How do we Reach the Brainwashed?
The antidote to propaganda is art. Thoughts on retelling the stories of 9/11 and C0VlD-19.
VN Alexander

You may recall that, during the thick of it in 2020-2021, Covidians were immune—no, that’s not the right metaphor—they were allergic to facts. They did not respond well even to the common sense statement that, since the C0Vld-19 shots hadn’t been through long-term trials, it might be unwise to take one.
Like terrorized lab animals dosed with flight, fight or freeze chemicals, some cannot unlearn what they got from the news in 2020. They suffer from PTSD. Like veterans who jump at the sound of a car backfiring, associating any loud noises with bombs raining down on them, they are still in the midst of the War on C0v1d. Today, if you happen to say, I will not comply with any new mask or vax mandates, they will imagine that you are the Nazi fascist enemy. That’s just how their brains work now.
In his latest article, satirist and recently convicted thought-criminal, C. J. Hopkins—fearing the return of lockdowns and even nastier mandates—writes,
We need to talk to the totalitarians … yes, the ones who wanted to put us in camps. If we can’t get through to them, we’re probably screwed. And there is a window of opportunity to do that now. It’s not 2020 or 2021. The mass hysteria has worn off for a lot of people. I know, not all of them, but for some of them, a lot of them. Some of them are finally reachable.
Take a chance, talk to them, the ones you know, or used to know. Try to get through to them. Not the bug-eyed, fanatical, foaming-at-the-mouth types who can’t wait for the return of the ‘emergency measures.’ The other ones … you know the ones I mean. The ones who want out. You can see it in their eyes. Take a chance. Talk to these people. Totalitarianism, fascism, it is not an identity. It’s a mindset. No one is born a fascist. People can be deprogrammed. Some of them can. And, at this point, we need all the help we can get.
I know how to reach them. Hopkins knows. It’s through art and satire.
Facts don’t work on this crowd. You can send them all the carefully researched articles, documentaries, and books on the topic you can find to straighten them out, but they won’t be convinced; they are not even able to read them. Their minds have been closed and certain doors are bolted shut.
However, through narrative, an author can get inside readers’ minds and show them a new perspective. Satire, subtle satire, is particularly effective because it first lures brainwashed readers in by reconstructing the skewed reality that they are used to and then slowly introduces a few details that can dispel the illusion.
My 2015 novel, Locus Amoenus, is about a 9/11 widow, who remarries, and her son, Hamlet, becomes depressed. You get the idea.
I invited readers into the mind of the son whose father was murdered by people who are supposed to be trustworthy. The targeted audience, formerly known as the left, is generally well-educated and, for the most part, claims to have an appreciation for the bard. When they entered my story, they were primed and conditioned to sympathize with Hamlet and to hate the evil stepfather Claudius, who, in my story, is a worthless bureaucrat who helped cover up mass murder. My readers had no trouble entertaining the idea that there was some conspiracy afoot that day. (The wreckage was never tested for explosives. The government never presented a scientific theory to explain the actual collapses of the buildings. Sound familiar?)
Covidians need to return to 2020 and relive it from a different perspective. This is what fiction can do. We don’t have enough good fiction writers on the right side of history these days. The “literary” crowd is churning out identity-politics clichés— propaganda, not artful fiction.
And now I’ve written a sequel to that 9/11 novel, called C0VlD-1984, The Musical. The same protagonist who had assumed the name, Hamlet, to tell that story, assumes a new name, Winston, to tell this story. I’m working on finding a publisher for this one (not an easy task, considering the state of the publishing industry). I hope it won’t be too much longer, because I think the public could really use a good Covid satire.
In a few days, it will be the 22nd anniversary of that psyop 9/11. I’m offering the audiobook of Locus Amoenus for free. The very talented actor, Ben Jorgensen, who read the audiobook was suicided by the lockdowns in 2020. I am dedicating the new novel to him. Follow this link and listen to his unforgettable performance as Hamlet. Share it with your friends, because 9/11 is a gateway story to other kinds of skepticism, especially for Gen Z audiences. Hamlet has always been a favorite of young people discovering, for the first time, that their parents’ world is really in a “rotten” state.
Let me end by mentioning one of my favorite satirists, Mark Twain. Twain put us into the head of Huck Finn to teach us a lesson we might not have learned otherwise. When Huck ponders whether or not he should turn in his friend Jim, a runaway slave, he is deeply conflicted. Good Christian society of the day had taught him that slavery is sanctioned by God. Huck truly believes that to help Jim escape would be immoral. But he decides, “All right then, I’ll go to hell.”
Moments like this in literature serve humankind in its often-halting progress toward tolerance and peace. Throughout history, good, decent people routinely condone self-destruction, revenge, segregation, greed, fascism and war, simply because they follow those they trust. Every era has its own peculiar blindness, and going against complacency and conformity of neighbors can be more difficult than directly confronting a tyrant. It is often a disenfranchised voice, such as Huck’s, that awakens the literature of a nation, makes it more self-critical.
Twain published his famous novel a generation after freedom had been won for the slaves, but the hypocrisy continued, and Twain revealed it by using a voice unusual in literature. A “literary” writer uses language in unusual and often poetic ways to encourage critical and creative thinking. What we call “literary fiction” is writing that is conversant with the literature of the past and questions the assumptions of the dominant narratives of present society. In contrast, “general fiction” and “genre fiction” tend to affirm stereotypes and prevailing narratives. Literary fiction strives to keep readers in a constant state of awareness of the process of meaning-making by putting it in the foreground. Literary fiction authors can help readers have greater empathy for others and to better understand themselves.
You probably read a lot of non-fiction about politics and health. A cultural revolution is what we need. We need more art, music, literature exploring the alternatives. We need to reach those who are unreachable through facts. Have a listen to Locus Amoenus and share the free audiobook link with your friends to re-remember those who died on 9/11.
V.N. Alexander PhD, is a philosopher of science and novelist, who has just completed a new satirical novel, C0VlD-1984, The Musical.
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I agree whole heartedly with this article, it’s really helped. I’ve said for a long time that humour is one of the best ways to insert the seeds needed to start waking up. It cuts through the cognitive dissonance that is experienced when someone’s perspective of reality is challenged with another that is wildly different to theirs … the result is usually rejection dependant on age.
