Cure By Suicide
Todd Hayen

One of the cool things (or so it seems) about Canada is National Health Care. A bad thing that comes with it (among many) is the government can, and will, stick its nose into your personal health business. One of these invasions is offering people a way to easily, and painlessly, end their life—assisted by the Canadian Health Care system. Now, I am not going to get into the pain and suffering of terminally ill patients—the ones with cancers that cannot be cured, or even managed, that are causing indescribable pain. Whether these people should or should not be offered a decent and dignified way to end their suffering is not the topic of this article.
But what if that offer is also presented to people whose sole medical condition is mental illness? What if it is depression, or anxiety, or bipolar, or schizophrenia, or ADHD that is causing “intolerable pain and suffering?” Should these types of illnesses, and the people suffering them, be not only offered, but affirmed, and supported, in a journey to end their lives—all wrapped up and paid for by the government?
Well, believe it or not, that is what is on the table in Canada. The program is called MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying—of course we have to have a fancy acronym, don’t we?) and it is taking my profession, psychotherapy, by storm. You see, one of our unshakable prime directives is to do whatever is possible to keep a patient alive. Yes, we see many people who are on the verge of suicide, and it is the number one thing that is drilled into our heads in therapy school—do not let that happen.
The MAiD program does not yet cover “mental health as the sole disease” that warrants an assisted suicide, but it is on the docket to include mental illness this coming March. (Or so I thought, a colleague sent this link to me this morning (August 15, 2023). Chilling indeed.
My psychotherapy governing body, the CRPO (College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario) is already putting out feelers to their membership to see if we are warming up to such an option for our patients. Some of the questions on the survey they just sent out to all of us are similar to: “If MAiD is implemented to include mental health illnesses, and you have a patient who wants to utilize the program, will you be affirming in their decision and help them through the process?” “Hell no!” was my answer. I think all of this is unconscionable. It is wicked and nefarious, especially if you are aware of what is truly behind all of this—and it ain’t to help people either, you can bet your sweet bippy on that.
Suicides are actually going up. They took a little dip during Covid for several understandable reasons, but then headed up with a vengeance and are now at an all-time high. What better way to continue the trend by offering free assistance to those who are finding all of this insanity too much to bear? Those of us near the bottom of the rabbit hole know clearly that part of the agenda is to reduce the population of the world. Expecting people to do the job themselves may not seem very efficient. But think again. So much of this campaign is to basically strip the human race of its humanity. This is accomplished through humiliation, depression, hopelessness, and despair. It is accomplished through the establishment of a sense of “who cares” or “I might as well go considering there is no one willing to help me.”
It is a known fact that much depression we see documented is from impoverished populations. Having no place to live, hungry mouths to feed, and little assistance from welfare programs would make anyone depressed. Why isn’t money available to help these people? The national health system in Canada does not financially cover the services of registered psychotherapists or clinical psychologists, who do the bulk of mental health work. So why are they so anxious to help people pack it in if they can’t deal with their problems? Why don’t they pay for more mental health services instead, so these people can get therapeutic assistance?
And, considering the genocide intention, offering an easy way to off oneself is a good investment. When the sh-t hits the fan, people will be lining up for the lethal injection, like sheep to the literal slaughter. More organs and blood and other body parts for the elite—sorry for being so macabre, but I doubt if that is far from the truth. We are all “useless eaters,” after all.
Any government-regulated body that licenses individuals to practice a particular “controlled act” (such as psychology, psychotherapy, medicine, etc.) will be calling up their members to be the state’s agents and facilitate the state’s agendas. Psychotherapists have already been mandated to affirm sexual identity. If a man born as a male believes he is a woman (not “merely” homosexual) then we are required to affirm that identity and no longer treat it as a dysmorphia or cognitive distortion. The same will probably now happen with suicidal ideation. We will be mandated to support these ideations when we have been trained specifically to treat them as mental aberrations.
And what about the religious and moral implications of all of this? Of course, that is part of the agenda as well, to strip humanity of any moral underpinning and certainly to strip it of any belief in God or a supreme intelligence, or however one wishes to define the higher mysteries of reality.
The history of suicide is long and varied, and the advent of Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—marked a significant shift in the perception of suicide. In these faiths, suicide came to be largely condemned, rooted in the belief in the sanctity of life as ordained by a higher power.
Judaism regarded life as a divine gift, and suicide was often seen as a violation of this sacred gift. Christianity, influenced by the teachings of Jesus Christ, emphasized compassion, selflessness, and the sanctity of life. Early Christian writings like the Didache and the Letters of Ignatius condemned suicide as a rejection of God’s providence and a refusal to endure suffering.
Islamic perspectives on suicide were also shaped by theological beliefs. In Islam, life is considered a trust from Allah, and taking one’s own life is viewed as a grave sin. However, some interpretations consider the circumstances of the individual, such as mental illness, which might impact the moral assessment of suicide.
Clearly from a religious or spiritual perspective, suicide is a bad move. Although, again, we as a culture can be compassionate regarding physical, and typically terminal, diseases that cause a lot of pain and suffering. When it comes to mental health, it is a bit of a different story.
I would never judge someone who takes his or her own life. Any situation that warrants such an extreme act is complex and often ineffable. But when it comes to mental health, I have always believed that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. No one can assess if a deeply troubling mental illness will turn around. There may be some forms of depression that cannot be resolved, but the majority of them can be. There may be other illnesses of the brain that can cause depression, psychosis, and anxiety that create a lifetime of misery, but most of those are physiologically based—brain damage, disease, and the like.
But if the state comes to establish a policy stating if a person meets a certain set of objective criteria (therefore not nuanced enough to reveal all that should be revealed), they will be afforded a state-run program designed to end their life easily, and affordably, you can count me out. I won’t be “affirming” any such thing, and will never encourage someone with a mental illness to end their life.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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The Abrahamic curse prohibits suicide because your life belongs to Yahweh (the false god and overlord of all three death/slave cults) and his Archonic minions, who need you in a state that can barely be called “alive” so they can feed on your suffering.
They still don’t condone it regardless of the reason, and people who are devoted to those systems do not feel it is a choice.
The treatment of mental illness is a form of genocide. The prototype drug for mental illness is called “chlorpromazine” and was introduced by Smith Kline in the early 1950s. The drug is repurposed from an insecticide known as “phenothiazine,” which was previously used on crops before it was replaced by DDT. It’s a killer drug which, apparently, has led to the deaths of a very large but unknown number of people. Chlorpromazine has been prescribed in the U.S. more than anywhere else.
I don’t doubt what you are saying. Certainly psychiatry has a quite dubious reputation, which goes on to this day. The moment that I thought they MIGHT be seeing the light, the re-introduced electroshock treatment for severe depression. Like any of these interventions that wipe out part of the brain (lobotomy being one of them) they SEEM to be “doing some good” at some point…but…
Liverpool Care Pathway comes to mind.
Canada is in good hands with you. Well said, Todd, Thanks!
All mental afflictions are spiritual problems and thus have a spiritual solution. Psychiatry is a cover to hide this fact. Another health racket.
As if on cue, look what the Fraud is pushing:
This is how they like to advance their agenda – paint it as if the public are just clamouring for the change and they are just reluctantly responding rather than having engineered the situation in the first place.
Is the poll genuine? Who knows? It could after decades of relentless propaganda making one side of the argument (and I know from the soft leftists of my acquaintance it’s what they all think) but two reasons for suspicion: 1) the number in favour happens to be the two most powerful numbers in occultism (5 and 6) 2) the number against happens to be their number symbolising chaos (17 – which also happens to be Q, perhaps planting the idea that only far -right Trumptards stand in the way). They do acknowledge a slight fall in those supporting doctors killing people but it’s still a majority (and an inverted 19).
Anyway, only crazy conspiracy theorists see the GBS-style death panels (if not ‘Logan’s Run’ style rituals) that lie at the end of this particular road….
(TBC this isn’t to deny that there are tough questions about end-of-life with medicine where it is. Doctors have no doubt been “assisting” death in hopeless cases with acute suffering forever. However the issue here is recourse to the law and I want the law to be unequivocally on the side of life. BTW why is suicide left out of the frame? Because the future world they’re designing has all means of suicide removed… no action can take place outside of corporate-technocratic control. They support suicide as the ultimate rebellion against God and they don’t want the same rebellion turned against themselves when they ascend to Godhood).
Wait a minute: 5 and 6 are the most powerful occult numbers? I thought it was 3. I wish to hell the freakin’ Masons would make up their mind! I’m running out of Post-Its to write all these occult numbers down!
All combinations of numbers can be boiled down to 666 if you are god-fearing enough.
The Matrix – a soul-abusive paradigm
Below are some snippets from a long ago downloaded article on the Paradigm Conspiracy that has such a strong hold over society everywhere. I call it the Matrix. (The Matrix film trilogy perfectly portrays what it is). It’s our disconnect from meaning, from our inner locus of control that eventually leads to depression I believe.
From the article:
To be controlled, we have to be unplugged from competing sources of control. The major threat to external control is our internal guidance system—our souls.
The soul being our inner connectedness to whatever we take to be Being, God, the One, the whole. The soul is what gives us the conviction that our lives have meaning. When we live from our souls, we feel alive and vital, and we take seriously the idea that we’re here for a purpose.
To us, our souls are our best friends and most trusted guides. But to the control paradigm, they’re the enemy—what has to be removed in order for external control to work. Only when we’re sufficiently disconnected from our inner compass will we follow outer demands.
For fear of chaos, social systems adopt the control paradigm and run with it. Through all sorts of institutionalized policies, we get the message that we’re unacceptable as we are, but that if we surrender ourselves to the social system (the family, school, business, profession, or religion), we’ll become acceptable. Our souls are sloppy and unmanageable troublemakers; they clog the system’s efficient workings, and we’re better off without them.
This isn’t ‘reality’ talking; it’s a paradigm—an old one.
As long as the paradigm remains invisible, we’re stuck.
Every time we try to move in a new direction, the old paradigm kicks in and intimidates us into doing the same old, soul-diminishing stuff.
The minute one person starts to explore alternative models, the paradigm no longer holds the same power.
* * * * *
The entire article touches on so many aspects of how we are controlled and how we can be freed from this grip of soul-destroying power from our overlords. It’s available as a book also: The Paradigm Conspiracy – Why Our Social Systems Violate Human Potential And How We Can Change Them, by Denise Breton and Christopher Largent
Good one. Pls allow me in all humility to suggest the Bible or the Quran. Same peace if people can catch the symbolics.
The pseudo-religions of death, psyhopathy, war and slavery know only the peace of the graveyard. You can take your parasitical “suggestion” to where the sun don’t shine.
Why is this site giving space to soul-sucking, proselytising drones?
I do wish people would read philosophy: or better still — practice zen. The soul is the ultimate commodity of consumer civilisation and control vector of humanity. The body has certain appetites as periodic deficiencies which can be met quite easily; the soul/self/ego/psyche/mind/consciousness is the malleable control-mechanisation of the body which by demand has infinitised, insatiable appetencies which each successive generation invents for itself. Ergo: the consumerist soul/psyche/consciousness is inveterately hungry for commodities that no previous generation had or needed; whichever is particularly true of this century when soul technology really took off.
