This Week in the New Normal #73

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. New York’s robot policemen
The NYPD is unleashing a robot police officer on wheels to patrol the Times Square subway, according to the NYT:
The K5, described as a “fully autonomous” security robot, is part of a push by the mayor for more law-enforcement technology…
As much as it’s called a “robot police officer”, in essence, it’s a mobile surveillance unit. A bunch of security cameras on wheels.
This roll-out (see what we did there?) follows New York Mayor Ernie Adams’ trip to Israel where he witnessed how the world’s most democratic police state uses drones to monitor its system of racial apartheid.
Adams has used drones himself in the past, most recently to monitor crowds during the West Indian American parade events.
Right now it’s just an autistic Dalek, blundering about a subway station waiting to crash on the tracks or knock passengers down, but the automation of any kind of surveillance or law enforcement is a bad sign.
2. Zero meat and Rationing air travel to save the world
This is actually over a week old, but noteworthy enough to break the rules.
The C40 – a coalition of 40 of the largest urban centres in the world – released a report last week, “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World”, which makes several recommendations on how to save the planet.
They list “realistic” and “ambitious” targets for each category.
“Realistically” they want to limit meat and dairy to 16 and 90 kg per person per year, “ambitiously” they want to take that down to zero by 2030.
They also want to eliminate private vehicles completely and limit everyone to just three new clothes items per year (I don’t know if socks count as two, but for the sake of comedy I hope so.)
Their “ambitious target” for air travel is limiting everyone to one short return flight per person every three years.
This has been floating around the idea sphere for a long time, with very little coverage of what it really would mean.
For starters, of course, there would be exceptions: Private jets, diplomatic flights, military flights, sports teams, celebrities…you get the idea.
Secondly, they would make it so you can sell your “air coupons” (or whatever they call them), meaning poor people don’t fly at all and sell their flights to the wealthy. They’ll almost certainly include a “carbon neutral” clause too, meaning if you invest in solar power or plant trees you can “earn” more flights.
You can read the whole report here.
3. The missing F35
Sometime this week an American F-35 jet just disappeared.
Rumours have swirled, with some saying it was brought down by small arms fire from militia groups (unlikely) and others that it exploded in midair.
The F35 has been in production for years, has cost almost two TRILLION dollars and has never worked properly.
After days of speculation, the US authorities claimed the plane had crashed but the (as yet unnamed) pilot ejected and parachuted to safety, They even released audio of a 911 call the pilot made afterwards, using a local’s phone.
That’s a military pilot talking, apparently. You’d think there’d be protocol in place, that he’d have a dedicated DoD or Pentagon number to call. But no, he just called the local sheriff. Maybe they called a tow truck, too.
Whatever happened, it did generate some fun Babylon Bee headlines…
Bad Luck: Military Announces Lost F-35 Was Carrying Epstein Client List
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) September 18, 2023
BONUS: Media lesson of the week
Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy found out the Washington Post was writing an article about him, without talking to him at all. He called them and recorded the call on speakerphone…
I Caught Wind That The Washington Post Was Writing A Hit Piece About Me And My Pizzafest So I Did What I Do. I Went on the Offensive
— Dave Portnoy (@stoolpresidente) September 20, 2023
Now, whatever you think of Portnoy or his politics, this is a solid lesson in handling the media.
Don’t lose your temper, but be assertive (he is perhaps a little too belligerent). Record it yourself so they can’t lie about what you say. Ask to see the article before it’s published. Say you’ll cooperate if they will be fair (they won’t be, but recording that makes you look reasonable). It’s good stuff.
The squirming of the WaPo reporter is fun to see too. It’s also noteworthy the Twitter video has had almost 50 million views, which is far greater than WaPo’s current readership.
BONUS II: Sabotage of the week
The UK is rolling out its autumn Covid boosters, and somebody somewhere had the genius idea of advertising the campaign on the sides of garbage trucks…
Who had the bright idea of advertising covid vaccines on garbage trucks?
— Dr Clare Craig (@ClareCraigPath) September 22, 2023
…if that is deliberate sabotage from some insider, well played.
It’s not all bad…
The largest Freedom March in a while took place in London yesterday, in no small part due to London’s ULEZ program and the passing of the Online Safety Act. Of course, the media ignored it in favour of covering the rather redundant rejoin march.
There was a freedom march in Toronto too.
People aren’t broken yet.
You can also buy tickets to the “Official Story vs The Truth” event, hosted by Cognitive Resonance in London next Saturday, the 30th of September. It will feature Prof Piers Robinson, Matt Campbell and others discussing 911, JFK, Covid and the censorship industrial complex.
