Safe, Smart, Special
Sinéad Murphy

Safe, Smart, Special – the three pillars of our doublespeak. ‘Safe’ endangers your life; ‘Smart’ degrades your faculties; ‘Special’ makes you normal.
‘Safe’ would seem to mean the avoidance of harm. What it means now is the avoidance of possibility.
To be safe is to be removed from the world so that only a scripted range of options remains, too narrow to realise the most modest potential and therefore inducive of the spiritual malaise that comes of a life with little involvement and that is the bedrock of so many of today’s real and imagined illnesses.
Moreover, as the long association of ‘Health and Safety’ has grown ever closer, health is now the dominant field in which we stay safe.
‘Safe’ thus implies not only an over-solicitous negotiation of the world we move about in but a mode of relation to posited biochemical threats that has little to do with our own carefulness, relying almost wholly upon the intervention of designated technical expertise.
The effect of this conflation of safety and health, and of the attendant mass submission to technical solutions to identified health threats, is that our wellbeing is nurtured at the level of cohorts and not of individuals. When any one of us stays safe we increasingly acquiesce in the sacrifice of our individual welfare at the altar of one or other computer modelled universal benefit, of which we can at best merely partake but which is fundamentally indifferent to our flourishing.
A radio advertisement for a stop-smoking programme features a woman claiming to have suffered from cancer of the larynx as a result of her habit. ‘Smoking tried to take my life and my health,’ she says. A curious script that was prepared for her, as if it is possible to take someone’s life without taking their health, certainly as if the two are mutually independent.
Are they mutually independent according to the algorithms that determine what it is for us to stay safe? Is the avoidance of health risks prised apart not only from the quality of individual lives but from individual lives themselves?
The World Health Organisation claims that health is a human right. The fusion of health and safety prepares us to accept this; we expect now to go out in the world and not grow tumours or suffer anxiety as fully as we expect to go out in the world and not be hit by a falling ladder.
Health – defined according to measurements of abstract objects constituted in medical research laboratories and interpreted by experts and their instruments – has become sacrosanct.
It follows, however, that the absence of health has become an outrage. An infringement. Too objectionable to be borne. So long as you’re battling – that is, submitting to technical solutions that do not prioritise your individual endurance but are justified by macro scientific analyses of micro scientific objects – you’re a new kind of hero. But once it is determined that there’s no battle left to fight, you find yourself now outside the pale.
Unable to stay safe, you do not (or should not) exist. This explains the proliferation of end-of-life pathways now supported by state healthcare in the UK at least, Anorexia Nervosa being one of the illnesses recently considered as meriting a palliative approach.
That health is now a human right and yet separated from the continued existence of any one person – that my health is independent of my survival – positions health as a kind of salvation that is to be pursued and won on a plane of virtue higher than mere human persistence.
This is the sinister truth of the ‘In This Together’ slogans that have festooned our institutions of health in recent years: the redefining of health as safety, so that our health is indifferent to my life.
‘Smart’ is the portal through which opportunities advertised as inherent in the development of artificial intelligence are installed as a self-evident broadening of the horizons of human existence.
‘Smart’ is in fact an assault on human intelligence, premised upon the degradation of human faculties by an actively erosive educational system so that we cease to be capable of our higher functions and are reframed as purely calculative beings. Consigned to operating in such narrow remits that our powers are exceeded by computer programmes.
Imagining, remembering, speculating, grasping, judging, feeling – truly understanding – are not threatened directly by artificial intelligence, which can never approximate such essentially corporeal achievements. They are effaced indirectly by the systematic failure to nurture these achievements that is the defining success of our educational (and other) institutions and that has readied us to experience the limited capabilities of robotic calculation as an advance on mere human aptitude.
The UK’s National Health Service offers us its ‘care responders,’ who you can call for free and who will interact with you in a caring manner, ask if you’ve managed to get out for your walk today or if your son remembered to pick up your prescription – it’s good to have someone to chat to. But a society in which such artificial interaction is possible, and possible under the aegis of care, is a society in which the imminent move to smart care is already prepared for, a society in which we will hardly notice when the responder is a robot.
