Unbelievable Reality
Todd Hayen

We have finally reached a point in the advancement of our technology where we no longer can believe anything we see or hear. I mean, we can if we want to, but we can also choose not to, because the presentation of anything in a photograph, a video, or an audio recording, is no longer reliable evidence of reality.
Soon we will not be able to rely on what we see right in front of our face when we are taking a walk in what we believe to be the real world. In fact, we don’t have to wait for this, it is already here.
Holographic technology can already deceive us into believing something we see occurring in our own perceived reality. Many say the planes flying into the World Trade Center were holographs. Maybe they were. The technology probably exists to do this—although this link goes to a video of flying whales in Dubai, which is not an example of existing technology (apparently it is just a run of the mill CGI video), but it is coming, and you don’t even have to hold your breath.
Once we all know this is possible (many still believe it is not) then we will trust nothing to be authentic. In fact, the very word “authentic” will have no meaning. We will then clearly be living in a dream, not able to tell the difference between the dream and the dreamer.
Maybe, indeed, we have always been a product of the dream, and the Matrix of movie fame has always been reality.
So, what is reality?
I don’t think we can even define that word now, as nearly anything we might come up with doesn’t quite cut it. It used to be defined as anything objectively material. Or, as Webster states, “having objective independent existence.” Pretty clear, eh? (sarcastic laugh).
Maybe they are starting to jerk around with the definition like they are doing with a lot of other words.
Seems like Webster wants to keep the meaning a bit vague, so that it could still describe a photoshopped version of a four headed dragon as “real,” or maybe a devastating wildfire somewhere in Canada—or Hawaii. It’s all real isn’t it? Viruses, vaccines, pandemics, smiling senile politicians, masked health authorities. Whatever is needed to back up any claim is merely created and presented. We’ll believe anything as evidence if we first believe what is being said.
Don’t question it, gentle folks, just accept it. It is real.
I’ve heard many rumours that certain celebrity types are really holograms. Hillary Clinton has long been dead, for example, and what we “see” on the news, on YouTube, or whatever, is really a holograph.
Biden is supposed to be played by a digital double as well, and the Oval Office we have the privilege to see on CNN is actually a set somewhere in an underground facility on Mt. Weather just north of Washington, DC—or maybe just a CGI re-creation, painted electronically on a green screen. Whatever, who knows.
This used to all be sci-fi fantasies. Not anymore. Everything I just mentioned could easily be executed through an iPhone app you can pick up for a few bucks (by subscription of course) from the Apple App Store. Technology has become mind-numbingly out of this world, cheap, and available to anybody.
Like everyone else, I get a laugh out of seeing a painting of Beethoven singing “Proud Mary” or the late Queen of England reciting a speech about the virtues of anti-monarchist anarchy, but the deeper implications of what seem to be modern parlor games is rather chilling. I certainly don’t need to cite them here, common sense would easily tell us what we are in for—and mark my words, this isn’t a potential, it is a dead-on fact.
It wasn’t that long ago that visual evidence was king. If you had a photo of your husband in bed with his secretary, no one would question it as proof that your husband was messing around. Not anymore. Any 7-year-old can create all the incriminating evidence anyone could ever wish for with a few clicks of the mouse.
So, what about more serious incriminations? How about war? Murders? Trade Towers collapsing (am I suggesting such a thing? Oh no, not moi!) The possibilities are endless. Not only will just about anything that happens be accompanied by photographic, and audio evidence, soon we will begin to see any other sort of physical evidence being manufactured and synthesized to back any sort of claim. No one will be able to tell up from down.
These facts not only have implications of serious manipulations, but the subtle psychology of never knowing what is real and what isn’t, will be devastating. Everyone will have their own subjective take on nearly everything, everyone will be an expert, everyone will be able to believe whatever it is they decide to believe for whatever reason. No one will trust any of the usual evidential underpinnings of truth.
“I’ll believe it when I see it” will have utterly no meaning at all.
People will get casual about this as well. People will not experience any angst about any of it, they just won’t care. They will shrug it off, as if it doesn’t matter, they will see a video of a fleet of flying saucers lasering a city and not bat an eye. They won’t care if what they see is real or not, they just will assume that nothing can be trusted—except what they have been convinced by others is real.
Herein lies the real danger, whoever or whatever gets a hold of the collective psyche and can convince it that what they say is truth they will need no real evidence to prove their position. If people believe so and so is telling it like it is, then anything that person or institution holds up as evidential truth, will be accepted as truth.
We see this happening right now. The masses believe in the authority of a Fauci, a Biden, a Walensky, a Bourla, a Trudeau, a Zelenskyy, and when they hold up a mask as a device to ward off a dangerous virus, or a video of innocent Ukrainians being slaughtered by Public Enemy Number One, people will believe it.
There will be no vetting, no reliance on common sense, no intelligent research to determine if what they are seeing is real or not. Nothing that used to be evidence of reality is trustworthy, thus we are all easily manipulated. The determining factor as to what is real or not is who said it is real, not concrete evidence. It’s as simple as that.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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Interesting article, but I think if they were going to replace our intrepid poop for brains President, they would have him make less gaffes. However, one point I might make in support of the article. Ignorant people who live in basements and only traffic with the world by electronic means, can easily have a very hard time differentiating the real from the fiction since they seldom actually experience anything real.
You mean to say that visual images will become about as reliable as the written word?
Hence, digital IDs will be needed, #forauthenticity
It’s said that one can only be hypnotized via sound, not sight. I think we need to choose better those we are willing to listen to and believe.
I’ll stick with “Hear Israel! The Lord is our God” rather than “take the vaccine and you won’t get COVID and you won’t pass it on”
Interesting about sound only as hypnotism. In 2016 book “Master of the Mysteries” there is a near full page photo of the subject of the biography, MPH, hypnotizing Béla Lugosi (for parvenus and ingénus, he was the first filmic Dracula 1932) by simply standing behind him and staring upward, in the opposite direction, with his hand on his back, while Lugosi waited for his cue to go onstage, or set. Pretty creepy. Not as creepy as MPH himself though, he was “ghost” hosting Sirhan Sirhan at the Philosophical Research Society “esoteric reading library” (one of the biggest of its kind) a half year before Sirhan shows up shooting [at] RFK Sr.
CAVEAT LECTOR! And Happy Halloween.
And an even happier Feast of All Saints that it precedes. Always as a fraught vigil, if you ask me.
[Just as happy without us, but even happier the bigger the better! LOL]
[NB. MPH was thinly veiled as “Jules Amthor” in the 1944 noir classic by Raymond Chandler “Murder, My Sweet”
Chandler knew MPH only too well, through the Lloyd oil barons. [Exactly 50 years after the original Chandler novel MPH himself was murdered, in real time, 1990. It took the eminent Cyril Wecht s private autopsy & 10 years to convince the LA courts and coroners that it was a homicide.]
About 30 minutes or so into the Dick Powell M,MS b&w film we see “Amthor” saying “I’m in a very sensitive profession. I am a quack. Which is to say I am ahead of my time in the field of psychic treatment.”
Then abducted and stashed in a Hollywood safehouse, Phillip Marlowe undergoes an MKUltra sojourn, complete with an unending host of hallucinations and their giant syringes floating through the cobwebs of his psyop!]]].
Astounding to see this Manchurian Candidate scenario, 20 years ahead of studio schedule! Makes me think of what they put POLANSKI through!
This is not something for our future it is already here and has always been here. The technology has changed but the problem is not new.