That’s the past and present covered, so here’s the (potential) future; not exactly “positive”, but this short film is fantastic…
…apparently the visuals are all AI generated using the script as a prompt. Interesting stuff.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the rise of the men thinking about ancient Rome meme, or how that’s bad because “Hitler loved Rome too”.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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Actually TruthStreamMedia did one already a few years back; a lot more in your face IMO:
Actually, their whole playlist summarizes what has happened over the last 3 years ….which just further proves that this New World Odor has been going on for some time now. Surprised it is still up on youtube (although they claim they are heavily shadow banned).
edit: when I edited this post, for some reason the video won’t auto-embed anymore.
Hopefully it will embed this time. I will not edit the post.
Nuclear technologists in the U$ conceived the thorium reactor in 1962. Thorium reactors are inherently safe because theyt do not enrich Uranium 235 to U233 nor do they breed Plutonium. Therefore they are useless for making nuclear weapons. The U$A abandoned its Thorium reactor in the baby experimental stage.
Half a century later, in August 2021, China announced the completion of its first industrial-size thorium pilot plant in the middle of the Gobi Desert.
This startling resurrection of the abandoned Thorium baby has naturally prompted hype about a miracle:
“THORIUM: World’s CHEAPEST Energy!”
Indeed. And Thorium is abundant and ‘clean’.
A golf-ball sized quantity would be enough to provide you with your electricity generation requirements for the entirety of your life.
What if we have been lied to and electricity is free for them and infinite?
It just costs us.
Does Israel have a system of ‘ racial apartheid’? What are the characteristics of the races in question? I thought it had a cultural apartheid or a national apartheid ( Israeli/ non -israeli). I ‘ve heard Bibi and other Israelis say that Israel is just for Jews….but how do they determine that? ( Isn’t it just passports and / or Jewish culture)
Speaking as a South African native now living in Israel, I would advise you not to go down that rabbit warren, because you will only get lost in a maze of conflicting “racial” and “ethnic” characteristics. South Africa is well rid of Apartheid, and Israel will follow suit in due course. But, as the recent Ukrainian comedy in Canada shows, there will always be atavistic racists among the population, and unscrupulous politicians ready to stir up ethnic prejudice for their own profit:
Nazi Veteran Receives Standing Ovation in Canadian Parliament
This week in the NEW New Normal:
“”Niger Celebrates As France Evacuates”
Reculer pour mieux sauter? Return with a huge army (NATZO?) after French nationals have been evacuated. Somehow I cannot see Marianne reconciling herself to paying $80 market price for uranium when a more friendly Niger govt used to press it on her for $1.
“You can do more with a friendly word and a gun than with a friendly word alone” — Al Capone, another prominent citizen of Obomba’s home town Chicago.
“You can make even more money if you only use a hammer to bang it on your fellowman’
s head”. My Grandpa told me that. It was his words and his opinion.
This week in the NEW New Normal:
“BRICS expansion is a step closer to HONEST international trade”
Dutch economist says this at 15min: “away from the U$dollar and towards a more honest international trade.”
Canada’s parents fight back and protest against gender mentals:
A real robocop ! Though i doubt it’ll get a look in when they cyborg hoomin cops (though many already function like robocops – without any mechanical parts)…
Something is going on, and it isn’t medical.
“The silencing of Dr ERIC BERG. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? ”
Dr.Berg is well known for living healthily on eggs, butter and yellow cheese; and frying meat in Lard. This makes a dent in the astounding Global sale of Statins and other Anti-Cholesteral nostrums. Statins are on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines. The best-selling statin is atorvastatin, also known as Lipitor, which in 2003 became the best-selling pharmaceutical in history.[11] Pfizer reported sales of US$12.4 billion in 2008.
As Con-19 Vaxx has shown, anyone who dares to question a so-called “Essential” and highly profitable “Medicine” urged by WHO and/or Pfizer (they are sometimes the same thing) is liable to be ‘cancelled’. (See my post on the silencing of Dr.Robert Malone for finding out that Pfizer’s own tests showed that its Vaxx was “more dangerous than the disease it was supposed to prevent).
Malone went on a Rogan show and together those two were laughing Twitter out in public, so Twitter lost 2 mio subscribers on gossip. Nothing personal only business.
Malone is a contropp virus pusher
You said it. Malone and McCullough are scum of the earth.
A meta-study circa 2018 concluded that the focus on and concern over cholesterol was bullsh.. The medical industry and anyone connected (such as MSM) continue to pretend that this refutation does not exist. So much for The Science.
The (vaccinated) stars are falling.
Nothing strange about that.
Is there?
Wake up you dumb bastards!
How disingenuous of the Trots:
“A remarkable number of musicians—from Ringo Starr to Harry Styles—have canceled concerts and other appearances in the past year due to acknowledged cases of COVID-19 or, more frequently, due to undisclosed illnesses. While governments have averted their eyes from the COVID pandemic, halting its reporting of cases and other crucial data, observable phenomena such as an epidemic of canceled shows demonstrate that the deadly, highly contagious disease is still very much with us.”
