Illusory Guilt

Todd Hayen

You are not destroying the planet. You are not a cancer to the earth that must be wiped out. You are not killing your neighbour, or your neighbour’s children, by not wearing a mask. You are not responsible for the death of untold millions because you didn’t get the vaccine.

Yeah, you are a heathen if you throw garbage out the window of your car. Yes, maybe you could do better as a steward of this planet and as a participant in the enjoyment of nature and the life sustaining resources it offers.

Yes, you (and all these “you’s” certainly includes me, folks) are overtaken by evil at times and run amok with your selfish bullshit and a few of you end up hurting, or helping to hurt, a lot of good folks as well as mucking up the planet.

But get over yourself. You are not going to destroy the planet. That is all propaganda. What you will end up destroying is yourself! There is no question about that.

But you are not big enough, powerful enough, ugly enough, or evil enough to destroy much of anything but yourself and maybe your children. You won’t even destroy humanity. Some of you may help destroy the human race, and a lot of innocent creatures to boot, but humanity will survive. Or, more accurately, humanity will survive if God wills it to. I would not blame Him, however, if He just gave up on us after this current fiasco.

So, let’s get back to the planet. Yes, much of the damage we are doing is real, but we are far from destroying this magnificent blue ball (oops, I mean “magnificent blue disk”—take your pick, I am an equal opportunity Earther).

The earth’s time perception is in millions of years—one million years is equivalent in earth’s perception as one day is to us (if that). The earth will most definitely survive—as mentioned before, it is WE who will not. Yet again we have been brainwashed to believe that we must “change our ways”—all for the wrong reasons—i.e., because we are destroying the world. We wear masks because if we don’t, we are destroying our fellow human beings.

(Another example I will focus on in a minute.) Strange that this odd, twisted sense of altruism has been made into a weapon. But it is deeper than that—it isn’t because we care about the planet, or care about our fellow humans, it is because we feel guilty, and we have been brainwashed to feel that way.

So, do you think I am saying we just shouldn’t give a rat’s ass about the planet, and continue to trash it like there is no tomorrow? No, I am not saying that, what I am saying is that we should be more responsible for the right reasons, not for some crap that is crammed down our throats as being the scourge of the planet and that we don’t deserve to be alive.

What are the right reasons? Love, Character, Responsibility, Stewardship, Decency, Respect, God, Belief in Ourselves, Empathy, Compassion—need I list more?

There are more reasons to cite. You, I am sure, can think of them. However, Guilt is not on the list.

Guilt is a self-serving emotion (or whatever you want to call it). Guilt happens when you feel badly about yourself, and the guilt persuades you to do something in order to no longer feel badly about yourself. We should do things because we know they are the right things to do, not in order for us to “feel better.” But isn’t that the mantra of our current culture? “Feel better”? “Be happy”? “Be safe”? On and on.

Remember, in a galaxy far, far, away, words like “character,” “morals,” “bravery,” and “virtue,”? Probably not.

So, it is easy to think that people who hang themselves with guilt from the tree they feel they have forsaken, are virtuous people. These are the people who really care, they are the ones who will do anything to save our planet.

Nope. I don’t think so.

They feel guilty.

And they were coerced into feeling guilty by the government, by the WEF, UN, and WHO, by the likes of Greta Thunberg and a scad of others operating within the agenda. Guilt, guilt, guilt. Again, I am not saying we should ignore these problems, and some of them are indeed very real, but we must tackle them for the right reasons, not because we have been guilted into it.

The frenzy over climate change is probably the most obvious example of what I am talking about here. There certainly is a problem with human pollution. But are humans really responsible for what we are told are radical changes in temperatures and global sea levels?

I am not going to go into this issue here, as most of you I am sure are quite familiar with the hype being shoveled out regarding climate. But who’s to blame for all of this mayhem if it were as the agenda claims it to be? Us, of course.

It is that plastic bag we didn’t recycle, or the gas guzzling car we drive to our measly job every day, or the farting cows we like to eat.

Interesting how so little attention is paid to the millions of tons of industrial waste dumped into our rivers and oceans by the mega corporations out there, or the radioactive sludge dumped into the Pacific by you know who, or the jet setter’s jets flying to meetings here and there to discuss what other guilt that can be dumped on the billions of useless eaters who are all, surely, responsible for this mess.

And then, of course, we have the guilt over potentially killing grandma (and everyone else) with our nasty Covid germs. So, let’s mask up because we feel so guilty. Since we are guilty of killing the planet with our humanness, we are certainly guilty of spreading a nasty contagion from our filthy, guilty, bodies.

Even if we are certain we have no disease, or even certain that the masks do nothing to block the muck spewing forth from our open orifices, we will still respond to our guilt for being so disgusting. Wear that mask, you pariah, it is the least you can do in response to your hideous guilty self.

And when the jabs came out? Same story. Rid yourself of your reprehensible repugnance through vaccine purification. Pay your debt to your fellow human beings and to the world by sterilizing your humanness and turning into a nano-bot, synthetic DNA, transhuman.

That really is the only way you can dispel yourself of the horrible, mind-numbing guilt you have for being alive. You maggot. You despicable, deplorable, useless eater.

So, if you believe that, go back to square one and start realizing again who you really are—a human being made in God’s image—the embodiment of love.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Nov 1, 2023 9:23 PM

Sep 11, 2023 9:17 PM

Guilt is just fear of pain.

Sep 11, 2023 6:14 AM

In Canada plastic bags, straws and people are Villains.
I just stayed in a hotel, by chance, overlooking the cruise industry-primarily Disney.Day after day hundreds marched on an off-while fleets of taxis lined up three blocks long.Across the way, freighters idle in the harbour-and their masses of containers loaded and stacked on shore.A new Amazon “fulfilment “ Center built on Vancouver Island:21 trucks riding down the highway carrying your pet toys to your door and we are supposed to care about the environment.

Sep 10, 2023 8:54 PM

Guilt is a god made in the image of those guilty of crimes against humanity from presuming to be gods themselves, beyond good and evil. The abusers who blame victims (you made me do it) must make them guilty of faults to be corrected by discipline and punishment. The psychopaths who rule over us likewise do so for our own good because we are all too evil and must be saved from ourselves.