We live in a social group which requires conformity. Anyone who does not accept the normal beliefs and behaviours is an outsider who must be ostracized. The technology used to ostracize is changing as well.
You do not actually have to see evidence to convince yourself of a “fact”. You just have to be “prepared” to believe.
…- A Lie about a lie, will turn inside out upon itself:…
…- Meanwhile, elsewhere in the ‘Verse… – Whady’all make of this here *Character*?…
“It is only in the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
The Little Prince
“Reality” as such is rather moot, anyway, since even in a tech less world it is still the same issue: a question of discernment of spirit. It’s only that tech is muddying the waters.
“Nothing that used to be evidence of reality is trustworthy, thus we all are easily manipulated.”…eh.. not really. It would seem to make us want to live our lives in a tighter, closer sphere surrounding ourselves. Instead of writing grandious theses or expounding on the faults and virtues of some great thing, we will concentrate on what allows us to stay alive, and, hopefully, get back to the great things, somewhere down the road. Instead of, “To be, or not to be, that is the question:”, it would be more like, “Hey, I just found an old can of baked beans, I wonder if they’re good..I’ll try a spoonful and see if I get sick..if not, I’m eating them, since I haven’t eaten in three days.”. If we’re still alive after the baked beans, we know that’s real-reality, and we can believe it. If we start worring about whether some new Big Brother-funded philosophy of life is real, then we very well may fall for the phony stuff.Sooner or later you have to decide what is and isn’t real, and all the propaganda in the world won’t change your mind one way or the other, no matter how slick and well packaged it is.I get your point, just don’t sell rational people short.
I’ve no experience of people in the big cities like NYC or Chicago, but I constantly speak to people in rural and small-town America. Among this population there is distrust of the vaxx– heck, we all know there’s very little uptake of the boosters. I’d say at least 35% of people whom I encourage to talk actually have reasons and arguments, and a much greater % won’t take the boosters w/o naming a reason.
Virtually every poll confirms Americans have no trust in the political establishment or the media. Trump got elected (if he WAS elected) by pretending to be outside the establishment, and the media helped him in this by being overtly “against” him, while failing to attack him on the basis of his REAL vulnerabilities.
It was silly to believe a Billionaire was anti-establishment, yet reason for optimism that so many wd vote for him merely because of a perceived dislike of him by the political and media establishments.
Tremendous numbers have been awakened by the vaxx op; they only await a rational course of action; they only don’t know what to DO. That’s your job.
Here’s what they need to DO: when the next big push comes along – as it will – they need to stick to their guns and NOT take the latest greatest vaccine. Even if their employer says they must take it or be fired.
It’s easy not taking the boosters since the vaccine itself has already been proven worthless. But did they stand their ground when the vaccine itself was offered?
Many people did not KNOW the vax was harmful; people are at different stages in their knowledge. You can’t expect really young people to have figured it out yet; many have been subjected to university propaganda.
Others have been working two jobs just to make ends meet. It’s incredible that despite the most wide-ranging propaganda campaign ever mounted so many people are saying “no” to the booster & even “no” to ALL vaxxes for their children.
Do you not remember when YOU didn’t understand 9/11? Did that make you a sheep?
I don’t think even now people fully understand the vaccine scam. I truly believe it’s simply a case of the covid vaccine having proven itself worthless and therefore they see no reason to “throw good money after bad” so to speak.
(Actually 9/11 is a bad example vis-a-vis me in particular because it didn’t seem right to me from the start. And when, in Nov 2001 they “found” the tape of Osama bin Laden seated at a table telling about the incident and laughing, I knew absolutely the whole thing was a scam. The character was clearly NOT bin Laden; and I don’t think the real bin Laden would have even been capable of laughing.)
Thanks, Penelope, I was a sheep about 9/11 for a while–until others enlightened me. Kudos to you for helping catalyze something I commented on under a different article (link below). If more of us spent time communicating with others who are still sheep then we would see more change. Maybe each of us could try and spend an equal amount of time preaching to the unconverted rather than all our time on social media talking amongst ourselves (the already awake).
I offer a concrete way to do it here, at this link, per your original excellent
suggestion of putting ink on paper and putting that paper literally in the
hands of those who need to hear it. I offer several ways to do what you
suggest, as well as a ‘ready-to-print’ brochure. I also urge others to make
their own brochures, in addition to using my ‘ready-to-print’ one. It’s not
that difficult a concept: pamphlets and flyers have helped start revolutions.
Social media, however, is making it *harder* to reach the unenlightened through censorship and shadow banning.
Wow, PBW, sounds like your own newspaper revolution. Way to go!
Pamphleteering is an American tradition from way back, but personally I prefer the 1-page flyer. Then anybody can copy it if they like. And I always recommend a few sites for continuing info– especially globalresearch.ca.
I try not to draw conclusions but just present documented evidence; it’s more respectful of other people’s cognitive abilities– and less likely to arouse defensiveness.
Only one correction. Trump got elected because he was the best of 5-6 evils. I take it as a sound reaction. Washington is rotten to the core. It was the best choice and Trump made fair things in his 4 year time.
“Other countries have always had their fair share of 4th and 5th rate men but only in America do they rule.”
~ HL Mencken
A curious thought, a century gone by.
Plus ça change, etc.
He may or may not have been a billionare, but was definitely the crudest leader, besides being semi-literate and overtly delusional. As for broken promises, that is no surprise in democracy under party politics; those 2 things need not go together. One of your past leaders named the puppeteers as “money power”.
Mencken also wrote that anyone who can go to bed, under the “Stars & Stripes” without laughing himself to sleep must have a “petrified diaphragm.”
Those who have contributed valuable views on reality include (a) Buddha, JBS Haldane and Carlos Castaneda (b) scientists James Jeans, William Tiller, Rupert Sheldrake and Max Tegmark. With urbanisation, digitisation and AI, children are likely to further lose the physical grounding necessary to resist mental slavery.
I was reading about ol’ Charlie Castañeda just the other day. Carlitos. I have been maybe just a little OCD of late, studying to a depth the LSD psyops projects at UCLA back then (CIA projects to the core, as is now becoming more & more sharply clear) and his name came up, since he had quite a few ties to UCLA. (My pops, JWE of ecjlaw com, was attorney to the founder of the Medical College there, Col. Stafford L. Warren, and the infamous head of its “Psychiatry” Dept. there 1969-1989 (see 2020 “CHAOS” book by O’Neill) the covertly Sidney Gottlieb-trained & CIA-appointed “Dr.” ‘Jolly’ West was its specialist in hallucinogenic “research” ‘et al.’ (and with quite a trail of corpses, all those linked by a preponderance of facts-in-evidence as tied to that research, including, arguably, Sharon Tate & friends, et al., let the record show).
I read all of Castaneda’s Don Juan books in the fanciful Paris garrets of my youth, and was certainly caught often enough with my jaw dropped, however young & impressionable. Often wondering though what was real and what was only SOP psychedelic in all of those tripster screeds (as this article opines along those blurred lines, and about many related things).
Castañeda, at UCLA in those same years, is a cautionary tale and serves as one “moral to the story” of this thread: most serious scholars who have really tracked down Castaneda’s travels, and “sources,” and his space cowboy travelogues, seem to conclude that much, if not most, was scampishly fabricated, when it wasn’t in fact plagiarized in long stretches.
Just a thought. I read all of him published then in 1976, and was pretty startled by the range of his legends, if not boggled. With a half century of scholarship now weighing in on all of his soi~disant Yaqui phantasmagoria, it’s time for a whole new take on the late Charlie.
