“Where were all the anarchists during Covid19?”

This wide-ranging interview was conducted with Paul Cudenec of Winter Oak by two anarchist pro-freedom campaigners, MA and WS, from Brighton, England.

WS: Please could you introduce yourself and say how you came to be a writer and create the website Winter Oak?

Paul Cudenec: I am a former professional journalist, who slogged away for 25 years on a local newspaper in Sussex, and have also been an active anarchist since the mid 1990s. Ten years ago I took voluntary redundancy to concentrate on my own writing, then moved to rural France. I initially created Winter Oak as a vehicle for publishing my books but over the years the site has increasingly become the focus of my writing activity, in particular my exposures of the global power nexus, which were lent new urgency by the Covid moment.

WS: How would you define ‘anarchism’? Is it left wing or right wing or beyond both paradigms?

PC: It is beyond those one-dimensional labels. Anarchists reject authority on the basis that we are naturally capable of running our own lives and communities without top-down control from self-appointed rulers and exploiters. We extend the principle of self-determination down to grassroots level, to individuals.

Power should rise up from below, in co-operation and mutual aid, rather than be imposed from above. This is not a message that is generally appreciated by either the political left or political right, which are merely two legs of the same ever-advancing body of control and exploitation.

WS: Why did 99% of the organised anarchist movement worldwide follow the Covid 19 narrative? Why totally no push back and even attacks on those who were questioning the narrative and challenging those in power?

PC: This is a question that much occupied me in 2020! I couldn’t understand it at all. After several years of research I have understood the way that anarchism (like other political and cultural movements) has simply been taken over by the system, turned round and pointed in the opposite direction.

WS: You recently wrote a book on the great reset from an anarchist perspective but have in the past suffered much in criticism from elements within the anarchist movement in respect of your opposition to the great reset etc. Why is this?

PC: The criticism is ongoing, in fact. I find it incredible that self-identified “anarchists” could regard it as a bad thing to challenge the imposition, by fraudulent means, of a global corporate dictatorship! The only way this could have come about, in my opinion, is that the movement has been infiltrated and ideologically polluted on a massive scale. Those who have gone along with this merely out of compliance to groupthink cannot really call themselves anarchists. Anarchists should think for themselves, on the basis of their own conscience and not because of social pressure.

WS: What evidence may there be in your mind that certain protest groups like Antifa, BLM and Extinction Rebellion are state operations and in a sense ‘storm troopers for the establishment’?

PC: The evidence is not in my mind, but very real! I have researched and written a number of articles exposing their connections to what I have taken to calling the criminocracy – the self-concealing web of foundations, charities, investment funds and national and international institutions that controls much of our social structure.

Although activists in these groups are no doubt genuinely motivated by the advertised principles, these movements are definitely being manipulated for an overall agenda tied closely to transhumanism, impact capitalism and digital public-private global totalitarianism.

Not only do these controlled groups replace genuine movements and steer activists into directions favoured by the system, but they are also used to attack genuine dissidents, in a false-flag fashion, deploying the self-righteous fury of woke ideology to impose conformity to corporate-friendly attitudes.

WS: Has the anarchist movement been co-opted if not just by the state but also by cultural marxist ideology and hence become itself authoritarian? Aren’t then those anarchists just closet communists or socialists? Particularly in the sphere of contemporary ‘identity politics’ and climate change’?

PC: I am never quite sure what is meant by “cultural marxism” but I do think that perhaps the initial assault on authentic anarchist thinking came from that direction. By absorbing too many Marxist assumptions and prejudices, such as a rather rigid economic analysis, a dogmatic attachment to industrialism as a means of emancipation, and by often labelling themselves “libertarian communists” rather than as anarchists (for reasons which I have never understood), people in the anarchist movement started becoming less anarchist, less inspirational, more pedantic, flat and boring like the rest of the left.

Once this softening-up process has done its work, undermining any real instinctive feeling for anarchism, repelling real anarchists and attracting non-anarchists to this increasingly non-anarchist movement, the ground was ready for the next stage, of corruption by identity politics, by fake-green “climate” activism, by woke cancel culture and all the absurdity, narrow-mindedness and intellectual aggression that goes with it.

WS: What changed that the anarchist movement at the turn of the millennium was anti-globalisation (one thinks of the WTO protests) but now is progressively pro-globalisation (one thinks of those anarchists and leftists etc who staged a counter protest against those challenging peacefully 15 minute cities in Oxford recently)?

PC: Yes, two decades ago, anarchism was at the heart of the anti-globalisation movement that was mobilising tens of thousands of people all over the place against centralised worldwide corporate-financial control. That revolt came to a halt with 9/11, in 2001, and there followed two decades of ideological reorientation. Now “mainstream” anarchist voices condemn opposition to globalisation as “far-right conspiracy theory”! I increasingly suspect the process has been a planned and deliberate ideological dismantling of what was a powerful current of resistance challenging the global mafia’s plans.

WS: In many of your books, you discuss religion and spirituality; why do you think historically anarchism is always seen as inherently atheistic and anti any concept of God, divinity, soul or spirit?

PC: I suppose this element in anarchism originally sprung from opposition to organised religion which worked in tandem with secular authorities to keep the people in their place. When this is combined with the influence of “progressive” rationalist thinking, it turns into a dogmatic rejection of anything to do with soul or spirit. What I have tried to show in my writing is that, in fact, the anarchist philosophy is a political manifestation of the understanding of the human role as expressed by all the world’s spiritual traditions.

Anarchists – authentic ones, anyway! – regard the individual as part of a greater whole, but insist that they must be free to follow their own innate moral compass, safe in the knowledge that this will also be the innate moral compass of the community.

The anarchist faith in ethics, in the basic goodness of human beings and the way that we trust them to run their own lives without being policed by authority, stems, in my view, from the understanding that the divine is within all of us if only we would allow it to shine and guide our thoughts and actions.

WS: You appear to be a ‘perennialist’ in personal outlook as regards belief and faith; do you have any religious practice or particular spiritual path that you follow? How would you distinguish perennialism from the new age movement and ethos?

PC: I have not (yet) found a religious practice or spiritual path that I want to follow, but instead have evolved my own approach. I would say that this is based on my strong sense of belonging to the natural world, and indeed the cosmos as a whole, and also on a sense that the only meaning in my life is to try to do the will of that overall living entity of which I am but one tiny part.

I have been inspired by medieval Christianity, Sufism, Hinduism, indigenous American spirituality and in particular by perennialists like René Guénon, Ananda Coomaraswamy and Frithjof Schuon who see a common ur-faith at the centre of the circle of superficially different faiths. I suppose the main difference with New Age thinking is that the traditional source is crucial for perennialists. You can’t just make stuff up because it sounds nice.

I personally have a problem with the kind of “spirituality” which promotes disengagement from the world and non-resistance to evil. As an antidote, I recommend the work of Sri Aurobindo, an anti-imperialist freedom-fighter whose spirituality embraces the necessity to become strong enough to give oneself, selflessly, to the fight for all that is good and living and beautiful.

WS: Are there any other anarchist groups that were sceptical of the covid narrative and challenged the lockdown and are active in opposition to the great reset etc?

PC: There are people scattered around the place, who are now regrouping. Nevermore Media, in North America, has been an important voice for anarchist “heresy”, as has Food Not Bombs founder Keith McHenry, with whom I conducted an interview in 2022. There is also Counterpropaganda in Spain, Resistenze al Nanomondo in Italy, a group of green anarchist comrades in Croatia – pockets of resistance everywhere! In the UK I have been working with Real Left, which includes some anarchists, and The Stirrer has been a rock of anarchist authentity.

Others have been in touch to say that they agree with me, but hesitate to go public. I suspect that the pro-Reset “anarchists” will be increasingly ignored as time goes on.

MA: Do you know any anarchists in France who didn’t go along with the official covid narrative?

PC: One or two. There are also one or two people who didn’t go along with the official narrative who have subsequently realised that they are, in fact, anarchists! But in the main the reaction was the same as on the UK anarchist scene – almost as if it was in some way centrally co-ordinated…

There was one local anarchist (or libertarian communist) group here which mobilised against vaccine passports in 2021, while insisting that the “vaccines” were themselves a good thing and that fellow protesters should not challenge the science!

I have subsequently found myself back on the same side of the barricades as them (and the rest of the left) over the pension reforms issue, but my faith in where their allegiance ultimately lies has been seriously shaken.

MA: How difficult was it for unvaccinated people in France during the vaccine mandates? How much non-compliance generally do you think there was in France to lockdowns and getting the jab?

