MSM blames crypto for “funding Hamas” and “climate change”
While countries around the world are making CBDC strides, Bitcoin is blamed for climate change and "funding terrorism".
Kit Knightly

Just a brief note on the current state of digital currencies around the world, there’s been some big news.
A few days ago it was reported that China had become the first country to conduct cross-border trade using its own central bank-issued digital currency:
The digital yuan has been used for the first time to settle an oil transaction, the Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange (SHPGX) announced. PetroChina International bought 1 million barrels of crude on Oct. 19.
Meanwhile, the European Central Bank is working on the digital Euro, announcing the conclusion of the preliminary research phase and the start of a two-year pilot scheme earlier this week:
The European Central Bank (ECB) has completed the initial two-year investigation phase of its digital euro project and will now implement a two-year preparation phase that will cover the finalisation of a digital euro rulebook, the selection of providers to develop a digital euro platform and infrastructure, as well as testing and experimentation across a range of use cases for the central bank digital currency (CBDC).
The Digital Pound (“Britcoin”) is not far behind, with the Bank of England creating an “engagement forum” to work out the terms of usage.
While central banks are developing CBDCs around the world, payment platforms are working on “interoperability” – the ability of CBDCs to interact across national borders.
We covered Mastercard’s pilot scheme working with several CBDCs across national borders in a recent This Week, but we missed that Swift was running one of their own as well, again focusing on interoperability.
That’s the end game, not one global digital currency, but dozens of them that are all “interoperable”.
Or, in other words, one global digital currency.
There certainly seems to be a push on the CBDC at the moment. In an article from just a few days ago, Reuters headlined that it was “Time for central bank digital currencies to prove their worth”.
Perhaps some financial “crisis” is on the way that CDBCs will solve. Who knows.
Anyway, that’s state-backed digital currency. What’s new on the cryptocurrency front?
Well, for one thing, they are bad for the environment. According to a Daily Mail story from this morning:
Now Bitcoin is deemed bad for the environment: United Nations says mining cryptocurrency pumps out same amount of carbon as 40BILLION pounds of coal each year
Which is obviously terrible. But it gets worse: Cryptocurrency funds terrorism!
At least so says CNN:
How Hamas is using cryptocurrency to raise funds
Reuters agrees. So does France 24. And the Times of Israel. And the Japan Times. And Deutsche Welle. And the Rand Corporation. And the Wall Street Journal.
In fact, the terrorist funding problem with cryptocurrency is so bad that companies have been forced – FORCED – to start freezing private assets. You know how they hate doing that.
That’s the news: “Bitcoin – bad for the environment, good for terrorists.”
While neither of these particular hot takes could truly be called “news” – the media talk about them all the time – it’s certainly telling they are both freshly in the headlines this week, don’t you think?
To sum up, state-issued digital currencies – which enable censorship surveillance, and social control – are good. Potentially anonymous distributed digital currencies fund terrorism and are bad for the environment.
Shocking, isn’t it?
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Total control. Without the toil, blood, sweat and tears of the worker, there would be no material wealth in the world. Over time, the controllers have learned, pay the worker actual money, the worker will use it as they will. Digital currency is planned and will become, the mechanism for stealing our profits, honestly made through our own efforts.
The controllers will then use our heavily taxed profits to dictate what we might spend the remnant on. A weekly rationed measure of bug derived protein per person perhaps? Your state required 5 a day? How about a new fridge? The old one is obsolete @ 5 years. You must have a new one! All for your own good, of course! x credits have been deducted, your are now in debit and must work an additional x hours or forfeit your monthly alcohol allocation or your children will not have shoes to wear!
Wot??’ Where are Allie gopro and the Hasbara army? Do they only have the keys to the Israeli articles?
