Deconstructing Marianna in Conspiracyland: Part V

Iain Davis

Throughout the introduction and Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4, we have established some key facts about the BBC’s “Marianna Spring in Conspiracyland” podcast series.

  • The BBC is a state propaganda outlet funded with billions of pounds of UK license fees and generous donations from philanthropic foundations. It is largely controlled by the UK government through the government’s appointed regulator, Ofcom.
  • Marianna Spring, the BBC’s first “specialist social media and disinformation correspondent” deliberately spread dangerous health disinformation to children on behalf of the BBC and, therefore, the UK government.
  • The BBC, and Spring, demand that they be “trusted” but continually spread disinformation, misinformation, malinformation and propaganda.
  • Spring insists that there is a “conspiracy theory movement,” despite the fact that there is no evidence that any such movement exists. “Conspiracy theory” is a label, first “weaponised” by the CIA. It continues to be used today, by Spring and other propagandists, to discredit anyone who questions power. Something the Legacy Media (LM), of which the BBC is part, no longer does.
  • We live in “biased pluralist societies” ruled by an inappropriately named“economic elite.” Some refer to this biased pluralist system as the Criminocracy. Anyone who points toward the totalitarian and corrupt nature of of the Criminocracy is labelled a “conspiracy theorist” by the BBC, Spring and other representatives of the Criminocracy.
  • Spring claims that the “realm of evidence” is determined solely by the “epistemic authorities.” This is false. Marianna only acknowledges evidence once it is defined and approved for discussion by the Criminocracy. This is illogical, anti-democratic and dangerous.
  • Spring claims that people can be “radicalised” simply by consuming information. This is false.
  • Spring claims the evidence offered by the people she labels as “conspiracy theorists” is either incorrect or has been “debunked” in its entirety. This is false.
  • Spring claims that people automatically believe everything expressed by those with whom they agree on some issues, but not on others. This is false.
  • Exploiting this composition fallacy, Spring cherry-picks the most extreme opinions found among those she labels “conspiracy theorists” and then attributes the same thoughts, beliefs and action to all she labels as “conspiracy theorists.” This gross misrepresentation of the people, who cannot be defined as an identifiable demographic group and who collectively hold a multitude of different anti-Establishments opinions (AEOs), enables Spring to use the propaganda technique of “demonising her enemy.” All of her assertions, in this regard, are false.
  • Spring claims AEOs of any kind are somehow dangerous to democracy and refuses to acknowledge that questioning power is one of the most important democratic ideals. Spring is apparently an authoritarian opposed to democracy and the principles it is based upon.
  • Spring’s personal and professional history strongly suggest that she is a possible intelligence agency controlled “media asset.”
  • Thus far, throughout Conspiracyland, Spring has not presented any evidence to substantiate any of her countless claims, assertions and allegations. She has employed a string of logical fallacies, propaganda techniques and insinuations to create an entirely false depiction of millions of people who hold AEOs.
  • Part 4 of Marianna’s podcast series was called “Marianna in Conspiracyland: The Conspiracy Theory Newspaper.” Calling the Light newspaper a “conspiracy theory newspaper,” evidenced Marianna’s use of the propaganda labelling system. The title of Spring’s 4th podcast episode is intentionally misleading: disinformation in other words.
  • The Light reports news events, offers critiques, guides, reviews, opinion pieces and social commentary. Unlike the LM, it investigates and scrutinises the statements and actions of governments and other partners in the Criminocracy. The Light questions power, as all good journalism should, and thus appeals to people who hold a wide range of views, including AEOs.

Marianna’s Part 4 podcast is based upon an interview with the editor of the Light, Darren Nesbit. The full 3 hour interview is available here. Watching it reveals just how far Spring’s report of that encounter diverges from the full content of the discussion.

In “Part 4” Spring reported a question put to her by Nesbit:

Why do you always conflate opposition to the government with online abuse and extreme views, held by a tiny minority. Don’t you think that you are over exaggerating both the number and the threat from those fringe thinkers in society?

Spring reported her reply:

I disagree that I do that. I always endeavour to separate very reasonable and legitimate concerns and questions that people have from the more extreme views and ideas that are contrary to evidence and fact.

However, as we have already discussed, Spring believes that “evidence” is limited to some imaginary “realm” defined by the Criminocracy’s “epistemic authorities.” Spring does not consider any other evidence to be within “the realm of evidence.” Everything outside of her magical realm is alleged by Spring to be “contrary to fact.”

As she also considers everything allegedly “contrary to fact” to be extreme, Spring never endeavours to separate legitimate concerns from more extreme views. She incessantly conflates them.

What this inevitably means is that Spring only accepts and promotes official narratives and refuses, under any circumstances, to examine or report evidence that casts doubt on those narratives. Therefore, by abandoning all principles of investigative journalism, Spring does nothing other than parrot whatever “opinions” or “stories” she is fed by the Criminocracy.

Consequently, from Spring’s apparent perspective, publications like the Light, and the views of people like Darren Nesbit, are always, irretrievable “conspiracy theories.” No concerns expressed by those she labels “conspiracy theorists” can ever be “reasonable and legitimate.” All opinions that do not conform to the Criminocracy’s prescriptions are reported by Spring as indicative of “extreme views.”

Despite Spring’s denials, “Marianna in Conspiracyland” does precisely as Nesbit describes. Throughout, Spring has persistently equated “opposition to the government” and AEOs to extremism. Her protestations are evidently misleading and Nesbit’s observations are accurate.

This is underscored by Spring’s next reported comment. She contends that the Light newspaper “could be a gateway into something more extreme,” rendering her immediately preceding rebuttal quite ridiculous. Spring then launched into a slew of composition fallacy arguments.

Because the Light has recommended the Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustice Mullins—who is widely accused of white supremacy, antisemitism, holocaust denial, etc.—to its readers, Spring attempted, yet again, to present her fallacious contentions as purported “evidence” that the Light is somehow “a gateway” into extremism.

She continued to demonstrate that she does indeed conflate opposition to government with extremism. This is undoubtedly Spring’s modus operandi.

Nesbit stressed that the Light recommends Mullins book on the Federal Reserve—a decent exploration of which can be found here—because it is worth reading, adding that all Spring is attempting to do is establish “guilt by association.”

