This Week in the New Normal #76

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
We’re going to be brief this week…because two would-be sections evolved into full articles in their own right.
1. Bullsh*t question of the week
US Professor of Economics Scott Galloway was on Bill Maher this week, arguing there should be “some grace and forgiveness” for those people who supported lockdowns:
I wanted a harsher lockdown policy. In retrospect: I was wrong… But here’s the bottom line: We were doing our best. Let’s give a little grace and forgiveness.”
The fact of the matter is that the question of forgiveness is not relevant, and indeed the whole issue is a propaganda construct in itself. A PR campaign designed to sell the idea that lockdowns were an honest attempt to mitigate a real disease.
We know the truth: Lockdowns were deliberately imposed to create poverty and social immiseration.
The people who supported them were either psychopaths hell-bent on breaking the world and ruining lives, or sock puppets who mindlessly repeated talking points handed down by the ruling authority.
Either way, forgiveness is a waste of time.
2. Dystopian nightmare fuel of the week
I saw this on Twitter and it made me sad…
An “influencer factory” in Indonesia
— non aesthetic things (@PicturesFoIder) October 26, 2023
It’s what they call an “influencer factory”, a bunch of young women set up in a warehouse to post entirely fake social media content to entirely fake social media accounts. All designed to sell makeup, clothes or food. Or, worse, to drip feed hope to poor people who aspire to a more affluent lifestyle.
That’s bleak, but it gets bleaker.
Think about it: If things like this exist to sell mascara and lingerie in Indonesia, imagine what kind of factories exist to sell agendas, or ideas, to the world. And imagine how many of the people working in them you’ve wasted your time arguing with.
3. Quiet-part-out-loud of the week
In a television interview Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell justified military aid to Ukraine by arguing that most of that money is coming right back to America because Ukraine uses it to buy American weapons and vehicles from American arms manufacturers.
This is, broadly speaking, true. America goes to war to make money – however, it’s also a lie. America doesn’t go to war to make money for America, but rather the small cadre of criminal psychopaths who have maneuvered themselves into power.
It has nothing to do with “rebuilding their industrial base”, and everything to do with profiteering.
McConnel mentions factories and companies, but there are several people he doesn’t mention. He doesn’t mention the Senators who are going to retire to jobs on boards of Boeing or Raytheon. He doesn’t mention his friends and relatives and business partners who own stocks in defense contractors and get handy tips just before big defense bills are signed (or before “terrorist attacks” take place).
He doesn’t mention that by taxing ordinary working Americans; giving that tax revenue to a foreign government and then making a profit when that government then pays it to arms companies, they are essentially stealing money, laundering it overseas, and reaping rich rewards.
He tells a bit of a truth, but not much of it.
Joke of the week…

[Credit to NHpilled]
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention red meat causing diabetes.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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WEF Own The Science
“Long Covid” breakthrough!
Hang on a minute – wasn’t serottonin blamed for depression until that turnd out to be bollocks? Why do I get the feeling there may some medication in storage that isn’t going to be chucked away just because it’s useless and now is lined up for a re-purposing? Like AZT was re-purposed from chemotherapy to AIDS?
Peace is war –
Who else turns out to be against Labour calling for a ceasefire but Polly Toynbee? It’s on the spurious grounds that can’t directly bring one about. Something to remember every time she decries “heartlessness” and “cruelty” (which is often when it’s by the other lot)….
Professor Lockdown (Neil Ferguson) Denies Ever Calling for Lockdown
(Fraudci’s done the same.)
It was the others. The others did it. They called for all the lock downs, not me. I was always among the resistance. I just played along and kept my enemy close.
But in the right moment I jumped out of the closet and showed the world that I tried and that I did my best to do good. I am not a man who are for sale for a few shekels.
I have always been a brave and a good man, and you know it!
Irony alert!
There’s always the Matt Hancock defense – lockdown was only ever “guidelines” and never law.
But don’t worry, am sure the “inquiry” will root out the criminals responsible. 😂 😂 😂
Amid all the official regrets for the state of siege:
Sorry, must disagree, forgiveness is essential to our lives. Those who went along with the three years of evil BS about Covid — out of fear, out of stupidity, out of conformism — must be forgiven, or we, the resisters, hurt ourselves. But forgiveness doesn’t mean dropping the subject and pretending we’ve gone back to the status quo ante. It does mean recognizing that they are just fallible human beings (as we all are). And forgiveness opens up space for future discussion in which we can, perhaps, open up some of those closed minds.
You’ll notice I don’t mention those who created and perpetrated the whole scenario (and are still perpetrating it). How can you forgive the propagators of evil?
I cannot but agree, meh: Forgiveness is healing both for us and for the forgiven, though how much that is possible to us mere Humans is debatable (Alexander Pope: “To err is Human, To forgive divine).. Bearing grudges is toxic to all parties. The vaccinated were very much the victims, fooled by the the darkest forces. I don’t expect any apologies ever. I went to the funeral of a 42 year old dad who “died suddenly” from a massive heart attack. Good people, but under the NZ mandate of “No jab, no job” it was easy to see how he tried to fool himself…
ONLY if they repent! We cant, not even Jesus, forgive someone who refuse to repent, and just start all over again at the next scam. Gollum.
Forgiveness is an offer. It is not made for the transgressor’s sake but for the transgressee who wishes to move forward from an incident and put it behind them.
As such, there can be no forgiveness if made in response to a request.
If a transgressor is after sympathy to soothe their own burning soul then their request must be made with an offer of contrition equal to or greater than whatever benefit the transgressor took from the transgressee.
