“Peace,War, and 9/11”: A Cinematic Portrait of Graeme MacQueen, A Warrior for Peace
Edward Curtin

It is one thing to read a review of this important and compelling film – a tour de force – and another to watch it.
The former fades into insignificance when one takes an hour-and-a-half to immerse oneself in its tragic yet revelatory story. For in it we see and hear a dying man speak eloquently of how he accepted the role that life brought him – a 9/11 truthteller and peace apostle – and now, as he departs the stage, hopes this last effort will ease his exit and help fulfill his mission as a man of peace.
Because Graeme MacQueen was my close friend for the last ten years of his life, I found it very hard to watch this film since his death on April 25th is still raw and painful. For more than three years he suffered greatly and yet found the strength to cooperate with his colleague Ted Walter in the making of this important film.
Walter’s direction admirably portrays MacQueen’s nobility by having Graeme narrate his life’s work interspersed with documentary footage that illuminates the truth about many issues, most notably the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the subsequent anthrax attacks. The result is a very powerful and important lesson in personal courage and historical truth.
From the opening scenes we see Graeme tell it bluntly and hopefully: that the official story of 9/11 is a fraud, and that because his life’s work has been to oppose war, he hopes he has fulfilled his “mission.” Humble as he was, it is inspiring to hear him speak of his mission, which is another word for vocation or calling, a mystery beyond analysis.
A long-time professor of religious studies at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada where he was the Founding Director of the Center for Peace Studies and a Buddhist scholar, he was also a peace activist, who traveled to El Salvador and worked with peace groups to learn for himself the truth about other conflicts and help resolve them. His writing and research were meticulously logical and evidence based to a fault, and it would be impossible to accuse him of ever reaching rash conclusions based on speculation.
While there are powerful documentaries that focus exclusively on facts and are narrated by omniscient and objective narrators, Peace, War, and 9/11, while also based on proven facts, is doubly powerful because it is told by a man whose personal story is a moving example of one who, from a young age, was inspired by a reverence for life and the embrace of non-violence, and whose vocation long preceded his scholarly and anti-war pursuits.
The documentary footage begins with a clip from President John Kennedy’s indispensable American University speech of June 10, 1963 where he appeals for an end to the Cold War, the abolishment of nuclear weapons, the end of a Pax Americana, and the establishment of a genuine peace:
. . . the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living – the kind that enables men and women to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children – not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women – not merely peace in our time but peace in all time.
This clip sets the stage for all that follows, for it is implied that this speech, among his other anti-war actions, led to JFK’s assassination by the CIA. The film makes similar points about the assassinations of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy. The point is clear: Peacemaking is a dangerous activity, but it is necessary if we are to reverence life and live by conscience.
To listen to MacQueen give his analysis of war as a system, at times cold and others hot, not one event but a series of events – a tumor on human society as he describes it (echoing the tumors that are killing him) – is to receive a concise lesson on war and peace. The film illustrates his words with powerful footage from Vietnam, the Tonkin Gulf, Pearl Harbor, the words of the warmaking class, etc. all leading to the attacks of September 11, 2001.
He explains how his suspicions about those events gradually grew until in 2005 he read an article by David Ray Griffin that startled him. It was about the testimony of New York City firefighters who heard explosions in the Twin Towers.
This prompted him to pursue what his scholarship had prepared him for: the careful pursuit of textual analysis in pursuit of evidence, and so he read the 12,000 pages of the World Trade Center task force report only to discover that 118 NY firefighters talked about explosions throughout the towers and 10 did not.
The more he studied, the more he found additional eyewitness, such as police officers, to bring the number to 156. Such eye witness testimony, reinforced by the first reports from television announcers kept adding up, as thermite was found in the dust of the towers.
The evidence for controlled demolition of the buildings kept increasing; he concludes that “the evidence is overwhelming.” His words are supported by confirmatory video from many of the people he mentions. This video testimony makes this film so powerful.
