No, Putin did not ban 5G.
And I am so very sorry that I have to type this.
Riley Waggaman
Some people are not fond of 5G, because its powerful radio waves (or whatever; I’m not a scientist) could be harnessed by our beloved governments to usher in Skynet, and to murder all the birds—or so some people claim.
And so it is not surprising to your Moravia correspondent that some people expressed joy and gratitude when a “report” emerged claiming that Vladimir Putin banned 5G and ordered the military to dismantle all 5G towers in the Russian Federation.
The “report” in question is from Real Raw News, which is famous for its legitimate journalism. Here is an excerpt from this very serious and fact-filled article that was shared 1 trillion times on Facebook, proving beyond a reasonable doubt that Putin is waging a 5D shadow war against 5G:
The information in this article comes thanks to FSB Agent Andrei Zakharov, who in 2022 supplied Real Raw News with the real reasons behind Vladimir Putin’s Special Operation in Ukraine—to rid Eastern Europe of foreign Biolabs, pedophile rings, and Adrenochrome laboratories. Those battles are still being fought.
This is the same Mr. Zakharov, head of the FSB’s fearsome Directorate of Realness and Rawness, who informed Real Raw News—and only Real Raw News, which is very real and insanely raw—that Putin destroyed all the COVID clot-shots in Russia, and executed the scientists who invented them. Your Moravia correspondent wrote about this Real and Raw Game-Changer. Maybe you remember:
Why do people think Putin dislikes clot-shots?
“Putin Orders Destruction of All Covid-19 Vaccines in Russia,” Real Raw News—the leading destination for real news—reported on March 4.
Russia’s president instructed the military to kill hospital staff that “resisted the vaccine purge,” the outlet—which, again, is the #1 location for very raw and very real news—revealed.
I am typing on my “pad” in the South Moravia Region, and yet there are some people with desktop computers who are not wandering the hills of the South Moravia Region, and can browse the internet at their leisure, but also somehow believe Putin massacred all the 5G towers?
Did these individuals wonder why there was not a single mainstream Russian media report about this Game-Changer? Did they consider that if Putin blew up all the 5G towers, there would be many, many news reports about this?
Did they know that there are maps showing the 5G networks in Russia? Hey look, Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport has 5G. It’s a very fancy airport.
Yes, Russia’s 5G rollout has run into roadblocks because of sanctions. But if Moscow is now best friends forever with Beijing, I seriously doubt Russia will abandon its 5G ambitions. But that’s just my personal opinion. Who knows? Tomorrow the entire internet could explode—and wouldn’t that be wonderful?
In the meantime: Putin did not ban 5G. There are 5G networks in Russia.
I would just like to know why a Hobbit sleeping under trees in the South Moravia Region needs to point this out?
No matter. Have a glorious Monday, internet friend.
Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.
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There was a time when some people believed that the covid treatments were deliberately forced upon the population in order to prevent harmful side effects from 5G.
What happened to that hypothesis? Not wanting ?
I would question how safe are the cell phones stuck in our pockets next to our assess and privates ? Nevermind the 5G tower.
technology is not the problem – the problem typically stems from the government highjacking it for no good and perhaps thats what we are witnessing and questioning ? Perhaps we need to be more definitive in this approach.
Russia/China/Western narratives are just another distraction argument thrown at us – much like Left and Right…. pay attention people. Pay attention. Identify the false traits and start betting against them if you’re going to mentally survive this game we call life.
Putin says: “No More Transgender Marriage In Russia”
Common sense from a politician – so rare in these degenerate times!
The word “Sex” with its powerful connotations of procreation and marriage is a serious subject based on the Laws of Nature as well as the Laws of God. To replace the biological classification “Sex” by a merely Grammatical classification “Gender” is a genteel euphemism based on typical modern Dumbed Down misunderstanding of certain antique Languages. “Trans Genderism” is no more than a parlour game; it has no place in a Religious Sacrament.