PC: Well, we could still go into shops, apart from certain huge hypermarkets that I don’t frequent anyway. But you couldn’t drink a coffee in a café. I once stopped off in driving snow in the mountains, waited at the bar to be served, unmasked, for ten minutes in a café full of people, only to be told that without the vaccine passport I could only buy a take-away. So I had to down my espresso outside in the snowstorm!

A couple of decent restaurants agreed to feed me and a friend, as we travelled across France in the summer of 2021, if we didn’t stay too long, while stressing that they could go to prison for doing so! Generally levels of compliance were depressing, but I think that maybe non-compliance was largely hidden from view. People did keep holding family gatherings and so on.

I have also heard about fake vaccine records. One encouraging lockdown phenomenon was flash mobs, where people popped up all over the place, outside government buildings and in railway stations, dancing to a beautiful and defiant song by HK et Les Saltimbanks. There were no major pro-freedom protests here until vaccine passports were introduced and then it really took off, to my delight!

MA: Do you think a lot of people in France feel that the terms ‘left’ and ‘right’ are meaningless now? Did the Gilets Jaunes and more recently the pension protests bring together different types of people (political, non-political, voters for different parties, non-voters, etc.)?

PC: Yes, it’s been going that way, since the Gilets Jaunes achieved the seemingly impossible feat of attracting to their ranks both the “far left” and the “far right”, as well as many in between. The broad opposition to vaccine passports, pension reforms and the corrupt Macron regime as a whole, has certainly helped that process along. But the system is doing its best to reinforce the old divide… The radical left opposition in parliament (the rough equivalent of Corbyn’s Labour, I suppose) comes under constant attack from the corporate media, accused of being “islamo-leftist”, supporting violent rioters and so on.

The recent unrest may have pushed many fearful folk temporarily back into the “law and order” camp, unfortunately, prompting the question as to whether or not we are witnessing a 21st century version of the “strategy of tension” deployed by the Italian state four decades ago.

MA: In France and worldwide, what hope do you think there is that the people will unite against the oppressors and do you think many anarchists will come creeping back with their tails between their legs to join that movement, finally seeing through the lies?! How important is it that they do that; do we need them?

PC: If enough of us want, and will, such an uprising to happen, then it is inevitably going to do so. There are plenty of signs that the powers-that-be have noticed this broad revolt beginning, hence their increasingly desperate attempts to smear, censor and silence us. It would be nice to think that certain “anarchists” will have to eat their words and join us on the free side of the barricades, but, no, we don’t need them.

The great German anarchist Gustav Landauer said that we should never worry about a potential lack of revolutionaries, because when the revolution happens they simply emerge, miraculously, from the population. We have already seen this with the new rebels against the Great Reset. It’s about time that anarchism, a beautiful, profound and powerful philosophy, had the followers it deserves!

WS: Is there anything more you would like to add or say?

PC: I would like to say that this is a very important historical period we are living through. The stakes could hardly be higher. If we don’t succeed in seeing off this attempted global coup, the future for humanity and our world looks bleak indeed. It is a difficult moment to be living through, but we are also blessed with being present in it, being able to do something to change the course of history. I would urge anyone who is not already doing everything they can (and I am sure many are!) to look deep inside their heart and ask themselves what they personally could contribute to tip the scales away from evil, slavery and destruction and towards good, freedom and life.

WS: Where can one find Winter Oak and find out more about your many books?

PC: The site is at http://www.winteroak.org.uk and if you go to the Books section you will find that all my work is available to download free as pdfs, as well as to buy as physical copies. I would also point people towards my parallel project, the Organic Radicals site at orgrad.wordpress.com, where I trace the diverse threads behind what I would like to become a powerful new philosophy of opposition to the corrupt modern world.


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Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Jul 1, 2024 2:33 PM

“Acts of desperation and outright anarchy are what happens …”

Authoritarians Drunk on Power: It’s Time to Recalibrate the Government


“Who created this meaning of anarchy in our minds?” Mike Sliwa 

Do Not Fear Your Local Anarchist 


belle in hell
belle in hell
Oct 12, 2023 11:40 AM

It continues to baffle me how the COVID narrative managed to convince so many fringe groups from joining. I am not an anarchist and didn’t realise the movement had been subverted as well. I still don’t understand how so many hippy-dippy, homeschooling, vaccine-eschewing friends of mine turned into Covid fanatics. This question still troubles me 3 years on..

Oct 16, 2023 8:03 PM
Reply to  belle in hell

To be honest I don’t know anybody but liberals who supported the covid regimes. They love power games. I never saw liberals as left. The anarchists going along with it is more interesting. And weird.

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Oct 11, 2023 8:19 PM

“Render unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar and to God that which belongs to God”

i woodie
i woodie
Oct 11, 2023 7:09 PM

Paul, thank you for this article….”the criminocracy – the self-concealing web of foundations, charities, investment funds and national and international institutions that controls much of our social structure”…..

I can varify that indeed, there appears to be Hedge Funded groups who are associated with most of the Green energy subsidiarys here in the UK. There are connections behind these companies pushing the Green washing machine system of government funded solar/wind creation projects. An easy investigation reveals most of the main 5 or 6 companies appear to have been started around 2014/2015 with support by said Hedge Funders.

The weirdest one is this….https://www.ecotricity.co.uk/
the “doomsday clock” at the bottom of the website says it all……dig deeper and it all starts to show the UN connections.


The Refusers
The Refusers
Oct 11, 2023 1:35 PM

Our band The Refusers rock song Government Slave

“They get a kick when they pull your strings, they control what you think. You’re just a cog in their PR machine, to them you don’t mean a thing. They really need you to obey. You’re a government slave!”

Free sreaming song link

Oct 11, 2023 11:37 AM

The disorientation those who consider themselves “progressive” feel after discovering many of their most treasured causes being appropraited by the oligarchs is understandable. The clearest example has been how “progressive” cause groups repeatedly have the backing of Fortune 500 companies. Previous explanations – like corporation supporting homosexuality because they wanted “the pink pound” – are clearly frauds. How many trans pounds are there? Corporations like the owners of Bud Light were manifestly willing to trash precious brands to promote certain desired agendas. Profit was not the motive.

To use Kuhn’s analysis of science, when a paradigm acquires too many anomalies the paradigm has to shift. The left-right paradigm, as traditionally understood, cannot hold. Dissolve and re-coagulate is a much more convincing paradigm of how the oligarchs operate. We are now in a time of dissolution – and at such times an ideology like anarchism can be weaponised as a battering ram. It was what happened in the 1970s and how the so-called postwar consensus was broken up (despite having majority support). Their role is not to get into power (which would be a contradiction anyway) but to shift the Overton Window and/or to justify the reaction which becomes the new power. Anarchism and authoritarianism become two wings of the same bird.

That the anarchists themselves become the authoritarianis may seem like a new twist – but is it really? How many Neo-cons were former Trotskyites? Anarchism and the Trotskyite version of Communism both aimed at the destruction of the nation-state which makes them particularly serviceble from the oligarch viewpoint. Libertarian anarchists and anarcho-capitalists are even more useful because of their blindness to the fusion of corporations and state that is a crucial feature of the Great Reset (or New World Order as it was called before re-branding).

It’s particularly important to the oligarchs that anarchists swallow the notion of “science”. The forthcoming technocracy then becomes anarchy. Thesis and antithesis become a new synthesis and slavery becomes freedom.

Oct 11, 2023 10:27 AM

I never really had to expose my anarchachistic views before this covid scam but when i did I was ridiculed and even called a murderer. I was treated worse than a leper in this middle class part of East Anglia. There is a huge chunk of society I cannot really converse with anymore. BUT NO ONE HAS AUTHORITY OVER ME. not now, not ever.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Oct 11, 2023 5:27 PM
Reply to  Suzy

there is no authority but yourself

Oct 12, 2023 11:44 AM
Reply to  dom irritant

I am well aware of that which is why I refused anyone in the NHS to have authority over me in 2011 after an ‘alleged’ cancer diagnosis. My book called Coffee or Chemo charts the journey I took to free myself from medical tyranny once and for all.

Oct 10, 2023 8:35 PM

Monarchy is an anachronism of anarchy.

Oct 10, 2023 6:18 PM

I’d love to believe in a heaven. I want to believe in a higher power of one form or another but it’s a real struggle to believe it. Most people massively into faith are for the most part in it for themselves.

Oct 10, 2023 6:14 PM

Anarkids, punks etc are just middle class hippies waiting for someone to piss them off enough to drop the whole anti establishment schtick they have poorly cultivated for themselves that they’ve never been. Always parroting their TV unless it’s the conservative party (for British folk) or the republicrats (for US folk) saying something. Then they’re kind of against it. For a while.

Oct 10, 2023 4:23 PM

It all began with God (“In the beginning….”). “Render unto Caesar…render unto God….”