Smart is the degradation of human thought and feeling, premised upon its demise and further hastening its demise…
…and all the while co-opting us to the most large-scale enclosure in human history, mining every nano amount of data that is to be had, even from the crevices of our bodies, even from the recesses of our minds, making us reliant on digital systems for which we are constantly unwittingly at work.
If the industrial age made us at once docile and useful, obedient and productive – the more docile, the more useful; the more useful, the more docile – the smart society makes us at once personally passive and digitally active, dumb and smart – the more dumb, the more smart; the more smart, the more dumb.
We stand on our smart bathroom scales, and stare vacantly at the cluster of information on its display, and submit to the infantile pride or disappointment expressed by its robot persona, and accept the truth implied by its graphic depiction of the fluctuations in our visceral fat, and forget altogether that it is possible to see and to feel the mass of our own body and to eat less and move more, and fail to notice that the data points generated by our mindless supplication to the measurements of our devices, meaningful only in their mass aggregation and therefore essentially nonsense to any one of us, are another brick in the digital wall being built around us.
The more we apply to these devices, the more out of practice we get at consulting our own faculties of reason, judgment and feeling; the more out of practice we get, the more we apply to these devices. The terrible symbiosis of smart and stupid.
‘Special’ works to iron out human singularity by grafting a hysteria of normalizing categories and strategies onto a narrative of individual uniqueness. ‘Special’ achieves this by neutralizing the cultural horizons within which people establish themselves in the world in characteristic ways, consigning people to a set of options that are not native to any culture but are transcultural, generic, subject to arbitrary suspension or alteration and accessible only via approved portals.
How does ‘special’ achieve this? By its silent partner. To be special is to have special needs. ‘Special’ wins us over by its apparent championing of those weakest among us, those who we pity and wish to help; by presenting these vulnerable souls as having additional needs, ‘special’ covertly manufactures an unspoken consensus that everybody has needs.
But this notion, that everybody has needs, a notion that is everywhere unchallenged, profoundly scrambles the coordinates of human life so that we are determined by scarcity rather than shaped by whatever plenitude constitutes our culture. As creatures of need, we are plucked from the fulsomeness of human horizons of possibility and pegged to a smorgasbord of basic and universal benefits that trump and therefore disarm the force of ways of life.
People in living cultures are not in need: the limits of what is possible are defined by what is possible, so it is, by definition, impossible to need. If the crop fails, the people may die, but they die of the collapse of their way of life and not of unrequited needs that define existence once ways of life have been dismantled.
That there are those among us, increasingly many, with special needs is the mechanism by which human life is reframed as lived at a trough of identified benefits, subject to infinite alteration by highly centralised organisations and their corporate strategies and advertising campaigns; the extra supports at that trough which those with special needs are deemed to merit obscure the outrage of a life lived in competition for scarce and changing goods rather than defined by the meaningful possibilities that shape human beings in human settings.
Inevitably, as our so-called needs are defined increasingly explicitly in the service of distant interests of elite organisations that are supra-cultural in their vision and reach, more and more of us feel alienated by our needs – for social interaction that is ever more distanced, for health that is ever more abstract, for education that is shaped by an artificial curriculum, for food that is without nourishment and sleep that is cut through by virtual interruption.
Hence the current pile-in to special needs as demand increases for more and more supports to access needs that are ever emptier and more hostile to human happiness.
Desperately dissatisfied with our lives, yet ignorant of the cause of our dissatisfaction, we trust ourselves to the latest of our institutions’ labels and to ever proliferating strategies designed to bring about our inclusion. And all the while the chance of establishing ourselves, of forming our character and shaping our culture, retreats before the march of the global normal.
The mechanism of these three pillars of doublespeak is each time the same: erase our experience of limits.
This is the kernel of truth that lies inversely in all the talk about how we can do anything we choose to do, and be anything we choose to be, and think what we like and feel what we feel – in all the braying about there being no limits.
There are limits, of course there are; in fact, the limits of what we can do and be and think and feel are proliferating and petrifying at an alarming pace. The kernel of truth is not that there are no limits, but that we feel as if there are no limits. The experience of our limits recedes.
