Online Censorship: Canada Continues Crackdown
Most media services must now “register for regulation”
Kit Knightly

On Friday the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission published new guidelines requiring media outlets to register with the service so their content can be “regulated”.
Under the new regulations all streaming services, social media companies and platforms that host podcasts would be [emphasis added]:
required to provide the CRTC with information related to their content and subscribership
This is the culmination of a “public consultation” launched back in May. For those unfamiliar with “public consultation”, it is a process by which government agencies use members of the public to tell them what they want to hear.
CRTC’s press release couches the move in faux-liberal talking points, referring to it as “modernising Canada’s broadcasting framework” and “ensuring online streaming services make meaningful contributions to Canadian and Indigenous content”, but that is clearly camouflage for an obvious power-grab.
It’s noteworthy that podcasting services are made a specific focus.
After all, these days anyone with a microphone and internet connection can start broadcasting whatever they want to whoever they want, with little to no “regulation” of their content. That’s a no-no for a burgeoning global dictatorship fixated on the world’s subjugation through the control of information.
Don’t be surprised if the Canadian government starts “reviewing content” from podcast services and saying things like…
“Podcast X is broadcasting hate speech/propaganda/misinformation about subject Y, you cannot stream any podcasts in Canada until X is removed from your service.”
That’s supposition, but hardly a stretch given the huge surge in censorship of all kinds from governments all around the world since the “pandemic”.
In fact, you can almost see this as a direct response to some of the propaganda failures of the mainstream media during the “pandemic”.
The alternative media was able to win a lot of battles during the Covid roll-out, and a push to “regulate” podcasts is a quasi-admission of this. As are the words of CRTC Chair Vicky Eatrides:
We are developing a modern broadcasting framework that can adapt to changing circumstances.
“Adapting to changing circumstances”…deliciously vague, but also fairly clear. They don’t have the power they need to regulate the growing voice of non-mainstream sources given rise by the internet.
The three measures announced on Friday are unlikely to be the last, the end goal is a fully “modernized” Broadcasting Act to be passed in late 2024.
What will that include? Who knows.
But considering the Canadian government has already blocked all news-sharing on social media, unpersoned and unbanked peaceful protesters, enforced “vaccines” and given a standing ovation to a literal member of the SS, you’d be forgiven for fearing the worst.
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Justin Turdeau is an asshole alright, but if somebody thinks that all this is his doing, think twice.
What’s happening in Canada reflects the sheelplish nature of its population, the fact that people have grown completely dependent on the government in every imaginable way. Canadians are fucked up more than people elsewhere through the incessant reiteration of hogwash about Canadian values, Canadian this, that, and the other fucking thing. Most identify with the fucking government, as opposed to being distrustful of it, which is the way to go because the axiom applies that all government and all politicians are no good malevolent motherfuckers.
Anyway, if somebody thinks that this guy Pierre Poilievre will fix anything, give me a break. The fucker was right there in Parliament clapping for Nazi Hunka, like all of the other effers.
The consumerist incarnation of the Occidental civilization is going through its death throes; it’s inching closer and closer to the drain on its way down the tubes.
The only way out of this is for people to rethink their raison d’etre. To start entertaining thoughts and ideas that go beyond running at the mouth about the next useless piece of shit to buy.
I suspect this is how he sees himself…
Here some news that Justin Trudeau wouldn’t want any Canadian to see even on MSM:
“Karachi police chief Khadim Hussain Rind had later said in a statement that the Counter-Terrorism Department collected evidence and their preliminary investigations suggested that Indian intelligence agency RAW was involved in the killing.
Addressing a press conference today, District East DIG Azfar Mahesar said investigators had traced a network of street criminals involved in the scholar’s murder. He elaborated that the cleric was waylaid by robbers near his residence in Block 14 of Gulistan-i-Jauhar, close to the FBR office.”
Also: “Govt decides to evict over 1m foreigners illegally residing in Pakistan: state media” – not woke!
Pakistan is a premier example of a failed state, unable or unwilling to provide essential services even in large cities. The intention to expel foreigners sounds sensible, but if the targets are Pushtuns (far more than 1 million), the government will not get far.
As for the accusation of assassination, Pakistan and India have been trading accusations since their founding.
