Netanyahu’s TWO genocides

Israelis know that he LET Hamas slaughter them, in furtherance of the vast depopulation effort started by the “vaccination” drive dictated by his GLOBALIST cohorts

Mark Crispin Miller

The following piece went up the day before the bloody raid on Israel, telling of a child who had “died suddenly” of cardiac arrest, at eight years old—three years after being used by Israel’s “health” establishment (and, specifically, his own father, a pediatrician) to get Israeli children “vaccinated,” and obey all other “COVID measures.”

Although the Israeli media has blacked out all such news as thoroughly as in (say) Canada, Australia and New Zealand (and China), the toll of “vaccination” there, in that small country, has been so obvious that many people get it, though most have kept that awareness to themselves.

Thus they’ve been far more outspoken in protesting Netanyahu’s attempted “judicial overhaul,” which was reported audibly by the Israeli media, as well as “our free press” throughout the West.

So Netanyahu had good reason to allow that hideous attack—to get Israelis to forget about the toll of “vaccination” and their anger over his attempt to seize control of Israel’s courts.

Of course, such “wag the dog” manipulation has been used forever to get people to forget news inconvenient to the government—as (say) Ronald Reagan scored his smashing military triumph in Grenada, to “save the medical students” there (though they were in no danger), and thereby change the subject from the 241 Marines killed in Lebanon (where they’d been sent for no good reason); and as Bill Clinton bombed civilian neighborhoods in Belgrade, to halt what “our free press” portrayed as Serbian “genocide,” and thereby change the subject from the scandal over his dalliance with Monica Lewinsky.

But such American examples of the strategy were, of course, far less shattering, and therefore more successful, than Netanyahu’s gambit, since they entailed no deaths in the US, but only very far away, where (needless to say) no Americans had any idea what was really happening, since “our free press,” in both cases (and as usual), hid the one-sided “combat” in a fog of propaganda from the DoD.

Netanyahu’s move was exponentially more catastrophic than the prior tricks played by those US presidents, since it entailed the deaths, and other grievous suffering, of some hundreds of Israelis—a fact that’s now quite clear to ever more of the Israeli people, for whom Netanyahu’s bald inaction is clear proof that Hamas’ raid was no “surprise attack” (any more than “wildfires” caused the torching of Lahaina), but a move against themselves by their own government—a move that has now reconfirmed their quiet sense that Netanyahu’s “vaccination” drive was lethal, by design.

And so, while millions of Americans, and “our free press,” are fervently supporting Netanyahu, his own people want him out—a fact ignored by nearly all the US press:

The following three pieces—two videos and a Substack—tell us precisely why a clear majority of the Israeli people want Netanyahu out of office (at the very least).

1. Peace activist Shai Danon (who links Netanyahu’s “vaccination” drive to the eugenicist Club of Rome):

2. A former IDF commander speaks from his experience:

3. A revealing Substack by Lowell Gallin, about another “sudden death” in Israel:

Just last week on Monday evening (October 2nd, 2023) twenty four year old OFEK, a young Israeli graphic artist who supplemented his income by working part time as a cashier at ZOL B’SHECHUNA (Cheapest in the Neighborhood) SHARON’S MAKOLET dropped dead in the evening of a heart attack.  Attempts to resuscitate Ofek failed.  A few hours before Ofek’s MURDER BY HOLOCAUST INJECTION Ofek called his Mom and said, “Mommy, I don’t feel well”.  A few hours later Ofek was on the floor of his apartment with our emergency medical service medics attempting to save Ofek from going through The Door of No Return (for the moment, until the Resurrection of the Dead).

They failed. Ofek was pronounced dead that evening (Monday, October 2nd, 2023). 

SHARON, who is of Moroccan Jewish ancestry, as was Ofek:  When I asked Sharon last week on Thursday morning (October 5th, 2023) if Ofek died, SHARON’S FIRST RESPONSE was “YES, Ofek is dead.  Some people say it was because of the ‘vaccine'”.