So very UCLA, as a head trip, though. So far, so California.
But on the same lofty list as the Buddha?
I don’t know what all the fuss is about. Where I come from, all that’s necessary to immediately know the truth about something is to ask a liberal. No matter what the liberal tells you, you can be sure that the opposite of that is true. Problem solved.
Trollin’ for $$$$ !
What a surprise. Now we know at least whence the dedicated downvotes derive.
Problem solved.
It was hyperbole, John. Lighten up.
You are really pulling your punches, even the lightened up.
A favorite line by Wallace Stevens ~”
“There are those who would have wept
to have stepped barefoot into reality.”
“God is the only safe* repository of true Intelligence.”
~ Moi Même
[* “Even the Son does not know the day or the hour. That knowledge is reserved for the Father alone.” ]
“God can communicate with his children on infinitely discreet channels.”
~ Ibid.
Better believe it!
Dr.John Campbell: “Resurgence of Cancer After Vaxx Booster”
“Professor Dalgleish says Vaxx Booster causes Relapse in his Cancer Patients”
Because the Booster overtaxes the patient’s immune system. Itt flags out, and patients get Covid who were triple “immunised” against “Covid” before.
Notice the only ‘immunity’ in the ‘medical’ delivery system is from transparency and accountability under law and reason.
Before images were taken out of context to be manipulative elements of a masking ‘reality’ was the word used in vain.
Notice the significance or weight given the ‘negative’ by the emotionally framed.
Toxic shock-burden undermines function.
Im reluctant by these fear causing alarms as the figures are so low so its difficult to see if they are related or the reasons could be another.
Klausi Swabbi’s latest:
TIME Lies. Greatest Swarbs Vol 15 (2.58):
funny 😀
Disgusting 😠 .
I know we have all been brainwashed over the last few years…but no one was doing a video in November 2016, when my wife was on her way to her local dance class..at a local church..She was a bit flustered, cos she thought our daughter was going too, like the previous week..but for whatever reason, our daughter didn’t turn up (she wasn’t too well getting tather thin)
It was a dark and rainy night…she was crossing the road, and simply didn’t see the car…
The car driver, phoned me up, and said I am sorry, but I have just run over your wife, and the phone went dead…I screamed up to my son, and started running..
An ambulance just happened to be passing, and she was already in it…
She looked fine to me…the ambulance man insisted – her leg was broken, but in his enthusiasm to get us to hospital, he forgot to strap us in, in the back of the ambulance, and if I hadn’t have hold on to my wife, she would have flown out the back door…of the ambulance…
So they said…See this Girl Straight away….
and it was a little bit like, I have seen on a TV show recently..(its hard to watch)
And the Doctor looks at her leg, and Realises it needs immediate Treatment..No time for Drugs…
“Do you Remember Love – when You Gave Birth????This is Going to Hurt”
She says go on – DO IT
And the doctor reset her leg – brought all the broken bones back together with no Anesthetic whatsover.
I thought that was Class…
It took about 6 months for her to make pretty much a full recovery…
And she still goes to Yoga every Friday Morning, after “Rockchick – Keep Fit” on Thursday nights.
She has got her Pension Now Too.
I don’t know how lucky I got meeting my wife 42 years ago
She Turns Me On especially in her jimjams
Cup of Coffee?
It’s all, “Me, Me, Me,” and “I, I, I,” with you, isn’t it…?
Look up narcissism, tony; then you, too, will find yourself.
The human race doesn’t exist. That tells you about everything else, too. That leaves only us, the divine spark, consciousness, spirit, knowing this we can create our own illusion of life. Their virtual simulation has us trapped in matter, walking around as biocomputers consuming anything they want to implement in their fake illusion of time and space. Stop participating and do not comply.
I can’t bring myself to read it. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/oct/04/escape-from-the-rabbit-hole-the-conspiracy-theorist-who-abandoned-his-dangerous-beliefs?fbclid=IwAR38-rlgYxR7SWJNdMJyVm84JTr6z7fXGGaJxeOUPw8oIvBL4D3fO0YXRhg Maybe somebody else can? The hypnotists are working hard to keep the hypnotised eyes on them.
Its just about a conspiracy theorist who today are happy because he became a normy.
This was recent…late July and August..and suddnely I got extremely unwell.After surviving The RESus WArd ad The CRypt…I got an upgrade…and the menu was so much better…
3 old men, none of who could actually walk and one resident psycho…who was as nice as anything when his family and friends were there…but once they were gone, changed…Their seemed absolutely nothing wrong with him, physically, but some experience had really done his head in. so like normal every night,he is being really horrible to everyone taunting them to the absolute limit using just words, which were not nice,,,,One night him vs 5 security guards..with their cameras…and then the police come round…
I screamed at him Shut The Fuck UP at 3:00am. and made a scene..
That shut him up for 2 days….
If the three of us old men had been able to walk, I doubt he would have lasted that long… I screamed at the hospital authorties….
Get me out of here NOW….
I want to go home now…and I checked out the laws, and told my wife and son…Get Me Out of Here – Please….THis Psycho is Using exceedingly Refined Brainwashing Techniques on me…and so one day, I actually talked to him..assumnig either military, mental hospital or jail….experience..he did not deny it…His wife said Brain Damage
He was still there when they let me out.
I could barely walk with a zimmerframe, but was inspired by the Indian Man next to me…
He went from nothing, then one or two steps with a zimmerframe, and two days later he realised he could walk to the toilet with his walking stick…and then he realised he could walk to the toilet wthout it…all in one week
I was completely in awe.
I can do that—though it took me 4 weeks
It only takes a real ‘neuralink’ to have everybody dream the same digidreams. Forever happy hypnosis into the AI singularity event horizon.
4 ways of knowing – cognitive / emotional / intuitive / embodied
Too much cognition, over thinking, left vs right hemisphere distilling information / data.
When listening, hearing, feeling – use more than cognition and bring in all the other three ways of knowing to build up a picture to make sense (or not) of what is before you.
Don’t get attached to what you are seeing, reading, like a thought before a mirror, the mirror does not become the thought.
Non-attachment, letting go and looking inwards to understand your relationship with ‘IT’.
In other words, be HEADLESS:
I didn’t know much about anything, except maybe a bit about nearly 10 years in computing in Manchester – and I knew they were going to fire me and did, which was not particularly good, for my prospects in Manchester…dumped by 2 girls too….
So I was all alone, and I phoned my Mum up…who had moved away…
Even she thought…the same as me..
So my New Girlfriend, now My Wife,,,moved to
We both got jobs, and were like Teenagers in a sweet job going to gigs…
Meeting after work….We didn’t know anyone in London….
Still Here..Our Kids, Grandkids and My Mum were born in Lonon
My wife and I were born in Lancashire…and we normally say exactly what we think….
So I will spell it out….
When she tries on a pretty dress, or tight jeans, and she decides, she is going to go wherever she want’s to….
She Turns Me On
I am just looking at her and going WOW. She is so FIT
Not been too well, but hopefully will be able to catch up with her in 4 weeks, when there is a decent band on with a singer who can sing..and curl your toes with his vocals
My wife appears to have no fear of anyone
London is her Town, and she is going to see Peter Pan
Grandkids round today and now in a tent in our back garden with their Dad
These posts are ridiculous. They don’t belong on this forum.
Please refer to topic… Unbelievable Reality!
Tony makes more sense than most politicians.
Frankly, they don’t belong anywhere, except in a personal diary to be opened by tony’s great-great-great grand nephews and nieces in the far-distant future – if they can be bothered.
