So What?

Todd Hayen

How many of you out there have experienced this? You are having a conversation with a normie friend (if any of you have any of those left, friends who are normies) and you are doing really well with all the evidence you have gathered about the New World Order, the WEF, the bent on transhumanism from the global-wannabe-world-leader-technocrats, and all of the other things that are clearly obvious. And then whomever you are talking too really can’t come up with any sort of viable counterpoints and they just shake their head and say, “So what?”/p>

I have had this experience several times, and I must say it usually stops me cold. Right before the incredulous, “so what?” leaves their lips, I am usually a bit excited, actually believing I may have won my debate: rather proud that all my studying and research is about to pay off—finally capable of making a sound, and evidence based, argument.

“So what? I really don’t care.”


“I really don’t care.”

What better way to end what started out to be an argument: the announcement from your sparring partner that it never really was an argument, because they never really cared in the first place.

This usually happens when they know you’ve got them—when you have made your argument really convincing. Then they say it doesn’t matter if you are right, “so what if you are right, I don’t care.”


I am not certain if this is a conscious tactic on their part, and they do this just to save face, and then later walk away and in private, take a gasp and exclaim to themselves, “oh my God! Is that reallyhappening?” Or, if it is actually true that they really do not care, and you arguing your point actually reaches a limit where it bores them to extinction, and they just want you to shut up.

“Just shut up, I don’t give a hoot in hell about what you are talking about, it is just a bunch of boring hooey to me. Shut up for God’s sake.”

Could be either, I don’t really know. I can’t really tell. Let’s look at both possibilities.

Let’s say they begin to believe what you are saying, and they just can’t get themselves to agree so they casually announce to you that it just doesn’t matter to them. Could this be possible? That they believe, let’s say for example, that the vaccines could actually kill them, or make them very sick, and they really, honestly, don’t care? Yeah, sure.

They might then say, “there are lots of things that could kill me, why not one more thing. And it isn’t certain, so I am willing to take my chances. At the time everyone thought it was a good idea, and that it was safe and effective. I took a risk, and maybe it won’t turn out well for me, but that was a risk I was willing to take.”

“But it wasn’t a risk when you took it,” you think to yourself. “You were told it was perfectly fine, you took the jab believing all was ok. Right? And now you find out it isn’t, and you are ok with that?” Sure, why not.

Then you might say they were tricked, and the “man” wanted as many people to die as they could manage by pushing to vax onto everyone. They won’t believe that one. That’s the sort of argument you probably won’t get the “So what?” response from. They just won’t believe you and will send you packing if you try to unload anything like that on them. That’s too far down the hole.

There is also a possibility their “I don’t care” come back is a response that is meant to counter the unconscious. They really might care a lot down there in those dark recesses, but just don’t want to admit it because it is too frightening a prospect—or too embarrassing. In that case their “I don’t care” response to your brilliant argument is just a defense mechanism, a form of plugging their ears and singing, “la, la, la, la, la.”

Regardless of the reasoning, your argument is over. You will not get the satisfaction that you might have gotten through to them, even if you might have. It’s over. Go out on the back porch, have a beer, and watch the squirrels.

So, let me restate this because I have confused myself. 1. They believe what you are saying (as long as it is not too far-fetched) and they actually, honestly, don’t care. 2. They believe what you are saying, and actually do care but they don’t want you to know that they do. And 3. They don’t believe what you are saying, and just say they don’t care to shut you up.

I think I have sort of gone into detail regarding 1 and 2. 3 is a tricky one. How can anyone really not care? Well, 3 could also be 2. We have no idea what is going on in the unconscious, that is why we call it “un” conscious. We see this a lot though, this inability to process what is going on.

The phenomenon is similar to Captain Cook’s Australian natives who could not see his ships offshore because they were so outside of their understanding, they were not comprehensible. Is that what this is? It seems odd if so. Nothing that is happening is that foreign to our understanding. But if we simply disagree with it, or deny, then maybe that is the same thing—we don’t want to see it, therefore we don’t. I do think, however, that a malicious government is indeed beyond the comprehension of many people, even if evidence of that malfeasance is looking them directly in the face.

Of all of these possible explanations for the “I don’t care” response, the first one is the most perplexing to me. People simply do not want their idyllic world to be disrupted. When they say they don’t care, but actually believe you, I doubt if they really are allowing what you might be saying to cut through. They don’t really believe the consequences of what you are saying. For example, if you are trying to explain CBDCs, they may understand that this means there will be no cash, they just don’t seem to see why that is a problem. The same goes with Digital IDs. When you explain that this means complete surveillance, and complete control, they don’t really grasp what that actually means. They don’t care, life goes on, there are things that come up looking like “progress” and one really can’t be bothered with all the inconveniences that progress might bring.

They may as well say, “There’s nothing we can do about it.” And some of them do say this. Which is odd, because there is always something we can do about things that rely on compliance in order to take a foothold. And nearly everything that is going on now relies on compliance. But part of the agenda is to make us impotent to our own individual power. The agenda makes sure we are divided and remain divided. The agenda makes sure we remain confused, and hypnotized with distractions, and popular alliance with “the next thing.” According to the rules of the agenda, everything that comes at us requires taking a side, even when taking a side isn’t necessary.

Take the vaccine as one example. The agenda made sure we were all aware that people not taking the vaccine were despicable, uncaring, selfish, and would soon die—and take a few of us down with them in the process. Pseudo-science took the main stage stating that herd immunity would not be possible unless everyone took the jab. Never before had something like this occurred.

In the past, no one would even notice if someone in their inner circle had or hadn’t taken a flu vaccine for example. No one cared. Now they do—but they only care about what the agenda tells them to care about.

Once again, the “so what” response is a result of meticulous brainwashing. It comes as a result of a fear that if they say something like, “OMG, really? Tell me more!” they will be bursting their utopian bubble. They also will be taking back power that has been taken away from them.

When they admit something is wrong and they are concerned about it, they are acknowledging there is possibly something they can do about the situation. “What are we going to do?!” is the next logical comment. We are going to stop complying, for one thing. And we are going to gather together and figure out a new way to live.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Nicholas Creed
Nicholas Creed
Oct 28, 2023 8:38 AM

Unfortunately this type of response is becoming commonplace. Other variations are:
1) “Well, you just have to go along with it really, don’t you?”
2) “I know what you’re saying, but you just have to live your life and forget about all this stuff, there’s nothing you can do anyway”
3) Oh look it’s Mr. Stonehenge with his cash again. Really mate? Who uses cash anymore ffs. Can someone just scan the QR code and make a direct bank transfer then we can all transfer our amount of the (restaurant) bill to them? I hate cash. I don’t want your cash. It’s dirty! How many hands has that cash passed through? Just transfer what you owe to me please”
4) *Aligns with you on CBDC, climate delusion, wokery, Transhumanism, WEF, Agenda 2030*- Responds to the injection democide claims with “Well, unlike you, I believe that our government actually wants to take care of us, and doctors and scientists would never go along with what you are saying, it can’t be true.”

The critical juncture many cannot get past and likely never will, all the way to their grave, is to accept that everything they once believed is false. To accept and believe that one’s government has and is and will continue to intentionally, purposefully, and in a pre-meditated manner, openly conspire to harm, maim, murder, subjugate, impoverish, surveil, control, and depopulate its own people – it’s just too much for most to cognitively abridge that final gap.

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 28, 2023 12:38 PM
Reply to  Nicholas Creed

The end of the world is inevitable, after words you will need cash, but only if you want to live, if you dont care about living then, you wont need any cash.

And oh yes, we wont tolerate paying for our items with bills or coins dated in the 2000’s.
Inflation you know.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 29, 2023 5:23 AM

Most people I know get crazy when they hold a gold bullion in their hand. Even a silver oz has attraction. You cant talk yourself out of the fact that it is true value.

Oct 30, 2023 1:18 PM

Those who “don’t care” have not yet realised there is more than just this life. That there is a maker and what we do matters.
Though these people are often utterly contemptible, they deserve not our wrath. Rather, our sympathy and guidance as do teenagers who still believe in santa claus.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Oct 30, 2023 6:03 PM
Reply to  Paul

Speaking of Santy Claus, this link bears re-posting (by author of “The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton” at his rollicking website: dcdave.com:)


Oct 30, 2023 8:48 AM

The phenomenon is similar to Captain Cook’s Australian natives who could not see his ships offshore because they were so outside of their understanding, they were not comprehensible.

I just want to point out that this one’s a myth. The natives indeed could not understand what Cook’s ships were, but the statement that they could not even see them was made up by the colonists to illustrate how “inferior” the natives were to them in one of many attempts to justify their exploitation of them.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Oct 31, 2023 5:32 PM
Reply to  Renn

Totally agree…this fact makes no difference in the context of my article.

Oct 30, 2023 1:29 AM

Quite frankly, there’s something to be said regarding the absurdity of one rationalizing and blattering on whilst standing on a sinking ship. I’m sorry if this reflects too accurately the human condition, but what good is this constant debating if, in the end, nothing gets done to remedy the situation.

The current stalemate at the UN is a perfect example of this paralysis: people talking for hours on end and voting on ‘non-pending resolutions’ about ‘humanitarian pause’ that everybody knows will be cancelled out or disregarded, whilst the genocide of Gazans rages unabetted! It makes as much sence as a crowd who watch a man drowning and find nothing else to do but who crying, shouting and gesticulating on shore, because they fear getting wet.

So what if your’re researching, thinking and debating? What are you going to do to make a difference? Do you have an action plan, because the water is already up to your nose?

Oct 30, 2023 5:01 AM
Reply to  Raoullo

Stakeholder capitalism infected UN around 1998. UNSC vetos were a part of the deformed UN at its birth.

Oct 30, 2023 1:16 PM
Reply to  Raoullo

Until people realise we live in a spiritual matrix, then their actions in this world will be as futile as Neo’s before he realised the Matrix was not real.

Oct 29, 2023 10:59 PM

Brandy Vaughan, former sales rep for Merck who started http://www.learntherisk.org (which shows the CDC schedule and the risks of quaxxines), was taught that it took (doctors) at least 12 times hearing new information before it can be accepted. So consider that anything you share needs to be verified a few more times before it actually gets registered as valid and worthy of freaking them out.

Oct 29, 2023 9:49 PM

ha ha, how true! Happened to me few times. But I thought it was just me , being bad at getting my point across. But it seems to be a well known phenomena.

Oct 29, 2023 4:46 PM

Maybe the only thing we care about when we first come into this world is getting back to where we came from, the oceanic feeling of the womb and oneness with all things, and so we cry for paradise lost. That is, if we’re not crying from our first injection of god knows what shit’s already getting shot into us for our healthy adaptation to hell. Soon enough, though, the world catches up to us with all sorts of injections to internally colonize our minds and bodies both.   Few of us in the ‘developed’ world escape the clutches of industrial schooling, for instance, where we’re placed on assembly lines manufacturing people to perform the duties necessary to keep the machinery in motion for following generations to do the same, all in service to the few who rule the many, ancient pyramid schemes now replaced by corporate spreadsheets. Generally, we’re constantly being instructed in what to care about by bureaucratic capture of social relations depersonalizing participation in our own lives for the sake of exploiting us as resources of capital, Gesellschaft over Gemeinschaft.   The training programs are never over, never complete. There’s just so much adaptation people might take before their bullshit detectors kick in and they respond with bad attitude like So What?, as in Who Cares? or gives a fuck. In other words, there’s still hope for anyone who holds out long enough in life knowing such banality of evil surely can’t be what we’re living for. But there’s also only so much cognitive and emotional dissonance we can take before we’re beaten down by the meaninglessness of tales told by idiots, full of sound and fury signifying nothing. Then So What? becomes little more than resignation, not without irony, to just one damn thing after another, Who Cares? as in Whatever…or fuck me.  Who… Read more »

Oct 29, 2023 10:18 AM

My friend: Blah blah NASA telescope, blah blah new levels of clarity.

