No Jab, No Education? Big Pharma’s influence on Irish and British schools
Gavin O’Reilly

Last Thursday it was announced that the southern Irish state would roll out Flu jabs to all schoolchildren under its jurisdiction, despite the fact that children are an age group at absolute minute risk of becoming seriously ill from seasonal illnesses such as Flu and colds.
This comes less than three months after an effectively identical announcement was made by the British government, regarding the rollout of the Flu jab to upwards of three million children in English schools.
A similar announcement was made by the British government in October 2019, however that plan was scrapped due to lack of supplies.
AstraZeneca, the manufacturer of the nasal-spray that was to be given to schoolchildren in England, blamed this on a hold-up of an analysis of that year’s Flu season by the WHO, which was to be then given to pharmaceutical firms in order to determine how many products were to be developed.
The timing of this announcement in 2019, and the new announcements that Flu jabs would be rolled out to schoolchildren in Ireland and Britain, arouses suspicion.
On the 18th of October 2019, the same day it was announced that plans had been scrapped to provide schoolchildren in England with Flu jabs, Event 201 was held in New York. Organised by John Hopkins University, in conjunction with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum, Event 201 was a simulation exercise which envisaged a coronavirus pandemic sweeping the globe, the effects of which could only be mitigated by even greater integration between the public and private sector worldwide, including giving social media outlets sweeping powers to deal with what the exercise termed ‘disinformation’ amidst the hypothetical pandemic .
In what can only be described as an outstanding coincidence, less than a month later, the world’s first case of the alleged ‘COVID-19’ virus was discovered in Wuhan, the capital city of China’s central Hubei province. In even further coincidence, Wuhan was home to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where EcoHealth Alliance, a New York-based NGO with links to the Gates Foundation, was conducting research on the transmission of coronaviruses from bats to humans, using funds granted by Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Several months later in March 2020, the WHO, an organisation with a history of corruption and undisclosed ties to pharmaceutical giants, announced the official beginning of the ‘COVID-19 Pandemic’. What followed next was unprecedented.
Vast swathes of society were closed down across the world, ostensibly to protect the sick and vulnerable from an alleged virus, the mortality rate of which made it no more dangerous than the seasonal illnesses which coincidentally disappeared for two years in all countries following WHO procedures, only to be ‘replaced’ by a ‘virus’ with the exact same symptoms.
In reality, lockdowns would do far more to flatten small businesses than to save lives, with the dependency on corporate outlets created as a result of these measures leading to the upwards transfer of more than $1tn in wealth.
In yet another coincidence, this example of governments and the private sector working in lockstep bore a striking similarity to what was outlined in Event 201, and also aligned perfectly with the WEF’s Great Reset initiative, launched in June 2020, which again reiterated that the only way to mitigate the effects of the ‘Covid Pandemic’ was to give the corporate class even greater sway over public life worldwide.
One of the key facets of the Great Reset is the introduction of a Digital ID, one which would give the government-corporate alliance an authoritarian level of control over its citizens should it be made mandatory, which during the ‘Covid Pandemic’, is effectively what happened.
Following the announcement of the ‘Covid Vaccine’ on the first business day after the 2020 US Presidential election (again, more coincidental timing), 2021 would see multiple countries around the world introduce legislation requiring their citizens to have been jabbed before they could participate in everyday life. To implement this, the standard practice was to place a QR code on their smartphone once they had been jabbed, one which would grant them access to restaurants, bars, gyms and other amenities prohibited to those who had chosen to not take part in a global medical experiment.
Essentially, this was a dry-run for the rollout of a mandatory digital ID, using an alleged ‘Pandemic’ as the pretext.
The introduction of jab passports however, would lead to a worldwide protest movement in defence of human rights. In response, the corporate media would begin a demonization campaign against these protesters, labelling them as ‘far-right’, and WEF-aligned governments would launch a brutal crackdown; perhaps most notably in Canada, where the government of WEF ‘Young Global Leader’ Justin Trudeau would attack demonstrators with teargas and mounted Horses, and freeze their bank accounts using emergency legislation.
The impact of this global protest movement likely played a part in the sudden collapse of the ‘Pandemic’ media narrative in early 2022, shortly after the WEF’s Davos Agenda virtual event. The Russian operation that began in Ukraine shortly after, following almost nine years of western provocations, would serve as a convenient cover story by the mainstream media for the global inflation caused by lockdown measures.