From page 12:
The shift in risk from institutions to individuals We are also seeing signs that the traditional purchasers of long-maturity bonds – central banks, foreign investors, commercial banks, and brokers/dealers – are gradually withdrawing from the market. So who is buying the new issues? Their place is increasingly being taken by pension funds, insurance funds, mutual funds and other money market instruments. The assets in question are mainly the property of private individuals, not big institutions. The risk is shifting on a massive scale, from institutions to consumers. This means that a large proportion of the funds that millions of Americans are relying on to support them in their retirement are being used to prop up a falling market. If bond prices slip further then pension funds and mutual funds will be exposed to significant losses. The big players always co-operate to ensure as far as possible that the real underlying risk is passed on to the little guy. The big institutions take the profits and the little guy covers the losses. We are now entering a phase where this principle will operate on a scale never seen before.
In general, a major activity of many major businesses for decades has been stock buy-backs using diverted profit. With most of the dividends were paid to the executives or large share-holders. I wonder what the final stage of this covert disinvestment will be, with each business holding all of its own shares.
It starts the moment you are born
You are a new market
“Welcome to The Economy”…
Every newborn has expectations
Its parent has expectations of it
(The beginnings of Unequal Exchange)
The young feel guilty when they fail to
meet those expectation (though it’s
said “Jewish Mothers are Worse”)…
Your guilt enslaves you to The Economy
(The emotional economy of capitalism)
Without Guilt even a gift economy cant
It’s said that if you study gorillas you’ll
find a hierarchy. Is there a hierarchy
only because you looked for it ?
Or did we just call it a name(hierarchy) because we wanted it under that name. I call it role.
In a civilisation or society (Gorilla) each find their role after their physical and biological ability to sustain and defend this society, and this is not hierarchy.
Saying someone cheated and lied again when they found gorillas to be a hierarchy.
Back in 2017 some of my friends were radicalized on the net (you tube) by theses cult of fake truthers who all in tandem spoke in coordinated script sheet of crypt 0 crypt 0 buy crypt 0 .I being slightly thick and not awoke has them didn’t buy the off my friends spent several $$ thousands getting there website set up to get the next amazing thing that the deep state and banking cartel felt threatened by this digital crypt 0.
in 3 years there business has taken a total off drum roll……… 6 k in digital crypt 0 which is dreadful in theory.
I leave it on this.
Does your favorite alt media / truther except digital crypt 0 for there merch or books or videos or c.d’s or tours they do ??? or even the supplements. NOPE
Last I look 20 minute ago
David icke and Alex jones inforwars stores does not except the deep state and banking cartel threatened by digital crypt 0 as a form off payments and never has.
Fat Pig
I saw a few clips of that fat Zionist pig Alex Jones beating the Gaza genocide drum. A really loathsome figure. That arsehole Chomsky hasn’t said a word about the slaughter. The same cunt who wanted the unclotshot to starve.
Alex Jones is a one man army. He has done a great job in many areas. I am not able to put him in the same category as Chomsky.
Bitcoin is just as bad and sinister as CBDC, in fact it’s part of the game, presenting something which is allegedly an “alternative” while the reality is that it amounts to centralization which has a decentralized look. Leo Saraceno, the author of this piece, worked as a cryptocurrency designer, knows this world from the inside.
Anything inside a flat screen is an illusion.
Only the real world where it storms, mosquitoes bite, it is wet, dirty, cold and too hot is real.
If you want to know the excuse for introducing CBDC, and what the “finaincial crisis” will look like, read this book, it’s FREE, only 130 pages ~2hr read, well referenced to primary legislation.
Main points and a 20 min interview with the author covered here:
From your second Link:
“David Webb, The Great Taking
By Sasha Latypova 21 Oct 2023
“I met David at the recent conference in Sweden. His research explains the financial underpinnings of the Great Reset. Have you ever attended a lecture on finance that started at 11pm, went till 1am and the room was still packed?
“The lecture was by David Webb. His topic – The Great Taking, by which he means the mechanism of immediate confiscation of your financial assets by the owners of the central banks. This mechanism is already in place (it is not dependent on the digital IDs and CBDC).