In the case of the covid scam and all its transgressions against humankind there is no earthly contrition of sufficient value.
Which transgressor asked for forgiveness?
A serial abuser who only pretends to be sorry and pretends his deliberate abuse was a mistake can’t be forgiven, because his remorse is a lie.
He’s just messing with your head, trying to change the convo. Suckering you. His fake apology is just more abuse.
Contrition requires genuine repentence. What has he done that deonstrates genuine repentence?
Otherwise they’re just showing their contempt for Christians in particular – “their religion requires them to forgive, let’s weaponise it against the fools”.
I cannot forgive family members who wrote me OUT of their lives for not getting the poison injections. They have not asked for my forgiveness. They want to pretend it never happened. I cannot forgive that. I do not trust them with my affection ever again.
vaccines are missing from the 2030-food-pyramid
Research to get plants to generate “mRMA vaccines” has started. Meat from jabbed animals may already be contaminated. And The Science is also trying to convey the jab (involuntarily) over the air you breathe – out of the goodness of their hearts, to help undeveloped countries.
Off Topic, but not really. A relative forwarded this YouTube video to me. I am guessing it is just a matter of time before it is pulled from the platform.
Just in case you are wondering how so many “migrants” (illegal aliens invading the United States via our southern border) have already managed to make such a trek as safely as they have, Look no further.
United Nations based organizations are funding and facilitating it. It’s all part of their globalism plan to install socialism world wide.
Maps. Food. Medicine. Shelter. Rape kits too! Complete with condoms and morning after pills. Apparently, it’s inevitable. “If you are going to rape me, please use a condom.”
And it is likely that the Biden Administration is assisting with the funding and coordination. Probably is why Vice President Harris visited the “parade route” early after the Biden administration took control. She probably went there to make sure they had all the money and supplies they needed. Not kidding. How could they not know?
That would be an effort to undermine our Constitution through the erosion of our sovereignty. Better known as treason.
And they don’t care because they are “saving the world”. They think we will thank them in the long run.
The I don’t care syndrome seems to have permeated every aspect of our lives.
The United Nations needs to be defunded and disbanded. They ARE the cause of all of our problems.
Replacement Migration, saw it on the United Nations site a few months ago, the UK AU NZ and all of Europe has the same problem.
Kalergi says hi.
I love it! These “migrants” are helping take down the most evil state entity in the history of humanity.
All the while taking back what was stolen from them for centuries.
The “migrants” will eventually make the USofAs the nation they have falsely claimed to be for the past 245 years.
As I have said several times:
We black people build this country. All the roads and buildings in America are build with black muscles, all the clothe you wear are made of black sweat in the cotton fields and put together in black clothe factories.
Keep playing golf in your white sissy clubs, dance around in your white and pink Nike shoes we made to you to wear at your gay parties.
America needs a new government. A strong black government of those who build it! We are going to take over this country!
You are falling for the same racial supremacy claptrap. For sure dark coloured humans in Africa invented most of what makes us human. Tools, language, music, dancing, mathematics and civilization: dark black, or brown or yellowish brown people invented all those things before leaving Africa.
But our ancestors needed the dark pigment only to protect their skin from damage by the sun. When some of our ancestors left for gloomy Northern Europe their skin quickly lost melanin because they needed to soak up every photon of feeble sunlight to make Vitamin D as a protection against colds and worse ills. But Palefaces are still human.
U$ Immigration Officer: “What is your race, Dr.Einstein”.
Einstein: “Human”
He’s Off-G’s WUM. Nothing to see here.
I needed a good laugh. Still hung over from yesterday’s happy hour. Another head ache………..
More “anti colonialism”. Straight white men. The bane of the world.
People have been on Earth for what?, a million years or so, and only the last 245 years in North America counts in your mind.
The sky is not falling.
The last glaciation began melting about 12,000 years ago and will continue melting till it stops melting. Then the glaciers will start growing again. And there is nothing we can do to stop or slow the naturally occurring cycle that has been happening for millions of years.
Just like Covid, they are lying. They have no proof. Their studies failed. So they made the data up. Literally. The data was manufactured.
Of course, we are talking about UN sponsored, oligarch funded climatologists who are being paid to make it up.
As I and many others have been saying: The United Nations needs to be defunded and disbanded.
The UN IS the cause of all our problems.
But lets not forget Academia. A board of University Presidents advises the United Nations. The same board the advises the WEF.
And where does Academia get gobs of money: Big Pharma.
Funny how everything ties together so nicely.
And you are worried about the last 245 years that resulted in the most important piece of paper every written in the history of mankind.
Sounds like you are a representative of Academia.
The bottom line: Your masters want cheap labour now. Robots are not ready for the job yet.
2 Dutch premier league football players had a cardiac arrest on the football field within one month.
Probably not in the guardian, also hardly mentioned in our National papers.
I wonder (without any schadenfreude) what vaccinated people think when they see such footage. If such footage doesn’t make them think, than words probably won’t either…
In fact, all the media is saying is that Bas Dost (one of the football players that collapsed with a cardiac arrest) ‘is doing well’. – I mean, just look at him…
No words, no footage, nothing can make these people see unless some media authority says it on behalf of them.
“People will believe what the media tells them they believe”, (Orwell).
the evidence confirms – they dont think.
“I wanted a harsher lockdown policy. In retrospect: I was wrong… But here’s the bottom line: We were doing our best.”
If evil is their best, what’s their worst?
Damn good question.
