Inside YouTube’s new “Medical Misinformation Policy”
Kit Knightly

A few days ago YouTube amended their Covid19 Misinformation policy, changing it so it now applies to all things medical.
The original policy was put in place in the early days of the pandemic, May 2020, and outlawed content in the video sharing platform that “contradicted the WHO or local health authorities” concerning the pandemic:

Over the years it’s been regularly updated, outright banning all “vaccine misinformation” in late 2021.
The latest revamp is the biggest so far. The new “medical misinformation policy” – no longer just “covid19 misinformation” – now addresses cancer treatments, abortion and non-Covid vaccines, according to CNN.
A YouTube spokesman told the media that the new policy will be focusing on three key areas: “Prevention, treatment and denial”:

- Videos promoting alternative medicine or dietary tips that claim to prevent disease – gone.
- Videos sharing alternative or natural treatments – gone.
- Videos claiming establishment treatments (eg. radiation or chemotherapy) do more harm than good – even from people who have had those treatments – gone.
- Videos claiming X disease does not exist – gone.
In short, YouTube will no longer allow any medical content at all that isn’t simply parroting government policy or promoting big pharma products.
Tellingly, it’s all about approval from authority, not accuracy of the information. In fact, nowhere in the entire document is there any kid of differentiation made between “accuracy” and “authority”.
In YouTube world something is “information” if it’s confirmed by the government, and “misinformation” if it is not. Reality is subject to the approval of the state, and the state is always right.
Which tells you everything you need to know.
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Silver Lining
I returned from a 15 day holiday in Brazil. It was great though quite gruelling for a 72 year old. Fortunately my wife and I were not required to don muzzles anywhere at any time.
I returned yesterday, Aug 20.
As I wrote in my Substack article, “The Undeclared War,” the Deep State is now in open warfare against its citizens. A maximum kill ratio seems to be the policy on all fronts to meet the globalists’ eugenics goals. Avoid the system at all costs. And pray for us all. As I once wrote, “this is the final war of the rich against the poor.”
Have you given the undertaking to donate your organs at death, or left that to the default status (Donate unless you object)? Then, read this. It will also help you to understand why so many healthy young people died of “covid”.
mgeo, thank you for this horrific article. However I looked for 15 minutes for confirmation that any State in the US has a “presumed donor” law & didn’t find any– only assurances that the US still requires “express wish to donate.”
I, personally, have never felt sufficient trust in the medical establishmen to do so.
I’m afraid I have worse news. Your insane government has and continues to exploit, torture and kill foreigners and citizens for profit. If you choose to read this link, you had better steel yourself.
Opium and opiates are Big Pharma. By cutting down poppy fields the Taliban are cutting themselves off from a multibillion market for Codeine and other Legal Painkillers.
On the other hand, advanced countries have a huge drug addiction problem from over-prescribing Legal Painkillers.
“Doctor Tries Not Prescribing Drugs”
I’ve been suspended from X for suggesting fasting to someone who is trying a keto diet, they said my post either caused harm to that person or encouraged suicide. I appealed it and my appeal was rejected.
West Maui was burnt to a crisp in a most alarming and suspicious way with melted steel running down the streets.
Now my province of British Columbia has widespread wildfires. I remember visiting the town where I live now, in the 90’s. It’s an unusual place, it’s semi-arid, and the first thing I noticed was tumbleweeds rolling around. The next thing I noticed was it was very, very hot.
I moved here 16 years ago and there was no smoke and few wildfires, yet the temperatures have always been the same, very hot up in the 40’s at times. I noticed the smoke everywhere starting only when the covid plan started. I remember because people were masked and wondered if it was for the smoke or the covid.
Today the province has declared a state of emergency because there are many massive fires and they are growing, the sun is red, and so is the moon. Thick smoke and the smell of burning hang in the air.