Me: So what?

we all do it.

Duncan Disorderly
Duncan Disorderly
Oct 29, 2023 9:52 AM

I have absolutely given up on trying to get my ‘Normie’ friends and family to see the danger we are in, I honestly believe that if they haven’t woken up by now they never will (until it’s too late anyway).
I’ve been in similar situations to those you describe, the responses I usually get range from a relatively polite but not very convincing, ‘Oh that’s very interesting’, then the topic is changed, or I’m told outright that I’m a conspiracy theorist that spends too much time online and who gets their ‘opinions’ from social media.
I think a good deal of these attitudes does stem from your observation that,
People simply do not want their idyllic world to be disrupted.”, but also that it is perhaps one of the most difficult things for people to accept and admit that their world view is an illusion, and that they have been willfully and skillfully manipulated for decades, this is just too painful and overwhelming for most people to even contemplate

Oct 30, 2023 1:45 AM

Do you think your worldviews aren’t illusions ? Do you, yourself, accept to disrupt the idyllic delusion that you stand above others because of your clever thinking? Do you perceive how your sofisticated ‘views’ are nothing but projections of your inner idiosyncrasies, and that you’re utterly bound by them?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 30, 2023 4:35 AM
Reply to  Raoullo

If you ask the forum I would say yes! I am and will always be open to challenge any of my own world views.
Why is that? Because its the only way I reach the one and only truth in the end.

As I use to say, everything is revealed in the real world. At any place at any spot at any time on the earth there is one and only one true conclusion.

When we see a man and a woman and their children, and you see how nature unfolds, you know this is a true constellation, and this truth last forever.
LGBT or whatever are lies or we call it “anomalies in nature”. It exists but it is not normal, it is an anomaly.

2 apples + 2 apples = 4 apples one truth
2 apples + 2 apples = 5 apples a lie
2 apples + 2 apples = 3 apples a lie
2 apples + 2 apples = 7 apples a lie

Hereof we have 1 truth and many lies.

The basic colour of grass is green. one truth
The basic colour of grass is red. a lie
The basic colour of grass is black a lie
The basic colour of grass is blue a lie

Again, we have that there is universally only 1 truth and many lies.

Are we ready to change our world view so 2 apples + 2 apples = 3 apples? No!
Notwithstanding what any Professor from Harvard, Yale, BBC, JP Morgan, The Pope will spew out of bs.

Oct 30, 2023 8:17 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Haha. Thank you. We’re getting somewhere. Of course I need to agree with your sensible truisms, but I’m perplexed by your singling out that LGBT thing. It’s noteworthy how enthralled by sexuality society is, and how easy it is to cast aspersions on those who diverge from ‘normality.’
However, in my questions to Duncan, I was reflecting on the more fundamental stance he and Todd were taking with respect to their belief that they’re awake and those who tell them off are fast asleep. I also noted that a lot of this is projection and self-delusion, and that, in the end, it changes absolutely nothing, if it’s not making things much worse, for it locks folks in utterly sterile emotive bellicosity–which it seems is the one thing that has led humanity to this point.

Putting that aside, you mention the revelation taking place in the ‘real’ world. I don’t mean to be facetious, but how true is this ‘real world’ you describe, if it’s so fleeting and brittle. Yes, on a certain level, it’s all rigidly ordained; the entire universe obeys the brutality of intractable laws, and the same brutal rules appears to maneuver human affairs into unbelievable hatred and strife. We have entire populations being bombed to smithereens in one corner of the world whilst folks continue on with their life of opulence in another. Many spend their time blattering on about their only truth; others whine and belittle others in the comfort of their own homes, feeling smart and righteous.

Is this all the reality there really is?

Oct 29, 2023 6:24 AM

They don’t believe what you are saying.
They don’t follow the arguments because they don’t want to follow them because MSM told everything is ok with governments decisions.

Oct 30, 2023 1:47 AM
Reply to  Nordlicht

Are you sure people should believe what You’re saying more than the BS on the little screens?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 29, 2023 5:48 AM

Bill Cooper
Hour of the Time
“I Have Had It – Enough of This”
On the gradual realisation and acceptance that the masses are not interested in “waking up”.
Sep 27, 1995

YT Channel: AWResistance

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 29, 2023 6:56 AM

Sept 27 1995 = 9 9 99 6 =, 9 9 99 9 =, 5 x 9 = 45, = 9. Its probably an incident.

Oct 30, 2023 1:49 AM

Describe the act of waking up.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 30, 2023 2:33 AM
Reply to  Raoullo

People have different understandings of the concept. I see it as being a long, drawn-out process. Typically, the person discovers some major event or aspect of society to be substantially different to the standard narrative (for me it was 9/11). He then finds a succession of other such events and narratives – eventually reaching the conclusion that the standard versions of history and current affairs are mostly garbage. Moreover, there is often evidence and logic which clearly demonstrates these narratives to be garbage. Having then argued these points with supposedly intelligent people, he ultimately reaches the conclusion that however “waking up” may be described, the masses are not interested.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 30, 2023 4:40 AM

Good link to Cooper thanks :).

Oct 30, 2023 7:26 AM

Interesting. Thank you. It’s funny because a lot of what’s going on in these social-media platforms–including this one, is perfectly similar to the kind of preachy, self-congratulatory discourse employed by Mr Cooper in his tirade about the sheeple being the ‘flotsam and jetsam of the battle of life,’ the sheeple who have no agency over their life. Folks like him, say they’re going ‘somewhere’ because they imagine they know the truth and that they fight for what’s right. In retrospect, it’s easy to see what a load of bollock this all turned out to be, as none of these virtue-signaling prophets ever made a difference in the grand scheme of things, and that the government bureaucracies Cooper decried 20 years ago has not only grown, they have become monstrous! So perhaps he alluded to a spiritual journey, when he spoke of getting somewhere, but he certainly couldn’t claim to be any better–or worse–than any of the flotsam carried away in the ‘battle of life.

Which brings me to the point about defining what one means by ‘waking up.’ For, if ‘waking’ consist in the ability of one to discern how duplicitous and corrupt governments are, then it seems that we’ve not gone very far and we’re only dealing with more foolish delusion and slumber, as none of this cleverness serves any personal or collective purpose. If, however, you’re referring to ‘awakening’ as in the act of religious conversion, which seems to be Cooper’s implied message in the clip you provided–and about which you do not say a word, the infatuation and arrogance displayed here appears to be fondamentaly contradictory to the Christian ethos.

So, I’m still not convinced by your definition, as it appears you’re not clear and totally honest about what you really mean and understand.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 30, 2023 9:50 AM
Reply to  Raoullo

I have a very limited knowledge of Cooper’s work – this being largely because Cooper died in Nov 2001 (see wikispooks) and I didn’t start looking into this sort of stuff until a few years later. Also, I tend to get his work mixed up with that of other people.

With regard to the sort of awakening he’s describing, the list of topics covered on his radio show (see link above) would indicate that he’s concerned primarily with earthly matters.

With regard to his view of the masses (I think he uses both “masses” and “sheeple” in #707), he’s simply confirming a reality which has been observed by a variety of prophets down the ages.

As to whether Cooper et al have had any effect, the difficulties experienced by Kissinger with his multipolarity project would suggest that something significant has happened.

So, I’m still not convinced by your definition, as it appears you’re not clear and totally honest about what you really mean and understand.

I didn’t present a “definition”. Rather, I presented a description of what “waking up” means to me, personally.

Oct 29, 2023 5:09 AM

People only care about what they care about or believe.They grunt out Trump! or Right wing governments! and I usually counter with “governments are all the same-Democrats Republicans-liberals or conservatives.”
That kills their interest and that’s the end of the conversation.

Oct 29, 2023 5:18 PM
Reply to  Hele

And you know why it kills their interest? Because they cannot mount an argument against what you’ve just said, they know it, and you know it. To discuss that very valid point any further would expose them to questioning their own dogma, and they will not do that. They’ll maybe nod along, agree that yes we are ruled by crooks, but that next election just might fix it all doncha know….. And really, how dare you not even try to change things, no matter how many times you may have tried it their way, you’re just a quitter if you don’t go along with the farce that the next election just might be The One.

Oct 29, 2023 3:46 AM

When confronted with imminent disaster, our natural instinct is to cover our eyes and ears and hope whatever it is will never happen.
“They” know this. Which is why they keep the fear porn coming.

Oct 29, 2023 5:04 PM
Reply to  Michael

Excellent piece on fear porn here (even making a connection to Kant on the Sublime!) – hurry on to the final paragraphs if the first are dense.
“… official story must be condensed into a single image of unspeakable revulsion….”

Oct 29, 2023 2:42 AM

“It’s not happening, and if it is, I don’t care.” This is armor against the guilt of failing to oppose evil– and failure to support one’s own self-interest. Also a way to distance oneself from the anxiety of helplessness.

If & when a rational program of action becomes apparent, many of the presently-passive will answer the call. While all you offer is that they should join you in your pessimism many will not.

And finally– so many attacks upon our physical health have robbed most people of the vigor to oppose passivity. And the educational system doesn’t exactly support independent thinking.

Oct 29, 2023 1:55 AM

Thinking from a different angle here: what if the ‘so what?’ people are the ones who are inadvertantly the ones who are ‘right’ and fortunate? If it is the case that Neville Goddard’s “Law of Assumption” (and similar people/ideas) are correct: that every one of us creates our own reality – doean’t it mean that the people who think disasters are occurring or are about to happen are actually the people in the wrong/bad reality (that we have unwittingly made for ourselves) and are the unlucky ones? Maybe all that is happening is a test? Just something to think about; I know I have…

Oct 29, 2023 1:32 AM

Todd…I really like how you summarized this sometimes pretty confusing to me happening concerning sharing information…specifically about the vaccine. Thank you!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 29, 2023 1:12 AM

They are feeling comfortable inside their bubble, their illusion, and this is what matters to them. Nothing else matters.
“We cant do anything about it anyway, so why bother, we dont bother, so why do you bother”, is their argument.

It must hurt them personally before they react in an angry way because their comfort zone is being attacked.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 29, 2023 12:36 AM

It’s the “la, la, la, la….”.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Oct 28, 2023 11:25 PM

Anyone else hearing “the turkey shoot is on ! It’ll be like shooting fish in a barrel !” ?

Oct 28, 2023 10:23 PM

If someone is your friend, be their friend. Not everyone can be a Bodhisattva- a loving wisdom filled person- of course.
The cycle of birth and death is a thresher. lets just do our best.

Trying to convince anyone, of anything is a fools errand, an ego trip.
This world will go through exactly what it is going to go through.
Be the change. Die peacefully.

Oct 29, 2023 1:30 AM
Reply to  Dave

I don’t think trying to convince someone of something is a fool’s errand or an ego trip. I have always strongly believed that just about anyone’s choices were their business NOT mine. However, in the case of the vaccine where I have known people who have died from taking it, I feel I must state the case to people I love for not taking the vaccine. Yep, I have had little influence but I felt morally I had to share information.

David Caines
David Caines
Oct 29, 2023 1:12 AM
Reply to  Skinnymouse

Sure, I tried too. I didn’t know much at the time. But I counseld waiting a while .
Then the job loss crap started, and they lined up.
I started gardening….

Oct 29, 2023 11:37 AM
Reply to  Skinnymouse

Yes, I think sharing is good. Especially if people inquire.
Sharing is not convincing.
I would never try to convince.
Unless, I suppose, someone actually said “convince me”.
Even then, it comes down to personal choice.

Oct 29, 2023 5:10 PM
Reply to  Dave

First three sentences much better than the last four!

I have a good friend with whom I would never even think of trying to convince or even discuss with propositions like those discussed here. We’re friends.