Did you get that? “or, more frequently, due to undisclosed illnesses.”
The World So-CIA-list Web Site naturally doesn’t even consider a certain other possibility here.
“Styles himself became sick with what he called “the flu.””
Which, we are led to infer, clearly wasn’t the flu. Though once again there is another possibility than what our Trots are insinuating.
Also note that Mark Crispin Miller has been doggedly recording the vast number of dodgy deaths that are most certainly NOT attributable to covid. He’s been doing this for years but only now do the Trots get interested.
That the “stars” themselves are overly fixated on covid is no surprise. It is the celeb class who are most sensitive to the demands of the overlords since these entertainers know instinctively that they are perceived to be “the public heroes” and condescendingly (and gladly) take on the role of “public guardians”. There seems to he no limit to their vanity in “protecting us all”. Even more to the point, these anointed ones know only too well the cost of REAL dissent.
Which makes the exceptions all the more treasurable. But don’t worry. You’ll hear nothing about Van and Eric here.
Greed and vanity.
A double edged blade that cuts the wielder.
One of the few “stars” in the USA Tennis Open (and the winner) to openly admit to NOT being vaccinated looked a picture of health … So glad I followed his example!
It’s an old joke, but… because you have to be asleep to believe it:
More seriously, this line in the C40 document deserves more comment:
“they want to limit meat and dairy to 16 and 90 kg per person per year”
How would they know how much meat and dairy people are consuming? It implies the global panopticon – or ration coupons. The latter is why they keep invoking war comparisons – except that wars must eventually end (or they did until the “war on terror”).
Of course they can largely know this currently for people who shop using a debit card and/or buy their food from supermarkets belonging to some “loyalty” scheme. Those loopholes must be lined up for closing. There’s also locking all produce in “displays” that require a QR code for opening – something that’s starting to roll out using “shoplifting” as an excuse (meanwhile other policies have encouraged shoplifting). Ultimately, the goal is for every product to be tracked and traced IRT.
Supermarket loyalty schemes are a good example of how total surveillance was to be introduced by gameification – something, to his credit, that Corbett was arguing years ago.
Remember the ol’ days when the heavy smoker Keith Richards made 3 world tours on coke and whiskey and still today run about the scene with his guitar in his ol’ 70’es without a single day of sick leave?
Remember when Clint Eastwood made 10 films with a cigar between his lips and a bottle of whiskey, and still today walk around with a film camera in his ol’ 70’es, still without sick leaves?
Remember those days? That were the days when men were men, and not pussies!
It couldn’t be that rich people can afford health care you can’t. Or that it’s all for show. No, that’s impossible.
Lemmy, bottle of JD everyday, chain smoking, slung off tour for drugs when with Hawkwind and still had his 3 score years and 10 doing what he loved. Go figure.
One big club Yuva noah hariririririri freak l and a hairy loved up girl named brand awkward
Thanks for the link. I cant f…… believe it. The guy is a doo ok, and then gay with a husband ok, and then leftist………SIGH. One accident seldom goes alone.
No wonder he is a star in Gay7.
The Silencing of Dr. Robert Malone
Google that name. There’s something going on, and it’s not medical. Dr.Malone says Pfizer’s own trials show that their Vaxx injured more people than the disease it was supposed to prevent. They knew but went ahead and sold it to conniving government health agencies.
dr malone lives how come
he is the most interesting man in the world like his brother the dos equis man.
revelation of the method a karmic thing
klaus scwab is a rothstein pronounced frankensteen not stein
Never mind Robert Malone, you only need to see the documents of Vaccines Europe the EU lobby group for big pharma.
For years their list of “vaccine preventable diseases” has been ballooning, It now includes things like chickenpox which most people of a certain age easily survived with no memories of trauma. .
The scamdemic has always been about follow the money. The only advantage to mRNA is the quick production time and lower cost. No need to mess around growing stuff in chicken eggs. It’s an unpopular opinion but I do believe the injuries were unanticipated. They hid them because it would have ruined the business model: sell clots shots and bossters to the world in perpetuity, have taxpayers pay for it and make yourself immune from liability.
I don’t doubt that that the high correlation of injuries with certain batches is due to manufacturing and administration screwups. Injecting that stuff without aspiration into a vein instead of muscle will already cause a lot of injuries.
Robert Malone was late to the party and only started speaking up when there was talk that the mRNA people would get a Nobel but they were not giving him any credit.
glaxo smith kleinfelt promoting shingles vaccines on the radio free today at your local booooots chemi cull shop
get yer shingle and flue shot together save yourself time
here on the flat terra firm a
I believe it was the mandates that started people really considering a far more nefarious agenda than simple incompetence.