“If you thought you owned the financial securities in your retirement account, think again – turns out they are not really yours. I had a good conversation with David over dinner. Ivor Cummins was at the same event and recorded the interview with David:”
There are two points in the above clip that I agree with:
NB “it is not dependent on the digital IDs and CBDC”. These technological tools are simply ethics-neutral. The real Con-trick is good old Legal Fiction, namely 2:”If you thought you owned the financial securities in your retirement account [or that you still own your money that you deposited in the bank] then think again” because your deposits are owned by the bank. It’s always been so, and perfectly legal.
It’s not just retirement and bank accounts, it’s all securites held by a 3rd party, stocks bonds, gold certs and anything with outstanding debt, like your house if it has a mortgage/house loan.
There is no safe haven, some hedges maybe, but deflation will go on for deacdes, land bought in the 1920’s was still only worth 1/3 of it’s purchase price 30yrs later.
The confiscation has already taken place — if you think about it the proliferation of large scale debt is essentially taking wealth that doesn’t exist. This isn’t sustainable so something will need to rebalance it, and the way to do this is to transfer wealth from wherever its stored, be it private holdings, public assets or whatever.
The debt is already there, and as we’re continually told its all our debt. Funny thing, though, is that I don’t recall running up any debt, on the contrary I’ve tended to earn more than I consume, so I wonder where it all went?
Good question, Martin. Didn’t an economist use it as a book title: The Money, Where Did it Go?
I look on money as permission to use an opportunity. Money that does not use an opportunity simply disappears when that opportunity disappears “offshore”.
“We are your songs, you should have sung us” — Ibsen, Peer Gynt..
It is well worth a read. Basically it makes the point that BitCoin was created by intelligence as a Wall-street 2.0 or Banking 2.0
That it is owned and controlled by a few very rich people.
It also exposes the likely origins of BitCoin,
To any one tempted by BitCoin or any others remember the Tulips , the Knickerbocker and penny stocks.
Beware the Media financial advisers and stories of commoners becoming millionaires overnight.
does he except donations in BITCOIN.?
I bet you cant convince the users about it, even there are many stories about Bitcoin/E-coins accounts hacked and millions lost.
But the case is simple. Its too good to be true. Further, everybody with more than 1 brain cell in the middle of a civil war, knows only physical properties in hand are real values.
“You could have […] a potentially better — or some people might say a darker world — where the government decides that units of central bank money can be used to purchase some things, but not other things that it deems less desirable like say ammunition, or drugs, or pornography, or something of the sort”…
Ammunition, drugs, pornography…. or food, fuel, clothing, travel, information….
P.S. On the subject of ammunition, how remarkable that the latest alleged US mass shooting happened in Lewiston. Lewis means “son of a mason”.
Careful not to take the do’s and don’ts too seriously. Not being able to buy ammunition, drugs or pornography would put the bankers right in the crosshairs of “The Underworld.” That’s a place they don’t want to be.
If we want to stop the global crime-spree we are witnessing today, we have to go back to when it really took off:
GeoStrategic Hour With Matthew Ehret: How the Trilateral Commission Ran a Bankers Coup 1970-present
“How did the Trilateral Commission orchestrate a bankers’ coup in the USA in the 1970s, and how did that coup directly drive a nation-stripping of the USA and a re-implementation of a radical neo-colonial model of world governance since that time? How did this network initiate the looting schemes of Russia and how did they fail to achieve their “Chinese Perestroika” with the failure of Zhao Ziyang (CCP General Secretary 1987-89) and the CIA/Soros liberalization of China? How can this process of self-suicide be reversed? And what lessons can be learned from the 1929-1933 Wall Street-orchestrated Great Depression and attempt at a 1933 Bankers’ Dictatorship which was sabotaged by President Franklin Roosevelt?”
Ehret still seems to think that Roosevelt was on the side of the angels. He should read Antony Sutton’s Wall Street and FDR.
