This Week in the New Normal #68

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Highly convenient Red meat allergies spreading
This week the US CDC reported that over 450,000 US citizens may be allergic to red meat, thanks to the spread of an (allegedly) tick-borne infection called “Alpha-gal syndrome”.
According to the BBC:
New data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday shows a steep increase in cases of alpha-gal syndrome. The allergy triggers a possibly life-threatening reaction to several types of meat or animal products. US scientists have traced alpha-gal to saliva from the lone star tick.
And, in a genius piece of narrative cross-pollination [emphasis added]:
The tick is identified by the white spot on its back and is mostly found in southern and eastern parts of the US. But experts warn that their range is expanding due to climate change.
That is a very neat piece of propaganda. Well played globalists.
See climate change can be blamed for spreading the “allergy” which means people can’t eat red meat, which they shouldn’t anyway…due to climate change.
Anyway guys, avoid ticks, or you might get the most politically convenient food allergy of all time.
2. Obama’s Personal Chef Drowned
Tafari Campbell, the Obama family’s personal chef, was found dead this week after drowning in Edgartown Pond on Martha’s Vineyard. The drowning was reportedly a paddle-boarding accident, according to authorities and the as-yet-unnamed witness.
While it was initially reported that Campbell was visiting the island while the Obamas were not there, that story was later changed.
The police have told the press there is “nothing suspicious” about the sudden death, despite the pond having a mean depth of only 5 feet, and the 45-year-old being able to swim according to posts on his social media.
Now, it’s entirely possible that it is just a tragic accident. These things do happen. But it’s also…just a bit weird.
A story to keep an eye on.
In a downright weird coincidence, Bill Clinton’s former White House chef also accidentally drowned back in 2015.
3. “I regret having a baby…I’d rather watch netflix”
This is a funky one.
At least four outlets this week have a story about the mother of a 10-month-old baby girl who apparently wishes she never had children and misses her alone time.
The kicker here, though, is there’s no evidence this woman exists.
All four stories – in the New York Post, the Daily Mail, the Sun and JOE are simply write-ups of a thread on the mumsnet advice forum, started by user “TheBerry”. That’s literally all they are.
No apparent effort was made to contact the woman and get a statement from her (and, indeed, establish she exists at all), they just wrote up the OP, then pasted the replies.
At first I thought “well, it’s just one article by a desperately stumped columnist that was syndicated across several outlets owned by the same company”. Nope. Three articles, three different *ahem* “journalists”.
I can find no reason at all for these things to exist.
I can’t for the life of me figure out why one woman maybe regretting her life choices is news.
The New York Post piece, at least, shoehorns a bit of shilling for big Pharma’s latest post-partum depression medication, but that is not mentioned in the others.
General demoralisation? Anti-children propaganda?
Who knows?
BONUS: Hysterical hysteria of the week
According to official sources, we just had the hottest week in 125,000 years (we actually didn’t, but never mind). Now, as we move “into the era of global boiling”, we want to share the funniest over-reactions of the past few days…
For example, there’s this lady, who tweeted that any outdoor activity in 90oF weather is “potentially fatal”, and that at 95oF you can just die standing in the shade:

Bad news to the many tens of millions who live in countries that regularly exceed those temperatures.
Or this gentleman, who claimed that it would be “instant death for millions” if air conditioners stopped working:
No government will ever admit “our country is now unliveable”. Power grids have already become as strategically important as food in uninhabitable countries. If the AC goes, it is instant death for millions #uninhabitable #ClimateBreakdown
— George Tsakraklides (@99blackbaloons) July 24, 2023
Presumably, this is why – historically speaking – nobody ever lived in Greece, Spain or Italy until 70 years ago when AC units were invented.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention Ukrainian cities using Pride parades to raise money for the war effort or the unvaccinated man denied an organ transplant…being asked to donate his organs.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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This week in the NEW New Normal:
“Former UN Chief Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter on Rebuilding the New Europe.”
“U$ Colonel Douglas Macgregor says, Russia will Cross the Dnieper and Re-take Odessa”
Back to the Future, with view of the famous Odessa Steps:
US/NATO Maniacs Killed The Post-Cold War Peace On Purpose says Alexander Mercouris from The Duran
R.O,W says No2Nato
Global get-together featuring wellknown peace activists such as George Galloway and Larouche Schiller.
“Why the 2023 Niger coup d’état matters for Russia and the MultiPolar World”
Putin first showed his patriotism in the political arena by partially freeing Russia from infestation by Anglo Zio Capitalist parasites in the 1990s, that dreadful decade “when the deathrate doubled and the birthrated halved” — the worst catastrophe to overtake his country since the Nazi invasion. Putin could not remove every parasite from the body politic but he jailed some, exiled others and regenerated his country.
Putin first showed his statesmanship in the international arena by first facing and then gradually reversing the NATZO invasion of Syria in 2010. Syria was “the stone in the middle of the road which halted the “irresistible armed might” of our NATZO juggernaut. Then he showed himself a world statesman by developing the concept of a Multi Polar World. Now, in 2023 the world begins to recognize that the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist countries represent only 15% of humanity: NATZO army literally at war with ROW (the Rest of the World, and unlikely to win.
Thus Niger is a test case for the Multi Polar World. Africa has been enslaved by the EU$A for centuries, and is trying to throw off the shackles. But Africa — unlike East Asia, Central Asia, West Asia and Russia — Africa and South America are more fragmented, less politically cohesive. Hence the imminent invasion of Niger by NATZO to restore its subjugation to the EU$A is a test case: not only for Africa but for Russia and for Putin’s carefully developed concept of a Multi Polar World.
