Eugenics, Propaganda & Transgenderism

Dustin Broadbery

When illustrious leaders of the opposition cannot define what a woman is, you got to ask yourself, what the hell is going on?

Why is all this overrated, X-rated smut being peddled from every outlier?

Have we really flooded school libraries with homoerotic books meant for 6-year-old school kids?

Whose idea was it to enshrine drag queen-story hour as a rite of passage?

And since when was it acceptable for creeps with schoolgirl fetishes to have unsupervised, intimate conversations with our kids?

In any other time, it would be named indecent exposure or worse grooming. But not today. Self-indulgent narcissism is the gold standard of self-expression. The conversations people ought to be having with their therapist have become prime time debating points. It’s another day another carnivalesque parade of blokes in frocks swanning around social media, the creepier and more degenerate the content, the more of an inalienable right it is to rub your nose in it. For as long as their entitlements are upheld, all others are scattered to the wind. It’s no longer women and children first but every licentious adult male with a fetish in need of validation.

Typically, it’s a mind-numbing sideshow that would go entirely unnoticed if it wasn’t for the algorithms. Even amongst men lacking distinction, to paraphrase Catch 22, the likes of Dylan Mulvaney would inevitably stand out as men lacking even more distinction than all the rest.

But not so fast. Progressivism has managed to polish the turd, so much so that the most nauseating and cringeworthy are regaled into positions of mega-stardom, celebrated not for their virtue, but complete lack of credibility.

I’m all in favour of freedom of expression, men being in touch with their feminine side, it’s when schoolchildren are mandated to provide what constitutes a free psychotherapy session that I have a problem; and It’s when the most immoral are given the halo effect by conventional wisdom that alarms bells start ringing.

Not so long ago, the deranged ramblings of a person’s alter ego would be subject to strict patient doctor confidentially, but today they are celebrated as virtuous hallmarks of the post-modern citizen, by a society that loves to suffer more than the occasional fool.

Alphabet Mafia

Founded on the principles of diversity is our strength, your garden variety trans identifier is just another member of another club. Rather than being a unique personification of themselves, it’s one unattractive, overweight, offcut adrift in a sea of other unattractive, overweight, offcuts.

It’s not so much about defending individual expression but creating a mutual admiration society.

And what’s really under attack here is not, woe betide, people’s feelings, delusions of identity or, indeed, right to immoral debauchery, but the fundamentals of our humanity.

The rainbow flag hangs from every public institution, the NHS is erasing the word ‘women’, schools teach 11-year-olds – manythat have just started menstruating – that if they feel uncomfortable in their bodies they’re probably transgender, according to Wikipedia there are 107 gender identities and counting, and ask Google if a man can get pregnant and the answer is unequivocally “yes”.

If the lessons from history are anything to go by, systems of authoritarianism usually begin with people’s attempts to strong-arm the population into the kind of collectivist wrong-think rife throughout trans-ideology; and typically accompany people’s attempts to hijack science and values, language, and culture.

The rainbow is one such requisition, another is mermaids, pride comes from the family unit of lions, begging the question – was this always about children and family disruption, rather than self-expression and inclusion?

Big Pharma

Amongst a consortium of vested interests is big pharma The sex reassignment surgery market valued at $623 million in 2022 is projected to reach a jaw-dropping $1.9 billion by 2032, with the cost of each surgical transition ranging from $125,000-$140,000.

Not to mention hormone replacement drugs and lifetime of prescription antidepressants for the unresolved mental health crisis which bodily mutilation is going to exacerbate, and you have a lot of money for political lobbying, influencers, and eventually social change.

In breach of their Hippocratic Oath surgeons have gone from amputating diseased tissues to healthy organs. It’s comparable to the illegal practice of genital mutilation frowned upon by the same moral crusaders defending trans-kids rights to violate their own sex organs. It’s the same energy underpinned by an acceptable rather than unacceptable moral imperative.

In the US, prescription of hormone therapies drugs has more than doubled amongst 6-17 year olds, while in the UK the effect of the pandemic saw the number of youngsters seeking help for mental health problems jump from 12% of children in 2017 to 17.8% in 2022.

It’s all fun and games until it’s not. One of the most conclusive studies from Sweden found that the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery rose to 20 times that of comparable peers.

Marketing Gender Dysphoria

The fact that 1.8% of kids and 0.6% of adults identify as the opposite sex, means that two-thirds of children who identify as transgender will eventually overcome gender dysphoria as adults.

But not if those pushing gender ideology have anything to do with it. In recent years marketing directly to children has skyrocketed as advertisers spend more than $12 billion each year targeting kids, and with a majority now having televisions in their bedrooms, it is estimated that children are viewing more than 40,000 commercials each year.

But the biggest explosion in advertising to the youth market comes from unsupervised internet time and advancement in the ways unscrupulous marketers target minors through influencers.

If pronouns are the gateway drug, influencers are the street-dealers. Even amongst adults, Influencers have huge persuasive power with 61% of adult consumers trusting their recommendations. Kids, on the other hand, don’t understand persuasive intent as adults do, since cognitive structures have not yet been formed.

Now imagine how a child’s myopia relates to influencers like Dylan Mulvaney or scar worshipping content on TikTok and Snapchat.

And is it any wonder that Generation Z are nearly four times as likely than those over 40 to identify as transgender, nonbinary, gender-nonconforming?

Or that one in five high schoolers identify as non-heterosexual?

Edward Bernays

Arguably it all goes back to Edward Bernays. the nephew of Sigmund Freud who helped shift the U.S from a nation of citizens into a nation of consumers.

Considered the founding father of propaganda, Bernays adapted Freud’s theory that people were motivated by hidden desires to convince Americans that they should buy consumer goods not because of their necessity, but because they expressed a hidden sense of their inner selves.

He persuaded corporations that if they created a surplus of desires within a society, those desires would not only be satisfied by consumables, but if those consumables were be linked to people’s feelings, Irrelevant objects would become powerful emotional symbols of worship.

Bernays’ theories helped powerful interests divorce the masses from public policy and transform consumerism into the central motor of American life.

On behalf of big tobacco interests Bernays convinced women in America to smoke – at a time when it was socially unacceptable for them to do so – on the back of psychologist, AA Brill’s theory that cigarettes were phallic symbols of male sexual power that would ‘give women their own penises.’

To test the theory Bernays Hijacked New York’s Easter Day parade with a group of rich debutants masquerading as suffragettes ready for Bernays signal to light up. And with the press at hand to capture the moment, the infamous campaign Torches of Freedom was unleashed across every front page.

Bernays had essentially created the idea that if a woman smoked, she would be more powerful, freer, and independent, and if others related to this ideal, they should light their torches of freedom in solidarity.

The same subliminal messaging pervades trans ideology. If you feel that you don’t fit into a profoundly polarised society then the fault lies with your own biology and not the prevailing zeitgeist. Social engineers create the conditions for existential disconnect and offer gender reassignment as the solution.

Gender Eugenics

A similar movement was underway at the turn of the last century when eugenics policies set about eliminating undesirables from the gene pool by forcibly sterilising more than 70,000 feebleminded, disabled, homosexuals and ethnic minorities.