I lost my patience with his time-wasting twaddle long ago.
It fulfills the same function as the worst of YouTube’s hollowed-out click-bait, except that he doesn’t even offer us some actual bait…
Next, please…
Narcissist time capsules?!
Believing is seeing.
But unless an acquired habit is brought to awareness, we experience everything backwards as if perception makes real rather than the reality of the process by which we perceive instead of know.
Discernment of truth is a gift to our willingness to receive & embody it.
Narrative or mythically derived identity frames ‘choices’ that operate without any conscious involvement.
That we are devolving into our own image (in image & concept) is simply logical result of being, in a sense’ phished.
CS Lewis and as much in his nifty book “Miracles”. In the forward he said he had only known one person ever, a woman, who said she had seen a ghost, but that ironically she didn’t believe in them. Thought it was a trick of the lights or nerves.
He finished off his forward saying, “Clearly, seeing is not believing.”
Believing is seeing!
Or it is the reversal of that all too conventional process, that then allows us to both look and see.
“They have eyes but do not see.” ~ Jesus
EU Digital Identity Wallet Pilots Roll Out Under the Radar
Space: The New Frontier For The Central Control Grid
“Before diving into this, it’s important to pause, observe, and recognize the incredible lengths they are going to try to have full control over the population and all assets. In the process of trying to demoralize everyone, they have become overtly transparent which has created a rift in some of their plans. Whereas they have every intention of moving forward despite this rift, there are some agendas that cannot be achieved without mass compliance. Feeding too much energy, and especially belief, into them reaching their goals actually fuels that reality forward, while speaking out against their agendas and defining them as a false future reality can actually limit their forward movement. It’s a balancing act and they know the game well, hence why they use fear to draw people’s energy in. For these reasons it’s important not to validate the power they believe they have over every individual, but rather acknowledge the absurdity and danger of their desired outcome and affirm that you refuse to be a part of it or comply with it, while focusing energy into a positive future reality that we would all like to manifest together.”
Examples of the fantastic:
Heating systems that use fossil fuels are to be completely phased out of existence by 2035. Homeowners will be required to install new “green,” presumably electric, heating systems — and pay for it out of pocket. The cost for these new energy requirements are estimated to be around 100,000 euros for a residential house. Can’t afford it? Maybe they’ll allow you to sell your “uncorrected” property. Asset management companies will then buy them and turn them into rentals, which will be overpriced as well.
September 20, 2023, the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) president approved a declaration on pandemic prevention, which assigns pandemic authority to the WHO, without a full assembly vote and over the objections of 11 member states. The objections should have prevented a consensus adoption the declaration, but the U.N. is skirting the rules by having the UNGA president, rather than the General Assembly, approve the declaration
You might want to print the above article and its sources. It’s a biggie.
The 100 000€ will be offered as usury loans.
I can’t ready anything from Mercola unless I provide an e-mail address.
Because his articles are generally picked up by others– and w greater longevity– you can just search Mercola global govt goal of billionaires. In this case it brought up
Not much has changed then.
Their grip on reality is slipping and they are terrified. They have set themselves a deadline for 2030. Get ready.
I recommend this relevant and prescient song, which among other things demonstrates that our present-day Western surrealistic dystopia has been burgeoning apace for a long time:
Indian maid will plant the seed
And cultivate a whole new breed
There’s a smoke signal
Over your head
A smoke signal
You know what it said?
When they’re torn out by the roots
Young brothers join in cahoots
To send a smoke signal
Near and far
A smoke signal
No matter where you are
You don’t believe what they say on the radio
You don’t believe what you see on the video
Living in the shadow of a doubt today
Still waiting for the smoke to clear away
— J.R.Robertson/The Band, “Smoke Signal” (1971)
When I was a child one of the most fascinating books I read was a library book on the history of special effects in movies. It was a great read because, in those days (pre-1980) everyone would see such a movie and ask, “How did they do that?” Such a question only has weight when everyone automatically assumes that “the camera never lies”.
I would suggest that the days of special effects are over. Not because there are no effects but because they have become so all-pervasive that the sentiment about the camera never lying has become reversed. With the arrival of computer graphic images, nothing on screen can be taken for granted. Thus everyone now thinks “the camera always lies”. And the ironic consequence is that special effects have become boring. There is no mystery because everyone knows how it is done i.e. that the film images themselves can be directly manipulated.
Fairly soon history wont exist except its uncanny ability to seamlessly blend its self over time.
Fake and lies are only interesting the first time and always grey and boring in the second and long run. Real life win.
What would you say then is the affect on children?
I can answer that accurately. The original King Kong movie (1933) had a scene about half way through where a band of sailors were eaten alive by giant insects. This was removed because it was considered too horrible and the makers felt it would have been a show stopper. Audiences would have been totally shell shocked. The Peter Jackson version not only reinstated the sequence but filmed it in far more graphic images than would have been possible in ’33. And when the present audience watch the later version, not only are they not shocked but have probably forgotten it by the time the end credits roll.
I’m talking about an adult audience but I reckon the kids would not be far behind. The existence of DVDs, Netflix and the internet means they can see anything adults can see.
I do agree however one reality I can be sure of is a person speaking from the heart. It’s an intuitive thing I suppose so difficult to argue but you know when it’s happening.
Even there, we have to be very careful.
Some people are damn good actors -subtle, clever, experienced con-artists, who can seriously appear to be speaking from the heart.
Hollywood is, of course, full of them, and we find some of them very compelling.
“You cant trust no one”, et tu Brute.
‘Nothing real can be threatened,
Nothing unreal exists…’
–A Course In Miracles
“…herein lies the peace of God.”
check this out for a good bit of fiction proofing power…amazing.
A good example of where we’re at today.
I didn’t read the article, since, whether it’s convincing or not, it’s just one blade of grass in the monsoon…
Something in the big picture has to change.
I have suspected for long time the Ukraine war is a media simulation too. Too many too weird coincidences. One have to travel there, be there and feel the heat to understand the situation.
Thats why Metaverse will never work in real life, only inside Matrix in an armchair.
Surprised you didn’t use Trump as an example. The Trump cult is one of the most amazing things I’ve seen in my 68 years. I remember Jim Jones and that Indian guru Rajneesh in Oregon and other cult leaders, but this one, and it is a bonafide cult, consists of millions and millions of people who are so deep in their convictions it does not matter what their cult leader, who is slowly going completely insane, says or does. And this is to a complete dumb shit. Of course, it helps to have Biden and the democrats on the other side or the manufactured divide, but I’ve had many encounters with members of the Trump cult and the only thing I’ve seen to compare is the far left wokists of today, another cult but without a leader. Some argue there can be no cult without the cult leader, but the woke left is pretty close.
I think the Trump phenomenon is a good example of what I am saying as well. I am not sure which side of the fence it is on though…the cultish insanity of the Trump haters/Biden lovers, or on the side of the Trump lovers…either way it is nuts.
Problem is they’re all in control because they’re the ones who are going to vote, one way or the other, to keep this insanity going. Those of us that don’t accept any of it are left struggling to figure a way out.
Violin, meet player.
You have to understand the situation.
So you wanted the American people to select Killery? Obama four more years? The children Groomer? Some coke sniffer like Zelensky? Goofy?
Compared to this galley Trump was the best choice, my regrets.
