The Infuriating Climate Alarm

Iain Davis

In the UK, we all know that this summer has been rubbish. We had a few weeks of glorious sunshine in June and since then it’s been bloody miserable. It’s been cold, wet and the dog has got trench-foot. Which isn’t great because he stinks at the best of times—bless him.

Yet, according to the UN Secretary General and blithering buffoon, António Guterres, we’ve entered the “era of global boiling.” Though not in the UK—or anywhere else for that matter

Just as we were during the pseudopandemic, we are once again invited to reject the evidence of our own senses and “trust” whatever we are told by the “experts,” although Guterres is not a meteorologist. Mind you, Bill Gates isn’t an epidemiologist and everyone “trusted” his “expert” opinion during the pseudopandemic, so who cares?

I know! I know! Weather isn’t climate change. While climate constantly changes, the process can only be understood through the accumulation of evidence revealing a highly complex system that is subject to radiative forcing.

It is safe to say that no one who seriously questions “climate change” alarm, denies that climate changes. What they question are the claims made by organisations like the UK Met Office:

The evidence is clear: the main cause of climate change is burning fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal. When burnt, fossil fuels release carbon dioxide into the air, causing the planet to heat up.

There isn’t one, published scientific paper, anywhere on Earth, that empirically proves that increased atmospheric CO2 precedes and causes global warming. The evidence is far from “clear.”

Climate change alarmists offer all kinds of convoluted arguments, usually by applying highly questionable statistical models, in their attempt to prove causality. Yet this very basic, empirical scientific proof is notable only for its absence.

But let’s not let scientific facts get in the way of a good story. The planet is boiling I tells ye!

Cats – wondering why human beings don’t know what to do when it’s hot.

If CO2 is the problem then the solution seems pretty simple, not to mention quite pleasant: plant as many trees as we can, wherever we can, and don’t cut them down to burn in biomass power plants that emit more CO2 than brown-coal fired power stations. But that is not a “solution” that anyone in power is interested in.

No, the proposed solution to supposed planetary vaporisation is Sustainable Development debt slavery. Which all raises a few questions about, for example, UK Met Office gibberish. It’s almost as if there’s some sort of agenda at play. Which, of course, there is.

But we’re not going rehash arguments about the climate change woo-woo Science™. There’s no point anyway. Climate change alarm is a death cult, not an exercise in intellectual honesty.

Instead, let’s look at just a few examples of obvious climate alarm tripe. As we do, we’ll also ponder why, if anthropogenic global warming (AGW) theory is so sound, so-called “climate scientists” and the mainstream media—legacy media—feel the need to perpetually lie about its alleged effects.

In 2009, the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, which provides much of the HadCRUT data underpinning the IPCC’s climate change models, was caught fiddling the climate data in order to “prove” AGW theory.

Scientific fraud was evident and key “climate scientists” involved were subsequently unable to provide any data to support their misleading conclusions. Something that was later proven in court. Yet still the legacy media (LM), in this instance represented by the appalling propagandists at the Guardian, manage to deny the blatant scam.

This is all irrelevant because, irrespective of the fake science, all scientists agree that the planet is being cooked like a hard boiled egg. Except the Nobel laureate physicists who don’t. Oh, and all the other scientists who don’t either.

They are not “real” scientists and therefore must be cancelled and definitely barred from explaining to the IMF that the IPCC’s modelled predictions are drivel. Global financial institutions are set to profit from “da climate Science™” and are not interested in having their plans undermined by pesky, Nobel prize winning scientists.

Gutteres’ boiling planet yarn is based upon the recent LM alarm about the Cerberus and Charon heatwaves that supposedly plagued central and southern Europe. The LM used scary colours on their maps to make sure everyone soiled themselves. As if naming the summer after mythical devil-dogs and boatmen for the dead wasn’t enough.

Reuters said ambulances had been put on standby to rescue people from the sunshine; Sky warned that the fingerprints of climate change were forcing people to “shelter from the heat;” CNN reported that the heat was at “unbearable levels” and the constantly petrified Guardian, alleging that “human-caused climate crisis is supercharging extreme weather around the world,” added:

The European Space Agency (ESA) said the next week could bring the hottest temperatures ever recorded in Europe.

While the Guardian mentioned the ESA, they neglected to report its subsequent data clarification. The ESA made it clear that they were providing satellite readings of “land surface temperatures” not the “air temperatures” that are commonly given in weather reports.

On a hot day, land surface temperatures tend to be considerably higher than air temperatures. The degree of difference varies, depending on numerous factors such as the heat absorption and radiation properties of the surface material and so on. As pointed out by the pro-climate alarm website SkepticalScience:

[. . .] on a sunny day in a heatwave, many land surfaces become hotter than the air – that’s how tarmac can melt in a sunny spot.

Contradicting themselves, and ignoring the ESA clarification completely, SkepticalScience then said that the reported air temperature high of 48.8°C on July 17th “did happen.” However, as pointed out by the genuinely sceptical Watts-Up-With-That (WUWT), this claim presents us with a major conundrum.

The LM consistently reported “air temperatures” that were the same as the ESA’s reported “land surface temperature.” The air temperature should have been notably lower, but wasn’t reported to be so.

Quite simply, that just can not be true. It is all very odd, because the actual recorded air temperatures were lower than those reported by the LM, such as the Guardian and the BBC.

This is not to say that it wasn’t very hot in southern and some parts of central Europe and the US. But the ridiculous, exaggerated LM claims that July was the hottest month in 125,000 years were unmitigated claptrap. As Kit Knightly, writing for the OffGuardian, rightly observed, there is simply no way to know this.

The University of Alabama and Hunstsville (UAH) Global Temperature Record is also a key data set for the IPCC. The UAH measures temperature anomalies and, using this measure—which is not the same as a consistent average—confirmed that July 2023 was the hottest July and the hottest single month since 1979, when satellite records began. Given, for example, that an “air temperature” anomaly of 50°C was recorded in Paris in August 1930—before satellite records began—the “hottest ever” claims don’t remotely stack up, even from an anomaly perspective, and certainly don’t constitute any evidence of the “ravages” of CO2 driven climate change.

Reports from European holiday makers that they had to avoid the midday sun, as they mingled with the crowds enjoying the lovely weather, is hardly a sign of the end-times. Noel Coward wrote the song “Mad Dogs and Englishmen,” advising people to avoid sweltering midday temperatures, in 1931. It went down well because it was funny and something people could relate to. Probably because the 1930s was the hottest decade of the 20th century.

Hell on Earth apparently. – source: https://archive.is/PDj8Y

SkepticalScience is among the climate alarm pushers who assert that the heatwave was obviously caused by climate change. As noted by James Corbett and James Even Pilato, that notion is speculative to say the least.

Both NASA and the ESA reported that the Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai underwater volcano eruption in January 2022 increased the amount of stratospheric water vapour by a minimum of 10%, possibly up to 30%. So vast was this expulsion of H2O that it is likely to increase average global temperatures for several years to come.

If you are looking for LM reports on the staggering global climate impact of this event, don’t bother. There aren’t any.

Instead, the BBC, for example, published an article on July 14th 2023 which spoke about the amazing expulsion of lava and ash and the spectacular associated volcanic lightning. They even linked to the NASA report which said the additional volume of atmospheric water vapour was enough to “fill the equivalent of 58,000 Olympic-size swimming pools.” But the BBC propagandists couldn’t bring themselves to report the rest of the quoted NASA statement, which read:

The sheer amount of water vapor could be enough to temporarily affect Earth’s global average temperature.

From a global warming perspective this is kind of a big deal.

Just eleven days later—July 25th—BBC amnesiacs told the world that the European and US heatwaves would have been “near impossible” without climate change. Despite previously citing the NASA and ESA findings which clearly show this claim is totally groundless.

The BBC offered a ludicrous report from World Weather Attribution (WWA)—deceptively calling it a “study”—to supposedly “confirm” that “climate change” had increased the heatwaves by 2.5°C. Based upon nothing but LM reports and speculative computer models, the WWA report was scientifically illiterate dross that presented absolutely no evidence at all to support any of its wacky conclusions.

The  Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai eruption and the ESA spawned media “confusion,” over the difference between surface and air temperatures, was entirely ignored by the BBC as it pumped out its climate change propaganda. Rounding off its disinformation, the BBC wrote:

[. . .] increased temperatures from burning fossil fuels was the main driver in the more intense heatwaves.

A conclusion, it is worth reiterating, for which there is no evidence. The BBC’s role is to make you imagine that the evidence exists.

SkepticalScience, which isn’t sceptical enough to explore atmospheric science or check what its scientific sources really said, didn’t deem it necessary to mention any of this either. But it did ram home that anyone who questions climate alarm is a “climate denier”:

People who create and/or circulate such myths are denying plain reality. That reality is that it got extremely hot across southern Europe for a prolonged period in July 2023. Such prolonged heat is a serious health-hazard, never mind the appalling wildfires.

Aah, the wildfires!

Presumably ignited by the 40+°C heat. Or so the LM would have us believe.

Reporting the “end of the world,” the BBC were certain that the “heatwave spreading across Europe is fuelling wildfires in Portugal.” Someone should tell the Portuguese the end of the world is nigh, because comments from people in Portugal during the “catastrophic heatwave” don’t give rise to any cause for alarm.

This is all reminiscent of the climate alarm that spewed out of the LM during the Canadian wildfires in June that sent a pall of smoke across the US eastern seaboard. The New York Times said this provide us with a “grim climate lesson;” CBS said that the fires were started by lightNing caused by dry hot weather as “climate change continues to warm the planet” and the always unreliable BBC wrote “climate change increases the risk of the hot, dry weather that is likely to fuel wildfires.”

But the prize for most outstanding baloney must go to the Guardian for its unhinged piece, “Canada’s Wildfires are Part of a New Climate Reality.” Claiming that the fires were the “harbinger of our climate future” and that climate change could “double the acreage burned by wildfires each year,” the Guardian exposed itself when it revealed that its headline “new climate reality” was “sourced” from a tweet by US politician Bernie Sanders. Probably after he read a New York Times or other LM article that told him what to think.

None of these wildly inaccurate LM affirmations were remotely plausible. In a fully referenced article, weather forecaster Chris Martz, outlined the many reasons why there is no foundation for the claims that the Canadian boreal forest wildfires were, in any sense, attributable to CO2 caused “climate change:”

Headlines and armchair experts articulated with boastful confidence that the primary cause of the Canadian fires [. . .] was climate change. Despite the fact these claims are neither supported by the greater body of peer-reviewed work nor the observational record.

The actual reasons for the Canadian wildfires were the encroachment of human settlements into woodland areas—increasing the human ignition risk, decades of poor forestry management and inclement weather conditions that produced the lightning strikes which appeared to simultaneously ignite some of the fires.

Prior to the heat driven thunderstorms, Canada had been experiencing average or below average temperatures for the time of year. As Martz accurately observed:

This justifies the case that the fire weather conditions were a transient response to ongoing weather conditions which primed the environment, not a long-term pattern that could be altered by the climatic base state.

Martz reported the Canadian government’s forest burn area records from 1959 to date. Contrary to all the claims spewed out by LM disinformation agents, the records clearly show that total burn areas and fires peaked in the late 1980s. They have steadily decreased ever since. There is, once again, no correlation with increased CO2 levels nor any evidence linking the boreal wildfires to “climate change.”

Like most people who question climate alarm, Martz is concerned about the environment and recognises that the obsession with CO2 reduction does nothing to address the real environmental problems. He wrote:

Sitting on our hands and blaming climate change for every abnormal environmental event is a waste of time when our efforts would be better spent on addressing how to manage risk and mitigate vulnerabilities.

Speaking on the BBC Radio 4 programme yesterday morning, some numpty—sorry, I didn’t catch her name—claimed that the seas were boiling. Because climate change … Duh! I’m sure she is a learned numpty, but seemingly clueless nonetheless.

This followed on from the usual BBC climate bunk highlighting that Florida seawater surface temperatures had achieved 37.8°C. This, we were authoritatively informed, was all caused by climate change. The Guardian piled in to ramp up the terror. That being said, Guardian columnists also think we should end farming to save the planet, so perhaps taking the Guardians word for anything isn’t the wisest course.

Both the BBC and the Guardian had simply parroted a story fed to them by the newswires. There was no more “journalism” than that. They investigated nothing, didn’t verify anything and just published whatever they were told to publish.

The high water temperature reading was taken from just one sensor buoy in Manatee Bay, near Key Largo. Writing for WUWT, Jim Steele pointed out that the temperature reading of the same buoy had dropped to 29°C within a day. Other measurement buoys in the surrounding waters were consistently reporting much lower water temperatures. This was due to the fact that the Manatee Bay buoy floats in a sheltered, coastal “solar pond,” largely protected from cold water flows.

If CO2 propelled climate change caused the buoy reading to climb to 37.8°C, then it must have caused it to cool down again the next day. Equally, “climate change” must also be responsible for the much cooler waters surrounding Manatee Bay. This is, of course, an absurd contention. As Steele highlighted:

Clearly those water temperatures were being driven by dynamics other than rising CO2.

Clearly! So why couldn’t the LM figure that out? Are they all irretrievably stupid or is there something else going on?

As we noted earlier, weather is not climate change. Except when it’s really hot.

While it was scorching in Europe and the US, the LM regaled us with an slew of climate change fairy tales. However, as soon as the weather in the same European and US regions returned to at or below average temperatures they fell stony silent. According to LM propagandists like the Guardian, “climate change” always reverts back to weather when it is chuffin’ freezing.

Wherever we look, those who are pushing the idea that climate change threatens some sort of cataclysm just can’t stop misleading, manipulating, deceiving and propagandising. The question is why. If we accept that climate change is a concern, why do they feel the need to constantly lie about its alleged impacts?

It is never ending. Frankly, it has become infuriating. Maybe that’s the point.

Every nonsensical climate alarm story we have discussed deploys applied behavioural psychology to convince you to believe evident insanity. You are supposed to unquestioningly accept that the planet is “literally” on fire. Or, as the the UN Secretary General insists for no apparent reason, that the era of “global boiling” is upon us.

We are very close to climate lockdowns to “save the planet.” None of this has anything to do with climate change.

The only thing that is “literally” true is that the net-zero, sustainable development solution is “literal” population control. The mind-bending propaganda can only succeed if you ignore the view from your own window, which invariably reveals that it is actually pissing down.

When the farcical climate lockdowns arrive, may I suggest you dress for the weather, grab a bottle of water, and go out and enjoy yourself. What are they going to do? Lock us up in our own homes again?

I’ll see you out there.

You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog IainDavis.com (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his SubStack. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.


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Categories: climate change, latest
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John Bridger
John Bridger
Oct 23, 2023 3:57 AM

The Carbon they plan to eliminate is us

Aug 16, 2023 1:59 AM

The future looks bleak when the inmates are running the asylum.

i woodie
i woodie
Aug 14, 2023 8:12 PM

O deary me….
i’m having a bit of a melt down because nobody’s ever mentioned, anywhere with any consistency, the hidden big smelly things that are the elephant and all his mates….the Industrial beasts…the Military, World Trade transport and bullshit.

Has anyone seen John Pilger’s film “The Coming War with China”..???? Check out what the US have converted the Marshal Island’s into and tell me we still need to fear cow farts..!!!

The pussy cat has the brains.

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 15, 2023 9:18 AM
Reply to  i woodie

It’s cows belching, rather than farting, that emits large amounts of methane, because of their digestive system.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 15, 2023 2:16 PM

So all those buffalo were best done away with I guess? Also we should probably all stop eating meat and eat bugs too.

Seriously though, aren’t cattle eating methane stored in the grass? Since the grass grows and dies back annually, how are cows releasing more methane than is currently in circulation?

Note from Admin: over the course of an hour today you posted over 30 comments. That’s more than one every two minutes. Please take more time in your replies. This is not a place to spam, especially not dealing with divisive subjects like this. Thank you.

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 16, 2023 5:47 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Yes, grass-fed meat is better, from the point of view of health, and animal welfare, and nitrogen pollution, than feed-lot cattle fed on grain and soy. Moreover, free-ranging cattle, moved frequently from small paddocks, help sequester a good deal or carbon in the soil. A Win-win-win-win, if you ask me.

Aug 12, 2023 2:55 AM

I was in southern England over the first and second weeks of July. Except for July 7, where it went to 30C, every other day it’s been pleasant around 15-20C. But apparently we were boiling.

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 8:06 AM
Reply to  Tom

The ‘England is the world’ ‘argument’.

Aug 11, 2023 12:32 PM

Re temperature, is the increasing use of digital recording devices, as opposed to old tech mercury thermometres, which are known to be subject to temporary extreme spiking, which mercury devices are not at the root of this new fear driven hysteria?
Accurate recording of temperature is itself not without its problems.
in the meantime the Earth turning to ash will fill media and provide megabucks to questionable «science» and the institutions where it flourishes.

Sean Arthur Joyce
Sean Arthur Joyce
Aug 11, 2023 1:39 AM

I live in British Columbia, whose main resource industry is logging. According to fire historian Steve Pynes in an article in The Epoch Times, “modern forestry and land-use practices have added proverbial fuel to the flame.” “Plantation forests are exceedingly vulnerable [to fire],” Pyne said. “It’s not just climate change. It’s changing land-use. It’s changing our economy, changing our transport systems, changing how we do logging and agriculture, and how we build our cities. All of these things are now contributing,” Pyne said.” Yet Pyne points out how there are no academic positions in North American universities dedicated solely to the study of forest fires or their history.
Thank you for this article—can you reboot the web link to Chris Martz’s article? It’s not loading. Thanks again.

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 8:10 AM

Yes, it is multi-factorial, and climate extremes are a factor. When you get 49 degrees Celsius in British Columbia (in Lytton, burned to ash the next day)and great swathes of boreal forest killed by the climate change driven pine bark beetle infestation, it is unhelpful to simply reject climate destabilisation as a factor.

The Fleecer
The Fleecer
Aug 11, 2023 1:38 AM

I just can’t believe people can’t see this for the unconscionable scam it so obviously is. Great article

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 8:14 AM
Reply to  The Fleecer

Perhaps they think that disappearing Arctic sea ice (down 80% in volume in a few decades)disappearing Antarctic sea ice, temperatures in Antarctica forty degrees Celsius above average, temperatures of 38 degrees Celsius in parts of Chile and Argentina in WINTER, record global sea surface temperatures, record global average temperatures, retreating montane galciers worldwide, melting permafrost, phenological changes in animal behaviours and plant leaf and bud burst etc, are unlikely to be a ‘scam’.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Aug 10, 2023 5:10 PM
Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Aug 10, 2023 2:23 PM

What happened to Keep Calm and Carry On?

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Aug 10, 2023 12:08 PM

As long as there is war and the pollution and waste of natural resources it brings, as long as trees are cut down to make way for wind turbines, as long as planned obsolescence remains, they are not serious about protecting the earth.

As long as there is homelessness, unclean drinking water, loose to zero food safety regulations (watch the documentary Poisoned: The Dirty Truth About Your Food) and harmful chemicals in our soil, air and household products, they are not serious about health and the spread of disease.

Notice MSM’s repetitive use of words and phrases, a likely sign of “illusory truth effect” in action.

The Illusory Truth Effect And The “Unprovoked” Invasion Of Ukraine
“Just repeatedly inserting the word “unprovoked” into Ukraine war commentary across the board causes people to assume it must have been launched without provocation, because the illusory truth effect can circumvent reason and logic to insert a narrative into the collective consciousness of our civilization.”

Aug 10, 2023 9:31 AM

I remember when I first started reading Off-Guardian, this is years ago, and I got in trouble for doubting the whole anthropogenic global warming nonsense. I mentioned my doubts about it but got excoriated in the comments. This was at a very early stage Off-Guardian. In particular, I mentioned that Alexander Cockburn voiced doubts about the story, and he was the guy behind Counterpunch, which was kind of Off-Guardian of the day, I don’t remember how long ago, maybe 12 years or more. The CO2 narrative was generally just accepted as true, I guess because Al Gore made his Inconvenient Truth movie, and he was kind of progressive, and Bush was hard core conservative, and that was the political climate at the time. So, reading Alexander Cockburn expressing doubts about the narrative actually led me to think more deeply about it, and then I started smelling it for the con it is. Actually, I used the example in my comment back then that I often use even now, of asking my university students (I am a teacher) what the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere was. I then wrote their responses on the black board. The answers range from generally from 10% up to 80%, only very occasionally descending to the actual number, which was about 0.035%. There was such an incredible divergence with what the actual number was. I then announced the number, back then, 0.035%, and everyone was amazed they had gotten it so incredibly wrong. I then explained that one possible reason for this was that the climate cartel uses ppm instead of straight percentages. So, 0.035% becomes 350 ppm (parts per million, which most people probably don’t even know). I then asked my daughters (this is all in Japan), who were in elementary school at the… Read more »

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 8:18 AM
Reply to  Savorywill

The science of how such small amounts of CO2, or even smaller traces of methane, affect the climate by trapping re-radiated heat is very well established. The salient figures are the increase, from 280ppm two hundred years ago to 420 ppm and 490 ppm CO2 and equivalents, today. If you reject very basic science you are a lost cause.

Will - Admin3
Will - Admin3
Aug 13, 2023 10:54 AM

The climate has always warmed and cooled.

You’re just parroting the same talking points that conglomerates and politicians use to justify rising costs and extra taxes.

Your hysteria is laughable when you look at how the climate has radically shifted from warm to cool and back again over the last 10,000 years.

Any “global” problem that requires a central “global” response is most likely a scam.

Will x

Aug 14, 2023 1:50 AM

And you know this how? We just tend to parrot narratives that reflect our already existing views.

This is a great app (the link is at the bottom) which presents alternative ‘facts’ that challenge the so-called facts constituting the rationale for the anthropogenic global warming scam. Facts are actually rational flexible things that can twisted and turned to support any narrative. How do we even know if a fact is a fact, or not? Most of us are not specialists in climatology, but some who are doubt the narrative, for example Judith Curry (https://judithcurry.com/), who is very qualified in the field.


mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 14, 2023 6:36 AM
Reply to  Savorywill

Curry is very much an outsider in her field. And why is it a ‘scam’ and not simply an error?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 14, 2023 9:02 AM

Oh they don’t need you to cover their retreat, they’re big boys and girls and they’re doing quite well out of this climate business 😅

Aug 9, 2023 10:27 PM

An ‘expert’ from the West’s ruling corporatocracy is, a fully indoctrinated careerist, not a well educated professional. Stenographer’s for the corporate hive-mind are told what to think & grossly over paid, not to think.
Throw out the tell-lie-vision (it’s called programming for a reason). Stop feeding the corporate fascist machine. The ‘official’ narrative, is fear porn for fools who unwittingly serve the agenda of criminally insane elitists, busy destroying humanity & creating hell’s vision of heaven, on earth.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Aug 9, 2023 9:54 PM

“… and he [William Happer] made the observation that when you asked people in high energy theory to come in and explain their work, they were happy to discuss what they were doing; when you called the people in climate in, they said ‘you have no right to ask me’. It’s just a different attitude; they knew they were guilty, so to speak. And so there’s never been a discussion.” – Richard Lindzen in an interview with French ‘Association de Climato-réalistes’.   Then policy-makers and think-tanks wonder why the citizenry resorts to speculation, and indulge in what the RAND has coined Truth Decay. How could we help ourselves? The citizenry, part of it at least, perceiving the lack of transparent public debate over a relevant policy-related scientific question, in which dissident scientists are instead dismissed and rendered invisible, not on scientific grounds but merely for being a minority, thereby leaving one highly mediatised view, religiously held, – coincidentally the one backed by officialdom, – has no other choice than to speculate about a subject sold to them as settled science when preliminary investigation reveals it is not. Science may be influenced by politics and we know it is; that notwithstanding, nothing justifies the lack of transparency toward the public about scientifically-based policy making, even at the cost of policy makers having to publicly confess their compelled partial use of Science to conform to a political agenda. Not even urgency can excuse policy makers: the IPCC has been in operation for more than three decades and instead of “nailing down certainties” about whether climate alarm is justified which is the normal result of accumulating new facts over time, not only the initial uncertainties remain, not only it has not acquired to its cause the old dissenters – it has rather gained… Read more »

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 8:20 AM

Come on-the IPCC Reports are NOTORIOUSLY downplayed because of the need for consensus with climate renegades like Austfaila and Saudi Arabia. Even the most ‘pessimistic’ IPCC Reports have seriously UNDER-estimated the rate and extent of climate destabilisation.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 9, 2023 8:15 PM

Here’s a good one from The Independent:

“UK man bitten by cat contracts previously unknown and ‘extensive’ bacterial infection

Findings highlight role of cats as reservoirs of ‘as yet undiscovered bacterial species’”


Aug 10, 2023 12:31 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Pussy write George.

Joe Van Steenbergen
Joe Van Steenbergen
Aug 9, 2023 8:13 PM

Well, they warned us they would pivot from fake pandemic to fake climate crisis; at least they told us what was coming.

Chris Gwynne
Chris Gwynne
Aug 9, 2023 6:15 PM

I’ve read that corals are dying off in unprecedented numbers wtih increased sea temperatures alleged to be the culprit. If a better idea is available please inform us.

Chris Gwynne
Chris Gwynne
Aug 9, 2023 6:19 PM
Reply to  Chris Gwynne

Sea Pollution?

Aug 9, 2023 10:14 PM
Reply to  Chris Gwynne

That was last week, they’re doing fine now.

Aug 12, 2023 1:11 PM
Reply to  Chris Gwynne

Except they aren’t are they and the Australian Great Barrier Reef is growing

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 8:26 AM
Reply to  Ben

Except, it’s NOT. The Great Barrier Reef bleached for the first time in recorded history in 1998. It has bleached six times since, with varied severity given its great extent. The last was the first in a La Nina year. The Reef Authority has reported the reefs in poor, or very poor, condition a number of times, but that has been Memory Holed so that the Reefs are not put on the UNESCO World Heritage at Risk list.
The recent ‘report’ of ‘coral recovery’ is of Acropora species colonising bleached areas, where the DIVERSITY of corals is way down. Acropora species are prone to bleaching, and La Nina is coming. Meanwhile, in the Caribbean and adjacent seas there is a massive bleaching, ongoing at present.

Aug 9, 2023 1:36 PM

Come back when you have room to squeeze geoengineering into your article. That’ll help clarify some of the disparity between what one binary says and what the other binary says.

Like the aluminum nanoparticles filtering down and covering trees, which coaxes forests to burn much hotter than they did some 75 years ago before the engineering of the climate began, besides causing more heat lightening.

Or the depletion of the ozone layer by the same aluminum nanoparticles, which allows UVC rays to filter down to the ground, increasing the heat factor and making the sun’s rays truly a danger to behold, not to mention making it difficult to impossible (depending on the location) for tree saplings to survive beyond their first year.

Or the heat trapping properties of the sky cover created by the chemtrails, which keeps the heating of the day from escaping, thus raising nighttime temperatures, which have far more to do with the climate than daytime temperatures.

Well, at least the pro and the con faction of climate change agree on one thing: there’s no climate engineering. That streak you’re seeing up above is probably just fog on your eyeball.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 9, 2023 6:04 PM
Reply to  Howard

And at least you and the pro faction agree on one thing: There’s definitely climate change.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Aug 10, 2023 11:36 AM
Reply to  Howard

This article is about legacy media propaganda. Pointing out that there is no proof that any of the weather events we have incessantly “reportd” to us have any evident link to “climate change,” despite all the propaganda making that assertion.

I have written on geoengineering elsewhere, and may well return to that given recent developments.


The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Aug 10, 2023 12:40 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Thanks for the article. I see it’s much more complicated than I thought.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Aug 10, 2023 12:11 PM
Reply to  Howard

The RAND has quite a few articles on geoengineering (climate mitigation/control technologies); they are described as “emerging technologies”, and are used and planned to be used to mitigate sun radiation/CO2 levels. Notice the videos on this piece are a year old; they have only 15 and 82 views. What’s commonly known as chemtrails is perfectly acknowledged under the title “Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) involving spraying inorganic particles (e.g., sulfur dioxide) into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight”. (See Climate Control link). “Climate alarm” is becoming a new value and new motive for investment so long as it is believed by the public to be settled science. It isn’t, as serious dissent still remains. Those who have to abandon traditional business and invest in these technologies and new energies must be assured that there is more profit to be made. That’s why any policy “recommendations” the IPCC will come up with must imply new human intervention at a large scale, that is, countering human intervention with more human intervention which is not proven to have mitigation as the sole effect. It is clear that side effects are unavoidable. For instance, to be of any significant use to both alarmists and investors SAI has to be global and important; that is they have to form clouds that seen from space they have the expected reflective effects on solar radiation out, but seen from the surface of the earth, they increase reflective effects of the earth surface radiation back in. This paper discusses wether SAI is worse that the alleged disease. They of course conclude that it depends, SAI being a novel measure and there are serious difficulties in implementing it globally. Well, we have a measure that is not a novelty and which is proven to be safe: fill the Sahara and other… Read more »

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 8:33 AM

Reforestation is definitely a task that should be undertaken, globally, with expedition. We need a few TRILLION more trees. We also need some mechanical means to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, we need the urban heat island effect attacked, with white roofs and buildings, reflective road services and urban trees and other plants increased as much as possible.Once the warming, amplified in high latitudes, causes methane clathrate emissions, we will NOT be able to reverse a ‘wet hot-house Earth’ mass extinction.

Duncan Wearing
Duncan Wearing
Aug 20, 2023 1:39 AM
Reply to  Howard

You NAILED it, Howard. This is an example of another false binary: “world is heating up due to “fossil fuel” burning” vs. “world is not heating up due to “fossil fuel” burning”.

Meanwhile, nobody addresses that the climate IS being altered to due GEOENGINEERING!

j d
j d
Aug 9, 2023 1:35 PM

“There is an eerie convergence in academic and media commentary between ‘public health’ policies in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic and policies to address climate change. Bruno Latour argues that unprecedented state control and surveillance of citizens in their homes, meetings and movements, are needed to address climate change. This claim rests on two assumptions. The first is that reducing carbon emissions is the way to address the modest increase in global temperatures since 1850 despite the failure of this approach to impact either atmospheric carbon or global warming. The second is that forcibly destroying the creative agencies of billions of people is good for human health and good for the health of the planet. Against the suppression of the agency of ordinary people in Covid-19 as a ‘solution’ to climate change I argue that ecological and climate crises can only be turned around when people, and other creaturely beings, recover their agency as co-creators and co-curators of their habitats and the cultural and material resources they need for human flourishing. Evidence from many domains indicates that it is the loss of such agency by ordinary people, and by other creatures, which is the key driver of ecosystem destruction. Its recovery involves restraining the industrial agencies which continue to wreck Gaia…. …..Despite harms to human health and well-being from lockdowns, and lack of empirically demonstrable health benefits, Bruno Latour argues that lockdowns and other top-down government attempts to control and suppress the myriad daily activities, interactions and movements of people across the planet establish a precedent for sovereign state power over citizens which is needed to address the ‘emergency’ of climate change (Latour 2020; 2021; see also Clover (2021). Others argue that the causes of the pandemic and of the ecological crisis are interconnected. Jane Goodall argued that the… Read more »

Aug 10, 2023 6:01 PM
Reply to  j d

Great post.

Wikipedia calls SAI a “proposed” technology (LOL) – anybody who has looked up at the sky in the last 30 years knows that it’s been happening since at least 1995.

Also deserving of a mention wrt the “environment scam” is the WWF – the World Wide Fund for Nature.
Founded by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (who also helped to found the Bilderberg Group) it has been dispossessing indigenous peoples from their land since 1961, establishing “Nature Reserves” policed by mercenaries, including former SAS troopers.
It’s a deep dive, but Joel van der Reijden’s ISGP site has all the dope:


j d
j d
Aug 9, 2023 1:21 PM

“Net Zero’, what does it mean? Does anyone know? Who dreamt-up this slogan? Put together, these two words don’t actually have any meaning. ‘Net’ is usually used as a shortened form of ‘netto’ (netto/brutto) a term used in accountancy describing a sum of money remaining after tax or expenses have been deducted. So what could ‘Net Zero’ possibly mean? That nothing will be left once zero carbon has been achieved? The term seems to ape, no doubt for good reason, the one chosen to describe the blackened hole in the ground left after the devastation of 9/11: Ground Zero. Look at it this way, by reducing carbon dioxide to nil (zero carbon) all plant life dependent for its growth on this natural gas, will die. By extension, all humans and animals dependent upon the oxygen that plants produce, via the conversion of carbon dioxide into oxygen, will also die. Basic biology reveals that is indeed the case. So what the inventors of ‘Net Zero’ seem to be suggesting is that the objective is to end all plant, animal and human life by 2050. Or have I got something wrong? Have ‘they’ quietly dropped CO2 as the arch baddie of the past three decades – and are now trying to make simple ‘carbon’ the source of all our woes? This is, after all, what they did by surreptitiously shifting ‘global warming’ into ‘climate change’ a couple of decades ago. A classic slight of hand by the cabal spin doctors.Let’s scrutinise the history a little more thoroughly. The World Economic Foundation (WEF) is acting as lead player of the project known as ‘Stop Global Warming’. A project which states that a deadly form of anthropogenic ‘warming’ is being caused by the burning of fossil fuels, and that the stated need is therefore… Read more »

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 8:39 AM
Reply to  j d

Truly silly. It is net zero emissions, not net zero CO2 in the atmosphere. The rest is even stranger.

Aug 9, 2023 10:57 AM

Can’t wait to see my heating bill plummet this winter because of all this global warming.

Mark Culmer
Mark Culmer
Aug 9, 2023 10:44 AM

I love this ‘wet’ stinking, miserable‘ weather and hope it continues for the rest of the Summer, shortly followed by ice, snow and freezing temperatures.

Aug 9, 2023 10:40 AM

There isn’t one, published scientific paper, anywhere on Earth, that empirically proves that increased atmospheric CO2 precedes and causes global warming.”

I tell people this all the time, but the response is always “if it wasn’t true, so many news outlets wouldn’t say it”. Sigh.

Aug 9, 2023 4:29 PM
Reply to  Simon

If the so called “Legacy Media” publish stories that are self evidently fictional and can be refuted so easily then why anyone should believe anything else they write is a mystery.

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 8:40 AM
Reply to  Simon

No, there is ‘not one’-there are hundreds. Not many people know that.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 9, 2023 10:39 AM

Unbelievable covid worship on the Graud from Arwa Mahdawi:

“How can you tell remote work is over? Zoom has ordered employees back to the office”

How dare they! You see, “the pandemic” was A GOOD THING! And Arwa quotes Arundhati Roy’s “beautiful” essay:

“Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew ….This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next. We can choose to walk through it, dragging the carcasses of our prejudice … Or we can walk through lightly, with little luggage, ready to imagine another world. And ready to fight for it.”

Bring back the good old days of 2020!

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 9, 2023 10:43 AM
Reply to  George Mc

And don’t you love that “lightly, with little luggage”? The executive class writing for the Graud and Financial Times walk lightly with little luggage?

Aug 10, 2023 6:11 PM
Reply to  George Mc

lightly with little luggage

I suppose it’s one way of describing flying round the World in a private Lear jet?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 9, 2023 7:49 PM
Reply to  George Mc

We should be ready to fight for our rights to get vaccines from the public coffers when new pandemics arrive, because they will arrive globally and frequently everywhere.

Everybody must pay for the poor and the vulnerable who cant pay for their vaccines and boosters, because we are in this together globally.

Aug 10, 2023 6:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew

Historically, it was the pandemics that killed people, not the “cure”

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 8:41 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Nothing is crazier than a Guardian feminazi liberal fascist. She is one of the worst.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 9, 2023 10:18 AM


“A moment that changed me: I was outraged by the risks facing my children – so we moved to the country

Black Caribbean people born in the UK have a higher chance of schizophrenia, and city life is a factor. So when a chance came to live in Somerset, I leapt at it”

Black Caribbean people- an obviously small UK demographic and not one normally associated with wealth – are here portrayed as wanting to move to the country and presumably help to make up that wonderful Attenborough inspired Malthusian minority.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 9, 2023 10:04 AM

Man attacks pedophile ring shock!


“He was accused of making comments motivated by “hostility towards sexual orientation and transgender identity”, Westminster Magistrates’ Court heard.”

I.e. He was accused of making comments motivated by hostility towards indoctrination of kids into becoming pedo fodder and submitting to self-mutilation.

“The judge said the defendant’s comments to Mr Rowan went “beyond freedom of expression into hate speech”.”


The judge said the defendant’s comments to Mr Rowan went beyond freedom of expression into pedo-phobia.

“Mr O’Connor’s solicitor Sundeep Pankhania said the defendant “does not hold any non-trans ideologies”…”


Mr O’Connor’s solicitor Sundeep Pankhania said the defendant is desperate to assure the new pedocracy that he does not object whatsoever to their aggressive abuse and mutilation programme.

Aug 9, 2023 9:38 AM

Iain, a good article but if you need a proof reader I’ll be happy to help. Apart from the various grammatical errors, ‘lightning’ is not the same as ‘lightening’ and ‘censor’ is not the same as ‘sensor’.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Aug 9, 2023 1:30 PM
Reply to  DavidC

Thanks David. Changed on original. Don’t know if OG wish to change it post publication.

Aug 10, 2023 1:00 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Thanks Iain. The offer is genuine, you write some great articles (the recent ones on the lovely Marianna Spring have been great!).

Best regards, David

Aug 9, 2023 8:13 AM

“We are very close to climate lockdowns to “save the planet.” None of this has anything to do with climate change.”
No more than Con-19 lockdowns had anything to do with public health.

Aug 9, 2023 10:40 AM
Reply to  NickM

Correct. It’s the same gang trying to impoverish and enslave for their own ends.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Aug 10, 2023 5:00 PM
Reply to  NickM

Lockdowns cause illness – physical, psychological and emotional. Too many studies have shown that lockdowns are never an answer to anything.

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 8:47 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

People will need to be outside, exercising, getting Vitamin D levels up, meeting others, walking and working in gardens to grow food, and planting trees, painting houses reflective white etc.

Fran parr
Fran parr
Aug 15, 2023 2:09 AM

Explain the white (painting white) please. That’s the second time you mention that but I honestly fail to see the momentum of it

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 15, 2023 9:34 AM
Reply to  Fran parr

If you see houses in hot climates, they are often painted white. White surfaces reflect sunlight, lowering the temperature of the house. Dark surfaces absorb heat, useful in high latitudes, but not in hot summers. Having trees shade houses helps, too. In Arizona, they are beginning to paint roads with reflective substances, to address the Urban Heat Island effect.

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 8:45 AM
Reply to  NickM

Yes, the measures proposed by the global pathocracy are useless, will worsen things and are designed to increased pathocrat power. However, the crisis is real, and requires urgent action, before natural positive feed-backs take matters out of our hands.

Will - Admin3
Will - Admin3
Aug 13, 2023 11:01 AM

The “crisis” was founded on research funded by the very ‘pathocracies’ you distrust.

How do you so meticulously decipher what crises and responses are legitimate, when the source of all this information comes from the demonstrably corrupt?

Will x

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 14, 2023 6:43 AM
Reply to  Will - Admin3

Well, the science began about 180 years ago, and has become more solid ever since. I am not so paranoid as to believe that funding in all science follows the agenda of the funders, as it plainly does in much pharmaceutical research, and most climate research is undertaken on the public purse at universities etc.I decipher research based on my own knowledge and experience.

Alan Vaughn
Alan Vaughn
Oct 11, 2023 12:01 AM

“I decipher research based on my own knowledge and experience.”

Ok, now we know why your comments are nothing more than puerile nonsense based on the pseudo-scientific claims of delusional alarmists trying to forcefully usher in their humanity loathing Malthusian agenda, with the clear intent to exterminate most of us (useless eaters) and impoverish those who survive in a nightmarish pre-industrial era dystopia, aka: 20 or 15 minute SMART Cities..
Either way, Mr (or Ms?) mumblebrain you will be affected too. Just because you believe their pathetic pseudo-scientific drivel and endorse their hatred of humanity, doesn’t mean you’ll be spared. After all, you are a human being and according to your own misguided belief, you are responsible for the invented (thus non-existent) ‘crisis’ as much as any other human being is.
You’ve been relentlessly spewing your ill-informed, fact-devoid and asinine comments all over this thread, which clearly indicates you are part of our advanced civilized society, thus obviously don’t live in a cave… Yet.
So, enjoy your freedom while you still can. It won’t last much longer according to what you and your fellow delusional St Greta worshipping climate cultists all want to see happening and are demanding.

Aug 9, 2023 7:56 AM
Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Aug 9, 2023 9:38 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

Lol! More Links for Sky Girls ..Grill Dill friends.

les online
les online
Aug 9, 2023 7:35 AM

Working in a large plant bakery in the 1960s on warm humid nights – no ventilation – was hellish…The explanation for the mugginess we all knew were “those damn rockets the Yanks and Soviets kept sending up disturbed the weather !” That is, we bitched that The Bastards were doing things that affected our local climate (aka – weather)…
Of course, had we thought about those ‘Extreme Weather Events’ (ewes) we’d have noticed the mugginess occurred annually only when Summer was segueing into Autuum…
Nowadays bakers are probably blaming humid working conditions on “Those Bastards (aka – geoengineers) buggering around with the weather”)…

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Aug 9, 2023 3:15 PM
Reply to  les online

Les, either I forgot or didn’t know you were a baker. My father’s family were bakers going way back grandmother was Welsh, I’am sorry. I know what mean about the weather very much.

Aug 9, 2023 3:43 PM
Reply to  les online

Yeah Les, tell me about it, same here, same decade, night shifts at Coombes in Twickenham to pay back Suzy for the 90$ she spent on a !952 Les Paul Original GoldTop (Triangle tailpiece) for me in an NYC pawnshop. Hasn’t money shrunk since then?
One muggy night the compressed-air guns broke down, so we had to pull the loaves out of the tins by hand as they came through the tunnel maw of the bread plant conveyor belt at about 700F. 4 pairs of asbestos and chainmail gloves were not enough. On ‘normal’days and nights we were supposed to drink saline every 15 minutes. Those were the days (NOT).

Aug 9, 2023 7:27 AM

Limited hangout: no mention of geoengineering, chemtrails, weather modification, weather weapons.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 9, 2023 10:23 AM
Reply to  Molybdenum

Thanks for your comment. You can help keep offg a balanced place, but it’s not always helpful to begin with ad hominem attacks. Perhaps you could link to some of your evidence? Our readers might appreciate that. 🙂 a2

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Aug 9, 2023 1:05 PM
Reply to  Molybdenum
Aug 9, 2023 5:38 AM

Tonga Volcano released millions– some say trillions of tons of water vapor into the atmosphere last year. Yet it appears we’re actually in a record-cool year [despite the silly propaganda].

Aug 9, 2023 8:26 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Naturally; because water vapour produces clouds and cloud cover shades the Earth by reflecting the Sun’s rays back into outer space; says one of those eminent physicists whom Ian Davis mentions but the Con-MSM choose to ignore.

Clouds also cause rain, so all that water vapour from the volcano might account for England’s wet summer. Or it might not — what do we really know?.

“The glass is falling hour by hour
The glass may fall for ever
But if we break the bloody glass
It won’t affect the weather” — Louis MacNeice, Bagpipe Music

“It’s not so delicately poised” — BBC Weatherman circa 1960 (before the B.Liar era).

Aug 10, 2023 2:06 AM
Reply to  NickM

Thanks for the reminder Nick M. I think from the false point of view of the propagandists, water vapor is still a “greenhouse gas” that RAISES temperature.
So they’re kind of scrambling to assign the false “record high temperatures” to humans. (Cuz the volcano has contributed so much water vapor and they don’t want to minimize the importance of this, but. . . .) It’s a kind of liars’ dilemma.

Aug 10, 2023 5:46 PM
Reply to  NickM

‘England’s wet summer’? Goodness me. What about 2012, 2007 … or 1961 for that matter? England is and has always been somewhat unusual, a country washed over by the Gulf Stream, with very moderate temperatures – very cool summers and mild winters compared to say the north-east USA) – limited sunshine and enough rain most of the time for gardeners to be happy.

I don’t remember all the summers, just a few notably good and bad ones going back to 1959 which was apparently the longest summer of the past century though not the warmest. That was 1976, unless we now have honest statistics to show that June-July-August of 2022 was warmer than these three months of 1976. (Maybe it was, but I’m disillusioned by the ‘climate warfare’; everyone is cherry-picking, i.e. lying by omission.)

In summary, I hardly think 2023 overall has been a ‘wet summer’. So far it seems to have consisted of a dry warm June, a wet cool July and August slightly cool although we have another three weeks of it left and the Met Office say it’ll probably be warmer than July. I watched their 10 day online forecast yesterday where you do tend to get a sensible presentation of probabilities and the uncertainty.

I’m in the rural W Midlands. Sorry if it’s been abnormally wet where you are.

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 8:53 AM
Reply to  NickM

Clouds reflect by day, cooling, but trap heat at night, warming. I wonder what the balance is.

Aug 9, 2023 9:41 AM
Reply to  Penelope

The standard unit of measure seems to be “Olympic swimming pools”, not tons or tonnes. It seems ESA and NASA are careful not to express any heresy. They say this is a significant quantity of vapour. What exactly is the likely effect in the stratosphere or any other layer?

Aug 9, 2023 1:39 PM
Reply to  mgeo

The likely effect of water vapour in the stratosphere is to condense into cloud cover that shades the earth, says physicist who debunks “global warming”. No fooling!.

Aug 9, 2023 3:47 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Maybe they should try diving from the top board into an Olympic swimming pool only filled with vapour. At least they’re not trying to measure it by football pitches yet.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 9, 2023 8:13 PM
Reply to  Penelope

When you have found the keyword “adaption” to our earth weather, It becomes quite boring to hear the constant public discussions and measurements:

“Ohh there was a little too much of rain, and that was a little too little of rain”. m.m.

The left office says warming and the right office says cooling, and everybody was crying.
There is neither too much nor too little, there is what is and what is supposed to be.

Aug 11, 2023 1:02 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Man mimics nature…
Letting off steam. 😉

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 8:52 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Penny- the world experience its warmest ever July, the warmest days ever recorded and numerous heatwaves since April/May. How does that become ‘record-cool’? The jump from ‘millions’ to trillions is by multiplying by millions. Can they not get more accurate? And water vapour precipitates out of the atmosphere in short order, while CO2 can remain in the atmosphere for decades.

Aug 9, 2023 5:27 AM

All Cause Mortality By Age 5 DOUBLES for Children 
Who Receive Hepatitis B & BCG vaxx in the first 28 days of life!

(BCG is for tuberculosis. Hepatitis B is routinely given on the first day of life.)
Epidemiological study shows children w ZERO vaxxes by age 5 have lowest mortality.
Schedule calls for 23 vaxxes by age One (So very sad)

Study by Miller & Goldman covers much more.

Aug 9, 2023 8:29 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Thanks, Penelope, for some hard data. So very sad, indeed.

“Thou shalt not sacrifice thy child to Melech” — Old Testament.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 9, 2023 8:26 PM
Reply to  NickM

Incredible someone had to make a rule for that. “Thou shalt not put your child into the washing machine”.

Thanks Penelope. Nice to be confirmed, but isnt it just common knowledge?
It was in my family when I was a little child,

Aug 10, 2023 2:22 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

When I was a kid I think we got about 3 shots. Everybody got measles, mumps and chickenpox and everybody thought that these “childhood diseases” built up your immune system.

One of the most notable things about the 50s is that there were nearly NO fat kids. We didn’t exercise more (there were scarcely any girls’ sports), mothers made baked goods, and no one counted carbs. We ate enormous quantities of butter, natural lard and beef fat in those baked goods & other recipes.

Certainly there was a small percentage of middle-aged people who were a LITTLE plump.

I think the overweight comes from the antibiotics fed to the food animals; they kill healthier parts of the gut microbiome, leaving only the parts that excel in turning carbs to fat; that’s why they’re given to the animals!

And of course glyphosate makes you fat. The surprise is that aspartame increases appetite and also makes you fat.

And of course the whole cholesterol hoax, substituting PUFAs for millennia of animal fats.

Aug 10, 2023 8:06 AM
Reply to  Penelope

The gut has other functions than dealing with carbs. Any carbs that get there undigested may cause bloating.

Unlike carbs, (natural unprocessed) fats are essential. Lack of it causes hunger and over-eating. I leave it to you to conclude what the medical industry intends by getting us to fear fats.

les online
les online
Aug 9, 2023 4:22 AM

‘Just in: Full registration granted for Pfizer covid vaccine Australia.’ Rebekah Barnett:


The article informs that 97% of the funding of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA),the government authority involved, is from industry sources…

does a 3% government stake make the TGA a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) ?

les online
les online
Aug 9, 2023 4:42 AM
Reply to  les online

Anyway, i’ve been scouring the “news” looking for a possible harbinger of The Next Pandemic – (The one little billy gates assured us is coming.) and came upon:

‘Covid vaccine makers stocks crash as sales drop off a cliff.’ Daily Sceptic:

So could this be a sign we could soon expect a pandemic-fear based marketing campaign to encourage governments to buy more safe & effective ™ jabs ?
Or do stockholders hear something in the wind that’s encouraging them to abandon ship ?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 9, 2023 8:30 PM
Reply to  les online

All the other scams went down the hill the same way, swine flue, ebola, zika, corona.
The public’s short memory is just ……….so short.

Aug 9, 2023 7:53 AM
Reply to  les online

Pro$titute$ Paying Psychos.

Aug 9, 2023 9:52 AM
Reply to  les online

The rollout of the Pfizer pills – proprietary version of ivermectin – should have ended all jabs used under “emergency authorisation”. No such thing happened anywhere.

As for full registration of its jab, perhaps it has taken Pfizer this long to write up its report on human trials – the trials conducted on the global population.

Aug 9, 2023 3:48 AM

Trees sequester CO₂ naturally, and dirt cheap, via photosynthesis. Yet ‘enterprising’ organisations like Australia’s now wokified CSIRO want to spend millions from taxpayer revenue on Heath Robinson style projects to remove CO₂ from the air and force it underground for artificial carbon sequesterisation. Artificial carbon sequestration, like any Heath Robinson project is an elaborate way to potentially spend endless amounts of money to achieve a simple solution. Instead spend the money on trees: that’s what they are designed for.

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 8:59 AM

And massive amounts could be sequestered in soils, which are widely carbon deficient. Regenerative grazing with mobs moved often between small paddocks, can do that and produce more healthy meat, less nitrogen pollution and greater grassland plant diversity.

Aug 9, 2023 3:26 AM

Local Portuguese officials saying all these simultaneous wildfires “are not down to chance”

No indeed, they are arson and coordinated by bad actors imo

Aug 9, 2023 7:42 AM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

Consider this: weather weapons likely cause of some of these fires as presented and explained here:—


Aug 9, 2023 8:36 AM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

In earlier reply, not showing here, should have said probable Direct Energy (not weather) weapons by extremely bad actors — those in power with delusions of world control, not random arsonists — likely cause of non-wild fires in some cases:—


Aug 9, 2023 4:06 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

Yes I lived in Portugal quite a bit (and Spain more) and local gossip was that burning out your neighbours, and business rivals/anyone you disagree with was quite normal. Like bombing your business rivals was a sport when I lived in Melbourne AU. 3 in a week I have been next to wildfires in both countries, but the big one behind Valencia in 2012 was the piece de resistencia.
We were parked at the end of the lake behind the El Duque 2 Dam, a wonderful spot with deer and metre and a half long carp which would come and take bread from your fingers, and of course unlimited nude swimming.Almost NO traffic, see.
It was HOT, but there was plenty of shade, The fire had started locally coming down the road we had driven in on, but for three days the wind was actually holding it back. Then on the fourth day Spanish Forestry were panicking and begged us to leave. I said the wind was holding it back. They agreed but said if the wind changed it would be with us in about ten minutes. the sky was red at night, strong smell of burning, so I grumbled. And we left one of the best park-ups ever.
I recommend checking it out, if you’re in the area.

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 9:01 AM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

Even if they were, which is doubtful, ignition has no effect on the subsequent ferocity and extent of fires. That is down to climate, weather, plant growth, particularly of combustible weeds, dead trees, fire-fighting services and experience, water availability etc.

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Aug 9, 2023 3:03 AM

Alright. I’ve heard all these arguments before. They are interesting. But they do not address all of the opposition arguments.

For instance. I notice that all anti AGWs use the straw man argument that CO2 is, according to the pro-AGWs, the only cause of global warming.

What about methane. When you try to write an all-inclusive article, you might want to mention all the methane gushing out of every fracking site in the world, out of the permafrost, and out of pipelines, and out of all sorts of other sources.

That methane is nasty. And it ain’t plant food. And it is very much a greenhouse gas. And its prevalence is increasing.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Aug 9, 2023 3:29 AM
Reply to  Joe Smith

So, are you for climate change lockdowns, or not?

Aug 9, 2023 8:37 AM
Reply to  Joe Smith

According to a physicist who really knows, whom I posted recently:

Methane effect is negligible because there is so little methane in the air compared to CO2.
Plant life is globally undernourished because CO2 levels in the air have never been lower.

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Aug 9, 2023 9:52 PM
Reply to  NickM

A. Who would that be?
B. Physicists are not climatologists.

Aug 11, 2023 10:09 AM
Reply to  Joe Smith

Absent the study of Physics, how in Hell do you think a Meteorological education of Thermodynamics could be initiated ? They are unequivocally directly related. Fact !

The High Auroral Accoustic Research Programming and the cognitive development of an Artificial Ionospheric Mirror, is Physics & directly RELEVANT to any Meteorological study !

Either you are pig ignorant or simply Trolling distraction from all scientifically proven reality, which I began studying PROFESSIONALLY in 1979. If you are seriously desperate for a name with which to begin your STEEP Learning Curve, I recommend
Bernard Eastlund. Irrefutable!.
Start reading, Smiffy !

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 9:07 AM
Reply to  Balkydj

ALL ‘scientifically proven reality’… Hyperbole, much?

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 9:06 AM
Reply to  Joe Smith

There’s always this great, lone, denialist genius who debunks two hundred years of climate science, like Mandrake ‘gesturing hypnotically’. It works every time.

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 9:05 AM
Reply to  Joe Smith

Not to forget nitrous oxide, CFCs, other novel gases and other factors. To deny any role for greenhouse gases in a climate destabilisation that is also denied, seems very unhelpful to me.

Aug 9, 2023 2:40 AM

Kudos Ian Davis for all the hard work here: listening to and looking at all that crap the BBC, Guardian etc. spout in compliance to their WEF masters. Poor Brits, having to pay for your own disinformation: Soviet Pravda was not obligatory fodder. PRC is these media’s ideal State: 99.9% control of the mind memes. WEF’s summer capital, Tianjin next to Beijing was more effective than Davos. 1984 as a manual.

We all hunker for the good old days of Fixed Climates, when you could rely on your weather and predictions were 100% spot on. Siberia, Canada and Alaska were luckily frozen solid most of the time, like the mountains- don’t call it the Little Ice Age!. Didn’t Homo Neanderthalensis originate from there, its in our genes not to cope with warmth. I’m sure dozens of “scientists” will line up to dig up some stuff to underpin that view as long as the get fancy titles, get published prominently, get promoted promptly and get fat research grants every year for this outcome.

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 9:09 AM
Reply to  Antonym

EVERY story that appears in the BBC, the Guardian, and the rest of the Western MSM, regarding the PRC, is NEGATIVE. How, then, does the PRC become ‘..the media’s ideal state’?

James M Nunn
James M Nunn
Aug 9, 2023 1:37 AM

There is no climate change. There are ionospheric heaters changing/manipulation/creating weather. The earth is heating up due in part to anthropomorphic causes but more to do with on going geo engineering (spraying) that traps more heat in during the night than is reflected out during the day. It’s all to do with weather warfare. GeoengineeringWatch.org.

Aug 9, 2023 4:30 PM
Reply to  James M Nunn

Yes, we’ve got one 14.22 miles from us.There’s even a YT vid.

HAARP Facility In Wales UK. – YouTube

Aug 12, 2023 1:25 PM
Reply to  James M Nunn

It’s NOT heating up. It is cooling. Fukc………absolutely everyone seems sucked into lala land.

Aug 9, 2023 1:24 AM

Here’s the headline of an article from Radio-Canada, aka Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in French: “Can we still have fun in the age of climate change?” You can’t make this up. https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/2001018/ecoanxiete-plaisir-changement-climatique

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 8, 2023 10:46 PM

comment image

Aug 8, 2023 10:18 PM

Once again an infuriating article about climate alarm that fails to mention or explore the role of weather modification in selling climate change to the public. OffG and the articles are dissappointing to say the least on this subject manner. At least they now longer publishing “fear porn” ice age farmer. But an article citing shill site whatsupwiththat, common, Ian. Really. At least scroll down from the top entry on your google search. Whatever. It is a shill site. OffG likes to pretend the weather is normal. No oddities. No unusual weird weather. Yesterday it was in the 30’s C Up to 33C at my place. its been hanging around 20C (70F) for most of a month, cloudy and rainy mostly, nothing out of the ordinary. But on this hot day yesterday it was strangely windy for such a hot day. And this happened just to the west of us: https://www.err.ee/1609056347/esmaspaevases-tormis-sai-kaks-inimest-vigastada There are different videos in here. Some of the hail is the size of an American baseball. A few people were injured. Obvious property, crop damage, and oddities like giant parasol mushrooms destroyed, a great crop this year in these parts. (It had hailed at my place a few weeks back on one of these warm days, maybe around 26F). These are the memories people have in their heads when climate change is being sold to them. Things like deep freezes in Texas that destroy powerlines and 117F in Portland, OR while it is much cooler in Northern California. Well we had no damage here, that is, until this morning, about 2am, the wind started blowing like a mf-er. I wake up to go harvest for market, half my bean crop is on the ground, the neighbors beans nearly a hundred percent, we are surrounded by forty meter tall… Read more »

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 8, 2023 10:45 PM
Reply to  fame

But we have to define what is what. Weather is as weather as always has been. But what we call clima change is false weather. Manipulated weather or Pentagon weather.

We have the lines in the sky, so we know they are manipulating the sky, say geo-engineering. We know CO2 is bs.

So the financiers and their military are doing globally all kinds of falsehoods, corona, weather, joos, currency, stock, food, libor, gold, you name it manipulations.

So what you see is false manipulated weather and/or nature.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Aug 8, 2023 11:14 PM
Reply to  fame

Sure, weather is being modified (don’t ask OffG), but folk bought loads of stuff and, sadly, love to pay. We kill ourselves willingly. We don’t want to try for truth, even though it is impossible. We deserve this place.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Aug 8, 2023 11:31 PM
Reply to  fame

“Our weather is being controlled”. Um, no. You do realize that is a severe over reaction don’t you, or just not worded correctly. Maybe, some of our weather is being manipulated, or modified as you said at the beginning of your comment, but that statement says, “our weather is being controlled”, which is way different and indicates ALL weather for the entire planet. That’s just not the case and is fear porn in its own right.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Aug 8, 2023 11:50 PM

Actually, I do believe weather is manipulated but there is no controlling the earth’s weather.

Aug 9, 2023 6:31 AM

Funny that, I was thinking, I should have used out-of-controlled cause I think its more like that. These psychos are a bunch of fuck-ups. But really they just own the weather, not control it, at least they say so now. Check out this 2005 bullshit article how weather modification will be used to lesson severity of the weather. https://www.space.com/1725-military-weather.html or you can think about what LBJ said and how he said it https://archive.org/details/he-who-controls-the-weather-will-control-the-world-lyndon-b-johnson You can perceive that “our weather” means the whole world all at once at one time. No I don’t think the climate (temp, precipitation, etc.) of the whole world can be controlled but each locality can be (but not everywhere at once) hence our weather. When they do modify the weather somewhere, it changes the weather everywhere else on earth at least a little bit, that is why they can’t the control all the weather at one time all over the earth to be exactly what they want it to be everywhere. When they move the jet stream, I would use the word control rather than modify. When they set up a stable high pressure ridge that just sits there for months, control not modify. Same with droughts or the new weather term “atmospheric rivers”. Perhaps, you don’t think they can do these things. So be it, man. But you can modify the weather too. As Andy says below, plant a tree, plant a forest where you live and you will have modified our weather where that forest is. The things is its like war few people want war you have to call it something else these days just ask Putin. And yet it keeps on happening. Few want their (our) weather being modified. And it keeps getting more and more. The more the weather is being… Read more »

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Aug 9, 2023 7:22 AM
Reply to  fame

Mate, the whole of Europe had high pressures sitting for 6 -12 weeks, three years in a row, in the winters of 1988, 1989 and 1990.

Western Europe had similar for three months in the summer of 1976.

Do you think that those events were geoengineered?

Are you open to the possibility that the three large planet conjunction event involving Saturn, Uranus and Neptune at the end of the 1980s/beginning of the 1990s might have been a part of it?

Local engineering is much easier to prove than continent-wide high pressures.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 9, 2023 11:26 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Same with Australia. I took a 100 year interactive map of the weather in the weather extreme Australia.
There was not one single pattern in it. It is complete chaotic. Two wet years, three hot dry sommer years, 1 normal year, 2 rainy years with floods everywhere, etc.

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 9:19 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

You seem to think that MORE chaos, more extremity in the weather, is good.

Aug 10, 2023 9:05 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I have no idea about those events but I think they can do it, and a few years back in February when I was on the southeast coast of Portugal in the morning it was plane after spray plane all flying south in the sky. Literally there was at least one visible spray plane flying at all times sometimes up to four were visible. In the afternoon they returned flying northward. I was astounded never saw such a thing. Consistent daily.

If you don’t think they can make a stagnant high pressure ridge, I suggest you look at the NOAA Goes satellite on a regular basis.

Especially if their is a stagnant high pressure ridged formed. They have many different types of radar and you can look specifically at different levels of clouds. You will see all sorts of crazy imagery from straight lines and squares, trapezoids and little swirls. You can watch a large storm disappear or get pushed northward as it crosses the Pacific and hits the ridge. During these times, it is done in the winter months, the spray planes are visible on the California Coast everyday.

Aug 8, 2023 11:43 PM
Reply to  fame

‘Weather modification’ does not make sense. Do you realise how VAST the atmosphere is ? It would be like trying to bulldoze the Earth’s mountain ranges or desalting the oceans.
We are puny. We can’t even cause it to rain on demand.
Chemtrails ? May as well piss in the Pacific to make it turn yellow.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 9, 2023 1:45 AM
Reply to  Johnny

They are doing these stripes in the sky in many places. Even in my little place.
But as you I think its still limited compared to our size. The earth consist of 2/3 sea.

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Aug 9, 2023 3:10 AM
Reply to  Johnny

No it isn’t. The atmosphere is infinitesimally thinner than the skin on an onion.

Aug 9, 2023 4:06 AM
Reply to  Joe Smith

An absurd metaphor.

Aug 9, 2023 6:40 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Many of my friends, especially farmer and biologist/naturalist friends, have said the exact same thing to me over the years. I get it they don’t want the weather being modified, scares them too much to think that it could happen. I know when its cloudy at night its generally warmer than when it clear at night. Its that simple. In one place, make the sky cloudy in the day, clear at night and you have cooled down the local average temperature. I have seen them do it many times. Yes they can’t make it cloudy all day clear at night everywhere at once, that is not possible.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Aug 9, 2023 7:25 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Well, are you aware of the HAARP technology? This was designed specifically to mimic the action of solar emissions on the ionosphere up above us. Concentrated pulses of electromagnetic radiation of frequencies analagous to solar emissions sent from Alaska and other places to heat up the ionosphere in defined ways.

Humanity knows full well that when major flares exit the sun in the direction of earth, there will be downstream effects on global weather.

HAARP will very likely be doing exactly the same.

How well they can tune these things nowadays, you would have to torture military personnel to find out. Or find a mole/whistleblower to smuggle out key documents/computer files to provide the evidence in more concrete form.

Aug 9, 2023 5:00 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar
Aug 9, 2023 12:02 AM
Reply to  fame

Always puzzled why weather modification is never mentioned or discussed. Plant more trees.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 9, 2023 1:51 AM
Reply to  Andy

Its because its the military who are doing it. All military are prohibited to mention in public, national security reasons.

The perfect cover for heroine and coke smuggling, chemtrails, geo-engineering, blow up of gas pipes, white washing, viruses and weird deceases.

Aug 9, 2023 6:58 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

The US military ?!
They can’t even ‘win’ wars against much smaller ‘enemies’.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Aug 9, 2023 7:29 AM
Reply to  Johnny

They’re not doing it to ‘win wars’. They’re doing it to rig commodities futures prices – along with the organised crime syndicates in Chicago and Wall Street.

You get prior heads up that the military will deliberately destroy some crops using a weather event, you place bets and win millions if not billions.

Oh, and Blackrock and Vanguard et al want to take over all food production, so they want small farmers wiped out. Military actions help them in that goal.

The enemy for the US military is ordinary farmers, it’s not ‘Iran’, ‘Afghanistan’ or ‘Russia’.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 9, 2023 11:33 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Precisely. Like they “won” Afghanistan to raise the poppy field areas 6000% and “lost” when it was no more lucrative.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Aug 9, 2023 3:39 AM
Reply to  Andy

It’s like the virus theory, does it really matter? The point in both cases is that the psychos that rule us are using shit to control our lives and even kill us. People that want to delve into the deep shit about weather modification or if virus’ really exist, if for the purpose of exposing the psychos, are wasting their time. They’ve already been exposed.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Aug 9, 2023 7:27 AM
Reply to  Andy

Go tell the SNP in Scotland – they’ve just chopped down million trees to put in another wind farm!!

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 9:24 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

How can that be true if Scotland has such diminished forest cover. Oh, I see-in REALITY fourteen million trees were cut down for wind-farms over twenty years (I still don’t see why ANY had to be felled)while 272 million were planted in Scotland. You’ve been had.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 9, 2023 12:22 AM
Reply to  fame

“Our weather is being controlled.”

Of course it is.

The Prince of the Powers of the Air.

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Aug 9, 2023 3:09 AM
Reply to  fame

Whattaya know. Someone with a better theory. Someone not banging on about the Co2 strawman.

Aug 9, 2023 4:53 PM
Reply to  fame

Yeah lactarius deterrimus, used to eat loads of them in the French Pyrenees. But you had to get there before the Spanish Gitanes who took them off to the city markets.

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 9:17 AM
Reply to  fame

The global climate system is chaotic. When you inject VAST amounts of energy into such a chaotic system, and we are doing so at the rate of several Hiroshima bombs per second, you are going to cause increased chaos. That is why it is best described as ‘destabilisation’ in a system that required the relative stability of the Holocene for human civilization to arise. As positive feed-backs eg loss of high latitude albedo, melting permafrost leaking CO2 and methane, increasing megafires, increased soot falling on white snow and ice, quickening melting, decrease in global dimming as particulate smogs are reduced, and, the Biggy, destabilised submarine methane clathrates, we will go into a ‘wet hot-house’ Earth, and that’s NOT good.

Aug 8, 2023 10:13 PM

Prc tests to see if you’ve suffering from it.
Mind you people are getting doctors diagnoses of seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Aug 8, 2023 10:03 PM

The louder they get, the more silly it sounds, just like porn; lmao

But the real problems are unadressed, nl the killing pollution by burning hydrocarbons, spreading it over the planet in all sorts of plastics or try to ‘heal’ the people with the carcinogenic, neuro-toxic crap they dare call “medicines”…

And, what about the extra layers of high energy EMF radiation that we create with all the fivegee networks or wireless IoT spy junk? It’s like living in a continuous micro-wave turning everything into heat emitters…

How about that for a reason to ‘fear’ human induced “global warming”?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Aug 8, 2023 9:25 PM

Mr Davis, the long hand version of WUWT is WattsUpWithThat, not What’s Up With That. The title is named after Anthony Watts, the founder of the site.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 8, 2023 11:44 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Thanks, I amended this. Probably an autocorrect. A2

Sal P
Sal P
Aug 8, 2023 8:58 PM

How to Break Free from the Matrix – Welcome to the Real World


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 9, 2023 11:39 PM
Reply to  Sal P

Its a really good link. Explanation in simple terms. Among many other bs links on the net.

Aug 8, 2023 8:55 PM

comment image

mulga mumblebrain
mulga mumblebrain
Aug 13, 2023 9:29 AM
Reply to  Violet

Censor denialists? It is to laugh. They enjoy the FULL support of the Rightwing media in Austfailia, particularly the Murdoch cancer. Mind you, the measures proposed by the globalists elites to address climate destabiliasation are wildly insufficient and in the wrong directions.

Aug 8, 2023 8:37 PM

CON💉1984 ➕ 🌍🥵 🟰Tru$t The $¢i£n¢€ 👀

Aug 8, 2023 8:30 PM

Very much doubt Iain like the others will touch Chemtrails instead it Global Chemical and Petrochemicals,funded talking points straight out of lips of those who fund the Christian Conservative alt media.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Aug 8, 2023 9:47 PM
Reply to  lynch

Limited hangouts are the new soaps.

This is a Global problem on our Planet !

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Aug 9, 2023 1:04 PM
Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Aug 12, 2023 11:05 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

What you got on jet-fuel hoax ?

Or what are you allowed to say ?

Do you believe we went to the moon ?

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Aug 9, 2023 1:04 PM
Reply to  lynch

I wrote about it in 2018. But this article was about media climate change alarmism.


Aug 9, 2023 2:00 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Nice article, Iain, but oh buoy, what a lot of spelling mistakes! “lightening” should be “lightning (at least twice), and check out the censor/sensor thing. 😉

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 9, 2023 3:51 PM
Reply to  DonDon

Now corrected on Offg. The author has commented elsewhere thanking for these corrections. Thanks, A2

Aug 8, 2023 8:23 PM

Wouldn’t it be lovely if humanity was completely free….

From these evil bastards. I wish!

Alan Vaughn
Alan Vaughn
Aug 9, 2023 12:43 AM
Reply to  Violet

We ARE… It’s just that most of humanity aren’t aware that we’re as free as we choose to be.
The compliant and cowardly masses only need to WAKE UP and they’ll soon notice the elephant in the room Then, grow a backbone. Next, Yell to the evil, humanity loathing WEF / UN subservient mass murders in all of the world’s lying and treasonous governments: “NO!”

IOW: STOP COMPLYING and enabling your own servitude.

Rene Labre
Rene Labre
Aug 8, 2023 8:03 PM

Great article