From Press Room Raids to Indictments, Anything Goes When the Government Piles On
John Whitehead

“When players are piled on top of each other after a mad scramble for a loose ball, it’s a free-for-all. There are no rules. Anything goes. That’s because there’s nobody in the pile to monitor what’s going on.”
Mike Thomas, sports editor
What is playing out before our eyes right now should be familiar to any fan of football: it’s called the pile on, a brutal, frenzied, desperate play to seize control and gain power while crushing the opposition.
In this particular analogy, “we the people” are trapped at the bottom of that pile, buried under a mountain of bread-and-circus distractions, economic worries, environmental disasters, power plays, power grabs, police raids, indictments and circus politics.
The Maui wildfires. The Trump indictments. Hunter Biden’s legal troubles. The looming 2024 presidential election. The Ukraine-Russia conflict.
In the midst of this pile on of woes, worries and semi-manufactured crises falling with sledgehammer-like frequency, monopolizing the media narrative and eclipsing all other news, it’s difficult to stay focused on what’s really going on, and yet something is brewing.
Pay attention.
Caught up in the partisan boxing match that is politics today, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s real.
The indictments against Trump, the investigation of Hunter Biden, and the chatter of the political classes aren’t real; they are more sound and fury, signifying nothing in the end.
As Aldous Huxley observed in Brave New World Revisited:
“Non-stop distractions of the most fascinating nature are deliberately used as instruments of policy, for the purpose of preventing people from paying too much attention to the realities of the social and political situation… Only the vigilant can maintain their liberties, and only those who are constantly and intelligently on the spot can hope to govern themselves effectively by democratic procedures.”
So what is real?
What’s real is the $5,000 fine and five-year jail sentence that could be levied against anyone found driving an illegal immigrant in their car in the state of Florida.
What’s real are the hi-tech policing tools such as robotic dogs equipped with all manner of weaponry and surveillance technology that are rewriting the ground rules when it comes to privacy and security.
What’s real is the North Carolina pastor who was fined $60,000 for ministering to the homeless on church property without a permit.
What’s real is the revelation that Boston officials created and sent police a watch list of the mayor’s most vocal critics, not unlike the government’s own growing databases for anti-government dissidents.
What’s real is what happened in Marion, Kansas, on Fri., Aug. 11, 2023, when police raided the office of the Marion County Record, blowing past the constitutional safeguards intended to safeguard the freedom of the press.
Are you starting to get the picture yet?
The manufactured media spectacles, piled on one after another, have a very real purpose, which is to distract us from the government’s constant encroachments on our freedoms.
In the larger scheme of things, these individual incidents—the police raid of a small-town newspaper, a state ban on who gets to be inside your car, an outrageous fine for feeding the destitute, a politician’s use of an enemies list to silence critics—might easily go unremarked, yet they are all part of the police state’s tendency to pile on: pile on the distractions, pile on the retribution, pile on the show of force in order to completely eviscerate anything that even remotely resembles opposition.
The police state has embarked on a ruthless, take-no-prisoners, all-out assault on anyone who even questions its authority, let alone challenges its chokehold on power.
“We the people”—the proverbial nails to the police state’s heavy-handed tactics—will be hammered into compliance, intimidated into subservience, and terrorized into silence.
It doesn’t matter which party dominates in Congress or the White House: all of us are in danger from these fear-inducing, mind-altering, soul-destroying, smash-your-face-in tactics.
In this way, anarchy is being loosed upon the nation.
Day after day, the government’s crimes against the citizenry grow more egregious, more treacherous and more tragic. And day after day, the prison walls holding the American people captive become ever more inescapable.
The upcoming election and its aftermath will undoubtedly keep the citizenry divided and at each other’s throats, so busy fighting each other that they never manage to present a unified front against tyranny in any form.
Yet the winner has already been decided.
As American satirist H.L. Mencken predicted almost a century ago:
“All the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum. The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
In other words, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, nothing will change.
You cannot have a republican form of government—nor a democratic one, for that matter—when the government views itself as superior to the citizenry, when it no longer operates for the benefit of the people, when the people are no longer able to peacefully reform their government, when government officials cease to act like public servants, when elected officials no longer represent the will of the people, when the government routinely violates the rights of the people and perpetrates more violence against the citizenry than the criminal class, when government spending is unaccountable and unaccounted for, when the judiciary act as courts of order rather than justice, and when the government is no longer bound by the laws of the Constitution.
Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His book Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected]
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Nice article. But wow! – you only had to link to the wiki entry for H.L. Mencken. Come across bits of his stuff over the years – but in today’s world – he really hits it home.
Your article seems to forget that since G.Washington all U.S. presidents share one common ancestor. Therefore, elections were always a myth. The candidates are hand picked based on their bloodlines, going all the way back to King John & Charlemagne.
“In this particular analogy, “we the people” are trapped at the bottom of that pile, buried under a mountain of bread-and-circus distractions, economic worries, environmental disasters, power plays, power grabs, police raids, indictments and circus politics.”
The only thing wrong with this statement is the inclusion of “environmental disasters” which sounds as if they are occurring naturally.