I was there, and FDR was on the side of the Anti-Fascist Angels: New Deal, TVA, Aid to Soviet Russia and beating Hitler to the Atomic Bomb,
We dont have a single clean person among us. Everybody are dirty.
JFK orchestrated Agent Orange.
I’m surprised that no-one from US has reported on Fednow
The chief geriatric (in name only) has snuck in the Merkan CBDC
Just like so many other words, the meaning of the word “terrorist” has been quietly changed. Now it means anyone who dares to question the approved Narrative and especially if questioned by those people who are indigenous. Offering opinions on “Climate Change”, illegal Immigration, establishment corruption, the poisoning of millions via “safe and effective” money spinners are all invitations to receive an early morning knock on the door.
Freedom of speech now equals the right to be intimidated.
Matt, you’re bang on with that one. I guess the term “Domestic Terrorist” is what is known as a Neologism by the professors of the English language. Well to me, it’s straight out of Orwell; Newspeak. Can’t actually put my finger on when it emerged in time, certainly within the past year or three. Maybe we should ask: was it created in a Lab ?
In the “rules-based order”, the little people need not worry about what is or is not terrorism. They, and their governments, will be told as and when necessary.
The wholy crypto/Shitcoin crap is just another distraction, all digital crap forces you to use some form of electronic device which can be controlled/shut down whenever the fascist masters want.
Just a note to all the gold/silver/wathever-scrap-metal shills, all your precious metals have just the value that someone else is willing to give you, gold-backed currencies are as much fiat as all other currencies.
Your three tons of gold have no value whatsoever if you are sitting in the desert without water.
Or they “suddenly” discover a vast reserve causing your stash to plummet !
TS, with respect I get your point about Gold being of little to no use to a starving man in a desert, it is well made and not new. However, its popularity in certain quarters, appears to have not in the least diminished, in fact, rather clandestinely it appears to have substantially increased. Where did Iraq, Afghanistan and Libyan Gold go ? I’ll bet £ to a piece of sh1t that it isn’t now where it once was when those Countries owned it. Venezuelan Gold is another conundrum, I understand the BoE are now looking after it, sort of permanently, despite the poor Venezuelans asking for its return. Not only the Gold of so called “hostile states” appears to have a magnetic attraction to sticky fingers, that belonging to so called allies too appears liable to unwanted acquisition. Did Germany get theirs back ? I remember reading some time ago, that the closest they were allowed to get to it, was by sight only ! They weren’t allowed to actually touch it, nor take a sample. Some folk I believe, even made a ridiculous assertion that it was actually another, cheaper metal, that had been coloured with Gold spray paint.
Everything you say is true…but
We, as a species have a history. And, although most people don’t know most of that history and it is deemed unimportant compared to The Latest Thing. For all of that history precious metals have been a store of value i.e. a currency. A real way for people to transact without the use of credit (the primal transaction method). And by currency I don’t mean the funny paper or numbers on a screen we all get paid in, I mean a fungible store of value.
So yes, everything you say is true but, when we’re not starving in a desert, it isn’t.
True. Ultimately, the only real wealth is land and cattle.
Health, food, social cohesion and independence.
Good examples of real wealth.
“Ultimately the only real wealth is my spear. My spear is food and drink to me, and I sleep with my spear.” — Archilochos circa 680–645 BC, Greek mercenary.
Not a lot of sleeping with women for ol’ Archilochos by the sound of it.. His spear surely never let him down!
aye, if you cannot eat it, it is intrinsically worthless. i used to hand my son (when he was a child) a pound coin . . . “can yo eat it?” i would ask. Then we have the enforced reality of our existence . .