”After all, these days anyone with a microphone and internet connection can start broadcasting whatever they want to whoever they want, with little to no “regulation” of their content.”. Really? That’s not the view I have formed! Alina Lipp was prosecuted in Germany following her reporting on the situation in Donbass; Graham Phillips was put on a sanctions list by the UK following his report of an interview with a soldier in Donbass ( he wasn’t given any opportunity to put his case before a decision was taken about that); Julian Assange has been in prison for years in the UK for allegedly breaking US espionage law ( I am not sure why the UK thinks Julian Assange should repsect US laws); RT has been banned in the EU
I don’t even know how to be a Canadian anymore
Just stick with being an Earthling Sylvia, or simply just ‘Be As You Are’
Free, here:
Bee Gees: Be who you are.
Do the opposite of everything that is virtue-signalled as “caring’.
Most media services don’t make at least $10 million a year, do they? Because it is those who need to register.
A relevant fact no one mentioned: registration applies only to those activities making $10 million or more annually after deducing what they call “excluded revenues”. Also, to be fair, no subscription figures are required for the registration. Here is the information they are asking for:
The online undertaking’s name;
The operator’s name, mailing address, phone number and email address;
If different than the contact information filed under paragraph (b), contact information for a contact person for the operator, such as their name, title, mailing address, phone number and email address;
The place where the online undertaking is incorporated or otherwise formed, if any, and the location of its head office; and
The broadcasting services offered by the online undertaking.
Yes, I know; the State will sooner than later remove the revenue threshold and crack down on the whole market asking for more information. I fully agree. In fact, it has already asked the big boys (more than 25 and 50 million Canadian dollars annually for the audio and audiovisual services) for subscriber figures and everything monetary in annual surveys, starting 2019. That’s not the case today, however.
That said, my major criticism to this piece is that it assumes that there is a collusion of the State with big media operators to crack down against the little guys and on the people and that’s all there is to it. I say it isn’t and the argument is well known. Without denying the consequences of these measures, It’s principally the result of the conflict between two capitals: traditional legacy media in pains to adapt to the digital age on one hand, and social media and other media using digital platforms on the other. What has been going on since the 2010s, and there is abundant literature on the subject, is that the latter has subsumed the former and made it follow its (the latter’s) own economic, social and ideological interests (institutional and platform dependency; see Facebook, news media and platform dependency: The institutional impacts of news distribution on social platforms, 2020, and bibliography; accessible at Anna’s Archive website). And this conflict is the elephant in the room.
What is the corollary of believing that “they” are all on it together against “us”? It’s that they are doing it deliberately, affording no to, and thus the system is fine, without contradictions and crises are all unnecessarily manufactured. What? Even the capitalists themselves are admitting the system is bust. Capitals can join together when they feel threatened, agreed; but that hardly can prevent fierce competition, like the one taking place between those in question here, and which is producing a spectacular display. After all, we are talking simple financial interests, a zero-sum concept, of people of flesh and blood. It is difficult to assume that all capitals have forever transcended their differences, to turn against “us”; even if collusion exists at the higher levels, it couldn’t have had the time, if it is at all possible (it is not for to the communist understanding), to spread to all lower levels such as capitals in legacy media and digital platforms.
Contradictions and conflicts are at the core of capitalism and I just can’t understand why they are not considered when analysing current events. A simple explanation might be that it’s boring to get into those matters and doesn’t sell, which is another proof of Capital subsuming all endeavours including those admittedly opposed to it, which in itself is a contradictory process.
There is no way a Revolution, a radical change in human way of living encompassing most humankind come out of a consciousness of victimhood, what Hegel called “unhappy consciousness”, when conditions exist to expand one’s understanding by getting out of immediate, self-centrist attitude into historical considerations. I presume, we are still at a stage in which most humanity haven’t entirely given up hope in the system, (and others at the other extreme giving up hope on humanity itself). Yeah, that’s it. It’s either bad actors or more generally bad human nature. Right.
Thanks for this much more decent piece. Crying wolf and totalitarian dictatorship over trifles is bad management.
The waffling over income serves to conceal the identities of those financing the propaganda.
Canada, stick a fork in its ass and take it off the grill. It’s done.
coming from Hongcouver, B.C., Kanuckistan, you’re entirely correct: it’s an absolute liberal sh*t-hole here in Kana-dah; with each and every day compounding said reality! That is all!! RGB-Y3 out!!!