Also, nobody lived before vaccines (and antibiotics), when viruses (and other germs) had free reign.
In the unknown millenia of human existence and climatic instability, the endless combinations of viral DNA did not produce a bat/ pangolin/ [insert weird animal here] virus that could just wipe us out well before we had the chance to make “vaccines” and “anti-virals”. That is truly astonishing odds!
It is climate change that will bring forth the Plagues, Famines, and other divine punishments prescribed in the Book of Revelation, a script they are definitely not following ( for they are modern folx who follow The Science) !
Just in the news yesterday (July 31st, 2023): House Democrats are pushing Biden to declare an official climate emergency since they can’t push the agenda legislatively. He has been resistant to do so but is, apparently, “softening” on the move.
Personally, I think it’s been the plan all along to use the move as his reelection spring board.
Last thing I told my grand kids this past week: Climate change is not an emergency and what their teachers say in school about climate change is made up lies. Their is nothing to be afraid of.
My daughter then qualified that the teachers are only saying what they are being told to say. Worked out better than I expected.
Come on, see if we can get it up to double figures!
Track the impact of global warming on the world
Sky News
6.58M subscribers
8 watching now
Started streaming on Jun 2, 2022
This data livestream shows in real time what is causing our environment to change. From the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere to how much the world has warmed because of human activity since the industrial revolution.
Just so we dont get stuck in false reality: This is what nature does, changing, all the time.
From tropic clima +40C to freezing -40C. From flood to low tide, from winter to summer, from tropic ages with dinosaurs to ice ages with the big snow boogie boogie man, and this is real reality.
Let’s have an open gloat about our brainwashing:
Let’s not consider that the reason we’re publishing this is the July weather in the UK is so awful despite supposed global climate warming change that parents might be looking for something to entertain their house-imprisoned children.
This week in the Old Normal. Alexander Mercouris predicts military intervention in Niger by the usual EU$A suspects (at 1h20m):
The vampires are hunting all over after fresh innocent blood.
Coincidentally, just saw the doc ( a young pretty physician’s assistant) couple days ago after having been bitten (again) by a deer tick. She did not know a lot about ticks. She does now.
Deer ticks have been spreading rapidly throughout the region because of dense white-tailed deer and white-footed mouse populations. Mice and deer are the intermediate hosts for the deer tick.
Same thing goes for the lone star ticks.
The abundance of large and small mammals promotes the spread of the ticks and the associated diseases.
Not caused by climate change.
The wildlife thrives on “edge” habitat which is increased by development.
Yes, you read that right.
Development promotes and increases edge dwelling wildlife which, in turn, increases tick populations and the associated diseases.
These people that are blaming climate change for the spread of the disease are ignorant fools.
But we all already knew that.
Now you know the specifics.
…Coincidentally I was watching a clip on YT about a week or so back from that episode of ‘House MD’ with the tick paralysis case (Y’know, that one where House found the tick buried in the young lass’s hoo-hah at the very last minute and miraculously solved the case, just in the nick of time (hooray!) – Just as the kid’s dad burst into the elevator (*Much* hilarity ensues)…)
…- Now, *Suddenly* the whole world’s banging on about ticks all of a sudden and I feel like the whole world’s revolving around me, or somethin'(!!!)… – Or maybe it’s just the local Zersetzung team just tryna send me lame-ass, third-string, small-beer messages again, as per usual… – Ho hum, *Who Knows*?…
> #Inb4: “Shut Up And Take Your Meds”…. – *Yawn* 😉
Yes. Exactly. They are mental. Not to be confused with “The Mentalist” a favorite of ours back in the day. My daughter thrived on the show House. To this day I have not watched an episode. But, apparently, my real doctor does (or did). The last time I was in for my tick medicine he alluded to checking all my “cracks and crevices” with a smile on his face. I had no idea what he was referring to. Now I do. That or he is gay………
…Be careful with your doc, brah… – *Seriously*… – dude sounds like a creep to me…
…- House was cool, but Patrick Jane was the freakin’ *Bomb*, mind you…
…- Both of ’em Sociopaths, *At Least*, mind you, tho,… 😉
Here’s how to deal with ticks and not worry about any of their disease-causing bacteria:
Take ingestible iodine. This is not the little bottle in your medicine cabinet with a skull and bones on it. This is Lugol’s solution which you can purchase online (I buy from JCrow in NH). If your iodine receptors are chockful of bromine and fluorine, you may have to follow a detox protocol.
But there’s the best thing to do and you can use any iodine. Remove the tick and paint the spot where it bit or tried to bite (first they put down some anesthetic) with iodine. Repeat as necessary. My partner has been bitten dozens of times, had the complete DNA panel, and had no tick-borne illnesses. Iodine kills everything except for healthy gut bacteria, which makes it likely we evolved with a need for iodine since we’re full of iodine receptors! (Seaweed huts have been found high in the Andes, far from the sea.)
Great advice, that the medical industry dreads. They may be rolling out a new tick jab any time now.
Maybe you should make it clear that the iodine ued to paint the skin is not the ingestible one.
I must have twisted 200+ ticks off my two dogs from March to June. I had about 3-4 on me. Luckily, live far from Lyme’s land.
I collected the blood engorged vermin in a big bottle. When it appeared I had a good number I added water and left the brew to macerate in the hot sun. Viola! Bio-dynamic fertilizer.