As the growing virtue of staying safe sweeps the world of its every challenge, translating all that we had learnt the hard way through trial and error into abstract lessons comprised of infantile words and pictures; and as the smart devices which furnish our smoothed-out world multiply around us and inside us, recasting difficult judgements about what to do and think as a matter only of counting – how many steps, how many points, how many calories, how many likes; and as our disengagement, inattention, anxiety and depression are reassessed as a kind of specialness, which gently removes us to an ever leveller playing field – the killing field of invention and ambition – on which there are no opinions in case they trigger and no obstacles in case they trip: we grow every day more unused to the experience of our limits.
Yet it is the experience of our limits which gives shape to our lives, revealing what it is possible for us to do and be, what we are for. In fact, life is only really lived as the experience of our limits, being a dance of admitting and denying the challenges we meet, of submitting to them or overcoming them or some combination of both. Only from this does our life derive purpose. Only from this does our life derive meaning.
Naturally, there are limits even in our world of Safe, Smart, and Special, many more than there used to be or should be. We can’t log in. We suffer pain. We are excluded. But these limits are so alien, so utterly beyond our abilities to negotiate with or learn from, that they are almost entirely meaningless and hardly furnish us with an experience at all.
It’s a glitch in the system. An anomaly. A failure of the institution, buried deep in its bureaucracy and begetting only another smooth corporate apology that comes from no one and goes nowhere and must be accepted implicitly.
When all is Safe, Smart and Special, the limits of our lives offer us no purchase and sit shamelessly alongside the ubiquitous rhetoric of infinite possibility, personal attention, bespoke treatment, endless choice.
Limits present themselves as just bad luck, before which we can only remain speechless and prone: so you lost this time; play again, and you might win.
Gaming replaces involvement in our world of Safe, Smart and Special; chance replaces purpose.
Every which way we turn, winning and losing masquerade as meaning – at school, points are given for good behaviour and food items from the canteen are offered as prizes, as the last vestiges of moral authority sap from our classrooms; in the supermarket, loyalty and healthy choices are rewarded with price reductions and free produce, as the prospect of real nourishment departs the building.
Like hamsters on a hopeless wheel, we keep on keeping on in the inert expectation that You Could Be Next, or It Could Be You.
Unable to hope or to dream, outside of the crass simulation of hoping and dreaming in accordance with whatever debt-riddled prize we are nudged to set our sights upon, the horizons of our lives contract to the dimensions of a small cage for one, in which we are distracted from our growing ennui, by some busy corporate solution to the newest mortal danger, or latest technical device to measure out our lives, or quasi-scientific label to salve that niggling sense that all is not quite as it should be.
Sinéad Murphy is author of Effective History (2010), The Art Kettle (2012), and Zombie University (2017), and co-editor of Pandemic Response and the Cost of Lockdowns (2022).
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The machine demands to prove you are human before it will let you access your survival tokens. Have a nice day.
Thanks to our industrial-military-pharmacological complex of insanity, the Earth is almost literally swimming in a sea of toxins. So what are we offered as the “solution?” Health, of course, that safest of safe harbors.
Anyone who even remotely imagines humanity is still sane should maybe self-conduct a Rorschach Test.
RE: “Safe, Smart, Special – the three pillars of our doublespeak.”
The distortion of the meaning of these words, and the common language in general anywhere in the modern world, are manifestations or symptoms of living in a gaslighting environment occupied by profoundly sick inhabitants — Fakespeak: A Result Of Humans’ Soullessness Spectrum Disorder
This lethal global soullessness spectrum disorder is, for instance, why “Smart is the degradation of human thought and feeling, premised upon its demise and further hastening its demise…”
“In terms of the blanket global utilization of “intelligent” mobile phones, some individuals had pointed out that it’s the first time in human animal history where the slaves happily (i.e., in blissful deliberate ignorance) carry their own chains (i.e., their own invisibilized “smart” chains).” (from liked article above)
A few universal rules penetrates it all.
“Above all it is essential to refer to things by their correct names. If things are not referred to by their correct names, then our language will not reflect reality. If our language does not reflect reality, then our actions will not reflect reality, and will be exercises in futility.” (Confucius, 551-479 BC, Chinese Teacher[22]).
