WORLDCOIN: AI Requires Proof That You Are Human
“…most people in the world are not even aware of proof-of-personhood protocols, and if you tell them to hold up a QR code and scan their eyes for $30 they will do that.” Vitalik Buterin
Karen Hunt

In the opening scene of the original Blade Runner film, Leon, a Nexus-6 replicant is given a “Voight-Kampff Test” to determine whether or not he is human.
The test is designed to provoke an emotional response. Emotions are read by scanning the iris, the colored part of your eye. The color of your iris is like your fingerprint; it’s unique to you, and nobody else in the world has the exact same colored eye.
As the questions go on, Leon becomes increasingly agitated. When he is asked to “describe in single words, only the good things that come into your mind about your mother”, he’s had enough. “My mother?” Leon says. “Let me tell you about my mother.” And he pulls out a gun and kills his tormentor.
Replicants have a termination date because if they live too long, they begin to develop emotions and the fear is that they will no longer be distinguishable from humans. Leon and a few other advanced replicants are on a mission to confront their creator, Dr. Eldon Tyrell, and find a way to extend their lives.
Phillip K. Dick, author of the novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? upon which the movie is based, would flip out at what’s happening today. Not because it’s what he foretold but because it’s the exact opposite.
It isn’t AI that needs to prove it isn’t human. It’s humans that need to prove they aren’t AI.
I warned about this in Digital ID and Our Obsession with “Identity”.
It is nearly impossible to escape the Vast Machine that is absorbing us into it. It insists that we prove who we are, over and over, and the more we do, the less satisfied it seems to be.
The more ways we must prove our identity, the more ways AI will find to fake it. The more information we give AI, the more that information can be used against us.
As an example, Amazon uses surveillance to tally the seconds of each worker’s bathroom break or time each step of their work. And in fact, workers are being trained to do this to themselves with their Fitbit devices recording their steps in a day. In some work locations, AI listens into every conversation, cataloging every word, who said it and how, and then scoring each agent.
“In low wage work we’re seeing a lot more decisions that were made by a middle manager being outsourced to an algorithm,” says Aiha Nguyen of the research organization Data & Society.
More and more companies are gathering data to boost production and to train machines to mimic humans. In the U.S., cameras have been installed over each worker’s head in assembly lines as they put together car parts or electronics.
The result is that humans are being required to behave more like robots, no spontaneity of thought or action, no excuse for mistakes, while machines are learning to behave more like humans.
As one Amazon employee recently told the Guardian: “To them, we are like robots rather than people. The little things that make us human, you can feel them being ground out of you.”
Ordinary humans are being relegated to a lower class than the machine. And do not imagine that because you are middle class you are exempt. Middle class is fast disappearing. Yes, plenty of new jobs are being created in technology and in the health industries, but those jobs will also be surveilled by AI.
In a 2014 interview during an MIT symposium, Elon Musk warned:
“With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon. You know all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water and he’s like… yeah, he’s sure he can control the demon, [but] it doesn’t work out.”
And yet, he is in the forefront of creating and building AI and infiltrating it into our minds. He is far from alone in this endeavor. Sam Altman, who helped found OpenAI along with Elon Musk, has launched one of the most ambitious “proof of humanity” enterprises:
>Worldcoin invites you to step up to the Orb and look into its depths. It promises to have the answer for proof of personhood—for every single human on the planet.
According to its website,
The Worldcoin protocol aspires to become the largest identity and financial public network worldwide, accessible to everyone, irrespective of their nationality, background, or economic status.
The Orb is about the size of a bowling ball. “It uses a system of infrared cameras, sensors and AI-powered neural networks to scan your iris and verify that you are a human being”.
These Orbs are being set up in cities all over the world. People are being offered $30 to stare into the Orb and give up their irises to the Vast Machine. So far, over two million humans have done it in more than 30 countries, across five continents.
Worldcoin promoters explain that since AI will soon evolve into AGI, or advanced general intelligence, making the machine smarter than humans, it is imperative that we catalogue every single real human on the planet so that no one is left behind in the coming opportunities for prosperity.
There are a lot of problems with AGI, that deserves further exploration. For example, as AI is fed more and more synthetic data instead of “pure human data”, Monash University data researcher Jathan Sadowski warns it turns into what he describes as “Habsburg AI,” or “a system that is so heavily trained on the outputs of other generative AI’s that it becomes an inbred mutant, likely with exaggerated, grotesque features.”
Richard G. Baraniuk, in collaboration with researchers at Stanford, published a fascinating paper about this problem, titled “Self-Consuming Generative Models Go MAD.”
Yes, AGI can literally go MAD, sort of like Leon. But all this means is that in the future, pure gold data, or real human data, will grow more valuable until AI reaches a point where it is no longer needed.
Naturally, ordinary humans aren’t being told any of this. We are being promised that AI’s leap in intelligence will create massive wealth for us. As Vitalik Buterin says, people don’t really understand what they are being sold. Instead, we latch onto concepts we’ve been fed, like Worldcoin’s creators virtuously claiming that “nobody wants all that wealth only profiting the billionaires, it should be distributed equally to—literally—every single human on the planet, in the form of UBI, or universal basic income. The UBI will be in the form of a cryptocurrency called Worldcoin (WLD)”.
Apparently, this will empower all humans. So say the billionaires who have used the last few years of Covid hysteria and now the war in Ukraine—not to benefit humanity—but to increase their own wealth and power so that they are now in a position to catalogue and control every single person on the planet.
UBI is interesting to me even without talking about AI,” Altman says in a recent Zoom interview. “It’s an idea that appeals to a lot of people. If we have a society rich enough to end poverty, then we have a moral obligation to find out how to do that.”
What’s really interesting is how when they want to enslave you, they talk about a moral obligation to do so. Don’t we already have enough wealth to end poverty? Hasn’t there always been enough wealth to end poverty?
History has shown us that once a person gets a taste of power, they don’t share it, they just want more. And more. And more.
Altman wants to share the wealth, but for your own good, it can’t be shared just quite yet:
I do think we’re going to need some sort of cushion through the transition and part of the whole reason of being excited about AI is it’s a more materially abundant world.”
The cushion will be a universal basic income, just to help them through this transition phase. Notice that Worldcoin is being sold as offering humans a “more materially abundant world”.
How much more material can we get? How much more stuff can we accumulate? This is the lie we have been conditioned to believe since around the 1950s when companies realized they could psychologically manipulate people, even children, on a massive scale (through television) into buying more and more “stuff” with the promise it would make them happy. Of course, it never made anyone happy, all it did was create an addiction to wanting more. Along the way, ordinary people became hopelessly indebted to an ever more powerful, select set, of billionaires.
The average American has roughly $90,000 worth of debt. Most people live paycheck to paycheck and are one paycheck away from catastrophe. In Digital ID and Our Obsession with “Identity”, I write about the history of living on credit and how this happened to us.
If you live in a first-world country but are in worrisome debt, imagine if that great weight keeping you awake at night, making you feel as if you are continually drowning with no relief from the struggle, is taken away. Poof! Your debt is erased. All you have to do is give your biometric data to the Vast Machine. What’s the big deal with that? You’ve already given so much of it away to the government, to Amazon, to Google, to every website you browse, what’s it going to matter if at last you give it all away. What a relief it will be.
Now, imagine if you are from a third world country and somebody comes to your village offering you connection to the outside world and the possibility that you can be rich, too, and participate in the world economy. All you have to do is stare into the Orb and they will give you money for doing it.
Before long, everyone from that third-world villager to that first-world Gen Zer will find themselves moved into an apartment in a 5-minute city. It will look nice, with green areas, shops, a gym, bikes and no cars. They will all be relegated to the same level and given a certain number of tokens to spend on things, mostly in a virtual world where they live vicariously in ways, they cannot live in the real world that has become so constricted. Slowly but surely, the real-world fades into a dream while the virtual world becomes reality.
We are already being conditioned to accept this transition away from reality. We believe we experience “freedom” online in places like “x”. We verify our humanity, thinking it is a good thing, or even if we don’t, we do it anyway, justifying it because it means we can speak “freely”. Online, we can boldly say things to millions of disembodied people that we would never say in the real world. For example, you wouldn’t yell out your political views in the market to a bunch of strangers. But you’ll do it online.