I have made the mistake of hard balling friends and family with covid. Unfortunately the government mouthpiece aka BBC pumped statistics every news cycle of deaths and dying. A family member came home to tell me someone in her church had died of covid, I bit my tongue and sympathised and asked if he had underlying issues… yes he had late stage prostate cancer … (but ‘apparently’ he would have lived a few more painful years had he not got covid) my tongue is now bleeding .. I said gently he died with covid (not of covid) but even that just flew over their head as though with and of are the same thing 😞 … they now have mild agoraphobia due to lock down.
I’ve seen an awful lot of complete turnarounds this last year. People I never thought would be reachable suddenly on top of it and yes they are going through the trauma of that awareness while at the same time rejoicing in the knowledge that the world is actually a beautiful place in spite of how they want us to see it. The body an amazing miracle divinely connected to healing abilities. They absolutely are ready. The opening and indisputable question that will light up their eyes are multiple.
Been trying to reach the Brainwashed/Dead since the day JFK was Murdered & I was a sophomore! I just began to think it was futile!
The Ecclesiastes is the entrance key to reach some of the brainwashed, but:
Our professor from Israel and his multinational followers bragged about how they got religious worshippers out from the church under the lock downs, and to kneel instead in front of a flat screen outside God’s house and pray into Big Tech.
“Dear God inside the flat screen, may your digital Kingdom come, give us today our daily e-money to buy our bug food, ………”.
They call it behavioral science, manipulating people’s behaviour to buy a product.
First you have to get through people’s conformity, then you have to teach them about the Creation and then make them to chose it as a preference.
The you have to teach them self confidence, and even then you can see them running to the cliff when a few dollars are jeopardized.
If only LSD in the water supply was actually feasible it could be a better than nothing solution :):( Unfortunately the stuff is nowhere near as bulletproof or potent as everyone’s favourite virus (which survives intact in sewage water along with detergents, bleach and drain cleaners!) and it would just not make it past the chlorine treatment or be enough to dose every cop and their grandma with enough acid for them to say “WTF are we doing with our lives!” or to just freak out, set things on fire and never go back to their grind.
BTW, CJ Hopkins is a better political writer than a satirist, and COVID-19 The Musical is NOT SUBTLE 😉
People who are actual cultists will NEVER look at any facts that would easily prove that they are wrong, and that those they trust are wrong or lying. They would rather die than even entertain the possibility of error in themselves or those they trust. I don’t know what percentage can actually ever be removed from the cult and overcome their brainwashing, but it’s extremely small. Most would literally rather die than recognize that the media, politicians, and other authorities like Fauci are lying fascist psychopaths.
Having a smart phone and access to “the internet” (Google, basically) has made everyone informed and full of knowledge and Science. They have finally become Modern People, connected to the gestalt, they know what’s really going down because they can (each one of them) be smart and get the real info from the fact checkers online, working tirelessly using the power of The Cloud, or something along those lines. How dare you suggest it is mostly fake! Some of these guys and girls (and whatever) have degrees and PhDs!
But honestly I think people in the westernised world are just too domesticated and soft to entertain the notion that such organised and extreme evil is possible outside movies. The notion can literally drive people insane and in this sense websites like this are dangerous, especially when there is some level of depression ( very common ).
So I think it is a defense mechanism- they cannot afford to know, it is a matter of keeping their delusions intact because the alternative is too terrifying and depressing to live with. I do not doubt suicide rates are high among the section of the population who wake up to a world where we are nothing but lobotomised slaves to a ruthless, inhuman elite and seemingly without any chance of freedom now that the digitalisation of everything is underway…. Have a nice day!
you’d have to be able to reach yourself
you think you can land freemasons on the moon
you think nixon called that moon in 69
you think a one world government is something in the future
you think money is real
you think votes are counted
you think elon musk is not a government agent and sent a car into “space”
you think zuckerberg isn’t a government agent
you think jeff bezos isn’t a government agent
you think a free market has ever existed
you think slavery ended
“we will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the american people believe is false”
Succinct insightful intelligent essay.
The free audio-book is a very generous gift and well worth a listen.
(Enjoy the subtle sound-scaping whispering behind the narrative.)
As the saying goes, “You can lead a horse to water, and you cannot make it drink”.
It isn’t anyone else responsibility to wake anyone up. It is our responsibility to ask questions and share truth. By asking questions and sharing, we lead the horses to water, and they must have enough desire and curiosity to seek truth themselves.
At this point, with everything that has happened in the last three years, if a person isn’t already awake to the tyranny and democide, then likely they never will be.
People that cannot be woken up anymore, might not be human anymore. A soulless person and or a soul that is trapped here forever.
We all have to make a choice to run the gauntlet, else cower in fear.
I see it that way too. Our digital world pulls all souls into a flat 2-dimensional false world.
Remember the Africans in the past rejected to be photographed as it was thought their soul would be trapped or freezed. On longer trips they sat down waiting for their soul to join.
It is said Bill’s dream is to inject all living creatures with jabs, and everybody must have an digital ID.
Today the majority are sitting with open mouth looking down into a flatscreen, a computer, a smartphone, a TV or a Powerpoint programme 10 hrs/day.
It reminds me too much about the description in the Bible of the Red Dragon:
“In the Bible, the dragon appears as the primal enemy of God, who is used to display God’s supremacy over all creatures and creation.”
But we are not without defence in this chaos and disorder. One man can clean it up. Duke Nukem!
thats all nice and dandy theory but this only serves to future generations, not current. current are lost. as they were lost in time of Twain
Humour is the one of the best ways to reach people, as I have learned is coming at the subject on a level they relate to as per Hamlet for one audience in the article. I have made the mistake of hard balling friends and family with what I see as so clearly obvious, they used to listen to me and discuss healthily … now they don’t listen to me at all as I am now a conspiracy theorist 😞
What I meant to say is, reaching the future gen is our best hope, teaching them to learn and to use their ability to discern, discuss and to deliberate (certainly schools aren’t doing that). The mind is maliable up to 25 years … at that point brick walls go up around a person’s perception of truth and reality … unless like we did consciously take a sledge hammer to those walls, there is no getting through, and for us it was lucky we stumbled across a seed on you tube (James Corbett on 9/11) where his ‘conspiracy’ seemed to make more sense than the news … luckily also we went to school when they still taught how to think and that scientific experiment should be repeatable to be considered valid.
I simply cut ties with covid sheeple cult members who lined up at clinics to take the bio weapon shots. I have no time for dummkopfs in my social circle, and in these times of America’s decline into tyranny, who needs the baggage, Spineless cowardly men refuse to take a stand against these shots and protect their family and community.
“Spineless cowardly men….”
THAT is the REAL problem. An idiot can’t help himself. But a coward- that’s truly the scum o f the Earth.
