This pro-mask “study” is why you should NEVER “Trust the Science”
Kit Knightly

Last week it was reported that the Australian state of Victoria may be considering “permanent” facemask mandates to achieve “zero-Covid”.
Now, we don’t need to get into the personal liberty implications of such a law, or the near-infinite supply of evidence that masks don’t work to prevent the transmission of respiratory disease.
They don’t work, they never worked. Mandating them was a political move designed to make the fake Covid “pandemic” appear real, and their continued use is a symptom of brainwashing or a by-product of chronic virtue signaling.
The mask debate, such as it was, is over.
No, the only aspect of this development worth talking about is the “evidence” used to support the position – and trust me, the quotes are entirely justified.
The “study” which claims to demonstrate the benefits of permanent masking was published in the Medical Journal of Australia last week and titled “Consistent mask use and SARS‐CoV‐2 epidemiology: a simulation modelling study”.
“Simulation modelling study” is very much the key phrase there. For those who don’t know, “simulation modelling studies” involve feeding data into a computer programme, then asking it to form conclusions.
Clearly, they are only as reliable and useful as the data you use. In fact, you can very easily make them produce any result you want by feeding in the “right” (bad) data.
In this particular modelling study they started out by telling the computer that cloth masks reduce transmission by 53% and respirators reduced it by 80%:
Odds ratios for the relative risk of infection for people exposed to an infected person (wearing a mask v not wearing a mask) were set at 0.47 for cloth and surgical masks and 0.20 for respirators
Essentially, they told their computer that masks prevent disease…and then said “ok, computer, since you now know masks prevent disease – what would happen if everybody wore them all the time?”
The computer then told them – obviously – that nobody would get sick.
Because they made it logically impossible for it to say anything else.
But there’s a bit more to it.
The next layer of interest is where they got their input data from.
After all there have been dozens of studies done on masks over the years, 98% of which say masks don’t work.
So, did our guys they choose a peer-reviewed real-time control trial relying on lab-tested double-blind results?
Perhaps one of the dozen or so such trials listed in our 40 facts article?
Did they maybe average the results of multiple studies?
No, they used a phone survey.
One phone survey.
This phone survey, published last year and conducted in late 2021.
In this *ahem* “scientific study”, they had people randomly call up those who had recently been tested for “Covid”, ask them “did you wear a mask?” and then published the conclusion – “masks reduce transmission by 53%” – as if they meant something.
Interestingly, if you scroll down to the “affiliations” section you can see that one of the authors is a Pfizer grant recipient.
Rather more troublingly – and for some reason not mentioned as a conflict of interest – is that the whole study was produced by the California Board of Public Health.
California had already had a mask mandate in place for almost a year before this “study” was even started.
What we have here is not “science” it’s a computer model based on the results of a subjective phone survey conducted by a government agency with a vested interest. It is entirely meaningless, and yet is published in journals and cited by “experts”, perhaps even used as the basis of introducing new laws.
This is how “The ScienceTM” works. And, although Covid has maybe opened many people’s eyes to this issue, it is far from unique to “Covid”. You are just as likely to find this kind of “research” published on any topic – especially those that serve a political purpose – and have been for years if not decades.
Stanford Professor of evidence-based medicine, John Ioannidis wrote a paper called “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False”, and that was back in 2005.
This has nothing to do with the “pandemic”, and everything to do with the difference between science and “The Science”. So let’s examine that distinction.
“Science” is an approach to the world. A rational method for gathering information, testing new ideas and forming evidence-based conclusions.
“The Science” is a self-sustaining industry of academics who need jobs and owe favours.
An ongoing quid pro quo relationship between the researchers – who want honors and knighthoods and tenure and book deals and research grants and to be the popular talking head explaining complex ideas to the multitudes on television – and the corporations, governments and “charitable foundations” who have all of those things in their gift.
This system doesn’t produce research intended to be read, it creates headlines for celebrities to tweet, links for “journalists” to embed, sources for other researchers to cite.
An illusion of solid substantiation that comes apart the moment you actually read the words, examine the methodology or analyse the data.
Self-reporting surveys, manipulated data, “modelling studies” that spit-out pre-ordained results. Affiliated-authors paid by the state or corporate interests to provide “evidence” that supports highly profitable or politically convenient assumptions.
