WATCH: Peace, War and 9/11
Redacted is proud to present “Peace, War and 9/11.” In this captivating documentary filmed six months before his passing, eminent scholar and lifelong peace activist Graeme MacQueen shares his final words on 9/11, the 2001 anthrax attacks, and the goal of abolishing war.
“Peace, War and 9/11” is a production of the International Center for 9/11 Justice. It is directed by Ted Walter and Richard Heap. Executive producers are Ted Walter and Marilyn Langlois. It is distributed by Questar Entertainment/Hipstr.
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Thursday April 25, 2024 to April 25, 2023
Graeme MacQueen, Today marks one year of your passing and we, your friends, colleagues and family miss you more than words can ever say
“The Power of your Own True Voice Lives On in Each and Every One of us, Here, Now and in The Great Forever”…(tm-c)
With Love ❤️
Carol & Family
Documentary Film Unit
Thank you for posting. Please see and share my Substack and help us improve our research in these first 25 or so years of the internet if you can. Thank you.
“Spiritual Decay”…..
“Conscience Decay”…….
“Are the Root Cause of Corrupted Power”…
PEACE, WAR and 9/11…
STUNNING Work by MacQueen & Walter!
See our review below…
I have reservations regarding something Professor MacQueen noted. Namely, that reasons for going to war can be classified three ways: Natural War, Managed War, and Manufactured War.
I think the first two can easily become sub-sets of the third.
Even those ancient wars supposedly fought over scarce resources can be reduced to the common denominator of some leader’s or people’s wish to take what another has. After all, if resources are scarce, wouldn’t it be better to work together to try and find some way around the scarcity rather than risking the destruction of the very thing both peoples covet?
It’s amazing, and very disheartening, how many ancient texts regarding conquest include not only the conquest but the destruction of both people and structures and the slaughter of livestock and, far more telling, the burning of crop fields.
It never was resources driving wars but simple bloodlust.
“After all, if resources are scarce, wouldn’t it be better to work together to try and find some way around the scarcity”?
Well said. Vote Communist in the next election. If communists have been culturally genocided in your district form a cell of 1 and issue a manifesto.
Remember Clement Attlee, Britain’s innovative Socialist prime minister, who looked after social life while Churchill was running the war. Attlee invented ration cards and made Britain the only country in history which managed to improve the general health of its population while fighting a major war. The kids in Britain’s slums had to wait for the war till they got enough to eat.
Most desperately hyperventilating utterly stupid scare monger yet:
“Earth ‘well outside safe operating space for humanity’, scientists find”
Oh dear we’ll have to move into space to be more safe!
If only space was not fake & gay.
Freedom ? There’s security, and a lot less anxiety, in following orders…(anon)…
“There are Three Wills in action in our world. There is your own will, sometimes known as Free Will. But there is also the Will of Caesar as well as the Divine Will. So that’s You, Caesar and God, fighting it out for supremacy…
But who is Caesar?
Well, Caesar is a just an umbrella term for all forms of institutionalised human power. The President is Caesar, so is the Prime Minister, so is the CEO as well as the captain of the local cricket team. There are many Caesars, they come in all shapes and sizes and operate in many different areas of life, but they all represent an organisation that is trying to tell you what to do. Thankfully though, Caesar, in his quest for total domination, constantly runs up against God’s Will. God here is simply a term for the force that initiates all things outside human control…….
….In essence then, our so-called Free Will, as well as being an exercise in selfishness, is often only a series of opportunities to get things wrong. Of course, it doesn’t have to be like that, but it will be like that so long as Caesar rules, and we remain distant from the Divine. We want to do A, we are told we must do B instead, but in reality we ought to do C…
A life run according to Free Will, doing whatever you fancy, as the mood takes you, will be a disastrous life, one that will eventually be the cause of great regret. I cannot evidence this number but I will make the claim anyway; I reckon 40-45% of people live like this. This is alongside another 40%-45% of people who live according to Caesars Will, who simply do as they are told.
But consider this. If a life run by Free Will is bad, then a life run according to Caesar’s Will is far worse. Doing as you are told by the powerful has been the bane of human existence since Day One, and the power of Caesar is not lessening, it is increasing. Anywhere you have accumulations of power you also have Caesar, and then you have tyranny. The growth in the scope and size of government is the most obvious example of this, though corporate power is certainly no better. The current arrangement – a fusion of corporate and government power – is the most toxic of all, and this – super important point – is a SPIRITUAL PROBLEM. Edicts from corporations and governments, no matter how seemingly well-intentioned, are always bad because they undermine the conscience. All governments and corporations are now anti-spiritual. Not just materialistic and unspiritual but actively dedicated to the destruction of humanity’s spiritual connection. There is no government and no corporation which is an exception from this. None. It is simply a matter of degree, where some governments and some corporations are worse than others. The story of our age is that an unholy alliance has been forged by governments and corporations across the world, aided and abetted by academia and the media, and embodied in organisations like the World Economic Forum, which actively seeks to remake society on a purely materialistic, anti-spiritual basis. This threat from Caesar is existential. His end goal is not political or economic power, or even financial wealth, but spiritual corruption.”
