The Metaphysical as a Rational Option
Todd Hayen

One thing I believe my bent toward metaphysics has prepared me for is when something that falls into the realm of the “unseen” then becomes “seen,” I don’t freak out. The material world, or the material view of the world, has been rather stable for quite some time. Or at least it has seemed to be stable. If the majority of the people who occupy the physical world believe it to be stable, and believe it to follow material laws, then the world will probably calm down and present itself in that manner.
All the dragons, devils, demons, fairies, angels, elves, ghosts, spirits, and apparitions, will slither away into their hiding places and rarely, if ever, be seen by non-believers.
Mark my words though, they are still there. They are waiting to be acknowledged once again, as they were in days of old—the evil ones as well as the good ones. Waiting.
We see them in our dreams, and in movies like The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and even in the popular series Yellowstone (Native American rituals), but in real life, in the material world, we only see their actions, and we explain away the causes of these actions with metaphors. That method is quickly losing its veracity. We may have to start seeing these causes as metaphysical as well as rational explanations.
So what does that mean? I recently re-posted this meme on Facebook:

Is this metaphor? Or does Laura Matsue, the person who originally posted the meme, see this literally? I would suspect she sees it literally, and I would suspect that many, if not most, reading it and agreeing with it, see it as literal too.
Just a few years ago, people would think folks that believe such things to be kooks at best, and dangerous psychotics at worst. I think things are different now. I certainly see things differently. A statement like the one found in this meme may have hit a more metaphoric tone with me four years ago, now I honestly wonder how literal it is.
Of course the sentiment this meme expresses has been around a long time. Certainly as far back as the timeline presented in most of the Bible after Genesis, or even before. The snake in the Garden of Eden being the first example of this “spiritual virus.” Although at times throughout history, humanity has been close to the edge of losing this battle, we were not there, and now we are here, and the battle between good and evil does seem to be rather pronounced at the time. And that is an understatement.
There was a time when people believed the earth was flat (cynicism intended). Along with that ancient belief, there was an assumption that dragons were at the edge of the flat world, and if a mariner ventured too far toward that edge, the dragons would either scare him away with great spectacle, or destroy him mercilessly. Maybe there actually were dragons in that time and place. Maybe there were fairies and unicorns as well, all things we have no physical evidence of now.
But new ancient stuff is discovered all of the time, and if there is any truth to the idea that things manifest through a powerful system of thought and belief, once enough people believe, the evidential remains of such creatures will begin to show up. Wouldn’t that be a hoot? Indeed it would!
Why is all of this important?
I think it is time that we start realizing that something is going on that can only be explained through a metaphysical explanation. This is something that the sheep folk have a very difficult time with. Most shrews I know are much less resistant to this idea. Many shrews are very religious folks, and have no problems with phrases such as “the devil” or “Satan” or “evil force” so it stands to reason they would not have much of a problem with a metaphysical explanation for the world gone awry.
Many shrews seem to be more open-minded (duh) and not as seduced by materialism and “material science” (there IS another “approach” to science that isn’t purely materialist). Although these thinkers like to have evidence and some semblance to a cause and effect correlation, they are more comfortable allowing for something a bit outside of the bell curve of causality.
This is good. Because I am strongly beginning to think there is no other way to fully explain what is going on.
Sheep can’t seem to do this. Once they run up against that ubiquitous question, “why would they do that?” they fall apart. If the answer to that question even smacks of aligning with “Satan wants to destroy humanity” they run out the door—although this response very well may be the most “scientific” answer available—or something equally as metaphysical.
Most people in my circle, academic as well as personal, have no problem with metaphysics. We tend, as mentioned, to look for metaphor rather than manifest reality to answer difficult questions—such as, did Jesus really ascend into heaven, or is that a metaphor? It is easier on the materialist indoctrination we all receive beginning in childhood to do such a thing: keep events such as the ascension of Christ within physical constraints, and if not possible to do, to then call it a metaphor.
I would say this is a “tendency” amongst us, but is not a given, particularly with things that happened a long time ago. I for one have no problem with material miracles (making the metaphysical a rational option in explanation) that have occurred throughout Biblical history. But a modern belief in physical fairies and elves is rare (because a modern belief system that allows such things is not very popular) but was not so rare in days of old, before science wiped out anything non-material as being “real.”
Now I think the tides are turning.
What we are dealing with today is ineffable, certainly ineffable if a material explanation was all that we had in our attempt to define it. This fact is probably the primary reason why the sheep have not joined our ranks. They absolutely refuse to believe anything that does not fit cleanly into a materialist paradigm. They do this with psychology as well, which is utter nonsense (although the clinical and academic world of psychology has been on a materialist track since William James was kicked out of the club over 100 years ago, Jung tried to keep it going down a more integrated path but he also has been as good as ousted from any serious study of psychology in modern times).
So what is the truthful explanation for today’s events? That I cannot say for sure. I am not sure if anyone can say for sure at this point. But I know I do not preclude a metaphysical explanation, and so far, attempts at that sort of explanation have been the most thorough in its efforts to explain. Why is it important to attempt to explain what is happening around us? If we are to fight it, we must understand it for what it is. If we think it is limited to greed, power, and money, we will then be more likely to fall for its cleverness in its attempt to control us, or exterminate us, or worse—separate us from our soul.
“…our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
Ephesians 6:11-12
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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there’s long history of the spiritual war but you are homing in on the right area…scientism and materialism are destroying the planet and souls…time to become spiritual warriors
Couldn’t agree with Laura Matsue more.
I would add that there are already many not human persons all around us.
I find the argument between “rationalists” and those who consider the metaphysical amusing. Rationalists believe that two thirds of the universe is dark matter. An invisible undetectable mass. Yet they scoff at those who speak of the spiritual because they cannot present it for inspection.
Good point. A sort of quantum of bigotry so intrinsic that it’s an undetectable dark matter, by them. DENIALISM takes many forms though.
It calls to mind the assessment by GKC: “There is no bigot like the atheist.”
That sounds like a bias in itself until you break it down socratically. The essence of GKC thought.
When you get into theoretical physics most of the rules of material science are thrown out.
Dark matter is not “an invisible undetectable mass.” Just because we have yet to perceive it does not necessarily disprove its existence.
Is that not the case with God as well? No – because whereas we have only been looking for dark matter for a few decades, we have been “looking” for God for thousands of years – and still haven’t detected Him.
Why is it okay for God to exist in a form undetectable to humans, but not okay for dark matter to exist in a similar form?
If you give up looking for something you may find it. Your preconception will blind you otherwise.
That must be at least a part of the “mechanism” involved in the workaholic scientist genius seeking a solution then nodding off and dreaming it, often in pictorial or metaphorical schematics. Lucidity at times accumulates like a coral reef, seen by few in dreams. Or more often remembered by few.
Some of that exhilarating process is mapped out methodically in the great old book by W.I.B. Beveridge, “The Art of Scientific Investigation.”
At their greatest depth the Art Spirit and the “truest” science meet in an encounter beyond the mere motion of revolution and in perfect peace, what James Douglass (JFK & the Unspeakable) aptly chose as his book title, “The Nonviolent Coming of God“.
As the poet put it, “in dreams begins responsibility.”
And sometimes they lead us past “the blindness of preconception.”
Hopefully only temporary.
God is only undetectable to “certain humans” not because He is some invisible dark matter ~ whether either so great or so sub~atomic, or a mix and match of both ~ but rather so innate in their own DNA that they can’t discern the difference. Yet.
exactly! G-d is infinite nothingness – an infinite sub-atomic vibration that conjures the universe into existence
Or maybe more delicately spelled “no-thingness“.
Eckhart Tolle brings that quality or essence up in his books, over and over, using that hyphen or separation.
But of course, since the Creator is uncreated. “Much” just as His Son is “begotten, not made.”
At least that’s how the Creed in my missals had it, till they had to go and change it a dozen years ago, and add “consubstantial with the Father.”
[Whatever that means. I used to ride my bike around the back roads of Kauai half a century past, and there were countless giant frogs who had become “consubstantial” with the asphalt. Often jointly. Or avoided in stacks. A local priest actually used an image close to that, if not such a tropical mess, when at Mass, in his sermon 2010, after the Vatican added that Latinate word, as his handy & useful visual to compare the dynamic stasis of the Hypostatic Union. Whatever works, it made his tricky point well enough.]
Another monk pointed out that “holiness” i(or sanctified wholeness) is never found as a “what” but only as a “who”.
Actually, given its growing “central” significance in our little global saga and incursions by all things transhuman, that should be honoured by the capitalized letter “Who.” As found in “spelling” Saint Francis. (You would think anyone who attains that in our times would be automatically awarded the capital!)
Holiness, for humans, is part and parcel of the Divine, yet found nowhere else outside that Prima Materia.
Materialists need to realize that that is the only prima materia. All that remains is secunda, and shall be consumed by future flames. Only the souls will survive that “holi-caust”. (Some of those flames now as slo~mo rust, like those stunning 1960 “Time Machine” exposures, a visual treat given Rod Taylor. Drawn out transgenerational flames. Neil Young crooned “better to burn out ‘cuz Rust Never Sleeps” and back in my twenties I owned that till the wall intruded between me and my plans, but Shakey is still here, huh. Flame is quick, but so costly in the short take. As some of us push ’72, Ice is nice and will suffice. )
And I have it on good authority that unicorns are “only undetectable” to those unwilling to make the leap of faith needed to prove their existence.
If we’re to believe Astronomy regarding the size of the universe, there is a lot of space out there. Nature not only abhors a vacuum; it abhors emptiness as well. So something must be out there filling all that space. It can be God or it can be the missing unicorns – or it can be dark matter.
Let’s see now: which of the three is most likely?
Sounds like a game show.
Many people find God. Often times in direct and dramatic ways. Why dismiss these millions of data points?
“I don’t understand it; therefore it violates cause & effect” is a non sequitur. Reality exists quite apart from our understanding of it.
What logically follows from “I don’t understand it is a period, NOT a “therefore.”
Who are you quoting here? “I don’t understand it; therefore it violates cause and effect”??
I didn’t mean it as a quote, but as an implicit premise or argument. To address the meaning of this article & your earlier one “The Tyranny of Cause & Effect” it’s quite necessary to look at implicit premises. A more overt one is the idea that higher order concepts, ideals and functions are denied by science, which is necessarily reductionist (scientism & fit only for sheep).
How came you to accept the idea that science is necessarily reductionist, forever seeking that cause & effect be constructed from the nature of particles?
You’re bright. Obviously you know that identity and certain aspects of causality flow from the ORGANIZATION of particles, of electrical charge & factors as yet unknown. Of the two piles of identical atoms sitting on my desk only one can jump down and say meow, thus demonstrating an aspect of causality forever denied to the disorganized pile.
By all means reject reductionism, but AFFIRM cause & effect by removing it from the error of reductionism and placing it within the full context of your knowledge.
Good points. My articles are short, and undeniably simple (because I am not capable of being all that complex in my own thinking). I cannot go into much detail in 1,500 words, and even if I could, I doubt if you would approve much of what I say.
I will stick to my assertion that science is reductionist. Although I do not come to that conclusion through empirical experimentation, I have read literally hundreds of books on the subject.
Cause and effect is a different matter, and when you get down to the quantum level, who knows. I do know the primary “problem” of material science acknowledging the reality of metaphysical “events” is that you cannot explain an “effect” by a non-material “cause.”