This mask study is the perfect example of that.
Interlacing layers of nothing designed to create the impression of something.
That’s why they want you to trust it, rather than read it.
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Great site! I hope it does well. Kit, a splendid article. However, if a retarded Monty Python and the London School Of Economics had a baby, it would be a synthesis of your Commentariat.
Masks “don’t work”? Don’t you mean “masks doesn’t totally stop transmission”?
After all, when you have a mask on, and you find all the crap one has just sneezed out on the inside, then surely if infectious, that has potentially stopped it landing/injected by someone else and therefore stopped transmission, right?
Your question presupposes that viral transmission exists, which it doesn’t. That was shown in the studies back in 1918-1919(“spanish flu”), that you couldn’t catch the illnesses from patients to healthy people by sneezing etc. None of the healthy got sick in all the trials – meaning none.
Even saying they don’t work implies there is work that could be done. Not so if there is no virus. Often the argument will be about physics. The Del Bigtree argument about mosquitoes flying thru a chainlink fence. The response if there is one will be ah yes but there is droplets trapped by the mask. The smart ass who listened to Del Bigtree will then look like an idiot and so it goes on. No it is not physics either. The mask should work not just for this particular alleged particle but a wide variety of others. The masks would work but there is no work to be done. The germ hypothesis is itself false and the chainlink fence argument plays right into the hands of the perpetrators. If this one argument made by the supposed opposition is actually counterproductive then how many other arguments are also so designed? How many of the people we think are opposition are actually not brainwashed but actually posting this stuff pretending to be opposition?
Looking at some channels on youtube there is actually marketing bots that can post comments. You might have seen them making a string of comments promoting crypto. This channel however is rather convincing. It looks like bots only because it is pretty basic stuff singing the praises of the channel creator. He also has video about using AI to make articles which kind of gives it away that he would be the sort to use such bots. Some of the users are quite recent aswell if you look at the about pages. With COVID tho they could have been much more sophisticated and set up lots of accounts many years earlier. The arguments could have been designed so both sides of the supposed debate were actually benefitting the agenda. This is what flooding the zone probably meant. COVID then could be the first major disaster caused by AI and it would thus be valuable to expose it as such.
They don’t work stopping a virus because there is no virus to stop.
When are you people going to wake up?
It’s getting lonely out hear in the real world….
Have you thought why you might be ‘getting lonely’? Is there an outside chance you have been gullible enough to believe that there ‘is no virus’? Would hundreds of thousands of doctors around the globe put their livelihoods on the line and lie on death certificates if there wasn’t? Think about it!
All the best
“Now, we don’t need to get into the personal liberty implications of such a law, or the near-infinite supply of evidence that masks don’t work to prevent the transmission of respiratory disease.”
Yes, we do need to go there. Let’s be more specific: we do need to go into the fact that your personal liberty to infect other people with a deadly contagious disease should be reduced as much as possible at all times. In fact, even calling it a liberty reflects clear signs of psychopathic tendencies on your part, as the liberty to kill does not exist, generally speaking.
On that “near-infinite supply of evidence”, yes, there is a near-infinite supply of rubbish on the Internet, and a near-infinite supply of idiots that have a burning desire to appear clever by aping the words of smart people, that will absorb that rubbish because they really are incapable of understanding the detail. That’s why it’s important to inform idiots that they really are stupid and should not trust their own judgement, and that the Internet really wants to kill stupid people. Any idiot that wishes to live should reduce as much as possible their exposure to the Internet and mass media of all sorts.
I find it interesting that an article admonishing people to read the science used to reach conclusions was so clearly not read by you.
“On that “near-infinite supply of evidence”, yes, there is a near-infinite supply of rubbish on the Internet, and a near-infinite supply of idiots that have a burning desire to appear clever by aping the words of smart people, that will absorb that rubbish because they really are incapable of understanding the detail. That’s why it’s important to inform idiots that they really are stupid and should not trust their own judgement, and that the Internet really wants to kill stupid people. Any idiot that wishes to live should reduce as much as possible their exposure to the Internet and mass media of all sorts.”
I would follow your own advice post haste! Live long and prosper!
I hope you’re up to date with your boosters.
Dear Government Functionary,
the only ‘deadly contagious disease’ is that which is so clearly exhibited by your post.
Good one, Pa!