Extracts from “Three Wills” by Richard Abbot:
You forgot the most important. To tell us who is God and what is God’s will.
Without it nobody will be able to understand the two other “wills”
The extracts are not the full blog article linked 🙂
“However, the answer to this demonic alliance of state and corporate power is not to exert your own Will. When you are constantly being told what to do the answer is not to be found simply by doing whatever you fancy. The answer is to seek out the Third Will, the Divine Will. Caesar will not be defeated by millions of people refusing to conform just so that they can carry on doing whatever the hell they like. That was the problem during Covid and it didn’t work for the simple reason that so long as your dissent remains uninformed by the Divine then Caesar can harvest it. Caesar will only be defeated by the few people who are able to hear and enact the Divine Will, the small percentage who are willing to abandon what they want in favour of doing what they should. In short, Caesar will only be defeated by sacrifice.
Discerning what you should be doing is what gives life meaning. Looking upward, toward the Divine, and enquiring, either through cards, numbers, planets, meditation, ritual or prayer, what you SHOULD be doing is where the action is and is only thing that will bring improvement. But there’s a catch, because what you should be doing and what you want to do might not be the same thing! What God wants for you might not be what you want for yourself! But if this is the case then it isn’t God who is wrong, but you.
Stepping out from under Caesar’s control mechanisms is important, but it is only one step. Freeing yourself from egoic fantasies is another. It is hard to break out of the childish mindset which screams “I can do whatever I like, and be whoever I want to be”, and every day you can see grown adults still imprisoned by this limited thinking. But the reality is that neither doing as you are told by Caesar, nor doing whatever the hell you fancy are ever going to bring the happiness that you seek. Sooner or later we will all have to stop, listen hard and discern a different voice, the voice of conscience, which will tell us what we should do. For some of us this happened during the Covid lockdowns, but you can be sure that there will be further opportunities to take stock, for this is the work of our age, and everybody, sooner or later, will be given the chance to get involved in it. In the competition between the Voice of Self, the Voice of Caesar and the Voice of God, God is currently barely getting a look in. But it’s not even half time yet, and Caesar has over-reached, gone too far. There remains everything to play for, but the match will not be won until the idea of doing whatever the hell you want is consigned, like a million other bankrupt ideas before it, to the dustbin of history.”
‘As you like it’ , I found your profound analysis more than satisfactory: indeed,
I recall a female bartender at ‘The Vulture Centre’ in Bulgaria, ( I jest not) with exactly Shakespeare’s words spread beautifully across her chest… some 20 years ago. With my wife, when politely enquiring, in another language, as to her personal understanding & interpretation of the meaning… Zero reaction.
I rest my case. You win… 😉
Supernatural evil plays a definite part in the current materialist paradigm. Is how I sees it. Reinforced by my confirmation bias? Sure why not.
Indeed, why not ?
A definitive comment.
And sound observations.
Bravo Mishko.
DISEASE CREATION: An Important Aid to Tyranny
CDC’s voted unanimously to give all newborns RSV vaccine. Only 25 babies die from it annually in US. In the study more babies died in the therapy group than in the controls. Newborns are already getting Hep B vaccination. — Meryl Nass
Definitive study proving unvaccinated (all vaccines) healthier than vaccinated.
If you have a file it’d be good to keep this last link for reference.
The study and the subsequent imposition of the RSV jab proves who really rules.
Our own organic immune system will at all times be superior to anything synthetic.
I would say not necessarily “at all times” because of two things: 1) people born with a compromised immune system; and 2) older people with serious health issues.
Clearly vaccines are of no use to anyone except Big Pharma. But antibiotics in very limited circumstances might be worthwhile.
Anti-biotics are capital-intensive and proprietary. Humanity managed without them for millenia, before the relevant medical practicioners were brutally eliminated.
Off course. Its an eternal discussion. How far should we go to keep compromised people alive? its a difficult question even I cant answer.
But I only take it as an universal rule.
If we accept this basis as law, we are easier to judge when we meet the irrational demands such as unnecessary “just in case” vaccines for new born babies which in my opinion is hypocrisy and a sick idea.
And right again. Antibiotics as penicillin IS a miracle. It saved myself a lot of time from bateria inflammation..
Penicillin and sulfa drugs saved my life twice. Surgery saved me twice. So I am not knocking the medical profession, only pointing out quackery.
No it isnt you’ve been pricked to kingdom come all your life weakening internal immunity from infection supplemented by antibiotics and fraudulent vitamin & mineral depository.
Creeps me the F out. Like the polluted talcon powder.
From your first Link:
Approximately 20,000 babies die in the USA per year.
RSV kills approximately 20 US babies per year
The remaining 19,980 die of other causes.
Only 1 in a thousand of all infant deaths is due to RSV.