These disasters are man-made, and not in the way they are trying to guilt us into believing. A more apt phrase could be: ‘environmental terrorism’ by government sanctioned BigBiz and the military (cf the paper “Weather as Force Multiplier – Owning the Weather in 2025”, available online). One example is the Gates funding of ‘global dimming’ technologies aimed at destroying our food crops and starving the world’s population.
Also, “wild” fires don’t occur spontaneously just because the temperature rises to 40 degrees C. They are also man-made.
All it would take for the masses to take back their rights and freedoms is for the armed forces to leave their jobs and join us, the people.
Then it wouldn’t matter if we have morons and compromised psychopaths sitting in high political and industry positions.
I watched an episode of the great Rockford Files series last evening. It was titled “So Help Me God.” Jim Rockford got crossed up giving Grand Jury testimony; he ended up in jail and could possibly have spent the rest of his life there. And he was merely a witness, not the subject of the proceeding.
All because he had no way of answering a particular question.
This show was from 1976. So far as I know, nothing has changed regarding the US Grand Jury system.
So, at least in the US, there’s nothing much new under the sun. Just more extreme. But that’s how a cancer works, isn’t it? It starts out slow, almost unnoticed; then it works its way through the whole body.
This latest abuse of power was facilitated by the patriot act which took away constitutional rights and gave massive additional powers to authorities under the guise of keeping his safe. We’d have been better off with the threat of terror. An ironclad rule is when you give people power, they abuse it (see how Biden is abusing his power now to keep his son out of jail), but when you increase a person’s already extreme powers, his abuse goes to extreme as well. No one is safe now, no-one. Let’s just see how long it will h\take for new armed IRS inspectors to gun someone down in their own home, then see the pile on after that.
“What’s real is the $5,000 fine and five-year jail sentence that could be levied against anyone found driving an illegal immigrant in their car in the state of Florida.”
What’s real is most laws are never used.
What’s real is laws that are used are done so in a piecemeal and biased way.
What’s real is is that they publish charges but not acquittals.
What’s real is is they they can not police your every action.
What’s real is they use fear of punishment that is mostly an illusion so that you will police yourself.
to defeat distraction learn more about what they hardly mention.. they picture war in Ukrain as 3rd generation warfare, we are now in 5th generation warfare.. digital disiotization and elegtromagnetic weapons.. what is starlink is the new army’s toy?
My summary, IANAL, after reading the Georgia indictment against Tump and 29 others is that some indicted parties may eventually be found guilty of the counts they have each been charged with. But my conclusion is that the laws of the state of Georgia are such that no candidate who wished to challenge election eligibility of voters, authenticity of ballots, election results, adherence to election procedures, or vote count accuracy within the state of Georgia could easily find a legal way to challenge or to conduct a third party audit of these things. Georgia elections seem happen behind a wall of criminal laws, duties of state officials, electoral college procedures and document ownership rights (Dominion Voting Systems Corporation is mentioned).
IMO, it would be nearly impossible to gather the evidence needed to support a challenge to election results certified to as accurate by the State of Georgia. Since time between the national election on December 14, 2020 and VP Pence’s count of the electoral college votes on January 6, 2020 is very short, any delay caused by laws, courts or procedure would road block third party in depth audits of election results.
What i see as needed is a federal law that makes third party audits easily and timely available to any candidate desiring to challenge the election in which that person was a candidate.
Whan a candidate challenges a state’s election, the whole process of elections should come into play. What election officials did, what records were produced or not produced, what each county did or did not do, which procedures were actually followed, and who was allowed/denied to vote, etc. After all, the time from November 20, 2020 [20 days] to electoral college vote count in the Senate (in this case January 6, 2021) is very short.
Heh, heh… The usual bob and weave. I read pretty much every comment on the page. Let’s blame everything on everyone who’s not employed in law enforcement or in military operations. That way, the innocent can remain guilty of viable idiocy, whilst armed thugs do their every bidding…
Biggest criminals on the plant are in government and other associated institutions…
Many Hawaiians voted for the Biden corpse – if you trust election result: They certainly have a long-standing habit of believeing the promises of big papa government.
That’s WHY Hawaii is getting the Great Reset treatment. Same reason Canadians, Kiwis and Aussies are getting a little tender loving care (a jab) along with build back better — and Brits, too, while their “NHS is my religion” is demolished before their eyes.
Stands to reason that you cannot force this shit on an uncompromising population.
Stupid politicians implement ever-more stupid policy
Unseen owner-investors advance their interests by appointing compromised individuals to high office.
Germany’s Green coalition is a prime example. Top prize goes to the Greens’ leader and German foreign minister Annalena Baerbock, summarised in the article, “11 discrepancies discovered in German Green Party chancellor candidate Baerbock’s CV.”
The people are schooled to love master and jab
Two generations in the West have been schooled to think any criticism of a politician, especially female, is an unacceptable moral offence – as is criticism of Finlands “feminist” government, formerly led by partying prime minister Sanna Marin or Britain’s four-week PM, the student politician Liz Truss, or her unelected oligarch replacement Rishi Sunak.
Or the London mayor Sadiq Khan who is pushing the illogic of driving at 20 mph to save the environment, when it’s been long established that fuel efficiency is optimised at higher speeds.