No! It’s that rendering crap that’s gotten us in the mess we’re in today. Render nothing to Caesar, and nothing to God.

If one or the other says or does something nice, simply say “That’s nice. Keep up the good work.” Don’t go whole hog and dedicate your life to them.

It’s your life – not theirs. They can’t live it for you – they can’t breathe for you or anything else. So how dare they demand any kind of rendering.

All they can do is kill you if you don’t render unto them. Is that any way to begin a relationship?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 10, 2023 1:49 PM

I have been inspired by medieval Christianity, Sufism, Hinduism, indigenous American spirituality and in particular by perennialists like René Guénon, Ananda Coomaraswamy and Frithjof Schuon who see a common ur-faith at the centre of the circle of superficially different faiths. I suppose the main difference with New Age thinking is that the traditional source is crucial for perennialists. You can’t just make stuff up because it sounds nice.

I hadn’t heard of this before. What’s “ur-faith”?

The Traditionalist or Perennialist School is a group of 20th- and 21st-century thinkers who believe in the existence of a perennial wisdom or perennial philosophy, primordial and universal truths which form the source for, and are shared by, all the major world religions. The early proponents of this school of thought are René Guénon, Ananda Coomaraswamy, and Frithjof Schuon. Other notable members include Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Titus Burckhardt, Martin Lings, William Stoddart, Jean-Louis Michon, Marco Pallis, and Huston Smith.

René Guénon
From his incursions into the French occultist and pseudo-Masonic orders, he despaired of the possibility of ever gathering these diverse and often ill-assorted doctrines into a “stable edifice”.[29] In his book The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times he also pointed out what he saw as the intellectual vacuity of the French occultist movement, which, he wrote, was utterly insignificant, and more importantly, had been compromised by the infiltration of certain individuals of questionable motives and integrity.[30] Following his desire to join a regular Masonic obedience, he became a member of the Thebah Lodge of the Grande Loge de France following the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.[31]

Urged on by some of his friends and collaborators, Guénon agreed to establish a new Masonic Lodge in France founded upon his “Traditional ideals”, purified of what he saw as the inauthentic accretions which so bedeviled other lodges he had encountered during his early years in Paris. This lodge was called La Grande Triade (“The Great Triad”), a name inspired by the title of one of Guénon’s books. The first founders of the lodge, however, separated a few years after its inception.[51] Nevertheless, this lodge, belonging to the Grande Loge de France, remains active today.

Anthony Murphy
Anthony Murphy
Oct 10, 2023 10:21 AM

good interview!

Oct 10, 2023 10:17 AM

“I have been inspired by medieval Christianity, Sufism, Hinduism, indigenous American spirituality and in particular by perennialists like René Guénon, Ananda Coomaraswamy and Frithjof Schuon who see a common ur-faith at the centre of the circle of superficially different faiths”.

So no one world government – but a one world faith? Is this bloke really so naive he can’t see how the two dovetail?

All the leaders of the major faiths are now zealous ecumenists. It’s why they’ve been promoted to those roles. They all also upheld the Convid narrative and lockdowns. They usually have something deadly dodgy in their backgrounds once one digs into them – like Pope Francis and his actions during Argentina’s ‘dirty war’.

Funny how this ur-faith argument is exactly what a certain fraternal brotherhood have been arguing for years. Different faiths is actually existing diversity but as usual those who proclaim “diversity” really want to destroy it.

Different faiths are free to argue with each other up to but not including killing or imprisoning each other simply for what they believe (which they all teach against anyway). They are free to pass discriminatory laws in their core territories if they wish. People should remember the original and true meaning of “discrimination”. The alternative is the kind of subersion and infiltration that has brought the major religions to where they are now.

Oct 10, 2023 8:20 AM

My wife and I just moved back to rural France from the U.S. after a 6 year absence. Your discussion of the response of the French populace to covid is much appreciated. I don’t have the French language skills to ask the many questions I would like to ask people in that regard.

Roger Lewis
Roger Lewis
Oct 10, 2023 5:59 AM

To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, The General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century
Tags: anarchism, government
The End
August 7, 2022
pass the anarchist another cigarette.

Roger Lewis
Roger Lewis
Oct 10, 2023 6:53 AM
Reply to  Roger Lewis
Oct 10, 2023 3:13 AM

I sometimes wonder if I’m perhaps from another planet. Then I wade through an open forum like this one for this article and I’m pretty sure.

I’ve never encountered so much name-dropping in any one place before. Everyone is recommending someone else as an authority on this or that subject.

And that, dear fellow forum visitors, is precisely where we went wrong in the first place. We seem to need an authority figure even to verify our own opinions.

This must change. People need to start valuing their own opinions – i.e., their own thinking, their own minds. No one’s mind is big enough to contain an authority figure for every single opinion they have.

Scrap the authority figures. Drop the names…down a deep abyss and leave them there.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Oct 10, 2023 5:41 PM
Reply to  Howard

If one has an opinion, understands it and stands by it, I see no harm in citing concurrent authors to strengthen one’s argument. The opinion in question may have been formed through studying those same authors. I see no harm in that. The point is understanding, that personal effort no one else can do in one’s place and which leads to saying “I agree” or “I disagree” with this or that author.

An authoritative citation assumes that the citing person has no opinion of their own, but mindlessly adopts someone else’s view.

Recommending an author doesn’t mean recommending an authority. But I get the point. It is fashionable today to be a contra, an anarchist that is. The important thing is to be against something, against everything.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 10, 2023 10:30 PM
Reply to  Howard

True, true… But opinions must be based on verifiable facts, as far as we can discern them, for them to be valid to ourselves (otherwise we’re deluding ourselves) and to others.
Since we can’t be experts at everything, we must also allow for specialists to enlighten us.
Sometimes we turn out to be right, other times we are wrong.

The worst of humanity are those who can’t be bothered searching for the truth.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Oct 11, 2023 5:18 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

No problem in deluding oneself, that’s how we learn. One has the views one has depending on ones maturity, one’s experience, one’s context. One can even have views blatantly false; I have no problem with that. The point is to be able to communicate, debate and not be intolerant.

Not everyone has your circumstances and experiences and thus you can’t force your methodology for truth pursuit on others. You, just like anyone else, are the result of personal experience. Totalitarian thinking has many doors trough which it can sneak in. Intolerance is one door.

Funny you don’t ask yourself how come experts exist; just lament that we can’t be expert in everything and so we can’t be sure we are always right.

Something tells me you are Researcher pursuing the F. truth, Veritas. That last sentence shows that it is not truth you’re pursuing. Much intolerance in that last sentence, and zero truth.

Oct 10, 2023 2:45 AM

I can tell you the problem in two words: Anarchist Movement. These two nonsensical words constitute both an oxymoron and a contradiction in terms.

Anarchism, by its very nature, cannot ever become a “movement.” Furthermore, there is no such thing as a concoction labeled a “movement” which cannot be co-opted by forces outside of itself.

He who would genuinely consider himself an anarchist stands alone. Period.

Oct 10, 2023 8:31 PM
Reply to  Howard

Your fallacy of composition is only surpassed by your delightful dogmatism.

Oct 11, 2023 3:51 PM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

Fallacy of composition: assuming something that’s true of part of the whole must also be true of the whole.

Does anarchism have a whole? or is it necessarily a part of a whole? i.e., part of a spectrum of power?

(You must be a new kid on the block not to have discerned that reality itself is dogmatic up one side and down the other: you either do it reality’s way or you die.)

Ronald van der Horst
Ronald van der Horst
Oct 10, 2023 2:33 AM

I don’t vote. Why would I vote for a rod for my own back? And as I can only give to a government what I myself possess- why would I think I can vote for a rod laid on the back of another? Tis a delusion to think 0 multiplied by any number would equal anything other than 0! After the vote, 0 is the authority government possesses. Government is a state of mind, ego writ large. We are sentenced by our own convictions.

And yet today I voted. And for what did I vote?
The abolishment of all income tax, company tax, goods and services tax etc to be replaced by a single 1% tax upon all transactions.
Money creation to be taken from the hands of the private banksters and placed, interest free, in the hands of the people- where it belongs.
The withdrawal from the UN, the WHO and the WEF to name a few.
These things and more.

I vote for a step in the right direction, a step against the tide of incoming totalitarianism.
Change the environment, change the behavior. I’m all for a change in environment.

Should this party be voted in, we will effectively be at war with our current oppressors, for they will not give up the golden goose without a fight.
Pray for us….

Oct 10, 2023 8:24 AM

Voting is consenting to your own slavery. “You still lose” the morons say. But they don’t understand that spiritually I remain free by not voting.