As usual, I probably did not explain that very well. Obviously a materialist scientist would take issue with most that I say on this topic.There are always details to these things but I stand by my “broad strokes”…it is only my opinion.
By the way, I would never agree with your opening quote, “If I don’t understand it, it violates cause and effect”…you say I imply this in my articles…it certainly is not an intentional implication. I think a scientist would say, “If I don’t understand this, I don’t understand it, but one day I will, and it certainly will be explainable through a material causality”…”promissory materialism”…
“The impression is given that the fundamental mechanism is settled and that only details need working out. Karl Popper referred to this situation as “promissory materialism.””
Like some say that is the underlying premise, or “promise,” of Marxism: the perfectibility of mankind.
That is their main stumbling block, for those who swallow that canard whole. (Living in Paris for some years I know that kind in droves.)
The core problem in the divide is that man in fact IS perfectible, but not through material means, or “horizontally.”
Only by NOT being conformed to the (material) world, but by the renewal of his (true) mind. As The Apostle puts it.
Restored, and but “vertically”: “be lifted up by the renewal of your minds.”
But unfortunately materialists of all kinds of stripes have a spiritual awareness that doesn’t go any higher than their hair. (Yet.?)
That immaterial vertical does not show on any of their menus!
Thank you for the extensive reply. It’s of no importance that we wouldn’t agree: I oppose to Leibniz’s windowless monads an integrated worldview that rejects contradiction and can find no evidence of permanent separation between various areas of knowledge. Accordingly I find most philosphy a vast desert. Amazing to me that “metaphysics” now conjures up “that which cannot be integrated with science” rather than the metaphysics of Aristotle.
Was it an ‘assumption’ that there were dragons at the edge of the flat world?
Sounds like a psyop.
No, we just assume that because dragons were often drawn on the edges of maps.
I would like to remind you that many ancient people, such as the Romans, depicted emperors holding an orb to symbolize control of the world, in fact a word for the universe is Orbis.
There’s also the idea of antipodes among the Greeks, people on the other side of the world being different.
The idea that people commonly thought the world was flat is a psyop.
Aah, thank you.
I don’t actually think the Earth is flat, although I would love it if it were one day proved to be.
Also I don’t trust the Romans, they probably drew the dragons on the maps 😉
We can be certain that the PTB do truly believe in the metaphysical because of all the occult rituals they perform. Here’s a link of so-called Illuminati insiders:
God is the Devil
The Devil is God
The two are the same.
Only the naive mind of the neophyte struggles with this and craves a divisive paradigm to feel like they are wise.
Just notional names in the whimsical winds of constant change.
So says the ancient Enemy.
Meanwhile, hope you get better.
Be well sooner.
Your future is bleaker than your present…
Absolutely! In fact, in the Gnostic theology, that is precisely the case. At any rate, it is a lovely whimsical notion that there’s a good guy and a bad guy and both have nothing else to do but watch us day and night.
God supposedly created a whole universe but only concentrates on one teeny tiny planet and its human population. The rest of the universe is one great big “Oops! Should have stopped once man took root. But oh no! I had to go and create all that other stuff that nobody gives a damn about!”
Every Gnostic invents their own “theology”. And clearly people care about the beyond.
If nothing else, it helps us somewhat understand the infinity of God.
Nothing God does is useless.
And it is an orthodox position that nothing happens by chance or accident. In a word there is always reason, or a reason, however obscure that form of reason is to the mere mortal mind. (I use the word ‘orthodox’ simply since in our more modern eras that notion sounds perhaps unorthodox.)
That is the point that is forever contested by “refuseniks” who are ever aghast at some of the horrific outcomes for individuals, those who take the hard(est) fouls for the team.
But as the saint once said “God knows what he’s doing and knows who can take them.”
That is epitomized in the seriously ancient text of job who gets such a working over that his wife assumes he must be lost and says “Curse God then, and die,” as he sits bereaved beyond compare, and covered head to toe with boils on his dungheap, a stunning precipitous fall from the lap of luxury into the very deep(est) stuff.
His reply to her makes made him a scriptural avatar forever. A very long time, one of the oldest books.
“Should we accept good from God’s hand and not the evil?”
Deep. Deeper even than the stuff on which he was seated!
[That summons to mind maybe an even more fave line, almost as old;
Proverbs 14:4
“Where there are no oxen the stable is clean; but large crops come from the strength of the bull.”
(I’ve read as many as 50 different English translations of that but that’s how I read it, and I think that’s how the joke went down, so biblical.)
Without the StierScheiße nothing grows!
But only that to man’s perspective? If you tried to run power lines or stations through a wall outlet they’d be fried in a New York nanosecond. So the story of our destinies is custom fitted for our souls and perceptions in their early and seminal states.
Pascal has an insight when he said the universe is a great sphere whose circumference is unknowable and whose center is everywhere.
My compadre S. Brian Willson has a thought like that as the epigraph at his website, a thought that is quite similar (check it out, I have texter’s cramp). And he adds about peoples beyond our shores a bracing reminder, “We are not worth more, they are not worth less.”
And it seems quite clear that the Christ perspective is that we souls are all equal under God’s loving rule. “He does not show partiality” even though our makeup and gifts and trajectories can be quite radically complementary.
Since His eye Is on the sparrow. And the Son of Man, Son of Mary is on the record when he tells us that we “are worth more than many sparrows”, why ever would God denigrate any merest iota of his Creation? He has the time to care, he has all the power. (As a matter of fact there is no other power outside his as worthy of the word.)
I really believe that many who don’t get it are frustrated that they don’t have the mind of God and cop out to reducing him to a mind of man’s size and scope.
Granted it’s a paradox ~ for us! ~ but the core of the problem is that so many who underestimate God do so by trying to translate him into anthropomorphic terms.
And we know something is always “lost in translation.”
Nowhere anywhere so much so as in that kind!
“In God alone we live.” ~ The Apostle
Your preconceptions about what is called god are easy to disprove- how convenient.
Would you really argue that most people have a preconception of God along the lines of, say, St. Augustine or Thomas Aquinas? Or do most people conceive of God as the stereotypical old white bearded man?
In a word- No. I have no idea what the saintly duo’s conception of God is, or what everyone in the world thinks. My conception of God is my own,in silence from the core of my being. Anything else would just be one of those second hand word salads.
Spiritual warfare.
Evil manifests generation to generation.
Sad so few cannot see it or understand it..
We should disassociate the bible from the spiritual and the divine. The three main monotheisms are based on abstractions created by materialist bankers about three thousand years ago. The bankers aimed at world domination and the ever increasing expansion of their wealth and the size of the world economy. They needed a tough arse kicking and vengeful god that had a special place for them. They needed this god to establish discipline and industriousness and passivity in the multitudes they expected to rule over from behind the scenes in the milennia that were to follow.
So the bankers created God…
That was very clever of them, considering the primitive tools at their disposal thousands of years ago…
Okay, I’ll meet you half-way:
God didn’t create bankers. Something else did…
The bankers did not create the creator, obviously. They had the foresight to create this abstraction they said was god and the intellect and the organisation to steadily convert most of the world’s population to their religions. The creation of Christianity is quite evident when one analyses the activities of the first century Alexandria based philosopher Philo, his well connected family and St Paul. The conversion of Constantine and the use of the Roman Empire to spread the new branch of the original monotheism are indications of the immense behind the scenes power of the bankers. A power that has grown relentlessly through the centuries and which now has control over every nation on the planet.
The devil is another necessary abstraction for control. He is the fellow who roasts you for eternity if you step out of line.
That’s true, but it still behooves us to study the bible for clues about our current predicament. The elohim may not be God Almighty, but that still doesn’t prove that they don’t exist. Of late, my own approach to the bible is more like that of early Gnostic Christians: the angels and demons are basically just the gods and titans renamed. But Christ is the son of the true God, the true heavenly and spiritual creator. The gods and titans (angels and demons) associated with organized religion — not just the ‘Abrahamic’ ones — are actually the archons (“rulers”) that St. Paul was referring to in the above quotation.
We don’t really know who wrote the Bible – only whom it is attributed to. And even if the peoples whose stories are mentioned were the actual scribes, it’s well established that the Catholic Church appropriated guardianship of both Old and New Testament and did their usual hocus-pocus on it.
There seems to be one great truism: never – but NEVER – let an organized religion anywhere near a Holy Book.
We? That’s assumptive. Speak for yourself.
… TPTB took out the most important part of the Bible: The Book of Enoch. Without it, most of the more metaphysical parts of the rest of the Bible are somewhat meaningless. They nog only took this boo out; they went through great lengths tot distroy it. Makes you wonder what else they didn’t want you tot read…
Oh dear..
The problem is divine truth stands. Notwithstanding who wrote the bible when and how or who manipulated everything in the bible or not, truth is truth.
If you find truth in the bible and perceive and confirm it is truth, it is truth, and you cant run away any more, you cant invent more excuses, you cant escape with I believe, I think, my opinion, science say, there is hocus pocus.
The account is finally confirmed and settled.
Most depressing sight I’ve yet seen (and that’s saying something!):
Róisín Murphy offends against “the transgender community” and grovels to be permitted back into their good books. (Which will never happen anyway.)
So what blasphemy did she commit? Over to Wiki:
“In August 2023, a Twitter user shared a screenshot of Murphy commenting on a post about Irish anti-transgender activist Graham Linehan, in which she described puberty blockers as “absolutely desolate”, adding “Big Pharma laughing all the way to the bank.” Murphy made these comments after several European countries began limiting these drugs when their public health authorities concluded that their risk-benefit ratio spans from uncertain to unfavorable. After coming under fire for her comments, she released a statement a few days later, saying “I cannot apologise enough for being the reason for this eruption of damaging and potentially dangerous social media fire and brimstone”.”
Just stop and ask yourself what is really going on here. Murphy was absolutely right with that “absolutely desolate” and the Wiki quote even hints at this with that “their risk-benefit ratio spans from uncertain to unfavorable”. But of course that bit is supposed to say, “Hey look, the risks are being ‘responsibly’ acknowledged” – which is supposedly meant to imply that Murphy was wrong to criticise.
But it is clear from Murphy’s statement that she is terrified of being “excommunicated” from “the cultural community” which is clearly under the rule of a fucking mafia!
I couldn’t agree with you more…seems like she is more afraid of losing her fan-base than anything else.
it’s what it’s all about.
clearly visible astrologically too.
the end times, which is happy news for ALL of us.
And you’ll never guess. That apocalyptic series “The Last of Us” turns out to be REALLY REALLY TRUE:
Climate change is to blame! And “medicine” isn’t ready! Oh No! Quick! Give all the money over to the medicinal gurus! Submit to an injection every hour!
Yes, yes!!! It is the only way to save us!!!
the game? it does not even have options for rope making.
Off topic:
Jesus fucking Christ, how many of these PR companies are there?
Apparently this started off as the oddly named Trust Women Conference. The blurb is boilerplate:
“….. world-leading experts, innovators and activists …. pressing global issues…media freedom …. socio-economic inclusion …. climate emergency. …”
In short, another corporate entity assembled to debate “crises” manufactured precisely to be debated and used as justification for whatever scam the parasite class wish to inflict next. Not surprisingly, Thomson Reuter are hovering in the background.
The latest buzz from our “Trust Conference” is something called a “media extinction event”. The Trust lot give no details of this (presumably because their jolly conference has not yet happened) but here is some enlightenment:
Note how this dates from 2021 i.e. a year into the covid era.
So what is a “media extinction event”? In a nutshell it is simply the ominous spectre of losing control over the narrative.