You begin to wonder if these individuals are placed in the role because their gender or ethnicity protects them from accusations of being incompetent placeholders for power.
Labels and buzzwords replace critical thinking
Generations have been brought up to venerate labels – from music, to culture and now to 57 varieties of “gender.” Never confuse labelling with facts and arguments. Labelling allows the use of buzzwords to facilitate brainwashing.
By combining buzzwords with political front men, an adult conversation about the direction of society is rendered impossible.
As comedians Jimmy Dore and Kurt Metzger observed, everything becomes about labels: Q-Anon conspiracy, “punching down” and – a new one for me – “class reductionism.”
Apparently it means observing that there are class interests, and that not everything is explained by identity politics.
So while a cadre of Western performative identitarians wage war on constitutional, free speech, other voices go unheard – those of Ukrainians dying in a war from which only oligarchs stand to gain, and of Hawaiians silenced in the flames or the waves to which they fled.
Maui Land Grab Explains The Great Reset
I only did what my government told me to do, therefore its not my fault but THEIR fault.
If you are so wise, YOU should show leadership and tell us what we should be doing else than that. I have bills to pay.
YOU should say what we should be doing, and if you cant do that its your fault and not our fault! YOU are the guilty one because you didnt say to us what we should be doing 👺
I’m kind of making the same point that Off-G posted a couple of days ago:
“The content of the syringe was never the important part. The point was that you got injected because they told you to.”
OFFG’s point about Nord Stream: It doesn’t matter who did it.
Voluntary. After being informed it was voluntary, experimental, new, untested.
Approving it legally, signing it, promoting it, forcing own children and employees to take it.
Accepted voluntary an investor group sucking the public coffers, your tax money, to pay for test sticks.
Accepting voluntary these sticks were put up through your nose into the Pineal Gland.
Signed off voluntary these investor groups took ownership of your DNA free of charge, use and sale.
And finally, signed off voluntary and legally allowing these investor groups to experiment with the DNA in the injected body, on receipt of a paper allowing this body to travel, buy and sell with this investor group’s e-money appearing on a smart phone this body voluntary paid for.
Are we animals or what? Are some people born animals, and some people born humans?
Some people tell me their ancient forefather was a chimpanzee who became cro magnon who became stone age man who became those today who are like a computer.
Ok if you say so many times it must be the truth about you. I mean you are the one who know about you.
So if you are like a computer it is not worth to tell you about how it is to be a human. Why?
Because all inside a computer is synthetic. Its math is synthetic, its physics is synthetic, its emotions/heart/smile are synthetic.
Its Quantum computer is synthetic, and what is synthetic cant understand a human and the laws of the human earth and world..
I think the statement by Off-G needs some clarification. It is true that the contents of the syringe was not important – but only for the brainwashed general public who was propagandized into believing that the jabs were (and still are) “safe and effective.” However, for those who are running the show, the contents were (and are) very important as they contain the bioweapon which is being used as part of the de-population agenda.
Alas I succumbed. I feel so ashamed of myself and angry with myself
If all those who succumbed to orders to get jabbed feel sheepish or worse, that is a win for the manipulators.
Let’s assume you’re being run over by a bus. It is the bus driver’s fault, he should have hit the brakes. And that’s why you’re ok with it?
If a bus driver run over somebody and it is his fault, the police will bring him to court and the court will give the bus driver due punishment for his failure, and secure he and/or his insurance company will give the run over guy’s family due compensation for their loss.
Mr.rechenmacher. Is there anything else you wanna know?
You should be doing everything yourself, then you don’t have to submit to the wishes of gvt and corporations, or even god for that matter, that was rather simple huh?
You always have to submit to the wishes of God. Always!
Not if God is about to go broke, then Id be better off on my own.
Why should God go broke?
The concept doesnt exist in God’s and our physical world; endless sun energy, endless wind, nuclear and wave energy, the inner core has unlimited access to iron, metals and a variation of noble metals.
The vegetation always produces more than can be consumed by the living.
You choose too many red doors and in the end you haven’t the resources in the right place to continue the evolutionary process you began, that’s why.
“resources in the right place to continue..” What is that??
Ohh, you move out in the Nevada desert, build a house, and then you sit down in your armchair whining and crying God didnt provide you with all the right resources on a silver plate for your accommodation here.
Is there any possibility You who could have misunderstood something?
It’s an era of epidemic lying, a sickness of the soul. Lying is mental sloth because you would rather lazily lie than address the consequences of your actions.
Hear, hear!!! The sickness is very real, and the denial, simple laziness. Bravo!
Nice quote.
All this GOVERNMENT chat ffs; Whats been blindingly obvious over the last few years is the ‘GOVERNMENT’ doesn’t exist, its an administrative layer at best.
I agree 100%, there are no Governments anywhere, only corrupted lackeys carrying out orders from their paymasters.
“when the government views itself as superior to the citizenry,”
It’s human nature you have to change it young:
“Monica and I have formed a new political party with our schoolfriends. Monica is Leader, I am Secretary and the rest are just ordinary members” — The Diary of Adrian Mole, Age 14.
Hiding behind a woman’s skirt. Adrian is not aware of his universal role as man, neither is Monica.