However, with lockstep announcements that Britain, under the rule of WEF member Rishi Sunak, and the southern Irish state, overseen by WEF ‘Young Global Leader’ Leo Varadkar, will be rolling out a product to schoolchildren, for an illness that poses an absolute miniscule risk to their age group, it may only be a matter of time until the ‘Pandemic’ narrative is repeated for schoolchildren in both countries, with it being made mandatory for them to have a Flu jab before they are granted an education.
Gavin O’Reilly is an Irish Republican activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism; he was a writer for the American Herald Tribune from January 2018 up until their seizure by the FBI in 2021, with his work also appearing on The Duran, Al-Masdar, MintPress News, Global Research and SouthFront. He can be reached through Twitter and Facebook and supported on Patreon.
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When is the Modified RNA flu vax being rolled out? It’s not like 100 days of vat to jab need to occur. It’s a proven platform. Safe and effective is all the assurance I need to pump weekly boosters into my kids.
And the 72 other vaxes on the schedule, surely a simple announcement of the awaited platform switch is all that is required for approval!
My kids will be the first in line and I am going to demand all 73 jabs to be given in one go.
Maximum protection! And I really hope the boosters for each of these are weekly as well, for convenience.
There is no risk benefit conundrum. The danger is high for everyone and is caused by the belief in the risk vs benefit conundrum. This supposed conundrum is the slippery slope. The lesser of evils. Once you are on the slippery slope you are in trouble. There is no virus. No risk from “a virus” and no benefit of “a vaccine”. The flu jab makes as much sense to give kids as the smallpox jab or the chickenpox or the HPV. As much sense as it does to give adults. The only thing there is is a slippery slope. Once you slip it is too late and you will slip hard if you are thinking of risks and benefits rather than the danger of slipping.
Illness is bad. You may have a cough and you wouldn’t like that. Sneezing could indicate something nasty. Diarrhoea isn’t nice at all. And cold-like symptoms could be of stratospheric significance. And … watch that hankerchief!
Diarrhoea is easy. Coconut milk or pure Yogurt take it in 1-2 days.
Cough. Rum Toddy, a classic cocktail with a rich history, 2 ounces of rum,1 tablespoon honey, 1/2 ounce of lemon liquid, 4 ounces of hot water.
Sneezing is just your body’s reflection to get rid of some dust or mucus.
Cold like symptoms can be dealt with by a bottle of good whiskey. You sweat it out.
I would love to see a Derry Girls episode about the vax but quite sadly there were only three seasons of that fabulous Netflix show.
‘In what can only be described as an outstanding coincidence’
Not unlike war games on 9/11 — imaginary planes over NYC.
But then they were, weren’t they?
Thanks for this Gavin. A good, concise summary of how we got to where we are now.
It must, by now, be clear, that world events are being coordinated by a single group ENTITY. This ENTITY is seeking to secure ownership of Planet Earth via a NWO and upon acquisition they intend, as openly stated, to terminate 90% of the world’s population (US).
Given this represents the ultimate threat to life on earth, why has no Alt Media outlet focused on the only two questions that require an answer?
1. Who are the members of this ENTITY?
2. How do we stop THEM?
Given we are facing an extinction abyss, any article, analysis, opinion piece or
podcast that fails to extract an answer to these two questions, is a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME.
the armish
the oirish
the welsch
a triumvirate of evil doers
in many ways this generations khazar donmeh ask a nazi molech pirates
People like you are shilling for the intelligence agencies. Everything you write is garbled bollocks. And the Brits are the truly evil ones around here. Not us the Irish.
Watch this documentary. It is excellent and it will answer tour questions.
Rockefeller and Rothschild
Those who print the money is the short answer. As Rose mentions below, Rockefeller, Rothschilds, other names we are far less familiar with, for the very reason they don’t wish to be identified as individuals. Royals. Billionaires of all stripes. Corporate titans. Wall Street wolves. On and on the individuals go. I do agree when we say “they” are doing this to us it makes us sound like idiots, but most of us out here know enough to know we are wholly owned by psychopaths whose names in many ways no longer matter.