“The pandemic has revealed how access to reliable information is more than just a basic human right, but also a matter of life and death, and the UN has been working to counter related misinformation and disinformation, as well as hate speech, which have risen along with the caseload.”
Revealing. “The pandemic” is of course another of those manufactured crises. But in this case, it wasn’t merely about scaring folk into giving up all freedom and lying down ready to be shafted. It was also about presenting information itself as “precarious”. And then there is also that giveaway, “hate speech” accompanied by the hyperbolic “caseload”.
And the Orwellian brilliance of this manoeuvre is summed up here:
“the pandemic is strangling media globally”
Now that is actually true. But as always, the media present an undoubted truth which everyone fundamentally feels by twisting it round into the opposite of what’s happening. The strangling comes directly from the covid propaganda. But the media are presenting this as a threat to the covid propaganda.
Thus we learn that “social media ….are biased against facts” and “If we don’t have facts, then we don’t have a shared reality”. No, we don’t have your shared reality.
Now feel the irony:
“A lie told a million times becomes a fact. Without facts, we can’t have truth. Without truth, we can’t have trust.”
And a covert reference to media change to a new centralised model:
“With the current business model of journalism essentially “dead”, and advertising being siphoned off by Facebook and other tech giants, Ms Ressa stressed that public interest media organizations must “deal with the tech” to survive.”
Also note how “media extinction event” conjures up the images of mass evolutionary processes that have become obsessive over the last decades.
It’s just as if a man were wounded with an arrow thickly smeared with poison. His friends and companions, kinsmen and relatives would provide him with a surgeon, and the man would say, ‘I won’t have this arrow removed until I know whether the man who wounded me was a noble warrior, a priest, a merchant, or a worker.’ He would say, ‘I won’t have this arrow removed until I know the given name and clan name of the man who wounded me… until I know whether he was tall, medium, or short… until I know whether he was dark, ruddy-brown, or golden-colored… until I know his home village, town, or city… until I know whether the bow with which I was wounded was a long bow or a crossbow… until I know whether the bowstring with which I was wounded was fiber, bamboo threads, sinew, hemp, or bark… until I know whether the shaft with which I was wounded was wild or cultivated… until I know whether the feathers of the shaft with which I was wounded were those of a vulture, a stork, a hawk, a peacock, or another bird… until I know whether the shaft with which I was wounded was bound with the sinew of an ox, a water buffalo, a langur, or a monkey.’ He would say, ‘I won’t have this arrow removed until I know whether the shaft with which I was wounded was that of a common arrow, a curved arrow, a barbed, a calf-toothed, or an oleander arrow.’ The man would die and those things would still remain unknown to him.
-Buddhist parable
People the world over have been wounded with poisoned needles, yet it seems we’re stuck in thought as compensation for inaction. Metaphysical consolations to make sense of the radical evil confronting us may aid and encourage us, but without translating their spirit into action upon such material conditions as those out to radically reset reality, they remain sentiments, or dissociations.
Two monks were arguing about the temple flag waving in the wind. One said, “The flag moves.” The other said, “The wind moves.” They argued back and forth but could not agree. Hui-neng, the sixth Patriarch, said: “Gentlemen! It is not the flag that moves. It is not the wind that moves. It is your mind that moves.”
-Zen koan
Go to the source. Because mind is moving, we can mistake motion for action. Mind finds fulfillment in going beyond itself, not in speculation, but in action that creates worlds from our metabolism with nature and being. The art of drinking tea becomes an expression of sublimity. The art of living crafts a journey through great mystery in the simplest steps of virtuous practice. The material world is our canvas, our stage, our work of art, our metaphor for spirit, from indigenous ancestors to revolutionary paradigm shifts of modern science, which come full circle with primal origins in attesting to the fundamental interrelationship of all we take to be real.
The material-spiritual world evolves from labor conceived by imagination. Spinoza’s deus sive natura is not a static object of contemplation but a dynamic process of history, the real and the rational an Hegelian dialectic brought down to earth by hammers constructing homes where meaning is made in meals shared. Spiders spin webs and bees build hives of exquisite beauty, but the products of human hands are marvels of the mind, to paraphrase Marx. And the point is not merely to interpret the world, but to change it, according to our better spirits.
The powers of which the apostle Paul spoke are the spirits of the age, the zeitgeist, which rule over us in very materially oppressive ways. What horrors of hell need we imagine when they are embodied in such normalized starvation and slaughter across the earth as to drive any sane soul crazy. But the writings attributed to Paul, the first Christian, already turn the revolutionary figure of Jesus upside down as the Christ, the savior sacrificed for our essential sinfulness in a Platonism for the masses (Nietzsche) which looks forward to the age of imperial Christendom’s betrayal of all those crucified as enemies of the state.
The Jesus of the gospels remains the son of man (and woman), not the son of god, an everyman who also speaks in parables of loaves and fishes multiplying from the miracle of sharing the goods of the earth, whose kingdom is not of this earth’s ruling powers, but the power of kin-dom that makes a heaven on earth from compassion, care, and cooperation.
There’s more in heaven and earth than contained in our philosophy, or science, or any thought thing. But if we truly resist the spirit of the age contained in the plans of those who rule the means of production of the world, we best build back a better version of ourselves in social revolution to change the relations of what’s real and create a new world within the shell of the old, and make history human.
Very well put…thank you for this.
Thank you.
The first quote, as I understand it, describes humanity after the “Fall”, which some religions associate with an “Original Sin”, and other understandings with the actual historical transition from hunting-gathering to settling and domesticating the land and animals, i.e. the appearance of lucrative private property.
Before, humans acquired what they needed, no more no less, which they consumed (the motive for acquisition) within a short period of time, then acquired again and so on. Ownership wasn’t an issue as long as it was associated with use and consumption.
Then, and this is quite a historical turning point IMO, humans acquired more than what they consumed or used in the foreseeable future. And this property therefore presented itself to their consciousness for longer periods of time as something theirs but could not make theirs through incorporation or use into their persons. This property, as a solid existence inside or outside the house, represented then a self-imposed contradiction, which they couldn’t resolve unless they, humans, change themselves to, somehow, “administer” this appendix-like object. Thereafter, appeared the need for techniques of administration; Science, Technology, and Philosophy. The State as an acknowledged authority to administer conflicts over ownership appeared also.
The self-imposed contradiction inherent within lucrative property, forced a mouvement of abstraction in consciousness, a withdrawal from lived experience as here and now into a newly created content of imagination and thought. Everything else followed, including insatiable curiosity for a world that now appears as a knowable unknown.
“People the world over have been wounded with poisoned needles, yet it seems we’re stuck in thought as compensation for inaction. Metaphysical consolations to make sense of the radical evil confronting us may aid and encourage us, but without translating their spirit into action upon such material conditions as those out to radically reset reality, they remain sentiments, or dissociations.”
The fact about action is that to follow thought it must be determined in the mind before the act. If I feel hungry, this feeling, in a concrete context of food availability, determines a will which is concretely defined in the mind (get up, go to the kitchen, open the fridge, etc). If I see someone about to take a swing at me, my next action is completely determined in the mind, which automatically translates to concrete action. The problem we have today is that we don’t know what to do, because there is no entity, localised in time ans space, which we know is the source of our trouble, at which we can point a finger at as the true culprit. The problem we face is diffuse and permeates every aspect of life, so that in our mind there is no definite action to be realised, because there is no definite object against which it could be applied. Of course particular actions *have* been taken during the medical theatre, but I presume we are talking about action to stop the tyranny that is happening, aimed at the source of the trouble, which therefore must be known beforehand, which is not the case currently. This isn’t the case. Indeed, where is this tyranny located? Can we find it some place so that we can aim at it with a million rifles? No, hence our inaction.
Metaphysics emerges when rational thinking fails to account for reality; when a mental dead-end is reached; when what is reasonably expected doesn’t happen, but the unthinkable happens (such as wars as the failure of the human spirit – Fisk); It explores the substance of reality and consciousness; it tries to understand the laws of the will; it constructs a theory of History. On the contrary, moralising discourse focuses on what “should be”, a theoretical construct, without examining on what current concrete ground is this “should be” be built, and if current reality is ripe for it, and without considering the possibility of this reality as a necessary experience; It doesn’t consider whether the will itself is a historical product. Moralising discourse says: get up and free yourselves. It doesn’t say how, against what or whom exactly or even, to some, why and for what ultimate purpose. Whatever a human being does, he or she does according to the condition he or she is in.
The idea of ripeness for action is inspired from nature and there is no reason to believe it shouldn’t apply for social phenomena. This implies neither absolute inaction nor acceptance of the status quo. As it is said among socialists and communists: Agitate! Agitate! But understanding commands everything.
Isnt your buddist parable a death wish. The man wish to die, why he uses all kinds of excuses to avoid surgery?
Isnt the vax a death wish? The agenda is depopulation. Western culture is build upon depopulation: Plastic lolitas and dildos, abortion, eugenics, public funds for suicide, 0 sum, the elderly bomb, children cost you and sucks energy.
People wants to collectively die (group think), why they uses all kinds of excuses to get the jab?
The “why would they do that?” question. As soon as sheep realise 9/11 was an inside job, then virtually everything else should slot into place. They’re won over to our world reality from this focal point. Would they murder 3,000 people to realise their evil dreams? Yes. Jeezus, I only live once. I gotta spread the word, stop voting them in and do something for my kids before it’s too late.
I’ve got a good liberal vaxxed friend who is pretty much onboard with the 9/11 scam, has read “The Unpspeakable…” regarding JFK, knows good and well that the banksters rule the world and knows that Wall Street fucked the world with their casino capitalism even before 2008, knows that most Pharma drugs are poison and that diet can do far more for many health problems than Pharma ever could, but will NOT see the covidiocy for the plandemic it was. Refuses to see how this idiocy is part and parcel of all the lies we have been fed from birth. Holds on to the idea that the scary Right Wing is most of the problem, although does freely admit Democrats are nothing more than paid shills, corrupted to their core.
Sadly, while I so wish what you say is true about the Big Lie slotting into place once other lies are known for what they are, that simply isn’t true. Now that the owners are bringing back the covidiocy, I fully expect this friend to go full mask Nazi again (still believes those idiotic masks work for God’s sake!), bemoaning all the “idiots” who refuse to participate in that farce and blaming them for inconveniencing her life with their scary, dangerous and utterly selfish behavior.
All of that, to me, has been the most horrifying part of this – people with fully functioning intellectual capabilities, who know our entire society is hopelessly corrupt, but WILL NOT make the connections needed at this desperate hour. They’ll go along fully, probably will turn completely with full fury on those of us who never bought the lies and will continue to blame us instead of the real culprits. These people will simply not listen enough to truly see the Big Lie for what it is. They are smug in their knowing arrogance that all that is crazy talk, even when they know deep down it isn’t really crazy at all. It really would be so much easier to blame all of that on that stupid ass shot, and by rushing out to get that shot, they prove right there they will NEVER get it. (This friend was in no way forced to get that shot either. For the people who were forced I am so angry on their behalf for that. Sadly, people like my friend were responsible for that in so many ways. I’m really no longer sure how long we stay friends, or if we ever really were.)
‘Numinous’ might be a better word to describe what you are suggesting Todd.
‘Meta’ has an ugly corporate connatation these days.
Just sayin.
Dummy :-{
Spellcheck…another evil idea to further the agenda (it makes the mind lazy).
Great point. FWIW, I spend half my time doing a comment by double checking the spelling and the accuracy of the words I use. I used to know these things; but lack of usage dulls the mind very quickly.