Underpinning the theory of eugenics were elitist, racist and sexist assumptions by government policy makers, prominent industrialists and largely left leaning psychologists, sexologists, educators, and social reformers, including British abortion pioneer Marie Stopes and Margaret Sanger, founder of The American Birth Control League, that would become Planned Parenthood,

In 1969 Planned Parenthood addressed a letter to the Rockefeller Foundations Population Council, known as the Jaffe Memo, proposing several mendacious policies for curbing population growth. These included child tax, compulsory abortions, compulsory sterilisations and, importantly, the encouragement of increased homosexuality.

Some argue that the trans-gendering of children is eugenics by another name. Homosexuals, sterilised under court order a century ago, are doing so of their own volition today. Teenagers weaned on hormone blockers for 12 months who transition to cross-sex hormones risk permanent sterilisation, or as the NHS puts it permanent infertility.

Studies suggest those on the autism spectrum are far more likely to identify as LGBTQ with research from Cambridge University suggesting that autistic adults and adolescents are approximately eight times more likely to identify as asexual and ‘other’ sexuality than their non-autistic peers. Which begs the question – is gender dysphoria misdiagnosis of neurodivergence, namely autism?

At the turn of the century those on the autism spectrum would have been diagnosed as feebleminded under penalty of sterilisation.

What eugenics and gender dysphoria also have in common, according to lesbian, feminist scholar, Sheila Jeffreys, is that…

“both practices are based upon the idea that certain problematic behaviours have a biological basis and can be “cured” by treatments which alter and affect sexual characteristics.”

Jeffreys argues that both are programs of institutionalised social engineering by largely left leaning socialist, academics, psychologists, and sexologists.


Heir to Bernays’ legacy are the predictive programming and subliminal messaging driving today’s public onion, where its sentiment over facts, feelings over morality, and state sponsored populism over traditional social causes.

The result is a generation weaned on corporate and political agenda masquerading as social ideals, and a society that has become an inversion of itself.

Despite the progressive appearances, gender ideology seeks to destroy the nuanced qualities of existential identity acquired over a lifetime of hands-on applied experience.

Under the LGBTQ rubric, it’s no longer about who you are, what you’re made from, the contents of your character, it’s about everything you imagine yourself to be, but are not. The lives you don’t live rather than the one they do. How you aimlessly feel from one idle day to the next, blowing in the wind like last year’s autumn leaves.

It is the manufacturing of a fantasy of what a woman should be, pronouncing her to be so unexceptional as to be instantly replicable. It’s a reductionist ideology that debases sociosexual characteristics into a handful of tropes, loads them into the back end of a social media vending machine which, like every other frontier of our post-consumer society, spits out entirely disposable things of no value. The peak throwaway culture spawned from Bernays propaganda now stretches beyond objects and things to people and their identities.

The same social engineering that divorced the masses from public policy using consumerism in the 1920’s, are dissociating minors from their bodies, some would argue, as a prelude to transhumanism.

You will own nothing, particularly your own identity, and with a host of neurological disorders, you will be happy on antidepressants.
If you enjoy synthetically modified RNA vaccines and gender reassignment surgery, you will love the Internet of Bodies.
Arguably, the intended consequences of gender ideology is to transform those on the Autism spectrum into prototypes for the future of humanity – a submissive, easily deceived generation without scruples, permanently at odds with their identity, meddling with their biology and primed for whatever socially engineered future their puppet masters have in store for them.

Dustin Broadbery is a writer and researcher from London trying to make sense of the New Normal these past three years. Particularly the ethical and legal issues around lockdowns and mandates, the history and roadmap to today’s biosecurity state, and the key players and institutions involved in the globalised takeover of our commons. You can find his work at www.thecogent.org, or follow him on twitter @TheCogent1


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Categories: Big Pharma, latest, LGBTQ
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Oct 4, 2023 12:52 AM

The thing I find most appalling about gender identity and ideology is they do indeed shove it down our throats. I don’t care if other people want to pretend they are not male or female and change their pronouns, but because they want to do that I have been forced to share pronouns. even when I casually avoid sharing pronouns someone always comes back around to make sure I join the gender cult. I have yet to find a polite way to opt out primarily out of fear that I will be ostracized from my tiny professional community.

Oct 2, 2023 4:28 PM

Morally unjustifiable policies are always founded upon lies and exaggeration – because they require fear:
concepts of brainwashing, zoonotics, pandemics, climate, Malthus and eugenics.

Put it another way, if they use fear – it’s a con.

The CIA has just outed itself by revealing it conspired with Fauci to dismiss a lab leak, insisting a bat had sex with a pangolin or something… a matryoshka Russian nesting doll of lies.

So now we know the CIA is part of the eugenics, depop, plandemic trifecta, and probably climate and trans, too.

How far does this go back? Well, CIA has form: MK-Ultra.

Oct 2, 2023 8:46 AM

The linked article by Ryan T Anderson was also excellent.

Oct 2, 2023 2:30 AM


I wouldn’t comment, but then I read you are supposedly “….researcher….Particularly the ethical and legal issues…..”.
In general I concur, lgbtxy+-/* type shit is at least distasteful, politicized fudge-packing. Why they can’t consensually copulate however they want, with whomever they want, behind closed doors like most people do? Damn, it’s not so easy, there is a problem somewhere for their legalized relationship to be called marriage.

Actually, it’s interesting how you use the notion of morality, very in line with the zeitgeist, mostly is a rhetorical figure that lacks meaning.

Morality has nothing to do with the video you linked in the phrase “the most immoral”. Buffoons like this get a lot of views, yeah, stupid, but not the case for morality.

Then, “right to immoral debauchery”. What does that mean? You are highly likely a proponent of free speech and free expression is its companion. I would suggest more precision and not using words just to get imaginary significance.

“It’s the same energy underpinned by an acceptable rather than unacceptable moral imperative.”
If it is a moral imperative then we talk about abiding or violating. Don’t kill ! is never about acceptance.

“Heir to Bernays’ legacy are the predictive programming and subliminal messaging driving today’s public onion, where its sentiment over facts, feelings over morality, and state sponsored populism over traditional social causes.”
You could add wants over needs. “Feelings over morality” …really, c’mon?

What is immoral in this case is manipulation/abuse of children, not telling about all health consequences of sex change procedures, lying by omission.