[gold? someone explain the allure/value of gold to me (other than for a magpie).]
while currency is well in the preparation stages the sheer horror that is required to push us obediently down that path is playing out
As germany bans any public sympathy toward the Palestine genocide/land/gas & oil thefts
and rishi gives genocide the big thumbs up
given those two countries have huge Muslim populations and arguably (very arguably actually) highly motivated sleeper cells of trained fighting age males trained in places like Turkey, “ordo ab chao” seems very much to be on the menu??
but as well,
something more sinister is going on
those, like myself who have spent time studying older texts trying to dig down into the underlying mysteries and correlations (because believe me the paths all lead to the same place) know that mention of the “beast system”, “antichristianism” (the movement may yet be headed by a human form but is in itself not singular), we know that these are not merely passing references, aside from the “thrill” and access to younger flesh that affiliation with such movements may give the “wealthy” in this Realm, the intent has purpose
That purpose has now deemed that the time is right, the old luminaries having crossed paths in the right places, so to speak, as they will again in early April 2024
Each of us had a journey of incredulity as the “covid” hoax unfolded, the journey may have been swift or rapid, matters not, We all made a leap,
So many of us have provided evidence of the coding and ritual that is attempting to bring this situation to a pre-determined outcome…
An outcome where even the very concept of “free speech”, “freedom” or even “choice” has been utterly wiped from existence, a time where the option of “bugging out” and the brief experience of freedom ends with a high calibre bullet to the head from an “elite” in an helicopter… “sport”…
Thats enough, let the image speak
Behold a pale mule?
come and see
It’s because those guys in government have the goods on what’s going on in the Middle East; namely that the efforts Israel has been doing since 2018 to normalise its relations with the Arab countries, starting with the Abraham Accords are going down the drains; and its latest efforts with Saudi Arabia are proving to have been unfruitful and disappointing as things cooled down between them “lately”. Really between Israel and the whole Arab world.
All the while, relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran are developing slowly but consistently; which favoured a clear tendency toward peace in Yemen; a very bad news for Israel as Yemen has become the thermometer for measuring the unity of the Arab-Iranian front.
Hence, the counterweight that the Western governments are applying by siding with and soothing Israel’s worries about changing alliances, and thus suffocating voices of sympathy with the, yet one more, Palestinian tragedy. These voices, I believe, are the majority but the media have their ways to make us believe otherwise.
If the dynamics in the Middle East follow the current trend, Israel will lose its deterring and intimidating presence in the region and shall have to pay more attention to the the protestations of other nations regarding its handling of the Palestinian Question.
The recent human tragedy, if it has been allowed to occur, can be interpreted, (among many other interpretations all of which however agree on the changing trends in the Middle East as a “first” cause), as an opportunity to get back US protection after Trump and Biden administrations have been somewhat “negligent”, prioritizing domestic matters – related to we all know what – during the last few years, and creating a void which, naturally, China exploited by playing cupidon between Iran and Saudi Arabia no less! That, and other things which are not of Israel’s liking, such as the Irak Development Road which would connect India to Europe via Irak and Turkey, rather than the G20 corridor which would pass through Saudi Arabia and Israel. Furious Erdogan will sure breathe freely if China brings Saudi Arabia to its camp away from Israel and make the road go through Turkey and thus collecting some rights of transit. You’ve got see the hug Netanyahu and Biden gave each other; The former almost weeping on the latter’s shoulder. “Thanks for not betraying ‘the cause’; long time no see.” Say no more; billions rained on Israel, and Biden made at Israel’s disposal the US arsenal parked there but destined to Ukraine.
This is consistent with what Thierry Meyssan has been writing in his second assesment of the situation in the Middle East regarding the true situation of Israel in the region; which the media wanted to present as one of strength and control but is in reality one of isolation and weakness against a consolidating front of Arab and Iranian nations. The consolidating front around Israel argument is strengthened by Meyssan’s statement, if it turns out to be true, that the attack was carried out by four groups of dissimilar tendencies, including Hamas and the Marxist FPLP!
I regularly used to read Robert Spencer’s “Jihad Watch” site and was convinced that Islamic jihad was the cause of all the problems in the world.