The priests presiding over the temple granaries at the origin of ‘civilization’ must wield myths to mystify masses and cover their original sin of power over life and death of the dispossessed. Sacrificial cult and culture is the magic by which subjects are misdirected from common wealth and welfare to build pyramid schemes of power to honor jealous and vengeful gods. 

The technocrats and transhumanists who would dispossess us of any remaining possibility to rebel (final solutions) must make us scapegoats of the monumental mess systems of rule have made of the world. They return to the most primal symbolism of stain and defilement, from diseased bodies to carbon footprints (even when these are regenerative), to heap upon us the burden and bondage necessary to ensure our enslavement to their will to power.

Guilt is the great destroyer of responsibility to turn ourselves round to raise another reality than rule, to build a better world, where compassion heals conscience/consciousness of imprisonment to judgment by overlords and superegos, and communities cooperate to empower all as equals of unique worth to live freely and fully. 

Sep 11, 2023 7:45 AM
Reply to  niko

Ritual sacrifice = Voluntary tax.
Guilt = Ultimate mind control.

Sep 11, 2023 8:13 AM
Reply to  niko

In a world that prefers security to justice, there is loud applause whenever justice is sacrificed on the altar of security. The rite takes place on the streets. Every time a criminal falls in a hail of bullets, society feels some relief from the disease that makes them tremble. The death of each lowlife has a pharmaceutical effect on those living the high life. The word ‘pharmacy’ comes from ‘pharmakos’, the Greek name for humans sacrificed to the gods in times of crisis.
—Eduardo Galeano

Human values
Human values
Sep 10, 2023 6:44 PM

”humanity will survive. Or, more accurately, humanity will survive if God wills it to. I would not blame Him, however, if He just gave up on us after this current fiasco.”

Well, that made me laugh. Of course humanity will survive and of course God wills it to. That’s basically what this shit is about.  

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Sep 11, 2023 5:04 PM
Reply to  Human values

I wouldn’t argue with you. I was just being silly.

clutching at straws
clutching at straws
Sep 10, 2023 5:28 PM

Playing Devil’s advocate for a minute, I’ve traveled a fair bit and seen some disgusting results of pollution, notably in Indian rivers. I understand other areas in Asia are even worse.

I’ve also seen smogs in USA and the explosion of car ownership which is likely to get even more pronounced as “Third World” countries become increasingly consumer economies.

Couple all this to burgeoning population expansion and you have an exponential worsening of pollution/air quality which, however you look at it, is detrimental to a lot of people’s health.

Most of the people that will suffer are poor so don’t matter to TBTB.

But, they’ve discovered that these poor people are currency.

They can use their suffering as a stick to beat the rest of us with and so we get the net zero nonsense/ agenda 2030 etc.

Obviously, anyone criticising their laudable efforts to control “climate change” is a swivel-eyed conspiracy loon to be ridiculed and bullied into submission.

Bored now
Bored now
Sep 10, 2023 5:19 PM

Amen Todd! Well said brother.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Sep 11, 2023 5:06 PM
Reply to  Bored now

Thank you, man.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Sep 10, 2023 4:50 PM

It is easy to dupe people who have been brainwashed to see themselves as mere cogs in a soulless, mechanistic universe devoid of spirit/intelligence/purpose/meaning, duped and manipulated into conforming to a socioeconomic political system designed to enrich a super small elite and their minions while the bulk of humanity suffers under their boot heels. So now the plutocrats are playing god creating “synthetic embryos” designing implants ostensibly to “augment” us aa they are work to turn us into Zombies, automatons and lethal “vaccine” pin cushions.

Sep 10, 2023 1:23 PM

This brings to mind Rene Girard and his scapegoat theory–blame, unite against, destroy–problem goes away.

Sep 10, 2023 1:20 PM

Humanity, a practice (not just our species) & antidote to inhumanity.
Humanity v inhumanity. We all pick a side its just a question of perception & matter of practice.
We are what we practice & reap what we sow.
Choose wisely & practice well. ✌️❤️

Sep 10, 2023 8:29 AM

Ecological argument from the Precautionary Principle [PP]: we should act as the degradation of the earth is real because there is no alternative; inaction is fatal; if the degradation proves mistaken we made the earth more hospitable for all of humanity; if the degradation proves real, we made the earth more hospitable and mitigated the worst of the degradation.

If the infallible practical argument is applied to human degradation — manifest as economic imperialism, colonialism, dehumanisation and alienation — there are no bad outcomes. We make the earth more hospitable for humanity whichever is morally the highest good motivated by real altruism and not guilt. Conversely, inaction to end imperialism is morally evil as deprivation of the good (privatio boni) as self-preservation.

What sort of action is required to end human degradation, imperialism and so on? Long argument short: the same sort of actions that would end human degradation would end, or certainly ameliorate the degradation of the earth; because the same economic system that is alienating humanity is also degrading the earth. Thus: the PP has no bad outcomes, is ethically sound, and morally the highest good motivated by altruism, love of humanity and so on — the very opposite of guilt driven. The PP is synonymous with Degrowth as the active sublimation of guilt into positive action. Argumentation against Degrowth as the cognitive pragmatic form of the PP are imperial, colonial, and dehumanising and degrading both humanity and the earth suffused with the negation of life.

Those who argue for inaction as self-preservation are preventing positive or at least survivable outcomes in order to conserve the current imperial economic order even if they manipulate their conservation of imperialism as anti-authoritarian, anti-imperialism, or anti-fascism. This is when fascism arrives in the name of anti-fascism by pretending to want a new order that preserves exactly the same freedoms and liberties provided by the old order; freedoms and liberties rooted in imperialism, which is necessarily manifest evil.

Whole earth imperialism and fascism are much the same in terms of earth degradation and human degradation; only differing when one world imperialism falters and a new form of imperialism becomes preservative, conservative and protectionist of earlier forms of freedom, liberty and might, that has become inveterate inalienable right. Fascism is palingenetic protection of the psyche at the national level as a regrouping of the same old one world order imperialism that created the individual and national psyche.

