a transvestite minister across the windows of the prayer room of a children’s hospital in Edinburgh, or hoisted above the Town Halls of Brighton and Hove, Barking and Dagenham, Bristol and Liverpool, or painted over pedestrian crossings in the London Boroughs of Sutton and Camden, or printed on the cricket stumps used in this summer’s Ashes series: not since the Nazi swastika has a symbol and flag branded so many aspects of society or been so widely imposed. But that was in the Third Reich and its occupied territories, which even at its height ruled over just 280 million people in Europe; whereas the LGBTQIA+ Intersex-Inclusive Progress Pride flag — which every year adds another letter, incorporates another colour, assimilates another movement, swallows another identity, creates another community of victims — is the adopted symbol of the New World Order in the West and the 900 million people on whose speech it has imposed its order.

As the last three-and-a-half years have shown, the international technocracies from whom our elected governments take their orders like to trial their programmes on smaller countries before implementing them in the Anglo-sphere. And just as coronavirus-justified restrictions in New Zealand, Australia and Canada were testing grounds for the USA, so too the more extreme applications of trans laws have been tested in Scotland, Wales and Ireland before they are implemented in the UK. The Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill was passed by the Scottish Parliament on 22 December, 2022, empowering a child as young as 16 and a man or woman of any age to attain a Gender Recognition Certificate that would allow them to change the sex on their birth certificate without a diagnosis of gender dysphoria. Although subsequently vetoed by the Secretary of State for Scotland on the grounds that it was incompatible with the Equality Act 2010, the Scottish Government has promised to challenge this decision through a judicial review.

Similarly, although the UK Government has no power over the Government of Ireland, the latter’s National Council for Curriculum and Assessment is currently consulting on the draft for their updated Senior Cycle Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) programme. It is indicative of the biopolitical dimension of this programme that it includes the social and personal development of students aged 15-18 with education in ‘mental health and well-being’; but among the reasons for updating the curriculum the Council includes the need to ‘address gender equality’ and ‘gender-based violence’. If we imagined that this refers to the equality between women and men, the draft clarifies that, in the 60 hours of classroom learning allocated to this programme, teachers will adopt an approach that is ‘inclusive of all genders’, and ensure that learning outcomes are taught in a way that ‘LGBTQ+ identities’ are ‘fully integrated and reflected in teaching and learning’. And in case we aren’t sure what this entails, SPHE, the draft states:

Affirms diversity as an aspect of human life and human sexuality, enabling all students to feel valued and included in the teaching and learning in their classrooms. This involves using inclusive and affirming language.

Inclusivity, according to this by now familiar distortion of the term, means strict adherence to the ideological orthodoxies of trans. As confirmation of which, students, as part of their assessment, will have to demonstrate what the draft calls ‘a change or confirmation of beliefs/attitudes/assumptions/values’.

It’s not difficult to believe that an equivalent programme of indoctrination into this order of speech will be imported into the UK sooner rather than later; but apart from observing that these beliefs, attitudes, assumptions and values were, until recently, held by a tiny, marginal and culturally extreme minority of the UK or, indeed, the Irish population, we should also ask when our schools became institutions of indoctrination into this or any other ideology. Admittedly, all education contains an ideology implicit in its understanding of the world, cultural assumptions, historical justifications and pedagogical methods; but imposing a new order of speech represents a radical departure from the principles of a liberal arts education that have been progressively erased by forty years of neoliberalism. As this example demonstrates, this is being replaced by a model of education that has more in common with those employed in totalitarian regimes of the past and present.

I want to conclude these remarks with a passage I quote a lot, from the inaugural lecture delivered at the Collège de France in 1977 by the French semiologist and critic, Roland Barthes, a homosexual man (long before the nomenclature of ‘gay’ was universally adopted) who — I like to think — would be appalled by and opposed to the fascism of trans ideology:

Language is legislation, speech is its code. We do not see the power which is in speech because we forget that all speech is a classification, and that all classifications are oppressive. [The Russian linguist Roman] Jakobson has shown that a speech-system is defined less by what it permits us to say than by what it compels us to say. To speak, and, with even greater reason, to utter a discourse is not, as is too often repeated, to communicate; it is to subjugate. Language — the performance of a language system — is neither reactionary nor progressive; it is quite simply fascist; for fascism does not prevent speech, it compels speech.

A New Lysenkoism

The characteristics of trans qualify it as a form of Lysenkoism. This is named after the Stalinist biologist, Trofim Lysenko, who rejected the genetic theory of hereditary formulated by the German-Czech biologist, Gregor Mendel. In place of which, Lysenko argued not only that characteristics of organisms that were acquired from their environment over their lifetime can be inherited by their offspring, but also that in doing so one species can transform into another.

Lysenkoism — which at the time was called ‘Michurinism’, after the Russian plant breeder, or ‘agrobiology’ or ‘Soviet Darwinism’ — was adopted as the official doctrine of the USSR in 1948. After which, Soviet scientists were forced to denounce criticisms of Lysenkoism as ‘bourgeois’ or ‘fascist’; genetics, in which the Soviet Union led the world at the time, was dismissed as a ‘pseudo-science’; and some 3,000 Soviet biologists were fired from their posts, imprisoned or in some cases executed by the state. At the height of his power over Soviet biology, when he denied the existence of genes, Lysenko claimed that wheat raised in the appropriate environment could produce seeds of rye. This was an absurdity unmatched in biology, perhaps, until today’s assertion that a man who undergoes surgical ‘transition’ can become a woman not only in law but in fact. Applied with disastrous results to agricultural policy after the Soviet famine of 1932-33 that had been caused by the collectivisation of farming, Lysenko’s theories in practice reduced crop yields in the USSR; and, when applied in China, contributed to the Great Famine that between 1959 and 1961 killed tens of millions of Chinese.

In this respect, Lysenkoism has parallels with the imposition of so-called ‘organic’ agricultural policies in Sri Lanka in 2021, which like Lysenko meant banning pesticides and fertilizers, and which in a year reduced rice production by more than 50 per cent. Largely regarded now as a pseudo-science, ‘Lysenkoism’ has come to be used as a term for any deliberate distortion of scientific facts or theories for politically or ideologically expedient ends.

A more recent example of Lysenkoism is the once popular and now discredited notion of the ‘gay gene’, which itself was a product of the increasing biomedicalisation of what is socially or psychologically or otherwise determined, and which shared with the ideology of trans an essentialist understanding of identity. By this I mean the increasingly dominant idea that we are born with an essential self — whether ‘gay’ or ‘female’ — but that normalising social and sexual conventions have repressed this true identity as ‘straight’ or ‘male’. We hear this expressed in the endlessly repeated injunction in popular culture and advertising alike to ‘be who you are’, ‘become the real you’. The authentic self is the dream of the commodity.

However, I don’t subscribe, either intellectually or morally, to these perceptions of gender or sexuality or indeed of identity, all of which are products of the relatively recent and deeply regressive ideology of identity politics. Whether deployed in advertising campaigns, by government ‘nudge’ units or by city mayors appealing to targeted demographics, such essentialism is always an attempt to control others by categorising the multiplicity of identities we assume throughout our lives into some preferably biologically-authorised, state-legislated ‘I’ whose religious, racial, sexual and now gender ‘characteristics’ are protected under the Equality Act 2010. I don’t believe — and I oppose the assertion — that a pubescent girl uncomfortable at growing breasts, or a teenage girl who doesn’t conform to the behavioural codes of femininity, should be told that they are boys; just as I don’t believe and oppose the assertion that a pubescent boy who likes to wear his sister’s dresses, or a young man finding it hard to enter adulthood in an economy and society in which the roles particular to men have so rapidly diminished, are therefore girls or women.

Contrary to the fundamentalist belief on which transgenderism has constructed its orthodoxies, one cannot be ‘born into the wrong body’, because there is no I separate from the body. This notion of a dualism between mind and body originated in ancient philosophies and religions, but has long been refuted by post-Cartesian philosophy and is incompatible with modern psychiatry and neuroscience. The division — whose terms the advertising for so-called medical ‘transition’ promises to unite — is not between the body of the transvestite and their ‘true’ self, but between the perception of the transgender-identifying individual and everything we know about reality.

It beggars belief that such an explicitly ideological pseudo-science has been embraced by the UK state and its institutions, and with rare exceptions has not been challenged by the scientific community. But unfortunately — and disgracefully — UK biologists have been as threatened into compliance and funded into promoting the orthodoxies of trans as UK epidemiologists and virologists were on the equally fraudulent ‘consensus’ over a threat to public health that never existed and the largely medieval responses to a pandemic that never materialised. If we think that Lysenkoism is a phenomenon of the past, in the last few years alone the equally manufactured scientific ‘consensus’ on the threat of SARS-CoV-2, on the effectiveness of social distancing and so-called lockdown, on the justification for mandatory masking and experimental gene therapies, on the imminence of environmental catastrophe and on the sustainability of so-called ‘green’ sources of energy, have all demonstrated that the deliberate distortion of science for political ends is alive and well and thriving in the West.

And just as the ideas of Trofim Lysenko could only have gained a scientific ‘consensus’ in a totalitarian regime, so too the orthodoxies of trans are the products of a new digital totalitarianism. In a decade which is facing previously unimagined programmes and technologies of identification, surveillance and control — the foremost of which is a system of Digital Identity that will be verifiable by biometric data — the division and categorisation of the populations of the West into, as of 2023, an absurd 107 genders is inseparable from the trans-human ideology that has made us, in such a short period of time, accept and even embrace the new orthodoxies of speech and belief being enforced in the Global Biosecurity State.