As to how we stop them, well, that is the million dollar question, isn’t it? We discuss that in many ways out here, but as of yet I don’t think any of us has that magic, quick answer for you. The only real way is to disengage completely from the world our owners have created, but that is hardly as easy to do as it is to say. So many want that quick answer to how to fix things, and when they don’t get it they walk away and simply ignore the problem since there is no one quick way to fix it. Is that part of the dumbing down? The wish for an instant, definitive answer to all things in life? I think so, and that is learned behavior, taught to us by those who taught us rabid consumption is the answer to all our problems instead of the necessary hard work of realizing there is no quick fix to most things.
‘Astra’ in Sanskrit translates to bolt, missile, weapon or warhead
‘Eneca’ in Latin is from ‘Eneco’, which means kill, slay, exhaust or wear out.
The big Z in the middle is probably the Luciferian lightning symbol.
demand proof of the existence of the virus! In Germany there is a law which scientist have to follow with there research(see link below). There must be something simmilar in Ireland and England.
Translate and change it for the flu!!
Info for the flu
For Children – irreversible neuron damage, neuron destruction, increased anxiety, impaired learning and memory
For Adolescents – testicular toxicity
For Pregnant Women – stillbirths, fetal malformations, post implantation loss, lower probability of viable fetuses.
Any mandatory masking of pregnant women in the real world exceeds the CO2 toxicity limit set by US Navy for female submarine crew
Are mask mandates responsible for 28% rise in stillbirths worldwide?
Italy: 3-fold increase in stillbirths during lockdown period Mar-May 2020 which included mask mandates
42% of US female surgeons lost a pregnancy Nov.2020-Feb.2021 [must mean 42% of pregnant surgeons, due to their surgical mask-wearing]
Sweden: no mask mandates, no increase in stillbirths
Mechanism: increased CO2 and acidity in blood trigger compensatory mechanisms that lead to calcifications in placenta
The summary is a really quick read:
Anything But The Jab: Some of this could be distraction from the major role of the jab.
Masks reduced the IQ of children and infants who were masked or who interacted with masked adults (Don’t have the link). Another global experiment by the insane manupulators
Watch C4 series ‘Utopia’ from 2013-14.
tbf these coencidences do happen:
Maybe he was just lucky like Larry Silverstein.
New flash: your government wants you dead.
Dead people are not very profitable. So I’d say not.
What they want is own you. Like cattle.
stats from ‘VAERS’ in USA; and ‘Yellow Card’ in UK would suggest that it has been a democide; and imho that’s to bring the global population down to a more palatable number; so that the insidious and sinister agendas of eugenics and population control can be implemented in a more efficient and effective manner. That is all! RGB-Y3 out!!
UK cattle have been subject to compulsory testing (bTB), movement restrictions, compulsory passports, compulsory ear-tags (masks) and other measures for many years. The “lockdown” and other restrictions were the first time humans have been treated in this way.
you are wrong sir you see the trust fund in your name lasts forever
control of which is city of london,district of columbia and the vatican.
birth certificate bonds are worth millions
that is why vaccine and wars are so popular
Dead pensioners and benefits claimants are very profitable.
“despite the fact that children are an age group at absolute minute risk of becoming seriously ill from seasonal illnesses such as Flu and colds”
and at maximum risk of becoming seriosly ill or dying from the RNA Vaxx.
The Vaxx: the pharmaceutical poison that has killed more young people than the disease it was designed to prevent.
Pedants Corner: The Greeks had a word for it: “Farmakos”, means a poison; and Farmakoi means men under sentence of exile or even death. From Wikipedia:
“A pharmakós (Greek: φαρμακός, plural pharmakoi) in Ancient Greek religion was the ritualistic sacrifice or exile of a human scapegoat or victim. In the Pharmakos Ritual a slave was chosen and expelled from the community at times of plague. It was believed that this would bring about purification of the community”.
It has little to do with the new-fangled mRNA. Scientific medicine has been damaging children (and others) mentally or physically for a long time. It may happen after jabs, pills, surgery, etc. The “triple-antigen” jab, now upgraded in some places to 7 jabs in one, is in a class of its own.
Its in the book of revelation – but pharmakia – greek – was translated as sorcery but that is really what vaxxing is about .
The bible states that the peoples of the earth will be deceived by sorcery (pharmacy).
CHLORINE DIOXIDE – OXINE STABILIZED CHLORINE DIOXIDE ( This is all you need to keep healthy. Hidden from us.