Oct 28, 2023 10:16 PM

I think there’s a subset or variation in the “I don’t care” response that several comments obliquely address:

This is the response by persons who feel trapped by circumstances into being jabbed. I’ll again cite my old friend M., who I’ve often mentioned in scamdemic-related comments. M.’s husband has advanced MS, and is a permanent (effectively “terminal”, I suppose) resident in a state-run care facility.

When the scamdemic was launched, the facility imposed a no-visitors policy. When the “COVID” jabs were released, according to M. the facility permitted restricted visits (like prison visits) provided the visitors were masked and jabbed. M. says that she never trusted the jabs, but her entire family– and especially her confined spouse– expected and urged M. to get jabbed.

Since then, M.’s position– at least what she tells me– is that she distrusts and despises the jabs, but she’s resigned to “do what she has to do” in order to keep access to her spouse. I don’t wish to add to the peer pressure she already suffers, but over the months I’ve gingerly asked if she’s ever tried to push back on these onerous requirements. 

Sometimes she sidesteps the question by saying that the jab mandate isn’t presently in effect, but if a new pandemic emergency is initiated, she will have no choice but to comply.

So M. is conflicted. But it amounts to an “I don’t care” defense. It feels like her stoic complicity, and an unwillingness to even consider, much less challenge, the negative consequences of her wretched submission is a form of denial. She avoids critical information or discussion because “caring” is not only futile, but painful. 

“I don’t care” expresses a willful numbness. 🤔 💉

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 29, 2023 12:41 AM
Reply to  Ort

I have friends like that too. They see what’s happening – deaths and injuries – but they complied, even though before the “mandates” from employers they said they wouldn’t get the shots. They needed their jobs, so they complied.

I don’t talk to them about it now that they have gotten the jabs. They were the lucky ones who were either injected with placebos or have been unharmed.

Oct 29, 2023 1:00 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Afterthought: “I don’t care” may be an internalization or introjection of “Resistance is futile.”  🤔 

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 29, 2023 1:27 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Life is risks. They just made an evaluation of the risks, took the risk because the reward was attractive for them.
Women are prepared to sacrifices for their children, etc. People have their reasons.
Russian soldiers sacrifices themselves so their comrades can live, m.m.

I see no especially wrong doing in it. Only when they start whining and howling the entire global population should do it too.

Oct 29, 2023 11:40 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I hate to be doomer but unharmed for now.

And I’m in the same boat with friends and family. And society.

Kevin Craig
Kevin Craig
Oct 28, 2023 9:14 PM

I think there’s a 4th option. They know fine well they’ve fucked up, they’ve willingly lost loved ones, taken health risks, the lot….and they don’t need a smartarse like me, telling them so. Especially when the harshest of realities is that death, or near-death, is everywhere but it doesn’t matter how it’s come about. I think some attribute covaids compliance resulting in serious illness, similar to alcohol or substance abuse ending up the same way- tragic, terrible, but nonetheless a choice.

They’re scared. More so, i imagine than ever before. Cancer, traffic accidents, suicides among family and friends, everyone has experience of….this is a step or two up, in my opinion. So you’re not going to get a rational discussion from them, at all.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 29, 2023 6:41 AM
Reply to  Kevin Craig

I tell everybody who are jabbed what I think about them. They are sheep, dumbed down, slaves to an investor group, digital slaves, antennas with graphene strings in their blood banes.

I tell worshippers they changed their dna with lipo 666 luciferase, young couples they can never get babies.after the shots, elderly that blood clots are in pipeline, babies they never gonna dance again.

Not to be malicious, but to scare them from promoting this bs ever again to anybody.  😇 

Oct 28, 2023 8:23 PM

“Everything you see or hear or experience in any way at all is specific to you. You create a universe by perceiving it, so everything in the universe you perceive is specific to you.”

-Douglas Adams

Oct 28, 2023 10:25 PM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

that’s too complicated.

Oct 29, 2023 12:29 AM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

Solipsism makes people squirm but the logic of it is irrefutable.

Oct 29, 2023 6:59 AM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

-. Everything originates from the clear pure light of your own mind. -Tibetian Book of the Dead
-. Humans share the fate of animals, and have no advantage over them. All have the same breath. As one dies, so does the other. All is vanity. -Ecclesiastes
-. In freedom, the mind encompasses the whole universe. The struggle for existence reduces its potential to the boundaries of the self. -Prof Henri Bergson
-. The world is beyond comprehension. Treat it as a sheer mystery. -Carlos Castaneda, 1971
-. What we call reality is just a consensual way of seeing the world. The internal dialogue grounds people to this reality. -Carlos Castaneda, 1974
-. As the underlying reality of existence is an unfocused boring hologram, we adopt a shared matrix through which to interpret it. What we thus percieve may be illusions, though fascinating ones. You could say that the purpose of life is the creation of meaning and order. -Bruce Holmes, 1983
-. Living beings resist the zero state so as to experience joy from what is essentially nothing. -Alexi Helligar
-. In psychiatric regression, patients’ narratives frequently contain obscure details that turn out to be accurate. Those with little or no education may describe Zoroastrian funerary practices or Hindu mythology. Some give persuasive accounts of out-of-body journeys, or glimpses of a past life or of the future. Some have identified with virtually every species on the evolutionary tree. -Stanislav Grof (various books from 1977)
-. Over 4 decades, Dr William Tiller of Stanford U. showed the following, that others have replicated: (a) focused intent can affect the properties of materials (b) multiple people can amplify this effect (c) an electronic device can be imprinted with, or store, such intent. -Ryan Mathers, 2021

Oct 28, 2023 8:07 PM

When those sheep die off, then I say: “so what, I don’t care”

The only problem with all these dumbniks is they don’t die fast enough.

Oct 28, 2023 10:26 PM
Reply to  T.S.


Oct 28, 2023 11:31 PM
Reply to  Dave

Everyone is deaf, dumb and blind these days. Hurts too much to think what will happen.

Big Al
Big Al
Oct 29, 2023 7:46 PM
Reply to  Lulu

As a parent of a deaf child, I’d prefer that phrase be shitcanned. He isn’t dumb at all.

Oct 28, 2023 7:47 PM

Israel recalls diplomats from Turkey, to rethink ties to Ankara.
It’s not good. They’re supposed to be allies.
Turkey to declare Israel a war criminal – Erdogan

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 29, 2023 6:29 AM
Reply to  moneycircus

Erdogan raised up since the coup days in my eyes. Erdogan has bones.

Oct 28, 2023 7:27 PM

Per usual, an interesting article; and, concomitantly, some interesting comments as well! At the risk of stating the patently obvious, one could invoke all sorts of angles in rationalizing not to mention justifying said stance of all too many blokes in our midst (i.e., ‘i don’t care’); but from my perspective a big piece of the puzzle vis-a-vis this stance has to do with decades-upon-decades of social engineering; wherein Westerners have been inculcated, indoctrinated and incentivized to look at the ‘sunny-side’ of things no matter the issue. More specifically, ideologies and movements that have been backed and funded by the Kakistocracy stretching back to the ’60’s – if not before (i.e., the New Age movement; the Hippie movement; the Psychedelic movement; positive psychology; Oprah cult; etc.; etc.), has led humanity – at least those in the West – towards this modern-day phenomenon wherein if anyone – or any ideology – counters the utopian view of the masses they are deemed, at best, a ne’er do well; and, at worst, a miscreant of the highest order. As such, it is not very surprising that we find ourselves in the world we see today; one in which those pointing out the obvious (i.e., ‘Covid’ was a democide; Israel is perpetrating a genocide in Palestine; etc.) are classified as malcontents or, even worse, ‘conspiracy theorists.’ lol That is all! RGB-Y3 out!!

Oct 28, 2023 7:25 PM

London’s own Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam spoke in Istanbul today.
He referenced his wonderful song Peace Train and I notice many people seem not to have heard of it.
As it’s Saturday music time:

Oct 28, 2023 9:36 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Here’s another good “Peace Song”!

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 28, 2023 10:47 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

I do have a bit of a problem with Cat Stevens.

Which is it ? Cat or Yusef ?

And why the fluidity?

Oct 28, 2023 11:25 PM

What’s wrong with steven georgiou?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 29, 2023 1:30 AM


Oct 29, 2023 2:34 AM
Reply to  moneycircus

Such an interesting trajectory his life his taken. My son was a toddler when Cat Stevens was at the top of the charts. My son loved hearing “Cat”, so we played his albums over and over again.

Oct 29, 2023 11:44 AM
Reply to  MaryLS

I love his music also.
Our senior prom theme was “Morning Has Broken”.
I don’t think it was intentional but it could refer to the hang-over’s the next day.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 29, 2023 12:14 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

I knew that 10,000 Maniacs had intended to do a cover till the Salman Rushdie thing intruded. This is from Wiki:

“Aside from Stevens’ original recording, a cover version of “Peace Train” was recorded by the American alternative rock band 10,000 Maniacs. The song originally appeared on the band’s 1987 album, In My Tribe, but it failed to chart. After Stevens’ comment which some interpreted as calling for the death of Salman Rushdie, 10,000 Maniacs lead singer Natalie Merchant had “Peace Train” removed from all future pressings of the album in the U.S.”

Good old virtue signalling Natalie! I recall she did a Woody Guthrie docu with that other “wild one” Billy Bragg. Ah takes me back to the days when I actually believed in these liberal lefty pop rebels!

Oct 30, 2023 2:23 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Should have attached my comment to MoneyC above here under your posting. Thanks for remembering the Rushdie thing.

Oct 30, 2023 2:19 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

I remember Cat Stevens supporting book burnings of Rushdie’s Satanic Verses. Someone then organised Yusuf’s albums being burnt publicly. Or at least that was the story back then.
Today I think the whole Rushdie affair was organised and that he had sold his soul to the devils rather early in his career. But so may have Yusuf.

Crush Limbraw
Crush Limbraw
Oct 28, 2023 6:39 PM

Just read this at Vox Day – https://voxday.net/2023/10/28/a-warning-for-americans/

These reluctant Ukrainian soldiers would have been wiser, and they would have had a much better chance of surviving, if they had stood against the Kiev regime instead of doing nothing until they found themselves forced to fight for it. Because, as enemies from Japan to France and Germany have learned over the centuries, Russia very seldom loses its wars.

It all sounds a little too familiar, doesn’t it, as the USA goes to undeclared war again in defense of Israel and the collapsing Clown World Order.

Translation: Normalcy bias will end when reality hits them square in DaFace…….too late to do anything about it……except learn, just like DaUkies are learning now.

Oct 29, 2023 7:34 AM
Reply to  Crush Limbraw

in the interest of historical accuracy, Japan did defeat Russia, quite comprehensively

Oct 29, 2023 7:38 AM
Reply to  Crush Limbraw

er, actually Japan did defeat Russia, quite comprehensively, which was unfortunate in the sense that it gave them the confidence to engage in WW2

peter osberg
peter osberg
Oct 28, 2023 5:36 PM

my reply: I care, because my jabbed friends are dying and getting sick

Oct 28, 2023 6:32 PM
Reply to  peter osberg

i am not jabbed and i am sick
5g phased array
electro magnetic city weapons in street furniture
for quiet wars

Oct 29, 2023 2:40 PM
Reply to  gorden
Oct 28, 2023 5:00 PM

To be fair, many of us have other life crises that need tending to, and that at the end of the day, food, housing, a decent job, etc all come higher up the priority list. Plus what actually can any of us do to sort out all the other issues.
Isn’t it normal for a normie to concentrate upon the terrafirma upon which their feet are placed.
Perhaps such a response is a form of protection from the feeling of hopelessness that plunges one into a phase of depression.

Oct 28, 2023 5:09 PM
Reply to  Balgorg

Sad. I gave it up to fight. I was in the front line of media, and read the signs of my own non-compliance.