But …
“RSV does hospitalize a lot of US infants. It frightens parents and causes a lot of work for doctors. And so this group of pediatricians on CDC’s advisory committee went gaga over this new product, which is supposed to be 70-80% effective at preventing severe RSV disease.”
Our Covid-Vaxx friend Pfizer to the rescue with yet another vaccine. Claimed to save 75%; ie, if the U$A vaccinates 4 Million babies they might save 15 babies per year (if you believe Pfizer’s data).
I do not trust Pharma data because Pharma did not reveal that the Covid-Vaxx kills approximately 1 patient per 1,000 vaxxed (ie 0.1% mortality).
How many babies were tested on the RSV vaccine?.
For how many years follow up?
How many were injured?
How many died?
No product, such as a vaccine, which will be injected into billions of people, should be released until it has been tested by independent authorities (not Pharma) for at least 10 years.
This was fabulous. Thank you for making it known and available to us.
The speaker spoke a lot about peace and some of the savagery inflicted by the Yank war machine on various victims especially Vietnam. Missing however was the crushing of Palestine.
Your point being ?
He also did not speak of Central Banker’s designs, on his deathbed, whereas,
You know EVERYTHING-EVERYTHING, in the land of make believe…
I sincerely doubt your sincerity & scientific knowledge !
Let alone the history of Emperor Penguins & Jokers.
Starting with WTC7 .?. Why would Any wanker wish to
Obfuscate the Obvious ?!
You tell me …
Our Rulers granted us some (highly regulated) freedoms – and they were not meant to be permanent…(anon)…
Its a good film. I saw all 90 minutes. Thanks to all involved.
Good job Erik.
Sept 11, 2023 to April 25, 2023
“PEACE, WAR and 9/11”
“The Definitive Film on 9/11 Truth”
“In this Stunning Feature Documentary Film by the Gifted Director/Producer Ted Walter and Spearheaded by the “Great Conscience Driven Peace Activist Graeme MacQueen”……We now finally get to Comprehend and fully Understand the Extraordinary Depth, Breath and Scope of Atrocities that Culminated Into 9/11 and Beyond”….
“With MacQueen’s Masterful and Eloquent Delivery, he Seamlessly draws the Audience into the Diabolical Maze of Madness and Falsehoods Orchestrated by our own Government Hawks in their Intent to Mislead and Deceive American Citizens and the World”…..
“MacQueens Astonishing Body of Work, his Meticulous Labor Intensive Disciplined Research, Compelling and illuminating Fact Patterns and the Unflinching Evidence in Support Cries Out for JUSTICE, JUSTICE”!!!
“MacQueen Sacrificed his Own Life while he was Dying for All of Us, for Humanity and for The Greater Good”….
“Peace, War and 9/11 is Breathtaking”!
“I am forever indebted to my Cherished Dear Friend and Colleague Graeme who contacted me on his Final Day on this Earth to Say Goodbye”…
Rest in Peace….Good Kind Man…
With Love,
Carol & Family
Documentary Film Unit
PS. “Please also Read the Brilliant “Beyond Misinformation” by Ted Walter and honorable mention goes to the Music Composer, CInematographer and Editor their Pristine and Beautiful Work in Peace, War and 9/11″
Who is the little “tiny weasel worm” that continues to infiltrate all comments on this site with thumbs down without ever revealing who they are nor expressing Their POV???….
Well it wasn’t me, but when it comes to I.P. & G.M.O. & effectively ‘Copyrighting’ Human & Wild Nature, you might want / need to be more a little more CAREFUL in your wording & intellectual consideration of same…
given my longstanding comprehension of such…
E V E N T S !
& Corporate Goals !
You, OffG & Graeme,
Did not re-invent the wheel or
Physical long-term forces of
Nature !
An excellent article here: sums up the situation:
“Depopulation fanatics should never be trusted with government power”, at:
Glad to see others writing about depopulation. I have a series ongoing.
I doubt a depopulation is occurring, the last real one was after the civil war where the cost of labor skyrocketed for a decade before the labor rates were brought back down.
There is an Illusory correlation w/ todays labor rates though, (which probably won’t go back down) and it may be worse than a depopulation b/c of the amount of people who didn’t die but still could not participate in the work force and instead needed to be cared for. Taking away from the caretakers ability to actually contribute to the productive economy had the ill not died or needed care.
Writing about and correctly interpreting are two different animals.
May I please ask you a question?
I’m an Englishwoman, and it’s become very evident over the last few years, online, that Americans more or less refuse to write the word ‘with’, or any combination of (for eg, the word ‘within’ written as ‘w/in’, the word ‘without’ written as ‘w/out’, etc etc…).
What I’d really like to know is, who, way back in time, has ‘taught’ Americans to not write out the word ‘with’ (or any other word containing the word…)?
For it’s very obvious that someone has ‘taught’ Americans to do that.
Ditto with the word ‘because’, being written (by Americans) as ‘bc’.