The military has the right solution for a coward – tie him to a post and shoot him. Deserting your troops in battle is a capital offense. And yes, Martha, real men SHOULD have declared war on the “lockdown” scum a LONG time ago.
This IS war, folks. Live free or die – but don’t be railroaded by scum.
That’s right: “don’t be railroaded by scum.” Be railroaded by REAL MEN.
Is there a baggage compartment on “dis train am bound for glory?”
“The targeted audience, formerly known as the left, is generally well-educated…”
Making a claim like that reveals a significant amount of brainwashing. They may be well schooled (brainwashed), but they ain’t educated to any significant degree and neither do they have the ability or courage to think for themselves.
They aren’t “well” schooled either.
As the late, great TC Fry (author of The Great AIDS Hoax”) used to say when asked what his credentials were… “I haven’t been formally miseducated”.
Basically they’ve learned extremely large quantities of extensive BS.
My eyebrows went up at the ‘generally well-educated left’ too. You can’t be closed-minded and well-educated. I prefer ‘partially’ educated. I was cancelled (ostracised, sent to Coventry) by my left-leaning twin brother and the trigger was 9/11. To my amazement, he would not entertain any evidence going against the narrative. In texts, he referred to my ‘bullshit research’ although, of course, I didn’t tell him what research I’d been doing. So, he has dismissed a mass of information on 9/11 much of which came from normies, experts and academics who could not help but see the anomalies of the official story and he could be using to educate himself. Therefore, about 9/11 he is only partially educated as he knows the bare facts – the Twin Towers were attacked and Building 7 fell and knows what the official story is (but probably not all of their story).
Can someone please remind me what happen on 9/11?
If you’re here in the States, it’s National Make Your Bed Day.
Osama Bin Laden with a bunch of Afghan Muslim mountain goats with bone knives took out the two towers of the World Trade Centre, made Building 7 collapse and stole all the gold in the basement.
After that they bombed Pentagon’s Account Department with another civilian airplane full of innocent civilians, and got away with it.
Why did they do that? Because they coveted our dollares and our way of living, and wanted to destroy America…
You don’t need ‘Afghan muslim goats’ as the plain truth ‘Saudi playboys’ does the satirical job just fine.
Yeah, bearded guys in caves on the other side of the world plotted an extensive terrorist operation because they hate what little freedoms we still have. There’s simply NO WAY this was all orchestrated by the globalists for their purposes. That would be “conspiracy theory,” and conspiracies never happen.
The anniversary of history’s second largest psyop is here (almost finished at my longitudinal position). One can marvel at the ambition of the neocon plotters and their helpers in the media, the military. the covert agencies and so on. It was a multinational effort with the host country and one in the Middle East taking on the bulk of the planning and the execution. A middle eastern student group called The B Thing actually occupied a whole floor of the North Tower for a long time. They provided cover for whoever planted the explosives that created the plane shaped gash in the North Face of the North Tower.
Close allies like Great Britain played their part. The BBC apparently blundered in their coverage. They along with some American networks broadcast in real time the rather crude plane shaped smudge which “collided” with one of the towers. Much better videos were subsequently broadcast later, but these too were fatally flawed. Ace Baker in his 9/11 truth classic 9/11 Psyop explains why there was no way the media could depict the “collisions” of the fragile (fictional) plane and the massive steel structure realistically. All the unlimited resources of the world government could not show realistic crashes.
The B Thing, lol
Dr. David Martin: DON’T FEAR the Coming Lockdowns… the Cabal is Already DEAD
For every illness there is a symple, so perhaps a small group can cure our global sickness. According to Ibn Sina, if 10 people (minyan) formed an intention, and synchronized that intention with breath (conspire), they could initiate a healing response which would emanate out into the world. Before we forgot, this ancient technology of “conspiracy” (akin to the theory of the hundredth monkey) was once outlawed by the ruling caste, by means of the death penalty. Remember?
Yeah, I know. I do my bit every morning. Unfortunately, even the anti-vaxxers here don’t get the group approach. It works on several levels. It can even make council bureaucrats with reasons to bust you to go away, do nothing and never come back. You create an environment which is an actual ‘thing,’ It reacts with and affects the so-called physical world.
We know how to do it. We’ve got the numbers, but so far we’re (too?- I hope not) we’re too disorganised, ok ok too ‘disorganized.’
I’m up for it.
Ego interferes. Everyone is looking for a political or profit angle.
I sincerely hope the author is joking in his depiction of literary fiction v genre fiction. Literary fiction has had no value for many years, it’s simply where the pond scum from Oxbridge wash up with their “masterpiece” reviews from their uni mates at the Guardian. Genre fiction is where it’s at – often tough, scary, challenging art. Much dystopian fiction is to be found on the horror and SF shelves.
I think the author is a chick.
stop seeing them as lesser/put them down.
see/imagine them as they truly are.
I view the brainwashed like addicts (mainly because that’s what consumerist society has turned the majority of people into). You can tell an addict that they have a problem but until they see it for themselves and decide to do something about it, you can’t help them. And I say this as a recovering addict who ended up running a support group for addicts. When I decided to help myself and get clean, I found that there were lots of people willing to help me, and I thanked my father for never relenting in telling me that I was an addict, even when it was the last thing that I wanted to hear, a deluded and suicidal physical and mental wreck sitting a squalid pit of filth, lies and deception of my own making.
So keep on telling the uncomfortable truths. Not many will ever be reached by them, but those that are reached will thank you for it later, even if only in their own minds. You’ll find that those who are reached want to spread the word themselves.
You only have the power to change yourself.
Part that I missed out there was that in telling me the truth, it made my father the unpopular one. But he didn’t give a fuck about popularity, and neither should I or you if you know that you are right. I certanly don’t.
Much of the society wide bullshit that we need to reject if we are to move forwrd is predicated upon the notion of popularity with one’s peers. Which is why most people are unreachable. Their weak spines will not allow them to leave the herd, even if they know that the world they inhabit is based upon lies.
We could tell our friends or relatives they are nicotine addicts, ethanol addicts, etc. One in a 100 may pay attention.
Yes, the other 99 will carrying on telling each other that they are all okay and it’s just jealousy on your part. But deep down, most of them know you’re right. They just don’t like to hear things that don’t make them feel better about themselves.
Like I say, weak spined, and there’s a real culture of people trying their best to keep everyone else at their level of self defeating ignorance and stupidity, at least where I am from.
My colleagues have just spent 10 minutes talking about Instagrammers with the most followers. Ronaldo, Kylie Jenner etc. FML.
