DISCUSS: The UFO Hearings
Today is the big day, UFO enthusiasts. Today you get your day in court.
…or, rather, your day in front of Congress.
Yes, later today US Congress will gather to hear testimony on whether or not US government agencies have been keeping UFO sightings – or even wreckage – secret from the American people.
Among the witness line up will be David Grosch, the “whistleblower” who made headlines claiming that the US had retrieved wrecked alien spacecraft that “distorted time and space”.
However the UFO narrative is more than just one guy shouting at clouds, there’s a concerted effort to move UFO talk into the mainstream spotlight, well documented in a Forbes article published earlier today which gives a good timeline breaking down each “report” and “leak” that has shifted the UFO talk away from fringe “conspiracy theorists” and, well…on to the front cover of Forbes.
What’s noteworthy in all the press coverage is how dispassionately accepting it is.
The Guardian has their own timeline, published a couple of hours ago, which blithely recounts “how we got here”.
CNN’s notice on the congress discussing “unidentified aerial phenomena” reads like the announcement of a debate on parking permits or the minutes of a particularly dull PTA meeting.
Other publications are just as trusting if not rather more enthusiastic. Slate headlines “We’re About to Find Out What We Really Know About UFOs” and tells us in the sub-head that “Nothing will ever be the same again.”
Where is the mockery? Where is the anger at wasting public money and time? Where are the official “fact-checkers”?
Where is the almost immune-like rejection of the alternative we have come to expect from all corporate media?
It is absent. UFOs are already more acceptable than 9/11 truthers, Covid skeptics or climate change “deniers”. What a time to be alive.
Going back to that Forbes article, the author addresses how UFOs went “from taboo to Mainstream”. But what they are less clear on – in fact, what they do not mention at all – is why.
We say it all the time – but the the news doesn’t just happen. It is created, directed and controlled. If we’re all talking about UFOs, it’s because someone wants us to.
We published a more in-depth article about this last month, “Wait…are they REALLY going to do a UFO psy-op?”, which pondered why this narrative would be rolling out now, but couldn’t find a concrete explanation.
Well, maybe today we’ll get some answers.
But what do you guys think?
- Do you believe the UFO revelations?
- Do you trust Grosch and the other whistleblowers
- What do you expect to come from today’s hearings?
- What narrative do UFO sightings serve?
- …should we really prepare for an alien False Flag?
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Distractions; ‘bread&circuses’ for the sheople, by TPTB
He’ll never last in the ring, with that chin. Where’s Iron Mike when we need him.
He would vanquish his foe with pure mindpower and will?
The drawing is one made by Aleister Crowley, of a demon he allegedly summoned, and looks remarkably like a “grey alien.”
Well, AC would have us believe that. But like (many) spies, he was a constant committed liar. So I submit everything he says or thinks to a reliable lie detector test.
Verdict: all BS in one sense or more.
Other than that, I prefer David Duchovny’s choice of team names for his Roswell baseball players, when he did that episode for The X-Files: The “Roswell Grays.”
They say History never repeats itself, but I can see a pretty exact analogy to the Nineteen Fifties with Russophobia, rampant McCarthyism, fear for what the future may hold and a degenerate leadership who allows these things to happen.
I once tentatively believed in UFO’s but now I think it’s all a distraction. Their are much more World changing events taking place that are being usurped by this, which at it’s very best is founded on hearsay and folk tales. I think the people who have taken notice in the last few years will have expected this
Well, is there really a good reason it can’t be both? Riveting phenomena…
…and just as often simply abused for its diversionary qualities?
Elusive truths, and also worked over by the tabloids?
I suspect there’s overlap, but like so many other things, it’s heavily exploited for its lurid snake oil “sales-worthiness.”
But I think Intel has also long exploited it for many psyop uses, as a psy warfare weapon.
I met a quaint character at my gym 6 years ago who told me I had “some excellent alien lineage.”