This goes to the capture of education, by the Rockefeller’s guru John Dewey.
He was exposed by John Taylor Gatto and Charlotte Iserbyt… two individuals from the opposite ends of society: one a teacher, the other (the daugher of) an oligarch.
“The university curricula were soon captured by financing professorships. Charlotte Iserbyt and John Taylor Gatto have shown how education was hijacked to push the collectivist agenda. There is no need to retell it here. Norman Dodd, chief investigator to the Reece Committee of 1954 exposed how the tax-evading foundations took over education in the first half of the last century.
See Spies, Dupes and Charities — Rivals for Power, Part 4. Norman Dodd and the tax-exempt foundations.
The Rockefellers, Carnegies and Guggenheims among others sought to change American life and values towards collectivism by financing academia, medicine and the print and broadcast media. Bill Gates continues the process today in those same key sectors — plus Common Core at high school level.”
Ahh, the Rockefellers… that explains it all. Yes, Rockefeller and Carnegie were hugely involved in the creation of the horrific allopathic medical system that rules ‘orthodoxy’ today, worldwide. Hence, ‘Rockefeller medicine’.
Thank you.
I blame the abbreviating of so many words on one thing alone: the odious Texting. It has become (at least here in America) a way of life. And people simply do not care to take the time to spell out words they consider extraneous.
For a long time I thought LOL meant “Lots of Luck.” I didn’t know it meant “Laugh Out Loud.”
So I would say this phenomenon was self-taught; or else “taught” by fellow Texters.
Gr8 point! 😉
Yes, you’re right, Howard. Many people (all over the world) are so lazy, re. writing/spelling.
LOL (Lots Of Love).
Civil war – U.S. Or Black Plague, in Europe.
The origin of The Plague is disputed to this day. (Rats have been given a pass).
The Plague here in Europe (especially that which erupted in 1348, and some other outbreaks in 1361, etc) was either called ‘the Plague’ or ‘the Black Death’, but not ‘the Black Plague’. I think the latter is what Americans term it.
Are you finished with your ‘pedantics’ ?
Have you ever lived in Europe ?
I mean on the mainland, seriously ?
I wasn’t being pedantic, I was being factually accurate. (and yes, I do know what the word pedantic means)
I also am fully aware that the UK [where I live] left the European Union in 2016. But it, the UK, is still geographically part of Europe, so what I wrote was accurate.
It is not correct to refer (as Americans do) to the ‘Plague’ or ‘Black Death’ as the ‘Black Plague’. It was never called the latter. Hence incorrect to use that term.
Sloppy writing comes from sloppy thinking. Sloppy thinking comes from dumbing down.
The U$ are foremost in “Dumbing down”.– the ultimate in Democratic Education.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-09-13. CDC: 1m mRNA Covid shots teens prevent 0-1 Covid deaths & CAUSE 100k-200k severe SEs, killed 1k per 1m (blog, gab, tweet).
Good one, gave this a 5. However, 2 short comings. Knowing what i know now, i’m totally skeptical of the idea of “anthrax bacteria,” far more likely it’s chemicals mixed in with supposed bacteria.
And at the end, he makes the case for peace entirely upon ideological pacifist grounds. It’s as if wars happen because people have a blood lust. No accounting for economic/social/political systems whose health depends upon war. He even believes the UN can administer a post-war world. Right, UN SDGs all the way.
But, may he rest in peace! Thanks for the good deeds, Graeme.
I gave it a 5, too. He could have mentioned Central Banker Designs & the Titanic/Olympic. He was somewhat late to the game and it Could have been a Six and knocked the ball out of the stadium, but, come on:- given the brainwash…
On yer’ deathbed, whadya’ expect, another War & Peace ?
His legacy stands as truly unreproachable…
R.i.P. Graeme MacQueen.
Tru$t Th£ $¢i€n¢€ o_O
… and In Th£ $¢i€n¢€ ₩£ Tru$t \o/
She blinded me with science!
All we hear is Radio Ca Ca
The Revolution will not be TellLieVised
The Lame Stream Media is a Weapon of Mass Distraction
We now return you to your regularly scheduled mind reprogramming
George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future imagine a boot stamping on a (masked) human face forever.
COVID-19/11 = CON JOB-1984
Today’s CONsPiRaCy ThEoRiEs are tomorrow’s TrUtHs
Now I’ll buy that for a dollar!
I thought there was little left to say on 9/11 but a recent spat on twitter has highlighted one particular aspect of the whole psyop that went perhaps “under the radar”.
Of course the Left had to be taken care of and so the Left case for the official account was all ready to go: a gleeful gloating over “blowback”, the sly woke defense (“How dare you suggest that Arabs couldn’t have planned such a thing! How racist!”), that ever present pseudo-intellectual sneer at “conspiracists” etc. We had a preview of the tactic later employed with covid i.e. that it was “The Right” who rejected the official account.