Hey…I like that…thank you. Very good point.
“I think it is time that we start realizing that something is going on that can only be explained through a metaphysical explanation.” I disagree, Todd. Profoundly.
Even many tyrants have a conscience that needs assuaging–amd so may lean upon the devil as a counterweight to outraged humanity and violation of the Good.
In every age there have existed tyrants who sought to conquer the known world. Attila is an unchanging psychological archetype. He is different in our time only in that he has more technology available to him.
Nor do I see a reason to describe the nonmaterial or seemingly nonmaterial as a violation of causality. Knowledge is contextual and there is much that we don’t know. To describe that which is unknown or mysterious as “violating cause and effect” is, I think, epistemological error.
everything has to do with ”metaphysics”. everything, always. i recommend jessica davidson’s analyses re historical events/astrological explanations.
this book by liz greene is very important re history, and now.
But, the universal definition of our planets is that their function is to regulate the earth and moons place, circulation and distance from the sun.
Further humans are said to have free will.
In my ears it doesnt fit in that we should be mechanical dolls and sheep after how much Pluto approaches Saturn?
it’s the other way round. a chart, a snap shot of the planets at one’s birth are a map. transits are yet another map, reflecting our journey.
individually, and collectively.
So we make the planets moving. I have to think a little over that one.
Where do I say anywhere in this article that anything mysterious or unknown “violates cause and effect”?
OffG love you – but how come we’re not talking about maui?
a cartoonishly obvious / remarkably sloppy cover-up of something
The warning klaxons didn’t go off – but they managed to go off a few years back for the false alert that North Korean nuclear weapons had been launched and were on their way?
Here’s a very good summation of the Maui tragedy by Glen Beck which will never reach the MSM because there’s nothing about that can be dismissed as “conspiracy theory.”
I won’t take up space on Off-G so here’s a link to a series of stories I’ve written – the upcoming one to watch will be “Hawaii’s Tech Billionaires A Deep State Front.”
Frankly I won’t waste my time. I stopped here because the words above those asterisks went into pending. Why, therefore, promote Off-G from below the line.
If you want to know what is happening you don’t gravitate to The Guardian or Off-Guardian because they cover essentially the same topics, or more crucially, avoid the same.
You need to look further afield.
Moneycircus Substack is my own den. Visit at your peril. Or don’t.
True colours being shown here.
The old genie (djinn) and its magic lamp trick that Disney uses to such good effect on the young, and not so young: make a wish young materialised soul and all material riches will be yours.
Very tempting to a first grader in need of more lollies / sweets / candy / a seat at WEF and other Crown parties.
Mr. Hayen, I hope you know how much you are appreciated. I look forward to your posts very much. You are a great voice in this world.
Thank you so very much Debra…I so much appreciate your comment. Join us at if you haven’t already…and of course keep reading Off-Guardian! It is such a wonderful mixture of many views and perspectives!!
I can’t help myself but suspect that those driving the trans-humanism agenda are descendants of the ancient astronauts, those first perceived to be gods from the heavens. They were the ones who created human beings through genetic engineering and cross breeding – the biblical Nefilim. They are the ones who established “kingships” and a privileged class to subdue the rest of the humans.
We were slaves to them then and still are today.
But this is 2000-3000 maybe 5000 years ago. So you say they are still here subdueing us??
God left us with these Aliens for 5000 years??? So All the Alien movies were TRUE reality.
I cant believe it.
It means we have to fight ourselves out of this mess, all by ourselves with NO help. This is reality!.
The MSM push ancient aliens and the whole idea happens to be remarkably congruent with the Gnostic worldview that this is a prison planet.
Read Zecharia Sitchin’s The Earth Chronicles. All fully referenced and with evidence from archaeologists and scholars of every kind throughout the centuries, and amply illustrated from ancient documents/clay tablets.
I’m about two thirds of the way through Book I (The 12th Planet) of VII atm. A bit of a slog to be sure but so interesting.
I think those who push the trans-humanist agenda are horribly misguided people who totally misunderstand the very concept of robots and artificial intelligence and the like. First off, they see robots and AI as something sublime and wonderful when it’s nothing but Tinker Toys on steroids. Then they come to see it as superior to the workings of a human.
Robots never die, they seem to believe. Never mind they run out of battery power eventually and have to be “buried.”
The old conundrum “Do you own your possessions or do they own you?” perfectly explains the love affair with machines by some.
Robots never die, just like corporations. Hmmmmm.
Lot of truth, there, in your message.
[However meta-synecdoche that Mythos, just how to scan it, entirely?]
And there is even more Truth in its antidote, a very ancient passage I heard the other morning, “He led me out of bondage to a place of freedom, because He took delight in me.”
Awesome egalitarian text. But an outcome never easily come by, howsoever equaled.
Am I right, youse? [DISCLAIMER: rhetorical question, yet not a rhetorical quest.]
You know it, peoples!
[CAVEAT DUCTOR: the profusion of counterfeiters and impersonators (“impressionists”?) policing the boundaries of the Divine, and with such, our souls: The Man from Nazareth warned His merry band of Cross-bearing brothers: “Stay Awake!” I don’t know about you, but I read in that: they were already newly awakened but the weight of sustained consciousness was a load. A cross?
So many others were asleep, and that seems like a crushing trend.
And then the same old same old, the infinitude of those sleeping the sleep of death, millennia of those under that old spell.
A flash of a mindful refrain from my pimply teens, an echo of a translation of Bonhoeffer’s Gestapo prison stanza, as epigraph in my tattered paperback copy of “The Cost of Discipleship”:
“Go to Christ when He is sore bested
Whelmed under weight of
The wicked, the weak, and the dead.”
My rhymes archive tails out there, but that’ll have to do.
This “Labor Day” 23, as duly declared by USA Inc.
So get jiggy with the new age piety, as our cages rattle homies!
“Like unto a blinded nightingale in a narrow cage, did he pour forth his song.”
[another epigraph, in a volume of works by San Juan de la Cruz]
If metaphysis is invisible, like electricity (you can’t see it but you can prove it is there), why does it have to have an objective foundation to be considered real?
There are plenty of invisible things people don’t understand, this does not make them unreal, or even not real, it just make them impossible to understand objectively.
Sort of like I quit going to the doctor b/c he didn’t understand me, that doesn’t mean I want him to try to control me b/c he doesn’t understand me, but he didn’t see it that way so I said F* him, and good luck understanding me.
Many “unseen things” before “science” proves they were material were thought to be metaphysical forces—spiritual, of God, magic, etc.. Anything today that is “unseen” and considered “mysterious” is put into the box of “promissory materialism” which means “one day we will see that this too is material”—this is the “great error” I am writing about. Anything the scientists are certain is not material (for example, unicorns, elves, or God) is trashed and proclaimed to not exist.
Also, “understanding” something is different from “reducing a thing to its smallest material components” and determining it is of material origin—you can not “see” something, and also not “understand it” but still claim it exists within the material definition of nature.
“Understanding” implies we know how something functions. We don’t have to know how the material world functions (or a small element of that world). Scientists tell us that even though you may not understand something, we can be sure it is material in nature (promissory materialism). I believe something can be “real” and not “understood” whether it is material or not. The fact that science, and thus everyone that “believes in science” believes that anything, or any phenomenon, must be material to exist is a problem, in my opinion.
The only things invisible on any level are our thoughts (despite how neuro-scientists explain thinking). The great awakening – perhaps the greatest in human history – occurred when gravity waves were finally discovered. This meant that something even materialists and “scientists” assumed to be simply a “force” was actually a material concoction; and it was only because it could not yet be detected that it was dismissed as a “force.”
Again I think we constantly should remember that math and physics are invented language to try to explain our universe.
Therefore we have endless academic discussions within science on which language concept should be used on this and that.
Whether you call it a force or a material concoction I see the influence on every things movement as the same:
When you smash the ground you do it with average 9,8m/s*s. When you walk or run you glue to the soil within the same average. When you build houses, you calculate their density accordingly to meet sufficient contra force in the ground.
In space travels for sun bathing on the surface of the sun it may be more important to get a more precise definition than force.
Every scientist ever worth his salt has always emphasized that mathematics and other scientific descriptive languages are just that
“… The fitful tracing of a portal…”
[As the New Haven poet Wallace Stevens elegantly versed it in his wondrous The Idea of Order at Key West”]
“When you jump off a height you never break the law of gravity. You prove it.”
That too.
“…it is your connection to your soul and the Divine that is your greatest protection.”
Those I most revere will maintain it’s our only protection. I don’t say that just to be doctrinaire, but to suggest that really all the other past avenues of exit are being closed.
Brings us to the greatest blessing of these times: that we are being shown ever more graphically and inevitably, what has always been the truth: that there is only one directional way out?
Escape to the Truth. What a fresh concept.
[Ed.: Tried to bold Mr Hayen’s quote but it did it to mine instead. O well, on this device such things can’t be altered in “save”. Who am I to argue with the software.]
And your words SHOULD be bold…very well said.
Here’s the great irony – the materialists insist that their behemoth of lies is the “real world”. Increasingly, the scales are falling from everyone’s eyes and the spells of cults past are being broken one by one. No one believes MSM’s lies, two party lies, medical industry lies, foreign policy lies, religious lies (like being told the world should serve you). It’s a good thing, actually. People are coming out of a deep stupor of indoctrination, like those duped by Scientology and similar cult followings.
Our reconnection is to Divine Nature, this living Earth that always strives towards balance, regeneration, consciousness refinement and the discovery (remembrance?) of our natural pristine state.
The phrase ‘spiritual war’ has been popping up a lot lately, which I see as a good sign, it means people are waking up. I can say, from a personal perspective, that there are things which hide at the edges, in the shadows. I know this from my own experiences, so it’s good to see people beginning to see reality for what it is; more than simply what they want it to be.
Well hell, reading too much into this. It’s some humans with power using their power for control over other humans. It’s up to some of us other humans to stop those humans because most other humans don’t give a shit or are too stupid to know what’s going on. If we are going to fight THEM, we better get on it, cuz THEY’RE kicking our asses.
The problem is that both groups of humans, “us” and “them” are 99.9% puppets of the same forces power, money and sex. From Bill Gates to poor bastards. From China to Amerrika. It all depends how much we identify with our comfy cradle ego vs our tiny soul baby. To switch over from the ego to the soul we have to let go attachments to the Dominant Trio mentioned before. Our human mind cannot get us out of this swamp similarly to the ape pulling itself out by its hairs from is lower animal state. The only drive can be offering of up our cozy cradle for something totally else. Wanting and willing to forgo on that dated bouncy check being dazzled before our eyes hourly from ads and other prop. Not easy, as in hard to kick off from crack cocaine, easier when it becomes Fentanyl = sure death.
Absolutely, Todd! What cannot be seen — or is seen only in glimpses in this life — is real. This spiritual world is divided between those on the side of good and those who on the side of evil (Satan if you prefer). And my fear is that many people, especially among the rich and powerful, have decided to support the source and the force of evil. They have power to shape the world we live in. The Bible verse you cite is certainly apropos, but it is not we alone who fight against this evil using our own strength. If we believe that we will soon wilt in despair and frustration at the scope of the battle. There are many scripture verses that assure us that the ultimate source of life and all that is good, that is God, is with us, fighting with us. So let’s keep on fighting! This is the source of my hope.
The Bible? Give me a break. Update yourself.
