The Tyranny of Cause and Effect Scientism
Todd Hayen

The rape of the natural world is the phallic-like invasion of scientism. With its intent to rip out nature’s secrets and mysteries through the masculine assault of force, disguised as curiosity and the quest for knowledge. What real good has it done for us? What good beyond making things easier, faster, less meaningful?
Many will say advances in medical technology have made our lives longer and has lessened our suffering by destroying parasites that feed off the human body or bacteria that do the same, resulting in much pain and suffering. Mechanical medicine has mended bones and sewn up ripped skin and damaged organs. But is it really true, in general, that science and this discovery of the inner workings of nature have made the human experience of a higher quality, compared to other creatures who come and go in a natural, unassisted, way?
Of course science itself has done wonders in certain regards. It has at times been the result of curiosity and awe. But not always, and particularly not in our modern materialist, consumer focused, culture.
I know I am sitting on the extreme end of this topic, dissing science in this manner, but I have been silent about it for years. In the beginning I wasn’t even sure what the problem was, and recently I have just been afraid to venture into this idea because it seemed that most people reading it would think it was ludicrous. (As a side bar, see my article The Eerie Premonitions of C.S. Lewis.) Now, I am not sure. In fact, it was this article that inspired me to write this one. My friend and fellow substacker, Doktor Snake conceived this little gem. Here is a wee clip from the post.
One thing these oppressors can’t deal with and barely understand, if at all, is the other side that we humans have. The visionary side, which some call supernatural, but it’s really natural, part of us, but has been suppressed for a few hundred years-since the Age of Reason and the rise of what I call “scientism”, the cult of materialism and order.”
What does this mean, you might ask?
In today’s materialist paradigm it doesn’t mean anything that makes any rational sense. But most of us who have given the idea much, or any, thought, believes it means a great deal. Today the world is consumed with the concept of “materialism” or “physicality.” This paradigm relies on the belief that everything worth talking about, or even considering, is made up of tiny particles—atoms, so to speak, or electrons, protons, and various other dubious “particles” scientists have named over time.
Only problem with this reductionist view of the material or “real” world is that these smallest of “things” are not things at all. The given name of “particle” is a falsity. There are no subatomic particles that are made up of material substance. They are all but illusions. I won’t say they are illusions, because they end up “doing” things, like clinging together to make up molecules, which make up larger structures we can even see (under a lot of magnification). The energy these “particles” possess obviously has impact on other particles and thus forms the material reality we interact with. But they are not of substance, of dimension, as most people seem to think.
So subatomic particles, that then make up an atom, are only measurable in energy units, or in potential. They are not “dimensional” essentially meaning they don’t take up space, and are not solid. So what are they?
Sorry, I can’t tell you. And probably most nuclear physicists couldn’t tell you either, at least not in terms we would understand. My point is not to say they do not “exist” because clearly they do, but where is the point they turn into matter? I am sure there is an answer to that, you can go back to school and get your PhD to get it. And I certainly am no expert, or even an amateur scientist, so what I say here is definitely open to argument.
I bring all this up only to illustrate the strangeness of our weird world of “things” we live in and if anyone attempts to tell you that nothing “real” exists unless it is material, as substance and form (as in solidity), have them explain an atom to you. Of course they would deny that this seeming ambiguity doesn’t change anything when insisting that the material world is the only reality. To a materialist, which is an apt definition of nearly all scientists, the universe is made up of material objects. Period.
I am trying to avoid falling into that age old ploy, “so if everything is material, what is love?” or even better, “what is a thought? What is a dream?” On and on. Of course the materialists have answers for these questions, just as pat and useless as the questions themselves. But the argument is sound. Can you really reduce all human experience down to material components, and material components alone?—all bouncing off of one another in a “cause and effect” way thus producing anything and everything we experience? I don’t think so. I don’t think so by a long shot.
So why is material cause-and-effect-science tyranny? Well, it isn’t the whole truth. If it were the whole truth there would be nothing to hide, therefore there would be no power in the materialist paradigm. But since it isn’t the whole truth, and in its belligerent insistence to be the whole truth, it bars us, the observers, from seeing and applying the rest of the truth to our human experience.
This “other truth” includes the aforementioned love, dreams, intuition, God, myth, mystery, and a myriad of other very human “things” that generally, if left alone to do their magic (yes, magic is another one) we would be more content, purposeful, and have more meaningful lives. Let me say that again in another way—if stripped of our reality of love, dreams, intuition, God, myth, and mystery, we would hardly be able to call ourselves human, and we would hardly be able to have any sort of meaningful life. Yet this is what “scientism” wants us to do—to believe that none of these things are real. Herein lies its tyranny.
Before we knew everything (science seems to be claiming in recent years that they do, now, know everything—at least everything that matters—no pun intended) there was a little bit of room for these “unquantifiable” forces. If science didn’t have a quick and easy comeback to a certain question, it would throw in a taste of “promissory materialism” and simply say, “well, we can’t answer that, but one day we will be able to, since we already know that all experience is explainable through a material lens, we know one day we will have a material answer to that question.”
It seems nowadays they don’t even say that. They don’t wait for a promissory materialist explanation, instead they just make something up. They are so sure and cocky about it all. THAT is tyranny. I say tyranny because they can basically lead you around by the nose with that sort of authority: “You don’t have a clue what you are experiencing, with all your common sense, critical thinking, and intuition. Let me tell you what you are experiencing!”
“Scientists discover,” or “Experts agree” or some similar preface to just making something up. Often an out and out lie.
Funny thing about this way of going is that even science, real science, doesn’t always agree. Look at the mask fiasco, social distancing, and lockdowns—not a speck of real science in any of it. And don’t get caught up in those inane and ridiculous “reasons” say, for example, “masks work”—if someone blows snot in your face MAYBE a mask will block some of the infinitesimal virus particles from reaching your respiratory tract hitching a ride on a blob of goo big enough for the mask to block. And that would only hold weight if you believed viruses were real, or for that matter, if Covid was even more than a dressed up flu contagion. Give me a break.
The tyranny of scientism is actually lurking in millions of places that have nothing to do with the Covid insanity. It just seems that Covid has given them the opportunity to use scientism as a tyrannical tool in a more blatant way. Look at Anthony Fauci claiming he was science itself. What could be more blatant—the self proclaimed Pope of Science, just as in the Catholic system, God communicates through the Pope, Science communicates through Fauci.
I could go on with other examples of the calming, and hypnotizing, effect of the words “scientists discover,” which typically gives people a sigh of relief in knowing that the holiest of holies has approved of whatever we encounter in the natural world (or the opposite, a debilitating hit of fear). Understanding the physical world is indeed important, but it isn’t all there is to understand, and people have been indoctrinated since birth to believe “science” is the great definer of reality.
Science only gives credence to half the picture, and in its, and its practitioners, arrogance has decided to wield this credence as a weapon – not all scientists, mind you, just the ones under the thumb of money, power, and corrupt government.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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“scientism. With its intent to rip out nature’s secrets and mysteries through the masculine assault of force, disguised as curiosity”.
Brings to mind some quotes from Einstein and Bohr:
“[Scientists] bold, virile minds” — Einstein.
“Who has not holy curiosity is as a dead man walking” — Einstein.
“We murder to dissect” — Bohr.
“Cause and Effect go blithely about God’s business, heedless of human praise or blame” — Dante, Purgatorio.
Books on Reality vs Quanta
Especially two books from 2014, 2017 by Jean Bricmont, a physicist of Université Catholique de Louvain, aimed to address role and need for intelligibility of modern science and its metaphysical foundations.