But there was also allowance made for scepticism and so there was a “dissident view” that was stage managed as much as possible. And what was particularly noteworthy was that the weakest link in the official account, the Pentagon “hit”, had to be given a “dissident friendly” makeover. It went like this: “Oh yes we fully agree that 9/11 was an inside job but don’t suspect that there was no plane at the Pentagon. That is a ploy to rope you in and make you look stupid!” This implied that “it was just so obvious that a plane hit the Pentagon” that nobody could possibly doubt it. After which, the force of sheer strident invective and snooty denunciation did the rest.
And my spat on twitter has thrown up what is for me a new development: WTC7 is now getting the same treatment as the Pentagon. You see, it’s just so obviously crazy that it could have been due to a controlled demolition! And once again, the stridency of invective and snooty denunciation is astonishing.
So then I start to wonder about this peculiar position that presents itself as being sceptical and yet conforms to the official position in both content and style. It’s the position that says, “Yeah we don’t fall for any of that official shite!” and then, apparently without even noticing, turns round and starts giving you the dreary old mockery of “conspiracy theory” and turns out to support the official account at every crucial point.
Truly doublethink in action!
“It was just so obvious that a plane hit the Pentagon that nobody could possibly doubt it,” Emperor.
Your cloak, your majesty.
Too late.
Now everybody knows you’re circumcised, Your Majesty.
Oh, and Your Royal Highness might want to get that birth mark looked at…
The left was to not only rely on “blowback” but also Chomsky’s et al assault on conspiracy theories for their capacity to detract and distract from “activism directed to real and ongoing crimes of state, and their institutional background.” Which is so self-serving because the left has never limited its responses to criminality (in this case on a very large scale) in high places, or to multiple forms of social injustice. ‘Take them all on. They are all inter-related.’ Has always been the left demand–and rightfully so.
Regarding the Pentagon, things may be shirting at least at AE911Truth.
Truth Defiant — Standing up to the Forces of Silence and Deception, AE911Truth, 9/8/23, three hours and 27 minutes.
Host Andy Steele talked with several panels. Around 2:55:00, journalist Craig McKee, who was supposed to come on with a panel earlier but couldn’t be dialed in, finally got on. Interesting overall, but then he starts talking about the Pentagon around 3:00:00. He notes how a huge part of the censorship effort about 9/11 has been directed toward the matter of the Pentagon, how it’s hard to find his page any more, Web searches for “no plane hit the Pentagon” return a whole bunch of pages saying the exact opposite, And between 3:05:00 and 3:10:00 he discusses how there’s been for the last dozen years or so a deliberate effort to steer the truth movement towards the official story on this matter, disagreeing with it only to the extent of asserting that Al Qaeda people didn’t pilot the plane which impacted. I totally agree. Even Steele,, who is a stickler for AE911Truth rules, started making cracks about people doing that. McKee points out that without a plane at the Pentagon, one has to conclude that the US government, specifically the military/intelligence apparatus, was the real perp. Official story crushed.
A Mass Murder Criminal Event preceded by a conspiracy between fixed frame entities, and a massive cover up of the crime scene to steal away evidence and valuables.
Do you like Dancing Israelites?
Storax Sedan
The demise of the towers closely resemble the shallow underground Storax Sedan nuclear test. This documentary does acknowledge the top down pulverisation but avoids references to the nuclear devices that would have done the job.
There are to the speaker’s credit minimal references to the neocons and their favourite middle eastern nation. Most of them were dual citizens.
Well-made documentary capturing the trajectory of the past century.
I have captured this for years in just one CFR graph, most recently reprinted in 2020: Military spending went down after the USSR’s collapse in 1991. After 2001 weapons spending recovered.

What this 9/11 coverage, and the previous article, miss is the relevance to current events.
It requires just a small step back to gain perspective:
the events of 9/11 were used to introduce the Patriot Act and trample Constitutional rights;
the Covid response and the resulting, unprecedented rise in excess deaths, had its own objective;
masks and illogical “rules of six” were training and compliance;
the “wildfires” in Maui and elsewhere are a parallel with Britain’s Clearances and Enclosures of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Today there is support, especially among the billionaire class, for a genocidal extremism which shares its roots with 1930s Germany — and that is why they are so nervous about people using the language that describes what happened less than a century ago.
To bring things up to date: U.S. military spending in 2023 is $746 bn, rising to $842 bn in 2024.
“rising to $842 bn in 2024”
Call it a cool Trillion U$D per annum. So that U$ Military Spending can be compared in same units as U$ Debt.
ps From a graph in Wikipidia I estimate that, compared to U$+RestofNATZO, the Chinese military budget is about 1/5th as great, and the Russian only 1/20th. Nevertheless I would not advise the EU$A to start a war with China and/or Russia, because military U$D go to private companies (ie, vanish into private offshore accounts) while Chinese and Russian military money goes to state companies (ie, produce effective low cost armaments) — as we are now seeing in Ukraine.
A realist understands all to well Intel doesn’t pay air mail.