It seems, manipulation of adults became morally tolerable, that is peanuts when they threaten you will soon own nothing.
Yeah, sad state of affairs with morality

Oct 2, 2023 4:05 PM
Reply to  mik

Torches of Freedom and Pride Pride, but especially its better brother Honor, are notions utterly meaningless, perverted in Western civilization, or if you prefer, in “our way of life”. The higher one is on the social ladder the more this is true. You are aware of cases big cats being caught with fingers in the jar, lying, deceiving, betraying public trust…they all have teflon faces. More than often there is no real social consequences for transgression. Seppuku is likely seen by westerners like an excess, an aberration of reasonable. There is no room for honor because of the prevailing pragmatism that itself is a necessity of capitalism. One must play the ball, be it bad-billy or joe-six-pack, otherwise its mere existence is in jeopardy. Honor, morality are a luxury for a starving man. Capitalism is an excellent tool for control, it’s a gamification of life, possibly providing affluence for devoted players. Well, everybody must play it by definition, it’s a game of life. Objections regarding being a rigged game are funny…do you really believe a perfect game is possible? More important, games have rules, they create circumstances, and by creating circumstances the outcomes are predictable, proved by proper understanding of Milgram’s experiment. By controlling circumstances outcome is in control, i.e. one have control. I don’t think most pride carnival participants would approve a lost soul behavior, a guy moisturizing his butt-hole using public faucet that is put in place to provide people with free drinking water (video in article under “degenerate”). Lgbtxy+-/* movement is omnibus creature, there is enough of substance for some people to support them and enough for others to despise them. Once upon a time they had legitimate demands, but as far as I know, majority of them have been met. I see similarity with criticizing Israel… Read more »

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Oct 1, 2023 5:38 PM

Life is all about dignity; either you have dignity for yourself or you don’t. Modern society is shaped by people who have long forgotten self-dignity and expect others to follow suit.

Oct 1, 2023 3:38 PM

This article is quite a mishmash of excellent observations and flights of fancy.

The one thing I can get 100% behind is not letting anyone – and I mean ANYONE – but the teacher in front of a classroom filled with children. No story hour, not by cross-dressers, not by the President of the United States. Nothing, nada. Teachers only are welcome in the classroom.

We wouldn’t want extraneous people lacking expertise in a hospital room where a surgery is taking place. Nor should we allow anyone in a classroom who lacks teaching skills – including the security guard!

As to blaming everything but acne on LGBT, that’s a bit over the top. Way over the top. Here’s a newsflash: TPTB will need far more than an army of cross-dressers to destroy Western “civilization.” (You heard it here first.)

Oct 2, 2023 8:48 AM
Reply to  Howard

What about a president reading My Pet Goat aloud?

Oct 2, 2023 4:30 PM
Reply to  mgeo

That’s precisely what I was referring to – but my lazy bone was in high gear when I typed that comment so I didn’t bother looking up what it was Mr. Bush was reading as the Twin Towers came tumbling down.

Thank you for not being as lazy as me.

Oct 3, 2023 7:37 AM
Reply to  Howard

Of course you were referring to that incident. And Bush followed instructions: to shut up and stay put for a while.

Oct 1, 2023 3:28 PM

My numbers.

Just heard the governor of California say that it’s only 1% of the population. What’s the big deal? 22% minors in 40 million Californians X 1% X $150,000.00 per transition surgery equals what? And the cost of maintenance drugs is astronomical. Let me see….. Can you say Billions? That’s the big deal. And that’s just in California.

The population of the United States is 333 million. Assuming 1% of the minors(22% of the total population) in all of the U.S. are dysphoric and they all get sex changes at the same cost rate that would be over a trillion dollars. Much of the cost would be covered by the tax payers. Trillions and trillions when you throw in the cost of the drugs.

80% of Congress gets campaign contributions from Big Pharma. After the kids are sliced and diced and permanently sterilized by the AMA, Big Pharma will gladly provide the drugs to keep them happy for the rest of their lives. At least until they commit suicide.

Not rocket science.

A relatively new market with all that money to be made.

What is Academia’s cut for normalizing this activity in their curricula? The same group that has been advising the WEF and the UN on how to take over the world to “save” it while sidestepping and undermining sovereign state’s democratic processes.

Where do you start?

This experimentation on humans is beyond evil. One experiment after the other.

I sometimes wonder if the governing bodies have a clue as to how evil this is.

Greed can lead you to do anything, I guess.

Burning in Hell for all eternity would be too easy on them.

Oct 2, 2023 5:21 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

recently Edward Curtin wrote about numbers….so right

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 1, 2023 1:16 PM

Graud: “Wake up, people! GB News is after our National Trust scones”

The insufferable cutesy “comic” tone signals another of Stewart Lee’s “wondrously witty” self-congratulating pontifications, this time on the designated “Tory Right Wing” channel GB News. All the boxes are ticked. “Pride” flags as something you’d actually be proud of, sneers at the “one-world government theories of Neil Oliver”, mockery of the “outdated” John Cleese, hand wringing over the imminent demise of “the planet” etc.

And I’m sure the Graud’s mutually back-slapping bourgeois “revolutionary” readers will chortle over Lee’s “wacky” irreverence but the increasingly scatological nature of his invective signals a new anxiety.

Oct 1, 2023 12:53 PM

I for one am not convinced with the Trannies at school photos.

They appeared in coordinated format by the PCC (Pseudo Conservative Christian Mic lot.)
All off a sudden the covid torture of children wearing masks and what they did to them at school and being tested in the U.K up to 3 times a week was forgotten and replaced with the Taliban which is the new trannies repeated by the same alt lot who believed in all the other crap like Taliban blowing up trains or bus;s on 77 or 22 or 111 full moons.
Any worthy mother or father after covid would NEVER have there children in any schooling system environment again.

All forgotten now, show migrant hotels, Taliban trannies whilst you watch Megyn Kelly (LOL) or the other transsexual lot who you haven’t figured out yet, are sheboy whilst you knock one out to them.

Start with this one..

Hey Boys do you want to see what is up my skirt.

comment image

Oct 1, 2023 3:13 PM
Reply to  tri$h

Can’t cancel comments, so we’re stuck with this waste of space…

Oct 1, 2023 6:42 PM
Reply to  wardropper

transgender agenda was baked into the hollywoodland cake at inception.

Oct 1, 2023 3:17 PM
Reply to  tri$h

Their children, although I suppose they might have been there too.
I’m sure they’re children though.

Oct 1, 2023 12:47 PM

Perhaps a workable rule of thumb would be to ask ‘trans-fans’ who want your attention to meet you half-way.

In other words, to approach you with basic non-narcissistic communication skills, and allow for the fact that you might be similarly intelligent as well as unwilling to have trivial b/s dumped upon you.

If they can’t offer you such minimal human courtesy, then no one benefits from their having any contact with you at all.

Sure, they’ll probably end up lonely, but meeting people half-way is an essential skill for any person to learn who wishes to avoid ending up lonely.
In fact they should teach that skill at school, but schools today have other agenda…

Oct 2, 2023 4:34 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Apart from anything TPTB use the LGBT movement to foist on society, there is a very compelling need for trans and other “deviants” to come on like gang busters.

Namely, to try and keep from being sent back to a time when they were “fair game” for every bully society could coax out of the woodwork.