We talk about US presidents all the time — Obama did this, Trump did that, blah blah blah. But really it’s never the president doing those things, it’s the empire. The president is just the face of the operation, the name they put on the door that they change every few years to create the illusion that the US government is responsive to the will of the electorate.
Why is it that only extremely wealthy people get to become U.S. president?? Can’t remember the last time I saw an electrician or plumbers name on the ballots.
Their is an evil w/in the human that drives them toward politics, if this blood is not part of the human at a relatively young age, they wind up with a different profession.
Its because the American people are jumping around like poodles on two legs with their little tail up and down, their long tongue slashing and dashing down to the right side with shiny eyes all over their face, when they elect extremely wealthy people to become their Presidents. Thats why.
Dont believe me? Go search google images “American elections”. Proved!
Piling on the distraction that affects everyone day to day. It’s hard to think about anything else when food is too expensive.
The cost of living crisis (inflation) is an engineered transfer of wealth. Artificially increasing the price of energy is the means to which this cost of living crisis can be spread throughout the community.
Rising (inflating) interest rates is another transfer of wealth based on the lie that it is a tool to reduce inflation. Inflation is driven up by increasing the cost of energy and bank interest. Energy companies are quietly making record profits. Banks are quietly making record profits. BlackRock, Vanguard and the like are making a killing. Don’t these entities own the banks and energy companies, weapons manufacturing, pharmaceuticals and Rumble?
RBA Governor, Phillip Lowe – all his presser’s – he never fails to mention tools at his disposal to mitigate inflation blah blah blah.
I recently went to Bunnings and politely enquired if they stocked Phillip Lowes’ tools.
Bastards – the entire lot.
200 mio Americans is said to have got the jab and the booster. Just saying. (60%).
Who were the pricks voting Biden and Co into office? You voted the garbage in.
You put your X on paper on the Commies and you got Commies.
They were poor people looking for the democratic handout, and for a short while they got it too, but now payback is a bitch and the promises are not as easy the second time around.
Biden’s a communist?
So we go into the presidential reading room and see the works of Marx and Engels on all the shelves?
Presidents read?
Pull the other one Maxwell.
Marxwell. Fixed.
Shows how skewed is U$ politics, and how meaningless its slogans are, if Tweedledee Biden is “Communist” and Tweedledum Trump is “Far Right”.
Ideology. His and his party’s actions and policy shows clearly he is a Commie.
Neither Biden nor Trump are Commies, nor are their parties. None of them say things like:
“Rob the rich and spend on the poor” — Robin the Red Hood.
The first, the last and the only Commie POTU$A was FD Roosevelt.
Well, to be fair Maxwell, why not (about the books)? Certainly not on all the shelves, though. Doesn’t mean anything of course.
It can be called a Through the Looking-Glass dystopia, The Hologram, etc. But whatever one labels the deplorable status quo, language and public discourse have been warped and degraded by the Curse of Babel. It’s especially obvious in the current mangled, pernicious use of political terms like “left”, “Communist”, “socialist”, etc.
There are infinite examples, sadly, but just now I saw California Gauleiter Gavin Newsom– an authoritarian crypto-fascist monster– blithely referred to as “far left”. So “far left” he’s right, I guess. 😡
Well then, who were the pricks who voted for Trump? If you think that would have been better then you haven’t been paying attention Erik. That’s absolutely not insinuating support for the senior imbecile himself or the insane clown posse known as the democratic party. The real question is who were/are the pricks who are perpetuating this corrupt political system by voting.
In the 2020 U$A erection 37:2% of voting age serfs allegedly did not vote.
“They” could NEVER get away with what they do without the majority’s permission, never.
That is what THEY fear.That one day the majority take their lives in their own hands, get to know what is right and wrong, and kick all these suckers out of office.
The majority are too much cowards for that.
THAT is the truth. The majority are arselicking pricks, fraudsters, perverts, morons, sticking a knife into rightful people’s back immediately they see one in their neighbourhood, to please the strongest alpha prick in charge like a bunch of hyenas would do.
Only a minority of us are not hyenas. .
i thought we all wrote in ‘Put In’
But out of two evils, there was a difference. Trump made jobs, and not wars. Biden made wars, and not jobs. Washington is a snake nest.
We talk about US presidents all the time — Obama did this, Trump did that, blah blah blah. But really it’s never the president doing those things, it’s the empire. The president is just the face of the operation, the name they put on the door that they change every few years to create the illusion that the US government is responsive to the will of the electorate.
Would that be the Non Credibility Caitlin?
So why do you say that? Lots of details and examples, please.
Why do you say that? Have you read something in the New York Times about writers who critique US foreign policy and her name was included in the smear piece, and you believed it?
I presume you have plenty of examples to justify your secondhand claim. I would love to see a list of incidences, details and links to offending credibility destroying writings that you have observed.
Maybe you are employed to smear writers with nothing more than an empty claim. Maybe you are nothing but a troll. It’s time to dish up, Johnny.
I stopped reading any of Johnstone’s articles back when she supported Bernie Sanders and the democrats. That’s when she lost credibility. She writes simplistic shit some people want to hear to keep her game going. I don’t even open her articles. We aren’t the only ones who caught on to her.