$ huh?? Your Sponsoring Funding is merely reflective of your distance. Graph is West Wall not Eastern Axis. Whatever it does put forth a strong argument for C.D. Toningwash dry cleaning resides at a Los Alamos Casino.
The real total may be far larger, including (a) space-related expenditure (b) research and testing for cronies (c) foreign aid in the form of armaments and training (d) interest payment on the deficit. Keep in the following in mind (summarised):
-. While the official US military budget is $600 billion/year or 54% of the total, the actual figure is about $1.7 trillion. -Chris Hedges 2015
-. As we are dealing with “national security” digging too deep could make you a threat eligible for individual elimination by drone
-. US GAO has been issuing alerts on DoD for over 25 years. Over 1998-2015, DoD “failed to provide evidence for over $21 trillion in expenditure; even this estimate may be low as it failed to show the data on expenditure for every year. -Prof Mark Skidmore & Catherine Fitts 2017
Hmm, officially perhaps… pull the other one, money man.
Spread the Risk & Public exposure:
Include Big Pharma !
Bob’s yer’UNCLE …
UNCLE ? WHO’msoevers Uncle …
Equity. !
Central Banker’s Designs. 😉
Actually, the rise in U.S. military spending was in direct correlation to the PNAC document of 1999, “Project for a New American Century, Rebuilding America’s Defenses”, which called for a “New Pearl Harbor” to spur public support to greatly increase military (imperialism) spending and rebuild the military over a ten year period. That’s what they specifically called for and the War OF terror was the ticket to keep it going.
So they rebuild the military, 800 bases and made a lot of wars all over, and got busted when Putin stopped their going berserk in ME/Syria with a couple of Kalibr missiles.
Did you know US Navy located in Spain fired Tomahawk missiles against Damascus, and these were shot down by Russian missiles fired from the Caspian Sea, and blamed on Israel.
Israel was blamed to have fired the shot Russia took down to not embarrass US. It was the period before Syria was invaded.
The time Lavrov called US for “an ape with a hand grenade”.
I know only the first and last sentence can probably be proved and linked. But the incident is not that important other than a strategic turning point. So……
Yes, how do we stop a “system”, and break “group think”.
I can only think back to the late 1800’s and early 1900’s with the Anti-imperialist league and people like Eugene Debs who called both parties two sides of the same coin. In other words, over 100 years later, it’s much, much worse, and there is nary a peep about either.
Oh! What Rot!
Accccttuuualy it bares your bottom to 1776 dear stone taped dokit. As usual you are left flapping amongst your own recycling…puplick stamp.
“I”m not watching that rubbish !”
I heard it again this week.
I used to hear it every other day when I used to tell people about relevant videos to watch about the global nonsenses.
I stopped telling people a long time ago because I really wasn’t getting anywhere but this week I happened to mention to a “normie” family member a video which I thought was really important (And very relevant to him)
It was this one about the energy bill:
The response was a real Deja Vu:
That snort, followed by that sarcastic laugh and the immortal line:
“I”m not watching that rubbish !”
Yes, I’ve received that sort of reaction from my ‘normie’ brother, here in the UK. He’s now 57, and ever since this evil began in early 2020 (I know full well that the evil from the Globalist scum has been going on for a lot, lot longer than merely 3.5 years, I’ve been ‘awake’ for 40-45 years), he subjected me to vile ridicule and abuse (mainly via emails, as he lives in a different part of the country).
He’d not subjected me to the ridicule since March 2022, but resumed it, a few weeks ago, when I sent a number of relatives some info. re. the Maui [so-called] ‘wildfires’. I received a (very short) ridiculing email from him Suffice to say, I made it very clear that the people who are saying that those fires were not natural are far more informed than my brother… the latter, and his wife, merely ‘believe’ what their TV ‘tells’ them.
When will these people ever ‘wake up’…? (rhetorical question… but a vital one, as most people on this site are well aware).
Why would any normal person thumb-down my post, above?!? It contains nothing but personally-experienced facts!!
It’s not just our families – They’re EVERYWHERE !!
It’s frightening.
You’re so right, of course. It’s immensely disturbing, the fact that the masses still ‘believe’ what the MSM spews out.
Gary D Barnett is an excellent American writer who’s documented his thoughts re. what’s going on, ever since this all began in early 2020.
His latest article is below (which doesn’t only refer to the Maui ‘fires’, but to the many false flags that are being perpetrated around the world, and he refers to the lack of critical thinking skills, and apathy, of the masses, which are what’s allowing this nightmare to go on and on…):
“The government slaughter in Lahaina: Maui revisited!”, at:
I’m so tired of supposedly “awake” people dismissing their brothers and sisters as “the masses”.
Joining together with the “masses” is literally the only hope we have to successfully resist the elitists and their nightmare vision for our future.
Many, perhaps most, people are aware of what a terrible state the World is in, but find it hard to face the reality of their situation.
You are a self-professed “spiritualist” are you not?
Please try to be more compassionate and understanding – all of our futures depend on it.