Oct 10, 2023 6:31 PM
Reply to  Paul

I’ve heard it said- first one becomes a Man of principle, then a Man of no principle. Strict adherence to a principle can itself become a form of bondage.
Within myself I have not casted a vote, a vote for a preferred overseer.
I have heard a cry from the people- Who will stand strong against the incoming tide of totalitarianism? I have simply put my hand up, I stand with you.
My own spirituality be damned….

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 11, 2023 11:45 AM
Reply to  Paul

I trust you are well armed …

les online
les online
Oct 10, 2023 1:57 AM

Hemp. Let’s Just Go Straight to Number One (3.45):

Oct 10, 2023 12:20 AM

Many religions have anarchism at their heart because they began as paths of introspection.
Leaderless, Truth seeking and unsullied by opportunists.
When the priests and their ilk moved in, religion became all about money and authoritarianism.

We are part of nature.
Nature has no leaders.
Nature has survived through the aeons by cooperating, by mutual aid.

Man made systems collapse because they are hierarchical and selfish.
We are on the cusp of another collapse.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Oct 10, 2023 8:14 PM
Reply to  Johnny

We are part of nature.

Nature has no leaders.

Nature has survived through the aeons by cooperating, by mutual aid.

Maybe it’s true that nature has no leaders, in an ultimate sense, but human beings have always had leaders. No completely non-hierarchical human societies have ever been found: even among hunter-gatherers a kind of loose hierarchy exists: you still have tribal chieftains and so forth.

The key is that these hierarchies need to become more volitional and voluntary, not violently and ruthlessly imposed on one another as is mostly the case today. But pretending that “nature has no leaders” doesn’t solve our problems; it’s just exchanging one simplified fantasy for another.

Oct 10, 2023 11:45 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

No need to pretend.
Just look out your windows.
Perfect order, without orders.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Oct 11, 2023 1:24 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Nice evasion of my point, thanks.

Man made systems do NOT collapse simply because they are hierarchical: this explains nothing. EVERY human society that has ever been studied contains hierarchies. That in itself is not the problem. The problem is that hierarchy, which should remain loose fluid and flexible, has hardened into the rigidity of caste.

Crow Qu'appelle
Crow Qu'appelle
Oct 11, 2023 4:57 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

I address this in a recent piece called What Geese Can Teach Us about Leadership: https://nevermoremedia.substack.com/p/what-geese-can-teach-us-about-leadership

People sometimes believe that anarchism means a rejection of leadership, but such is most definitely not the case.

Leadership is part of human nature, just as it is a part of goose nature.

WHAT IS SPONTANEOUS ORDER?If you’re interested in the idea of anarchist leadership (also known as organic leadership), I would encourage you to familiarize yourself with the concept of Spontaneous Order. 

This video introduces it well:

THERE IS NOTHING INHERENTLY BAD ABOUT LEADERSHIPIf you want to understand why leadership is part of human nature, let me ask you this: If you want to get somewhere you’ve never been before, what’s your best bet?

Following someone who knows the way, right? Well, if you follow them, they’re a leader, aren’t they?

There’s nothing inherently wrong with leadership, but it’s only one part of teamwork.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 10, 2023 12:09 AM

Wonderful interview! The talking points resonated with me.

I was once a “leftie”, being a socially conscious person, then I saw that left and right were part of the same corrupt animal. I was also a “greenie” until I discovered the destructive BigTech and medical tyranny affiliations of the greens. Later I thought I was a libertarian but found them to be too cold-hearted. Later still, I came across Mark Passio and discovered I was an anarchist, having instinctually rejected false and hypocritical authorities since my teens.

Just saying.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Oct 10, 2023 4:49 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Is Mark Passio still enraged at his audience, regarding their passivity during the medical theatre?

Does he still think that the State can be brought down with a decree?

Does he still believe that knowledge and the will are together sufficient to operate social change?

Does he still believe objective morality can be achieved though the exercise of the sole will regardless of context and History?

les online
les online
Oct 9, 2023 11:38 PM

Offguardian, here’s an item you might include in
‘This Week in the New Normal #75’

Long Cold Unknown Before Three Days Ago (Andrea Oehler):

Snuk in whilst we were all distracted by the latest Middle East “flare-up”…

Oct 9, 2023 11:15 PM

I think protest movements are not really anarchism. They are in some way controlled opposition. Not necessarily intentionally controlled by conspirators but ideologically controlled. Even health freedom is a controlled opposition in various degrees. There is the obvious controlled opposition like RFK jr and Dr McCullough, Then there is the not so obvious controlled opposition like David Icke and Andrew Kaufman. Who can really say they are completely outside the box? The not so obvious controlled opposition I think is fairly genuine but it could also be the most dangerous so it is important to be especially careful with these. I think Andrew Kaufman and others said about keeping away from the allopaths. The situation was so dire that it was best to give them a wide birth. I think it is true in a sense. On the other hand I came up with the idea of giving the maskers fruit. If we are to be anti globalist then are we nationalists? I would say no. I certainly am not unless you are talking my universe. We have healthers around the world so it makes little sense to be divided by redundant notions of the nation state. The environment is key to health so it makes little sense to hate on the green movement. I suppose the trick is to bring people together whilst also raising the bar way up. If we move the goal post way over to the desirable position. Call it the new center and drag them in. It’s not protest but government. Anything they can do we can do better.

Oct 10, 2023 9:54 AM
Reply to  Onthemoney

You are aware she was playing at the time of whatever happened at the manchester Arena and she’s talked about selling her soul for fame? Have you seen what she looks like now?

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Oct 9, 2023 11:14 PM

As someone who used to call themselves “an anarchist”, and whose ‘most anarchist’ friend turned out to be the friend most deranged by Covid, I was interested to read this article.
I thought that Paul glossed over some things though (perhaps because of the need to keep it condensed ?).

Yes, two decades ago, anarchism was at the heart of the anti-globalisation movement that was mobilising tens of thousands of people all over the place against centralised worldwide corporate-financial control. That revolt came to a halt with 9/11, in 2001, and there followed two decades of ideological reorientation. Now “mainstream” anarchist voices condemn opposition to globalisation as “far-right conspiracy theory”! I increasingly suspect the process has been a planned and deliberate ideological dismantling of what was a powerful current of resistance challenging the global mafia’s plans.

This was about the time when I stopped identifying with anarchist movements. Chomsky had a large part to play in it but was by no means alone amongst the more prominent anarchist thinkers and writers who denounced any and all questioning of 911. The incapacity of the anti-globalisation movement for thinking clearly and critically about 911 and its consequences was its undoing. I still haven’t read a full account dissecting that history – one that delves into the thought processes of those anarchist leading lights and the difficulty of integrating critical perspectives on 911 with anarchist thought.

Anarchists – authentic ones, anyway! – regard the individual as part of a greater whole, but insist that they must be free to follow their own innate moral compass, safe in the knowledge that this will also be the innate moral compass of the community.

The anarchist faith in ethics, in the basic goodness of human beings and the way that we trust them to run their own lives without being policed by authority, stems, in my view, from the understanding that the divine is within all of us if only we would allow it to shine and guide our thoughts and actions.

This aspect of the relationship between spirituality and religion is where those 911 questions eventually took me, and here I disagree with Paul (and anarchist ideas). There is a conflict within people between goodness and badness. There are some rotten apples. What do we do with them ? Recognising that most people are good hearted, how do we contain and limit the damage foisted by psychopaths/ sociopaths/ those with no conscience ? What about the institutions (religions ?) that seem to actively promote psychopathy ? What if some people seem to worship from long tradition a psychopathic God ?
If only we could awaken the divine in all of us. But we can’t, so what do we do, practically, now ?
Anarchism is an ideal, but has no means of dealing with small minorities who are opposed to any genuine fellowship of humankind without betraying its own anarchistic principles.

Oct 10, 2023 6:28 AM
Reply to  Turning Moment

It’s a way of life. That’s what you do. Period.

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Oct 10, 2023 8:13 AM
Reply to  Paul

‘Period’, as in no further discussion ?

Oct 11, 2023 8:02 AM
Reply to  Turning Moment

It’s an end to the question “what do we do?” Anarchism is a way of being, a mentality.

Oct 10, 2023 12:44 PM
Reply to  Turning Moment

The incapacity of the anti-globalisation movement for thinking clearly and critically about 911 and its consequences was its undoing.
Max Kolskegg — 9/11 In Context: Plans and Counterplans

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 11, 2023 12:01 PM
Reply to  Turning Moment

Somewhat OT … the Zionist Entity has unabashedly claimed that the current slaughter in the territories they are illegally occupying is Israel’s 9/11 event and doesn’t that say it all? More 911 studies ahead … sapienti sat.

les online
les online
Oct 9, 2023 10:29 PM

When failure is the dominant explanation, when failure is the prism through which political, and military actions are viewed

  • “9/11” – due to massive failure of US ‘intelligence agencies’.
  • Alleged authorities’ failures during the ‘covid’ pandemic,
  • Palestinian invasion – due to massive Israeli intelligence failure…

and so on…

Given all the failures, people might think governments et al are not omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, and scoff at claims about an encroaching hitech digital global prison…
“Nothing to worry about !”
“Conspiracy theory bunk !!”