The moment we change semantics we are out. I have disoriented youngsters asking me: “how do you know what is right and wrong and your word is the correct word and not our word”.
I respond “because when I go out in the organic world I can see the organic patterns, but you who only see the a synthetic world in your flat screens and in your reports, you become dysfunctional and futile in all your actions”.
LIke all such articles, this article throws in one generalization after another about everything under the sun including the kitchen sink, and then provides not a scintilla of information on what to do about it. What use is crap like this? I could write this article. You could. Anybody could. And yet we wouldn’t get paid. While “expert” writers like this actually do get paid, paid to pump out, again and again, the same article, over and over, an article made up of essentially air, full of stuff we already know, useless for us readers, uninformative, not even hinting at a course of action, just meant as a feel-good sermon to the choir to get them all fired up, about–what?–nothing.
Because everything is nothing. (Philosophy 101, philosophy poetasters, so don’t worry your heads about it.)
Perhaps the author of the article wishes to avoid stating the obvious. The solution to the quandary presented is to ignore it since it does not and cannot apply to sensible individuals.
And those to whom it does apply are perfectly content with it. They want to have their lives regulated and evaluated. Presumably they would like to be given an evaluation of their Life Performance to be filed with their death certificate.
You couldn’t write anything other than lame generic comments because you are Joe Smith.
Brilliant essay.
Well that cheered me up on this Suday morning
Under other circumstances I may have read the article and commented on it. But we are in the middle of a horrifying atrocity. The cage in the illustration is symbolic of a vast open air prison. But the prison in focus now is being both starved and being bombed intensively. A very grim scenario. And political excrement across the world are applauding it.
The horrifying reality that we can never be safe from illness, ageing, death is exactly what the atrocity pornography in Palestine is illustrating so starkly.
The clamour to be special, to be a fashionable victim with blue hair, and a colourful flag, is archetypal of the dehumanising totalitarian state apparatuses that are being erected all around us.
And the infantile reliance upon devices to make our decisions for us is central to those apparatuses.
So I doubt that Sinead’s text could be any more relevant.
There are any number of images of various Beatles with their head in a bird cage, for example:
It’s a blatant mind-control mesage.
Blowflies prefer meat the off (they’re Nature’s garbage collectors)…
Bacteria prefer damaged and decaying tissue (They’re Nature’s garbage collectors)…
And – seems insects only “attack” damaged and dying plants (They’re Nature’s Garbage collectors)**
Entomologist explains why insects dont attack healthy plants (1:19:25)
Dr Thomas Dykstra, Entomologist, Germ Theory, Insects, Terrain Theory, Unhealthy Plants:
**If all these garbage collectors formed a Garbage Collectors Union they’re sure to have a banner that proclaimed “Garbage Collectors Will Inherit The Earth !” ?
Blowflies prefer meat that’s off…
Shades of IDIOCRACY (the movie): The Great Garbage Avalanche of 2505.
I’m not sure it is that simple:
if you have a serious infestation, they’ll chomp on all. It is that simple.
That they might have an easier/preferred time on stressed plants, certainly. e.g. heather checked spruce was always hammered by deer – the plants obviously smelled sickly sweet, and the deer liked that sweetness.
Another consideration might be that in artificial systems (any farm, whatever the crop) you present a bountiful field that is in itself completely unnatural, especially in its development, so you create an environment that the insect see as a banquet, rather than a forage. Easy meals , lol,
and such artificial cropping can lend itself to infestations.
Insects do attack unhealthy plants, often, but not exclusively.
Excellent observations.
If there is hope it lies in the proles.
“Workers of the world, unite!” (1848). Fixed it.
Sinéad Murphy, great essay, I am coming round to the idea that stuff just happens, as if it was the first time, except there was no first time, because time is cyclic. You quite obviously have free will as if it was the first time…I am OK about it, but most people do not like my theory…
When you die, you have no concept of time, after a near infinity, until you are again in your mother’s womb aware of sucking your thumb, and your Mum’s heartbeat..and in my case the total astonishmenrt on the faces of my 2 older brothers and 2 older sisters when I got born.