Natural hydroxychloroquine: 3 grapes, 3 lemon
Used to treat malaria and autoimmune diseases. Tried and recommended.
Utter lunacy and dangerously irresponsible. The article from which the quote below is taken should be compulsory reading for every deranged politician and bureaucrat involved in the flu vaccines scam.
“Numerous studies have shown that influenza vaccines increase your risk of catching influenza, catching other respiratory viral infections, and developing a severe influenza infection. Worse still, that elevated risk of illness persists in the years that follow receiving an influenza vaccine”.
That’s exactly the point.
They want a “pandemic” that disproportionately affects children, as the “save Granny” narrative last time didn’t work (as even granny knew her time was short and we should save the children)
Expect lots of sick kids, soon.
As many including doctors have said, the best protection is (a) adequate sunshine (b) mixing around socially (c) getting flu (which will be mild) every year or two.
The whole idea of vaccination is to get immunity after a mild case of the disease caused by the vaccine. Getting you sick is what effective means when they say the vaccine is efffective. If it didn’t get people sick where would the supposed immunity come from? Immunity is the core lie that is defended by the controlled opposition claims like for example “natural immunity”. If there is natural immunity then the vaccine has some basis to function and isn’t a completely ridiculous concept.
Received my county’s mailing today: Flu & Covid vass important for those at “higher risk for serious complications:”
–children under 5
–pregnant individuals (I guess it wd kill them to admit only women can be pregnant)
So many lies– no point in reading further.
The timing arouses suspicion…???
AstraZ had the worst reputation for doing harm of all the first hoppers-on to the bandwagon a couple of years ago.
This stuff does far more than “arouse suspicion”.
These are Guy Fawkes’s supporters with lighted torches under the Houses of Parliament, stinking of gunpowder…
It is naked treason, with clothes on.
BOHICA on the yellow brick road for our kids. Doing it for the luv of pharma-guv.
Well, I can guarantee you there will be very many people pulling their kids from U.S. public schools if they start mandating flu shots or any of these fake jabs. I know we’re ready in our family (I’m the grandpa) to pull ours (6, 8, & 10) as soon as they start with the masks, again. Not doing it this time, man. This has become such an obvious ploy by Big Pharma it’s infuriating that enough people are still falling for it. It is astounding to me what has happened in the last 3 plus years. Big Pharma, and whoever else is behind all this, has completely changed life on earth. We now have people walking around, working in stores, etc., permanently wearing masks. It has become a permanent part of society, life on earth. It’s like “law enforcement” now. We used to have cops walk the streets with billy clubs and they’d get to know people, actually serve and protect. Now look, militarized, locked and loaded, ready to kill at any moment. What has REALLY changed? Us? or Them? Same with this. I think back to going to school in the 60’s and 70’s to now. What’s different? Why all the danger and fear? It’s fucking obvious. Big Pharma, the military industrial complex, big banks, big corporations, all in control and collusion with our governments are fucking going crazy, and most people are going right along with it. I read today how the U.S. debt has risen by 1 trillion since the insano clown show shutdown bs. It is not stopping. It seems more and more likely everything is going to come crashing down. Since we can’t stop it, evidently, the only recourse is to prepare yourself and yours.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-10-04. 120k USA children “DIED SUDDENLY” mRNA jabs. Kariko & Weissman get Nobel for unlimited spike toxins (blog, gab, tweet).
In 2020, there were about 73.60 million children in the United States.
Meaning after their SADS there are now 73,48 million children. (120k US children)
In 2021 Birth rate per 1000 is 12. saying 2 600 000 born in US = 76,4 million US children.
Conclusion: The depopulation scheme on children doesnt work. The 120k are natural death.
pHarmer paedophiles and the rape of innocents.
From the RAPTOR’S mouth:
From one of the PRIZEWINNERS mouths:
‘Side effects’?
No, murder:
The author of The Great Taking, in conversation offering an overview of the legislation that’s been passed so as to help the parasite class rob everybody of their assets when the financial crash occurs..
Anybody got anything to share about this?