“all streaming services, social media companies and platforms that host podcasts would be [emphasis added]: required to provide the CRTC with information related to their content and subscribership”
Don’t register – problem solved.
if the goyim have nothing to hide then they have nothing to fear.
they where meant to not even be here.
the plague doctors of geneva astro zeneca failure
When the plague struck Geneva in 1530, everything was ready. They even opened an entire hospital for plague victims. Merchants contributed money, and the city government gave grants every month. Patients also gave money, and if any of them died alone, all property went to the hospital.
But then a catastrophe happened to the hospital: the plague began to subside, and subsidies depended on the number of patients.
For the staff of the hospital in Geneva in 1530, there was no talk of what was right or moral. If the plague brings in money, then the plague is good. And then the doctors got organized. At first, they only poisoned patients to raise mortality statistics, but they quickly realized that the statistics didn’t have to be just about mortality, but from plague deaths itself. So they began to cut the ulcers from the bodies of the dead, dry them, grind them in a mortar and give them to other patients as medicine. Then they started wiping the dust off their clothes, handkerchiefs and garters. But the plague somehow continued to subside. Apparently, the dried bubbles did not work well.
Doctors went to town and at night spread bubble powder on door handles, choosing those homes where they could then profit. As one eyewitness wrote about these events, “this has remained hidden for some time, but the devil is more concerned with increasing the number of sins than hiding them.”
In short, one of the doctors became too cheeky, careless and lazy that he decided not to wander the city at night, but simply threw a bundle of dust into the crowd during the day. The stench lifted into the air and one of the girls, who luckily had recently left the hospital to play, knew what the smell represented.
The doctor was tied up and put in the good hands of competent “craftsmen”. They tried to get as much information from him as possible.
However, the execution lasted several days. Ingenious Hippocrates were tied to poles on wagons and carried around the city. At every crossroads, executioners tore off pieces of meat with red-hot pliers. They were then taken to a public square, beheaded and cut, and the pieces were taken to all the districts of Geneva. The only exception was the son of the director of the hospital, who did not take part in the trial, but muttered that he knew how to make drinks and prepare powder without fear of contamination. He was simply beheaded “to prevent the spread of evil.”
– François Bonivard, Geneva Chronicles, second volume, pages 393- 401
All this emphasis on “Information” is a tacit admission by the “ruling elites” that they lie. How otherwise explain their presumed prerogative to determine what constitutes “information?” let alone regulate it?
True information, by its very nature, can never be regulated. All the regulation in the world cannot change or remove the information that the sun will rise tomorrow morning.
So what are they proposing to regulate? The only possible answer is: anything which contradicts their “official” proclamations.
(To the extent that we already know that’s what this is all about, a comment such as this one is totally extraneous. But it always helps to approach the issue from every possible angle.)
It’s not what you know, but who:
The Truth will out.
These criminals 11000 health care workers with exemptions will be taken to account.
Not only will they be called to Court for their criminality but they will also be jabbed like the rest of us! (sarc)
In 29 Days The Internet Will Change FOREVER
Russell Brand’s latest video spells it out, how “protecting the children” is being used to increase narrative control.
“Through increased legislation such as the Online Safety Bill and Google’s own repression of new emerging competitors, independent media and free speech has a fight on its hands.”
“Forty years of the Reagan Revolution’s libertarian experiment have brought us the predictable result:
– the highest rate of child poverty and maternal death in the developed world
– one in seven American children going to bed hungry
– our schools, roads, bridges and rail systems in shambles
– millions without access to healthcare
– historically low tax rates on corporations and billionaires
– an impoverished middle-class
– devastated labor unions
Libertarianism is a poison that’s crept into our society on the backs of rightwing billionaires like Libertarian David Koch, who ran for Vice President in 1980 on a platform of shutting down every government agency except the military, courts, and police.”
Any Canadian site that applauds Nazis should be shut down….
The time to resist totalitarianism is before it is imposed, after…well, it’s too late.