When the towers were demolished a lot of people thought the same.
For me, however, the opposite was true.
From that moment, mainly due to the obvious 9/11 lies, I started to question everything I had taken as a given.
It seems that the moslem world has been weaponised by poking it with a stick until it will strike back with a vengeance.
Expect those sleeper cells to wake up.
As usual, lots of innocent people will die.
But, hey, that’s Globalism for you !!
In my Jewish wife’s autobiography, her childhood impression of the first Nazi bombs on Lvov was, “We came up from the shelter and I found my canary had died”.
Maybe the Chancellor ought to take a hint out of the playbook of his predecessor in the mid-40s on how to deal with the undesirables. Will they load them on trains? The logistics of lage scale deportation seem to get very tricky and apparently tend to involve concentration camps. Good ol’ Germany rises to the occasion once more!!
Funny isn’t it, that in just over a century we’ve gone from Gold, Silver and Copper, to Specialist Paper and Steel, then to Plastic cards & notes, and now, we are told, thin air ! Or whatever constitutes a “click”.
Currency is the root of all evil.
Money exchangers. Fixed.
I wonder how close they came to including ‘experts fear new Cupid strain emerging/ biological terror virus released from Hamass germ rocket amid viral-terror-cbdc-inflation war bomb cost of living crisis and rental vacancy shortage diversity shock.
Personally, I’m stocking up on silver, and food and essential supplies of course, for when the shit really hits the fan, which it will. I’ll keep a few grand of actual cash around to use until we can’t. We’re on a train we can’t stop, like the Snowpiercer, and at the mercy of psychopaths, who of course, have no mercy. Face it. All this alternative media bullshit is doing is giving some of us a head start in preparing. Even then, those who have been following the bouncing red ball AT ALL, should already know that regardless of what the fuck bitcoin or zionist “I want to be Greater” Israel is doing. It’s all the same news. The SHTF cottage industry is thriving and has been for a couple decades. I’m also building more shelves in my garage. Stock up now while you can. The truth does not matter. Censor that, OffG.
Imagine being afflicted by Multi-personalities, some for Israel, others defending Palestinians ! You’d feel like you were a living Battle Ground.
We’re lucky simply being schizophreniacs. Most of the time we’re on agreeable terms,
and our support for both sides is our normal stance.
“We’re” – me & myself, that is.
Hamas was/ is funded by Israel as an opposition to Fatah and Arafat.
Here is the real news. Controlled opposition finally shows its ugly face as the good cop:
Sputnik V has been declared obsolete. New vaccines invented. Forced jabs to “vulnerable groups” by law in 2024. .
Make a guess on who these “vulnerable groups” are?
The financial institutional and money platform links to corruption seems to be global, not limited to the BitCoin.
A divided U.S. appeals court on Tuesday said HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA.L) was not liable to the families of two American contractors killed in an al-Qaeda suicide bombing of a CIA base in Afghanistan, after the bank allegedly evaded U.S. sanctions targeting sponsors of terrorism.
Banks funding, errr “being exploited by” human sex slavers
Swiss banks, the Mafia, Money Laundering etc
The Atlantic Council published a piece yesterdy on the dangers of crypto currency as well in light of the news alleging that Hamas was funded by crypto currency. Among other things it calls for “strenghen[ing] the global regulatory framework on digital assets”:
Six steps to disrupt Hamas and other terrorist groups’ finances
Hamas has been added to the list of (non-CIA partnered) Drug Cartels , Kiddie Porn Merchants, and some others whose use of crypto allows them to escape Just Punishment.
Curtailing The Bad Guys, real or imagined,* is always invoked as excuse to further restrict us. One more possible avenue of escape from what is planned for us is being cut-off.
** The Devil
Tuesday night: Will Gazans be asked “Trick or Treat” by those knocking on their door ?
“Halloween Surprise” ?
I wish that I had your confidence that the CIA isn’t involved.