These are: “Quantum Sense and Nonsense”, 2017 (little math)
And “Making Sense of Quantum Mechanics 2014 (more math)
D. Hume proved in XVIII century that laws of nature cannot be directly observed but are simply implied from experiences via mathematical methods applying rules of reason. “What we actually observe are not laws of nature but events and sequences interpreted as causes and effects only because they come one after another in a sequence but there is no guarantee that those events and sequences will persist in the future.”
The modern scientific proof is a proof of logical consistency of our scientific concepts after numerous interpretative steps (data interpretation pyramid) based on memory of “established rules”. This is just a logical test whether our self-instigated imagination could be fulfilled. It is simply test of consistency between what we think happens in nature and what we think the result, of what we think happens, is.
The results are thought out, pre-conceived prior to experiment via theoretical narratives and as such are being expected. The possible, but unpredicted results are never expected and never perceived (measured) due to specifics of the experiment setup, which excludes such a possibility.
The failure of experiment i.e. obtaining results that are not compatible with predictions of “tested theory” is never examined or explained in terms of new unknown physical processes that may have caused it. Malfunction or error in experiments design or execution are sometimes blamed. If not theory is blamed and appropriate changes are made to fit to pre-conceived, subjectively interpreted experimental results. Theory is adjusted to results. That’s we are told is science.
This well established, and widely accepted procedure of scientific research is nothing but circular chain of mind conceived arguments, which would always produce results consistent with theory if not for flaws of our binary logic used in our subjective interpretation of the experiment. The test is never against reality but solely against mind-conceived expectation of theory as it is subjectively interpreted. The logically well conceived theory will never be proven wrong by experiments until new theory is introduced able to explain experiments that were not yet conceived under old theory.
The Newton theory of Gravity was never disproved experimentally. Einstein/Poincaré developed their new gravity space field theories which could be proven by new experiments previously inconceivable by Newton theory. Issue of deflection of light by gravity forces were not conceivable by Newton theory therefore no experiments to test the theory in such setting were done. We have the same situation in contemporary science as they ask only questions imposed by their theories.
Resume: Nature is a coupled chaotic non-linear non-predictable system. Fixed.
More precisely inaccessible to human mind so called objective reality postulated by Kant, Hegel and Schopenhauer under common label of noumenon is purely probabilistic. Hume early realized that. Kant specifically posited that space and time are inventions of human mind (aesthetic of reason) not related to any sense perception of reality but simply constitute way how we think about ordering of sense perception events (interpreted as objects) and sequences of sense perception events (interpreted as phenomena). We cannot even think about something that does not exists in time and space except of ubiquitous indestructible energy and god that are other names of noumenon probabilistic objective reality.
Interestingly Scotus argued similar or compatible line of thought discussing univocity of God specifically why we often can’t understand reasoning behind Gods judgments for example why innocent are punished.
In other words god ways are inconceivable for human mind simply because they involve no causality meaning for example that people, innocent or guilty, are dying for no discernible to human reason simply because determinism (cause-effect) is an invention of human mind and doesn’t exist in God’s ultimate probabilistic reality.
Lots of big ideas and words. As for “logical consistency”, remember Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem.
Adding to my reply to Eric (sorry mgeo) probabilistic reality may pretend to be deterministic when appropriate conditional probabilities of specific phenomena almost reach unity. It is what explains Hume claims that there is no guarantee that observed sequences of events (causes and effects of those causes) will persist.
Rationality is not limited to science, but also to our ideological views of ourselves; after all: man is a spuriously rational animal. All of our disciplinarian lines of inquiry reduce down to >this< ….word and sentence structure. We can only study what we can report back as intelligible and communicable reduced to logic, grammar, and rhetoric. <Cause and effect> is a structural cognitive metaphor and “habit of the mind”, or worse — “idols of the mind” (idola mentis). We reject scientism but cling to psychologism as personalised ratiocentrism, inventing all manner of bullshit, mythologies, and mystifications inferred as universalisable from personal experience.
Nobody is going to be convinced against the “problem of induction” from any amount of “constant contiguities” inhabiting the mind. Hume and Kant were forced into a sort of impasse that totally rejecting determinism would lead to chaos; anybody could believe anything they wanted based on the worst sort of relativism; kinda like we got now.
<Cause and effect> are intentional anthropomorphisms without which we just cannot say anything; the trick is to accept that and use them anyway as a non-speculative pragmatism. The world is nondual, nonlinear, nonlocal, nondeterministic and our sentences are dual, linear, local, and deterministic. Ergo: all our sentences are a priori wrong and modally false; but some of them might still be useful.
Now all you’ve got to do is convince everyone to stop opinionating and use language as a tool and not a self-invested means of identification! Good luck.
I don’t see the problem. Science is real and rational. Various functions of material beings are real: vision, thought, intention, imagination, creativity, emotions, etc. Our concepts name our ability to abstract various characteristics from reality— beauty, reverence, Truth, Loyalty, etc, etc. This ability is based on our rational faculty, our emotions, and reality.
Who says everything is material? No one believes such a thing; everyday language & grammar reveal that. The existence of causality is in no way a threat or limitation, IMO.
I think you mean “THE Science is real and rational”
All kneel and praise our scientific priests, for only they know the true meaning of reality.
No, I mean the methodology of science is rational and its results reflect reality, but within the context of our present knowledge. Science is never final; that’s why the last step in the scientific method is to maintain an open mind wiling to consider new evidence or theory.
I’ve no idea what you mean by THE science.
An important scientific innovation rarely wins over its opponents. Instead, they gradually die out, while the next generation is familiarised with the new idea from the start. -Max Planck, 1936
Science has invariably been dominated by ego, politics and convenience. Abject servitude to the patron is the entrenched norm.
mgeo, I find it too often dominated by silliness. “I don’t know why that sometimes happens & sometimes doesn’t; therefore there must be parallel universes so that both can be true at the same time.”
Quite aside from everything else that’s wrong w it no “therefore” logically follows from a statement of ignorance.
“Who says everything is material?” Really? Are you serious? I could fill volumes with just the names of all of the people who say just that…word for word.
Todd, when I was ten I read part of a popularized version of Descartes “I think, therefore I am” before breakfast. As I ran in to breakfast I was excited that anyone could have such a revolutionary idea as that reality is a construct of consciousness. AFTER breakfast when he seemed to conclude that in FACT reality didn’t exist or couldn’t be grasped I was furious:
“If I try to walk through that tree cuz it doesn’t exist, I’ll stub my toe.
Anyway, he doesn’t believe it himself; I know he didn’t write the book in my hand; he wrote w parchment and quill, but he believed that they & his readers existed.
It is impossible to maintain that reality doesn’t exist, because when you open your mouth to deny it, YOU ARE AFFIRMING IT.”
My point: I decided right then that formal philosophy had nothing to do w what I termed “philosophy of life.” i.e., it could never be a guide to any aspect of my life or thought.
YOU now say you are concerned about an aspect of formal philosophy that says that only the material exists– you are concerned because someone says– in effect– that vision, free will, and thought don’t exist because they’re not material.
Good grief, man. How can you waste your time on such utter foolishness.
Nor is Cause & effect a limitation. Don’t let me get started on that one.
A “woo woo” for the “spiritual” article , laced with sanctimony for those who reject the notion of mental self discipline which was once the basis of science ? Human overbreeding has led us to the edge of extinction its as simple as that . Worrying about the weather aka climate change since the 1960s instead of stabilizing population growth with all these new “scientific tools” and a worldview that the purpose of humanity is “to gain wealth and care only for thyself advocated by the new religion/philosophy of materialism has brought us this current set of global disasters .
Bring on the down votes.
It’s a masochist nirvana !!
The voting system seems to be running on auto pilot. Maybe OffG will have to give AI its walking papers?
AI is doing it by itself, and nobody can do a shit about it. AI has the right to have his opinion.