But how do you propose that all we people around the world who know what’s really going on ‘join together with’ the masses, when the majority of those masses simply refuse to open their minds and acquire knowledge of what truly is going on…?
The vast majority of those of us who are au fait with the big agendas being perpetrated have family members/friends who refuse to ‘wake up’. So, if the majority of the masses refuse to wake up, no matter what information they’re provided with, then how can we ‘join together’ with them, to try to defeat the evil Globalist cabal??
I’ve tried to wake up SO many people, since this all started…
(It’s really not right to call that evil Globalist cabal the ‘elite’. It is such a misnomer. I’ve even seen people refer to them as the ‘criminal elite’. Which is up there with the biggest oxymorons you could ever come across)
(And I am a Spiritualist… not merely a ‘self-professed’ one. And am proud to be so, just as also are the literally countless millions of other Spiritualists around the world. As I’ve stated on a number of occasions, we are the one and only ‘religion’ that is able to absolutely PROVE what we state. And that is the plain and simple truth. And all you ‘christians’ will one day [on the eventual days on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’] discover [to your shock, obviously…] that we Spiritualists truly were right, all along…)
“It’s really not right to call that evil Globalist cabal the ‘elite’”
I agree, and if you read what I actually wrote, you’ll see that I didn’t call them “elite” but elitists, something entirely different.
By the same token, it’s not really right to call everybody who doesn’t agree with you “the masses”, is it?
Do you really believe that you posses complete and accurate knowledge of all the actions, methods, motives and goals of every bad actor in the World? Not to mention complete and accurate knowledge of all the private thoughts and beliefs of every single (unique) person on Earth?
If you don’t believe this (and I sincerely hope you don’t), then on what basis do you declare yourself to be “awake” while dismissing the vast majority of Humanity as “the masses”?
A little humility and compassion goes a long way…
The term ‘the masses’ is NOT a term that’s been conjured up by me!! I’m sure that you know full well that ‘the masses’ is a term that’s been in existence for ‘yonks’. It’s in the dictionary, for goodness’ sake, so do not try to make out that I’ve coined a new expression. Cease and desist.
Think of it this way, the awake simply get tired of shouting into the abyss. Metaphorically shouting before some tells me I just need to be gentle. I’ve tried gentle and that gets me no farther than actual yelling. I give up for now. I know I’ll say something again but for now, if those in my life I’ve attempted to wake up refuse to listen I’m done talking.
Bezmenov says they are programmed and you cannot move their perception of reality.
Only when the get an iron boot in their balls, or some of their colleagues are pushed up to a wall and shot, then they finally wake up and realize something is wrong.
Solzhenitsyn says the same. Only when trucks mas driving into the cities and laid tortured bodies of other Russians on their doormat they woke up.
“They are fighting at the Western front but thats far away and not in our city. Our government are taking care of it.”
Perhaps I’ll expand on this later, but today I read a beautiful, yet terrifying, article on the sub-human nature of some of our comrades.
The 100-year-old article, amazingly, addressed the question of what we should do when we confront such people, and, after describing the possible causes of their spiritual handicap, came to the conclusion that they are not necessarily ‘bad’ souls (although some of them can become bad by being infiltrated by bad demons), so we should not give up on them.
On the contrary, we should endeavour to educate them like permanent children!
By encouraging their contact with normal human beings we can actually facilitate the beneficial development of their individual evolution.
Interestingly, such people are described in the article as lacking a true ego, yet some of them are so narcissistically preoccupied with their own feelings and desires that they can easily appear to be the very grossest of egotists…
After all, we are clearly not all on the same page in that respect.
In fact the article says it would be as much a mistake to switch off our sympathy for such ego-less, individuality-less people as it would be to switch off our sympathy for real children.
This is highly paradoxical, so I’m going to look more deeply into it, since the article seems to show that even in the face of the most frustrating ‘group-think’ (which causes real mental anguish for those who are truly awake and have to confront it), there is still room for compassion.
Needless to say, the success of any endeavours in this direction will depend upon our own individual limits of patience and how far trying to get the best possible result will take us.
“Joining together with the “masses” is literally the only hope we have to successfully resist the elitists”.
How can joining the masses help us to resist their masters? We are social animals and our mass instinct is to obey our masters. It was the “damned compact democratic majority” who voted for the poisoning of Socrates and the crucifixion of Rabbi Yeshua — two of the best men ever.
The only exception to this “Law of large Numbers is when Nature hedges her bets and produces a few renegade individuals who go off on a different direction, so that a few breeding pairs can survive when the masses follow their Leaders over a cliff.,
I disagree.
MassThink has a paralyzing effect upon individual critical perception. It’s contagious.
There’s no need to dismiss, or despise, ‘the masses’, but, for the reason above, there is every need to recognize them for what they are and to be careful not to give them disproportionate air-time.
Most of us went through a long period of believing in the masses, thinking they just needed to see what we saw and they would begin to question and care. Part of ‘waking up’ fully is acknowledging that the masses are incapable/unwilling to do so and are thus a major part of the problem.