I survive on peanuts. Barely get published – not here, anyways. But Off-G has the same people looking over their shoulder that I had. So I understand.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 29, 2023 1:38 AM
Reply to  moneycircus

Its all God’s fault because God doesnt care yes? We are sooo angry that God allow this to happen and dont do something.
But did we do our own homework? We allowed the horns into our lives, praised the Beast and hoped for the Beast would keep his promises, his fiat money, his lies and that his bs would change something. But it only got worse.
Our hopes should not have been placed there. Its even written, we could have read it and understood. “God dont hear your prayers”.

Oct 29, 2023 7:13 AM
Reply to  Balgorg

Such resignation was the purpose of dismantling almost all government responsibility related to food, education, public safety, infrastructure, livelihood, etc., over the long term, leaving everything to the mythical “free market”.

Oct 28, 2023 4:26 PM

To expose Laura Dodsworth for her championing of the “October Declaration” of lovies…

Consider that she was a key figure in revealing the government complicity in the Covid response: a democide of, potentially, billions.

She pivots from a crime of that scale to a microcosm (or better said, a sub-set of the same project) in Israel – horribly cruel as it was – leaving aside the signs that Oct 7 was, at the very least, allowed to happen.

When Netanyahu declares it a 9/11 – no truth teller fails to get the meaning.

Oct 28, 2023 4:13 PM

I always suspected certain heroes of the Covid fight were raised up by hands unseen (and others banned).

Now we have proof as they morph into cheerleaders for the bombing of Gaza.

No – yawn – they’re not opportunists or grifters, for the uniform bait-and-switch of the one-time champions of free speech is too… uniform.

Strangely, their uniformity is matched only by the lock step of governments during the Covid plandemic which they criticised; the uniparty in control of each country, and the media that speaks with one voice.

Shame on them all.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 28, 2023 4:57 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Try to get it ok. Just try.

The covid bullshit was all about selling us unity, right? Humanity coming together to fight the virus blah blah. But it didn’t work. All it did was stop us focusing on each other as enemies and start focusing on them, the big guys, the fat cats, and they didn’t like that.

So they put covid on the back burner for a bit and stopped talking about the Great Reset and started a war to try to get us refocused on hating each other again. But even that wasn’t enough because a lot of people were seeing through it, so they started another war, one that involved so much pre-existing prejudice and polarisation it would sweep everyone into taking a side.

And yeah it worked.

They’re killing people to get you to do and say exactly what you’re doing and saying. And they’ll keep doing it as long as it gets results. Don’t take it at face value and just repeat the headline being pumped at you. No.

Say “this is as bullshit as the pandemic, you’re killing people with war just to make us forget you’re all in it together, but we don’t bloody forget and we know you’re just staging this for our benefit and we aren’t gonna play. So stop your disgusting fucking snuff film.

If everyone busy taking sides was to say that instead I think you’ll find the killing would stop pretty quick, and they’d give it up in favour of some other trick to divide us.

Oct 28, 2023 5:02 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

I don’t take sides. My thesis is that as we watch left hand, right hand, there is a third – the hidden hand (a long history, not just Adam Smith) that coordinates the visible two.

I’m 3,500 miles from London but I’m watching Westminster Bridge and … you’d never know it from Off-G.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 28, 2023 5:57 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

So you don’t take sides but you’re taking a side. All the protests you support are taking a side, and the celebs who shilled for the covid bullshit who are now signing the CeasefireNow petition on its shiny new website are taking a side, just as much as the creeps backing the genocide are taking a side, because all of you are taking focus away from the real perps and the real agenda!

If you agree with me then say it when you comment here! Talk about the co-ordinating hand, because someone apart from me fucking should.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 28, 2023 6:34 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Sauron may rule Middle Earth, but you’re still going to have to deal with Orcs, and no, you aren’t going to convert them.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 28, 2023 8:05 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Jesus more horizontal thinking! Who are the “orcs” in this scenario? Which whole nation of human beings have you turned into subhuman non-people in your mind?

This isn’t Middle-Earth, ok. In this reality Sauron is running both bloody sides and killing both sides and throwing out propaganda to make sure we blame each other not him.

Apparently our mate Moneycircus knows this but refuses to talk about it. Fuck knows why.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 28, 2023 9:24 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

I don’t see all human beings as inherently good, so I think your construct is naïve. That being said, I never said anything about “sub-human non-people”; you’re putting words in my mouth there. When I say orcs, in my analogy, I don’t mean “subhuman”; I mean minions. Satan never lacks followers.

Oct 28, 2023 7:19 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

What irks me is gross hypocrisy, blatant inconsistency and posturing, which is what we see from quite a few of those who posed as “saviours” during the Covid response.

To pick off one would be unfair; their mass and consistency gives their game away – for example Daily Wire, Conservative Inc, Shapiro, Peterson etc. But also the shrill voices such as Dodsworth.

Nothing that has transpired in the past two weeks can justify or explain their certitude and conviction – except money.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Oct 28, 2023 8:08 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

What? You’ve figured out this whole thing is being puppet-mastered by a third hand but you don’t even think that’s worth mentioning, and what gets on your tits is some of the deluded puppets being hypocrites? I think you need to have a rethink about what really matters.

Oct 28, 2023 8:21 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Ummm, are we not missing the point here? Is all this ‘Great Reset/Ukraine?/Isra-hell? and the whole fucking saga not actually informing us where we actually are?
One minute you think it’s heavenly, or at least nice and comfortable enough to get along, next minute it turns into Grozny, or Gaza.
Or you really learn the import and meaning of ‘debt slavery.’
I mean, they are calling the Russians and the Arab/Islamic nations ‘bluff’ is it? A little bit further down this road and ANYTHING can happen.
Answers on a postcard please.

Oct 28, 2023 8:21 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

The primary lesson of the COVID era is that the world is wildly insane. This was unexpected, for me, and I wasn’t young when it happened, so I was not under the impression that we lived in a place ruled by reason and logic. I did not, however, in my wildest nightmares imagine that the world was a place that would turn itself off at the switch for years over nothing, with zero debate or a single moment of second-guessing.

This was a profound revelation. You can’t ever again expect consistency or integrity from a world once it has revealed itself to by wildly insane. You can’t trust it. It can’t ever be healed or reformed, because it’s broken at the genetic level in the entire species. We simply don’t work at this scale. We’re broken beyond repair and time only moves forward, so it won’t be getting better but it will be getting worse.

The takeaway from this dreadful epiphany is that the best you can do is to try, in some way, to shield yourself from the consequences of the world’s psychotic freak-outs. It’s difficult to do, and impossible to do completely. But protesting and raging is certainly not going to help. It’s a waste of time. We’re a hive-mind now, and that hive-mind is desperately, dangerously insane.

Oct 28, 2023 9:46 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

At this scale, with this multiplicity, human energy manifests as pressure, not soul or spirit. We push equally in every direction, trying out every possible scam at every moment, and if something works– if one particular scam finds traction– it’s because one of us has stumbled upon a vein of weakness in the structure of our hive-mind. It’s not because any super-secret, super-intelligent cabal has channeled their energies with coherence and purpose. That came later. (Except for the “super-intelligent” part, which will never come because everybody is retarded.) When the world froze in place in March 2020, it wasn’t for any particular reason. We simply froze spontaneously because we’re crazy (like children playing “freeze-ray” at recess) and then we confabulated an explanation out of shame. Anything halfway plausible would have sufficed. If somebody had suggested a Soviet freeze-ray early enough and loud enough, the lockdowns might have petered out after six months. Unfortunately, the confabulation that ultimately found traction was “uh… maybe a pamdenic? I mean, a pandemic?” And so we all had to sit on our hands for three years until the mania had burnt through its fuel of hypochondria and paranoia. The flaw in our make-up could be modeled, maybe, as an epilepsy in the hive-mind, manifesting in a sudden hypersynchrony in the firing of neurons across the entire geometry of the brain. We saw many strange things while we were down there fritzing on the ground between 2020 and 2022: flashing lights, angels, demons… and endless airborne armadas of spike-covered balls. And now we’re awake and we can smell that we’ve shat ourselves but we’re not even changing our pants. Epileptics have seizures, plural. It’s not one-and-done. This is our fate. Israel versus Palestine, bizarrely, is a scam that did not find traction. It was universally rejected… Read more »

Oct 29, 2023 6:22 AM
Reply to  Allie GoPro


The slaughter in the longest lived concentration camp is sickening and evil and cowardly. The objective is ethnic cleansing. The objective is the defence of ethnic superiority and ethnic purity. The demand for a cease fire is a call from those with a shred of humanity left to stand up for two million people that are facing extermination. I dare not use the H word because that is protected. But we are watching an H occur in front of our very eyes. Those who demand insanely that we look away are truly H deniers. They are direct accessories to mass murder. Their hands are soaked in blood. I am accusing you Allie and those that are supporting you.

Oct 29, 2023 6:41 AM
Reply to  Allie GoPro


It was the banksters that gave the world the convid scamdemic and the clot shot. Nobody else in history has had the power to inflict that kind of ordeal on every nation on the planet. Those very banksters also gave us the JFK assassination, 9/11, 7/7, 26/11 and more false flags than one can possibly remember. The banksters also started two world wars and used the false flags to start and maintain a continuous bloody conflagration in the Middle East.The banksters were the recepients of the Balfour Declaration which led to so much bloodshed across the world.And then there have been assassinations of numerous prominent individuals acroos the globe. These wars and these acts had multiple objectives such as maintenance of the oil supply and merchant of death profits. But the prominent objective of all this was the establishment and expansion of an ethnically pure state in the area the Old and New testaments dealt with. Ethnic purity is of primary importance when the goal is world domination.

Oct 29, 2023 6:56 AM

The flattening of Gaza and the extermination of it’s long suffering people has been the wet dream of the extremists that have driven the ethnostate. Here they see it’s fulfilment. They needed another false flag to ignite the orgy of destruction and bloodshed that would achieve the goal.They perpetrated that false flag.They are quite happy to do the hideous deed in full view of the horrified world. Defiance of the whole world is a perk of absolute power. A perk they intend to enjoy much as they enjoyed the spectacle of all the world’s people socially distancing, muzzling, elbow bumping and letting their loved ones die alone. Convid and the clot shots were terrible. But the physical liquidation of two million people, a sequel to the total war in Jericho is worse in a sense.

Oct 29, 2023 12:33 PM

The Israelis have signed their own death warrant with the way they’ve gone about taking their revenge. They’ve crossed every red line that Western politicians are now frantically claiming to have none of, but will soon be forced to acknowledge. So if the Israeli identity was ever coincident with the “bankster” identity that you blame everything on, then the banksters have either turned on themselves or split into suicidal factions. In the latter case, the banksters outside of Israel no longer care about ethnic purity in the Holy Land– they want everybody in the region turned into a powder that settles on the skin of whoever next dares to occupy those accursed acres, and which makes them smell very bad when they sweat.

Oct 29, 2023 2:34 PM

This should help sorting out who did what at Nova rave and Kibbutz Be’ir.

Oct 28, 2023 8:12 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

It’s the biggest fucking snuff/disaster movie that I’ve never wanted to see.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 29, 2023 2:36 AM

It really is, which is why I’ve studiously avoiding watching any of it.

Oct 28, 2023 10:24 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

What you say is very good…as far as it goes. But like so many others who lump all the blame on a smoke-filled room full of oligarchs, you completely ignore human nature.

Once a killing field gets going, it doesn’t just up and stop because someone in the Swiss Alps says “You can stop now little boys. Play School is over for today.” No, it doesn’t just up and stop because by then human nature has taken over – and the human lust for blood goes on till it peters out.

Those who may set the stage for killing, place the props, cue the actors..cannot always end the play when they’re ready for the curtain call.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 28, 2023 10:52 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

The covid bullshit was all about selling us unity, right? Humanity coming together to fight the virus blah blah. But it didn’t work. All it did was stop us focusing on each other as enemies and start focusing on them, the big guys, the fat cats, and they didn’t like that.

Unity. Was it? Did it? What the convid bullshit did do, was instantly create a new class of untouchable people, second class citizens who were bullied into compliance or ostracized. Division. Tough choices. Sides taken.