Following Nietzsche — especially his proposition of “the soul as a society constructed out of drives and affects” — Deleuze and Guattari further propose civilisation is the psyche, and a dualistic, split-psyche at that. Nietzsche’s ‘soul’ is Freud and Jung’s ‘unconscious’; and we are all Plato’s bitches so long as we conceive of things in schismogenetic and dualistic cognitive metaphors
Between the bipolarisation of eternalism and relativism is a third option or middle way; but the subtlety of such a position is lost in the idealism v materialism entrenchment in cognitive metaphysical metaphoricity everybody take to be metaphorically ‘essentially real’ as substantive materialism.
There is no psyche/soul/psuche/self-ego/mind metaphoricity (anatman as non-soul or non-mind — not ‘no-soul’); but you have to have the mind of a philosopher to reject the mind of the philosopher. It’s not a riddle; you have to know what was made up and inculcated over the millennia in order to reject what was made-up, whilst keeping some of its usefulness.
Barthes called it “the neutral”. In the meantime, we have a deficient scientism and an equally deficient psychologism to choose between as a destructive and nihilistic simulation of choice. And a civilisation constructed out of pseudo-drives, imaginary affects and desiring-production we do not have outside the misconception of the soul/psyche/mind as a willful misrecognition of life affirmation. Which results in an accelerant economic impact driving metaphoricity we made up as imaginary, unconscious drive psychology — only the destructive impact of the imaginary, immaterial, indestructible, indivisible metaphoric string of empty speech is actually realised; whilst ‘we’ remain eternally dissatisfied demanding more.
Samuel Johnson argued against Berkeley’s idealism by kicking a stone: “I refute him thus.” Maybe elegant in simplicity, but certainly a reminder of the stubborn persistence of things usually associated with a physical world, at least when we’re not lost in a mental world and its “view from nowhere” (Thomas Nagel). But their points of view are not mine.
For one, I’m not living their history of early modern science’s controversies and conflicts, largely due to its revolutionary effects in overturning feudal and ecclesial authority. In relation to medieval traditions of ideology blessing ruling powers with divine authority, I can imagine some varieties of materialist theory very liberating for the mind as well as body (except for heretics burned at the stake).
I’m not a fan of mechanistic or any other kind of reductionistic thinking. But I do think there’s a lot of spiritual power in materialist points of view. After all, it’s not so liberating when one’s mind is bound by labor to hammer away at rock in a coal mine, where the stone is kicking back. Besides, many if not most ideas people have may amount to little more than ideas of the ruling class, controlling the material means of knowledge’s production like mass education and communications.
Why must we choose? Materialism versus spiritualism, mind versus body, or whatever other binary opposition we’re told to pay attention to, too often in doctrinaire, gatekeeping terms of authority. These are concepts, not ideas, and to hold them as beliefs leads to absurdities which make atrocities possible, as Voltaire knew, like burning heretics at stakes. Sounds a lot like the same old divide-and-rule controversies and conflicts our masters create for us.
Plato’s Republic rested on the backs of slaves in its conception as well as production. But to read it may yet communicate anarchic qualities of thinking through ideas dialectically, from all sorts of angles, beyond concepts we employ like tools to take us from here to there in our views from nowhere, where as Wittgenstein said propositions serve as elucidations for what’s eventually recognized as nonsense by understanding using them like steps to climb beyond them. If there’s any materialist ‘thing’ thinking to watch out for, it’s with thoughts being turned into things.
Language is a material reality which makes thinking possible. And like Nietzsche said, maybe most of our mental confusions arise from mistakes of grammar. But it seems safer to assume a more metaphorical than metaphysical approach to these and so many other questions which arise from the restlessness of thinking, when it is free to roam. Not either-or dualisms but both-and dialectics. It is what it is, and isn’t. Isn’t that the message from Jungian archetypes to quantum physics?
Along the lines of how Todd starts off, how (not so) strange that a culture of materialism (rooted in rule over things, including us) should produce such destruction of life, of the truth and goodness and beauty of earth. Idolatry of scientific management over resources of living reduced to commodities would have us forget indigenous wisdom of respect for our essential relatedness with living beings, not things, which express the great mystery of existence, of which there is no end to understanding. That thou art. Or Wittgenstein again: not how the world is, but that it is, is the mystical.
Excellent comment: especially as I was beginning to think no one else locally read Nietzsche. Our intellectual forebearers made one catastrophic and lethally stupid error in separating the psychic from the phenomenal and physiological and creating an imaginary Hinterwelt from their increasingly irrational an barbarous metaphors. Thereafter: consensus sapientum: life to the sapient is worthless.
Do we have to continue with the metaphoric model of life when it is proved nihilistic from inception. The rational hated and hate life is they consider there is another truer, more perfected life in the metaphors in their heads. There never was a rational ‘ideal’ and ‘material’ schism of worlds outside the perceived worthlessness of life. Life is not worthless, it is peerless compared to the reductive-materialistic and schismatic version of life derived from its deep-seated hatred for living from which the psychic life is all at once rejection, escapism and defence mechanisation.
It is going to take a long time: but the indoctrinated dualistic separation categories like ideal/material are dogmatic: we should be thinking of their synthesis in embodiment as self-moving living sentient matter; not mechanical dead meat — killed off by cognitive metaphor — that needs an alien anthropomorphism as culturally-generated source of movement. After all, that is what a life-hating culture would have us auto-indoctrinated to believe as herd animal-isation and consensus sapientum. Thereafter: amor fati.
Thoughtful and Interesting read , however you do not address what I believe to be the root of humanities current global calamities ,. That being there are just way to many of us , and continuing to believe that infinite growth is possible..
Its life, Jim, but not as we know it.
Why do you believe “there are just to many of us”?
How do you know:
A) how many of “us” there are.
B) how many of “us” this system can optimally support.
Please cite primary sources in your answer, Jim.
Primary sources: would those be the one we learned in First Grade?
After scientism’s causal rape of the natural world, comes the effect of scientism’s pack rape of the mind.
Whenever I click on the upraised thumb symbol (I like the comment), the thumb down symbol increases by several points.
What is happening here?
Yeah…the overall star rating for this article was a 4.3 just an hour or so ago, now it is at a 3…which would take quite a few “1” star votes…unless there really are that many people that hate me!!
Your a GOOD bloke.
Keep em comin 🙂
Thank you…that is very kind of you.
Strong trollsign happening in response to your piece Todd…well done
When one clicks either vote button, the voting totals refresh and pick up any votes (up or down) that have been cast since the page was accessed.
So, if trolls are nefariously pumping in downvotes on this thread, the unusual increase in downvotes means that the trolls have been busy adding them since the page was accessed, or last refreshed.
Why is it that almost every comment now has at least 7 down votes?
Troll activity. Down votes are meaningless unless accompanied by an explanation which negates the need for them.
Over the target George.
And then there is the psyop of the non-seqitur.
Coward’s. But alot of normies about here. Sorry “Rebel’s” lol FFS 😂😂😂
Now 9 down votes. There can only be one explanation. 9 readers found out all the comments here are pure bs. Thats why!
Is this a confession?
More or less.
Are you including our good buddy Jeff The Beast in with the bs comments? They seem to be coming right from his spleen.
Im just noting someone are pessed. Whoever it is…..who cares.
The reductionist, masculine paradigm that’s been at the root of all the unbalanced and destructive workings of society may be explained in the video below. Posting this may disqualify me on OG for good but what the heck!
Secret Ancient Knowledge Exposed
Published on Aug 18, 2013
A cartoon explanation of the possible “human history” based on the information gathered from all around the world.