To believe there was a massive intelligence failure by Israel which allowed a Palestinian Invasion – provides grounds for Conspiracy Theorising, that’s for sure !

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 11, 2023 12:02 PM
Reply to  les online

Ain’t that useful?

Oct 9, 2023 9:57 PM

The anarchist ‘movement’ like the rest of the left has been a toxic, stinking ghetto for decades. Their ignorance and moronic response to the Covid Psy-Op was nothing short of breathtaking. However, I consider it a blessing in disguise as they consigned themselves to political irrelevancy and the dustbin of history. The millions who marched against lockdown during 2020 and 2021 were infused with positivity and a genuine, heartfelt opposition to tyranny and a love of freedom. They gave me hope, along with the writings of individuals like Paul, that a new, organic movement for Anarchism will, in time, arise.

Oct 9, 2023 9:26 PM

This was my experience too: most ‘anarchists’ do in fact support the free-market, depressing as it might be. I contrast, holistic integrated thinkers like Paul are as rare as rocking horse shit. Glad to see him featured on OffG.

FWIW: clearly civilisation failed by its own ‘enlightenment principles’ whichever begs the questioning “When will the enlightenment begin?” Rational or essential humanism so-called was and is anything but rational or reasonable, which calls for a radical reassessment of what being human actually means, ‘cos this sure as hell is not it. The human is not a rational animal set apart from the rest, which was supremacism encoded from the outset; the whole domination of the earth thing can go forth and multiply somewhere elsewhere, as far as I am concerned. By eliminating the senses from rational-causal inquiry, the quest for meaning, the thirst for knowledge eliminated life-affirmation itself from science so-called. Having eliminated life-affirmation and life-coherence in metaphysical theory, the rational human then set about eliminating life-itself in practice. How pathologically stupid do you have to be to be well adjusted to a psychotically insane society?

The cult of humanity never wanted to be here, to be embodied, to feel, to touch, to be touched, or to be fully present in the moment. Never being present the moment becomes “always unbearable” according to Peterson…. Life-affirmation is “always unbearable”? Whatever does the narcissist need to make life bearable: because the globalised economy is making nobody ‘happy’ in the relentless pursuit of other people’s property?

Humanity faces a strict binary choice between saving the critical infrastructure of the necropolitical ‘self-regulating’ free-market economy or saving the critical infrastructure of the actually self-regulating ecology as an earth-embodiment. It is not a binary choice: the ethical decision is made and it is up to us how we want to live within the sumbiogenesis of all life-affirmation.

Hope to hear more from Paul and Crow: metta.

Crow Qu'appelle
Crow Qu'appelle
Oct 9, 2023 10:30 PM
Reply to  Bryan

Well, you can check out my latest piece here: https://nevermoremedia.substack.com/p/is-this-armageddon

(It’s about WWIII)

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Oct 9, 2023 9:22 PM

“I personally have a problem with the kind of “spirituality” which promotes disengagement from the world and non-resistance to evil. As an antidote, I recommend the work of Sri Aurobindo, an anti-imperialist freedom-fighter whose spirituality embraces the necessity to become strong enough to give oneself, selflessly, to the fight for all that is good and living and beautiful.”


Those familiar with Sri Aurobindo’s magnum opus, “The Life Divine”, will echo Mr. Cudenec’s recommendation and understand why one professor of philosophy described Sri Aurobindo’s masterwork as “Intellectually perfect.”

Audio version:


Oct 10, 2023 10:09 AM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

I recommend the book highly to insomniacs.

les online
les online
Oct 9, 2023 9:09 PM

My mum was rusted-on Labour Party (ALP),
my dad knew his place
chances of us kids throwing off our oppressors
deciding for ourselves
and running our own lives was ZERO
’cause we were dependent on dad’s wages…

It’s said ‘clothes maketh the man’ as the
tale ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ attests.
it’sby their labels they’ll fool you, and it’s
by their actions you shall know them…

Left, and right, got replaced by a colour scheme:
red, blue, the greens, black
they all sing from the same songsheet
“Bump me into parliament” ( old union song)

Oct 9, 2023 8:51 PM

When it comes to anyone who you thought would stand up against the COVID tyranny but failed to do so, it all comes down to the same thing: “Well, I was just so scared!”

Oct 9, 2023 8:08 PM

Blinded by The Science
Revved up by the jab, another Vaxxer lost their life
Blinded by The Science
Revved up by the jab, another Vaxxer lost their life
Blinded by The Science
Revved up by the jab, another Vaxxer lost their life

💉 🎸 🤘🏽

Oct 9, 2023 8:01 PM

They were blinded by The Science.

Oct 9, 2023 8:00 PM

They were asleep, like all the other Covidiot sheep.

George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future imagine a boot stamping on a (masked) human face forever.

COVID-19 = CON JOB-1984

Oct 9, 2023 7:59 PM

I am never quite sure what is meant by “cultural marxism” but I do think that perhaps the initial assault on authentic anarchist thinking came from that direction.

Paul no doubt is aware of the historical pattern but he missed an opportunity to mention it here.
Anarchist movements and genuine people’s insurrections, not just anarchist thinking, have historically been betrayed by the left. This happened in Russia- the revolution was not created by the Bolsheviks, but co-opted very early on, with the help of western bankers and governments. It happened again in Spain and George Orwell wrote about it in his book Homage to Catalunya. The left betrayed the Spanish people and sabotaged the anti-fascist war effort. The Russian grandfathers of anarchist theory (Bakunin and Kropotkin) were NOT Bolsheviks, or members of the Hazarian clan.

The role of the left has been to betray the people to the state, from the very birth of the left..

The problem IMO with political revolutionary anarchy is that it is utopian given the current state of domesticated humanity. We cannot, barring divine intervention, live without dictatorial authority because the masses require it. They prefer a delusion of safety to freedom. Political anarchist thought is hence limited to individual life choices, theory, philosophy, critique and fiction and most anarchists who do not expand their consciousness probably become depressed and turn to drink/drugs.

Oct 10, 2023 12:54 PM
Reply to  Anarchos
Oct 9, 2023 7:47 PM

Good to see this. Winteroak is my “safe space” when mingling with christian conservatives due to shared anti-globalism interests starts getting tiresome.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Oct 9, 2023 6:57 PM

99%? Depressing. Evidently, when it’s all burned down and only ashes left, then we can make our move. Of course, most of us will be long gone so I guess we can talk about it til the revolution “happens”, or we die.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Oct 9, 2023 6:39 PM

We are all Rachel Corrie. Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-10-07. Young & Middle-Aged jabbed Adults Dying Unexpectedly in Sleep. 53k E&W excess deaths 2023 already (blog, gab, tweet).

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Oct 9, 2023 6:16 PM

PC: I am never quite sure what is meant by “cultural marxism” but I do think that perhaps the initial assault on authentic anarchist thinking came from that direction. By absorbing too many Marxist assumptions and prejudices, such as a rather rigid economic analysis, a dogmatic attachment to industrialism as a means of emancipation, and by often labelling themselves “libertarian communists” rather than as anarchists (for reasons which I have never understood), people in the anarchist movement started becoming less anarchist, less inspirational, more pedantic, flat and boring like the rest of the left.”

“Cultural Marxism” is a label which is ironically applied to a school of thought primarily promoted by people who in fact are anti-Marxist, who look toward the like of Foucault and Post Modernists rather than Marx. Post Modernism rejects the very notion of an over-arching theory, a notion which is at the center of Marx’s analysis.

And there are actually quite a few people who call themselves Marxist or “libertarian communist” who are quite critical of industrialism and Operation Pandemic. See What’s Left and its channel on You Tube, Fabio Vighi in the Philosopher’s Stone (and interviews on Jesse Zurawell’s TNT channel), the work of Tom Mohr, including Virology As Ideology from earlier this year in Magma Magazine, and the work of Miguel Amorós

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 9, 2023 6:34 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Thank you.

Crow Qu'appelle
Crow Qu'appelle
Oct 9, 2023 8:43 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

I am sometimes confused about the way the word Marxism is used these days.

I am an anti-Marxist, so I don’t feel like defending Marxism, and get that cultural Marxism definitely caught on in Western academia as far back as the 60s… but does that make these queers Marxists? I’m not convinced that Marxist is a useful descriptor here.

Are they historical materialists? I doubt they qualify, having zero sense of historical time.