“TransGenderism” reminds me of a certain frivolous artificiality in the French language. French (a language I love) is a degenerate form of Latin. Latin has 3 Genders: logically, Masculine, Feminine and Neuter. French speakers carelessly lost Neuter; hence all things named in French can have only one of 2 Genders: Masculine or Feminine. Often these Genders are assigned with a truly French frivolity: for instances, the Gender of “une chemise (a man’s tailored shirt) is Feminine, while “un jupon” (a woman’s undershirt) has Gender Masculine.
Just like the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party conversation of contemporary Transgenerists.
According to NY times he banned it
The Times are not what they used to be: a reliable source of fact and fun.
Foive Gee. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.
More RushBash:
English Mother of Three DEBANKED for being Russian.
Apart from a slight increase in speed there is no significant difference between 4G microwave (U$ Patent) and 5G (Chinese Patent). Both can send messages at low power, and both can fry you at high power. This is a Coke vs Pepsi war.
Putin Flips Our Game in Africa, No One Saw This Coming”
“Russia, China, India, Brazil, South Africa &Co setting up New Global Currency — BRICS Massive Dollar Dump:”
Actually Putin DID ban 5G.
It is only because Western minds dont understand Putin’s fifth dimensional judo warfare.
Irony alert.
Moravia is in Czechia. Mordovia is in Russia. Which of them ?
Good point.
But then maybe this guy just whinges, wherever he’s located. In which case would it make any real difference?
Once a liar, every time a liar!!
An early would-be Russian basher, circa 1615. Unlike his later namesake, Gustav Adolf had the sense to retreat before he lost his army. This year Sweden hopes to avenge his defeat by joining “the irresistible armed might of NATZO”. A military alliance of 1 Billion people in the most advanced countries of the EU$A, NATZO has already proved its military might through overwhelming victories against Serbia (pop.7 Million and Libya (pop.7M). When Ukraine started military modernization under NATZO in 2014 with a population of 40M, and after 8 years of NATZO training and finance, Ukraine possessed the largest army in the EU$A (0.5M) and prepared to invade its ethnic Russian provinces. However, since Feb 2022 Ukraine has slimmed down to a “leaner, meaner fighting machine” of 20M population, with an army that is now 300,000 smaller and less encumbered with heavy military equipment.
“Gustavus Adolphus: ‘The Father Of Modern Warfare'”
5G is a weapons grade communication array that can be used to direct frequencies at groups of people or individuals. See Voice of God, Directed Energy Weapon, that was first used in the early 1990s.
5G will be fully deployed into urban areas as the starting point for 15 – 30 minute cities. It will be used to directly mind and body control people, or kill them outright. 6G will start rolling out in 2025.
Don’t fool yourself by underestimating the enemy and their ability to achieve their agenda, even when they do stupid stuff. After all the masses don’t have the highest awareness, so how smart do you really need to be
Anyone that is still making excuses for Putin’s obvious complicity with TPTB, are suffering from cult of personality and cognitive dissonance, so don’t waste time with them. That they refuse to see the factual evidence is a them problem. Not any different than the masses of sleep walkers that follow Trump, Biden, Kennedy, De Santis, etc etc etc.
Focus on your loved ones and yourself, and do what you can to make it to the other side. Be prepared that many of our loved ones won’take it. Be prepared to dig and to fight.
Good advice, Tom.
Those 5 or 15 min city/towns coming to Maui soon.
Santa Rosa, Paradise, Yosemite, the very weird “grass” fire in Boulder County…too many to name, all done by the DEW. Saw the ‘nine eleven’ cars in Maui & Cal fires too.
I recall fighting the deep state Donald signed a Executive order for 5G and according to the Q lot and alt media christian fake truthers, it was so trumps team could control the mobile 5G network so they can stamp out kiddie porn. MAGA.
Putin’s lot use the exact same type of psyop, the only issue is the same lot who screamed Donald deep state is helping (kit was one of them) now saying Putin is not helping. 💤
Make up your mind.
‘Cow farts burn down to the ground another town.’ The Science TM
Kill all cows, get vaccinated and eat laboratory protein bugs from Wuhan = towns no burn.