PS can’t understand why the Weffies aren’t looking into ticks as the perfect protein boost. Serve them up at crocktail parties the way you would capers or tiny olives. Or else at the end of a meal like Smarties or M&Ms.
Ingesting iodine can give you cancer if you exceed the safe amounts.
…- So we all get to turn into Barbies!?… – Sweeeeet!! – Where do I sign up to cut off my nads and join the cult of soy?… – Do I get a cute matching ensemble that projects my ’empowerment'(tm) and ‘independence'(tm), too ?…
…- 01:20 for the moneyshot, bitchez 😉 :…
…- The Japanese, on the other hand, *Knew* how to do ‘Arufa-Gyaru’:…
…- By God! – Why, their sunbed/bottle tans would make the God Emperor, TheDonald(tm) himself look like a mere pale skinny whelp of Laplandish woodchopping peasant by comparison!…
“Hey Jack, we are not making any profits; too much competition; and technology and automation after all made things worse. To invest in Wall Street isn’t the solution either; too much debt and not enough expected production to cover it, too many bubbles. Marx was right, rates of profits are on the floor and business as usual is dead. It’s the end.”
“Let me see, Mac. To what was due our success all that time?”
“Well, we tapped into their unconscious desires; you know, the emotional stuff. But it’s not profitable anymore…We’re doom…”
“Not so fast, Mac. Desire, eh? Let me think…. How about tapping into their fears?”
“Fears! Never thought of that! I think you got a brainwave there. That should work as it’s like desire, only mirrored. Fear it is! I’ll put the matter in hand.”
The Fraud’s weekly rant about “conspiracy theorists”:
That Graud link consists of the usual automatic pilot cut ‘n paste stuff:
“…QAnon … cabal of Satan-worshipping …. global paedophile network …. drink the blood of children …migrants arriving in the UK …. “children’s souls” were being “destroyed” by cultural Marxism. … a Pandora’s box of conspiracy myths….if Donald Trump were to win ….attacks on the US Capitol …”
Not the merest hint of the real issues e.g. the blatant bullshit of covid and climate, the criminal coercion into submitting to untested vaccinations, the ferocious immiseration of the population etc.
Also note the lip curling phony call to solidarity: “How can we push back?”
‘cause like we’re so all in this together!
And this hugely revealing bit:
“I am often asked why the UK doesn’t have a successful far-right populist party. My answer is: Because it doesn’t need to.”
The UK doesn’t need such a party because, it is implied, distressingly large parts of the UK public are already like that! We are now afraid of “audiences that would have voted for the BNP or Ukip in the past” but these Nazis have now joined the Tory Party who “have increasingly departed from moderate conservative thinking and lean more and more towards radicalism”.
But I was intrigued by a link on the words “harmful content”. This takes us to the sad tale of the now deceased Molly Russell, a depressed youngster accessing “harmful content” which remains ever nebulous. This caused her father to call “for the government to implement its long-delayed online safety bill”. Also “a senior executive at Instagram’s owner, Meta, apologised after acknowledging the platform had shown Molly graphic content that breached its policies at the time”.
A disturbing tale, though plastered with lacunae. A further link sounds a bit more promising on the revelation front:
“Psychiatrist ‘unable to sleep’ after seeing material viewed by Molly Russell”
But this proves to be equally non-committal to the actual content of the viewed material.
And again and again we have a familiar phenomenon: A huge outpouring of rage urging us to do something…. but curiously uninformative about what prompted this.
Not only are they drinking children’s blood, they are also partying eating brain directly from living babies scull and 33 bones.
This is what they also are doing and thats not the only thing.
…- Finish the fucking story man!! – Whatabout the tits!?…
Human origins.
…- If the story at this link anywhere includes the word ‘Nephilim’, I will hunt you down and kill you, m’kay Cap’?…
…- *Clicked Aaaaaaan’*… – Okay then… – ‘pologies, for now… – What is this, syncretic mythology?… – Where’re my Neanderthals and Cro-Mags at!?…
Very nearly all mainstream history is a lie. Maybe for good reason.
It’s funny watching people almost willfully ignore and mistrust their own 5 senses. I’m in New England and it’s been just normal hot but people insist on characterizing it in the exact same dangerous language they’re hearing. This morning I had to put a sweatshirt on for my early AM walk – no global boiling here just temperate and beautiful (albeit a bit chilly for Aug 1!). Will keep everyone here updated if I see people assed out on the sidewalk next time it tops 80 degrees F.
A pleasant summer here in CA, it was high 90sF for weeks, as usual. After framing houses in full sun all day we can go for a swim at the lake.

…- Imagine that… – The Sun is *Shining*… – In *Summer*, FerGawdSakes!!…
…- “How Dare You!?…”
Was that woman/mother contacted by ‘family services’ for a ‘welfare checking’? News outlets might be liable for a breech in their duty of care in this hyper emotional new normal
Also why can’t people be more positive about climate change, change is good! We need to get out of our comfort zone, challenge old prejudices and traditional stuff, new generation new climate. Climate 2.0 it’s hot, it’s diverse and it’s inclusive. Warming is so hot right now
“allergic to red meat”
they found that allergy very quickly.
but you have to spend $million$ to prove allergies or bad reactions to Glyphosate or other poisonous chemicals that are approved to be added to our foods.
Safe in low amounts is the clever marketing gimmick….