“My doctor didnt know me that well – but he was quite familiar with my disease. They got along really well.”…(anon)…
I’m sorry. I’d like to believe you guys. But I know people who are very sick with a summertime flu-like disease out of season. Tish-tush doesn’t work when you feel like you’re dying.
Well I’m convinced.
nicely handled George.. pithy too…
It has to work.For me getting past this lie made me stronger and mind empowered.
I feel freer.
It’s almost as if the jab has ruined people’s natural immune defences.
It has.
Well, it can’t be nice to be Jabbed 128 times before You’ve reached 11.
Are they jabbed?
Are you really replying to “Joe Smith”?
Typical non-vaxx-syndrome. If he had got the 3 boosters he would probably be skiing in the mountains by now.
If he is a vaxxer he will probably have got the flue from another vaxxed without masks on, but he would have blamed his illness on the non-vaxxers.
Conclusion: Tish-tush would probably had changed the feelings of both and saved lives.
PTSD of the brainwashed? I hypothesise that there are a significant population of vaxx refuseniks who are silently coping with PTSD. Sure, we had the gumption to make a stand against vaxx totalitarianism but trust has become a luxury and suspicion is free-floating.
Probably too. Life is a risk. I know many vaxxed who took a risk and thats ok
if they are willing to take responsibility for their own decision. We can still go along.
We non-vaxxed took a risk too and are willing to take the consequences for that our decision. I trust my own immune system more than everything else. If it fail so be it.
I always get a pick-me-up boost when i come to this site and read the comments of the un-brainwashed.
Thanks,couldn’t explain my feelings and you pointed it out.
Dont you think the Elite have already thought that out?
If you had $10 billion and sheep running in your butt “I would do anything for $$$$ ehhh love”, , What would you think?
You reach the tech age making it possible to automate any fool. You find an excuse “we are too many”, “the elderly bomb”, “free abortion”, and you end up with depopulation… a human way.
So the Elite has already found a solution while you and me are still fiddling around with “how do we reach the brainwashed”, “how can the sheep be so stupid”.
“why why why Mr. Anderson do you continue to resist. is it something called freedom, could it be love, what is it Mr. Anderson”.
Like the Elite we refuse to see ourselves as inhuman. We make too an excuse for our own cowardice.
We help the Elite by making art, books, films, exhibitions, comics, to get rid of the sheep, make them better, improve the human being, believing we are better than the Elite, but it is the same thoughts, and still nothing helps.
I found the central key in the final verses of Ecclesiastes. But this is me personally, and not my surroundings.
Anyway, it may be good to know. To know the Elite made their plan for the sheep to be carried out, and if there isnt any God as some say, well the only conclusion must be we/they as a specie, whose roots are from a chimpanzee, developed into a cro-magnon man, and finally in 2022 developed and collected itself into a synthetic computer freak, maybe do not deserve better than the Elite’s plan.
To know the bible or religious scriptures doesnt save, but it helps a lot to understand the confusion.
feck off with your hebrew book
I do not see the need to reach the brainwashed at all. Let them line up for their next booster shots and die. 80 % of humanity is to stupid to survive in a crisis situation anyway, I won’t miss those braindead zombies.
I’m often tempted to think the same, but if one of them is our own child, brother, sister, mother or father, we will miss them.
Horrible though it is to witness, those who are victims of propaganda don’t lose every quality a human being might possess.
“Forgive them for they are not knowing what they are doing”.
? I don’t know where you live but where I live in France there were long periods where I couldn’t do a lot of things I like without a pass to show that I had had the jab …also Austria either did introduce compulsory jabs or was on the point of doing so only a braindead zombie calls victims who were bullied by their states ‘ braindead zombies’
It’s basically a suicide cult, but they demand you have no freedom to opt out. They don’t want anyone to have a choice to not be part of it.
What too many of us fail to realize is that these “brainwashed” do not see themselves as brainwashed but as informed. To them, we’re the “brainwashed” – and we don’t like it any more when they try to enlighten us than they do when we try to enlighten them.
They believed in what their follow man told them. They trusted the Authorities and the experts who were expected to do their job, as they did theirs.
Some of them said to me, “is there nobody one can trust?”.
I agree we should stop feeling superior because we figured it out and had balls of steel.
“How do we Reach the Brainwashed?”.Do we have to reach the brainwashed?
Why? Who is ‘we’? Wat group is ‘we’?
But if it seems necessary we maybe don’t have tot reach them, but we have to unplug them, I think. That’s to say, íf there is a problem.
Thus, pulling the plug from the socket is perhaps a begin.
(I hope this gets out of pending within 3 hours. 😜 )
I got out within 3 hrs earlier today…
C J Hopkins has had a series of his essays republished by Off-Guardian covering the period from March 2020 to January 2022 and those bulletins are now in book form with the title of The Rise Of The New Normal Reich which I am almost finished reading. He covers your questions precisely and provides advice on engagement with the ‘Brainwashed’. You still may be able to access these essays through the OG archive (admin may be able to help you there).
In my experience, the closed-minded Covidians are not readers.
Succinct, man. succinct.
Most people today don’t read but are watching on Internet; youth 99% so. Youtube leaves some openings for sheeple, but they might need a few hints for best channels, sites.
In my experience, they are readers, and they consider themselves better educated, smarter and morally superior to the rest of us.
What is read?
Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.
Never a truer word spoken. If every truther changed themself as best they could, it would have far more of a positive effect on this shit show than their current mission – which is to change everyone else.
These ‘them and us’ scenarios are depressing, since one side always thinks it is the other side that needs to change…
I tend to search for absolute truths – even if I never find one – because such a truth would unite me with my opponent.
A spurious enterprise, but perhaps in the end it is the search that is important…
Your always third person whenever you make out mouth wide Native.
But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
“No one, sir,” she said.
“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
John 8:1-11
This is absolute truth, absolute love (the two words are synonyms). Quite simply, anyone who rejects Jesus and His teachings as the Truth, is part of the problem.
Yes, persuing knowledge for knowledge itself is a dead end road. There’s nothing more deceitfull and dangerous than to believe that truth comes from ourself and not from God, which is what the systems of this world and the ones who control them believe and the population at large follow. The more faith in the secular systems the more lost people are.
Indeed. “My truth” is a common refrain. There is no my or your truth. There is only truth, Logos. The perfect source code of His creation. The further humans stray from it, the more messed up they are.
You are absolutely right
Those that truly know Jesus and follow him also know and follow the word of God.