Despite the horrors of the Childhood Vaccine Schedule (in the US), the very idea of forcing adults to be vaccinated was so over the top that nothing but an agenda could account for it.
It isn’t so much the mRNA injuries but the kinds of injuries that tend to give the lie to the notion that vaccines do have certain risks. Blood clots, cardiac arrests, myocarditis and pericarditis – these are not typical reactions to vaccines.
This jab (maybe others too) leads to EVERY kind of injury (NCD) and infection (because it wrecks the immune system). The court-relased Pfizer data makes this clear.
If you think it’s the US medics – you need to see what the dancing NHS want you to follow:
“Blood clots, cardiac arrests, myocarditis and pericarditis – these are not typical reactions to vaccines.”
But these are the very reactions to be expected from a Vaxx whose active component is a U$ Patent RNA which produces a GMO “spike protein” in the human body; said spike protein containing a “Furan binding site” which has been biologically engineered to attack human bloodvessels.
These reactions should have been watched out for, and the trials stopped as soon as patients began to present them. Dr.Malone says that Pfizer’s own trial results showed cardiovascular injuries. Pfizer knew their Vaxx was dangerous but went ahead and marketed it. But the Pharma companies were careful to demand government exemption from Legal claims for injury; and conniving governments supplied indemnity. A few heroic Leaders in Africa and Belorus opposed Con-19; they were promptly subject to coups.
Con-19 is far bigger than Con-911.
“”Physicist William Happer Pooh-poohs Climate Bogeyman”
1. We don’t know enough to predict the weather tomorrow’s weather, let alone climate 200 years in the future.
3. What we know about climate in the past says CO2 was much higher, so were temperature fluctuations. CO2 changed because vegetation changed after Temperature changed, not the other way around.
4. The present “Climate Bogeyman” model neglects the effect of cloud. Higher temperature evaporates more water from the sea, this produceds more clouds and clouds shade the earth.
5. There was much more CO2 in the past, we probably have too little CO2 in the air these days for optimum growth of plants.
6. The present amount of CO2 is too small to affect temperature, compared to water vapour and clouds. So is the present amount of methane.
“It is difficult to predict something that might have happened in the past (such as the actual existence of Troy) and especially difficult to predict something that might be going to happen in the future, because of the uncertainty principle. The present is all we really have”. — Niels Bohr, phycisist.
Would that be ‘Portnoy’s Complaint’?
Couldn’t resist 🤪
Little Feller Test
Since 9/11 was being discussed I thought that I would link to this video of of a test of a Davy Crockett field artillery weapon in July 1862. RFK sr watched.
Robert Kennedy watches a test of the Davy Crockett. Incredibly RARE! – YouTube
The warheads that pulverised the twin towers would have had a much higher yield, about 1 kiloton on the average.I estimate that 4 devices were used to destroy each tower. The W54 was variable yield upto about 1 kiloton.
One would expect VP LBJ to have been invited to watch the test rather than the attorney general. But as we know LBJ was to be preserved for important things. Bobby was probably already marked for liquidation.
July 1962. Sorry.
OK, here’s a couple from Global Research. Many at this site seem to visit that site and agree with its overall posture.
Meet the “New Normal”: Manipulation, Impoverishment, Worse than the “Old Normal”. You Are Still the Enemy Within – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
“Today, we are witnessing the nudging (manipulation) of the population to accept a ‘new normal’ based on
a climate emergency narrative,restrictions on movement and travel,programmable digital money,‘pandemic preparedness’ courtesy of the World Health Organization’s tyrannical pandemic treaty,unaccountable AI and synthetic ‘food’.Whether it involves a ‘food transition’, an ‘energy transition’, 15-minute cities or some other benign-sounding term, all this is to be determined by a supranational ‘stakeholder’ elite with ordinary people sidelined in the process. An undemocratic agenda designed to place restrictions on individual liberty, marking a dramatic shift towards authoritarianism.
Individual rights and freedoms are said to undermine the wider needs of society and the planet – in a stark turnaround – personal freedom is now said to pose a threat to national security, public health or the climate.”
The Covid-19 Crisis and the “Lethal Jab”: Is It Ignorance and Corporate Greed? Or Is It the Globalists’ “Depopulation” Agenda? The Emerging “Hindsight Narrative”… – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
“Yes, there was — there is — a conspiracy, not just organic goosestepping and Sierpinski triangles. It was a bunch of high-placed people who set about controlling and literally destroying a large swath of the world’s population, deliberately, and relentlessly.”