The soul or self is inveterately conditioned by consumer civilisation to consume; ergo the soul as alien animism of the body is an actual “hungry ghost” which collectively invents new needs, novel wants, and directed demand for more and more and more. The earth as ensouled is now “preta loka” undergoing the exponential consumptogenesis of ever more hungry ghosts who will never be satisfied by any amount of consumption; up to and now beyond the point of not just sustainability, but now even threatening inhabitability and survivability. The one and only cause of which is the consumptogenesis of the economically rational soul.
Zen 101: there is no soul (anatman); there is the body; the difference between bodily appetites and consumer appetencies is the soul/mind/self/ego which is therefore the root cause of all suffering, consumerism (greed), separation (hatred of the other; racism) and duality (ignorance of reality); the ensouled self is a perpetual grasping for matter and immaterial ideas, concepts, feelings which it sees centred in other things creating (consumer) demand and insatiable desire for objects which will complete or at least ameliorate suffering of separation; but the object can never complete of fulfill or satiate the alien entity because it is imaginary; the exponentiate appetencies are eternalised dissatisfaction until the realisation that separation is in the head and the name we give the voice (or voices) in the head is I/me/mine/self/ego/soul/mind/consciousness which is not a thing, just the uncontrolled consumerist voice haunting the body.
Ergo: consumer civilisation is controlled by the voice in the head which is the language collectively instilling desire and demand, and therefore affections for commodities which hitherto did not exist; desire which motivates and impels action to create demand and so on and so on world with end. Until enough people see that the desire for production and consumption is an ultimately futile cycle of destruction; here we go again on the species samsara merry-go-round until we can pinpoint the psychic demand is in fact endocolonisation by parasitoid psyche that is culturally created and culturally situated controlled desire nobody has at birth; it is educated in and then auto-acculturated throughout life as repetitive compulsion to consume.
By which you can take that there is no personal soul/mind/consciousness; whichever was made up as catholic moral conscience and incurvatus in se hyperindividualism of the cultural libido dominandi; it is closer to a ‘worldsoul’ which ‘incarnates’ or at least inculcates or indoctrinates the individual from within as the perfected instrument of control.
Lose the soul, lose the hungry ghost desirability, lose the alien animistic voice in the head, lose the schizophrenia of the split-psyche, lose the psychosis os separation, lose the inculcated individualism and metal illness and suicide rates will plummet. The psychosis is uniquely soul_MAiD as psychiatry (psyche + iatros: iatrogenic care of the psyche.) The healing of the soul is the wisdom to see that there is no soul (anatman) and therefore no separation (advaya, avidya); the world is indivisible without an alien animism as animae immortalis — the original AI.
To the believers in “mental illness”. In your view:
A) Is Lady Macbeth suffering from a “mental illness”?
B) What is the ideal state of “health” or “order”?
C) What medical treatment would you suggest?
D) If she were to decline that treatment, should she be forcibly detained and treated against her will?
E) If forcible detention and treatment were a possibility, should she have due process, Magna Carta rights to defend herself before a jury?
For this hypothetical case, rather than being complicit in the criminal act of murder, please assume that Lady M is suffering from non-criminal guilt – e.g. she feels she could have done something to help save the life of somebody else.
Extract from the Preface to The Myth of Mental Illness by Thomas Szasz
The thesis I had put forward in The Myth of Mental Illness was not a fresh insight, much less a new discovery. It only seemed that way, and seems that way even more so today, because we have replaced the old religious-humanistic perspective on the tragic nature of life with a modern dehumanized pseudomedical perspective on it.
The secularization of everyday life – and, with it, the medicalization of the soul and of suffering of all kinds – begins in late sixteenth century England. Shakespeare’s Macbeth (1611) is a harbinger. Overcome by guilt for her murderous deeds, Lady Macbeth “goes mad”: She feels agitated, is anxious, unable to eat, rest, or sleep. Her behavior disturbs Macbeth, who sends for a doctor to cure his wife. The doctor arrives and quickly recognizes the source of Lady Macbeth’s problem:
“Doctor [to Gentlewoman]. Go to, go to! You have known what you should not. / Gentlewoman. She has spoke what she should not, I am sure of that.”
The doctor tries to reject Macbeth’s effort to medicalize his wife’s disturbance:
“This disease is beyond my practice. … / Unnatural deeds / Do breed unnatural troubles. Infected minds / To their deaf pillows will discharge their secrets. /More needs she the divine than the physician. … / I think, but dare not speak.”
Macbeth rejects this “diagnosis” and demands that the doctor cure his wife. Shakespeare then has the doctor say these immortal words, exactly the opposite of what psychiatrists and the public are now taught to say and think:
Macbeth: How does your patient, doctor?
Doctor: Not so sick, my lord, as she is troubled with thick-coming fancies that keep her from her rest.
Macbeth: Cure her of that! Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased. Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow. Raze out the written troubles of the brain, and with some sweet oblivious antidote cleanse the stuffed bosom of that perilous stuff which weighs upon her heart.
Doctor: Therein the patient must minister to himself.
Shakespeare’s insight that the mad person “must minister to himself” is at once profound and obvious. Profound because witnessing suffering calls forth in us the impulse to help, “to do something” for or to the sufferer. Yet also obvious because understanding Lady Macbeth’s suffering as a consequence of internal rhetoric (the “voice” of conscience, imagination, “hallucination”), the remedy must be internal rhetoric (self-conversation, “internal ministry”).
By the end of the nineteenth century, the medical conquest of the soul is secure. Only writers are left to discern and denounce the tragic error. Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855) warned: “In our time it is the physician who exercises the cure of souls. … And he knows what to do.
[Doctor]: ‘You must travel to a watering place, and then must keep riding a horse … and then diversion, diversion, plenty of diversion…’/
[Patient]: ‘To relieve an anxious conscience?’
[Doctor]: ‘Bosh! Get out with that stuff! An anxious conscience! No such thing exists any more.’
Today, the role of the physician as curer of the soul is uncontested. There are no more bad people in the world, there are only mentally ill people. The “insanity defense” annuls misbehavior, the sin of yielding to temptation, and tragedy.
Lady Macbeth is human not because she is, like all of us, a “fallen being”; she is human because she is a mentally ill patient who, like humans, is inherently “healthy” / good unless mental illness makes her “sick” / ill-behaved: “The current trend of critical opinion is toward an upward reevaluation of Lady Macbeth, who is said to be rehumanized by her insanity and her suicide.”
I wonder how Shakespeare’s Ophelia from “Hamlet” would be diagnosed by Thomas Szaz. Especially since, unlike Lady Macbeth, Ophelia committed no injustice upon anyone.
What would Szasz say?
As pointed out above, and repeated again in the pdf below, he’d say that “the patient must minister to himself.” And he’d add:
I haven’t read that much of Szasz (e.g. I’ve done little more than read the abstract of the following pdf) so I’m not sure what his specific suggestions would be to Ophelia. However, I would suggest that she needs to step outside her personal drama – like Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita.
Of course, Szasz would examine the etymology of words; for instance, dia-gnosis: through knowledge. The relevant “condition” with regard to Ophelia is that vague generalisation labelled the “human” kind – and this is known to be characterised by dis-ease. Other than that, it’s been known since classical times that we know very little – though this bit of wisdom is oft forgotten.
He’d also examine the fundamental premise of the medicalisation of human suffering – this being that the required knowledge is ultimately knowable if we only do enough “science”. As many would point out (William James, Kierkegaard, etc), this belief is a “leap of faith” – to which the head of the godless beast is swallowed by its own butthole.
The myth of mental illness: 50 years later
Thomas Szasz
Fifty years ago I noted that modern psychiatry rests on a basic conceptual error – the systematic misinterpretation of unwanted behaviours as the diagnoses of mental illnesses pointing to underlying neurological diseases susceptible to pharmacological treatments. I proposed instead that we view persons called ‘mental patients’ as active players in real life dramas, not passive victims of pathophysiological processes outside their control. In this essay, I briefly review the recent history of this culturally validated medicalisation of (mis)behaviours and its social consequences.
In my essay ‘The myth of mental illness’, published in 1960, and in my book of the same title which appeared a year later, I stated my aim forthrightly: to challenge the medical character of the concept of mental illness and to reject the moral legitimacy of the involuntary psychiatric interventions it justifies. I proposed that we view the phenomena formerly called ‘psychoses’ and ‘neuroses’, now simply called ‘mental illnesses’, as behaviours that disturb or disorient others or the self; reject the image of the patients as the helpless victims of pathobiological events outside their control; and withdraw from participating in coercive psychiatric practices as incompatible with the foundational moral ideals of free societies.
Medical diagnosis is the process of determining which disease or condition explains a person’s symptoms and signs. It is most often referred to as diagnosis with the medical context being implicit. The information required for diagnosis is typically collected from a history and physical examination of the person seeking medical care. Often, one or more diagnostic procedures, such as medical tests, are also done during the process. Sometimes the posthumous diagnosis is considered a kind of medical diagnosis.
“The repressive societies now being established have two new characteristics: repression is softer, more diffuse, more generalized, but at the same time much more violent. For all who can submit, adapt, and be channel then, there will be a lessening of political intervention. There will be more and more psychologist, even psychoanalyst, in the police department; there will be community therapy available; the problems of the individual and the couple will be talked about everywhere; repression will be more psychologically comprehensive. The work of prostitutes will have to be recognized, there will be a drug advisor on the radio… In short, it will be a general climate of understanding acceptance. But if there are categories and individuals with scape this inclusion, if people attempt to question the general system of confinement, and they will be exterminated like the Black Panthers in the US, where the personalities exterminated as it happened with the Red Army Faction in Germany.”
Felix Guattari, Why Italy?
The current horrific trend.Surprisingly,published in NYTimes:
“The small Midwestern gender clinic was buckling under an unrelenting surge in demand.
Last year, dozens of young patients were seeking appointments every month, far too many for the clinic’s two psychologists to screen. Doctors in the emergency room downstairs raised alarms about transgender teenagers arriving every day in crisis, taking hormones but not getting therapy.
‘With its psychologists overbooked, the clinic relied on external therapists, some with little experience in gender issues, to evaluate the young patients’ readiness for hormonal medications. Doctors prescribed hormones to patients who had obtained such approvals, even adolescents whose medical histories raised red flags.”
Videos of Dr Mel Bruchet – Before incarceration (Nov 11, 2021) and after release (Jan 3, 2022)
Dr. Mel Bruchet Interviewed By Kuldip Singh Randhawa
November 14, 2021
Dr. Mel Bruchet interviewed by Kuldip Randhawa at the North Vancouver RCMP office, just prior to Dr. Bruchet and Dr. Daniel Nagase filing charges against elected and appointed government officials, to determine if any have conflict of interests regarding provincial lockdowns, vaccine mandates and vaccine passports.
People were gathered outside the office concerned with news that thirteen babies were stillborn in a 24 hour period at Women’s and Children’s Hospital. We do not yet have confirmation about that number, but we do know there has been an increase in sick babies at Women’s and Children’s Hospital since mid 2021.