That was Sharon’s FIRST RESPONSE.  When I saw Sharon yesterday morning (Sunday, October 8th), to find out when and where Ofek was buried (Givat Shaul) and where the shiva (seven day mourning period) is being held (Ofek’s grandma’s home near Kiryat Yovel), I told Sharon:

“You are one of the very few native born Israelis I can talk too about REALITY without the Brain Dead Mind Blocking Wall of ‘Those are Teorat Conspiratzia’ [Conspiracy Theories] going up and the “phone line” going off.”

Sharon said to me, “Aryeh, you are WRONG, there are MANY, MANY, MANY like me who KNOW that what you and those like you are saying is TRUE.  However, most of us who KNOW that the ‘Conspiracy Theories’ are closer to REAL REALITY than the Party Line Propaganda we hear from Our Rulers don’t speak openly about it.”

Such pieces give the context for this rare story in the corporate media:

Israeli anger at Netanyahu erupts at hospital bedsides”
October 19, 2023

Meanwhile, outside the cineplex of Western “journalism,” we find (real) news that more than justifies Israeli rage at Netanyahu. If this story, for example, has been noted anywhere by “our free press,” I haven’t seen it:

And then there’s this:

Israeli Forces Shot Their Own Civilians, Kibbutz Survivor Says:

“Why I believe this was an inside job”:

“It has to be an inside job”:

* * *

So here we have another “sudden” global trauma, with “our free press” again reporting only the Official Story—another deadly melodrama bearing no relation to what really happened, since its true purpose is to stupefy us all with fear and anger (at each other).

Thus this inflammatory “story” harks back to the Allied propaganda drive against “the Hun” over a century ago; and, of course, Hamas’s hideous—and dubious—“surprise attack” harks back more specifically to 9/11, as some have cogently observed:

“Israel’s 9/11 Moment”?!

Former IDF tower guard blows whistle raising questions about authenticity of official “surprise” narrative. In his recent Substack, Robert Morningstar points toward some of the many parallels between 9/11 and the Hamas attack, Sun, Oct 8, 2023 at 8:25 pm. Richard Gage

Is Israel’s “9-11” another Inside Job?

In this episode of TNT Radio’s Chris Smith Show, I was asked to share my analysis on the new war in the Middle East and tie these developments into the efforts to disrupt China, Iran and Russia’s efforts to bring about a Eurasian development strategy. Matthew Ehret

Israel’s 9/11 – The similarities are uncanny…

It’s only been a few days since Hamas attacked Israel. It’s being called Israel’s 9/11. I agree and for reasons different from what the public is being told.Thousands of innocent people have been killed by the terrorist acts last week. Emotions are running high. Calls for immediate retaliation are being met by others that urge prudence.Madhava Setty

Israel’s 9/11

Sorry, but I’ve seen this movie before. I saw it in New York in 2001. On the afternoon of September 11, I stood among the crowd on the Brooklyn Heights Promenade and watched what was left of the Twin Towers burn. Walking home as the sun was setting, it appeared to be snowing. It wasn’t snowing. The snowflakes were bits and pieces of paper..CJ Hopklns

And yet we can’t grasp the apocalyptic import of the Israel story, or its evil brilliance, by looking back to World War I, or 2001—or, for that matter, to any chapter in the prior history of Israel and Palestine, or the calamitous pre-history of antisemitism (as we still inaccurately call it) in the West.

Indeed, in order to perceive what’s really happening here, we must forget all that, and focus just on the uniquely shattering history of the last three years; for the horror that started on October 7 is but the latest of the serial catastrophes that have been hitting all of us since “the coronavirus” seemed to strike in January, 2020, ravaging the world as we had known it, and putting most of us beside ourselves with fear and rage (at one another).

According to the “COVID” melodrama pushed worldwide by most governments and all of “our free press” (a milestone in the history of propaganda), “SARS-CoV-2” roared “suddenly” and murderously out of Asia (like the Huns), requiring that we all lock down, wear masks and vehemently shun each other, or else we’d all die—and those who doubted it out loud were either silenced or condemned (and, often, worse), their expertise dismissed, while all those who would not comply were cast as Nazis (like Trump, whom “our free press” had, in a preparatory melodrama launched before the 2016 election, cast as Hitler).