Tell everyone here about your credibility, Johnny. With a completely unsubstantiated claim that is nothing more than a cheap dirty smear, it is instantly obvious to everyone who reads anything you say in this comment section, that whatever you bring to the table is garbage to be laughed out of the room. Your credibility is in the toilet.
Did you go to school? Can you read articles and are you able to critique them in a way that makes any sense. For example the article referenced, go on then, rip it apart. Show us its short comings, the bits that destroy the author’s credibility. Are you sharp enough to do that?
What sort of person are you, really?
Imagine if someone replied to your comment with “Would that be Johnny, Johnny the kiddie fiddler?” How would you see that? A baseless claim, with zero substantiation, specifically designed to make people believe you are sub human to be cast from society, and in the case of your stupid claim, to discourage people from reading the article. Is that the sort of person you are? For what purpose did you think you were going to achieve, other than demonstrating your personal idiocy, with your smear.
Must have hit a nerve.
Simple. She’s a Branch Covidian.
Done talkin.
You are full of crap, what a ridiculous claim.
It’s the best you can do, I see. Yawn.
Searching for a scapegoat.
“Its not the President, it must be the Empire, the refugees, the whites, TPB, Gates, you name it”. “Obama was the nice guy.”
Are you serious, Erik? Do you really think that is what the article is about?
I read the article. Previously I read some of Catlin’s articles. There is no substance in them. I dont get wiser when I read them. It is punches in hot air.
It is typical controlled opposition, blowing up fragments of reality to fill people’s brains with bs.
And you confirm this impression by saying “really think what the article is about?”.
If we dont KNOW what the article is about, but have to THINK about a fluffy Empire instead of a President we are wasting our time. Period.
havent voted in years, got a voter report card said i voted dem across the board… shoulda coulda woulda sent it to okeefe. Colorado.
‘Anarchy being loosed’
For fuck’s sake John, get it right.
Anarchy = rules WITHOUT rulers.
Anarchy IS Freedom.
What is ‘being loosed’ is Corporate Facism.
And they demand a controllable, moron in the halls of hubris.
Trump was a loose cannon with more hubris than they could control.
I can smell the future, and it happens again…
An overheard glitch in the digital playground between lock-down lessons:
Lizzie Borden took an axe,
But we’ve got Lucy, and the vax.
But don’t suppose the job is done,
Roll up your sleeves for another one.
I have wondered if the transgender issue is largely one of those distractions. I say “largely” because, as is typical with the cynical pragmatism of the rulers, any endeavour is milked for maximum returns. Transgender ideology has several functions: it causes hugely vitriolic divisions; it contributes to the depopulation agenda; it provides an Orwellian assault on language itself by calling pronouns, adjectives, etc. into question thereby hobbling all conversations; it generates lots of dosh for drug barons and surgical butchers etc.
And yet, going by some apparent backtracking in the media (e.g. a slightly more favourable reportage of anti-trans protestors like Graham Linehan), it may be that this particular “jig” is up. And I reckon the spin doctors behind it always knew it would most likely be a temporary thing.
Of course that doesn’t stop them whipping it up whenever they want. But we are living in a new media era where there is less shame than ever regarding rotation of bullshit that’s been called out innumerable times but nevertheless gets indefinitely regurgitated.
Post duplicated since I got fed up with waiting for it to escape pending.
Transgender politics has allowed governments to wash their hands off on the issue of widespread related mental – and physical – illness. No doubt, the widespread use of and pollution by hormone disruptors is related. Not that the pseudo-sciences of psychology and psychiatry have been of any help.
The “secret war” against the “invisible enemy” is real. But it contains plays within plays within plays. And this is necessary because most people are not ready to be “free and independent”.
For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy . . .
The President and the Press
Delivered in Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, April 27, 1961.
“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy . . .– JFK”
If that was the same JFK who wasted billions of U$D landing on the Moon and in the Vietnam quagmire, I guess the “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” that JFK opposed was not the CIA (headed by his foreign secretary’s brother) but Communism lifting entire peoples out of poverty and colonialism.
What’s real is first and foremost that insidious “cost of living crisis” through which prices are often no longer merely creeping up but – and for once the word is fitting – spurting up. It’s the kind of thing that folk are embarrassed to mention because it seems so bourgeois and affluent to complain about. After all, “Don’t’ you know there’s a war/pandemic/planetary collapse on?” But just do a projection of these price rises into the future whilst simultaneously reflecting on the gradual slump in services and general bleeding away of the wealth into increasingly gaping black holes sanctified by labels like “vaccine research”, “climate study” etc.
The cost of living crisis (inflation) is an engineered transfer of wealth. Artificially increasing the price of energy is the means to which this cost of living crisis can be spread throughout the community.
Rising (inflating) interest rates is another transfer of wealth based on the lie that it is a tool to reduce inflation. Inflation is driven up by increasing the cost of energy and bank interest. Energy companies are quietly making record profits. Banks are quietly making record profits. BlackRock, Vanguard and the like are making a killing. Don’t these entities own the banks and energy companies, weapons manufacturing, pharmaceuticals and Rumble?