Just sayin’.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 1, 2023 12:45 PM

Off topic, This presents a curious conundrum: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-66922735 A “tiny Caribbean island” has been “transformed from desolate rock to verdant wildlife haven in just a few years” and “has captured the imagination of environmentalists worldwide”. The “mile-long spot has been officially designated a protected area”. Now at this point you may be thinking that a “natural” environment must, by definition, be one that human beings don’t tamper with. So – did “nature” transform the island? No, because this is being presented as some kind of achievement. And it seems that at one time, “Invasive black rats that preyed on reptiles and ate birds’ eggs, along with goats introduced by early colonists that devastated Redonda’s vegetation, had left the island looking like a barren moonscape.” And then, “An ambitious project launched in 2016 to relocate the goats and eradicate the rats saw the greenery spring back to life, bringing with it an exponential rise in native species.” Well you see, this is where you run into problems of basic definition. Are the black rats “less natural” than the goats? And even if the rats were initially introduced (presumably inadvertently) by humans, the fact remains that the goats were definitely introduced through human action. “The work was piloted by local NGO, the Environmental Awareness Group (EAG), in sync with the government and overseas partners including Fauna and Flora International (FFI).” Those big organisations again. But here’s the big giveaway: “The EAG is also setting up a robust governance system to ensure the island remains free of invasive critters. That includes surveillance cameras to look out for errant rats and monitoring local fishing activities which must adhere to strict guidelines.”  Nothing less than a rather familiar surveillance system. This “natural habitat” clearly requires a hell of a lot of input by non-natural… Read more »

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 1, 2023 5:53 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Protect nature means protect developers business. Everywhere they are protecting nature and fertile land against intruders (themselves), they are protecting developers business.

Oct 1, 2023 12:41 PM

I think the article is very confused.🙈 Genetics is a fraudulant science arising out of quackzination and tobacco pseudoscience. He cites Cambridge😫 when It was Cambridge that took tobacco money to lauch the unscientific “genetics” bandwagon:

Stefan Lanka said genetics was an outgrowth of virology. The BBC had been involved with Cambridge doing a series where they promoted a tobacco science cause for obesity:🍕 🧀 🌭

Healthy food and lifestyle is like cleaning the windshield. In the spring we can analyse just how bad the old world really was since we will have new data and persepectives on which to make a comparison. Word is that the allopaths have no solutions for ‘long covid’ and their hostages are flocking to freelee for solutions:🍉 🍒 🍊 🍇

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 1, 2023 5:55 PM
Reply to  Onthemoney

Smoke a cigar, take few hips, let the other make the hard work for you. If you dont do what I say, you will soon grow old and grey.

Oct 1, 2023 12:26 PM

no matter what the subject, it’s always fun to fat shame.

Oct 1, 2023 11:38 AM

Cosmic Time Clock
Strikes the End of a Cycle
The Dark Wizards try and guide us into Hell
The Light shall blind the Dark Wizards
They are the ones who, when their bodies die
Will Reap the Sulphur Fields
The Boiling Muck of one Billion Rebirths
The Hungry Ghost Realm of Starvation
The Human Birth will become a distant

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 1, 2023 11:30 AM

In light of the now gargantuan psyop being carried out all across the media, in which any scrap of truth is now being deliberately assigned to “The Right Wing” media whilst “The Left” now grind out the central essence of the parasite class programme, it is clear that the “immigrant crisis” is another manufactured tool to destabilise, divide and impoverish populations all across the Western world as we are “retrained” to become a new peasant class. Open Democracy are within the orbit of this “Leftist” order:


Whilst the very real financial persecution of the “Right Wing” Canadian convoy protest is resurrected and twisted to glorify “climate protesters”:


petunia petherington
petunia petherington
Oct 1, 2023 11:11 AM

The first transgender clinic was set up during the Weimar Republic by Magnus Hirschfeld!


George Mc
George Mc
Oct 1, 2023 10:47 AM

The laughably named openDemocray revealed its true colours when the covid operation started up. Like the laughably named World Socialist Web Site, they unconditionally embraced the covid narrative and continue to do so as shown by the panel halfway down,  

“Help us uncover the truth about covid-19”

which leads to an article which, in Groundhog Day fashion, presupposes the “deadly threat” of covid and, with scarcely believable audacity, actually asks for contributions from readers to fund a “much needed investigation” into the failures of the government to tackle the endlessly asserted and never-to-be-doubted “covid catastrophe”. 

The LGBTQ article continues with a now tediously familiar Orwellian reversal in which the massively funded, belligerently pushed trans programme is presented as the fragile call of that beleaguered and helpless “trans community” against a massively funded, belligerently pushed anti-trans goon squad! How easily they flip the coin!  

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 1, 2023 10:34 AM

Great, thoughtful, article.

But, could it be that there is nothing more than another divisive agenda at play ?

They already have us fractioned off into jabbed / awake, Climate believers / realists, Illegal immigrant accepters / wicked little Englanders etc. etc.

The more fractions there are, the easier they are to control

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Oct 1, 2023 10:50 AM

Epitomised perfectly by LGBTQXYZ bla bla bla

Oct 1, 2023 1:49 PM

Exactly the model promoted by the ‘tribal homelands’ bullshit in apartheid South Africa. I grew up there and being exposed to such obviously laughably corrupt and dishonest nonsense may well have saved me from a life of delusion. (Well: I’m deluded too, but perhaps less than would have been the case otherwise.)

John Milton
John Milton
Oct 1, 2023 9:41 AM

Excellent article.

Parents really need to get rid of their kids’ phones and educate them about the BS relating to trans issues, BLM, climate change et al.

It’s a shame since kids should be left to be kids and not have to worry about the state of the world, but anyone who sees through this evil agenda has no choice but to attempt to give their children a fighting chance to not be taken in by the propaganda.

Oct 1, 2023 1:03 PM
Reply to  John Milton

We now live in something even worse than the ‘permissive society’ of the 60s.
You take your children’s iPhones away from them, and you are almost certainly infringing upon what a woke judge would call one of their basic new human ‘rights’, and you might even lose custody of your kids, not to mention being up for a prison term.
Some kids do seriously push their new “rights” that far, and will quite happily announce their group-supported intent to be that very divisive element to which Clutching refers…

Oct 2, 2023 9:24 AM
Reply to  wardropper

UN blessed Internet or other comm access as a human right some time ago.

Oct 1, 2023 7:57 PM
Reply to  John Milton

Lovely idea, but what if your children, like mine, have been fully captured and demand that these absolutely pertinent subjects cannot be discussed. NOT AT ALL.
There was and is no way I’m going to capitulate to such restrictions, so ‘fare thee well.’
I loved you while I could.

John Milton
John Milton
Oct 1, 2023 8:13 PM

That is very sad to hear

Oct 1, 2023 10:13 PM
Reply to  John Milton

It is indeed sad, but it’s a reality facing many people today nevertheless.

Many years ago, I had to say to one of my grown-up children, “Why are you arguing with me in this way? I’m not even bringing you up any more!”

That was also a sad moment, but an important one.
As it cut the paternal version of the proverbial umbilical cord, it also silenced the blessed child (temporarily…)

But, more than that, she matured considerably over the subsequent years, while I learned that being forthright often does far more good than harm.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 1, 2023 9:36 AM

The Ipsos link starts with,

“Laws to protect LGBT people from discrimination laws and equal marriage and adoption rights have majority support in most but not all of the 27 countries surveyed”

Right away you have that blasé announcement about “LGBT people” which, in its practical usage, translates to T alone. The propaganda is adamant that the T should not be dropped and this insistence is a giveaway. Because the transgender component is the term that negates the rest and provides an infinitely malleable concept of some spurious community that can be used as a divisive tactic.