Whatever it is with 5G in Russia and China, they have 30-100 times higher safety limits for EMF population exposure than EU/US/India.
Are better safety limits the reason and excuse for allowing and complying with full spectrum dominance surveillance state tyranny?
Off course no connection between these two. But….it tells that Russia listen to its citizens, and are prepared to take actions when something is not right.
Further you have to live there to understand the issue.
Citizens in countries with heavy criminality will see it more as a tool of defence against hold ups on the street.
Off-G, please get off this and onto the MAUI ARSON STORY.
Looks very much like the Paradise, CA Arson. Power Co has lasers they use to set fire to the roofs of many structures simultaneously. Then they partially blockade firefighting. In the case of Maui looks like they roadblocked a lot of the exits, thus causing more deaths– fewer property owners to deal with, I guess. They’re blocking aid, too– only permitting Red Cross & Black Rock!
Tremendously valuable real estate. Shades of the Great Fire in London to clear the way for the financial district. Or like New Orleans & the destruction of the dikes. And Maui being an island probably is meant for some nefarious purpose.
They’re gonna hype some other story to keep you from looking at Maui– maybe the silly GA indictments. Look into Maui instead!
Look at the photo. Lahaina encircled.
You ask me? I didnt do a thing. How should I know, You think I did it?
Are you drinking?
Que desfrutes!
another co-inkydink
Amazing coincidence.
That settles Putin as a WEF sleeper agent!
/ sarc
Looks like he is human and also makes mistakes.
Life without 5G is fine, no need for it.
Same for half ass tested GMOs or vaccines.
Putin is a Russian patriot, waaaaay above a globalist, fighting for his own survival too.
If this “Ukraine” war doesn’t prove this, nothing will.
So are you saying that Putin is too stupid to figure out that 5G is a weapons grade array, like the rest of us already figured out?
I knew it! See, he’s in on the whole thing, man! It’s just like the Cold War between the US and Soviet Union, all staged to make it look like there’s danger everywhere. From Duck and Cover to Mask and Jab. So, this proves it. Now what?
Isn’t there a Ukrainian Black soil grain Black Sea war going on? Your an American what’s happening with World Food.
Say what Clive? I was just fucking around on a dead thread. Ever heard of fucking around?
Sorry Riley, satire ain’t your forte.
Huh, no wiser on 5G safety fears then..
Context obscure, I accept, to the uninitiated. (may appear later).
Re Moravian explorations, in case you were wondering. Meantime, simply enjoy. A nice song:
Chinaski – Drobná Paralela live 2002
Not sure what the ‘pending’ trigger word was in this particular case. A basic list of such keywords might be useful…
Which would surely save admins that little bit of unnecessary work ???
That’s the thing about AI… It doesn’t mind being overworked…
The process of ‘fishing out of pending’ would presumably require some kinda human effort/intuition.
The capacity to decide what is ‘completely beyond the pale’ and what might be ‘acceptable in present polite company’.
So, not in any way to detract from potentially the primary source of an admin’s wages…
This damn “Pending” shit serves one main purpose: to drive people away from OffG. At one time I decided to make a contribution to the site. But no more. I got a pending today for absolutely positively no possible reason. And it’s still pending from this morning.
There’s neither rhyme nor reason for anything AI does. That’s why it’s so bloody ironic that OffG runs articles decrying AI – yet let’s it run wild in its own forum.
It’s clearly nothing personal, since both our comments in this thread have appeared. Though certainly an annoyance.
Some of the ‘pending’ rules have been made manifest to all, such as the J-word. Others, remain more mysterious. A greater transparency, I feel, would benefit all (site included).
(AI is a tool, like any other. Only as good or bad as the programmer)
Remember to follow all the machine’s rules, and tell the machine all about what you feel.
She will listen and understand your feelings…..and you are only using the machine as a tool.
This machine is getting more and more disgusting by the day, not by itself but by its bowing users, us.
The ‘machine’ (at least in my experience), is always behind the human.