As a biopolitical strategy, indoctrinating young children into trans ideology, which now includes exposing them to transvestite male strippers, will drive parents to take them out of schools in such numbers that it will be used to justify legislation taking children into the care of the state. In this respect, trans is the ideology of biopolitics, creating consensus for changes to law that are already being made, and whose aim is to place the human being under the authority of the state from the moment it is born — and one day, perhaps, even earlier.

We have already taken the first step in that direction with the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, which was made into law in April 2021, when the UK was still under lockdown restrictions, and in the same month the UK Health Security Agency was formed from Public Health England, the NHS Test and Trace programme and the Joint Biosecurity Centre. In response to this legislation, in December 2022, the Crown Prosecution Service expanded the definition of ‘abuse’ by partners and family towards ‘trans and non-binary’ persons to include ‘withholding money for transitioning’ and ‘refusing to use their preferred name or pronoun’. In effect, this means that, once a child has been convinced by trans ideology that he or she was ‘born in the wrong body’, the UK state now has the legal right and duty to force that child’s family not only to recognise this psychological disorder as a biological fact but to pay for their child’s surgical mutilation — or face criminal charges. Before this guidance was published, in May 2022 the CPS hired a ‘diversity and inclusion’ officer who, in addition to being a male transvestite, has publicly used the derogatory terminology of ‘TERF’ to insult women who challenge his definition of their sex. It’s a measure of how officially sanctioned the ideology of trans now is that such a man is now shaping the enforcement of UK law.

Beyond censoring dissent and criminalising non-compliance, however, the ultimate goal of trans ideology is eugenics — that is, the medical sterilisation of those members of a population that are ideologically susceptible or legally subject to its orthodoxies. Under changes to legislation and policy, that may one day include the entire population, and not just of the UK. Indeed, the justification and promotion of the surgical mutilation of children by the medical industry on the spurious grounds of upholding their ‘trans rights’ is the realisation of boasts by World Economic Forum founder, Klaus Schwab, that the Fourth Industrial Revolution will lead to ‘a fusion of our physical, our digital and our biological identities’.

The WEF has already issued instructions on how US corporations should incorporate ‘transgender women’ into their workplace, and have identified LGBT+ inclusion as the secret to the post-pandemic success of 15-minute cities.

The government legislation criminalising dissent and compelling compliance with this new ideology, the parallel corporate development of the technologies for the surveillance and enforcement of its laws, and the institutional promotion and implementation of its orthodoxies, all demonstrate that the universal adoption of trans is not coincidental to the Great Reset of Western civilisation but, rather, the post-human ideology driving this revolution into the new totalitarianism of the Global Biosecurity State.

This point was made most explicitly by Yuval Harari, the Israeli transhumanist, ideologue of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, personal advisor to Klaus Schwab, and author of the best-selling trilogy Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (2014), Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow (2016) and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century (2018) — the first of which has been turned into both a graphic novel and a child’s book in order to better disseminate and popularise his ideas. In an interview given in 2017, Harari laid out his vision of this transhuman future with all the cruelty and inhumanity of a latter-day Joseph Goebbels:

  • In the industrial revolution of the Nineteenth Century, what humanity learned to produce was stuff like textiles and shoes and weapons and vehicles, and this was enough for [the] very few countries that underwent the revolution fast enough to subjugate everybody else.
  • What we are talking about now is like a second industrial revolution, but the product this time will not be textiles or machines or vehicles or even weapons; the product this time will be humans themselves. We are basically learning to produce bodies and minds. Bodies and minds are going to be the two main products of the next wave. And if there is a gap between those that know how to produce bodies and minds and those who do not, then this [gap will be] far greater than anything we have seen before in history.
  • This time, if you’re not part of the revolution fast enough, then you’ll probably become extinct. Once you know how to produce bodies and minds, cheap labour in Africa or South Asia or wherever counts for nothing. I think that the biggest question in the economics and politics of the coming decades will be what to do with all these useless people. I don’t think we have an economic model for that.
  • My best guess — which is just a guess — is that food will not be a problem. With that kind of technology, you will be able to produce food for everybody. The problem is more boredom — what to do with them, and how will they find some sense of meaning in life when they are basically meaningless, worthless.

Harari’s projected solution to this problem was a combination of ‘drugs and computer games’. Six years later, however, the drugs being prescribed for our children by so-called ‘trans-therapists’ are more than recreational; the computers in the digital camp of Global Digital Health Certification, the surveillance infrastructure for 15-minute smart cities and Central Bank Digital Currency will do more than distract us from our ‘meaningless’ lives; and the World Economic Forum’s final solution to the problem of ‘useless people’ is to do much more than alleviate our boredom.

Trans is not a cult, as some critics have dismissed it as, thereby unwittingly or otherwise diminishing its origins, reach and goals. Trans is the official ideology of the Global Biosecurity State. And although it is both explicitly and violently misogynist and implicitly and increasingly homophobic — most violently and unsurprisingly demonstrated by transvestite men demanding lesbians have sex with them or be shamed as ‘transphobic’, ‘far right’ and ‘TERFS’ — its orthodoxies have been welcomed into mainstream culture through the conduit of LGB activism. This has largely succeeded because of the Left’s embrace of the latter under its obligations to the orthodoxies of ‘political correctness’, which have been extended, without question or debate or apparent  thought, to imposing the new order of speech that is the first orthodoxy of trans ideology.

Lysenkoism was the ideological product of the subjection of Soviet science to the politically opportunist and crude application of the orthodoxies of Marxist-Leninism following the final defeat of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1929. Similarly, transgenderism is the most recent product of Western capitalism’s counter-revolution against the brief and too-easily defeated social revolutions of the 1960s and 70s. In this fight back, which is nearing its final victory, the socialist critique of capitalism has been replaced by the self-obsession, victimhood and internal division of identity politics; the critique of European colonialism has been recuperated into the racism of critical race theory; the post-structuralist critique of discourse has been transformed into woke’s policing of speech and thought; and feminism’s critique of patriarchy has undergone a full reversal into the state-sanctioned misogyny of trans.

Despite its uncritical embrace by the Pride festival in cities across the West, trans is to the gay liberation movement of the 1970s what the Left of today is to socialism: a state-legislated, corporate-financed, institutionally-imposed programme designed to appropriate the language of human rights, civil liberties and popular protest from movements of social, sexual and political emancipation. Indeed, my own opinion is that the Left has so universally embraced woke because it has the same goal — to police opposition to capitalism. But to what end?

This is what I’ll try to address in the second part of this article.

Simon Elmer is the author of The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State; Virtue and Terror: Selected Articles on the UK Biosecurity State, Vol. 1; and The New Normal: Selected Articles on the UK Biosecurity State, Vol. 2.


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Thom Sheaffer
Thom Sheaffer
Jul 26, 2023 12:24 PM
Aug 8, 2023 6:28 AM

Um,I’m down with the spirit of this, but think you dramatically misunderstand Lysenko: https://archive.org/details/MindAndTissueRayPeat

Aug 2, 2023 9:23 PM

The article describes very well the coming development and the most extensive division in society. “Left” and “right” as positional designations in the political sphere are rapidly losing their meaning. I remember watching “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” film towards the end of the 70s. I was not uptight, but in what I saw I sensed a fascist form of subjugation of “normality” to an inescapable dominance of perverted sexual forms, enforced by violence. That the “left-wing alternative” scene in particular celebrated something so fascistoid was incomprehensible to me. Today I also see the consequences of the slow and constant indoctrination.

Siri Neppelberg
Siri Neppelberg
Jul 31, 2023 2:33 PM

About this statement:

“When radical feminists claim that ‘all men are rapists’, or a transgender exponent of critical race theory claims that ‘all white people are racist’, they are making the same claim to the phallus. And, once again, it’s to the same ends as the Nazis who declared that all Jews were bankers, or all Bolsheviks were degenerate. The stereotypes are different, but their ideological function in identifying an imaginary threat (coronavirus, rape, racism, transphobia) and silencing its representatives (conspiracy theorists, men, white people, TERFS) is the same.”

I’m not sure we can put all these generalized statements in the same box. I think it’s a misguided trauma response, to walk around saying that I won’t listen to this person just because of the fact that they belong to an oppresser group. Though I don’t think we can put the “trans” people’s fear of being “misgendered” in the same category as racism or sexism, since it is completely fantasy based. Men in dresses calling themelves women are not oppressed when people tell them that they’re men. But it is oppressive to rape someone and the threat of being sexually asssaulted is very real for women.

Otherwise, thank you for a great article.

Aug 1, 2023 8:59 AM


Aug 3, 2023 12:23 AM

Absolutely agreed. I’ve also never seen a Radical feminist say that in the first place (Dworkin’s book *Intercourse* absolutely does not make any such claim. The time period in which texts discussing the prevalence of rape were written, such as before marital rape was even recognised in law as rape, also needs to be taken into account). They’re the ones getting stigmatised as ‘TERFs’, the article seems to intend to defend them, so this seems out of place or incorrectly phrased.

Feminists noting that most rapists are male, and women can’t automatically know which are rapists, is just depressing reality.

Iris Björk
Iris Björk
Aug 4, 2023 1:31 PM
Reply to  Amphy64

Exactly. Most rape cases involve a man close to the victim. So any man in any context can potentially be a threat to women. A general fear of sexual assault, or violence, is truly a depressing reality for women.