Doly…you cant fix stupid can you.
Liberty is something captains give to sailors from time to time.
The Person is a dead thing owned and operated by the state.
Personal liberty is a form of bondage.
Freedom is something else again….
Here, here. Keep up the good fight. You are protected by powers greater than the arrogant principalities that deem themselves rulers. It’s a much more interesting universe than most can comprehend.
Hear! Hear!
It doesn’t matter that many know how dodgy the reasons for masking were. I showed a friend in pictures the hypocracy of politicians with masks on for the cameras and caught mask off when done with their propaganda and this friend said to me she’d rather trust ppl in lab coats telling her the truth than me haha, who’d worked in laboratories, metallurgy meaning technique does not equal science unsaid and so got nowhere. On a bus a similar conversation went straight in one end and out the other. Switched off and accepting. This is a gross misuse of trust by too many easily gulled. The politicians knew it and played it. On a tram going the other way three cops with one nearly detonating as I did not wear a mask. The day before that would not have occurred. He was switched on to throttle me, detain me, charge me but couldn’t as others found out. Magistrates denied scientific evidence as a defence in court for those who were busted for not wearing a mask and fined. The magistrate took it as an affront to snub the mandate but refrained from going further in his considered opinion. Out politicians acted treasonably against our democratic constitution and should be brought to justice.
Oh..Gag me with a mask! Muted by masking! Moronica and the masker aid! The Masked and Muffled! Masking Mentality! Marked and Masked, Masking and Gasping! Masses for Masking! Masked and Miserable! Hell, just add you own..
We have been in WWIII for years now but it is not a kinetic war, it is an information war which is a massive weapon when you can control what the people are fed!
It’s still WW3.
These anecdotes like CoVid1984 are just added to it.
I think the proper term is “painting the pig.”
“Whoever controls the narrative, controls the world”… and The $cience controls the narrative.
The science did not control anything. Scientists are not propagandists or ideologists and there’s the rub. Dressing up in a lab coat does not make a scientist.
”The computer told them that in a masking world ”nobody would get sick” Reductio Ad absurdum, If nobody ever got sick, then nobody would never get sick and die – forever! Best scrap the funeral arrangements then! The Powers that Be have pushed this crackpot theoretical insanity to the edges of a social mass psychosis. One wonders how much further there is to go
I once had a friend try and convince me that we should have isolated everybody from the get-go because if “everybody was isolated, then there would be no transmission”. No thought was put into the downstream consequences of his crackpot theory.
Excellent article as usual
We’ve always been at ‘Zero Covid’.
Just your friendly reminder that the virus premise has zero foundation in actual scientific studies.
Now back to your regularly scheduled Pandemic Whack-A-Mole.
When Victoria’s lunatic premier starts wearing a mask twenty four hours a day I’ll be pro-mask.
Self-revolutionising Capital artificially – by means of the medical charade – boosting use value into the normally negligible face mask manufacturing market, the humans be damned (August 2020):

Many of these forecasts with different figures can be found online, but all will coincide in the sharp rise that happened in 2020. Consider the prior normal size of the market.
Marx knew that, partly due to the Law of the Tangential Fall in the Rate of Profit, the core defining feature of Capital is its compulsion to convert everything into use value, if that means a temporary revival. To promote the new use value, it must get into a discourse which contradicts its previous discourse. For instance, in the future, face masks use may well be a hindrance to the concoction of a new use value and Capital then shall discourage their use as unhealthy after having promoted them as the hallmark of health. Note that in all this, capitalists are only instruments executing Capital’s logic.
“Capital posits the production of wealth itself and hence the universal development of the productive forces, the constant overthrow of its prevailing presuppositions, as the presupposition of its reproduction. Value excludes no use value; i.e. includes no particular kind of consumption etc., of intercourse etc. as absolute condition; and likewise every degree of the development of the – social forces of production, of intercourse, of knowledge etc . appears to it only as a barrier which it strives to overpower. Its own presupposition – value – is posited as product, not as a loftier presupposition hovering over production.[Second emphasis added]” – Karl Marx, Grundrisse
From the source: “The global reusable face mask market size was valued at USD 1.3 billion in 2019 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR – Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 23.5% from 2020 to 2027. Rising adoption of face masks as a precautionary measure to protect oneself from various diseases, including anthrax, influenza, avian bird flu, swine flu, Ebola, and the recent coronavirus, has been fueling the demand for reusable face masks among consumers. There has been growing awareness among people that masks are an effective way of controlling the spread of the virus from an infected person as well as the environment, which has been an immediate factor to spur the product demand. According to a simulation done by The University of California, 80% of the population wearing masks could do more to reduce the spread of COVID-19 than any strict lockdown measures. [Emphasis added]”
See the contradictions? Face masks manufacturers like to present themselves as the friendlier alternative to “strict lockdown”; while the State’s survival instinct needing to mobilise its machinery thus justifying its existence would consider that as too passive.