From there he dissects the same day emergence of the official narrative which blamed Osama bin Laden for 9/11 without any evidence to support it. It became the propaganda narrative of good versus evil. Evidence for the alleged 19 hijackers was not produced, then or ever. War was simply declared against the bad guys, who were declared guilty by fiat.
Finally, Graeme analyzes the anthrax letters that were sent in the weeks following September 11. Only five people died but the effects were profound. He leads the viewer through his important research as presented in The 2001 Anthrax Deception. His book shows conclusively that the anthrax attacks were an inside job coming from a U.S. government lab, not an Al-Qaeda operation.
Nevertheless, this led to the Patriot Act, the invasion of Afghanistan, and in 2003 the invasion of Iraq, although all were based on lies.
And significantly, if the anthrax attacks were an inside job which he conclusively proves, so too were those of September 11th, as some of the alleged hijackers, particularly the leader Mohamed Atta, were involved in the anthrax deceptions.
He concludes by saying many people don’t get the deep state because they can’t imagine treachery of this kind and scope. He accuses many traditional leftists of falling down on the job of showing how 9/11 was a propaganda coup based on “mendacity and deception.”
Many such leftists who have often been critics of U.S. domestic and foreign policy – and we are shown pictures of Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges, Amy Goodman, Glen Greenwald, et al. – have also refused to even discuss the matter. This Graeme says “is probably from fears of looking ridiculous and admitting you were wrong for years and years on a really important topic.”
Here I must disagree with my dear friend, for this seems to me false, for these same people could have examined the evidence as Graeme did when he jumped into his research starting in 2005. They adamantly refused then and now and so have given cover for the justification of the endless U.S. wars on terror that are ongoing. I do not believe this was because of “looking ridiculous.” It is more insidious than that.
We see an interview with General Wesley Clarke who says he was shown a paper in the Pentagon in late September 2001 where he was informed that the U.S. was not going to just invade Afghanistan but Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and finally Iran. Graeme makes clear that any country that dares to resist the US “and our Israeli companions” will be attacked and destroyed.
This is the war system at work. It is, as he says, all about collective punishment; the warfare states will attack you and kill you in large numbers even if you individually have had nothing to do with any of this. Systemic killing is at the heart of this state terrorism, as the Israeli massacres of Palestinians has long shown, even as I write.
To cap off his analysis, we are shown video of the collapse of Building 7 at the World Trade Center. It was not hit by a plane and came down in free-fall speed at 5:20 P.M. It was clearly taken down by controlled demolition and its fall was predicted by 60 firefighters in advance. It was the final crime committed that day, one that it has taken many people years to discover, if they have.
“We haven’t tried very hard to abolish war,” Graeme says at the end. It is “this mutually reinforcing tumor on societies” that many don’t understand because of its systemic nature and because they don’t take the time to read and study closely all the official narratives that explain it as unavoidable. These are lies.
Yet just as 19th century crusaders for justice finally abolished slavery and started a gradual process to try to stop wars – to no avail – the fight goes on. As JFK said at American University, “We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.”
This deeply moving film will elucidate and edify those who care for the world’s children. While one man’s story, it is universal. Graeme MacQueen has departed this earth, but he has fulfilled his mission as a man of peace. “You do your best,” he tells us. What more can we ask of him, and ourselves as well.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.”
“Peace, War, and 9/11” can be viewed here and here.
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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Thursday April 25, 2024 to April 25, 2023
Dearest Graeme MacQueen, his Loving Family, Friends and Colleagues
Today Thursday April 25, 2024 marks the One year Anniversary with great sadness of the passing of this Extraordinary “Man of Conscience” Graeme MacQueen
Graemes Fierce Body of Work is kept Alive by his Family and his Dear loyal Collegues and Friends Director Ted Walter, Writer Ed Curtin and others
The Power of Graemes Own True Voice is Highlighted in the Stunning Feature Documentry “Peace, War and 9/11”
Directed by Ted Walter
Join Ted Walter and many others who are continuing to Honor Graeme MacQueen’s Legacy for Truth & Peace
With Love ❤️ Graeme
Here, Now and in The Great Forever!