Spring next highlighted the Light’s alleged support for Graham Hart, who was sentenced to 32 months in prison after he plead guilty to “producing a programme in service with intent or likely to stir up racial hatred.” Spring falsely accused Nesbit and the Light of “directly defending” Hart.

The Light article in question in no way defends Hart directly, noting that “inciting people to violence in the name of anything is rarely a good idea.” It certainly does question the whole notion of “hate speech,” upon which Hart’s conviction was based, and offers a robust defence of Hart’s right to exercise free speech.

While Spring was eager to attack the Light for allegedly “defending” a man who said some despicable things, she failed to inform her audience about the BBC’s record of genuinely “defending” child murderers.

In 2016 members of the terrorist Nour al-Din al-Zinki movement publicly beheaded 12 year old Abdullah Issa. The BBC leaped to Nour al-Din al-Zinki’s defence, pointing out that the child was a fighter, thereby justifying his decapitation. Four months later the BBC produced another report in which the same, individual terrorists, who filmed themselves beheading a child, were eulogised by the BBC as “moderate rebels” bravely resisting the Assad regime.

As we have discussed, The BBC often promotes terrorists and their views. Although Spring has never alleged that the BBC is a “gateway to extremism.”

Facing heated and groundless and hypocritical accusation from Spring, Nesbit said:

We didn’t [defend Hart directly] we defended his right to say it.

This concern for free speech in a democracy is far too nuanced an argument for Spring. To suggest, as the Light article does, that there is an important distinction between merely causing offence or causing “legitimate harm,” is not a concept Spring ever discusses with her to audience. Presumably, Spring considers nasty comments a greater social evil than infanticide.

Questioning how the Light funds itself with voluntary contributions, instead of forcibly extracting money from the public using threats an menaces, as the BBC does, in “Marianna in Conspiracyland Part 5: Follow The Money,” Spring tried to so peak to the Light’s advertisers. She claimed that she attempted to arrange interviews with a number of advertisers but only one was willing to speak to her.

Although we cannot know why people apparently refused to talk to Marianna, she opined that it was probably due to their dislike and distrust of the BBC. In the opening to Part 5, Spring illustrated why people don’t like or trust the BBC.

Spring said that the one advertiser who she did manage to interview (Ian) advocates “hanging” for “journalists, politicians and others if they are complicit in these sinister plots.” This was a complete misrepresentation of what Ian actually said. It is extremely common for the BBC to twist people’s words this way, which may well explain why few trust the BBC.

Her allegation, made in the opening sequence, was accompanied by an ominous shift in the incidental music. Following the foreboding, Spring–or her editors–immediately cut to an audio clip of Ian’s actual statement:

If it’s to be found that people are guilty of crimes against humanity, then yes.

There was a blatant disconnect between Spring’s characterisation of Ian’s statement and his words. He made no mention either of “hanging” or of “sinister plots.” Instead Ian broached the contentious issue of applying the death penalty for people found guilty of “crimes against humanity.”

Thoroughly undermining Springs allegations against the Light newspaper and those who read it, Ian recalled that the Light’s editorial team are nice people who are easy to work with. He reported that he doesn’t believe everything he reads in the Light—presumably because he’s a rational adult—but that generally he found the articles well researched and written. Ian acknowledged that the AEOs expressed in the paper may seem “odd” to people accustomed only to consuming information from the LM.

Spring later asked Ian why he thought killing people may be justified. Ian stressed that, in his view, it would only be so for genuine cases of humanitarian crimes. He added that such crimes should be fully investigated and suspects tried in a court of law before being punished if found guilty.

The death penalty is meted out as punishment around the world. In the US and elsewhere, governments and judiciaries routinely kill people found guilty in their courts. Following the recent conviction in the UK of the serial baby killer Lucy Letby, the LM was quick to revisit the question of the death penalty, which was only fully rescinded in Britain in 1999.

While the death penalty is a difficult social and political issue to resolve, eliciting strong feelings for and against, there was nothing “sinister” nor even particularly “odd” about the point Ian made. Spring insinuated that Ian thought “doctors or journalists or politicians” should be executed. Yet, it was Spring who was solely responsible for introducing this notion into the conversation and nothing Ian said warranted it.

Spring inserted and attached her insinuations to her “hanging” and “sinister plots” rhetoric. The consistent intention was to deceive BBC listeners into believing that Ian’s views were “extreme.” As Nesbit correctly pointed out in the previous episode, Spring never ceases to conflate “opposition to government” with extremism.

Ian said that he thought the Covid jabs were experimental jabs that potentially harmed millions. He added that if that was “proven to be the case” those found guilty of what would surely constitute a crime against humanity should be punished, potentially with the death penalty.

When Spring said she felt people may be surprised by his stance, Ian asked “why?” To which Spring replied:

Dunno, we don’t really kill people anymore.

Spring often gives “passive-aggressive” responses. In this case, in the form of glib, moral self-aggrandisement, as if she has uniquely virtuous sensibilities. The questions Ian raised have no simple answers. Spring’s willingness to reduce the debate to virtue signalling was puerile and diversionary.

Ian added that he thinks the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) is a highly questionable organisation and that the money it gives to the BBC suggests a conflict of interest in the BBC’s reporting. Marianna replied that she is often asked about this, but that BMGF funding, primarily for BBC Media Action, has no impact upon her reporting. This was either a deceptive or a delusional response.

Since 2005, the BMGF has given the BBC approximately $57.2 million. Given the scale of the BBC’s multi-billion pound annual budget, this is a tiny, relative amount. That said, this is nowhere near the full amount the BMGF has funnelled to the BBC.

The BMGF is also a major donor to the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP) and USAID.—effectively the CIA. It also funds Global Affairs Canada and various EU projects. The BMGF is the only philanthropic foundation that BBC Media Action lists as a donor, it also holds a significant stake in four of Media Action’s other donors.

According to the BBC, Media Action reaches “more than 118 million people around the world.” It played a “significant role” at the COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow in 2021. It provided “information” and supported its media “partners” in “Myanmar, Ethiopia, Afghanistan and Ukraine” in the same year.

To give you some idea what BBC Media Action does, we can look at its 2012 Case Study Report for Syria. This outlines what it was up to in the country prior to the conflict that started in 2011. The unrest was eventually initiated when western and Saudi backed gunmen opened fire on protesting crowds from sniper positions in the al Omari Mosque in the border town of Daraa.