It’s remarkable how many self-assured Marxists misunderstand Marx. John McMurtry (who succumbed to the covid crap) took exception to the opening of Capital:
“A commodity is, in the first place, an object outside us, a thing that by its properties satisfies human wants of some sort or another. The nature of such wants, whether, for instance, they spring from the stomach or from fancy, makes no difference. Neither are we here concerned to know how the object satisfies these wants, whether directly as means of subsistence, or indirectly as means of production.”
McMurtry was critiquing this via that indifference towards the distinction between the stomach and fancy, saying that there was indeed a vast difference in terms of what really furthers life which is an objective matter. But Marx was only concerned with the logic of capital which didn’t care.
Nor is the criticism that beginning with the commodity was a random matter a valid point. This beginning makes perfect sense. The commodity is at the heart of capital. And the above statement, “Value excludes no use value; i.e. includes no particular kind of consumption etc., of intercourse etc. as absolute condition”, is another indication of the indeterminate nature of the items that value “inhabits”.
And this mutability of capitalism, which makes it the most dynamic system the world has ever seen, is what causes that constant uncertainty, that “all that is solid melts into the air” quality noted by Marx and Engels. Also leading to, as Ellen Meiksins Wood noted, capitalism as the “system that dies a thousand deaths”.
Which raises the issue of the significance of the covid/climate operation. The former marks the move of commodification into the human body itself as untold millennia of natural immunity are conveniently – and necessarily – forgotten in order to flog an artificial immunity (which, as is often the case, is a fraud designed to perpetuate an addiction to more of the same). The climate fixation cuts away the “dead wood” i.e. that which is now considered superfluous to the process of capital accumulation.
Exactly. That’s why it is mistaken to believe that the downfall of Capital shall be brought about by hungry Proletariat whose life conditions have been consistently deteriorating, like it happened in 1789. It’s precisely the historical role of Capital to eradicate hunger and disease, even if these calamities still exist.
This thing will be stopped when we realize that the alternative is: humanity caput.
Remember Moslem women’s masks had been banned for the entire Moslem global population as religious suppression, to secure they were able to get Corona.
If Moslem women were the only group without Corona, the whole global scam bang could have been revealed. “Think Big Kissinger”.
Thanks to the Industrialists ability to look forward, 70% of the entire global population got the jab, and we are not finished yet, 10-20% more will get it.
We will have to lose our patience and get the last 5% down on he floor, jabbed and boosted.
The last 5% are the untouchables, the Spartans, the Guardians.
Now when they come up with a mask to protect us from emf radiation, I’ll be first in line to get one. Not that they would even if they could.
“Electrosmog” is the Totality of the Electric Fields, Magnetic Fields, and Electromagnetic Radiation – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Cults have ” followers” science doesn’t.
Should we not consider ‘Mask Studies’ until they’ve been referenced on the WHOs website?
I mean.
It’s somewhat akin to watching the temp maps used by MSM, during our Global Boiling period. They all use the UN/IPCC Internationally approved temp vs color scale standard, for temperature maps, don’t they?
Yes, it’s what they do best – hysterically propagate perfectly normal and harmless events and natural phenomena. 😱
Hmmm – ‘permanent’ masks. Are they to be sewn to one’s face I wonder?
They’re meant to be attached to one’s mind.
Dictator Dan
It is astonishing that Dictatot Dan hasn’t been tried and executed for his evil crimes.
The only way you can ‘follow the science’ is to assume that everything printed is lies until your hypothesis that lies have been printed is disproved.
Thanks to another commenter from the Unz Review:
When accused of believing a “conspiracy”, or being a conspiracy theorist
suggested to the accuser, ” Yes. Let’s consider a hypothesis on the theory to determine whether the ‘conspiracy’ is true, or not.”