But never troubled themselves with the CV19 “vaccines” – pronounced “safe and effective” probably on the say so of Gates.
Definitely signs of hysteria creeping into the mainstream media’s summer ‘climate change’ campaign. Their quack scientists plainly didn’t even forecast the UK was going to have a damp, cool summer, never mind ‘forecasting’ alleged heatwaves in 50 years.
They can’t scare us with a couple of days of hot weather in this country this year so they are trying to scare us with hot weather around the Mediterranean in summer (who woulda thunk of it!?!?!)
“tick-borne infection called “Alpha-gal syndrome”.
Next month’s news:
a lab hidden in a mountain range in Nevada has been discovered.
documents recovered from the lab reveal extensive Gain-of-Function research into ticks to prevent and stop transmission of Alpha-gal infection(s).
re air conditioning: should be given to all the poor to save their lives!
some readers might find some comfort in what the american official Mr Blinken said on australian TV. he implied that nuclear War is not worse than climate change.
What was Blinken drinkin?
“New data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)”
“Frankenstein Bacterium Supplants its Natural Parent”
i read mention re the re-turboed climate blag, in reference to the overwhelming way the pandemic treaty has smashed and burned
as the metaphoric sterering wheel of the attempted nwo is jerked this way and that we are aware that loss of (their) control is a given (they of course know this too, such is the nature of co-dependence?)
a battle for critical mass, a wrestling match if you will
every person here, knows other people who are not “up to speed”, but i would say that many of those people have discovered that things aint quite what they seem… and they speak to others and so on..
hence the discreditable “excesses” that are social mediafied, then de-bunked
finding little gems in the history tray, such as the “richard day tapes”, “silent weapons” and so on help to create a firm foundation re the princial players, heres another from 1976:
Oh great, more christian slaves complaining about their jish masters!
Maybe if you didn’t follow the scientology-like nonsense they served you as “god’s word” you wouldn’t be enslaved…
The James Webb telescope (launched Dec. 25, 2021) new photos are upsetting a few astrophysics’ apple carts, like the “Big Bang” theory.
No worries, NASA defends the old dog-ma using Nobel laureate John Mater with a Oct 11, 2017 article
Don’t look at the dates, just glance over and nod yes.
I presume alpha-gal is the dominant member of a lesbian household.
Fucking brilliant, love it.
Lol whichever one was a biological man like 3 months ago – and no that’s just a coincidence!
I wonder if the Oppenheimer film is also aiming to subliminally emphasise global warming as well as resurrecting the nuke fear.
Which is the same. Biden is right, the heat will come. Lets go Brandon.
Now that Humans have departed Other Animals Thrive in Radioactive Chernobyl
Natural selection eliminated the worst mutations, and wildlife soon began to enjoy their restored Garden of Eden without Man the Destroyer. A promising result for the possible New Normal after WW3.
Man was innocent and didnt do anything, it was the woman and the devil’s fault.
The woman continued to take forbidden fruits from the devil and pour them down in the shopping trolley.
What can a man do? Gentleman, assistant for his assistant, in favour of women’s liberation, always wondered why the silly women never challenged the devil.
It was solely the women and the devil’s fault, they did it. Man was clearly the smartest guy out of three.
But God got pessed and condemned man completely unjustified, and women should only give birth with pain. Both were kicked out of the paradise.
Unfairness, police violence, violence of all men’s human rights convention in Geneva.
God got it all wrong. Man didnt do anything.
Does the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you making?’ Does your work say, ‘The potter has no hands’? 10 Woe to the one who says to a father, ‘What have you begotten?’ or to a mother, ‘What have you brought to birth?’
Isaiah 45:9
Does a dog have Buddha Nature?!?
Dogs eat shit and that is a fact. “ZenPriest” is about as far from zen as it gets.
The more extreme this new normal fearmongering becomes, the absurder it sounds, the more people wake up.
A positive feedback loop.
‘The era of global boiling has arrived’ warns the UN – YouTube
Who can take this honcho still serious? En Emperor without cloths (too hot 😂 )
Written from the South Indian summer b.t.w.
Water boils today spontaneously at 20,000 meter on the border between the troposphere and stratosphere. so Guterres in on a serious “high”.
I believe in everything my government tells me, and so do all I know around me.
Why should or would they lie? Just asking a question!
A couple of hours ago I replied to the question you posed me earlier today (on the Off-G article [published on 29th July] re. ‘The lost art of connecting dots’).
Been there. Lesson done.
For all we know the story about REDmeat allergy causing ticks is a (media) ‘conversation’ starter, just as the story about the regretful mother appears to be ( I wont call her “a regretful MUM”)…
If the regretful mother story is intended to start an (msm) ‘conversation’ it will undoubtedly be about how negligent mothers today (I wont call them MUMs) can be blamed for so many of our modern society’s ills…
After all, every criminal, rapist, drug fiend, politician, Big Pharma CEO, kiddie-fiddling priest, even psychopaths – all the world’s fucked-up people had a mother…
If you were attentive you’d have noticed some “experts” and state officials regarded mothers who refused to submit their young to the toxic ‘covid’ jab as being guilty of ‘child abuse’…
And that’s the way the (media) ‘conversation will go…It wont be about the mothers of all the listed fucked-up persons but about the Mums who refuse to allow their kids to be guinea pigs, especially for the gene manipulating ‘treatments’ rapidly becoming available…
During the ‘covid pandemic’ Australian states publicised the billions they were going to spend on ensuring every youngster, from three years of age, was to be corraled by the state’s pre-schooling system (for Obedience Training)…(The earlier commenced ‘training’ would assist them later as they competed against robots for a job !)