With what? I am pretty well-read in philosophy and have encountered some pretty good ideas and tools for life there, but turn to the Bible for spiritual truth. Yes, there are passages in it that I don’t understand (yet) or that challenge me. But I’m not looking for simple, easy answers, but for truth. What alternative source do you suggest?
And Todd also quotes scripture. I guess you take issue with him as well? That’s fine, hold whatever views you like, but don’t tell me I should “update myself.”
There is no written word from which absolutely nothing of value can be gleaned. Even “Jack and Jill ran up the hill” can inspire someone somewhere (a Zen master perhaps?)>
“The adventure of consciousness” by Satprem
A. What’s with all the boring philosophy articles, short on actual facts? I guess late August is a slow news day.
B. “Sheep” is the wrong name for them. They are in reality very uncooperative. Because they know everything already and their minds cannot be changed. More like a herd of cats.
Herding cats – anon [aka: JS]
Wrangling ants – David Lynch
Pied Piper – rat-a-tat-tat: pedophile or pragmatic opportunist?
All that matters is the right bait, and you can corral anything or, anybody, including cats.
Point A is sort of an oxymoron. Obviously you don’t get it. Read a little Nasseim Haramein. Foster Gamble is a great source too combining science with metaphysical. Sorry but it’s actually an amazing road to travel, of course grounded as well. Many of us, in retrospect, were more attuned to the metaphysical since we were young. Now, having studied extensively, meditated, having incredible experiences throughout our lives we straddle a line between both. Really it’s as simple as being aware and noticing.
Dont you get possibly, Reading is in Carlisle I’d rather spend time experiences of realist and Ward off devious lack of knowledge generalisng self dictionaries. Time is short before we reach a…fourth continuum, herebye well known to US Americans. The actual Mass publication of our Isles Culteral People in Oxford Cambridge.
Limiting oneself to realistic experiences is all well and good for those with the means to expand their range of reality. For those lacking such means, or those not knowing where to even begin such a journey, reading is far more than a waste of precious energy.
Quite right Joe, we don’t have square eyes.
LOL, why insult cats? Cats are not sheep in that they do not easily herd, and they very rarely, if ever, do as they are told to do. These people are not cat like in that respect at all. As for being sheep, while I too use that term sometimes, the idiots who go along with this are a whole new breed in and of themselves, a created breed used by our owners to do their bidding. Comparing them to animals is highly insulting to the animal kingdom.
Cats are the most amazing creature. A cat dont fear anything nor anybody.
A normal cat is full of good practical jokes and care, easy to keep.
Don’t be reincarnated here, on Earth.
Go elsewhere.
Oceans Land Sea Air although for some quite a crackpot calling for a bucket of head symbols. Lol!
Thanks again, Todd.
I’d like to add that I have observed and noticed the growing tendency among people I know, of the type whom you refer to as “Shrews,” towards a more intuitive and spontaneous grasp of reality which I identify, differentiate and characterize, not as “irrational,” but as “non-rational,” which seems to correspond with your description, and can be experienced and applied to any field of endeavor, from art, to science or business, or anything else in between, anything anyone does, really.
Intuition, and trusting it, seems to be the first thing deliberately beaten out of us.
It’s not easy to recover such hidden treasure, but it’s there, within everyone’s reach, the more we learn to SHUT UP AND LISTEN! welcome and actively cultivate it’s return, and stop thinking and regarding communication as limited to language in the form of words and speech.
Think of all the things in the cosmos that communicate non verbally, dim and distant stars, calling out for our attention, through light, flowers, with neither eyes nor nose we know of, communicating through colours, fragrances, forms and chemicals dispersed through air currents, over vast distances — relative to insects — causing insects to be drawn to them by involuntary compulsion, and so to aid in their pollination, or honeybees, guided infallibly from foraging fields miles away,
returning to their hives by, who knows exactly what form of orientation, and last, the humble burr, that somehow, in anticipation, patiently evolved to attaching itself to fur, and later, textiles! in order to spread its progeny around.
Isn’t that in some way, suspended animation at work over generations?
Waiting, hoping to land in ideal circumstances, or maybe just any ol’ port in a storm.
What kind of ingenuity is that?
Hyper Rational?
Be a burr.
Think ahead.
Without words.
Try to imagine, without thought.
Without speaking.
And see how far you get.
Let me tell you, it’s the pioneer that first settles desolation, it’s the seed that seems to need and seek out nothing and nobody, where upon establishing itself, invites the first organic matter to enrich the soil and turn it into Eden.
Plants are hard working.
Show them some respect.
Above all, show them tender loving care.
Then eat them, devour them, INCORPORATE THEM INTO YOUR LIFE, with pleasure, and gratitude.
Not proofread, sorry.
We can keep circling the drain. Or we can evolve. And that evolution is not a transformation to machines. Except in the minds and decision making of the 1% who’ve been given the keys to drive this planet as they see fit… for only themselves. And that evolution is not dripping back into superstitions to explain the nightmare surrounding Humanity in 2023, as works of spiritual good vs spiritual evil.
In Eastern metaphysics there is no good or evil as original intent. Manifestations of life are Universe’s operating system as it evolves and unfolds like the lotus blossom. Humanity’s problem is to understand the results of Universe operating, and consciously move through it with intent that manifests the maximum beneficial evolutionary intent of Universe, for Humanity and for the entire Earth ecosystem. Why would Universe evolve to destroy it’s creation? The Universe evolves to, imho, manifest self-consciousness and self-awareness. It cannot do this if the creation, the self, self-destructs. In this myth, my myth, our job in this evolutionary process is to consciously facilitate Universe’s evolution, our Spaceship Earth’s evolution to maximum length harmonious stability so evolution can do it’s trial and error ever improving job. Humanity obviously benefits by this with the goal being an Ecotopia, stewarded by us to the benefit of the entire planet.
People before empirical self knowledge of the most likely realities, you can call this science, used myth, superstition and religions to explain what they had no knowledge of. Why are hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tsunami, fires, drought or strange alignments of circumstance creating grief, harm, struggle and death in life? Where did we come from? Who the fuck are we and why are we here to struggle? Their dreams and imaginations filled the gaps with theories and myths to define existence for them. An understandable reality. A removal from fear.
“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became [an adult], I put away childish things.”
The existential crisis addressed by this article, and that faces each of us in the 21st C, is actually an evolution to an adult Humanity that has never existed before. When fully grown, every life form on Earth’s localized Universe, matures and stops “growing” and starts maintaining. We hit peak population, the point at which Earth and human beings with mechanical tools could be self sustaining on an ongoing basis, around 1.5 billion, around 1900 or so. The evolution of hunter-gatherer anarchism to agricultural monarchies to mercantile oligarchies to capitalist corporate states, has been an evolution from a universal non-hierarchical profitlessness to an authoritarian and now totalitarian elite class profit machine via unthrottled capitalism directed by the unthrottled decision making of the 1%.
When life hits the maintenance period before decline and death, it plateaus out in adulthood to raise children and maintain the ecosystem so their species can evolve. This process is autonomously operated by Universe with animals, or so we think. Except when over population or environmental trauma create near extinction or extinction events that are unavoidable because they cannot consciously adapt in time. Humans have evolved to the intelligence or awareness of place and action and can respond to existential environmental conditions that threaten them. Or so an unprogrammed-by-capitalism-as-survival-paradigm human would decipher. Humanity’s crisis is caused by a disconnect from deciphering reality and acting upon it to create an egalitarian ecosystem on Spaceship Earth.
Circling the drain. Not evolving to the maintenance adult stewardship of localized Universe, Earth. We have been frozen in a childhood peer group mindset, by the ruling paradigm of mythical capitalism operated it’s the child-elite, the 1%, and it’s 5000 year paradigm of infinite profit for them, infinite war (conflict) for us, and infinite growth for everything. Capitalism and it’s infinite growth mandate is plainly and obviously species suicidal on a fixed capacity planet. It’s just ludicrously obvious as the nose of one’s face. But what makes “us” not able to see this? 5000 years of elite evolved peer pressure to accept ambitious exploitation of any and everything as morally acceptable and not to be throttled.
The Thatcher-Reagan selfishness religion was the unfortunate regression into circling the drain that is now our existential crisis. It/we gave unlimited authority to our ruling elite to become unimaginably ruthless, threatening not just Humanity but all organic life on Earth.
We can either continue spiraling into the black hole of species death as child-serfs or we can become the adult on the planet that throttles the engines of this profit, war, growth machine and it’s manager 1%. Shaking off the 1%’s evil fairy dust of imminent profit greed, which now is more transparently bogus than ever before as the bottom 90% in the US lives paycheck to paycheck, is the pathway to adulthood’s maintenance society. The Haole-Child 1% are incrementally herding us into a techno LOCKDOWN open air prison. We can stop this by stepping up to our role in evolutionary Universe. Yes we can!
A 99% consent based throttling of Haole-Child tecno-dystopia before it’s too late is our only future. That’s my myth (vision), and i’m sticking to it! 🙂
The problem of evil is much bigger than 1 %.
Too true. A lot of blame across the board. But they may rate 99%. A lot of poor judgement anyway, while we crave more good.
Great comment and much food for thought. I was there for the Thatcher/Raegan “new individualism” and brother, after the dust had settled, “we, the people” loved it. “Possessive individualism”, “authoritarian populism”, “the great moving right show” were some of Stuart Hall’s ideas for the time; but that did not halt the momentum. “The problem with socialis is that you soon run out of other people’s money” killed social-democracy with an acerbic quip. Thereafter: “There is no society, just a man and his family” — TINA.
The problem with neoliberalism is that you cannot run out of money you created ex nihilo; but you can never, ever pay off the principle. Thereafter: SAPs and debt-enslavement of whole nations shaped the modern world. So we are stuck in our neonatal neoliberal age for some time yet; circling the drain or disappearing down the plughole of kakoeconomics?
We are object-obsessed and growth-obsessed peur aeternitas locked in to materialism, consumerism and consumptogenesis; but not just 1%. The First World has repressed the Third World so we can have their labour and matter for free (Hickel.) We are imperialist, determinist, colonialist and utterly consumptogenic ‘hungry ghosts’ precisely because of metaphysics. Only if you truly hated the world and the body you are in would you invent such an elaborate phantasmagoria of other worlds, other times, and other lives. We do not want to be here, by and large and the odd person here and there who imagine some sort of ecotopia won’t change that. Human imaginability is more seductive than reality, and that is the sad indictment of who we have become way beyond the first percentile.
I was talking to an anthropologist chum the other day. Even the indigenous folk are seduced. The young folk don’t want to live by the ancient ecotopic ways anymore. Imagine the effect of social media on a relatively innocent non-technological mind? Metaphysics remains seductive for a reason, and that is mostly down to the destruction that the love of metaphysics has caused. It is a vicious cycle; metaphysics is completely irrational but more rational than the economic apocalypse we have unleashed on ourselves. The psychonauts have taken over the spaceship and the seductions and enchantment of another life is not losing its allure, no matter how destructive it becomes.
I hate to tell you but eastern metaphysics is every bit as moralistic as its western counterpart. The number of people who reject both is negligible. Biophysical degrowth to Ecotopia or metaphysical growth-obsession to dystopia? If we, the people decide….
