“Climate Change” is Turning Our Planet into Hell on Earth
Karen Hunt

On Wednesday, the Biden-Harris Administration Launched a National Dashboard to Track Heat-Related Illness:
The Health and Human Services Department will oversee a national dashboard, called the EMS HeatTracker, that will include maps of emergency services across the country responding to calls about heat-related illness, NBC reported.
The EMS HeatTracker will also collect multiple data points about who extreme heat is affecting, including the patient’s age, race, gender and urbanicity.
“Heat is no longer a silent killer,” Health and Human services Secretary Xavier Becerra said. “From coast-to-coast, communities are battling to keep people cool, safe and alive due to the growing impacts of the climate crisis.”
Biden is under “increasing pressure” from supporters to tackle the climate emergency as he campaigns for reelection.
“I’ve already done that,” Biden said when asked whether he intends to declare a climate emergency. “We’re moving. It is the existential threat to humanity.”
As usual, Biden was confused, since he hasn’t done anything of the sort—yet. But just like with Covid, we’re heading in that direction fast.
Rep. Gallego, Ruben [D-AZ] has introduced H.R.3965 – Extreme Heat Emergency Act of 2023:
“This act will grant the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) authority to provide crucial resources and support to local governments in times of crisis.”
If this all sounds too familiar, it is. We’ve been through this scenario with 9/11. We’ve been through it with Covid. The minute the government starts talking about a state of emergency is the minute we can expect to start losing more of our freedoms. The amount of tracking and surveillance we are under is becoming absurd. One wonders how much worse it can get. A lot worse. As the disasters multiply, the closer we get to the 2024 presidential election, the harder the governmental boot will push down upon our heads.
Climate change is turning our planet into hell on earth.
Apparently, July 4 was the hottest day on Earth in as many as 125,000 years, breaking a record that was set the day before. Wow.
We are being told that extreme heat is far deadlier than other natural disasters, killing on average more than twice as many people each year as hurricanes and tornadoes combined, according to data tracked by the National Weather Service.
How many people are we talking about?
A whopping six hundred people are killed by extreme heat each year. That’s the terrible emergency we are facing—the “worst existential threat to humanity”.
As with Covid, how many of those people who died were unhealthy already and/or on medications that exacerbated heat-related medical issues? Medications pushed on the American people like those for heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, ADHD and other conditions, are making people at higher risk for heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Some medicines, like Benadryl, can reduce your body’s ability to sweat and cool down. Others — like antidepressants such as Prozac and ADHD stimulants like Adderall and Ritalin — can create excessive sweating, which can lead to dehydration. Drugs like levothyroxine, which is used to treat an under-active thyroid, can raise your body temperature.
They have solutions for everything, and it isn’t getting healthier, so people don’t worry that they’ll actually have to take responsibility for their own health by changing unhealthy habits into healthy ones.
Where’s the money in that?
The solution lies in more of our tax dollars being handed out to companies that in turn kickback money to politicians, to be spent on research and development to track humans, dim the sun, grow synthetic food in giant vats instead of on farms, and manufacture wearable devices to monitor our body temperatures and other biometric data.
The NIH is researching tracking devices, as reported in the National Library of Medicine: Wearable Sensor Technology to Predict Core Body Temperature:
Noninvasive predictions of core body temperature (CBT) using wearable technology and predictive algorithms offer the potential for continuous CBT monitoring and early intervention to prevent HRI in athletic, military, and intense work environments. This systematic review identified 20 studies representing a total of 25 distinct algorithms to predict the core body temperature using wearable technology. Robust machine learning methods offer the ability to develop more accurate, reliable, and personalized CBT prediction algorithms using wearable devices by including additional data on user characteristics, workout intensity, and the surrounding environment.
A new term we can all start obsessing about is “core body temperature” or CBT.
Just as we saw how the military and first responders were used as guinea pigs during Covid, forced to take the mRNA “vaccine”, the NIH has developed this chart to show who will no doubt first be required to wear these devices:

We have all been conditioned for many years now to allow our bodies to become “the product” where elites can siphon off our biometric data for their own use.
Just for fun, look up biometric data on Amazon. People spend millions of dollars on “cool” biometric devices, mostly scanning fingerprints to do things like open doors and unlock phones.
The global biometric technology market size was valued at “34.27 billion dollars in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.4% from 2023 to 2030. The major factors influencing market growth are the expanding applications of biometric technology in various industries and the rising demand for authentication, identification, and security and surveillance solutions…”.
Nothing primed people better to accept this kind of invasion of their bodies than Covid. We may think Covid is over. We may think that we have all moved on from its restrictions. The vaccines are all but dead in the water now. But all we have done has been to move deeper into the trap of accepting tracking and surveillance for our health, safety and convenience.
Back in 2020, the media was busily implanting these thoughts in our heads. The World Economic Forum reported that:
There are, to a certain degree, parallels that can be drawn between the current COVID-19 pandemic and some of the other contemporary crises our world is facing. All require a global-to-local response and long-term thinking….. In this sense, the 2020 coronavirus pandemic may lead to a deeper understanding of the ties that bind us all on a global scale and could help us get to grips with the largest public health threat of the century, the climate crisis.
According to the NIH, as far back as 2015:
“climate change and health indicators (CCHIs)—workable tools designed to capture the complex set of interdependent interactions through which climate change is affecting human health—were being used to contribute to a world-wide monitoring system that aims to track, communicate, and harness evidence on climate-induced health impacts towards effective intervention strategies. An ongoing challenge is how to improve CCIEVIs so that the description of the linkages between climate change and human health can become more and more comprehensive”.
The NIH article Climate Change, Human Health, and Health Informatics: A New View of Connected and Sustainable Digital Health introduces us to “health informatics”.
Health informatics is the scientific knowledge and professional practice of technological approaches to working with health data, information and knowledge, and it underpins digital health, e-health, m-health, telehealth, and a variety of other terms for information technology applications in health.”
The article reviews four climate health monitoring devices for individuals to monitor their personal air pollution exposure continuously.
Further advances managing in human health in the era of climate change will require information systems that capture, process, and communicate combined data on human, animal and plant health…. The One Digital Health framework is an example of how health informatics can begin to work systematically with digital technology potentials in relation to human health, animal health and broader ecosystem health (35).
One Health (OH) through digitalization is a means to deploy digital technologies (including Artificial Intelligence (AI), big data and related digital technologies) to better capacitate us to deal with growing climate exigency and related threats to human, animal and plant health.
The problem, however, is that “the data landscape is fragmented and access to certain types of data is increasingly restrictive as individuals, communities and countries seek to assert greater control over data taken from them”.
Imagine that—individuals wanting control over what data is taken from them. A little late to the game, though. The powers-that-be have no intention of giving one speck of that control back to us. Their only goal is to take more.

East German VOPO guard surveilling one of the bridges linking East and West Berlin, in 1961. https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/berlin-wall-pictures-1961-1989
Therefore, the need for a global One Digital Health (ODH) framework. And along with it, justification for more restrictions on ordinary citizens.
A Frontiers paper relates that the “‘Code Red’ warning of the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is an unequivocal message that unless drastic changes are made to a range of human activities, escalating global temperature will exert a heavy toll on biodiversity, human and animal health, and geopolitics, in quite conceivably detrimental ways”.
We have all been well-informed by now as to what those “human activities” are—things like travel or eating meat or heating our homes or anything that increases our “carbon footprint”. We can anticipate a near future when ordinary citizens will be held responsible for their personal carbon footprint, enforced by either law or social convention while elitist climate evangelists such as Jeff Bezos or “climate czar” John Kerry will receive “special dispensations for their carbon use”.
All of this ties in with the World Health Organization’s Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response accord.
On June 23, “Member States of the World Health Organization agreed to a global process to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument under the Constitution of the World Health Organization to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response”. I wrote about this in The WHO’s Gates of Hell. We shouldn’t be surprised by this since the New World Order has been marching unimpeded in this direction for years.
A June 2022 WEF article gushed about how Tracking how our bodies work could change our lives.
In the special wards of Shanghai’s Public Health Clinical Center, nurses use smart thermometers to check the temperatures of COVID-19 patients. Each person’s temperature is recorded with a sensor, reducing the risk of infection through contact, and the data is sent to an observation dashboard. An abnormal result triggers an alert to medical staff, who can then intervene promptly. The gathered data also allows medics to analyze trends over time.
The smart thermometers are designed by VivaLNK, a Silicon-Valley based startup, and are a powerful example of the many digital products and services that are revolutionizing healthcare. After the Internet of Things, which transformed the way we live, travel and work by connecting everyday objects to the Internet, it’s now time for the Internet of Bodies. This means collecting our physical data via devices that can be implanted, swallowed or simply worn, generating huge amounts of health-related information.
Connecting our bodies
As futuristic as the Internet of Bodies may seem, many people are already connected to it through wearable devices. The smartwatch segment alone has grown into a $13 billion market by 2018, and is projected to increase another 32% to $18 billion by 2021. Smart toothbrushes and even hairbrushes can also let people track patterns in their personal care and behavior.
The smartwatch market is now valued at $29.31 billion and is projected to grow to $77.22 billion by 2030. Over and over again we see how Covid prepared us to accept the climate crisis narrative and be amenable to tracking devices attached to our bodies.
Isn’t it amazing how perfectly timed disasters are these days? They are predicted, and then they happen—boom!