All considered, including the new youtube rules, looks like the hammer is really coming down now.
my suspension notice:
The shareholders of X have as persons no more power over you than any of us could have, that is: nil. Any power we might perceive emanating from their persons is actually lent to them by the infrastructure they own and operate, such as servers, cables, routers, towers, computers, mobile phones, and so on. As owners of that infrastructure, it is their right within the rule of Capital to decide which content is admissible for their servers and which is not. The rules (of good behaviour) they set up are so broadly expressed that almost anything could be considered a breach; you might have recommended walking daily 30 minutes and it would have had the same result.
The power they borrow is no different in nature from that borrowed by a vulgar merchant selling water in the desert and setting whatever price they like; and it is so fragile that a simple fire destroying the infrastructure would leave them powerless.
That’s all there is to their alleged power. The rest is spectacle.
Thanks for the reply, and very well said.
“Clean out” and “pipes” have double meanings. Maybe Twitter’s AI wasn’t up to interpreting the precise meaning of the phrase?
Fasting is good advice, though. Has both physical and religious value. Much neglected in the modern era
Anything that cannot be privatised – through fake science/regulations, marketing or intellectual property – is a threat to capitalism. Self-control – such as caution, frugality, restricting food or opting for bland food – is anathema to the political and commercial propaganda to infantalise, manipulate and exploit us.
I’m betting that YouTube University’s Faculty Of Surgery gets an exemption from the medical misinformation policy.
WHO itself needs an exemption. It just announced efforts to organise traditional medicine.
Well it had to happen, didnt it ! They’ve studied and analysed Covid Psyop #1 for its shortcomings and weaknesses: Covid Psyop #1 was in many ways a preparatory trial, and they are now removing the weaknesses ahead of the next, big, final take-down.
At least get their name right Kit:
It’s a pity people don’t read books anymore. The truth can be gleaned.
I read books!! Plenty of them! Non-fiction, scholarly books, re. a multitude of different subjects. My personal book collection currently contains 1350+ volumes.
Thank you Kit!!
Just in time for a test run on the new GooTube is the latest lineage of crony virus, known in officialese as BA.2.86, as if to lend more scientific aura to the now nauseatingly routine reports of the scamdemic industrial complex. Warning: this beast is highly mutated (!), the Center for Disease Creation tells us, as if to drive home how sick the propaganda system can make us from routine lies become truth.
The new abnormal’s a YouTube world, if you remain pulled along by the current psyops of the mainstream. Once you get caught in that current, news of the world is just one long report of manufactured reality emptying out into an ocean of oblivion. So now, just in time for the Great Reset, we’ve got a censorship industrial complex on steroids (aka totalitarianism) for what has come to count as information and knowledge in the matrix.
I wonder if any of us anymore aren’t suffering some sort of deranged effects from EMFs, let alone the toxic content of mind control they carry. Thank gawd we have health care from the Pharmafia to seal the deal.
Meanwhile, in Hawaii, reports of climate change continue test runs on coverup of weather weapons and full spectrum dominance…
Use Yandex. Its not perfect but better than anything big tech in US can come up with.
All medical information will be either forbidden or mandatory.
Let’s enjoy the renaissance of our local herbalists, witches, homeopaths, and all of the ancient healing arts and crafts. I already have a beautiful black cat. (No jokes about brooms please.)
You begin each day reading or hearing what you may, must or must not do, medically or otherwise.
Lucy Letby (L=12->3)
Right, so her name spells out 33, and she happens to be 33.
I’ll hand this over to the coincidence theorists to explain.
To me, it would indicate its a fake story, to give the plebs something to coo about…..
More prosaically:
‘Lucy’ … loose = morally deficient. Or a ‘loose-he’ as in ‘woke’ theology.
‘Letby’. Let be = Let live. ‘By’ also a shortening of ‘baby’.
Piecing together … letting babies loose. Freeing babies from the ‘tyranny’ of life. Whether to the immediate realm or to the realm beyond.