See what I mean!? 😱😎
Aliens, Joe Biden, the rise of Trump,
“All the world is a stage floor”
I’m sure ‘Mariana in Conspiracyland’ will be covering this.
“The leader of the Totnes UFO-deniers…. “
You joke but I have read many Twitter comments accusing people who don’t believe the UFO narrative as conspiracy theorists. Strange times indeed
“We’re dying to be invaded.” 😀
From “Waiting for the UFOs,” by Graham Parker, on his 1979 album “Squeezing Out Sparks.”
My guess is that its of terrestrial origin- aircraft or satellites. What’s in cropcircle county Wiltshire? MOD central. Any way if the gov. says it’s aliens then it’s obviously not.
Well, for what it may or may not be worth, I saw one when I was 8 years old about this time of Summer 1960. I’ve posted a word-sketch of the experience here once before and elsewhere, but it was surely a riveting event for yours truly. With family, at the beach, and friends, about eight of us I was the only one lying on my back gazing at the sky when I saw what looked like a luminous dirigible (of which there were a number back in the day mostly Goodyear blimps, but none translucent) came floating down near the shoreline, but above land some hundred yards inland, but hundreds of yards up, it appeared, floating slowly from Long Beach toward Newport, CA., but as I looked up I had more and more of a time trying to discern the general distance and suddenly it was nearby us at “10:00.” It was luminous green like a lawyer’s lamp and a long oval with circular turrets one large on the top and one below, both of a ruby color, also translucent and slowly rotating. Once I realized how different it was I grabbed the shirts sleeves of two of us next to me and said breathlessly “look look, LOOK.” But it seemed as if everyone but me was in a sort of hypnotic “fugue state” unwilling or unable to react, until I finally shouted it, loud, and a few in the group half~heartedly looked up in the sky just in time to see it abruptly vanish as though a pencil thin thread of optic fiber vanishing toward 2:00, and almost straight up. It was soon in the months after that my eyesight rapidly degenerated during the next year and I suddenly needed thick glasses, -6 myopia, which may be coincidental since I spent a lot of time reading in the near dark with a flashlight, trying to find some answers if not solutions to this unusual place/space in which we find ourselves. But the only other person who I know personally who acknowledged seeing a UAP or UFO or the term du jour was my mother, who had been with us that evening in July, and who saw one nearby only a few years later, up on a bluff near where the hospital (Hoag, and where she passed 45 years later, holding my hand) stands now, but in a raw wetlands in 1962, and she said what she saw was invisible but she knew there was something there because the field of weeds and rushes was depressed for the length of about 30 or 40 yards and as she slowed to look at it it slowed too! And (rubbing her eyes, she’s very down to earth though inherently angelic) she finally stopped to stare, when the depressed lying flat part of the field moved at a certain speed away from her, gathering speed, and then the vision or mirage or “sighting” abruptly desisted. Poof. Much like the abruptly vanishing colorful sighting I had had, alone among many that night. Whoosh, Pooof! I have had only but several strange visual occurrences in the 60 or so years since then, but that one is indelible as having been clearly seen, but with an inbuilt hesitancy to believe my very eyes? In any case I saw it and I still remember it as though yesterday. My point on topic here is that IF it was something man-made it was a technology that they have concealed from us perhaps for millennia, surely nothing recognizably recent or modern that has ever appeared in public records,… Read more »
“The Earth is Flat…
Surrounded by an ice wall beyond which are many more ‘islands’.
As Magnetic ‘north’ accelerates into its new position, the Sun and Moon (A twin ‘star’ system) create advanced perturbations in the ‘atmosphere’…
So now our cousins from beyond the ice wall enter into this place inappropriately labeled ‘earth’.
The changes we are living through are cyclic and historic.
There is much to learn that has been forgotten. Find it all in the ancient geometries of the megalithic constructors and in the secret harmonics of the oldest of musics…”
— Direct quote from the old man who sometimes sits in the bus stop down the road who has the vibe of a wizened Druid and who likes to whistle with the birds.
Thanks for a direct quote from a real person. That old man might be old enough to remember Buck Rogers. I too believe in “the ancient geometries of the megalithic constructors and in the secret harmonics of the oldest of musics…”
Well…someone needs to be held accountable for the baggie of White House cocaine…why not ET on a jick?
Caitlin Johnstone thinks it is connected with the weaponization of space.
Well…someone needs to be held accountable for the baggie of White House cocaine…why not ET on a mission?
It seems the U.K./ US having been observing this Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon for a long time.
Even longer
It’s really excruciating watching my colleagues discuss earnestly each psyop that’s rolled out.
Yeah people could start off with the YouTube vid of the TR3B sat in all its triangular majesty on the deck of an American aircraft carrier filmed from a landing fighter
Think of it as a cliffhanger, each chapter thrilling and compelling; what will happen next?!
All part of one large story.
BBC going for the angle “Think this year is hot?” (Actually no.) “Well wait till you see next year!”
The end is a hoot of self-contradiction:
“I think the jury is out, but there is definitely some science showing that we are getting these much more persistent, static kind of weather patterns, similar to what we’ve got at the moment with the heat waves….. It’ll be interesting to see if there’s conclusive evidence that climate change has led to that. And that’s going to be a pattern that we see going forward in future.”
“It’s interesting to see if it is that, BUT NEVERTHELESS that’s what it’s going to be!”
I know it’s OT, but since you mentioned it. I heard in the last 24hrs the BBC trialling a new upgrade to the propaganda language:
“global boiling”
I like only cassiopaeans, they are my favorite ufos.
“What narrative do [solemn committees on alleged] UFO sightings serve?”
That ye shall believe the Lie, and the Lie shall make ye Slaves.
Deception iS Slavery. Self-Deception is the cruelest kind too, especially when we come to recognize the effects.
UFOs/any non terrestrial life is almost certainly demons, unlikely angelic…IMO, whatever…The sentence, UFOs are already more acceptable than 9/11 truthers, Covid skeptics or climate change “deniers”.” Is a profound observation and awareness of this should be expanded in some way.
How does one ‘prep’ for an alien ‘FF’ ?
(By digging out one’s old toy light saber from the basement…?)
The gullible believe in gods, ghosts, viruses, invaders, democracy, history, heroes, the future, celebrities, stars, and an afterlife.
The ruling psychos believe in CONTROL and MONEY.
The ‘trick’ is NOT believing but simply Being – In the here and Now.
The way all living creatures, except for the majority of humans, do.
The wings of the ostrich flap joyfully,
but cannot match the pinions and feathers of the stork.
For she leaves her eggs on the ground
and lets them warm in the sand.
She forgets that a foot may crush them,
or a wild animal may trample them.
She treats her young harshly, as if not her own,
with no concern that her labor was in vain.
For God has deprived her of wisdom;
He has not endowed her with understanding.
Yet when she proudly spreads her wings,
she laughs at the horse and its rider
Job 39:13-18
Still, storks are not extinct.
And Hummingbirds and Owls are magical.
Polluted and will soon die by Clima if we dont do something now.
Is it against The Law to make fun of Their green skin, and bugeyes ?
Is it discrimination, or “hate speech”…
What about “Genders”, how many do They have ?
What pronouns do i use if One Of Them sneaks into my bedroom at night ?
I do hope US Congress can clarify such questions…
They won’t like it here one bit
The comments convince me They are already amongst us !
Tell tale signs: They dismiss the facts of UFOs; ridicule the idea of beings with green skin and Big eyes: impute that believers are delusional…
I’ll bet they’re in cahoots with the CIA, MI6, Mossad; are running a psy-op to influence us to dis-believe our intelligence…
Most people aren’t critical thinkers, they want to believe in UFO’s because the idea tantalizes them. A classic example is that famous hoax successfully perpetrated on radio in 1938 by Orson Wells. For skeptics, seeing is beleiving, but for the suggestible and gullible, beleiving is seeing.
“Most people aren’t critical thinkers, they want to believe in UFO’s because the idea tantalizes them.”
Alternate take: Most people want not to believe in UFO’s, but UFo’s aren’t what they think they aren’t.
Most people do more research into buying a toaser, or an air fryer, than they do in what they have injected into their bloodstream. Most people watch tv which is the principal means of inducing hypnosis – and the resulting ignrance, stupidity and immorality.
What is the UFO-alien narrative all about? A distraction? A scapegoat? Will aliens be blamed for taking down the power grid or a military strike, using advanced (Deep State) weapons per Project BlueBeam?
Yes that is what I beleive.
Aliens have always been among the most convenient scapegoats, especially now.
Just ask a Mexican.
The Theosophists believe that in 2024 that Satan the Antichrist or as they call it Maitreya the World teacher will present itself. It is said it’ll present itself to save humanity. But you’ll have to take the “Mark”
Don’t believe in Aliens but do believe in demonic entities. In dark spirits. This whole UFO psyop is to prepare ‘us’ for a world teacher to lead us further away from the idea that we’ve a Creator, to accept the Antichrist via deception. Also, that we’re just an accident & an evolved monkey floating in infinite space, where everything came from nothing, on a oblate spheroid that “photograph’s” as a ball.
I’m still waiting to see a genuine photograph of earth taken from space. All I see are the many NASA cartoon versions, all photoshopped.
Yet more lies but we’re learning to see through them.
An alternative photo would be a clear irrefutable one of all the stuff they left on the Moon. This can be taken from an orbiter or, better still, a rover. Even the other governments that sent spacecraft there seem to be coy on the subject of Apollo.
It is sad that they lost all the miraculous technology, including space-suits stitched by an undergarment business.
No one went to the moon.
Not according to Jonathan King, and I would probably believe him before NASA.
Not the way they say they did, anyway.
You know you’ll be waiting a long time for that. But realise you’ve looked into the topic. Yeah, again, another huge lie.
Suggest people look at the Blue Marble series of “photograph’s” and explain why the continent’s are different sizes. So many holes in the story.
i do concur.
So much convinces me, especially Our Rulers reactions to little things, that They are running scared…Take, for instance, a one minute video by stand-up jokester James McCann, called, I Regret Getting The Vaccine…
I’ve tried every which way to access it online to no avail…If it’s being suppressed why on Earth would Our Rulers fear it ? If They have become so timid and fickle is it time for us to replace Them ?
I Regret Getting The Vaccine (1.00). James Donald Forbes McCann:
“UFOs”??? Bunch of brainwashed people!!!
Now they trust what the government shows them, hey???
Fairies, spirits, ghosts, saints, Reds under beds, UFOs etc.
The ceaselessy chattering mind sees what it WANTS to see.
Or perhaps more a blend of what “the mind” wants us to see and what other minds want us to see? Are the choices always that distinct?
Interesting word, a-lien. A ‘lien’ is the “right to hold property of another until debt is paid,” 1530s, from French lien “a band or tie” (12c.), from Latin ligamen “bond,” from ligare “to bind, tie” (from PIE root *leig- “to tie, bind”). The word was in Middle English in the literal sense “a bond, fetter,” also figuratively, “moral restraint.”
Another way to look at this word …. aLIEn.
Related to ‘liege’ – as in ‘my liege’ ?
Your liege being your master, to whom you’re bonded ?
Nice try, but no cigar. It derives from the Latin alienus, ‘belonging to another’.
Hi Simon. If you re-read my comment you’ll see that my dictionary says the same as yours.
Is that going on right now? The flying saucer above Capitol Hill and my Government.
I cant believe it. So the Terminator was right and we were wrong.
A saucer shaped UFO would appear to be the most aerodynamic, not like those big cube UFOs (which are probably Russian ?) ?
We are killing the earth so they will come to save us.They will halt climate change and give free electric cars to everyone , even if they cant drive.They will give us food,probably human meat like the bbc just spoofed.They will make us feel greater than britain ever was.Of course we should prepare for a fake alien invasion.They here already.
The fear they try to instil in us always comes from a vague “out there” which serves to take attention away from what’s going on in our midst, the enemy within.
I am starting to pay attention to the notion that we are being controlled by some sort of robotic entities here on earth. Something that wants to assimilate us, the living beings, in order to attain a higher dimension through our spiritual energy.
I’m not sure I understand this but I’ve been reading lately. Perhaps Christine Massey or others can comment on this.
through the interstice,
into earthly arcade,
to play their part,
as a poison,
Just one MORE Distraction
to keep the attention of
the masses, on one bs
headline grabber or another.
At the end of the day,
Nothing meaningful will
have been accomplished,
except for the Globalists.
No justice served.
Just a majority of the World
PROVING what they say
about “Bread and Circuses”.
Expectations of:
The Second Coming ?
The Great Rapture ?
Divine Intervention ?
Our Salvation ?
It’s all religious, to me.
Maybe the ufo stuff is a variation on the climate change/pandemic theme, ie. a global problem needs a global government.
Or maybe it’s a deliberately generated distraction from the growing dunghills of evidence that the climate change and pandemic ‘existential threats have been manufactured to convince us of the need for a global, totalitarian government
This all seems like a Variation on a Theme of The Big Lie, à la Goebbels & Goring.
That is, an essentially USAmerican extrapolation (straight outta Wall Street) of the amoral Nazi abuses of propaganda to achieve desired ends & goals. Same deal, different Dimension.
After all (is testified) we may find that MSM/CIA psyops can distort space and time just as much as the Mother Ship.
Straight outta Hollywood, by way of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, only updated into a less certain future.
75 years of programming..
This is subterfuge to hide all the recent deaths and more deaths to come. The old play book at work….a distraction and the truth behind the distraction.
Also a good distraction from the way the USofAs proxies in UkroNazia are getting their asses handed to them, day after bloody day.
This is another feint in the multi-pronged assault on Reality. The population’s swallowing of the patent lies and absurdities of “COVID” in particular has softened them up mentally such that they’re now capable of believing anything, no matter how mad, as long as it’s presented with a straight face by “authorities”, “experts” and “the trusted news”. This is useful for the purposes of control both now and in the future. And as with far more important offensives such as “Climate”, trans and woke, the UFO operation has more than one intended objective: psychological and cultural destabilization through the up-ending of certainty and rationality, the stoking of anxiety (and even fear and panic; cf. the effect on the public of Welles’ War of the Worlds radio broadcast) and, of course, simple distraction from the totalitarian conspiracy being mounted under our noses by the globalist digital-financial complex.
Grosch must be an agent of the US intelligence services. And as I don’t believe UFOs are really visitors from another planet, any “whistleblower” claiming to have proof that they are are is whistling in the wind as far as I’m concerned. I enjoyed Doctor Who as a child, but I’ve since put away childish things.
I expect nothing from these ridiculous hearings but unidentified flying ordure.
I think people have seen things they think are alien spacecraft because they want to believe in some higher force, a substitute for God if you will, that will come down and save them from themselves. Or just to liven up their dull little lives. As an officially sanctified narrative, this fantasy serves to flummox and discombobulate (two friendly aliens I once met) the population even more.
I don’t believe our truly reptilian masters will go as far as to raise an alien False Flag, in the sense of a faked attack from outer space. Too much trouble to pull off successfully, even with all of Hollywood’s resources. But I may be wrong. Anything is possible nowadays. Except real extraterrestrials. What an irrelevance! As if the bug-eyed monsters already ruling over us were not enough!
Imagination is the greatest nation of them all
Ah, as Lewis Carroll made painfully clear:
“Imagination is our only weapon in the war on reality.”
Did he say that? If he were around today he’d see that the unrealists have added quite a few more weapons to their arsenal!