My comment: If one looks objectively at what’s happening, when you combine how pretty much every country on earth went in lockstep with the Scamdemic, all things considered, probably an unparalleled crime of greed and power lust in human history, there is no doubt there is a small number (1000’s, who knows exactly, but it’s very small compared to the 8+ billion on the planet) of people who are trying to control the world and our freedom, to the point where we can eat a fucking steak. The evidence and history of that is overwhelming. This is happening, man. That can’t be emphasized enough and should be the cornerstone of the coming revolution. I refer back to the excerpt above from the first article:
“Individual rights and freedoms are said to undermine the wider needs of society and the planet – in a stark turnaround – personal freedom is now said to pose a threat to national security, public health or the climate.”
We saw this up close and personal in the first couple years of the Scamdemic where there were serious calls and efforts to quarantine those of us who refused the fatal jab, prohibit us from entering grocery stores and buying food, and some calling for our outright execution. We found out the true colors of what we’re dealing with and we better take that seriously. This is not new folks. This is the human being. Smart and prescient human beings will know that throughout human history, this is how it works with our fellow mother fuckers. If you don’t fight for your freedom, you aren’t having it.
It’s hard to believe the point we’re at, but we’re there. This is like DefCon One in U.S. military readiness terms: “Nuclear war is imminent or has already begun. Maximum readiness. Immediate response.”
Immediate response for Freedom required.
One of the more entertaining “This Week” episodes…dark, but you gotta keep smilin’, right?
The people over at the Zerohedge site think little billy gates has had some sort of On-the-road-to-Damascus conversion…
I don t think so, though Jesus allegedly advised “All things in moderation” – so little billy may have decided to project himself as a moderate / moderating influence ?
Why Did Bill Gates Make Sudden U-Turn on Climate Change Narrative ?
Maybe Gates has sunk a few billion into Exxon stock lately.
Doubtful, he prefers real estate.
doubtful, he prefers children
This weeks New Normal had me laughing out loud! Love the garbage truck advertising. And I want to be the first to knock over Robo Cop. We all know that thing won’t last long!!! As long as spray paint is still available…..!!!!
Spray paint should be applied to all cameras, card only payment systems.
Highly effective…
Thumbs up, but that is at best a palliative rather than a cure. The real problem is the disconnect between government action and public opinion. The lack of rational control loops such as “Feed Forward” (ie, discussion before implementation of a measure) and “Feed Back” (discussion after implementation) is what prompts ordinary citizens to resort to yobbo behaviour.
“Discussion” in the context of government implies an agreement between parties of equal authority.
What we have increasingly now is “Top Down” Control, with very little Feedback from the field and practically no Control from the “Bottom Up” ie from people responsible for actual working details of The Plan.
This is a recipe for disaster of Titanic proportions. Which is what we are seeing across the Globe..
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-09-23. 338x cancers. Obama, $5m & Wuhan lab. Sudiksha Thirumalesh deserved better. Russell Brand & Magna Carta (blog, gab, tweet).
Was just watching these guys and they were talking about how instead of admitting you have soldiers fighting in foreign lands, just report that they had an accident. F35?
I have a lung condition…It’s got a scientific medical name, and a drug protocol…I used to get prescriptions for the condition from a doctor, but soon stopped taking the drugs as their main side effect was to actually make it harder to breathe when exerting myself…
My only ‘medication’ is asthma puffers – every 3-4 hours i have to take a couple of puffs to relax my windpipe, as the muscles around it tighten making it hard to breathe…
Lately i worry: during 2024 the Australian government will begin phasing in The Cashless Society – digital IDs, and Central Bank Digital Currency…So it will be able to track my purchases of asthma puffers, currently paid for with cash only…
I worry that the government will become too aware of my ‘excess’ use of the puffers and, out of Concern For My Health will intervene by using the control the CBDCs give it over my spending to dis-allow my ‘excess’ purchases of the puffers, even compel me to take the one-size-fits-all protocoled drugs…I may even be ‘encouraged’ to take regular blood tests to have confirmed i’m taking the drugs…I expect i’ll be advised “Take the drugs – or your age pension will be suspended ’til you do !”
**During the ‘pandemic’ state governments imposed restrictions on the purchase of asthma puffers – claiming “supply chain unreliability”…For every purchase your full personal details had to be supplied to the chemist and entered into the chemist’s computer…The chemists assured that no one else had access to the data – but clearly they are not aware of Ed Snowden’s revelations about the tools available to governments…
I didnt accept that the data they kept was secure: Around that time a local GP was being hounded by government agents for not storing his patient’s medical records on a computer; he kept paper records only…Clearly the government wanted to be able to hoover up his records…
Our Health Is A Big Concern of the Government…Control over what ‘medications’ i must take can be used to turn me into an available guinea pig for the drug corporations to test new concoctions…I expect many of us Useless Eaters will be helped on our way by such experiments, and we’ll be signed off with “failed the treatment regime” !
‘Australia Creates Taskforce For Implementing Universal Digital ID System’:
Taskforce: a Nudge Unit type body – lots of manipulators gathered together to work out a MSM propaganda campaign to encourage the masses to voluntarily opt-in – just like those voluntary jabs…The main selling campaign will be based on the assertion ‘it’s Safe and Effective’ ?