And “by the by”, ‘by’ = 27 = 3 x 3 x 3 (with an extra ‘3’ for good measure)
Also ‘Lucy Letby’ adds up to 125 = 5 x 5 x 5. Each digit being one short of another infamous number
We all grow up with a (given) name. Maybe it influences us more than we realize 🤔
Lucy Loose.
Letby = lesbi?
Its a con job, baby.
And i’ve got their NUMBER
Your comment makes a lot of sense.
Reading about the case, what seemed to me to be the huge elephant in the room was the question of why she might have thought of herself as a vehicle for pure evil.
That constitutes the only interest I have in the story, and she certainly looked nice enough in the photos taken before the trial.
Without anything to go on there, the media might have saved themselves the trouble of bothering to report the jury’s verdict in the press, and it could indeed be the fake story you suggest.
At any rate one would have to be a colleague of hers to have an inkling of what she was up to.
Read all the stuff on the Bald Ballless Creep (bbc)
They are sharing alleged whatsapp messages and all sorts.
It stinks so highly of a psyop, my dicks twitching.
(My dick is a transceiver tuned to the spooks frequency)
Is there a jab against numerological obsession?
Well, just don’t engage with YouTube in any way whatsoever where medical matters are concerned. Youtube is not THE internet, it is one site on the internet. Thousands of other places to engage where Youtube has no jurisdiction.
When Twitter and Facebook decided to cancel Republicans, hundreds of millions of accounts shut down.
If hundreds of millions of page views disappear from Youtube, advertisers may not be too pleased.
I will be absolutely delighted if this turns into an absolute financial disaster for Youtube.
A few advertisers claimed they were going to sue Twitter/X.
Why are They FAKING Photos from Maui?
Apparently the fires were hot enough to melt steel, but not hot enough to burn wood. LOL
Next day: disInfowars is now in on the scam, trying to sell the fires as DEW. They are running this questionnaire in the sidebar,
Almost 60% of their readers chose DEWs. Judy Wood fans, I guess. But as usual, the correct answer is not on their list.
5. There were no fires, it is all another CGI/Hollywood fiction. A movie sold as real.
Infowars is actually calling the DEWs Chinese Space Lasers, as if they had anything to do with this. As if we in the US don’t have enough to worry about from our own mad trillionaires, and we need to bring the Chinese or Russians into it.
I guess you could say it doesn’t really matter in the final analysis whether it was wildfire, DEW, or fake, the end being the same: the island will be stolen by the very rich for their own purposes, military or otherwise.
They will either re-purpose it as a Smart City, a five-diamond hideout for the trillionaires, or a secret military op below the dormant volcano Kukui. Remember, the US military is strangely and inordinately interested in dormant volcanos for some reason, as we have seen recently in other papers. Especially those on islands.
So we should not ignore that important angle here. Another possibly important angle is that
Maui is a famous god of the pacific islands, who was very much like Prometheus, since he gave fire to man. How this ties in here is not presently known, but it is clear that it does.
If there were no fires, where are the missing/dead people (as they wouldn’t be dead if there were no fires unless someone killed them another way)?
Was Tulsi Gabbard lying when she went on air saying she had been back to Maui and talked with ordinary people there?
Thanks lynch nice analyse.
But it matters. A new 9/11 ok, but it matters whether there was a burn down or not.
Are the Ukraine war real or only a media scam with blackstone, jp morgan and film directors and actors running in and out of Kiev?
As we found out 9/11 was a controlled demolition, it helps to “know yr enemy”.
The inordinately interest in volcanoes are for sure also due to a potential controlled “clima change operation”, siffering even more of the public coffers.
Lavrov’s “an ape with a handgranate”.is off the leash again.