It’s a Baby – and they all look at Mum and Dad…
I often get this sense of deja-vu…as does my wife…as if we have lived this or a very similar life before…but I don’t know..but if when dead, St Peter asks me the Question..You can do Heaven, Hell, Purgatory or keep the Same Wife and Life and Do it again forever, exactly the same again again and again….
1 Heaven
2 Hell
3 Purgatory
4 Wife
“Stay Safe.”
Then stop killing us.
Safe: ship all the psychos to Saturn.
Smart: leave em there to eat each other.
Special: how we will feel.
Succinct 😉
Unfortunately, psychos don’t just appear and disappear in a vacuum. The seeds of psychosis lie in all of us…
More spying devices in the homes of over-65’s to “keep them safe” and out of touch with their own bodies and senses.
“The trial will involve placing small sensors in three rooms of participants’ homes and one outside to monitor the temperature and humidity. Personalised cooling advice will then be made via a tablet-like device.”
The trial is funded by the Wellcome Foundation – a front for the new world order.
They are like rats. Trying to crawl in everywhere.
Disempowerment is the name of this part of the game, creating a nearly completely ineffective society, eroding and removing the ability to act creatively in our own interest outside the herd. We are currently watching what happens to the completely disempowered herd in Gaza. However, we are not quite that far down the slaughterhouse tunnel yet, although it’s probably only a matter of time. Owing to one or two/ a few things like the vaxxines, 5G, chemtrails, unpayable food and/or energy bills, not to mention Net Zero etc. There is a certain amount of obvious overreach which has registered like 15 minute cities, ULEZ and so on, on which the relevant parts of the population have not been consulted and to which the majority definitely have not consented, which are inspiring the more rebellious among us to take positive action which is labelled ‘criminal.’
I would not like to pretend our situation to be equal to the Palestinians. I have noticed that some are getting it, and write and presumably say ‘We’re all Palestinians now.’ Just like those observers a few years back who stated, ‘We’re all slaves on the plantation now.’
This article is timely: a reminder of the erosion of individuality and the ability to act meaningfully, and responsibly according to spiritual principles and common law.
‘S’ the 19th letter of the alphabet. I’m sure numerologists could give us a little insight here.
One man and courage, make a majority.
But where IS he…?
I’d like to see, “I’m Spartacus”… “I’m Spartacus”… “I’m Spartacus”…
but people are not falling over each other to be that man.
They already think that being a slave and having neither a job nor a safe home is okay – just so long as they don’t have their iPhone confiscated…
He is Jesus.
Playing It Safe
is a lot like wearing clothes
you know they’ll laugh
if you wear nothing ?
To take a more optimistic view, this latest false flag effort has involved some serious miscalculations, the most obvious being the 40 beheaded babies gambit. This has led to some excruciating vacillation whereby the customary hack force have shambled about uneasily, aware that they have made fools of themselves but obviously incapable of admitting the story was a total lie. Thus there has been some backpedalling from e.g. the slimy Andrew Neil who now fumes that the babies may not have been beheaded but they were definitely killed and only a Hamas apologist would split hairs here.
But this gaffe has led to serious fissures in the public presentation as the entire theatre threatens to break – not that this will ever be admitted in the media of course but the lack of trust now felt by an enormous part of the public is an unavoidable problem. And the recent draconian noise about protesters being forced to reveal their identity is a veiled threat that signals what may turn out to be a charge to the precipice whereby the touchy feely liberal veneer of “our democracy” will finally shatter.
Hamas is an Israeli-created device whose entire purpose is to present Israel as victim and as justified in dealing out violence to extend its reach.
Desired outcome:Land theft.
Twitter/X is rigged. The pro-Israel side is massively overrepresented with what appear to be “likes” and “reposts” in the thousands and accelerating even as you watch. This is either a programmed illusion or there are vast squads of troll armies swaying the picture. Of course there is also a dumbass element as shown at roughly the half way point here:
As that sadly demonstrates, there is a vast amount of the general public who simply parrot the media because they clearly haven’t a single independent thought.