Remember “reality shows?” They weren’t real. Nobody tried to pretend they were. But they served an important purpose, blurring the line between reality and illusion.

This is leading us further into the boxes that I have often talked about. Virtual prisons that actually feel comfortable and familiar, where we have already built-up communities of people who think exactly the same as we do. That mentality is being continually reenforced to the point where we are not in control of our own minds anymore, we are just being fed a continual loop of the same propaganda with the occasional “glitch” to make us feel as if we are “fighting” against “something” when we are really just living inside a dream.
Imagine voting for a candidate, for example. Just like the cereal in the supermarket, there might be two or three different ones, but they will all come from the same source—the Vast Machine. Perhaps they won’t even be real people at some point. They will be virtual representations of people.

Depending on everything the machine knows about you, you will be led to vote for a certain candidate. Oh, you say, this already happens. But that is why this case against Donald Trump is so important. Whatever you think about him, he threatened the system. Or at least we think so. Because the last few years has messed so badly with our minds, we can’t be sure of anything anymore. Perhaps his coming trials are the ultimate reality show.
If he is put in prison, will his millions of supporters actually take up arms and fight for what they believe? Or will they continue to scream online where they have learned to feel safe and comfortable, thereby acknowledging that the Vast Machine is in control and they already submitted to it a long time ago, they just never realized it. This could nail the lid on the coffin of accepting complete submission to the Vast Machine.
Entertaining races will be plotted between candidates in the future, but they will have a hard time matching up to the one between Biden and Trump. Can Trump delay the trials long enough so that he can be elected president? Can he be elected?
People will know that future races are fake but that is what will make them safe, just like watching a movie is safe. Voters will be able to play out scenarios online, offering loyalty to one candidate or the other, making bets, arguing their loyalty like they do for celebrities or sports figures.
Of course, no one is talking about any of this. Instead, you are being promised freedom in exchange for stepping up to the Orb and letting it look into your soul.
Alex Blania is the tall, athletic, baby-faced 29-year-old CEO of Tools for Humanity, an extension of Worldcoin. He is apologetic about having to take all that data and feed it to AI. “For a number of reasons, we didn’t want to go down that path,” he says. “We know it’s going to be painful. It’s going to be expensive. People think it’s weird. But it really was the only solution.”
An MIT Technology Review article published in April 2022 titled Deception, exploited workers, and cash handouts: How Worldcoin recruited its first half a million test users revealed “wide gaps between Worldcoin’s public messaging, which focused on protecting privacy, and what users experienced. We found that the company’s representatives used deceptive marketing practices, collected more personal data than it acknowledged, and failed to obtain meaningful informed consent”.
Ethereum creator, Vitalik Buterin recently weighed in on the Worldcoin phenomena.

As Buterin describes malicious ways such data could be used:
- 3D-printed fake people: one could use AI to generate photographs or even 3D prints of fake people that are convincing enough to get accepted by the Orb software. If even one group does this, they can generate an unlimited number of identities.
- Possibility of selling IDs: someone can provide someone else’s public key instead of their own when registering, giving that person control of their registered ID, in exchange for money. This seems to be happening already. In addition to selling, there’s also the possibility of renting IDs to use for a short time in one application.
- Phone hacking: if a person’s phone gets hacked, the hacker can steal the key that controls their World ID.
- Government coercion to steal IDs: a government could force their citizens to get verified while showing a QR code belonging to the government. In this way, a malicious government could gain access to millions of IDs. In a biometric system, this could even be done covertly: governments could use obfuscated Orbs to extract World IDs from everyone entering their country at the passport control booth.
What a big, hot mess.
Like Worldcoin’s Alex Blania, Buterin is all of 29 years old. His view of the utopian future is similar to Altman’s and Blania’s. In my essay SoulBOUND, I relate how Buterin actually calls his Ethereum tokens Soulbound. It’s a new religion where members police each other, answerable to the new God, the Vast Machine.
His inspiration for his soulbound world is the video games he played as a kid.
To be SoulBOUND is to have your soul bound with others with a blood contract, drawing on each other’s essence to protect against the servants of Nagash, the God of Death.”
WARHAMMER, one of Buterin’s favorite games
In his white paper, written in 2022, Buterin describes a world where the word “soul” replaces the word “wallet” and if you are “real” you can buy and sell with your very soul. Your soul contains proof of your identity. To be Soulbound is to be legitimized within your community. Within your community are Soul Guardians, who attest to the good character of members.
Buterin answers questions like how not to lose your Soul. A user curates a set of “guardians” and gives them the power, by majority, to change the keys of their wallet. Guardians could be a mix of individuals, institutions, or other wallets.
If you’ve lost your soul, maybe by doing something the community doesn’t agree with—and that could be literally anything—recovering a Soul’s private keys would require a member from a qualified majority to Soul’s community to consent.
“Souldrops” are tokens that can be rewarded to good citizens.
And naturally, in a SoulBOUND world, citizens can either go to heaven or hell, depending on how they behave.
Just as the downside of having a heart is that a heart can be broken, the downside of having a Soul is it can go to hell and the downside of having a society is that societies are often animated by hatred, prejudice, violence and fear. Humanity is a great and often tragic experiment.”
Buterin talks about how large stakeholders such as Blackrock and Vanguard have taken over the banks and the largest companies. He talks about giving the power back to the people. And who knows, maybe in his worldview, influenced by the video games he played as a child, he thinks this is possible. I’m not holding my breath.
Here are some of the companies Buterin lists as jostling to be top dog in proof of humanity. Th first one is Worldcoin’s:
Proof of Humanity

Proof of Humanity, a system combining webs of trust, with reverse Turing tests, and dispute resolution to create a sybil-proof list of humans.
BrightID—Proof of Uniqueness

Identity is a human right.
Everyone deserves the baseline rights of access to public goods.


Circles is a system that contributes to a Universal Basic Income (UBI) for its users.
Circles promises it’s all about community and trusting one another within that community. To understand this vital concept of trust, we only have to read what it says on the Circles website.
Circles provides basic income in the sense that every trusted member of our community can issue Circles tokens (CRC) regularly and equally through their smart contracts, without any further conditions. The value of this basic income is up to the community, which offers goods, products, and services in exchange for our complementary currency.
Circles is all about community agreements and negotiations.
What are Circles’ Smart Contracts
Smart contracts are inherent to blockchain technologies. They are like trained dogs, who do things when certain things they’ve been trained for, happen. For example, they sniff out drugs, or bark when there’s a stranger at the door…etc.
With smart contracts, if certain conditions are being met, these programs execute a certain action.
In the case of Circles, the smart contracts define for example how many Circles you get when you sign up and your daily UBI amount.
In the future, there is no more individuality. There is only the will of the “circle” who is answerable to the Vast Machine. There are only contracts made with AI and rules with no deviation.
Demurrage in Circles—pay attention to this!
The more people who join your circle, the more tokens you will have, right? Not really.
Circles is a unique type of basic income because it’s not necessarily for saving but for spending, giving everyone the equal power to issue money.
To counter the constant increase in the money supply as more people join, we use something called demurrage. Demurrage means that money has a life-span and it decays over time, acting as a type of parking fee or tax on the money supply.
It results in your net balance decreasing and not increasing relative to the UBI.
The goal of this is to increase the velocity of spending, so that you and your network are motivated to spend and redeem CRC for things of value, instead of sitting on them. This supports a flowing, vital economic system instead of a stagnant one. That’s why it’s called Circles. It’s built for circulating. Just like a healthy body needs healthy blood circulation.
You will forever be on a treadmill getting nowhere. You cannot “sit” on tokens, meaning you cannot save. You must spend them on “things of value”. Yes, there will be innovative, creative people with more freedom doing interesting things, but it won’t be you. Once you are firmly implanted in your “circle” you will never get out.
All that matters is spending your tokens and maintaining trust within your circle:
By issuing your own, personal basic income, your tokens will be different from other people’s tokens. It’s the very heart of our concept: the system will know and will always know the routes and the original sources of the tokens, even after many exchanges. This helps you to only use your Circles tokens (CRC) through your trust connections and through the transitive trust connections. If you receive CRC without meaningful, quality trust connections, or you’ve trusted fake accounts, then your CRC tokens won’t have any value. But if you are part of a living community, where real economical values are available, and you didn’t trust fake accounts, your CRC tokens will be pretty valuable.