Do they use the dialectic? Obviously not. They wouldn’t be trans if they did.

Do they subscribe to Marx’s economic analysis? No, that’s too complicated.

Do they want to destroy the family? Sure, I’ll give you that.

I guess Jordan Peterson is responsible for popularizing this idea of the woke as “cultural Marxism”… and there’s probably something to it, but I find it confusing personally.

Maybe I just need a history lesson. But it strikes me as disingenuous when obtuse political theory that very few people read anymore is equated to crypto-techno-fascism retroactively. I’m wary of anti-intellectualism, I guess. Or maybe I see too many shades of grey. Or maybe I’m a cuck for nefarious brain-raping jargonomicon-athons.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 9, 2023 11:15 PM

Jordan Peterson doesn’t really know anything about Marxism besides caricatures of Marx’s ideas and straw man arguments. When he blames Marxism for everything, he’s just feeding his flock red meat. He is building his brand in the Alt-right media space. He doesn’t need to know what he’s talking about.

If you are actually interested, check this out:


I do credit him for challenging Woke ideology, but he feels the need to create an origin story for it, but rather than look at those in the ruling class who created it, he wants to blame someone who’s been dead for 130 years.
To me, it’s just another distraction, just like the Lab Leak Theory so popular on the right.

Crow Qu'appelle
Crow Qu'appelle
Oct 10, 2023 4:12 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

And the best comment award goes to…. (drum roll) TOM LARSEN!

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 9, 2023 11:32 PM

My guess is that the queers, transers etc. have appropriated Marxist icons and terms to fit in with this “culture wars” theatre whereby the sceptics re: covid and climate are relegated to “The Right” whilst the ones supposed to embrace the covid and climate arguments are meant to be “on The Left”. It’s cunning because it splits the systemic analysis of capitalism from “conspiracy theory”. And as Michael Parenti has eloquently argued, there’s no reason why those two apporaches cannot be blended. Indeed I would even go so far as to say that they are more effective if they work together.

les online
les online
Oct 10, 2023 2:32 AM
Reply to  George Mc

‘In 1994 Cultural Historian Christopher Lasch wrote “Revolt of the Elite” – describing how a social revolution would be ‘pushed to the cusp’ by the radicalised children of the bourgeoisie. Their leaders would have almost nothing to say about poverty or unemployment. Their demands would be centred on utopian ideals: diversity and social justice – ideals pursued with the fervour of an abstract, millenarian ideology.’

Our Revolting Elites:

Oct 10, 2023 6:29 PM
Reply to  les online

100% on the bourgeoisie quote. Spot on.

Oct 10, 2023 1:38 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Michael Parenti — Conspiracy Phobia on the Left

Crow Qu'appelle
Crow Qu'appelle
Oct 10, 2023 4:13 PM
Reply to  covidiot

Thanks for posting this! Do you know if Parenti spoke about 9/11? I know he nailed it on the CIA dirty wars…

Oct 10, 2023 6:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Michael Parenti is great. Love his book Blackshirts and reds. Dispels a lot of anti communist nonsense.

Oct 10, 2023 10:13 AM

It is important to sustain the confusion. In short: Marxism Bad. Anything to distract from what capitalism is doing to you and yours.

les online
les online
Oct 9, 2023 9:30 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

During the full-on AIDS scare campaign, mid-1980s, mf’, a small (Australian) magazine, published an article, “AIDS as Ideology” – a deconstruction of the media’s fear campaign…
It had little impact, didnt start a revolution in thinking among the left…Virology as Ideology stirs my interests. I’ll check it out…

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Oct 9, 2023 10:29 PM
Reply to  les online

Les. On my Substack, i mention it in “From 9/11 to 3/11 Part 2,” with a link.

les online
les online
Oct 9, 2023 10:40 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Thanks !

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 11, 2023 1:25 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

From 9/11 to 7/10 …

Oct 10, 2023 1:41 PM
Reply to  les online

Peter Duesberg — Inventing The AIDS Virus

Oct 10, 2023 1:31 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

there appear to be dozens of “What’s Left” channels on Youtube; perhaps this was the one intended:


Virology as Ideology — A Critique of Ruling Class Pseudoscience


Oct 9, 2023 6:08 PM

In the end it boils down to collectivism vs individualism, which shows that most of humankind are not humans (individuals) but just sheep (collectivists).

In my case it was easy to see through the bullshit: whenever the stupid state tries to tell me how I have to live I know something is wrong.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 9, 2023 7:14 PM
Reply to  T.S.

RE: In the end it boils down to collectivism vs individualism

This another false dichotomy. It is actually ruling class propaganda. A family is a collective, the activities of the health freedom movement or any movement are collective in nature. All can be considered forms of collectivism. To paint collectivism as the source of all evil blunts our ability to fight against the imposition of the (latest) form of ruling class slavery – we unite in common cause, or collective action. Hell, democracy is collectivism. The forces promoting the Great Reset did not arise from democracy, but rather from the profound lack of democracy.

To quote George Mc:

For communists following the ideological lead of Karl Marx etc. the individual does not exist for the benefit of the collective nor does the collective exist for the benefit of the individual. The split into individual and collective is already suspect in that neither is conceivable without the other. Collectives are obviously collectives of individuals but the individual is the product of a collective in that he is produced from parents who themselves are the product of a society that goes back through innumerable transitions and developments all the way into prehistory. Therefore all this talk about focusing on the individual rather than the collective, and vice versa, ignores the interaction between the two.
Of course what the individualistic rhetoric actually means in practice is that certain individuals project the concerns of their group onto a society as if to suggest that the society exists only for them. And of course the collectivist rhetoric serves the same purpose.

But the idea that “the individual” can somehow be considered “a victim of the collective” taken as a general rule presupposes that individuals can somehow float free of all collectives which is absurd.


Oct 9, 2023 9:29 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Unpleasant though it will probably be, the individual can reject his family too, if they all turn out to be sheep.

As grown ups, we are not what others think we should be – not even what our family thinks we should be.

True, as you say, the family is a collective.
But we don’t have to satisfy ourselves with being imprisoned within the family, if we see good reason not to be.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 9, 2023 9:39 PM
Reply to  wardropper

RE: But we don’t have to satisfy ourselves with being imprisoned within the family, if we see good reason not to be.

What is this “we” you are using? Isn’t that a collective? I think you miss the point. The problem is not collectivism, it’s brainwashing by a tiny ruling elite.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Oct 10, 2023 6:45 PM
Reply to  wardropper

However one thinks of oneself as a self-made person, as independent from others, one can’t help relying one others, either dead or alive, in the formation one’s personality.

First during infancy and childhood, one is forcibly formed by others; then once grown up one may build one’s personal values and character, true. There are however always third persons involved in that construction, dead or alive (e.g. authors of past centuries).

Besides, in matters that count related to one’s livelihood, to one’s day-to-day living, one is bound to be in contact with others and thus one can’t help polish others and be polished by others, consciously or unconsciously. Even the diehard “individualist” looks for a society of common interests with other “individualists”, to say the least. In a nutshell, we need others and are by others needed.

It its in that sense that we humans are social beings. Robinson Crusoe wouldn’t survive a second if suddenly dropped in the middle of a modern city. Robinson Crusoe never existed; it was a subterfuge that liberal economists used to justify self-interest as natural to the first humans; but as well argued above by Tom Larsen, such a beast thankfully never existed.

“Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. Society is something that precedes the individual. Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god. ” – Aristotle, Politics

In a sort of way, it is with man as with commodities. Since he comes into the world neither with a looking glass in his hand, nor as a Fichtian philosopher, to whom “I am I” is sufficient, man first sees and recognises himself in other men. Peter only establishes his own identity as a man by first comparing himself with Paul as being of like kind. And thereby Paul, just as he stands in his Pauline personality, becomes to Peter the type of the genus homo.” – Karl Marx, Capital vol. I

Oct 9, 2023 9:37 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Stop making sense 😉

Crow Qu'appelle
Crow Qu'appelle
Oct 9, 2023 10:35 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

I think you’d enjoy Paul Cudenec’s book on this subject: Forms of Freedom. It addresses the question of Individual Freedom and Collective Freedom, concluding that they are the same thing and that they are inseparable from responsibility.

This is the problem with today’s liberals – they want to eat the cake but they don’t want to bake it.

Actually, that’s the problem with yesterday’s liberals.

The problem with today’s liberals is that cake is racist because icing is white, and you’re oppressive for enjoying your life while imaginary people are suffering somewhere.