13 Stillborn Deaths In 24 Hours – Rally@Lions Gate Hospital
November 23, 2021
November 11th 1:00 – 3:00 Lions Gate Hospital Emergency Entrance, North Vancouver
Rally with Dr. Mel Bruchet and Dr. Daniel Nagase. They spoke to the RCMP, and then headed over to the emergency entrance. The Doctor will appreciate our support in standing with him to raise the awareness of the dangers of this experimental injection.
On average they would see 1 stillborn death a month. 3 dulas have reported that there were 13 stillborn deaths in a 24 hour period of women who had taken the experimental injection. The media is not reporting this. Big pharma looks after the media and the media is silent.
Sign the petition (open to all people of ‘Canada’) to record your wish to expressly remove your consent to be governed by corporate politicians, corporate provinces and corporate CANADA that rule over you, not serve you. Peoples of the Salmon empower you to give lawful notice to the Governor General of non-consent to be governed by the corporation Canada/CANADA.
Notice of Denial/Removal of Consent
Blind QC Military Tribunal Commander Unlawfully Imprisoned
July 19, 2023
Days after the ‘Quebec Military Tribunal’, a three day event held June 2-4, 2023, the Commander and driving force behind it, Daniel Pagé Gaumond was brutally assaulted. Police unlawfully broke into his apartment, under the guise of a fraudulent warrant, stole his computers, cell phones, assaulted, and kidnapped him. Daniel has been unlawfully detained at a Québec detention for over one month. On July 12th, a judge ordered Daniel, to be transferred to a psychiatric ward, at Saint Georges Hospital, Québec, for an unwarranted psychiatric assessment. . . .
On July 13 at 11:30 am, Daniel was moved to St- George’s Hospital, psychiatric ward, where it is feared that he may be forcibly injected with psychotropic drugs, similar to what happened to Dr Mel Bruchet in BC.
November 2021, 80 year-old, Dr Bruchet reported a significant (80%) rise in stillbirths in BC hospitals following the Sars-CoV2 (mRNA) injection, which Health Officer Bonnie Henry has insisted is “safe and effective.” Soon after Bruchet’s public presentations of this news, “Bonny aided, abetted and conspired with her criminal co-conspirators, dressed as RCMP officers’ to unlawfully arrest, detain and kidnap Dr Bruchet. He was then brutalized in this criminal organization clubhouse, fronting as a psychiatric ward, where he was tortured for 25 days, forcibly administered two psychotropic drugs and assaulted with a deadly weapon (a syringe loaded with weaponized biological agents).
Mel Bruchet is out! Sam Dube talks to Mel and Daniel and let’s us into the true story of a kidnapping and forced injection of antipsychotics.
Jessica Rose
9 Jan 2022
Watch this amazing interview with Sam Dube.
The 5th Doctor – Ep. 16: Physician & Activist Dr. Mel Bruchet – Update & Interview (w. Dr. Nagase)
The Fifth Doctor
Jan 8, 2022
On December 8th, 2021 Dr. Mel Bruchet, an 81 year-old much beloved family physician of over half a century, was taken from his home in handcuffs by several RCMP officers to the psychiatric ward of the local hospital and HELD AGAINST HIS WILL. This episode tells the shocking tale….
This episode contains TWO SECTIONS. The first was filmed on December 27th, 2021 and consists of Dr. Daniel Nagase’s recounting of Dr. Mel Bruchet’s experience as well as an update on his condition, told as his friend, advocate, and participant. The second, filmed on January 3rd, 2022 (and starting at 1:02:48 of the video) is an interview with Dr. Bruchet, who relates in detail his personal account of the entire ordeal.
The system they are running is anti-human.
A world of processed and fake substances and chemicals to induce lethargy, low energy, low emotional state, and dependence. They make you “dis-eased” as a pretext for “treating” you to their chemical cocktails.
The system gets you into this state, so that you seek medical treatment, then the medial system says, we have no solutions, after many chemical cocktails, so how about we euthanize you. Don’t mind us dancing and chanting, or anything.
The only difference between modern medicine, and poison, is dosage.
If you are in any of the states listed above, look at your lifestyle choices.
Good health starts with gut health. Eat more fermented foods.
A recent primest example of the kind of degenerate perversion that old corporate organisation of socioeconomics, and, thus, human existence, leads to.
Beyond insanity, but, hey, some god/devil wills it and it comes with a blow-up doll, er, blow-up church. A “tardcon” spectacle no less bizarre than the “drag queen storytime” promoted further West.
With such a bunch of fucktard taxcattle high on bollocks on either side, the terrorist USEUNATO conglomerate and Kremlin, and the Chinks, have it easy to stage their little dance of “war” in Ukraine and elsewhere, the plandemic and “vaccines”, sold by each peddler as a gift from “science” to mankind, etc., and to advance the kind of policies this article touches upon.
Talk about communicable diseases.
Of all the warts on what we euphemistically call The Law, none give away the scam more succinctly than the prohibition against suicide. That alone makes it crystal clear that The Law has nothing to do with justice and fair play but everything to do with power and control.
Today, we tell you you can’t kill yourself. Tomorrow, we will tell you you can’t shit after 7 A.M. Court is now in session.
Nobody has ever said you can’t kill yourself.
This article is about people in white coats (“first do no harm”) encouraging you to come to their special place to be killed. You know, so you don’t have to deal with the logistics.
Come into my lair, said the spider.
What’s sad is that nearly all mental illness can be taken care of with simple B vitamins.
Lives are being destroyed, families ripped apart, and suicides are happening because of a basic vitamin deficiency.
With so many people now taking vitamin supplements (which used to be provided by healthy food), it’s becoming a bit dicey for Big Pharma. Here in the US we have the Durbin-Braun Premarket Approval Proposal (not yet enacted).
Though it wears a kindly face, it’s actually an attempt to regulate and prohibit supplements.
The verdict will come from the same benign experts who approved the c-jab.
The good times are back – I hope to see young girls getting choked by police for not wearing a mask. What other science™ do you hope to see now the new Variants™ are here?
More “safe and effective” magic V juice that “has undergone RIGOROUS testing!”
That’s me not going to Canada any time soon
If there was a country called disabled,
I would be from there.
I live disabled culture, eat disabled food,
make disabled love, cry disabled tears,
climb disabled mountains and tell disabled stories.
If there was a country called disabled,
I would say she has immigrants that come to her
From as far back as time remembers.
If there was a country called disabled,
Then I am one of its citizens.
I came there at age 8. I tried to leave.
Was encouraged by doctors to leave.
I tried to surgically remove myself from disabled country
but found myself, in the end, staying and living there.
If there was a country called disabled,
I would always have to remind myself that I came from there.
I often want to forget.
I would have to remember…to remember.
In my life’s journey
I am making myself
At home in my country.
Neil Marcus, “Disabled Country”
According to the human; the human is a rational animal which sets us above the rest as sapient (wise.) By simple observation, that wisdom takes the contemporaneous form of economic rationality; and the dominant view of the psyche is that man is an economically rational animal with a view globalisation; as an anthropological economisation some call ‘neoliberal’. Rational Psychiatric Man is homo oeconomicus neoliberalismus and the earth is made in his image.
Nobody likes this idea, so we make up stories in our head to psychically distance ourselves from the anthropological totalisation of the rational-causal psyche; whichever is no distance at all as everybody who is employed works in the globalisation market-economy [global ME]; and those who do not work want to [be ME].
The funny thing about this, the actual state of geopolitical reality, is not that the dissent, deviation, illness and suicide rates are going up (as they might upon the full realisation of this ultimately meaningless of the self-incurred species-situation); it is the fact that the neoliberal normalisation rates are going down.
The human species has undertaken economisation, industrialised moralisation as economic rationalisation across the modern period; doubling economically every ~25 years over ~200 years – and by and large: everybody thought this was OK as the Myth of Psychic Progression. The peculiar thing is that when we as a whole species across time are not expanding exponentially; that is when we get upset at the loss of psychic progression becoming normlessness, valuelessness and meaninglessness that Durkheim called “anomic suicide”; whichever is a collective psychiatric breakdown at the loss of nomos. A nomos that can easily be identified with colonisation, imperialism, and economic exponentiation as psychiatrically norm-setting, normative, and normalisation and also political theology as minimal secularisation. Psychiatric growth is the rational human religion and interruption of normative imperialism is psychically and traumatically anomic.
The loss of the normative psychology as traumatic does not lead people to want to end exponential expansion, but to continue or alternatively return to a former norm-setting state-dependency as a psychiatric rebirth as “palingenesis” whichever expressed authoritarian populism and ultranationalism ordinarily known as fascism.
Psychiatric palingenesis is trauma-binding to industrialised psychic expansion as the only known cure for anomic suicide; whichever is worse than anomic suicide as an eternal psychiatric struggle to grow the economy forever (or at least another 1,000 years of empiric growth); imperialism whichever seemingly makes people empirically ‘happy’. Withdrawal of psychiatric assimilation in economic rational behaviour resulted in fascism. So human rational progressivism in norm-setting imperialism leads to the nomosisation of the earth as ecological suicide; and withdrawal from the collectivisation of the rational psyche leads to anomosisation as economic social suicide; whichever is the ultimate double-bind.
It is no real wonder that an insane society hellbent on economic growth-obsessed imperialism is feeling sick and suicidal; because it is sick and suicidal. Look at the rational-causal psychiatric choice architecture we made and weep. The problematic has not been abnormalisation, but genealogic normalisation which is psychologically but pathologically normal in infinite progression and psychologically but pathologically fascist in regress to a former time from which the new regime can progress again, after all the ‘inpediments’ to infinite growth-obsessed psychiatric Grossraum have been removed.
Decolonise from the social-engineering phantasm of the rational psyche (economised soul, mind, self, ego, and so on); end psychiatric imperialism and growth-obsessed expansionism; degrow the hedonistic-egoic libidinal economy to match the physiologic ecology of the earth said nobody who was not immediately labelled deviant, dissenting, or detained as mentally ill over the modern period.
Too much focus on convenience and conversion and not enough on convulsion as per this …
Just the sort of fascist racism you’d expect from an Unz feature.
Strawman fallacy. Focus on the subject matter, i.e. the stuff that drives the goings-on.
Fucking racist diarrhea: take your shit and stick it somewhere else. Do not ever reply to me again.
Fuck you too. I’ll stick my shit wherever I please and you can go fuck yourself. You’re on a public forum, if you haven’t noticed. You don’t like something, jerk off in your privacy.
The analogy is right on. Hippos don’t give a fuck about ideological propaganda. Only idiots of your ilk fall for it.
None of which, by the way, is the point of the text. You got blinders on which is why you can’t see that you got blinders on.
A “public forum” does not automatically give someone leave to bandy about all manner of gutter language.
(As someone who loves gutter language, I resent its being used inappropriately. It loses its effect.)
I see you’ve joined the club. You now have followers who delight in baiting you with the ridiculous gussied up to look sublime.