It’s known that when a person abandons their belief system they usually embrace a replacement belief system**
Having Abandoned ‘Germ Theory’ some have readily embraced ‘the science of Genetics’, another science based on numerous, untestable, claims….But it’s not all fair sailing for the geneticists – some are exposing it as another largely pseudoscience…
The Madness of Genetics: On “DNA Contamination” & the Bizarre Claim That “Specific” DNA Can Precisely Change Human Genetics and Cause Cancer:
‘Just swap the covid virus for DNA/RNA and you will see the same exaggerations, assumptions, and lies’ …(Northern Tracey)…
‘We need to look at how the science of genetics has evolved seeing as it is becoming the dominant ‘science’ in medicine. Why brag about it replacing chemo and vaccines – well what could be worse than chemo ? Could it be any worse than vaccines ? Or is it just the same stuff repackaged with more bells and lights ?…’ (Northern Tracey)…
** Decades ago, when i associated with a leftwing group, over 70% admitted to having been Catholic or Church of England, which, to me, explained their dogmatic way of thinking and arguing..(Thanks for the link Jeffrey)…
The more liberal they are more stupid they seem to get.
Its very difficult for one, to comprehend, why anyone would do them harm. Thats why ‘they’ are passing laws, making it illegal for ‘refuseniks’ to warn other humans about the existential threat to them, and the true identity of the enemy.
This is brutal:
And our horrible CBC -broadcasted this :
‘Since that time, a vocal anti-vaccine movement has emerged. Olle Kämpe of the Karolinska Institute, responding to a reporter question, said the award would probably not sway those most resistant to receiving vaccines, but that, “giving a Nobel Prize for this COVID-19 vaccine may make hesitant people take the vaccine and be sure it’s very efficient and safe.”
There’s still some Freedom Fighters Left in Australia:
Off topic:
Graud’s letter page features one from eco-friendly farmer:
“I’m a Sussex farmer and have sold my hedge cutter. My only regret is that I didn’t scrap it, as it will continue to do damage, just not on my farm. Our hedges are now billowing with life, the sliver of loss for food production is tiny in the grand scheme of things, and the effect on nature recovery has been astonishing, instant and long overdue. I’m no fan of the lawn initiative No Mow May; it leaves me wondering what the bugs do in June or February to survive.”
The evil of hedge cutters! And “No Mow May”? I’m not even going to ask. And farmers worried about what bugs do to survive?
It’s pathetic. It’s infantile. It’s The Guardian.
When tyranny on the environment – such as monocultire and the Green Revolution – takes a rest, nature thrives. When tyranny on the human microbiome – medical and other – takes a rest, health thrives.
Another Sussex farmer writes: there are a couple of issues with flail hedge cutters. One, the indiscriminate cutting means that hedgerow trees are not getting established. When humans trimmed hedges, they would leave trees at intervals to mature and provide firewood for locals etc. The flail cutter smashes up everything including berries and seeds that would provide winter food for birds and leaves a monotonous but “tidy looking” hedge with no trees.
indeed and given that the timing of hedge cutting under “stewardship” means that the maximum number of birds are allowed to nest in spring and then them and their offspring watch in dismay as every shred of edibles is flailed to pulp, just as they need it, basically what you said but with inside emphasis on the perversity of the timing
in Devon many of us “lay” or “steep” our hedges, creating habitat, firewood and many an expletive courtesy of the Blackthorn, which we do not burn indoors, nor the Elder, few know why, just as few know why we ensure we have Holly in every hedge, few ever will.
I do believe its time for Olive and her Devon red heifers (not bulls as someone said back away, but many allow them to keep their horns you see?) to greet you all again, who can resist such a smile?
When i sold my first farm that id built in N Devon to an upcountry herbalist and introduced her to the 3 generations under one roof, 10th gen on the farm neighbours, bred to “move” bullocks (6 foot 5 and built like brick outhouses by selective breeding), i jested with the patriarch that the new comer ought beware of the “beast on the moor”, understanding my jest Russel replied, “er dont worry, we only let Graham out on a saturday…”
Second son that was….big lad, never got married, and here look at me going all “opmoc” twil never do, eres Olive:
right, ill fuck off now
Sussex hedges have all but disappeared and the countryside is much poorer for it.
In the West country the hedges are left to grow.
I imagine it does wonders for biodiversity etc. etc.
All I know is it looks nice.
It didn’t occur to me that 77th Brigade has so many active farming members
That last line would be entirely appropriate on their Masthead George.
Only to be expected from a country whose Foreign Minister has an Ukronazi grandfather and whose Parliament digs up a last surviving member of the Ukrainian Volks Deutsch (whose genocidal ferocity appalled even the German SS) in order to give him a standing ovation.
“O sweet Canada, Canada, Canada!”
Astonishing that Canada – a country which has never to my knowledge had a bad reputation for anything at all – should be the first to fall into the abyss…
I used to imagine I’d like to live there.