Furthermore the T manoeuvre has made a nonsense of protesting for “rights”. There was a meaning in fighting for women’s rights. There was a meaning in fighting for gay rights. But “trans rights” with its current figure of 107 genders is meaningless. And deliberately so.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Oct 1, 2023 8:27 AM

Satanic influence manifests from generation to generation.
Sad the peeps still can’t acknowledge it…

Oct 1, 2023 1:07 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Yep. They want to see the horns, cloven hooves and forked tail before they’ll believe the evidence of their own eyes.

Oct 1, 2023 7:42 AM

Great post. Clearly this has not been a grass-roots movement, but rather one pushed down upon the population by elites. You know you’re being gas-lighted by the oligarchy when All of academia, All of MSM, All of the big NGO’s, All of the Fortune 500 corporations, All the Hollywood celebrities & and internet “influencers, All the professional licensing organizations for medicine, psychology and social work, the military, the police, and our various local entities right down to local school boards and my local YMCA – are ALL SINGING THE SAME SONG – and that SONG is irrational, illogical, anti-science, misogynistic and anti-democratic. When you add Critical Race Theory to the mix – clearly at the macro-level of analysis this appears to be just the latest elite effort at “divide & conquer” – this time on steroids.

Oct 1, 2023 12:29 PM
Reply to  GaryW

Pride and worse has been happening for years in congress, parliament, whitehouse. etc

Oct 1, 2023 7:27 AM

“Whose idea was it to enshrine drag queen-story hour as a rite of passage?”

A good question. People should bring to light the names of those who manipulate our society in secret.

“A public figure is a man who wants his dealings to remain private.” — GK Chesterton.

petunia petherington
petunia petherington
Oct 1, 2023 10:52 AM
Reply to  NickM

“A good question”…why don’t you name them then??? 🤥

Oct 2, 2023 7:44 AM

Began to do so about 20 years ago: Rothschild, and Rothschild’s classy British butler TB.Liar; U$ financial crime families Rockefeller, Bush, Clinton, Obomba and Biden; North American Nazi aiders Chrystia Freeland and Victoria Nuland. Anglo Zionazi Capitalist agents in Ukraine: Yatsenyuk, Poroshenko, Kolomoisky and Zelensky,
If you see something say something. Name them and shame them.

Oct 1, 2023 6:53 AM

‘A woman is not a costume “

Oct 1, 2023 1:56 PM
Reply to  Hele

Says it all.
This current nonsense is strictly for over-indulged, terminally bored, intellectually-challenged time wasters who desperately need a hobby.
I suggest boxing – preferably heavyweight.

Kalvin Stardust
Kalvin Stardust
Oct 1, 2023 4:41 AM

A trans-woman is a man who, despite the overwhelming genital evidence to the contrary, is under the delusion that he is a woman. This would not be so much of a problem were it not for his insistence that everyone else should share his delusion.

Oct 1, 2023 1:59 PM

And it’s that insistence which shows that, deep-down, he knows he’s deluded.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Oct 1, 2023 4:14 AM

Kids are curious about all sorts of things. But they tend to accept unquestioningly who they are and the bodies that they’re born with up to puberty. Just giving simple, age appropriate, answers to any questions is all that’s needed. You don’t need to fill their heads with stuff that really doesn’t have any meaning to them. Let them enjoy their innocence, it will go away soon enough.

Once kids hit puberty then things can get a bit tricky but once again you just need to be open and direct about asked questions but not labor the point. Just as the younger kid has not real concept of gender and sex unless its drummed into them prematurely the pubescent kid can have it front and center as if its the one and only thing that’s important in life. (It isn’t of course, but they’ll have to wait 50-60 years to find out.) Responsible adults guide and channel, irresponsible ones encourage and exploit.

Oct 1, 2023 7:05 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Girls as young as 14 are getting double mastectomy’s.Horrifying.

Oct 1, 2023 7:39 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

“But they tend to accept unquestioningly who they are”

Like the Francophile Arabic-speaking Algerian Berber interviewed about his ‘identity’ by the BBC: “I know who I am”.

Oct 1, 2023 3:00 AM

Trans , it seems to me, is an In Silico-esq virus of the mind- its as real as you want it to be…

Oct 1, 2023 1:34 AM

“Self-indulgent narcissism is the gold standard of self-expression.”

That probably sums it up.

Fame and celebrity worship has always been with us, but with Social Media it has become a religion. An obsessive religion populated by fanatics.

The business of beautification is worth billions, and growing exponentially.
Plastic people fill our screens. And they are SICK.

The story of Narcissus does not have a happy ending.

Oct 1, 2023 8:53 AM
Reply to  Johnny

It’s more than narcissism – it’s a deliberate rebellion against God and creation. Rebels like Lucifer and Prometheus are their heroes. Gnostics see the body as a trap for the soul (which, curiously, can lead to total asceticism or total debauchery) so of course they have no concept of its sacredness.

It’s no coincidence that the same people also believe in suicide – another rebellion against God and creation.

Of course the eugenicists at the very top are laughing all the way to more population reduction as people willingly mutilate their reproductive organs and kill themselves. Henry Kissinger lives on intact….

Oct 1, 2023 2:17 PM
Reply to  Edwige

It’s probably always a variable mixture of both:

a) Pure narcissism, inherited, unconscious and passively supported by a decadent family


b) Typical fully-conscious teenage rebellion, once considered intolerable, but now zealously encouraged and worshipped by the media.

Oct 2, 2023 9:36 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Only permissible teenage rebellion that suits the manipulators. Anything else gets censored.

Oct 3, 2023 5:36 AM
Reply to  mgeo

I think all teenage rebellion is permissible, because it is easily dismissed by the manipulators…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 1, 2023 6:09 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I just dont understand why this depopulation has to be done in the most sadistic slow motion way one by one, taking 1000 years before the goal is reached.

Isnt this depopulation just an agenda invented to look justified, but behind the curtain are only psychos joy and devil’s laughter??

Oct 1, 2023 10:16 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

On the other hand, there’s nothing to understand if the end goal is chaos, as I suspect it is…

Oct 2, 2023 9:33 AM
Reply to  Johnny

People already seem mesmerised by their selfies, and what they write on social media is not very different. One SF story was about tech advances, whereby the phone-robot-protector would be floating around the owner. Imagine the scope then for selfies.

Oct 1, 2023 12:54 AM

From the land downunder, Pricilla Queen Of The Desert, an early example of propaganda designed to make transgenderism acceptable to the gormless public.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Oct 1, 2023 12:16 AM

Take for example this situation: “A school board hearing at Don Lugo High School in Chino, CA turned into a highly charged event as over 300 people gathered to discuss a policy requiring teachers to notify parents if their child identifies as transgender. The California State Superintendent of Schools, Tony Thurmond, took the floor and fiercely opposed the policy, leading to a clash with the school board’s president, Sonja Shaw. The board eventually voted 4-1 to introduce the parental notification policy, sparking cheers and jeers from the audience. As the hearing unfolded, Superintendent Tony Thurmond vehemently criticized the new guidelines, expressing concerns that they put Trans students at risk. The policy, introduced in June, mandates that schools must notify parents within three days after a child identifies as transgender. Plus, teachers must inform parents if their child engaged in any form of violence or discussed suicide. Under the policy, students identifying as Trans were defined as those seeking to change their name and pronouns, access gender-based sports, bathrooms, or changing rooms different from their biological gender. The issue of transgender minors sparked a deep divide among parents in attendance, with emotions running high on both sides of the aisle. Some parents passionately supported the parental notification policy, arguing that parents should be involved in their children’s lives, while others vehemently opposed it, fearing that it could harm vulnerable transgender students.” “Leave Our Kids Alone”: Superintendent’s Heated Opposition to Parental Notification Rule for Transgender Students Results in Removal From School Board Hearing (msn.com) Two questions come up for me, neither one of which is about the subject of that meeting, i.e., the question of a policy to notify parents. If I were to answer that, I’d say, of course parents should be notified. But first, Why in the hell is this… Read more »

Oct 1, 2023 6:55 AM

Why are schools so involved in children’s sexuality?FFS!