Sadiq Khan is extending the ULEZ (ultra low emission zone) in London. This is being spun as a victory against Tory run councils and therefore as yet another heroic blow “against the right”.
As one OffG commenter, Graham Greene, has pointed out, the ULEZ will “impose a punishing tax on vehicles in Greater London” and goes on to say that his “wife who works in Surrey is now to be taxed £12.50 per day – every day – which comes to ”£12.50 times 5 = £62.50 per week and = £62.50 X 4 = £250 per month = times 12 = £3000.00 per annum.”
All of which indicates the true aim of this climate change psyop: to impoverish the population and then blame it on “the cost of living crisis” conceived as some strange economic illness that defies explanation until the media ropes in various scapegoats e.g. “inescapable wars abroad”.
Presumably Khan has a chauffeur-driven car and uses private jets to travel abroad??
Yeah, but he’s Khan.
The ULEZ move is a clear indication of where the climate programme is going. At the moment it’s London. It will spread and lead to large areas of “low emission” I.e. a tax on car use. Eventually it will even cover country areas. Or at least that’s the aim. Should they get away with it, it will grossly impoverish the majority of the public before forcing them to give up their vehicles. The effect on livelihoods and businesses will be catastrophic I.e. even more so than with covid. Indeed, the climate fraud will effectively lead to another lockdown. This time permanent.
Yes it will, a climate lockdown means 15 minute cities…. * Lucky us *.
ULEZ = “You lose.”
I thought it mean two gay ladies U Lez…..I say in jest of course
Being a little pissed at the new ruling, Brown Car Guy on SpewTube recently took a (quality, as in not a piece of junk) air quility monitor out onto the streets of London, you don’t need to watch the video to know the outcome was the opposite of G’mint bile.
“The Science”: Science as used by late stage capitalism to postpone its demise. This is done by interpreting its results in a scientifically unjustified manner that nevertheless concocts or boosts economic value in new concepts such as “health”, “climate”, “green economics”, etc., which in turn creates the conditions for capital investment and circulation.
Bull, this has nothing to do with capitalism, which is a stupid and meaningless word anyway invented by equally stupid communists to smear the free market economy. The whole bullshit today is just another attempt to finally reach the worldwide communist utopia.
There was a Guardian letters page on how “Labour must be clear about their stance towards transgenderism”. It only confirmed my suspicion that these letters are scripted. I glimpsed a line about “me and my transgender friends” which made me guffaw. As with the switch from covid to climate, it’s the same tactic with different labels. In this case the switch is from “anti-Semitism” to “transphobia”. Both word games are used as a leash round the neck of possible dissenters.
“This system doesn’t produce research intended to be read, it creates headlines for celebrities to tweet, links for “journalists” to embed, sources for other researchers to cite.”
Screw computer generated models – faux science, as you say.
“Research” is being produced to order – to supply justifications for what bureaucrats want to do.
The public, consuming this nonsense, is also complicit. What we used to call popular science is now bubble gum. It’s easier than thinking.
The crucial point is not knowledge, but awareness.
Of course raising one’s awareness does not make one an expert on everything or anything… but it possibly works by making one more confident about asking questions. Take the fire porn… you should not have to be a meteorologist to see you are being lied to.
The problem is not science. It is our way of thinking.
A bureaucratic state of mind has taken over. Corporations churn out “Organisation Man” – identified back in 1956. Universities train people what to think, not how to think.
The Guardianista moniker was coined for a reason. Guardian readers were not unique – they were simply the most obvious example of readership as a belief system.
Knowledge is traditionally thought of as justified, true belief. It has passed a test. Awareness is more personal. I have no idea which comes first.
Like avoiding indoctrination in school, one must shirk the Guardian’s off-the-peg suit (suite) of ideas – particularly since 2013, when British military intelligence marched into the Guardian offices, symbolically forceing the destruction of hard drives, and effectively taking control of the paper.
Be wary of discussing Guardian talking points – even when debunking them. Such behaviour falls within the Overton Window.
By focusing on stories in The G or the BBC, you let them set the agenda.
In this mass-training of the bureaucratic or corporatist mind, truth is not relative – it is simply ignored.