There is nothing metaphysical about infinite growth. I think your mixing up metaphors a bit. Eastern metaphysics is definitely moral as would any vision of moving through life with respect for Universe. Those who exploit any and everything in a quest for any and everything have no respect for Universe and are a dangerous aberrant that will be throttled eventually by Universe if not Humanity first. Buddhists like Feinstein’s husband Richard Blum of CRE buying up histroic USPS buildings fame, justified their behavior thru the cult’s supposed non-judgementalism. This is disrespect of Universe that speaks poorly of, and does not represent the eastern metaphysics I know from Alan Watts and Zen. A great book from 1980 from Fritjof Capra, a UC physicist, “The Turning Point” compares the discoveries of modern physics to eastern metaphysics and applies these ideas to nonlinear problem solving as solution to the Cartesian linear problem solving that underpins the capitalist flywheel approach now destroying everything. It is in essence, a throttling of project decision making to assure that all technological “improvements” deployed are things that provide for the social needs of Humanity/Earth and monetary profit possibly not at all.
In any diurnal period the whole of humanity are actively engaged in economic activity — contituting the global economy — engaged in activities that are ultimately destructive of the earth. If you want to exclude the indigenous folk, that’s 7.5bn microeconomic agents of destruction. Not only can all 8bn of us, the supermajority of which are active now, accomplish this labour alone, we need to augment our muscle power by consuming 100mn barrels of oil per day. As previously shown, at 8 years of labour per barrel, that is a an 800My surplus to our labour power, all to meet the demands of our ego.
In one of his more lucid moments, Lacan expressed it thus:
Demand — Need = Desire
Which D&G called surplus “desiring-production”. We create demands for stuff way beyond the earth’s capacity to sustain: thus we are creatively destroying the earth right now. It is not a metaphor. Disrespecting the universe is what we do and no matter where you are, what you are doing, we’re part of it. There is no outside of our species any more. The fact is, if you take the dharma as an anthropological datum point 2,5Kya; the human species had already rejected life. We merely perfected the rejection.
I make my comments in the vain hope that other people will realise just how far we are gone along a full-spectrum species-psychosis; where psychosis can be defined as the deviation of imaginability from actuality. Elevator psychology 101: what you resist, persists. We cannot do anything about the species-psychosis; we can begin to transform our desiring from pathological destructiveness to salutogenic (health-promoting) creativeness. A great book in this respect is Joanna Macy’s “The Great Turning” raising awareness of the deep psychological hurt driving us to transform the earth from habitable to uninhabitable as fast as we can.
Highfalutin inversion of what I’m pointing out with a giant lie cherry on top! You are a psyop! Go back to your lab, grab your spook’s paycheck and find somewhere else to water down and pollute. It won’t fly here. We check sources and don’t name drop contemporary philosophers like chocolate syrup. Her book’s message is how to transform the Earth from inhabitable to habitable as fast as we can.
The Great TurningJoanna Macy
Joanna Macy: The Great Turning is a shift from the Industrial Growth Society to a life-sustaining civilization.
Your confusionist system op is not wanted here.
You could have pointed out the typo without the invective; simple mistake. Thanks for the correction. Sorry to bother your day.
That was no “typo”. That was sentences of obfuscating baloney. Go away psyop.
“The problem with socialism is that you soon run out of other people’s money”
That’s so typical of that Wicked Witch of the West and her broom shtick.
As such they try incessantly to cast spells on the weak-minded, only in a culture and “slave economy” such as MLK called the USA Inc methodology, could you get away with such an inversion of the economic truth.
It is really profoundly true of the capitalism that evolved into the insatiable worldwide beast that it now is.
“The problem with (predatory) Capitalism is you eventually run out of other people’s money.”
Nothing more to heist, so then they come after the humans themselves, as the last commodities to hold hostage.*
What else?
That’s what transhumanism’s all about.
I saw an NYT article 15 years ago about efforts by a certain corporation to patent eye colors.
Get a life, Iron Thatch.
O that’s right, you already had one.
Was it worth it?
[*Even the dragon Smaug was content merely to drowse on his mountainous horde of gold trinkets.]
Thank you!
Metaphysics lite: I’ve already mentioned that the alienated and alienating soul-image has despotic and political control of the body; that the body is the subjected organ and instrument of the soul, and that oikonomia means that despotic command and political control means permanent economic enslavement – by a metaphor?
Actually, if anything, it is a metonymy; and further, it is a synecdoche as a reductive control-mechanisation of the body by the “soul-synecdoche” as the essence of economic and biopolitical control of the body-as-body; but never the individual body-as-body – the entire species-being as ensouled by a vast array of metonymy and cognitive metaphor (Nietzsche.)
The soul is the worldsoul, the world order, the world movement, the perfections of our greatness and superiority and all that goes with the overinflated species-psychosis that is destroying this inferiorised world in imitation of a new order, a new way of being, a new economic species impelled by the worldsoul incarnate in saecula saeculorum – empowered by the soul-synecdoche?
The problematic with the inalienable alien animism of the body is that the idea is so seductive it cannot be refuted; even by world-historic association with totalitarianism and fascism; even though that it is literally psychotic to believe one is animated and articulated as caused from without even as a metaphor.
The crux metaphysicorum is then in the metabolic animation and articulation of an otherwise dead lump of meat. Ironically automatos, aeikineton, autokineton, arche, logos, logistikon and hegemonikon are keystone concepts — or metaphors — of the conception of the soul that vitalises, animates, articulates, orders, and commands dead mechanical matter. It comes down to biophysics or metaphysics?
Biophysics: if the body can move itself, articulate itself in speech, and animate itself in thought as self-regulating metabolism then the soul is a redundant metaphysical control-mechanisation. If the body is always-moving, self-moving, self-propelled from the inside; capable of movements and change (metabole, kinesis, energeia, dunameis) then there is no need of even a metaphysical metaphor.
The body-as-body is self-moving autonomy and autarky (autonomos, autarkeia: self-sufficiency — not to be confused with authoritarian autocracy.) That only occurs if you move the principle of movement, change, and self-determined self-control outside of the body and replace it metaphysically for every despot, dictator, tyrant, and authoritarian totalisation to take hold of – metaphorically or not.
Our intellectual antecedents did replace the principle of vitality, movement, and change beyond the world-as-it-presents — thereby rejecting and perennially repressing life — from a supramundane, suprasensible, and supranatural imaginary Hinterwelt as a continually pathogenic psychosis only dictators, tyrants, and despots can pretend they can see….But if enough agree….
So the metaphor is actually meta-absolute source of totalisation and world domination; and nobody can refute the alienated source of psychosis to the alienated. It’s all arse about face: the body-as-body is not the prison that incarcerates the soul and therefore alienated us as a lifelong entraining in death (Phaedo). The soul is the alienating factor that commands and controls the body for economic gain. Thereafter: shoulda read Nietzsche. Better still: should practice zen. There is no soul excepting for bad physiology, bad metaphor, bad metonymy, and even worse atrocities “killing in the name of” by the righteous ensouled – and that ain’t no metaphor.
The soul is not the problem. The problem is in the enemy of the soul, also known as ego.
The ego is the devil, under command of the Devil itself. While the soul is eternally connected with God.
As the story of Prometheus tells it, the question is not whether the ‘fire’ is evil, but whether we are ready for it, or receive such a gift at the right time.
The ego is by no means ‘the devil’, nor is it the enemy of the soul, but part of it.
It is the place where we decide which parts of our personality are in control of other parts, or where we decide whether or not to become slaves of certain aspects of our own selves.
(That short summary is not intended to imply that this is a trivial matter, by the way)
Of course the ego can do as much damage as fire can, if it is not given due respect and put in a context which makes sense – for example a context in which it is conceived as evolving along with the rest of our soul, and a context in which we gradually become more familiar with our own selves along with the rightful purpose of our ego.
After all, egos are not just handed out as if they were Christmas cookies; they are of great value. We can’t go around destroying our own egos because they are ‘the devil’.
I hope it is clear that I am not talking about the ego which is a notorious characteristic of ‘egotists’, but rather the ego which we all possess, for better or worse. That last part is up to us.
Dangerous as they are in the wrong context, I believe egos are there for a purpose, but, as with all spiritual matters, the scope for misunderstanding and misinterpreting is immense.
The ego is that which grasps, out of fear of change. The devil is a metaphor.
The ego can also grasp out of desire for change.
“Sex” may be a metaphor, but the Devil is not. There is one. Denial of that reality has become one of our biggest problems. The wide open back door to all the false programs.
Anyone who has seen blatant evidence of demonic activity knows well enough that there is more at “work” than anything simply human. It is outside the context of that, for real.
We might recall CS Lewis’ great “manual for tempters” written by the accomplished devil Screwtape in his Letters to his nephew Wormwood, enrolled in Tempter’s Training College, something quite like:
“There are two basic methods we use: outright terrorism, or discouraging altogether any belief that we exist.”
You can find in that a vivid contrast and compare between old school German Nazism and the kind mostly used by USA Inc., at least ostensibly. (When not pinning terrorist psyops on the commies in our midst…)
The ego is the face we present to the world. Everybody does it.
The ego is not the problem. The shadow. e.g. the suppressed aspect of the ego is the problem and shows up as wild animals and demons in our dreams who theaten to attack us. The wild animals and demons disappear out of our dreams once we lose all fear thereby integrating the shadow.
Then we can leave the ego behind and our sense self undergoes a change to the centaur, e.g. the mature adult. From there we have the potential to evolve into enlighted beings and realise that our bodies are space and time suits. To be enlightened means the end of suffering and the loss of fear.
This evolutionary process of consciousness is supposed to begin at birth and ends at death of the body, after which we return to our origin in the Light. Our life on the planet, e.g. in physical reality is like playschool. For some, perhaps most, it is a very hard playschool.
It appears that the condition of entry into this world is that we agree to forget where we came from. This means that we have an enormous amount of leeway to exercise free will and free speech. With that freedom we are here to learn to love one another and live happy and creative lives together.
Most readers of this site are aware that the mainstream media preaches fear. It sells. Since the covid thing the fear porn has gone into overdrive and sold a lot of clot deaths and maim shots, while making additional billions for the multi-billionairs. The power of fear has put most people into a state of hypnosis. The antidote of fear is love.
Ego is the problem. This shadow stuff in new age nonsense.
No, it’s straight outta CG Jung and his work and nomenclature for the collective unconscious . It is a reality he demonstrated, and it surely bears descriptions.
Nonesense; there is neither soul nor ego; they are just names we give the unconscious narratisation in the head. The fact is that the work of desire production and consumption requires every-body and that is irreducible. The terminological difference makes no difference as to whether it is the worldsoul, worldpsyche, or worldego in motion right now as anthropogenesis. If it don’t reduce, it is a singularity. So is there one person in motion now, or many?
Everybody knows the true answer, but they reject it. That repudiation of life is what we call the psyche; but really it is just the language in the head. The dominant language is neoliberal, so who wants an unconscious neoliberal narratisation in the head? Nobody, so we personalise it instead.
The language is not the body: the language is a reduction of the body to a complex of words we call the self. Sometimes we create more than one hypostatic impersonation and label each word-compendium. That’s pretty much psychotic, but it’s better than recognising the personal logos as neoliberal, isn’t it.
So is there one person with the personal use of the language or many? Is there one global economy or many? We all know the answer, but make up our stories instead. The language is also in use globally right now and the use is economic. We make our stories in denial, usually inventing victim psychosis and control fantasies in order to accommodate ourselves to the global market economy. I prefer not to. If we stopped splitting-off from life — which by the way is pure neoliberalism — we might then do something about the cataclysm we cocreate in rejection of life, living, and loving. Amot fati.