Robespierre, of the French Revolution’s famous Reign of Terror, and one of the birth-fathers of the modern ‘education’ system made it quite clear that the schooling institutions were the means to undermine a child’s familial loyalties by transferring those loyalties to The State…
Anyone who has read JW Prescott’s (online) “Body Pleasures and the Origins of Violence”
will recognise that a person’s early relationship with (his) mother impact their life…The State is not concerned about all the fucked-ups and psychopaths (The State would “wither away” without them !)…The State is only interested is rationalising its assumption of parental care of the young…Media ‘conversation’ posts about regretful mothers who prefer watching netflix to childminding help that rationalising, just nicely…
You almost got that sentence right:
‘After all, every criminal, rapist, drug fiend, politician, Big Pharma CEO, kiddie-fiddling priest, even psychopaths – all the world’s fucked-up people had a mother…’
They had a father that, in most circumstances, was chosen by the mother.
I went outside today and it was 90 degrees and I didn’t die. I’m wondering wtf is wrong with me. I called the doctor, and he told me to put the lime in the coconut and mix them both together and call him in the morning. We’ll see what happens then.
You can’t get boiled from a right angle.
90deg. :-{
But you might get lost.
I sundanced in South Dakota at 67 at over 105F. You are top naked and wearing a ritual long skirt. I burned a bit. Nobody collapsed. There were quite a few women doing it behind the women’s leader, Norbert Running’s grand-daughter. You do 4 days night and day with a few hours in between shifts. You prepare with 8 sweats, I did 16, and you end it with 8 sweats, I did another 16. I mean, come on guys. The women had eagle feathers ripped out of their cheeks and shoulders. It’s an honour to be there.
Sounds awesome.
What I forgot to mention was that you don’t get to eat or drink during the 4 days. I had the sweat lodge people running after me because they noticed I wasn’t sweating, which meant that I was seriously dehydrated. But I managed. It’s supposed to be an ordeal. Some say it’s to balance the pain the women have to endure in childbirth.
Extremists or the very dedicated do have cherry wood skewers pierced through the back close to the shoulderblades and get hauled up on the sacred cottonwood tree, but they also rip out easily if they’re not put in properly
I carried a medicine pipe (chanunpa) for nearly 30 years. I thought they’d never ask, but they did.
Glad someone is doing this. Thank you.
From your Link:
“In a July 26 interview, Mr. Clauser explained that he carried out his early research on quantum mechanics against opposition from some in the field. As a young man, he pulled off the first experiment to demonstrate the reality of non-local quantum entanglement — the strange linkage between multiple particles across any physical distance. That groundbreaking work earned him one-third of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Today, the 80-year-old scientist is up against another consensus taboo in science and politics.
“I am, I guess, what you would call a ‘climate change denialist,'” Mr. Clauser told The Epoch Times.
The physicist shared some of his views on climate during a recent talk in South Korea soon after his election to the CO2 Coalition’s board of directors:
“I believe that climate change is not a crisis,” Mr. Clauser told the audience at Quantum Korea 2023.
He also described the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as “one of the worst sources of dangerous misinformation.”
Mr. Clauser elaborated further on his views in his interview with The Epoch Times:
Contra the IPCC and other major institutions, Clauser argues that climate is primarily set by what he refers to as the “cloud cover thermostat,” a self-regulating process whereby more clouds start to enshroud the Earth when the temperature is too high, and vice-versa. Although he accepts observations showing that atmospheric CO2 is [slightly] increasing, he believes that CO2 gas’s effect on heat transfer is swamped by the great [water droplet] cloud cycle.
“It [the CO2] may or may not be made by human beings,” Mr. Clauser said. “It doesn’t really matter where the [atmospheric] CO2 comes from [because its effect on earth is negligible compared to shading by cloud cover.]”
This physicist believes that objective science on climate has been sacrificed to politics. The preeminence of politics is all the worse, he said, because so much money has already gone to climate.
“We’re talking about trillions of dollars,” he said, adding that powerful people don’t want to hear that they’ve made “trillion-dollar mistakes.”
Wrong Mr. Professor. Not to politics but to Wall Street Finance speculation.
The Clima is the negative or stock shorting of the Weather.
Clima happens on excel sheets, paper and flat screens. Weather happens in the real world.
Powerful people, should they make a “mistake”, even a trillion-dollar mistake, always land on their feet. As a last resort, they can simply print up a fresh trillion …
‘Carbon capture is a gold rush, the gold being public money. Exxon Mobil just bought a carbon capture company. Certainly it knows of the dangers and inefficacy, but such virtue signaling makes them look good. Summit Corporation is another dishonest outfit prospecting for free public money.’
Red meat allergies?
Gimme a break.
The PROVEN danger of any meat ‘product’ is heart disease, strokes, bowel cancer and inflammatory diseases. To name a few.
Now l await the omnivores ‘but, but,’ attack.
Not forgetting it caused the die off of cro-magnons and neanderthals. They stuffed themselves on dinosaur burgers and wouldnt eat their vegetables.
Funny that.
Apes are basically vegetarian. As are l o n g l i v ed elephants, hippos and rhinos.
BTW, Cro Magnons now wear $uit$ and roam the corridors of the authoritarians.
apes aren’t, and true herbivores have a very different digestive system from omnivores like us. try living o grass/forbs.