It used to be that natural disasters were unexpected. They were caused by nature, not by humans, so we were powerless to stand against them. Humans endured disease, famines and floods, earthquakes and fires, and then rebuilt with the irrepressible resolve of the human spirit.

But now, it seems that every major disaster is the fault of the common man, who is constantly told conflicting messages about what he should and shouldn’t consume in the quest to reduce his ‘carbon footprint’. It is no longer the fault of nature, just doing what it naturally does, and it can only be fixed by the elites. Indeed, along with natural disasters that have always been a part of everyday life, we are destroying the planet by our greed and obsession with immortality. But instead of addressing the root problems and fixing those, the elites are determined to continue raping the earth in their quest for ultimate power, irrespective of the resulting carnage.
Their way of dealing with it is to make it everyone else’s fault with the promise to swoop in like superheroes and fix it all—as long as the masses submit to total control.
Elites like Bill Gates with his pandemic and climate change predictions make me think of the biblical prophets I heard about in church as a child.
Prophets of old came before the kings and warned them of terrible consequences if they didn’t change their evil ways. Kings most often rejected such negative news, turning instead to court advisors who told them what they wanted to hear. God’s prophets were often tortured and killed for daring to speak the unpopular truths. Prophets like Jeremiah, for example, who warned King Zedekiah that all the inhabitants of Jerusalem would die by the sword, famine and pestilence due to the Israelites’ transgressions.

The Old Testament says that “Jeremiah’s family turned against him and even plotted to kill him (Jeremiah 1:8, 11:21-23, 12:6). Over the years, he was whipped and put in the stocks (Jeremiah 20:1-3), attacked by a mob (Jeremiah 26:1-9), threatened by the king (Jeremiah 36:26), and ridiculed (Jeremiah 28). Some of Zedekiah’s princes had Jeremiah arrested, beaten, accused of treason, and thrown in jail (Jeremiah 37:1-15), from whence he was then thrown in a deep empty well (Jeremiah 38:1-6)”.
It’s interesting that modern-day prophets like Bill Gates are not hated by kings but are celebrated as heroes. This is because they deny God and the Truth and set themselves up in God’s place. Jeremiah’s solution to the problem was repentance and submission to God. With Gates and other elites who vie for power as earthly gods, the solution is repentance and submission to them.
In 2015, Bill Gates predicted that an epidemic would kill millions.
His solution was to lock everyone in their homes and inject them with an experimental mRNA gene therapy. For this, he has been applauded. He wants to expand his control through the climate change crisis.
Bill Gates has the audacity to appear humble when he says,
“I’m an imperfect messenger on climate change. I own big houses and fly in private planes, so who am I to lecture anyone?”
Who, indeed?
Imagine if you were accused of having a carbon footprint too big for your boots and you came before the judge and said, as Gates says, “I plead guilty…. I do believe, though, that it is an informed opinion, and I am always trying to learn more.”
You’d get thrown in jail because the part you couldn’t say (that Gates can say) is that you’re a billionaire, so you can buy your way out of the problem. Gates justifies his lifestyle by…
buying offsets through a company that removes carbon dioxide from the air and a nonprofit that installs clean energy upgrades in affordable housing units in Chicago.”
If you have enough money, you can create the problems while living as extravagantly as you want, as long as you offset it with appearing to fix those problems. If you are poor, or even middle class, you have to submit to Gates’ solution of tracking and surveilling you so that he and others like him can take all that data to build their empires, as I wrote about in NO, Bill Gates didn’t fund genetically altered mosquitoes to stop malaria, it’s far worse than that.
Climate change is just the next justification to put the blame for all the world’s problems on the common people, imposing more restrictions upon us, while the elites continue to do exactly what they want—thereby causing more destruction, which they can then again blame on the common people, and on and on it goes until either everything falls apart and we are set back to pre-industrial times, or we blow ourselves up and kill off humanity entirely.
We need some real prophets these days. But if they are out there, they don’t stand a chance. They will never be brought before our governmental officials since those officials have all been bought off by false prophets like Bill Gates. Always remember that our governments are more shackled even than we are. They are not the ones making the rules. They are servants and are answerable to their masters, just as they demand that we be answerable to them.
Jeremiah called out against the “stubbornness of the evil heart.” He warned of the real disasters that would befall those who worshiped pagan gods instead of Yahweh (the one, true God), and he often “contrasted nature’s obedience to law with man’s disobedience to God”.
Jeremiah’s solution wasn’t more surveillance, more money for drugs, or genetically altering living beings. It was recognizing the wrong that had been done and repenting for it. Turn away from false idols and gods, he cried.
The elites who would be earthly gods speak to us through the devices that, increasingly, we cannot live without. If it is a choice between giving up our technological devices or becoming one with them, most people will choose the later—in fact, none of us will have no choice, really, if we want to survive in this Brave New World.
It’s easy to say, I will never do that. We don’t really know what we will do until that moment comes and we are faced with the possibility of sacrificing everything for our freedom. Especially when that freedom is so different from what we have been told it is; that being monitored and surveilled constantly by the Vast Machine will make us safer and healthier, meaning “freer”.
Real freedom can mean imprisonment and death.
It also means no one owns you.
Karen Hunt [aka KH Mesek] is an author and illustrator of 19 children’s books, the YA series Night Angels Chronicles and the science fiction novel, LUMINARIA: Tales of Earth & Oran, Love & Revenge, to be published in August. She recently returned from living in Luxor, Egypt where she started the first boxing club for girls. Having lived and traveled extensively behind the Iron Curtain, she is devoting her time to writing essays related to the loss of freedom in the West. You can read more of her work, or sign up to her newsletter, here. You can’t follow her twitter any longer, as she’s been banned.
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sorry, no. insulation is energy money you spend once. dont be a global whiner, be an insulation installer instead, or maybe an automotive alignment specialist or home energy efficiency tech like the people that install that insulating film on the windows or show you t he optimum place to plant trees to shade the building. Its not what we use, its what we waste, so start the piece over please. nanu, nanu!
We do not need prophets! We need a populace capable of rational, ethical, critical thought. Freethinkers–no gods, no masters.
“We need some real prophets these days. But if they are out there, they don’t stand a chance.”
I bet on a revival of Socialism. Fidel Castro was its prophet, and — after a gap of 50 years during which socialist parties in the EU$A became corrupted or culturally genocided — Julius Malema is his disciple.
“U$A’s Forgotten Socialist History”
South African Socialist Julius Malema slams BBC’s unprepared “Hard Talker”
Powerful pre-election rally by South Africa’s hardhitting Socialist party EFF — Economic Freedom Fighters:
‘From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs’ will do me.
That slogan stirs hope for all of us: “tracing the New Testament roots of Socialism’s enduring slogan”
Where do you find: “From each according to ability; To each according to need” ?
A) The works of Karl Marx
B) The Bible
If you answered “A,” you are kinda right. But if you answered “B,” you’re not exactly wrong either.
“To each according to needs” comes from the Acts of the Apostles, documenting the practices of early Christian communities. In the Book of Acts, believers “were together and had all things in common” and sold their possessions and distributed the proceeds within the community “as any had needs.”
Impressive, I find many similar slogans with religion and Marxism. Follow these rules or die. Fear is the main conduit for control.
Nancy Reagan said one intelligent thing if it were now applied to “Climate Change®” and the NWO. “Just say no!” As to the idiot who is nominally the chief executive of the UN, “This is your brain boiling on “Climate Change®.”
Wouldn’t it be cool if the uber wealthy would install orgonite rooftops and the energy would make them stumble into becoming decent human beings?
hell on earth?
you mean like disneyland for the disembodied?
like westworld in reverse?
where once human bodies become avatars for the fallen to “express” themselves
well how do you think we might achieve that?
i guess it would have to be some kind of injectable therapy?
yes, given that decades of spreading the stuff in tha air water and food didnt acheive the desired results
but those we appoint to deliver this “therapy” they surely wont go for it?
ahh, but if they believe it does what they feel it ought and they take enough herbs (snigger) then they will
oh, so all of them were deceived?
you got it
Cold still kills ten times more people that warm does and governments kill the most.
You must remember that there a many more people living in the warm belts, only white folks live in the North with a few Eskimos in America. Cold kills faster and with less suffering, you actually just get warm and fall asleep according to my survival lessons. But in the end these bureaucrats kill more than anything. These phony government reps think they’re leaders, whereas they are puppets.
“A whopping six hundred people are killed by extreme heat each year. That’s the terrible emergency we are facing—the ‘worst existential threat to humanity’”.
This is the same technique the plutocrats used to push the COVID canard, manipulating numbers. However when you look at how many people are on the planet now (over eight billion) or how many people live in the US over 300 million, 600 is miniscule! Yes all lives are precious and of great value. The fact is we all will experience what we call death (of our physical bodies) at one point or another, unless you are one the chosen elites whose technology will spare them this experience or so thy think.
Anthropogenic causes of an existential climate crisis is total BS. The earth is a living entity if it were not so, we could not live on it. All living things go through changes and the planet has gone through countless major changes over time. Some were catastrophic and deadly.
Human greed is a major problem, the elites’ desire to play god is also major problem, they are psychopaths who experience no remorse for their evil deeds and they will continue to be driven by their insanity until we stop them or they destroy the planet with their shenanigans.
These are people who would insist on jabbing you before even considering any essential welfare aid.