Hasbara. Out in full force. I was on Yahoo news that allows comments, same thing. You can tell with a lot of them, they say the same shit over and over, misspellings, grammar, pretending to be Hamas, etc. The ignorance of this situation by most people is astounding and a testament to the zionist control of the media.
I love this poignant line in Austen’s Mansfield Park:
“You are speaking what you have been told…”
I even noticed real-time camera feeds on YT today, showing Gaza.
The footage was provided by Israel, Reuters and basically the same people who always provide our mainstream with their decorative versions of events.
Those cameras weren’t put up there to enlighten us in the same way as were the Icelandic cameras when their S.W. peninsula recently started displaying tendencies of really wanting to take a dramatic trip to N.E. America.
We’ll see…
George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future imagine a boot stamping on a (masked) human face forever.
You keep saying that.
He want you to do something against it. To act. Not tomorrow but today. If you can dream it you can do it!
Odds are you can dream it, and not do it, you can want it, and yet it can not get done, you can demand it, and yet you are denied it.
As a matter of fact, you can wait forever and a day, and it still may not appear.
One of the charades from the old “Mike Stokey’s Pantomime Quiz”: “She waited so long for her ship to come in, her pier collapsed!”
He does, doesn’t he…?
It’s a fine description of the truth, but once the truth starts getting overused, it becomes a cliche, and cliches get ignored.
It’s like old people repeating their favourite anecdotes:
The same story maybe twice a year, tops, is probably okay, but more than that (like every day...) and people wil get mad at you, and the point of the story will be lost on them.
No Thanks George I don’t want that picture I can envision a much more free equal and fair future for humanity I’ll stick with that so stuff your picture of the future to quote Hazel oconner Big Brother has got no heart when I get the chance I’m going to kick him up the arse
The evolution of man has seen them overcome manifold changes over thousands or even millions of years.
it’s seems they are now fucked up over the ever-changing definition of words.
Who’d have thought it ?
Very good! Crystal clear and razor sharp.
Our world as a prison.
McGoohan foresaw nearly all these dialogues and dynamics 55 years ago with his incisive “The Prisoner”
Not bad for a mere made on the run 17 part telly series.
The prison is a spiritual one. Its basically a construct in your mind that if you don’t give acceptance to, doesn’t exist.
The people are enslaved yes, but what I’m saying is you can exit the prison at any moment you choose.
I used to be in it. I had this vague fear that if I didn’t go along and do as the system demanded, I’d be taken away. But the truth is I would not have been, I would have freed myself. However this is the root of people’s tendency to follow the herd.
So do we go after the perpetrators or the minds that allow themselves to be imprisoned in the first place?
Probably the answer is both, but I’m just giving some clarity to those who solely fixate on the enemy.
The real enemy will always be found in the very last place you ever will look.
The bellwether ram (it might be a sheep) is the one who goes first, whom the rest of the flock follow. Whatever it is leading them into,
Interestingly the word ‘bellwether’ is not in my Concise Oxford, although I’ve often used it, and the Boring Bastard Corpseration often do. I think it’s being implied that it’s American.
The ‘wether’ however, is in the Oxford. It means ‘a castrated ram.’ might be significant.
I think they may be calling them ‘influencers’ now.
Find your influencer, the ones who transfer the orders from on high through social media, and derail them. Or in person,if you already know them.
Who for Hell’s sake benefits from the nihilistic Hoxton caffè latte-reductionist, avocado toast -myopic diminution of humanity?
How is it that milquetoast, eggs-bennedict Arnold became the meme before memes?
Allah, God, G_d, Yahweh, I am happy to be out of your cauldon, which I see being taken, mentally by storm…
The lack of comment here is testimony.
You gave the answer yourself. Its for Hell’s sake.
Sooo, you expected God to be your servant after you gave him the f… finger and told him how happy you were to get rid of him?
You forgot you were kicked out of paradise? You think you are still in paradise and have privileges? You have not!
You were told you were banned and that your life would be hard sweaty work to only survive.
You are on the mercy of either the Devil or Jesus, and since you already told us your choice so what are you now babbling about??