I heard that the Israeli Defence Forces have quite an influencer factory.
And I think I know the narrative they’re countering. It’s quite a pootle and it goes like this:
Israel has multiple plans for the depopulation of Palestine territories and the use of United States financing to resettle the people of Gaza abroad.
The deportation plans were drawn up in advance, suggesting that the Hamas incursion of Oct 7 was encouraged, as a pretext for a land grab.
Heading for the Europe.
Elites can’t wait for the Holy War that leaves them sitting on top.
There are currently 465 million Arabs on the planet, who speak the same language as Hamas, who have their own media, channels and journalists, some very deeply committed to Palestine, and some kowtowing to the Zionists. There is not a single Arab media, journalist, or even random citizen interviewed in the street expressing the lunatic opinion that the 7 October Al Quds Flood was a false flag.
Never said it was a false flag, soldier. I said it was “encouraged” or allowed to happen.
Yes you did. And no it wasn’t.
More of a Pearl Harbour moment. The govt did not initiate an attack against their own people, they simply allowed one to happen so as to drum up propaganda for war against the other side.
According to Alex Mercouris that plan has already come unstuck. Firstly by Egypt slamming shut the exit gate (except for Palestinians with Egyptian nationality). Secondly by diplomatic pressure on the EU$A by the remaining 75% ROW who are beginning to count and speak up. Thirdly by a call from Little Izzie’s Big Uncle $cam to respect civilians.
And lastly (though Alex does not report it yet) by hundreds of thousands rallying in major cities of the EU$A to protest against ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Palestine.
Let’s totally not talk about a genocide. 8,200+ dead Palestinians killed by Israelis in Gaza.
Almost 2,000 under rubble. 21,000+ injured.
Off Guardian has become the definition of dystopia….
Is my comment destined to die in Off Guardian Detention?
Why do you think we’d discuss that in a piece called ‘ this week in the new normal’?
There’s a big drive to polarise people over this issue, by one means or another, and call out anyone who isn’t ‘picking a side’.
I think it’s better to resist this. Obviously human life is sacred, but that doesn’t mean we must turn into partisan headless chickens as soon as death figures of any kind come up on our newsfeeds.
You may respond with moral outrage (I expect you will), but many feel it’s important, now more than ever, to verify sources and keep extremely objective. Allowing the human tragedy of war to be twisted and distorted into a narrative that serves other agendas, or is used to polarise and distract, is just as callous toward human life as ignoring that tragedy.
And offg haven’t been ignoring it, actually. So cool off there. Thanks, A2
Verify sources? Like Guardian? MSM? Times of Israel? What is a verified source?
From the zero MSM reporters on the ground in Gaza?
This was my source for the numbers I cited—29-October-2023%29
“partisan headless chickens” what happened to being polite in your comment policy? Or is partisan headless chicken the new definition of polite?
You’re being thin-skinned. Also it wasn’t polite to imply your comment was in danger of being censored, was it? So you’re thin-skinned and inconsistent. A2
There is no polarization. There is the good guys who are being killed and the bad guys who are killing them. “Polarization” is a false flag.
Sam speaks of “sides”, both sides in the above mentioned conflict would say that “God” was on their side, but with just a little gentle research its clear that one of the sides “Gods” is far more comfy in a red suit with horns and tail and that research is very easily done
whilst coverage of various elements of the global shit show and the obvious and often un-obvious connections are really well covered here the really big enchalada of which “certain group” of people will attempt to “crown” satans man on earth, here in this Realm, in the Time We inhabit, seems peculiarly/conveniently lost in translation
if the last 3 years has not taught the “admin” at off g that all is not quite as it seems then its a shame, it would also be a shame if pre-concieved, pre programmed conceptions based on “social niceties” and dont make me laugh “racism” has prevented our errant admin from joining the fkn dots, makes ya wonder, dont it?
and as the original commenter correctly points out you do censor Sam, but more than that you often attempt ignorance of the same in your replies to try to twist the narrative to keep your angle sweet, they say give a little man a little power and watch him go, but after all Sam you are only human, arent you?
“Amalek”, men women, children, suckling babes, oxen, sheep, goats all must be slaughtered, which side views the other in such a way…? Which side is indiscriminately murdering all of the above? Which side (with world leading security that is alerted when a mouse breaches the fence…) perpetuated the whole show on a false flag? (not their first either..)
If ever there was a time to take sides then it is Now and the sides are evenly split:
You’re entitled to your opinion, which I find too polarised, selective, superstitious and hackneyed for my liking. And if you’re going to type all that and expect it to get through, you clearly have a pretty healthy regard for our sense of fairness here. So stop with the bitchiness.
You could even go start fighting your ‘good fight’, as you’re keen to urge others to do, or give it a darned rest. Thanks. A2
Polarised ?
We do have one side which has the 4th strongest military in the world and backed militarily and financially by the strongest military in the world and by other “great” powers. The same side has the global media cheering it on as it buries thousands of dismembered children under rubble. The other side has been imprisoned for decades and has only slingshots. Has there ever been a better time to take sides ? You pinned a writer who opposed a ceasefire that would give the helpless victims a break from the merciless bombardment. That is unforgivable.
The Main Sewer Media is about as biased as is possible. What is the purpose of the alternative media that this site claims to be part of ?
The purpose of alt. media is to provide differing alternative voices, not to sign up to some silly binary you have created.
Could you by any chance stop the shrill moral indignation crap? I’m serious. Please stop it.