Carol & Family
Documentary Film Unit
Nov 23, 2023 to April 25. 2023
Dearest Graeme MacQueen
On this upcoming Thanksgiving we give Thanks and Appreciation to you Graeme for the Selfless Gifts you have given to Humanity for The Greater Good.
We Honor your Beautiful Soul, Graeme
We miss you terribly
With Love ❤️
Carol & Family
The evidence for controlled demolition of the buildings kept increasing; he concludes that “the evidence is overwhelming.” His words are supported by confirmatory video from many of the people he mentions. This video testimony makes this film so powerful.
Just in case persons responsible for maintaining “American Law and Order” and/or “American Justice” are reading here, let us repeat the words so that the message gets through – to even thickest of skulls: “He concludes that ‘the evidence is overwhelming.’”
Graeme provides real evidence and real facts!
Perfectly Expressed.
Thank you Jerry
I never saw any footage of a real war in Ukraine, no matter where I searched or who I asked.
I have so far seen no footage of a real war in Gaza/Israel.
Anyone else seen any?
‘Many such leftists who have often been critics of U.S. domestic and foreign policy – and we are shown pictures of Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges, Amy Goodman, Glen Greenwald, et al. – have also refused to even discuss the matter.’
Those same people took no stand on covid, either, though Greenwald late offered some reservations.
Consistency is a personal characteristic which for some (those noted, and many other hypocrites deceptively professing their complete, eternal “loyalty to speaking truth”) represents (for whatever their “safely and effectively” hidden reasons or lame, pathetic excuses) the proverbial “bridge too far”…
Thermite theory = Mistake or Limited Hangout and Misdirection.
The twin towers were not demolished with explosives- they were turned into dust with some kind of microwave / directed energy (DEW) weapon.
Just take 2 hours to look at Dr Judy Wood’s evidence and then try to argue for thermite….
I’ve read her book “Where Did The Towers Go?” from cover to cover and remain unconvinced by her evidence. The biggest question was one she could not answer except to say she did not have to answer.
And that question was: “Where did the DEW come from? What was it’s source?” Her reply was that she need only present evidence of its use – not of its location. But surely such a weapon with such a magnitude of power must have been bigger than the proverbial breadbox; and therefore not easily hidden.
The proponents of the termite demolition explained in great detail precisely where the charges would have to have been placed. To me, that gives greater credibility to their theory.
What? The Twin towers were brought down by nibbling termites!🙂
Sorry about that. Unless – just maybe – the termites planted the thermite? Termites are, after all, something of engineers: their mounds have air conditioning.
No problem. In these difficult days a sense of humour which you obviously have, helps to ease the pain. Best wishes.
That’s a lot of nibbling…
Sub kiloton variable yield W54 warhead based mini nukes explain all the observed phenomena. These weapons were produced in large numbers, were tested and proven.
You cannot argue with science these samples were already scientifically tested very early on and identified as Thermite it’s Not theory it’s Science and Science does not lie.
Is thermite used to cut steel or to blow up buildings?
Nanothermite is an explosive.
For Military use – Military grade
An excellent documentary. My father hated war, at least, in his later years, said it was the stupidest thing humans had ever invented. I hated war since very early on in my childhood. My parents kept an old copy of Life magazine pictures of the Mai Lai massacre on the book shelf.
It seems simple, if the UN (created by the warmongers) wanted peace in this world, there would be laws that any man or woman in the world could sue an individual, corporation, nation state, etc, and if they could prove that said was involved in the manufacture, selling, or distribution of weapons of war then the man or woman would be entitled to the entire assets of these individuals, corporations, nation states, etc.