Scotland is teetering on the brink. Despite being a leftie, I now suspect that it is the more “socialist” countries than are falling first.
The more “democratic” a country claims to be, the worse the dictatorship.
Be like Ukraine, the gold standard of democracy these days.
“Not About Nato” | “Never About NATO” | “Nothing to do with NATO” | UKRAINE WAR
From your Link:
At 1.00 a suit says: “This is not about NATO expansion into Ukraine; it is about Democracy’s expansion into Ukraine.”
At 1.03 an AP headline reads: “Ukraine bans religious organizations”
At 1.08 Radio Liberty / Radio Free Europe reports: “Ukraine banning political parties”.
At 1.11 Reuters reports: “Ukraine restricts Russian books and music”.
At 1.15 Zelensky says: “Ukraine won’t hold elections”.
Democracy Ukro-Canadian style.
Our summer vacation at Green Valley Lake in the 1970s was tranquil, the people were mild, and a bird in the forest sang: “O sweet Canada, Canada, Canada!”.
The only discordant note I heard was from one solitary Canadian who voiced exorbitant fear that Pierre Trudeau might be voted President. The man must have been clairvoyant — foresaw the birth and accession of Justin to the presidential throne.
Great opportunites for immigrants to Canada, right next to the gargantuan tar sands mines.
It’s a brutal place to live.
? I think that Canada has a terrible reputation like the rest of the ‘ free West’. What did you think of Trudeau’s description of the anti-vaxx truckers as ‘ antisemitic’? What did you think of the move to freeze their bank accounts by their state?What did you think of the adoption by Canada of the INHRA definition/ policy on antisemitism?
Example of the perils of immigration; a few bad apples arrive in the box. After the War, Canada imported many Ukrainians; some of whom were Ukrainian Banderites like Krystia’s grandfather, and some of whom were Ukrainian Jews like Nuland’s forebears. The rolling prairie lands of North America reminded Ukrainians of their native steppes; and they made their mark — for good and for bad — in major cities such as Montreal (Trudeau’s turf) and Chicago (Obama’s hometown)..
Only in alt media would anyone believe such nonsense.
It should have a bad reputation for being cold, but if you like being locked up and cold, you can keep being locked up and cold, in Canada.
I agree. When I was still at Primary School, my father was making plans to move our family to Toronto. We all went for the health check; the old man had a job lined up. It was all go until he was offered a big pay rise by his boss to stay in England. He took the pay rise and that was the end of our Canadian adventure.
I’m now 65, and my father has been dead a long time. Growing up I often used to wonder what life might have been like for us there. Now I’m beginning to find out…
Canada is big. Real life is different of what you read in media. If you wanna find out you have to travel there and stay for a couple of month.
Ive been in Calgary, hiking Rocky Mountains, couple of decades ago.
Nice place, nice people (before the Harper time). It shows how much politics/ideology can change a place and a country.
I’m sure it’s still nice and that the people are nice. The Canadian truckers seemed like good people to me. Why judge ’em on the parliament? I don’t think that there is much of a correlation in the present day between the decisions of the parliaments in the ‘ free West’ and their peoples ( whose lives the parliaments are making a misery)
Agree. I visited Vancouver and drove up to Whistler. Thought it was a beautiful place with great people)
Think you are right. Parliament and Media is a bad mix. Will have to go there again to feel the heat to get a realistic opinion.
Had the same with Rio. Reading a lot of criminality, shooting, gangs, but arriving there everything was peaceful and class.
Actually, the author gave only a small excerpt of CRTC Chair Vicky Eatrides’ full statement. Here’s more of it:
“We are developing a modern broadcasting framework that can adapt to changing circumstances. For example, during upcoming pandemics, this framework will allow the government to ensure the safety of all citizens by regulating misinformation and false information concerning the government and the pharmaceutical industry’s correct and technically unchallengeable scientific information, recommendations, and mandates. This would ensure all citizens receive proper guidance and care during these ongoing emergencies. Another example would be events that occur because of climate change. This framework will allow the regulation of information to ensure the most up to date and valid scientific information is available to all citizens regarding this global existential threat, which will in turn ensure their cooperation to the machinations of the current framework for the Great Reset.”