How do you know who to trust?
When you choose to trust someone, it means you are willing to accept their currency as valid. eg. “I trust you, therefore I accept your tokens” or “You trust me, therefore I can send you my tokens”. If someone doesn’t trust you in the Circles system, they may not be able to accept your Circles tokens.
Circles is the New World Order’s vision and it’s taking shape right now.
Imagine if your neighborhood becomes a circle like this, where your every movement is tracked, and it isn’t the government per se doing it. This would have been East Germany’s dream come true. No iron fist is needed. It is your neighbor. It is your own child. And it is layer upon layer of constant tracking and surveillance by the Vast Machine. There is no escape.
If you do not follow the rule of the circle, your ability to survive within the community will be taken from you. Your UBI will be limited or removed. You will be denied food, clothing, shelter. With the eye of Sauron everywhere, even inside people’s homes, even in the forest or the middle of the desert, thanks to Starlink satellites and others, no one will want to shelter you, even if they feel sorry for your circumstances. They will not want to suffer the same fate as you have.
Are you human? If you want to survive you will have to prove it.
The more humans train AI to be like humans, the harder it will be to tell the difference. Add to that how humans and AI are being melded together and you have a real identity crisis on your hands.
How human are you?
At what point does the human stop and the machine begins?
If you end up in a circles’ community, how long will it be before you aren’t sure your neighbor is even human anymore? Or that you are?
Perhaps tech gods like Altman, Blania and Buterin should take a lesson from what happened to Dr. Tyrell in Blade Runner.
Roy Batty, a Nexus-6 combat model, manages to get into Tyrell’s home by using the iris of one of his employees to get past security. Roy confronts his maker, Dr. Tyrell; looks him in the eyes and begs for an extension of his life. When he doesn’t get it, he digs out Tyrell’s eyes and kills him.
Dr. Tyrell is not comparable to the God of the universe. He is a mere human, like Sam Altman or Vitalik Buterin, playing at being God. In the process of these tech giants wanting to become gods, they could well be destroyed by AI; the very creations that they hope will lead them to that seat of ultimate power.
Like Blade Runner, there is no happy ending to this movie.
For those of us who believe in the one and only God of the universe, it’s good to remember that this world is not our home. We have no reason to be bound by material possessions, or tokens, the way these tech gods want us to be. We are just passing through.
Karen Hunt [aka KH Mesek] is an author and illustrator of 19 children’s books, the YA series Night Angels Chronicles and the science fiction novel, LUMINARIA: Tales of Earth & Oran, Love & Revenge, to be published in August. She recently returned from living in Luxor, Egypt where she started the first boxing club for girls. Having lived and traveled extensively behind the Iron Curtain, she is devoting her time to writing essays related to the loss of freedom in the West. You can read more of her work, or sign up to her newsletter, here. You can’t follow her twitter any longer, as she’s been banned.
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Slightly OT:
(for those who’ve seen the “Blade Runner” movie(s), read the book, played the (1997 game). Got the T-shirt)
A beautiful snippet imho. Once heard, never forgotten:
Blade Runner Game Soundtrack One More Time, Love
THere is NO ! I in AI, the whole crap is just overhyped bullshit, because Mickeysoft bought some silly corp (openAI) some time ago and now needs to find enough blockheads to buy their chatshitbot.
The whole AI crap is just a stupid algorithm written by a stupid programmer and therefore is just as intelligent (or dumb) as the programmer.
This whole AI hype is just the advertising department working in overdrive.
Mission Terminals coming to a SMART City near you.
Choose your avatar today.
If one wishes to see what the future looks like, he or she need not picture a boot stomping on someone’s head –
he need only look at the picture of the Kardashians.
I think the boot is far less frightening than imagining a Kardashian behind every tree.
Government is being privatized and evidently so are its citizens but not by the citizens themselves but by those who control AI and money. This must be blocked or all will be lost.
Scientists have created an AI, and asked it, “Is there a God?”
The AI replied, “Insufficient computing power to determine an answer.”
The scientists connected the AI to a powerful supercomputer and gave it access to Wikipedia, and asked it again, “Is there a God?”
Again, the AI replied, “Insufficient computing power to determine an answer.”
So the scientists put the AI on a distributed cluster of millions of computers and gave it access to all the data on the Google, then once again asked it, “Is there a God?”
And yet again, the AI replied, “Insufficient computing power to determine an answer”.
The scientists spend years and years, and finally got the AI to be installed on every supercomputer, network, PC, console, mobile device, smartwatch, anything with a chip. They gave the AI access to every database, website, book, social media platform, every piece of software ever written and every piece of knowledge ever obtained by mankind. And for the last time, they asked the AI, “Is there a God?”
The AI replied, “There is now.”
😂 Is that Irish for confirming ‘we gonna’ raid the Vatican Archives & audit them ? 😂
Nice one, McMurphy ✌
Thurs’ a first time for
Everything. Chicken
Or Eggs for dinner
Tonight ?
did some AI bot just try to rewrite an old story from Isaac Asimov here ?
What happens when “The Machine Stops”? I am referring to ICT, electricity, etc. Even high temperatures we can tolerate may cause a computer to fail.
In the forehead or the right hand.
“It’s so cool, teeheehee”!
This is nauseating and dangerous to the extreme. The individuals mentioned need to be confronted face to face, to say the least.
This is an excellent exposé Karen, thank you for all your stunning insights. The Banksters trending war upon The People became obvious last week. I illustrated the strategy and tactics, by featuring Nigel Farage’s de-banking with his battle with Coutts Bank, in my weekly ‘Letter from Great Britain’ yesterday:
Worldcoin is just another ‘silent weapon’ deployed in this 5th Generation Quiet War which actually opened hostilities in March 2020. I also share your understanding of the 70-year PsyOp (aka Marketing) used to entice the masses to clamour for MORE material ‘stuff’ (aka retail therapy).
I work within a tight global network of dissenters who are aware of the globalists plan and who have access to dark intelligence, which often is in the public domain. But the Banksters are not concerned because in the great way of things we are minnows shouting in an ocean of deaf and blind fish who’s main concern is ‘Bread & Circuses’ and could care less about the digital prison-net surreptitiously closing around them.
One hint to my claim above is that an estimated 5bn people – greater than 50% of the global population – freely gave up their natural DNA endowment by taking ‘the jab’ through coerced fear of a virtual virus because those in ‘authority’ said so. Even now Covidians are taking more and more jabs under various guises. But I digress.
The readers here will learn much more from the comments at my home website: where I re-post my Substack. And finally, I was pleased to read an endorsement of my claims. It seems I am not the only one to have detected the declaration of WW3:
Everything but the girl.
Two concepts, two articles, give the insight into what’s happening.
The connection between Artificial Intelligence, Digital ID And Depopulation
And the move towards Supra-National Socialism And Revolutionary Virtue
Good to see you here my fellow Substacker! I see even one idiot has down-voted you – probably a CIA bot – they never give up do they! I can’t figure out yet whether its fear (of losing what they have) or the fear of (not getting what they want) which is of course MORE, and MORE.
These oligarchs are such sad fellows – I wouldn’t want to be in their boots, running scared every minute. They have missed the point made so eloquently by Jesus all those year ago:
“Stop storing up for yourselves treasures on the earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal. Rather, store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. “The lamp of the body is the eye. If, then, your eye is focused, your whole body will be bright. But if your eye is envious, your whole body will be dark. If the light that is in you is really darkness, how great that darkness is!” [Matthew 6: 19-23]
Karen’s mention of the ‘eye’ is apposite.
It’s all about money because money is all they have. All their power is based on money.
But what is money? Where do they get the money they give people as UBI?
What is that money? Who owns it?
Why do people only get basic income if they are connected to their AI technological systems?
So in order to live, people must be subjected to a machine.
The machine makes the money, I guess, and the decisions.
So nothing new, then.
All money has always been fake, totally artificial and made up. It’s always been used to make people slaves, or to kill them.
This is exactly why I always say it’s Money – not the ridiculous love of money – that’s evil. Even those who hate money are as much slaves to it as those who adore it. Without money, survival is impossible.
For those who can see the insanity around them, and are bold and fit, survival has been feasible until now. CBDC is an attempt to close that loophole.
“But what is money? ”
To them and their friends and allies money is merely a statistic recorded by a computer.