Those who argue against ecological restoration argue against human restoration in order to preserve psychic freedom, liberty, right and property gained by inveterate imperialism out of psychiatric self-preservation whichever is exactly a personalised fascistic form of the dominant economic order whichever is neoliberal – even if they claim to be anti-authoritarian, anti-neoliberal — they want to preserve the economic status the collapsing old world order afforded some at the expense of the earth and at the expense of humanity.

This is ethically evil manifesting self-absorption, self-preservation, inaction advocacy and autocracy – currently leaderless and free-floating resentment of life looking to coalesce a new imperial order that will maintain the psychiatric status they think one thinks one has become entitled to. History shows that this type of authoritarianism – posing as anti-authoritarian – is in fact the most degraded form of human misery who will soon do anything to anybody as a misaligned misanthropic hatred of life-affirmation – excepting one’s owned. Usually as a being-alone made in God’s image self-projecting the embodiment of self-love as you put another body in the oven. The end.

The anti-moral codicil: take the earth degradation seriously and end human degradation by degrowth, exercising the PP because there are no bad outcomes, it is ethically the right thing to do, motivated by the highest good as all life-affirmation not just one’s owned. The alternative is the infatuated growth of meta-absolute psychiatric insanity that will destroy the planet and has already destroyed humanity.

Sep 10, 2023 8:36 AM
Reply to  Bryan

you’re always the commenter that i am a tad wary of; as most of your comments are above my IQ level; but gotta feeling you’re right more times than not!! Keep’em coming!! RGB-Y3 out!!

Sep 10, 2023 11:54 AM

Wary of me! I’ll say it easy: there is no psyche — just alien animation by the economy. When the economy is going well as one world imperialism the psyche is ‘happy’ (eudaemonism). When one world imperialism falters the psyche regroups — like the perennial phoenix it is — at a more local level, but not as anti the one world imperialism — as a new form of palingenesis or rebirth. The individualistic psyche is happy imperialism and the collective psyche is the regrouped ‘we’ form. The nationalists with the tiki torches are easy to spot, the more subtle mindfuck is the seemingly plausible form of the Grossluge or great lie.

The great lie is not a person, but a pesonification of the psychic mood of a people, a place, or a nation — especially if it feels hard done by by seeming loss of privilege and encroaching centralised control. No matter that the freedoms and liberties were imperial, colonial, or dehumanising — it is the loss of freedom that is the motivation of any and all fascisms.

When the economic alien animism of a people feels impaired it will seek a new Grossluge of those who are impeding rightful economic progress. The consolidation of this is a new psychic Lebensraum which is in fact a palingenetic Grossraum or new one world economic sphere of influence usually projected to las around 1,000 years.

Karl Polanyi, amongst others, saw all this coming but ‘we’ did not head them. There is no psyche just alien animism by the economy which alternates between totalitarian and palingenetic fascistic phases until ‘we’ learn the telltale signs and avoid the psychic oscillation between whole earth domination and local domination which aspires to be the next new whole earth dominator.

Thereafter: there is no good psyche, just a latent libido dominandi ‘happy’ enough with their material conditions of living gained by imperialism. The psyche is the institutional method of implausible imperialism denial as a detached free-floating preowned voice in the head. The role of the “psy-industry” is to make this voice seem plausibly ‘real’ by talking and talking and talking and talking as if there was a subject or object outside the talking.

Thereafter: those who can make you believe in absurdity can make you commit atrocity, to cover the atrocities that one’s ‘hard earned’ freedoms and liberties are already committing. So long as one does not actually do them oneself, they do not happen is the psychic hygienism covering psychic imperialism right now.

Antipsychiatry was popular when I was younger, but that got swept aside by the millennial fascism who thinks their psychic shit don’t stink too. The only way to break this ancient cycle is expose the psyche as an economic alien animism and parasitoid psychism killing in the name of the big alienating psychic projectionism in the sky.


… The panic, the vomit (from a great height)

The panic, the vomit (from a great height)

God loves his children

God loves his children, yeah…

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Sep 10, 2023 8:55 PM
Reply to  Bryan

The devil’s in the details. Philosophy is all generalizations. And all generalizations are wrong. Exactly how are you going to “end earth degradation”? How and with what and by what means and what are you going to prioritize and what are you going to minimize and how are you going to pay for it all? Just for starters on the details part.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Sep 10, 2023 7:47 AM

Youse is all guilty, especially youse young persons !
For over 70 years i’ve rarely been asked to produce ID to “prove” i’m me, but this latter decade or so ! So it got me to wondering: the politicians seemed to have had a reasonable amount of trust in us over the decades, but no more. So what is it about the young that’s caused the politicians to become so distrustful that they need to track n trace them 24/7 x 365 ? I dont hear of any talk about the need for “Revolution” among the young. In fact they seem to be terribly compliant. Maybe they’re complying because they’re guilty ? Maybe they’re suspect because they are too compliant ? Whatever it is, the politicians are intent on finding out. Hiding in plain sight, indeed !

Sep 10, 2023 8:32 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Baby boomers:
WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, South America, Iraq, Afghanistan and 911.
Equals News ln- Cynicism Out.

Fakebook, Gaggle, Twatter, Instaspam and Tip Truck
Equals Shit in- Shit Out.

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Sep 10, 2023 9:00 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

They don’t want your ID to do something political to you. They want your ID to keep a record of your buying habits.

Sep 10, 2023 5:46 AM

…meanwhile, RFK Jr. prefers Jerusalem to Berlin.

Sep 14, 2023 10:15 AM
Reply to  Friedrich

Clearly: otherwise he would have at least mentioned the Totalitarian public ‘Blackout’ & Brainwash, in the Western MSM, over the Corporate Fascist Coup of German Energy Policy and the Industrial Economic Sabotage & Terrorism directly related to the destruction of the Nordstream PipelineS. You’d have had to be asleep to believe it & V.D. Leyen… Yet,
Another ‘open goal’ deliberately missed and omitted by most media & RFK.Jr.!
Totalitarian CFC Corporate Fascist Control at its’ ‘finest’, definitively.