Oct 10, 2023 1:50 PM

certainly the liberals aren’t suffering; they appear to be quite enjoying the upper-middle-class lifestyle that kissing the ass of the bourgeoisie affords them, while shitting on those far less privileged than themselves, for the crime of refusing to believe that they are privileged.

it’s nice work, if you can get it.

les online
les online
Oct 9, 2023 10:45 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Socialism – “no man is an island”.
Capitalist individualism – “every man is an island”..

Oct 10, 2023 10:23 AM
Reply to  les online

Every man is an island, but bow down to the bigger islands, or else..

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 9, 2023 10:53 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Victims of the Collective, the Corporations and the State united in common cause – aka Fascism.

R.D. Laing – The Politics of Experience (1967)
From Chapter 5: The Schizophrenic Experience
p.p. 100-01

There is no such “condition” as “schizophrenia”, but the label is a social fact and the social fact a political event. This political event, occurring in the civic order of society, imposes definitions and consequences on the labelled person. It is a social prescription that rationalizes a set of social actions whereby the labelled person is annexed by others, who are legally sanctioned, medically empowered, and morally obliged, to become responsible for the person labelled. The person labelled is inaugurated not only into a role, but into a career of patient, by the concerted action of a coalition (a “conspiracy”) of family, G.P., mental health officer, psychiatrists, nurses, psychiatric social workers, and often fellow patients.

The “committed” person labelled as patient, and specifically as “schizophrenic”, is degraded from full existential and legal status as human agent and responsible person, no longer in possession of his own definition of himself, unable to retain his own possessions, precluded from the exercise of his discretion as to whom he meets, what he does. His time is no longer his own and the space he occupies is no longer of his choosing.

After being subjected to a degradation ceremonial known as psychiatric examination he is bereft of his civil liberties in being imprisoned in a total institution known as a “mental” hospital. More completely, more radically than anywhere else in our society, he is invalidated as a human being. In the mental hospital he must remain, until the label is rescinded or qualified by such terms as “remitted” or “readjusted”. Once a “schizophrenic” there is a tendency to be regarded as always a “schizophrenic”.

David Ho
David Ho
Oct 10, 2023 2:39 AM

I met, once, a schizophrenic who was a collective.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 10, 2023 3:04 AM
Reply to  David Ho

That’s not even the right “no such condition”!

Crow Qu'appelle
Crow Qu'appelle
Oct 10, 2023 4:26 PM

Thanks for posting this!

I was diagnozed with schizophrenia at the age of 17 and spent 6 years in and out of psych wards. Then I had a spiritual awakening, committed to my healing path, starting doing ceremony, and got off meds. I’ve been living medication free for over ten years.

I think I might be one of the few writers with any kind of following who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia.

I guess Will Hall (from Mad in America) and Sascha DuBrul (founder of the Icarus Project) would be two of the most prominent voices speaking about pscyhosis from personal experience. DuBrul identifies as bipolar but so far as I’m concerned, psychosis is psychosis, and there’s no psychosis without “split mind” (schizophrenia).

Can anyone reading this think of any others? They must be out there.

Who knows who’s a voice hearer though? People don’t tend to divulge that information. Rudolf Steiner, Harriet Tubman, and Carl Jung were voice hearers.

I think it’s a safe bet that there are prominent intellectuals who are voice hearers, but keep their experiences to themselves.

It’s worth noting that I do not consider the terms “schizophrenic” and “voice hearer” to be synonymous.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 10, 2023 6:55 PM

I agree with Laing’s position:

There is no such “condition” as “schizophrenia”, but the label is a social fact and the social fact a political event.

Thankfully, I avoided the fate of having to argue the point to a bunch of whitecoats.

Oct 10, 2023 10:21 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

It is all about getting into the driver’s seat, so to say. Getting to decide on issues, values, allocations, etc. Calling the shots.

Crow Qu'appelle
Crow Qu'appelle
Oct 9, 2023 8:38 PM
Reply to  T.S.

yep. it’s a real time-saver when you just assume the government is lying about absolutely everything, including the time and date.

I’m not kidding, btw. I absolutely DO NOT believe the government-approved time. I think it’s obscene that the state claims the right to change the time for no good reason.

Daylight Savings Time is an Abomination!

And don’t get me started on the date! Friggin Gregorian bullshit!

Oct 10, 2023 1:55 PM

one would think that New Year’s Day would be either the shortest day of the year, or the day after that, but no.

Oct 10, 2023 1:59 PM
Reply to  covidiot
Crow Qu'appelle
Crow Qu'appelle
Oct 9, 2023 6:06 PM

Some of might be interested to learn that Paul Cudenec and I published a book called “The New Anarchism” which is about the rebirth of anarchism from the ashes of the Left.

The book is available for free here: https://winteroak.org.uk/2023/07/07/the-new-anarchism-revolution-without-healing-is-a-recipe-for-disaster/

I also did a podcast on the subject, which can be found here:


If you’ve never heard the term “anarcho-perrennialism” before: I direct you to this 4-minute introductory video:

Seeing interest from Off-Guardian about anarchist mysticism is great! Maybe I’ll submit something on the subject.

If this article has piqued anyone’s curiosity, I can be found on Substack here: https://nevermoremedia.substack.com/

Oct 9, 2023 5:27 PM

Ahuman. We felt absolutely abandoned by our tribe in Oakland. The lockstep alignments with corporate science, not “science”, and mostly to believe/not question the propaganda of authorities, was baffling. Hearing John Zerzan rant on anyone questioning the narrative was and is truly a mystery. Will they recant, repent and apologize before getting their minds back on track to universal freedom?

Oct 9, 2023 6:03 PM
Reply to  sandy

Can you point me to where Zerzan says these things? Many thanks.

Oct 9, 2023 7:08 PM
Reply to  vera

You can hear it in just about every one of his weekly radio shows during the LOCKDOWN… and even recently he said he’d be first in line for the new booster…


On a personal note, while in line, he was yelling at my wife in the downtown Eugene Post Office to “wear a mask”, “that woman needs to be wearing a mask” as she was doing business at the counter. Then when outside went on a ideological rant about threatening the lives of others. Both of us have met with him in the past a couple of times and have had correspondence. He broke off contact when he found out we had a friend in NY prison who John complained was a communist ideologue. Wondering how we could be friends with him. Apparently connections to people with differing ideologies puts one on thin ice with him. I have read many of his books, rely upon and respect his observations about capitalist society, alienation, postmodernism and more. But the rigidity has been a real mystery. Then the pro-vaxx & mask business was completely mind blowing. And we know he’s no “agent” of any kind.

Oct 9, 2023 7:22 PM
Reply to  sandy

Appalling. I used to be such a fan, way back when. Well, it’s better to know than not to know… operation covid sure thinned the ranks of the reasonable and the unafraid.:-)
Thank you for the update.

Any inside info how Derrick Jensen is doing? I have not heard of him succumbing to covidism, so far.

Oct 9, 2023 11:02 PM
Reply to  vera

Zerzan’s writing still stands as invaluable. No one is perfect and just because they are imperfect, not reason to throw away those things of value they produce. Imho.

Derrick Jensen? OMG. He came to Occupy Oakland with a late presentation on changing “Occupy” to “Decolonize”, actually a good if not better idea. But he said some really stupid stuff re: men agreeing not to rape women, well duh. But has become a raving paranoid, calling the FBI to protect him from some anarchist adversary “threats”. John had some words for him on his show. No love loss there.

Oct 10, 2023 1:41 AM
Reply to  sandy

Oh I agree with the view on Zerzan’s writing. But it’s like with Naomi Klein… when the Shock Doctrine hits you where you’re scared, you start marching to their tune. Gah.

Derrick is pro-women… anti trans ideology. Zerzan does not seem to like that. But I still can’t find out what he did during the plague. 🙂

Oct 10, 2023 7:56 PM
Reply to  vera

If you scroll down to Zerzan’s Radio shows of the LOCKDOWN period you’ll hear his comments on it. This one preview an example…



[audio]Teen immiseration and despair. Dave Eggers’ The Every: A must read. Anti-vax follies. Homicide by cops stays high despite protests. r/antiwork has 1.4 million members. Anti-Alexa as privacy concerns mount. Worker resistance, some of it outside Organized Labor control. Big far-Right threat?? Action news..

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Oct 11, 2023 3:46 PM
Reply to  vera

To understand what happened to Naomi Klein, this Substack article I read presents a plausible explanation:


Crow Qu'appelle
Crow Qu'appelle
Oct 9, 2023 10:36 PM
Reply to  sandy

wow, really, eh? That bad?

Crow Qu'appelle
Crow Qu'appelle
Oct 9, 2023 6:12 PM
Reply to  sandy

Anti-Civ, Pro-Vax!

Sadly, Zerzan wasn’t the only one.