Oct 1, 2023 12:22 PM
Reply to  Hele

Because these so called “schools” are nothing but indoctrination hell holes that’s why, and “teachers” are nothing but commie scum put there to screw children’s lives up….

All part of the depopulation agenda …


Oct 1, 2023 8:02 PM
Reply to  Violet

It was a truism when I decided not to go to university that teaching was always an option for those that failed too many GCE’s.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 2, 2023 12:31 AM
Reply to  Violet

I and McCarthy told everybody they were under your bed, but MSM refused to write about it and Alternative media remained silent. Today they are EVERYWHERE.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 1, 2023 10:03 AM

“As the hearing unfolded, Superintendent Tony Thurmond vehemently criticized the new guidelines, expressing concerns that they put Trans students at risk. ….The issue of transgender minors … it could harm vulnerable transgender students.” A High School in the US corresponds to a Secondary School in the UK. The ages of the pupils ranges from 11 to18. In short, we are talking about the period that stretches from childhood through adolescence to young adulthood i.e. the formative part of human development. Children are, by definition, prepubescent. Their sexuality is undetermined. To ask them “to choose” at that age is obscene. And though I have said that the period from 11 to 18 results in “young adulthood”, this is not necessarily true for all. It could be longer. It could be shorter. But the very nature of the changes are such that nothing can be predicted of any one individual. Thus the demand to “Leave our kids alone!” makes sense in an absolute way i.e. Don’t fuck up their minds with any of this new baroque terminology. I agree that they should be told about the “basic mechanics” of sex i.e. about reproduction, pregnancy etc. They should be told about being gay. Though I daresay nobody needs to do this since everyone pretty much knows by the time they get to their teens. In other words, the very notion of “trans children”, “trans students”, “trans minors” is oxymoronic. Though – and I’m trying to be as inclusive as I can – there may be genuine gender dysphoria but that is an extremely rare condition and is certainly not prevalent enough to be made into some kind of general rule. For children in that situation, I would suggest it’s enough that teachers be made aware of it and watch out for signs of… Read more »

Oct 1, 2023 2:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Well said.
I’d just say that ‘inclusivity’ has become yet another dangerously overrated word.
I wouldn’t strain myself trying to accommodate it…

Oct 2, 2023 9:59 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Apart fron sexual development (puberty), brain development continues into the 20s. As the article mentions, gender dysphoria falls from about 1.8% in “children” to 0.6% in adults. So, the task assigned to schools seems to be to start the propaganda and in-school social rules early, in order to entrench that dysphoria.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 30, 2023 11:33 PM

56 old Australian Doctor ran to get a Mrna Covid jab, got turbo brain cancer. Ran to get a Mrna brain cancer jab, got blood clotting in both legs. Ran to get a Mrna blood clotting jab, got myocarditis. Ran to get a Mrna myocarditis jab, got……………
56-year-old Australian Dr. Richard Scolyer Was Diagnosed with Worst Possible Brain Turbo Cancer. He’s Now Receiving World’s First mRNA Cancer Vaccine to Treat mRNA Turbo Cancer – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Oct 2, 2023 3:45 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen


Could the whole thing be made up ? Scolyer is in pretty good shape for someone who has been through so much. Addressing a long press conference with no problem. My mother was operated for and died of brain cancer. She had to have her head shaved and it took a while for the hair to grow back. This guy has a full head of hair in a short while. He could “recover” and this would be hailed as a huge breakthrough. I wish there were breakthrough treatments for my condition which was probably worsened by the clot shot.

Oct 2, 2023 7:53 AM

“I wish there were breakthrough treatments for my condition…”

That sums up the Medical Profession as it is, and as it has been from the beginning: Ars Longa, Vita Brevis.

“To cure sometimes, to comfort always, and to do no harm with my treatment” — Hippocratic Oath.

les online
les online
Sep 30, 2023 11:03 PM

Dame Edna Everage (aka – Barry Humphries) didnt do the library readings but the innocent kids were able to watch her on their bedroom teevees…Everything was innocenter back then – even though Mary Whitehouse did blame the BBC for spreading leftwing (and it’s always ‘leftwing’) filth (aka – moral corruption)…

Oct 1, 2023 2:42 PM
Reply to  les online

Also, Dame Edna was not recruiting anybody for some fashionable whim.

During her act, she was, to all intents and purposes, a woman, and her aim was solely to make people laugh.
It was an act, and everybody knew it.

Barry, her alter ego, talked very seriously and intelligently about himself and his ‘art’, and was in no way delusional.
He knew exactly what he was doing:
He was making people laugh, and having a lot of fun doing it.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 30, 2023 10:29 PM

Note that all of this is going on in Western countries only.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Sep 30, 2023 11:24 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The daily positive. Thanks VT.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 1, 2023 11:12 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

You want me to be more POSITIVE?! About all of this shit?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 2, 2023 12:03 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

No. Actually I find it difficult to discuss a subject so disgusting as this. I even find it difficult to joke about it.
But your comment was a nice little break, a little positive about it, that outside Gay 7 a normal world still exist. So………Thanks VT.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 2, 2023 9:07 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Oh, okay… It’s just that I’m seeing sarcasm everywhere these days,

Oct 1, 2023 10:32 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I remember seeing a Starbucks India ad in which the reluctant dad finally accepted the idea that his son was a daughter…

Oct 1, 2023 1:42 PM
Reply to  October

Interesting to read this. I imagine that Starbucks is a luxury well beyond reach for many many Indians, who would be grateful for the chance to sleep on the pavement outside? The class who can afford Starbucks are by extension a part of the ‘West’ – or aspire to be – so Veri Tas is correct in essence.

Oct 1, 2023 1:55 PM
Reply to  KarenEliot

Yup, this addresses a certain class of Indians, a small minority.

They even mentioned it on BBC news: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-65644038

I wonder who are those millions of “transgender” people they talk about?

Must be these (who are basically eunuchs): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hijra_(South_Asia)

And they are very far removed from the Starbucks set.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 1, 2023 11:17 PM
Reply to  October

Oh! Though I believe you, of course, I recently read an article by Matthew Ehret, Is the Multipolar Alliance “Controlled Opposition?” ( https://tinyurl.com/4xrnb9e4)
that showed the difference in developments in China and Russia, for example, with regard to the sustainability ‘meme’. It seems the Multipolar Alliance is thriving while the West is decaying and dying…

Oct 2, 2023 6:20 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Thank you for believing me, LOL.