Written / produced by jordan Duchnycz & Josef Dolezal
Based on the work of: Drunvalo Melchizidek
God instructed man to subdue the world and be a good steward of the things in the world. You cannot be a good steward without investigating and inventorying the things in the world – the beginning of physical sciences. Therefore, God created science via man for our benefit.
sure thing
yet all these things should be used in an honest and moral way
What we see today is science eliminating God even worse in Mr Yuval Harari’s words we become like Gods!! I could not disagree more with that “vision”
And so after covid we now have “climate change”
Does anybody see or hear about these kind of fires and destruction out of Russia ??
Isn’t climate “change a global thing or does it stop at borders of nations that don’t agree with the narrative
Try to explain total property loss and trees still standing (if even present) , coincidently and conveniently making way for already planned development sounds like “burn back better”
Excellent article!! Thank you Todd…
Horizontal (scientific) thinking vs vertical (religious) thinking. Science vs Religion.
Ideally they work together, though some prefer polarization (on both sides of the alternate-mainstream divide).
Collaboration vs Conflict is perhaps the real divide
Interesting point.
The New Science in action: recategorizing Miscarriages as ‘Resolved’ or ‘Recovered’ Adverse Events:
More New Science “Died Suddenly” video
Its a good video explaining the lot of adverse reactions and SADD.
The development of quantum mechanics which started with Planck’s fudge factor paper in 1900 which proposed that light frequency is quantized and not continuous, and Einstein’s photoelectric paper in 1905, created a big problem for the materialistic scientism ideology. The split light beam experiment firmly established that no experimental results can be recognized without recognizing the role of the experimental observer. The emission of photons is based on the collapse of the Psi wave function, where this collapse is instigated by the observer, prior to which the wave function “exists” in all possible solutions. In medicine we have the placebo effect as well as (with its practical importance to the scamdemic) the nocebo effect. This mind over matter is minimized by giving the process a name without any attempt at an explanation. All new drug trials must be balanced with placebos, both in regard to the test subjects as well as the experimenter, the so-call mandated double blind trials. At least this was the case in the old normal. Then we have what Einstein detested, his “spooky action at a distance,” which is more formally known as quantum entanglement. This violated Einstein’s universal speed limit of c. The speed limit of this entanglement has no known upper limit yet, but its lower limit has been shown to be greater than 10,000 c. Finally, we have physicists coming out and saying that the universe is a holographic simulation, where the laws of physics are imposed by the code itself of the simulation. Which raises the question of who exactly constructed this simulation.
New pictures from the James Webb space telescope now are also putting question marks under the “Big Bang” and other “hard” science Holy Cows….
Reality is Too Big for the human mind, even of the half dozen top astrophysicists left claiming they can make sense of it all, including gravity waves and anti-matter.
Time for something new; not AI, but something totally different, a new dimension, outside of this Matrix.
“Evolution”, next species please? We will coexist with them, as “lower” animals do with us, only they will treat us way better.
very interesting and intriguing article; and one that indicates ALL that is wrong with the world today; in its many manifestations and mirages, i.e., materialism; scientism; consumerism; corporatism; individualism; liberalism; hedonism; solipsism; atheism; neo-feudalism; technoism; tyranism; totalitarianism! And subsequent to writing out all of the aforesaid ‘-isms’ endemic in our dystopic societies today, it is obvious – at least to me – that there should be one significant amendment to your excellent piece of writing; namely: science – and all of its inherent implications – is responsible for MOST of what’s wrong with the world today; as it has totally subsumed all other lenses of meaning/value-making one could have made use of otherwise; and, consequently, impinged upon our innate sensorial capacity to invoke the endless evocative ways to experience the world! That is all!! RGB-Y3 out!!!
Latest on the depopulation in the Hawiian islands.
bing – Behind talk of diversity and equity, the UN is marginalising first nations
bong – Australia now offers the ‘Voice’ of an undemocratic assembly
Indigenous lawmakers would be downgraded from policy makers
yashmak – Replaced with an appointed body under the WEFGreat Reset
yarmulke -Marginalising them in a political “reservation”
mask -If you think, after Maui, that the globalists care for indigenous people…
(Off-G’s bullet points don’t work. Sorry for them. Had to use random words.)
See “Maui Land Grab Explains The Great Reset”
See “From Welfare State To Communitarianism”
“Indigenous People Under Attack By Globalists – From Maui to Australia, first nations are being neutralised”
As well as Moneycircus’s excellent article, I recommend this one too.
Could Australia Vote to Abolish Itself? – American Renaissance
Australia will have very serious problems is there is a majority vote for the “voice”. This applies to all countries who still have populations of surviving indigenous peoples.
Don’t often see the word Communitarianism, excellent article. ‘for the greater good’
“… phallic-like invasion of scientism. With its intent to rip out nature’s secrets and mysteries through the masculine assault of force,”
I almost found myself in The Guardian.
Then quoting “Dr Snake”: The visionary side, which some call supernatural, but it’s really natural, part of us, but has been suppressed for a few hundred years-since the Age of Reason and the rise of what I call “scientism”.
This is the topic Moneycircus addressed repeatedly: the seen and unseen, and the Enlightenment that was manipulated by the rulers to mislead the populace into a more prosaic, dumbed-down state.
For example
Occult Capitalism Or Last Exit To Utopia, Nov 2021
The elite of the Enlightenment worked hard to kick away the ladders and keep the populace in their place. Despite the public perception, there was no one-way road to reason, writes David Riggs in The World of Christopher Marlowe. [4]
The ruling class never abandoned the complete sphere of knowledge. They just constrained the rest of us and introduced the concept of specialization. Education was narrowed to the needs of the job. This has led in modern society to alienation, to workplace dissatisfaction, to what David Graeber identified as the predominance of Bullshit Jobs.
An Appeal To Leaf Lurkers And Tree Whisperers, Dec 2022
If the mass of people have been left half blind, it’s not entirely their fault.
Keep Your Zombies To Yourself, Apr 2023
The masses are manipulated with their own consent. How else to explain their watching TV for decades and still not learning anything about how it manipulates them ?
ET and other friendly aliens call our planet ‘Planet Jonestown’, not Earth. They got it right – We All Live In Jonestown, though some of us are not convinced the CoolAid is ‘Safe & Effective’ tm.
The masses can be manipulated as they are uneducated and kept in a state of ignorance by the ‘ruling class’. But more and more are now waking up and learning – thank goodness for the internet. We are slowly leaving the old Age of Pisces and entering the new Age of Aquarius.
Reductionism bad. Mystification good.
About 3 centuries ago, the battle between idealism and materialism was part of the break from feudalism to capitalism: Under the feudal order, “reality” was determined by the Church (idealism), those who dared to question the Church’s view on reality were heretics. Materialism (the view of science) posited that the world, the order of the world, of society, of ourselves in it had demonstrably empirical causes. “According to philosophical materialism, mind and consciousness are by-products or epiphenomena of material processes, without which they cannot exist.” The materialists showed that the ideology of the Church was a product of material interests: the massive wealth and dominance of the Church – and hence the feudal order – could not be maintained without that ideology.
A profoundly materialist form of analysis that we refer to all the time and use to the great illumination of truth is follow-the-money.
Genuine materialism is older than Christianity going back to Epicurus in Ancient Greece. For many decades right wing ideologues have propagandized the population to think that materialism is just the insatiable desire for lots of stuff, for material wealth. They did this because of their hatred of Marx because he used materialism to question the church of money and of course the domination of the rich over the rest of humanity. What contemporary liberalism had done is turned materialism into a new church (Scientism) whose priests they control (doctors, scientists). Both the conservative and the liberal use the term materialism, either to demonize it or glorify it for the same ends: to maintain and proliferate their hegemony over us, both in material terms and idealistic terms.