In the years leading up to the subsequent proxy war that caused immense suffering in Syria, BBC Media Action was agitating for “regime change.” Juliette Harkin, former BBC Media Action Project Manager, said:

All media development work that has been done in Syria has, in my opinion, been predicated upon this idea that there can be change from within – you have an authoritarian regime and you find who the reformers are within that [regime] and you work with them.

Once the bloodshed had begun, the BBC did everything it possibly could to perpetuate it. By, for example, defending terrorist child murderers.

BBC Media Action is an extension of western imperial “soft power.” Which explains why, in addition to US State Department funding, it is also funded by the UK and other European governments. Spring seemingly deceived her audience by restricting her description of BBC Media Action to “almost like a sort of charity arm of the BBC.”

The BMGF uses BBC soft power for other purposes. BBC Media Action heavily promoted the BMGF backed global COVID-19 jab rollout, providing what it called“vital health information to audiences around the world.” This essentially boiled down to selling the BMGF funded GAVI’s various COVID jabs to numerous countries.

The BMGF connections to the UK government that controls everything Spring “reports” are extensive. As the BMGF bluntly declares:

We work closely with the UK government, nongovernmental organizations, and research institutions to advocate for the best use of the UK’s collective funding resources and its diplomatic influence [. . .].

In a May 2021 UK parliamentary committee (go to 14:02:35), the former adviser to the UK Prime Minister, Dominic Cummings, said that the BMGF and “that kind of network” had practically directed the UK government’s entire COVID-19 response. This is just one example of the BMGF’s “partnership” with the UK government. BBC Media Action is another.

The BMGF may not directly fund her journalism, but it wields immense influence over her employer and its paymaster controllers. Unless Spring is at liberty to produce whatever reports she likes and is completely free of BBC editorial control, there is an overt “conflict of interest” in Spring’s reporting. Safe to say, Marianna Spring will never criticise the BMGF while she works for the BBC.

To claim, as Spring continually does, that the BMGF’s brand of “philanthropy” doesn’t buy power and influence in the BBC appears to be an incredibly banal and naive commentary from a so-called investigative “journalist.” Although, in Spring’s case, it is more likely to be disinformation.

You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog IainDavis.com (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his SubStack. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.


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Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Sep 15, 2023 9:48 PM

I despise the BBC and everyone that works there.
Perhaps Putin will use it as target practice one day…

Oct 15, 2023 12:26 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

I’ve given them the coordinates.

Sep 15, 2023 1:44 PM

“The BBC’s ‘disinformation’ correspondent, Marianna Spring, was busted lying on her CV to win a job” https://www.zerohedge.com/political/bbc-disinformation-reporter-lied-her-cv-admits-awful-misjudgement

a man called james
a man called james
Sep 14, 2023 3:33 PM
Sep 6, 2023 9:24 PM

The Guardian picks up the Marianna Spring story, and suggests she is a Joan d’Arc more than unfairly traduced.

Yet read the article and there is no evidence of these counter articles – only the allegation that her phone is full of abuse. Since no one has her number, this must be simply emails to the BBC.

Here we see a dialectic that requires her to be targeted individually, in order to demonise “Covid hoaxers and anti-vaxxers, the cranks who would once have seemed harmless…

But who writes such articles, except for Iain Davis. Honestly, I can find online only hagiographies. No counter articles other than that series which is found here.

Do we have a dialectic?

The G says her critics are possessed by a fiery righteousness that has completely burned through their neighbourliness.”

Read that last clause once again — “completely burned through their neighbourliness.”

So those who point out the holes in the Covid narrative are no longer part of society; no longer deserving of the rights once due to the citizen.

This posture – Marianna against those no who have “burned through their neighbourliness” – allows The G to avoid any assessment of Spring’s reporting (she targets independent researchers, who have none of her big BBC budget, and harasses and smears them) and The G deems her claims to be fully validated.

Spring has been gifted a silver spoon in career terms.

” As a piece of investigative reporting, Conspiracyland is vivid and thorough. As a social snapshot, it is unsettling, full of people who seem community-centred but harbour violent fantasies about seeing their adversaries hang; people who seem soft and lefty but are enmeshed in the tropes of the far right. It is so fair-minded that at times it feels like it is taking a set of scales to a gun fight, but we will talk about that later.”

Sep 6, 2023 9:18 PM

When one writes any report, the first question is, what’s my point – what purpose does this serve.

What is the answer in the case of this series? If I can bring myself to it, I’ll read the lot but the demands of time means I’ve dipped in.

We know the BBC operates as an arm of British intelligence. It always did. Go back to its founding, Winston Churchill and the General Strike of 1926. Or the MI5 vetting scandal. Or the ousting of DG Alasdair Milne.

Marianna – a Russian language student who spent time, as I once did, on the Moscow Times – is without doubt an asset, given her subsequent career trajectory.

Why, however, does she exist? The BBC did not have such a position even at the height of the Cold War. It is not sufficient to say that the independent media “conspiracy theorists” were not a problem at the time. There was a thriving underground press. Private Eye was fearless, not the Hislop excuse of today. The establishment press was much more diverse back then. There was a real contest between the broadsheets – and many a politician found themselves in the crosshairs. There was plenty of coverage of MI5’s links with child abuse in The News of The World.

Television had Granada’s World in Action. The BBC itself carried a documentary in 1991 on NATOs involvement in public bombings (Operation Gladio) though it carefully avoided any mention of Northern Ireland.

What has changed is not simply the Internet but the fact that the powers are losing control of the narrative. Also the stakes are higher: they have activated Agenda 21. The Covid response caused a huge backlash.

If “conspiracy theorists” did not exist, the government would have to invent them. Proof of this in the U.S. with yet another bunch of pretty boys waving swastikas, ie, Feds and actors.

That is why Marianna’s position exists. Who she is, is irrelevant. And The Guardian’s obsession with the girl obscures that reality.

Sep 6, 2023 9:34 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

I also joined the BBC as a Broadcast Journalist the same age as Marianna, so I know the conditions within which she is working.