I once followed some of the links from Unz. Talk about the dark web. 4-5 clicks from there into intellectual hell…. I ain’t going there again.
For a closer focus on the subject matter ie, Wolves, I heartily recommend this book by a naturalist who has lived with wolves; they are not fascist:
“Never Cry Wolf”, by Farley Mowatt.
By the way, the Fasces (bundle of axes) was the insignia of one of the greatest and most influential of Western civilizations; Rome. But the Romans traced their family values back to the wolf’s milk that nurtured Romulus and Remus.
“It is no real wonder that an insane society hellbent on economic growth-obsessed imperialism is feeling sick and suicidal”
only when it meets an insuperable obstacle.
For instance, Hitler blew his brains out only when the Red Army hung the Red Flag over the Reichstag. Until then he had enjoyed the trip.
For instance, the EU$A is feeling sick and acting suicidaly only because “our irresistible armed might” (NATZO) was repulsed in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Yemen, Ukraine, Russia and China; with every sign of new resistance to come in Africa and South America. Up till now we have enjoyed the feeling of moral superiority that comes from forcibly administering bad medicine to recalcitrant patients “for their own good”.
Ah, but we (the US) still have geoengineering. Although so do many other nations.
We can negatively affect the weather almost anywhere. Right now, for instance, South America – in its winter – is experiencing very hot weather. Bolivia, for one, recorded a temperature of 113 F (of course, Bolivia does have Amazon jungle as well as the Altiplano.)
The Persian Gulf area of Iran experienced a heat index of 157F. We don’t like Iran – and don’t care if they know it.
The US still has enough clout to remain the schoolyard bully. For awhile more.
“We can negatively affect the weather almost anywhere. Right now, for instance, South America”
Despite an urban myth that a butterfly flapping its wings in the Amazon will affect a Test Match at Lords, the weather is not so delicately poised as we humans like to believe.
I can see the battlelines drawn between the imperial axis — nominally USUK — against the sub-imperial axis of Sino-Russia. “Whoever rules the world-island (eurasia) commands the world” was Mackinder’s dictum of imperial geopolitics.
The “insuperable obstacle” is the earth: we will continue to play out the Great Game until the power to do so runs out. Only then will we learn to cooperate and live together — maybe. Let us discount the great many insuperable future contingencies that may prevent that for now.
Basic shepherding: Sheeple like to do what everyone else does; therefore, the larger the flock the easier it is to guide.
“What I can’t understand about you Lemmings is, why you go off in mass to drown yourselves”.
“What I can’t understand about you humans”, said the Lemming, “is why you don’t”. — James Thurber, Conversation with a Lemming.
There are a thousand reasons given by the “normals” in power to justify the ending of the lives of other people by the million; defence of democracy, religion, King and country, etc. but ending your own life has aiways been a big “no no”.
Death in a gallant and suicidal attempt to slaughter our foes is regarded as a noble end whilst ending one’s own life while hurting no one else is cowardice !
Why have churches warned that suicide would lead to eternal burning in the fires of hell?
Because suicide represents an escape from hell upon earth inflicted by the “normals” who prefer live slaves to dead slaves.
“ending your own life has aiways been a big “no no”.
It is hard to stay alive, so the instinct to preserve one’s life is strong.
I doubt if making easy Suicide on the National Health would raise the death rate more than 1%.
On the other hand I believe that, in a hopeless situation, animals and primitive people have been known to turn their faces to the wall and die unassisted.
A great convenience is that Suicide on Demand would be signed off in the presence of a Medical Authority, thus saving the expense of a Coroner’s Court.
But I do not understand the Canadian favourable provision for Mental illness. This seems to me superfluous because most people are crazy. Some people are nice crazy, some not so nice, but I don’t see the connection. I understand “Committed suicide” but why drag in “while of unsound mind”?
Thanks for this article. I am seeing a couple of people in the comments claiming mental, illness “doesn’t exist” – but surely this is as faulty as the counter-belief that everything “abnormal” is “mental illness”. Don’t we require a great deal of nuance here?
Yes there are people whose “hallucinations” are benign & who may well represent access to different ways of knowing or experiencing reality. Medicating such people is arrogant, intrusive and merely about asserting the consensus view of what is “real”.
But what about the others?
Here is a case study from my own experience (a loved one).
This man (call him Peter) was a high achieving undergraduate at a good school, with a 4.0 GPA, looking to graduate a year early and go on to obtain a doctorate in physics at a major US school.
One day he disappeared from his campus and was missing for weeks. Found eventually with little to no memory of where he had been, checked out and having no signs of physical illness or brain injury. He returned to school but began to suffer severe headaches and nausea and to become increasingly disorganised in his thinking. His GPA plummeted. He missed classes, he slept for long hours or could not sleep at all. He was self-medicating with Percodan and oxycodone for the pain.
Eventually he went missing again and this time turned up again just a few days later, badly beaten up and convinced he had been flying and was invisible.
His delusions subsided for a while but his physical symptoms worsened and he became severly underweight through inability to eat or keep food down. He talked of people in his room mocking him when he tried to pray (he was very religious) and he experienced constant auditory and visual “hallucinations”.
His mental and physical suffering became unbearable for him and he tried to kill himself with oxycodone. He almost succeeded. Brought back he was completely inconsolable and believed God had deserted him and he was being tormented by demons whose voices he could hear constantly. He just wanted to die to escape his mental and physical pain.
At this point he was admitted to a well known west coast hospital as a non-voluntary patient and given chlorpromazine (this was back in the early 1970s).
Over the next few weeks ALL his symptoms abated. He stopped hearing voices, he stopped getting disabling headaches and vomiting. He began to eat, to sleep properly. He regained weight.
He was discharged after six weeks on a “maintenance” dose of chlorpromazine (800mg), which was gradually reduced and eventually (12 mos later) discontinued.
He also received psychotherapy..
While taking his meds and getting therapy he graduated magna cum laude and began studying for a PhD in physics. After the meds were discontinued he went on to get his doctorate.
He has since then had a long and distinguished career in science, punctuated with few relapses into his “sickness”, for which he has been given chlorpromazine or 2nd gen equivalents until his symptoms abated.
I believe the psychiatric profession abated his symptoms and saved his life. I am sure without that intervention, if left to deal with his symptoms alone because “mental illness doesn’t exist” he would have died very soon at his own hand or through self-neglect.
But what do those who don’t believe in mental illness think?
What would they recommend should be done with someone in Peter’s situation?
Would it have a better outcome?
I’d also like to know how would dr Hayen deal with such a case?
Please define:
A) “Illness”
B) “Mental”
C) “Psychiatry”
D) “Medical”
Note; although you didn’t use the term “medical”, you did use the term “psychiatric profession”. I assume you believe psychiatry to be a medical discipline; but if not, please say what you think it is.
I don’t really want to sidetrack into a debate over terminology. I would just like to know how you and others here who claim mental illness does not exist, would recommend people such as Peter should be treated?
Was it right to use medication to control his “hallucinations”?
Can you recommend what would be better therapies for people in his situation?
And what about people whose “hallucinations” or “delusions” propel them to hurt others?
If we relinquish the concept of mental illness how do we manage such cases?
One of the key arguments against the validity of “mental illness” as a concept is that it is undefinable. If it were objectively definable, you would presumably provide the standard definitions. Of course, just because something is undefinable doesn’t automatically mean that it doesn’t exist. For instance, “art” is undefinable, but I’m happy to say that it exists. However, art recognises that it is a subjective experience, whereas “mental illness” claims that it is objective science. If so, the objective definitions must also exist. Hence, you should have no difficulty providing the definitions.
Or are you claiming that a science can exist without objective definitions?
BTW: On this thread, I will debate only the concept of “mental illness” – since I think that’s more than enough.
I’m focusing on real world realities, not on theory or definition. Whatever definition you use there are people like Peter suffering and in need of help. They can’t just wait around while we all discuss our definitions.
I am asking those who claim “mental illness doesn’t exist” how they would treat someone like my loved one? Someone in great emotional and physical pain, someone delusional, believing they can fly or are invisible or are being mocked by demons.
Is there an alternative to drugs that can provide a better outcome for people like this in acute distress?
What could he have been offered during those initial weeks when he was forcibly hospitalized and medicated, that would have removed his symptoms and put him out of risk of suicide better than chlorpromazine seems to have done?
No, I’m not saying everyone should be medicated or the psychiatric profession are stainless. I am talking about certain specific cases and suggesting maybe – sometimes – drugs and the concept of “mental illness” have a place – unless you can suggest another way Peter could have been treated that would have has as good or better outcome?
As I thought, you can’t define “mental illness”.
Correct. I can’t define it and don’t want to try.
I just want PRACTICAL answers. My loved one was treated by people who believe in “mental illness” and the treatment seems to have cured him, or at least alleviated his symptoms to give him the space to cure himself.
All I need to know is how would he have fared if he had been seen by people who don’t believe in mental illness? What would they offer him that would have stopped his delusions and his physical pain as well as chlorpromazine seems to have done?
I’m not prejudging I just want to know!
But you think it’s okay that on the subjective say-so of whitecoats, and without any recourse to due process, people are subjected to incarceration, physical and mental abuse, torture, and slow execution.
Perhaps some people believe they benefit from that sort of treatment, but as the last few years has clearly demonstrated, there’s no end to the absurdity that people will believe if it’s sold as “medical science”.
No, I do not think that, and I think I’ve made it plain I am just looking for answers.
Can you please at least try to answer my question (asked many times), or perhaps say you can’t answer it.
I would just like to know either way rather than keep asking a simple question you ignore.
You claim to believe in “mental illness” – and you believe that “mental illness” is a justification for forced incarceration, torture and murder. At least have the decency to provide a definition!
“Lost in a dark wood” and similar people cant answer you because they have a mental defect themselves. As this mental defect is not disabling but only an irritating weakness we could call it ideology.
They react with the typical side stepping, inventing endless problems which should be answered first before we can get to the point.
They are not able to get a clear picture of reality for some reason.
I usually meet these types, the do-gooders, when they arrive with all kind of raised fingers of what other people should and could have done better.
In East they have a habit of chaining mentally ill persons to the family’s house, to limit the damage these mentally ill do when their illness break out.
Its a good solution, because the mentally ill are close and with the family who know them and take care of them in this simple way.
But then arrive these leftist from the West outraged making a big show out of how inhuman and cruel this chaining is (human rights), making the situation worse for the sick by hospitalising isolating them, and letting them “free” and loose in public causing damages, killing, suicides.
Sorry, but these people will not answer you because the cant. Its besserwissen without knowledge.
My previous partner suffered from constant, abusive voices. The medication did nothing but tranquilize with unpleasant physical side effects.
Eventually it became too much and she took her own life. However you want to label it, this was an illness. And as usual, there is no simple cure.
Our son had schizophrenia: delusions and weird behaviour. He was treated with the usual drugs. Like the case you quote, medication did not dispel his delusions — he could still see them and hear them — but medicine calmed him down enough to “distance himself” from his delusions. With financial help from us, and visits from professional minders, our son was able to live a “normal” life in an apartment near us, until he died from one of the wellknown side effects of psychiatric medication — overweight and cardiovascular incident. We might have given him a few more good years by persuading the medics to reduce his medication; but we are grateful for their help.