Based on the downvotes, there appears to be some butthurt, and chickenshit, Trump supporters on board who should explain why they support zionist/apartheid Israel and Trump’s insistance that Israel has the right to bomb Gaza after the clearly false flag conducted by Mossad, and Trump’s support for the fake Covid-19 vaccine and his proclamation that he is the “King of the Covid-19 vaccine” and the vaccines are “a good thing”, and Trump’s support for U.S. imperialism. Come on, man, justify that shit.
I don’t believe anything I can’t see and feel directly and even then I have doubts.
What’s happening in Israel? Are they really murdering Jewish women and children in one of the most heavily securitised areas of the world?
We probably won’t know for sure.
It’s more than likely a staged false flag attack, like their destruction of the twin towers on 911, which was blamed on al-quaeda as an excuse to start their war on terror, then watch all the political whores give their support to Israel, like Trump, Shillary Clinton and RFK junior.
More than likely? Nah, it is. And boy Trump and RFK Jr are right there with their support for Israel. Clinton is irrelevant at this point, but the entire political establishment is on board with zionist Israel, we all know that.
Anyone with half a brain knows that a plane can’t just MELT into a building, as per those fake 9/11 videos. A modern pressurised jet aircraft is like a balloon – when it hits something solid the tail part of the balloon blows apart BACKWARDS away from the point of impact. Plane wreckage, clothing and pulverised bodies gets thrown backwards over a wide area. Why wasn’t any of that seen around the site? And why is the general populace so incredibly fucking stupid?
Agree with you 100% At this point, I cannot explain what actually happened.
Bet the CIA/Israel could explain it!
Try this. There are at least ten videos extant on YT. I hadn’t seen this one which gives background to a serious test using an f4 at 480 mph on rails shot into a concrete wall.
(2) F-4 Phantom Jet Slams into Wall with its Afterburner On – YouTube
It basically disintegrates.
Because they are taught to be stupid. They are taught that if it happened on the TV it really happened. They are most assuredly taught as well not to question what they see on TV. Anyone who does question is immediately labeled an idiot, a conspiracy theorist, a loony. It is definitely part of herd mentality, and that’s frankly an insult in many ways to a herd of animals, who are usually at least smart enough to see a threat to their survival.
Besides, it is far too painful to refuse to believe the lies today. The loss of friends, family, livelihoods is immense, so most refuse to question anything they are told. Once that bubble bursts there is a lot of pain involved, one has to admit to being fooled and one has to admit to the hate and shaming they engaged in against those who tried to tell them. Far easier, much more convenient if you will, to just go along. But you already know this as well as I do, and I do ask myself the same damned question every single day – how can people not see through this idiocy? They can, they just won’t.
Like religious observance: too painful to dissent.
It’s about trust. You can not know everything, in fact you hardly ‘know’ anything. So you listen and watch and read and over the years you find your crew and take their word for granted. And then they slip in the lie and you accept it. I see it with ABC listeners and Guardian readers etc. The ABC even had an ad campaign “Your trusted news source” or other channels, “News you can trust”. So everything else becomes untrustworthy. When in discussions I may send a link of some info, they will not look at it but look up the author and find a hit piece on them. There is a great doco called The Viral Delusion, you type in the exact title in youtube and you will never find it, but the first vid is some two bit youtube channel discrediting it. These people are unreachable.
Joshie, the “takedown” of the Russian passenger airliner over Sinai was just as obviously false, but even many who FINALLY understood the falsity of 9/11 didn’t get it. Why not?
First you have to be suspicious. Did YOU understand that 9/11 was an intell op the day of its occurrence? I did the very moment I heard of it– only because I was already familiar w many other false flags & hoaxes.
But we have made progress since 9/11: A GREAT many more people wd imm’y understand 9/11 were it to happen today.
Here’s an interesting take on Beethoven’s 9th Symphony – in particular the “Ode to Joy.’ It posits a kind of hidden in plain sight reality to the work.
Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. Confronting the “Ugly Sounds” of Corrupt Politicians – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
This may help, Todd. It’s a guy who’s deeply into promoting ‘authenticity.’ And his healing methods are accurate from my own experience.
Can you summarize the video? I only ask because I have no sound on my computer, so I cannot hear anything on YouTube.
Or, conversely, is this a video that has the writing at the bottom of the video?
The video shows the last two minutes with text in the middle.
The video is worth these two minutes of your life. Its about knowing yourself, and when you know yourself you can heal yourself.
Yes it has subtitles.
I knew a guy who all he wanted to be was the most honest person in the world, and for the most part I could not disagree. He not only became the most honest, but almost the most abused.
What a sad story.
It’s bad, but it’s not the worst.
What’s going to happen is that those who can see through b/s easily (and there will always be some) will feel very alone and exposed, but they will find ways of continuing to live like human beings despite the zombies and the machinery which are practically suffocating them.
The rest of mankind will succumb, and only the angels from the apocalypse will be able to help them.
The worst would be if every last one of us were to succumb, but that’s not going to happen.
Heard a great story of a fellow who got knocked out by a lightning bolt and for a very short while was dead. But during that time strongly claims that while he was dead, just above his body, he could see the folks trying to revive him, and then lived to tell the story.
If its not real, its at least creative and makes one think twice about who watching when we visit graveyards.
Its your subconscious.
Like you cut the head off the chicken and the chicken continue to run around. Bad example but it was the best I could find.
The bloke was experiencing what’s termed a Near-Death Experience.
We do all actually survive (in our immortal spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’. The spirit body is in fact the thing which literally animates our physical body, whilst we’re on Earth in each of our eternal soul’s many, many lifetimes.
We (then conscious in that spirit body: exactly as we are now, with all our exact-same thoughts, emotions, feelings, memories, attitudes, etc that we have now) return to the very real Spirit dimension of this in fact multi-dimensional cosmos.
There exists a veritable wealth of multi-faceted evidences which absolutely prove (and I do not use the word ‘prove’ either loosely or wrongly) that the actual nature of ‘death’ is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its immensely illusory face-value mere appearance.
There are 20+ [twenty+] different categories of the evidences which demonstrate that we do indeed all survive the illusory event that’s OH so wrongly been given the term ‘death’.
Literally countless millions of properly-informed people around the world are fully aware that ‘death’ is NOT the end of our personal existence. That we all (including animals, birds, etc; a multitude of evidences exists for them, too) survive the illusory event that’s incorrectly termed ‘death’. And amongst those countless millions of spiritually-enlightened people around the world are many properly-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, lawyers, etc etc.
They, the latter categories of people, having written quite a large percentage of the many thousands of excellent, scholarly books that have been written on this ultimate truth of existence.
I can promise you that if I get killed by lightning, I will find better things to do with my afterlife than hanging around in graveyards…
That gets old very quickly – after about an hour, in fact.
We have too find the root. First in our own realm and then in our spiritual superior.
The West live on a gigantic derivative bomb manufactured first in 1666 (its not a joke, it was in 1″666″). Its the money stupid. “Money is the root of all evil”.
The surreptitious mint legislation of 1666 manufactured from the City Of London.
First then you know your enemy and their hang arounds. http://mileswmathis.com/1666.pdf
“The love of money is the root of all evil,” not money itself.
Fuck the Bible. It’s money itself which is the root of all evil. The Bible, as always, merely tries to sugar coat evil to protect whomever.
And here’s the proof: whether you love or hate money, you have absolutely NO CHOICE about depending on it for your survival. This is particularly true now, when people no longer have the capacity to produce their own food, clothing and shelter.
Yes, there are hardy souls who claim to have the ability to do it all (“hardy-har-har”). But where do they get their raw materials? or their tools to achieve their majestic feat?
Not to mention zoning restrictions, government taxation, etc.