Sep 1, 2023 12:53 AM

“In August 2023, The Telegraph reported that 80% of abuse directed at BBC journalists had been targeted at Spring” (https://www.wikispooks.com/wiki/Marianna_Spring)

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 1, 2023 6:08 PM
Reply to  urphenomenon

So many men so afraid of 1 single woman? All right maybe she is a witch but……..but but but……butt.

Kenneth Thorberg
Kenneth Thorberg
Sep 1, 2023 8:00 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

But this one single witch has access to so many “easily influenced” , via the propaganda machine BBC. And the information war has but one goal , to get the “easily influenced” i.e. the majority on your side.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 31, 2023 10:50 PM

“Spring has not presented any evidence to substantiate any of her countless claims, assertions and allegations. She has employed a string of logical fallacies, propaganda techniques and insinuations” 
to spread lies.

Since the majority of the people adhere to false authorities, they cannot perceive all this disinformation as blatant lies; they have lost their ability, if ever present, to think things through for themselves. That’s the sad state of the world we live in.

I have heard it said that more and more people are ‘waking up’ – some say around 10 percent of the people are now ‘awake’ to the machinations of the criminocracy (thanks for that befitting term). However, that’s obviously not enough by far, given that they continuing to terrorise the unwitting population. 

I used to hope that some scientists at least were on the right track:

Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society. 

The scientists, who are members of the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) at Rensselaer, used computational and analytical methods to discover the tipping point where a minority belief becomes the majority opinion. 

The finding has implications for the study and influence of societal interactions ranging from the spread of innovations to the movement of political ideals.


I think the problem was their reliance on computational analytical methods. Wrong results then, as now, using computer modelling to arrive at reality.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 1, 2023 11:51 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

All we see in the computer are fragments of reality and numbers from third party.

No matter how precise these numbers are or how you put these fragments together, the results of any computer model can and will always be false or best an indication which needs to be proved in the real world.

But the rule of thumb, 90% would rather die than know the truth, and only 3+7% are curious enough to seek reality, seems per experience to be the case.

Saying 10-15% of a population is a critical point.
In my area only 6-7 men between 2000 could change an obvious lie if they stood up, but there are no one.
No men wants to stand up against an obvious lie. Read that again.
The cases I see are 1-3 women among 2000 who says stop and double men become their followers. This is too easy to isolate.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Aug 31, 2023 10:27 PM

Here’s the latest article by the excellent American writer, Gary D Barnett. In it, he alludes to the immensely suspicious fires in Maui (and the many other equally suspicious conflagrations in other parts of the world):

“Government and those who control government are the most monstrous terrorists of all time”, at:


Aug 31, 2023 5:59 PM

Is it even possible to ‘deconstruct’ a person per se, as opposed to a piece of text, literary work …?

A robot could, theoretically be ‘deconstructable’, since its operations would essentially be composed of lines of code. But a living person …deconstructable in what sense??

Unless Marianna happened to be composed of AI lego blocks, of course, or neural networks.

I’m not yet ready to make such an intellectual leap, though always ready to be convinced…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 31, 2023 7:38 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Deconstruction is a personalized piecing apart of one’s belief system. Each of these pieces of your belief system can be worked on psychologically.

Used in social engineering: “First we tear down the child’s own belief system by allocating the child isolated in a corner of the school yard, until all self confidence and own beliefs is gone.

When the child is empty and in strong need for confidence and knowledge, WE build the child’s confidence and beliefs up to a better human being than the child was before”.
(We the leftists “improve” the child to be a leftist socialist. Your mom and dad and family are idiots, we the leftists have all the answers, candy, safety and public pocket money you need).

But as you write, its fantasy. They dont improve the child, they disable it for their own ideological cause.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Sep 1, 2023 3:03 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

I’m not “deconstructing” Marianna Spring, I am deconstructing a podcast series.

Sep 1, 2023 8:40 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Indeed. Criticize substance, not the person. Let’s continue in that vein …

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Aug 31, 2023 5:30 PM

What a horrible person. One example perhaps of someone firmly destined for hell.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Aug 31, 2023 4:21 PM

A Hawaiian Holocaust – The Crow House


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 31, 2023 7:52 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Incredible. The police was deliberately blocking everybody from getting away from the fire acc to the video..

Aug 31, 2023 4:05 PM

I anticipated the Marianna character two years ago in the article “Journalists! What is to be Done? The author takes a scalpel to the trade he joined three decades ago.
Having worked in the BBC and multiple state corporate media, one could see the car crash ahead.

What I did not anticipate was that alt media could come under the same thumb – but it makes sense: why control state corporate media so diligently and let alt media run free? It doesn’t stand to reason.

Modern technology allows vastly more monitoring than in the days when it required manpower. ZH deleted my account after I accused one of their batty pangolin stories of being invented by intel as misdirection.

They now claim credit for being one of the first sites to discount the official narrative – while the dismantling of the Covid plandemic took place mostly in the comment section.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Aug 31, 2023 4:30 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Have to wonder who is really running all these “alternative” news sites, and if they aren’t just intelligence honey pots.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 31, 2023 5:39 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

How come you’ve started popping off and causing a ruckus over nothing but a comment which accidentally slipped into pending? Right after Kaczynski2 waved farewell the other day. Barely 24hrs later you get in a tizzy and start implying we’re controlled opposition in the same sort of way. Did you sense a niche had become vacant or something? Like a job opening came up? It’s kinda odd timing lol

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Aug 31, 2023 5:48 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Not sure what you are specifically referring to, and after interaction with Sofia on the most recent “Road to Tyranny” article, and asking questions about the administration of the comment software, ALL of my comments have gone to “pending”.

As far as creating a “ruckus”, all I did was questions about the status of the email address, that isn’t working, and why admins don’t control the software being used by the site for comments. The primary explanation being a software issue because admins don’t have access to the administrate the software purchased for comments.

I was not rude or impolite to anyone, no curse words, no threats, just questions.

I have no idea what makes my timing “odd” to you, specifically.
What I find odd is that the administrators don’t have access to administrate software.

As far as my post above that you replied to, I was speaking in general terms and did not make an accusation against Off-G.

Thank you for your concern.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 31, 2023 6:21 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Hmm I’m struggling here, mate. You’re applying steady pressure on admin, seeding distrust btl, being generally confrontational, all out of nowhere, plus you’re jumping on the replies like a rocket. Raises red flags. Doesn’t sit right. Doesn’t sit right at all.