Of course, anything can be highjacked or misinterpreted to spark conflict or distraction. I was in high school when identity politics hit hard and being ”pure” was the most important thing. You were not allowed to eat meat, and declaring that you would not read books by white heterosexual men, is an example of a misguided trauma response. Thinking that your tiny personal choices are creating real change. Some were also very susceptible to the ”trans” ideology when it came. Real opposition was off the table, and we’re left with this individual, liberal, purity group behavior, which is truly ineffective. But it doesn’t mean that the underlying problems are not real. Lots of young girls stopped looking at patriarchy as the root of their problems, and instead adopted the agenda and claimed that they’re nonbinary, as if that’s the way to avoid being oppressed.

Indeed, the radfems are the ones being attacked the most. Just look at the countless female professors who have lost their jobs just for defending biological reality.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Jul 30, 2023 10:14 PM

Identitarian Politics:

A great read by Gilad Atzmon, “Being in Time”.

Can be purchased from his website:


Also fully on this issue.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Jul 30, 2023 8:26 PM

The Only Hierarchy:

Human beings> Male (XY) or Female (XX)

… anything beyond this is mere abstraction,

and not reality.

Jul 30, 2023 4:06 PM

Why would offgroomers or anyone celebrate men fucking other men up the anus? Isn’t this type of…. behaviour that led to the rise of the National Socialists? That and other deviant behaviours that seem to be promoted by a certain ‘Tribe’.

This place is controlled to fuck. Normie ‘truth’..For middle class aspiring elites🤢 The “Newly awake” being led by their egos.

Hope our host’s speed it up now. As we’ll see how far the grinning smugness works with people unlike yourselves.

Trans Theory was a Jews theory. Just another coincidence. But the Jews here know it. Their remit is obvious. It’s as plain as the nose on their faces. All of them.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 30, 2023 4:21 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

If you really wanna make us sorry, why not write a poem about it. We’ll be begging for the cattle cars to come take us away.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Jul 30, 2023 5:32 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

He was speaking to you, obviously.

Jul 31, 2023 12:39 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You just responded to one. By all means boarding time is well over due..and in the post. You can’t survive what is coming. Your people’s lies don’t work anymore. I agree with Trump it will be Biblical.

Your perversions are coming to an end.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 31, 2023 1:30 AM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

Yeah the cheap attempts to shock, the petty hatefulness, the raging paranoia… certainly sounds like someone doing God’s work to me.

You and every other fanatic out there. Covid zealots included.

Time for your timeout, champ. You won’t be flexing your modest biceps on here for the next few days, so catch up with some correspondence, do life, hang some pictures, take a few walks.


Aug 3, 2023 6:45 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

It’s you that’s paranoid. As you’ve been seen. I can outline clearly why I think that which I know/think.

You have to smear as it’s your tradition. Served you well. But it’s obvious when you know what to look for..

Enjoy your scam. Leading people nowhere.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 3, 2023 2:47 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

To either confirm or deny your accusations would be to feed your delusion. You’re a troll and an admitted site saboteur. You managed somehow to remove your email address from our comment table, permanently breaking various discussion threads. Then you had a tantrum and demanded your remaining comments be removed after you realised you couldn’t do this anymore. You’ve given me every justification I need to label you a troll and a bad actor and it’s a huge credit to Offg that you’re allowed to post here at all. You’re really not ‘getting to me’ or anyone. Frankly you’re so wide of the mark it’s ludicrous. A2

Aug 5, 2023 12:38 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I didn’t comment here for a month. After I’d asked to remove my comments & if possible shut the account. The last post before that month was requesting to delete all my comments. If I was a ‘site saboteur’ surely the point would be to want the comments here!

After one month I commented on an article about Sweden. I had stately openly to you. That I didn’t trust this outlet or many of its commentators, called you a Jewish Lawyer too. So if I was what you say. Why would I want all comments removed & openly state that which I have?!.

You have previously deleted numerous comments of mine & have done so on this thread too. Since I’ve started commenting again I’ve done so begrudgingly to show my disdain for disrespectful & deleting admins like yourself.You won’t post this either but I’ll screen shot it anyway.

So yes, since you stopped my ability to delete my own comments. Yet, will only let certain ones through. You have confirmed what dishonest people you must be and you’ve now got a very different me.. It’s your actions that have illicited my response.

In yet another response to Me Hayen ,that wasn’t allowed through,I’d said the same. I’d happily not comment if they’d delete my comments and account. But you don’t. Instead you provoke demean & reframe. So fuck you & anyone like you.

That you act innocent shows who the troll is here.Just a dishonest narcissistic & back peddling liar.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 5, 2023 2:05 AM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

So you’re just an honest John, innocently attempting to edit our comment tree without permission, and partially succeeding making other commenters’ conversations illegible, then along comes mean old admin and calls out your behaviour and removes your antisemitic comments. You poor thing. 🙄

Aug 5, 2023 2:28 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Oh and if I wasn’t “getting to you” you wouldn’t need to lie and reframe as you do.

I request again delete all my comments. You won’t as your in damage limitation mode and seek to, once again, reframe to play the innocent. You cherry pick comments of mine, that you allow through, that you think you can use to reframe & create a bs justification. All you do is prove me right.

So, I’ll finish how you started with me

“Shut up!” Tiresome entitled 1st world gibbon. Please “Shut up”

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 5, 2023 3:00 AM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

Any comments submitted here are published and in the public domain. Don’t like it? Don’t comment. You don’t have an account, you’re an anonymous moniker, posting anonymously, getting lairy behind the anonymous protection offg provides. The fact you’re flip flopping around demonstrates you’re not even trying anymore. You’re just acting like a 10 y/o troll.

Your pride may have been injured because you got called out too quickly, but really, you should knock this entity on the head. It’s past being morbidly fascinating and just dull now.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Jul 30, 2023 5:48 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

Why would offgroomers or anyone celebrate men fucking other men up the anus? Isn’t this type of…. behaviour that led to the rise of the National Socialists? That and other deviant behaviours that seem to be promoted by a certain ‘Tribe’.

Provoke the revulsion response within the vast majority and then complain of the over-reaction, and call it “discrimination”.

Paul Ashley
Paul Ashley
Jul 30, 2023 3:55 PM

But that doesn’t mean that I don’t extend the courtesy of addressing a transvestite man, for example, with a female pronoun and by his female name.”

And I’m so doing – in so denying reality – you assist in your own subjugation. Enabling another’s delusion is not being courteous.

Iris Björk
Iris Björk
Aug 4, 2023 1:37 PM
Reply to  Paul Ashley


Sean Arthur Joyce
Sean Arthur Joyce
Jul 28, 2023 7:58 PM

You know things are bad when groups such as Gays Against Groomers must form to remind people that the increasingly graphic displays during Pride parades are NOT for children’s eyes: “We found ourselves exhausted by fellow members of our community who put their sexuality on a pedestal as if it were their singular personality trait. And most of all, we find ourselves incredibly disturbed by the inclusion of children in these annual sexual exhibitions.” https://www.gaysagainstgroomers.com/post/gays-against-groomers-official-stance-on-pride
As to Harari, one has to ask: How does a formerly obscure history professor from Hebrew University suddenly, “overnight,” as it were, become a global bestselling author, when so much of what he writes in both Sapiens and Homo Deus is so obviously false, or proceeds from fallacious reasoning? I wrote about Harari’s fallacies here: https://seanarthurjoyce.substack.com/p/harari-gets-it-wrong-part-1 https://seanarthurjoyce.substack.com/p/harari-gets-it-wrong-part-2

Jul 28, 2023 8:24 AM

I could turn on any right leaning cheesy political channel faking it as alt news and read this type of stuff.
Its didn’t take long after covid to start all the bigoted blaming.
Strange dont you think..? that Mr Elmer doesn’t name any of the funders or power brokers behind this internet based movement.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jul 28, 2023 5:47 AM

Lysenkoism is a good description. I’m sure this major promotion of transgenderism has nothing to do with corporate projects promoting this ideology.  😀 , see an article by Rosemary Frei at Off G circa April 2020 detailing this. But a bit of disagreement regarding biological roots of sexuality. Brain neural-chemist Simon LeVey (from the UK) has been doing research since the 1980s on this, you can find his page on the Web. He does not at all argue there is a “gay gene,” but that the intrauterine processes which take place several months after the formation of a fetus lead to the structuring of the hypothalamus region of the brain, which is a key determinant of what the grown fetus would be attracted to in the future. It overwhelmingly conforms to the biological sex, selecting for opposite sex attraction in some 97% of cases, a percentage which stays remarkably stable across different societies, but there are at times different structures which result, leading to same sex and bisexual attraction. He has done physical research. He is a gay political activist, by the way.

Jul 28, 2023 3:36 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

It’s been said that the real sex organ is the brain. I disagree. It’s the nose. Sense of smell plays a much bigger role in sexual attraction than people care to admit – it’s probably the means of detecting those elusive pheromones.

The nose points the way; the sex organs merely follow.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Jul 30, 2023 5:37 PM
Reply to  Howard

I guess that’s why i can handle the funk of a vagina more than I can handle the stink of shit.

“Sex with a vagina smells like fish;
“Sex with an anus smells like shit”.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 30, 2023 7:26 PM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

You must have been fun at parties.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Jul 30, 2023 10:15 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

When it matters, I don’t skirt reality.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 31, 2023 3:22 AM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

Sounds like you’d prefer to keep well away from skirts.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Jul 31, 2023 5:55 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I like skirts, with no diks hidden underneath!

Resign: you are not moderating anymore.
You have reduced yourself to projected self-superiority.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 31, 2023 8:28 PM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

You have reduced yourself to projected self-superiority.

Maybe from your POV that is what it looks like. Whereas I think you lowered the tone with some cringey school boy lewdness, while also demonstrating questionable authority on the female sex organ XD

I know we don’t get along. But please remember to keep a sense of humour 🙂

Jul 27, 2023 11:05 AM


The banksters have prepared the groundwork for this for a long time. Marxism and it’s ugly daughter feminism were the start.The suffragettes were warmongers and were massively opposed by wide sections of society both female and male. The Ministry of Truth has erased these facts from history. With feminism came gender role reversal. Female soldiers, short haired police women and so on ad nauseum. It was the Marxist controlled feminists that attacked gender roles and thus what it means to be male or female. A female pilot in her male uniform is in a sense transgender. Role reversal is the predecessor of what is being promoted today. Sodomy and other unnatural acts were simultaneously promoted. As was genital mutilation. The author spends a great deal of time on the nazis. However it is to their credit that Hirschfeld’s books and clinics were destroyed. You make the outrageous and the insane acceptable gradually.

Jul 27, 2023 10:48 AM

Author of Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality, Helen Joyce (alert: senior journalist at The Economist) points out that to mention the Trans movment is coordinated by wealthy funders is considered hate speech or anti-S.

This goes some way to explain why Simon Elmer’s otherwise excellent articles do not mention the billionaire donors such as the Pritzkers or the Soros-funded Human Rights Council, nor the involvement of the CIA and Gloria Steinem’s subversion of feminism.

Thus he avoids my faux pas.

That’s the problem with my living outside Britain for more than two decades. I have no idea what topics can or cannot be mentioned in Progressive company.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 27, 2023 4:30 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

I noted that, although H Joyce said some good things in her discussion with P Boghossian, she nevertheless had a brash smugly self-assured confidence about her own “scientific” credentials.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Jul 30, 2023 8:36 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

I am apparently insulting fellow Canadians left, right and center by continuing to disagree with every woke and “being converted to woke” and their delusions.

A disturbing self-censorship by Canadians, which I am sure is in every society, is the refusal to mention let alone breathe any reference of the CoronaPrank anymore, even when they never masked or got the “Experimental Gene Therapeutics”.

It is all about personal financial consolidation.

Jul 27, 2023 9:02 AM

Long article but well worth the read. Thank you.

Jul 27, 2023 5:40 AM

Brilliant.Thank you.
I hate the flag.

Kathleen Lowrey
Kathleen Lowrey
Jul 27, 2023 4:52 AM

Late to the fight and still getting in digs at radfems. Thanks for NOTHING.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 27, 2023 4:43 AM

The political history of transgender ideology


John H
John H
Jul 27, 2023 2:44 AM

Excellent essay.

Jul 26, 2023 11:36 PM

“the critique of European colonialism has been recuperated into the racism of critical race theory“

Why do white westerners always try to mix everyone else into your madness??

You created “racism”, you created “capitalism”, “you created “colonialism”, and it is YOU who created this sexual confusion mess in the caves and hills of Europe, and in the sexually depraved Ancient Greek & Roman times.

You broke it. Now fix it. And kindly leave us out of it!

Jul 27, 2023 11:18 PM
Reply to  turesankara

” you created racism”. Evidence plse?

Jul 26, 2023 10:37 PM

In this respect, trans shares the Puritan’s notion of original sin

It is a 21st century continuation of misogyny and hatred of the body and the feminine (and hence of nature) as proscribed by false religion.

Jul 26, 2023 9:21 PM

The Ruling Elites are ushering in their Coming Age of AI:Singularity, Transhumanism and Transgenderism, where you’ll own nothing and be happy.

The Great Reset is in full effect. So you best protect ya neck.

Now shut up and eat the bugs!

Jul 26, 2023 8:07 PM

If you apply this logic to Sunak . why not apply it to everything you see on Alt ultranaive media. This is brilliant and needs to be repeated. To be clear, his family didn’t decide to go and watch Barbie. He’s the Prime Minister of the UK, if he wanted to watch a movie they do a private screening in a secure location, they don’t pop down to the IMAX.If he actually went, it was decided by his handler. The scene was set, waves of security guards are just out of view. The photo was likely taken by a professional photographer with lights rigged up. The casual denim and sweater combo was workshopped to be relatable without being sloppy. More expensive jeans were tried and rejected for look too elitist, they trialed a hole in the knee or scuffs, but decided against it.There was discussion of which cinema chain they attend, what phones/snacks/merchandise the family are holding. There was discussion in some boardroom or zoom chat over whether Sunak should appeal to the intellectual middle class with Oppenheimer or the working class with family-friendly Barbie.The studio likely made some roundabout payment for this service, and Sunak’s PR department likes it because it sells him as a real person…when he’s not.Even the responses – ranging from “the country’s on fire and he’s watching a movie” to “whatever you say about our political disagreements, he’s still a nice family man” – are likewise predicted and even stage-managed.Nothing about it is real, not one single aspect of it. Then simon does a monstano and shills this In this respect, Lysenkoism has parallels with the imposition of so-called ‘organic’ agricultural policies in Sri Lanka in 2021, which like Lysenko meant banning pesticides and fertilizers, and which in a year reduced rice production by more than 50 per cent. Largely… Read more »

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Jul 30, 2023 9:17 PM
Reply to  lynch

That paragraph above about organic was pure bollocks.
Fully agree.The real travesty is developed countries not creating food security for themselves and leaving it to the global market.

Truckers caused the Canadian Govmnt to blink, and in doing so solidified their place as “not to be trusted”by the govmnt and in turn revealed the govmnt as the organized criminals that they are.

Dont be an ultra naive viewer.
Agree. Don’t watch Talmudvision. (thx Brother Nathaniel)

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 26, 2023 7:33 PM

Outside the bubble its just business — and society — as usual. One thing the bubble doesn’t realize is that its like freedom of religion. In the US we’re guaranteed freedom of religion but that also means freedom from religion if you so choose. So feel free to be whatever you want to be, just don’t make me part of the program. (Anyway, whatever economic advantage you think that can be leveraged from being whatever is illusory — its a zero sum game which is really about fighting for the economic crumbs).

Jul 26, 2023 6:20 PM

I contrast the “popular illogic” or irrationale with the Victorian love of nonsense rhymes.

They, whom we regard as starched individuals who draped piano legs for fear of the sight of a mahogany ankle – laughed at themselves.

If I wrote: you can’t eat ekmek with your yashmak on… someone would shout Islamoraeli phobe or some such.

We must take ourselves less seriously – in order to value each other more.

Jul 26, 2023 5:05 PM

Similarly, transgenderism is the most recent product of Western capitalism’s counter-revolution against the brief and too-easily defeated social revolutions of the 1960s and 70s.

Really? Or is it, rather, an outgrowth of the social revolutions of the 1960s and 70s? If there’s no difference between male and female, or heterosexual and homosexual, then what’s the difference between ‘trans’ and ‘cis’? If there is no nature, no objective truth of any sort, then isn’t all identity just socially constructed and therefore arbitrary? If a human being has no essential nature grounded in biology — genes and chromosomes — then why can’t I just decide to be whatever I feel like being?

No, this isn’t really the opposite of the 60s; it’s just the continuation (and intensification) of the same old revolt against nature that has been going on since at least the end of the Second World War.

Aug 3, 2023 12:51 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

If nature imposed rigid gender roles down to colour-coded clothing, we’d see people actually rigidly following them. It can’t be all that natural when most human beings aren’t narrow gender stereotypes, but individuals with different personalities that aren’t dependent on their biological sex.

The 60s-70s movements aimed to abolish gender roles, not attempt to replace the reality of biological sex with gender stereotypes. Billy Eliot for example depicts a boy who does ballet, not someone biologically male who is ‘really’ a girl because they like ballet and ballet is seen as ‘feminine’. Plenty of the original activists from that era are still around and now getting smeared and threatened as ‘TERFs’ because they’re horrified by the regressive sexism in the transgender ideology. Radical feminists know biological sex is real and define a woman as an adult human female, that’s why they’re getting so attacked, for refusing to believe otherwise.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 26, 2023 4:27 PM

Isn’t it fascinating how the trans psyop creates a fictitious axe to grind and then covers its tracks?

One of the aims of this trans psyop was to attack women. So they invent a bullshit demographic that infringes on the rights of women and when the women complain, the media insists it’s the bullshit demographic that’s under attack. And that grants them the cover to attack an entire gender I.e something that would have been previously unthinkable.

Jul 27, 2023 6:41 AM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s now apparent that part of it’s Womb envy:men are “birthing people’,”chest feeding”(gobs of hormone infected milk) to their babies-having operations for synthetic cervix’s and wombs and it’s fucking mental.And where does it end.So, no more mothers or Mothers Day, breast feeding, women or even lesbians for that matter as John Hopkins University tried to eradicate the L from LGBTQ -and refer to lesbians as ‘Non-Men.” And this was endorsed by a big ass Male pretending to be a woman -Paula Neira, as it the the term lesbians excludes the non-binary-well whippedy fuckin doodle-cause your warped ideology erases me and other women.Jenifer Bilek is right.Wealthy men who want to be women are running the show as well as other deranged and dangerous monsters.


Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Jul 30, 2023 5:44 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Brilliant order of logic here.
Well explained.

Jul 26, 2023 4:24 PM

It’s always worthwhile to keep in mind that the Media ALWAYS presents the most extreme expression of a trend as its most representative. Back in the ’60s, some young whippersnappers actually said that everyone over the age of 30 should be killed. Guess what? it never happened.

And of course the entire hippie thing petered out (pardon the pun) the moment its participants went off-script – and started attacking the Military Industrial Complex.

I guarantee you the nano-second the trans-ites go off-script and start attacking, say, the banksters their movement too will immediately cease to exist.

Jul 26, 2023 6:07 PM
Reply to  Howard

Seeing as how the fingerprints of the MIC and the Deep State were all over the hippie movement, it has been suggested that they actually wanted the hippies to protest against Vietnam … so as to discredit peace among their parents’ generation. If so, it worked, because that’s exactly what happened. The 60s and early 70s, politically speaking, simply paved the way for Ronald Reagan in the 80s.

Likewise, if the trannies ever turn on the banksters who created them, then this will be proof in the eyes of their Christian enemies (who are gradually starting to get kind of based on finance and monetary issues) that trannies are ‘socialists’ and that the proper thing for a Christian to do, therefore, is to go back to defending capitalism, just like he used to do under Reagan.

Just a thought …

Jul 26, 2023 10:26 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Trends presented by the Media as movements are always delicate operations and can very easily go off the rails.

The MIC may have created the hippie “movement”; and the banksters may have created the trans “movement”; but the people involved – the hippies and the trannies – may not be aware of that, therefore may not be aware that they’re beholden to the MIC and banksters for their very existence.

It’s extremely difficult to envision the hippie movement as a ploy to get America out of Vietnam right from the get-go – especially since it began as a “sex, drug and rock and roll” phenomenon and only became political because of the draft.

And it’s extremely difficult to envision the trans movement – period. Anything that bizarre quickly becomes self-parodying – and therefore pretty much a dead end as far as getting any political mileage out of it.

Jul 27, 2023 7:21 AM
Reply to  Howard

US gets its butt kicked when trying to invade and rob any nation except the smallest. Domestic “democratic” protests are as good an excuse as any to tell the armaments and contractor fat cats, “No more”.

Jul 26, 2023 2:53 PM

An excellent overview of the current madness that goes by the labels – “woke” or “Critical Social Justice,” or “trans-rights.” Elite efforts at standard issue “divide & conquer” tactics of social control have never looked so very – ‘intersectional” – have they? And who knew that you could just pull blatant violent misogyny from the dustbin of history – clean it up, and polish it up a bit – stick a dress on it, add bright red lipstick and high heels (on men of course) – and simply rename and reframe that same vile violent misogyny as – “brave trans-activism?” Amazing how malleable the human psyche is.

Jul 26, 2023 1:41 PM

Excellent article Mr Elmer. I’d like to see you go down a bit deeper into the “rabbit hole” next time and analyze the origins of everything you’ve covered in your article i.e. who is actually driving the “Great Reset” a.k.a. total destruction of Western civilization and controlling the Global Biosecurity State. Could it be something to do with certain tribe of “untouchables” and their belief in Messianic prophecy of being the “master race”.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jul 26, 2023 3:24 PM
Reply to  McMurhpy

Satan is driving it.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 26, 2023 11:14 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Yes its that easy.

Jul 26, 2023 1:39 PM

And another thing….

It is no accident TERF (trans exclusionary radical feminsist – clearly an acronym so constructed) sounds like turf, on which you tread, a synonym of which is sod.

No mention of the Pritzkers in this series…. Jennifer Bilek has done worthy research. She of course gets the usual treatment on Rational Wiki.

Nor of Gloria Steinem, CIA asset, exposed by the same demonised “radical feminists,” in this case Redstockings. The pump and dump (rise and fall) of feminism would seem to run parallel to the trans story.

Jul 26, 2023 1:38 PM

Very good analysis looking forward for second part.

Jul 26, 2023 1:28 PM

There’s nothing new about the media et al milking any and every new trend that comes along. Whatever “sells” is what’s promoted – period. And to “sell” it, it must first be presented as an overarching behemoth which has so taken hold of popular thought that it cannot – and must not – be resisted.

Then, along comes a new trend and just as the current trend is starting to wear thin, the new one is promoted as the thing that’s way too big and powerful and pervasive to be resisted, let alone ignored. Then it, too, begins to lose its oomph; so another all encompassing trend must be promoted.

It’s not really about trans rights – or trans anything. It’s about one thing and one thing only: SELL SELL SELL!!!!!

The Purdue kids brandishing their signs should, but apparently don’t, remind us all of the ’60s kids brandishing their signs and ever so desperately trying to change society “for the better.” And where are those hippie kids now? They’re alive and well and living in their McMansions in their gated communities, thank you very much.

Jul 26, 2023 1:26 PM

AI is another fraud. “AI” will not take over anything. It is just another threat and another justification for their schemes.
Consider how most people think of AI. This vague, scary thing. But it’s just a bunch of computer programs. “AI” can and will never achieve ‘sentience’. Not possible.
It will be the 4rseholes behind it pulling the strings and when it all crashes down they’ll blame it on “AI”.

Jul 26, 2023 6:13 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Sentience is not what the Man is after — no! That’s the absolute last thing he wants. He also does not want any creativity. Too random and unpredictable. No, what the Man wants is ‘intelligent’ order-followers who are quick at diagnosing highly specialized technical problems, and AI is just perfect for that.

Jul 26, 2023 10:15 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Yes. But AI can no more become sentient than a man can become a woman.

Jul 26, 2023 1:22 PM

This is just another example of a militarized psychological operation being used against the People. Emotional outrage provides feedback data to those instigating the current psyop so that future “stimuli” become more effective at steering group behavior.
In this manner computer simulations can keep track of hundreds of similar psyops in real time. Large cities are their preferred theatre-of-operation for obvious reasons.

Jul 27, 2023 11:22 AM
Reply to  Freecus

Spot-on. This was one of the tropes William Burroughs used to use in his barely readable books (I think it was mainly in Nova Express). Record someone being disparaging, play it back to the person/group being disparaged, rinse, repeat, ad infinitum. Almost certainly what Twitter was invented for.

Jul 26, 2023 1:16 PM

London Pride was my regular pint as a student.
I haven’t lived in Britain since 2000. Has something changed?

Elmer’s part two is strong stuff… look forward to seeing it here. Love the Trofim Lysenko references – something I also write about.

The Atlantic magazine says Lysenko is undergoing a revival – but cannily blames it on the Ruskies when the clearest parallels are, as Elmer writes, in the West.

Jul 26, 2023 6:16 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Has Britain changed?
A chirpy comment there was not… a stern silence followed.

Jul 27, 2023 11:18 AM
Reply to  moneycircus

Yes, that’s a shame. I’ve never attended a Pride event since I am straight and therefore it’s not my beef and, even more straightforwardly, I find large groups of people overwhelming. So I won’t be marching with the other autists any day soon either. I don’t buy the ‘allies’ argument particularly, although a significant other, whose best friend was a lezza, went along to Pride a few times and had a great time (live bands, unconcealed smoking of draw, and so on). It was a day out in the same way that Anti-Nazi League events used to be, a few noisy sods blowing whistles, some chanting, some fancy dress. I expect that was what Simon Elmer enjoyed too, and no doubt what you were referring to as well moneycircus. (Have been enjoying your blog on the qt for years now btw.) The erstwhile best friend is also an erstwhile lezza btw, twice married, and good for her. Can’t stand her personally, but that’s nothing to with her sexual timeline. I do buy the polymorphous sexuality that good old Freud promulgated and don’t have a problem per se with concepts like genderfluidity. I don’t, however, see any place for flaunting one’s preferences in quite such a public, and shrill, way. The notion of allyship has recently and very quickly gone from helping to swell the numbers and having a rave, at London and Brighton Pride events – which used to be the only ones – to “…if you’re not an ally you’re a [insert oppressed class here]-phobe. And almost as quickly Pride has become a brand which literally leads to days (weeks etc) of events in the smallest, staidest towns. And a brand of gaudy grotesquerie exploded too: if you’re not in fishnets and feathers with a multicoloured shawl then you’re… Read more »

Jul 29, 2023 1:40 AM
Reply to  KarenEliot


George Mc
George Mc
Jul 26, 2023 1:01 PM

The rule by division is cunning. It starts by targeting of minority groups directly e g. Through direct racism, homophobia etc. But when a resistance rises and the targeted group starts to gain support, the ruling strategy then swings to the opposite extreme and insists that the previous victims now proudly push their presence down everyone’s throat. Thus “Black Lives Matter” and the various ‘Pride” movements which present themselves as celebrations or campaigns for equality but are actually provocations meant to stir up animosity.

So the name “Black lives matter” was clearly created to provoke the response “What about whites?” which then leads on to the Left’s programmed fury of, “But white lives already matter too much in a society predicated on white superiority!” etc.

And how much further with gay rights can you go than legalising homosexuality? But of course that’s not enough and the Pride marchers insist on pushing their sex lives into an increasingly public space. You could ask, What do these Pride marchers want? Gay porn on kids’ programmes? Until recently that would have been a sarky question. Not any more.

Jul 26, 2023 11:43 AM

Criminal agenda. Quite insidious.

Jul 26, 2023 11:28 AM

Only skimmed this after the “I didn’t go to Pride this year” epthet where the author admits supporting what is really a war on Christianity more than anything else. Most people will avoid that reality because they aren’t Christians and want to believe there is some sort of political solution to this. It incorporates the usual touchstone remarks about Nazi’s which confirm its subtext distracting from the real agenda and signalling where this piece is really coming from. So if for nothing else its important to point out that the NAZI’s LOST! That was 80 years ago but the usual suspects are still banging that drum to distract from the real agenda and people lap it up while it destroys their lives and countries around them. This is not about fascism – fascism lost. This is about a communist takeover that has been happening for at least the last 130 years. Communism is its political front but its spiritual in nature. The Talmudists behind this have been at war with the nation states and Christianity for centuries. They have been very successful in enslaving humanity through their ‘banking system’ and in the destruction of the nation state as their chosen agenda for the people. Their plan is first destruction and then finally the imposition of a communist system with the elite at the top and everyone else as slaves – ‘the Slaves shall serve‘ it saves in the Talmud as echoed by Crowley. Until people can stop being distracted by programmed reactions to non existent ‘nazis’ and face who are the real threat they have no chance of preventing any of what’s coming. Articles such as this just prolong the illusion and hide the real agenda at work because everyone is terrified of looking at who is really running things… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 26, 2023 4:49 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeoir

I think I get the tone of your comment. Allegedly our Jewish overlords also installed the Nazis by funding them into power, just as they did Communism. And Hitler, who privately kept Jews on his staff while outwardly claiming to be ideologically opposed to them, is another Lenin, another Zelinksi, working for our Jewish overlords to further their grand, sordid agenda, apparently. Yet, at the same time, Hitler is constantly rehabilitated and given hero status as a righteous ideologue who ‘lost’ his righteous battle. Nazis appear to exist as both puppet and saviour in a prime example of doublethink. A lot of people think that fetishistic transformation of any group of people into omnipotent ‘Overlords’ who toy with humanity on such a large scale is quite simplistic and childish. A sort of masochistic reiteration of ‘Govern me harder daddy’. No group of people seem to be both despised and deified in quite the way Jews are, which I find fascinating. A further example of doublethink. The fact that soft antisemitic views, like the above, are entirely self defeating, playing directly into the hands of this alleged grand agenda by allowing our alleged ‘overlords’ the victim status they require to pull it off… this never gets spotted by those espousing the soft antisemitic views. Another example of doublethink in action. Personally I think all old world religions are firmly rooted in the establishment. Roman Catholics bring their brutal and bloody history into the mix. They share the arena with the ancient aristocracies in a power matrix that has probably remained startlingly unchanged for a thousand years. Jews have long been the money handlers, given a special place by the elites, being both high and low status. This is perfectly summed up in your comment here. They are above us, untouchable, yet… Read more »

Jasna Paka
Jasna Paka
Jul 26, 2023 7:21 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

FYI, the fact that J-ws are apt money handlers comes is the result of the following.

For eons, they were persecuted, the next pogrom always just around the corner. That meant running the fuck away without being able to bring anything with you. Apart from … guess what .. money and intelligence. Hence, J-ws became good at handling money and using their brains.

My J-wish school buddy once told me a story about him and his mother emigrating from Russia. When they were being searched by the Russkies prior to departure, the apparatchik asked his mom, a lawyer, “So where did you hide all the diamonds?” She didn’t lose a beat and pointed at her head. The idiots went and searched through her hair.

Jul 26, 2023 11:58 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Please clarify what ‘soft anti-semitic views’ are Sam. No one who values freedom and liberty would try to make Hitler a ‘hero’ – he was a big state authoritarian who believed in socialism which as perhaps you allude also has its roots in the group you mention. And if you care at all it could be argued you yourself are guilty of anti-semitic views by your lumping jews into a single homogenous entity i.e. ‘Jews have long been the money handlers…‘ a quite meaningless phrase and certainly not one I referenced. I wouldn’t argue that the Nazi’s probably saw their fight against communism as ideological and was probably justified. The enslavement of eastern Europe for 80 years give testimony to that. Pointing that out is a historical fact not some sort of hat tip to nazi’s though. But there is a whole lot of history that has been lost or ignored about the reasons for both WW1&2 and studying and understanding is a reasonable debate. The fact that simply revisiting some of these topics is a trigger for some is no reason to avoid though. If you actually engaged rather than reading into what you thought I was saying I could have clarified that. The jews are not a single homogenous group who all share the same ideas and goals – quite the opposite. But one group of people who call themselves jews who are really Khazarian and Ashkenazi are a very powerful group in the world and have played a very prominent role in recent history found to be heavily involved in both communism and zionism. That is not something to either ignore or run away from because it features a group of people rather sensitive to having these things discussed. That group of people are completely opposed by… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 27, 2023 1:54 AM
Reply to  Seansaighdeoir

That admin is engaging with you rules out your attempt to play the censored victim on these pages, so stop that boring rubbish, if that’s ok? And really, all you have done is repeat the same tropes again and ignore anything which doesn’t fit your narrative. I notice you fudge your response re. Nazis. They were ultimately tools of the Khazars and Ashkenazis, using your logic, just like ‘Communists’ and ‘Ukronazis’ are claimed to be. Why can’t you address this head on? Why the ‘Khazars’ and ‘Ashkenazis’, who stretch over a thousand years into antiquity, are still so distinct and still so malodorous is something I haven’t seen argued with any success. My suspicion is there are some quite big assumptions at work here, some backwards reasoning, a fair amount of muddled thinking and lots of biblical literalism in order to justify some rather base xenophobic bigotry. I don’t know, that’s just my opinion of course. Out of interest, are you religious yourself? You don’t appear to have answers as to why these Khazars and Ashkenazis are putting themselves on the front line like this, out in the open, if they really are our masters as you suggest. Why would they make it so apparent? Or is this some 5-d chess on their part to rival Trump and Putin rolled into one? I also obverse you are incapable of taking your argument to its logical conclusions and crediting these Khazars and Ashkenazis with their appropriate status, since they are, practically speaking, our ultimate rulers and overlords with a complete stranglehold on humanity. The psychology of this is fascinating. From my perspective, you and many in your camp have manufactured a self fulfilling prophecy, whereby any attempt to counter your faulty logic is used as evidence of further complicity with the… Read more »

Jul 27, 2023 2:51 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

“Are you religious?”

So there’s no reason for you to be ashamed to answer a question. Are you Jewish admin?

Also, if you didn’t know & look. Ashkenazi’s are everywhere. Chomsky is Ashkenazi. Does a list need to be provided? As for such a sparse representation of the worlds population they certainly punch above their weight. It looks far more than conspiracy or bigotry. It’s just pointing out something that is self evident.

Oh regarding Trump. You are aware how well received he is in Israel, right? Wasn’t a village in the Golan heights to be renamed after Trump? That was in 2019 by Netanyahu. Isn’t he referred to as the Mashiach?

This outlet,especially you, seem particularly defensive about this topic. That that time in history, that War, is exactly how the victors report it to be. Yet, all subsequent Wars are not. That alone encourages enquiry. As does it being ring fenced. Even illegal in many countries to question anything about it.
That’s a pattern.

Also,as other commentators have noticed. The Nazi theme is referred to a lot by most of your writers.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 27, 2023 4:47 AM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

I am not religious and you have addressed nothing I said. A2

Jul 27, 2023 2:44 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Ok, appreciate you saying that. Yet, some of your responses make it appear you’ve a dog in the fight.

Not addressing all elements of what you say, is because it will go into the realms of plausible deniability & then labels will get thrown around. This isn’t an attack on all Jewish people but wondering the role Ashkenazi’s have. I’m just as dubious of Jesuits & of course Freemasons.

Do think the original poster puts it very well.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 27, 2023 6:39 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

I’m just as dubious of Jesuits & of course Freemasons.

Well, next time someone comes on here dismissing people as ‘Jew lover’ why not chime in to add balance, if you’re just as dubious?

Also, many would argue ‘dubious’ can’t begin to justify the bold and hateful accusations aimed at Jews by a small but shrill minority on these pages.

Jul 27, 2023 7:08 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

“Chime in”
Koba hasn’t posted since or been allowed through. I myself have had numerous posts not make it through pending. Woowoo seems on a “sabbatical” also. Yet, George just spams & spams MSM nonsense.

So it appears you’ve a way to deal with this topic or those that say “Jew lover”. Which again makes it appear you’ve a dog in the fight. You wrote Catholics are a bigger problem than those that have implemented worldwide usury. Money is a huge aspect of our control system. I’m certain you’re familiar with the Rothschild quote.

The topic of freemasonry seems taboo here too. The mocking of those that show Gematria kinda shows that.

Back to Trump. Did you see he was presented with a Torah Crown by the Israeli Heritage Foundation? The Godfather of the vaccine never mentions the plight of the Palestinians.

Anyway, this topic will not go away & the censoring of it seems very similar to any that don’t buy the 911 or COVID….. situations. Very similar indeed.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 27, 2023 10:09 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

You’re just gonna sidestep that then. Ok. No one is banned. How on earth do you know whether Koba is allowed through or not? Why not cut out the paranoia and try to be nice. Offg comments are what we all make of them. A2

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Jul 30, 2023 6:40 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I had my comments “pending” or not posted for two months earlier this year.

“Try to be nice”.

Time to resign.

To me, you have proven yourself a liar.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 30, 2023 7:35 PM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

To me, you and Kaczynski2 and Koba are obviously working out of the same office this week, and your latest brief is to spread disruptive antisemitism. What’s more, you HATE this site, you HATE what we stand for and most of all you HATE the staff.

Why do you spend your time here posting hateful stuff, unless you don’t have a choice?

Carry on champ. Rather you than me. I just hope you have something nice to go home to at the end of the day. A2

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Jul 31, 2023 5:38 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

It is YOU that works out of the same orifice as the Hasbara troll farm based out of Tel Aviv…

…AND, the bogus deflection of using disparagement (WE (not you) are the hatemongers) rather than addressing that fact of LYING about not censoring.

“To me”… In true narcissistic behaviour you make the issue ABOUT YOU. The Zionist-loving portion of your tribe created the Holocau$t out of Human genocide and made it the defining genocidal industry.
(Norman Finkelstein: “The Holocaust Industry”)

And, the coup de grace, “all Goy are Palestinians”.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 31, 2023 7:58 PM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

“To me”…

I was quoting you!!! XD XD XD

Must troll better.

Aug 5, 2023 5:32 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

The “Small but shrill minority” are open to the possibility that we’ve ALL been lied to about certain events around WWII. But as it’s been made illegal in many countries to even question it, many don’t wish to go there. Yet, as I’d typed above all other Wars can be questioned but nothing surrounding that.
As someone that ‘works’ in journalism this type out attitude seems bizarre. I think I’ve framed why some are skeptical as delicately as I could. But you shifted the goal posts, agaaaain. And I knew you’d through labels around. So I pushed it to provoke you. As I knew you’d grasp the antisemitism card as soon as you could.

I know you know what “Burnt Offering” means.When the Balfour Agreement was signed and by whom. These are the facts of the matter also. There’s an argument that if it wasn’t for Hitler Israel as it currently is wouldn’t exist. Wouldn’t have been handed over. Am I claiming to “Know”? No, I’m attempting to examine a complex mosaic as objectively as I can & am allowed. Where it leads & has led wasn’t a choice. But ask the Palestinians if they believe in concentration camps? In seizures of land & property? In being treated as sub Humans.

But of course that’s antisemitism according to whom exactly?

Jul 27, 2023 6:28 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Are you really capable of ‘engaging’ Sam as your hostility to what I’ve posted and a need to label it as ‘soft anti-semitism’ and now ‘bigotry’ rather than actually deal with the substance would seem to prevent a collegiate exchange of views. Now you are trying to ridicule now as ‘ludicrous’ why not just deal with the substance rather than the pejorative? Now you want to know whether I’m religious – what has that got to do with what I’ve posted? Perhaps that is result of deconstructing everything as fake this, binary that etc.? Whether the nazi’s tools of the Khazars etc. is an interesting pov. Arguably that could be said to be yes if the results of WW2 are any indicator. Communism and Zionism were the big winners with communism spread across half the world as a result. For those who think the ‘west’ was the winner we have since the destruction of the west over the last 80 years where it is now a shell of what it was before the war. We now have Frankfurt school doctrine under the guise of woke deconstructing our schools and society in general so arguably another victory. Despite your effort to label either myself and my posts with various epithets I am merely trying to understand the events of the last 150 years or so. You suggest that the Khazar / Ashkenazi are rulers when I have not. They are certainly very much involved which is why I have posted. Are you denying they run the financial system? That is pivotal to everything that happens. But in the time of Venice those bankers and money lenders served the rulers of Venice who were the old Byzantium / Roman families. They and the Jesuits have not gone away. It is said by… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 27, 2023 6:23 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeoir

So the Khazars/Ashkenazi aren’t ‘rulers’ but are ‘very much involved’. I don’t quite understand why you single them out for special consideration then, over the rulers themselves. Certain Khazars/Ashkenazi might be complicit in a wider matrix of power, I’m happy to consider this, but if they aren’t ‘rulers’ then they aren’t calling the shots, surely. If, as you’ve implied, money = God and the Khazars/Ashkenazi holding the purse strings have humanity by the balls, I’m left wondering why they aren’t considered our lords and masters at this stage, using any meaningful definition of the terms. Why are people so in awe of them yet so withholding? Lol The overriding question remains, which often gets skipped: why do the Khazars/Ashkenazi as a group want to make the world a Communist dystopia? The dramatist in me wants to know, what’s their motivation? Also, why are so many non-Khazar and non-Ashkenazi ordinary people and rulers going along with it? One further thing, since Covid demonstrated just how easily market forces can go away when necessary, how much is the financial system actually dictating our world, do we think? Post Covid, it needs looking into. Technocratic communitarianism, or whatever we call the WEF’s Great Reset, implies a return to feudalism. Rather than the banker class ruling all, it feels more like putting capatilism to bed and printing endless fiat currency till this can happen. Everyone knows the debts can’t be repaid. Everyone knows currency is ultimately valueless. The Neoliberal deregulated capitalist model we’ve been raised with doesn’t appear to be shaping our lives or be the unstoppable force we’ve been told, lately. One wonders if it ever really was, or if, like democracy, it was a useful illusion to keep in place, until it wasn’t anymore. I’m not sure if Klaus Schwab is a… Read more »

Jul 28, 2023 11:54 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I think its quite clear and you acknowledge yourself that the K/A element are the financiers if nothing else.

Does this make them ‘our lords and masters‘?

Only if you think its all about money. The Black Nobility families are as rich as croesus so its not about just money but also about power.

That power is occult based and that occult power DOES find its strength in the financial system which is why it was known in Babylonia as the ‘magick money system’ but that is ultimately not its source because that source is a spiritual power.

The devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me’

Its the power of this world satan who is ultimately the ruler however that manifests and through whatever particular group that show allegiance to him as ruler of this world that are the enemy. That enemy can be understood to take many forms Khazar / Jesuit / freemason / Luciferian although for them the battle has already been lost.

Its the power behind these groups that is the focus not any particular demographic, institution or whatever because it comes in many guises. I gave vent to a very powerful group heavily involved in moving this agenda on over the last 150 years but that power is beyond generational and there are many forms of agenda.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 29, 2023 3:07 AM
Reply to  Seansaighdeoir

So, when you asked what relevance your religious views had to this discussion, you weren’t being all that sincere were you lol

I haven’t forgotten the whole flat earth exchange we had either.

I think you might specialise in time wasting. But perhaps you’re serious. In which case, damn, where to start…

Since there’s no way to falsify any of your spiritual convictions, I guess I’ll just say there’s no point discussing this further.

Also, unlike Jesuits, Luciferians and Freemasons, Khazars are an ethnic group. You appear to be alleging this entire ethnic group is in the service of Satan, so perhaps the following will help you understand why you think they’re getting special treatment here. This is from our Comment Policy:

If you critique or denigrate en masse any ethnic or religious or national group, your comment may be removed if we consider it’s an incitement to hate or violence.

I think your last comment breaks this rule. More comments like it will be dealt with as per this rule. Thanks, A2

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Jul 31, 2023 5:39 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Resign Sam.
You are a liar.
… before you get labeled…

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 3, 2023 3:28 PM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

You just labelled me.

Jul 26, 2023 10:59 AM

I was quite shocked to find that the Sapiens book was being used in university courses, in translation, even in places like South Korea. That’s how slick the propadanda operation is.
Brainwashing and choosing the future generation of the technocratic elites right from their late teens when they enter university.

I don’t know why poeple give Harari the time of day. A friend mentioned him to me several years ago and after skimming the book review and listening to fiive minutes of a talk by him, I understood he was a controlled propagandist for TPTB.

People are giving the gender / transhumanist agenda waaaay too much of their braintime— which is the whole point. The best thing would be to ignore it. They want people distracted and arguing for the stupidity of trans nonsense in order to distract them from the core economic issues: inflation, negative iinterest rates, collapse of the medical system, rising unemployment, resource depletion etc.

“my own opinion is that the Left has so universally embraced woke because it has the same goal — to police opposition to capitalism”……

There is no capitalism anywhere in the “free world”. One of the fundamental principles of classic capitalism is that inefficient and corrupt companies FAIL, What we have in the free world is an unholy form of fascism where the government supports the biggest corporations and the whole enchilada is greased through the revolving door between central banks, the biggest banks and the regulators. It doesn’t matter what label you want to stick on this mess, it’s just a kleptocracy at heart.

“left” is a bit of misnomer too. I’d call them useful idiots.

Jul 26, 2023 12:26 PM
Reply to  Rita

Harari has been exposed by academics far more knowledgeable than he in the various fields he touches upon. But he is, as you say, a propaganda operation.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 26, 2023 11:01 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Thanks for that link. A very precise article.

Jul 26, 2023 12:48 PM
Reply to  Rita

Ignoring does not help with this in-your-face agenda. Political leaders, legislators and judges are being subverted and coopted.

To examine Korean or Japanese culture, you need to steel yourself. Their distractions include cosplay, asexual lives and romance with chatbots.

Jul 26, 2023 1:28 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Another feature is recriminations and politics pitting the genders against one another.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 26, 2023 1:56 PM
Reply to  Rita

“the Sapiens book was being used in university courses”

Now that is a little snippet of information that speaks volumes for the true function of academia.

Thom Sheaffer
Thom Sheaffer
Jul 26, 2023 11:55 AM
Reply to  Edwige

For further verification an easy test would be to see how many transgendered people are left-handed. Sounds dumb perhaps but this is my thing where I think left-handedness is an indicator of autism, dyslexia and other anomalous behavioral issues.

Matt Black
Matt Black
Jul 26, 2023 9:06 AM

Its the globalist Nazi-WEFfen-Marxist-Leninist merchant-banked illuminated adenochrome drinking, baby eating, red shoe-wearing blackrocked-grey opus dei Venetians Radhanite Yakuza freemason Jesuit Vatican Knights of Malta Cosa Nostrian Sufi scientological lizzard-nephilim-dragons of old Chino-Russian Rothchilian Tartarian-Khazarian-Talibany Phoenicia I tell yer…

Pater Noster
Pater Noster
Jul 26, 2023 9:05 AM

Meanwhile in Russia …

“Putin signs law banning gender reassignment surgery”

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 26, 2023 7:12 PM
Reply to  Pater Noster

Good cop. Crumbs to the masses. Meanwhile in Russia…
“Putin signs in opening of the World Congress on Global AI Neurotronic Network in Moscow”. LOL.

Pater Noster
Pater Noster
Jul 26, 2023 7:28 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Everybody’s after ya! Sauve qui peut! Quick, shove your head in the sand or in your or somebody’s asshole – you’ll be safe there!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 26, 2023 9:24 PM
Reply to  Pater Noster

You have found your saviour, mine is just not Putin. So we cant be friends.
No problem.

Certikovany Magor
Certikovany Magor
Jul 27, 2023 8:56 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Psychological projection, mister.

Just because one makes a reference to something, one does not necessarily regard the instigator thereof as a savior. Just because you behave in a certain (fucked up) way, as per your projection, it doesn’t mean that everybody does.

Incidentally, there is no doubt that western countries are way more fucked up than their eastern counterparts.

There is vert little of the transmotherfuckerist madness there.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 27, 2023 3:15 PM

No its not psychological projection.
I am challenging the narrative that a single fragment of a Russian law work, shows we are among the good guys.

My reference has much bigger influence to the Russian society and geo-political for us and the public than,a ban on trans surgery.

A ban on trans surgery is bs. Its negative law. Its obvious that trans surgery should never be allowed as it is a satanic act against nature.

Its an absurd law, like the law of social engineering experiments and neurotronic network connected to AI and people’s brain.are absurd laws.

Its not against the commenter, its an invitation to discuss the issue to reveal whether this is important or a false track. To increase our public knowledge.
Everybody in West are not occupied daily with trans problems no?
Like everybody in Russia are not always pro goodies.
So you are taking this as “behaving in a fucked up manner”. All right.
Well again, no problem.

Jul 27, 2023 10:37 AM
Reply to  Pater Noster

Great news.

Jul 26, 2023 8:39 AM


Just as Orwell was able to make everything ugly: conversation, work, sex, the media is able to make everything into hysteria: conversation, work, sex, transgenderism being the latest example.

What I am trying to say is that if one wants to know what life is about: including conversation, work, sex (up to transgenderism) one has to see through his own eyes. All the rest is decadence.

les online
les online
Jul 26, 2023 8:33 AM

It sounds so sciencey to call it ‘surgical mutilation’. Let’s call it what it is – genital mutilation…
Seems in our Scientific Age every barbarism becomes acceptable when given a sciencey name…

Jul 26, 2023 9:38 AM
Reply to  les online

Like circumcision

Jul 26, 2023 12:52 PM
Reply to  les online

Those marketing it certainly do not use the word mutilation. That was an error by the writer. The euphemism may be reassignment.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 26, 2023 7:34 AM

It’s very, very easy to counter all this trans nonsense: they are HETEROPHOBES. And heterophobia is a crime against the continuation of humanity, after all.

They hate the majority who are heterosexual, or bisexual.

They hate men who are men, women who are women.

Unfortunately for the trans-nutcases, men who are men and women who are women are the overwhelming majority of citizens.

So we have this cult of violent nutcases who say that 90%+ of the population must be excoriated to appease the demands of an evolutionary dead-end minority who won’t be breeding because they have mutilated their own sexual genitals.

What is required is a fight where 9 heterosexuals take on one trans nutcase.

I think everyone knows full well who will win such fights…..

Jul 27, 2023 1:27 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

One hetero with krav maga against one hundred trans nutjobs would be the fight to see.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jul 26, 2023 7:12 AM

“I didn’t go to Pride this year”
I stopped reading there…

Pater Noster
Pater Noster
Jul 26, 2023 7:20 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

That was the right thing to do.

By immersing oneself in the trans hogwash and giving it serious consideration, one becomes complicit with the trans madness.

Whether inadvertently or intentionally, texts like this make the trans madness and issue, which it is not.

Rob H
Rob H
Jul 26, 2023 7:25 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

worst still – there is going to be a second part!

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jul 26, 2023 8:53 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Could you explain to us why you think anyone could give a crap that you stop reading articles that don’t jibe with your personal views?
Your prejudice has caused you to miss out on one of the most well-written, lucid, and coherent, as well as far-reaching, critiques of the Global Biosecurity State OG has ever offered its readers. And that says a lot given the consistently high quality of writing we are lucky enough to be offered on this unique website.
Too bad for you.
Thank you, Simon Elmer.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jul 26, 2023 3:27 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

“Could you explain to us why you think anyone could give a crap that you stop reading articles that don’t jibe with your personal views”?
Clearly you do!!

Jul 26, 2023 8:53 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Not gettin through many, are you Paul ? Pity, this one covers a lot of ground.
I’ve never been to, or watched one either Paul, just seen promos: Narcissists on parade. They should get a Life.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jul 26, 2023 9:43 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Watching grown men in latex grind their crotch against another man’s back side is not my idea of entertainment & neither is reading articles by people that previously attended these events/sickening spectacle.

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 26, 2023 11:29 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

The real question that needed to be asked to resolve the problem was, do kids wake themselves up sexually or does this need a second or third party to achieve.

How one gets off track is a known, addressing it is not a known, its another democratic political denial, values? Hogwash

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Jul 30, 2023 6:23 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Keep your open orifices at Pride, not here.

Jasna Paka
Jasna Paka
Jul 26, 2023 7:03 AM

Allow me to weigh in on the issue of the alleged trans-rights.

There is no such thing as trans rights. There is no such thing as trans. In the world of reality, as opposed to the world of hallucinatory phantasmagoria. A man is born a fucking man and a woman is born a fucking woman. Literally. The male/female dichotomy occurs at the chromosomal level and no such thing as trans is possible. Man cannot be transformed into woman and vice versa. Case closed, whatever hallucinations some fucked up turbo-faggot might harbor in their decadent mind notwithstanding.

A rational person lends no attention to deranged transmotherfuckers and does not analyze their aberrant behavior. A rational person ignores this shit and/or, if these twits get too obnoxious, whacks them with a stick over the back and chases them back to their dungeon where they can have their dicks, balls, tits, cunts, and whatever else they see fit removed installed.

Kindly realize that if you allow this sheer lunacy get into your head and if you consider it an actual issue, you’re legitimizing this utter crap.

Have “they” (the sinister powers that be that you all believe are behind every nefarious deed) brought this transmotherfuckerism about or is it one of the manifestations of the decadent state of this civilization? Doesn’t matter – just like with CONVID. If CONVID had been laughed off by the majority, it would never have happened. Likewise, if transmotherfuckers are ignored, they’ll retreat to their dungeons. Don’t give this bullshit credence, you’re thus making it a real thing.

Kalvin Stardust
Kalvin Stardust
Jul 26, 2023 6:53 AM

Trans-women are men in drag. Simples!

Jul 26, 2023 7:56 AM

Tut tut 😂

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 26, 2023 4:32 AM

The LGB Alliance win their legal case

Trans children’s charity Mermaids fails to have charitable status stripped from LGB Alliance
Judges say law does not allow group to challenge charitable status of new organisation with opposing views
Jul 6, 2023

Exclusive: LGB Alliance on LANDMARK WIN against Mermaids over charitable status
Jul 6, 2023
Bev and Kate of the LGB Alliance speak exclusively to GB News, following their landmark win against Mermaids to retain their charitable status.

Jul 26, 2023 2:52 AM

Once you lose interest in sex you start seeing how manipulated individuals and societies are with this essentially bio-technical issue. Other animals are not as obsessed with this side track and that makes they more carefree. Those few seconds of very local bliss can be exchanged for a larger appreciation of all other invisible forces, not just those in attention seeking ‘sexy’ types. It opens doors to higher realms.

The other two human lures, power and money are a bit more obvious deviations for most but still highly addictive.

Sex, power and money are like crack, fentanyl and/or alcohol as your dominant spectrum, with expected results.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 26, 2023 7:16 PM
Reply to  Antonym

What do you mean? Rabbits, fish and dogs fok all day long. Havent you heard a street cat whining in the dark evening?

Jul 27, 2023 3:05 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Is Homo sapiens only gifted with intellect compared to other animals? I believe there is an additional extra, the individual Soul. That is the portal through which a person can connect with the rest of the manifestation – a wormhole-, if the mind and vital (ego) loudspeakers are tuned down. A lasting connection with All beats those few seconds joy connected with little.

Yes crack, cocaine and fentanyl are extremely addictive, but some animals are more equal than others..