Major Victory for 9/11 Family: UK attorney general withdraws decision on application for new inquest
The attorney general’s office has advised that a new decision will be made “in due course.” The family expects a new decision no later than the end of the year.
International Center for 9/11 Justice

We at the International Center for 9/11 Justice are very happy to announce — on behalf of the family of Geoff Campbell — that the decision by the attorney general for England and Wales to refuse the family’s application for a new inquest into Geoff’s murder on September 11, 2001, has been withdrawn.
This development comes a little less than two weeks after the Campbell family sent a “pre-action protocol letter” to the attorney general’s office announcing their intention to seek judicial review of the attorney general’s June 2023 decision.
The letter included a 21-page submission, to be made to the court, setting forth the family’s grounds for challenging the attorney general’s unlawful and irrational decision, which was issued nearly two years after the family first submitted their application.
The attorney general’s withdrawal of her decision one day before the Campbell family was to file for judicial review is a major victory for the family in their effort to open a new inquest into Geoff’s death.
The attorney general’s office has advised that a new decision will be made “in due course.” Given how much time has already gone into reviewing the application, the family expects a new decision no later than the end of the year.
In light of the attorney general’s implicit admission that the original decision was legally deficient, the Campbell family is confident that the decision will be reversed and is more hopeful than ever that they will have their day in the West London Coroner’s Court — where they will prove that Geoff was killed in the North Tower’s demolition.
The Campbell family and we at the International Center for 9/11 Justice are deeply grateful to all who donated toward the family’s attorney fees. It is your generosity that made this victory possible.
Join Matt Campbell and Ted Walter this Sunday for a Q&A about the next steps in the path to a new inquest
Matt Campbell, the brother of Geoff Campbell, and Ted Walter, the executive director of the International Center for 9/11 Justice, will be participating in a Zoom call this Sunday, October 1, 2023, from 4:00 to 5:00 PM Eastern.
They will update the 9/11 community on this latest development and discuss next steps in the path to a new inquest. Join them if you’re available, or watch afterward.
Tune in Sunday October 1st 4pm Eastern/9pm UK. Matt Campbell will be also be appearing at the Official Version vs The Truth event, this Saturday (Sept 30th) in London.
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How Strange
So the US government has been encouraging the population to sadistically exterminate a species of insect. And one from China. This takes us back to the period soon after the glorious Mao revolution. Mao encouraged his subjects to exterminate the Chinese sparrow. Allegedly it devoured grain meant for humans. The populace went berserk, killing sparrows and preventing them from resting or nesting. The poor creature became extinct and the insects that it fed on devoured the crops instead. This (the sparrow) sad story is another example of the devastation of nature by the banksters’ soulless Marxist operatives. Marxism is the mirror image of materialist capitalism, foisted upon those who did not indulge in colonial loot and genocide.
Wrong thread. I will attempt to paste onto the next thread.
Thanks for the explanation! I was racking my brains….
Antonio Gramsci – “soulless Marxist” … ?
Nothing like a sweeping generalization to give your arguments substance, eh.
He didn’t mention Gramsci and calling Marxism soulless is an opinion not a generalisation. In my opinion, Marxism is a joyless, materialist, destructive and sociopathic ideology, the creation of revolutionary Jews hell bent on undermining white, European society and culture and is leading us to national and international tyranny.
Maybe with this being a British website you’d be best off putting Britain time GMT/BST on too so we can time in.
Seems pretty ‘ transatlantic’ to me
There was some discussion almost 10 years ago about Matt Campbell.
If you scroll down a little bit you can watch a presentation by Matt Campbell at a 12th anniversary 9/11 (half) truth meeting.
“I vividly remember the day we received some more of Geoff’s remains, this was back in 2008: it was his scalp, with hair attached to his skin, the soft tissue of his left ear, his eye socket, his eyebrow, along with some of his right jaw and three teeth.”
I mean, really?