Sep 10, 2023 5:45 AM

Are you in the mood for a nerve-wracking non-fiction book? Then pick up Gerhard Wisnewski’s The Titanic Assassination. Just in time for the 111th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic (April 15, 1912), the renowned investigative author is reissuing this book that revolutionized Titanic research – largely to the exclusion of the public, of course. Bravely ignored by the mainstream, it was soon out of print.

By popular demand, Kopp Verlag is lifting this breathtaking non-fiction treasure and reissuing it! After all, the sinking of the Titanic is red-hot: as a symbol of a doomed society, whose members are nevertheless sailing to their doom with their eyes open. It would be interesting to find out whether this was really just a chain of unfortunate circumstances – or whether it was intentional.

What was and is there to discover after such a long time? Answer: everything. Because whether it’s Pearl Harbor, the Kennedy assassination or September 11, 2001: the truth is still being kept from us today. Why should it be any different with the Titanic? Exactly. And indeed: evidence was suppressed, witnesses were not heard or disappeared. The most important findings were ignored, explained away and hushed up.

For example:
– the captain of the Titanic survived the sinking in 1912,
– the Titanic was converted into a deadly trap for the rich passengers before it sailed,
– the Titanic shipping company went bankrupt before the maiden voyage,
– the giant steamer was deliberately and consciously steered into the ice,
– the crew and passengers were made drunk during a debauched binge, and much more.

The sinking of the Titanic was not an accident but an assassination.As always, Gerhard Wisnewski, the perennial guest of the bestseller lists, takes his sharp analytical scalpel to hand and dissects the Titanic sinking by every trick in the book.The result is unprecedented: The Titanic did not sink after colliding with an iceberg, but because of sabotage.

The adventurer and investigative journalist Billy Six is known for his dangerous reports from various hot spots around the world. He was released from a Syrian prison only with the help of Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov. The latter also helped him when Billy Six was imprisoned in Venezuela in 2018 on charges of espionage.

Despite his experiences – or perhaps because of them – Billy Six has been drawn to Belarus and Ukraine for the past two years. There he recently produced his latest documentary film “Front City Kharkov”. And those who are now expecting a pro-Russian narrative will once again be surprised by a journalist who spares hardly any risk in order to always get his own picture.

1. Click on the Subtitles/Closed captions option.
2. Click the settings cog and choose Subtitles/CC.
3. Finally choose Auto-translate; picking English.

Sep 10, 2023 8:35 PM
Reply to  Friedrich

Whansinnig Gutes Gespräch:- hopefully the whole team @OffG will watch, listen and somewhat understand, how their relatively recently acquired Worldview is not new and how Billy Six would be an INVALUABLE source for more serious constructive & objective
Journalism, that would enhance OffG’s often naive, sensational & conspiratorial knee-jerk
Reflexive Positioning of Politicians, with a sense of hopelessness, loss of perspectives,
And subsequent Nahzu Kindisch historical memory: kudos to Billy Six (out of six), thus far,
In this Dept. Largely one gets the feeling of ‘Schadenfreude’ in observing here @OffG, as Billy says, people only looking to confirm their perceptions, rather than amplify things like,
C.P.I. which to most will mean the consumer price index, not the original C.P.I. which would complete historical loops of NWO designs, from 1917 onwards, the Balfour Declaration &
Central Banker’s designs.

Not that they do not see the obvious drive of the mainstream P.R. marketing/Media-Hysteria from Moguls & their Machinations of manipulative mind control, moreover,
OffG has failed thus far in their research, analysis & awareness of the Devil in the Detail of Historical knowledge of events , most profoundly… it is one thing to know how & what
Has been happening and another matter all together to understand the real full true
Mens Rea, I.e Intent & Why truly the battle for control of Sovereignty in every Department from Finance to Fascism to Farming & Family & Ferous Production, is all nothing new, even in China, let alone Fritz Thyssen’s very different views from his brother ‘Heini’ of Lugano…
Just one example that I seriously 🤷‍♀️ doubt 🤷‍♂️ any of the personnel here could evaluate,
Yet highly important in relation to founding the Forerunner of the E.U. & Rockerfeller’s/Rothschild’s Treaty of Rome, being the O.S.C.E. and I wonder even if anybody here actually knows that Fritz Thyssen was locked up in Dachau and then by the Allies, after the War ! ! 7 years detention for the True Thyssen Scientific Mind of Metallurgical Genius, while his brother was swanning around lakes and the likes of Lugano… ‘high society’ and the
Swiss Banking Community. My father in law was 42 years @Bank Leu, before they were consumed by Credit Suisse and I still reckon he was poisoned. A long story, not for now… lol, Pas devant les enfants, coz’ you can’t have a serious discussion
In these columns, without the trolls or mods. reacting.

Thanks for the links, Friedrich: it might interest you to know that my grandfather received the S.o.S. from the RMS Titanic, sitting in his tree house Radio-Station, on top of a Welsh mountain, looking to the Atlantic. He was listening to the S.S.Californian as well, before Evans went to bed. Grandfather then listened further, before riding his bike down to the village to tell everybody that the unsinkable ship was sinking… & got laughed at.(Indeed, he was listening from one of The Pyramids, 35 years later, when his radio went silent, speaking with Military intelligence in Jerusalem, in a basement of a famous hotel.) But, what is truly interesting to me and perhaps should be of interest to Billy Six, regarding the RMS Titanic of all insurance claims, was that J.P. Morgan cancelled his ticket and removed his Art collection from the Titanic, immediately prior to sailing and the Name Plate of the Titanic having an ‘M’ & ‘P’ etched into the steel beneath … ? Like the sister White Star liner would have had, given it’s name The RMS Olympic, that was rammed by the British Navy, off the Isle of Wight and her majesty’s Navy refused to pay up for their negligence and the Insurance company too… 5 years before the FED was created in 1917… why would this interest Billy ? Well, Bulgaria was gifted 2 Statuesque Monuments in recent years from the U.S.A. First John McCain in Sofia & secondly WOODROW WILSON in Plovdiv. I can explain. And I’m sure Billy Six would understand completely and would
Benefit from connecting central bankers like J.P. Morgan & Co. to his already
Excellent Research, on the ground. Profoundly great links and my gratitude.
Great to listen to in German, with a German eye for the detail, so I have not
Checked the English subtitles for accuracy. One thing I think Billy Six may have
Misjudged, was the creation of Donetsk / Yusovka by Hughes, being more Welsh
Than British influence… according my readings & Stalin quickly changed that History.
Plus ça change (en Francais) same shit, new day,
people re-writing history, as is happening now in
Bulgaria 🇧🇬 with efforts to promote another Maidan,
Between the people… sad to say, glorifying Central Banking
And tearing down the Russian War Memorial, even vandalising,
And a push to change the Historic National Day of Liberation
From the Ottoman Empire, assisted by (hush) you know who…
Again great links & intellectually stimulating.
Herzlichen Dank