Bearing in mind the suspicious timing and the contrived nature of your recent issues, and I’m going to continue to monitor your output for now. When a known site saboteur has recently departed, who has successfully sabotaged our comments in the past and attempted to multiple other times, Admin has to be cautious. There’s enough circumstantial evidence to raise a red flag, and Admin wouldn’t be doing its job if it didn’t react cautiously. We have a duty to protect this community.

Sorry if you feel you’ve had a bum rap, but unfortunately life isn’t always fair and that’s the way it’s going to be for now. A2

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Aug 31, 2023 7:56 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

So because I am an active reader of comments, and replying to comments quickly, because I can read, comprehend, and type using a keyboard, that makes be a suspect of some kind?

So you are big brother watching me. Good of you to let me know.

Duty to protect this community from what, exactly?

Your last sentence reads like you work for some kind of intelligence community responsible for censorship.


Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 31, 2023 8:16 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Duty to protect this community from what, exactly?

From saboteurs. I notice you’re ever so worried about our akizmet spam filter and not at all worried about the sabotage which ruined a couple of comment threads. Lol

All your intelligence guff is exactly the line the aforementioned troll took all the time. This is the way it is. And you are not being censored. Comment, don’t comment. Think whatever you like. Up to you, bye. A2

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Aug 31, 2023 9:14 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I am not attempting to sabotage anything.
I have no idea how I ruined any comment threads when all I do is reply to others that reply to me.

Is there a limit to how many times people can reply?

I know for a fact that my replies are coherent and none of my replies were excessively rude, or threatening.

After all the purpose of Free Expression is to protect dangerous speech. No one has to protect “safe” speech.

Thank you for letting me know I am not being censored, just temporarily “pending”, hopefully.

Intelligence guff? So you don’t think the 5-Eyes Intelligence Alliance is real? An alliance for specifically bypassing domestic laws allowing the CIA, for example, to rely upon MI5 / Brigade 77, to provide intell on US Citizens, while CIA provides intel on UK Citizens.

Or you think the threat of the Surveillance State and active censorship is totally overblown? Isn’t it possible that there are websites that could be honey pots for identifying those that are likely to be dissidents? Isn’t that exactly what China and other tyrants have done in the past by various means? Like English Kings that call a meeting of Lords and Dukes, only to lay in ambush to kill them all in one place, hidden from the eyes of the public.

Don’t mind me, I’m just a paranoid bastard.


Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 31, 2023 11:15 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

I was referring to your frequent insinuations we’re an intelligence outfit. It’s our word against yours on that, I guess. Lol. I also didn’t accuse you of sabotaging anything so, unless this is a tacit confession that you are indeed the entity known as Kaczynski2, perhaps you should reread my post. You’ve successfully misunderstood most of it. 😅 Time to move on now.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Aug 31, 2023 11:46 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

We, or I, have no way of knowing, anymore than you do.
When I constantly face Admins that think they need to Protect People from Free Speech, then I have every reason and right to consider it is a possibility.

After all it is safer to assume everything is controlled opposition than assume it isn’t, in today’s AI Censored Driven Social Media and Information.

You are not the first Admin I have had to deal with that has less than satisfactory explanations as to why certain people face “pending”.

More often than not it is because of Admin’s that get their paradigms broken and lash out as a result.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 31, 2023 11:57 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

No one censored you! 😅 Be a big boy now and stop working yourself up. A2

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Aug 31, 2023 9:20 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Please release the End of Virology link that has been pending for hours.

As a fellow truth seeker, it is important that we share information.

Thank you.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 31, 2023 11:18 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

It’s there, however it’s off topic. Did you read Iain’s piece? Think I’ll remove it actually. You can post it on an on topic thread. Thanks for your comment, A2

Aug 31, 2023 4:54 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Was it even the decision of Zero Hedge editors to ban MC or does milit intel have an entrée to the editorial process as in so many newsrooms today?

Britain’s GCHQ came up with JTRIG software that it claims lets milit intel influence up and down votes, and possibly content, too.

Bear in mind that milit intel does not answer to the people who pay its wages… it was founded by the big law firms and banks and serves the interests of the owner-investors. Defence of the Realm does not mean what most people take it to – think “defence of the status quo” but scratch that, because now we’re in the Great Reset: you’ll own nothing and be happy. It’s the Enclosures, 2.1.

The Intercept – run by the globalist Pierre Omidyar – has put much of its content behind a paywall, the same “free voice” that Glenn Greenwald quit. Here’s the Wayback Machine version.

“How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations”

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Aug 31, 2023 3:34 PM

Amusing Ourselves to Death: Orwell vs. Huxley in 2023


Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Aug 31, 2023 1:07 PM

Anyone else try to use the email contact address above?
According to my attempt the email is not functional.
Do we really know who is running all of these alternative news sites?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 31, 2023 4:35 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Rothschild, Ted Turner, Rupert Murdoch. You thought it was the do-gooders?

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Aug 31, 2023 10:08 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Yes, I’ve tried contacting Off-G via email a couple of times in the past month or so, and each time I receive a ‘Daemon delivery’ notice saying that their inbox is ‘full’, and thus my email can’t be sent to them.

Most odd…

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Sep 1, 2023 12:03 AM

The email server is full I think. I’ve reported it, A2

peter mcloughlin
peter mcloughlin
Aug 31, 2023 12:01 PM

When it comes to war – and we are teetering on the brink of WW III – information (or disinformation) becomes very important: controlling the narrative. As always, the narrative, or pattern of history, is lost. I have seen silenced on a few outlets for stating as much. Propaganda logically plays an important in war – winning. But the participants forget that everyone eventually faces the war they are trying to avoid; everyone wants to avoid nuclear Armageddon; so, that is the fate that awaits humanity. Paradoxically the only way of avoiding that fate may be accepting it.

Aug 31, 2023 9:53 AM

Oblivious to Truth.
Incestuous with lies.
Beholden to avarice.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Aug 31, 2023 8:24 AM

Pixel crack
Maintime mainline
Swiftly instigated
In a blink
Another world war
Not for oil
Not for smack
But for our freedom
Our very being
Battlefield mindscape
Relentless truth distortion
Kissing the feet of vapid influencers
Jumping jacks
Pixel crack
So insidious
You have to lick
With no conscious respite
Worse than actual crack
On the bus lick lick
On the train lick lick
On foot lick lick
By bicycle ffs lick lick
The revolution will be pixelated
Lick lick
Pixel crack
Zombie nation
Worse than actual crack
Wack Wack wackitty wack
And so it goes

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 31, 2023 5:19 PM
Reply to  Hele

Send in the army in that will teach them.