‘Geoffrey Thomas Campbell was attending a Risk Waters conference on the 106th floor of WTC 1 (also known at the North Tower) when the building was struck by an aircraft at 8:46 AM on September 11, 2001. He died in the destruction of WTC 1 at 10:28 AM. His fragmented remains were identified by DNA analysis in 2002, 2004, 2008, and 2013.’
I mean, really,honestly, truthfully?
Oh and btw, I actually made a donation to AE911 back in the day(!) but heyho, I can at least laugh at myself for being so fckin naive and gullible.
9/11 will most likely remain as only a lot of different rooms full of smoke and mirrors….where you get misled by spooks and then end up chasing fckin ghosts down little dead-end (or at times never-ending) streets.
It is remarkable that the soft tissue of his left ear remained undecomposed after 7 years. I suppose it could have been found quickly by the cleanup crew and spent the next 7 years in refrigeration, withdrawn as the workload permitted for DNA testing. Afterall Atta’s passport was discovered relatively intact.
Hundreds of people have spent long periods in jail, or been executed, based on flaky claims for DNA as subsequebtly admitted by US FBI.
kc and the sun shining band heres johnny
baby give it up give it up baby give it up.
the revolution will not be televised or happinin
kings council as in the crown city of london empire
do these folks below, that look like seeded clones from the movie invasion of the body snatchers look like the solution or the khazar problem?
that is the question what a monsters eyes wide shut ball
waterloo couldnt escape if i wanted 2
the horror the horror the horror
Centre for 9/11 Justice cannot be taken seriously if they continue to talk about planes hitting the tower.
There is only video footage of silhouettes of planes disappearing behind the towers followed by an explosion and videos of planes gliding like ghosts into towers.
There is zero footage of the second “plane” at a time when every camera in Manhattain was focused on those towers of a plane slamming into a building, breaking apart and tons of debris falling to the ground below AT the MOMENT of impact.
Not talking about random engines and other things being found under scaffolding much much later.
No hijackers, means no bad “Muslims”, no reason to attack Afghanistan, no reason to hold Saudi oil hostage as has been done through ARAMCO and US military bases in Saudi for decades…..US refineries are set up to process Saudi crude.
MBS is the bad guy even if he was a teenager in 2001….
And the person who was on BBC on September 11, 2001 gloating about the event was Ehud Barak….who somehow predicted exactly on that day what airports would become:… cutting edge radiology diagnostics.
‘Centre for 9/11 Justice cannot be taken seriously if they continue to talk about planes hitting the tower.’
I don’t think any of those 9/11truth groups can be taken seriously or even trusted…they all seem very spooky to me and I think they are there to mislead and distract a lot of sincere and well-meaning people.
It’s all part of the continuing 9/11 theatricals. The truth about 9/11 will never be televised.
@The truth about 9/11 will never be televised.
Except it already has been, you just missed it.
Just another “Please can you chip in?” cash cow for the financial benefit of people who think EVERYBODY was born yesterday.
Unfortunately for them, only 99.9999999 of us were born yesterday, along with several who were born the day before…
“Throughout human history, the notion of justice has been a fundamental concern. Whether aligning with divine laws, religious doctrines or societal rulers, justice and law have always been closely connected with human civilisation. In contemporary society, discussions on justice have grown in intensity. Confronting issues of corrupt governance, erosion of human rights, instances of police brutality, rising crime rates, environmental concerns, and more, it often appears that justice is an elusive and malleable ideal, subject to the interpretation of those in power. This prevailing perception resulted in ordinary people taking the matters into their own hands, assuming positions as arbiters of social justice. However, it is worth contemplating whether this approach is misguided. Relying on judgement and discrimination tends to exacerbate the problems, generating more discord. Due to human fallibility, it is evident that our inherent nature is not suitable for judgement. Despite our flaws, there are steps we can take to effect meaningful change in the world. This change begins with introspection rather than external imposition. This is where the concept of Spiritual Justice comes in.”