David Ho
David Ho
Sep 10, 2023 5:06 AM

It is the SUN that should feel all the guilt for being variable with its output. The SUN is the true culprit of short term Climate Change!
General pollution is another matter altogether. The lack of will by the people to demand the means by which to deal with all the plastic so much enjoyed as convenient packaging is chocking the rivers and oceans and creating mountains of garbage. The lack of will? Is that the problem? Who is responsible for this problem? Netflix?
And does anyone really know how responsible corporations are with disposing of their industrial by-products? Are you not voting in the more responsive government?
The guilt, the responsibility, transferred to the consumer, to the people, from the corporations is offset by the wealth transferred from the people to the corporations, transferred all the way up to the entities, the likes of BlackRock and Vanguard, hidden in the obscuring clouds of bullshit vapours constantly generated by their accomplices, the mainstream media. This mental pollution and poison to corrupt the body politic, to cripple the means of democracy and agency of people serves the interests of a very few psychopaths leading us toward environmental decay, wars of conquest and resources theft, and population reduction.
Theses arch criminals must be the target of the dispossessed and all those who demand agency for a more just and healthy future.
The big question is: Who owns the world?

Sep 11, 2023 9:15 PM
Reply to  David Ho

No one owns the world.


Many will try to convince you that they (or their ‘god’) do.

Big Al
Big Al
Sep 10, 2023 4:44 AM

I’m thinking this kind of exhortation, while on here certainly preaching to the choir, will do little to change any of the minds of the true believers. Relative to a god, or whatever it is you’re preaching, good grief man. Faith in a god, of which there is zero proof, is no different from faith in government. It’s still faith in some positive entity that doesn’t fucking exist.

We’re under attack by fellow humans and we have to stop them. Belief in a made-up entity is just as bad as belief in a crooked politician in this war. It ain’t gonna help and all it does is give some a crutch to avoid the real fight. But whatever gets you thru the night, man.

underground poet
underground poet
Sep 10, 2023 12:27 PM
Reply to  Big Al

The pain of living and not knowing, now that’s suffering.

Sep 9, 2023 11:01 PM

Progress was a lie, whispered into the English trusting ear
Our freeland taken, Our diet corrupted, Our farms for factories,
Our community fragmented, Till Our streets ran with blood, and strangers we’d become
Demoralised by tax and sum, On oligarch poison Our myths became hellish movies,
Brought up parentless, fed cattle-feed highcarb dysbiosis, Our children aged in fear,
Staring into an everchanging telephone unable to relate, this English kid sealed his fate,
Superficial expectations, superficial relations are the mask of the devil, an Oligarchy covering it’s tracks, a culture rejecting its wisdom, a society outcasting it’s seers,
the English chose slavery to an everdeflating pound, superficial comfort for sickening fear
And when the farmers of England get angry you heard, you’ll know the revolution is near.
But there were no farmers left, an arable culture to netflix bums, evolution darwins way,

I’d rather believe the Earth is Flat, than believe another lie of Progress

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 10, 2023 3:09 PM
Reply to  William

Excellent post. We’re making great rearward progress…

Sep 11, 2023 9:16 PM

And fortunately progress indicates the world is flat and the Sun&Moon are a binary system.

Sep 9, 2023 9:57 PM

Rule Britannia…Britons never never never will be slaves!

Sep 9, 2023 10:20 PM
Reply to  William

Most of them won’t even know what hit them…

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 10, 2023 3:45 AM
Reply to  wardropper

You’ve no chance ice bucket what’s the special today down the club. I’am from redka your not real.
Phone is a phone nothing but the phone always distanced always informally switched roundabout. ☺

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 10, 2023 5:44 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Hit them? That’s the Americas Black Dot we abolished slavery in 1926! To hell with whatever unequivocally whatever they beam out about people. It’s on there turf .let them.

Sep 9, 2023 10:53 PM
Reply to  William

You missed a bit… Britannia “RULES THE WAVES”. Admiralty Law.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 10, 2023 5:52 AM

US doesn’t, American Ships are bloody garbage, that’s where they end up, on the bottom.

Sep 10, 2023 8:12 AM

Britannia waives the rules

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 10, 2023 3:31 AM
Reply to  William

William 1
Yanks ‘ave a US Encyclopedia Brittany you cretin spitoonist grub. I have all the answers but your getting em…because you talked.

Sep 10, 2023 12:42 PM
Reply to  William

The banksters own Britain. It still is their headquarters. Britain has looted the planet, enriching itself in the process. Britons should feel guilt for what they have done to the world on behalf of their bankster masters.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 10, 2023 3:11 PM

Shuuuuush! You’ll wake the babies…

Sep 10, 2023 7:40 PM
Reply to  William

Dude,that ship not only sailed but wrecked and sank.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Sep 9, 2023 9:28 PM

This piece is what is needed right now. It needs to be understood at a soul level. We can’t all go on the way we have.

Ulrich Schmid
Ulrich Schmid
Sep 9, 2023 9:24 PM

couldn’t be said any better. thank you Todd!

Big Bad Jon
Big Bad Jon
Sep 9, 2023 8:59 PM

Great article Todd, thanks for that. If it’s of any interest to anyone reading this comment, please don’t feel guilty about your effect on pollution and this planet. I happen to work in the waste industry (my personal role is to convert waste solvents mainly from industry into fuel), but on the site that I work at we have a waste to energy incinerator. I have worked in this industry for over 25 years. I can tell you all, in all honesty what we as individuals produce as waste is minuscule by industrial standards. For starters, all those waste batteries you place in the special bins for recycling, guess what? Incinerated, nothing recovered except heat and energy, same as all those Lithium batteries, can’t recycle them and they’re so lethal they’re even difficult to incinerate safely. Then there’s the thousands and thousands of tons of unused Hand Sanitizer that never got used in the Scamdemic. The alcohol in the containers could be used for other purposes, but it cannot be extracted from the small plastic bottles cheaply and cost effectively, so millions and millions of them go into a shredder to recover the alcohol and then the plastic residue is incinerated. This is all the tip of the iceberg, millions of tons of unused PPE from the Nightingale Hospitals that was never used, guess what? Yep, all of that incinerated. Thousands of tons of washing up liquid (a well known brand) just dumped into landfill because it costs more to shut their production line down than to fix it whilst it remains running. Then, as another example (I could site thousands), there was a whole shipping container of 12 year single malt Scotch Whisky that had to be destroyed (whilst the insurance assessor witnessed it), because about 6 boxes (72 bottles) had been damaged by rain water ingress, it turned out it was cheaper to just destroy the whole container than to check and re-pack the bottles which retailed at £60 a bottle. I could go on and on. The waste these big corporations produce is just mind boggling, and yet they all bang on about their green environmental credentials. I really wish I could take Greta Thunberg to our site and show her who the real environment destroyers are.

On one final note, which I think OG readers might be interested in. Our plant incinerates huge quantities of hospital waste from the NHS and care homes, during the Scamdemic, the team were told to be ready to receive huge extra amounts of waste from the NHS, as all the hospitals and Nightingale Hospitals would be at full capacity. I can testify that the waste from hospitals was virtually no existent. In fact so little waste came into the plant that the company shut down the plant for nearly a year and furloughed the incinerator team. This very action bears testament to the (handful) of NHS staff that said that the hospitals were empty, and that there was no pandemic.

I am done with all this BS, I will not comply with any of it, and I certainly will not feel guilty about any of my actions.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Sep 9, 2023 10:48 PM
Reply to  Big Bad Jon


Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 10, 2023 6:13 AM
Reply to  Big Bad Jon

Article was by Canadian Todd. What did you like about it, hang on while we all fire up our split screen North American computers.

Crush Limbraw
Crush Limbraw
Sep 9, 2023 8:33 PM

Because the world has naively accepted churchianity for Christianity, it was set up to be deceived……which is NOT an exception, but is in fact DaRule in this world – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2023/08/deception-is-not-exception-in-this.html?m=0

Sep 9, 2023 10:22 PM
Reply to  Crush Limbraw

A very relevant observation.

People just love to be part of an institution, even if it’s the madhouse…

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 10, 2023 6:58 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Religion is sent via Telegraph poles apart wiring Radio. It maybe also a shock to some Fly by Wire teck. It’s not Church of England to the Highlands of Scotland, Wales or Ireland nope. You only show up Yourself.
Recent in modern Times 1943. The End.
Love & Peace
I am the Wind….

Sep 14, 2023 2:51 PM
Reply to  Clive Williams

That explains the daily driven flatulence: 😂 but not the remainder of your daily driven abstraction O.A.P. ? On the Meds. Off the Meds. Tuning A.i. perhaps, an old aged pensioner On Another Planet, swapping the meds.up
& tuning A.i. whilst cutting Leaks with your toes and playing the ukulele,
As herds of wildebeest sweep majestically across your high plains grifter. ?

Not sure, Clive, that there is a rational response ever, from or to you,
Except to say …

Must try harder to say something, sometimes of value. 😉

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Sep 9, 2023 6:22 PM

Governments and NGOs are the ones destroying ecological systems on this world.

The individual person has nothing to do with what is happening to the planet.

We only have a few hundred years of recorded weather data and cannot in anyway accurately extrapolate that over millions of years.

It is an accepted fact that there have been fossils found of modern homosapians that carbon date to over 30 million years. Meaning that the theory of evolution is total BS and already disproven. They just refuse to let the general public know this fact.

We are dictated a false narrative of history. This is not to suggest it is all lies. It is to suggest it is sprinklings of truth wrapped in lies. Revelation and the Apocalypse isn’t an event, it is a cycle. A cycle that has repeated many times, because we lose our connection to real history.

The trajectory of the world has been planned and laid out for well over 600 years, minimum. I would argue since at least the Roman Empire. I also think that the Vatican is the Remnant of the Roman Empire, and not anything to do with Christ.

The only way to maximize your time of participation in this world, is to view everything government says as a lie, and their actions are only to harm you.

If you comply, you will be stuck here.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Sep 10, 2023 8:46 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Evolution are lessons allready learnt. Yanks ending is allready for the next batch of diploma seaching morons.

William Sabre
William Sabre
Sep 9, 2023 6:20 PM

True, it is not the ‘Planet’ we need to save; the actions we take must be to save us, ourselves and our friends, children and community, way of life and a proper human diet. The actions the Oligarchy want us to take, is to save them and only them. We must rebuild community and seek self sustenance (buildingbeartaria.com & Beartaria Times), we must rewrite art and literature (Arkhaven Comics), we must refind the medicine (Gut and Physiology Syndrome by Natasha Campbell-McBride, Weston A Price, Aajonus Vonderplanitz). Many are already building it.

There is no Sustainability, Diversity, Inclusivity or Equality, it is all just Oligarchy. Get over it and start to build away from the bullsh*t. It’ll collapse and you will not. Best wishes.

James M Nunn
James M Nunn
Sep 9, 2023 6:07 PM

As usual, ongoing geoengineering is left out of the picture. Wake up. GeoengineeringWatch.org.

Enoch 4
Enoch 4
Sep 9, 2023 7:20 PM
Reply to  James M Nunn

It’s been horrendous all “ summer” Handley a peep from alt media

Sep 9, 2023 9:57 PM
Reply to  James M Nunn

Geoengineering would necessarily be left out of any rendering of “illusory guilt” because those attempting to foist guilt upon the rest of us DO NOT admit to its existence. Therefore, they cannot ever use it as a source of their guilt trip.