A little over 100 years ago the British Army killed 1500 and injured 1200 protesters in India hereof 200 seriously, of who were against the Rowlatt Act, mask mandate, lockdown and distance rules between their rickshaws.
Their donkeys were not only were causing global warming and clima change of the planet, but they also made the whole city stink of their hum hum.

The Brits never apologized but said it was India who started it, because they refused to pluck the bananas out of their ears and follow a military command.

Aug 31, 2023 6:01 PM
Reply to  Hele

It’s likely that Marianna is not fuckable.

Aug 31, 2023 7:06 AM

I prefer a ChatGTP deep fake to this nitwit for being lied to, but that’s just me. A digital deep fake over a biological one, cheaper too. Equally easy to program though…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 1, 2023 6:01 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Then plastic Lolitas and plastic Dildos, Human robots of any kind, Drones, Self driving trucks and cars belongs to your arsenal too.

It reminds about the Rome Clube’s ” The enemy then is humanity itself”. Could it be that you have been “conditioned” without knowing it??

Aug 31, 2023 6:17 AM

A good and thorough probe into the Beeb’s Conspiracy Land. But we knew long ago that Prime Minister TB.Liar fired the Board of Governors for broadcasting the truth about B.Liar’s Dodgy Dossier, and refashioned the British Bullshit Corp in his own lying image. What has been done to install a decent Board of Governors, in the past 20 years? Nothing.

Why pick on the monkey when it’s the organ grinder who calls the tune?

Aug 31, 2023 3:25 AM

I am seriously curious…

Does Marianna read this article/series? Or any similar opinions (this is not so rare)?

Does she actually believe in what she is saying, or is she on this for the (limited) fame and some money?

Aug 31, 2023 7:07 AM
Reply to  Joe

Is she nuts, or just twisted?

dom irritant
dom irritant
Sep 1, 2023 5:36 PM
Reply to  Antonym

nah just a well paid presstitute

David Lindsay
David Lindsay
Aug 31, 2023 12:36 AM

I remember a long-serving Conservative MP, now deceased, who really and truly believed that the government of this country was controlled by a witches’ coven in Gloucestershire. People who are now Shadow Ministers have screamed in my face that I was the head of some cabal of hardline Catholic “incels”, a comically inaccurate word for several of the individuals in question, who had broken with Jeremy Corbyn over his indulgence of Remainerism, identity politics and Greenery, but who were biding our time with a view to one day emerging from the sierra and seizing the organs of the State.

Barking mad stuff, of course, and in the latter case an example of what I believe is called projection. Likewise, the BBC has been trying to convince the Radio Four set, of which I am part, that The Light was on the cusp of staging a national uprising from Totnes (what is it with these people and the West Country?) in alliance with its apparently close allies among the Reichsbürger. But that is not a conspiracy theory. Oh, no, heaven forfend.

Aug 31, 2023 7:29 PM
Reply to  David Lindsay

The idea that any kind of “uprising” will happen in Totnes, the home of millionaire hippies and trustafarians, is pretty comical. We are talking prime real estate.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Aug 30, 2023 10:45 PM

Death Penalty was not coming back after Brady & Her Moors Murders., who gives a rat over what people say. The other thing is plain enough US is Cultural GB United Kingdom is Social Society.

Aug 30, 2023 10:11 PM

Wake me up when Marianna’s deconstruction finally comes full circle.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Aug 30, 2023 11:06 PM
Reply to  Howard


Aug 30, 2023 8:08 PM

spam   :wpds_lol: 

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Aug 30, 2023 7:39 PM

Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine Causes VAIDS in Children, Study Proves
Vaccinated Children Become Susceptible to Bacterial and Fungal Infections


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 30, 2023 11:36 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Is it necessary?
When the scam broke out in 2020, I went into Moderna’s and Pfizer’s own homepage on the net and found a clear cut description of their “mRNA vaxx”… bypassing and replacing the natural immune system. Their own words.

And “hacking the software of life”, Moderna.

I concluded this vaxx will destroy my own immune system and warned family and friends. Off course completely in vain. “Conspiracy nut head, go away.”

Its not to boast or brag. Just wonder how many more years we are going to see “surprise, surprise, surprise studies” finding what they could have made themselves aware of on big pharma’s own home pages. Money makes people blind.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Aug 31, 2023 2:13 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

What part of the article said anything about “necessary”?
The article doesn’t attempt to refute any of the assertions you are making.
I don’t disagree with your assertions either. It was just as obvious to me as well.
Not sure what you are getting at.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 31, 2023 5:35 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

“Is it necessary with all these after studies about the obvious……”.
I made a retorical question. (not about you or article, sorry).

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Sep 1, 2023 4:59 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

No need to apologize, and I don’t get sarcasm.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 31, 2023 6:17 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Let me teach you a universal rule: In public per basic gramma the rule is always talking in third person neutral.
This gramma rule is rational as we cannot know anything about a stranger we meet, and therefore only can focus on what is said about the case in line.
This basic rule make discussion comfortable for everybody.

But as you see and know, many people dont know this rule or they break it after their own comfort, or ignore the rule in the “fight” about the narrative.

But if you and people at least know this rule, you can recognize it when people are using it, you can use it yourself, and you can see/hear when people go wrong in a discussion.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Sep 1, 2023 5:02 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

I get what you are saying, and combined with physical ques, I am sure I would get it. However in this medium, we aren’t face to face, and the words we type, and this is not to suggest I am better or perfect, matter when we are attempting to transmit with words only.

I can’t pick up on sarcasm every time just from words on the page. The very reason why books that tell stories will provide narrative to set the tone.

I do agree with out that those that couldn’t see it, for what it was, aren’t paying attention. We still have to do our best to make even the lurkers, and surveillers, wake up.