“Before I worked in a mental health centre I used to divide people into sane or insane. Now I divide people into crazy but nice or crazy but not so nice” — Rita Schwartz, Psychiatric Social Worker.
I probably shouldn’t even jump into this thread; so please forgive the intrusion. But there does seem to be “evidence” of a correlation between mental illness and drugs – at least what might be termed “temporary” mental illness, which usually resolves once the drugs are abandoned.
These recreational drugs are far more insidious than many in our “hip” culture care to admit. Crack especially – that one is a monstrosity. A good friend twice attacked me – possibly might have killed me – had I not been alert and fast (and nearly 40 years younger then). He was fine until the crack epidemic (this was in Washington DC in the ’80s). Then he changed. Nothing mattered but getting and smoking crack. He lost two side by side houses in Northeast DC.
FWIW, I was his only friend who stuck by him – and managed to get him back to his family in Florida. But he never gave up the crack. Crack is forever.
Can relate to that. Had a gf in the 2000s with similar affiliations.
She started as an ‘experiment’, at least from my perspective. A test of Christian truth.
From her perspective (presumably), I was the naive sucker to be robbed for every penny she could get her grubby mitts on. I, in return, had a policy of giving double what she demanded. If asked for £20, I gave her £40. This being the unwritten, never expressed rule.
So, we toured restaurants, chatted, and kissed on occasions. I buying her books by Jackie Pullinger (worth checking out) in vain attempts to extricate her from her habit, and (as inevitably happens in such cases) we departed.
Maybe because things just got way too scary. As a lifelong spook magnet and being subsequently chased by junkies through town streets probably didn’t help matters much either.
Nevertheless, still much loved (from an appropriate distance) to my dying day
“Crack is forever”.
So is much of the medication that is legally prescribed for mental illness. It is notoriously difficult for a patient to “taper off” from anti-depressant pills. Even normal people who were given anti-depressants experimentally, found it difficult to “come off” anti-depressant drugs because, when some previously normal people stopped taking the anti-depressant in these experiments they developed symptoms of Clinical Depression!
Mental health “science” and service is becoming more complicit in totalitarianism. What benefit has it brought? If you are feeling bad for any reason including a severe physical disease, you may be eligible for the happy pills, provided someone pays: you, insurance or government. In US in 2021, “overdoses” of synthetic “opoid” narcotics killed 71,000 people [US Nat. Centre for Health Statistics].
This excludes deaths from legal narcotics (including alcohol and nicotine), illegal ones and violent battles everywhere over the latter. How many more are struggling with enslavement to narcotics?
Even for assisted suicide, you may have to donate body parts, because that is Net Zero and capitalism hates wastage.
Assisted suicide also wraps up cases of failed medical treatment neatly.
So David Rockefeller received six hearts before he died at the age of 101. All those hearts were taken from live patients, since from the dead, no hearts can be taken.
The billionaires, the moneymakers, the bankers live long lives and prosper because they not only steal land, resources and the whole planet and make it their private property, but they steal organs from people they murder. Capitalism is like that. Everything is for sale.
Organ harvesting industry is a very profitable industry, making more money for those who don’t need any more, taking from those whose lives don’t matter.
Since the billionaires and the money makers are in charge of states, governments, institutions, they get to live happy lives while you own nothing, not even your body.
Canada is a sick and abhorrent country.
Actually, it’s not a country -it’s a colony-as are all Western democracies,
colonized by corporations and elites and their quest for new markets:minds and bodies.
it’s brutal here and dangerous.
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, ’tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there’s the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law’s delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover’d country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.—Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember’d.
“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so”
So if you think something’s bad, just change your thinking and it isn’t! Empires? Mass murder? Human sacrifice? Paedophilia? Child abuse? Enforced sterility? Extortion? Mass deception? It’s how one thinks about them that’s the problem, not the act itself and its perpetrators.
It’s pure Luciferianism and exactly the same sentiment as expressed in NIetzsche. And some Middle England son of a glove merchant horse-minder just happened to think of it? Of course not – it’s the same elites promoting the same creed as they have for centuries. In an amoral universe the ‘will to power’ becomes the only reality and the elite have plenty of that. Any of the Elizabthan nobility are more credible authors than William Shakespeare (or however it was spelt) of Stratford. ‘Hamlet’ in particular has strong parallels with the life of Edward De Vere although I’m inclined to the view that Bacon was in overall command of the Shakespeare operation. Robert Frederick at has been doing some good work on Bacon as Shakespeare recently.
The SS loved ‘Hamlet’. No wonder….
I read Liam Scheff’s abbreviated chapter in his Official Stories regarding the case for Edward de Vere being the primary author of Shakespeare’s works and found it totally convincing. I also have read (afterwards) Francis Bacon’s The New Atlantis which was essentially a novel. While it was competently written, it had none of the flair of true genius of the works of Shakespeare. Bacon was most probably the “bastard” son of Elizebeth I. I never understood the rational for Bacon being promoted as the primary author of Shakespeare other than his political influence. The one thing which is certain beyond a reasonable doubt is that the barely literate cattle trader Shakespeare didn’t write Shakespeare.
As to the Luciferian, death cult influence, while I agree with you regarding its truly psychopathic nature and its centuries long endemic and pervasive strength among the British aristocracy, I do not regard Shakespeare’s work as being an advocate of such other than portraying an enormously wide spectrum of portraitures among his contemporaries and antecedents including a wide variety of nefarious villains.
All the narrative about mental illness is shaped by pharma and doctors’ groups such as the APA. The standard treatments for mental illness are pharma drugs which treat symptoms but don’t cure anything, and those who control the narrative do not recognize any cure or alternative treatments for mental illness. As with COVID-19, there are alternative treatments which, like ivermectin for COVID, are not permitted to be part of the mental illness narrative. When suicide is recommended for mental patients due to acquiescence to the belief in the hopelessness of mental illness, then that’s equivalent to murder. It’s just another aspect of this era of genocide.
During “covid”, Canada was offering suicide to people suffering from (a) physical disabilities, while withholding promised physical aids (b) major physical illness, while withholding treatment. If a colossal tar sands industry (for example) opens up and threatens the “dregs of society”, this is a neat way to reduce resistance.
Some medicines for severe pain or mental trauma are not just ineffective but may may trigger stroke, heart attack or suicide. Yet, the establishment outlaws cannabis and kratom that may be safer. The effort to synthesise cannabis (make it private property) seems to have been limited.
Just think about the possibilities! India & Mexico do medical tourism where you can get quality work done inexpensively. Canada should start the “Suicide Tourism” program! I can just see the ads now:
“Does your elderly relative have a lot of money that they are wasting on food, shelter & medicine? Bring them to Canada and for a fee we’re happy to be your termination men”
Hearing about this confirmed my opinion that humanity had entered a state pure insanity.
It is heart breaking.
‘That in you that recognises madness as madness (even if it is your own) is sanity, is the arising awareness, is the end of insanity.’ – Eckhart Tolle
They will be turning people into biscuits next.
What we REALLY need is a plague of PLUTOCRICIDE.
Fingers crossed.
Government Assisted Suicide. (GAS).
I prefer something that sounds more officious, like Voluntary Citizen Termination Option.
The Three Abrahamic religions have a very, very large amount to answer for, when viewed in terms of the past 2000 years of history.
I would not be citing their ‘principles’ when coming to conclusions about suicide.
All three religions have powerful adherents that take subsets of their religious texts to in effect utter racist mantras that their followers are intrinsically superior to non-believers.
There are far too many people who try to make out that all three are peacable, when the history of the world shows that the vast majority of wars are initiated by ‘imperialistic religious nutjobs’.
The Christians tried to colonise the world and impose Christianity between about 1600 and 2000. They failed.
The Muslims are now in their great phase of global diaspora creation and the evidence is indubitable that they are trying to impose their dogma on the world moving forward.
The Jews, being a very small minority, have sought to control the levers of power in more insidious ways, controlling finance, propaganda, politics, in ways that allow a tiny minority to hold inordinate amounts of power. There will be zero chance of a good ending to such nonsense.
So if we are going to talk about suicide, I suggest we keep the Abrahamic religions well away from it.
I’m not sure why the corruption and maniacal behaviour of the Abrahamic religions change the fact that they all opposed suicide (even though they all committed murder at some point). It still is a true statement. I wasn’t trying to imply much else. Maybe the question is, why is it relevant?
if “suicide” is offered, made easily available is it still “suicide”?
standing on a chair with a rope around your neck and jumping off, pulling a trigger, gun to your head, that is suicide
a sickly smiling “nurse” nudging toxic amounts of pharma into your veins, thats something else, begins with M
my father spent 2 of his last 4 weeks of life in a high dependency ward, a man who spent his entire life in complete denial of anything “after life” begged me with tears in his eyes to “get him home to die”
what he claimed to have experienced whilst on the ward were dark shadows that congregated around the beds of those on the edge, those beds would soon be empty, he witnessed malevolent beings with purpose
from what i have researched being fully conscious at the time of death is truly important, being awash with opioids guarantees a re-insertion
as the line between life and death is further blurred by “meta” “x”, 15 minute cities, “maid”, the cycle which is being threatened is re-asserted
the illusion inc the spinning ball of rock in vast emptiness is reafirmed
everything we have seen in the last few years is aimed at re-inforcing the material/biological/fear base of hunted animals, hunted animals are far easier to manipulate, manage and cull, ask any farmer, all you need is the right amount of suggested threat, with the occasional nip to the ankle of the brave and unruly
as we approach the next stage of the process they are using the same methods, but correlated, combined and focussed (they have learnt much in 3 years), but so have we ;0)
This small minority believe they are doing a good thing by cleansing the world of (us)
Tikkun Olam!
Belief in the manmade God of organised religion is a mental illness in itself, and childhood indoctrination and abuse in the name of this “God” has driven many, many people crazy as adults.
Just don’t expect those who never escaped their indoctrination to see it.
Todd, one quick question: where it reads “This is accomplished through humility, depression, hopelessness, and despair”, did you mean humiliation instead of humility? Thank you for your articles.
That probably would be a better choice of words, but it implies someone, or something, is doing it, the other words, “depression, hopelessness, and despair” are the results of something being done to bring about those things…so is humility…so…whatever.
Maybe “self-hatred” or “self-loathing” would be better? Humility, rightly conceived, is actually a virtue.
Yes, I made a mistake
Humility is a virtue, and is brought about by the person himself.
yes, see my comment below…sorry
I think humility fits in the sense that it describes self-effacement, failure to assert oneself, no sense of self-worth.
I responded to this before, but it isn’t here…(maybe OG is trying to save me humiliation)?? but am responding again, you are correct…totally my error…no excuse except I do make mistakes…
I am not sure what I was thinking when I replied before, maybe I was asleep. If OG is “pending” that response, please delete it.
The mental illness of belief in the Jew abortions of Christianism, Islamism, and, of course, Satanism is a great part of the problem. Not to mention that Abrahamic religious governance is the oldest form of corporate-commercial governance still in place.
All right. So now its the ancient times who are the scapegoats.
After we dashed, whipped, and beat the h… out of all the politicians, the bankers, the doos and all the other duffers who are part of “the planet’s problem”.
“The filth”. “The useless eaters”. “The polluters”. “The moslems”. “All the fockheads who forgot to ask for permission before they entered my space”.
I don’t give a fuck about your Abrahamic derangement and delusions, or anyone else’s. In any case, ask your shrink about that.
Not for the first time, I present the opening passages of Kurt Vonnegut’s typically, and astonishingly prescient, 1968 short story “Welcome to the Monkey House”. It’s a bit long, because I’m including tangential text about the birth-control aspect, but I think it’s relevant to the overall prophetically dystopian ambience. I hope readers who don’t scroll past on TL;DR grounds will agree that it’s eminently worth the trip:
So Pete Crocker, the sheriff of Barnstable County, which was the whole of Cape Cod, came into the Federal Ethical Suicide Parlor in Hyannis one May afternoon–and he told the two six-foot Hostesses there that they weren’t to be alarmed, but that a notorious nothinghead named Billy the Poet was believed headed for the Cape.
A nothinghead was a person who refused to take his ethical birth-control pills three times a day. The penalty for that was $10,000 and ten years in jail.
This was at a time when the population of Earth was 17 billion human beings. That was far too many mammals that big for a planet that small. The people were virtually packed together like drupelets.
Drupelets are the pulpy little knobs that compose the outside of a raspberry.
So the World Government was making a two-pronged attack on overpopulation. One pronging was the encouragement of ethical suicide, which consisted of going to the nearest Suicide Parlor and asking a Hostess to kill you painlessly while you lay on a Barcalounger. The other pronging was compulsory ethical birth control.
The sheriff told the Hostesses, who were pretty, tough-minded, highly intelligent girls, that roadblocks were being set up and house-to-house searches were being conducted to catch Billy the Poet. The main difficulty was that the police didn’t know what he looked like. The few people who had seen him and known him for what he was were women–and they disagreed fantastically as to his height, his hair color, his voice, his weight, the color of his skin.
“I don’t need to remind you girls,” the sheriff went on, “that a nothinghead is very sensitive from the waist down. If Billy the Poet somehow slips in here and starts making trouble, one good kick in the right place will do wonders.”
He was referring to the fact that ethical birth-control pills, the only legal form of birth control, made people numb from the waist down.
Most men said their bottom halves felt like cold iron or balsa-wood. Most women said their bottom halves felt like wet cotton or stale ginger ale. The pills were so effective that you could blindfold a man who had taken one, tell him to recite the Gettysburg Address, kick him in the balls while he was doing it, and he wouldn’t miss a syllable.
The pills were ethical because they didn’t interfere with a person’s ability to reproduce, which would have been unnatural and immoral. All the pills did was take every bit of pleasure out of sex.
Thus did science and morals go hand in hand. […] 🐒 🤔
Off-Guardian fuck your pending system, grow up, and get rid of it.
Quoth the bot.
Look, Off-G is presently infested with trolls like bed bugs in a cheap hotel.
So it is not working, is it!
Like the money-laundering banks who harass honest customers buy putting their money on pause, it is theatre at best, manipulation at worst.
Mirror, mirror, ………
Concerning the increasingly prevalent trolls: how do you know they represent a poorly working algorithm? Maybe they’re exactly what the management ordered.
??? Your comments seem to get published, don’t they? Can you think of any internet news and analysis forum that is more inclusive? Didn’t think so.
Hmmm as I was reading down the comments and rather enjoying the discussion, suddenly there was this from you – interrupting and diverting an otherwise interesting flow of comments.
Ironically you looked like the only troll in sight
Its a general habit we all have more or less. Children call it “what you say is yourself”, the shrink call it “projective identification”.
Despite all the touting by the PTB, technology will never be infallible. If Off-G dumped their spam-catching system the comments would probably be over-run with porn links and messages like “earn $10,000 a week stuffing envelopes.”
I’m in the same place.
“From earliest childhood, I always felt that way, but I didn’t understand why.”
You have a gift, don’t doubt yourself. Those who see the social circle from outside, see it as it is viewed from above.
Society is increasingly a Mind War… it matters not who is conducting this deception – it only succeeds so long as many comply.
The days of media sites telling you “what you need to know” are numbered. Only peer-to-peer will survive.
You live as long as your economic longevity takes you. With the attack on pensions and switching retirement savings with volatile 401Ks? What did you expect?
A while back Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire went off on a tangent about MAID and the mindset of the Canadian government. The focus was on increased suicide rates. Daily wire touched on it again this week because of the latest stats that show a larger than normal jump in suicide rates in older men. I will write them and include a link to this essay. Although, they have probably already read this.
My two cents: What are the positions of body handling industries once these people are dead? Like funeral home associations, manufacturers of embalming chemicals, life insurance companies, etc.
Are there money trails that need to be followed?
Daily Wire and particularly MATT WALSH are bad people.
By that I mean against “us humans” best interests.
Don’t worship (or, in fact listen to) false idols
Can you explain why you think these sources are bad?
Those on the left all agree with your summation. The normalizing of aberrant behavior for political gain is one of the left’s goals. What you have written makes perfect sense.
I would conjecture that suicides, if not otherwise accounted for in a will or through a close relative, would be shuffled off to some science lab to have valuable organs absconded so that surgeons could make a mint installing them in patients. And whatever’s left used for The Science.
But then, I’ve never understood the concept of Organ Donor. The surgeon gets rich, the patient gets additional life – and the one whose organs make it all possible gets nothing. What’s wrong with this picture (besides everything).
The concept of brain death, firmly entrenched in the medical establishment, is unsettled. In a few cases, the subjects have woken up just before the surgery to remove parts, or after years on life support.
If you have been healthy and are now in a “coma”, will the knowledge that you are a potential donor influence the treatment options you get?
The murder industry owns everything, including the bodies of the murdered, to sell for profit.
In capitalism, money is the supreme deity. Private prisons recycle the outcastes of society like trash for profit. Similarly, this altruistic assistance in suicide will “develop” some industries including those you mentioned.
Let us not forget the global trade in body parts, an important spin-off from “conflict”. There are only so many countries you can subvert or invade, and even that costs big money. This scheme is a lot cheaper, with better assurane of product quality.
OT: here’s a funny thing.
The Spanish womens football team won the womens football world cup.
This has now been overshadowed by “an unwanted kiss”
Get it yet?
I mean, do you really understand?
World Cup
Women’s world cup ? What an effing waste of time and resources. The men’s event is bad enough. What is the need of a parallel distaff competition ? The world is allegedly warming. Why not convert some of the stadiums into nature reserves ? Imagine the waste of electricity for lighting and other facilities.
There is a big market for distraction from big personal and political issues.
Fully agree in everything Todd write.
This “depopulation” agenda has a backside of perversity. Not only should we depopulate which could have its reasons, but this depopulation must happen “in a human way”, so slow, limited and sadistic as possible.
Mentally ill people need first of all attention, organisation and protection in order to function, feel secure in order to get on two feet again. The problem is they are pushing and grinding everybody down with their mental state. All the best.
Well, I have a series on depopulation, which I approach in the gentlest way I can think of — because it is a topic that people understandably do not want to confront, and I link it practically to current events.
Maui’s Children – Smart Cities And Sex Trafficking – Sixth in a series on depopulation
It’s very noteworthy that you post “fuck you OffG” while at the same time using us as unpaid promotion for your own work – and you just assume we’ll be ok with that.
I wonder how many other sites would let you get away with it. Do you think it’s appropriate? Maybe a minimum of politeness should be obligatory in return for hosting multiple links to your own (monetized) outlet?
Small part of the evil plan. Lock downs and fear porn. mentally unstable neighbors. Loud noises, wailing sirens when no emergency at all. F-ing with the weather. The rise (again) of shit food inc and the poisons it contains. Energy drinks. Jabs. Vapes. Junk media in all formats. brain frying 5G & Wi-Fi. forever wars. Constant doom & gloom blasted at you from all angles. Anyone would think the small list I created would drive people to suicide. Yeah, I guess it would, for many.
Sounds like my neighbourhood. But Clint Eastwood would never commit suicide.
You have to go through everything and suffer anything if you wanna be a real man, and as long I have my gun they cant do a shit.
I’m sure every neighbourhood has a crazy living close by, It’s nothing new and can be enlightening if they have a good life tale to tell. But the modern guys are more into face creams and grooming, clean nails and polished butt cheeks, how can anyone get repairs carried out with that type a female said to me recently.
I was plagued with thoughts of suicide for most of my life. The only thing that kept me alive all those years (decades, in fact) was alcohol — lots of it. But I finally quit the bottle just over five years ago, and thanks to a rigorous régime of prayer and meditation, I have not experienced any return of true suicidal ideation.
Nevertheless, there’s still a part of me that sympathizes with those who feel driven to suicide. The world, as it is today, is nothing other than a vast insane asylum run by the wicked. So if you are neither insane nor wicked, you are bound to feel that you don’t belong here — and in some sense you’re right.
From earliest childhood, I always felt that way, but I didn’t understand why. Nobody around me seemed to feel that way, including the psychiatric professionals I was sent to (sorry, Todd, nothing personal!) so I didn’t identify with them either. I felt all alone, helpless. Heavy drinking was the only thing that brought me any relief at all.
That finally ended in 2018. I had quit before, of course, but I always went back to it, because life was not worth living without it. This time though, I promised myself one final, serious effort: I was going to go all out to try to turn things around. I mean, you can always change your mind and kill yourself tomorrow, right? But once you kill yourself, you can’t reverse that decision. And this time, by the grace of God, it actually worked.
Then, two years later, came the plague-hoax, and a funny thing happened: I soon realized how fake the whole thing was. Meanwhile, all these ‘normal, happy and well-adjusted’ people were running around acting like they were dying every time they got the sniffles! Masks, lockdowns, experimental injections … utter madness all around. And then it hit me: my earliest childhood intuitions had been correct. I was indeed living in a giant insane asylum run by the wicked. What I had previously regarded as the greatest source of misery in my life had now just saved me from injecting myself with poison! For the first time ever, I felt lucky rather than cursed. Whenever I start to feel burdened now by the pitiful state of world, I can reflect on that and remember that I am not alone after all; God is indeed with me. And I also understand that things are not always as they first seem. Sometimes your greatest misfortune is also your salvation.
But the people (beings?) that run this society don’t want you to understand that. They control all of civilization — every institution, including religion and psychiatry! — so that they can brainwash you with their lies. So that they can make you identify with, and therefore internalize, their evil. But we are more than just our perceptions and sensations. We are also immortal souls that came from a place far, far better than this present reality.
So don’t despair! Don’t give those evil beings what they want.
God bless you all …
Seamus, I’m in the same place.
“From earliest childhood, I always felt that way, but I didn’t understand why.”
You have a gift, don’t doubt yourself. Those who see the social circle from outside, see it as it is viewed from above.
Society is increasingly a Mind War… it matters not who is conducting this deception – it only succeeds so long as many comply.
The days of media sites that tell you “what you need to know” are numbered. Only peer-to-peer will survive.
Well said.
thank you for sharing this.
Observation… were once drunk and then you became sober. You were dying and then you became ALIVE!!!!
Question… order for the world(others) to become SOBER(ALIVE)….does the world(all of us) need to follow a 12 STEP PROGRAM????
It seems that the only thing that has worked, in order for people to become SOBER(AWAKE), is to participate in a RECOVERY PROGRAM!!!!
Question……what are the 12 STEPS that would be needed in order for a FULL RECOVERY to take place in a global system that is choking the life out of humanity????
I am asking this of EVERYONE…..we have to RECOVER what we have lost or are at risk of losing which is Love, Compassion etc…..
The twelve step approach (as seen in AA) actually had its origins in something called the “Oxford Group” which was much more overtly religious in focus and was seen as useful for all people (or let’s say most people) to overcome long standing personal problems, to lessen or even eliminate persistent feelings of depression, anxiety, resentment and fear. This would enable them to live more fully as true disciples of Christ, as lights in a world where darkness was so pervasive.
It starts with two people talking to each other. This is profoundly demonstrated in the 1989 made for tv movie, “My name is Bill W,” starring James Woods and James Garner with James Woods portraying Bill W. If you’re interested in humanity, this film is for you.
thank you
“Two people talking to each other”.
That’s verboten isn’t it???
…very early on in the scamdemic, I made a LOT of effort to talk to friends one on one to urge them to step back and evaluate the contradictions in the narrative. I showed how the “scientific data” itself exposed the scamdemic but only if you read it carefully and looked at the footnotes, methodologies and conflicts of interest instead of relying on MSM to digest and vomit it out at you through your TV or the gazillion whatsapp “forwards”.
How naive I was.
About a month in, I began to realize these talks were not welcome and since then I’ve given up on talking. People are in two camps and nobody talks.
Even the ones who are “anti-vax” (I consider myself pro-choice rather than anti-vax per se) have some absurd theories that are off limits for discussion: the virus ran away from an evil commie Chinese lab with its own two legs and boarded a first class flight to northern Italy…..never mind that northern Italian hospitals overflow with respiratory disease patients EVERY winter and the VIRUS HUNTERS like Drosten never try to find new genome sequences to get hysterical over in NATOstan.
Personally I believe it’s very important to discuss the reasons WHY you believe something.
Feeling one doesn’t belong is a two-sided coin. And if one has not experienced the other side of the coin, then, yes, it can be a terrible place to be.
The other side, simply put, is not wanting to belong. Looking around and not seeing anything you truly wish to be a part of.
Of course, that too presents a rather less than ideal situation. It compels you to keep looking everywhere for something you would like to belong to. And mostly not finding it.
Because, unfortunately, perfection is not possible. Yet there are those who continue to seek it. But then, seeking perfection is merely another facet of not really wishing to belong.
One additional thing regarding this other side of the coin. My favorite piece of literature, and the one which perfectly frames this attitude, is Kafka’s short story “A Hunger Artist.”
FWIW, I take almost all my ideas about life from fictional works rather than scholarly works. I find them to be far more honest.
Bless you, brother. You are an inspiration.
Great comment. You are so right — suicide is not a reversible decision. And God bless you too.
Your humility is beautiful Seamus.
As we say in Australia: Good onya mate.
Beautiful.Thank you.
This post is deceitful spin in that what the Canadian government has done , against the wishes of many profit seeking moralizers and vested interests , is remove its snout from the right to choose death battle and to leave this now pointless existence where humanity has become just another commodity. if you favor the right to refuse vaccination and the rights of women to decide whether or not to terminate an unwanted pregnancy , logically the right to ends ones life should be a personal choice regardless of the reason.
There’s a big difference between letting someone have the freedom to make the choice on their own and having the government encourage it and offer to help accomplish it conveniently.
Exactly. And then have their “agents”…therapists…help them in encouraging it.
The same therapists encourage their customers to take their shots , wear masks. These are not agents of government but business people trying to maximize profits . You are pinning the tail on the wrong donkey ?
Ending ones life in Canada is a personal choice initiated by an individual . Neither you or Mr Hayen seem to understand how it works and are hectoring for more authoritarian edicts making suicide a crime once again ! . A majority of Canadians favor assisted suicide , abortion , and forced vaccinations according to numerous polls across the political spectrum ?
I agree. Prohibition of assisted suicide can be justified on policy grounds.Also I think if a person really wants to kill themselves, they will generally be able to do it.
Do you trust them Jim?
I do not and that’s why in March 2020 I did not believe them-that there was a pandemic and that’s why I did not get the jab.
I trust government to always attempt to increase its power over the citizenry and I trust the corporations that control government globally these days to always attempt to maximize profits .
Why didn’t you believe them? I think you are right because I find the statements of the rulers in the Weffy West generally devoid of sense and logic and because they shut down people who challenged the narrative…but can you give me any info about why you disbelieved? Was it anything to do with the facts and figures/ lack of meaningful facts and figures?
Kurt Vonnegut foresaw this over 50 years ago in the short story Welcome to the Monkey House. To reduce overpopulation, people were encouraged to go to “ethical suicide parlors” where “hostesses” would off them.
The irony and sarcasm was wonderful then , but today it is not recognized as such by internet educated I-Phone idiots ?
The movie Soylent Green also presented it quite nicely.
This story about the British Museum having things stolen.
Date range given?
Have a guess how many years between those 2 dates? (Well between the start of those 2 centuries)
Its so transparent its hilarious.
They tell you in every story they are lying
Did the story say how many artifacts were stolen? After all, there could have been one artifact from the 15th century BC and one artifact from the 19th century AD.
Errrr, what has that got to do with it?
You are a spook (by that in mean someone who does what his masters say, and we know what that means sometimes eh? Nudge nudge wink wink.
Go away Howard, you utterly boring wank
I’m curious why the number of artifacts stolen has nothing “to do with it.”
Thieves stole things that British Museum has stolen from all over the world. Naughty naughty boys.
Not humility, which we should all have in healthy proportion but HUMILIATION, depression and hopelessness.
Yeah,, yeah, I goofed…”sue me, sue me, shoot bullets through me…” I AM human after all, this is not a product of ChatGPT
Thanks Todd. This one hit home hard and fast. My son experienced schitzophrenia for 7 years (that I know of) and of the 5 or so “Others” 2 were highly malignant to him and me. After 2 sections and 4 years of gradually moving to some independance through halfway houses and massive support and slowly attenuating the medical load he is currently dong well. Or at least OK. Sometimes there’s behaviour or a facial expresion that scares the crap out of us, is he regressing? Have the difficult circumstances of putting a life back together overwhelmed him? Do I step up or step back? Who the fuck do I call? But shit it’s just our life in the end. Through it all my mantra is “He’s not dead, He’s not dead” I do not know how many points on this long journey he, or one of the other shits he carried, would have gleefully signed this precious life away, precious to me, if not to him at the time.
This breaks my bloody heart. Caring for someone close who is in deep, deep torment and desperate for it to stop is a constant death watch anyway without malignant enablement put into law; and, yes, I do think it could and would be used to remove expensive and troublesome people from the care industry.
I know I would have lost my boy if this had been in place and at the other end of the scale my 87 year old Mam would have snapped their hand off for this on a bad day.
And frankly, at one or 2 points I might have done too….and it would have been wrong, wrong, wrong.
Schizophrenia is a mysterious condition, although science, again, believes it has it figured out. I do not know enough about its complications to make full comment, but I will say more than likely if your son lived in a primal culture, or lived thousands of years ago, he probably would have been the village medicine man. Ostracized nonetheless, but of importance to the tribe.
Are you familiar with Dr. Bentall’s work? (Sorry this article is in The Guardian! Oh what sacrilege!)
I hadn’t heard of Bentall before and I only skimmed the article. As soon as it treats “mental illness” as a thing (third paragraph), it’s showing the incurable signs and symptoms of the same old disease. Hence my diagnosis. It’s just psychiatry trying to reinvent itself again. “There’s a revolution”, said Laing 60 years ago. I think Laing knew he was engaging in a wishful flight of fancy, but there were others with lesser insight into the pervasive condition who might have believed him. Perhaps the Lord will provide with a therapeutic miracle, but in the meantime they shouldn’t be allowed unsupervised access to matches and sharp objects. But who will supervise the supervisors?
R.D. Laing – The Politics of Experience (1967)
From Chapter 5: The Schizophrenic Experience
p.p. 100-01
There is no such “condition” as “schizophrenia”, but the label is a social fact and the social fact a political event. This political event, occurring in the civic order of society, imposes definitions and consequences on the labelled person. It is a social prescription that rationalizes a set of social actions whereby the labelled person is annexed by others, who are legally sanctioned, medically empowered, and morally obliged, to become responsible for the person labelled. The person labelled is inaugurated not only into a role, but into a career of patient, by the concerted action of a coalition (a “conspiracy”) of family, G.P., mental health officer, psychiatrists, nurses, psychiatric social workers, and often fellow patients.
The “committed” person labelled as patient, and specifically as “schizophrenic”, is degraded from full existential and legal status as human agent and responsible person, no longer in possession of his own definition of himself, unable to retain his own possessions, precluded from the exercise of his discretion as to whom he meets, what he does. His time is no longer his own and the space he occupies is no longer of his choosing.
After being subjected to a degradation ceremonial known as psychiatric examination he is bereft of his civil liberties in being imprisoned in a total institution known as a “mental” hospital. More completely, more radically than anywhere else in our society, he is invalidated as a human being. In the mental hospital he must remain, until the label is rescinded or qualified by such terms as “remitted” or “readjusted”. Once a “schizophrenic” there is a tendency to be regarded as always a “schizophrenic”.
You say you only skimmed the article. Why not read the whole thing a bit more carefully? I don’t think you and Todd are that far apart. And whether mental illnesses are real or just labels, certainly the “treatments” (whether talking therapies, psychoanalysis, medication or even hospitalization) are less permanent and less — shall we say? — debilitating than encouraging a person to kill themselves, with a friendly hand from the doctor and the government.
It’s a shibboleth – one of the key the signs and symptoms – and the writing on the wall. If you want to know why the notion of “mental illness” functions as a shibboleth, read Szasz’s preface to The Myth of Mental Illness – link posted below.
A shibboleth is any custom or tradition, usually a choice of phrasing or even a single word, that distinguishes one group of people from another. Shibboleths have been used throughout history in many societies as passwords, simple ways of self-identification, signaling loyalty and affinity, maintaining traditional segregation, or protecting from real or perceived threats.
Thanks , Yes I am aware of the shamanic work with so called psychoses, we explored the possibilities when there was lucidity but he wants to be “Normal” so it was a resounding no at every point and consent is paramount in that world…so we wait…he will find his way. However I am grateful for the link and the thoughts.
The best way to avoid being labelled as a schizophrenic to become a politician or a billionaire.
Re: Who do I call?