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Sep 10, 2023 9:42 PM
Reply to  James M Nunn

Just wondering. If global warming is a hoax, why do they need chemtrails?

Sep 9, 2023 5:17 PM

Excellent piece of writing per usual, Mr. Hayen; and one that I needed to read at this time due to its relevance for has transpired in the past; and for what’s to come! Blessings from Vancouver, A.C. (After-Covid), Kanuckistan! RGB-Y3 out!!!

Sep 9, 2023 3:31 PM

If you are relying on a god to save humanity then humanity is doomed

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 9, 2023 5:13 PM
Reply to  David

If we rely on Christus’s words we are doomed? I miss your suggestion reversed.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Sep 9, 2023 6:03 PM
Reply to  David

I typically do not rely on anything for anything. Considering what humans have done with God’s “material experiment” I wouldn’t expect him (or whatever pronoun you are comfortable with) to save humanity. I suppose if I rely on anything from God, I rely on Him sticking to his fundamental axiom of love expressed on this material realm. In this regard, love includes death, decay, rebirth, creativity, and yes, even suffering. But, the foundation being love, humans should essentially suffer to the extent animals do (certainly not animals under human control, but as animals would if no humans existed…i.e., “suffering with dignity”)

I think we, as a species who are special in God’s eyes, have failed God, or at least the task God has set before us. Therefore I would not expect much from him other than to save my eternal soul…but that’s another story.

As for this article…I do not think we should naturally feel guilt for our failure, but rather feel resolve to correct it. We should all step up and fill the shoes we were given and proceed with pride, resolve, character, and love. NOT feel guilt, and no relying on anything but ourselves.

I probably agree with your comment, if it was made in the above context.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Sep 9, 2023 8:47 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

A nicely written piece Todd, as usual. Forgive me but I think your position would gain strength by leaving “God” [sic] out of the picture. If nothing else it would make the matter less complicated, more, ahem, economical (in the sense of saving unnecessary effort).

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 9, 2023 9:45 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Christ is “a God”. God is not “a God” but only God without a.

“A God” can thus only be Christ (or another out of many more ordinary Gods).
We repeat David:
“If you rely on a God to save humanity, then humanity is doomed”. But Christ saved humanity in the context Todd describe.
God regretted his creation, erased nearly all of it under Noah’s Arch, but then he decided to not give up on humanity and gave us his promise in form of a rainbow.

So by Christ a God, humanity is already saved! We just have to try hard to live as God describe in the Commandments or live as Todd write in more popular terms.

If David is correct, it means humanity is doomed if we rely on this basic understanding.
All right, then I am just asking when and how is humanity then saved if we shall not rely on a God,……………… and I will not get an answer will I?

And why will I not receive an answer, because the statement is wrong one way or the other.
Pls forgive me for fiddling around in this, but as we are talking about saving humanity we are out in very very serious business here.  😇 .

In these times we are saving endangered species, saving the entire planet and now also humanity and mankind. We can do it if we can dream it.

underground poet
underground poet
Sep 10, 2023 12:24 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Save yourself and let the Gods save the planet, if you are real good, they shall merge into one and the harmony begins again, if you are not so good, at least you tried to save yourself.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 10, 2023 3:20 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Heh, heh… Love has gotten us to where we are today…

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Sep 10, 2023 7:16 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

The astute Charles Fort was interviewed by a reporter toward the end of his life spent collecting from reputable newspapers bizarre anomalous events from around the globe. The reporter finished the interview by asking Fort whether he has come to any conclusions regarding his work of many decades. Fort replied very succinctly with the simple statement, “I think we are being farmed.”

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Sep 10, 2023 9:49 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

You have to rely on the guy driving the truck not to run you down. You have to rely on your neighbor not to shoot you. You have to rely on your electricity and your refrigerator and the local nuclear power plant guy not to fall asleep on the job. You have to rely on your boss to pay you, or your clients to pay you. I hate it when people say they don’t need nothin from nobody. You do too.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Sep 9, 2023 6:23 PM
Reply to  David

We can only save ourselves and God isn’t anyone’s baby sitter.

Sep 9, 2023 10:04 PM
Reply to  David

God wants you to help yourself; it is written and spoken since ancient times; not rely on him to save you or let the rulers of this world demoralise you into helpless despair!

underground poet
underground poet
Sep 10, 2023 12:25 AM
Reply to  William

God helps those who help themselves.

Elongated Muskrat
Elongated Muskrat
Sep 10, 2023 3:24 AM

That’s what the oligarchs are doing…

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Sep 10, 2023 9:20 PM
Reply to  David

What has humanity ever done to indicate that it could save itself? If you’re relying on humanity to save humanity then humanity is doomed.

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Sep 11, 2023 12:12 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow


Humanity is doomed. It’s just the way things are. Evolution would eventually create a species that could defeat any predator and which could alter the environment to what it thought was to it’s own advantage. The emergence of that species was of course the beginning of the end. Take radiation. Life emerged on this planet because it was a radiation and meteorite free oasis in a radioactive universe. Mankind, the end product of evolution is busy making the planet radioactive. With nuclear power plants, with nuclear weapons, with mobile phone networks and so on.

Sep 9, 2023 1:28 PM

Good read as ever Todd thank you. And a, rare these days, piece without grammar or spelling errors – it shows your..maturity.

Guilt is easy to collect but difficult to let go. For any normal human that is, but the evil perpetrators of all this, they cannot possess guilt about their actions surely or it would destroy them at the scale of it – I mean at BillyG and world leader level and above. How then can they be so sanguine seemingly? It makes me wonder if they are possessed or actually of another planet.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Sep 9, 2023 1:59 PM

Thank you! And it shows I have the maturity to have a good proofreader! She does an amazing job!

No, the perpetrators are of course guilt free. And even the guilt that they encourage us to possess is not empathic concern, it is a selfish guilt. Guilt of any sort is not psychically healthy…it is based on a “i want to feel better” foundation. Concern for being a better person more aligned with goals in character and values is not driven by “guilt’…that sort of concern is healthy…again, in my humble opinion.

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Sep 9, 2023 7:19 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Hey Todd

Send your proof reader my way. They are an essential part of the process, and like us, fairly rare.