You are continually missing the point and misrepresenting things and getting shrill and choking up the comments with your shrillness. If you’re genuinely just missing the point endlessly (my guess) then I invite you to take a few deep breaths and read everything you respond to at least three or four times over, go have a cup of tea to let it seep in, and only then respond.
Thanks, A2
Shrill ?
I make no apologies for my moral indignation. It is “shrill” in your opinion. Am I “choking” the comments ? I am a private individual of modest means and a job that uses up fours days a week. My comments are a mere trickle. A fellow called John Ervin in contrast dumped scores of comments on a recent thread without rebuke.
I guess you’re referring to me so just listen up.
I DID NOT OPPOSE THE CEASEFIRE ever in any fucking word I wrote.
So you are either a fucking liar or too dumb or too cracked to even read.
For the last time – this is what I am really saying (here it is in caps) –
Because that is what the PTB who start these wars WANT us to do.
They’re running both sides of this thing, smacking us in the face with atrocities to make us hate each other and blame each other NOT THEM
Here it is again in bold…
Because that is what the PTB who start these wars WANT us to do.
They’re running both sides of this thing, smacking us in the face with atrocities to make us hate each other and blame each other NOT THEM.
Do you get it yet?
They are killing people just to make us mad with EACH OTHER so we forget what they are doing to the whole world with the Great Reset.
And by “they” I mean the globalists, the ‘banksters’ if you wanna call them that.
If you really want the killing to stop and are not just using it to jerk off on your own fucking sanctimony get mad with THEM.
So –
NO I am NOT pro-Israel and I have NEVER said anything to support them
NO I am not opposing the ceasefire, you just totally made that up
Read this and get the picture or fuck off and stop stalking me you weird old creep.
I make no apologies for being old. Everyone who is lucky enough will grow old unlike so many in Gaza and many other parts of the world. If being compassionate is weird then I gladly accept that epithet.
It’s clear you’re more interested in posturing and misrepresenting things than having any good faith exchange. Your high horse is a pantomime one. A2
thanks for posting that Sam, heres an interersting article that confirms the zealousness of the situation
darned rest? yee-hah
Your Link refers to the Yahoo’s Old Testament “Eschatological” (ie, End of Days) resembance to the Amalekites, a former “existential enemy of Israel” who must be smote hip and thigh till they cease to exist.
It is precisely this sort of genocidal thinking by the Yahoo’s current regime of religious maniacs to which the majority of OffG readers (together with the majority of people on Earth) strongly object.
From Wikipedia:
“I’m All Right Jack” is a 1959 British comedy film based on the 1958 novel Private Life by Alan Hackney.”
“Alfie Elkins And His Little Life.” BBC radio Third Programme Written by Bill Naughton and later adapted for stage and screen. [A thought provoking blend of grimy East End realism and Anglican religious mysticism]
“Objectivity” is a scam. I mean a false flag. I mean controlled opposition. Or whatever the term that means everything is equal.
it’s important, now more than ever, to verify sources and keep extremely objective.
Ah yes. The old “objectivity “ canard. 🙄
Those cunning “colonial notions of ‘objectivity’ and ‘balance’, which in fact are orientated towards those in authority. Palestinian voices can not speak the truth of a 75-year occupation, and 16-year seige on Gaza, without first being asked questions about whether they condemn Hamas, or Palestinian resistance at all.”
“Let’s make it clear: Objectivity is a colonial notion that bypasses the voices of Black Witnesses by making their legitimacy conditional on the backing of White Witnesses and authoritative accounts of those who are perpetrating violence. ‘Objectivity’ is a rope handed to the colonisers to continue strangling the oppressed, to restrict them of air in which to speak.”
I’ll assume this is an effort to be ironic on your part. Let’s move on.
Red Meat Causes Diabetes ?
I cannot add up these numbers:
“Participants who ate the most red meat had a 62% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those who ate the least. Every additional daily serving of unprocessed red meat was associated with a 24% greater risk”
The average Yank or Yankess has a 10% risk of dying with diabetes. Aboriginal Americans (Red Indians) and The Poor have 14% percent risk (40% above average). “White” European Yanks and The Rich have 7% risk (30% below average). A college degree (especially a degree from the Ivy League) will lower your risk by 30% (from 10% to 7%).
So what is this about participants having 62% greater risk compared to those who ate the least red meat? Those who eat the least red meat are usually The Poor, whose average risk of diabetes (14%) is twice as high as that of The Rich (7%).
“While pan-handling through America I knocked at the door of families eat meat every day, compared to England where people get meat once a week and lucky at that, the day being Sunday” — WH.Davies, Biography of a Super Tramp.
I hate this liar world of statistics, research reports, headlines, graphs, which are not worth a second of ones life but which all people are brainwashed with and talk about.
Living a negative where you always need to use your brain to find evidence for its falsehood.
You’re living in the long gone past. Nowadays, the poor eat buckets of beef. The rich eat sprouts.
For sure I am living in the past and what is more, quoting from Davies a Welsh poet born in 1871; but am aware of the proverbial women in the suburbs living on lettuce and lemon juice.
What puzzles me is the figure 67% when average incidence of diabetes is no higher than 14% for the ghetto dwellers and as low as 7% for the Ivy League, If red meat were really that bad for humans there would be more vegetarians in soctiety through sheer survival value.
Maybe I just hate a picky eater.
What’s in the Pfizer Documents w/ Dr. Naomi Wolf
“One thing people have been able to do for thousands of years is to have sex and have babies without any intervention or help from anyone else. It’s a tremendous way that the human race is self-reliant — that it can survive catastrophe. Well, the Tech Bros. and probably China want to take that away from us. This is clear in the Pfizer documents.”