Oh, and holding a Congressional Hearing into UFOs serves to TRIVIALISE such hearings in general, making the serious subjects seem equally insignificant.
I hope they have better dress sense than Klaus Schwab.
Today traces of UFOs can be seen again in the Netherlands; for many seemingly invisible ‘clouds’.
Made up nonsense, otherwise known as:
A circus for the slaves
Perhaps the real ones find it convenient to use the circus variety as cover!
“They” are probably developing a vaccine against aliens.
Recent scarelines about malaria [8 cases acquired in the US] were followed by. . . You guessed it– a vaccine, of course.
“The timing of these events is uncanny. The only reason why a few cases of malaria which are always around would make the news would be an announcement of a new therapy or vaccine. So next time you hear about an old disease making a comeback, look for some new profitable drug or vaccine on the horizon and be suspicious of a false medical scare to juice up investor interest.” –P McCullough
The reason malaria is making a comeback is that Billy Boy funded some genetically modified mosquitos which were released in Florida and Texas. Luckily Billy Boy has a safe and effective vaccine up his sleeve.
Mr P McCullough is a grand master truth teller. So is Del Bigtree and ICAN
They already tried that: the Hollywood version of Wells’ “War of the Worlds” with Gene Barry (1950s?)
All the alien ships start crashing to Earth, and “after further review” it is found that they all were defenseless against a Deadly Virus spread by us Earthlings.
Where’s my punchline, y’all?
“Sounds like a purloined script of WEF and WHO.”
” “They” are probably developing a vaccine against aliens”
we should.
we must.
a Vaccine is The Only Way to return to normal life!
It’s ‘making a come back’ ? Did it ever go away ?
It’s making a comeback – on TV / in the MSM.
The propaganda technique is: ‘making a mountain out of a molehill’.
It reinforces ideas that Nature is out to get us’, that Nature is no friend of humanity,
that there really are pathogenic organisms just itching to invade –
just like the aliens, those Ultra Futuristic
Orgasms0rganisms. (UFOs)From the Rockefeller Archive Center: “Did you know that Orson Welles broadcast “The War of the Worlds” on October 31, 1938? The General Education Board, a Rockefeller-funded philanthropy, supported the Princeton Radio Project, a study of the hysteria created by the broadcast. For more information, check out the Rockefeller Archive Center’s lesson plan on the project: “Understanding Mass Media News – The 1938 ‘War of the Worlds’ Broadcast and the Power of Radio in the 1930s.”
A well studied event. Nazi propagandist Joe Goebbels was a great admirer and copycat. And the idea was put to great effect, called “operation covid pandemic”.
“The chances of anything coming from Mars is a million to one they say,……..but still they cooome”. “Then came the night the first Römer missile approached the earth”.
As a Fun Fact I can’t resist repeating, my one-time “surrogate father,” the late Norman Corwin, of NormanCorwin.com (I was good friends with his adopted son and was at their house a lot), decades later inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame, began his major media career for CBS Radio the night that Orson Welles was broadcasting his notorious adaptation of HG Wells (no blood relation, lol) “War of the Worlds” directly below him on the next floor down, at CBS in NYC. He was a little nervous in preparing his own debut show, and it didn’t help much that suddenly right before air time he began fielding calls in his own studio from people all over calling, asking him questions like, “Are you one of them?!”
He had no idea what they were talking about and thought they were somehow crank calls that had made it past the switchboard, until he found out through their sheer numbers that it was a good time to ask around, and found out the real story.
A great one, as real stories go!
It’s my mum’s birthday today, the first since she passed away in November last year. When I was younger , quite a bit younger , I made her buy UFO magazine from John Menzies each month as I was too embarrassed to do it myself lol! Today I think the ‘alien’ connection to UFO’s is as fake as the jab that led quickly to her ovarian cancer that ultimately killed her . Happy birthday mum!