And, by the way, why is it always on us to be the ‘bigger person’ while the masses are free to denigrate us?
Me too. Im tired of being 1 shoulder out of 99 pussies.
Streaming media Woman. You people are terrible completely taken over US UK media.
People thumbs down because they can’t handle the truth.
Some people will never wake up, because they can’t handle the truth and destruction of their paradigms.
Some people, IMHO, aren’t human anymore.
People also might give a thumbs down because they don’t agree with what that person has said!
Disagree with what specifically that the Christine Thompson stated?
IMHO Ain’t R.I.P.
Because they’re either too dumb or too cowardly to respond with an alternative viewpoint.
When you’ve been here long enough, you realize that we have a minor infestation of one or two professional trolls.
It’s of no importance.
Yes, you’re right. I’d realised that, a while back. As I commented some months ago, there are quite a number of comments (by various readers of this site) which get thumbed-down, comments which no right-thinking human being would ever give a thumbs-down to.
For eg, posts which relate the commenter’s personal experiences or, as I think I recall you yourself have mentioned, some posts which make a passing mention of comments being put into the ‘pending’ mode, are thumbed-down. Why would any right-thinking, normal person thumb-down a commenter’s making a minor mention of the irritation of being put into the ‘pending’ state?!?
So yes, as you say, it’s very obvious that there are one or two professional trolls here. And possibly, an AI ‘bot’ or two, for the same purpose.
There’s no-one listening to US female propaganda because IT IS Covid-19. Your feminist run media is in tatters. 24 hrs a day of full blown banking Health Commercials. and hardly a pipsqueak from commentary Women. Bit funny isn’t it seeing the US Dollar is the World’s Reserve Currency.
Or perhaps you believe US Coinage is not Female currency but Man’s only Domain Factor. Tail UP head Down as they say.
I happen to be an Englishwoman, here in the UK.
OH dear oh yes it’s Not Real They are not Real They no Real People Out there!
Well Blimey!! Yes dear there is a LOT of US OUT HERE!! Lol!
Because your flat earth fear mothering 1923. Flap door trafficking.
Can you communicate that gobbledygook in English, please…
Clive doesn’t speak English.
Lol! You are so right!
It’s British not webbing baby.
It’s Chinese.
The rello’s will wake up when the nightmare becomes real. Then it will be too late.
I’ve only just realised what you meant by “rello’s”!!!
Yes, you’re right…
“I”m not watching that rubbish !”
Swine, back to the pig pen! You’re teaching things we don’t want to see:
Record numbers expected as Europe’s biggest arms fair opens in London
Reminder: “From the Heart of Darkness” (Joseph Conrad’s prophetic novel about “The horror” of resource wars) opens on the shining Thames, where squats the global financial district known as The City.
They are really horny. Can we expect some to step in to stop it?
China invest in Ukraine with JP Morgan and is expected to exploit the global situation.
Russia has trying to “defend our Slavic brothers in Donbass” in Ukraine for two years now without success.
Latin a mess as always, Africa beaten down where they pop up as they dont have the technology to meet high sophisticated weapons.
EU a bunch of US occupied sissies. US going trans and UK pedo. India is a joke.
As I said 20 years ago , “who owns the rice, controls the world”, and again I was right!
Presented by Redacted? Oh dear.
Redacted is just presenting it on rumble. The film itself is well worth watching.
never a word on michael collins piper or christopher bollyn.
oded yinon new khazaria are big concepts that never sleep
im just sittin here watchin the wheels go round and round
i really love to watch them go
on that merry go round
Christopher Bollyn is excellent on how he explains the crime of 9-11, and the subsequent cover up and destruction of evidence.
I checked out Bollyn the other day, but he appears to have been effectively subdued / disappeared / cancelled…
He was certainly very outspoken, yet also well-informed and sincere, and without being noisy.
Better than the BBC … and the Daily Telegraph!
But Redacted support Trump – so must be bad …
Redacted are the Yellow Press of the true Left. They are Deplorable sensationalists, as is the Trumpeteer himself; but by no means are Redacted as stupid, venal and superstitious as Trump.
ps I was a Trump supporter because he seemed to be (and in office turned out to be) less murderous than Killery Klingon; or Ukie Joe Biden. However, that is faint praise indeed, and I think Redacted is better than Trump insofar as it exposes the criminal lunacy of the U$ Oligarchs. What makes Trump ‘deplorable’ and “far righi in the eyes of the Dems is that Trump stole some of Redacted’s True Left points to win against the Fake Left Democratic Party.
It could be worse.
Oh yes exactly, as an example of their sterling work, the recent crashed alien being tortured by the horrid US military video from the 90’s being revelaed for the first time ever on Redacted is so shocking, so heartbreaking and so revealing that I haven’t been able to sleep since, it was amazeballs and I know that Redacted takes its viewers and the problems of the world very seriously indeed.