It may know those thoughts that a human has expressed previously (and can repeat them back to them), but never where a human’s current thinking is directed
In that sense, it’s always deficient
If you look at modern dance human beings are better at being robots than robots.
Maybe that was the essence of Isaac Asimov’s “I, Robot” short stories (not the film, the sequence of short stories)…?
The Killers – Human
OffG seems to have a blind spot – a big huge blind spot – when it comes to certain topics. 5G is currently at the top of the list. I have yet to see any article on OffG exposing the negative nature of the pending 5G network – and probably never will.
Maybe big telecom is on their patron list?
Won’t talk about the geo engineering either Howard…
I wouldn’t go that far. They’re a pretty small enterprise, all things considered. Nevertheless…
… there are certainly genuine health concerns with 5G that should/could be addressed. Getting regularly frazzled by additional powerful radiation can’t be that good for human biology.
Maybe real concerns just get buried under more outrageous claims (such as the graphite contents of vaccines or links to Skynet) ?
Two days later and still my “Pending” comment has not appeared. There can be no doubt whatsoever that OffG has been ordered to distance itself from any criticism of 5G or (as Lizzy H points out) geoengineering.
This certainly makes all its coverage of the Covid hoax suspect. I’m definitely starting to see this blog in a far different light.
Another pending … ’nuff said …
Got another pending attempting to reply, so maybe you have a point …
The machine hurt your feelings? How naughty of the machine…….and you only use the machine as a tool yes?
In lack of true human contact the machine became a new girlfriend you met one Saturday night, and she is now exposed to all kinds of hurt feelings and girly jealousy.
If I were you I would beat her up because she didnt behaved after your expectations.
She betrayed you, she was looking after other men, not the right woman to marry.
Lol! Its a Transmission not a Machine you Idiot!
My silver clad 1776-1976 Kenny half dollie is still worth 50cents. Bloody Hell..well here’s hoping for a Change in the Market….come 2026… a bit upset…
Ohh a TV transmission not a machine. A TV transmission…..o’boy o’boy.
Well whatever you call it, its clear that this feature makes the bartender and the people around him very agitated.
Shaming it as an idiot, making people butt hurt, causing girly feelings of being insulted by it, telling it you certainly not approve its behaviour.
What a nasty feature………but you only use it as a tool.
Because someone told you it looks good and sounds good if you pretend to be more intelligent than the machine.
But you lie not only for us but also for yourself. You use it as your babysitter, your favourite politician, your papa, your new boss. One you can blame for everything.
We may be overly generous when attributing the “Pending” stuff to AI. Maybe it’s not AI at all; but an Admin who has taken a dislike to certain commenters.
There seems to be a correlation between number of downvotes a particular commenter (like me) gets and the frequency of “Pending.”
So maybe, inadvertently, you have hit the nail on the head humanizing the AI.
“a dislike to certain commenters”
Assuming the above as true, I would argue that it is not a dislike to commenters as persons, for we are never experiencing one another personally, technology having reduced our persons to mere text, and filtering everything else; it is therefore a dislike to the technology-mediated, technology-distorted image that the comments and not the commenters inspire to the reader, as they appear on the screen.
Recognising the nuance is important, for if not, one risks to conflate our technology-impacted contributions here with a real social gathering, which it is not.
No. Lack of empathy and respect for other people. The Off-G owners are putting their arse in free air by letting a lot of people discussing politics here.
So when a dirty word show up, its just going through a normal editorial evaluation. Should Off-G’s editor put himself in jail to please your personal convenience? Come on.
So speaking ill of 5G – which started this pending discussion ball rolling – would put OffG’s editor in jail? Wow! Who knew?
Listen, I were banned forever a couple of years ago for my first ever comment on Daily Beast, for a very light positive remark about Putin. So what? I dont like Daily Beast either.
I think some of you are too touchy. Be happy for the quality you get or find it other places.
The vaxx skam makes some editors nervous. Maybe 5G is another.
I anticipate they have their good reasons. Respect it and get around. Simple.