Sorry for your loss. It is my mum’s birthday on 27 July and I lost her two years ago to cancer that reared its ugly head after my mum got the vaccine. I used to ask my mum to buy me Gary Larsson – Far Side comics.
Discuss? Ha ha …!
All right. It’s a giant crock of shit. How’s that for discuss?
Careful, aliens have feelings too. It may be a crock but it’s still their crock.
The only ones afraid of ghosts, are the ones who don’t believe in them.
Never mind UFOs. How about UDOs? Unexplained Dying Objects. In this case Sinead O’Connor – another who has tragically died and everyone is grief stricken and here is a reminder of her marvellous talent and the family don’t want any intrusive attention in this sad time etc.
I’ve been ploughing my way through reports and obituaries and the topic of cause of death is never even mentioned. The most I could find is a line on Wiki:
“On 26 July 2023, O’Connor’s family announced through an official statement that she had died at the age of 56, keeping the causes of her death undisclosed”
Oops it’s just changed:
“On 26 July 2023, O’Connor’s family announced through an official statement that she had died at the age of 56, without stating the cause.”
Do I detect uneasy shuffling about?
But don’t you just love the way that nobody raises the issue of cause of death for anyone these days?
Is not giving a cause of death a giveaway ?
Are the families self-censoring, or in denial – or is the media censoring any mention of (medical) cause of death ?
“Suicide” is the weapon of choice against malcontents for a number of decades now, if not perhaps much longer than that.
I have mentioned before several times that my own father by the flesh is narrated in a biography of his most famous client as a “suicide… with a small caliber gun” whereas LAPD has had him booked for 40 years as a Cold Case, “evidence missing at the scene!” Really makes you wonder about them all.
And people wonder why I am just a humble Conspiracy Realist!
(For any deaths farther from home, at best I manifest as a “Conspiracy Hypothesist,” but you noticed that that H word is never ever never used?
If you only hypothesize, then They can’t play the blame game….)
Nobody wants to wake up the Kraken, do you? If you want it then you should do it yourself but far far away from my save space. The viru-vax-not-to-be-named you know.
Aussie media are implying suicide.
She had been grieving her beloved son’s “suicide” the past year.
For some years I maintain an “open file” on all suicides, as to cause of death, but especially celebrity so-called suicides.
I haven’t even a shadow of a doubt that Robin Williams, as one telling comparison, was a homicide and a coroner that I know when pressed with that question told me, “We just don’t know!?” (David Carradine’s family of famed actors also hired their own medical examiner, for a second autopsy, who said that Carradines body was in a position not consistent with suicide, or anything self-inflicted, etc etc. And, he was murdered just “down the street” in Bangkok from where the world-famous Fr. Thomas Merton, global peace activist, was, by all best evidence, quite probably murdered by the CIA, and then covered up for 50 years as an accidental electrocution, in spite of a wound on the back of his head?!)
As globally contrarian as Sinead sometimes was, it certainly raises instant questions. Having had (at least) one such in my own family, I call them all now highly-assisted-apparent suicides.
If there’s some sort of secret space program they maybe have the tech to pull it off – be perfect for the whole global governance push. They could pitch a post 9/11, covid “we’re all in this together” but on a whole different level if we’re gonna be told we’re literally under attack from aliens. We’ve seen the movies we know how its supposed to go right?
Yes: The alien Mother Ship on the brink of triumph unexpectedly crashes in Times Square, all invaders within found suddenly dead, due to a Deadly Virus. Hmmmmmm
The UN will ask Putin and Zelensky to hug like brothers and unite in the name of world peace and against alien invasion.The “crops” in the fields like all “alien” CIA psyops are part of the occult and also serve the task of mocking the public. Obelisks are occult symbols.Ancient Aliens psyops. The Vatican is pushing it also. http://www.allreligionsareone.org/Ancient%20Aliens.html
Just as phony as they ever were, but now there’s so much more emphasis because we need so much more to distract us from what’s really going on. Yawn. Ho-hum. Got better things to pay attention to.