Funny how they injected billions of gullible people with toxins and then try to act sad about 600 dead ppl. If they really cared about the health of the citizenry, theyd never poison us through air, food, vaxes and what not. Hilarious
The latest ‘informed guestimates’ on OffG are, that RNA Vaxx kills 1 person per thousand Vaxxed, and damages bloodvessels in 4 per hundred Vaxxed. Unlike Covid-19 and other flu viruses which tend to knock of those who are old and already sick, the RNA Vaxx kills preferentially kills and maims young active people.
1 per thousand out of 60 Million Vaxxed Britons is 60,000 young Britons killed by “The Vaxx”.
I dont really miss having to push open a door to enter a building, or pull back a door to exit…When a door opens automatically as i approach to enter a building makes me think i’m being treated like Royalty…
If i was a believer in *Global Warming (TM)*, i suppose i’d worry about that Luxury contributing to *Global Warming (TM)*…I mean, there must be billions of doors opening automatically each week, so there must be a lot of the *Climate Warming (TM)* CO2 being released during the production of the electricity that automatically opens doors for me ?
And just because i dont have any of those biometric, pedometer, or other tracking devices doesnt mean i,m a *Climate Change (TM)* believer- it’s scary enough being tracked by my shadow…
U.K (which in of rarity cases ever gets mentioned by Off g) sent out texts messages to people over 50 – telling them to keep hydrated,
The Doctors then sent people diabetes letters telling them to come in and get tested and start a new diet plan as they was in the dangerous weight category Then the train station and bus stations had keep hydrated posters and announcements THEN like magic free water machines appeared at bus and train stations but but but you needed an app to get the free water to them gain access to the water machine by scanning your phone on it.
BTW Karen the koch industry’s have more money than bill bates but the Christian fake Conservative ultra naive
altmedia have managed to shift the blame on to some lone patsy cartoon character called bill as the viewers are slightly dumb and follow any old trend and believe any old shite.Just remember, Jesus Joe is going to “save” us. His legacy. At least, that is what his minions keep telling him daily (because his memory is only good for 6 hours, plus or minus a few). He knows he will be dead soon and right now his legacy is focused on corruption (which he is also reminded of every day). Maybe if we stop talking about how corrupt he is, he will pull back on the climate change agenda. Just thinking out loud…….
I am getting “pendings”.
Hello, first time commenter!
All ‘first timers’ are placed on pending, it also happens if you post multiple times in quick succession.
I get pending occasionally still. And I have cut way back. Once and offender, always an offender, I guess.
Feeling offended? Respect the site. We are not as big as we think we are.
9 times more people die each year from extreme cold than from extreme heat.
Tested and subsidised insulation will address extremes of both heat and cold inside buidings. But that would make certain industries unhappy. Moreover, blowing up pipelines would have little effect.
My favourite was “man dies in Death Valley due to extreme heat”
Weird, isn’t it.
Sorry, but Bill Gates is not a prophet.
He is an unremarkable businessman who got lucky.
He really ought to be totally ignored by now.
He didn’t get lucky. His dad was in with the bankers and planned parenthood eugenicists, and mom boinked the head of IBM to secure his contract with them. The rest he stole from others on his way to total MADNESS.
Another one like Musk that was groomed. They don’t get there by accident or some incredible abilities. Again indicates a scripted reality with the cast picked long ago.Each playing their role.
hence the relevance of interbreeding among the “elite”, with practice they return/reincarnate straight to the family nest, with a little coaxing and “therapy” re-call can achieved quite easily,
imagine not having to re-learn being evil? what a fucking bonus
the redshields have it down to an art form
scripted reality, yes, to a degree i think so, but only within the material constraints hence the “activity” at c.e.r.n, looking glass and so on as they try to elude inevitability
Yes, incredible how people can’t see a super natural war is taking place. That these dark forces aren’t taking us away from our humanity & normalising occult rituals. How Scientism is a huge weapon too. That the tech is to control not free us.
That these bloodlines are practicing occult magik.First reset?
You’re a wizard Harry!
Not as good as your disappearing act on any open debate about Germ Theory. That’s some bold wizardry.
Is there going to be a reincarnation fad in the comments? Bring it, sounds fun 🤩
I really hope not, especially if any are trying to summon Aliester Crowley, he clearly didn’t believe in dark occult practices, no siree. Wasn’t part of some dark underworld. How did he get on a Beatles album cover? Na just imagining it. It’s a psyop to mislead ,phew.
Interbreeding among the self-styled “elites” (Fr. “chosen people”) leads to nepotism which leads to incompetence. Hence our present problems in the EU$A: we are led by a cabal of incompetent heirs to dynastic fortunes — the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Kochs. the Pritzkers and so on, right down to the Obummers and the Clingons.
I can never figure out if they are demonically sanely insane, or demonically insanely sane?
Is there a difference?
Confusion is the instrument whereby sanity is tested.
In the following daimonic poetry by Wm.Blake, I think the writer was sanely insane and the subjects were insanely sane:
” Mock on, mock on, Voltaire, Rousseau;
Mock on, mock on; ’tis all in vain!
You throw the sand against the wind,
And the wind blows it back again.
The Atoms of Democritus
And Newton’s Particles of Light
Are sands upon the Red Sea shore,
Where Israel’s tents do shine so bright.”
Remarkable man, one minute it’s a.coding expert, next an epidemiologist and now a climate scientist.
Heaven knows what he got up to the 32 times he visited Epstein’s Island.
Guess his wife was less than impressed about who he was hanging out the back of and filed for divorce…
Money buys you anything in the so-called ‘material world.’
If you have the ‘RIGHT STUFF’, as far as they are concerned, your career will be advanced. In so far as it fits in with their plans.
If you are somewhat bright, you are recruited out of university as has happened to my children.
Plus grandson and son of a eugenicists family
I dont see anything in the article and comments about the the 5G, depopulation and 300Kva cables connection.
The EMF waves create heat in your body. The 5G, IoT, Internet are military tools.
Directed energy?
So, Clima Change will create unbearable heat where people will burn and die, because of Clima Change, CO2, Diesel Trucks and the Un-vaccinated.
Something doesnt make up again again again.
I have thought longtime that the 300KW cables are to do something interesting with smart phones when the time comes. And possibly any other smart’ devices. I put it in a song, as I often do.
What do you think would happen if your phone rang, and you picked it up, and then the signal strength suddenly got turned
up from 25W to 300K
It’s called ’21st Century TechnoPrisoners.’ The punch line is a bit wrong technically, but that’s the way it came out.
21st Century Technoprisoners – YouTube
Not bad….but…I take it as nobody can connect the two dots:
People will now “die on the streets of global warming heat”, ……after been injected with “graphene antennas collapsing on the streets when 5G” was connected in Wuhan, China.
Maybe I should inform you that I wrote this song in 2010 or so, and neither graphene nor 5G were a ‘thing’ in the back then. If they had been, I would surely have included them.
‘If I had another daughter I’d call her ‘Vaxxine.’ I wrote lots of Covid stuff, it’s all on YT.
5G – YouTube (2019)
SCIENTISTS SAY – YouTube (2019)
And the BBC won’t let me anywhere near them.
You are too hippie ;-D.
No-one should be polite about this any more.
The time has come for the liars to face consequences. They don’t own the world, never did.
But if you let them act like they do, then this is what you get.
MAKE THAT 50 TRILLION!! we have to pay
You are, as usual, right on the money.
However, this echo chamber that we all think of as self- evidently the truth is still a wacky, conspiracy theorist site to the vast majority of people.
The billions spent on ensuring that this remains the case means it is very difficult for us with limited resources to get traction.
There has been a lot of talk over the last three years about the ‘great awakening’ but, to be honest, little evidence of it.
The recent ULEZ demo in Trafalgar Square is a perfect example of people’s indifference.
A few hundred, mainly pensioners, turned up.
Literally millions of Londoners will be seriously affected but they just couldn’t be arsed to defend their position in, essentially, the only way left to them.
People say that protesting doesn’t work but millions of people on the street CANNOT be ignored.
“There has been a lot of talk over the last three years about the ‘great awakening’ but, to be honest, little evidence of it.”
I’ve read a few articles and watched some videos from certain ‘truthers’ (Alt-media sources), claiming there is definitely ‘massive pushback’ happening all over the world, but we’re not seeing much of it, due to the complicit establishment media, hiding it all from us – sweeping such information under the rug 🤦♂️
It’s blatant nonsense like that which makes the lazy Trumptarded / Q-anon types who still firmly believe that the proud ‘Father of The Vaccine’ himself, (aka: Mr Operation Warp Speed) Trump and his magic team of Q-anon or white-helmets, or other nonexistent Whiteknights are coming to save us all; even lazier, more docile and pathetic than they already are.
“People say that protesting doesn’t work but millions of people on the street CANNOT be ignored.”
Well, I tend to agree and ‘millions of people on the street’ ARE ignored. If not ignored they’re arrested, beaten, pepper sprayed and brutalized by brain-dead thugs posing as ‘police’ officers; and to add insult to injury, are also ridiculed on MSM (mainly on television evening news bulletins), as ‘delusional and dangerous, misinformation spreading conspiracy theorists’. The average TV programmed and hopelessly dumbed-down ‘normie’ believes that they are.
The only effective form of protest that stands a chance against these low life blobs is en masse civil disobedience – non compliance to any and all of their dehumanizing mandates and diktats.
This form of ‘passive resistance’ allows anyone to protest SAFELY, anywhere at anytime and without exposing themselves to order-following violent police morons and the prying eyes of LYING MSM cameras and the television evening news presenters spreading their lies and free-flowing HATEFUL rhetoric.