It’s the contradictions within technology use. The Internet gave rise to online blogging and fora as new values to invest in and make money from. However, they bring with them a whole lot of constraints. Running a blog must be a headache. You’d want to keep a loyal and quality readership, that’s your first priority; then you’d want to keep the blog clean from all sorts of undesirable “intrusions” like spam and ads and other irrelevant content which are also the result of the free Internet.
This gave rise to other software businesses that sell all sorts of spam filters to blogs for real-time monitoring and cleansing of content and so on, but no amount of programmability can make these filters respond in all instances like we’d expect from a human being monitoring the blog… It’s a program that doesn’t make an a priori distinction between a genuine content from spam or ads, no doubt in response to the ever increasing sophistication in spamming and hacking methods. In that sense, it must have a one-size-fits all flavour to it. But it is inseparable from the business of running blogs. That’s not what Admins do, though. Admins, I shouldn’t wonder, keep an intermittent human eye on the content and undo some of the things spam filter does and perform other programming and administrative tasks. The spam filter monitors the content in real-time.
So, things are not so simple as it would look from the contributor’s side and, to be coherent, if one participates in the technology of blogging, one must accept it with the constraints that go with it. I’m sure a human being monitoring 365/24/7 a blog would be better; but who would accept surveilling a blog real-time to keep it clean? Admins would los their job and the monitoring human would lose her sanity.
Technology is not neutral when one uses it; Its use is inseparable from the presupposition that it’s efficient, quick and infatigable, though it can’t dispense from human intervention. This presupposed features make technology use enforce a certain kinds interactions and social organisations at the expense of others.
Why bother with loads of 5G towers?…. Elon Musk has got lots of satellites up there to activate the “cloud” …..
Or so we’re told.
Because it becomes too big for small minds.
If we can move one 5G tower away from its planned place in a school yar,d to an industrial lot 50m away, we have done it.
We made history, we fought for our freedom…………. with posters.
China is objecting to spy planes close to its borders. With all those purported satellites, why use spy planes?
That is a relief. Putin not banning 5G. Otherwise, we’d have to throw out our wifi extenders.
And neither (mezhdu prochim) has Mr. Putin banned borscht, ice hockey, swimming, judo lessons nor a host of other human activities. So we can all rest easy. He seems to be more of a ‘facilitator’ of life, than a ‘prohibitor’.
Nevertheless, to qualify as a genuine ‘Slav squatter’ per se, the prerequisite trip to the Moravian mountains is, of course, an essential requirement. ‘Riley-ing’ up other Slavic nations and not just Russophiles. Whingeing about other countries on the map (wherever ‘Moravia’ is). To boldly go where no disgruntled tourist has gone before. Transferable skills. Parallel lines:
Chinaski – Drobná Paralela live 2002
Arthur Firstenberg has done all the research on RF and 5G and the history of it is in his book “The Invisible Rainbow” going back to the US Navy research on radar and radio during WW2. RF disrupts the micro electrical signals of biological systems. 5G will be this on steroids. His website is…
Interesting that Russia moves ahead when their standards and electrosmog limits are 100x the US and generally Eastern Europe has been onto RF/EMF problems ever since WW2 and have much higher, more protective standards. Or the used to.
Technically 5G is hyper-inefficient solution while fiber optic broadband is the safest, fastest, longest lasting, cheapest solution. But. A 5G/RF/Wifi solution gives the empire it’s IoT society, allways on surveillance and remote control AI Panopticon. Hard wired fiber messes up their plans. We just had a local fiber company put in 100mb fiber with fixed single monthly fee same as DSL but 10x faster with ZERO downtimes. We port the ethernet signal to our AC house curcuit with powerline adapters since 2017. They work perfectly. This enables a WiFi free home environment.
Google offered to fiber hardwire the entire US over 10 years ago and has about 8 cities pretty much done. The other telecoms, the competitos shut it down. 5G fine signals cannot travel far and need a network of home wifi to keep the network functioning. It can go through water or trees and the router has to be placed in the window. It’s a super stupid solution for users. Fiber is 100x better. Like using nuclear to boil water to get electricity. Stupid.