Dr. Gabor Maté Speaks Out on Israel and Palestine:
FWIW, I completely lost interest in Maté a couple of years ago, when he bumptiously “diagnosed” rogue scamdemic/vax resistance as pathological. I don’t remember his exact words, and I can’t be bothered rooting around for the videos.
But although he probably knows better than to use this pseudo-diagnostic buzz-phrase, his “expert” disapproval amounted to opining that pandemic “deniers” and jab resisters were/are more or less suffering from “Oppositional Defiance Disorder”.
Bah! Humbug! 🤨
and, moreover, at least according to Alison McDowell (‘’/YT), he – and his concomitant embedment in the alternative health industry – stands to make much lucre off the knock on effects of the imminent arrival of e-health; e-medicine; precision medicine (?); psychotropic drugs; etc; etc.. That is all! RGB-Y3 out!!
You must watch this video. No buts.
Ariel’s right, it’s a must-watch. Whatever Gobor Mate didi or didn’t do during Covid is not the issue here. He’s showing tremendous courage and integrity speaking out about Israeli atrocities.
another jab pusher
Will you be brave and abhor blind allegiance?
Bibi-elzebub has the agreement of U.S. Navy to protect his #GazaGenocide when he rolls into Gaza.
I knew Benjamin Netanyahu in the 1980s. He came into my BBC office once a week, and I drank tea with him, before he reviewed the newspapers for BBC Breakfast Time, now Breakfast.
He was charming, very different to the person today.
bye bye bibi was in the tavistock on 7 and 7 ritual nice view of the horror terror bus bomb
what are the chances of that.
who really runs islamic terror
gladio daddio
“gladio daddio” can I quote you ?
Before his meta-corporatic “evolution” into Nuttin’Yahoo?
Is it true that Yahu is Polish and used to be a shoe salesman?
Psychos don’t change, man. Come on. Ted Bundy could be very charming, but he was never different.
Stay Safe is a recipe for a slow, cocooned dying.
Live Large is an adventure that repays the gift of life.
I know which I choose.
Is the air in London that bad?
“Live Large” ~ though ~ is way too often an Americanistic distortion and deformation exercised at the expense of the “Other”.
WE AMERIKKKAN! That’s how we roll!</strong>
It’s too often only the fully obedience-schooled sheepdogs keeping the flock in line.
Both breeds equally subservient
NotaBene: nobody believes more strongly in the Live Large ethos than yours truly, if in the most genuine sense. It’s just that where we come from it’s grotesquely distorted early, often, and almost always into an Amerikkkan KKKartoon: the loudest Harley on the road, tearing up a sleeping neighborhood at 235a.m. (soon after Last Call at the pubs, like clockwork, or Clockwork Orange) with its lone “armored farts” ~ and with total insouciance about early wakeups and/or vet PTSD, fast and furious cars assuming the ‘hood is all good with subwoofers booming bass beats frenetically, if not concussively, now, as though God intended everyone each to have their very own personal rock concert arenas on wheels.
FREEDOM in The Time of Coronapalooza™ !!!?
Etc. Sheeesh. Sheer madness in a mad mad movie called Our Times.
As for less volcanic Livin’ Large????
Just thought some disclaimer was in order.
I stay safe by no longer having concrete in my dreams.
So what’s your solution? And where do we go, and when, and what do we do, to effect it? Hard one, neh?
At preset there is and cannot be any “solution” to the problem of systemic dehumanization of human beings. When we understand that actual situation we live in rather than the comforting bullshit we’ve been infected with then something can be “done.” When we discover our own authenticity and notice and encourage others to do the same then something can arise out of our changed consciousness. All this starts with facing a bit of reality.
The meaningful answers are missing, absent prayer.
We change nothing, only God can “change” us, and “things”. True Prayer is simply the Journey to the Center of the Heart.
Best framed as “Man can do no good thing unless it is given to him by God.”
Change that is no good isn’t change at all (worthy of the word), simply distortion.
Prayer doesn’t change “the tao” of God, it it only brings us closer, in conformity with our sincerity.
In Reality.
[Not that real “individuality” ~ the true & sacred Art Spirit! ~ isn’t always a big refreshment.]