Lol, please tell me you are human, fallible & I’ve not misunderstood Amot😂 as a typo, for Amor Fati… Doe, Ray, Me, Far, So-Lar, Tea dough, nuts, scones & well, Berliners for Nietzsche’s generation, I guess… JFK loved being one.
Mi Amore begins within, like respect, in every direction.
Especially, for fine food, drink & music 🎶 to my ears,
that we share for a collective joy & appreciation,
In recognition of Ubuntu, Bryan; I gave up long ago
Trying to accommodate & align myself to the
Global market economy, preferring not to, 🥑
Unless needs be. For the love of one’s fate:
Think global,
Drink local,
Shoot me,
Amor Fati.
I describe the world, not myself. There is no personal self-usage of the language. That don’t mean that there is not a world of experience and life: it just means that the language is something alien to that. The self is personalised occupation by a very fucking evil culture I also rejected about 1970 something. I pretty much ignore anything verbalised in the head ever since, and always will.
However; that is not true of the world we live in. I also teach meditation because thinking is not separation from the world, its colonisation by the dominant culture. And that does my head in!
Amor fati and fuck colonisation by the language.
Thanks: big of you Bryan. I always felt I understood the core essence of your ’embodiment’, many years ago & can relate, completely.
No need for further words, the language never suffices.
Wishing you all the best
& especially healthy thoughts,
Beyond Mark Strand &
” Keeping Things Whole ”
” In a field
I am the absence
of field.
This is
always the case.
Wherever I am
I am what is missing.
When I walk
I part the air
and always
the air moves in
to fill the spaces
where my body’s been.
We all have reasons
for moving.
I move
to keep things whole.”
Easy to remember,
Off by ♥
man… for someone with no soul, you sure write like someone who’s soul yearns never to be understood. communicate with other actual people much..?
Right now there are ~4bn microeconomic agents working; in the 24hr period, that’s 8bn (if you want to exclude indigenous folk, that’s 7.5bn). That activity does not reduce down to anybody in particular — hence the idea of the ‘soul’ is irreducible from the worldsoul. The worldsoul — psyche tou kosmoun — is world ordering or worldbuilding as demiourgic — or did nobody else read Plato or Plotinus.
I’m not the one trying to make out that there are 8bn different souls, or any of the rest of it. The activities we partake in are metaphysical, but they are some way from rational. If the metaphysics requires our full earth-dominant activity, it can hardly be an option or remedy; thereafter — it is the metaphysics of destruction we need to escape, which is the literal antithesis of what is being said.
It is really quite simple as too what is going on in the world…the 👃 is running the show!
This kind of belief isn’t new, it was very popular a hundred years ago certainly in British society and probably elsewhere in Europe and the US. It seems to pop up whenever organized religion becomes less influential and tends to be discouraged by ‘the powers that be’. I don’t know what to make of it myself, in my world we have people as diverse as H.G. Wells and Alistair Crowley as believers.
As a scientist / engineer I don’t believe in anything as such but at the same time I also don’t dismiss the unexplained out of hand. History is littered with examples of phenomena that people could only explain in magical terms which subsequently turned out to be rather ordinary phenomena. Arthur C Clarke put it as “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” which is a bit sweeping — not everything out there is ‘technology’, that’s just the application of science to achieve some concrete human goal, whereas the universe just ‘is’.
I just think you can’t base your life in the metaphyscial unless you’ve got a guaranteed, steady, income (which probably explains why it was so popular among the middle classes of the first part of the 20th century!). It really is a luxury item that can be monetized (e.g. Dianetics) but overall isn’t compatible with the mundane business of making a living.
A lot of spirtual/metaphysical systems advocate for a life of poverty.
Christ too. “Sell all you have, give it to the poor, and follow me”.
Yep. Fundamental to Christianity.
I dont recall who, but it says math and physics is a language invented to understand the universe.
Trying to understand the metaphysics, you use math and/or physics to frame it, make it understandable for those who are not able to just sense it.
Can you approve that one?
There is a kind of spiritual Dunning–Kruger effect where people who are disconnected from higher realms of spirit are unable to see anything beyond the physical, and thus assume the better-connected are either lying or deluded or both.
Regarding flat earth: that was a useful linearization that served people who would never travel more than 50 miles from their birthplace. It doesn’t serve us in the 21st century for obvious reasons. However, physicalism is itself a metaphysical linearization of a far more complicated topology of vastly higher dimensions. I would argue that since about 2012, certainly 2020, the linear model no longer serves us and we will need a much better map of our metaphysical condition than we’ve had for the last 500 years or so.
I see flat earth pop up as flat screen today. Flat earth is 2-dimensional, Flat screen is 2-dimensional. Both synthetic reality.
If your mind read earth flat you read the world false, say synthetic.
Remember The Pope waited a thousands years before the Vatican gave up and admitted the earth was a globe, say 3-dimensional.
Self-evidently we can conclude the Pope cant have had much contact with the Lord nor appointed to replace him here on earth, if he was so silly to believe the earth was flat for so long.
“The war is between 2 timelines: Organic humans or Synthetic humans.”
Thanks to Todd Hayen for this article hit bulls eye. I can confirm the fear disappear when you align with cosmos. You get your instinct back. You connect with all organic.
Did you know your plants follow you spiritually when you are out of house and can even read your thought on a long distance? A little care, a little small talk, make them alive and make them fight.
Our cosmos is connected. IoT is synthetic plagiarism
I saw an iguanu in the Pantanal wetlands last month. I first saw iguanus in Mexico in 2018.
The physical universe is all we have and it is amazing. There must be forces outside the physical realm. Perhaps shaping and influencing it. The wonders of the physical world – the hummingbird for example point to a basically benevolent and beautiful force with it’s end point in the wonders of the physical world.
Iguana. Supposedly tastes like chicken. Makes sense if dinosaurs were birds.
Unable to see, or in denial? Another possibility. Seems likely.
‘There was a time when people believed the earth was flat (cynicism intended).’
Unclear. Where’s the cynicism?
Are you saying water bends? Or doesn’t?
For argument’s sake, study the tranquil pool. Can you imagine water — under any circumstances — seeking any state other than flatness? How? Where? On earth?
Let’s extend it. Imagine that pool being 10 miles long. Do you think anywhere along those 10 miles the water would bend?
Or look at it this way: imagine a line being “drawn” between the two bottoms and ends of the pool. At the midway point (five miles) do you really think you’d have to drill up some 40, 50 feet to reach the center of the pool?
I think it’s time we started re-thinking everything. Just like they don’t want us to.
For you, and other flat earthers, it was cynical to say “there was a time” …maybe I am not using “cynical” correctly, I often seem to not understand the English language very well, as has been pointed out.
You are contributing to the very helplessness you speak of. (You. A shrink.) Where did I say I’m a flat earther? Nowhere. In fact, in the premise I gave I presumed the earth was round.
‘The Metaphysical as a Rational Option.’ But where does that leave critical thinking? You failed to address my point — no different than criticizing Obama and having someone say, “I didn’t know you were a Trump support.” Stop talking to THIS guy.
I will ask you directly: if you were to “draw” a line between the two bottoms and ends of a 10-mile pool, do you believe at the midpoint you would have to drill up 30, 40, 50 feet or so to reach the center of the pool?
Sorry Nich, I dont understand what you mean either.
Your tranquil pool doesnt exist. If you say tranquil pool, you must be a flat earth because that what it is,
Water move after gravity. All right you put water into a quadratic box. So f…… what?
It cant be everybody’s fault we dont understand your weird example.
Okay, how’s this: when the (liquid) cement was poured to make this 10-mile pool, six inches throughout, did the cement curve too? Both before it cured and after?
Tranquil pool doesn’t exist??
Alright, now you’ve drawn me into the fray also. When you originally said “pool” I assumed you meant a naturally occurring body of water. Now you bring cement into the picture; so obviously you’re speaking of a man-made “pool.”
A 10-mile stretch need not show any curvature at all. So it’s not the best example. Although if you drained the water and rolled a ball from one end to the other, would that ball reach a point (which need not be in the exact center) where it would, first, begin to slow then suddenly pick up speed? That would indicate a curvature too fine for someone to see but not too fine for a ball to be impacted by.
‘A 10-mile stretch need not show any curvature at all.’
Maybe not show. But would curve. Would have to.
Even Light curves within water, based on a sphere…
Think Fibre-Optic cables & sea beds… let alone HFT
Transmissions within The City of London’s Square Mile,
Outside U.K. Jurisdiction. Aladdin knew this,
Even before Blackrock !
Everything in nature curve. The straight line is man made.
Let us say 2000 km rectangular pool/basin. When you go with your instrument km by km your measures and water will be straight but curved after the gravity of the earth.
The 2000 km line will be curved seen from space, but straight seen from your side.
I think it is Einstein’s relativity theory. Everything is relative depending from where you see it.
The reason it is named cynicism, is that they could/should have known better, and people were killed and prisoned for claiming the true matter. This is cynicism not?
So what do you want and what do you mean? There is no up or down in your writing.
‘be straight but curved after the gravity of the earth.’
So water isn’t always flat. (‘Straight but curved?”)
Given the earth is spherical, there would of course be a top and a bottom. On the bottom: the southern Pacific. That’s a lot of water. Gravity too would keep the southern Pacific to the earth? And round?
What about the dried palm frond blown into the air on that island five feet away? Why no gravitational forces on that?
No up or down in my writing — thank you. That’s what I’m seeking w this. Like water seeks flatness.
Yes. This top and bottom we call arrow height, from the cord top to the bottom line.
Our universe: Our universe or our sun system is build around the sun. The earth circulate around the sun with 107000 km/hr and take a year to get around.
When the earth is going around the sun, the earth circulates around itself providing night and day.
While the earth circulates around itself going around the sun, the moon circulates around the globe and pulling in the globe upwards with the moons gravity, providing low on the far side and high on the front side of earth to the moon.
All the other planets in our sun system is regulating planets keeping the earth and moon in place in relation to the sun.
This whole system moves forward in a milkway like a coupled plasma of magnetic fields.
Now, the moon’s pull in the earth creates daily flood and tide, the earth circulation further creates streams in our Seas and winds in the Air.
The streams takes sediments from one place and add sediments to another, thus the shape of our continent and rivers will constantly change.
The sun waves and cosmic waves are filtrated and regulated through the Karman belt, Exosphere, Thermopshere (2000C), Mesosphere (-100C), Ozon layer, Stratosphere, Troposphere, before it reach the Earth keeping a variation of temperatures within a frame of approx -40C – +40C.
Down on the ground we have gravity, everything falls to the ground at the average speed of 9,8m/s*s toward the centre of the earth where gravity is said to be 0..
So you see your simplified pool is seen locally from your eyes.
Yes we can for practical human use say water can be flat calm locally.
But overall our Seas bend around the centre of the earth where gravity is zero.
If you dont understand it now, that your general claim doesnt make sense, I give up.
He’s confused something, with something, likely homegrown.
Ironically, yesterday afternoon I was on the Island of Langeland, South of Fyn, looking East towards Bornholm: Studying 3 separate wind-farms @sea level, with differing sea mileage to each & the respective shipping routes.
The nearest & furthest out to sea, had the highest Propeller Heads.