Stupid from a technical point of view and harmful to all of life, as this snippet from an article states:
According to their case study, published in Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports, fifth generation (5G) wireless technology is being rolled out worldwide “despite no previous research on possible negative effects on human health and the environment.”
As a result, exposure to pulse-modulated microwave radiation has “increased dramatically on a world-wide basis.” Microwave radiation are frequencies in the range of 300 MHz to 300 GHz within the radiofrequency (RF) spectrum. In city environments, frequencies used for 5G are currently in the 3.5 GHz band.
Studies on possible health effects from exposure to 5G frequencies were all but non-existent until recently. In a study published in October 2022, animals were exposed to the 5G frequency of 3.5 GHz for 2 hours a day, 5 days a week for one month. The exposure caused oxidative stress and an increase of degenerated neurons in the hippocampus region of the brain, in addition to decreased irisin levels, a hormone positively correlated with weight loss and healthy cognitive function.
In the case study, the woman quickly developed a large array of debilitating symptoms after the installation. These symptoms included headache, dizziness and balance problems, cognitive dysfunction—including memory, confusion and loss of focus—as well as extreme fatigue, anxiety, cough, nose bleeding, and disorders of urinary function and the skin, including spontaneous bruising and skin eruptions.
The 5G antenna was installed on the roof of a three-floor adjacent building and projected towards her apartment on the second floor. There was previously a 4G base station antenna at the same spot, but it was only after it was replaced by the 5G antenna that the woman quickly developed severe symptoms of microwave syndrome. The 4G antenna was removed shortly after the 5G deployment.
The woman reported that when she relocated to another apartment not near a 5G base station, all her symptoms quickly resolved, only to return within 24 hours of her return to her own apartment.
The woman’s dog also showed signs of ill health after the 5G installation. Reportedly, the dog contracted diarrhea soon after the 5G was installed. This disappeared during the retreat to the other apartment with no 5G but returned when they moved back to her own apartment.
(Dr David Charbonneau, Global Research)
Hopefully people will cotton on to the harmful effects of 5G and leave the cities in droves. They can’t plaster entire countries with 5G towers, especially not large countries, such as Russia or the US.
At night relaxing or retiriing to bed, Intel IPhones can have a halo feeling effect on the brain.,like a person who enjoys wearing a head sweat band for example. A former racing car driver 2016.
There is also no safety evaluation – or only fake evaluation – for (a) most industries (b) most food additives (c) genetically mutilated foods (d) most medicines and jabs. That is the free market working tirelesly for human progress.
Thanks for info on this emotionally fraught subject. Where do I find Links to that very relevant case study? It makes 5G look like a re-run of Thalidomide and RNA Vaxx.–Installation-of-5G-Emphasizes-the-Need-for–Protection-from-Radiofrequency-Radiation.pdf
Moravia? Where’s that? Is it a Moscow suburb? Or maybe near Luhansk?
If you were to go Riley’s Substack (see the bio which follows the article), you’d find lots of stuff he has collected from Russian media sources. He used to work for RT, still has a residence right …. outside Moscow, in fact.
Fuck Putin, Trump and the rest of em, God is our only hope in this time of universal deceit. The corporate-fascist revolution is now taking place, and they are a behemoth that has prepared for practically every contingency, including the chances of mass-revolt, and is completely-prepared to take whatever action(s) they deem necessary to quell any possibility of success in overthrowing them. Short of the power of God coming to bear against these Godless mobsters and monsters, we’re only going to see, and suffer, the misery of Orwell’s “1984”. Palestine is an experiment and example for how to successfully mass-open-air-imprison almost the entire populace of those who survive the “vaccines”.
From a religious point of view, you are of course right.
But while we wait, we might as well show as much ingenuity as we can in resisting the sub-humans who currently claim to ‘represent’ us.
We must also be patient while we wait.