Isaiah 66:4
“I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.“
Jeremiah 5:31
“The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?“
If you were to go to find Pastor John Weaver and the speakers in his sermons search for “how God destroys nations”
He lays it out plainly.
America in the world or up to her neck in judgment and the water is rising fast.
There is no proof Jesus existed. The monotheism’s can be shown to be bankster creations.
If you are looking for material proof of spiritual things, then you obviously don’t believe in the spirit. And that this is a spiritual war. That being so, discussion between us is pointless.
The proof is all around you in front of your nose. You just cant see. You are blinded.
You claim your superiority above 3 billion people who build churches in every little town, made the bible to the most read book in history of mankind,which have 1 billion followers, parasites and exploiters.
But if your compare Christ’s words to your life experiences and knowledge, there is one conclusion.
You demand proof. The proof is all around you. As Bezmenov said, it happens just in front of you, you only need to pluck the bananas out of your ears and eyes.
I also claim superiority over 3 billion (more?) who believe that there was a virus so deadly that lockdowns were required.
For years I’ve always thought that was the trouble with the middle east – women committing adultery and getting stoned. Here in the west women get stoned then commit adultery.
Jesus came to set the captives free. Captives of our own sinful nature that could not live a sin-free life – as God wants. Therefore there is no longer any condemnation by God – provided we believe in Him.
PS, lol.
There is no absolute truth that can be put into words and christianity is the slave cult that led us directly to the NWO.
It seems that only death might liberate many enslaved to the judaic curse for their entire life… Once you understand that the “god” in your book (of distorted and wisted pagan myths and sheer nonsense), is Yahweh, the demonic ruler of a tribe that regards you as cattle, you might start to wake up…
Yes, but that’s a wrong reading IMO. Rumi is not saying that changing oneself is better than changing the world/others. He is not suggesting that we should do X instead of Y. There is no moralising discourse there. Not at all. He’s not trying to set up a competition so that others measure against each others who’s wiser than whom.
Also, there is much more in that jewel. He acknowledges that, at first we discover what seems to us the solution to human problems and, driven by our impetus, we try to convince people to apply that solution; we hold a preaching discourse about what they should do. After a while, we find out that it doesn’t work or it produces new problems. We then find out that in our desire to do good, we were assuming that others were in the same conditions and have the same experiences as we do; so, we were assuming that they can see what we see and do what we do; but that wasn’t the case: unknowingly we were imposing on others views and actions they weren’t in the right conditions to adopt genuinely. Therefore, one discovers that others have the views and actions of their own experience; and so we have; that to hold a moralising discourse that goes beyond a friendly advice produces more harm than good. Hence, according to our findings it is best to let others reflect their own experience. Just as *that* is the lesson we learned and reflect, others do the same with theirs. And just as we learned *that* lesson, others shall in good time.
The root is the same. A thirst for righteousness and peace on earth. We are all connected.
I don’t want to change anyone else; it’s their choice to stay asleep if they want to, but I don’t want to be suppressed in my expression of what my truth is. If in the process of telling MY truth to the world I seem like I’m trying to change others, I can’t help that.
By all means tell the truth. Oh and there is no my or your truth. Thats new age nonsense! There is the truth and untruth. God’s creation is the truth. A mother’s love is the truth. Jesus and His teachings are the way, the truth and the life.
Turn the other cheek and go away, fuck off with your proselytising.
I demand people stand up for their own views, and bear their own failures.
I hate people who try to impose their cowardice and weaknesses on others: “Everybody must eat rabbit food and take the jab like me”.
Use their beloved celebs?
(FTR I don’t think this is genuine. Kelly works for Fox so this is just propping up the left/right paradigm. Some have specultaed Kelly is Nicole Brown Simpson under a new identity – I don’t know about that but she looks somewhat like her and dates/ages don’t make it impossible…. and the Simpson trial was clearly a theatrical event as was Rodney King)
Tru$t Th£ $¢i€n¢€
Aldous Huxley:
Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there’s hardly a healthy human left.
George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future imagine a boot stamping on a (masked) human face forever.
COVID-19/11 = CON JOB-1984
Radio Ca Ca
Tell Lie Vision
Lame Stream Media
Weapons of Mass Distraction
Nonsense. For almost a century we’ve had the warnings of “1984” and it means nothing. Utterly nothing.
For my entire life I was told, “Orwell is a must-read! Don’t let the government track you!” Then, as soon as the government tracking device was invented, everyone grinned and said, “Hey! This government tracking device has games on it! And I can use it to order pizza!”
Just like “it’s easy to be a holy man when you’re on top of a mountain,” it’s easy to decry the technology when the technology hasn’t been invented yet. Then when it exists, all the warnings are forgotten.
Fiction as a game changer is a stupid fantasy.
And today’s Hollywood proves your point perfectly.
Of course it might help if today’s fiction was written by intelligent, informed, perceptive, imaginative and prophetic people, but my expectations are clearly too high…
Crap rules, and it doesn’t even pretend to be a game changer any more.
Fiction is not intended as a “game changer.” That is not its purpose. I know it’s difficult for us to conceive of something that exists in, of and for itself and serves no ulterior purpose.
So to the extent that fiction is far too good to be a “game changer,” it is indeed a “stupid fantasy” for anyone to try and fit into that straight jacket.
I like the political satire shows on TV. Get a good giggle at the pollies expense.
Such shows allow me to indulge in my rebellious spirit – for a short while.
Next day i’m back at work obeying the boss – while smugly smirking “the TV satirist has your number, you fascist pig !”
The brain is part of the body. We don’t live inside our heads, but we do live inside a material matrix, a social body, largely engineered to keep our consciousness confined to brainwashing within institutionalized patterns of living. Under such conditions, catching glimpses of alternate realities may momentarily startle consciousness, but the cognitive dissonance will just as quickly dissipate without cumulative effort to cultivate another way to live awakened in a world more of our own making, consistent with forbidden truths of ‘the way things are’.
Consciousness follows behavior, and it is our habits which must be reached for real change to take place. The body politic will not be moved without movements which embody different values to live by, which offer, more than glimpses, possibilities of another world realizable by collective effort. No wonder we are taken from earliest age to be conditioned in the impossibility of moving in any other direction than where we are told to go. The dirty secret is our own power to move mountains, which seem immovable by force of habit that keeps us powerless.
Now more than ever, revolution is the only way forward if we are to have a future for humanity in an inhuman world.
I agree ‘revolution’. Evil people prefer non-change.
I didn’t read the article. The headline is rediculous, as a concept.