They are all in this together to make sure something like this never happens. They use force to force their ideals on to others, democracy delivered.
People are brainwashed into thinking they are fight for the right cause, no matter where they live, although most subconsciously and consciously understand the common people are there allies, that those commoners are essentially no different than themselves.
Edward Curtains last two articles on OffG, are excellent wake up calls to send to people still dazed, confused and teetering on a fence of awareness. P
OT, but very important:
Steve Kirsch:
Breaking: You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market. Why? Adulteration. The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It’s considered adulteration. I just got off the phone with Professor Byram Bridle and Dr. Robert Malone on this.
The problem is, the FDA et al are not required to take such a suit seriously. Doubtless they would 1) refuse to accept that such sequences qualify as adulterations; 2) manage to pull a revised list of ingredients out of their butts which do include the “adulterations.”
The judges may also not “cooperate”. Victims of “9/11” are still waiting for restitution – all over the world.
Always check out U,k correspondence when I see the yanks doing something
ASTONISHING there were very few Critical Objective Thinkers even Questioning the Covid Pandemic Nor even Questioning the Content of the Covid Vaccine even to this day!?
STAY Away from Organized Medicine
STAY Away from Government
Brook Jackson sued Pfizer quite a while ago. Didn’t go anywhere. Steve Kirsch is suspect as hell with his million dollar bs.
Thank you for the info
The Judiciary no doubt in federal and state courts will do everything they can to obstruct these claims from moving forward in the courts and side with government and Big Pharm to dismiss all these claims at record speed
There is no real meaningful justice in any of our America Courts since 9/11
After watching this, I went back to what George W. Bush said and did on 9/11. It always felt odd to me that a man of his type would be reading books to elementary school children – there are better ways to advance an education agenda. And his reactions and wording seemed ‘off’ on that day.
His reaction Saud it all!
Typo “said”
Given the close relationship between the Bushes and the bin Ladens, perhaps your typo was not so far off the mark?
I thought you meant ‘Saud’ – an intentional play on words given the Bush family being in bed with the Saudi Arabian state!
I completely agree-suspicion from the minute I saw the footage.
It is a lovely documentary. Thank you. I always looked for Prof MacQueen in videos about 9/11. He had a very calm way of speaking and explaining things.
I agree its Graeme Beautiful Canadian Cadence and Graeme’s own unique soothing form of expression when he speaks.
When you are telling the truth you don’t need to speak loud nor carry a big stick
Off t.
Wanna see something funny:
Billionaires, multi millionaires and corporations I presume, paying their fair share of tax?
As fucking if!!
Told you it was funny. Funny pathetic that is.
And vaccines are miracles of modern science.
Oct 23, 2023 to April 25, 2023
“Long Live Graeme MacQueen”
“A Man of Conscience”
“A Noble Warrior for Truth”
It is now a six month marker of Graeme’s passing and not a single day goes by that we do not think of him, speak of him and remain inspired and empowered by him.
Ed Curtin’s film review of Ted Walter’s Powerful Documentary Feature is simply perfect in its stunning revelations and fact driven truths!
Graeme MacQueen’s the film’s eloquent leading voice, his tireless dedication and commitment to the Peace Movement is and will always be the most powerful definitive driving force to expose it all for The Greater Good…
Graeme’s prolific body of research work, its depth, breath and scope, both profound and compelling, empirical narratives, is a must see and a must read for all who seek Truth, Meaningful Justice and Lasting Peace…
Graeme, With Love, Gratitude, Inspiration and Deep Appreciation
Carol & Family
Documentary Film Unit
Oct 7
With 9/11 there were signs everywhere that it was a false flag and that it was done by the deep state. With Pearl Harbor it has long been clear that it was LIHOP. Oct 7 was probably a bit of both. Hamas and Mossad and the IDF obviously worked together with the political establishment, the media and other covert arms of the deep state. Could Iran which had submerged ties to Israel in the 1980’s have also collaborated with the banksters ? If there were rockets of any degree of sophistication in significant quantities they must have been supplied to someone within the Gazan fence by Israel or by some other connected entity. The firing of rockets with negligible impact over the years suggests it was a tactic employed by Hamas at the behest of the Israeli covert agencies that created it. This gave the apartheid state a permanent excuse to use violence against the concentration camp.