The nearest to land and second furthest had ‘lower’ Propeller Heads
The furthest away, between the two fields, and importantly, over the horizon, had no identifiable towers rising from the sea bed at all: and indeed, I could only see 2 of the 3 rotating Propeller blades, at any one time, because of the curvature of the sea surface area in my Direct field of vision, with & without binoculars, South of Bagenkop.The Moral of this true story is, never allow yourself to get involved in silly unscientific conversations, unless you suffer fools gladly ! 😂 The War Museum was closed by the time I got there, but the Radar Station was operative, both only a few kilometres from Bagenkop, but curiously, on the beach, on the Southern most point of Langeland, my wife and son were initially surprised that they could not connect to the mobile Internet. Much to my joy & amusement: I slept soundly on that beach. Explanations seemed superfluous to Any & all requirements. Should you have seen the Cold War photos & Propaganda on the fencing of the War Museum and the Radar Station directly adjacent, you would understand immediately… ‘Plus ça change, plus c’est la même 😉chose’ 🔐
I use it as training my communication skills with fools because there are so many.
You have to get around them somehow. Its a trick I learned from third countries ;-).
Yes, in real life everything is revealed. 🙂
The last 3 years I think it’s safe to start all over with ‘trust the science’. Maybe FE was the first great psy op. Dont try and Trade over there, you might fall off. The parasite class was already there, from cannan/ tyre/ Sidon/ Phoenician navy. When they realised it
Was fake they came up with the globe
Psy op so they could NASA us dry$$$$$ and seperate us from a creator- all
Is meaningless when your spinning 1000kmh and hurtling through “space” at 60,000mph.
“True civilisation is not steam nor gas nor nuclear power; true civilisation is concerned to diminish the traces of original sin” — Charles Baudelaire.
Good one.
Baudelaire lived from 1821 to 1867. Surely he could not have known about nuclear power?
The moral is timeless but I thought I’d update the technology to relate to our 21st C.
Naughty boy. Next time you will read Moses walked on the moon to make it fit in.
Sorry just seen this, wondering if others have. Been coming here since beginning of cocos: reading comments mainly at that time. I remember people saying it couldn’t be isolated at that time. Just come across this on tik tok it looks legit due to the references to journals he makes.. what to you all think please?
He says icovid been around since the 60s. Also talks about it being used as a mind control. How the vaccines will never work because Covid continues to change.
You can depend on Dr.David Martin. Among his many qualifications is that he has been called “an old Covid Conspiracy Theorist” by Main Stream Media who are busy promoting the false Con-19 “narrative”.
Yes, the Covid flu virus has been around for millions of years in humans and other animals, and is responsible for about 20% of human flu cases. We have learned to live with flu, and the flu virus has learned to live with us — that is our Natural Immunity. But what Dr.Martin has revealed is that, since 1960 Military Defense Laboratories — especially in the United States — have been trying to turn Covid into a Bio Weapon by breaking down our Natural Immunity. The way they did this was to synthesize a GMO virus that contained a powerful Spike Protein — U$ Patent awarded to Moderna Pharmaceutical Company in 2016. This in the famous Spike Protein on GMO Virus Covid-19, which enabled that GMO viris to cause Severe and Acute Respiratory Distress (SARS) — first in USA, then in China and then swept around the world.
Fortunately, the GMO virus Covid-19 did not kill more people than ordinary Covid does; it only makes breathing difficult (SARS) for a few days.
Unfortunately that same US Patent Spike Protein is also the main ingredient in GMO RNA Vaxx; which is why the Covid-19 Vaxx kills many more young people than the Covid-19 virus does.
Here is a presentation about the Patent Spike Protein by a medical doctor: it is worth studying, and passing on to other people. Credit to YouTube for not censoring this article because it contains nothing but facts — only the facts;
“Covid-19 Spike Genes Contain U$ Patent DNA”
The convid flu *virus* as you prats call it is the body going through a detoxification, virus theory is a very iffy subject.
You are only adding to the cacaphony. Just say “flu” instead of “covid”.
“Cacaphony”: from the Greek “Kaka” bad, and “Phono” sound.
“Covid” from the Greek “Corona” crown or “spike” plus English abbreviations “Vi” for Virus and D for disease. Hence “Covid”, a flu-like Disease caused by a Virus with a Crown (the “spike” protein). But there are plenty of other flu viruses around — the uncrowned viruses without spikes; Covid is only about one-fifth of our annual flu burden.
But Covid-19 is the only Corona virus whose crown bears an RNA sequence that reads: “Made in U$A”.
As we are the Soul, we can’t be separated from it. What the Devil has been trying to do, is to make us believe that the Devil is above God, or that God doesn’t even exist, or that God is evil. It’s all lies with the Devil.
All this is the Devil’s war against us, humans or humanity.
We are not at war.
We are in peace when we are in Spirit.
God is Above all and All-Powerful. That’s basically all we need, to be with That.
We cannot be separated from soul, but we can definitely think we are…i.e., we can believe there is no soul.
I believe it’s more complicated than that.
For a start there is not only our evolution as a species to contend with, but also our individual self-conscious evolution.
An individual at peace in the Spirit can be grateful for that gift, but he will not be completely at peace if he also knows that many others just as deserving as he – if not more so – have no access to the doors which open to that spiritual peace.
Ignorance is not necessarily wilful. Some people with all the biological and mental facilities necessary for enlightenment are brought up in an environment where there is not a scrap of wisdom to be found. That can be a very hard path to travel.
With spiritual gifts comes responsibility to others. We can’t just relax and say, “I have all I need.”
Then there is the question of what it is that challenges, stimulates and helps us develop our ‘wisdom’ – such as it is. And that thing invariably involves conflict of one sort or another, e.g., up-down / hot-cold / good-evil.
Bill Gates, for example, in his relatively conflict-free mind’s eye, probably thinks he knows enough. But he doesn’t.
He might even think he is in God’s sublime and all-powerful presence. But he isn’t.
There are objective spiritual realities, which might currently be outside our own experience, and there lie our tasks for the future – both as individuals and as human kind.
Our striving will never be done. An existence without challenge would be an existence which has come to a stop. There is always more to do, but I see that as good news.
Striving toward the divine will always be eternal, as therein lies our seed to live forever.
I see Bill Gates as a primitive nerd. All his life has been devoted to flat screens, thus his born human abilities to connect with real life and cosmos has become nil.
But within his closed box he is probably a genius in synthetic math and physics.
“Primitive nerd” sums him up very well.
That said, I don’t think what goes on in his closed box comes anywhere close to ‘genius’ in anything.
For example, listening to him talk isn’t an enlightening experience for many informed people.
At any rate, my quick summary of his ‘net worth’ would be something like:
“After being born into considerable financial comfort, a lot of extra money subsequently came his way.”
That happens sometimes.
Like many others, he got lucky.
Not so lucky.
Ahem, he is neither a genius in Physics, nor Medical Science. Fact.
This he has proven openly, with very Public statements in both Fields !
In fact, he has proven himself a freakin’ Danger to all Humanity ! !
Actually Billy is just the opposite, he knows has no college education and really only worked on one thing, computers.
So he admits he knows very little about so many different things, and now that he has the time to reeducate himself about some things and money to make improvements on those things, he has chosen, randomly as far as I could tell, certain things to contribute to.
One of his projects was finding the raw material to power nuclear plants in Wyoming, instead of mining and transporting this raw material to be refined in some distant location and then transporting it again to be used somewhere, he decided it was more prudent to refine it at its source and build a power plant there so as to minimize the politics of transporting nuclear fuel and waste, and use the logic of if you build it they will come.
I believe its near completion so we’ll have to see if in fact, they do come to create whatever with their new found source of cheap energy. He did not have to fund this project, he did it from his own free will and since he doesn’t need to make a profit from the investment, the middle financial man is the most butt hurt as he makes nothing and the locals get a low cost source of energy.
He has dozens of these types of projects all around the globe and i’m certain they wont all be successful, but at least they all get a chance to improve their situation and they are all grateful for his time and investment.
So, you trust him…
Okay, it’s a free world…
If someone does a lot, we should also appreciate those areas where it is helpful.
I havent seen this side of Billy described.
I mean rather than giving our thumbs only up or down of those someone. Both Stalin and Hitler had human sides.
We can appreciate Hitler’s oil paintings they are not too bad, and we can appreciate some of Stalin’s visions on governance as valid.
Im against one man is responsible for hundreds of million fool followers of the worst ideas.
Think about Trump had to bomb the desert and empty buildings to not lose 10% voters in the polls.
Metaphysics is not a synonym for spirituality. It merely offers an overview of material reality based on principles which both define and impel activities in the material world.
In that context, it is very apparent that what is happening today represents not the End Times as postulated, e.g., in the Bible; but rather the end times of a particular species – i.e., humanity. It all has far more to do with Evolution than with the Supernatural.
No devil, no demons, no dragons are needed to account for the rather rapid decline of the human intellect over the past fifty or so years. Every species that ever was went through, goes through, a cycle (cyclicity being the driving principle of just about everything in existence) from that species’ beginning to its inevitable end.
The maniacs who have presumed rulership over the world do what they do because, being maniacs, they cannot help doing what they do. They are the instruments of cyclicity; more especially, of the end of the human cycle.
People ask “Why would the ruling class do (fill in the blank) when it will bring about their own destruction?” They do it because they follow the most dangerous path in human history: they imagine themselves above reality rather than part of it.
They presume themselves gods who can, just at the last moment, jump out of the way of the speeding train. A feat no one has yet to accomplish. But they think they will be the ones to master existence.
Evolution is just a theory, and it’s not true. God is the Truth.
Do you serve the truth or a lie?
As so many have already pointed out, Evolution is not incompatible with the idea of God. It doesn’t need a divine beginning; but neither does it entirely rule it out.
evolution, in my opinion, has some truth to it, but the whole of it is erroneous.
GKC “There is something to be said for every error; but whatever may be said for it, the most important thing to be said about it is that it is erroneous.”
I don’t serve AI trolls.
Look up the definition of “theory” or tell your programmers to clue you in …
Could you please go away? That would be great and very respectful of human values.
PS Take God with you.
My reply to you of yesterday, on the Off-G article, “Let’s kill all the lawyers…” (of a few days ago) is now printed there.
I contend that we are evolving, despite the feeling that we are not.
In the past, it was sufficient to use superstition and other fantasy to keep people from questioning authority.
Then, science came along to dispel a lot of superstition.
But then, science turned into it’s own superstition.
Now we are learning what is real vs what is dogma, not just in religion, but science.
The humans of today might be ignorant of many things, but the people of the past were more ignorant. That’s why we went from slavery, apartheid into a time where your race and creed is not the defining characteristic.
Of course that was hijacked by the opportunists at every step.
As we learn more about the corruption of authority and academia, we evolve.
Meanwhile those who used religion, then science, to control us are not evolving but just pushing the same buttons they pushed in the past.
Thank you for rationality that is actual spirituality. For me it is Universe’s pathway to consciously evolving. Both spiritually and intellectually. Cheers!
Is it we, as a species, who are evolving? Or is it instead our ideas that are evolving? Although it would be far more accurate to say our ideas are devolving.
Even belief in the Supernatural is far above the current belief in what is labeled “transhumanism.” I suspect if you could travel back in time to, say, very ancient times, and tell people they will eventually become one with their machines – they would kill you on the spot for your blasphemy.
Today, however, they would put in microphone in your hand and send you straightway to TED to tell the world of your great leap forward in human knowledge.
Were they? I’m not so sure.
Metaphysics is not spirituality, but spirituality is metaphysical…at least it can be.
Todd, you might be interested in this Gnostic text. I think I got the link from a commenter here at Off-G earlier this year. It talks about the Archon mind parasites that I believe have infected the human minds/souls. Carlos Castaneda called it “the topic of topics”. Paul Levy calls it Wetiko. As you quoted, it’s “the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”