“pharmaceutical industry’s correct and technically unchallengeable scientific information”
“regulation of information”
“valid scientific information available to all citizens”
In other words:
Lots of ‘Chiefs, Executives, Chairpersons, Commissioners, Directors and Generals’ there at the CRTC.
My, how important they must feel, telling us, the little people, what we should watch, read and believe.
Ex-PM Adern of NZ actually said as much: We are your sole source of (covid) truth.
Can you provide a source, please?
Looked up part of the statement following the first sentence where it is expected to be found – the official website of Canadian regulator – and it’s not there. Here is the short (and to my knowledge, full) statement you can find there and which is reproduced everywhere on the net:
“We are developing a modern broadcasting framework that can adapt to changing circumstances. To do that, we need broad engagement and robust public records. We appreciate the significant participation during this first phase and look forward to hearing a diversity of perspectives at our contributions proceeding in November.”
– Vicky Eatrides, Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer, CRTC (Statement on the 29/09/2023)
Type up on Google exact phrase; for instance: “this framework will allow the government to ensure the safety of all citizens by regulating misinformation and false information concerning”
Only this site comes up, I’m sorry to say.
Why are you doing this, friend? You think you are being a rebel or something? How can you expect to understand what’s going on if you resort to such dishonesty? I’m against the State as much as you are (if you’re against it, that is) and this is no way to oppose it. You are just justifying more regulations. How did it occur to you to invent a statement and attribute it to someone else? You know why I checked it? Because that “For example”, didn’t sound quite right; because an overly elaboration on pandem**s, “climate change” and other matters in a topical statement seemed to me unlikely. That’s why?
If you are Vicky Eatrides’ friend and heard the statement from her or have access to unpublished information then my apologies.
Well, I’m sorry you spent time on that, man. I thought, and I’m sure most who read it did also, that it was obvious snark. Perhaps I should have prefaced it with something like, “this is what she REALLY meant”, but like I said, this was obviously made in jest, and I don’t think one has to label those type of things when it’s so obvious.
As for, am I trying to be a rebel? I am a rebel, man, and proud of it, and if you aren’t, then you might want to reconsider your name there. Look up the definition of rebel. How can I expect to understand? I think my obviously sarcastic comment shows I understand full well what’s happening in this world.
And the bottom line is, that IS what she meant. That IS what they’re doing. That IS what people need to understand.
You just misled us here by deliberately and falsely attributing an entirely made-up statement to someone else who never said that. That’s all I know.
Yeah, you sure should have, and you have many ways to imply you are joking or being sarcastic. Readers genuinely believe what we read, you know. You take away that and everything falls apart, trust I mean.
I’ll pass over the ad hominem.
You misled yourself, stop the bullshit. This Eatrides person is not on the side of those of us against totalitarianism and neither is the CRTC. And if anyone really believes she said what I wrote, then good, because like I said, that’s what she really meant and what she is tasked with. Other than that, go ahead, don’t trust me. I don’t care.
I won’t argue anymore. I already said what I needed to say and pointed out the BS you wrote above.
“During 2020 and 2021 while making a name for himself in the health freedom movement, Dr. Malone was apparently quietly working on the development of a new Covid vaccine called RelCovax, for Reliance Life Sciences, a pharmaceutical company in India.
“Malone claims Relcovax is not a genetic vaccine, it is based on “heterologous expression” which Wikipedia describes as: “The expression of a gene or part of a gene in a host organism that does not naturally have the gene or gene fragment in question. Insertion of the gene in the heterologous host is performed by recombinant DNA technology…. After being inserted in the host, the gene may be integrated into the host DNA, causing permanent expression, or not integrated, causing transient expression.”
I find most of his articles on Who is Robert Malone dot com to have value, but he certainly seems a contradictory person.
He seems to be saying that genetic (jab) is not genetic.
mgeo– look at this:
His site is full of valuable work. Here’s an expose of how much Blue Cross, etc pays docs to vaxx their patients:
30% Anthem members vaccinated $100 bonus per newly vaccinated member
40% $150
50% $175
60% $200
75% $250 per newly vaccinated member
Malone’s article actually reproduces Blue Cross Anthem’s print offering to the doctors. Multiplied by even a few hundred patients, this is serious money.
HERE’S ANOTHER of how docs are coerced to buy the vaxx:
” if a physician does not follow the vaccine recommendations of the VFC program and the ACIP, they are set up for a massive lawsuit if a patient under their care develops what is asserted by be a “vaccine preventable disease” – including COVID.