The alleged incursions are very difficult to evaluate. That they were LIHOP is unquestionable if indeed they occurred. The huge Israel civilian casualties are most unlikely. The opaque Israeli state apparatus will ensure that we will never know. We still have passenger lists for the four 9/11 aircraft that never approached the towers, the Pentagon or Shanksville. Many of the names on those lists did not appear on the Social Security Death Index. The extensive use of crisis actors is a given in staged events like this one. to provide stories or express grief. Hostages ? Doubtful but it is possible Hamas could have secreted a few in locations that the IDF would know about and spare from the savage bombing now in progress.
Private enterprise was behind the 9/11 attack on the democratic structures that protected the masses from the abusive use of the State by the rich and powerful. Those involved building owners, aircraft owners, deep state critters, collectively needed to expand their ability to use the awesome powers of the nation state to destroy economic competition any where in the world when and where competition of any kind occurred [ex. ongoing decimation and genocide of Palestine). Uncontrollable competitive forces had reached critical in various parts of the middle and far eastern world and the Internet was far too open to far too many, secrets were coming forth that needed to be deeply buried. Oil and gas industry, arms industries, food and beverage industries, travel industries, high technology research industries (seeking patents and copyrights) all needed a way to kill off growing and effective economic and political competition and they needed a way to close down the open society (digital platform on the Internet) because it was exposing way too much to way too many people.
One of the biggest beneficiaries of the 9/11 event was control over the means to distribute mind control propaganda and of course Media is the weapon of choice. 9/11 consolidated into the hands of a few, ownership of the media, but the actual operatives in the media were highly controlled by the intelligence industries[the media owners turned management of the content expressed on media over to the intelligence communities.
While rule of law controls the behaviors of populations, media controls the beliefs and thoughts of those same populations. Media has been proven to be a massively intrusive very effective weapon; one which could defend the Oligarch against the masses, and enable the Oligarchy to minimize resistance to its money making goals. Media permeates and controls entire populations and its impact is not by territorially established national boundaries, but instead by culturally defined language boundaries. So media could reach those who speak a particular language, no matter the residence or nationality of the audience. Additionally, the media can effectively distribute propaganda. Propaganda effectiveness then is a function of language, publication access and audience access to a language specific organ of the media.
9/11 was a game changer.. It criminalized objection to the few doing whatever they wanted.
‘[….] I did not observe shallow or slowed breathing until he was put in prone restraint (ie. face and chest down on a hard surface…’
‘recall that properly trained officers are taught to never restrain a suspect in this position.’
George Floyd Did Not Die of a Fentanyl Overdose. Dr Pierre Kory.
He was placed in that position to prevent him from choking on his own vomit — a known hazard in overdose cases.
False Flags
9/11 was the opening salvo. A constant stream of false flag incidents followed and we are witnessing the brutal aftermath of the most recent one. Wars for profits, oil and above all for Israel have followed 9/11. Sadly we truthers have made not the slightest difference. We are now witnessing shameless genocidal ethnic cleansing. The US has satanically vetoed the resolution for a cease fire and humanitarian aid earning itself yet again the epithet of Great Satan. Damn Creepy Joe and the rest of the fiends that answer to the banksters that have got us to this point.
O/T, but this is just a note to tell you that yesterday, 22 October, I answered the question you’d posed to me at 12.20am that day, on the Off-G article re. ‘Great Travel Reset’. The direct link to my reply is below (your question appears immediately above my response):
Thank you.
Here’s a link to a reply to an earlier comment of yours.
We probably have been put in the hands of satan, but you have to go through hell in order to get to heaven, or so its been said.