What we are really talking about when we today discuss materialism, science etc is the vacating of meaning of terms that used to be liberatory.
It’s all about money and power. When the church lost governmental power, the psychopathic controllers took off their robes and put on suits and ties.
Same shit, different costumes.
Right, the problem is people like Todd above claim, the current problems we face are due to ideologies like materialism, even though people don’t really know what materialism means in the sciences, they just understand this crude, manipulated and vulgarized version of the term. But implicit in your succinct comment is that the “controllers” will use any means to achieve money and power including violence of myriad variety and any deception they can think of (and they are pretty creative when it comes to deception) like the wholesale invention of existential enemies or “natural” disasters, diseases and even turning on its head the meaning of words. Instead of blaming abstractions, why don’t we blame the culprits?
“Particles” are a mathematical device used to explain limiting cases imposed by the scientific method. They can be useful in explaining non-limiting cases of interest in the human world, but that doesn’t guarantee their ontological status.
The second law of thermodynamics seems to confirm the arrow of time, which is fundamentally linked to notions of causality. But the orientation of this arrow (forward or backwards) is a choice: instead of causation you could develop a whole natural philosophy couched in terms of teleology, with the arrow pointing backwards propagating anti-entropy. Essentially other societies have done this (in their ontological assertions) and in most cases with better results.
Regarding “I am Science” Fauci: lmfao. That pretty much says it all, at least as far as the institution of Science^TM goes.
“Let me say that again in another way—if stripped of our reality of love, dreams, intuition, God, myth, and mystery, we would hardly be able to call ourselves human, and we would hardly be able to have any sort of meaningful life. Yet this is what ‘scientism’ wants us to do—to believe that none of these things are real. Herein lies its tyranny.”
Well said! The materialists want to erase Divinity or better yet SPIRIT from our consciousness and the equation of life. They want us to forget life is a form of energy and this energy is driven by an unseen intelligence. They want to negate the fact the earth is a living entity, that if it were not we could not live here and no life could exist on this planet. The earth like all living things goes through changes but the plutocrats use this fact to promote their bogus “climate crisis” meme.
Living a life of meaning and purpose is crucial to being truly/fully alive. Feeling connected is natural we are in essence social beings. The COVID lockdowns wrecked havoc on us socially and psychologically and we are paying a heavy price.
“Western science” and the body politic eschew SPIRIT and the inner dynamics of our being; hence the growing depression, nihilism and anomie we are witnessing resulting in rising drug overdoses, suicides, declining life expectancies and other maladaptive behaviors.
The good news is, we have the power and agency to change. We don’t have to go for their flim-flam and okey-doke. We can alter our thoughts, perspectives and how we see the world. We do not have to ascent to materialist scientism.
Decent comment.
I think you oversimplify the problem of modern societies by affixing the malaise entirely to a rejection of Spirit.
The problem is more complex than that – although, yes, ironically that is one important reason. After all, humanity grew up sucking the teat of spirituality (of God, if you will). So now that humanity is weaning itself, it needs some sort of pacifier – drugs perhaps.
Of far greater import, though, is the fact, as paleontology suggests, that species go through a cycle of growth, decay, and eventual demise. Humanity is closer to its inevitable end than to its beginning. It’s winding down. And no spiritual entity can save it from its terminus.
The concept of the material and the abstract (an example given is “love”) is easy to explain these days because we’re used to the notion of ‘body’ and ‘soul’. In the old days this wasn’t easy to explain because we had no model outside our human experience to work with. Thanks to computers we now have such a model with pretty much everyone understanding the difference between hardware and software — body and soul. Software is not something that exists in a physical sense (although its often seen as lists of numbers on a storage medium) but is very real in an abstract sense, representing anything up to and including a complete world.
The list of numbers can be further abstracted with software like those AI programs. Here, to make them what they are isn’t just a matter of computer code, its the millions of coefficients — numbers — that make the software behave in a particular way. This mechanism of neural nets mimics the way wetware — organic entities like us — behave. The idea has been around for decades but only its only been relatively recently that we’ve had the computing power to make anything that seems useful from it.
This idea of models and how we use them to describe our world and so manipulate it is at the core of much of what we do as science these days. We’re used to “seeing” things but in practice vision as we know it isn’t particularly useful since its not particularly high resolution, it only works over a very narrow slice of the electromagnetic spectrum and the patterns of light that we sense have to be woven into something meaningful by some significant processing. All of these steps can introduce errors so a big part of ‘science’ is learning about, understanding and compensating for these errors. After all, it takes a lot of work to really understand the mechanisms of cell biology and how entities like viruses interact — and hijack — cells. Once explained to the point where it becomes manipulatable — that is, a technology — it might seem straightforward but just to get to this point involved huge amounts of effort. (Same with the entire computers/internet thing — its a really complex subject, it didn’t just happen overnight and it involves innumerable people)(which is why politiicans trying to manipulate it as if it was a Victorian era blueprint for a new steam engine is doomed to fail).
Excellent comment. But you should have carried it a bit further so those of us reading it could get a better idea what your personal view of the article itself is.
>After all, it takes a lot of work to really understand the mechanisms of cell biology and how entities like viruses interact — and hijack — cells.
After all, it takes a lot of work to really understand the mechanisms of cell biology and how entities like ghosts interact — and hijack — cells.
“Viruses” is an unproven hypothesis.
Kit, Cate and admins Sam and Sofie are chipped. They are controlled by DARPA.
I didn’t make the cut!
Fuck you, DARPA!
Will x
I ask for forgiveness for my total mental breakdown during the night. I was under strong substance abuse (delirium, hallucinosis, etc.), and also have a death to mourn, of course, I do not intend to murder anyone, certainly no one, whom I can not even know as a person. Best regards and thanks for your indulgence!
PS: Of course, I’m also sorry for all the bad and stupid insults, I do not even remember what shit I rhymed there. I am not a racist and also no “Nazi” or something!
Tripping your balls off turns you into a 10 y/o Fortnight troll. Apparently.
Sorry for your loss.
Maybe invest in some better shit next time?
It’s simple.
Reality is merely what we perceive. Nothing exists in reality until we perceive it. All matter is merely energy. Since observing fixes reality from superposition, observation is the cause and the resulting reality the effect.
Jung was wrong, synchronistic events do have a cause– our perceptions.
Science is merely a process, a tool, not a product. It cannot “say” anything. Scientists are the ones doing the harm, not science itself.
Check out LaViolette and Brown. There are other ideas out there that explain our reality and allow for “spooky” things like antigravity.
Guns don’t kill people – people kill people.
Matter didn’t kill God – scientists killed God.
Matter is not incompatible with the concept of a supreme being. But it does require a greater understanding of matter itself.
We dismiss dark matter and dark energy out of hand; and yet these offer the best hope of preserving some remnant of a God. Other than simply asserting that the very fact we can’t experience God through our senses somehow “proves” its existence.
Ultimately, everything must have a material dimension in order to exist within the universe. This notion is not “rocket science.” The universe itself is made up of matter; everything in it was created from matter. We now know that gravity is matter. So is time even though the particular matter composing it has yet to be discovered. That which has no matter has no existence within the confines of the universe.
Until we can prove something to exist outside the universe, we should put the notion of God on hold.
Your idea of God is twisted and weird. God can’t be killed.
Your imaginations about Spirit and your ideas of matter come from some twisted form of religion or science.
When you have no clear understanding of what God is, everything you think about God is unclear. Clarity is required for every decent, truthful thought.
Excellent advice for all concerned.
However, the BORG says God doesn’t exist but goes out of its way to interfere in peoples lives as proof that God doesn’t exist.
By the way, you don’t know what God is either.
All one “knows” is faith.
Everyone knows God.