They may offer you a puffer as reward for every jab you accept.
Ref. an earlier article here, someone in Canada complained during covid of no response concerning assistance in mobility (a motorised staircase). They claimed lack of funds, and offered assisted suicide instead.
During a recent bush campdraft, the eftpos machine went offline, some excuse was politely given.
“Chuck that pos to the bin..ol’fela”
No hissy fits, cash in tow, beers and chow flowed.
Ephesians 5:11
Don’t fret, it’s not all bad in Transition Town- You’re always welcome in the barn….at the New World Organ Donor Farm.
Promotes the war effort too, keep those organs coming as the health myth vs reality forever clash somewhere.
Omg! Yes I am sure you’re right. Ugh! That undeserving WEF crew will get our organs, I am sure of it
The F-35 incident is an example of ‘unintended consequences’ or, alternatively, ‘why modern software writing methodologies tend to be a pile of odure”. The incident happened when the plane’s software decided to eject the pilot — its a F35B, the Marine variant, which doesn’t rely on the pilot pulling an ejection lever because the circumstances where they might need to eject (such as in a hover) would make it likely that the pilot wouldn’t respond fast enough. Having got rid of the pilot the software then wipes all the mission control parameters and turns off the units designed to track the plane when its flying over friendly territory. This led to a plane that’s flying at a low altitude (1000’) that’s designed to be stealthy disappearing. Which, of course, is exactly what its supposed to do.
The pilot ends up in a backyard and the homeowner has the problem of trying to explain that someone has just landed in their backyard. This apparently took some doing because, as we all know, these advanced planes don’t ever crash.
It got sorted out but ultimately the problem (apart from $100million+ going up in smoke) is that the design of this super-plane overlooks some system fundamentals. “What if?” type questions unasked and so unanswered. To anyone familiar with the way that organizations work, especially ones that involve technology, nothing that happened came as a surprise. This is an analog of our world, its inability to sort out everyday problems but at the same time the overarching need to produce ever more complex solutions to immediate problems. Anyway, solving all the plane’s issues piecemeal will outlive the actual plane so its definitely a job for life!
A smoky electrical wire in the cockpit will have one pulling the cord quickly, or perhaps the computer does that now w/a surprise wrench in the back upon ejecting, better to quit fighting than wear yourself out trying.
“…his backyard.”
Just correcting a grammatical error.
Did Lockheed produce this flying white elephant ? Bizarrely Lockheed has or had a distaff CEO. As do some other merchants of death.
“solving all the plane’s issues piecemeal will outlive the actual plane so its definitely a job for life!”
F35, aka the Flying Lemon, is the ultimate product of Anglo Zionazi Capitalist defence industry: make a product so expensive and so complicated that you have a cushy job for life fixing all its faults. Perfect for NATZO because NATZO specializes in fighting only small countries like Libya, Serbia and Afghanistan, where its sheer numerical superiority (preferably 100 to 1) will ensure short term victory. And in the long terme, NATZO can always “declare victory and withdraw” — like in Afghanistan.
AZC defense industry is on a roll even though it makes hyper expensive crappy armament because NATO also specialises in unloading its crappy armaments on small countries like Ukraine then encouraging those small countries to start a war against some large country that NATZO itself is afraid to fight. Replacing Ukraine’s scrap weaponry then becomes another money spinner for the AZC armaments industry.
“The Americans are promising to give the Phillipines all sorts of super weapons if we fight China. Do they think we are stupid?” — A Phillipina woman said.
For the Ukraine military, apart from translation especially during training, the units of measure on dials, documents, etc. are not metric. No wonder Zelensky, and his ministers and generals, are competing to sell the stuff off on the black market.
Given up power of attorney but carry on legislating?
The ruling Soviet gerontocracy presaged the collapse of that empire – are we seeing a rerun?
One thing’s for sure, they’ve studied the downfall of empires in great depth. That’s why Gibbon and Spengler are so famous.
I will sell my meat and dairy credits to anyone who wants them but they will never get my car and the freedom of movement it affords me.
Ditto Veri.
Aww bless, do we get invites to the wedding? or will it be just an informal ceremony…?