Once people’s minds are trained to adopt a set of ideas wholesale, which may not even have any logical connection, but which go on to shape behaviour, the scientific process is no longer considered.
There is no substitute for lived experience. The more you raise your awareness, the more you recognise things without the need for your internal voice to begin a monologue.
If people do not develop first an inner monologue, and raise their awareness, they will be repeatedly stumped, confused and forever reinventing the wheel.
This is why we see the same stories come up again and again. It is a sign we are still re-thinking masks or the implications of the Covid response and how it may or may not be connected with climate change and the endless talk of emergencies.
We end up “slow-walking” reality. We fail to keep up.
And we risk falling victim to the same techniques, the same phrases, the same measures, the same television headlines, the same on-screen tallies from Covid that are being recycled at this very moment for Climate Change.
No-one ever said the bureaucratic mind was creative.
“We are approaching the brink; already a universal spiritual demise is upon us; a physical one is about to flare up and engulf us and our children, while we continue to smile sheepishly and babble: “But what can we do to stop it? We haven’t the strength.”…But we can do—everything!—even if we comfort and lie to ourselves that this is not so. It is not “they” who are guilty of everything, but we ourselves, only we!…
And therein we find, neglected by us, the simplest, the most accessible key to our liberation: a personal nonparticipation in lies! Even if all is covered by lies, even if all is under their rule, let us resist in the smallest way: Let their rule hold not through me!”
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
(Whom it is fashionable to accuse of being a CIA plant – as if half the bloody politicians are not. London-New York irony is so f**ing deep.)
Maybe Aleks S wasn’t a CIA plant but he was certainly an asset.
True, but what is funny is, that we who are aware do the same Sisyphus as our opponent.
We continue to point out the same ignorance again and again without getting nowhere on how to deal with it.
On top of it, Herman Gref/Sber bank, Russia’s biggest bank, claim bookkeepers like himself and his bankster group provide schoolchildren and society with spirituality.
“I the dry bald bookkeeper with glasses in my dusty office filled with paper stacks and manipulated annual accounts give you and the world spirituality.”
One more lie from this side.
Gref, the pretty boy of the NWO. Wouldn’t be surprised to see him one day replace Klausch Schlobb.
Just finished the autobiography of Luther S. Cressman, the “father” of Oregon’s archaeology. He was ruthlessly attacked for his evidence-based theory of much earlier human occupation than was accepted. Now he is vindicated many times over. Even this year a date of 18,000 years b.p. was established!
And as a University of Oregon prof. (retired in the 60’s) he repeats that his goal was never to teach students WHAT to think but rather HOW TO THINK. (caps his)
A rare species, I wish I could have met him. He pioneered the “multidisciplinary” approach to archaeology, bringing in specialists in many fields. Walked his own path and never suffered fools or haters. Last of a dying breed…
The return of the dancing nurses:
This time they have a blatantly media friendly message as opposed to their “oppositional” stance re: covid. This lot look more amateurish than the slickly coordinated hospital dance routines so it’s possibly more “dupe heavy”.
But it only serves to emphasise how vast and intricate these psyops are.
Its getting more and more absurd each day passing. These nurses probably get fired if they dont participate in “our common goal” One World Socialist Government.
You again Mr Editor mention the ‘Australian state of Victoria’ and then mention ‘California’
I find it strange that you seem to pick on left leaning Area’s or States etc in 98% of your articles. Ive gone back 2 year on the blog.
Your other authors you choose to write on the blog do the exact same. Its never right leaning states that ever get mentioned.
As a leftie, It would be nice to actually come to OFFG and see a critique of the opposite. but your response would be …we dont do politics as it is rigged’ then the response to that would be… every article you release is 98% an critique of the left.!
Next up, Canada or France with a Interlacing layers of nothing article designed to create the impression of something using left leaning states counties with right leaning talking points as that is what OFFG does.
Are you kidding Arnold?
There is greedy, greedier and GREEDIEST.
That is, Left, Centre and the Right.
Victoria is led by a Corparasite.
California ? I have no idea.
Just another ambitious prick in a suit, no doubt.
Ambition: the deadliest disease of them all.
It crushes everything before, as it devours any goodness in the diseased.
The greediest are pseudo-lefties who were Communists at University, then got their trotters in the gravy train trough and thought how wonderful the gravy tasted.
‘their trotters’ :-}
Perfect Rhys.