Finally, a promotion.🖖
The Great
You’ll own nothingWe’ll take everything, andyou’ll be Happyyou’ll cop it sweet.”The Great Taking (pdf) (130 pages):
Or: if you have an attention deficit disorder, or prefer a quick read of the salient points, Ellen Brown provides ‘The Great Taking: How They Can Own It All:
NB. if the links dont work, type it in…
Speculations have included the possibility that ‘protecting the children’ will be the core propaganda motif of The Next Pandemic…
As the injuries and deaths caused by the ‘covid’ jab are being blamed on ‘covid’, expect children’s injuries and deaths from the ‘flu’ jab to be attributed to a ‘virus’ that has a thing mainly for kids…(Expect those parents who refuse to allow their kids to be jabbed to be accused of ‘child abuse’.)…
What – no mention of deadly climate change? How about a shot that protects you from both viruses and CC? Now that would be a real money-spinner.
Perhaps its already waiting in the wings of p-harm-a?
‘Politics is the art of compromise, as it seeks the best possible solution that promotes the greater good,’ says an online entry, adding: ‘This does not mean surrendering personal convictions and always leveling the decision-making process to the lowest common denomination. Blah, blah, blah.’…
The online explanation rounds off with: ”Successful politicians learn early on the survival value of compromise.’
This latter translates as: “It’s best not to have personal convictions , if you want to be Successful. Compromise, go with the flow ! And you cant be accused of betraying principles !”
If only i was young again, and not naive like last time !!
The “coincidences” will continue as the overlords push to make mRNA jabs mandatory. We will see more and more people succumb to medical/crisis tyranny, all age sudden deaths will spike with jabbed people experiencing heart damage, neurological, fertility and respiratory issues,, but hey it’s merely a coincidence right?
Undoubtedly what TPTB are counting on is all this madness becoming so routine, so matter-of-fact that no one even thinks about it. Which explains why even when certain aspects of the scam are definitively proven to be false, they keep on offering them just the same.
They know enough people will ignore the proofs and focus only on the droning routine to keep the ball rolling. It’s like training a dog with treats. Long after the dog has gotten weary of the actual treat, he still responds to the word – as if this time something new and wonderful is waiting to be eaten.
“… may only be a matter of time until the ‘Pandemic’ narrative is repeated for schoolchildren in both countries, with it being made mandatory for them to have a Flu jab before they are granted an education.”
What education?
Quite. Education in the west is really a byword for indoctrination and brainwashing.
At one time, the aim was teaching them to understand written propaganda. Now, that is quite unimportant.
What amazes me is that the public doesn’t turn around and say ‘No resignations by politicians, no bollocks between their legs’…
All this supine deference to what are bullshitting, incompetent, unqualified ignorami is quite astonishing.
These mountebanks use 24 year olds with a PPE degree from Oxford and three years as a lowly management consultant to ‘work in the Number Ten Policy Unit’. No 24 year old without real work experience has the remotest capability to have any judgement, because all they have learned from are books and academics who have never worked in the real world. It’s hardly surprising that 95% of political policies are useless and 95% of ‘announcements’ never amount to a policy.
Sunak serves rich bankers and no-one else. He is there to entrench the riches of London and the SE and to render the rest of the country a poor man’s workhouse. His absolute nonsense about ‘strengthening the Union’ are devastatingly repudiated by ensuring that all benefits to new North Sea Oil extraction accrue to Norway and London, not to Scotland. Upgrade of railways in South Wales were cancelled, just like HS2 to the North. Potholes are a job for local councils, not the budget for national infrastructure. My local council resurfaces local roads regularly and on schedule, so Sunak is robbing the infrastructure budget to pay the current account deficit in local councils.
Not that I think Starmer serves anyone different. He is a cocksucker to the NW London synagogue where the rich and powerful London Jewish mafia congregate. He will do anything Bill Gates asks him to and he ‘proved himself’ by trying to prosecute Julian Assange. He is an Old Etonian, a Londoner and he will serve his roots.
If you don’t want children vaccinated or else, it’s time to make it quite clear to politicians that they are servants, not rulers. They serve the people, they rule over pharmaceutical companies, banks and other corporations.
Of course, the politicians would have contempt for that concept.
That’s why the people should have contempt for them and show them who is the boss.
The most rampant disease of the middle class.
Majority of the protesting is done on line.
Doesn’t seem to bother tyrants…
The blade runner taking down the Ulez cameras needs to be rolled out nationwide on all cameras, card only payment systems and the FiveG towers.
That would focus a few minds.