Far from “saving lives,” that Big Lie killed millions mainly through economic devastation; and, despite the endless mewings of “humanitarian” concern, the “coronavirus” propaganda was an outright symphony of hate, demonizing those whose non-compliance was “putting everyone at risk”—all of them contemptuously smeared as “far-right” yahoos—and thereby filling them with fear and anger, too.

Some four months into that world-shattering campaign, the “COVID” story was compounded, and its purpose further served, by the murder of George Floyd—or “the murder of George Floyd,” since there are grounds for doubting that he did die of asphyxiation under Derek Chauvin’s foot. That it was fentanyl and heart disease that killed him is now under debate, between Dr. Pierre Kory and George Parry; though that debate is only here on Substack, since “our free press” (of course) won’t touch it.

In any case, the cause of death aside, that (second) “sudden melodrama out of Minneapolis had—just like the “virus” panic—all the earmarks of a global propaganda blow-out, from the video’s bizarre theatricality (since when do cops engaged in murder just stand there letting someone film it?), to its instant global resonance, with well-oiled protests as far afield as Ghana and Japan, and all the predatory billionaires, top banks and major corporations “suddenly” concerned about “black lives.”

All that propaganda served to deepen the division between blacks and whites, bolster the humanitarian pose of the Covidians on high, demonize the police (easing their eventual replacement by AI and robot-dogs), and—not least—deal yet another body blow to the American economy, as “anti-racist” riots nationwide (the perps not wearing masks) trashed countless businesses already reeling from the lockdown, while “our free press” dismissed the violence as a racist myth (although it did more harm to black-owned businesses than any others coast to coast).

Meanwhile, throughout those months of “sudden” urban chaos (with police forces oddly standing down in city after city—and, in Boston, even placing piles of bricks near protest sites), the “COVID” melodrama inched toward its long atrocious climax in the “vaccination” drive that was supposed to “save” us all (and black people in particular!) from “death by COVID.”

Once the “vaccination” melodrama finally started in December, 2020, “our free press” (of course) kept right on telling only the Official Story, and attacking anyone who questioned it, so that the same majority who didn’t know that “COVID” wasn’t really all that dangerous, and that HCQ and (especially) Ivermectin were effective remedies, now didn’t know (and all too many still don’t know) that those “vaccines” are not just ineffective, but also far more dangerous than “the virus” ever was, or could have been.

Thus “our free press” did something even worse than merely black out all the necessary daylight that our free press was initially enabled to provide (with constitutional protection to that end). By terrorizing millions (for no reason), while hyping “vaccination” as our only possible escape from all that fear, “our free press” totally (and, in all too many cases, permanently) blinded them, so that they now can’t see the truth, even when it’s right in front of them, and even when it’s killing them and/or their loved ones.

Thus “our free press” was used to traumatize those millions into risking suicide, and into hating anyone who’s warned them not to do it (a trauma that has also blinded countless of the “journalists” themselves).

As the (planned) continuation of the “virus” panic, the “vaccination” drive did not, of course, (apparently) come out of nowhere, like “COVID” and “the murder of George Floyd”—and “January 6,” another “sudden” trauma that “our free press” hyped stridently, for months, hammering the Official Story of an “insurrection,” even though it was demonstrably preposterous at the time, especially to anyone who went online and watched the many grass-roots videos of the Capitol Police, not “overwhelmed” by protestors, but ushering them in.

That the whole show was an FBI production, not a “coup attempt” (all its “participants” unarmed), is a fact well-known to those who’ve bothered looking into it, while “our free press” (of course) has laughed it off as one more “conspiracy theory” pushed by the “far right”—just like the abundant solid evidence that Biden/Harris hadn’t really been elected.

Far from urging that such evidence should be adjudicated (as ought to be routine in a democracy), “our free press” merely bellows that there isn’t any, using “January 6” to cast “election denial” (a variant of “Holocaust denial”) as sedition, and those engaging in it as “domestic terrorists,” who therefore deserve to be in federal prison, often under torturous conditions—because they’re “fascists.”