Dunno about eating ‘grass’, but they tell me it makes for a cooool cookie.
No kidding. Cows have four stomachs to handle all that grass!
yes, and other herbivores have special equipment too.
Chimpanzees eat meat.
Well, can you imagine telling a cro-magnon or a neanderthal to eat their veges? Few would have that courage.
Wouldn’t have been many veggies around during the ice age anyway — not in their latitudes at least.
And no one is alarmed about the chitin in insect protein being sold as food. It is a common allergen.
All insects and their shitin have been duly washed and cleaned before released to food. Approved QA reports says that.
Here’s your break;
“De gustibus non disputandem est”
In matters of human health and animal cruelty there SHOULD be debate.
none of that is prove, all debunked, nor are there many human carnivores, we’re omnivores , though a few people have recovered their health with a all/mostly animal foods diet.
the bad meat/eggs/cholesterol come from the same place as all of the psyop.
Its not the meat per se its the shit the poor animals are injected with and fed.
The elite have chefs, the middle class have restaurants and the underclass have junk food.
Funny how that works.
Slow poison and slaves.
Pesticides on the outside and poisons within. It’s been going on for years as one guy who works in the food industry tells me. Chemically engineered for the consumers slow death.
Vacancy for a food taster at number 10 anyone?
The Climatechange Hoax grows during the traditionally hot month of July in the North. I find it hilarious two stories are not hitting the media waves. The first is a sleight of hand article in Spiegel quoting the European Space Agency admitting prior records were recorded “air temperature”, while this year’s “hottest days ever” are measurements of “land surface temperature”. It would be obvious to anyone who has walked barefoot on the beach on a 100 degree day that air temperature and land surface temperature are dramatically different.
The other article is an admission from JPL at NASA stating that due to the eruption of the volcano in the Pacific in January, there is 13% more water vapor in the stratosphere than normal. We know water vapor is the real “greenhouse gas”, and not CO2. The research paper also notes the warming seen in the oceans is also caused by this ongoing volcanic activity. So any abnormal temperatures are likely due to the volcano and not our ACs or cars.
“We know water vapor is the real “greenhouse gas”, and not CO2.”
Ah, but water vapour is much lighter than CO2, and rises much higher into the stratosphere. There water vapour (which is a gas) condenses into a mist of tiny water droplets, because “it’s cold up there”. A thick cloud of tiny water droplets in the sky is called “cloud cover” becaues it shades the earth. See the Link to theory of Dr.Clauser posted by Hele at 3.59 am.
I’m glad to know that the release of tens of thousands of tons of ordinance do not contribute in anyway to the increase in noxious atmospheric agents. All I can say is, “Bombs Away”!!!
“I can’t for the life of me figure out why one woman maybe regretting her life choices is news.”
Sorry about the minor inconsistency, rollout error, hoped no one noticed.
Software glitch.
Not to worry, it’s already forgotten.
We’ll try harder, here on.
Thanks for the heads up.
Yours truly,
The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), also known unofficially as the “Nudge Unit.”
RE: Highly convenient Red meat allergies spreading
This may not only be a psyop. According to Sasha Latypova, the Covid jabs are contaminated with all kinds of things including proteins. This form of contamination according to her is not unique to the Covid “vaccine”. She says this is where allergies to soy (tofu) or chicken come from – they come from contaminated vaccines.* However, what may be unique is that the proteins are “visible to the naked eye.” You may have to upgrade from psyop to biological warfare.
She talks about this from about the 11 minute mark to about minute 12:30.
*Now we know why food sensitivities/allegeries have grown so rampant in the last 40 or so years.
External (alien) proteins enter the blood from (a) jabs (b) leaky gut. A major cause of the latter is food additives such as (a) emulsifiers (b) other poisons.
Yes, I am thinking about the huge difference in taste between tasty home grown fruits and chickens, and the supermarket’s meager products.
There must be something in the treatment that makes industry quality so low.
Good point.
Wise words of advice…
“Never go swimming with bow-legged women.”
Nor the Clintons or Obamas.
Right now it’s 79 degrees F in New York City, 5:30PM. Per NY1 weather map it will be 67 degrees F at 6AM Mon., 7/31. For the entire upcoming week the low temp is predicted to be in the high 60sF. Highest temp for entire upcoming week is 82 degrees F. This is the first week of August. It’s so cold I’m afraid of global cooling.
“first week of August. It’s so cold I’m afraid of global cooling.”
Are you a throwback to the 1970s? those far off times when I had to reassure my Lab assistant that, contrary to the MSM, the Earth was was not entering a new Ice Age.
The Case of Two Green Paradigms
Ehret makes a factual presentation that China/Russia/India will continue to oppose de-carbonization.
Meyssan on Voltaire has also reported that Russian Academy of Sciences at COP-28 in Dubai in late November will oppose AGW by presenting a third theory to explain warming “in some areas.”
The 3 theories are CO2, Milankovich cycles (variation in earth’s orbit), and the new Russian one:
“The main cause of local climatic catastrophes is the increasing emission of natural hydrogen due to the alternating gravitational forces of the moon and sun, which cause holes in the ozone layer. The resulting rise in temperature and the mixing of ozone and hydrogen are the main causes of forest and steppe fires”
Bs. Normally Matthew and Voltairenet are my absolute top of the pop sites to go, but I suspect as paid professors and experts they cant just go with the simple explanation.
Milankovich cycles (variation in earth’s orbit) is the cause of our unpredictable non-linear weather, but controlled off course by the planets and spheres within a certain feasible frame to allow all living.