“There has been a lot of talk over the last three years about the ‘great awakening’ but, to be honest, little evidence of it. The recent ULEZ demo in Trafalgar Square is a perfect example of people’s indifference. A few hundred, mainly pensioners, turned up.”
I listened to an interview with a Covid Con protester from a different country who confirmed what you wrote because he too said he was appalled about how few people showed up at the demonstrations.
This indifference is systemic and is one of the consequences of the Fatal Soullessness Spectrum Disorder humans are afflicted with.
“It is easy to remain silent in the face of evil. What is harder—what we lack today and so desperately need—are those with moral courage who will risk their freedoms and lives in order to speak out against evil in its many forms.” — John W. Whitehead, U.S. Constitutional Attorney
“‘Never again’: is Britain finally ready to return to the office?
With even the big internet firms warning staff they need to show up more often, is working from home over? Or have the attitudes and expectations of employees changed for ever?”
What world do these press hacks live in exactly? Lockdown finished years ago. But still we are presented not only with a vision of continuing imprisonment but one where everyone is glad to stay hiding under their beds.
The employees are not hiding under their beds. They want to save on travel, be free to do other concurrent work and care for their children. Too bad that some of the executive offices (and toilets) will look pointless.
Some of them did indeed hide under their proverbial beds. Some would not leave their house without a mask on their face, even after being “vaccinated” as some unvaxxed might give them the plague. Some of them screamed obscenities and insults at those who cannot work from home. They aren’t all good guys here. And I’m sorry but one hell of a lot of them never had a problem before with the costs of travel or childcare. Most of those who do have severe financial constraints regarding travel to work and childcare never could work from home…
You have provided me with a new word ‘evaxxinuated.’ It could take the ‘evaccinuated’ form, but it definitely means ‘people who refuse to be rescued unless they and their rescuers are masked and retain social distancing.’
Oh and of course they’ve had all their boo-sters.
Boo !
We are Commies and red, and this is where our best place have always been, under the bed..
I’ve no desire to ever wear a ‘wearable’ and join the internet of bodies. I barely even use a mobile phone anymore and only to make phone calls when I do. I’m not a technophobe, I just think tech should be useful and not an excuse to steal data from me. It’s why I won’t use google, Facebook or any of the other “great apps” (satire). In fact pretty much anything you have to sign up for and give away much more information than your email address is a turn off for me. I’m thinking of going off grid actually.
It is not “Climate Change” that is “Turning Our Planet into Hell on Earth”. It isthe extreme stupidity of mindless woke mass hysteria.
That has always been the central ambiguity the media has played on I.e. the claim there is a disaster leads to a disastrous reaction which is then deliberately confused with the alleged original disaster.
Situational design leading to cognitive dissonance: the CoVid1984 paradigm.
But really, that has been the MO for a very long time.
Just replace the “cause/problem” with another, and most will not acknowledge the criminality within.
Yes, but a sane reaction is possible. Decarbonise power production, manufacturing and transport as fast as possible, which, typically will reach its 2030 renewable energy goals by 2025.
Massively reforest everywhere possible. Graze animals on pasture, to sequester carbon in, generally, carbon poor soils. Paint buildings, roads and foot-paths in cities white, or near white, to raise the albedo and combat the Urban Heat Island effect that makes cities increasingly unbearable. Make public transport, EV of course, cheap or free and widely available. Grow food in cities, for fresher, healthier, product and communal conviviality. In no case whatsoever, leave it to the globalist elites.
The Agenda is clear. But on the ground level it’s ‘us’ doing it to ‘us’. They’ve diced us all up good and proper. Divide & (c)rule, via race,, nationality, yes religion, indoctrination/education, sexes,sexuality, agesim, economic status, herded us into ‘camps’. Given us reasons to point fingers till we run out of fingers to point. Labels have been assigned. When really it’s only us against ‘them’. The dark forces of this world that are reshaping or wish to our world incrementally, minute to minute day by day.
Is it mindless, though ?
Look at the worldwide co-ordination of the “climate emergency”.
You can only come to one conclusion:
This is orchestrated.
Of course it’s bloody orchestrated. The biggest singing string section in history.
… more like a sting operation.
Nope, that was ‘The Police.’ Their drummer’s dad was a CIA station chief.
I see what you did there !
Look at the worldwide co-ordination of climate destabilisation denial. It must be orchestrated.
I thought ‘99% of scientists’ were in agreement? Isn’t the WEF, the WHO, the CDC, and every major global public and private corporation, as well as every small to medium enterprise chasing a good public image, currently green washing itself? Have you been on Wikipedia, on mainstream media, on popular social media? What are you talking about really?
Here in Austfailia, the MSM is generally ‘even-handed’ regarding anthropogenic climate destabilisation. There is NO sense of urgency. And large swathes, like the Murdoch cancer, the Financial Review and the Nine Network, are quite denialist. in some cases extremely so. I do agree with your point regarding ‘green-washing’. The corporations merely pretend to value ‘the environment’. When profit gets in the way, the ‘Green crap’ is swiftly jettisoned.
An anagram of ‘climate change’ is ‘chemical agent’. With thanks to Debi Evans for her blog.
That’s a powerful article! Especially how it goes from Bill the Gates of hell to the old testament and back to the digital manacles everyone has now and a generation or two have only ever known.Those generations have no reference point of a world without the manacles. Without the omnipresent ‘God’ of WiFi.
Musk and his selfless preoccupation or role he’s been groomed for of putting a chip in people’s head’s or hand,seems the ultimate goal.
Is that the true ‘Mark’ ? Personally, believe so.
The persecution of disbelievers of the tech is guaranteed and we will be treated as heretics. Data is the new God to these people. If you don’t play then they don’t perceive you of any use. What a mess.
“We’re going to have another cold homes epidemic across the UK. It has a cost in mental health, in ill health.”…Thousands in UK die of cold each year being unable to afford to heat their homes:
8/26/2022, “Millions of Britons at risk of poverty, cold-home deaths as energy prices soar,” Australia, abc.net…
“10,000 Britons die each year due to cold homes, and National Energy Action says the price hike could lead to more deaths.”
“A British charity is warning millions of people in the UK are at risk of poverty and death, after the national energy regulator announced power bills in the United Kingdom were about to jump 80 per cent for consumers.
Key points:
Ofgem announced the energy price cap will increase to 3,549 pounds ($6,017) a year by October, up from the current figure of 1,971 pounds ($3,348) and almost tripling last year’s average of 1,277 pounds ($2,164).
National Energy Action chief executive Adam Scorer told Reuters that with temperatures cooling and winter only months away, cold homes could lead to more deaths.
“10,000 people die every year in the UK directly because of a cold home. That number is going to skyrocket,” Mr Scorer said.
“We’re going to have another cold homes epidemic across the UK. It has a cost in mental health, in ill health.”
Mr Scorer warned the new price rise was a “disaster” that could plunge 9 million households into fuel poverty, which occurs when a household spends more than 10 per cent of its income on power bills.
“It is simply unaffordable for millions of people in Britain, and it’s already caused huge amounts of privation, debt, anxiety and grief, and it will only get worse as we head into winter,” he said.
The charity reported that households struggled through the summer’s price hikes
by avoiding cooking or cleaning.”
When they die, there is more porridge in the bowl to us
Not true: when a “useless eater” dies his porridge gets monetized into digital electrons and added to some billionaire’s private “offshore” account, far out of our reach.
Remember: Cain killed “useless eater” Abel when there were scarcely a score of people on Earth. Nor could Cain benefit from Abel’s food because Abel was a free range hunter and Cain was tied up minding the farm.
“If this all sounds too familiar, it is. We’ve been through this scenario with 9/11. We’ve been through it with Covid. The minute the government starts talking about a state of emergency is the minute we can expect to start losing more of our freedoms. The amount of tracking and surveillance we are under is becoming absurd. One wonders how much worse it can get. A lot worse. As the disasters multiply, the closer we get to the 2024 presidential election, the harder the governmental boot will push down upon our heads.”
Totally agreed, but I have difficulties tracking all the arguments about climate issues.
Meanwhile, we are having one of the coolest summers in Southern California in my memory. It’s a humid August, but the thermometer is unusually low, rarely over 80. Of course, without AC, I sought refuge in coastal towns like Carlsbad since late June. There are bluffs here on the beach and I hoard all the updrafts. There have been thick marine layers, almost every day, often all day.
In a word, Splendide! We may skirt the strokes after all. Gratitude.
Southern California is NOT the world.
Well, coincidentally, I just wrote on Mark Crispin Miller’s substack that here in Boston we started experiencing cool late August/early September weather in JULY. We had a few hot summer days, which one complains about but one accepts in Summer, then boom, glorious cool August days
Meanwhile, more hard pouring frequent rain storms than I have experienced in my entire life. It seems like every few days. Not just a summer rain. A deluge.
Montpieler, VT was flooded.
And as I wrote on MCM, dont’ get me started on the insect bites! Haven’t been bitten in years and in the past 3 weeks covered. Not just itchy but swollen and painful. Lots of ice.
Interesting to read this as we have experienced EXACTLY the same conditions/timings here in northern Italy.
I wonder how the Winter will be 🤔
Uno spasso, cara …
Time will tell.
That’s wonderful!
Just how the New World was in the beginning, before DDT.