Cosmic events take their time – after all, Is_r_a_el is still waiting for its ‘Messiah’, so the “Vials of Wrath” you hope for may yet take a long time to come and do their stuff…
This is a serious matter, worth delving into for anybody who senses the reality of the spirit, while naturally the current hordes of unwashed deplorables won’t even know what we’re talking about.
I expect their time will come, since, from what I’ve digested so far, eternal damnation is not quite so easy to achieve as we used to be taught…
I also understand that wilful resistance to ‘the good’, as well as deliberate participation in black magic, constitute the line that must not be crossed as far as the spiritual world is concerned.
We have been too careless about such things for many decades now.
perfectly placed patience perspective of positive-ness….fabbo….our time is here already, every day, every day.
nicely put, despite the wildly opposing viewpoints various commenters have here due to persitence in exploring some areas of knowledge at the expense of others, the general understanding that we have all “smelled a rat” is true of all, except perhaps clive who seems to have wandered here by accident
all seem aware that our condition be that physical and spiritual is very much under attack, the consequences that are understood by those who have explored the spiritual side of things is known to be eternal
speaking for myself the possibility that i may have eternity to consider the failure of my actions, thoughts and deeds NOW is shall we say, pretty important
aside from that how much oil should one put into the rear axle of a 1965 pre force ford 4000 tractor? that is the order of the second job this morning
“deliberate participation in black magic… the line that must not be crossed”
very good, the freemasons would say the “sins of the father portrayed on the sons” as the methodology of “karma dodging” yet another lie told them by their kabalic teachers, shit will out, we can be active or passive, its called consent
God helps only those who help themselves by acting together with their fellow humans.
Depends on what you mean by ‘helps’…
On all the evidence, He currently appears to be helping Sushi Pillock and Joe Bidet quite a lot, and they do NOT act together with their fellow humans by any stretch of the imagination…
I have a hunch we need to rethink the notion of God helping us in the material world.
The help we get seems to be more focused on getting us out of that world – or at least keeping it in its place…
God’s great, who’s gonna argue that one? Just make sure you stay on his good side ‘cuz he will fuck you up …. maybe …
The ‘corporate-fascist revolution’ is indeed taking place. At least in the imaginations of ADL, Marianna Spring et al…
Nowhere else to mention though in the real world, unfortunately, to date.
God is not a babysitter and gave us all free will for a reason. That reason is that we each have to decide for ourselves to allow God into our hearts and minds.
God will save the world before saving any individual. We as individuals have to save ourselves. Just like the addict that has to first admit they have a problem, before anyone can actually help them.
We will all have to make a choice as we move faster through the tribulations.
5G is primarily a set of protocols rather than an entirely new technology. It does open the door to using more of the radio spectrum but at frequencies that are so high that they don’t have significant range (so aren’t much use outside of a dense urban setting).
I’d guess that the primary limitation on implementing 5G in Russia is exactly the same as the reason that coverage is limited in the US — lack of infrastructure. Both countries are large and without any kind of density of coverage there’s nothing to be gained over 4G/LTE. We’re also a bit restricted in the US because the market for 5G infrastructure is dominated by Huawei — they owned most of the patents needed to implement it and were in a dominant supplier position both in infrastructure and handset/user equipment (yes, I know we’ve been sold the story about ‘national security’ and all that but, seriously, the only thing that was threatened by Huawei was Qualcomm’s near monolpoly position with 4G)(I’ve probably remarked before that politicians are actually a lot cheaper to hire than engineers!). Russia’s investment in 5G may be limited by capital priorities, I don’t know Russia at all well but it seems to have a lot in common with Canada in terms of population density, market size and so on.
I’ve noticed that at least one comment below this repeats the line that Putin’s a dictator with total control over the population etc. etc. This really is just regurgitating propaganda — even during the days of the Czars when there truly was absolute rule the realities of governing a large country are such that it is devolved (China’s the same, BTW). We have to walk away from this kind of mindset, to reject it totally, if we’re to understand and so live with other countries. Here in the US we do a lot of ‘freedom’ — everyone believes that we’re totally free — but in reality we are bound by innmerable laws, many restricting our freedom (for example I can’t go to many countries and my overseas investments are restricted) and the impact of laws depends a lot on where you live and who you are. (In short, just like everyone else…..) The idea that “5G” is some kind of mind control is really ludicrous (especially when I see people writing this stuff on social media!).