I have wondered if the transgender issue is largely one of those distractions. I say “largely” because, as is typical with the cynical pragmatism of the rulers, any endeavour is milked for maximum returns. Transgender ideology has several functions: it causes hugely vitriolic divisions; it contributes to the depopulation agenda; it provides an Orwellian assault on language itself by calling pronouns, adjectives, etc. into question thereby hobbling all conversations; it generates lots of dosh for drug barons and surgical butchers etc.
And yet, going by some apparent backtracking in the media (e.g. a slightly more favourable reportage of anti-trans protestors like Graham Linehan), it may be that this particular “jig” is up. And I reckon the spin doctors behind it always knew it would most likely be a temporary thing.
Of course that doesn’t stop them whipping it up whenever they want. But we are living in a new media era where there is less shame than ever regarding rotation of bullshit that’s been called out innumerable times but nevertheless gets indefinitely regurgitated.
Isn’t it strange that “Digidog” looks exactly like that robotic dog in a Black Mirror episode, could this be predictive programming I wonder?
No. The Black Mirror dogs were based on the Boston Dynamics robots. They have been in development for a long time.
There is something very wrong with ‘oppressed’ white folk bemoaning the highest materialistic commodification and ultimated standard of living ever achieved on this earth; all of which came from violent oppression of inferiorised unpeople as a direct result of MLK’s “triple evils”: structural racism; structural militarism; and structural consumerism.
Whitehead cannot even mention the disproportionate number of unpeople of colour incarcerated for commodified profiteering. There are many unpeople oppressed and left behind in America; but I very much doubt the current author is amongst them. Those who do benefit literally have never had it so good because ‘their’ government has had no ethical scruples whatsoever in organising crime syndicates, laundering money, state terrorism, drug and arms dealing, death squads and so on. I suppose he thinks he worked for what he has got through his own effort alone?
The ideological remonstration that the high income imperialist countries in general are full of oppressed whitefolk is beneath comprehension, and possibly even reprehension. The schizoid-paranoid projection that ‘westerndom’ is under some sort of siege and not decomposing due to its owned corpulent mortification; and that ‘our moral standards are being eroded’ is symptomatic of a very special kind of irrealisation psychosis. You build on the hatred of the other, glorified greed, apotheosed avarice and appetency and you sink into the morass of your owned making. Protested with all the authenticity of a Meghan Markle accusatory maundering.
Is India full of these white folk? China?
One word, kalergi.
Yes. But, no one wants to pin the tail on the donkey’s ass. >>>
“The man of the future will be race-mixed.”
—Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi
A) Kalergi Plan; The Extinction Of The White Race : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
There are no races; race itself is a eugenicist construct. All human beings share the same genetics with obvious (epidermalised) distinction, but without actual sub-speciation. Not that you would know it from ideological eugenicism and supremacism which is still one of the main determinants of poverty. The high income countries are predominantly white, get over it. The point is to at least try to overcome innate and inherent structural racism in the dominant white monopoly economic system; not fucking moan about paranoid-schizoid loss of privilege. Are we going to be promoting Douglas Murray et al next? Or are you saying white supremacism does not exist. We are all mixed race as the genome was predominantly ebony black and the epidermalised ‘white genocide’ only appeared recently in the heads of eugenicists, as the last variation in skin colour. Should we not be at the bottom of the racial pedigree, or should we try to breed equality?
The skin color difference is Nature revealing distinct and adapted features to environmental conditions. Social conditioning was once exclusive to geographic location as well. Variance in social condition will never be settled amicably, because everyone seeks exclusive “control” of the situation. Eugenicists have no racial preference, per se’. They just want everyone dead but themselves…
In my experience, all “races” display racial preference. I find no fault in racial preference, but do find fault in the inflation of politically prescribed conditions… Racism is a handy propaganda tool…
So ‘press room raids raids and indictments’ constitute a ‘government pile-on’ but american militarism, whole people enslavement, genocide and ecocide do not? Ever heard of ‘white monopoly capital’ invested in India and China? It was in living history that China became an economic powerhouse after the biggest internal forced migration in history instigated by ‘white monopoly capital’ investment. If you do not remember, whole american industries were crated up and sent to the “special economic zones” of china, which are technically ‘offshore’. Similarly in India. ‘We’ turned the third world into our ‘offshore’ manufacturing facility. Space and time prohibit a more detailed exposition, but it is well chronicled elsewhere.
And now financialisation is proving a curse and collapsing in on itself. The ‘rust belt’ was self-incurred privilege and freedom which extended to only a few. The rest of the world and much of america itself became sacrifice zones (Hedges) to white privilege — and now they are fucking moaning about it because the very same system of paramilitarised governmentality is turning in on itself; look to the third world and the sacrifice zones and tell me again that a press room raid is a pile-on.
It’s not white privilege cock, it’s rich privilege. Heard of food banks? India and China were home to the most fabulous wealth and privilege and the most distressing poverty and want before they ever saw a white face. When one reads of the obsequious salaaming of Indian servants remember it was Indian oh yes and Persian masters that beat it into them over centuries. And, if you think about it, there’s a very swarthy countenance to the centuries old money power. I’m lilly white, without privilege and live very creatively on very little thank you very much. Stuff your white privilege.