Matthew Ehret and his rose-tinted glasses. Not everyone agrees.

fran crowe
fran crowe
Oct 1, 2023 12:10 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

An excellent observation 👌.

Big Al
Big Al
Sep 30, 2023 10:21 PM

Similar to if you let your kids get the jabs, if you let your kids become indoctrinated to this evil ideology, it’s on you. Of course, your kids will pay the most, but it’s on the parents, guardians, grandparents, for letting it happen. If they’re teaching your kids that it’s OK for boys to be girls and vice versa, either get your kids out of there, or teach them that those fuckers are crazy. Or both, preferably. I’m convinced more than ever that this is a planned and coordinated effort from the psychos on high.

Oct 1, 2023 7:46 AM
Reply to  Big Al

“I’m convinced more than ever that this is a planned and coordinated effort from the psychos on high.”

Which is why parents should ask for the names of the psychos on high behind the coordinated effort:

“Whose idea was it?”

Oct 2, 2023 8:06 AM
Reply to  NickM

Bill Gates and other members of the Rockefeller clan for a start. But can anyone name the top people who peddled billions of dollars of worthless Bird Flu vaccine, onto worthless National Health Heads who accepted the worthless vaccines?

Tedros Ghebreyesus is an Ethiopian public health official and the Director-General of the World Health Organization since 2017.


Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Sep 30, 2023 10:18 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-09-30. 50% SIDS 48h post-jab. Govt report: no evidence lockdown worked. Why did Oz’s CMOs spread misinfo IVM? (blog, gab, tweet).

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 1, 2023 12:03 AM
Reply to  Paul Prichard

The covid was an UN agreed global emergency test. In this context the lockdowns make sense as it was a test. Fixed.

Oct 2, 2023 8:12 AM
Reply to  Paul Prichard

From your Link (search 50%):

“Former Major City Police Detective Reveals 50% of SIDS Cases Happened Within 48 Hours Post-Vaccine “The evidence is now in plain sight. The statistics don’t lie.” (tweet, website).”

Administering The Vaxx is now a case for a Major Crime investigator.

Sep 30, 2023 8:28 PM

The NWO propagandists have been slowly m ushering in their coming Age of AI:Singularity & Transhumanism through first, the normalising, of homosexuality & lesbianism, then next, the legalisation of Bestiality and Pedophilia, till finally the acceptance of Transgenderism. We’re all well aware that they’ve been promoting it through their approved messages to the youth for ages…

“Girls who want boys
Who like boys to be girls
Who do boys like they’re girls
Who do girls like they’re boys
Always should be someone you really love” — Blur


And since their first test tube baby over 40 years ago, and their “successful” womb transplant almost a decade ago, we know that the NWO freaks have their mad “Trust the science!” doctors — who want us to believe that the definition of a woman is anyone or anything that breeds — busily working on discovering ways to make men — transgender “women are men, and will always be men — bear children, as well as human cloning.

Then after that, their final plan is for us all to own nothing and be happy…

“The Great Reset is in full effect.”

Wu Tang Clan:
“So you best protect ya neck.”

“Now shut up and eat my bugs.” — Klaus Schwab

Minimally Educated
Minimally Educated
Sep 30, 2023 8:25 PM

First line: “…you got to ask yourself, what the hell is going on?”. Jesus, how old are you people?!? If you want to sound casual, it would be “you’ve got to ask yourself”, if you want to sound professional, it would be “you have to ask yourself”. Your way, you just sound like an idiot.

Sep 30, 2023 9:24 PM

wardropper ….is that you.?

les online
les online
Sep 30, 2023 11:06 PM
Reply to  lynch

“How bourgeois !” too…

Oct 1, 2023 2:50 PM
Reply to  lynch

You really ought to know the difference by now… lol.
No, it most certainly isn’t.

I only point to cases where the completely wrong word is used – unless of course I’m responding to an abusive idiot.
Then I might have one of my moments – which everyone is nevertheless perfectly free to ignore.

Big Al
Big Al
Oct 1, 2023 5:00 PM

“You people”? What, are you equating what this person wrote with all of us? How idiotic would that be. I don’t know how many articles I’ve read where the author used perfect grammar and yet they sounded just like an idiot. Way to focus on what’s important, man. How old are you?

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 30, 2023 8:23 PM

The ultimate inversion: Books supposedly for children must be censored in the adult news! Of course, the reason they are censored for the adults isn’t because the adults can’t handle it but because it would permit the viewers to actually see the nature of the material that is going out to the kids. And yet even that observation is “too innocent”. The contradiction involved (it’s for the kids but the adults aren’t permitted to look!) is so glaring that I think it’s meant to be seen i.e. this whole thing is a provocation. It’s meant to stir up factions against each other. And, to this end, no matter how much the concerned parents complain, they are still paying homage to the trans catechism i.e. “We don’t want to discriminate against LGBTQ”. L, G and B are meaningful. Q is vague. But the true pellet of poison is the T which is oxymoronic and a gateway to misogyny, paedophilia, fucking with the minds of the young, and encouraging them to go in for mutilation. But even before that, the “Pride” marches were, to say the least, dubious. Gayness and bisexuality have been accepted. Nobody cares about that and nobody would care if these sexual acts were conducted between consenting adults in private. The rulers knew this. Just as they knew the racism issue was ebbing and, to stir it up again, invented political correctness. With the sex issue, they encouraged the “Pride” marches which are a way of bringing the sex stuff into the open and rubbing it in everyone’s face. And note how the Graud tells us that Drag Queen story telling in schools was “misrepresented by The Right” without bothering to ask why the fuck drag queens were being used in schools in the first place!  The trans… Read more »

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Sep 30, 2023 10:33 PM
Reply to  George Mc

First it was the Church that was allowed into schools. Then it was Medicine. Now it’s the Trans Cult.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 1, 2023 12:00 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

You cant compare church to Mrna and Trans. 90% of the world have a spiritual overhead.
Its not bad to teach children and young about the 10 commandments, adam and eve, noah’s arch, and the origin and variation of religions.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 1, 2023 9:35 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Considering the deep grip that the Church had on the Western world for most of the last two millennia, and also that the Bible was amongst the first books ever to be printed, I don’t think the Church had to be “allowed in”. It was already there from the start.

Oct 1, 2023 1:38 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

In many working-class (rural) areas the only schooling kids had was Sunday School. Working alongside the adults was a great way to pick up the skills they’d need as adults. Indeed the distinction between adult and child, the latter innocent and needing to be carefully shaped, is a relatively new social construction that spread from the elite downward. See Aries, Postman, and others. Schooling was forced upon working people, to indoctrinate them into becoming willing cannon fodder when Britannia ruled the waves, or nursemaids for the babies of the officer class (etc).

Milking cows and threshing corn helped put food on the table. Reciting psalms and drawing in between the lines: not so much.

Oct 1, 2023 2:53 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I reckon it started way back when the churches were the schools…

Oct 1, 2023 8:13 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Yes, the story is that the priests were the only ones who could read. And so were the only access to the written Scriptures.

Oct 2, 2023 8:16 AM
Reply to  wardropper

And the hospitals. And in many cases the hotels (hostel).