“Probably China”.
Because it’s the Chinese elite who spawned Malthus and whoi have a long history of statements about terrible overpopulation is the worst problem facing the world and someone really ought to do something about it?….
Rhodes Scholar disinfo – like rat poison 90% is yummy but there’s that fatal bit of toxicity mixed in.
This is of course written out of no liking for China’s curent rulers.
I have found this so puzzling about Wolfe. The China thing.
The Breggin’s are on board with this also.
I think it’s a bit ridiculous.
She has done great work with her Daily Clout and I appreciate her speaking out about this criminality for the past three years.
But I’m always brought up short with the China thing.
I’ll go along with China PLUS every other nation collusion, but China alone?
Doesn’t ring true.
Whenever she brings up the China thing I think “Look around your home, Naomi. How much of what you purchased and own is FROM China”
Eschewing left wing propaganda means for a lot of people the embrace of right wing propaganda. I have tried to make this point unsuccessfully (for the most part) with my health freedom comrades. The Israel/Palestine false flag op, has clearly demonstrated how many of the “independent media” are anything but.
In the modern US political dystopia, the right-wing hate of China and left-wing hate of Russia are mirror images of each other. Each side has their own personalized target for their two minutes of hate. It’s just one more part of the divide-and-conquer strategy.
Yup. And don’t forget now, it’s always important to have an external enemy to point the blame at. Why, we can’t take a good hard look and honestly say shit, our own government and those who own it are doing this to us. Nope, gotta blame that on someone other than the idiot they just voted for, or the one they’re going to vote for, or the ones who are never elected at all who run things right here at home as well as all over the globe. Hell, it’s racism writ large really, scapegoating, the same old tools the owners of this world have used for generations. And by God it works, doesn’t it?
She says maybe China because China is where they practice hardcore population control.
I have to disagree. I don’t get a “maybe” impression from her.
And no one has to frighten me with comparisons to China and the social score issue. After the last 3 years right here in the good ole USA, land of the free and the brave, I am frightened enough.
Also, how does she explain our collusion with the wuhan lab? I know she knows about Baric and UNC.
I’m just always surprised when people espouse any type of “it’s Russia, it’s China”.
I just believe they are all in it together. All of them. In the end, they will all do business with each other. Money, arms, drugs, trafficking.
I read too many LeCarre novels.
Wolf seems to be subscribing to the Right Wing notion that the US may be invaded by China. As if.
If the US is mandating lethal vaccines to its military then this signifies that the US elite (along with every other elite) no longer care about conventional armed forces.
There’s nothing sad or wrong about the “influencer factory.”
First of all, it’s clearly NOT all women as there is one young man seen, playing video games. And even if it were all women, so f—king what?
Second of all, you’ve clearly never been to Indonesia in your life. Very, very few people can afford to own a house with enough space to kit out a dedicated broadcasting room along with uninterrupted broadband internet. Therefore, it makes a lot more sense to rent one out from a business. Therefore, this isn’t a “factory” but something more akin to a shopping mall. You know, just like good Westerners like you enjoy.
Third, have you never seen an ad on television? Or on a billboard? Or on social media? Or anywhere else? The world is full of people trying to get you to buy something. What’s so unusual about it also happening in one of the world’s most populated nations??
The “influencer factory” isn’t a government operation, ffs. It’s just modern business. Call me when Indonesia has a dedicated military branch to doing this sh*t, and then I’ll care.
Disgusted with this snotty superior-than-thou attitude.
I dont see any troll factory there too. Its a rare example of a clean cut mistake.
There’s a difference between an obvious advert and a whole deck of phony accounts which you take seriously as real accounts. And that such nefarious practices might be extended to something more important than selling goods is a valid concern.
I thought you might have mentioned the solid scientific evidence that the clocks going back induces heart attacks. That was undoubtedly what killed Matthew Perry. And if the clocks don’t go back in America then I’m sure the mere fact he was aware of it happening somewhere else was enough to cause the strain.
Has he been on TV yet commenting about his own death – like David Bowie or Michael Jackson? For the latter, see and hear “Dave Dave” on Larry King. BTW it gets clearer every year what toxic social engineering ‘Friends’ was – especially how the three WASP ‘Friends’ had families who were either ghastly or non-existent but, hey, who needs one?….
BTW Perry was 54 which is 9×6. His reported method of death, drowning, seems to happen to an improbable number of celebrities in their own home or in hotels. It also happens to be one with particular ritual sacrifice significance (especially in Druidism – see Churchill or HRH in their Druid robes).
I died last week in my bath tube too. There is nothing unusual about that.
Interesting. I don’t think the prosecution should rest its case just yet though. 😅
Your doctrine is too gross to be touched by any blasphemy.
You are part of a death cult whose symbol is an intrument of torture and murder, and which drives you to spread blood libel lies about “pagan” indigenous spirituality that worships the EARTH, just like the Inquisition did to justify to themselves their psychopathy…
Your so-called “god” is a curse on humanity by the tribe who are your overlord. No doubt you think that “chosen ones” refers to you , but you are tragically hoodwinked.
Your ignorant comment about “Druidism” come directly from the likes of the Inquisition and the Jesuits. Do you have any thoughts of your own?
Seriously, he was really fucked up. His heart stopped several times before. Who knows? The vax may well have killed him. But how could you tell, buried as it was under all of his really nasty pre-existing conditions?
And referre whistles apparently and shaking the duvet.
2 things
1. Every conversation on the current era now ends with the same conclusion…the problems are due to moral failings/outrages and justice will never be seen in this realm.
2. We’ve been promised 2 Nuclear wars in the space of the past 6 months and everyone is back to believing in the real politics. So real. Requires diplomacy. And everyone of these people promoted masks,jabs and social distancing to save lives are now involved in the real war politics to kill lives.
Most politicians are one of two types:
those with a “Messiah Complex”
And those with a “Born To Rule Complex”…
(Klaus Schwab seems to be a hybrid (aka – variant)…
Psychopaths on the other hand are neither…
Psychopaths seek out the powerful, like to be
close to the powerful – to be henchmen: they
get their rocks off carrying out the Dirty
Deeds ordered by the powerful…
(Dr Mengele didnt want to Rule The World –
he was happy experimenting in his little lab)…
Psychopaths gravitate to the centers of power.
but leave the limelight to those with
Narcissistic Personality Disorders
(aka – politicians)…
Applied Science.
‘As long ago as 2008, Israel put together a military committee to
calculate exactly how many calories would be needed to permit
each Gazan to barely survive, thereby allowing it to calculate and
regulate the absolute minimum amount of food that could be
allowed to enter the besieged enclave. Working from the scientific
calculation that the average person requires a bare minimum of
2300 calories a day to survive without starvation, Israel settled
for 2279 calories per person.
‘The regime has been actively enforced for fifteen years. Now
they are cutting off all food to a population already purposely
held at the edge of starvation.’
Once again we were suckered in…Via media reports we all accepted
that Israel intended a ‘full-scale- ground invasion-of Gaza’ (TM)…
We were all horrified by the thoughts of a resultant slaughter of IDF
personnel…(and how such an action would “trigger a wider
conflagration” (TM)…
Well, we got fooled…The IDF intends to clear-out the “cockroaches”
one area at a time, little by little…We’ll all give a sigh of relief that
the IDF came to its senses, and we’ll allow ourselves to be distracted
and emotional about The Next Big Distraction –
while the IDF cleanses Gaza of the pesky “cockroaches”…
By all means, let’s be as cynical as we can allow ourselves to be, and I’m using the word ‘cynical’ in the positive sense of a philosophical standpoint responsibly assumed; one which doesn’t flee confrontation. We should all be thankful that the era of religious dogmatism, of wars of religions, of the Inquisition, of intolerance is far behind us. We should celebrate that we can exert our faculties and express our thoughts as freely as we can.
First, it is remarkable that this our age of digital information and free access to it using advanced technologies is at the same time the age of perplexity and uncertainty about this same information. Not only there is incomparably more free access to information but also new purposes for information production; the mind that ‘revolutionised’ the ways we access information also ‘revolutionised’ the concept of information to mean just data, statements and assertions, not necessarily just statements of facts. And so, we are more perplexed about the information-data we receive than previous generations. Propaganda, disinformation and misinformation aren’t new of course, but I don’t think the doubts assaulting us today have ever been so radical and so widespread. So, what can we do? What justifiable attitude can we adopt when we are told of conflicts we can’t verify and analyse in situ, especially tragic conflicts with contradicting interpretations, or sides, including narratives that deny what is reported?
I see three extreme attitudes: one is to surrender to the side or interpretation that reflects or doesn’t oppose one’s social, political, ideological, religious, … leanings, or other considerations; the other is to dismiss all sides as not representing a solution to the conflict, which implies that a new side exists that does, and aligning oneself with it; the third is to flat-out negate that a genuine conflict exists, either that the event itself hasn’t taken place, or that there is collusion between the sides, implying that the conflict is staged for purposes other than what is claimed.
If we take for granted the reasonable assumption that life is a stream of experiences, and experience is to be learned from, then these three extreme attitudes teach no lessons from the whole experience of media exposure: two are subjective and one-sided as they ignore all or part of the sides and voices which however should have their reasons for participating in the assumed conflict discussed, that are thus dismissed; the third is incredulous and thus implies that there is no lesson to be drawn in the first place. Each of these positions gives the illusion of being self-explanatory and self-sufficient for the specious reason that each is internally coherent and doesn’t seem to need further elaboration than its own formulation: “I take this side, in complete congruence with my belief system”, “I take none of these sides also in complete congruence with my belief system,” or “there are no sides to take”; thus, nothing new, no lesson can be drawn from these three attitudes.
A fourth position is to simultaneously take both or all sides; unlike the previous ones, this position can’t remain at the stage of formulation as this formulation would comprise non-concurrent, if not contradictory statements and thus needs to be transcended, elaborated, synthetized. This is done by looking for the first causes of the conflict beyond the here and now and always leads to consider other hitherto seemingly unrelated conflicts, more fundamental but whose causes are known.
If there is any hope to gain insight from media report of conflicts, factual or alleged, and not repeat History, it is IMO by submitting it to the last approach.
The following letter is from your link. It shows the humbleness that the difficulty of the fourth approach inspires as one has to encompass within one’s skull the conflicting interests without leaning to any one in particular but considering them all as genuine expressions; this is also why the other three approaches are more popular (emphasis added):
“From: Marcelo Svirsky
“To: Arena
“Subject: RE: article for Arena?
“Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2023 19:15:44
“Dear …,
“I hope this finds you well. Thank you for encouraging me to write on the present circumstances in Israel and Gaza, but the short answer is that I can’t.
“I came back from Israel with my wife three days ago; we were more than lucky to have been evacuated by the Australian government as our flights back were cancelled. We were there when everything started.