[“The Universe is a labyrinth with a Heart at its center.”
~ GKC, as spoken by “Father Brown” sleuth in those fables]
Not to utter a thing too didactic or dogmatic, whatever that is, just with the presumption that like will understand intent.
Other than that “c’est plus fort que moi!”
Trailer Park! Gather together with other people like yourself. Talk about it.
In a Trailer park you hunt and grow your own green sustainable food long away from capitalism and the big guys.
Nobody can touch you because we are there in it together. You are happy, why?
Because You are free. 🎺 .
Erik, there are loads of edible so-called weeds which grow profusely without human intervention, and are much more resilient to temperature extremes than cultivated. Across yer average British summer we eat rice and mixed raw wild salad. Less in winter. It saves money too, as we add only grated carrot , beetroot and radish (if they’re not ready yet) and raw red onion. The rest is ‘God-given.’
Takes about 2 hours to feed two for 5 days.
fat hen is my new best friend ; )
And a good thing too. Mind you I learned in the south of Spain where there were between 30 and 40 edible plants, and a retake in September even if it hadn’t rained. We could go on about vitamins and minerals, and eating in harmony with Mother Earth and the seasons. And the difference in what it feels like……It would be hard to starve, even in the UK.
Oh, and as ‘organic’ as anything can be, these days.
Yes, it would be hard to starve if you’re a plant-lore heid, certainly, flavour might be another issue, haha. (having said that, fat hen is nutty if you get timing right).
Most folks won’t eat anything unless its wrapped in plastic these days.
Thought I found saffron mikcap monster last week…. but didn’t behave text-book, no bruising…. but , but, it is a saffron milkcap variety. Was gonnae add to stew.
Anyway, dozens of micro-maggots hatched as i dried it, argh!
In a years time i’ll probably scoff them too ; )
carry on buddy, nice one.
Get Roger Phillips’s ‘Mushrooms’ if you haven’t got it already. The thing is, your tastes change if you can handle the diet, I was forced into veganism (German partner) 2004-6) My body didn’t like it enough, but I learned wild, and I knew the theory that wild plants contain far higher levels of vitamins and minerals and are ‘medicine’ in their own right. If you persevere with it your taste changes and you don’t want any form of sweetener any more because it all tastes sickly. I can eat turmeric with a spoon.
The easier ones in the UK hereabouts are dandelion family, plantain broad leaf and narrow, lamb’s quarters, sorrel, wall pennywort. You can eat Calendula/marigold and nasturtium. The seeds of Himalayan Balsam are edible…..
steady, I ain’t no novice at this, but just starting eating it in some sort of earnest way this past 3 years. ; )
i’ve been browsing all my life. Not as young as i think I am either.
loadsa stuff out there, pallitability can be the issue tho’. . . starvation will fix that issue.
Dandelion is bitter as.., struggling to chomp that one, I know ye can blanche it with soil, take as chi etc, but … bitter.
Fat hen seems to have had some sort of explosion around here this past 2 years, is everywhere…. quite tasty if not too young. . .
I don’t have a sweet tooth at all, turmeric is sweet as feck as far as I am concerned, has ruined a few dishes, and as far as I know doesn’t grow feral this far north..
I’d rather chew pine resin, even needles, lol. Pass the uisge over please to help wash it down. .
Elm bark is quite pleasant to me, high in vits and minerals, a starvation spoiler too, allegedly, blahhhh
Never tried plaintains but all txt say they’re good nutritious scoff.. my new foray is silverweed, sea kale and wild cabbage, but the season has turned… maybe just have to stuff my face with berries ha
get a tint tiny small dose of fly agaric into ye for a heat (wafer thin strip, calmer if it is dried)… beyond that, lol . . (don’t!).
calendula? marigolds? na, too sticky, again sickly smelling to me, them ornamental fraud palnts.. we will see in due course,
Himlyn Balsalm is evil fucker invader plant, glad you suggest a nutritious use… collecting those seeds will be a problem tho’ . .
starvation issues will supercede flavour concerns as long as we get nutrition, we’ll get there, some of us anyway, haha
good stuff amigo, see you in the thickets, X