Jesuitic Ziowahhabiz
Jesuitic Ziowahhabiz
Aug 30, 2023 4:27 PM

Here’s John Swinton’s, a Brit who was the New York Times chief editor in 1883, words about the work of journalists, especially those linked to state-corporate media:

“There is no such a thing in America as an independent press, unless it is out in country towns. You are all slaves. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to express an honest opinion. If you expressed it, you would know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid $150 for keeping honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with…The man who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street hunting for another job. The business of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to villify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon…You know this, and I know it; and what foolery to be toasting an “Independent Press”! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the string and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”

Of course, itapplies not just to journalism, as the post-plandemic world proved for the medical and healthcare professions, but all other mass-murderous and thieving criminality gets whitewashed and spinned into consumable bullshit thanks to the best efforts of our trusted sources of information.

underground poet
underground poet
Aug 30, 2023 4:49 PM

Today we just say, “I make the news, you just report it.”

Aug 30, 2023 8:09 PM

News is made years in front.

underground poet
underground poet
Aug 30, 2023 9:47 PM
Reply to  lynch

Or years behind in private to surprise one, one day in the future.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 30, 2023 10:58 PM

So from 1886 to 2022, in 136 years absolutely nothing has changed.

“There is nothing new under the sun”. New boss same as the old boss.
“So much trouble in the world, Bobby Marley”, 1979 https://youtu.be/H78yhjo4m7U Still trouble in 2023.

But we love you anyway: Gracias a la Vida, Violeta Parra https://youtu.be/w67-hlaUSIs  😍 

Thanks to life
that has given me so much.
It has given Me laughter
and it has given me crying.
Thus I distinguish between
joy and pain,
the two materials
that make up my song
, and the song of you
that is the same song,
and the song of all,
that is my own song.

Aug 30, 2023 3:39 PM

I was born in Chile the year that the coup d’etat took place and lived under the Pinochet regime for the long 16 years that it lasted. Under such circumstances you develop a sixth sense for truth, so to speak. I am certain anyone who has lived under any dictatorship of any kind will know instantly that everything Spring says and stands for is government propaganda, censorship and silencing of all opposing views. Hopefully, this will be plain for anyone to see. What doesn’t cease to send shivers down my spine though is the fact that this is happening in England. I have yet to see a clear account of Orwell’s “nostradamesque” foreseeing powers.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Aug 31, 2023 12:39 AM
Reply to  urphenomenon

Look at the people he associated with and you can start to understand how he formed his ideas for 1984.

He was a law enforcement officer for the British Empire for many years, in remote locations. I wouldn’t be surprised if he used his boot on some necks in the day.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Aug 31, 2023 3:29 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

You wouldn’t know that’s why they say the after birth not burnt out anus.

Aug 31, 2023 1:30 PM
Reply to  urphenomenon

People forget that Aldous Huxley taught Orwell, then Eric Blair, at Eton, and that Aldous’ brother, Julian Huxley, was a founder of the United Nations and UNESCO in particular.

Was Orwell given an insight into the UN plan? The UN has signally failed to deliver peace.

“The Orwell Archive at University College London contains undated notes about ideas that evolved into Nineteen Eighty-Four. The notebooks have been deemed ‘unlikely to have been completed later than January 1944,’ and ‘there is a strong suspicion that some of the material in them dates back to the early part of the war’.”

Besides it was not Orwell but H. G. Wells’ vision that foresaw the technology of control.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Aug 31, 2023 2:15 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

How dare you point out that Orwell hung out with people that supported TPTB.
Surprised you don’t have down votes for pointing out more truth.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Aug 31, 2023 11:19 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

I’ve read, some years ago (can’t recall where, or by whom), that both Orwell (Eric Blair) and Aldous Huxley were members of the Fabian Society (the latter which I believe is a Globalist organisation). If they were members, then they’d maybe have become au fait with what was being planned for humanity, for the then future (ie, now…).

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 2, 2023 8:23 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

This is not important. Upstairs we have “urphenomenon” who lived in Chile dictatorship walking around among Pinochet and other nasty guys in 16 years. Saying he was in faviour of dictatorship? Babble babble babble.

Orwill stand for himself. Can we use his book to something in our civilisation? Yes,

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 31, 2023 11:04 PM
Reply to  urphenomenon

You gave yourself the answer to your own question – the UK, like the other English speaking countries, have never lived under an overt dictatorship and therefore cannot see what their governments are doing to them. In addition, today’s dictators do not come along in fancy uniforms.

It doesn’t explain though why the majority of the Continental Europeans can’t see what’s going on.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Sep 1, 2023 5:15 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The entire world is being heavily influenced by trauma / fear based mind control.

Event after event, in a non-stop series of dominoes falling into place.

Imagine being on a battlefield with buttlets flying everywhere, explosions, body parts launched into the air, the smell of decaying human offall, and you, so terrified, that we cannot move.

While my example is the extreme of that fear based trauma, that many of our service people have had to experience, it is basically the same psychological experience at a lower frequency and intensity.

We must all learn to accept that pain, suffering and death, are inevitable, and a part of human existence that cannot be escaped, or avoided, without greater penalties.

Look into infinity without flinching.
Learn to control your fear / anxiety, and the world opens many new opportunities.

Nov 18, 2023 1:19 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

And it doesn’t explain Orwell’s mind boggling precision either.

Aug 30, 2023 3:35 PM

comment image

Aug 31, 2023 2:54 PM
Reply to  Violet

Sugar lump got his start with the military industrial complex.

Like Larry Ellison of Oracle, Bill Gates of IBM offshoot Microsoft, and Mark Zuckerberg of the Pentagon’s Life Log aka Facebook, all are placeholders for the deep state.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in 2017 sued hundreds of Hawaiians to compel them to sell the billionaire small plots of land they own that lie within a 700-acre property that Zuckerberg purchased on the island of Kauai two years ago for $100 million.

Currently, owners of the lands, which total slightly more than 8 acres and have been in their families for generations — have the rights to travel across Zuckerberg’s property.

Ellison did the same.

As noted earlier, oligarchs are grabbing water as well as land.

A lawyer who herself fled the Lahaina fire, Tereariʻi Chandler-ʻĪao took with her a file of water use permit applications.

She knew that like the plantations, real estate developers, and luxury resorts over 200 years, today’s oligarchs would make a grab for west Maui’s water for good.

Naomi Klein and Kapuaʻala Sproat writing in The G call it “plantation disaster capitalism” – a combination of neocolonialism and climate profiteering.