Extract from “Spiritual Justice” by Layla Oresme:
In other words: Karma.
“Matt Campbell, the brother of Geoff Campbell, and Ted Walter, the executive director of the International Center for 9/11 Justice, will be participating in a Zoom call this Sunday, October 1, 2023, from 4:00 to 5:00 PM Eastern.
They will update the 9/11 community on this latest development and discuss next steps in the path to a new inquest. Join them if you’re available, or watch afterward.”
Signs of Communal Light in the Conspiratorial Darkness. I have often posted on the need for ordinary people to use the same Internet Connectivity instruments that the Conspirators use, to strengthen Joe Public’s ability to exert Feedback Control from the Bottom Up, in order to counter the regime’s ability to exert Feed Forward Control from the Top Down. Both directions are needed for good government.
Crowd Funding and Zoom are examples of Feedback from the Bottom Up. Another example is the use of internet by Truther sites such as OffG. Instead of bemoaning the Digital World and AI, we should be on the lookout for using these tools to found society on Truth and Justice, instead of resigning them to be solely used by Conspirators Incorporated.
“Only connect” — EM Forster
No justice will be served in this life time…
That’s the spirit!
If it were your brother or son wouldn’t you seek justice? I think the family deserve credit for their efforts. For them justice is a path rather than a destination. Maybe the path they are on today will lead to justice for others in the future.
who is paying the chambers fees
inner temple or outer
starting at £700 an hour for a less than average silk.
the revolution does not start here
if the non medicated cannot see it in them faces.
these stories are just mockery a salve facade
bravermann was attorney general that is the system
folks like victor rothschild over 40 years helped rot out the system
electrons electrical impulse photons jpegs
most rip tie only tighten a little click at a time that is it
“For them justice is a path rather than a destination”
Alrighty, if you say so spud…
Allan Dulles is dead, Donald Rumsfeld is dead. Do you want more justice beating two dead horses?
There is only the public who elected and selected these two into office. The public pay some mio to the victims families. Justice has been duly served!
I guess it’s easy to ridicule this, i.e., “MAJOR” victory. Like, come on man, this isn’t going anywhere. So how the hell can you call it a “major” victory? Whatever floats your boat I guess, but this is like those still having hope on the Titanic when the lifeboats were gone. I do have to give credit to the families still pursuing justice of course. I would do the same. And I have felt that if only the families and those affected by the fake Covid-19 would speak up, which many have, then maybe we could make some head weigh. But sorry, this is just a blip, a very slight pause in the overall descent into complete madness. If there aren’t enough of us that can organize to fight back, we’re toast. And now que those that think “organizing” is out of the question and all we need to do is get spiritual. Because some fucking spirit will save our asses from the psychos.
What’s your head weigh Big Al?
I don’t know Johnny, I put it on the scale but can’t see the numbers when I do it. I’ll need some help and will get back to ya.
We are approaching the 60th anniversary of the JFK assassination. Those who ordered the hit are long gone. Sometime in late October 1963 Victor R and David ben G most probably approved the proposal to blow the brains of the “most powerful man in the world” into a pink aerosol over Elm street in the shooting gallery that is Dealey Plaza. Both these gentlemen presumably died peacefully in their beds and were accorded respectful burials.
That unfortunately is the way “justice” works in the real world.
Justice works like you come after me, I come after you, that’s real.
Seems you like presuming don’t you, P.M.?
I presume their evil spirits were welcomed into hell by screeching devils that accompanied them slowly and torturously to their eternal abodes in the lowest, coldest circles of Hell.
My presumption gives me a peaceful, easy feeling …
How long have the legally proficient had to conjure legally deficient?
Must be a difficult application to stop legally.
Perhaps the revised decision to decline is more carefully worded?
Nice to see them choking on their own bullshit.