Does anyone really think this life you are living matters to anything or anyone in the long term?
Death comes without warning. Enjoy your life and be a good person. Conquer your inner demons. Work with people. Walk away from people who cannot become MEN
“Does anyone really think this life you are living matters to anything or anyone in the long term?”
It matters to us living it. Whether it has any substance beyond that remains to be learned.
I’ve walked away from nearly everyone.
Because there is almost no MEN left but there are still a few women who are fighting.
The few who fight matters. We can say to our Lord we have some among us we can present to you. We are not all bs.
What is a Man ?
Joking obviously:
But, such questioning might well arise in the U$A, today.
With ‘X’ factoring, attention grabbing & money spinning
OffG drawing attention to Causation and this Author ?
And relevant Absurdities ? Truly mind-boggling
What works today.
my TenCents.
A man does what is right regardless of the approval of others.
Am I trying to please human beings? If I were I would not be pleasing God.
So we should “walk away” from all women except those who transition to the masculine gender?
Like it started during covid.!!
go back in-between 911 and 2020 your see a very clever mindcontrol being played on the alternative lot.
How else did the biggest movers and shaker all fall (fool) for Trump, Brextit, Populist 1st dribble that managed to turn alt thinking to being no different than the covid believers.
Rfk comes along and still they believe……
Us “who fell for Trump” were just trying to get rid of Obama, Biden and Hitlery Clinton, and all the leftist’s elderly abuse, homeless tents, food stamp socialist clients, faeces, vomit, refugees, and drug needles on the streets.
Forgive us, have mercy upon us..
Your money is fake (debt notes to the banksters).
The supermarkets are poisoning your food (soylent green)
Your water is poisoned with fluoride.
All wars are based on fucking lies which benefits only the parasites.
Your politicians are all pedos, and are nothing but actors on the world stage.
Behind your back your children are being taught lgbtqxyz agenda by commie perverts.
You are too distracted to stand up and do anything about it, because your a mind controlled slave, which is what the parasite class have achieved through their shit stream media.
“Behind your back your children are being taught lgbtqxyz agenda by commie perverts.”
They’re being taught right to our face.
So, teach them that it’s a total crock of horseshit, and teach them the facts that prove why that is so. If you’ve fostered any kind of decent relationship with your kids, they will listen to you over school teachers.
As a rule, I teach my kids to question everything for themselves, and my oldest certainly does that. He’ll trust himself and his own senses over what school tells him any day. My youngest isn’t at school yet but I’ll do the same for her. My lad will tell me about things at school and in general society that are obvious bullshit and ridicule them to me. He gets it.
You can’t expect the brainwashed to do the same for their kids, so let the worst ones of them sterilise themselves out of the gene pool with trans nonsense and multiple vaccinations. Good riddance. They are the snake eating their own tail and they don’t even know it.
This is how dumb people are. Eating a product called Soylent.
You couldn’t make this shit up could you.
Soylent provides your body with a synergy of ingredients. It’s perfect.
Soylent is Science backed nutrition. Voted Best Tasting. Affordable with green
Sustainable Ingredients without any CO2. A Build Back Better product.
Tempted to steal that.
The media gets to children through parents too. Teacher and “social influencer” Payal Desai in US posts on exposing her sons to domestic tasks and female views, so that they do not become “toxic males”. After feedback that she was “not inclusive”, she questioned her son aged 7 about his “future partner”. Apparently, she was satisfied when he answered that the partner could be a girl or boy.
Remember women have been suppressed in a thousand years before the liberal environmentalists arrived and changed to world to build back better….in freedom.
Although musical art is my own field, I have a feeling that an even better weapon against propaganda is humour.
I’ve heard it said that the devil can’t stand humour, because he can’t control it.
By definition, it is something uncontrollable.
After all – to be rather blunt for a moment – I can go to an art gallery and admire the technique and insight of many great works of art, but they don’t seem to provide me with any weapons at all against the propaganda currently surrounding us all.
In fact some works of art seem to cooperate with the propaganda, and in the end what does ‘good’ propaganda against ‘bad’ propaganda achieve…?
It cancels out, and the problem remains.
Humour, on the other hand, can ridicule the ridiculous, and that is something that is otherwise banned by today’s ‘woke’ dogma.
When praising the good, despising the bad and ridiculing the ridiculous is no longer possible, life as we know it will no longer be worth living.
It will be meaningless.
Of course life is not meaningless, but now we have to work and battle to ensure that its meaning is protected and nurtured.
To get back to humour: Even the most graphic and coarse humour, in the care of genuinely brilliant men like George Carlin, Dave Allen, Billy Connolly and, more recently, Bill Burr, can reveal the good, the bad and the ridiculous so clearly that we will be able to recognize those qualities quickly and be inspired to assign them all to their rightful place.
My apologies for not including a single funny sentence in this comment, but I guess this is, after all, a serious matter.
Can psychopaths even recognise satire or sarcasm – both of which I find funny.
Maybe not. Possible diagnostic tool?
Humourless people terrify me more than anything else.
Yes, psychopaths are generally more intelligent than most.
A real psychopath learns to perfectly imitate all common human traits and behaviour and hide his/her psyhopathy, which is essential for manipulating people.
Uniformity of thought created by 100 years of AV communication media owned and operated by the 1%, has Americans in bifucated, intellectual LOCKDOWN. This peer pressure environment, linked to possible imminent marginalization and job loss for anyone outside of the two lane SYSTEM, becomes a self-policing prison. The film, The Matrix, mirrored our self-policed entrapment at the hands of a mind-controlling other, the capitalist 1%. A conflict-&-war-operating system, that invoked a techno-futurist ecocide hidden behind a virtual reality depiction of 20th C normality. Is this fiction not a replicating mirror of the future they are herding us into, without a blue pill to make it all go down like a dream?
When I saw The Matrix (the first one, the others are trash) in a local theater, i exploded at the end, standing up with my fist high, reveling in absolute amazement at: 1) it was ever made in the first place; 2) it actually got through the Rat People’s SYSTEM and; 3) it placed a mirror in our faces of the tyrannical techno-serfdom we accept and even self-police, ourselves and others, to stay compliant. The bad part was when i talked to others about the film. They were utterly clueless. The hitech visual candy-spectacle that probably got it through THE MANAGING EDITOR GODS also flushed right through viewer minds. This flush-thru is the above 100+ years of audio-visual medium-is-the-message command and control of peer pressure to not think for oneself. ‘Trust the techno gifts and their masters as yourself. Sit back relax and enjoy the ride off the cliff… and STFU.’