‘but some are more equal than others’
Gavin Newsom (haha) famous for really expensive French Restaurant dining with unmasked guests at taxpayer x-pense during lockdown. It doesn’t get much more bitterly obvious, unless it’s Boris, and the YouTube vids of the maskless Number 10 lot in the garden parties, Boris present.
Easy. Lefties cant criticise something that is right, right?
As everything lefties do are schizophrenic double- or triple think they criticise their own wrong side to emphasize they are on the goodies side.
I surf on various internet pages to get a broad impression of inputs and the way I discover I am on a leftie side, is that most of the Authors and commentators have no humour.
Sour down thumbs and refusal to argue for their contempt for other opinions than their own lefty.
When I am on the “right leaning” sites as you call it, people there, Authors and commentators, are more open for seeing the world from the far side.
Sorry Arnold, but the Left disappeared back in spring 2020 – or, to be more precise, the illusion of the Left disappeared. I mean for fuck’s sake it was this “Left” who were shoving covid down our throat.
Any revolutionary potential in the historical Left had been well neutered as far back as JFK i.e. when the CIA funded conspiracy phobia kicked in. Since then, “the Left” have been gatekeepers.
There is no “left” and “right” of politics.
It is just the labeling of politics for adolescents.
“Studies show”…. air is racist!
Source of this one? Sadiq Khan. Still, it’s just what the disinterested science says and not at all connected to Khan’s ULEZ policy and the way voters kust rejected it while Khan is under strict instructions from above not to back down on it (see the statements by the UK’s emissary to Bilderberg Michael Gove that there will be no retreat on such policies.)
“Last week it was reported that the Australian state of Victoria may be considering “permanent” facemask mandates to achieve “zero-Covid”.”
Some daft Chinese provincial authority aimed for “zero Covid” a few months ago. They were quickly disabused by a popular revolt. Let’s see how long it takes for Ozzies to revolt in the Australian province of Victoria.
The Chinese people are not as brainwashed as we are. Yes they have an authoritarian system, but they know it!
What a stupid antivaxxer bullshit…you have to see a psychiatrist urgently…
Been missin you Jeff.
As much as Lockdown.
Go back to eating your feces.
when considering all the shit thrown at us, from fluoride, to masks, tee-vee, “vaccines”, radio waves
we know it is intended to dumb us down, but aside from seeing the corruption, slavery, credit and politik for what it really is, basically oppression
what more could we be?
for number freaks and those who have, or want to experience dmt and other enlighteners heres a treat i found, enjoy
For every imposed demand or restriction, safety is far more important than benefit or effectiveness. This article too overlooks the different forms of harm from the mask.
This and similar stuff will keep happening as long as the very idea of a “dangerous virus” called “SARS-CoV-2” remains out there and popular, which can only happen if the overwhelming evidence that no such virus has ever been proven to exist, via physical isolation and purification, remains suppressed.
Australia is in an especially desperate condition and truthfully remains as it was founded – brutal work camp
A lockdown could be ordered tomorrow and we would simply see a return to 2020 conditions.
Also the word mandate needs to be replaced with order/command or other
Oz = Neo penal colony
Every infant has its first love affair with its mother, and though dis-appointment and dis-trust are learned early, do we only know of somethings by their absence ie is trust instinctual or does it exist only because we’ve learned dis-trust ?
Social Credit System in Action
July 13, 2023, JP Morgan Chase Bank suddenly informed me they are closing all of my business accounts, both banking and investment accounts, along with the personal accounts of my CEO, my CFO and their respective spouses and children.
In May 2023, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation specifically prohibiting financial institutions from denying or canceling services based on political or religious beliefs.
So Chase told CEO Steven Rye that the reason for closing all the family’s accounts couldn’t be told “for legal reasons.”
JP Morgan should be challenged in court over this, particularly as they were using Jeffrey Epstein as a key source of business for years.
Their license to bank should be revoked world wide.
No. Not court challenge.
Now that the “vaccine” has proven itself incapable of preventing transmission of anything, the “scientists” reached into their grab-bag of tricks and grabbed something from the bottom which they’ll now try and present as some kind of consolation prize.
Masks are like the runner-up in a Miss Universe contest. If the winner – the “vaccine” – is disqualified, the runner-up takes over till the next contest. And the wonderful thing about the runner-up is that nobody ever remembers who or what it was.