Thereafter its up to them…
Best ever description of Starmer that I’ve heard to date 👌. And some people thinks he’s the opposition 😂😂😂.
Starmer is also Trilateral Commission and I’ve seen him on vid in the chair onstage speaking at the Council For Foreign Relations. This makes him clearly one of THEM.
What do you expect. Politics is entirely a selection process. There’s no such thing as democracy. You can only be elected if you have already been selected.
Some of them? were selected from birth.
The problem is most of the people are criminals quite comfortable with child abuse. They poison children. They have heard about “vaccines” being a fraud but do not care. They have heard about Jullian Assange being . They could care less. All this pretending the people are good and descent just helps keep children in schools surrounded by criminals kids.
Off topic: Something that has bothered me about this whole covid narrative. How is it that we knew or were told from the get-go the following things: a) that it takes 5 to 10 years to develop and test for safety any vaccine b) that this virus had a 98% survival rate and c) that the first “victims” were researchers at the Wuhan lab. I’m asking this because these facts would immediately create the anti-covid-vaccine response. (And it appears well it should) but how is it that these facts were there immediately? Divisiveness was the goal?
Or was it a method of providing truth and then running psyops to see how many it could convince, until the next time?
I read somewhere that they love the satan, so they do bad things. But they must inform the people. So anybody can make up his own mind. That seems the rule they must follow.
I hope that’s true.
Flu and pneumonia (aka covid-19) do not have a 98% survival rate. They have an over 99% survival rate in most healthy people.
Respiratory illness has always been dangerous to frail people with comorbidities especially when it progresses to ARDS and sepsis..
All pharmaceuticals and biologics have a 10-15 year development and testing cycle. The clot shots didn’t have to go through that because TPTB declared that there are no cures for respiratory illnesses and provided “Emergency Use Authorization” for an emergency that existed mostly in media headlines. Of course if hundreds of people with mild illnesses storm a hospital, it’s normal functioning will collapse and this will lead to excess mortality as standards of care fall. Exactly what happened in SOME towns in Northern Italy in March and April 2020. In most of southern Italy which anyway has much lower rates of respiratory illness there was zero excess mortality from “covid”.
Virus genome sequences such as that of sars-cov-2 are only mathematical models. They are not biological in nature so there is no question of “viruses” escaping, being released or taking ubers to get out of a lab.
It is not true at all that the first victims were researchers in a Wuhan lab, that’s just part of covid mythology like people keeling over dead while strolling down the street. .
The key person involved in publishing the first ever genone of the “new” virus, aka a “new” mathematical model is Edward Holmes a close colleague of Christian Drosten who developed the first “covid test” in the FIRST TWO WEEKS of Jan 2020 in BERLIN.
Biontech which developed the first clot shot with Pfizer is based in Mainz. In this sense, Germany is ground zero of the pandemic NARRATIVE.
Should not the title be no jab no brainwashing ? It was just announced in Italy that Pfizer will work directly in Italian schools and universities to educate students…..
On a recent trip to southern Italy (Calabria), I was told that a 47 year-old entrepreneur had died of ‘Covid’ around September. 2021, and I was subsequently informed that he was unvaxed. It was a big loss for the small community.
Do you know what was going on in the hospitals in this area at the time with respect to ‘treatment’?
Yes, I do. It was the time of “vigile attesa” that came into effect from autumn 2020 to keep the narrative going. Vigile attesa is “watchful waiting”.This protocol continued throughout 2021. They needed to fill up hospital beds.
Until 2020, if your cold or flu didn’t clear by itself within a few days you’d go to a doctor and maybe get antibiotics for a secondary infection or corticosteroids or heparin or other things depending on your personal health situation. Starting from autumn 2020 the Ministry of Health explicitly sent a notice telling doctors to deny treatment for the first ten days.
The doctors who ignored that are now having their licenses taken anyway.
It’s highly possible that some medical malpractice went on with this entrepreneur and he was denied treatment for being unvaxed or was maltreated in some way, possibly even deliberately.
Completely unethical, completely illegal.
Thank you, Rita. Your response is much appreciated. There is obviously a lot more to this man’s death but nobody is willing to talk about it. As far as everyone is concerned, he died of ‘covid’. There is no hospital in this town and he would have received ‘treatment’ in a larger city.