6. A box of matches
I got into homeopathy when I was 15, that’s 45 years ago. So, probably 1978 ish. I came from a straight family who had never heard of it, so I didn’t get the info there. However there were still plenty of hippies about and old philosopher type dudes, free festivals etc. You see, I was thinking about where did I get information on leftfield an hedge medicine when there wasn’t internet and youtube. And it ocurred to me that I was drawn to people with very different ideas to my families, had the balls, and the substance curiosity to disapear from home on “Adventures” and the nosey, cheeky youth to ask questions all the time. It occurs to me that I got my info from people I met and liked and that I got to know more of them than the straight medical world people. I suppose, now I am approaching my 60th decade, I am less curious/courageous/off my nut than when I was a teenager so googling is easier, but going through 6 pages of dont trust this remedy and the surgeon general says that isnt safe I just have to get up off my fat ass and go out and ask folks I know if I need to learn more……that and the tousands of books I have kept all my life and defended like a demon. This may be why more people are coming asking questions of me these days……It feels more underground now than it did then.
If you are approaching your 60th decade then you must be onto something good!
Sorry, couldn’t resist. 😀
Lol, Hopefully prescient too.
If Mig is 60, then he is entering his 7th decade…
(ages 0-10 = 1st decade. 11-20 = 2nd decade. 21-30 = 3rd decade. 31-40 = 4th decade. 41-50 = 5th decade. 51-60 = 6th decade. Thus… 61-70 = 7th decade…)
Homeopathy is pure nonsense, that is why the Queen ( rih ) and now King has one in residence.
exactly why it’s not
The timing is interesting. 3 ½ years after launch when there has been an increasing slump in covid credibility i.e. from little but backed up with relentless fear to fuck all but hoping no one is paying attention anymore.
Thus the present. This strange lull period. So it’s time to recap:
At the dawn of covid: MASSIVE SCREAMING FEAR NON-STOP. The dumbasses run around shrieking. The ones with actual movement between their ears watch in a kind of awestruck despair. Then the latter try to patiently explain how it’s all crap. But no matter. Scream scream scream. The voodoo PCR tests. The phony statistics. Vax vax vax. Etc. etc. etc. The brain possessors then start to shout about how fucking stupid the whole thing is. And then they get screamed down by the clucking chickens etc.
After which, interminable steps in between involving increasing degrees of psyoppery and the chickens gradually develop a smug condescending conspiracy-phobia which they of course picked up by rote from the media manure.
Meanwhile the brain possessors, knowing that argument is futile, just don’t bother anymore. Everyone develops a resigned “What the fuck?” attitude. “The Left” has … well, fuck knows what “The Left” are doing. Ukraine came up and most of them went for the bait and parroted that old time religion. So I suppose they’re happy enough.
Blah blah blah delta omicron monkeypox and lots of others I can’t even remember now. (Ganymede? Vulcan? Jabberwocky?)
So now everyone is just kinda mulling about and generally thinking “Oh well maybe that’s that?”
And now “Release the Big Gag!” Now everyone looks like Hannibal Lector with that dog muzzle on. Or at least that’s the aim.
Media manure, how very apt 😂
Media manure is now going to be recycled for further usage.
This is on Yahoo news right now, originally from USA Today.
Among those spreading medical misinformation during the pandemic: 52 doctors (
“A new study can’t answer that question with any certainty, but it does try to quantify how many doctors were misleading the public, where they came from and what their specialties were.
Most surprising, perhaps, is that there were only 52 of them found in a fairly exhaustive search of social media sites.
“This was actually comforting to see that they didn’t find more,” said Dominique Brossard, chair of the department of Life Sciences Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who was not involved in the new study but studies medical misinformation.”
They’re fighting back hard against the truth tellers but losing ground as the effects of the fake vaccine are adding up. Reviewing the comments under the article, the vast majority are calling Yahoo on its propaganda and alot of them are complaining about the personal effects the fake vaccine has had on them or family. And Yahoo is a democratic party/liberal oriented entity.
Note: the reporter for that article left her email address.