At least with the miss universe pageant the winner and the runner up are both beautiful. The MRNA vaccines and the masks are both very ugly. The vaccines are useless and dangerous. The masks are useless and dehumanizing.
That confidence trick is the core of the New Climate change “science”, practices since ~three decades. Worth every penny of subsidy, as you get what your employer wants.
Next to pressitutes there are scentitutes, mostly dudes by the way.
Yes I’m embarrassed and disgusted to find myself in the same ‘reality’ as, for example Neil Ferguson and the ICL criminal lot. Without whom Boris, the Cabinet Office and B-B-B-Boris wouldn’t have had the excuses for the Nudge Unit and those ‘Sage’ geeks. While having an alleged sex holiday in Montana owing to travel restrictions.
I mean, the science of perversion is so widespread that ‘The Science’ has become perversion. As spread, laid on thick, poured, thickly buttered and battered into brains by the likes by the likes-of, The reason why I’m not on or anywhere near the BBC is possibly this: (2014)
I am embarassed to be living in the same country as this kind of strupid.. make it stop, please.
The picture of a JPMorgan bank CEO.
And the BIG joke is: Victoria brands itself as ‘The (wait for it) – – -EDUCATION State!!
Hah, fucking hah.
‘Dumb As Doorknobs’ more like it.
Or ‘State of Stupid’
‘The Dumbed Leading the Dumber’
‘Education’ means ‘instilling social mores’ in Latin.
You don’t want to be educated at all in a time of social madness. You want to be free of having your intrinsic spirit crushed via education.
‘Satan deceit out’ and ‘i.e. Satan code tut’ are anagrams of ‘Education state’.
I had though Stupid 20 was waning but perhaps it is just more virulent.
Reminds me of a song I once knew- “Meet the new mask, same as the old mask.”
Afraid enough to always do as instructed by the authorities and to always yield to peer pressure.
The one at the top right hand side looks a bit like Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla me thinks 😂
What’s he doing standing still when he should be running away from reporters?
Where are the black people gays and effeminate coverings.
I give it another 50 years, and that meme will read:
“Brav enoug t injec unknow substance into th bod bu afrai t breath ai”
Are teachers even allowed to know anything these days, let alone pass on their knowledge…?
They gave up the 2000 ton of heroine from Afghanistan, and had to find a compensation.
People who were on coke before, are now on booster jabs.
We must rescue our dear Victorian friends, and then cut Victoria adrift from the mainland.
It’s clearly the place where the world’s intellectual refuse gets dumped.
I think all the computer models should strut their stuff on the cat walk so we can all have a good perv. I like a good perve, dont you ?
Dictator Dan is our man.
He’ll do what he likes.
Because he CAN!!
I even feel like I know him…
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-07-26. Study Finds 1 in 35 People Had Signs Heart Damage After Moderna Booster Shot. BoE, CoL & Magna Carta (blog, gab, tweet).
From your Link:
“‘The current list … all these athletes have suffered heart problems after COVID shots. At the time of initial writing, 28 died. That was not normal, but then, 10 days later, 56 deaths were listed, and the numbers are climbing. Any other real vaccine would have been pulled off the market long before now.
‘These athletes are the canaries in the mine that warn us of imminent danger. ‘We only see the athletes because they are in the spotlight. The nobodies – i.e. most citizens [people with Vaxx Damage] – do not make the news’.
Has Pfizer got a stake in mask manufacturing?
Actually, that pro mask study is why we aren’t out of the woods, in fact, we’re still knew deep in moss next to the old growth. It won’t take much, like the recently propagandized “triple threat” coming this fall, for all the previous “requirements” to be activated and all of a sudden you’re faced with deciding if you want to wear a mask into the grocery stores and restaurants, or not.
This time around, the majority will simply refuse. There are still a few nutcases wearing masks in the UK, but it’s a very, very small minority.
‘Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me’ is pertinent here….
The correct technical political term is shambers on you, and shambers on me, figuratively speaking that is.
The next “pandemic” is going to actually be dangerous, and while masks won’t help, people will be fighting each other to get them.
Here’s an illustration of that propaganda, culled last week from the aptly-named “Yahoo” site:
You cant fix sheeple.
What? Is this the return of the Trinity?