This film has it all in a very slick and fun sci-fi candy package. But if people can’t read metaphor, mirroring or allegory, self-determining analogues, figure puzzles, or get a grip on what WOULD BE a better future, or even see this existing one as a petty tyrant, techno Banana Republic headed to a black hole, we are all sunk.
Good stories are great. But non-fiction, the facts, analysis, debate, and best decision-making by informed consent, is what will facilitate Humanity evolving to the adult without a (bad) Parent Class overlord.
We are all Neo.
Matrix is cheesy simple-minded crap. So “reality” is a cheesy Lenny Kravitz video, eh? Check.
You probably have not ever seen it. A Lenny Kravitz video? Say what? Check your self for leaks. Your reply is completely and totally irrelevant gibberish. 🙂
You’re the one who hasn’t seen it. “Reality” according to the movie is bunch of people in a cave dancing around to rock music. Watch it again. Sheesh. You are ignorant and you call others ignorant. There is a name for that. It’s called fatuous.
Oh, it’s Joe Smith!
The article’s author, VN Alexander, references Mark Twain, bringing on the urge to share Mark Twain’s “War Prayer”:
““Lord our Father, our young patriots, idols of our hearts, go forth into battle—be Thou near them! With them—in spirit—we also go forth from the sweet peace of our beloved firesides to smite the foe.
“O Lord our God, help us tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with their little children to wander unfriended in the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames in summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it—
“For our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet!
“We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts…
The red arrows didn’t understand the satire but Mr. Clements really gets to the point.
I will read more Twain.
IMO, we’re dealing with a spiritual problem, so no amount of “facts” will be sufficient to address the underlying cause of our dilemma, regardless of the form in which these “facts” are presented.
Unless and until we, as a whole, are able to recognize and understand the interconnected-ness of ALL things, and thus tear down the divisions that are alienating us from each other and the rest of Nature, we’ll just be going in circles, eventually ending up in the same place from which we started.
Some people feel superior to others. For them, there is no inter-connection except self-interest.
9/11 WT7 Collapse
Covid 19 and the jabcines
just like
Net Zero.
If we could harness idiocy and convert it to energy we would have perpetual power as it seems that the world has gone insane with net zero (as if Ergot is being added to the air and water supplies).
I find that taking a small ball with me in my ventures out into the ‘wild’ helps. Take a simple tennis ball (collies luv em) and using an indelible black ink pen add a spot circle 1.35mm radius. When necessary I produce the said ball to one of the Omicron (anag) Types I meet along my forays and ask them in passing, as chats develop, “how much CO2 do you think is up there?”
From experience 99% have no clue. Some say “ its too much, its causing a climate emergency”. I show them the ball with the spot.
After a while I enjoy walking alone as my regular routes seem to be avoided by former regulars.
Check for yourselves surface area of sphere = 4πR2. CO2=0.04% of atmosphere, here being modelled as surface area of sphere. Convert the .04% of the sphere surface of the tennis ball to the equivalent radius of the spot using the usual equation.
Send marked tennis balls to all the Omicron (anag) Types ( this includes all MP’s bar 19).
Just like Omicron = Moronic (anag)
Pirola = Cock, Dick (Knob or what your favourite is) (Galician translation)
They are literally taking the pish.
“Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember?”
This is from the Bible, somewhere in the gospels. At the time I got to know it I was a Jehovah’s Witless, going door to door selling Watchtower magazines. An innocent late teenager. Things changed a bit over the years.
After this i worked in a factory, year and two, then hied away to St. Catharines, nearby city which had a university, Namely Brock University, where studied Philosophy, year and two. Afterwhich, came some desultory meandering, but managed to work 8 years in the bush, all around B.C. I am not a simple man.
I have learned over the years that most folks live in a state of wishful thinking which is delusional – not accepting reality.
Reality is truth – good, bad or indifferent!
This mindset literally prevents any truth to come through unless affected by a strong attention getting event – war being one example, which most Americans have never experienced personally because it was always ‘over there’.
Because we’re not immediately affected by our lack of discerning truth, this eventually leads us to greater acceptance of more lies and deceptions from our propagandist sources which create a seared conscience…..ultimately leading to more delusions.
This process is actually quite well covered biblically by Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians and by the writer of Hebrews in Hebrews 5:11-6:2 – all of which relates to the inability of most folks to grow into maturity.
Grown-up children!
The author has a very interesting WordPress and cv, she is deep into the emergent behavior of complex systems and AI.
Nice link.
Just a creepy taste: “…….. the quantitative deep learning algorithms and their generations.”, “Living Systems Are Smarter Bots”.
But she seems ok. She uses her deep insight to reveal the utopia.
Changed some letters to avoid the ZIONIST FILTER RUNNING ON THIS SITE
I don’t know what will save the brainwashed. I tend to agree with Willem, below, that there is no saving (many of) them, but if there is, it won’t happen with facts and reason. Counter-propaganda, that hits them on an emotional level. Shame and mockery might reach some. I’m not especially hopeful, but there are some that might be reached.
If the tide should start to shift away from Convid fanaticism, many of them will come around, if for no other reason, they don’t want to be associated with a minority position. These are deep conformists.
I hate to say this, but, as you note, “shame and mockery might reach some.” I believe that many are so afraid to be mocked as conspiracy theorists that they went along. So, perhaps if their narrative become the new object of derision, they’ll switch.
Off course they will but that doesnt resolve the problem. Its the Milgram test all over, they will say anything the group says. Group thinking.
I suppose one should make the point that being a deep conformist is a human weakness.
However good an explanation it might be of why some people act as they do, it should nevertheless be discouraged, since switching from one conforming view to its opposite – according to the prevailing wind – is no indication that you have been ‘reached’ by more informed people.
When we talk about ‘reaching’ people, we need to think about helping them to realize what traps have been set for them, and to increase their resourcefulness in managing to stay out of them.
Oh, and for the love of God, would somebody please tell me how even an algorithm could find a single word of this contribution of mine ‘pendworthy’…
“…being a deep conformist is a human weakness.”
I guess what I mean by “deep conformists” are people who are so committed to their own position that they cannot question it; it’s their identity and their ego, and they’ll defend it to their dying breath. They’re ideologues, fanatics, zealots…
The vast majority of conformists aren’t really ideologues; they just want to fit in and not rock the boat. They want most generally, as Bob Dylan put it, “to be on the side that’s winning,” and accordingly, having no fixed positions of their own, swing from one popular, socially safe position to another. You’re not likely to really reach these people, but so long as it’s realized that they’re fickle, it may be best to have them on your side?
You make a valid point, since in any case I find it impossible to condemn the fickle to hell.
Fickleness just has too many causes for me to be cold and heartless about it.
Abject fear of losing one’s livelihood is one of those causes, and that’s a tough one.
Thanks to the relentless propaganda of the last three years, I am coming to see communication as less about reasoning than as an instrumental thing. For the propagandists, it’s all about hypnosis. And most in the general public are aware of this as a matter of public political stance i.e. they may not believe what is claimed but they are attuned to the popular movement – or what they believe to be such. They see themselves as part of a mass and they watch carefully where that mass appears to be headed. This isn’t entirely a matter of cowardice or stupidity. Indeed it’s shrewdness. They are “looking out for themselves”.
This may be compounded by their status in a workplace where they are told what the new regulations are. Not forgetting that, with the lockdown, they had little opportunity to chinwag with their peers and so were presented with “The World According To Covid” with no alternative possibility.
After which came the brilliantly pragmatic urging to wear masks and distance and, eventually, get vaxxed. Brilliantly pragmatic because the rulers knew that, once urged onto a physical regime, the minds would follow. And once a certain segment was vaxxed, there would be a vast incentive for them to blind themselves to any scepticism. To admit such scepticism would imply that they had been fooled and, even worse, had submitted themselves to a possibly dangerous injection. Thus the further injections may be seen as a kind of desperate defensiveness, a cry of “Look! I know this is safe and effective!” Though by this point the “effectiveness” is just a kind of comforting noise.
Therefore I totally agree with the author that a tangential strategy may be the most effective. And if I could have only one effect on the folk around me it would be less to do specifically with covid or with climate or with the transgender crap than to spark a sense of critical awareness towards the entire media machine, to even make people aware that there is indeed such a machine. And thereby to stop them automatically assuming that what they are told by “the authorities” is the truth.
And for me, there is no “aesthetic” treatment that is more pertinent than the famous story of the Emperor’s New Clothes. That brilliantly observed little tale sums up – and in the most rudimentary way – the entire phenomenon of indoctrination. Furthermore, it gives an example of the absolute absurdity of what is claimed. And serves as a sobering reminder of the excruciating self-castration of intellectual vanity. Most of all, it urges everyone to start from scratch. To say, “Fuck all that introductory stuff! Retrace steps! Look at this anew as if I just came in right now! What do I see?”
“…because the rulers knew that, once urged onto a physical regime, the minds would follow.”
Truth there.
The Psyoperators used ‘Psyence’ to provoke an involuntary reaction, and sleight of tongue to encourage people see and believe things that were not there.
Participation in a ritual is a very effective way of brainwashing people. Best historical example is the, to say the least, dodgy account of Guy Fawkes which is seared into public consciousness by fireworks night every year for four centuries.
That said, I honestly don’t think today’s kids give Fawkes a second’s thought.
I certainly don’t, and I’m no kid…
Enjoying the fireworks is everything these days.
Guy Fawkes, Guy
Stick him up on high,
Hang him on a lamp post
And there let him die.
Poke Him in the eye,
Put him on the fire
And there let him die
Burn his body from his head
Then you’ll say
Guy Fawkes is dead
Hip, Hip, Hooray!
If there’s something strange
in your neighborhood
who you gonna call
Cult Busters!
These are people who specialize in un-brainwashing the brainwashed. Maybe we should pool our money and hire a whole bunch of them. Flood our countries with Cult Busters and bust all the cults.
Seriously though, if they don’t want to know, they simply are not going to. And most people don’t want to know. I think the question is how to organize the un-brainwashed to battle the brainwashed and their leaders. We’re wasting our time on most of the brainwashed. I mean, what’s the purpose of trying to reach the brainwashed? What’s the goal? Does the author and CJ Hopkins think that if enough of them are “reached”, then somehow that’s going to change everything? Maybe they need to see a viable alternative.
I KNOW that if we keep allowing these fraud elections (in the US) of US presidents from the two oligarchy controlled political parties to keep occurring without a major challenge to the political system, we aren’t getting anywhere in this country. I’m seeing ads on TV and in print now and it’s over a year away. Trump and DeSantis showed up at a major college football game yesterday. We’re captured by utter bullshit.
True, bullshit are all around us, We are bathing, showering and swimming in bullshit.
Art deserves better than being a club in service to beating people over the head with some or another notion that, while it may be worthwhile, only cheapens a work of art. In fact, it merely reinforces the much too popular belief that the reader or viewer or listener is the raison d’etre of an artwork.
If you ever want to see art as propaganda in action, go visit Soviet style “art.” Like the Soviets, I believe in the primacy of workers in a society (though of course they didn’t practice it); but the very idea of using art to carry that point home is creepy and disgusting. And it doesn’t succeed anyway.
The passage the article quotes from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn only succeeds in being profound because everything else leads up to it, and makes it inevitable. It’s not in there because it serves some noble purpose – it’s in there because the novel would be incomplete without it: it MUST be in there.
It’s possible for everything in Huck Finn to lead up to that passage inevitably and for it also to serve a noble purpose.
When and if times are a-changing, people start to alter their thought process. Until then, they will believe what is safe for them.
So in fact what you need is a Martin Luther, a Nelson Mandela, a Ghandi or Malcom X.
Not really true bro: each of the aforesaid ‘heroes-of-the-day’ were, in fact, controlled opposition/opportunists/ponds of the NWO (with the possible exception of Malcolm X); so, if you truly want to bring revolutionary change to the world just remind yourself of one ineluctable and inviolable fact: the revolution will not be televised! That is all!! RGB-Y3 out!!!
Gandhi was consistently against the banksters state of Israel.and was bumped off for his stance. Hardly the profile of controlled opposition . Marx on the other hand was controlled opposition. A Rothschild cousin.
Thank you for presenting your work, “How do we Reach the Brainwashed?”
It seems to me that those who can’t be reached with reason are unlikely to be touched by art, much as I really want to believe otherwise in the hypothetically ennobling notion.
It now appears to me that art only reaches those with an existing predisposition to its appreciation and influence anyhow.
I’m not even sure that society-wide efforts to cultivate and enrich people’s general knowledge amd appreciation of it results in anything more.
However, I would welcome being proved wrong, and wish you great success in your inspiring, praiseworthy and admirable efforts to do so.
All the very best to you, and success with your work.
Perhaps the only, or most effective means, would be to apply the same techniques, in reverse, as worked to gain adherence in the beginning.