From that basic, you can off course make thousands of books and presentations of everything within that frame:
“Now the earth orbit is 10 cm closer to the sun why waves of ultra this and that influences the amount of electrons to the moon who influences the ozon layer, a.s.o., a.s.o.”.
“Now the earth orbit is 10 cm longer from the sun and influences…….bla bla bla”, and you have a good job and pension travelling around the world.
Then we arrive to the “multipolar alliance” whining from Russia, China, India
Penelope thanks for the links and to answer your question: Yes.
Erik, I too certainly think China/Russia/US/NWO are all joined at the top echelons, too. However the opposition to decarbonisation of China/Russia/India so far (& perhaps continuing) is a bit that doesn’t quite fit into this black&white assumption– and so worth continuing to examine.
An obvious reason for Russia to oppose it is of course her primary industry of hydrocarbons. One notes that the EU had a primary interest in retaining the use of “fossil” fuels, yet appears to be quite thorough in suiciding real energy & therefore most of her industry.
Why the difference? Juggling for power w/in the NWO cabal?? Have to wait & see.
Yeah that was my conclusion too. Power, stake and cake fight in the top.
The main thing is to establish beyond any doubt that War does not contribute to any “negative” climate event.
This is the main part of the absurdity.
War and military are the only two components which are able to change “clima” negative, and they are therefore off course exempted from the CO2 bs.
The green environmentalist are those who care less of all for our nature.
Global boiling…I like that!
95 F is 35 C – they’re having you on. Why would US pensioners move to Florida (average high 92 F in July/August)? And why would Central Europeans flock to hotter Mediterranean regions every summer to soak up the sun?
Pathologising everything now. The weather; working as a chef for important people – drowned due to Died Suddenly Syndrome or direct murder? – and every blimp on the mood-of-the-day radar.
We need to get everyone on drugs and confine their lives to the couch with a virtual reality headset. Real life is a disease.
I used the term Global Burning in article a few years back:
“Go to heaven for the climate, hell for the company; Mark Twain advocating global burning for want of a good conversation, climate change finally has its merits“
Yes, always compliant people are boring! Thanks for the article.
An airline pilot gives vent to his disgust at media reports that Rhodos is on fire (listen to the end – in German).
Not only that, but – coincidentally, of course – that north-west corner of the island that was set on fire is the exact area where the week before an approval was given for a new wind farm.
Not only are people dying all over the world from coincidences, fires are happening wherever BigBiz in cahoots with government bureaucrats are planning new normal infrastructure that nobody wants.
I believe that happened in SW France as well last year – hardly had the fires gone out than wind turbines began sprouting out of the charred ground.
When I was 16, a long time ago, I spent the summer at my Grandparents farm in Ruthven Iowa. My grandfather got me a job Detassling corn (not sure if they still do this). My Grandparents did NOT have AC and it would get up in the 90s with high humidity. I spent the days out in the fields. Nobody was dropping dead from the heat.
People die of heat related illnesses when they are not drinking enough water, and taking breaks from direct sunlight. These people are so crazy what they tell the public
Yahoo headline: 8 dogs die of heat stroke in cross-country auto trips.
Gets sillier & sillier. Next thing y’know those myocarditis deaths will be heatstrokes too.
Well they have to do something to disguise the purpose behind all this deliberate chaos.
Just as people way back in 2009 were saying that a new financial crash was already well on the way because the corrupt people who engineered it were still in office, so is the new totalitarian state well on the way because the corrupt people behind covidchange have been breeding like rabbits in all the corridors of power, and there are now so many of them that any nonsense whatever can be justified by the simple action of their hiding behind each other.
Silly, indeed.
But also frightful.
All my cousins detasseled corn in Iowa. They all survived. I was a roofer one summer in college in Sacramento CA. 105 degrees and up on a roof with no shade laying black shingles. Absolutely brutal! Yet, I am still here.
Those slaves in the cotton fields were among the most healthy people you could find :-).
5 Russia is the world leading in Globalist Smart cities.
Since Russia’s Smart City project began five years ago, more than two hundred cities have introduced digital solutions.
Headed by the Ministry of Construction, the Smart City project aims to develop “an effective urban management system, creating safe and comfortable conditions for citizens, and increasing the competitiveness of Russian cities.”
According to Edward Slavsquat, “Russia’s capital is arguably the ‘smartest’ city in the country – and not just because of its safe and convenient biometric payment system. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has pledged to introduce ‘genetic passports’ and even ‘implanted medical digital devices’, which can be used to calculate insurance payments for his city’s lucky residents. These are just a few of the exciting features included in Sobyanin’s ‘Moscow 2030’ project.”
Moscow is the first city in the world where a facial recognition system for fare payment is being used on a large scale. The biometric payment system – payment made by facial recognition – was trialled in Moscow’s subway system in 2021.
UK politics has been dominated in the past week by firefighting to save 15-minute cities in general and traffic restrictions in particular after the ULEZ policy has been blamed for Labour not winning the Uxbridge by-election. For example:
When something is “more important than party politics” you know you’re close to the heart of the agenda.
Why then are some Conservatives against ULEZ? I’d suggest they want to associate opposition to the idea with “the far-right” and with a massively unpopular government. Labour nationally are sort of trying to suggest they aren’t fully onboard with the idea even though the policy comes from their party’s mayor so they’re having it both ways.