Oct 28, 2023 4:06 PM

-Cognitive dissonance: we are the good guys, right?
-Denial: The truth is too painful to live with.
-Subject has a home, probably children, income, internet access. Once the internet access and then the income become unavailable, subject will rapidly start to care.

Most modern people are just too soft from generational trauma (eg. Dark Ages, two world wars) and centuries of domestication and too good-natured to think that such evil could really be possible. They live in a reality that is almost entirely artificial and not of their own making.
You cannot undo this programming, and certainly not with words. They have to wake up themselves and start using their own mind and intuition. This seems to only happen to a small minority of human beings so far, too scattered and cut off from each other.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 29, 2023 1:58 AM
Reply to  Anarchos

Therefore a nuke would be a pleasant surprise in the centre of all the modern people.

I mean, only to wake them up off course and make them use their own intuition when they suddenly smell the coffee.
I mean 1 mio people deducted 7-8 billion wont hurt anybody, but it would have a global healthy effect on peoples mind.
I mean off course we should not kill 1 million but only imagine how good it would do to the entire global vaccinated population if we did ;-D. 😶 

Oct 28, 2023 3:49 PM

To me the “so what” is part of the form of cognitive dissonance that exists. It is already, at least in my mind, all the stupid shit that is done and allowed to happen on a daily basis—they’re poisoning the land and food, locking people down, bombing men, women and children, spraying shit all over the sky, giving people harmful vaccines, gmos, etc. etc. There is no argument: “so what” “I can live into with different realities” “did you see what was on tv” “here is my fakebook post, see how good I look (which has nothing to do with my internal reality)”.

“So what” has become “so easy” because the cognitive dissonance is so pervasive and so easy to manufacture these days.

Big Al
Big Al
Oct 28, 2023 3:10 PM

When do we gather Todd? See, that’s the problem. Try to explain all you want and think that the truth will set you free all you want. “We” aren’t ever gonna do that. Not until the lights are out. Then those left will have no choice. That might sound defeatist, but actually it’s the reality we face. I’ve been at this a long time, there is no interest in “gathering”. It’s literally “every man/woman for him/her self”. If you’re lucky, you have family and friends and maybe can join and grow a small alternative community. But its’ clear to me now that “we” aren’t taking down the bad guys because “we” are simply unable to mount a defense.

Oct 28, 2023 3:01 PM

Our arguments are never going to matter, they’re never going to get through, because the truth (as we define it) speaks in a voice they can barely hear. Their ears are attuned to the voices which warn of isolation and abandonment, and the decision to listen to these voices above all others was made far too long ago ever to be revisited and reconsidered. Often, it was made at conception; at latest, in the pre-verbal toddler years. The genome of any individual social creature is an experiment. Random tweaks are made to the levels of every sense and meta-sense, since the landscape and the environment is always changing, and it often happens that old discarded strategies (archived in junk DNA) are better adapted to the new world than the strategies encoded in the active parts of the parents’ genomes. For a pack animal, like humans, the result is that every human is born with a randomized amplification factor applied to the inner ear that listens for the “voice of the pack,” a voice which strongly urges compliance. There are times and environments in which strong social cohesion is critically necessary– only pure lockstep groupthink can get the pack through a multi-generational crisis. Migration eras, droughts and famines. And there are other times and environments in which groupthink is catastrophically unfit as a survival strategy, such as when that charismatic lemming wonders aloud about the opportunities which await in the world beyond the cliff. It’s unfortunate for us “right-wing extremists” that the relative statistics governing these random inner-voice amplifications are not in our favor. It’s, at best, a 70/30 affair: for every three anti-vaxxers born screaming into this world, there will always be seven other complacent lumps born in KN95 masks, waiting to scream until they hear everybody else scream first.… Read more »

Oct 28, 2023 2:59 PM

Social Security is bankrupt, so it is necessary to reduce the number of recipients. Europe, Canada, and all other western countries all have the same problem, so the vaccine is the perfect solution. Non COVID excess deaths are up 30%+ in the collective west since 2019. Central Africa was unscathed by COVID, unvaccinated, and with booming birth rates.

All this, but you’d better watch what you say….cause you’re being monitored.

WhatsTrapp – YouTube

Oct 28, 2023 2:55 PM

I don’t care?

It is rude and angering for sure.

My impression from some: They are happy with the direction the world is headed.

They feel they are not part of the problem and we to need to get those (us) that are the problem in line in order to save the world.

Not going with the flow makes you the problem. In their mind, at least.

Trust them.

World reparations of a sort.

They say they want to redistribute the wealth but not until we get the population under control.

Energy is the key. The high rate of energy consumption needs to continue to support the existing population.

The answer is obvious: Cut energy consumption and the population will “naturally” drop.

It won’t be pretty.

“Trust” them.

Eventually, the world will be a “better place”.

UBI in a 15 minute cubical playing video games taking virtual trips while eating cricket chips and the occasional vat grown celebrity.

You won’t own anything and you will be happy. No need to worry about property values dropping when the neighborhood goes to hell.

They won’t care.

Or will they?

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Oct 28, 2023 3:16 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

I think you nailed it…its all for the greater good.

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Oct 28, 2023 5:37 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Its a good article. Ive just had another ding dong with my mother over the numerous injection injuries in my family, including her. There is a stubborn block on realising reality. Its like something highly sinister has taken over folks minds.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 28, 2023 2:36 PM

I was recently asked by a jabbette ” So, you believe that there is some sort of poison in the vaccine ?”

The question was obviously designed as a trap.

If I said no, I had no case.

If I said yes, I was a swivel-eyed conspiracy loon.

My reply was “Not all of them.That would be madness”

Oct 28, 2023 6:30 PM

I’d be willing to bet you got the old side eye on that last remark as well. To them, that’s the perfect answer from a tin foil hatter – if not all the shots were killer shots, then some must be OK, right? All those deaths “from the shot” could be from something else, if not the mighty Megadeath Virus of Doom itself, couldn’t they? But what about the bad shots? Well, they don’t really care about those, do they? They are OK with their shot, for now, so what’s the big dealio? Then comes the condescending eye roll and maybe they look at you with pity at that point – crazy nutter holding on to that CT as long as possible, while the real world is all good except for the fact that you still refuse the magic elixir from an industry that has been steeped in open corruption for decades. What’s to worry about?

Big Al
Big Al
Oct 28, 2023 9:36 PM

Should’ve said, “it’s not a vaccine, and for what would we need a vaccine, because there is no Covid-19”.

Oct 28, 2023 10:11 PM

I got round this by pointing out the random, weird and unsanitary spaces in which the jabs were administered in the UK: supermarkets, cathedrals, cinemas – with no one seeming to question how the ‘vaccines’ could be kept in those places at the extremely cold temperatures they were supposed to be stored at. And I suggested that the risk of the jabs becoming contaminated by inexpert handling is why many of them could have led to adverse side-effects. That seems to go down better than the idea that someone is deliberately trying to harm them. It also wakes them up to the absolute fecking nonsense we lived through in 2020/2021 and that they, along with millions of others, just accepted as if it made sense. A kebab for a jab anyone?

Oct 29, 2023 7:29 AM

You could say this: The poisons are not simple chemical ones. Some are randomised by jab batch. Most of the harm follows the corruption of DNA. This may affect (a) a close contact of a person jabbed recently (b) a nursing baby (c) a child born later.

Oct 28, 2023 2:07 PM

Dont Care was made to care.

A very slow process, billions of years for the evolution of living creatures from the burnt out dust of ancient stars, then a much shorter period of a few hundred million years for the evolution of swarms of conscious creatures with means of communication, then a very short period of a few millions for the evolution of human consciousness, and only a few thousand years for humans to ask in abstractio: “Am I my brother’s keeper?”.

For most of that time there was no one to care, and when creatures to care most creatures “could not care less” what happened beyond their immediate interests

The remarkable thing about abstract “caring” as embodied in the finest minds such as Prince Gautama and Rabbi Yeshuah, is not the rarity of the process but the fact that it should have arisen from the working of gigantic “uncaring” natural forces, “will he, nil he”.

Oct 28, 2023 1:48 PM

Another thing that leads to the “so what” response: if we’re fortunate enough to be able to spend our lives in a situation of comfort and safety, that can easily lead to apathy about anything that has no immediately perceptible impact on us.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Oct 28, 2023 3:20 PM
Reply to  Yeshua

Exactly…the Brave New World paradigm. Somewhere along the line it will turn into 1984. But by then no one will notice because it will be a slow erosion.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 29, 2023 9:50 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Well, I’ve noticed !

Oct 28, 2023 1:46 PM

I just read OffG’s handy dandy Comment Policy. I absolutely do not understand how it can possibly pertain to the comment which was first marked “Pending” then, apparently, pulled altogether.

This site is becoming a regular hotbed of censorship. Time to move on – like I did when a comment criticizing Covid never saw daylight at Mint Press.

Will - Admin3
Will - Admin3
Oct 28, 2023 2:22 PM
Reply to  Howard

See you tomorrow, Howard.


Oct 28, 2023 3:19 PM
Reply to  Will - Admin3

An explanation of what happened to my comment initially – which now re-appears – would perhaps be more enlightening.

See, I’m wondering how much of what’s happening is OffG and how much is Windows 10 (and its partner, the NSA).

For several days I lost my curser. It’s rather difficult typing without a curser – I know that can’t possibly be OffG’s doing.

It would be helpful to know if the peek-a-boo with comments is also Windows 10’s doing.

Sal P
Sal P
Oct 28, 2023 4:28 PM
Reply to  Howard

Time to switch to Linux and dump that bloated, malware-infested OS!

Oct 28, 2023 4:50 PM
Reply to  Sal P

I’m not in a position economically to switch to anything. Every computer I’ve owned in the past 5 years has been refurbished, and comes with one of Microsoft’s pieces of garbage.

And it’s all but impossible to get anything older than Windows 10. Even Windows 7, you could refuse updates; but not Windows 10.

Sal P
Sal P
Oct 28, 2023 8:06 PM
Reply to  Howard

Almost all distros of Linux are free – and that’s “free” as in no-cost. The Linux OS will run fine on most hardware, regardless of age. And it will perform much faster and be more secure than Windoze. Almost all Linux-compatible software programs are also free, and perform as well as, if not better than, Win programs. You can download most distros and install them on a USB thumb drive, boot from that drive and test it out to make sure that all your hardware is compatible. For someone switching from Windoze, I recommend Linux Mint. The user interface is very similar to Win so less of a learning curve is involved.

If you’re not very tech-savvy perhaps you can find someone willing to guide you through the process. IMO, it will be worth your time and effort to dump Microsoft, which is one of the worst corporations out there when it comes to user privacy.

Oct 28, 2023 9:52 PM
Reply to  Sal P

This is freaky! I don’t mean to sound unappreciative or snarky about your advice, which I take to be true. I’m interested to see if Howard will respond. I loathe and despise Microsoft and Android with the burning intensity of ten thousand white-hot suns. I vainly hoped a few years back that it would become possible to buy reasonably-priced devices that were loaded with alternative OS; I underestimated the absolute control Big Tech has over the hardware– such that, say, laptop manufacturers warn that removing Microsoft, etc. would “invalidate the warranty”. I presume a tech repair service company could provide a custom de-Microsofted, de-Androided, and de-Googled device for a hefty price. I have some limited ability to fiddle with the machines, and over the years have successfully fixed or tweaked malfunctions with DIY trial-and-error fiddling; I won’t call this a skill. Whenever I bitch to my brother about being eternally trapped in Microsoft/Android hell, it triggers exactly, but exactly, the same spiel as you present. Again, I’m not knocking you, but it feels like a cult. It took me a while to realize that he was saying “distros”; I was hearing “discos”. If someone sent me a free laptop with wiped-clean drives, I might fool around with Linux. But despite my brother’s firm suggestion that I attempt a dual boot configuration just to discover the joyous freedom of non-bloatware living– I made the mistake of mentioning that I have a “D:” drive on my laptop I’d forgotten about, and never use– I know if I took the plunge I would screw up the system beyond recovery. I don’t have any tech-savvy buddies to lean on, although I’m sure my brother would be happy to be my “blind leading the blind” guru. I also am highly leery of relying on Internet support sites, which I already… Read more »

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 29, 2023 2:21 AM
Reply to  Ort

Just one comment. I dont understand why you lay much in the  “invalidate the warranty”.
Warrantee is a hoax. 90% of all suppliers will receive you reluctantly and try everything to tire you out to avoid to fulfil a “warrantee”.
My apology to those who actually got something decently repaired under a “warrantee”. I just recommend to take it as an non-important parameter when you buy something.
My last 2 laptops were running without any registration to microsoft.
But they seem to do what they want anyway. “All your drives are personally updated to onedrive in the sky”. Never ask them nor permitted anything.
Well, next time I will try the Linux thing. The google team are just too much bs.