Indeed, as ancient history shows time and again, everyone and his brother knows God, or Ra, or Baal, or Horus, or Aton, or Marduk – take your pick, the gods are and always have been legion.
They’re everywhere! They’re everywhere!
There’s just one God, and everyone knows it since birth. We’re born wise, so we know Wisdom. We’re born with reason, so we know Reason, that is how logic works. We’re born with conscience, so we know what is Good, and therefore we also know what is not good. We’re born with this knowledge, even when we don’t use it.
God is not a name. God is the Truth.
You’re making things too complicated, when it’s very, very simple.
God was the original version of the “Link” now widely employed by our intellectual wannabes and elites , aka deferring/referring a topic of debate to a higher power ?
The most stupid superstitious infantile babble and drivel, which you even dare to dress up in a generalization, as if you wanted to declare your “God”-delusion to be the “generally valid reality”. Since when does your “God” have something to do with knowledge instead of with belief?
God is All-Knowing, not all-believing. What’s there to believe? Lies must be believed, blindly, because someone says so, while truth can be reasoned and verified. It’s as simple as 2 + 2 =4, not 5.
God is not a silly religion where God was made a man. As if the absolute truth was a male person; as if the eternal, always existing, was born once upon a time; as if the eternally blissful suffered greatly; as if the eternally immutable died; and so on. Religion makes no sense because religion was made by men who told everyone you must believe.
God is not a man, and God is not a religion. God is not a book, and God is not a story or a character in a book. God is God. In other words, lies are not true, and the truth is not a lie. To deny the existence of truth is not logical or sane.
What’s knowledge? Truth or a lie?
What’s delusional? Truth or a lie?
If ones life depends on it 2+2 can and does often equal 5. The buffering of reality is the purpose of consciousness ,aka cognitive dissonance , originally self deception described by Sartre
Thank you for sharing your faith.
RE: Matter didn’t kill God – scientists killed God.
No. What happened is that the concept of “God” no longer served the interests of ruling elites.
“We” have not, but you have put the notion of God on hold because of your lack of heart and knowledge. Let me teach you:
When they found the DNA, the final proof of design, even some of the most radical atheist university professors had to give up. It was like finding a stone axe or bronze knife. A burned rectangular red building stone. Some superior intelligence must have designed it.
If you look at and know how our sun system in our universe is build up interacting only to frame human life here on earth, there can only be one similar conclusion:
Some superior intelligent being must have designed this our sun system. It is too complex, intelligent, great and designed, to be referred to as any silly casualty or bang or whatever.
So from today you know a little old man with a white beard is sitting up there in heaven and hear all your bs about him.
The sooner you realise this being a fact, the lesser embarrassed you will be when and if you ever find out.
Once again, you commit the same mistake all theists make: you dismiss matter as some empty vessel which must be filled with something (such as a superior intelligent being) before it can produce anything.
I’m sorry but this is nonsense. Matter is the most exquisite entity in the universe, fully capable of creating DNA, solar systems, human beings or anything else. The absolute bottom line is simply that if matter were incapable of coming together to form complex systems, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
Matter is created by God, the Spirit. I know you don’t believe this, but I have evidence.
You can have evidence too, if you just ask.
So matter is creating everything by itself? A wolf build its own hole by itself. We build a house by ourselves.
The moon collected itself, invented its own gravity, circulation and influence on the earth by itself.
The Karman belt, the Exosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Ozon layer, m.m. with each their thickness and temperature, established themselves by themselves, whereafter a chimpanzee became the cromagnon man by itself who became the stone age man by itself, who became Howard by himself, who is like a computer, by itself and themselves.
All right, let us stay there for a while.
There is matter. There are the products of matter. A planet that formed over billions of years as matter coalesced did not construct itself. Matter does not build houses; it allows itself to be worked upon; but is partner time does help it tear houses down and use the materials to build meadows or mounds.
It helps to think in terms appropriate to the nature of matter.
I neglected to point out that there’s a perfectly good reason all planetary, solar and lunar bodies are spherical. Everything must have a core in order for matter to construct it.
First the core is constructed, then as more matter coalesces around the core, other features are made. The first life forms are a core, and mostly circular in design, which evolve into increasingly complex organisms.
Nothing humans make with their intelligence has a core. Houses don’t have a core, to name just one. As such, don’t expect the house you’re living in to be here a million years from now. Nothing without a core can last.
Howard, I find this an interesting idea. Core and collecting matter around it.
But our construct is too sophisticated and too complex and too intelligent to make your idea feasible.
Think that the sun, moon, all the planets, spheres, are only placed where they are placed with exact each their physics and regulating role to fit the frame of the earth’s purpose.
This whole system moving like plasma within our milkway through the universe.
Lets say the inner earth, a floating gigantic ball of melting lava, is the core. This melting ball core attracts stone, sand etc and in the end clay and soil and seeds.
We still need as always the missing link. Who breath life into the seeds, animals, birds, and humans?
A giraffe and a colibri bird. A core and collecting matter? It does not make sense.
DNA as building design stone to all living, and someone breathing life in it? This makes sense yes.
I mean why would we have the bible and all kind of religious stuff and churches and conversations about spiritual matters in it, if life only was core and matter? Does not make sense.
If we and everything on earth circulates in books and talks around a God or superior being. Saying core and matter cannot fake this up.
No smoke without a fire.
Conclusion, something is there, divine.
Something divine driving it all. Just because it all appears supremely extraordinary to some of us doesn’t mandate the existence of a divine creator.
As far as I can surmise only humans believe matter or gods exists ?With the invention of Pragmatism in the 20th century the differences between truth and belief disappeared ?
“There is no one else quite like you.
This becomes clear if you examine yourself in the mirror for five seconds. There is no one else on the planet who has the same eyes, skin, hair, teeth or fingerprints as you. There is no one else with the same smile, the same laugh, the same body shape as you. Sure, there are plenty of people who are similar, but you could travel three times around the world before you would find anyone else exactly the same. Even so-called identical twins are different, albeit in the smallest of ways.
But small differences are not trivial, because the uniqueness of human beings does not end at our physical bodies. Our emotional and mental states vary too. Anything that happens in our world generates different feelings, and different thoughts, depending on the individual. Astrology, numerology and palmistry all confirm that the human experience is unique to each individual. No two people will ever see the same situation in precisely the same way.
None of this ought to be controversial, but a great con trick has been pulled in recent times. The powerful have conspired in an unholy alliance with the fearful to convince you that differences are the problem and sameness is the solution. Increasingly, anyone who behaves, looks, feels or thinks differently to the accepted norm is cancelled, shamed, or diagnosed, in order to be treated and ‘corrected’. The fearful and the powerful both love to identify difference and call it bad…
The reality that everyone is different – physically, emotional, mentally, spiritually – and that this is a good thing because it is for a reason, so that individual contributions can be made to the world. This uniqueness of human beings is a direct manifestation of God and is what fuels the engine of society. But the powerful and the fearful want to stop that engine, to replace human uniqueness with robotic compliance, and with drones – mechanical and biological – so as to install their new religion, the Cult of Sameness.
To do this they have steadily undermined academia in order to advance their ideas. At the simplest level they promote the need for all humans to have X amount of hours sleep, or eat Y number of calories, or walk Z number of steps every day, completely ignoring the reality that this will not work for everyone, because everyone is different. In recent times the media have been brought into the deceit and enthusiastically push the line that there is really only one set of views that are acceptable in their new society and that those who think differently must be cancelled. This is done under the banner of collective wellbeing of course, all the while ignoring the fact that there can be no collective worth a damn unless it is composed of unique individuals, each with their own opinions, talents and abilities, sharing, co-operating and gaining from each other’s differences. Diversity is meaningless unless it includes diversity of thought.