Cooperatives which offer whole, unpasteurized milk get raided constantly – even though they are not open to the public.
The world runs on money. Which is why the world is two shakes away from perdition.
The attachment to money is the problem. Money, in one form or another, is a necessary element, like sickness, hunger, sex, death etc. of life in this realm of existence.
Francis of Assisi was broke and with his earliest brothers in a stable, and some village philanthropist left a stack of coin on the sill of its open window. His companions thought this was very good news, as poor as they were. Il Povorello took the donation and flung it on the dung beside them.
“Dung with dung” was his cryptic crack.
He went about begging stones instead, adding yet more lustre to his legend of lunacy. His aim was to rebuild the Church of San Damiano, fallen on hard times and disrepair.
Their collective lair nearby was the church of St. Mary of the Angels and the Little Portion.
A half millennium after, our little town (then) of Los Angeles was named after that minute Italian sanctuary:
La Ciudad de Nuestra Señora La Reina de Los Angeles y La Porciuncúla
Given the stress of the desert heat here, eventually shortened for convenience and cool to “L.A.”
Always is.
“Surely I come quickly.”
Last lines of Revelations, last lines of the Bible.
I also love money, just not itself and especially not the root. 😆
Money is just a measure of energy one can provide for well being entity of flock, tribe, society.
In larger groups, like societies, that exchange of energy it is not as visible, so it is necessary.
Then comes in the realisation that with taking control of that money, you achieve, or keep, leadership, position and power (and perks associated with it).
To achieve and possess that control, you invent various tools…..
There is no love for money.
There are thoughts and reality what it brings you.
Meister Eckhart Tolle has opined that evil is no more or less than “an (over) identification with forms.”
Well, then, there’s always guilt by association!
Reality is a loaded gun. Humanity has convinced humanity that there is not a singular real (ens realismus); but two kinds of reality – subjective or objective – under the attributes of thought (res cogitans) and matter (res extensa) as irreducibly dissimilar, asymmetric, hierarchic (superior over inferior) – as imperiously and permanently separately divisive ‘reals’ – and therefore the dogmatic and intractable Cartesian dualism of the mental and the material so-called.
Once you can inculcate the infant mind into unquestioning faith in metaphysical duality as “subtle psychology” (psychopaedagogy), you can convince them of anything. Especially that the human person is in fact grounded in the invisible metaphysical beyond as an indivisible, immaterial and unextended thinking thing. If the psychiatric industry – as the pseudoscientific disciplinarian branch of the cult of humanity – can continually inculcate the defenceless infant perception into rational-causal economic action based on dogmatic mediaeval mumbo-jumbo; that the body is dead mechanical meat in a dead mechanical world (as populated by inferior thoughtless brutes and beasts – non-rational animals including less civilised and therefore lower forms of the human) – unless and until taken into the sole possession of an alien animistic and intentional consciousness; that the alien psychism is that alone which animates, motivates and articulates the mechanical ‘dead’ automaton or corpse (bête-machine) in rational-causal action and speech; that the rational consciousness is ontologically ‘really real’ (ontos on) and can communicate with the higher-order superior ‘true’ reality beyond by extra-sensory perception and so ontos on and on and on….
When on is the essential, eternalised psychiatric being (that which can never ‘not-be’ (me on)) – after the ‘really real’ realisation of actualised alien possession, psychic animation, alien vocal articulation and extra-sensory ‘intellectual’ perception as ‘rational cognition’ – there is no real need of furthering the psychiatric propaganda.
Excepting that exclusively, only some cognitive elite can have initiated privileged access into the suprasensory, supramundane rational-causal order. There, then, you have the roots of totalitarianism, authoritarianism and fascism in the form of who can best impersonate the metaphysical authority figuration (as auctoritas princeps) as the one and only who can enforce the imaginary symbolic order.
With or without the belief-behaviour of the imaginary psychic animism as separable from embodiment (earth to earth, ashes to ashes in eulogy); the animae immortalis is the foundational precept of ontologically ‘really-real realism’ so-called. The theo-mythological confabulation of ‘two dream worlds’ followed from trying to justify the lie of separating thought from the body – as in the dream from the dreamer – as onto-oneiric duality. As such, it worked and continues to work perfectly, justified like a dream, one might say?
The entirety of the ‘realism’ of modernity is grounded in imaginary metaphysics as institutionalised archetypal natural philosophy (metaphysics), natural theology, natural science, and neoclassical oeconometrics. Anybody who is following this psychiatric unfolding of imaginability will probably already know that the conception of the metaphysical human person grounded natural law, whichever grounded positive law, whichever is the basis of the genealogic of contemporaneous oeconometric digital simulation of life-affirmation. By which symbolic tokenism, the bogus ‘metaphysical human person’ so-called was lifted straight from the pages of the Summa Theologiae and transplanted straight into the free-market ontology as self-interest maximising rational actor theory (SIM, RAT). The rest, as they say, is psychohistoricity.
Always psycho-historicise! It is all a lie: and the root of the root lie is the letter <I> in all it’s hominal homonymy (psyche, anima, animus, ego, self, soul, mind, cogitans, rational self-consciousness and so ontos on and on as speciated-samsarana – the psychic round of birth and rebirth – psychiatric metempsychosis is palingenetic fascism in eternalised turn and return).
The cult of humanity made the impossible separation of mind from body into the foundation of eternally authentic true belief; thereby making unbelievable reality ‘really real’ and transcendentally ‘true’ as ‘really-real forever’. Reality is a digitised deepfake now because reality was always deepfaked from introspective totalitarian imaginability. Anyone who says otherwise is ostracised as stigmatised, so long as we are currently opposed to the burning of their bodies…. For now at least.
Humanity has never known what truly is and what-is-not as authentic and inauthentic; thereafter humanity has never truly known reality. Humanity is the foundational fabrication of unreality, inculcate in every head as morality. Right now the whole of humanity is actively engaged in the ratiocentric calculative destruction of the whole of reality for the benefit of the imaginary psyche. There is no psyche; thereafter there is no therapeutic benefit of the totalisation of psychiatric annihilative destructibility, whichever is orders of magnitude beyond absurd. That there is nothing that the psyche will not destroy to justify itself to itself; that is what is truly really-real. The rest is just mystification, mumbo-jumbo, and the annihilative creationism of the psyche.
No-body can physically or physiologically trust the usual evidential metaphysical underpinnings of truth – especially evidential truth-bearing logic itself (apophansis). And especially all branches of the ‘psy-industry’ or oeconometric ‘psy-military-industrial’ complexity. Human reality is a loaded gun in the head about to go off. There never was and there never will be a ‘really real’ psyche outside human self-inculcation and self-indoctrination. Only the indivisible body-as-body is really-real, and that was eliminated from the certain knowledge of reality so-called millennia ago. This is how it is working out when you let long dead metaphysicians, doctors of the soul, grammarians and authoritarians alike determine what the human person is isolated as alone in their heads.
Of course many parents have discovered that trying to “inculcate anything at all into the infant mind” is a non-starter.
Not all infants are the same.
The liars and frauds that currently manipulate us are acting just like the old gods in Wagner’s “Ring of the Niebelung” opera cycle – especially in the first opera, “The Rhinegold”, where Wotan, the chief god, essentially sinks to the level of what he most despises in his pursuit of increased wealth and power.
That’s seriously what the freaks controlling us think they are, but in the last opera, “Twilight of the Gods”, Wagner shows us that their day is done and there is a new beginning, with primal Nature once again in control.