Worship those insects…
No. When I was young one would feel a mosquito sting, slap the mosquito, brush it off, get a lump, scratch and that was that.
I have not SEEN whatever is causing these bites. And I have never felt pain and itching with swelling for days.
These are not the mosquitos I grew up with and experienced even until my forties.
So, not sure if you were joking, but no worshipping here.
Just icing.
They are ‘Insect Allies’ in Pentagon speak.
HAARPA and DARPA, the deadly duo.
That is precisely climate destabilisation, with extremes of heat, cold when the Arctic vortex collapses (and heat at the poles) and rainfall. Extra energy in a chaotic systems produces ever more, ever greater, extremes.
You can’t win an argument about weather trends: If it is hot and dry, that proves global warming. If it is cool and rains, that proves the climate has been destabilized by global warming.
“It is hard to make predictions even about the past but especially about the future”. — Niels Bohr.
You can make an argument based on weather extremes, their size and frequency and on other natural phenomena like melting montane glaciers etc.
Good to see you here!
Here in the UK we had a ‘record breaking’ June, which was actually just very pleasant, consistently 24-25C max, 13 – 16min, with a few days around 30C. Averaged out, it was ‘incredibly hot’, but the vegetables absolutely loved it.
July and August so far have been cooler than average, wetter than average.
So when you average out June, July and August in a month’s time, I bet you that ‘the English summer’ will have been pretty average.
But that won’t stop the media nutcases crying wolf about every little ‘deviation from the mean’.
We’ve had hot weeks, hot months, hot summers, wet weeks, wet months, wet summers my entire lifetime. Weather is not uniform in these parts, any more than California rainfall totals in winter are uniform. Hell, you have some of the highest standard deviations from the mean going!
California’s challenge is improving the rate of long-term storage of rain/snowmelt from the bumper winters like 2022/23 and reducing the wastage of water on things like ‘perfect lawns’. If you grew more climate-appropriate trees, chopped and dropped regularly to retain moisture in the soil beneath and had less ‘perfect lawns’, you folks in California would save one heck of a lot of water…..and your water tables would start rising too.
Also, if you ensured that 100% of water falling on your home roofs ended up in the soil around your homes, not transported into drains which send it all back to the ocean, you’d be banking aquifer water reserves in a ways which cost almost zero – you just need minor adjustments to your guttering run-off systems and it’s all done.
Californicans believe an e-vehicle and xeriscaping around a home with the “beyond” of tech gadgets in the home, is environmentally sustainable… while they fly to their VRBO vacation spots.
The bulk of water consumption in California is by major farms. This was true even during the drought years. It is no different from the exploitation of foreign labour.
Almond farms
Nope, Rhys. CA needs to use Primary Water wells. The water is there, often quite near the surface. It’s hidden “forgotten knowledge.
“Primary water” is newly produced by chemical processes within the earth & has never been part of the surface hydrological cycle. Created when conditions are right to allow oxygen to combine with hydrogen, this water is continually being pushed up under great pressure from deep within the earth and finds its way toward the surface where there are fissures or faults. Japanese researchers reported in Science in March 2002 that the earth’s lower mantle may store about five times more water than its surface oceans.
Very interesting, but why does the ground-water level in California keep falling?
Err fallacy of a single cause? Climate apocalyptica accepts a rising human population is driving ‘climate change’ (that unfalsifiable concept). However, rising population also has environmental effects nothing to do with climate change. For instance, it will deplete water resources more quickly (via development, diversion, consumption etc). A2
Of course. I DO NOT believe that anthropogenic climate destabilisation is the ‘only cause’ of ecological collapse-just a very major one.
cool summer? Must be cLiMaTe ChAnGe !1!1!
hot summer? Must be cLiMaTe ChAnGe !1!1!
No matter how ‘elite’ or exiled…
Every single human story has exactly the same ending.
Cool, but every single human story doesn’t know we was planned, made-up. to watch, trumans show style.
Glass half-full down their, mixing metaphors like crazy, but it is Saturday night, just, in this part of the shadow, ying-yang.
The glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
As long as we’re firmly in the grips of the rich and their organizations, media, and corporations that control the planet, we are subject to whatever systems, processes, laws, and sacrifices they deem necessary. How else to stop this other than to stop them? I have kids and grandkids, some of whom could live into the next century. So, I do have a vested interest in this planet and its climate. The problem is, like with war, imperialism, big Pharma, etc., how do we get to the truth? How do we address anything of this magnitude at all without it being based on lies, greed, and power lust? If all we do is try to get some concessions from the rich, i.e., fly a little less will ya and stop building such big houses, then we’re set up for the shit train. We can win this war, but we have to build the army necessary. There is going to have to a global revolution for human freedom and justice, if not, we simply won’t have it. Maybe it will happen when things are bad enough, or maybe it won’t at all. Can’t say we weren’t warned. If there really is a depopulation agenda, we are currently under attack.
I think maybe the most unnerving thing that has happened in my life of 68 years is the realization that I and my family were restricted from entering most places of business or government for over a year unless we acceded to their lies, i.e., wear a mask. When you think about it, that was the marker right there, the beginning of the end.
Good post Big Al,
I agree with the your sentiment to a degree, I’m only a bit younger, no kids.
Crucially,I have limited loyalty loops.
Very difficult and discouraging to learn that much of what we have been brought up to believe is not true,
Sure is Captain. But then again, it’s better to know the truth. What we do with it is the question.
The victory of Central Africa over the Collective Waste will be the turning point in the world’s history. The realization that it was money driving the CoronaPrank is so self-evident in that the Africans got virtually nothing towards the CoronaPrank, yet had the best outcomes.
In the past 20 years, from 2001 to 2020, cancer death rates went down 27%, from 196.5 to 144.1 deaths per 100,000 population. (CDC website)
That’s about 330 million people in the USA (330,000,000 / 100,000 x 144 =) 475,200 cancer deaths a year.
I’d say that’s the real emergency.
But it went down!
In my area things around improved during the last 50 years, less hard criminality, less bank robberies, preserving your teeth many more years.
Mental disabled have today medicine to treat their mental disability in a much more human way than what they had 50 years ago electro chock and zombifying medicine.
We live longer.
I side with the article, we have a lifestyle, moral and mental problem because we are not aligned and connected with God.
Look also at the bright side of life Brian, than this our crybaby whining.
My guess is that cancer deaths in the US went down (before the roll-out of the C-shots, that is, because since then they have risen sharply all over the much vaxxed world) as many more people have improved their diet and lifestyles and not developed cancer in as in the past.
Also, more false positive cancer diagnoses are being made these days with small excisions being performed without the people affected actually having cancer (a systemic disease; the tumour is NOT the cancer) and therefore “surviving” more often.
There has got to be a reason why so many doctors with cancer, chose not to go through the orthodox routine of cancer treatment.
The “live longer” meme is a myth as well.
This summer, so far, has seen the mildest summertime temperatures just about ever where I live.
This summer, so far, has been one of the hottest summers just about ever where I live.
Which statement is true, which is false? Both are true; neither is false.
Even allowing for the humidity, I can’t explain it. Except to blame it on geoengineering, which is destroying the ozone layer and allowing not only UV(A) but UV(B) and even UV(C) rays to filter down to ground level.
Going from shade to direct sunlight is like stepping into an oven. Many days there is even a nice breeze; and as long as I keep within the trees’ and buildings’ shadows I’m quite comfortable.
I guess the most sensible question is whether the geoengineers are deliberately trying to destroy the ozone layer so as to make climate change a self-fulfilling prophecy. Although that would tend to make the anthropomorphic element central to the equation.
I wish denialists could make up their minds. We’ve had ‘It’s the Sun’, ‘It’s cosmic rays’, ‘It’s submarine volcanoes’, ‘It’s the Earth’s re’, ‘It’s Directed Energy Weapons’, ‘It’s Green arsonists’, etc, now it’s ‘geoengineering’. ANYTHING but greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere. Odd, that.
Guy made a good point. And you beg the question.
Hey mulga, the greenhouse gas story is easy to dismiss with a simple calculator and looking around.
The big problem is how to explain simple reality to ignorant like you.
CO2 is alimentation for our plants and our farmers pump it into the green housing. We call it “real life CO2”
The greenhouse gas warming change CO2 is invented by Goldman Sachs on a desk as a financial instrument, a financial management tool.
We call it the “false CO2”, as everything in the financial world is false illusions.
Your money is an illusion, your CO2 is an illusion, your stock exchange is an illusion.
Can you predict when volcanoes break out? Can you predict when tectonic plate movements happen? Can you calculate how many and how much animals and humans globally fart?
No! Saying with a simple calculator you can see an equation with CO2 is impossible. Your variables will be too big.
So when Goldman Sachs cry CO2 is a problem, we can conclude they lie.
Its a fraud, and fraud and manipulation is the only thing Goldman Sachs has been involved in since 1929.
Erik, the science of just how greenhouse gases trap re-radiated heat in the Earth systyem began to be explicated by Foote, Fourier and Tyndall et al about 180 years ago. Greenhouse gases are why Earth is habitable, otherwise it would be too cold.
CO2 only aids plant growth when water and temperature are conducive, as in a greenhouse. In the outside world increased CO2 leads to drought, heavy deluges washing away top-soil, hail-storms and temperature extremes, ALL bad for plants.
This is based on what practical logic though? Aren’t we at an historical low in atmospheric co2, based on fossil records?