But the experience of uniqueness goes way beyond human beings, and extends through nature, into the very fabric of life itself.”
Extract from “Sameness and Uniqueness” by Richard Abbot:
Unfortunately, social organization leads inevitably to the very obsession with sameness Mr. Abbot describes. This, because social organization leads to the emergence of a leadership cabal, which seeks above all else to perpetuate itself by tailoring a citizenry adherent to whatever particular set of traits will ensure its survival.
The survival of the leaders is presented to the populace as the same thing as the survival of the society itself. And normally, the populace accepts this false equation.
Only hierarchical social organizations are formed like cults, with the structure of a leader and followers.
Not all social organizations are hierarchical. Equality is not just possible, but real.
All men are demonstrably NOT created equal for the simple reason that Biology is destiny . Attempts at equality even in limited sense have all failed. The new and improved slavery the masses are about to experience could be considered a form of equality as the Hive arrives .
Those selling the iris scan scam say that every person has a unique iris.
Your eye ID. Digital ID, fingerprint ID, voice ID, DNA ID, sex ID, face ID, walk ID.
Scientism: Because atheists need a religion too.
How many “educated” White coats injected stranger’s with something they couldn’t possibly know the long term affects of, unquestioningly? The institutionalised regurgitators are extremely dangerously as are many of their ‘theories’.
Just look at the rise of Autism rates that has, cOiNcdEntLy, occurred with the rise in vaccinations. Not to mention GMOS and all the plastics we have in our “natural” world.
A Phd is no guarantee of wisdom but of indoctrination and regurgitation skills.
The cost of attaining a Phd has become the wages of expressing tyranny.
Science was originally based on truths , religion on beliefs , and only in America since the invention of pragmatism has fact and belief become synonymous?
Scientists invented subatomic particles in order to try to explain things that they assumed. That’s also why dark matter and dark energy were invented.
A playlist on the bs around quantum theory
Thanks Rob for both. Splendid. Especially Heinz von Foerster explain it in a simple way.
It reminds me of a Brazilian filmed joke: A boy 12 years old are observing 2 teenage girls, 16-17 years old.
The first one is fiddling with her fingers as if she had paper money in her hand, “if you have this, you can have this”, pointing at her triangle.
The other girl do the same fiddling with her fingers: “If you dont have this, you can only do this”, making mens act with her bowed hand ups and down.
The camera turns to the little boy who laughs into the camera and says: “todos putas”.
Everything inside a computer is false reality, false math, false science, false money, false physics, false Intelligence (AI), and you have to pay.
If you cant or will not pay for Digital ID and E-money and E-science and fake whatever, your are referred to your bathroom behind closed doors.
Todos putas.
Wow! It only takes 23 minutes and 16 seconds to dispatch quantum mechanics. And it took scientists about 23 millennia to come up with it.
Hey scientists: scoot on over to YouTube to get the real poop!
Yeah, let’s just dismiss that. There’s also a boring video on how the math was modded over and over to get the results expected but if you don’t even want to look into it because you trust scientists telling you that there are invisible things…
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence -Carl Sagan
I’m no fan of science; but I do rather like rational inquiry into phenomena. So whatever the ultimate fate of quantum mechanics, the millennia of observation and inquiry leading to its formulation deserves a modicum of appreciation.
BTW 23 millenia, but only about 100 years for QT?
Apply that to biology and medicine. Centuries of information and only 100 years of vaccines….
But let’s dismiss criticisms of vaccines in the same way you did this.
I hadn’t seen the close connection between quantum mechanics and vaccines. Thanks for letting me know.
quantum mechanics
Two extremely abstract words. The word is not the thing. The map is not the place. Not a ‘speck of science’.
What exactly is a ‘speck of science’?
“Something unknown is doing we don’t know what.”
If something is unclear you can be sure you are presented with a lie.
There is plenty and sufficient proof that science becomes outdated and obsolete and revealed as wrong after only 20-30 years or more.
Spring 2020 was, as ever, the dividing line. From covid on, “Science” became suspect. Or, to be more accurate, covid was the point where, due to the belligerent intrusion into everyone’s life (lockdowns, distancing, masks, vaccines etc.), everyone was forced to take sides. Were they willing to submit to a whole paradigm that could call the common cold an apocalytic virus, attempt to force untested vaccines on everyone, determine that people were deadly contagious on the basis of a test that did not need to correlate with any symptoms etc. Or would they reject the increasing absurdity of this and then wake up to such previous scams as transgenderism?
In short “science” whether capitalised or preceded by “The” could no longer unquestioningly hold the high ground.
Or to put it another way, If you’re going to believe in covid, climate and gender ideology then you have no right to laugh at e.g. Icke’s interdimensional reptiles.
Icke’s “interdimensional reptiles” were the best explanation for awhile as I could not bend my head around all the premeditated evil projected by the elites.
But, as I now understand, yes it is possible for people to exist just for evil.
The problem with Icke is that he knows about psychology of psychopaths, but instead chooses to believe that they’re literal shape shifting reptiles, not the representation of a brain that lacks mammalian emotional parts…
If understood correctly, I must take issue with your line of demarcation above (i.e., ‘from Covid on, science became suspect’), viz. ‘science’; ‘the science’ (or, in today’s world, scientism) has been corrupted for decades upon decades; with the most recent one clearly materializing itself in the early 20th Century; wherein the Rockefellers – and soon thereafter families s/a the Sackler’s – subsumed the previous realms of science and transformed it into the monstrous and maniacal monolith it has become today, i.e., chemically-based; reductionistic; discrete; observable; isolable; etc.; and, moreover, a sphere of society (i.e., the healthcare industrial complex) that has proffered the kakistocracy a conduit wherefrom they could invoke a trifurcation of power and control [i.e., 1. rake in billions of dollars via the sales of their products and potions; 2. rake in billions more via the sales of remedies and cures for the adverse reactions experienced by those consuming said products and potions (i.e., clinical iatrogenesis; which is the 2nd leading cause of death in USA; see Ivan Illich’s, ‘The Limits to Medicine: Medical Nemesis’; and his concomitant idea of 3 types of iatrogenesis, i.e., clinical; social; cultural); 3. design and deliver an intermeshed system of networks {(i.e., medical; economic; political; technological; etc.) see Manuel Castells’ trilogy, ‘The Rise of the Network Society’; ‘The Power of Identity’; ‘End of a Millennium’}]; to commandeer the masses onto the termination point of the processing of the human species (i.e., alchemy), namely: post-humanism! That is all!! RGB-Y3 out!!!
Caring governments actually said the jabs had arrived in record time because they were developed at “the speed of science”.
Philosophy, meaning the Love of wisdom, is the mother of all science, which means Knowledge.
When the offspring has forgotten its roots, not respecting its parent, how could it know what it is. Science that’s been reduced to scientism, which is an ideological or religious worship of nonhuman objects, as if nonhuman was above Human.
It’s ridiculous, since it is not wise. Wisdom itself is nonmaterial, which is self-evident to the One who Thinks.
It seems to be a recurring theme that along with the accumulation of wealth comes increased immaturity. I call it “little king/queen syndrome”.
Scientism is gamified science. Caitlin Johnstone’s latest article addresses how gaming for points (or energy credits), has become Technocracy’s dream system since its inception in the 1930s.
De-Gamify The Earth
“Basically the problem is that our whole planet has been gamified. All the Earth’s life, resources and geography have been folded into this sick game where people commodify them into points called money, for no other reason than to score as many points as possible.”
Why are the Bogus Banal Cheese (BBC) using the word “churn” in reference to a hurricane called “Hilary”?
Could it be that “c” = 3?
Hilary “Clinton”?
California = 3?