Why are they so panicky about Uxbridge? It’s not a seat they need to win a general election. My idea is that they don’t just want a Labour win but a massive win 1) virtually to guarantee two terms in power and 2) so that Labour can claim the sort of overwhelming mandate that will steamroller all potential opposition into abject submission. Then whatever Labour are intended to do once in power won’t be stoppable or even prone to dilution…. like Blair’s reaction to 9/11. At the very least this is likely to be attaching turbo-chargers to the Great Reset agenda (like CBDCs and UBI) but – using the 9/11 parallel and Rumsfeld’s “unexpected unexpecteds” – it’s more likely to be how they react to some currently unknown “crisis” (like an ecological 9/11 or another pandemic). There’s also the lingering matter of reversing Brexit to consider.
It says something about how vile the Blairite-technocratic recipe they’re offering is that they can’t be certain a Conservative government this useless and this full of blunders (imo at least partly orchestrated – as I now think they were under Major) can’t be certain of being defeated. Of course leading Conservatives are fully onboard with the Great Reset but there seem to be things they very much want to be done by a Labour governemt (which usually means they’ll be particularly objectionable to the Left. That’s how they play this game – they want especially crucial measures introduced by the party where it seems the opposite of their ‘natural’ position, presumably because it confuses potential opposition with an element of familiar Satanic inversion probably thrown in as well. See for example how the Democrats have become the war party in the USA).
Anyway, it all adds up to Labour being in power in the UK 2025-35 which just happens to pivot nicely around their 2030 landmark date.
The political theatre is all about spinning the agenda already decided as if it’s the “spontaneous” decision of the population. A risky business. Of course the parasite class want to go full tilt into the end of oil, end of transport (for the masses) etc. But despite the seemingly interminable gullibility of a certain sector of the public, there’s still a credibility issue. So there’s a softly softly approach.
And I suspect – I certainly hope – that there’s a whole new generational demographic out there that no longer care – or perhaps never did care – about the Left/Right shit show. But they will be all too aware that the “public” call for no cars, no fuel, no meat etc. is the most offensive con.
Which means there’s a “use by date” to the kind of sassy but servile drivel spouted by bought celebrity hacks like Stewart Lee whose latest – “Europe burns while the Tories’ net zero plans are set to go up in smoke” is still flogging that now decomposing quadruped.
Nu Lie Bore back in power with Saint TB.Liar as its patron? Replacing an unbroken succession of increasingly incompetent Conservative regimes?
Brittania’s mental health problems are so chronic and so acute that it does not matter whether she continues to “choose the open sea” or becomes an EU groupie again.
The continent fokked Britain over and over again.
I recall it goes like this, of all the lending derivatives the Continent owes Bank of England, and Bank of England owes Wall Street, and Wall Street owes the world hereof the two biggest creditors Japan and China.
Poor Britain … always getting fokked over and over again. Sniff … sniff …
She liked it and miss it. A majority wants to go back to back in time.
They dont want to be alone with Charles and the City.
Frankly, I’d say that a lot of agendas would be more important than some imaginary woman who’d allegedly rather live a virtual life through movies than having a real one.
Like, the world is collapsing, is being rearranged, conflicts are popping up, the old world that everybody is implicitly craving is going down the tubes.
Oh well, keep yapping about Obama’s chef …
Well, it’s important because, you know, it proves Obama really is gay and that changes everything.
And Michelle, sorry ,Michael is a geezer but nobody listens.
Tsakraklides is stupid I live in Greece and I remember hotter summers than this without air conditioners.
Ah, you climate denier, you didn’t point out that the pond was fifty foot deep when he embarked on his paddle board and now is less than a puddle due to global boiling.
What about the warnings of all the numbers in between? Even they have a say.
The unreported story in any MSM outlet is the astounding number of employees of ex US Presidents who met an unexpected death. Work for the Clintons – possibly 67 (!) dead or the Obamas – two chefs dead in unusual circumstances already – and don’t bother saving for your retirement.
Oh and please don’t ask how Saint B got a black eye – that’s just a coincidence.
Another unreported snippet of news- Sunak invested 50 million dollars in moderna, or was it 500. tweet by Jim Ferguson.
And by an amazing coincidence the U.K. government then bunged them £££millions to build a “factory”.
Nothing to see here?
Deep State are really busy with these injections. Cant we just die instead of this endless CIA “feel the pain” dragging out.
Thats the price you pay for seeing and hearing too much VIP. Water in your ears.
Easy one, depopulation. A seed in all women who read it. Desensitising as CIA call it.
I am in on that one. Only noisy AC’s can save us, running on sun or wind energy.
Congrats to George Tsakraklides (fab name like something out of Star Trek) for the most hysterical weather map I’ve seen so far. Wasn’t that a still from The Towering Inferno?
And the Netflix trumps babies meme. Well that goes hand in hand with the subtle drumbeat “Chop yer tackle off!” via the trans thing.
No more babies, no more trips outside, just stay in and watch crap on the telly.
Mostly we are unaware of how colors can subliminally influence us.
So most of us are unaware of the use of slabs of fire-engine red coloring on televisions weather maps. (Though we are well aware of how deep the weather girls cleavage is – an intended distraction).
Red is the color of HOT, so RED is used to subliminally reinforce assertions about global warming.
It’s all about perception management – and they are bloody good at it.
“weather girls cleavage” pics:
The trouble with too many choices is you dont know where to start.
I hadnt realised how widespread the practice is.
A few more really HOT days and they’ll appear naked – bush fires and all.