Yahoo is the bottom. Dont even touch the site. Rotten incompetence and cheating to the core as only liberals can do it.
The sooner we see that its all one big con the better.
The Crown is the BANKING ELITE
The government is the illusion of democracy
The monarch is the (bank) illusion of respectability
Big pharma is the tool to poison us all
The registration process and use of our ALL CAPS/TITLED NAMES has stolen our property
WAR, DRUGS, SLAVERY, TRANS, TERROR, All run by our security services for the banks
Police charges and court notices are all fraud
The media controlled by the banks
The science controlled by the banks
Pedophilia controlled by the banks
Foreign coups organised by the banks
Hitler and Stalin were funded by our banks
Climate change nonsense and arson attacks by the banks
Unpayable debt created by our banks
why would anyone down tick that and not comment?
Bankers pay $1 per down vote every time someone talk negative about banks on social media. In a year it makes some buck. One dollar is one dollar gained yes?
Bankers have a lot to answer for.
And Taxation is theft.
In fact “1984” told us all we needed to know, and that was written before many of today’s old men were born.
So we have known what they want for a long time.
And we have also known for a long time what tricks they use in order to get it.
All we need to know now is how to stop them.
They are bullies, pure and simple, and bullies can be stopped – sometimes it’s just a question of showing up with your bigger brother.
If a con man sells you something you consider worthwhile, you will be more likely to buy his snake oil.
This is what’s caused the problem. People accept the government’s role in protecting them from possible foreign invaders and from would-be muggers and robbers. They feel their government makes and keeps them “safe.”
So when that same government presents them with clear violations of their rights, the people will be far more susceptible to the ploy – as long as it’s packaged under the guise of “safety.”
Our era has been called many things. But the one overriding feature is people’s obsession with safety. They will do anything, accept anything if they are promised that ultimate panacea “safety.”
You are right.
That is exactly what has caused the problem.
It’s as if good ol’ shrewdness, which the older people seemed to have in good measure when I was young, has simply disappeared.
They used to see through the smooth talk, and say, “Pull the other one”…
Now everybody wants to be so ‘safe’ that they will never die, and they seriously think that the ‘authorities’ will ensure that happy outcome.
What a shock it will be for them when their lives draw to a close.
They’ll probably ask, “Why me…?” or something else just as idiotic.
Equador was peaceful until it switched to anarcy and crime. How did that happen?
The “intelligence agencies” of “advanced nations” are the primary instruments of chaos, serving GloboCap. They operate in even more secrecy than their governments because everything they do is demented and diabolical.
Hopefully we’ll see more alternative health video creators move to platforms like Odysee and Rumble.
Although at some point “They” will probably shut down these alt platforms as well.
“They” need a good slap in the face.
We need more occurrences of, “Oww! that dose of reality really hurt!”
I heard that Rumble was owned by Reuters. Is that true? If so, it may not remain on the up and up forever.
Keep your enemy close. Odysee is probably owned or fed by AP.
Reuter and AP are the centres all MSM pull their bs from. .
Fair comment, but he who creates the concepts for Reuters & AP to disseminate, actually governs and steers any public perception &
Relation-ship full of tomfoolery… e.g. Preston Rabl !
(If you can discover his D.o.B. , let me know,
indeed anybody, please ! )
To be more specific, fyi, WPP, Publicis, IGC & Omnicom are the Big4 Creators.
Exactly like the Big4 Accountancy 🧙♂️Wizards of Oz on e-Financial Shitfuckery !
I.e. Your Carbon Footprint concept, sponsored / financed by B.P. being amplified (For AP & Reuters to disseminate), by Ogilvy & Mather a subsidiary of WPP, in this particular case study of Corporate P.R. … to define ‘their’ roots & routes towards mind control, somewhat more comprehensively.