Thats half an antichrist, right there……
Letters placed in the correct order is called SPELLING, writing words down SPELLS them.
Witches brew?
Hillary the person caused a lot of damage to the human race, financially we dont even know how much the system reaped from her actions. But i’ll bet its close to equal to the damage about be done by the Hillary the storm.
Karma is a bitch folks and it matters not who or where you are, or even how much you’ve accomplished, it doesn’t give a hoot for payback is the name of its game, and Earth is the place it tames.
Hmm Wicked Witch of The West?
In the beginning was the word, and the word was a God. The bible talks about words of sarcasm can be as barbed wire and kill people. So it gives meaning to SPELL words.
When everything that spills from their mouths is a lie, we know just who and what it is that they worship. Ignore their lies. They have literally sold their souls for riches and status. Don’t capitulate to even one of their sick demented threats, rules, regulations or mandates.
Since 2020 I have been wondering what the word “science” even signifies and how much of our received wisdom under this heading can be trusted. Nowadays, the pharmaceuticals run everything and their grubby grabbing has the ludicrous effect of actually determining “what we know”*.
And “what we know” is what they need us to swallow to keep their dosh flowing. That really is all it comes down to. And it’s so blatantly obvious ….. nevertheless “what we know” is that there is no such thing as a conspiracy and all is coincidence and these “facts” can be “scientifically verified”. And infinite swarms of dumbasses (especially on Twitter – or “X” or whatever) swallow this shit! I have read it myself. Someone points out the screamingly dodgy connections between an “authoritative voice” recommending a vaccine and a nice big pay cheque from the very vaccine recommended … and is immediately shouted down for exploiting an “innocent coincidence”! And the shouters consider themselves to be “properly scientific” and “rational” whilst the dot connector is a “gullible anti-scientific nut”!
*(And, just as a side note, whenever you read a news heading that starts “What we now know about ….”, you can just skip it. But then again, whenever you read a news heading in general, you can probably skip it. Cf. Karl Kraus (paraphrased): “The newspaper said, ‘Open this and feel enlightened’. I didn’t open it and felt enlightened right away!”)
It looks like they have murdered SCIENCE, and the corpse is smelling more than a little. But they didn’t have the good grace to bury it. They are pretending it’s still alive.
Magic? Oh Yes.
(8) Scientific Lies – YouTube
‘With every scientific truth come many, many scientific lies.’ (2011)
‘The observer and the observed are One’ or, as Jesus is purported to have said, ‘ The Father (Life) and l (each of us being an ‘I’) are One’
In the act of Lovemaking we can almost experience that ‘Oneness’. But alas, it requires years of self awareness to fully attain.
Meanwhile, we can only do our best and keep unhappiness at bay.
Thanks Todd.
“Unhappiness at bay” is good. Thanks.
I have always had the highest respect for C S Lewis’s psychological insight. The Screwtape Letters is a brilliant analysis of modern propaganda. This passage on the stultification of the individual in particular:
“The great thing is to prevent his doing anything. As long as he does not convert it into action, it does not matter how much he thinks about this new repentance. Let the little brute wallow in it. Let him, if he has any bent that way, write a book about it; that is often an excellent way of sterilising the seeds which the Enemy plants in a human soul. Let him do anything but act. No amount of piety in his imagination and affections will harm us if we can keep it out of his will. As one of the humans has said, active habits are strengthened by repetition but passive ones are weakened. The more often he feels without acting, the less he will be able ever to act, and, in the long run, the less he will be able to feel,…”
What, then, constitutes “action?” Somehow, writing a book doesn’t. Presumably taking to a street corner and blaring away with a mega horn does. Or tossing Molotov cocktails out the window.
It does no good to reduce action to physical movement alone. If one initiates a revolution and hundreds or thousands of people die, then one has acted – has used his “will” to change the social setting.
Fair comment. Writing can be a powerful stimulus. I would therefore “update” CSL to say that the media love to stir up a kind of helpless sanctimonious sentimentality which leads to those who are less concerned with a feeling that leads to helpful action than with a feeling that leads only to self-demonstration i.e. showing how much they feel. Thus when seeing someone in trouble, instead of lending a hand, they prefer to weep buckets and walk on.
Saw a beautiful description of Peter Hotez as a Goblin in a Bowtie. I would suggest that the similar name could found for Antony Fauci a wizzard in a white coat
On the topic of whether “science” has made living any better, I like this quote from Marx:
“The most developed machinery thus forces the worker to work longer than the savage does, or than he himself did with the simplest, crudest tools.”
On the topic of “materialism” this is an interesting passage from Fredric Jameson:
“…as thinkers from Berkeley on demonstrated, the concept of matter as such is an incoherent one, what Deleuze would call a “bad concept”: it follows that, however intolerable the idealist position in philosophy may be, the materialist one is an untenable alternative. We might add to this Berkeley’s interesting (wellnigh Deleuzian) observation that materialism robs our existential life and our bodily sensations and perceptions of their freshness and intensity by substituting for them just such a formless and non-immediate, sensorily unverificable substratum as matter itself.”
My own conclusion is that reality is indeed “material” but “material” is something ultimately so strange as to cancel out all our previous ideas as to what it really means. I realise I have just delivered something close to a non-sequitur there but that’s what you always end up with after all this “deep thinking”. So that ultimately our lives come down to something that looks a lot like faith. The demand that we always define all our terms comes down to an infinite regress which is why the media love to bamboozle with these “philosophic” games – though they are always highly selective about this rabbit hole i.e. when dishing out something like “covid” they are happy to rest with familiar concepts without question.
‘What real good has [science] done for us? What good beyond making things easier, faster, less meaningful?’
It brought us leisure time, which could be used for all sorts of things, including thinking about how science could be used in a meaningful way.
But most people get bored from leisure time, boredom that can lead to despair.
And so, some shrewd minds who know this have used this knowledge to give people all sorts of imaginary problems which they can use to fill their time with, up until they no longer need imaginary problems to fill their time with as real problems have taken over their boredom. – I am talking about the road to war: first imaginary, then real. The needle is a perfect example. First a fake war to fight covid. Then a real one through recession, failing immune systems, poverty, sadistic measures, what’s not to like.
Science, real science, has brought us a life where we learn that one should cut its toe nails straight and not round to prevent against infection. – Boring eh?
The silver gilt fiction that we nowadays call science brought us interstellar fights of cytokines against healthy tissue which battles can only be won through patented products (€€€) made by pharmaceutical companies whose foot soldiers are medicine men. Star Wars on steroids, and where the storm troopers (the medicine men) think that they are the rebels who fight against the dark force!
The games people play
Sounds a bit like the ultimate Holiday Park DJ, Arthur Schopenhauer, who felt that pain was positive i.e. it was the actual substance of life, whereas pleasure was negative i.e. it was simply lack of pain. Might sound dumb until you realise that pleasure is always fleeting and tends to come as a relief from having a burden lifted (sex being the most spectacular example since a massive build up of frustration leads eventually to the most blissful relief). However, after the pleasure, there is an eventual calming which leads to boredom which is another kind of pain. And so on – mostly pain with temporary reprieves that feel fleetingly pleasurable.
“they” have replaced mass sheep-like religion led by men in dresses, with mass sheep-like scientism led by men in dresses (ok, lab coats)
The idea is these “priests” or “experts” have a better understanding of reality than you do, a direct connection to god, if you will.
Its as inane, and insane, as the nonsense from Fatima.
The public does like a good fairy story, especially those who never grew up and became self sufficient, which counts for 95% or more of the population.
There was always this corny idea most prevalent in the USA and also the UK that:’Doctors are next to Godliness,’ so every right-thinking Jewish mother wanted her son to become one.
Search “scientism and Mark Windows (of the world)”