Oct 9, 2023 7:11 PM

Unquestioned ideology was/is the virus.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 9, 2023 9:49 PM
Reply to  sandy

Yes this is the eternal question. How do people turn that stupid? I reached the same conclusion “unquestioned ideology” = virus infected brain.

Kremlin has mentioned the national socialism = nasism ideology as a virus infection of the brain which must be cured.

So we are not the only ones who reached this conclusion on “wtf is going on in their heads”.

lone wolf
lone wolf
Oct 9, 2023 5:17 PM


The ALT MEDIA is as vulnerable as the people following the recent Online Safety Bill. Such legislation facilitating Stasi-like Regulatory oversight backed by fiscal and custodial penalties will neuter the ALT MEDIA forevermore.

Divided and isolated the ALT MEDIA is weak. Individuals like Steyn, Russell and Fox were easy pickings but emblematic of what is to come. All print and voice media will be unremittingly targeted and silenced.

The ENEMY holds the mind of the people via its ownership and control of the MSM which can placate or justify any egregious action. We have seemingly reached a point where the isolated MAJORITY now seem oblivious to the deadly direction of events, but like the ALT MEDIA, what can they actually do to counter the evident tyranny unfolding?


Attack, in a united formation, is the only survival option for both the ALT MEDIA and the PEOPLE.

If you only knew WHO to attack, and HOW, you’d open the gates for a revolution that would cleanse the world of an ENEMY, who by stealth, is subjugating humanity with severe eugenic intent.

We could provide the ‘WHO’ and the ‘HOW’, but it’s up to you to get a UNITED FRONT together capable of presenting it to the people.


Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 9, 2023 6:07 PM
Reply to  lone wolf

The concept of the United Front is actually a socialist idea (similar to democratic centralism which pretty much all anarchists oppose), Leon Trotsky argued for it as the way to fight the rise of Nazism/fascism. Of course, he failed.


There’s the rub isn’t it? Can you imagine anarchists agreeing on strategy?

Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
Oct 9, 2023 6:27 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

PATHETIC ANALYSIS given the ignorance of the proposal

Crow Qu'appelle
Crow Qu'appelle
Oct 9, 2023 6:16 PM
Reply to  lone wolf

Defining “winning” please. Also, what’s your ideology and what strategy do you advocate for?

You may be surprised to learn that anarchism and vanguardism are not incompatible – in Bookchin’s day, it was assumed that serious anarchists were vanguardists. But the word vanguardism fell into disfavour amonst anarchists after the failure of armed guerrilla groups in the 70s.

Post Standing Rock, I started identifying as a vanguardist.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 9, 2023 6:47 PM

Murray Bookchin is someone people should really spend some serious time engaging in his writings. He was a profound thinker.
However, most contemporary anarchists don’t consider him to be an anarchist at all, and don’t even place him the canon of important anarchist thinkers. I reference here the seminal book: The Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism by Schmidt and Van der Walt which basically ignores him.

les online
les online
Oct 9, 2023 10:49 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Didnt Murray eschew his earlier marxism, to become an anachist which he then eshewed to become a social-ecologist ?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 9, 2023 11:45 PM
Reply to  les online

Yes, but it’s even more involved than that. He was raised on the radicalism of the 1930’s, real radicals, real communists etc. not the fake ones of the New Left, or the Lifestyle Anarchists of the 1990’s which he highly criticized. His critique came from direct experience in those movements, how they failed at crucial political moments. So, yes, he has a lot issues with Marxism, Leninism, Trotskyism, and yes, even anarchism. But one thing he makes clear about engaging with Marx, he credits his study of Marx for developing his intellectual rigor.

Crow Qu'appelle
Crow Qu'appelle
Oct 10, 2023 4:33 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Wild! How the hell do you pull that off?

To be fair, Bookchin was insufferably arrogant. He clearly divided people into 2 categories:

1) People who were smart enough to agree with him, or
2) Idiots

I’m arrogant, but not that arrogant!

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 11, 2023 2:32 AM

I don’t know what I pulled off, but Bookchin was an intellectual giant regardless of political persuasion. He makes Chomsky (also known as arrogant) look like a grade school teacher. I don’t find him arrogant, I find him a rich and thoughtful source of political analysis. He is the real deal. You don’t have to agree with him to benefit from engaging with his work. It will sharpen your wits.
You might try this one on for size:
The Ecology of Freedom: The Emergence and Dissolution of Hierarchy. The breadth and depth of his thinking is mind blowing.

lone wolf
lone wolf
Oct 9, 2023 6:57 PM

Your reply is meaningless given your need for a definition of ‘winning’ in the context of war. But it serves the purpose of highlighting the fact that the majority of people don’t realise we are AT WAR – a 5th Generation War that vanquishes from within.

A war is to the death, under such conditions of determination, the explication of semantics is of no value.

Crow Qu'appelle
Crow Qu'appelle
Oct 9, 2023 8:33 PM
Reply to  lone wolf

okely-dokely, then. Aren’t you the charmer?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 10, 2023 12:29 AM
Reply to  lone wolf

I believe the only thing that can save humankind is for people to accept responsibility for their own individual lives, rather than mounting a collective attack with pitchforks or whatever.

Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen, as humankind at large has not progressed emotionally and mentally for this to happen.

A decisive NO from the vast majority would be more powerful than a pathetic descent into violent chaos. The latter would fail IMO, since the powers that shouldn’t be have all the money, all the world’s resources and have bought all the police, military, politicians, medical and industrial establishment puppets.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Oct 11, 2023 4:47 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I know the story, and it is very popular and is disgusting.

A bunch of Europeans having been denied commercial intercourse with merchants of Asia for the low quality of their products compared with the refined Asian ones got to their kings and persuaded them to erect an armada and sail over there to get the loot by force.

They went over there, killed, tortured, burned, raped, enslaved and took everything they could aboard their brigantines (brigand, brigandage means thief and thievery) and returned to their lands to make business with all that wealth. No content with that, they bought Africans by bribing some African chiefs and used them as cheap or free labor power.

After these capitalists accumulated enough money and power, they declared that robbery and murder were henceforth crimes and shall be punished. On the contrary, every one should live by the sweat of their forefront within the new rules of Capital; everyone should be responsible for their lives; chacun pour soi et Dieu pour tous; meritocracy is put on a pedestal; the American dream is a way of life. Poor shall be fustigated for their poverty as it is their fault, and theirs alone. These capitalists then built cities and nations, churches, factories, schools and universities; in a word, modern civilisation.

In other words, the capitalist mode of production’s primitive accumulation, – which is not a technique, otherwise I could opt out of it and adopt robbery or land expropriation as a way of earning a living without any harm having to come to me; which is instead a social relation I can’t escape without renouncing to society itself (refer to the last three years for concrete examples), – had been amassed without capitalist production, not by selling and buying, but through force, blood and guts and their spokespersons afterwards declared that everyone could live honestly and making efforts within the system. How about that for a scheme?

And now, you and others are holding the same stinking discourse. Capital can’t make everyone wealthy; it makes winners and losers; that’s its nature, otherwise those first merchants wouldn’t have had to rob and murder to get their wealth.

As the world it is today; with the rule of bloody Capital over us eating us alive, with the inequalities everywhere, and no possibility to do as those first merchants did, you hold Capital’s banners and shout chacun pour soi et Dieu pour tous!!!

What a rotten logic.

Crow Qu'appelle
Crow Qu'appelle
Oct 10, 2023 4:29 PM
Reply to  lone wolf

It’s a shame so many people pass judgement anarchism without taking the time to understand it.

I get it, though. It’s not easy to understand. Many people who call themselves anarchists misrepresent it.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Oct 9, 2023 5:08 PM

All it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.
Guess that includes keyboard warriors.

Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
Oct 9, 2023 6:30 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

This is the sort of crap that is leading us into the abyss.

Oct 9, 2023 9:32 PM
Reply to  Lone Wolf

It’s not crap.

It’s very hard to act upon this concept, but Paul is simply trying to point out that something needs to be done – and not just talked about.

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 9, 2023 11:57 PM
Reply to  wardropper

It was a line in a movie, and from what I can recall, didn’t lead anywhere and didn’t seem to even have any significance.

Its like saying the end of the world came b/c some guy who was lazy and could have prevented it, did not act and now the whole of the population has to pay the consequences for one lazy guy.

In reality its much worse, not achieving something that has never occurred and yes, the whole of todays population is going perish so the attempt can be tried once again from the people of the past.

Its a crazy life and the best of times, yet we have to live it while its still here.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 9, 2023 10:10 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

No one is gonna call an exceptional American a keyboard warrior who do nothing, no one.

When we fight, we fight with our right hand on the Constitution and with words, and we plant a seed of peace in people’s minds and this seed will grow into freedom for America and all Americans one day in the future! THIS is what we do!!   :wpds_beg: