The Great Reset Part 1: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Simon Elmer

‘The technologies at the heart of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are connected in many ways — in the way they extend digital capabilities; in the way they scale, emerge and embed themselves in our lives; in their combinatorial power; and in their potential to concentrate privilege and challenge existing governance systems.’
Klaus Schwab, Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, 2018

The Wikipedia entry for the Great Reset, the first part of which is quoted in a blue panel as a corrective to any mention or discussion of this term on YouTube, reads as follows:

The Great Reset Initiative is an economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project was launched in June 2020, with a video featuring the then Prince of Wales Charles released to mark its launch. The initiative’s stated aim is to facilitate rebuilding from the global COVID-19 crisis in a way that prioritizes sustainable development.

The initiative triggered a range of diverse conspiracy theories spread by American far-right and conservative commentators on social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Such theories include that the COVID-19 pandemic was created by a secret group in order to seize control of the global economy, that lockdown restrictions were deliberately designed to induce economic meltdown, or that a global elite was attempting to abolish private property while using COVID-19 to enslave humanity with vaccines.

I am not an American, have never belonged to any far-right organisation, my views are not conservative with either a big or a little ‘c’, and I have published a number of articles arguing against the conspiracy theory of history; but I have also argued that a virus with the infection fatality rate of seasonal influenza never constituted anything approaching a ‘pandemic’; that lockdown restrictions were imposed not to induce the ‘meltdown’ of the economy but, to the contrary, to insulate the real economy from the $12 trillion of quantitative easing created to bail out the collapsing financial sector between September 2019 and April 2022; and that, far from attempting to ‘abolish’ private property, the stakeholder model of capitalism promoted by the World Economic Forum and implemented by its corporate partners under the umbrella of ‘sustainable development goals’ is designed to privatise national assets, natural resources and, ultimately — as Klaus Schwab openly advocates — the existing system of governance in the West.

In this respect, the Wikipedia entry is exemplary of how the accusation of ‘conspiracy theory’, illustrated with extreme or inaccurate or just plain ridiculous examples (‘enslave humanity with vaccines’) to which very few people subscribe, works to discredit and dismiss by association any and more rational criticisms of the global technocracies, international companies and national governments that, in the wake of multiple manufactured ‘crises’, have taken into their control the institutions, procedures and platforms by which a political, scientific and media consensus is reached.

Strange as it may seem, however, this grudging concession of the existence of a global economic plan, its origins in a corporate think-tank and its support by the now Head of State of the UK is an age away from the vociferous denials and mocking denunciations of being a ‘conspiracy theorist’ that were hurled at anyone who dared even to refer to the ‘Great Reset’ in the first year of lockdown. These only gradually diminished when someone pointed out that the term was openly used on the website of the World Economic Forum and had provided the title of the book published by its founder and Executive Chairman, Klaus Schwab, in July 2020, barely 4 months since the ‘pandemic’ was declared by the World Health Organization.

And while the accusation of conspiracy theory is still used to silence anyone who attributes anything other than purely beneficent motives to the 1,200 banks, asset managers, information technology conglomerates, media corporations, energy utilities, industrial manufacturers and other companies that, on the same day the ‘pandemic’ was declared, formed themselves into a ‘COVID-19 Action Platform’, the term itself is now more or less openly used by politicians, civil servants, corporate CEOs, marketing executives, digital engineers, journalists, activists and other promoters of what the World Economic Forum calls ‘stakeholder capitalism’.

It’s hard to say which term is more likely to attract censure and censorship when used by those not authorised to do so, but the most accurate description of the Great Reset — and the one most suppressed by those overseeing its implementation — is that it is the historical shift from the economic, political and social paradigm by which the West has been governed for the past forty years into stakeholder capitalism. As the emerging political economy of the West, this seeks to merge the separation of powers between executive, legislature and judiciary on which Western democracy has been founded into a technocratic form of governance that will signal the end of politics, properly speaking, insofar as politics designates — at least in principle — a space of debate, contestation, representation and accountability.

For Schwab, whose latest book is titled Stakeholder Capitalism, this merger represents a revolution from shareholder capitalism, in which individual economies overseen by national governments were run for the benefit of company shareholders, into a global economy governed by the same companies, but ostensibly for the benefit of all, inclusively, sustainably, profitably. The investment in which these multinational companies hold a stake, therefore, is the world itself. ‘A global economy that works for progress, people and the planet’ is the subtitle of Schwab’s book, which like those preceding it doesn’t lack in ambition, hubris and a complete disregard for anything one could call democratic process, accountability or a mandate from those it claims to benefit.

If we were to pick a starting date for this revolution in Western capitalism, whose economic forces lie in the neoliberal revolution of the late 1970s and the rise of finance capitalism as the dominant economic model of the West, it began in September 2019 with the spike in interest rates in the US repurchase agreement market that triggered the latest Global Financial Crisis, and to which the lockdown of the real economies of global capitalism in March 2020 was the concerted response. My two collections of essays, Virtue and Terror and The New Normal, written between March 2020 and October 2021 when the UK was still ruled by emergency powers under lockdown restrictions, sought to describe this first phase of the Great Reset, its legislative frameworks and economic motivations.

My argument in this book is that we have now moved out of the first phase of this revolution, whose trajectory and precedents I described in The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State, and into the second phase. In its sequel, The Great Reset: Biopolitics for Stakeholder Capitalism, I try to articulate what this new phase is and what it means for us. Hopefully — and what hope we have is one of the questions this book tries to address — by understanding this new phase of the Great Reset better, we will be able to offer more resistance to its enforcement than we managed in its first phase, which was met with almost universal credulity, compliance and collaboration.

From Legislation to Biopower

A lot of things have changed in the UK and across the Western World since, in March 2022, the coronavirus-justified restrictions on our human rights and civil liberties began to be lifted; but that doesn’t mean, as too many opposed to lockdown initially thought, that the Great Reset of Western capitalism for which those restrictions laid the ground is over. Far from it. To emphasise how far from over the Great Reset is, I have referred to this new phase as the ‘Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse’. This is not only for dramatic effect but also because it gravitates around four apparatuses of biopower, not all of which are new, but which are being implemented simultaneously and are, indeed, dependent on each other for their implementation. Much of this book is about this interdependence, which Schwab refers to as their ‘combinatorial power’.

But what is ‘biopower’?

It’s a term I’ve been using since we were first locked in our homes on the justification of stopping the spread of the coronavirus, and I’ve made many attempts to describe it — which I shall continue to do, no doubt, because it is under its paradigm that the world is now governed and will be for the foreseeable future. The term was first introduced into political discourse by the French philosopher and historian, Michel Foucault, who died in 1984. As Professor of the History of Systems of Thought at the Collège de France, Foucault explored its genesis in his lecture series of 1975-1979. But he first used the term in his published work in The Will to Knowledge, where, in the pages titled ‘Right of Death and Power over Life’, Foucault described the movement from a juridical to a biopolitical paradigm of governance:

Another consequence of this development of bio-power was the growing importance assumed by the action of the norm, at the expense of the juridical system of the law. Law cannot help but be armed, and its arm, par excellence, is death; to those who transgress it, it replies, at least as a last resort, with that absolute menace. The law always refers to the sword. But a power whose task is to take charge of life needs continuous regulatory and corrective mechanisms. Such a power has to qualify, measure, appraise and hierarchise, rather than display itself in its murderous splendour; it does not have to draw the line that separates the enemies of the sovereign from his obedient subjects; it effects distributions around the norm. I do not mean to say that the law fades into the background or that the institutions of justice tend to disappear, but rather that the judicial institution is increasingly incorporated into a continuum of apparatuses (medical, administrative, and so on) whose functions are for the most part regulatory. A normalising society is the historical outcome of a technology of power centred on life.

Foucault viewed the rise of biopower and the technologies of its implementation within a historical context that began around the time of the French Revolution of 1788, and which he associated with the First Republic’s formulation of human rights. It was through these rights that the state first assumed its duty and its right to defend, but also to control, not only the life but also the quality of life of its citizens: our health, our bodies, our needs, our happiness — which have most recently been condensed into the new category of our ‘well-being’. For Foucault, this represented a historical shift from the legislative power by which the sovereign and his government had authority over the life and death of his subjects, and within which laws have a purely punitive function that sets restrictions and obligations which, if broken, have penalties up to and including death, into a biopolitical paradigm, within which the technologies of power qualify, measure, appraise and hierarchise the life of the citizen.

This shift has parallels with what is happening now largely in the West under the banner of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, by which the new apparatuses of biopower and the technologies of which they dispose will qualify our access to what were previously the universal, indivisible and inalienable rights of citizenship; measure our levels of compliance with regulatory and corrective mechanisms that have not been written into any laws; appraise us through a system of surveillance and monitoring justified by ‘crises’ whose very existence it prohibits us from questioning; and, by doing so, will produce a new hierarchy of Social Credit rated according to our levels of obedience not only to the by-now familiar regulations of the Global Biosecurity State but also to new actions of the norm extending into every aspect of our lives.

It’s important to bear in mind that the shift Foucault described is an historical one that happened over several hundred years; but history does not move at an even pace, and at times of social and political revolution — such as the one the West entered in March 2020 — what might otherwise have taken a century to unfold can be implemented in a decade or less. We’ve seen this demonstrated most materially in the succession of industrial revolutions that the People’s Republic of China has undergone in the space of 70 years, but which took the UK, by contrast, 250 years or more. Moreover, the shift from a juridical to a biopolitical paradigm does not happen all at once and definitively. Just as there are emergent social, political, legal and technological forces in any given society, so too there are residual elements formed under earlier economic models that continue to play a role.

Under lockdown, for example, Western capitalism was governed — if we can use this word to describe the vast levels of theft of the future wealth of its populations — under a State of Emergency whose legal precedents can be traced back to the French Revolution. But now, as we have emerged out of lockdown to be plunged into a biopolitical paradigm of governance, that juridical framework of human rights, legislative oversight, judicial appeal, media scrutiny of government and democratic accountability to the electorate — all of which utterly failed to defend what democracy we had — is being replaced — again, not completely but to a further and greatly expanded degree — by the technologies of biopower.

To recall, briefly, the juridical framework by which we were ruled for two years in the UK, and which continues to implement the biopolitical framework within which the apparatuses of biopower are being implemented, since March 2020 the following Acts and Statutes have been made into UK law:

  • The Coronavirus Act 2020, whose 384 pages, 102 provisions and 29 schedules went through just one week of reading and three days of debate in Parliament before, according to a convention agreed to by Her Majesty’s Opposition, being ‘nodded through’ by MPs rather than approved by a democratic vote.
  • 580 coronavirus-justified Statutory Instruments made into law at a rate of 6 per week, 537 of which were only laid before Parliament after they came into force.
  • The Health and Care Act 2022, which furthered the privatisation and outsourcing of the National Health Service while granting the Secretary of State authority over its procurement.
  • The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022, which empowers the police to impose conditions on demonstrations, effectively banning protest in the UK. It also permits the police to have access to our private education and health records, and criminalises trespass on privately-owned land.
  • The Judicial Review and Courts Act 2022, which empowered the law courts to suspend and limit challenges by UK citizens to the legality of, and redress for, the decisions and actions of the UK Government and other public bodies.
  • The Nationality and Borders Act 2022, which empowers the Home Secretary to revoke, without prior notification, the British citizenship of anyone who is not born in the UK, who is of dual nationality, who is judged to be a threat to national security, or whose behaviour is deemed to be ‘unacceptable’.
  • The Elections Act 2022, which made voter ID a requirement for voting, setting another precedent for the implementation of a system of Digital Identity in the UK.
  • The Public Order Act 2023, which further increases the powers of police to criminalise protest through extending stop and search powers to allow police to search for and seize objects that may be used in the commission of a protest-related offence; as well as issuing Serious Disruption Prevention Orders.
  • The Online Safety Act 2023, whose title, like that of most UK legislation, means the opposite of the powers it makes into law, and which in this case requires the providers of online platforms to censor and impose restrictions on what we can and cannot say, write, watch, read and hear online in compliance with the dictates of Ofcom, the UK Government and, ultimately, the transnational technocracies in which it has membership. Fines for non-compliance are set at up to £18 million or 10 per cent of global turnover.
  • The Energy Bill 2023, when made into law, will amend existing legislation to empower the Government to regulate and fine those responsible for the supply, transport, storage, safety, performance, consumption and disposal of energy for failing to comply with the restrictions consequent upon the drive to Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050. This include the installation of smart meters in all homes and businesses by the end of 2025, with non-compliance incurring a fine up to £15,000 or imprisonment for 1 year.

Significantly, the bulk of these Parliamentary Acts, as distinct from the Statutory Instruments under which we lived during lockdown, were made as the regulations for the latter were revoked, with the remainder made into law this year. We haven’t, therefore, moved out of a juridical framework — ‘incorporated’ is the word Foucault uses to describe this transition — and which is not, moreover, limited to the legislation I’ve listed here.

But what I want to focus on in this book is the incorporation of the judicial institution, which this legislation is clearing the legal barriers to, into what Foucault called the regulatory apparatuses of biopower. These — my Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse — are:

Most citizens of the UK — if we can still call ourselves that — will have heard of some or all of these. It’s safe to say that, after two years of lockdown and the threat of what were called ‘vaccine passports’, everyone in the UK will know something about Digital Identity. But few, perhaps, will be aware of the programme of eco-austerity imposed by the UN’s Agenda 2030 and 2050, even though all will be familiar with the claims of the environmental activists that receive promotion in our media that only the world’s richest individuals and institutions can buy. Fewer still will have heard of the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Treaty, or of the Bank of England’s plans for a Central Bank Digital Currency. But the problem, as it was under lockdown, is that as soon as the plans and intentions of the so-called global elite become sufficiently public for opposition to them to gain critical mass, the media — both mainstream and social — first dismisses that knowledge as a conspiracy theory and then — as we saw with the leaked text messages of Matt Hancock about the Government’s use of terror to enforce compliance from the British people — the actual import of those plans are displaced onto mundane concerns.

As examples of which — and which I discuss in greater detail in my book — what concerns there have been around the Pandemic Treaty and Central Bank Digital Currency have been about the UK’s loss of national sovereignty, or elderly people who don’t have a bank account or smartphone being excluded, or not being able to give spare change to beggars. Time and again we are told that CBDC is merely another form of digital payment and not appreciably different from existing bank cards; or that the WHO Treaty will simply make us more prepared for the next pandemic and therefore must be a good thing — except to those who denied the existence of the last one. Similarly, what concerns have been expressed about Agenda 2030 is that the corporate influence on the UN might be inhibiting its implementation of Net Zero rather than, as is the case, driving it to their own ends.

To use a word that is as abused as any other these days, this is ‘disinformation’, created and disseminated to inform the public just enough to allow us to inform ourselves no further, and to comfortably dismiss anyone who does as a conspiracy theorist. The truth, which this book sets out to demonstrate, is that these four regulatory apparatuses of biopower are going to fundamentally, and in certain aspects irreversibly, change the social contract between the British people and the state.

Crucially, in this book I show how all four of these regulatory apparatuses — the discourses justifying them, the institutions formulating them, the programmes implementing them, the legislation imposing them, the agendas requiring them, the treaties agreeing to them and the technologies enforcing them — are all interdependent on each other. Indeed, as instruments of the new totalitarianism I discussed in The Road to Fascism, they couldn’t be other than part of a totalising system of surveillance, control and domination.

The Book of Revelation was written around 90 A.D., almost two thousand years ago, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse it announced appeared, respectively, wearing a crown, wielding a sword, carrying a scales and bearing the name of death. The emblems and technologies of power have changed since then, but the means by which the powerful seek to control us remain the same today: by conquest of a people, by waging war, by economic destitution, and by causing plagues and famine. The difference is, now it’s being done, under the beneficent hand of stakeholder capitalism, ‘for our own good’.

In Part 2 of this article, I will look at the consequences of incorporating the legal framework within which the rights of citizenship have been written into law into regulatory apparatuses through which the obligations of biosecurity are enforced by the state.
From the preface to Simon Elmer’s new book, The Great Reset: Biopolitics for Stakeholder Capitalism. His recent books include The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State (2022), as well as two volumes of articles on the UK biosecurity state, Virtue and Terror and The New Normal, both published in 2023.


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Oct 28, 2023 9:22 PM

Excdellent article- send it to everyone you know even if they are “truth hesitant.” Both Big Pharma and the global financial industry were on the brink of collapse at the end of 2019. Both industries are major wealth extraction tools for the global fascist alliance and major sources of funding corruption and influence campaigns. All the G20 leaders knew their empires had collapsed in the summer of 2019 which necessitated the Covid Operation. It is impossible to overstate how severe the economic crash of 2019 was for the Pharma Industry.   It is impossible to underestimate the value that Pharma and the medical cartel bring to large financial investment firms. Pharmaceuticals and the “health management system” in the US is currently the largest sector of the US economy.  “Health management” has replaced war as the world’s primary money spinner, the elites need continuing large-scale health crises to keep the economy going.  One of the numerous aspects of the Covid Operation was/is to invent new markets for Pharmaceuticals. The urgent problem facing Pharma is that they need a perpetual slate of new diseases in order to continue their steady stream of blockbuster drugs in order to continue their Ponzi schemes. Without “blockbuster” drugs the current Pharma Industry falls apart and the hunt for new microbes has become increasingly fraught. Vaccines play an enormous role in this as they are one of the largest ROI “drugs” in the Pharma playbook.  IMF Chief K Georgieva- “Vaccine policy is economic policy.” The plan is for the mRNA “vaccine” cash cow to be much bigger than Covid. The plan is for the mRNA “vaccines” and drugs to be Pharma’s new “medical” and business model and launch an entirely new Bio-Tech wave of financialized “disease management.” A move towards an mRNA-based vaccine model will also ‘allow’ the Industry… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 28, 2023 10:02 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Does this not depend on a public that will go along with the continuing health scares? I would have thought that this operation had already run its course by the time monkeypox clearly failed to impress even the toilet roll grabbers.

Oct 29, 2023 1:19 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Yeah, there’s no future for conspiracies centered around injections. In the end, it just wasn’t a successful enough plot to build a world around; too many people refused, too many explicitly declared that to be the “hill they would die on.” If they want to kill people, they’re just gonna have to do it the the old-fashioned way, like Israel.

les online
les online
Oct 29, 2023 5:25 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Health scares ? Every supermarket has its ‘vitamin section’; ‘health food’ stores and vitamin pushers proliferate; teevee is replete with ‘health’ shows; and evening teevee pushes drugs and anti-bacterial products – one that “kills 99% germs – including ‘covid’.”..Humans feel themselves to be sick. It’s a planet of hypochondriacs ! (It should change its name to Hypochondorian ?)…
This is a planet that will go along with continuing health scares – they rush
to be jabbed, again and again…

Oct 29, 2023 6:25 PM
Reply to  les online

people love their hypochondria, some badge of honour it seems,….. B12

Oct 29, 2023 6:55 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

“Both Big Pharma and the global financial industry were on the brink of collapse at the end of 2019.”

Certainly in the 1990s when I was knocking around with the editor of Vaccine, “the word in the street” was that vaccines were too cheap. Con-19 changed all that. by inventing an RNA.vaccine which didn’t work against a GMO RNA-virus which did no more harm than the common cold, and bribing Global Health Authorities to buy The Vaxx at an inflated wholesale price. Big Pharma will make even more profit by marketing snake oil to counter deadly wave of cardiac illness caused by The Vaxx.

Feb 17, 2024 4:43 AM

the pale horse is actually green. greek word: chloros

Tom Zavist
Tom Zavist
Nov 6, 2023 8:20 PM

There is some merit to this interpretation of Scripture. Simon Elmer may have some spiritual gifts. The Holy Ghost may be guiding his hand. The United Nations’ Agenda 2030 relates to the 1st seal—the White Horse. The vision of Pope Leo XIII foretells a request by Satan for “75 to 100 years” in order to destroy the Church. The time span began in 1930—the year of the white horse—with the breaking of the 1st seal and will end with the breaking of the 6th seal. Agenda 2030 is a mirage that will never be realized (unless you count a nuclear wasteland as achieving net zero) but it is computed as the full 100 years of the vision projected forward from the breaking of the 1st seal in 1930. The Central Bank Digital Currency relates loosely the 3rd seal—the Black Horse—which prophesies inflation and famine. (2002 was the year of the black horse.) The World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty relates to both the 4th seal—the Pale Horse—and the 5th seal. 2014—the year of Ebola—was the year of the pale horse. The “fourth part of the earth” cursed with death in connection with the Pale Horse is the quadrant north and west of Jerusalem—the NATO countries. WWIII began in 2014 with the coup d’état in the Ukraine. It will end with the breaking of the 6th seal in 2027 (the year of the red goat—sackcloth being goat’s hair). The coronavirus pandemic was the breaking of the 5th seal in 2020 (the year of the white lab rat). Digital Identity by default would relate to the 2nd seal—the Red Horse. It is not a great match, but 1966 (i.e., ’66) was the year of the red horse, and “Klauss Schwab” adds up to 666, as long as you follow the orthography of the KJV to transliterate the double-S as shin (rather than following modern Hebrew… Read more »

Nov 6, 2023 2:56 PM

Government can only regulate that which it created, owns or controls. This was true even for the traditional monarchies. The Divine Right of Kings presumed a special relationship between the Creator and His agent on Earth. Thus, monarchs were but trustees of the grantor’s (the Creator) property. Any laws, rules and regulations that issued from the monarch were understood to be administrative, that is, they were meant to further the wise use (usufruct) of the Creator’s property. Of course, no king worth his salt could resist the temptation to reserve some of that property for his own use. After all, no one works for free. All of the lip service paid to the proposition that what the monarch does is done to further the happiness and well being of his “subjects,” a term I believe was concocted to replace the true relationship between the Creator and man, that of grantor and beneficiary. Well, this would never do as it diminishes the power of the monarch to that of mere custodian. Man has the authority to govern that which he creates. So, he endeavored to create his own world, the world of legal fictions which only a handful of men were permitted to administrate. Commercial law. This form of law usurped the common law, the manifestation of natural law among men, sometime in the late fifties. Thus, today, all law is commercial law; it’s object is “person” and “office.” Office is not a person it is its own entity. A person is defined as a legal or commercial entity and an office is the entity that governs persons. Both are fictions, make believe mental constructs that inhabit man’s make believe world of commerce in which property is not the thing itself, like land, but the paper that represents it, like deeds,… Read more »

Nov 6, 2023 6:52 AM

The Great Reset predates Covid 19. It’s a component of Agenda 2030.

Asstro Buoy
Asstro Buoy
Nov 5, 2023 6:01 PM

We all know what’s coming. They knew it. They saw the nature of man and wrote about it for our day. Now we have the technology to do it and our nature has not changed.

Oct 30, 2023 2:52 AM

The Diamond Princess example and locked Cathedrals . Pain is like war, these ones have always been here. They fail eventually after another long road.

Oct 29, 2023 8:27 PM

If death is one of the 4 Horsemen:

The Disturbing Truth Behind Birth Control (also postmenopausal synthetic hormones)

Estrogen drives cancer and cardiovascular disease.  
Progestin from Big Pharma is NOT natural progesterone

Oct 30, 2023 5:17 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Thanks for the great links earlier to Mercola’s simple articles on ivermecin and fenbendazole. Some good after all the depravity.

All countries have a deadline of today to opt out of the WHO treaty (tyranny).

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 29, 2023 10:48 PM
Reply to  niko

But who elected and support these dreadful people in charge?
Who carry these dreadful people around in a throne chair?
Who drive them around in limousines?
Who pay all their taxes to these dreadful people’s high salaries?
Who work day and night jumping around like small poodles on two legs with your tongue slashing to the right side of your mouth and your little tail wagging up and down for these dreadful people?
Who threw all the bombs down on civilians for these dreadful people?
Who carried out the May Lai massacre for these dreadful people.
Who was employed by these dreadful people in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo?
Who send all their sons and daughters out in war to fight for these dreadful people and say “I cant do anything else”?

Werent you supposed to be responsible adults with a free will?

Oct 31, 2023 1:20 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

I think criticisms of powers that shouldn’t be can implicitly carry appeals to rise against them (Is this what we want?!, Off with their heads! (figuratively speaking, of course), etc.), though appealing more to people’s sense of justice and anger against injustice.

Oct 29, 2023 3:08 PM

If ever there was a sovereign state that fully executed the “droit de glaive” (“sovereign right to kill”) – to arrogate for one’s self by psychotic righteousness of violent dispossession, despoilation and desolation – it was the UK. To claim that ‘We’, the British People are now being dispossessed in turn of our inviolable right to privacy, privation, property, and possession that were acquired by innumerable and unconscionable acts of evil is richness distorted to omit and obscure the sources of ‘western freedom’ and ‘democracy’. As is becoming normative: such is the banality and excremental rhetoric of evil that passes for hysterical realist discourse these days. Western democratic liberalism – whichever is more a less an artefact of UK sovereign exceptionalism as a de facto economic empire of evil – is grounded in the principle of ongoing imperialism, colonialism and expropriated wealth; privatised, liberalised and globalised for one’s owned self from the Rest. As is becoming the normative axiomatic, the author gives a date of “March 2020” for the encroachment on ‘freedoms and liberties’ that were and are de facto free-market fundamentalisms grounded in the neoliberal globalisation of suffering imposed as Lebensunwertes Leben exceptionalism on the Rest of humanity. Any social-engineering contract written in inferiorised Unpeople’s blood is by necessity manifesting evil (privatio boni, bonum commune communitatis “for the commonwealth goods of the market-behaviour community”) should also by necessity be considered null and void as a nihilism and negation of any vestigial remainder of humanity. By whichever constitutional and contractual tokenism, the neoliberal mind virus has reached full-spectrum psychosis. The rest is just the mass-market psychosis of incessantly lifelong logorrhoea [ILL.] Thereafter: <Our privatised property was and still is their poverty> said no liberalisation privileged ‘conspiracy theorist’ ever. ‘Our’ rights to consume privacy, property, democracy, freedom and liberty in the… Read more »

Oct 30, 2023 8:07 AM
Reply to  Bryan


Oct 30, 2023 12:07 PM
Reply to  Johnny

The opposite of what Simon said. It clearly does not register that the concept of biopower means delegated individual self-control as normative subjectivation; and it has passed everybody by that whenever they act the entire species acts in synchrony with such extraordinary degree of integrity and information that requires universal unanimity; that is literally single-minded coordination (unus-, animus “of one mind”) and globalised cooperation of indivisible economic consensus, irreducible magnitude and irreducible multitude of the market economic species that involves everybody, everywhere, all-at-once, all-the-time in unanimous singularity — that’s US as a humanitarian world economy [WE] said nobody who is completely self-absorbed in their owned self-preservation within the globalised economic order [GEO] as psychogenically individuated geogovernmentality. Part Two should be a blast.

Oct 29, 2023 1:36 PM

There are too many people. Everybody knows this. Some of us won’t say it out loud, because that would align Us with Them on some insignificant point of doctrine, but you can’t look out the window of an airplane flying over the wildest parts of Europe, see the endless grey of concrete and macadam, and conclude, “This looks about right.” There does need to be a culling. Of humans. It can’t go on like this. This world is already a dystopia; it’s been one since the Industrial Revolution at the latest, the Agricultural Revolution at the earliest. We all secretly dream of a mass culling, it’s what all the zombie shows are about. We just want to be one of the few who survives to see the promised land. And we’re not even married to that part. So the secret goal of all of the theories we concoct to explain the bewildering actions taken by our political representatives is also our own secret wish. And if that is their goal, they’re going about it in a remarkably compassionate way, given how few people they’ve overtly culled thus far. What makes this era so unbearable is not the secret (shared) agendas themselves, it’s the lying. Why can’t the world be allowed to slide back into idyllic, sustainable barbarism in an honest way? The liars are no smarter than the people they’re duping. It’s infantilizing to tell us that there’s a pandemic when there isn’t. They won’t take our phone calls, so they never get to hear that we didn’t believe it for one second… and thus they think we did believe it. Which is galling. Tell us all that we have to go, let us panic honestly. If the supply lines have to wither so that we die of hunger, thirst… Read more »

Oct 29, 2023 3:33 PM
Reply to  Bloobock

Whoever gave me the one upvote is a monster. You can think these things in private, dude, but you can’t upvote them in public.

Do better, dude. Be better. Be a better dude.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 29, 2023 11:48 PM
Reply to  Bloobock

Actually I have spoke to several ordinary and original people who say the same.

We are not too many. There is enough for everybody but not enough for the few greedy.
But there are too many stupid reckless people who dont contribute to anything than breaking all the laws in the 10 simple Commandments.

One ordinary Brazilian a Christian said to me.” We should kill everybody here in Brazil over 15 years old and start all over again from there”. Too many thieves, too many drug addicts, too many sexual immoral, too many gays, too many pedos, too many gangs”.
“Instead of praying to the one who sacrificed himself for us, they pray to virgin maria and all their stupid saints”.

But these Elite Mathusians who want depopulation says it should be done in a human way: By slow torture day by day in small doses. It doesnt make sense.

By anyway I agree it is in many people’s mind how to get rid of the useless eaters, the Karens, the leftist lgbt holes, the war mongers.
The problem is only that the idiots are of the opinion that they belong to the selected arian race who should survive, and the wise and human heroes we have so few of should be sacrificed for the wicked to be saved.

I have left it to he who are above us. As written, the revenge is mine.

Oct 30, 2023 2:04 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

I used a vaguely satirical tone, but I was more or less describing my real views. My personal flavor of depopulationism isn’t Malthusian, though. I don’t doubt that the planet could comfortably support fifty billion of us if we covered every square inch of it in GMO crops. My problem is that the COVID catastrophe completely drained me of all faith that we deserve any of it, never mind all of it, which is what we’ll take if we continue to exist. There are other sentient beings here besides humans, but only for a little while longer. I don’t want anybody to suffer, I just want a wizard to come along and send all of us humans back where we came from. Most of us, anyway. I’m also Christian, but I’m struggling to integrate the revelations of the Lockdown Era with the decidedly anthropocentric message of the faith. I know that Jesus, when He walked the earth, was truly a man, and truly “of his time and place.” His mission was to the Jews: a subset of “people.” To the extent that He referred to the natural world and the other creatures with whom we share it, it was in parables, in which the world and its creatures were metaphors for people and their relationship with God. His time here was limited and His mission was very specific. He did not come to teach us how to co-exist with the natural world, or how to behave and evolve in such a way that we didn’t absolutely ruin it. But, since He left, we have indeed absolutely ruined it. What the blitzkrieg catastrophe of the coming of the COVID cult showed me is that we, humans, do not have a grand spiritual destiny anymore, or a grand temporal destiny, or even… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Oct 30, 2023 11:39 AM
Reply to  Bloobock

Well written and thoughtful reply. I just had one thought. But, since He left, we have indeed absolutely ruined it. I have been interested in civil engineering lately, watching YouTube channels describing how sewage systems, water purification systems, dam spillways, hydroelectric systems, fluid mechanics, groundwater mechanics, large construction projects and other civil infrastructure actually works, and I have realised something. In contrast to the commonly-held, oft repeated (and often trite) sentiment that humanity has laid waste to everything it has ever touched, actually human civil engineering must pay nature the utmost respect in most cases, in order to make good on expensive infrastructure investment by ensuring our buildings and structures remain operational for as long as possible. If we dump chemicals or deforest a hillside or generally disrupt the natural balance of the landscape while constructing a dam or a sewage system or a power line or a plot of houses or anything, the harsh mistress that is nature will quickly create more, expensive work in order to correct this imbalance. Upstream or downstream erosion, contamination of water tables, flooding etc are just some things that industry works very hard to avoid, because they are expensive to fix and potentially disastrous to investments. Maybe the ‘ruin’ you are referring to above is a slow creep, beyond the control of any project manager or regulatory body… But nevertheless, I found learning about how basic infrastructure works, how complex it is and the approaches involved quite a reassuring thing. It altered my perception somewhat. It underlined for me the feeling I’ve had for a long time, perhaps all of the climate alarmism and warnings of humanity’s general rottenness aren’t as accurate as all that. Perhaps they’re exaggerated. Perhaps they serve a useful propaganda purpose. Breeding future generations to feel a deep sense… Read more »

Oct 30, 2023 2:58 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

When I speak of ruination, I’m thinking specifically about what has happened to the region of the world that I inhabit, and which I can observe most closely: the Northeastern US. And sometimes I actually physically shudder when I think about the scale of the loss to the natural world that occurred as a result of the arrival of the Europeans. I mentioned the endless grey of human habitation visible when flying over Europe, but it’s nothing compared to the bottomless black of it that you see when flying over the Northeastern US. Merely five hundred years ago, you could fly (if you were a flight-capable wizard) from one coast to another and see no trace of human existence. This world was truly shared. Europe was already grey, but there were wolves and lions yet in New York. And then the Europeans came and put a bounty on their skins– a price, in dollars– and now it’s just people in a megalopolis that spans from Maine to Florida. But the deliberate and comprehensive extirpation program is not the reason there are no wolves in New York today; nor is it because the habitat is irretrievably lost (although it will be soon enough). Wolves could migrate back down from their reservoirs in Canada, as they have in other parts of the country, if not for the vast no-man’s-land of earthworks and civil engineering projects that stand in the way– hundreds of miles of highways, canals, dams, culverts and spillways, walls studded with gun turrets, and enough barbed wire to circle Gaza a million times over. It’s not a novel insight, but it’s no less true for being a cliché that technology is a virus–maybe the only real one. Humans don’t create it, it creates itself by enslaving us, rewarding us with… Read more »

Gray Cat
Gray Cat
Nov 10, 2023 12:00 AM
Reply to  Bloobock

Please excuse my butting in, but you made me think. I hope this is not offensive; I think we really can turn this around. Okay; so now you’re finally focusing on the true causes, the true perpetrators of the evil encroachments on both the wild worlds and civilization: “The Powers that Be.” Mentally deranged, corrupted, sociopathic human beings, not their Creator. Usurping, grasping, envious and resentful human beings who would – and are feverishly working to achieve – replace God as Sovereign Owner and Ruler of “the Rest” of us. The atrocities, the disparities, the inequities, the hoaxes and false fear panics, are all perpetrated on “the Rest” of us by a few powerful – but merely – human beings. Sociopsychopathic megalomaniacs. They have planned for hundreds, thousands of years for this time, with the technologies capable, and they MEAN to finally rule the world – “the Rest” of us. Humanity doesn’t need to be “culled.” Humanity needs to be left alone from TPTB whose only aim in life is to absolutely and permanently enslave, rule and control “the Rest” of us. The true creators and maintainers of the horrible gaps between the “haves” and the “have nots,” the “First World” and the “Third World” (whatever happened to the “Second World,” anyway?) are those few “people” in power – referred to for convenience, and because their numbers are so few, as TPTB (The Powers That Be). The reason your charitable donations don’t ever seem to have an uplifting and healing effect on the poor people in those devastating and desperate “Third World” countries is because they are “hijacked” by the overlords and rulers, the PTB. It’s not because ordinary people do not want to make for themselves a better life if just given the chance (have you considered what immigration… Read more »

Nov 8, 2023 5:18 AM
Reply to  Bloobock

How about we start the culling with you?

Oct 29, 2023 1:21 PM

The People have been deceived by “their governments” over a long period of time, to the point where the relationship has been inverted. The State now has superior “legal” standing and refers to The People as “its Citizens” in the possessive sense.
Black’s Law Dictionary offers one legal definition of “Citizen” as a “legal-fiction”, not a Man or a Woman.
The Citizen is provided a NAME that looks on the surface to be correct, but they do not realize that their “lawful standing” has been diminished by a fraudulent conversion, there was a lack of informed consent.
Dig-ID, UN, WHO & CBDC etc. are derivatives of a larger control mechanism.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Oct 29, 2023 12:19 PM

The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim: nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences.

– Carroll Quigley

We need to make money public again, since it is a public utility. CBDCs are meant to lock in private central bank control of money.

Oct 29, 2023 12:10 PM

Laura Dodsworth, champion of Covid truth, turns out to be another variant of Marianna Spring. I’m awaiting Iain Davis’ six part take down.

Oct 29, 2023 11:55 AM

I agree with you, although:
Statute Law
Statutes and acts of parliament are meaningless tosh once you understand the law.
The legal system has been corrupted. Statutes only apply to corporations
Every one of us has been transformed into a fictitious corporate entity on birth registration and the CESTUI QUE VIE ACT. Because we accept authority thinking it is for our benefit and because we are all gullible fools we blindly register things and accept our corporate identity i.e., our name with and or in ALL CAPS. When you check your I.D. documents, bank account, etc it goes something like this MR JOE BLOGGS. The trustee of that name is the crown. Joe Bloggs not understanding that, takes responsibility for MR JOE BLOGGS. The police cannot charge or notify Joe Bloggs they only have power over MR JOE BLOGGS or that name in any format other than Joe Bloggs and will coerce you by the use of threats to accept your fiction. As long as you stay strong and don’t consent you will win.
Anyone in trouble or in debt, please contact [email protected] and see if we can help.

j d
j d
Oct 29, 2023 12:29 PM
Reply to  rickypop

the ‘person’ or estate being the all capitals name; is a legal entity created by the birth certificate; which is not you, and it is not yours; it is property of another; the birth certificate is a token like the shoe or the boat in a game of monopoly; you, can use the token; however most have “stapled it to their faces” and believe they are the token;

Oct 29, 2023 11:22 AM

Excellent! Looking forward to part 2.

Oct 29, 2023 11:20 AM
Oct 29, 2023 11:16 AM

OK, let’s try this again…

Simon’s brilliant Marxist – materialist analysis is missing something, and that is the inhumane nature of the forces driving not just the great retake but transhumanism with all its ideas and their implications. Do you think all that really comes from human minds?

There is a single agency behind all this ( easily seen by the single purpose exhibited) but it is not human or physical, and hence remains invisible to materialists.

Evil requires a lack of consciousness and as such it is mostly performed unconsciously by people who think they are doing the right thing. These people like Schwab have lost most of their humanity and are under the influence of anti-life psychic forces – this is why they have a common agenda and purpose even if they may never themselves conspire in waking life. They are following an anti-human, anti-life conspiracy unconsciously.

The purpose of those forces is to return to the source (god/goddess) and they in vein attempt to do that through tapping the souls of human beings. They are psychic parasites dictating a predatory behaviour so as to create mass human suffering and death, which sustains them. They apparently started doing this in the middle east, dictating the creation of the first monotheistic, totalitarian, hierarchical , bureaucratic, urban societies with slaves at the bottom in Babylonia. This was called “civilisation”…

Marxism is dehumanising, reducing human beings to “workers” and hence affirming the capitalist society and the grey soulless world of industrial revolutions.

Simon also claims to know who the head of Pfizer, one of the most evil criminals on the planet today, had or did not have meetings with…. I am not convinced.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 29, 2023 11:31 AM
Reply to  Anarchos

Marxism strikes me as being the messenger that always gets shot. Marxism is describing the dehumanizing of the capitalist system which is inescapable and, for Marx, potentially liberating since it prepares the most materially advanced civilisation yet. “Workers” under present conditions are indeed dehumanised. But it is a sign of how corrupt out thinking has become that we automatically link the word “work” with something onerous. Work is something that everyone should want to do given that they are free to work as they choose.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 30, 2023 7:47 AM
Reply to  Anarchos

You are a worker too. https://youtu.be/ATb7CXX-Kc0

And just because he’s human,
A man would like a little bite to eat.
He wants no bull and a lot of talk,
That gives no bread and meat.

Nov 6, 2023 4:46 PM
Reply to  Anarchos

Babylon was not monotheistic.

Oct 29, 2023 11:10 AM


People having fun in Tel Aviv while genocide takes place 40 miles away. These are the limits of evil.


Oct 29, 2023 10:26 PM

Hm. And only a few days ago, when Gazans massacred Israelis wholesale, Palestinians around the world celebrated.

Dr. Panos G Adamopoulos
Dr. Panos G Adamopoulos
Oct 29, 2023 11:09 AM

…. there is escape not only hope… http://www.1888CE.net …¿!¿

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 29, 2023 10:45 AM

Irony unbound from Sky News:

“Danny Boyle dismisses conspiracy theorist ‘rabbit holes’ in adaption of The Matrix
Danny Boyle said he dismissed the “rabbit holes” conspiracy theorists like Andrew Tate have fallen down when adapting the 1999 film The Matrix for the stage.”

Now comes the comic punchline:

Boyle “said his latest project, titled Free Your Mind, focused on the “adventurous” issues the film raised – including climate change and artificial intelligence.”

Free your mind by …. abandoning the entire point of the Matrix series, I.e. the illusory world people were trapped inside, in order to plunge into “adventurous issues” like climate change I.e. the very illusions trapping everyone!

More wisdom from Danny:

“”It was as courageous as a mainstream Hollywood film could ever be on many different points – the gender issue, the digital issues, the AI issue – and that word really didn’t have the currency it has now”


“It had a multicultural cast, which was almost unheard of in mainstream Hollywood films, and [the film addressed] climate change.”

Gosh climate change is really getting a big fanfare here! Indeed it is “real” issues like climate that matter!

“We concentrated on that rather than actually some of the distortions that [the film] has been used for, some of those rabbit holes that people have gone down.”

Cue bit about a “malicious layer of society” I.e. Musk and Tate. But,

“In coming into the show, it was more about the light and the awareness as opposed to the conspiracy because sometimes you go down that hole, you’re not coming back”.

Bad bad conspiracy theory. Good good “adventurous issues”!

Oct 30, 2023 8:08 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Silly bugger.
Good director.

Oct 29, 2023 8:53 AM

Tptb have another tool in their box of tricks, ready to roll out, as and when required, which is War. Yes, I mean actual War, with all its associated accoutrements. The pre-War, propaganda phase has been steadily rolled out since late 2021 at least, with the unfolding of the Ukraine debacle, although it could be reasonably argued that it has been going on for much longer than that. Apparently, Peace was on the verge of being agreed at the meeting of the belligerent parties, held in Turkiye a couple of months after the start of the Russian SMO, then Bojo turned up, and allegedly, scorched any thought of that. Fighting to the last Ukrainian was the order, there was no other alternative. And, now we’re here, the Ukrainian adventure hasn’t gone quite as planned, in fact it’s been an absolute disaster. But, well No, they’re not backing down, no siree. If one War doesn’t work, let’s have another, or even a couple more. Aircraft Carrier battle groups are moving into position, Gaza is being bombed to smithereens, and now Syria is too. Iran is in the cross hairs, and War budgets are being prepared. Meanwhile, sensible people, millions of them, who don’t want any War are marching and protesting across the land. Cue for the War legislation to be enacted, we’re a false flag event away from Martial Law, Curfews, Rationing, Rights of Assembly, Travel restrictions, Freedom of Speech curtailed and even the holding of ideas and opinions that oppose the narrative. They’ve had their dry run rehearsal with the plandemic, the legislation (as cited above) is all in place. Now it’s just waiting for the Hey-Ho, let’s go, trigger to happen, and the Curtain to raise on Armageddon the Movie.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 29, 2023 8:25 AM

Matthew Perry is the latest to die of “something or other”. He “was found unresponsive in a hot tub at his house”.


Note this:

“A Los Angeles Fire Department spokesperson told the BBC that first responders went to an address in the Pacific Palisades area, regarding a “water emergency” of an unknown type, but did not name Perry.”

…. which sounds as if it comes from a completely different story.

I have a premonition – an easy one since it’s already started: There will be endless articles extolling Perry’s “comic genius” and going on about “what a sweet guy he was”, “what a loss” etc. but nothing at all about the causes of death.

Oct 29, 2023 9:06 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Freddie’s got something to say about that:

Oct 29, 2023 9:39 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Wonder what they’ll do with his infamous: ‘Could I Be Anymore Vaxxed’ T shirt.
Market value ?

Oct 29, 2023 9:53 AM
Reply to  George Mc

George, hiya, saw this morning that this actor had died, a few younger fb friends had posted about it. Apparently he was born in 1969, so relatively young, and the pictures showed him, imo, to be in decent shape, and look younger than his years. I confess, that the very first thing that popped into my head, was the question; “Was he jabbed”. In fact, I feel a bit guilty about it these days, as I see myself doing it all the time, whenever I hear sad news about people’s health outcomes, friends, acquaintances and strangers alike. Personally, I’m not jabbed, never worn a mask nor been tested, but is that now some kind of inverted virtue signalling ? It’s weird what’s happened, like an unintended consequence of the psy-op ! Of course, even before 2020, people died young, got cancer, had heart attacks and developed life shortening illnesses, and yes, it was sad, but we just accepted it as part of life, but, now it appears, no longer, without being accompanied whispered question…were they jabbed ? Kind regards.

Oct 29, 2023 10:53 AM
Reply to  Pyewacket

He struggled with his health before COVID. He was addicted to painkillers and the dreaded demon drink. If anything, the vax may have pushed him over the line but he was by no means healthy. He had been looking ghastly since his 40s.

Oct 29, 2023 12:16 PM
Reply to  JoeC

He’d been clean and sober for some time.

Oct 29, 2023 3:33 PM
Reply to  JoeC

Thanks Joe, I had never heard of the bloke nor watched the series Friends, which is where, I gather, he gained Fame. My missus later told me he had been into drugs, had a habit etc, but that was years ago, and had got clean.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 29, 2023 11:41 AM
Reply to  Pyewacket

Sure I can accept that folk die for all reasons. But I’ve never known a time when news of a death wasn’t accompanied by a reason for the death. Surely in these “advanced” times you’d expect a speedy diagnosis?

I have also read up about Perry’s drug addiction which seems to be almost mandatory for celebs – I’m being facetious here but I guess the pressures on celebs are vast.

On top of all that, I note that Mark Crispin Miller’s indefatigable counting up of deaths includes celebs who were quite frankly geriatrics anyway. You can get a bit obsessive about it.

Another phenomenon that I am now pretty sure about is the artificiality of some “dissident” sites whereby legitimate scepticism is molded and steered. I have been told that MP has already joined the list of “sudden death” cases i.e. that his death has been registered as suspicious – which is reasonable – but I wouldn’t be surprised if many of those channels expressing suspicion were suspicious in another way!

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Oct 29, 2023 12:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

We just have access in these “advanced” times to too much information for our health, and so we make anything out of that amount, just because it is possible make some connections.

There is wisdom, some believe in the Orient, in the fact that God didn’t give the power of understanding animal language to other than Solomon; because humans would have gone mad, hearing the many conversations among animals.

On a more serious note, not that the above is devoid of truth, this virtually unlimited access to anything, instantly landing on our flat screens changes us in this way. Has to todo IMO with McLuhan’s “The messenger is the message”…

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Oct 29, 2023 12:35 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I get your point …

Oct 29, 2023 12:16 PM
Reply to  Pyewacket

I ask it, to myself, all the time now.
Way to many people, at young age, injured and dying.
Having listened and learned how this mrna lipid nano particle spike protien poison effects our systerm makes your realize just how deadly and injurios it is.
And people getting flu shots, which they think are so innocent at this point, on top of having been c-jabbed, is just as bad, in my non-medically-certified opinion.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Oct 30, 2023 2:39 AM
Reply to  judith

Flue shots have been giving for many years without attention.
Corona shots have been given and many are still doing fine, the people I know of declare they dont feel any difference.

Not saying its not still a disaster when people die or have side effects from the jab, just saying its difficult to argue when you have 999 people saying they feel nothing and 1 one who die from SADS on the football station or whatever.
Its difficult to deal with.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 29, 2023 11:50 AM
Reply to  George Mc

And on a more trivial note, I admit to having hated Friends from the moment it appeared back in the mid 90s. It seemed the “most American” of comedies i.e. where these photogenic and clearly healthy young people complain about their problems when it is clear they have no real problems. Even the sexual relationships they constantly fret over seem a matter of ease to them.

HOWEVER – I caught up with the whole thing on Netflix last year and (grudgingly) admit that it was usually well scripted though I could do without the bloody awful generic “rocky” music between scenes.

And re: the matter of sex, it is odd how, though the cast looks to be in their mid 20s at least, the overall view of sex seems quaint and even prepubescent. It’s a series for starry eyed teens. As opposed to Seinfeld which is pretty cynical.

And considering that it was set in New York and features constant views of the Twin Towers, it may even seem like a vision of a lost world.

Oct 29, 2023 6:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

i despised “friends”, all the aspiring corporate pukes loved it, wanted to emulate it, that was “life” yeah coool…
anytime i got exposed to it, it did raise the odd chuckle, damn!

Oct 29, 2023 12:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Have you seen photos of the tshirt he wore? Possibly designed? Promoting the shot?

Unbelievable news to me this morning.

I never watch celebrity interviews. Ever. But happened to be streaming and came upon a recent Perry interview up on Canada, where he’s from, about his new book.

The book centers on his journey in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction.

It was actually a very very interesting and informative, moving interview.

I watched it 4 days ago. Was discussing it with fellow recovery friends 3 days ago, and someone else at an event 2 days ago.

I was relating his age old adage that all the money and fame in the world is not the answer to happiness, and does not fill a spiritual void.

6 months into Friends he was wondering why it wasn’t doing the trick.

I was gobsmacked this morning when I learned on Mark Crispin Miller’s site that he had passed.

He was so happy with his present life. The interview was 2022, but close enough.

Jonathan K X
Jonathan K X
Oct 29, 2023 4:36 PM
Reply to  George Mc

There will be endless articles extolling Perry’s “comic genius” and going on about “what a sweet guy he was”, “what a loss” etc. but nothing at all about the causes of death.

Au contraire. When I saw the headline, the first thing I did was perform a search to see if he was “vaccinated.” The first result was a column in Rolling Stone about how terrible it is that “prominent right-wing anti-vax accounts” and “twisted anti-vaxxers” are heartlessly speculating about the cause of his death. The author also tells us that “X has mutated into an ugly fount of disinformation under Elon Musk‘s rule.”

We’re definitely in Orwellian territory when asking questions or speculating about the obvious elephant in the room qualifies as “disinformation.”

Oct 29, 2023 7:47 PM
Reply to  Jonathan K X

Perhaps I should cross-post this comment, just posted elsewhere, at RS in order to cheer them up:

My God! Another star falls from the glitterati firmament, slain untimely by NTDWTV* Syndrome!

Surely we must step up the funding of Big Research, Big Medicine, and Big Pharma to find a cure.

I drifted away from the Catholic Church during adolescence, but this news has caused me to seriously think about rejoining and making a novena dedicated to the protection of Jennifer Aniston.

🤔 🙏 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯

*NTDWTV = Nothing to Do With the Vaccine

Oct 29, 2023 8:00 AM

“far from attempting to ‘abolish’ private property, the stakeholder model of capitalism promoted by the World Economic Forum and implemented by its corporate partners under the umbrella of ‘sustainable development goals’ is designed to privatise national assets, natural resources and, ultimately — as Klaus Schwab openly advocates — the existing system of governance in the West.” So we’re to take everything the WEF said seriously – except “you’ll own nothing”, ‘The Circular Economy’ and usufruct? There was a Canadian document that shows the potential method – by offering a debt write-off in return for relinquishing ownership rights. What sense does the concept of “privatisation” make when the operating system is the public-private partnership? Public or private ownership doesn’t really matter if the asset is controlled either way. Yes, they are in the process of grabbing control over the so-called global commons. At the same time, they want to abolish private property. It’s two arms of the same pincer. Leftists who only see “privatisation” are as bad as rightists who only see “state-control”. It’s both – and only seeing one is another fake binary. Foucault was the most responsible for shifting the concentration of the left from class to sexuality and race. His fondness for bath-houses had something to do with it. Whether he was a fool or a knave, who knows? Anyway, here’s another brick in the wall: https://dumptheguardian.com/technology/2023/oct/28/major-uk-retailers-urged-to-quit-authoritarian-police-facial-recognition-strategy The Fraud look like they’re opposing it – but only because of, you guessed it, race and sexuality. A.I. was alwways going to be designed to be racist and sexist because the “strategy of tension” is too useful a weapon to be given away. The use of “shop-lifting” as an excuse is a transparent smokescreen when they’ve been encouraging shop-lifting elsewhere by other measures (more in the US in the UK… Read more »

Oct 29, 2023 7:22 AM

I don’t think that most people don’t know what’s going on, but do think that most people do know what is going on, yet don’t dare to admit that they know, because of the dire consequences. So they just pretend and extend that we live in Pangloss best world of all possible worlds.

I do believe that some governmental influence on our general well being does make sense (for instance by setting the quotum on the number of radio commercials to 0, or by ensuring that all houses have affordable central heating so one doesn’t have to live in the cold), yet the Foucault quote is very succinct. Our well being has been hijacked by the government for ages ‘for our own good’ and the government’s foot soldiers (‘doctors’ and ‘scientists’) love the power that they have to control over (as they call it themselves) THEIR patients.

They treat us as cattle, as if we are owned by them.

The only way to get cured from this madness is to admit that you identify as someone who has been thoroughly duped by its own government.

‘Hi, my name is … and I have been thoroughly duped by my own government.’ If you admit this, you at least know the cause of why you don’t have affordable central heating, etc and may find ways to put a spoke in the wheel or add sand in the engine to make the machine stop.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 29, 2023 7:00 AM

Best one yet:

“Clocks going back could increase your risk of heart attack and stroke by 70%, expert warns”

The Daily Express

Once again (and again and again) the media (ALL OF IT!) is unified and clearly thinks it can get away with as much shite as needed to serve the parasite class.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Oct 29, 2023 6:17 AM

Perhaps meaningful discussions should always start with the reality that ‘our Representatives’ do not swear any oath to represent their electors fairly, universally etc, rather than they merely swear an allegiance to ‘The Crown’. Remember that ‘The Crown’ is a body encoding the formal powers of an unelected monarch, whose right to the ‘throne’ is one based on false bloodlines, none of which are ever properly tested using DNA tests. I am sure that all kinds of scandals would emerge if proper, rigorous DNA testing were carried out across 4 generations of ‘royal blood lines’, just as I am sure that requiring ‘royal bloodlines’ to set an example where the edicts imposed are concerned, rather than miraculously ‘being above the laws for the little people’. The UK State has absolutely NEVER believed in freedom for the people, even if it swears blind about ‘freedom for the rich and powerful’. All laws are framed in terms of how they benefit the rich and powerful, which of course is not surprising as the rich and powerful would organise assassinations, coups d’etat against any representatives that actually represented the people to the detriment of the powerful (note I do NOT use the word ‘elites’). What is also quite extraordinary is that so much of ‘British values’ seem to be encapsulated by the term ‘imperialistic murdering savages’. British society is forever going on about the greatness of foreign conquests and absolutely never about how grinding poverty was the vehicle for acquiring massive wealth for small minorities. This country has always been about the rights of the financial controllers and how they sit above the Representative Parliament (which it is not of course). If that were not the case, the City of London would answer to Parliament, not the other way around. Our endemic racism,… Read more »

Oct 29, 2023 12:21 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Vis a vis the City of London answering to Parliament –
you could say the same exists in US.
Fed Reserve. If it answered to the govt instead of the other way around….

Oct 29, 2023 8:40 PM
Reply to  judith

The ‘Crown’ IS the ‘City of London.’ Not the monarchy. It has its own representative(s?) in parliament, whose job is to make sure that no legislation unfavourable to the City gets passed.
The monarchy has to a) ask for permission to enter the Square Mile, and b) has to walk behind the high-ups. You can see Lizzie 2 having to do this online. Not to mention Charlie. The City, like Washington DC and the Vatican are States in their own right and are NOT, repeat NOT subject to the laws, statutes and regulations of the countries within which they are situated.

Oct 30, 2023 11:14 AM
Reply to  ariel

Yes, I know all that. I was just making a comparison to the hubris.
I believe most US citizens assume the Federal Reserve is a branch or department of the government. It is not.
It is a private collective of banks. The US Government is pretty much beholden to them.

Carol Brouillet
Carol Brouillet
Oct 29, 2023 5:44 AM

I hope that you are familiar with David Rogers Webb’s important revelations in The Great Taking which also show how deliberate the destruction of the current financial bubble is to extricate most wealth into fewer and fewer hands. Thank-you for focusing on the critical areas, which I am also researching myself. Hopefully, we can raise awareness and thwart the diabolical attack on humanity.

Oct 29, 2023 5:32 AM

“Stakehold capitalism” would in reality be better described as – “stakeholder fascism.” Applying the message of the vaccine mantra – “no one is a fascist – until we’re ALL fascists!”

Oct 29, 2023 1:57 AM

It’s in the spin. One Qubit to rule us all.

David Ho
David Ho
Oct 29, 2023 1:43 AM


Have you seen The Capital Of Conformity yet?

Oct 29, 2023 1:05 AM

Total control needs managers, bean counters, enablers of evil. They live in a house near you and me:

We live in a managerial age. As C.S. Lewis wrote:

“The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid ‘dens of crime’ that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed, and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices.”

Oct 29, 2023 12:22 PM
Reply to  Johnny


Oct 29, 2023 1:27 AM

Simon, thank you for sharing. You, and others like you, are such Trojans, for us all.
… How does one begin to even make sense of reality, when there are still people around that believe that American men landed on the moon?
I suspect that William Casey (then – head of CIA) wasn’t joking when he said, “only when everything that the American people believe, is false” … or words to that effect.

Oct 29, 2023 1:44 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

… I believe that someone as demented as Dick Cheney, a genuine Casey-clone, might want to finish Casey’s utterance off with … “will we know that our programs have been successful” … or similar. After all … who can forget, Chaney saying, dead-pan, to a TV zombie, enquiring about the non-existent wreckage of the ‘phantom Boeing’ that had miraculously melted into the dirt without trace, of the Pennsylvania farmland … ” … “the sheer speed has made it go into the ground, yadah! yadah! yadah!” …
So, what do we suspect that ‘authorities’ think of you/me/we/us … haahhh! Haaahhh! Haaah! …. exactly.

Oct 29, 2023 10:06 AM
Reply to  hotrod31


The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Oct 28, 2023 11:51 PM

Who better than the official spokesman of the power of Capital confessing that Capitalism is a dead body groping its way to the grave:
-Its demise is not about a conflict between specific nations; it’s relating to inherent conflicts;
-It is responding to immediate contingencies; Emergency Capitalism aka “keep’em on their toes”;
-It does not know what it wants; because it’s got everything already; it’s lost;
-It’s going to go to bed. R I P

les online
les online
Oct 29, 2023 1:26 AM

Why do people refer to Capitalism as if it were something other than a particular relationship between people ? Capitalism as relationships morph – just like the Catholic Church over the centuries. The relationships morph into newer variants, only individual capitalists die…

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Oct 29, 2023 8:14 AM
Reply to  les online

I didn’t mean to reduce capitalism to capitalists; nevertheless, the state of Capital as a social relation transpires in the words and actions of capitalists; in their successes and failures. When Biden talks about “not knowing what they wanted at the meeting”, he’s talking about a disorientated Capital, that is struggling to valorise itself; when he talks about responding to immediate contingencies, that reflects a problem with planning, with difficulties in setting up long-term objectives. And when he says “I’m going to bed”, he’s figuratively revealing a tired Capital, struggling to renovate itself, to attract investment; a social relation that is being exhausted. The quantitative increases in the transformation of the capitalist social relations will at a certain point produce a qualitative change; that’s when we can declare Capital dead and something else took place. Hegel gives the example of pulling one’s hair one at a time: for a long time we will see variations within the same aspect of the head, in hairiness, but with the same general properties as before; but at one point baldness asserts itself as the head presents a different aspect and the properties of hairiness go to the background, and baldness prevails with different properties. Take CBDC; many think we are heading towards what is called neo-feudalism with this digital currency; since the forces of production are so developed and access to resources available in a global network of roads, airlines and waterways, at a certain point the difficulty will not be the lack of currency to get what I want (I can always digitally borrow, it’s in the bankers interests to give me all sorts of plans, etc) nor the availability of the item I want to buy, but whether I’m complying with some rules, my “score”, my cooperation with the State. All… Read more »

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Oct 28, 2023 9:43 PM

Set against the tsunami of regulations documented here, which have been enforced on populations hopefully now it is clear why the prospect nuclear war breaking out between ‘waring states’ is so laughable.
Nobody is going to tear down such a perfect slave system.

Oct 28, 2023 11:13 PM

Elmer doesn;t seem to do geopolitics. So how about a limited nuclear war to kill off some and necessitate digital ID and CBDC rollout so as to compassionately, empathetically and unbigotedly efficiently feed the starving, non-TERF and homophile surviving stakeholders for the sake of them practising intergenerational romance in future, irony:off?

Precedent: I believe subcutaneous digital payments were or are being trialled among refugees in a SE Asian country.

Because absent discussion of where China and Russia stand in regard of digital ID and CBDCs there is currently a gap between Elmer and this


especially this level of fine-grain analysis: ” Zakharova’s warning came in the Moscow afternoon. By then Russian Foreign Ministry officials had held meetings with a Hamas delegation, and officials from Iran, Egypt, and Kuwait. Across the city at the same time, President Vladimir Putin held telephone talks with Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Kremlin communiqué reported: “Russia and Turkiye have practically overlapping positions.”

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Oct 29, 2023 6:33 PM
Reply to  Jenner

Thanks. Also, Biden has been given a thumb down from Arab States by cancelling the conference he had scheduled with them. They held the conference without him. Also, important, Iran recommending to Saudi Arabia to have a unified position regarding Palestine. Also, clear tendency towards peace in Yemen, bad luck for Israel; Houthis giving a hard time to Us ships in the Red Sea and looking North…

Alliances promoted by China in the M-E resilient; those by the US, down.

Big Al
Big Al
Oct 29, 2023 2:56 AM

Duck and cover, man. Same old thing. Keeps em scared, they obey better.

Oct 28, 2023 8:39 PM

“It is an important and popular fact that things are not always what they seem. For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much, the wheel, New York, wars and so on – whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man for precisely the same reasons…”
-Douglas Adams, A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Oct 28, 2023 8:31 PM

far from attempting to ‘abolish’ private property, the stakeholder model
of capitalism promoted by the World Economic Forum and implemented by
its corporate partners under the umbrella of ‘sustainable development
goals’ is designed to privatise national assets, natural resources and,
ultimately — as Klaus Schwab openly advocates — the existing system of
governance in the West.

I think you should read this and incorporate it into your thesis Simon (it’s free, 130 pages ~2 hr read) It lays out the legal instruments already in put in place under the umbrella/guise of International Finance rules. They’re not going to abolish private property, they’re going to steal it all.

“You are invited to read or download The Great Taking, a book written about the scheme of central bankers to subjugate humanity by taking all securities, bank deposits, and property financed with debt.”


Some of the points covered in the book, and a 20 min interview with the author David webb here:


Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Oct 28, 2023 7:32 PM

We still believe a virus brought about the 2020 event, do we now?!  😂 

Oct 28, 2023 9:21 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Oh no we don’t. Oh NO we DON’T. !!!

Oct 28, 2023 9:33 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

It was a virus.

How do I know?

I checked my computer.

It told me so.

It’s all marketing and PR to make billions for investors using the biosecurity complex of which Pharma is a big part, as the pass through.

Far more profitable than the War Machine circa 2023.

All of these manufactured diseases are artifacts of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering.

Fake photos of people falling dead- fake images of coffins piling up- fake doctors claiming hospitals were overflowing- fake tests to produce a fake disease- fake scenes outside hospitals staged by PR firms- fake media parrots lying through their teeth every night- fake trials of a toxic bioweapon- fake everything.

The most recent Covid Con is another stage set from the well-documented playbook.

“The Virus™ itself is superfluous, just like the Swine Flu scamdemic of 2009.

All they need to do is create the perception of a pandemic/mass panic with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the fraudulent PCR test to manufacture the cases falsely attributed as AIDS/Ebola/Avian Flu/Swine Flu/Zika/SARS/SARS-CoV-2 and upcoming Disease ‘X’.

It’s fictions and frauds- all of it.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 29, 2023 10:05 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

The virus was the washing line to hang all the other stuff on so not superfluous.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Oct 29, 2023 6:46 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Good comment!!

“I checked my computer.”  😂 

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 28, 2023 10:17 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

I guess you didn’t read the article:

“If we were to pick a starting date for this revolution in Western capitalism, whose economic forces lie in the neoliberal revolution of the late 1970s and the rise of finance capitalism as the dominant economic model of the West, it began in September 2019 with the spike in interest rates in the US repurchase agreement market that triggered the latest Global Financial Crisis…”

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Oct 29, 2023 6:48 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Yeah, he is saying an economic crisis was behind all this, but he still buys the idea that a real virus was involved and then used as an excuse. Just like people think there was an actual foreign terrorist attack on 9/11 which was used by the powers to do what they wanted to do anyway.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Oct 29, 2023 11:35 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

RE: Just like people think there was an actual foreign terrorist attack on 9/11 which was used by the powers to do what they wanted to do anyway.

Since Simon Elmer denies that there was a pandemic at all, I don’t see how you can make that claim.