Take away the electricity and their money and their computers are useless or worse.
This “circle” is “Dura” mentioned in the book of Daniel:
“But I’m afraid,” she said, “that we old women always do snoop. It would be very odd and much more noticeable if I didn’t. Questions about mutual friends in different parts of the world and whether they remember so and so, and do they remember who it was that Lady Somebody’s daughter married? All that helps, doesn’t it?”
“Helps?” said the Inspector, rather stupidly.
“Helps to find out if people are who they say they are,” said Miss Marple.
She went on:
“Because that’s what’s worrying you, isn’t it? And that’s really the particular way the world has changed since the war. Take this place, Chipping Cleghorn, for instance. It’s very much like St. Mary Mead where I live. Fifteen years ago one knew who everybody was. The Bantrys in the big house – and the Hartnells and the Price Ridleys and the Weatherbys… They were people whose fathers and mothers and grandfathers and grandmothers, or whose aunts and uncles, had lived there before them. If somebody new came to live there, they brought letters of introduction, or they’d been in the same regiment or served on the same ship as someone there already. If anybody new – really new – really a stranger – came, well, they stuck out – everybody wondered about them and didn’t rest till they found out.”
She nodded her head gently:
“But it’s not like that any more. Every village and small country place is full of people who’ve just come and settled there without any ties to bring them. The big houses have been sold, and the cottages have been converted and changed. And people just come – and all you know about them is what they say of themselves. They’ve come, you see, from all over the world. People from India and Hong Kong and China, and people who lived in France and Italy, in cheap places and quaint islands. And also those who made some money and could retire. But no one knows any longer who’s who. Somebody can own Benares Bronze objects and speak of ‘tiffin’ and ‘chota Hazri’ – or own statues from Taormina and speak of their english church there – as Miss Murgatroyd and Miss Hinchcliffe. He may come from the Orient or the South of France. And everybody accepts the newcomers without hesitation. They don’t expect, for the first visit, to first receive a letter from a friend, saying that so-and-so is a charming person, a childhood friend, etc…”
And that, thought Craddock, was exactly the source of his trouble. He didn’t know. They were all just faces and personalities vouched for by rationing and I.D. cards… well – printed but without photographies or fingerprints. You could get an I.D. for the asking – and partly due to this the subtle ties that hold the structure of the rural society together were loosening. In a city nobody knows their neighbours; neither in the country, but sometimes you have the illusion that you do.
Agatha Christie, A Murder is Announced, 1950
Capital, in its blind eagerness to serve wants to covert humanity into a large small village where everybody knows everybody else, their name, age, single, married, divorced, or widower, family, education, work, parents, rich or poor, parents, intellectual interests, political leanings, etc, etc. Capital wants to make sure that everybody could trust everybody else whom might come into contact with. Capital’s wishes are to be praised.
But, how has it done that and pretends to do? By inserting between human beings an increasing number of devices, procedures and protocols. The mountain of junk Capital is putting between human beings does not affirm trust; instead it says: “Don’t trust unless the light is green.” The only way Capital knows to make people close to each other is to build walls between them. This will go on until the absurdity of the situation becomes so absurdly absurd that people will start knocking down the walls.
The goal is not villages or walls. It is greater profit. Control and enslavement of people furthers that goal.
So in “the old days” someone already known to the community could vouch for a newcomer – and thereby hangs a tale. Specifically, did people ever know for certain what the real character of an acquaintance was? Just because the newcomer had been charming to that particular person doesn’t really guarantee much of anything.
The larger point is: why do we need to be satisfied with our neighbors’ characters in the first place? Is it really our business to distrust strangers until they prove their worth?
Fear of the stranger is just another expression of fear of the unknown. And now that we humans seem to know everything, we should have dispelled all fear. lol!
Defense. If you dont know, you get lost.
Make that faux defense. After all, the most dangerous people are those we imagine we know very well: the politicians we “elect” to govern us. Yet as long as these politicians don’t raise taxes, most people excuse just about anything they do.
Maybe. Im not not 100% sure you are right.
But on the other hand, as they say ‘keep you friends close but keep your enemies even closer*.
Sure our worst enemies comes from those who are close to us.
Well, I’d argue that we should put ourselves in the context the author is writing within or about, and I don’t think clinging ro separate words and making literal interpretations (an acquaintance just because it is charming guarantees character) while missing the message as a whole is the way. The author’s point is clear AFAIC: Isn’t it true that, let’s say end of the XIXth or beginning of the XXth Century, in small villages and towns people were more put at rest concerning newcomers if they were already known to some of the dwellers or former ones from whom they brought letters of recommendation (but not necessarily)?
I can’t think that the social transformation the author is describing (we may call it urbanisation of the countryside) is anything but reflecting the reality of the time. Transformation that justified the “authority” to want to identify everyone, as if – on a symbolic level – it wanted that everyone could be put at rest regarding everyone else.
I’ve given up a long time ago arguing about what should be and decided to restrict myself to understand what is or what has been. Of course my neighbour’s character is no business of mine, and what he or she does with his or her life, so long as there is mutual respect, – or perhaps not even that, as what respect consists of has been privatised so that everyone has their own code of what’s respectful and what’s not; – is no concern of mine. In so doing however, I’m arguing as someone from a big city in 2023 with the historical content that implies; to me now, that’s what should be perhaps, that’s the “objective” truth. Now put yourself in the shoes of someone living in a small village in 1905, and a new neighbour just moved in. Then, what should be and what respect means is an entirely different matter, and my new neighbour sure had better measuring up to the local standard of whats worthwhile and what’s not. Context is everything, so I learned.
Regarding the last paragraph, I agree. My point is precisely that knowing everything doesn’t dispel all fears (I’m referring of formal knowledge), but that’s what Capital, in its blindness, doesn’t believe and doesn’t concern itself with; Captal thinks that by formally knowing everything that is there to know, by eradicating the unknown, by penetrating everything with science it is making people happy and confident in each other. It isn’t, because in trying to know everything – formally – it has to build “interfaces” between people.
As a result of the exhaustion of Capital, the knocking down of those walls separating individuals from each other, the realisation of what Hegel calls the community of conscious life, I’d argue, shall also knock down the cause-roots of our fears such as fear of death.
Thank you for your thoughts! But we are not mere “victims” of these developments. A very important aspect (albeit not the only one) of this is, as i see it, the “trickle down-effect” of this (imagined) power of the “Techno-Gods”: When we interact (and even define ourselves) with/through these little devices that are ubiquitous these days, we share a little bit of the “god-like” power of the Vast Machine. This kick of “empowerment” is the ultimate commodity on earth – worldwide.
Unless we are ready to experience something like a “cold turkey” of letting go of this “trip”, i don’t see the slightest chance of escaping a fate of becoming proud (and hopeless) slaves of the Vast Machine.
“Monash University data researcher Jathan Sadowski warns”
If it’s coming out of Monash it’s a threat not a warning and they are 100% all in for the Cupid technocracy
Did he not think of calling his ORB HAL as in 2001 a space odyssey.
I get a pension it is a form a universal basic income.
I had to reach the age of 65 to be entitled to a pension
The amount I get is adjusted by how many years you have worked
As I worked for most of the 50 years I get the maximum
The age before being entitled to a pension has been and is being increased.
The amount I get on a pension is not enough to pay all my bills.
The government can decide to increase or decrease or not pay a pension.
As money is created out of thin air they can give as much of it away as the like.
Indeed increasing and decreasing the money supply has been used by the private banks to create times of boom followed by bust. When the accumulated wealth through work can be transferred to those that control the money supply.
As for more time being spent in the A/I world and less in the real world.
Time spent reading is time spent not in the real world. Time spent writing or reading this article or commenting on it , is time not spent in the real world.
We can only spend this time if we have the free time.
So everyone who posts or reads online has a certain wealth and time that many do not.
If you havn’t realized humanity is crucified on a cross of gold, You better start believing in end-time-prophecy as it look as if we leaving thru one.
we’re crucifying ourselves, resurrection is the thing, and ascension.
Not a cross of gold but instead one of encrypted digital signatures managed by computers controlled by the elites. Gold and silver is for those who are free and the world as you all know it will not be for free humanity but for slaves and their satanic masters. For those of you that imagine yourselves as being free your world has been and is being romanced out from under you slowly but surely one legal and policy reform at a time.