Here’s hoping for a day in court….
It’s akin to fighting a giant Hydra with a toothpick.
Good luck Folks.
Saying the same. Whatever floats the boat for this family.
Good luck with some million bucks in compensation. You folks fully deserved it. You wanted it, you needed it, you worked for it, you did it to the end.
I got -20 last time. Is that good?
She is Totally Beautiful. Both her older Brothers…Love Her to Bits and her Mum & Dad just adore her.
She is their youngest child…and My Grandaughter is having a Contest with me
She is About to make 1 Years old…its her Birthday soon….
I have already had my 70th…
We are having a competition ..she started crawling…then she looked at me and my zimmerframe…and stood up and started walking with a little help from her Dad.
Come on Grandad – Keep Up….
Nana has made a pretty dress for Our Little GIRL
I reckon we will both run into each other arms in joy…
They might be able to do genocide wars and the most appaling things
But what they can’t destroy is the Family and LOVE
It’s our Little Girl’s first birthday party
You’re on the wrong site Tony.
It’s Fakebook or Tak Tuk you’re after.
Drink bleach and fuck off you obvious narcissist
Hi ‘Tony’ – I think people don’t understand why you keep turning up and making up long stories about your life. It’s irritating and also a little disturbing that you can’t even keep your story straight & that you keep forgetting how old you claimed to be or how many kids/grandkids you’re supposed to have. Hence the huge numbers of downvotes.
I’d say you can expect to be permanently banned soon, for being oh-so-gaggingly sickly and criminally off-topic.
You are not our friend, but a time waster.
Good luck to them. I “got” 9/11 almost on the day. When I was sure, I told everyone.
Everyone thought I was mad.
I got COVid before it had started ..cos I thought I had it. When I was sure, I told everyone.
Everyone thought I was mad.
I said look it is not a problem – its no worse than the flu – i fixed mine with ear drops from Asda…
Then almost everyone went mad – when the propaganda kicked in…
But I am hopeful now, though I have not been well, even though I never got jabbed..I am getting better..its been really horrible…blood poisoning…
After most of the summer in hospital and now home, I am detecting a positive change..
Almost everyone now knows, someone close, who got jabbed, and is either dead, or not well.
Sure the propaganda continues, but who exactly is planning to get jabbed again, whilst the girls talk with their mates….and their fit children ………..are suddenly dead.
The new Internet nasi laws will fine social media up to 10% of their yearly income for smut speech. This is nasi, really really nasi.
you never got covid
you got fast junk food doctor meds
and 5g triggering flu like symptoms
tony you have heavy metals and parasite swimming in your brain box
Strange family.
this is it
this is victory
v for
broad sword calliing danny boy come in over
Laughing at us.
Not strange, but alas! unusual.
Then the Lord said to Jeremiah, “Babylon is a great city wherein are many fat cattle”.
Jeremiah replied to the Lord, “And if I can find just 12 Just Men in that city, or even One, then wilt Thou spare the city?”.
Well done to the families whose search for truth has so persistent. My concern from the start was that; when the truth finally comes out – will anyone be paying attention? Or will further horrors elsewhere diminish the significance of the 3 buildings collapsing in free fall?
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-09-23. 338x cancers. Obama, $5m & Wuhan lab. Sudiksha Thirumalesh deserved better. Russell Brand & Magna Carta (blog, gab, tweet).
From your Link:
“‘Denied the freedom for a chance at more life, and now, denied the freedom to speak about it!’ @LozzaFox reacts to Sudiksha Thirumalesh’s family finally being able to reveal their daughters identity following a legal battle with the NHS to remain on life-saving treatment. (tweet).
A health service and a judicial system hell bent on on protecting themselves above all others. Sudiksha Thirumalesh deserved better. We all deserve better. (tweet).