I’m lilywhite too, and the economic fact that the HICs in the First World have a higher standard of living than the Rest is undeniable except through pretense. I cannot be bothered to argue the fact as it is so well chronicled. Our freedom is their unfreedom which is ethnic supremacy which we should be agreeing to overturn, not arguing about their existence.
The food banks in the global south are far more subsistence level on enforced economic dependency than ours. BTW: degrowth is all about redistribution of economic resources ending food bank dependency here, there and everywhere; but it never seems to get past the reactionary irrational emotive stage that everybody would be better off with a smaller economy….heaven forbid we actually thought shit through!
Just wait a few years for the WEF’s levelling and you will be selling beads to Chinese tourists and scuffling for scraps with a multi hued bunch of fellow plebs. It’s coming.
During the long years of the Soviet Union, more black Americans owned a car than white Soviets. But please, do continue to tell us about the inherent nature of white privilege.
And after the Soviet Union; or did you not hear about the neoliberalisation of the Russian Federation flooded with white monopoly capital? Not long before the current demonisation, russian bond sales were selling like hotcakes in London — sorry londongrad — which is awash with soviet and post-soviet capital in the form of the global laundromat. Again, a full expose of the intimate connection of laundered soviet money and the ‘eurodollar’ is prohibited; but a more modern comparison might be more revealing?
White privilege equals a globalised pigmentocracy, which when you include the eurodollar as a main source of currency is a form of virtual apartheid controlled by the ‘big 4’ accounting cartel that seemingly ranks on skin colour alone. Not heard of the Third world debt and the onerous compounding of interest that means the third world is our sweatshop working for free to produce our privileges?
Our liberties and freedoms are their neoliberalisation and unfreedom as colonised by debt. If it were the other way around, we would be working in sweatshops assembling goods for sale actually in the amazon and in africa. Maybe then we could call a press room raid a full-on government pile-on; but not now.
BTW: I recently posted a link to Hickel; if we lowered our lifestyle we could end third world debt and third world poverty, but we do not. That I call white economic imperialism and unearned privilege; what would you have it called?
The idea of the oppressed white in the high income countries is the utmost ideological fantasy. Self-oppressed in the head maybe; but as a universalisable truth…. are you actually kidding me?
Detective Suspended for Investigating Vaxx Status in Baby Deaths
Her investigation into neonatal deaths via seeking parents’ vaxx status was termed “unauthorized.”
Helen Grus was also actively against masks & mandated vaxx. She was one of “fewer than 10” Ottawa police suspended for failure to get at least one jab.
Good article thanks for ! Then again the Constitution is 250 or so years old and the language/words used at that time have been redefined repeatedly and are now divisive as used by those constantly invoking it ?
Ed Dowd–
“The billionaires, in my opinion, want the Hawaiian islands for themselves. Ellison bought and now owns 98% of Lanai (140 sq miles). Zuckerberg is buying up Kauai. As you know Bezos and Winfrey are here in Maui.”
btw, the alarms didn’t go off cuz they decided NOT to use ’em in case people wd misunderstand, think the emergency was tsunami & go inland, thus running into flames.
And the cell-phone warning system??
And why were children sent home where many perished alone? Standard procedure is to take them en masse to safety.
Ah but alas those ‘people’ engaging in democide do not care about such things. The US Air Force Research Laboratory has a facility atop Mt Haleakala (over 10000 ft) with direct line of sight to Lahaina. Lest we forget the carpet bombing of Asian cities, or Belgrade, etc. come to that. The sick irony was:
‘Urban renewal the American Way/ Collateral Damage.
Lahaina Is Within 40 Miles of a U.S. Government Directed Energy Facility on Maui – Great Mountain Publishing
The billionaires already own most of the real estate in Hawaii . The Hawaiian Islands are in fact a main retreat of America’s rich and famous , its Japanese operated service industry/tourist business , and Pineapple plantations and have been since the US acquired the islands from the English who found closer playgrounds for their rich and famous at the time .The Insurance industry could be the big loser here if it is not able to get the good old American taxpayer to pick up most of the rebuild cost with this spin campaign , Disaster capitalism in action ?
The same goes for California, Greece and Puerto Rico… so far.
When I heard about the raid on the Marion County Record I thought to myself that “I hope the police found a decent sized meth lab there because if they don’t they are going to be in a world of hurt”. Even with traditional / legacy media under pressure the idea of a free press is still very much alive and well in the US. This doesn’t mean that people won’t try it on — people in power seem to need to flex their muscles — so we need that press. Which is, incidentally, while I still subscribe to a newspaper. I know its old school, I know that most of the news is obsolete because I got the information on-line hours before. But I’m paying for journalists. Maybe there’s not enough of them, maybe they’re not high enough quality but I need to at least think that someone, somewhere, is out there digging up stories and not just regurgitating press releases.
Well, if I had one piece of advice for the ‘American people’ it is this:
‘You can’t complain about what is being done to you now that it has come home to roost after decades of US Deep States doing exactly the same to peoples of other nations’.
You want sympathy, you string up Victoria Nuland literally. Not figuratively: literally.