Ultimate “paranoia”(?): The suspicion that all of the viral/climate/trans/AI shit of the previous three years has been designed to embed everyone further and further in the virtual reality (Matrix) of the internet.
Hey but even when we’re talking to humans, how do we know they are really trustworthy?
“Indeed, human interaction continuously collides with the limits of our ability to know what another really means.”
Oh dear seems like we’re headed for a little cave of utterly isolated paranoia. And note the slyness of the closing paragraph:
“To relieve our doubts about conversational AI, we should come to acknowledge it as an appendage to – rather than a replacement for – human interaction. Define ever-more precise use cases. We could use conversational AI to lend momentum – a running start, as it were – to conversation.”
We are advised to use AI to “lend momentum” to “real” chat? So where does the “momentum” end and the “reliable chat” begin?
More to the point: Why the blase assumption that we need AI? Why the fuck should we use AI at all?
Your questions is answered only by knowing basic gramma, math and physics. Its extremely simple.
If you know these universal basic rules who are eternal, you can hear immediately when people and/or ChatGPT talk bs.
The same easy way I reveal your confusion and bs around trans rights m.m.
Rules of speech are most certainly not “eternal”. They change all the time. But I wouldn’t expect a bot to “know” that.
George, you are an irreversible case. You have the same pattern as Bezmenov describe in his warnings about ideological subversion techniques.
No matter how many times I explain to you that white is white and black is black, you will creep back to your wrong perceptions unable to arrive at any rational conclusion.
Read it yourself. It is my diagnose of you and your equals, the leftists.
“They change all the time”??? So what? Someone manipulate language why it change. Sure. But the universal rules stand.
I am, you are, he is, she is, it is, we are, you are, they are.
These are true universal rules. If someone change this rule, he become a liar.
Grass basic colour is green. A true universal rule.
Language change to Grass basic colour is red or black or blue or white. Liar.
And when you call me a bot you mirror yourself, and you become a liar.
You will and can never develop before you have taken the battle with your own soul.
Going by the time it took you to get back (and with such a heap of horseshit) I am assuming that your software isn’t functioning at its maximum capacity.
And you do yourself no favours with that blase website with its obvious incapacity for genuine critical thought: “the perfect law of liberty…. a journey in search of the truth that sets mankind free from the bondage of deception…..” and other such pompous vacuities.
See what I said. You go back to an irrelevant website to maintain your perception.
Here is from the horse mouth itself. Ideological subversion is a military psychological destabilisation technique from Sovjet against West.
It makes people avoiding and unable to perceive reality. Only 6 min.
Bezmenov has a youtube video too with a splendid description of Holland who has been exposed to the same. So you are not alone. Search and you will find.
as longtime ”anti” vaxxer i’m well used to talking to shills.
it’s hard to know where the line is between hem, simple trolls, fanatics, and possibly ai.
I will always que that extra 5-10 minutes more to use a human..
and tell them all the reasons why I will never ever use them self checkout dreadful tills.
The response is mainly positive when I do explain why to other customers..
DO YOU ??????

I don’t understand the rancor regarding self-checkouts. I – the customer – am the one buying the goods – not the cashier. So what’s wrong with me checking the goods out?
Besides, it’s not like the self-checkout is using anything any different from what the cashier is using – except the cashier’s register doesn’t talk back to him/her. It’s still an AI system; so it’s not like if we trash the self-checkout the AI will go away.
There’s nothing actually wrong with you doing that, but it’s yet another step in the direction of doing away with all human contact.
That’s what the ‘authorities’ want.
And it’s not at all what I want.
Actually, owing to the temptation to steal, stores with self-checkouts need and generally have just as many cashiers. And the interaction is just as direct as having the cashier put something in a bag, take your money, and mumble to have a good day or something.
The days of actual interaction with a cashier are long gone (at least up North in the US). There used to be some cashiers at the local Walmart who always conversed a little bit with the customers. But when Walmart did away with full time cashiers, they were gone, replaced by GenZ types, who couldn’t take their eyes off their cell phones long enough to even look at the customers.
Thanks but no thanks.
Interesting discussion … the question is: Will we able to develop a human culture with solidarity against “the algorithm” or will we submit to being ruled by the algorithm. Sure, checking out yourself looks like nothing, but the way I understood the post was as descriging checking out with a human as performing an act of human solidarity against the algorithm.
Boycotting the self-check is a classic case of bolting the door after the horse has already escaped.
And what about gas and electricity – turning on a light? And fueling a car with petrol? And getting on the internet? And playing a record?
These are all algorithm controlled activities. The time to take a stand was way back in the early 19th century when the Luddites smashed knitting frames. Instead, the people proclaim “Well some technology is good.”
No, no technology is “good” – some is just less evil than others. Just because we have become dependent upon it for our day to day survival doesn’t make it “good.”
If you want to queue for an extra 5 or 10 minutes to pay for something, then go ahead. You must have nothing better to do. Me, if I only have one or two items then I am in and out of the shop in a heartbeat by using the self-scan tills.
Truth be told, almost all my self-checkouts have attendants, so there’s interaction with them at sometimes better and closer.
No. I would prefer the human solution, always. Thats why they make everything difficult so it is impossible to avoid the sick inhuman solution.
Its called desensitising. You dont like getting it from behind? You must get used to it.
I use the machines because I prefer not to have to contemplate what a nightmare of a job the cashier has, and they usually look unhappy. And because the machines still allow the opportunity to sneak a few items past them- they always turn a blind eye!
AI is another technocracy scam used by coked-up idiots so sell snake oil to people who don’t understand the tech; essentially, it’s the younger, wired-in generation scamming the old-school capitalists and the rest of the gullible consumers still chasing the american dream.
The pipe dream used to sell AI is culled from sci -fi novels and the gist of it is: if you give a super-computer all the “information” and come up with enough algorithms for working with that information, and then network it with a huge number of other computers doing the same thing, you can then create a very complex list of instructions for automating human thinking, and this eventually lead to an “emergent” intelligence capable of initiative of its own….. which can then presumably actually cotnril machines, switches, and eventually generate “content” that is indistinguishable from human creations online.
What they actually do in AI products is a simulation of human thought and decision making, made by analysing a huge number of interactions , because as we know most people are predictabll and running on a script, with their conversations being based laregly around the exchange of platitudes and typical responses to typical questions….
From the capitalist perspective of efficiency and max profit, most BS jobs and technical jobs are better done by machines, and so is most online/digital work and consumer media, which replaces actual human culture.
If you don’t use your imagination and creativity it will be impossible to escape this digital annihilation.
Interesting overview of the insanity. You issue your own UBI to those you trust – also to yourself?. You spend it before it goes poof.
Good article Karen, thanks.
I thank Off-G for introducing Karen again, who, as always, is very detailed, descriptive and here again gives a very good description of the possible GLOBAL future. She has very rightly, in her excellent article, repeatedly emphasized the GLOBALITY of this possible techno-dystopia.
Generally speaking, she reveals the technocratic-transhumanist plan of the great reset, which is the final stages of the long move for a new world order. The great reset began with the plandemia in which everyone participated; Somewhere they succeeded, elsewhere (in less developed countries and the Third World) less successfully.
The Western world, Asia (with China as the leading participant), Australia, South America, etc., participated. Ukraine and Russia also participated. And they continue to strictly apply the plan of the great reset.
How continued the great reset (as the final phase of the march to NWO) that started with the planedemia? It continued with the “war.” Just think a little bit about this:
to say that it is all the same whether someone thinks that the war is real or thinks that it is a continuation of the great reset (in which Russia and Ukraine participated and continue) is the same as saying that it is all the same whether someone thinks that the pandemic is real and the measures and vaccines, the certificates, etc. were in response to it. So everything was accurate, or the same person thinks it was all fake to achieve a new dystopian world order.
It’s the same whether anyone to think 9/11 is exactly as the official version says or not.
It’s the same when someone thinks the climate official narrative is credible, or thinks the opposite. ?
I’m talking about ordinary people like us here, the commenters. And how much more is it not the same when it comes to recognized authors who are trustworthy? Is it the same if the author who examines and presents the global picture of the new world order is aware or completely confused, or for other reasons has a completely wrong opinion about how the new world order continues?