“I can’t write because to say something worth reading, I’d need more than one mouth to speak or more than just a pair of hands to be able to write multiple statements to be produced simultaneously. I’d need to write in parallel columns that should be read in tandem, and probably across each other. Linear writing wouldn’t make any sense.
“I can’t ignore Hamas’ barbarism and I can’t live anymore with being identified as part of a nation that genocides another. The mantra that people like me represent another kind of Judaism is not appealing anymore; it is vacuous; we achieved nothing.
“Since the beginning of this nightmare, while being there, I carefully listened to Israeli TV and radio news programs, all devoted now to war pornography. Mainstream journalists approve and cry for genocide, simple as that. The smallest comment about caring for the lives of innocent Gazans is punished with arrest, as many Palestinian citizens are already experiencing. Palestinian students in Israeli universities are being expelled just for showing empathy for the suffering of people in Gaza. Netanyahu is back on his horse, rallying a bloodthirsty nation to a Jihad of vengeance that would keep him in power. And the world applauds and sends more ammunition. I can’t get out of my head the atrocities committed by Hamas, which should not be dismissed as mere Zionist propaganda, as some are claiming. And I can no longer bear to listen to my Israeli relatives calling to flatten Gaza. I’m terrified about what may happen to my nephews on the frontlines; their parents—my closest relatives—are the epitome of everything I have written about regarding Israeli education, parenthood and socialisation—tremendously failing to guide their families away from violence.
“I’m withdrawing from writing and from public appearances because I can’t say anything valuable. I don’t feel I can appraise the situation correctly.
“Sorry to disappoint,
“Best wishes,
“Marcelo Svirsky”
AP says only 2.3% of US population is still taking boosters.
In defense of Scott Galloway and all who made ‘mistakes’:
BS Supplement:
CO2 makes up 0.04% of the atmosphere
Methane makes up 0.00017% of the atmosphere…
These two fleas are on The Elephant In the Room’s
back, and they’re gonna flip The Elephant
In The Room onto its back…
I see your point and it is a good one.
However. It is quite possible that a small amount of some substance can be quite deadly. There are poisons and pollutants that, in even smaller relative quantities, could make, say, an entire city’s water supply, deadly. As usual with most such statistics, there is no comparison provided. No context. No relative values. No historical comparative values. Just a flat, raw number, and we are supposed to guess whether it is big, small, medium, important, not important, or kind of important.
Oh, gee. Nobody likes context.
It is about raw numbers in context. Rays of light being converted into rays of heat that are being reflected back toward the Earth. The more molecules in the atmosphere the more rays of heat are “trapped”. That’s the concept. The so called “deadliness” accelerates photosynthesis which results in…… Increased O2 and C6 H12 O6. And we do have a good idea of the historical numbers based on our knowledge of the geology of Earth. Old timers presenting these numbers are being shut down all the time because they go against the narrative. Labeled as mis information spreaders by so-called fact checkers who don’t know shit about anything.
Taking a small localized phenomenon known as a temperature inversion and applying it to the entire world is just plain stupid. Plain as day.
You know. A sweltering hot summer day when the air is still. Photochemical smog traps the heat and a dome forms such that the temperature increases as you go up in elevation. The phrase “Greenhouse Effect” became popularized because of this localized problem that occurs in metropolitan centers.
Anyone who owns a car understands the concept. Likening the atmosphere to a car’s windshield is a bit silly. But laypeople buy into it.
Just like now.
The sky is not falling.
You don’t understand what I meant. Maybe I don’t speak English. Or, more probably, I’m speaking to Englishmen. There’s the rub. Englishmen suffer from English language challenged-ness.
Anyhow, you didn’t answer the question. Is .04% of the atmosphere a little or a lot? How can you tell? Because sometimes an amount that small is all you need. How can I tell it is a small number, when I have nothing to compare it to. Maybe what seem, at first glance, like small amounts of carbon dioxide are really large amounts, because those “small” amounts are all it takes to warm things up right nice.
There is a comparison. Listen to the old guys who spent their entire lives studying the history of the atmosphere. You won’t find it on Google because they censor the searches because their scientific knowledge conflicts with the UN climate assessment. NASA can give you an answer. The climate screamers like to hire real rocket scientists to intimidate those going against the narrative. Photosynthesis is the answer. As carbon dioxide levels increased in the atmosphere what happened to the plants? It’s all in the fossil evidence. They have a real good idea on how the atmosphere was changing. No one cares to understand the evidence that is screaming loudly and clearly that climate alarmists are wrong. Not rocket science. Just plain old geologists making sense of things. Don’t trust Google or Wikipedia to do your digging.
A bit depressing but it doesn’t look like there will ever be a 10/7 truth movement.
I wouldn’t be so sure. Even former IDF soldiers are questioning elements of the official narrative (concerning border security and ridiculously slow response times) and now we’re hearing about the Hannibal Directive (official Israeli policy to kill Israelis), as well as tales of hostages being treated exceptionally well by Hamas.
Independent investigative news sites, such as The Grayzone, has its fair share of Jewish commentators who are all utterly scathing of Israel’s genocidal actions. Then there’s the response of fair-minded people around the world who have protested in their thousands because of the atrocities they’re hearing about and because they don’t believe Western narratives which excuse the Israeli government. This will backfire on any politicians seen to be supporting war crimes.
10/7 will be seen as the point in time large numbers of people completely lost trust in Western governments.
These experienced politicians probably know what they are doing.
British neo-liberal politicians havent held China up in admiration and as an example to copy for nothing.