The first rule is that nobody “knows” anything. The second is that the closer we get to truly knowing something, the more we realise how far away we are. Consequently, there are no “experts”; anybody who claims to be an expert is a charlatan; and that includes the entire psychiatric industry.
My suggestion is to start with your own voyage. For me it involved reading a wide range of books. The top of the list would include:
– William James – The Varieties of Religious Experience
– Laing – The Politics of Experience
– Grof – The Stormy Search for the Self
– Masson – Against Therapy
– Duncan, Miller, Sparks – The Heroic Client
– Roy Porter – Madness: A Brief History
– Szasz – Preface to The Myth of Mental Illness (link below; the book itself doesn’t add much)
Thanks for the list and the previous reply which resonates with me. James, Laing and Grof I have and have read but the others I am unfamiliar with. I am becoming more convinced that this kind of hallucinatory experience is valid and has use and that it is the terror of being “Unhinged” and “Different. In an unnavigable landscape” brings on the terror behaviours and violence. We just dont have anything in the system that addresses this, though it is known. There are groups like Hearing Voices that help one another to pioneer ways of living without medication and i have spoken with some very brave peole there but my son is not willing to be reday for such a step. Like I said before he will come to his own way and I must trust that whilst building a new relationship with him at his speed. Thanks again
Masson argues that psychotherapy as a delivered service is fundamentally flawed – and he presents a number of horror stories in support of that argument. I tend to agree with him on this, but there are a few counter arguments which he doesn’t present. For instance, people need to believe in the possibility of something working – and it’s far better to believe in psychotherapy than psychiatric drugs. Also, people can find their own solution during the course of organised therapy – and it’s possible that the therapist helps along the way.
Heroic Client presents the evidence that the medicalised, diagnostic process doesn’t work – whether the treatment includes drugs or therapy – though it suggests that “client-directed” therapy may work. The book also includes a four-page essay by Ronald Bassman. I’ve not found the specific essay online, but there are similar articles at the links below. I’ve not read much else by Bassman, so I’ve no knowledge of the rest of his work.
In 1969, at the age of 25, I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for the second time in 3 years. The first diagnosis, schizophrenia, paranoid type was followed by a second hospitalization and the diagnosis schizophrenia, chronic type. My treatments included electro-shock, insulin comas and massive doses of medication. After I recovered from my “treatments” and began addressing the identity issues that had triggered my excursion into “madness,” I entered graduate school, earned my doctorate and have worked as a licensed psychologist in a state hospital, in private practice, been a consultant to schools and state agencies and have been the executive director of a 7-county comprehensive mental health center. During that time I worked as a clinician and an advocate and did not reveal my psychiatric history for twenty years.
Overcoming the Impossible
Presents an article on the life of a patient who was diagnosed and treated for schizophrenia. Treatment of schizophrenia using insulin;
Overview of studies on schizophrenia.
By Ronald Bassman published January 1, 2001 – last reviewed on June 9, 2016
Gosh I am struck by the similarities between your case and the one I describe in my own comment here.
My loved one was 22 in 1971 when he became severely ill with hallucinations and physical symptoms. He was not given ECT or IST however. He was very humanely treated with drugs and psychotherapy which I believe saved his life.
I would love to know more about your experience. Comparison of symptoms, treatment and outcome in these two quite similar cases (in terms of age and time-period) might be so helpful don’t you think?
The history is that of Ronald Bassman. He’s quite well known. If “Peter” were to contact him directly, I assume he would reply.
BTW: I don’t believe a word of your “story”.
What a strange and emotionally aggressive response!
You know nothing about me other than I reached out to you thinking you had a life experience in common with someone I love. My loved one’s experience is quite a recognized trajectory of “mental illness”. He was never diagnosed with schizophrenia as such because he never suffered another full blown episode, but his symptoms fall under the banner of “schizophrenic” type symptoms. Millions of people go through these symptoms. Why would you arbitrarily decide not to believe it in this case? Quite odd.
This is a highly skeptical site – suspecting that people might be frauds is par for the course.
I read the linked article. Wow it does seem as if my loved one was very lucky or Mr B was very unfortunate, or maybe both. However I wish he had described his symptoms. I don’t feel I can evaluate his treatment and diagnosis unless I know how “ill” he was prior to being hospitalized. As he admits in the article some people with a “schizophrenic” diagnosis are severely impaired, unable to interact with others, catatonic, violent, self-harming, feces-smearing. I would like to know where on the spectrum of “schizophrenia” Mr B was when admitted as it would help put his treatment in the correct context.
Bassman doesn’t believe in “diagnosis”. He’ll use the term merely to get the article published in Psychology Today.
Ok they read all the books, but they still cant find the answers.
The following is Szasz accusing Laing of being a fraud. My view is that Laing was selected by Tavistock for the role; he was trapped within the system; and they would have put him away if he’d deviated too far. Consequently, I think he went as far as he reasonably could have gone.
From the Preface to The Myth of Mental Illness
(see above for link)
In 1967, my efforts to undermine the moral legitimacy of the alliance of psychiatry and the state suffered a serious blow: the creation of the antipsychiatry movement by David Cooper (1931–1986) and Ronald D. Laing (1927–1989). Instead of advocating the abolition of Institutional Psychiatry, they sought to replace it with their own brand of psychiatry, which they called “Anti-Psychiatry.” By means of this dramatic misnomer, they attracted attention to themselves and deflected attention from what they did, which included coercions and excuses based on psychiatric authority and power. Antipsychiatry is a type of psychiatry: The psychiatrist qua health-care professional is a fraud, and so too is the antipsychiatrist.
Voltaire’s famous aphorism, “God protect me from my friends, I’ll take care of my enemies,” proved to apply perfectly to what happened next: although my critique of the alliance of psychiatry and the state antedates by two decades the reinvention and popularization of the term “antipsychiatry,” I was smeared as an antipsychiatrist and my critics wasted no time identifying and dismissing me as a “leading antipsychiatrist.”
For more than fifty years I have maintained that mental illnesses are counterfeit diseases (“nondiseases”), that coerced psychiatric relations are like coerced labor relations (“slavery”) or coerced sexual relations (rape), and spent the better part of my professional life criticizing the concept of mental illness, objecting to the practices of involuntary-institutional psychiatry, and advocating the abolition of “psychiatric slavery” and “psychiatric rape.”
Not surprisingly, the more aggressively I reminded psychiatrists that individuals incarcerated in mental hospitals are deprived of liberty, the more zealously they insisted that “mental illnesses are like other illnesses” and that psychiatric institutions are bona fide medical hospitals. The psychiatric establishment’s defense of coercions and excuses thus reinforced my argument about the metaphorical nature of mental illness and importance of the distinction between coerced and consensual psychiatry.
Anyone who seeks to help others – whether by means of religion or by means of medicine – must eschew the use of force. I am not aware of any antipsychiatrist who has agreed with this principle or abided by this limitation. Subsuming my work under the rubric of antipsychiatry betrays and negates it just as effectively and surely as subsuming it under the rubric of psychiatry. My writings form no part of either psychiatry or antipsychiatry and belong to neither. They belong to conceptual analysis, social-political criticism, civil liberties, and common sense. This is why I rejected, and continue to reject, psychiatry and antipsychiatry with equal vigor.
The psychiatric establishment’s rejection of my critique of the concept of mental illness and its defense of coercion as cure and of excuse-making as humanist mercy posed no danger to my work. On the contrary. Contemporary “biological” psychiatrists tacitly recognized that mental illnesses are not, and cannot be, brain diseases: once a putative disease becomes a proven disease it ceases to be classified as a mental disorder and is reclassified as a bodily disease; or, in the persistent absence of such evidence, a mental disorder becomes a nondisease. That is how one type of mental illness, neurosyphilis, became a brain disease, while another type, homosexuality, became reclassified as a nondisease.
Formerly, when Church and State were allied, people accepted theological justifications for state-sanctioned coercion. Today, when Medicine and the State are allied, people accept therapeutic justifications for state-sanctioned coercion. This is how, some two hundred years ago, psychiatry became an arm of the coercive apparatus of the state. And this is why today all of medicine threatens to become transformed from personal therapy into political tyranny.
In 1956 Laing went to train on a grant at the Tavistock Clinic in London, widely known as a centre for the study and practice of psychotherapy (particularly psychoanalysis). At this time, he was associated with John Bowlby, D. W. Winnicott and Charles Rycroft. He remained at the Tavistock Clinic until 1964.
Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust
After the Second World War, the Tavistock Clinic benefited from the Northfield Hospital experience and from the arrival of talented professionals from Europe, many fleeing Nazi persecution. In 1948 it became a leading clinic within the newly created National Health Service. At this point its education and training services were managed separately by the Tavistock Institute for Medical Psychology, which was also the umbrella for the Tavistock Institute, involved in social action research and thinking about group relations and organisational dynamics, and for work with marital couples. The clinic was managed on a democratic model by a professional committee and developed further its distinct focus on multi-disciplinary and community-centred work.
“Clearly from a religious or spiritual perspective, suicide is a bad move”
‘Getting Rid of the Useless Eaters’ is a core value of the conservative right, i.e. the Religious Conservative Right!
to pretend and dare say otherwise is the ‘Work of Charlatans’
There is corruption everywhere, even in religion (you dare say???)
Huh? What are you taking about?
Nothing considered spiritual or religious can be defined as “clear” ? Getting rid of Useless Eaters , definition required , may be the only act that will allow humanity to continue to exist ? Many of our elites and leaders are “clearly” mentally ill and dangerous and must be gotten rid of if humanity is to continue ?
I have to disagree with you. As much as I dislike the Religious Conservative Right – the so-called “Silent Majority” – I think they, of all religious people, are the very least likely to label anyone as a “useless eater.”
This is because of their obsession with saving “non-believers.”
Castreau is an evil lunatic. Unfortunately he is too useful to the banksters and will not be offered medically assisted suicide.
I think we know where this is going. If today the state “allows” death, tomorrow it will “encourage” death; and the day after tomorrow it will “mandate” death.
The idea, as old as humanity, is to get the ball rolling with a kind and gentle nudge. And once the ball is in motion, it will be next to impossible to stop.
And with the current state of the culture, which will get worse, people will line up for the lethal injection.
I suspect that there are people who will line up for it knowing that is lethal.
I suspect that there are people who will line up for it knowing (on some sub-surface level that they scarcely dare conciously admit) that it is lethal, rationalizing the mandates and requirements as ways of absolving themselves of responsibility for committing suicide, the result of having chosen poorly.
Having seen several of my life long friends choose assisted suicide when racked by cancer and multiple sclerosis die peacefully in a hospital room surrounded by their loved ones . I hope to still be able to choose that option when my health fails , as it surely will . Despite the wishes of a misinformed ideologue like yourself , who possibly resent the lose of potential customers to whom you could feed expensive drugs and bad advice while they suffer ?
Oh do fuck off back to your nans, howard
Gosh, I’m developing a following here on OffG. (My masters will be so happy!)
I predict an enormous increase in suicide though unrecorded as such in the future to hide the fact and sell the decline
Yep, I agree.