We’re talking vast time-frames here, but throughout history occultists, mystics and spiritual researchers have spoken of the same process.
We do our best with the tools available to us, but in the future our species will have other tools, and we can prepare ourselves now by developing our imaginative thinking in a way that will be flexible enough to accommodate those tools.
At the end of all such spiritual considerations, the devil never wins.
It’s like it’s simply his job to oppose the good and true for as long as he can.
As I keep trying to make clear — nobody is in control. Nobody even could be in control of a whole planetary workforce, let alone plan ahead. The level of permutations of energy-complexity would give even an omnipotent deity a nervous breakdown. The ‘omnipotent deity’ is you, me and up to ~8bn other autonomous economic agents. In reality; the numbers involved would need to be ~800Bn in order to reproduce the singularity of the human person. That is a nominal and illustrative figure of how big the labour-force would have to be if it were human powered. It is not human powered and not controllable by the human intellect alone (see Ellul on Technique.)
If we cannot even reproduce our own desire, what the fuck are we doing with all that power? That is ~800Bn working flat out with a biodigital interface with hypertechnology and hydrocarbon power-density. That is a monster of a man-machine that cannot even feed it’s own constituent desire. That’s ~800Bn “virtual labour-force” to feed the libidinal appetivities of the high income countries that account for less than 20% of the population. That’s ~800Bn feeding the ponerological appetivities of >2Bn. That is you and me and our real-time consumptogenesis that nearly 800X the people who have ever lived could not produce alone. We live on the planet of hungry ghosts in the man machine. No amount of effort and no amount of power will make us whole until we realise we are and were always whole — before the consumptogenic commodification of the whole earth.
So, demonisation is something to be avoided. The task is recognise just how absurd the enormity of human productivity is, and curb it. All that effort goes into what I call “desire-dissatisfaction”; we turn the earth into commodities we plough back into the earth as ecotoxicity; from source to sink in the same instant when considered holistically. Every instant we turn the habitable earth into an uninhabitable earth to feed the collective appetivities of ~2Bn who will not be satisfied until the job is done and we can no longer inhabit this world; to serve the ego we do not have and fulfill some monstrously stupid image of the world as it rationally ought to be grounded in some mediaeval metaphysical image of ‘man as a rational animal’ sense of superiority over the rest of phylogenetic evolution. And that is not limited to anybody in particular; we all inherited this psychiatric shitshow — time to let go of the ego collectivisation of privation.
The earth will not be renewed until we curb our economic activities, which is Degrowth. Getting rid of a few freaks will do nothing to curb our excessive demands on the earth which is decreasing the regenerative capacity and decimating biodiverse sumbiogenesis every instant. If we do not turn our imaginative thinking away from the ‘self-regulating market economy’ toward the self-regulating post-market ecology there will be no future for imaginability in its current form. Only the ecology is really-real: the rest is phoney (especially the money, honey!)
A lousy gig, especially for an archangel. Who can endure it without pride?
The unanswered question becomes “When did this rift begin; why did it begin; how did it begin and take hold; what did its originators seek to gain?”
Since the earliest extant philosophies seem already to have accepted this dualism as absolute reality, other than positing that “civilization” existed hundreds of thousands of years ago and crumbled then again arose only to crumble again, there is no possible antecedent to these philosophies.
Many spiritual teachers have mentioned how important human peaks and troughs come in waves, and a place that was a centre of cultural excellence 2,000 years ago might have nothing significant to offer today.
I don’t want to harp on about music all the time, but it is relevant that my piano teacher / guru / mentor mentioned Vienna as such a focus, where various international influences gradually centred themselves upon the city, and certain composers gradually paved the way for Beethoven as a pinnacle.
After that, and just as gradually, other great names paved the way for Vienna’s cultural decline – to the point where nobody pays any attention to the musicians who live there now.
In other words, it is rhythm – a constant feature of the laws of natural physics – which influences this apparent ‘duality’.
It might also be worth mentioning that according to Rudolf Steiner, various cultural epochs are guided by, I think, seven archangels, whose tasks include supervision of where, geographically, the high points and low points of any given time will be.
Another example of rhythm on a vast time scale could be taken from St. John’s “Apocalypse”, where the writer indicates that the devil will have his allotted time to do his worst, after which he will be defeated (until the next time…?)
I’m glad we are at least having this discussion on an imaginative level, since the physical ‘proof’ of anything I’m saying here isn’t going to be seen in our era – or is it…?
Meanwhile, those of us who are not clairvoyant can only compare one concept with another, and use our intelligence in the hope of finding a truly compelling scenario.
Importantly, however, mere ‘intelligence’ needs to be fertilized by ‘what our heart tells us’ and our ‘gut feelings’.
The relevance of those attributes doesn’t disappear just because we are clever…
For the moment I am seeking an answer to why 2000 years passed on since the promise.
But in the meanwhile pls allow me to share this happy music example of rhythm with soul. The first 30 seconds are boring then it explode and grow.
https://youtu.be/UIvOD-JY9x4 Revelacao Mineira.
That’s really nice music.
Thank you.
I have very much hamstrung myself by being a materialist. I believe (I would go so far as to say “I know”) that certain ideas are just “there” at a certain time; and that some people are able to receive/perceive these ideas and act upon them or transcribe them or otherwise give them form.
In that regard, I don’t think it’s mere coincidence that there are no Beethovens or Brahmses around today. Rather, I think the ideas they were able to translate into music are no longer there; so their particular music can no longer be created.
I realize there are still many composers; but as good as some may be, they are not the same as Beethoven or Brahms because the ideas that gave rise to their music are gone.
The problem with genealogy is that there is no single cause, no single time or place or person ‘behind’ the the rift; as in a prime mover or immovable cause — and for rational-causal ‘reality’ there has to be as singular pre-existing external cause (principium essendi externum) from whichever we get god-theory. As man is already subordinated to man’s own dualistic conception; there has to be an intermediary…. and so the two became three.
The alien animism is the rational trinitarian intercessor between the phaenomenal world of the senses and the intelligible world of the forms, essences, or substances. The inferior sensible world of appearances yield essences that can be compared to the real world of causes and the ‘really-real’ psyche can mediate between rational-causal true world and begin to impose the rational order upon the ‘prime chaos’ of the natural world.
Fast forward ~2.5K and we have the real-time destruction of the actually really-real world by the economic imperialism of the psyche. Applying the “principle of sufficient reason” to find first cause and first principles will find no logical or rational ground for this particular outcome. If we could ‘rewind’ history and ‘play it again’ it would come out completely differently again and again, such is the level of complexity we are dealing with. The butterfly spreads its wings and irrevocably alters the course of chaos theory, and all that.
Therefore: there is no cause, no principle, no reason, no logic, and definitively no reasonableness — just bad habit and bad habitation, that is institutionalised bad inhabitation, reification, and extremised hypostatisation of empty speech that has no referent or meaning (Quine spent his career trying to clean out the “ontological slums” of words like ‘existence’, ‘essence’ and ultimately — ‘reality’.) The ‘prime mover’ is the symbolic language which moved and motivated the human person towards ends other than their own — fatally stupid and destructive rational ends as the ultimated ‘good’ made reality.
For all intents and purposes, I very much doubt that the originators had any machiavellian intent to deceive; certainly not on this level. Our cultural heritage is Greek and the symbolic terms they invented were relevant to Greek antiquity. Nor did their mediaeval interpreters have malevolent intent, per se. FWIW: four men shaped the way we think today — Plato/Augustine and Aristotle/Aquinas laid down the Form, the Logic, the Categories, the Grammar, the Natural Law (as the moral law) and pretty much everybody else was a commentator on those two strands of cultural DNA (up to and including you, me, and everybody else writing and thinking today.)