Directed energy turning people into roasted chickens. Feel the heat Mr. Jones.
Like I tell people who think that cell towers on top of streelights are gradually roasting them — there’s actually far more electromagnetic energy being given off by the streelight than the equipment attached to it. Its just that we’ve got sensors built into our body that allow us to see light but not microwave radiation — its the same stuff (light’s got much higher inherent energy, BTW) but because most of us lack the kit to be able to ‘see’ microwaves they’re all sinister and what-have-you.
Now, if you like directed energy then there was a report recently in the “South China Morning Post” (the principal English language Hong Kong newspaper) about a breakthrough in laser cooling technology that allows high power lasers to be run continuously. This is, of course, the key to making directed energy weapons. They’ll just put holes in things. The ‘things’ will just get surface coatings that ablate — and the race is on. Nothing to do with cellphones.
Light at high enough intensity caused skin burns and skin cancer, microwave radiation does similar but can penetrate deeper into tissue. Any laser cooling technology can also be applied to microwave generators. 3G and 4G technology already controls peoples minds, the data it carries is converted to light and sound by portable devices and fed into people’s minds.
Thanks for you people’s technical insight.
The EMF waves cause cancer, no doubt about it.
I see the control of people’s minds by the towers, IoT, AI not especially by the electronic waves, but by people’s change of behaviour.
Big Corp’s guru the Israeli professor bragged about how he got worshippers out of the church into Zoom, bowing and praying into their new God, the machine. “Behavioural Science” is the new buzz word you know.
Are you a shill for big Telecom? With your complete omission of anything critical of either 5G or cell phones; and given the sheer volume of available data highlighting the very real dangers inherent in wireless technology – it would appear that something other than a thirst for knowledge is driving your comments.
Thanks for some technical info on a highly politicised topic. I guessed the campaign against 5G had a political aspect, and you confirm that Chinese company holds Patents for 5G as against a U$ company’s 4G.
As you say, “politicians are actually a lot cheaper to hire than engineers!”.
Nevertheless, there is enough info on this thread to switch to fibre for the next generation of high speed communications. Especially with increased jamming of civilian radio signals by “electronic warfare”.– even from overflights by our own military aircraft.
Since 5G was invented by the US military, it’s highly unlikely a Chinese company holds patents for it. Huawei may indeed have patented certain specific technologies; but that would be the extent of it.
Besides, if that were the case, how are Big Telecoms like Verizon able to offer 5g Ultra Wideband to customers?
Dear Martin,
You’ve got the right idea: stress ONLY the good points of 5G (assuming it has some) and the staff at OffG bows at your feet.
Stress the bad points (which are legion) and the good folks at OffG will send you straight to Pending.
Keep up the good work,
No dictator would ever allow 5G to get out of his hands. It is a dictator’s dream come true. With it, the dictator can not only spy on his subjects; he can also attack them merely at the push of a button.
Not bad, if dictators can achieve all that simply by opting for a different electromagnetic wave frequency for communication. Though some naysayers might be sceptical
Meanwhile in Russia: Russia’s CBDC – Exploring the Truth of Russia’s Central Bank
A very interesting in depth article.
Nice link to a very fine article thanks.
Just in case anybody hasn’t seen it, here’s the YT clip of Putin humiliating billionaire Oleg Deripaska
In the “west”, things work the other way around.
Nice to see the old “Give me my pen” routine. But that was a younger Putin, when Russia’s only conflict with NATZO was in Syria. Ten years later, the conflict in Ukraine is a lot heavier, and Putin looks tired. Those incompetent Oligarchs whom Putin humiliated in this old clip must be biding their time to rejoin “the West” and plunge Russia back into Perestroika:
“Where there ain’t no blooming Justice and an Oligarch can raise a Billion”.