But It is one hell of a fight to break loose of his chains, and expensive too.
Love James Baldwin body of work
Niko, write a book and self publish it on Amazon, these quotes are important,
Best wishes!
That is for personal issues. But cage, prison is real in Gaza, plus the killings. Can free only with arms, not thoughts.
This otherwise justified criticism would ring truer if he himself hadn’t not only refused to confront the establishment’s specious climate change agenda– but actively promoted it and insisted that it was urgent.
People who live in glass houses…
“I do not believe this was because of ‘looking ridiculous.’ It is more insidious than that.”
Definitely. The one thing all of these people have in common is that they are prominent ‘dissidents.’ The reality is prominent ‘dissidents’ are almost always controlled dissidents.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-10-21. WMP debate excess deaths: full gallery, near empty chamber. Atty to Pfizer WB ‘Not Effective, Pfizer Knew It’ (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
From your Links:
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-10-07. Young & Middle-Aged jabbed Adults Dying Unexpectedly in Sleep. 53k E&W excess deaths 2023 already
October 7, 2023
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-08-05. Pfizer Employees Given “Special” Batch jab. Demonised IVM would have made experimental jab redundant
August 5, 2023
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-08-17. Excess deaths in Japan soared by whopping 400%. Mr Ursula von der Leyen, Pfizer-owned Orgenesis director
August 17, 2023
I’m always a bit disheartened by the rock bottom binary prevailing virtually everywhere, even here, in this forum, where “binary” is a dirty word.
That would be the binary separating the bad guys – bankers, warriors, politicians et al – from the good guys – all the rest of humanity, which hasn’t a mean bone in their collective body and would storm the Bastille in a heartbeat for peace and justice were they not so flustered by all the propaganda fed them since birth that they simply cannot think straight.
The bad guys could not do what they do were the good guys not 100% behind them. Why is that so hard to see when it’s so obvious?
It’s safer to follow the road signs than go off the beaten track.
Catherine Austin Fitts has a great story, The Red Button story, that illustrates the point.
I will not make a mess of it by generalizing. I’m sure it can be found somewhere on the internet as she has told it many times.
The point of the story is that, yes, to a certain degree we are all culpable.
If we all discovered how things really work, what our USA economy is actually based on, and we had the chance to push a button to stop it – and face our own economic consequences – would we do it? Would we push the button?
She asked this at a conference. One person raised their hand “yes”.
Excellent point. Most would not “push the button.”
When it comes, e.g., to income equality, I sincerely believe that of all those opposed to the concept, it would be the working class which is most opposed. The fact they would benefit the most does not offset their reluctance to give up the chance to be rich themselves.
I’m glad the path things are heading. How many times have we been in deep despair, projecting our state as if it would last forever, seeing ourselves identical to that despair and not seeing anything else; and then, when by la force des choses, that despair dissipates, only to discover that despair was only a sigh in the mouvement of History, to be forgotten incredibly quick as if it was nothing? How many times have we realised, after the fact, that it was worth it going through that sigh but that we didn’t know, during the fact? Every single time, I guess.
“I’m willing to bet anyone anything that if we were shown around by TPTB the shape of the economic, financial and banking systems and how our daily living as we know it is so dependent on their smooth functioning and would be FUBAR if it all stopped and how the ‘fixes’ they are coming up with is to keep it afloat. If then we were given the keys of power and told ‘thanks for taking over, we’re out’, I’m sure we would hand the keys back and say ‘No thanks, I don’t think I’m up to this thing; keep in charge and good luck’ and run as fast as we can.”
Good point, it certainly has a systemic nature that has only grown stronger over the last century.
The international owners of the private Central Banks remain in the shadows while bringing every nation’s “govern(ment)” into full compliance with their Agenda of full-spectrum dominance.
The human race can be lived, but it seems not able to be saved.