Oct 1, 2023 9:53 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The vessel with the pestle has the pellet with the poison, the chalice from the palace has the brew that it true! 😎

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 1, 2023 11:02 AM
Reply to  DannyO

I thought someone would get the reference!:

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 1, 2023 11:13 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Speaking of which, here is a brilliant little parable that has never been more apt than now:

Oct 1, 2023 11:23 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Just showing my age George. But given Chuck the turd’s Davos affiliation, I think the chalice from the palace likely has the pellet with the poison. Chucky’s definitely too old to be one of Schwabs young global leaches though, but I imagine being brought up and educated as a royal would imbue one with a similar sense of superiority, entitlement and the right to fuck with the wee folk willy nilly.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 30, 2023 8:21 PM


George Mc
George Mc
Sep 30, 2023 8:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Neat. You’ve speeded up the time it took to modify a comment. And then when I put it in straight, it goes into pending anyway. Oh well, at least “test” got through!

Sep 30, 2023 9:25 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The 4000000 a month needed helps with this.

les online
les online
Sep 30, 2023 11:11 PM
Reply to  George Mc

George Mc, you’re sounding a bit test-y**…
When i get pended i assume that as it’s daylight here, Down Under, and nighttime at 0ffg’s HQ, the buggers have gone beddy-byes…

** i say that in a nice way…

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 1, 2023 9:31 AM
Reply to  les online

I just started to get a bit impatient. And I didn’t think the “test” move was a big deal. But the’ve definitely speeded up the time to modify the remarks. You’ve hardly got the chance to edit at all now.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 30, 2023 7:49 PM

Management has hit upon transgender promo as a perfect way to sow confusion, which renders people susceptible to disinformation of all sorts, boost Big Pharma sales and pave the way to transhumanism. A trifecta. Ingenious.

Sep 30, 2023 7:28 PM

Edward Bernays leveraged his uncle’s theories – I don’t think that made Bernays toxic, let alone a pedo – he was clever enough to spot the financial opportunity.

“Whose idea was it to enshrine drag queen-story hour as a rite of passage?” Sick individuals. The same who are being arrested for all kinds of nefarious acts. There is no reason to defend them.

les online
les online
Oct 1, 2023 10:26 AM
Reply to  moneycircus

The thing is, most know Bernays’ (scientific) manipulations utilised Dr Ziggy Freud’s psychological discoveries, some even know that the admen of Maddison Avenue utilise Freud’s depth-psychology methods, but they never think to study, let alone read, Dr Freud’s early works, and are quite dismissive should anyone suggest such…
They appear to have been effectively inoculated – by the ridicule Freud’s ideas receive in the corporate propaganda media – against the very idea of studying to understand how they are being manipulated…
Then again, Doc Freud’s not easy to read or understand…

Oct 1, 2023 1:31 PM
Reply to  les online

They barely even teach Freud in Psychology anymore, certainly at University level. All the research cash is in cognitive research and treating humans as assemblages of algorithms.

I have barely read Freud yet I know more about psychoanalytic approaches than a Reader in Psychology of my acquaintance. He’s very good at running Matlab code to interpret Stroop test results though.

You know the ones: words for colours are flashed on screen, some are in that same colour, others not. So ‘red’ is in green, ‘blue’ is in red etc. The subject is asked to name the colour of the typeface rather than to read the word. This measures how quickly people can ‘autocorrect’ their impulse to read out the word. Correcting people’s first reaction is a big thing these days when a woman ain’t necessarily a woman.

Oct 2, 2023 5:31 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Is the “drag queen-story hour” really surprising in an age where novelty and titillation have replaced logic and self-control as the prevailing manner of social interaction?

It would have been downright shocking had the drag queens not been engaged to momentarily take the children’s minds off their 6 or 8 hours of indoctrination. If the drag-queen ensemble proved an integral part of that indoctrination, so much the better for the “educators.”

Sep 30, 2023 7:18 PM

destroying gender is the quintessental step that facilitates the erradication of a species

understanding that those involved in this movement that share our biology are merely the compromised, weak, instruments of something far darker is the first step in comprehending how “terminal” this plan intends to be

anyone that has trodden the harder paths in life knows that whilst those that are often branded “criminals” in our modern society may seemingly be crass and a bit abrasive… we do know how how to deal with nonces, ian huntley and the “oops, we forgot to lock the cells” moment being a classic example

good night, god bless ;0)

Oct 1, 2023 3:01 PM
Reply to  Duckman

We’re intellectualizing this far too much.
Here are the basics:

Boy meets girl.
Boy sleeps with girl.
Babies come.

That isn’t going to stop, even when we reach the stage of, “toaster meets plate” as an interesting side-show…

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 1, 2023 8:36 PM
Reply to  wardropper

This is old school turned new age.

Boy meets girl,

girl loves boy.

Girl gets pregnat,

girl turns into a mom. 

Watch mom cook,

watch mom and dad learn to drive, 

watch mom raise offspring,

watch mom and dad go to work, 

watch mom and dad put kid into car,

watch mom and dad go nuts.

Oct 1, 2023 9:59 PM


I wasn’t expressing the way I thought things should be, or that I was happy with the status quo.
I was just commenting on the way things actually seem to be right now.

Sometimes forest fires occur.
Sometimes the planet heats up a bit.
Sometimes the planet cools down a bit.
Sometimes glaciers melt.
Sometimes certain areas get colder than usual.

Sometimes men become impotent, and sometimes women become barren.

But I don’t believe the scaremongering about future fertility, because primal urges haven’t gone away yet, and not everybody eats and drinks the crap that makes you infertile.
Perhaps that will all change in a few thousand years, but I really don’t see it as a worry right now.

Does anyone imagine that St. Paul worried about the possibility that the planet might overheat after a couple of thousand years, or that one day people would no longer know what sex they were unless a physician told them?

What the more enlightened people of the past worried about was that their offspring would get a life.
There wasn’t time to do much else, and many of us have every reason to be grateful for that.

Oct 2, 2023 10:18 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Like the ponderous change of course of a large ship, fertility takes time to show its impact. Already, only a handful of countries have fertility rate at or above replacement, mostly very poor ones. Late marriages by women, higher material standards and pervasive posoning (called pollution) are factors. Now, there is also trans-gender to substitute for the earlier eugenics.

Oct 3, 2023 5:27 AM
Reply to  mgeo

To my mind, “at or above replacement” is quite enough.

In any case, why should everybody be replaced?
I don’t feel the need to be replaced myself, and, although I happen to have a couple of grandchildren, I don’t really think of myself as ‘replaced’ by them.

I’m being somewhat provocative here, but seriously, if one considers that there might be a metaphysical element to our existence on earth, including karma, then ideas like ‘replacement’ do get complicated.

At all events the issue at hand is whether or not we are being murdered, and what we can do about it.

Oct 3, 2023 7:27 AM
Reply to  wardropper

i was alluding to
(a) depopulation
(b) the collapse of social welfare aid and services, essential with deliberate impoverishment

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 2, 2023 12:26 PM
Reply to  wardropper

With some bad luck, god could take us back to that life style, with some good luck, it could get even worse.

I’ll defer to Paul, McCartney that is, and suggest to simply let it be, there will be an answer.

For good or for bad.