(Cancelling Russell Brand)
Dame Caroline Julia Dinenage, Baroness Lancaster of Kimbolton, DBE (born 28 October 1971[1]), is a British Conservative Party politician who has served as a minister from May 2015 until September 2021[7] in six different government departments, under three successive prime ministers as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Government Equalities Office, Ministry of Justice, Department for Education and Department for Work and Pensions. In January 2018 Minister of State at the Department of Health and Social Care, and in February 2020 at the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.
In her present post Dame Caroline has violated one of the few clauses of the Magna Carta which are still in effect in Britain, that an Englishman’s property may not be arbitrarily seized or stripped from him without the lawful judgement of his peers, or by the Law of the land. (tweet).
“What Should We Tell Caroline?”. Resign! Resign!
Before you get too drunk on celebratory champagne I suggest binge watching a few episodes of “Yes, Minister”. This wasn’t so much a comedy series as a documentary thinly disguised as a comedy series, its both very funny but also a glimpse into how Whitehall works. From my recollection there’s innumerable ways to ‘lose’ unwelcome material — inquiries, reports, questions — without actually appearing to do so.
It wasn’t a documentary Martin.
It was a training video.
Sir Humphrey: It’s unthinkable! There is no way any pressure can be placed on a British judge!
Hacker: Then how does one secure a conviction?
Sir Humphrey: Simple. You find a judge who won’t need any pressure put on him.
Yes, Minister, the program that preached subliminal Thatcherism.
Lost in the Labyrinth. The regime has at its disposal not only a Civil Service where a Dept Head can deliver him a dodgy dossier (in return for promotion to the House of Lords); it also has a Justice System where a High Court Judge with “a safe pair of hands” can deliver a judgment that “The Prime Minister did not know the dossier was dodgy”. And that is why, with all these governmental powers coming from the Top Down, it is so important to strengthen social Feedback Control From the Bottom up.
It is now more than a century since the Christian socialist GK Chesterton wrote about “the shyness of the capitalist”. In a large corporation the workman is hired or fired but nobody can be compelled to tell him who gave the original order. The Labyrinth is a conspirator’s paradise, in which major criminals such as the plotters and executives in the 911 Bush Regime walk free.
“Democracy is where poisonous creatures armed with terrible stings go around unhindered” — Plato, The Republic.
I consider “the thick of it” to be closer to the truth than yes, minister.
It’s of course a good thing; but I’m not sure I’d call it a “Major Victory.”
After all, Julian Assange was able to get his day in Court. But a day in Court, as it turns out, is like a day at the Zoo (as one of the displays).
What is the latest on Julian >>?
Last I heard his health was really bad.
If they keep jabbing him – for his own safety – what are his chances?
“The Slow Motion Execution of Julian Assange”
If you were going by the book, the numbers and the people, it appears to be a major victory, not an absolute one yet, that determination is still some time away.
“Dont care about one time spending. Its the little shekel saved every day that makes you rich”. Jewish poem.
Well done to Geoff Campbell’s family and well done to Off G for keeping it in the public eye. It seems to suggest that the govt thinks that the UK legal system is working
What happened? This guy had a large life insurance policy but couldn’t prove he was in the building during the event?
no victory is possible here hare here.
u sea the 9 and 11 was ritual
a satanick one.
pharisee old khazaria new khazar kagan
the devil rides out
douglas reed eustace mullins wrote of these powers these con spire ring a rings
christopher bollyn michael collins piper.
oded yinon never sleeps.
how can justice prevail in a fantasy land of legal fictions.
what is real
the reality would seem to be everything is a lie a satanick inversion.
a banksta slave system based on debt
no real money exists
just swept labour and promise to pay paper
“The propaganda of Communism throughout the world, in organization and direction is in the hands of armish oirish agents. As for anyone who does not know that the Bolshevist movement in Russia is ish, I can only say that he must be a man who is taken in by the suppression of our deplorable press.” — Hilaire Belloc
Anti communism is for people who repeat the views of people they know are liars.