Did I tell you about my conspiracy theory on that region of Italy? Here’s a link:
Very scary, reading They were ‘Prepared’ – At the first hint of an ‘outbreak’ jabbed everyone they could…
I’ve become vary wary of ‘preventive’ medicines, ‘preventive’ being one of those neurolinguistic psychology words that subtly, subliminally, are used to influence our behaviours (ie, we dont really take notice of them, though they are the words that trigger our expected responses)…
Translates as “Dont Take The Risk”, pitched to the Risk Averse…
Northern Italy provides the model of the ‘preparedness’ the WHO is putting into place…
Next Pandemic, no one will escape The Dragnet…
CHLORINE DIOXIDE – OXINE STABILIZED CHLORINE DIOXIDE ( This is all you need to keep healthy. Hidden from us.
It’s possible. But the key point to remember about Bergamo is that it’s not at all true that thousands of people died. There was only a little excess mortality in from March to April 2020. We are talking tens of extra deaths not hundreds of extra deaths at least far as the municipality of Bergamo is concerned (as opposed to the province).
Most of these occured to due to chaos: ambulances not getting to heart attack patients, doctors being told to stay home because they had “asymptomatic” covid, overcrowded emergency rooms and wastage of time trying to figure out who really was ill and so on.
The situation was waaay overhyped in the media. The photo of the army trucks carrying dead bodies was deliberately disseminated.
The only reason those trucks were carrying away dead bodies is that burial and embalment was halted or funeral directors were scared. There are few cremation facilities in Italy as the majority of dead people are buried. So suddenly there were extra bodies because burial was halted.
‘The key person involved in publishing the first ever genone of the “new” virus, aka a “new” mathematical model is Edward Holmes a close colleague of Christian Drosten who developed the first “covid test” in the FIRST TWO WEEKS of Jan 2020 in BERLIN.
Biontech which developed the first clot shot with Pfizer is based in Mainz. In this sense, Germany is ground zero of the pandemic NARRATIVE.’
Great post Rita. I’d never heard of the Holmes character…probably also a friend of that dirty,stinking,slimy fucker Neil Ferguson who had concocted several fearmongering ‘virus/pandemic computer models’ over the years.
Interesting that a couple of Biontech scientists(a company which seemed to appear out of nowhere) have received a nobel prize for whatever they actually do.
No, inculcate.
But we already knew that.
el gato mato has a post asking “did the Pfizer vaccine even really have a drug trial ?” And adds ‘If the process is the product (and it is), then Pfizer’s product looks like it went to market untested.’
NB. if the link doesnt work, type it in…
Divide and CON-QUER.
It’s been a winner for millennia,
We didn’t get any of your a) b) or c) in the msm here…it seemed to be 100% full blown,24/7 scare-mongery from the get-go.As soon as I saw those ridiculous films of people falling dead in the street in China I knew immediately that it was all bullshit….and then everyday life became something like scenes from a 1950’s sci-fi B-movie.
PS:But I like your articles very much.
Think of all the coincidences in the 9/11 disaster: Lucky Larry buying the Twin Towers and insuring them, the short-selling of shares across the globe, the coincidental military air excercises, the failure of many to turn up for work, the rapid identification of the (hard-drinking) terrorists and their mastermind (a CIA asset written off due to failing kidneys), the resurruction (turning up alive) of some terrorists…
Some of us are just clairvoyant.
Oh come on, some people traced all the folks bar one who allegedly died in the Challenger explosion. Most of them were academics. One of them was even claiming to be his own twin brother.
Do not believe anything without very careful analysis.
They repeat showed the Northern Italy hospital pandemonium in many other countries as local. People in Britain got arrested and I believe jailed in some cases for filming the empty overcrowded hospitals.
Early April 2020 Frank Bruni column in NYT, only Bruni column I’ve ever read, thankfully, notable for a couple of things.
One: first use of dying ‘with,’ not dying ‘from.’ Any idea how much further that casts the net?? From a pond to an ocean.
Two: he said “we’re already up to” — notice the sleazy, leading-the-witness journalism? — “9600 people dying with covid.”
9600!! Dying WITH covid in APRIL 2020.
Later, the NYT reported “things will only get worse in the fall when people are forced back inside.”
If fall is going to be worse, and this was written in April — how could things not be getting better?