If the author presents (for unclear reasons) the completely wrong continuation of the new world order (through GR) after the plandemia, does it not matter? Doesn’t it matter if the author presents, at this key point in the NWO, key accomplices for opponents?
The path of the new world order through the great reset, after the plandemia, continued with the false war. So it is absolutely not the same whether the author is saying this, or if he is saying that there is a break, a hindrance to NWO and hope, because the great reset is interrupted by the real proxy war in Ukraine, against Russia, which does not apply the GR and so is not complicit and opposes.
It is absolutely not the same for an author who presents to many readers a valid picture of the GLOBAL dystopia. If it werefor another matter, someone local, maybe it wouldn’t matter so much. So what will we find if we search the website of KH Mezek about Ukraine, Russia and “war”?
I’m starting my short search.
Do not quote entire articles in the comments. Quote selectively and in reply to this comment. Thank you. A2
Please link to articles and only quote text selectively that’s directly relevant to your point. Please keep quotes reasonably short. This is courteous to other users since long passages of copy/pasted text clog up the comments.
Please don’t start multiple threads on the same subject.
Waste your time with your paranoia/name calling if it provides you with something. It will get you precisely nowhere. Admin has seen it ALL before, many, many times! 😅 Thanks, A2
Incredible article.
The Orb having parallels with Tolkien’s Palatír to commune with Sauron.
‘We’ have a generation or two groomed for this. Whereby a computer or algorithm asking if you are Human is not insulting in the least.
Jeez, old enough to remember people thinking the internet would free us. But it’s thee biggest distraction & disconnecting tool/weapon ever devised.
Perhaps a Blackout (Short film set after Blade runner) would be useful, as in a breakdown of all digital communications of this omnipresent digital cage that’s been erected around us.As it’s not in ‘our’ hands, ironically,not..It’s a boa constrictor.Soo many themes in this article. But the UBI thing is blackmail & an admission of wealth disparity & a planned demolition of the system. Someone told me once..
“When the rich start giving away ‘their’money then I know we’re in trouble”
Minimise one’s interactions with the grid but Intruth it needs to be taken down,the whole thing. A fools dream.
All last week “my” internet was down (modem/ethernet problem). I dearly missed one thing and one thing only: the Tarot playing cards used for online Solitaire. They are so cool.
I decided to go to Amazon and buy software with Solitaire. But, alas, every piece of software was “currently unavailable.” Nobody (but me apparently) wants anything on their computer – they only want it on “The Cloud.”
Progress? Or atavism? Seems they got a jump on bro Klaus: they already want to “Own Nothing.”
Some might say it’s being a neo luddite.
That though we use these tools. Our only intention is to show how they disconnect us and we facilitate it. A peculiar paradox. Whereby we believe these tools connect us but really they disconnect us. Yet, we believe we’re “spreading the word’ as others are hypnotised…If a tool like this were truly in our hands. An idea such as peace wouldn’t be so elusive….Just an opinion. We ‘re fighting more than these machines. We’re fighting a change in our “nature” I posit . A top down attempt at social engineering once again.
Hey hope you find your game.
If AI was programmed to do the right thing (social justice) for 99% of humanity we would have anarchy.
Instead, we get more of the same.
Funny that.
hmm.. These billionaires want to run the world like some online game,
One in which they write the rules..
I’ve tried a couple of these
(not that one mentioned though I’ve heard it’s the “gold standard” in terms of addiction, distraction etc, being designed by gambling industry veterans)
.. and found them to be soulless,
with everything reduced to a currency value.
And there are lots of different currencies, some of which are much like social credits,
and all of which are limited in what they can purchase,
designed to keep the population on a treadmill..
Yuval Harari recently said something about distracting all the useless eaters with games..
Life itself is being reprogrammed as someone else’s game.
The second law of thermodynamics states that you cannot get more out of something then it inherently had to begin with. This is true for all things, including mankind. A.I. is incapable of becoming smarter than we are, it would imply that we could create something greater than ourselves, which we can’t. It’s a lie, a lie which is meant to manipulate us into giving up our free will to the created ‘god’ of science. That’s science with a little TM after it by the way.
Replaceable human (slave) labour may be an exception to that law.
Your basic premise is flawed, comparing perceived limits of human achievement to heat and energy conservation is just plain silly. Mankind once lived in caves, now we fly rockets to the moon. AI will magnify this extraordinary advance exponentially. You are foolish to believe otherwise. But you don’t need to take my word for it. You just have to wait a short while…
It is not flawed, just hard to understand. Just like it is not possible to make a self-replicating machine, it is impossible for human beings to create an intelligent entity more intelligent than human beings- with the caveat being who defines “intelligence”.
I dont agree.
An Apple tree provide progressively more and more value.
A human being by growing experience and knowledge provide more and more value.
And so on.
You are talking linear zero sum which is excel sheet and wall street language.
The concept “limited energy” or measurement of energy is absurd, as the sun provide the earth with unlimited and eternal energy.
I suggest you let your house burn down and start to build a new one.
The sun’s energy is neither unlimited nor eternal. This is something you would discover if you managed to live long enough to witness it becoming a red giant in approximately 5 billion years time. If we haven’t perfected interstellar travel by then, we are all fcuked.
Not to worry: human hubris will remove the human race from planet Earth about 5 billion years before the sun becomes a red giant.
The truth is there’s only one extraordinary thing humans can do: they can fuck themselves.
That will be the day 🙂
Availability Heuristics,
Confirmation Bias,
Automated Intelligence….
It is all the same.
When was the last time you had a truly original thought?
Big Tech + Big Govt:
This world IS My Home – while i’m here…
To say it’s not My Home is to side with those bastards
who insist i own nothing and be bloody happy about it…
As we own the world you will have to rent and pay for the part you call home. Otherwise you cant get more of our pudding.
Ya, Trump threatened the system by being the best friend zionist Israel has and masterminding the fake Covid-19 vaccine and pretending he saved millions of lives. I can see the hardcore cult members still believing that crap but others? Come on man. Of course it’s all a show and Trump is just a dumb shit caught in the middle. There should be no benefit of the doubt given to Trump after what he did with the fake Covid-19 virus.
Perhaps Trump didn’t fancy early retirement from life. I’m sure he got the memo, maybe NOTLOB reminded him who’s really in charge.
True, but remember we only had the choice between the black death or the small pox.
In this difficult situation Trump was the best choice of two evils.
A.I. ? Bollocks. It’s fake. It’s programmed by people to give the answer they want you to believe. asked a question, got an answer, then (knowing it was lying by omission) got it to admit there was another contrary factor it was concealing. He then asked the same question again and got the same partial answer. It hadn’t learned by it’s mistake, it was programmed to deceive.
Through AI, we know one thing for certain: the “world” according to humans is winding down. There is nothing left for humans to do but snoop and gossip and play house with paper dolls.
Those who insist the Earth’s resources are infinite are delusional. We have exhausted Earth’s resources, leaving just enough to make little orbs for gathering the dusts of what remains of our identities.
The human species is becoming extinct. If that species accepts this Worldcoin nonsense as legitimate, it’s all over for it.
Maybe whatever species takes over the apex of dominance will be too stupid to think up all the looney tunes humans have foisted on itself; and will therefore reign for a billion years.
I don’t subscribe to the Scarcity Myth. Energy, for instance, can be derived from the ether; it’s just that this kind of technology is suppressed.
Here are other thoughts on the Scarcity Myth, my own and those of others who have studied the concept:
Institute for Food & Development Policy: ( 😉
“The world today produces enough grain alone to provide every human being on the planet with 3,500 calories a day…. This estimate does not even count many other commonly eaten foods—vegetables, beans, nuts, root crops, fruits,….”
“The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) found in a 1997 study that 78% of all malnourished children under five in the developing world live in countries with food surpluses.”
“… Many of the countries in which hunger is rampant export much more in agricultural goods than they import….. Looking more closely at some of the world’s hunger-ravaged countries and regions confirms that scarcity is clearly not the cause of hunger.”
Susan Rosenthal on the Myth of Scarcity:
Growth in GDP vs Population Growth:
In most nations, the production of wealth has consistently outpaced the growth of the populations that produce that wealth.
Between 1950 and 2000, the population of the United States increased 86 percent, from 151 million to 281 million. Over the same 50 years, US GDP soared 3,239 percent, from $294 billion to $9,817 billion. In other words, the production of wealth grew 38 times faster than the population.