Oct 29, 2023 7:28 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

FWIW, it wasn’t/isn’t so much a literal, or direct, concern about the laptop warranty being invalidated. On the few instances over the years I’ve had to take a non-functioning laptop to a repair shop, the warranty status or applicability never came up.

I was just appalled to discover that hardware manufacturers are under Microsoft’s thumb. It would be like an automobile manufacturer warning buyers that if they played, say, country-western music on their vehicle’s sound system, it would invalidate the warranty. 

It just summed up the draconian extent of Big Tech power.

Sal P
Sal P
Oct 29, 2023 3:49 AM
Reply to  Ort

Yeah, I guess I’m somewhat passionate at times about using Linux instead of Microsoft’s crap. As for my “spiel” sounding “exactly” like your brother’s, all I can say is, great minds think alike. 🤓

Oct 29, 2023 7:13 AM
Reply to  Ort

As a confirmed Linux user I hear your cry from the heart. The jailbreak from Big M (Microsoft & Mac) was painful but worth it. Starting with the message I received from the university’s Computer Dept after switching to Linux: “Welcome to the real world”.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 29, 2023 11:14 AM
Reply to  NickM

It’s really astounding that you were at school during WW2 and you’re so technologically knowledgable!! Most people half your age don’t know what Linux is, let alone use it. I’ll have some of whatever you’re taking, thank you 🤩

Oct 28, 2023 4:56 PM
Reply to  Howard

Cookies. Still happens to me on occasion. Still refuse to take a knee to Bill Gates’ Frankenstein creation. I have been using Mozilla’s creation since the inception of the graphical interface which forced me to upgrade my hardware a few decades ago. Dell has a deal for you. They probably embed Microsoft into their hardware now.

Oct 28, 2023 3:37 PM
Reply to  Will - Admin3

One of the problems is when the comment is retrieved from pending is that the comment gets posted “in line” at the time when the post went into pending. Could be minutes to a day or two. Perhaps when the post is retrieved from pending it could be placed “in line” at the time it was retrieved from pending. I value the comment section here, as many of us below the line do, I usually don’t go back through and look through the comments that I have already read and as such I am sure I miss quite a number of posts that went into pending.

I thought the same as Howard, in his first sentence, and why my post ended up in pending certainly had nothing to do with the comment policy that came up, on my screen, upon pending.

I would prefer to not receive such a comment policy, certainly, as it seems, if it has no relation as to why my comments go into pending. I don’t understand why the people that run this site would decide to send such a notice to the “pendee”, when the vast majority of the being pended are fully aware of the comment policy.

If you could explain, individually, like in my case or Howard’s or whoever’s, why that comment got suck into pending, and as such, and place these to the comment policy (as to why comments get put into pending) that would makes sense. Though I am not sure even the people running this site know why. But surely, it must run on some sort of algorithm not some random pending generator?

Thank you, though, I still enjoy and find useful the site here and thanks for your work and collaboration.

Oct 28, 2023 4:53 PM
Reply to  fame

It looks like the people running Off-G are unable to actually manage the site as it has had the same junk format since it took off at the beginning of convid.
The shit-eating spam filter, the “comment policy ” page that comes up every single time, the awful italic font used to present quoted text, the semi-hidden edit button (did you know you can edit your comments, but if you edit more than 2-3 times it goes into spam forever!) …. the site sucks and they know it but are apparently unable to change anything.
It also looks like the comment software scans your comments as you type them as there is a small delay….

Oct 28, 2023 9:56 PM
Reply to  Anarchos

… the awful italic font used to present quoted text …

Amen! I regard the italicized-to-extinction epigraph headers as purely decorative, like a clump of pubic hair. 😠

Oct 28, 2023 1:43 PM

When they say “So what?” please take them literally: they mean “So what?”

They’ve got so many other “more important” things going on in their lives that take precedence over something going on at Davos and other water holes.

This is the other edge of the individualism knife which has cut right through any and all social cohesion – and telling us we’re killing granny if we don’t get jabbed is most decidedly NOT social cohesion (if anything it’s the exact opposite).

We have learned that the only thing which matters is whatever we’re doing at the moment. We are Woke now (and will be till the fad blows over) – even if we’ve never heard the word Woke before and have no idea what it means.

Trying to get a Woke Normie to see the bigger picture is rather like trying to get a drug addict to stop taking drugs. Seeing the bigger picture is no more in the picture than stopping addiction.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Oct 28, 2023 3:21 PM
Reply to  Howard

Like a previous comment, this is right on. Exactly what is happening…

Oct 28, 2023 8:59 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

This is the only song I finished last time I was in the USA. Williams Oregon to be precise. I have 179 on BoobTube,
I’m stood here on the battleground, where men keep killing men,
among the piles of corpses who will never cry again.
Where false defeats and victories, illusions one and all,
will never repay the whole cost
to everyone that falls.
It doesn’t matter what you think, you think you think at all.
We’re well already past the brink, already in free fall.
So when it hits the bottom you had better be prepared.
In case you had forgotten, you are always in my prayers.

Simon D
Simon D
Oct 28, 2023 1:02 PM

I was talking to my brother about the assault on privacy. He said he didn’t care and trotted out the ‘if you’re doing nothing wrong you have nothing to hide’ line. (© Eric Schmidt)

Then I asked him why he had curtains in his living room, which faces the street, and he went rather quiet.

Questioning is the only way to reach normies. ‘Have you heard about these excess deaths? What do you think is the cause?’ ‘Funny how the media have dropped all reporting about Ukraine. What’s that about, do you think?’ ‘How many dead Palestinians compensate for a dead Israeli? I mean, what sort of ratio do you think should be applied?’

Et cetera.

Oct 28, 2023 2:51 PM
Reply to  Simon D

The Socratic method of innocent enquiry. They gave him poison all the same.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 29, 2023 2:55 AM
Reply to  NickM

This should not be an excuse to not be like Socrates. We all have to make sacrifices ;-).

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Oct 28, 2023 3:25 PM
Reply to  Simon D

Interesting…I do this all of the time with my psychotherapy clients…I don’t “tell” them anything I know about the vaccines, but I ask them what they think caused the death of their 42 year old cousin who died of heart failure in the middle of the night, “omg, really? What could cause something like that??” I never tell them what I think caused it, I will support their own suspicion if it aligns with what seems obvious to me, “maybe so, that makes sense” I might say…

Oct 28, 2023 5:02 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Laughing at the Babylon Bee could do it too. There have been times where I laughed so hard I probably would have died if I had been vaccinated.

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Oct 28, 2023 5:42 PM
Reply to  Simon D

Thats the way. Ask them open questions and watch them fall apart and realise how stupid they’ve been. Great approach.

j d
j d
Oct 28, 2023 11:40 AM

It all comes down to self-responsibility and uniqueness, “Know Thyself”. Unfortunately many do not wish to do this as they prefer to remain “victims”, “poor me”; “mister or missus perceived authority said….”, they do not want to look at their own dark sides, it is all “them/they/something external”, except there is no “they” there are only those of man and womankind, and the “they” could not do anything if others of man and womankind did not allow it. So each of us have to take a look at ourselves and accept responsibility for where we are. It also keeps them comfortable and impotent as they do not have to use their will/actually take any action/and or do anything to change themselves, so they continue to remain “children”.

The only constant is change.

Oct 28, 2023 11:03 AM

You’re right I have a couple of normies friends left with whom I avoid to discuss any of the new world order agenda, because I’m sure for their replies from “so what “to “come on now these are conspiracy theories “

Oct 28, 2023 10:59 AM

The ultimate “so what” is Gaza. Isn’t it curious that so many influencers or citizen journalists who rose quickly to prominence during the Covid response, are using that influence to promote one-sidedly the bombing of Gaza? What motivated them during Covid? Was it the attack by governments on defenceless people? Was it seeing teenagers cut down as their hearts stopped; or watching mothers lament the stillborn? Was it the mounting evidence that the pandemic was staged; an attack planned in advance upon an unsuspecting public, in order to push the vaccine? Was it that “Israel became, if you will, the lab for Pfizer,” as prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Jordan Peterson – who is one of those influencers who is now a megaphone rallying support to Netanyahu’s side. Was it what Dr Michael Yeadon calls the evil of the connivance in democide, which led him to rediscover his earlier faith? Were these champions of free speech motivated to fight censorship, and to expose the government propaganda teams that were manipulating public behaviour, as Laura Dodsworth exposed? Did they become suspicious as governments marched in lock step, as if coordinated from behind the scenes? Or was it just their humanitarianism – their sense of fair play – that inspired them to call out genocide. Where are they now? The same appeal to justice, desire to guard civil rights, and plain humanity has deserted them as the drag their followers by a nose ring. Or – were they allowed rare opposition during the Covid assault, so they could be “turned” when it came to Gaza? The Coof shot overlaps with countries that are supporting Israel in this attack. The U.S. Pentagon’s DARPA developed the shot (Pfizer and Mod rna simply provided the branding), Britain’s King Charles knighted the head of Astra Zeneca… Read more »

Oct 28, 2023 3:30 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

It’s interesting that it’s essentially younger people who are dying of the Covid vaccine – as well as younger people who are dying in Gaza and Ukraine.

Organ donors generally come in aged packages, when they die naturally. Old well used organs.

So – voila! – now we have an almost endless supply of young organs to choose from.

Is it possible the vaccine was specifically engineered to target young, healthy people?

Oct 28, 2023 3:32 PM
Reply to  Howard

Possibly, though I’m not sure that spike-infested organs would be of much use.

Interestingly the young are not falling into line behind Israel. Norman Finkelstein argues that Woke has backfired, and sparked something of a civil war.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 28, 2023 5:10 PM
Reply to  Howard

The young are the ones who breed.

Oct 28, 2023 10:22 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

One of my nieces said she knew there was a risk to her fertility of taking the jab but decided to do it because she wanted to travel. So even being informed doesn’t guarantee non-compliance. I’m sure there’s no one on this site who didn’t take a long-term risk for short-term gains in their twenties. You feel invincible at that age. But the insane evil of the coercion of the young was off the scale. Another niece in the same age group got a jab for a £10 voucher at a supermarket because she was really hard-up at the time. Her stupidity isn’t the issue – their evil is.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 29, 2023 2:43 AM
Reply to  Jos

As you said, the young feel invincible, and many of them these days live by the YOLO/FOMO ideology. A little shot seems so innocuous; “how could that hurt me”? Most of them haven’t lived long enough to profit from their experience. Maybe your niece will escape the consequences?

Oct 28, 2023 5:19 PM
Reply to  Howard

My sister, who is fully vaxxed, had been waiting for a new set of lungs for years, just received a new set the day after a multi car pile up on I-55 in Louisiana. She was first on the national lung list. One can only assume her lungs came from there. Oddly, she was forced to take the Covid clot shot booster a few months ago. Quite a conflict. The odds of success are not the greatest already. With all we know now, you would think.