The 107 truth movement will consist of nothing people insisting, against the evidence, that the Israel Defense Forces are omnipotent; that it is impossible to outflank them; that they are superhuman in all respects.
Some truth movement.
I’ll forgive this POS professor of economics when he publicly sets fire to his Ph.D. in economics diploma like a 1970s draft card and takes a job as a dishwasher.
The administration of this forum has obviously been told to ignore the current elephant in the living room : The mass murder in Gaza. The memo has reached others as well. Writers that wrote copiously on the subject in the past including Chomsky and Pilger have remained silent proving once more that they are fake opposition. Others we looked up to like RFK jr have shown themselves to be spineless functionaries of the deep state. RFK jr has betrayed the legacy of his family. Some of the alt media including this site have proven to be controllable safety valves that can be used to divert attention away from the atrocities are being committed by the appendages of the race conscious banksters.
Are we looking at the manufactured catalyst for a global holy war ?
If it really is Armaggedddon then we can look forward to the second coming of Christ.
Which is nice.
There was no first coming. But it does look like some of the crazier rabbinical fantasies are now much closer to fruition. Adam Green has a large collection of Rabbi candidness. Also given that the world is running out of resources Armageddon may be the ideal exit strategy.
According to them lot we are Amelek and are slated for extinction…. or so they think.
He would not be welcome by any gvt, he would be tested until the cows come home, or come and go w/o notice, which is the most likely option.
Why do you Americans refuse to write in full the word ‘with’ or any word which contains that word? Ie, you’ve written “w/o” instead of simply writing the word normally, ie, ‘without’. Americans online do that all the time (writing ‘with’ as ‘w’, ‘without’ as ‘w/o’, ‘withdraw’ as ‘w/d’, ‘within’ as ‘w/in’, etc etc etc. I’ve seen so many instances of that, online). WHY?
And also writing the word ‘because’ as ‘b/c’.
English people, it is proven, are stupid.
Over and above the obvious, self-evident fact that people get tired of thumb-typing on their things, and so they abbreviate (duh), such abbreviations, and many more, like the ampersand for instance, have their origins in medieval monk scribes abbreviating to save precious parchment. So the practice originates in Europe. A continent which English people, in their stupidity, apparently do not think they are a part of.
There’s a world of difference between using the ampersand & being lazy and writing ‘w’ for ‘with’, ‘w/o’ for ‘without’, etc etc.
No, we English are not ‘stupid’.
No, there isn’t. And you think there is because you’re English. Proven to be stupid. Zum beispiel: the English are so stupid that they think they come sliding out of the womb fully equipped with a complete comprehension of the English language just because people call them “English.” That they don’t have to, like, uh, learn it or anything.
When you wrongly claim that we British people are ‘stupid’ (re. writing, spelling, punctuation, etc), you’re actually carrying out projection.
You are logic-challenged. Your accusation implies I am English. And I am not.
I am NOT ‘logic-challenged’. You have completely misinterpreted my post of yesterday. I was most certainly not implying that you are British (the words ‘English’ and ‘England’ are not synonyms for ‘British’/’Britain’/’UK’. England is merely one country of four countries which make up the UK: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. But many Americans seem not to know that). I understand that you’re not British/English.
In your previous post, above (on 30th October, timed at 5.03pm), you oh so wrongly claimed that English people are stupid.
In my post of yesterday, 31 October [timed at 10.58am], I was referring to people who are British. I was not implying that you were one of them. Ie, you have misinterpreted what I was saying.
You gullible, brainwashed, indoctrinated ‘christians’ have been so duped!!
The new Republican Speaker is supposedly some sort of ultra-conservative.
His first action was to conduct a vote of unconditional support for Israel (passed with just 10 votes against). It’s right there one sees the fake left/right divide and the existence of a unaparty.
Agree with you except perhaps for Pilger? He has posted to Twitter in defense of Palestine and also a reminder to watch his ITV film from 2002, Palestine is Still the Issue.
He is 84….will give him the benefit of the doubt….may have some health issue?
RFK Jr’s loud championing of Israel is a great disappointment. I had hoped his stand against unsafe vaccines and mandates would translate into a more general attitude of criticism or at least of skepticism. But I’m not sure about having “betrayed the legacy of his family.” In what sense?
As for Chomsky, a hero of my youth, I gave up on him when he supported mandates and lockdowns. Sixty plus years of wisdom and insight down the drain.
It wouldn’t surprise me if RFK Jr is playing a deep game (genuinely, unlike Putin) and going through the motions of supporting Israel because he knows he will not go far at all in his public office campaign if he doesn’t (he already has colossal ‘official public sphere’ obstacles to overcome due to the power they hold). Does anyone really believe he doesnn’t know who ultimately instigated the murder of his father and uncle (and why); do you really think he hasn’t read the controversial work of the late Michael Collins Piper or Laurent Guyénot?
It’s all so depressing. Here’s something to – sort of – cheer us all up:
The villains of 2003 were helping create the evil world we now live in. Amazingly Iraq abstained in the UN vote on a ceasefire. A nation that was subjected to the kind of barbarism now being inflicted on Gaza.
Michael Leunig, one of the few cartoon journalists who refused to fall into line with the MSM/ Big pHarmer/ Government propaganda on the vaccine scam.
His courage is phenomenal.
Indeed. He paid a price for it too – got sacked by The Age after decades of working for them.
Misprint Folks!
It’s EFFLUENCER not ‘influencer’
As for lockdowns, I wanna know when the genocidalists are gonna be locked down, permanently.