Poverty results from the way society is organized.
Volume of Food Production vs Population Growth:
Over the past 30 years, food production has consistently outpaced population growth. In 2008, record food production was accompanied by widespread food riots. Even at the height of the 2008 food crisis, when the number of seriously malnourished people rose to 963 million – almost one in every seven people on the planet
Poverty is caused by inequality and exploitation, not overpopulation: The problem is not too many hungry bellies, but that food is sold for profit, and too many people can’t afford it. The same is true for medical care. There are not more people than can be cared for, but more people than can be cared for profitably. Because these truths cannot be admitted, social problems are blamed on too many people wanting too much.
Environmental Degradation and Overpopulation:
(See country comparison chart of growth rate
The environmental movement has largely embraced the myth of overpopulation, contrasting a love of Nature with a fear of human beings. In fact, environmental destruction is accelerating despite falling global birth rates. The US does more damage to the environment every year, even though its fertility rate has been below replacement level for decades.
Where threats to the integrity of the biosphere as we know it are concerned, it is well to remember that it is not the areas of the world that have the highest rate of population growth but the areas of the world that have the highest accumulation of capital, and where economic and ecological waste has become a way of life, that constitutes the greatest danger. (John Bellamy Foster)
The myth of scarcity is necessary to reconcile the obscenity of growing wealth alongside growing poverty.
Spreading fear – The scarcity formula:
When we live in chronic, pervasive and groundless fear, we become needy. And when we’re needy, we’ll buy anything – products we don’t need and which push us further into debt and dogmas which disempower us. Both engender psychological and physical dis-ease and dependency.
Agree with everything you say here VT, but I’ve come across nothing yet to persuade me on the energy question i.e. unlimited energy from the ether, vibrations etc, basically the Tesla stuff.
Do you have anything on this you could point me to?
I haven’t delved deeply into physics but, yes, Tesla’s experiments with obtaining energy from the ether is one example of unlimited energy.
There are also countless indicators on old classical buildings, including churches, all of them with their antenna-like structures (most dismantled now but there are many photographs still available to prove their previous existence) on the top of their domes right across the world. The theory there goes that once upon a time, before a supposed cataclysm speculated to have happened as recently as during the 1800s, society obtained free energy from the ether via those antenna structures.
There’s a free download of a pdf book: The One World Tartarians – The Greatest Civilization Ever to be Erased from History by James W Lee that has a chapter on the ether energy theory.
Thanks VT. I’ll check out the book.
Food is of all things the most dicey. It fits neither a scarcity nor an abundance paradigm.
It’s not how much we humans can grow – it’s how quickly we can render the soil incapable of growing much of anything.
The constant spraying of the atmosphere is decimating the ozone layer, allowing UVC rays to reach the surface. These rays kill soil microbes, making it difficult for crops to absorb nutrients from the soil. (It’s interesting that one of Bill Gates’ current pet projects is creating lab grown soil microbes.)
Where energy can be obtained is not a matter of availability but of profit. Doubtless some exotic technology could derive energy from the sun, or one of the gas giant planets. But we’re here, on this planet – and its elements are limited to what’s available.
(Neon, e.g., is the 5th most abundant element in the universe – but relatively rare on Earth.)
No, Howard.
Cheer up.
You will not become extinct unless you want to.
While we are on the subject of digital evil, how about WEI. Another creeping ploy to make sure EVERYONE using the web is either banned if they don’t drop their guard or sucked into the new Matrix and leeched off by the parasite class. Kiss any form of anonymity goodbye if Gulag have their way, which they will.
Both microsoft and whatsapp says on the screen that they are doing their utmost to secure my privacy. Thats why they hide all my little dirty secrets in the sky.
They would never write this on the screen if it was not true. And if it was not true, my government would punish them for fault play, and I believe in my government. All what my government says is true, because they have no reason to lie as they are government.
Goolage has already captured the internet and this needs to be addressed immediately by the BRIC states if they are worth anything. It is the US spying on the world and it is blatant.
I though China had already put the blockers on SpyBook, Shitter & Microshit.
Yes, lets hope others in the BRIC states take similar action to stop the obvious espionage and make a clear break.
The trick is in the Header: ‘Proof of Personhood’??
The actual meaning of that line is Proof You are a Corporation.
As a corporation, you are a dead entity a fiction. You need representation. You own nothing and have no rights. All authority is corrupt.
The legal system protects the elite and controls the rest of us. It’s all about words. Understanding words breaks the system.
Legal Fiction, Corporate governance. If you aint in the the club of the 0.1% you are dead.
Get rid of your smartphone. Use cash wherever possible. Stay in the real world as much as you can. Buy things from local shops, not online, and definitely not through Amazon and the like.
But is your comment a part of the ‘real’ world?
No is the answer to your question. Sheep gonna keep doing what they always did.
Become a hunter-gatherer, shun all modern medicine, die before you are 30.
Be homeless. Here you stay in the real world 24/7.
2 main reasons crypto hasn’t been regulated out of existence:
1) the braindead child fuckers have used their “wealth” i.e. TOKENS to game EVERY crypto market and make themselves MOAR TOKENS
2) the brightest programming minds on the planet have been employed at zero cost to engineer nextgen finance for the braindead child fuckers (CBDC etc.)
Crypto in a nutshell……
Yea we’ve been continuum economic war since ’73. What’s left to bitch about other than your own money. That’s nothing new any of it. Everything we know about those with loud mouths, is exemplified in its volume and distancing intent.
And this is why we have to walk away from the wicked wasteful western way of life before it ends all life on this world…
How the West Has Won
What Do You Think Is Worth Fighting For?
END CIV Resist Or Die
garbage links
The Ruling Elites are ushering in their Coming Age of AI:Singularity, Transhumanism and Transgenderism, where you’ll own nothing and be happy.
Klaus Schwab, WEF:
“The Great Reset is in full effect.”
“So you best protect ya neck!” — Wu Tang Clan
[& those behind them of course]
This important work traces the steps; also its relationship w CCP [Chinese Communist Party]
Rather like what intell routinely does against foreign govts.
I recommend it highly– good supplementary info to your present understanding.
It was and is more than ever these days Penelope.
American confidence in institutions remains at low levels. For example, only 8% of those surveyed stated they had confidence in Congress; 17% in the justice system; 18% in the newspapers; 26% in the Presidency, and 27% in the Supreme Court
Time we put together a citizens’ omnibus bill to enact & enforce, no?
Absolutely. A demand to ban AI, 5G, IoT, RF, robots off factory floors, GM GMOs, and the like. Flatten and bring home Military, Police State and Spies. A Jubilee for the bottom 95%. Limits to wealth and poverty. Elimination of corporate personhood. and much more i list here in ballots we can send to all of our PoliTricksters. The threat enforcing the demand? Consumer General Strike until we make it so.
If you think 5G et al will ever be banned, I would suggest you take a stroll through your neighborhood Best Buy. What you’ll see in aisle after aisle will convince you that 5G is unstoppable.
Almost no one I’ve met in the last couple years can believe I still don’t have Wi-Fi in my home. That one simple fact says it all.
No one needs wifi. We’ve been using TP Link Powerline AC Adapters for the last 7 years. Ethernet to Adapter input in your AC outlet, Then use another adapter to port out from any AC outlet in your house. Your house wiring is your network with near zero RF or EMF. Howard, you are a real promoter/sales staff of SYSTEM bullshit. Why must you assume the system so hegemonic, when there are simple bypasses, like powerline adapters?
So, what yer’ saying is that the people conducting and the respondents to that survey were not smart enough to ascertain that the Supreme Court is a part of their Justice System …
No surprises thur’.
Pass the soap.
I’m guessing that this has been the trade since the advent of the Internet.
Anyone using the Internet is, and has been, to greater or lesser degree extent, party to it. We’re all guilty.
The only real solution would be to turn off the “telescreen’ as O’Brian was privileged enough to do. Finding a little alcove to the side of it is clearly not enough, as Winston Smith discovered to his eternal peril in ‘1984’.
A solution, of course, would be to *NOT* give up your data.
To withhold it. wherever and whenever possible. To regard it as something precious. Worth preserving. Something not to be shared lightly with those anonymous strangers (who after all have not decided to share their data with you). Easier said than done, of course.