As a side note: I recently watched a video about people who receive blood transfusions that take on characteristics of the donor(s). She may wake up with a craving for Jambalaya or a crawdad boil.

Oct 28, 2023 6:38 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

LOL, let’s hope she can cook a nice Jambalaya as well. Sorry, smart ass remark I know, but ya gotta laugh where ya can in this idiot world, doncha?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 29, 2023 2:53 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Jambalaya, good stuff! Crawfish etoufee ain’t bad either.

Oct 28, 2023 8:37 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

That happened to/with the first HEART TRANSPLANT patients. Their emotional makeup changed.

Oct 28, 2023 9:26 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

As a side note: I recently watched a video about people who receive blood transfusions that take on characteristics of the donor(s).

Are you sure you weren’t watching an episode of “The X-Files”? Because this scenario is right in its wheelhouse.

(I’m not saying it couldn’t happen.) 🤔

Oct 28, 2023 10:35 AM

what the “so what” crowd will have to say when they cant fill their cars and their favourite nutrition free delicacies are absent from the “super-market” shelves… should be quite interesting:


right now un-precedented bombing of N Gaza is taking place, israel tanks have entered and idf troops and equipment are being destroyed, as are 1000s of civilian lives

obama/clinton, sorry i mean body “joe, hair sniffer” number 4 has signed “war powers declaration” on the back of injuries and a heart attack at an illegal american base stealing oil in Syria….

Various forces are gathering across the middle east quite prepared to end this little spat in a most definitive manner, thus completely annuling the “israel question” as “israel” and its occupants will no longer exist…

Russia has sight lock on at least one of the am-eri-can aircraft carriers (explaining why the crew were served a lavish lobster andf steak dinner a few nights back), Iran likewise is feeling distinctly trigger itchy after attacks were made on it in Syria

With various israeli politicians and pundits calling for extermination of Palestine and its people, well hey, if the shoe fits??

various details here:


but hey, so what it aint happening here… yet, the “re-set” just upped a gear, the last 12 months may yet seem nostalgic in times to come?

Oct 28, 2023 3:03 PM
Reply to  Duckman

“what the “so what” crowd will have to say when they cant fill their cars and their favourite nutrition free delicacies are absent from the “super-market” shelves…”

That’s how it works out: through Karma.

“Dont Care is made to care.” — Proverb..

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 28, 2023 10:34 AM

Todd, I so hear what you’re saying.

Mostly, the response to common sense is that snort-and-laugh thing that says “end of conversation, swivel-eyed conspiracy loon” but occasionally I get the “so what”

I used to think it was a “can’t face the reality” thing so I’ll put it in the speeding tickets folder with the other annoying things in life that can’t be avoided.

I imagined that they would be rushing to the internet to check that the facts I’d sprung on them were true.

Then I imagined that they could see the truth but were resigned to the fact that TPTB simply can’t be that malevolent and, anyway, what could they do about it ?

But recently I’ve come to the conclusion that they simply don’t care.

I used to start conversations by saying things like “Since infinity is impossible, we can’t exist” to elicit a debate.

So far, nobody has engaged with me on this. They just don’t seem to care..

I know infinity is a biggie but if you can’t be bothered to be interested in your very existence, why should you be arsed about a global cabal that want to take it away ?

Oct 28, 2023 10:47 AM

why is infinity impossible?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 28, 2023 11:12 AM
Reply to  sabelmouse

How is it possible ?

Oct 28, 2023 11:14 AM

i don’t see why it shouldn’t be.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 28, 2023 11:26 AM
Reply to  sabelmouse

I don’t see how it can be.

You can’t say that everything just carries on forever without explaining how that might work.

Equally, you can’t say that there is a limit as there must be something beyond that limit.

Infinity is a lazy concept invented so we don’t have to think about how it might work as our brains simply can’t cope with it.

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 28, 2023 12:31 PM

It exists w/o you seeing it, we are at infinity right now where it pertains to evolution, everyone cant see the point of evolution b/c its a very old concept and humans don’t get old, they just start dying at very young age.

And once the young discover their inner pain, they start to care less about many subjects as they concentrate on their inner pain.

As people grow older they manage their pain, but eventually they start caring more about themselves and their pain, and less about anything else.

So we really might be looking at age and pain closer when considering why people dont care, rather than something else.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 28, 2023 1:50 PM

Not the demographic I’m referring to. Most “don’t cares” I have spoken to are in their 40s.

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 29, 2023 1:41 AM

Let me guess, in their 30’s they felt they would not even make it to their 60’s, so slipping through the 40’s, they just don’t care.

Is there a cigar in my future?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 29, 2023 3:03 AM

I’ve seen ’em at all ages. The youngest ones are depending on parents or guardians to make the right decision for them. The 20-somethings are largely going along to get along — though some are damaged by terror. There’s a gal at the Asian market I go to that I call “Eyes without a face”. Early twenties, she always wears a mask pulled way up high and a cap that is pulled down as low as possible while still letting her see. Pretty girl, but I’ve seen her without a mask once over the last three years.

Forty and 50 somethings think they are saving the world, and want everyone to know it. “We’re in this together”. “Love lives here.” Sixties and up are afraid of dying and trust the authorities. No one past the age of reason believes anyone could be misleading or outright lying to them.

Oct 28, 2023 7:14 PM

If infinity was possible there could be no finite thing. Everything would be infinity. It is a paradox.

underground poet
underground poet
Oct 29, 2023 1:47 AM
Reply to  Anarchos

Infinity is a time and distance scale, (like humans have never been able to be this bad, before now, there was always a check preventing them from getting to say infinite denial, now the check is gone and we have the scenario). Where as finite is a tangible thing, like we have never before been able to create so many different, (and possibly on a human balance scale, dangerous) things before.

This is reality.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 29, 2023 3:23 AM
Reply to  Anarchos

I dont see it as something difficult.
The universe is there infinite. The sun is there infinite thus there must be infinite energy.
The inner earth is one gigantic melting ball of 2000C iron and stone producing gas, coal and oil, granite, onyx, marble, gold, silver, copper , leaving pressure out through volcanoes over 1000’s at the bottom of our big Seas.
Thus again there is infinite coal. gas, oil, stones, energy.
Our drinking water to all organic comes from evaporation from the Seas, thus there is infinite fresh water as all water used and consumed just go back into circulation.

Our organic earth produces eggs and children more than their parents, thus there are infinite reproduction.
Humans are build to regenerate their bodies, a wound heals, our teeth are being replaced once, at some people twice, hair and nails grows constantly because they are exposed to wear and tear.
Thus Science actually dont know why we age and die.

We have been playing music in over at least 5-6000 years and we continue to find new ways of music types and inventions. A human can use a life time on one bamboo flute and still have access to 100 plus years of other ways to master the instrument.Thus there is infinite music.

On the contrary I find “finite” difficult to explain.
I see it as something wall street invented to control and manipulate stock prices.

So Clutching at Straws got his explanation and answer.
Next time we can take the religious part of it but then we are back to “who cares” 😂 .

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 29, 2023 2:52 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

You think that the idea of infinity is not difficult?

Really ?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 30, 2023 6:14 AM

The finite is only because we die.
If you imagine we could live forever because there is infinite possibilities to occupy you with or progress and develop yourself as close as possible to the divine, I find it is possible to catch the concept infinite.
Whatever, you got a response and it seems the response was a slammer that cut you off from going any further. 🤓 

Oct 28, 2023 2:26 PM

idk either way, i thought maybe you did 🙂

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 28, 2023 2:46 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Well, it can’t be that there’s a limit but it also can’t be that it just goes on forever. That just defies everything we know about logic.

So there are a few other options:

1.Logic, as we know it, is wrong

2.There’s something we haven’t thought about (or maybe can’t think about

3.Our existence is impossible.

4.Something else.

Any of these four possibilities is preferable to the existence of ‘infinity’

Think about how ridiculously lazy that explanation is.

  • Or don’t you care ?
Oct 28, 2023 2:47 PM

have you seen the universe/cosmos?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 28, 2023 3:22 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Yeah, I know it’s big but whether there are multi- universes that fit into a matchbox or that great darkness we can see in the sky, “infinity” is the most ridiculous concept invented by mankind for it’s own convenience.

Oct 28, 2023 9:03 PM

Although I like the word and idea of ‘infinity’ I am also aware that it is avoiding the explanation, which is of course impossible by definition.

Clutxhing at straws
Clutxhing at straws
Oct 28, 2023 11:56 PM

So why use the word as an explanation when it’s nothing but a convenient, lazy, deception?

Oct 29, 2023 2:26 PM

Ding an sich. (German) Infinity cannot be represented, or qualified or limited by observation.
We can only make assumptions. However we can use it artistically.

Oct 28, 2023 10:28 PM

I stopped believing in infinity when I discovered that, in mathematical calculations, you can have infinity plus one.

Clutxhing at straws
Clutxhing at straws
Oct 28, 2023 11:47 PM
Reply to  Jos

So what do you believe in now?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 29, 2023 4:28 AM
Reply to  Jos

You never took the math lesson about apples and pears?

Oct 29, 2023 9:45 AM

what does it achieve, or prevent?

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Oct 28, 2023 7:15 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Sabelmouse, a query, and possibly a request, if you don’t mind, please! If you’re not able to do this, no problem! I know that you used to be (maybe you still are?) a commenter on the TCW site. You thus may well be aware that I too used to be quite a regular commenter there. I stopped posting there in June 2022 (because the many ‘christian fundamentalists’ who post there were making me very angry), but then resumed commenting approx. 6 weeks ago. However, due to my having posted a number of times, there, for a month or so, up to two weeks ago, to various immensely gullible, brainwashed, uninformed ‘christians’/’christian fundamentalists’ (most of the ‘christians’ on that site are of the ‘fundamentalist’ variety… they regularly have articles by [equally brainwashed] ‘priests’/’ministers’ on Sundays…), who were subjecting me to vile verbal ridicule and abuse, due to my telling them the 100% factual truth that ‘christianity’ is known (by virtue of the actual facts of its origins) to be nothing but BS mere superstition, having originated in paganism, I was told, on 15th October, by the female editor of that site, that I’d been ‘banned’, due to my having stated what I did re. the (actual, known!!) origins of ‘christianity’!! Ie, she, too, is a blindly-believing, immensely gullible, brainwashed, uninformed ‘christian’. 99.99% of all ‘christians’ know literally nothing about its actual origins… they merely ‘blindly believe’ what their vicar/priest/minister/pastor spews out at them, and of course they equally ‘blindly believe’ what the miscellaneous writings that have been put together and called the ‘bible’ merely claim. Very many people on Earth are properly-informed re. the actual origins of ‘christianity’, and know that it truly is nothing but mere superstition, originating in paganism. The editor of that site, and the many ‘christian fundamentalists’… Read more »

Oct 29, 2023 8:32 AM

Why debunk Christianity because of its origins? You might as well debunk Humankind for the same reason.

“This quintessence of dust,
Man pleases not me. Nor Woman neither” — Hamlet

Oct 29, 2023 9:29 AM

i’ve pretty much given up on that site. for similar reasons. idk if i will work, they might remove it. i did not go into details though. not that i care about being banned .
it’s annoying when one can’t reply to even say : i can’t reply.
anyways, my pleasure. 🙂

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Oct 29, 2023 11:33 AM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Yes, exactly! It’s so frustrating, so annoying, that once one has been banned, it’s not possible to tell other commenters why you can’t reply!

I much appreciate your at least trying to post some message, for me! Thank you. (Danke schon!, for I seem to recall that you are German! I did five years of German when at school in the 1970s)

Oct 29, 2023 11:39 AM

it happened to me many times.
someone called moonshere has replied to me. about you’re being banned.
schoen, or rather, if one has the keys schön 🙂

i did english in school and barely learned any.

i need immersion to learn a language, then it’s easy.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Oct 29, 2023 2:42 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Very many thanks for posting a note on TCW re. my having been banned two weeks ago, I appreciate it! Yes, I recall the commenter Moonsphere. I think, but cannot recall for certain, that he/she is one of the many ‘christians’ on that site who’ve subjected me to vile, unwarranted abuse.

Yes, I’m aware that the German word, ‘schon’, should have an umlaut on it!, but unfortunately my computer does not have the key for that.

Oct 29, 2023 3:17 PM

mine doesn’t have that either. oe works, or copy/past.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Oct 29, 2023 10:32 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

This should work:

Alt + #132 = ä (hold ‘Alt’ key and mark the number)
Alt + #142 = Ä
Alt + #148 = ö
Alt + #153 = Ö
Alt + #154 = Ü
Alt + #129 = ü


Oct 30, 2023 5:19 AM

Thanks for those umlaut codes. Entered them in my daybook.

Oct 30, 2023 10:58 AM

idk how this is supposed to work.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Oct 30, 2023 2:27 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

If it’s a computer keyboard, there should be an ‘Alt’ key on the left side of the ‘Space’ bar. Just hold that key down and while down, mark the number, say, 132, with the numerical pad on the right, then release the ‘Alt’ key.

If it’s a cellphone, then what works for me is something similar; just keep the letter, say ‘a’, pressed; a list of options of all applicable accents should soon appear. You should get the majuscule letters pressing then releasing ‘shift’ key, then the minuscule letters.

Oct 30, 2023 3:20 PM

ok , thanks. i just pressed altgr instead, that was fun.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Oct 30, 2023 3:40 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

As you can see, there is more to a keyboard than meets the eye. Have a good day.

Oct 31, 2023 10:07 AM

i did know that, i just don’t know how most of it works . 🙂
thank you, you too.

Oct 28, 2023 3:38 PM

I don’t see the connection between existence and infinity. They are not the same thing. Besides which, existence only depends on infinity if we believe the nonsense of a “soul” or “spirit” being eternal.

We are anything but eternal. And if people would recognize that obvious fact, maybe they would put more effort into preserving life.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Oct 28, 2023 7:25 PM
Reply to  Howard

As I’ve said to you many times, Howard, on the eventual day on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’, you will discover, in a way in which you will not be able to deny, that you truly are an eternal soul/spirit being, and that you [will] have, on that future day, survived the death of your physical body ‘coat’.
Not only will you discover that 100% definite, proven fact, but you will also have to face the reality that we truly ARE all literally eternal beings. That we truly do all live, in our immortal spirit body form, literally forever.

And nothing which you can say will change that incontrovertible fact.
We truly are, each and every one of us, an eternal soul/spirit being.
And that is most definitely not ‘nonsense’. It truly does happen to be the absolute, proven, truth. As you will, one day, discover.

The more you ridicule it, the greater will be the shock (and the remorse, for having ridiculed it, when on Earth) when you do eventually find out that we are, each and every one of us (including animals, birds, etc), an eternal soul/spirit being who lives literally forever, throughout many, many different lifetimes.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 29, 2023 4:50 AM

The problem is that there are big holes in your theory or faith.

-Is an abortion an eternal spirit/soul?
-Is a deformed born baby with 3 legs 1 eye an eternal spirit/soul.
-Are a hitler, mother theresa, transvestite, pedo, mass murder, priest, spiritist, christian, catholic, jew, good person, all equal spirits/souls after death?
-Where are these spirits/souls located, here on earth? In heaven? Other place? Why are they there and what are they doing eternally, just flying around?
-If Christians, Jews, Budda, Catholics are oxymorons, why does it matter if they all go spirits and souls anyway?

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Oct 29, 2023 8:48 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

What I’ve stated are NOT merely ‘theories’ and is NOT merely ‘faith’. It happens to be absolute knowledge. Knowledge which, moreover, is possessed by literally countless millions of other properly-informed people around the world (including many scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, lawyers, etc etc).

I’ve only just come onto Off-G this morning for a short while, have replied to Sophie’s post to me, below. I told her that when I have a bit more time, later today, I’ll provide a couple of my literally hundreds of personal proofs that we do all survive (in our immortal spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’.

Likewise, a bit later today I’ll reply to your questions to me, okay.

Oct 29, 2023 9:34 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

soul will incarnate later/elsewhere.
we are light, the soul incarnates into a/bodies for a while, rinse, repeat, until we stay light, reunited with god.
it does not matter what we do in life, we’re always that.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Oct 29, 2023 10:39 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

As I said in my post to you of approx. 90 minutes ago, what I’ve stated re. everyone surviving (in our immortal spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’ is not merely ‘theory’ and is not merely ‘faith’. It happens to be absolute knowledge. There exists a multitude of literally countless millions of multi-faceted evidences which absolutely prove that we do all survive that very illusory event (and, as I always reiterate, here, I’m not using the word ‘prove’ either loosely or wrongly). Every physical body who is [what’s wrongly termed] ‘aborted’/’terminated’ survives (in their immortal spirit body form) that ‘death’. They return, in their spirit body, to the very real Spirit dimension of this multi-dimensional cosmos. In 1989, I had a ‘termination’. I learnt, later, that I’d conceived twins… both those children survived (in their spirit body form) that ‘death’, and both (a son and a daughter) have communicated with me several times since 2005, from their now residence in the Spirit world. My relatives who were already in Spirit gave my son and daughter the names Jonathan and Elizabeth. That is what is done, when someone has an ‘abortion’; relatives in Spirit name those children when they arrive back there. My son and daughter in the Spirit world have communicated with me through a number of different Spiritualist Church mediums, and each time, the same names (Jonathan and Elizabeth) have been given to each medium. Ie, proving corroboration that yes, we do all survive ‘death’. Of course ‘deformed babies’ etc also survive the death of their physical body. They, too, return to Spirit in their spirit body form. Which is the real us. Literally everyone survives (in their spirit body form) the death of their physical body. So the examples you gave (the souls of… Read more »

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 29, 2023 6:20 AM

I think it would be genuinely interesting for people here if you could share the experience or evidence that produced such strong conviction

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Oct 29, 2023 8:45 AM

I’ve been posting here on Off-G for approx. 16 months now, and during that period of time I’ve posted numerous times re. the literally countless millions of documented evidences around the world which incontrovertibly prove (and I do not use the word ‘prove’ either loosely or wrongly) that we all (including animals, birds, etc) all survive (in our eternal, immortal spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’. The immortal spirit body being what literally animates our physical body on earth [and other places in the multi-dimensional cosmos] during each of our eternal soul’s many, many lifetimes. I’ve explained, in my summaries (which I’ve only posted when something in the article, or another commenter’s post, refers to the what happens at and after ‘death’), that at the time of ‘death’, the spirit body literally emerges from the physical body, and returns to the Spirit dimension (of this in fact multi-dimensional cosmos), that being our actual place of origin, and is where we all return, after each of our many, many incarnations. I’ve included in my summaries the fact that the many people on Earth who are lucky enough to possess the spiritual gift of what’s termed clairvoyant vision, when they are present at someone’s ‘death’, literally see, with their clairvoyant sight, that person’s spirit body emerge from the physical body, and return to the Spirit realm. Re. the evidences. There are literally countless millions of properly-informed people around the world: people who are fully genned-up on the veritable wealth of multi-faceted evidences which absolutely prove that the actual nature of ‘death’ is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its immensely illusory, face-value mere appearance. And those countless millions of people around the world who know (not merely ‘think’, not merely… Read more »

Oct 29, 2023 9:36 AM

i for one recommend ” a course in miracles ” , it’s long and hard to get until one does, several people have written about their own experiences , and this book is a good intro.


Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Oct 29, 2023 11:24 AM

I posted to you a couple of hours ago, Sophie, and said that a bit later (ie, now!). I’d re-post a couple of the literally hundreds of personal proofs of survival of ‘death’ which I possess. In that earlier post, I correctly stated that the vast majority of the literally countless millions of people around the world who are fully genned-up on the fact that we do all survive the death of our physical body ‘coat’ also possess personal proofs of that fact. 1) In my earlier post to you, I referred to one of my own personal proofs: that in 2004, my dad in the Spirit dimension gave me detailed information re. his son (ie, my brother)’s then future wedding and marriage. I said that I’d provide the detail re. that. So here it is. Our dad returned to the Spirit world in 1982, aged just 49. I was not then aware of the survival of ‘death’ truth, so assumed that he’d annihilated, ceased to exist. He’d had lung cancer which had spread throughout his body. I was with him in the hospital in London, when he passed. In July 2004, I had a reading with a Spiritualist Church medium (between 2001 and 2020, I had about 800 readings with mediums and clairvoyants/clairaudients…). She knew nothing about me, only my first name. After relaying to me some initial words from my dad (she was able to hear what he said to her, due to her possession of the spiritual gift of what’s termed clairaudient hearing. Ie, the ability to hear words from another realm: ie, the Spirit world), words which proved that it was indeed my dad who was communicating. Then she said “Your dad tells me that he’s going to give you some information re. his son, ie,… Read more »

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Oct 29, 2023 11:30 AM

To finish off the 3rd example of evidence which I began in my lengthy post below! (or above)

When the boy returned to his physical body, and told his mum about the man in Spirit who’d come up to him, and what the man had said, she was stunned. She told her young son that one of her former boyfriends had had that name, and that he had lost one of his legs, in an accident.
She made some phone calls, and learnt that the man had returned to the Spirit world a few weeks earlier.

The man was able to see that the young son of a former girlfriend of his was about to do what’s wrongly termed ‘die’, and that he, the boy, was having trips out of his physical body, in the few days leading up to his ‘death’, so the man in Spirit chose to come up to the boy and give him some evidential information, which he knew would provide proof that he had indeed survived the death of his physical body. For he knew that the young boy did not know of the existence of his mother’s former boyfriend.

When people on Earth have lost a limb, or are blind, whatever, on return to Spirit we all return to perfect health. Ie, our spirit bodies do not have missing limbs, we are not blind, in Spirit: we see and hear with our spiritual eyes and ears. People on Earth who’ve had what’s termed ‘dementia’/’Alzheimers’, etc etc, have perfect mental abilities when back in the Spirit realm.

Oct 29, 2023 9:31 AM

yes we are. though from what i’ve heard there’ll be to much bliss to be shocked in a negative way.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 28, 2023 10:38 PM
Reply to  Howard

Connection between existence and infinity?

If there is no end and ergo no beginning, there is no middle bit, i.e. us.

Therefore, using the logic that I have available to me, “infinity” is a construct that is totally impossible.

There must, therefore be another explanation.

I’m not suggesting I have the answer but I will not accept the incredibly lazy “infinity” as an option without qualifying how that might be remotely possible.

Oct 30, 2023 5:27 AM
Reply to  Howard

“Besides which, existence only depends on infinity if we believe the nonsense of ….”

…. Einstein, who said despairingly, There are only two things whose extent seems to me possibly infinite: the Universe and Human stupidity. About the Universe I am not sure.

Oct 28, 2023 10:24 AM

to the dismissive public, talking about the details of reality is equivalent to being an obsessive Star Trek nerd.

Oct 28, 2023 10:06 AM

“So what” is easier to deal with than the narcissistic rage I encountered early on in the scamdemic from a family member, who only last week proudly announced her 6th? covid jab and how convinient it was to get her Flu jab at the same time.

Still, that’s easier to understand than the long slow walk back to gov narrative at the “Daily Sceptic” who were steadfastly sceptical of lockdowns, the climate nonsense, somewhat sceptical of the jabs, anti-woke, both pro and con on the Ukraine debacle with less con as time went on, and now firmly pro Israel, reapeating the cannards of 40 decapitated babies and Hamas bombed Gaza hospital plus half the ‘daily headlines’ coverage dedicated to the official narrative on Israel too. It’s as if they started on the road to Damascus, sat on a rock, then did an abrupt about face. I guess that’s one definition of a Limited Hangout.