There is no 5 or 10 years for other ‘vaccines’ to be developed. No 98% survival rate. All this is controlled opposition narratives. When people go round saying normally there is 10 years of safety testing they are promoting all the other ‘vaccines’ when in reality none are ever tested for 5 minutes let alone 10 years. There is no evidence of a virus so the claims of a survival rate are to get people to believe there is a threat and therefore a need for a “vaccine”. It is complete bull. You could have a 99.9% survival rate and still have everyone die of it. Just depends how many times they “catch” it. If it is 10 times a year then before long they will end up dead from “it”. Basically the I’m alright Jack argument until people get older and they can run thru 100 positive tests in a year and call it covid rather than midazolam. Then they will feel like real idiots talking about survival rates. Even Queen Elizabeth ended up dead going to these quacks. The only survival rate is amoung those who keep away.
One hopes that people know better but don’t dare to say they know, so therefore need some good example who calls the scam for what it is.
But given that many still line up for the jab rounds + the absolute silence on covid makes me think that something else is at work.. Seems like people love the scam, as some sort of masochistic ritual that gives purpose to life. And that’s the reason why the scam works.
And then we have scams like 911, moon landings, the ‘good’ war (wwii), etc, etc, etc, that worked just the same..
Ritual is quite possibly the key.
I watched video a couple of years ago where it was posited that Big Pharma and, by extension, Big Everything have rituals in place that people flock towards due to their brainwashed beliefs that they are but empty shells and everything true and good must come from the outside.
What have the anti-vaxxers or even those with the good sense to be wary of rushed pharmaceutical injectable gloop have by way of an appealing ritual to counter all the rituals that exist to pull us down?
That was the question being asked by the guy who spoke in the video. An excellent question IMO.
Another question might be: How can we free ourselves and others from having to flock towards anyone and anything at all?
We need to tell children that they are perfect by default and then teach them to think and judge for themselves as they grow up. Home school if possible.
You were doing well until you said, moon landings.
The votes should tell you something about what ‘doing well’ means…
Just say no to drugs.
They want us gone. They will never stop lying. We are their burden of proof. The unvaxxed. Proof of crimes against humanity. mRNA is poison and they know it. They would rather continue killing and maiming our children to protect themselves from prosecution for murder. Tens of millions have already been killed and, at least, 20 times that number have been permanently disabled by an experiment. 99% of the population is safe from “Covid” without medical intervention. The remaining 1% is safe with simple therapeutics. They would rather kill our children than risk prosecution for murder. It cannot get any more evil. Fuck you NSA.
CHLORINE DIOXIDE – OXINE STABILIZED CHLORINE DIOXIDE ( This is all you need to keep healthy. Hidden from us.
I believed in mRNA until yesterday. Now…..? I sorta trust Tom Cowan. Does it make a difference? They ARE trying to kill children, obviously.
Bud Abbott: Well, let’s see, we have on the bags, WHO’s on first, WEF’s on second, UN is on third…
Lou Costello: Who’s at home?
klaus Schwab: I am.
mandate = man date = couple of guys going fishing = voluntary;
Event 201 was paid for by: Dustin Moskovitz, man, who at times acts as co-founder of Facebook, who pays a fortune to have his name removed from the internet.
She blinded me with the science.
Aldous Huxley:
Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there’s hardly a healthy human left.
George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future imagine a boot stamping on a (masked) human face forever.
COVID-19/11 = CON JOB-1984
Tru$t Th£ $¢i€n¢€ o_O
the oirish the scotch the welsch are gone just gone
the englische the londoners cocker knees up mother brown.
going going extinct
barbera lerner spectored
zio nism world in action
Fk mandates. They violate informed consent.
If one decides to say no, no means no.
No reasons needed and without penalty.
Fk your vaccines that don’t work.
Fk your masks that don’t work.
Fk you doctors who go along with this $CAM
In the present COVID-19 pandemic, luciferase-based biosensors are already playing a critical role.
goyim bluetooth enabled down down down.
never forget the dancing you tube hospital nurses
ghouls witches demons from hell
the only one clapping now is
spare me
a rich harvest indeed
lost souls
‘Down Down Down Down’ That rings my bell. The Bluetooth thing is a MAC code (look it up) which registers on the network identifier on your wifi device, when the carrier is close enough. Look up La Quinta Columna (The 5th Column) who did a great feature on it. .