Thus “January 6” ramped up the propaganda effort to dehumanize all those resisting “COVID measures,” so as to justify their persecution—exactly the same strategy whereby all dissidents, from 1947 until 1960 (and beyond), were tagged as “communists,” although the vast majority were not (nor, under the Bill of Rights, did those few who were deserve such treatment), just as the tens of thousands protesting in DC on January 6 were not a horde of Nazis but a multitude as peaceful as it was diverse. That they weren’t Nazis, and were not in Washington to seize the government—and that “our” government itself was following the Nazi playbook by arresting and imprisoning so many of the opposition, using “January 6” as Hitler used the Reichstag fire—are facts that those calling themselves “liberals” and “the left” can’t see, “our free press” having once more traumatized them all into fascistic blindness.

While pounding on that melodrama through the rest of 2021 (and beyond), “our free press” maintained its traumatic focus on the existential urgency of “vaccination”—a drive that slowly, and inevitably, lost its power, as ever fewer of the “vaccinated” got their boosters, and certain lies about “the virus” finally started to collapse.

By 2022, it seemed, to some, that “COVID” might be over at long last—then, “suddenly,” on February 25, Putin launched his brutal, unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, our peaceful little democratic ally, as Hitler did to Poland, blah blah blah. Thus “our free press” abruptly shifted melodramas, now bellowing a story of “Ukraine” as misleading and (potentially) as lethal as the “vaccination” story that they kept on bellowing as well. Having vigorously pushed the propaganda fiction of the “Maidan Revolution” in 2014, the government-and-media continued blacking out the loud, proud Nazi elements in the Kiev regime, and their prolific slaughter of the Russian-speaking people in the East—facts dismissed as “Russian propaganda.”

Thus the millions who, for eight years, had been fiercely disinformed by “our free press” were now outraged by Putin’s “unprovoked” invasion, since the provocations (14,000 slaughtered in the East, US/NATO encroachment, biowarfare plants throughout the country’s West, etc.) were unknown to them.

Thus the same millions who believed religiously in masks, detested “anti-vaxxers,” worshipped BLM and wanted all those “insurrectionists” locked up were all now just as rabidly supportive of Zelensky, putting up Ukrainian flags (some even wearing blue-and-yellow), and spitting fire at anyone who dared to disagree out loud.

* * *

By now, the master-scheme of serial catastrophe was clear enough to those of us who could still see, or who had finally started seeing, that we began to speculate aloud as to what might come next, in furtherance of the Great Reset. Would it be a “sudden” famine? A (“Russian”) cyber-takedown of the power grid? An “alien invasion” (that is, from Mars, not Mexico)?

While any of such Next Big Things would have been rather obvious, the one that has now hit us is not just the most spectacularly violent, but—after “COVID,” and the “vaccination” drive—the most seductive of them all; for even most of those who have seen through the prior melodramas cannot see the one that’s raging now for what it really is; because this “sudden” conflagration burning worldwide from the Middle East seems so familiar, and the feeling it has sparked all over is so violent, that it’s hard to see the globalist design of this new nightmare, too.

There is one thing that’s new about this latest propaganda drive since January, 2020. Whereas the others all united what we (very loosely) call “the left” (along with certain sectors of the GOP) against the “far-right” bogey, this one has abruptly split that gross alliance, as both parties—Trump et al. included—and the “liberal media” have (predictably) swung virulently Zionist, while the “woke” masses (predictably, and, often, virulently) “stand with Palestine,” along with some few politicians, movie stars and rappers. This livid falling-out has only weakened the antagonists, since both sides are disabled by a common blindness to what’s really happening to them both (and all the rest of us).

“We are the people of light, they are the people of darkness—and light shall triumph over darkness.” Thus spake Netanyahu two days ago, spelling out the Manichaean vision that “our free press” has, by and large, been variously pitching since October 7, and that has Zionists beside themselves with open genocidal rage, not just at Hamas, and/or its armed confederates, but at the Gazans overall, and, no doubt, all Palestinians.

It was, of course, the “sudden” horror of Hamas’s attack, and the endless invocation of the Holocaust by the Israeli government (and, therefore, by “our free press”), that now has Zionists not only cheering as the IDF kills thousands more than Hamas killed (and forcibly “relocates” many thousands more), but attacking anyone who isn’t cheering, too, demanding that whoever doesn’t “stand with Israel” be censored, fired, expelled from school or otherwise eliminated in a crackdown that makes “cancel culture” seem (almost) benign.