If the CO2 level was 280ppm two hundred years ago, how can the 420 ppm and 490 ppm of CO2 equivalents (ie methane etc) be an historic low?
CO2 has been much higher, in the distant past, when the planet was pristine, forests were ubiquitous, the Sun was somewhat cooler, the continents and oceans were otherwise distributed etc. The Earth can endure change, but not if it is too rapid for organisms to adjust to. The current changes are highly likely to be too rapid for us to accommodate ourselves and our ‘civilization’ to.
Note from Admin: over the course of an hour today you posted over 30 comments. That’s more than one every two minutes. Please take more time in your replies. This is not a place to spam, especially not dealing with divisive subjects like this. Thank you.
Talking in geological terms, under a 1000 ppm CO2 has been unusual. The fact there were far higher CO2 levels in the Jurassic/Triassic eras doesn’t exactly disprove climate alarmism (partly because it’s irrefutable) but it does lend a healthy dose of perspective. Many feel all the false certainty of all the apocalyptic rhetoric is cult-like and deeply unscientific.
Eg. climate change enthusiasts often cite the PTME extinction event, which the climate bandwagon has jumped on as possibly CO2-induced. It was 250 million years ago, pre-dinosaur, when Pangea covered the earth, but it’s acceptable to pepper references to it among spittle-flecked forecasts of the imminent apocalypse. In the same breath, very high CO2 levels in the Jurassic/Triassic periods – spanning the dinosaurs, one of life’s most abundant periods – is dismissed because it’s too long ago! Apparently the sun used to be 3% cooler back in the day, they say (although this is based on computer models of the Standard Solar Model, which is far from complete and of questionable accuracy, since we don’t know how stars work and aren’t alive long enough to observe their life span!). Additionally, 150 million years ago the data is just too patchy to be reliable, they claim.
The fact the sun was too cool to permit a CO2-induced mass extinction event 150M years ago in the Jurassic/Triassic, but NOT too cool to trigger one 100M years EARLIER (PTME), when CO2 was allegedly lower than than Jurassic/Triassic levels according to some accounts, is not something anyone ever bothers to make sense of.
A lot of people describe ‘climate science’ as the mass rollout of an apocalypse cult, and I wonder sometimes if that’s simply true. A2
No-one in their right mind is ‘enthusiastic’ concerning anthropogenic climate destabilisation-quite the opposite.
I walked into that one didn’t I 😅 Although you do appear to be banging the drum with a certain gleefulness, so I’ll stand by my remark 😉
The greenhouse gas scenario – particularly the CO2 – has always been something of a red herring.
I’m one of the few on this forum who accepts the reality of climate change. But I’m also seeking to parse what is true from what is false.
There’s no mystery how and why the temperatures in the Northeast USA have remained cooler than normal – cooler than most places on the planet. In addition to the constant spraying (chemtrails) there is something called Chemical Ice Nucleation for Weather Modification going on in the atmosphere – which is done precisely to keep the temperatures lower than they would otherwise be.
For a more comprehensive understanding of the climate situation, I recommend a website called geoengineeringwatch.org. Though not proof positive of climate change, it does offer a great deal of information relative thereto.
The evidence for geo-engineering is sparse, to be generous. Northern cool is probably due to the erratic and wavy jet-streams, caused, so the theory goes, by a lessening of the temperture gradient between the more rapidly warming higher latitudes and the less rapidly warming lower latitudes. The heavy rains in Vermont etc may also be due to the record hot north Atlantic sea surface, causing greater evapo-transpiration, which becomes heavy rain.
Please, link to sources.
I often wonder how infinite climate variables can have been meaningfully computer modelled since the 90s on 90’s technology.
I often wonder how we can give computer models any credence at all since they were used so blatantly and cynically to justify the Covid rollout.
I often wonder how we can computer model ‘climate change’ (which all climate science ‘predictions’ are based on, incidentally), when fundamental things like the role of the Sun’s magnetic energy is known to be a factor in cloud formation, and yet isn’t factored into any models.
I often wonder how such apocalyptic attitudes can be thrown around when, over the last 1000 years in the UK, for example, there have been far greater extremes in weather than now, and when the world is at an historic C02 low according to the fossil record.
Many feel climate is a front for all sorts of globalist technocratic agendas, as Covid was. Iain Davis has written some brilliant deep dives into this.
Many also think the reason climate agendas are failing is because Covid empowered many people to identify and tune out the propaganda we’re constantly barraged with.
Please try to be balanced, not press home an apocalyptic narrative based on the latest weather report 😅 Pretty obvious you’re pushing an agenda rather than engaging in fair discussion if you do that.
‘ All models are wrong, but some are useful’ sayeth the scientific boffins. Climate models are steadily improving, in projection and retrospective accuracy. They are modeled on the current super-computers, not those of the 90s. There certainly are remaining imponderables, including clouds, but science continually works on elucidating their role, as science does.
Let’s remember to be levelheaded, then, and stop pushing sensationalist fear mongering.
Accurate modelling of Weather Systems and the effects of the Jet Streams upon the space below, would mean referencing & utilising computers that both Military & Corporate Intelligence consider to be their own secret private domain… state secrets & trade secrets combined, covering their mistakes in Force Multiplication !
Leaning today, on the very peopleS who funded them…
CFC’s = Corporate Fascist Controllers who fuk’d with nature & the human mind and lost the plot, in their A.I.M.s to play at being
God of the Magnetosphere: that simple.
Conductive Carbon Control Personas 🍭
Playing catch-up & then overtaking
Using the Slipstream of poor design
Inc. the deployment of Hydrogen Bombs,
In upper atmospheric ranges of A.I.M.s.
Who does Scientific Weather modelling, with the largest array of supercomputing capacity on this planet, today, Mulga ?
Rhetoric. Logic. Lick the lollipop above, short & sweet.
You really need to consider this & especially Why ?
Sparse ? Welcome back Mulga muddle me timbersmojomofo, so are you telling me that my life at B.P. , when we were buying ARCO & their HAARP PATENTS, was all a destination Fuk’d up dream nightmare of mine ?
Geo-engineering “SPARSE” MY ARSE, poorly said . . .
I’m not going to repeat myself from years ago Before.Covid. as to my inside knowledge, understanding scientifically & my direct ”brief” from the CEO Sir Peter Walters, in media research & analysis of HAARP & B.P.’s construct for your Carbon Footprint, subsequently officially in 1999, O&M + WPP X B.P. technology working in Harmony with their HAARP, intel modelling and the U.S. D.o.D.
that just got boring after WTC7, which also had to do with
G E O – E N G I N E E R I N G… thanks to Enron + Monsanto’s
Drought Resistant Seed + Chicago Mercantile Exchange… I repeat Mulga,
Sparse my Arse, go wipe yours & talk reality !
My knowledge is first hand and training from the identical hand,
In training the Chief Scientific Advisor to the M.o.D. 1993-1999
The technology to steer the Weather, existed long before
BlackRock’s Aladdin A.i. AND both were declared legal,
Unilaterally, as “Force Multipliers ” in 1997…
Check it out ! The year Gordon Brown
relinquished Sovereign control of interest rates.
Jog your memory… sparse me ♈ arse 😂
How’s your arse looking? It’s been a while… 🀄
” To be Generous ” what have you forgotten, since
You were here, B.C. crisis 2020 ? How to warm the
Ionosphere with Phased Array Antennas, perhaps ?
Like BigB said before and is saying again, now,
The key is in the language we use, surely.
I say “Wibble, sparse me arse…” just my reality.
Gotcha, methinks.
what reality?That average weather patterns change over time?
Yeah theyre supposed to do that 😉
Simple. It is everything you have stated.
There is the “anthropogenic climate change” being talked about.
Same as it ever was.
And then there was the option of exploding Hydrogen Bombs,
Like Tsar Bomba, in the upper atmosphere and ffs after, taking a good look
In the Mirror… coz’ you know it made sense, just for giggles, to recreate one’s own personal Russian Artificial Ionospheric Mirror & admire oneself…
Like volcanic fallout.
Hey, good lookin’, what you got cookin’ after trapping the
Sun’s UV reflections from Earth’s Surface ?
Did we learn ? Clearly, not enough . . .
All things considered ?!
CO2 is NOT repeat NOT a greenhouse gas. It’s the food of plants, a vital part of ecology. As Erik says below, farmers pump approx 1200ppm deliberately into greenhouses to accelerate food crop growth.
To outlaw CO2 in this way is to ultimately outlaw breathing human beings, and that means YOU, if you are one.
I totally agree with your statement here. Where I had lived in California the average temperature had gotten colder, but I could no longer stand barefoot on my dry farmed soil in got to be so hot. I had to measure the surface temperature with a meat thermometer. An apple or asian pear landing on some till bare soil would cook within a few hours. It would be unbearably hot picking carrots, for example, but then when we went in shade to wash and bunch them up I would get cold. Air temperature around 65-70F.
Advice for people with large gardens or farms: Plant your beds or rows directy in a north/south direction, they will do much better then planted east/west. (This has to do with sun making your soil to hot).
This year, here, the birches have turned an extraordinary number of their exposed leaves so that the underside of the leaf is facing the sun. In good shade all of their leaves face the sun like the whole tree use to.
Here was an interseting interview
From the interview:
“But I found out that they are not interested in the global warming question or so. They are doing it because of the ozone depletion, f.i. If there is an ozone hole or weakness, they cannot pass their electromagnetic waves. They need what I call a replacement atmosphere.