Dress formal or casual? decisions, decisions
Yep the ducks in that kinda mood ;0) my appologies Ladies
but i jest not as love can be found in the most extraordinary places, yes i too have been smitten…
shes ukranian, we met on the internet (as one does), now for sure politics is a subject we keep clear of but aside from that there is much to discuss..
she tells me she works with children, indeed poor ethnic russian orphans, she tells me she is involved with that process from “begining to end”
when asked what exactly she does with said orphans the Old translator software goes a bit weird, she says “some go to hollywood, the others go for organs”
i guess that means she sorts them out new and fantastic lives? as far reaching as movies, tv and even orchestras?
i asked whether she ever gets letters from any of them, she said “no, not where they go” i guess the “war” must be messing with the postal system?
she says that she cannot wait to wrap her big arms around me, grammar eh? we will get there…
also she says she looks forward to when we can be truly “man and woman”, nudge, nudge ;0), ;0) (im in there i think), but she says that “not everything in is in place and she must visit the hospital more times”, i dont enquire too deeply womens troubles n all….
now, id heard of the fabled beauty of the ukranian women and i must confess that i do have a thing for blondes, but i was not prepared for the first photo she sent me, i simply must show off my nazi leaning, slavic beauty for all to see…
Bicycle gives you all the freedom of movement and “free” air you need. Enjoy it before we introduce the Green Freedom Road Taxation System.
Robocop in the Times Square subway: with recent NYC crackdown on ‘the homeless’ for relocation to mental health prisons, maybe Officer Friendly will come equipped with needles and psychotropics (chemical lobotomies while you wait to be disappeared).
“It blows my mind how much we have not embraced technology, and part of that is because many of our electeds are afraid. Anything technology they think, ‘Oh it’s a boogeyman. It’s Big Brother watching you’. No, Big Brother is protecting you.”
— NYC Mayor Eric (aka Ernie) Adams
I appreciate your sense of humour: Right now it’s just an autistic Dalek, blundering about a subway station waiting to crash on the tracks or knock passengers down…
You often voice what we’re thinking out loud with a good balance of sarcasm and a healthy dose of the absurd. Thank you.
Having a son with high functioning autism is not a laughing matter.
Having said that, he probably would see the funny side, because unlike the $uiturd$ who rule, he can laugh at himself.
Smart Meters to be compulsory in UK – Sign petition now and forward to friends
In the energy bill, presently in parliament, there are plans to change our legal right to refuse to have a Smart meter at our property.
As you know these meters emit strong EMFs and for some of those most affected by ES this will make their home’s uninhabitable!
If this clause is passed it will give energy companies the right to break into your home, force you to accept their smart meter and put you in prison if you stand in their way.
Read more in the Telegraph article here:
There is an official government petition demanding that this bill is paused while the backbench rebellion is heard. Please sign that petition AND most importantly write to your MP making your concerns and objections known ASAP.
You can sign this fast-growing petition here:
Challenging smart meters on the grounds they emit harmful radiation is a losing strategy because, well, they don’t. They have innumerable other evils which are real but are more a product of the society we live in and the way we use technology than the actual metering of a utility. Ultimately its all about power — the power to tilt the scales in favor of the supplier and the expense of the user. (Its a bit like your grocer repricing the food in your larder after you bought it…..) Since its such a blatantly unfair deal people are naturally skeptical so where propaganda fails force is applied — you WILL conform, you WILL obey and your reluctance to do so means that you’re definitely marked out as one of “them”.
These meters, at least the electricity ones, tend to be both unreliable and somewhat inaccurate. They also consume a small amount of electricity — not a whole lot but over millions of customers it adds up. Nobody’s said who’s actually paying for that electricity (ultimately we all are, of course, but just asking the question marks you).
I agree the microwaves single wise could be a losing case inside, but the total quantity both inside and outside could.
I see the Smart meters more as an unnecessary profit, control and manipulation scheme.
You cant manipulate sealed manual meters.
The Smart meters cost 10 times more than a manual meter and can be manipulated or hacked from any one from the outside, and the customer doesnt have a chance if the meters go berserk.
Israel have IT programmes which can hack into any of these smart meters or surveillance cameras, photoshop what they want and the machine will be used as proof, saying its just one more control and manipulation tool.
the house of usher has not fallen
it was never a house just a dung pile of rancid congealed puss.
just sayin marty
This petition is likely to share the same fate as those against the latest killer jab. The legislators have voted away their own authority.
The Fraud trying to bring BLADE RUNNER world a little closer:
A reminder that BLADE RUNNER included not only pet-bots but sex-bots and an oligarch who dims the sun the only time it’s seen in the film. The city location is both “smart” and ultra-shabby, it seems both over- and under-populated at the same time and there’s runaway multi-culturalism. The world in the film is usually assumed to be post-apocalyptic but no nuclear war nor any other apocalyptic event is mentioned.
Dogs cant survive in real life. Cats maybe but its a rough life to sleep outside in the cold catching rats and reap garbage cans.
Dogs and cats can have a more secure and comfortable life with humans if they get frequently fresh air.
You can have a robotic cat or dog, but will be prohibited from opening it up to look for surveillance devices.
I never get tired of this video, so I’m doggedly reposting it:
Didn’t the PK Dick novel the film was based on not also feature a dial that could alter a lesson’s mood?