Martin Sorrell was Preston Rabl’s ‘Frontman’, when they began their ‘Hunt’ to
Dominate & Control collectively everybody’s daily ‘Diet’ for Public consumption. Whether that be Mette’s murderous Mink mass extermination,
Or a Scamdemic, Founded on ignorance of financial realities and the need to
Print more Money, injecting ‘their’ System of financial-shitfuckery, without
Bailout for Banks ! ! Happy Cosmic New Year, Erik. Godt Nyt År (chuckle).
Got new door to the Cosmos, if you can find Preston Rabl’s birthday 😂
Balky 🀄
Oh c’mon! Rumble owned by Reuters? Odysee owned by AP? Please someone say it ain’t so!!!
Why not? Users could be the source of leads on breaking news.
To be honest, Kit they’ve been doing a long time especially in the juicing fasting section of you tube. .
However ..
There new policy’s seem to be saying..
Someone like a rape victim to autism person explaining there experiences on an video.
If there experiences do not ‘fit’ the text book YT medical definition of that experience, there personal experience’s of that medical diagnoses for example could be construed as fake news / medical disinformation.
“chew the meat and spit out the bones” is my motto when it comes to YT.
I like watching a few channels but oh dearie me – don’t think for a moment you will get the real story about anything deeper than cats or riding a bike. They have planted so many contropp agents like Peterson, Huberman, Rogan…
When I comment something about nonexistent viruses I get an instant (shadow)ban.
Come on peeps, do your part and give a 1star review yo YT in Google Play or Apple Store because of their propaganda and censorship of truth
They have lots of nice cat videos though… or blokes talking about their record collections.
The love of cats will save us all…
The UK government apparently had the idea of putting down some 11 million cats – during ‘the pandemic’. Maybe they still have as cats are meat eaters and everyone knows meat eaters are major climate damagers.
Local TV has reported scientists are studying how much methane is contained in kangaroo poo – methane being one of those nasty stinky gases blamed for global warming.
How timely the research ! If they shoot all the farting cows Aussies might turn to eating ‘roo meat (said to be chewy but quite tasty).It’s certain they’ll arrive at a consensus to justify culling all the kangaroos
(The Science is predictable).
My mum loved cats, she’d take in any strays. They got more affection than us kids. She’d a short chain on the front door so the cats could come and go as they pleased. To enter we kids always had to “go around the back (door)”.
I can’t add anything to this.
I vowed long ago never to hate people , only things and ideas.
However, the new crop of megalomaniacs has forced me to drastically rethink.
A worthy vow, but I cannot help myself sometimes: the ‘Thing’ is Tony Blair, my body reacts involuntarily at the very mention of, or any ‘Idea’ relating to or emanating from Tohy Bliar.Bush.Biden.Boris.Baerbock.Bibi, come to think of it…
Fair point, CAS.
‘The Revolving Door’
‘Nuff said.
The revolving door between industry and government is now a staple.
Leaders in the medical-pharma industry and the FDA / CDC.
Leaders in the financial industry and the SEC.
Leaders in the telecom industry and the FCC.
Leaders in the energy industry and the EPA.
Or your country’s equivalent.
I noted “Global and Local Health Authorities”, see? The National Government are left out, but get the blame.
Global govern Local, National get the blame.
Not only Youtube but all branches, Air-flights, Banks, Transportation, Social Media are exposed to threats and heavy fines if they dont act as spies, controllers, policing, snitches, do censorship on behalf of Public Authority (read Globalist Deep State).
Public Authority govern Branches, Branches get the blame.
Its clearly centralised Globalist policy, and we are directed to be pessed on those who are obstructed by threats from behind in their ability to carry out their base services to us.
Obama’s gay policy “Leading from behind”.
Well what would you expect? Youtube is owned by Google which is a *parasitic* company that does not give a rats ass about the truth.
Youtube is owned by Google = CIA
Unless the Truth wants out, Logic / ‘ALPHABETSKI’ in Cyrillic. in Latin, your loving Parent ?
My ‘Tencents’,