The problem is not finding where it started, but seeing where it will end. And then modifying the ’causes and principles’ to avoid the unconscionable end we are experiencing right now. It is a simple matter of replacing the metaphysical image of man’s essence [MIME] with a modern physiologic image of man and progressing remediated ‘natural law’ — actually from “really-real” nature this time round — and grounding ethics, aesthetics, politics, and economics in actual ecology…. without an alienated and alienating animus moving me to endlessly pursue private property!
The real problem is getting enough to agree on the “really-real” reality principle.
I believe the two of us have an “apples-oranges” dynamic preventing each from understanding the other. Your perspective is philosophical; mine is evolutionary.
I believe there is a Species Trajectory, which impels certain evolutionary steps – one of which is the inevitable extinction of the species. The particulars are optional; but the steps are absolute – they are born of the reality of Nature and of the universe itself. The species will always choose whatever particulars lead to fulfilling each step.
We are, as you suggest, witnessing the end of this process. Humans have pursued a certain course (for convenience, call it the Hierarchy-Power Dynamic – which may simply be a sub-set of the Mind-Body dichotomy you elaborate). All along the way, their history has clearly shown how disastrous that course is; but they refuse to budge. And because they refuse, their chosen course has run its course; there is nowhere to go. Humanity’s one and only way of life has made it impossible for the species to continue.
Had humans not pursued “Science” with such ferocity, their species could have continued for untold millennia. But, again, they could not resist the temptation to speed up the process of their own extinction.
So be it.
Two words have done more than anything else in human history to obscure reality: National Security.
Anyone who utters those words should be arrested on sight and put in a rubber room.
“Thus and so happened but we can’t show you any of the evidence: National Security, you know.” And they get away with murder.
On the day the masses stand up and say “National Security be damned!” the government will lose 90% of its power.
The point of “unbelievable reality ” was reached long ago
People actually thought men landed on the moon. People actually thought Nixon made a phone call to men on the moon in 1969.
It’s called tell-LIE-vision for a reason. 99% of what you see on TV is fake
People thought men landed on the moon because… men landed on da moon!
You didn’t address… the phone call.
Dear Todd,
I actually joined Substack the other day in attempt to find a way to send you an e-mail (still unsuccesful) as in your last couple of essays here (this one, Ilusory Guilt, Curiosity Killed the Cat) have taken the words out of my mouth and brought out into the open thoughts that have been mulling around in my brain for a while.
The issue you mention here terrifies me (and I hadn’t gone as far as thinking of holographic images!). As with everything I have been doing since 2020, I try to make choices in my life that limit access to what may be unreal and narrow my focus on what i know is read: the chickens on my farm, the eggs they lay, the real people I talk to and so on.
The upside is, there is very little that can scare or alarm me on social media – I pretty much asusme it is a fake.
I just wish I could shake yours, Silvia’s and Kit’s hands to make sure you are also not simply AI!
Hi…I think you found me, didn’t you? Email is [email protected]. I have nothing to hide…ha ha…thanks for your comments!! And I assure you, I am not AI, I make too many mistakes for that!
Yet, isn’t that PRECISELY how AI would handle it? Interpolating the occasional typos and glitches? Hmmmm.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-10-04. 120k USA children “DIED SUDDENLY” mRNA jabs. Kariko & Weissman get Nobel for unlimited spike toxins (blog, gab, tweet).
Well the aches and pains one feels when getting up in the morning, that’s real, and takes a long time go away.
It’s true, but regular yoga and exercise will help. I do about 90 min every second day.
We are on two different paths, I did about 80 hours a week for say 30 years to lighten my load, hope to get down to those numbers in a decade or so.
Just another idiotic, moronic worthless article penned by anti white nutjob claiming that “Nazis” secretly rule the world…..
Also, the”Nazis” were pro white, so anyone against nazism is an enemy of the freedom of the white race from commie tyranny.
This goes out to Mr Hayden & Hopkins.
Off Guardian = ZOG.
Auf Wiedersehen.
A brilliant bit of satire, Violet. Love it.
It is satire, right?
🤣 dead funny.
Well, if you are going to assault/insult me, at least pay enough attention to get my name right…it is HAYEN, not HAYDEN…I would complain about the “Mr.” as well, but that isn’t all that important…
I agree Violet…all this ‘nazi’ bashing is cover for the real villians…the Talmud terrorists!
We always end up there yes? The 6 and six zeroes…..and six.
Forgive my seeming punctilious, but you should use “Messrs.” when indicating more than one gentleman – not “Mr.” Otherwise “Mr Hayden & Hopkins” becomes one name.
I had an idea.
Roughly on topic…
My Plan to Improve the Human Race
This company is about to SKYROCKET!
Modified, battery-powered, electric digital human beings that communicate and recharge directly by wifi, using energy from offshore, NJ wind turbine fields and repurposed, excess carbon emitting, former Adirondack forests-cum solar panel array meadowlands.
A vast improvement especially over earlier, organic, analogue, non-battery, protein-powered models and prototypes you used to have to plug in!
Join the new and improved human race.
Please rate my plan (no comments, thank you, I’m not interested and don’t care what you think), I’m collecting thumbs up points to boost my website product, pre-laumch sales — need powerful endorsements, like this “up” — thank you.
Reality may be stranger than fiction, but there’s always the reality of the bottom line to bring us back down to earth.
This has to be the greatest meme ever. Thank you for it.
The image above is exactly what takes place at everyone’s [wrongly-termed] ‘death’, Howard! (apart from the rope, of course!) You “don’t believe” that, I know, but it still remains an absolute proven fact.
👍 😃
My Sainted mum died in 2009 having inadvertently maxed out all her credit (we only found out but a few weeks before that that she had lights out leukemia)
Our wonderful Credit Union didn’t even bother me, she was too high up by then to reach anyway. [With an umbilical chord length in Guinness.]
I don’t think many people seek or rely on evidence anyway, Todd. We’ve had a three-year demonstration.
Don’t psychologists say motivation, identity and ideology – or motivated reasoning – is pervasive?
Pollster George Barna found most Americans believe truth is subjective – “my truth.”
Then there’s the William Casey quote (as related by Barbara Honegger): “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
Agreed…I think my point here is WHY people have not sought or relied on evidence over the past three years…they don’t bother…they don’t use their own senses, including the common one, to sort through “evidence” as most of it is probably faked. So they then turn to whatever authority has convinced them that THEY know the truth without having to look at the evidence themselves. That’ person, institution, government, whatever becomes their evidence. “Well, THEY must know the truth! I’m listening to THEM.”
Todd, I think it’s worse than that.
Once you accept that we’re swivel-eyed nutjobs and therefore any “evidence” we present must be wrong, then it’s easy to see why they would choose to believe the polar opposite.
WTC7 has to be the zenith of their distrust of the truth when it is presented by one of us.
Imagine for a minute there was a MSM investigation presenting exactly what can be found on the collapse currently only (openly) available on alt. media !!!
The author seems to be suggesting that the people are getting more suspicious of what is presented to them because they are aware of the technology that can bend reality. Convid has shown that premise to be false. Never before have so many been fooled by so few on such a large scale.
I think many people have become suspicious…like most readers here…but many, and it seems to be most, have not. They seem to have chosen just to ignore ALL evidence, since evidence looks to be fluid and ever-changing.