1.) Who had the bright idea of advertising covid vaccines on garbage trucks?
I don’t know, but it’s a brilliant precursor for the next marketing phase: garbage trucks festooned with “Bring Out Your Dead” signage. ☠ 💉
2.) I’m sure that the K5 “fully autonomous” security robot is equipped with ostensibly tamper-proof features to resist and defeat vandals, or at least capture video to potentially identify the dastardly criminals. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if laws and ordinances were established or revised to make any such sabotage equivalent to assaulting a hominid police officer, obstructing justice, etc.
I also look forward to the images of disabled or even disassembled K5s once vigilante anti-robocops devise workarounds to the safety features. 🤖 👮
their legs could be fixed with a 7lb hammer methinks?? but what if they give them teeth (chainsaw?), or guns??
Next campaign will be advertising on the side of a hearse..
For those who understand French, there is this analysis of UK data that shows that the all-cause mortality of the uninjected is lower than than that of those who took the juice, across all ages.
Why is a Frenchman talking of UK statistics? Because the French refuse to release their own, one wonders why.
Among other things he uses the findings of Norman Fenton.
french normans? the fucking bane of europa!!!!
Be very careful with statistics. Just saying. Statistics says absolutely nothing unless they are confirmed from real experience.
Everyone is doing this little manipulation game with statistics. Not saying its not true, but….
From your Link, the top response in French reads:
“Cela fait plus de deux ans qu’avec de nombreux chercheurs, et notamment Laurent Toubiana, nous demandons la diffusion des données de décès français selon le statut vaccinal. La raison est simple :
Si la vaccination anti-Covid-19 est sûre et efficace contre une maladie mortelle, alors on doit facilement montrer que les vaccinés meurent moins (toutes causes confondues) que les non-vaccinés.
Si on découvre que les vaccinés et les non-vaccinés meurent tout autant les uns que les autres, cela prouvera que la vaccination n’a aucun impact significatif sur le plan sanitaire.
Si on découvre que les vaccinés meurent davantage que les non-vaccinés, on en déduira que nous avons un sérieux problème de santé publique.
En France, les autorités ne sont pas prêtes à prendre le risque de la vérité.
L’Angleterre diffuse de son côté ces données. … Toutes les données sont évidemment publiques et en ligne, ce qui permet à tous de tout revérifier. Lien vers l’étude anglaise :…
Lien vers mon Google Sheet pour tout vérfier :…
this week has seemed to be a tipping point for many things, the harrms bill passing, the former NZ PM at the UN claiming that free speech should be censured to save it, The UK state sending letters to rumble, tik tok, youtube etc to try and get Russel brand demonetized and probably hoping he would be removed as well. And the lady who wrote the letters husband was involved with the 77th brigade in 2020. Also Bidens gun prevention office with the head being the VP plus the booster role out and more media hysteria over that, All in all, there is a feeling things are about to get worse.
and if I hear the word “safety” from the MSM once more, i mean 😡
I “like climate” too. 😀
Me too!😁
This from an asshole who will never be asked to reduce his own “standard of living.” More divide and conquer bullshit from a psychopath who should never be anywhere near a public forum. He and his kind spent generations encouraging rampant overconsumption but have now decided it’s time to pull the plug on all that and shamelessly blame those who did as they were told all of these years. Where is that guillotine when ya need it?
Maybe there’s a war going on in Hell, and Gates of Hell who knows the truth about ALL the major scams is jockeying for position. And if he goes further upstream it will only illuminate the truth. However, another alternative is that he is exacerbating DIVISION, and creating a turf (TERF?) war with the Green Loonies, who are either bought and paid for and/or totally self-righteously demented.
I have my 3 cars, 2 motobike Honda and 1 sailboat, a holiday house in Rocky Mountains plus my home and earn $200 000/year, Air travel 6 times/year. Skiing.
Kill 1 billion in Africa, China, and India each and we are down on 5 billion. Tell them to work harder and use condoms. Deal done!
I refuse to lay down my sportscar, my style and comfort because I am exceptional.
You’re behind the curve. The rich have run out of foreign colonies to exploit, and now they are gunning for the poor $200kpa saps among their own people
Some people in the West still haven’t understood that the wars have come home (“They wouldn’t do it to their own kind”, LOL).
Jean Jaures told us that. I guess that’s why he had to die?
One benefit from the Scamdemic is that many have realised their government was trying to take them out and no longer accept as verbatim, issues like CC.
Funny that when you try and murder people they lose their trust in you….so fickle!
I live in the hope that they showed their hand with the pandemic, making more people smell a rat.
they’re all still in power.No heads have rolled
No problem. Government just feed the majority the sheeple with a few dollars, and you and I get raised tickets. Fixed.
‘raised tickets’?
What’s CC please?
So-called ‘Climate Change’!