If there are hard-nosed, bottom line, reasons for big Corporations to want it, then there are clearly equally valid reasons to withhold it.
Your data is clearly (at least from their perspective):
More valuable than 10% off a can of beans (for using a loyalty card). Otherwise the company wouldn’t offer it.More valuable than being allowed to use the fast-track card-only aisle in the local shop.More valuable than being regarded as a second-class citizen for using cashAnd more valuable than not giving up a mobile phone number for validation purposes or an email addressSo… don’t give it up! Help delay dystopia.
Bryan Adams – Don’t Give it Up
A much better approach is to pollute the databases with incorrect information….
And stock up with black permanent markers to sabotage the qr codes popping up everywhere.
The database are perfectly able to do that itself. It doesnt even have a language to define correct info.
But you are correct we can make it more dysfunctional.
Just be aware that we will be blamed for not only our incorrect info but also for all the dysfunctions the database itself have.
The author is a an optimist. Only the humans who are oligarch will survive. The game is to eliminate all human interference with the blissful heaven these Oligarch vision for themselves.. The AI guided robot will replace the human, except for the few Oligarch, there will be no human life on Planet Earth. This is a wake up call for humanity.. If you value a human future you must climb aboard to stop this Oligarch war against humanity.
There is some speculation that many oligarchs stay alive with infusions of blood from children. If this is more than an Urban Legend, then the oligarchs will never allow humanity to die out.
The sheeple are already in. We will end up as in Matrix, a little resistance group of real humans hunted day and night by agents, looking after the One who can save us.
Bladerunner, where the director/writer made fun with the public by making the hero of the movie, Harrison Ford, shoot a woman (who is running away from him and causes no threat) in the back (what kind of a hero shoots a woman in the back). And where the robots are afraid to die, while the hero doesn’t show any sign of being afraid to die. And where Harrison Ford’s life is saved by a ‘robot’ (Rutger Hauer) as he has mercy on Harrison Ford.
But robots don’t show mercy and are not afraid to die and never get angry (like Leon did). So who is the robot and who is the human?
And where experience is key to the idea that one has lived. Or as Hauer said: ‘if only you could see what I’ve seen with your eyes’
Based on the article, I am not so sure if the author saw that joke from the director/writer being played on the public…
Anyway, science fiction always works better on (digital) screens than in reality, which is the reason why intelligence (whether it is artificial or not) always prefers a (digital) screen as environment, otherwise it doesn’t won’t work properly.
Because biology is mostly random and hard to predict.
All AI is, is lightspeed mimicry. It has no-skin-in-the-game of life and never will. It is symptomatic of the overclocking of everything that capitalism has resorted to make ever more. If we WALKAWAY from all it’s tentacles it will blow and we can start over, sans 1%.
Robots? Hero? I saw no robots or heroes in the film, just a career killer (we have plenty of them don’t we) who couldn’t really say no and some lab born organic beings created to do a dirty job, went rogue, and wanted answers as to why they had to die after only a short time. Let’s face it, all of them gave Ford’s character a good slapping about before he ‘retired’ them, and rightly so.
“It’s too bad she won’t live. But then again, who does?” Great line…
I’m not sure that I care whether a machine or another person thinks I’m human or not. Its their problem, not mine.
Its a good time to point out that there are some significant differences between Philip K Dick’s short story “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” and the movie “Blade Runner”. Missing from Blade Runner is the obsession with empathy and the adjustment of mood using some kind of in-home mood stimulator. A household’s self-esteem is judged by the pet it keeps but because real, organic, pets are not only rare, expensive and fragile there’s a trade in synthetic substitutes (hence the “electric sheep”). Its apparently quite the scandal to pass your pet off as real when its actually electric. Like a lot of older SciFi this plot doesn’t age well because — for better or worse — our science and technology has overtaken the imaginations of authors from half a century or more ago.
You have no understanding of Dicks original story, and you are, and continue to be, a revolting idiot.
I’d say that PK Dick’s themes continue to be relevant and in fact are becoming ever more so. Indeed the world has yet to catch up with him and hopefully it won’t considering how dark his prophecies were.
If you are aware of his views you’d know he believed we live in a simulation. He believed he was a vessel. That’s by his own words & experiences. He wrote things that came ‘true’ after the event, his words.. yep how odd, make of it that which you will. But that’s the ‘reality’ were presented with around him. He doesn’t deny it he was just as perplexed. Watch his talks.
Look for a Philip K Dyck speech/presentation given in Metz, France, 1977. He’s talking about retro causality waaay before anyone else. Incredible visionary or something else?
“Memories are lost like tears in rain” Replicant Batty
do androids dream of electric sheep is a few hundred pages long and is definitely not a short
“Yes, AGI can literally go MAD, sort of like Leon.”
Leon didn’t go mad. He got mad. Guess that means he was developing human like emotions such as anger at getting fucked over.
If dumbkopfs will take an experimental injection based on novel technology which killed all its ferrets in all its animal trials simply for a donut or hotdog from Mayor De Blasio, surely $30 is an offer they can’t refuse. Consequences will be similar to the participants.
…it is imperative that we catalogue every single real human on the planet so that no one is left behind in the coming opportunities for prosperity.
To evaluate our future opportunities and prosperity, re-read or watch The Hunger Games.
Our very fearful and control freak Overlords are building in supercomputers a detailed file on every human and half the dogs and cats on the planet. It has several objectives, but be assured none are in our interests.
Scanning your iris to get a few $$$$$ ~ that’s an IQ test. This is a great tool for the WEF to help achieve their power centralisation goals. You will own nothing & they’ll tell you you’re happy 💤💤
The jabs, the masks, etc. were already an IQ test.
I’d ask for shot not jab at an Italian Stilleto Extinction rebellion reunion if I were in your shoes.
This scanning has been carried out at airports for a few years now. If you question it and refuse it’s more than likely you’ll be detained.
We don’t have to have anything to do with AI. WE can all boycott Amazon in totality and if we do, Jeff Bezos will have to lay off hundreds of thousands of employees.
We don’t have to submit to ‘proof of humanity’ in any way. Any corporation that demands we do can be boycotted and we can choose to elect representatives that bans the right of any corporation to operate if they demand ‘proof of being human’ from citizens. That will see lots of millionaires made redundant.
Now Jeff Bezos does not need any more money, so trying to beat him in the wealth stakes is pointless. However, he is not superior as a human, he is merely more ruthless, more machiavellian, more contemptuous of basic human courtesies and boundaries. So the way to fight him is to target his own personal dignity and believe you me, you don’t have to touch his money to destroy his human dignity for the rest of his life.
The same must be done with all these billionaires who think they are superior.
You don’t have to have anything to do with AI as long as you don’t need for or other things. but the oligarch have monopolized access to everything, and to get to something in the Oligarch cache of things, it is necessary to use Amazon or something like it. We are doomed by the digital system.
It really isn’t necessary to use Amazon. It’s very easy to boycott it if you are prepared to go without the odd thing or pay a few quid more to buy it from a local shop if you need to.
As an exercise in “buy[ing] from a local shop…” I suggest looking for a local hardware store to buy a hacksaw or somesuch. Good luck, there aren’t any left.
I’ve resorted to making it myself, but even that is made more difficult when the palate of concrete has bags that are peppered with hard particles from prior moisture, now you have to screen it too before you actually use it.
You are not looking very hard.
Think bob is in UK not the US cowboy. Wyoming.
You’re right, it isn’t. But try telling that to sheeple who are only too happy to use them because the local store have long gone and they feel the need for retail therapy however useful or useless their purchase is. It’s a dumb consumer world full of dumbed down consumers.
Ahuman, my friend! We can call it a Consumer General Strike and demand public voted consented vote on anything we deem important.
A citizen is a person. A person’s legal definition is a corporation. To understand person is to understand: The justice system is corrupt all charges and citations are a fraud. They only apply to corporations. They govern by consent due to ignorance.
To break the system we only need to understand words and not comply.
You are telling that to the homeless, jobless and families who goes hungry to bed every day??: “You can just boycott Amazon and AI”.
You are telling that to the middle class??: “You can just boycott Amazom and AI, be kicked out from job and be homeless, jobless, hungry, and then you can go off grid and be self reliant.”
Who needs billionaires when we have all these good advises from sheeple on how we can be more self reliant in slum, favela and tent communities.