“Providers that have not ordered COVID-19 vaccines by Friday, October 6, 2023, will be contacted regarding non-compliance with VFC requirements to offer all ACIP recommended vaccines.”
Then he turns around a tries to sell us another apparently genetic & unnecessary covi vax. Weird!
Money makes all the evil go around .
I just came across a sad personal account by a junior health editor. She had been a fitness instructor too. Being in an establishment business, she may have taken every jab and “booster”.
Yet, she claims to have contracted “covid” more than once. Now, her “long covid” includes ongoing diarrhoea, various pains, forgetfulnes, lethargy, etc. I.e., she can barely work. This is despite paying a number of clueless specialists and trying some alternative treatments.
To publish this, she could not mention any involvement of the jab – I am assuming she has understood the connection. Instead, she noted that people who had had “long covid” after intubation (early on, and presumably elderly) have recovered unlike her.
The Wellness Company and McCullough are both pushing a 3-supplement combo to detox the vaxx’s spike protein in one’s blood. Ingredients are bromelain, curcumin & nattokinase.
Females are born w all the eggs they will ever produce, although they will “ripen” much later. Since spike is known to concentrate in the ovaries. . . .
While births are already decreased in every country for which we have statistics, we won’t know the full impact until today’s little girls reach reproductive age.
Ah, mgeo, so much tragedy.
Such reports point to such a diabolical outcome, fear arises.
To alter its course will take an event beyond my imagination.
Any imaginative event organizers out there?
In other words, Code White on the truth.
They’re SHITTING on it:
Let him who are clean throw the first stone.
Do we have anyone who are clean? I mean almost every country can show up war crimes and violence sympathies yes??
US, Israel, Sovjet, France, UK, Germany, Japan, China’s support for Kissinger’s Cambodia atrocities, m.m..
Christ’s metaphor still stands.
Erik, I don’t need to be perfect or even w/o sin to condemn murderers & monsters. Forgiveness of the trivial and the repentant is far different than where we find ourselves today.
To forgive continuing murder is to abet the crime.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-10-02. COVID jabs Causally Linked to Increased Mortality Resulting 17 MILLION deaths. Big pharma #1 killer world (blog, gab, tweet).
8 billion minus 17 mio = 7 billion 983 million.
Its a long long way to Tipperary and depopulation.
If you can’t beat em ENJOIN EM!!
What about forced vaccination? What about that??
I have now taken my 5 jabs, and Larry is still walking around without mask, untested, unjabbed, jeopardizing the entire global population. (sarc)
Who’s Larry?
Here is Larry.

Hey, those are no ordinary snitches! They just won the Nobel Prize in Medicine!
Didn’t Bomber Obama win the Nobel Peace Prize? Rachel Riley was recognised by the UK parliament for ‘ services in the fight against antisemitism’… I’m damned if I can see what those services were .
Yes, indeed! I’d known since the previous century that the ostensibly prestigious and revered “Nobel Peace Prize” seemed to be mostly reserved for blood-soaked war criminals.
The Nobel Committee’s selection of Obama for the Peace Prize was, at best, the equivalent of a kindly but dementia-afflicted grandpa giving his juvenile delinquent grandson the keys to his Cadillac, under the delusional impression that his handsome, well-spoken grandson seemed to be a pretty good, responsible kid.
IIRC, The Nobel Committee all but explicitly admitted that Obama hadn’t (yet) really done anything to merit the award; rather, it made the unprecedented and bold decision to give the fledgling
presidentUnitary Executive an “advance” Peace Prize, as US high schools used to give out “Most Likely to Succeed” awards to promising graduates. 😠 🏆 Why are we here???
Tyrants one step closer to their medicine..
All we hear is Radio Ca Ca
The Revolution will not be TellLieVised
The Lame Stream Media is a Weapon of Mass Distraction
We now return you to your regularly scheduled mind reprogramming
George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future imagine a boot stamping on a (masked) human face forever.
COVID-19/11 = CON JOB-1984
‘The TRUTH is, that FatCats REALLY are SCARED.’
As Frankie Howard was wont to say, ‘Please yourselves.’
Breaker, breaker. 19.
Looks like we’re going back 40 years, good buddy, to the great days of CB radio.
Let’s hope we got us a convoy !!
OMG! Rubber duck and all that? That film was soooooo BAD!