Hawaii’s water-worshipping (literally) resources director has supervised the channeling of water to oligarchs while claiming the resource was too precious to be used to put out the fires.


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 1, 2023 1:47 AM
Reply to  moneycircus

Greed. Either you are for sale or you cant get enough.
Why do greedy doos always have these names, suckerberg, goldstein, silverstein, cobberstein, diament, we-in-stein, adelman (nobleman), sarah usury?

Aug 31, 2023 6:14 PM
Reply to  Violet

And I silence you, Sugarheap, for being a sub-human prat.

Next, please!

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Aug 30, 2023 3:20 PM

WW3 is the government versus We the People of the world.
It has already started. If you can’t see it, then you are still asleep.
We ain’t seen nothing yet.
They ain’t seen nothing yet.
Prepare accordingly.

underground poet
underground poet
Aug 30, 2023 4:51 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Right now its an informational war, just have to wait and see if it goes hot.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Aug 30, 2023 5:55 PM

It has been hot since at least 9-11 (War Against Terrorists (We are the Terrorists)), the 20 occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, and with the CONVID-1984 Death Clot Jab causing Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

If you want to go further back, consider WACO and Ruby Ridge, and the Oklahoma City bombing that was supposedly a retaliation.

Add to this the Paradise CA “Wildfires” that liquify glass and aluminum, and now Maui experiencing the same, with whole families incinerated, over 2k children unaccounted for, and the state already planning to take the property and use it to build housing for “workers”.

You are a sleeping zombie.

Aug 30, 2023 8:42 PM

Well, I’d have to say the shots and particularly the mandates make it hot.

underground poet
underground poet
Aug 30, 2023 9:48 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Me, i’ll wait until the bombs start flying before i’ll admit its gonna be bad news.

Aug 31, 2023 8:34 PM

I’m no longer sure they need actual bombs but to each his own.

Aug 30, 2023 3:15 PM

I am pretty sure Marianna would have a meltdown if she read the writing of Mr Iain davis… (Silly cow).

Matt Black
Matt Black
Aug 30, 2023 3:12 PM

Thanks Iain, A lot of work here, that comes down to “all governments, institutions and media are lying to you”, which I think by now you can safely assume when encountering any information.

Aug 30, 2023 3:04 PM

“the serial baby killer Lucy Letby”.

Maybe, but….
1) Lucy = Lucy-fer.
2) LL = 33 (L being the 12th letter of the alphabet and 1+2=3).
3) Letby means “influencer” according to nameslink.
4) There’s probably an anagram in here somewhere. “Leah Betts” happened to be E Tablet with an ‘h’ added.
5) They lie about most everything else.

One thing might be written off as coincidence – but all of these?

And as for serial baby killer, well, they do like to project…

Matt Black
Matt Black
Aug 30, 2023 4:01 PM
Reply to  Edwige

i’m surprised she didn’t impale the babies on bayonnets ffs

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 30, 2023 11:13 PM
Reply to  Matt Black

She was laughing when she killed them. That tells a lot.

Aug 30, 2023 5:55 PM
Reply to  Edwige

She is also apparently aged “33”

This “story” stinks to high heaven, has spooks fingerprints all over it.

One anagram is:
Y Bet u’ll c y

Why?, bet you’ll see why

Aug 30, 2023 5:59 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

You can also read “her” name (as if she is even real in any metaphysical sense)

Lucifer, let by….

Aug 30, 2023 6:03 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

There are loads:
Belly cuty

Aug 30, 2023 6:06 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

Belly cut y?


Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Aug 30, 2023 6:23 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

Marianna Spring’s age is usually given as 27 (or 28).

Aug 30, 2023 6:40 PM

I was referring to Lucy Letby.

Although they are both intelligence agency cut-outs, so……

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Aug 30, 2023 7:13 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

Oops, I’m sorry, my apologies!

Simon D
Simon D
Aug 31, 2023 2:09 PM
Reply to  Edwige
Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 31, 2023 6:06 PM
Reply to  Simon D

Scapegoat.Its that simple!
We dont have to use so many words. Psyop…weapo..cogni…disso. unless we want to send a message to secret societies. Disso…..Di-SS-Onan-CE.
See what I mean.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Aug 30, 2023 2:18 PM

Dr Vernon Coleman’s latest video addresses the many lies which the evil Establishment spew out for the gullible masses to fall for. N.B., as usual, he provides a transcript.

“The 10 BIGGEST and most dangerous lies” (video: 19.37 mins. Also a transcript), at:


Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Aug 30, 2023 4:32 PM
Reply to  Matt Black

Haha!!! The so-called ‘Independent’ newspaper is part of the corrupt Mainstream Media!! So of course they’re going to falsely portray Dr Vernon Coleman.

(N.B., many people know that Dr Coleman is [as well as being very happily married to his wife, Antoinette] a transvestite. That’s not what I’m referring to, when I say that the MSM are ‘falsely portraying’ him)

What are you on this Off-G site for, if you still ‘follow’ the corrupt, deceitful, lying MSM??

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Aug 30, 2023 11:07 PM

Independent on sunday call him a superstar, and he has written a tonnage of books which can be bought in paperbacks. Another pirate.

Matt Black
Matt Black
Aug 31, 2023 7:29 AM

I’m here as I prefer the good quality lie. Not the crude lies for popular consumption. Again if you don’t understand the significance of transvestism at this point your complicit or a slow-learner.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Aug 31, 2023 9:39 AM
Reply to  Matt Black

I am neither ‘complicit’ nor am I a ‘slow-learner’. Who the hell do you think you are, wrongly trying to insult me, you don’t know me from ‘adam’.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Aug 31, 2023 12:34 PM

People who cannot produce a substantive retort always resort to character assassination. Lame. Ignore.

Aug 31, 2023 7:43 PM
Reply to  Matt Black

You are. Not “your”…

Aug 30, 2023 6:37 PM

He is almost as awful as the idiot, Dr. John Campbell.

Oh, ok, they are both useless dicks, its a draw.

Aug 30, 2023 1:24 PM

Give the girl her due.
She’s doing EXACTLY what they EXPECT of her.
Another one of $atan$ $oldier$

Aug 30, 2023 12:04 PM

Excellent article.

The BBC from the moment of its creation has been an organ of propaganda for the establishment.