They need to spray aerosols as a conductor, they need an atmosphere that is conductive, and at the holes it is not. This is the reason why they are using so many metals in the spraying, heavy metals like barium and strontium and aluminium, which is not a heavy metal, but they are all conductive for electromagnetic waves.”
Is God nature ? That is, everything everybody has ever thought and seen and everything else, good and bad ?
I reckon it is, (thanks Spinoza), Climate, primate, convid, pig.
Only one way out of this and it’s coming. the general realization of where we are.
It seems that nature is alive. The universe is also alive, I believe. I think awareness is important. Especially self-awareness. I see man as self-conscious nature; so a miracle. Matter seems to have become so spiritualized.
I also liked to read Spinoza. He had to pay for his views. Times change, but people don’t, I think.
I think sometimes the most High has hidden in front of us so that we can spend our whole lives searching for Him. Love seems important, I think. And self-awareness.
You are alive, I am alive, we are of the Universe, one thing, so by definition, the Universe is alive. The Universe creates, the Universe destroys, the Universe is conciously aware and experiencing itself. No need for a supernatural deity. The Universe is God, we are God. Heaven is here and now if you make the right choices, and the descent to hell is easy in the here and now with the wrong ones. Our physical material is eternal, and I think that our spiritual material, the Universal consciousness is also.
I need God. I am not God and never will be.
i have read somewhere that nature means from god
“Nature” from Latin, “Natus, born” probably derived from Indo-European form “gn” as in “gene” to “geNerATE”. Hence evolutionists like Goethe preferred to think of God in terms of Nature, rather than Nature in terms of God.
Finaly the things that realy starting fires sold as the alternative devices to “save the climate”:
A Review of Battery Fires in Electric Vehicles
January 2020 – Fire Technology
And some unintended issues with these EVs – please note the term “tragedy”:
The Sinking Of The Felicity Ace Was A $500 Million Tragedy
April 9, 2022
“The Felicity Ace belonged to Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL), which has already gone on record stating that it won’t transport used EVs anymore. Hybrids are fine, but used battery-powered full-electric vehicles are no longer welcome.
“The number of used EVs we transport has been increasing recently, so we have decided to review our standards for accepting used vehicles and have decided to suspend accepting booking of used battery electric vehicles for the time being,” a spokesperson for MOL said.”
Innovation to Zero – down by the sea.
EV-owners may get some unpleasent restrictions when it comes to ferries and tunnels.
The cause of fire IGNITION has little (in a nuclear explosion)or nothing to do with subsequent fire extent, ferocity and destructiveness. Those depend on climate (drought, heavy plant growth after rains etc) weather (temperatures, humidity, wind strength, direction and variability)and other (fire-fighting services and equipment, invasive, fire-prone. weeds, hazard reduction burns and the suppression, or not, of small fires, and the presence of dead trees killed by drought or pest infestation eg pine bark beetles)factors. Maui appears to have been fallen power-lines, drought, invasive grass species, poor hazard reduction and cyclonic winds and inexperience in facing such conditions.
Not to talk about flying wings from windmills who decapitated innocent civilians. Heads have been rolling and still roll. This is also a big big global problem.
Where? When?
Windmills going crazy. https://youtu.be/oG1ArbhZaxo
Duck & cover ? ‘Was it something that you said ?’
Val Doonican Lyrics, (chuckle)
“The Windmills Of Your Mind”
Round like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel
Like a snowball down a mountain, or a carnival balloon
Like a carousel that’s turning running rings around the moon
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes of its face
And the world is like an apple whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind!
Like a tunnel that you follow to a tunnel of its own
Down a hollow to a cavern where the sun has never shone
Like a door that keeps revolving in a half forgotten dream
Or the ripples from a pebble someone tosses in a stream
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes of its face
And the world is like an apple whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind!
Keys that jingle in your pocket, words that jangle in your head
When did summer go so quickly? Was it something that you said?
Lovers walking along a shore and leave their footprints in the sand
Is the sound of distant drumming just the fingers of your hand?
Pictures hanging in a hallway and the fragment of a song
Half remembered names and faces, but to whom do they belong?
When you knew that it was over you were suddenly aware
That the autumn leaves were turning to the color of her hair!
Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel
As the images unwind, like the circles that you find in
The windmills of your mind!
Keys that jingle in your pocket, words that jangle in your head
When did summer go so quickly? Was it something that you said?
Lovers walking along a shore and leave their footprints in the sand
Is the sound of distant drumming just the fingers of your hand?
Pictures hanging in a hallway and the fragment of a song
Half remembered names and faces, but to whom do they belong?
When you knew that it was over in the autumn of good-byes
For a moment you could not recall the color of his eyes!
Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel
As the images unwind, like the circles that you find in
The windmills of your mind!
Sweden investigated car fires. There, TWENTY times as many, proportionally, occurred in ICE vehicles compared to EVs. The facts are plain.
Up the thread, you inquired into someone’s assertion and they provided you with a link. I’m making an inquiry of this assertion, would you mind linking? Thanks.
Can you link to things more, please? It nourishes the forum, elevates conversation and ultimately benefits everyone. A small way to give back. That, or couch your replies with fewer unsourced assertions. Thanks, A2
The infernal trinity of covid, climate and transgenderism all work by inversion.
The covid rap insisted that old people were particularly vulnerable and needed special protection. The covid action stranded old folk, deprived them of any aid, suffocated them through intubation and killed them.
The covid rap insisted that people needed vaccines for immunity. The covid action delivered vaccines that destroyed natural immunity.
The transgender rap continually insisted it was opposed to hate. The transgender action fueled hatred like nothing else previously.
The climate rap screams about protecting people from heat. The climate action interferes with their sweat function and dehydrates them.
Every step of the way, the announced menace is actually implemented by the ones announcing it.
All a part of their depopulation agenda. These nerds who seek to control us are terrified of their own bodies and feelings. They cannot face Nature or their own natures. Poor souls. They are lost in their own delusions.
Runaway climate destabilisation will reduce the human population, by 100% probably.
The people on here suffer from anti-AGW Derangement Syndrome. You suffer from pro-AGW Derangement Syndrome. I wish somebody actually knew something. One thing I can promise you. Whatever it is, it’s not the way they say it is. It never is. Never.
Guy McPherson, an alpha doomster, thinks we have to about 2026. The mechanism? Increased sea temperatures destabilise the gigatons of frozen methane in submarine hydrates in the Arctic seas, and a massive bolus of methane causes temperatures to rise by several degrees Celsius, on average, worse in the high latitudes, and pop goes the weasel.’Wet hot-houses’ have caused mass extinctions like the End Permian before, only then the forcing of increased atmospheric CO2, from the Siberian Traps, was one or two orders of magnitude slower than now.
Yeah, I know about the methane. Other experts say the sea absorbs it. We’ll see. I’ll bet he’s wrong. They always are.
Ozone holes are the real issue. And the geo-engineering they are doing to alleviate it. All these reported anomalous weather incidents originate with geo-engineering, not CO2.
They demonstrated the power to prevent or dissuade the majority from breathing freely. Compared to that, it may be easier to get people to over-heat in summer or freeze in winter.
I’m only 35 mins into the video, I hadn’t previously heard of the person, and I’ve just scanned the blogs, but I think the following is worth watching.
Sanjeev Sabhlok Blogs
Long-known failures of quarantine and why Public Health should be curtailed
Sanjeev Sabhlok
Aug 10, 2023
#publichealth #society #review
Sanjeev Sabhlok is a former economist from the Treasury Department in Victoria, Australia. He resigned in September 2020 to protest the police state created in Victoria by Governor Dan Andrews through his extreme lockdowns and mask mandates.
Sanjeev is author of a 2020 book “The Great Hysteria and The Broken State” and has supported Prof. Gigi Foster in a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of Australia’s lockdowns. The CBA was published in 2022 as a book “Do lockdowns and border closures serve the ‘greater good’?”
Sanjeev realized that the scope of modern public health is not supported by the information constraints and incentives it faces. He therefore commenced a first-principles review of public health to determine its justified scope and powers. In this presentation, Sanjeev outlines the current status of his review.
Over recent months, he has published some of his findings in his Times of India blog. For example, Dr Charles Maclean’s scientific work which underpinned the Sanitary Movement of the mid-19th century that empirically demonstrate why quarantines have never worked and argue for their abolition. His work included a cost-benefit analysis of quarantines, and an examination of excess deaths from the plague quarantines (lockdowns).
Modern public health has reverted to the pre-Maclean era in which the scientific method is not applied. Instead, it bases its prescriptions for quarantine (lockdowns) on models and “ethical” considerations, without any regard for empirical evidence. It has effectively “cancelled” and blanked out both Maclean and his sophisticated research methods, since their existence poses an embarrassment to its practitioners.
Based on his preliminary findings, Sanjeev argues for the abolition and restructuring of most functions of public health.
The Covid event has revealed that it was about more than just public health and the political, economic and societal aspects of the response are of far greater significance than the virus itself. There remains a continued drive toward the transformation of our societies in ways that threaten democracy and our existing ways of life. Open Society Sessions aim to examine the political, societal and economic dimensions of our recent experience and analyse developments in the future.
It doesnt help much if good people dont understand the agenda behind the actions.
The covid scam was a profit and test model for depopulation and centralisation of power to the now 0,1%.
This Indian guy’s cost benefit models are fragments of reality like all excel sheet and computer models are, false reality.