Very few people and generations have avoided the gvts calls to war, and I see no reason to expect todays peoples to avoid this reoccurring fate, now even their time has come.
I’m very much looking forward to EU nations trying to conscript their youths, if they dare …
Say, does anybody remember that time back in the 40s when America found itself in a fight for its life against Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and Fascist Italy and how FDR decided that the best thing he could do in response was to dismantle public infrastructure, privatize it and then employ financialization (another tumor) of what was left as their best way forward? No, me neither.
Dr.SHIVA™: SHATTER THE SWARM. How The Few Control the Many.
Fight for it’s life ?
Germany did not have the slightest chance against the combined might of the British, American and Soviet empires. WW2 was yet another war for profits, oil and Israel. The present genocide in Gaza would not have been possible without the world wars, the false flags, the war of terror and so on. Convid was the biggest false flag of all and it too had a role in enabling the final bloody push for ethnic purity in the unholy land.
Hitler came unstuck on the Eastern Front:
The German army was decimated and the Russians paid dearly.
For the sake of economy, you can rephrase it, “Germany did not have the slightest chance against the Red Army”.
Maybe it will take years for people to fully understand the means by which World War 3 started. And it has started. By lies and deceptions. We are in the opening scenes now. The official narrative is that there was a surprise attack by Evil Hamas on an innocent democracy, Israel. The truth is that America orchestrated the “attack”. Israel commits genocide defending its innocence, a deliberate part of the American plan to enrage. Stupid, jacked up Israel obliges. Concern for Palestinian people is outlawed and censored around the world by countries on board. An overwhelming American force is assembled with stern warnings for other countries to not become involved. Unverified claims of actions taken by other countries (false flag) will be presented to the world as being sufficient for an all out assault upon the offending country to save peace, freedom, virginity and democracy from falling into the hands of terrorists. Lurid claims will be made on TV that Putin and China and Iran are supporting the other terrorist harbouring countries by supplying ungodly extremism, weapons and Viagra for the crazed terrorists to rampage around the world beheading babies, raping women, blowing up their own hospitals with bunker buster bombs and other barbaric acts of unimaginable horror. The only next step available in this new emergency facing the free world is tactical nukes. This all has to happen very quickly before unchecked conspiracy theorists ruin their plans.
History is written one lie at a time upon which tomorrow’s students will learn and future movies are made.
I think it’s the other way around … and BTW which “Americans” are you talking about?
If you like precision in your affirmations you can write “USAmericans”. It’s also a courtesy towards the majority of folks who live in that part of the world who are not war-mongering, imperialist shitbags. As for the country itself, “USofAs” is the preferred term.
Ostrovsky & Hoy – By Way of Deception; Making and Unmaking a Mossad Officer (1990)
“By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Make War
Welcome to the system which is comically called “Democracy”. Voting may change a few faces but never the policies. Referendum outcomes are blatantly ignored and twisted. The wealthy manipulate everything for their own gain, the ordinary people are fleeced and robbed by a system rife with corruption. Lies and deceit by the establishment are never punished because that is their norm.
Waging war at home or abroad is an excellent and never ending source of fabulous wealth – for those military stock owners, if you are an establishment figure who doesn’t have military assets then merely acquire other stocks and shares and then arrange a scam to inflate their value.
They take this massive wealth and by spending a mere fraction of it they buy influence and favours, change legislation to further enhance their position.
The conclusion has to be that nearly anyone who has become a multi millionaire or billionaire, without a clear creative talent, should have everything removed from them and their home should be a prison cell.
Does ‘creative’ accounting count?
There’s been a SHIPLOAD of that.
Well, pretty right on, and redundant of course because who doesn’t know what you said at this place, i.e., preaching to the choir, but your conclusion is silly. Sorry, particularly without any suggestion or proposal for doing what you said. Eh, it’s not just you, that’s “our” problem, if I can lump together those of us who seek real freedom. But without a plan to actually do something, it’s all bullshit talk.