Sep 9, 2023 6:47 PM

They don’t have a soul – it’s that simple.

Sep 9, 2023 10:01 PM

I read an article just yesterday that now – if the article was not “disinformation” – now BillyG wants to bury thousands of trees in order to help “save” the planet. Proof positive that madness does not cure itself.

Sep 9, 2023 1:21 PM

Here’s something we can all take to the bank: human beings are fundamentally incapable of guilt. The few – very few – practicing ascetics being the exception that proves the rule.

The closest thing to guilt most people ever come is cuffing themselves around a bit for letting someone else “take advantage” of them. In other words, for not being ruthless enough to come out on top.

Thank goodness the planet will still be alive and well long after humans have wiped themselves off its face (which may not be that far off).

The worst you can say of humans is that they simply do what comes naturally. That’s not saying much, but it’s not really their fault: it’s what they’re programmed to do.

Sep 9, 2023 2:30 PM
Reply to  Howard

Come on, Howard…
Humans evolved together with the earth – they are part of it.

If humans ever do manage to wipe themselves off its face (and I agree that this may not be far off), then who will be left to say, “Thank goodness!”, or to enjoy the new reality?

Our very consciousness of our earthly existence is an integral part of that existence, so if we suddenly cease to exist, the continuing existence of the earth won’t be of any importance to anybody.
Nobody will be “thanking goodness”, nobody will be missing ‘the good old days’, and not even our favourite aliens will be interested in coming here.

We mustn’t become nihilists.
That’s what “You-Know-Who” would like.
We must fight tooth-and-nail to defend what we consider to be good and worthwhile.

Who knows, if, even as individuals, we cooperate with the earth instead of mercilessly exploiting it, we might even find that the earth can assist us in some ways?

No, I am not a “New Age” freak, but I know that the sum-total of my lifetime’s physical experiences doesn’t paint the whole picture.
I don’t think you have to be a “practising ascetic” to feel a common bond with the earth and with Nature – just a human being with healthy instincts.

Sep 9, 2023 3:51 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Humanity has simply gone too far afield from our earthly evolution.

7.83 HZ – the Schumann Resonance – is approximately the resonance/frequency humans evolved with. Now, thanks to our technology, the Earth is bathed in a frequency literally thousands of times stronger than that. How long do you think we can survive with something so entirely alien to our own natures?

And that’s only one of perhaps hundreds of natural rhythms humanity has skewed in order to make for ourselves a “better life.” Just to name two such rhythms: light/dark and noise. Much of humanity grew up “sleeping” in lighted rooms filled with the screech of TVs and what-not.

This simply cannot end well. If humans survive their self-onslaught, I for one shudder to think what they will be like. Morlocks anyone?

Sep 9, 2023 10:17 PM
Reply to  Howard

Good questions.

My take is that we should simply care enough to use all our positive talents to the full and not to think only of our material well-being.

Getting involved in some of our talents – the creative, artistic, poetic and spiritual ones – is an actual choice, and such choices can confront us with the wisdom that, “Man does not live from bread alone”.

In fact the thought occurs to me that even when we die, we are still Men – just so long as that is how we see ourselves, of course.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Sep 9, 2023 6:04 PM
Reply to  wardropper


Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Sep 10, 2023 9:25 PM
Reply to  Howard

The trouble for/with humans is the conflict between doing what comes naturally, and rising above that.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Sep 9, 2023 1:18 PM

Great article, in fact excellent.

And CO2 is not a pollutant and you can’t see it even if the pictures of stacks and cooling towers fool you. It’s not CO2.

Sep 9, 2023 1:16 PM

F. William Engdahl joins some dots and identifies some of the truly guilty:

Sep 9, 2023 1:07 PM

And the US military is the top consumer of oil…

J dena
J dena
Sep 9, 2023 5:31 PM
Reply to  Rob

The annihilation of the buffalo almost to extinction was a stated act of war and the ” US military ” never looked back, and they have continued to destroy the lives of millions …

Sep 9, 2023 6:09 PM
Reply to  Rob

I made a remark at work last week that if we really wanted to “go green” the first thing we would do is end the wars. The co worker I said that to had to ask 3 times “end what” before she understood. Deer in headlights stare. And this isn’t a libtard either. People don’t see it and they aren’t meant to. Since war only effects those who fight it, no one even thinks about it. Biggest single source emitter on the planet, but banning plastic or incandescent light bulbs and endless other restrictions are more important than ending endless wasteful destructive murderous wars. For fucks sake.

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Sep 9, 2023 7:24 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Pleased you got away with making such a comment. Society is doomed – a good shake up is inevitable now. Once thats over we can all be move towards our own reset, based on decentralisation.

Sep 9, 2023 10:05 PM
Reply to  Loverat 8

But, boy, will people find it uncomfortable to decentralize – they have got so used to having everything done for them…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 10, 2023 1:16 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

The green means dollares. The green dollar. Go green, the green wave.
Its not nature as people think, but dollares. The dollar is green. Symbolic.

Our society and language are filled up with references to religion: Churches in every little town. Worships on television.
Half of all rock music is about demons, wizards, hell, satan, graves, god, the saviour, death.

Our language: “For God’s sake, “To hell with it”, “For Satan, it hurt”.

When they hear green wave they think “doing something for our nature”.
When people hear other talk about God or religion, they will deny it exist, “I dont believe in this shit”.

Thats why they say people are asleep. See nothing hear nothing.

Sep 10, 2023 6:35 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

To eliminate wars, you have to eliminate war-mongers, and then keep at it as and when more of them crop up.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 10, 2023 3:32 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Let’s start another war to inspire peace… Mankind’s investment strategies are a bit warped, but it sells a lot of gas…

Victor G.
Victor G.
Sep 9, 2023 8:51 PM
Reply to  Rob

Don’t tell Greta! Poor kid …

Sep 9, 2023 1:01 PM

Guilt, and the insidiously implanted fear of death, hell, god and damnation were very profitable for all of the old religions.
Insatiable Corporatism, and its incestuous handmaidens, science and technology, are the new religions.

Sep 9, 2023 2:12 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Not to mention the media, which are also insatiable when it comes to sensational emptiness.