By Charles Maclean, M.D. (1823)
Remarks on the British Quarantine Laws,
and the So-Called Sanitary Laws of the Continental Nations of Europe,
Especially Those of Spain.
The code of Quarantine laws in England, and of Sanitary laws in the nations of the continent of Europe, is, perhaps, without exception, the most gigantic, extraordinary, and mischievous superstructure, that has ever been raised by man, upon a purely imaginary foundation. All these codes being in principle similar, I shall here limit my observations to the English regulations of quarantine, and to the Spanish sanitary laws, as affording examples of the whole.
The regulations of the English code, as it at present exists, will be found comprehended in a collection of articles, published by the King’s printers, under the title of “An Act, passed the 12th of March 1805. (45 Geo. III. cap. x.) for making farther provision for the effectual performance of quarantine; and also an order in Council, dated 5th April 1805.: with reports from the Board of Health.” The Act consists of 44 clauses; the order in Council of 50 articles; and these, together with the two reports of the Board of Health, occupy 143 large 8vo pages. They seem to have been principally founded upon the sanitary regulations of the continental nations of Europe, and upon Russell’s “Treatise of the Plague,” published in 1791, comprehending, with Appendix, about 750 large 4to pages, which, in the preface, he modestly characterises as only “improvable hints.”
The project of a code of sanitary laws, presented last year by their committee of public health, to the Spanish Cortes, (now finally rejected, principally in consequence, as I have reason to know, of my representations to that body,) consists of 400 articles, condensed into 64 close octavo pages, of which an examination will be found in my “Sketch of Proceedings in Spain, in illustration of the invalidity of the doctrine of Pestilential Contagion, and of the pernicious effects of quarantine or sanitary laws, &c.”
The professed object of the laws in question, very different, as I shall show, from their real object, is to prevent the exportation, importation, and spreading, of epidemic diseases, by the action of a supposed specific virus; no means having been adopted to ascertain the existence of the alleged evil, previous to the application of the supposed remedy. Its existence was indeed implicitly taken for granted; and reversing the usual mode of philosophising, which fixes the onus probandi upon the parties affirming any proposition, those who have denied the truth of this doctrine, or who have refused to believe it without evidence, have been required to prove a negative. In matters of science, according to the maxim, that “de quid non apparentibus, et de quid non existenbus eadem est ratio,” absence of all proof of existence ought, in fairness, to be deemed sufficient proof of non-existence. But, as if pestilential contagion, instead of a matter of fact, were only a matter of faith, it has been represented as safer to believe than not to believe in its existence, without any reference to its truth or falsehood.
This doctrine throughout has been nothing but a series of gratuitous assumptions, each surpassing the other in absurdity. The number of the affected has been assumed as evidence of propagation from person to person; the fact of contact as evidence of contagion; and the cessation, or diminution of sickness, as evidence of the efficacy of sanitary precautions. With power always on their side, the adherents of pestilential contagion have been enabled to maintain their positions, without the trouble of adducing any valid proof, unfairly throwing the onus probandi, as I have said, upon their adversaries. . . . I have repeated, with additional force, my demonstrations, first promulgated in 1796 in India, of the impossibility of the existence of pestilential contagion; showing farther, that that doctrine, in an accredited form, was first promulgated, for political purposes, by the authority of the see of Rome, in 1546-7, under the pontificate of Paul III.; and that the immediate occasion of this pious fraud, was to create a pretext for the translation of the Council of Trent to Bologna.
. . .
The arbitrary power of shutting sick people up in their houses, given by the act of James I., and that of removing them by compulsion from their habitations, conferred by the 7th of Geo. I., were equally a violation of the principles of public liberty, and of the British constitution, which would have been unjustifiable if contagion had been proved to exist, and these measures had been proved to be a remedy. Such a despotism no circumstances could justify. But, to enact laws so arbitrary, without previous proof of the existence of the alleged evil, or of the efficiency of the proposed remedy, must be admitted to be most extraordinary legislation.
Too bad the Old Testament is a hate-filled concoction of distorted myth and tribal insanity; and if you believe any of it is history you got quite some way to go.
Guess it’s about time to ban that “hate filled concoction” along with anyone who believes it.
Because Beavis and Butthead dont understand the Bible, it should be banned……..LOL.
The bible is written so only him whose heart is aligned with God can understand it. The Pharisees will throw it away as hate filled concoction.
As the old saying goes: “Dont throw pearls to swine”.
yeah too many still buy into that ritual script – hook, line and sinker
And then there is some truth in regards to self-igniting “wild fires”:
At What Temperature Does Wood Ignite?
June 20, 2023
In the Line of Fire: Consequences of Human-Ignited Wildfires to Homes in the U.S. (1992–2015)
Fire 2020, 3(3), 50; https://doi.org/10.3390/fire3030050
Published: 7 September 2020
… forget the “With climate-driven increases in wildfires … – statement in the beginning – it`s mandatory today to get published and “peer-reviewed”.
An excerpt:
“… 4.2. In the WUI, Humans Caused Nearly All Wildfires, Doubled Fire Season Length, and Increased the Number of Wildfires More than 20-Fold, Compared to Lightning-Started Wildfires
Humans caused 97% of all wildfires (n = 424,700) in the wildland-urban interface, 85% of all wildfires (n = 459,054) in the very-low-density housing, and 59% of all wildfires (n = 242,047) in the wildlands between 1992 and 2015. …”
(WUI = wildland-urban interface)
Let’s grill/toast/roast the false narratives.
Thanks for the relevant info. Ratcheting poverty means more careless (a) usage of fuel, e.g., wood (b) disposal of waste.
Yeah, in the videos of the Lahaina waterfront trees were still standing beside the torched cars. All the glass was missing. A bit redolent of previous DEW happenings. Why weren’t the trees wood ash?
Lahaina DEW video which precisely addresses the issues I described above.
And this one a 1.30 short from the political angle.
Post / X (twitter.com)
… there are greetings from Shutter Island:
From anger to action: Differential impacts of eco-anxiety, eco-depression, and eco-anger on climate action and wellbeing
Samantha K. Stanley, Teaghan L. Hogg, Zoe Leviston, Iain Walker
January 2021
“A b s t r a c t
Research documents the experiences of depression and anxiety evoked by climate change, butlittle atten tion has been given to frustration and anger, or to untangling the effects of different emotional responses to the climate crisis on human and planetary health. Using Australian national survey data, we found that experiencing eco-anger predicted better mental health outcomes, as well as greater engagement in pro-climate activism and personal behaviours. Eco-anxiety and eco-depression were less adaptive, relating to lower wellbeing. Interestingly, those feeling eco-depressed were more likely to report parti cipating in collective climate action, while those feeling eco-anxious were less likely to join the cause.
Our findings implicate anger as a key adaptive emotional driver of engagement with the climate crisis, and prompt warnings about the mental health of populations increasingly worried and miserable about climate change.”
My recommendation for the authors:
Cognitive dissonancehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance—The starting point: realityNorthern Ireland and parts of England had wettest July on record
Aug. 01, 2023
Cognitive dissonance-Northern Ireland and England are NOT the world, and people there can read about or hear of the massive heatwaves in south-east and south Asia, China, the Middle East, southern Europe, north Africa, the southern USA and, now, in winter, Chile and Argentina. Sane people aware of those facts may become a little concerned.
South-east and south Asia, China, the Middle East, southern Europe, north Africa, the southern USA and, now, in winter, Chile and Argentina are NOT the world. Not by a long shot.
Really? They are vastly more extensive than the UK.
red herring
Heatwaves have always existed, we just didn’t hear about them much.
Some of the popular prefixes attached to many things to imply importance included tele-, e- and i-. Is eco- next in line?
If it was real the THICK “global elite” would have to give up their fancy limousines & gas guzzling jets…
they would have to,… wouldn’t they?
Not if they were total lazy greedy hypocrites, they wouldn’t.
“The EMS HeatTracker will also collect multiple data points about who extreme heat is affecting, including the patient’s age, race, gender and urbanicity.” Hm, they could have a problem with gender…
Heat always takes its worst toll on the elderly. So there’s nothing to track; there’s just the logic of getting older.
But any excuse to “track” people. Next they’ll want to track who extreme government spying is unnerving the most.
The crisis will come when climate destabilisation produces agricultural deficits that threaten the global food supply. Then hundreds of millions will be on the move, and-pop goes the weasel.
Is it you, then? A few years back, IIRC, you posted a harrowing message on DISQUS about fleeing approaching fires, then disappeared.
I wrongly surmised that your escape attempt failed; glad I was apparently wrong! 😉
Thanks-I got banned on Disqus. Expecting more fires this year. House Insurance is becoming prohibitively expensive for more and more people, because of climate disasters eg flood and fire. The insurance companies must be in on the ‘scam’.
Wow, fleeing wild fires while commenting on Disqus. You’re like a climate Indiana Jones or something.
Btw, just to be clear, we don’t use Disqus here, and you never got banned here! So I guess it was another site that received your harrowing message. Glad you escaped. Welcome back Mulga/Richard. 😉
I left the day before the fires got near, up to 500 metres away, when the wind changed. Not being equiped to fight the fire, we, like most others, left for safety sake. It was the same a few years earlier, but then the fires only got to a couple of kilometres away.
Ah, climate change must have gotten a few kilometres worse in that year. I know The Science.
stop trolling, miss. It’s tiring. 😪