You do something rather worse to her boss, Tony Blinken.
You absolutely ignore everything that Bill Gates says, that George Soros says, that the UN Chief says, that the IPCC says, that Volodymyr Zelensky says, that Joe Biden says.
You assume that Donald Trump is a pathological liar until proven otherwise (he sometimes tells the truth, more usually he treats the rest of the world like s**t).
You ask why RFK Jnr panders to the pressure of Jewish/Zionist agent provocateurs, when the most pressing engagement for all Americans is to rid yourselves of all Zionist/dual citizenship influences.
You assume that you are at war with your Deep State, because that is the best, most pessimistic assumption that you can make.
You assume you have more in common with everyday Russians (who your Deep State tells you are evil incarnate) than you have ever had, nor ever will have, with your own Deep State prostitutes.
You assume that scientists are wordsmiths for hire as soon as they get multimillion dollar grant funding incoming.
You reject the non-science of Anthony Fauci and you throw his sorry ass in jail, where he has belonged for a very long time.
And most of all, you keep a very, very wary look out for extremist Christian totalitarians who see a unique opportunity to create a US version of Iran on you all, despite the fact that huge numbers of you don’t adhere to their bigoted, hateful, unforgiving creed.
Those are actually eleven pieces of advice for the American people, but they’re perfect! 🙂
Unfortunately, the American people can only handle one at a time.
The jabs gave them all ADHD…
Nobody is ever gonna tell America how and when and where we must bomb, nobody.
If we see a mountain we remove that mountain. Why? Because that mountain was in the way, thats why!
We bomb where we want it, when we want it and how we want it, and nobody can do a shit about it. Period!
1000+ votes. We’re all Palestinians, Yemenis, Sudanese, Guatemalans, East Indians, on and on. Viva the Church of the Wholly Bigoted… Let us Prey…
The American people care for one thing only: safety. Nothing else matters to them anymore.
Ever since “911,” and an attack on their invincible nation (regardless who the actual perpetrators were), the American people have willingly given up one after another freedom for the feeling of security a strong government represents in their minds.
There is absolutely, positively nothing the police state has taken from the people that they did not gladly abandon in exchange for “keeping them safe.”
Now they’re safe from every possible threat – except that posed by their government.
As the Roman poet Juvenal asked (loosely translated): “Who will protect us from our protectors?”
Oddly enough, safety is the one thing that doesn’t exist on this earth…
So much anxiety could be avoided if people would just recognize that simple fact and deal with it.
When one’s life comes to a close – as we all know it will – the only comfort is in knowing that it meant something to somebody, somewhere.
How the hell you can talk about 330 million people as all thinking the same thing is beyond me. Where are you from btw where it seems the people don’t willingly give up their freedom? Don’t say Britain because I’ll spit out my coffee.
It might be worth pondering where American ‘freedoms’ came from: other people’s unfreedom. Manifest Destiny meant going abroad and taking other people’s freedoms by violent appropriation, genocides, imperialism, and enslavement at the cost of 20-30million “humanitarian murderings” since WW2 alone. American freedom sits as a gravestone on one of the largest body piles in history; which is now beginning to sink into the decomposing mortification of its own-making. Everybody knows that Blacks and Latinos form a disproportionately high percentage of the for profit prison industrial complex; a fact that the current author glossed over.
And your point is relative to my comment? And again, where you from, man?
All forms of government created by humans eventually become tyrannies !
Yep! Who guards the guardians.
As an American, I agree. The poison of safety-ism has made us puerile and submissive to the state. It disgusts me. And it makes my friends dismiss me every time I point out that they have no balls. Oh well, they can die their early death with the vaxxes.
And so you include yourself with them just because you’re an American and so are they? Iow, safetyism has made YOU puerile and submissive? I hope you can get over that because personally, as an American, I’ve become pissed off and as non-submissive as you can be.
You’d be better served considering yourself a human (just like the rest of us) rather than caring (or expecting me to care) which part of dirt you were born on.
That 100-year-old Mencken quote is the reason why satire must be revered and protected today.
Interestingly, I have found, looking back on some of the satire shows of the 1970s and 80s, that they are stll 100% relevant, even though the names of the characters have changed.
Satire reveals ‘the emperor’s new clothes’ for what they are, which is, of course, why ’emperors’ hate satire and wish to abolish it.
I’d say it’s a race against time to see if we can abolish emperors before they abolish us, and just in case anybody hasn’t noticed yet, let me point out that today’s media are our emperors’ slimiest sycophants.
Jonathan Swift weaponized satire in modern English 3 centuries ago ?
Well, yes.
Even Plato had his satirical moments…
Plato was a sophist and propagandist for one of the factions during the Peloponnesian War. Satirical moments perhaps , but never his forte ! An historical perspective or taking a modern view of many early western philosophers make a number of them look satirical if not deeply ironic in hindsight , which was never their intention ?
“As far as I’m concerned, it’s a damned shame that a field as potentially dynamic and vital as journalism should be overrun with dullards, bums, and hacks, hag-ridden with myopia, apathy, and complacence, and generally stuck in a bog of stagnant mediocrity.”
H S Thompson
19 Feb 2015