This ferocious drive against the Palestinians, and anyone who advocates on their behalf, is wholly based on the Official Story that “our free press” (as usual) will not question, even though the Israeli people don’t believe it, since there is overwhelming evidence against it—evidence that “our free press” will not report, just as it has long blacked out the agony in Gaza (and those eight years of Nazi violence in East Ukraine).

And as the Zionists have been disastrously misled by the Official Story, so have those who applauded Hamas’s bloody raids, voicing “exhilaration” over what they took to be a righteous counter-blow against the occupying power, like the heroic uprising in the Warsaw ghetto. While Gaza does recall the Warsaw ghetto, Hamas’s “surprise attack” does not recall that uprising, which actually did come as a surprise (and, of course, killed no civilians), whereas “October 7” clearly was an “inside job,” as the Israeli people know—an inconvenient fact for all who now want to see still more people die, whether Israelis, Gazans, Jews, Palestinians, Muslims or whomever else they hate, for whatever reason (or no reason).

So let us finally pose the crucial question: Who benefits from the catastrophe that may now sweep us all away, if we don’t break the spell of the Official Story? It’s surely not the Zionists, since Netanyahu obviously isn’t one, or he wouldn’t have forced “vaccination” on his people, through what may well have been the toughest “vaccine” mandate in the world. Despite his reputation, and his demagogic rhetoric, Netanyahu would appear to be a globalist, not a Zionist (and so is probably a Mason, not a Jew).

Certainly this latest melodrama is now speedily intensifying the repressive trends that started with the rollout of “the virus,” from ever-tighter censorship, to still “smarter” surveillance, to the splintering of opposition, to the exacerbation of the refugee crisis, and so on, as this acute OffGuardian piece makes clear:

The Israel-Hamas War is ALREADY Pushing the Great Reset Agenda”
Kit Knightly, Off-Guardian.org, October 20 2023

Now, let’s return to the only bit of good news in this whole hyper-barbaric episode—that the Israeli people get it, not just about Hamas’s “surprise attack,” but about the “vaccination” drive that Netanyahu forced on them, and which now has them “dying suddenly” week after week, along with other peoples the world over.

Could it be that Netanyahu actually is not the ultimate or only author of “October 7,” and that its purpose wasn’t just to save his hide politically?

Is it not possible that, just as “his” drive to “vaccinate” all the Israeli people was probably dictated from on high, he organized “October 7,” or okayed it, on the orders of the same powers who’ve been ravaging the world since January, 2020?

Not only is this crisis serving perfectly to foster still more chaos, division and economic ruination overall, but, more precisely, it has (at least for now) completely drowned out the Israelis’ quiet, shared awareness that “vaccination” is a stroke of democide, imposed worldwide not with the noble goal of “saving lives,” but—on the contrary—to end as many lives as possible, for the purpose of extreme depopulation everywhere (as Bill Gates once incautiously revealed, when he referred to the eventual concluding phase of global “vaccination” as “the final solution”).

The last thing that our masters want is for the Israelis’ consciousness of what’s been done to them to spread to other countries, so that enough of us wake up, and unify enough to put an end to these catastrophes at last.

And so those whose eyes are now so full of blood that they just want to see more people die—whether Jews or Palestinians—had better understand, for their own sake, that those behind the “vaccination” drive agree with you, and with your enemy, since they want nearly all of us to die, and the sooner the better.

So if you can’t stop hating any others to the point of wanting them all dead, go ahead and keep it up. It’s your funeral (assuming anyone will be around to bury you).

Germany, 1938:

Germany, 2021:

Israel, 2021:

As to where Netanyahu’s really coming from, those interested in knowing more may find this piece interesting:

Spook, Terrorist or Criminal? America’s Mysterious Files on Netanyahu”
Neve Gordon, October 1996

Mark Crispin Miller is Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University and the author of several books, including Boxed In: The Culture of TV; Seeing Through Movies; Mad Scientists: The Secret History of Modern Propaganda; Spectacle: Operation Desert Storm and the Triumph of Illusion; and The Bush Dyslexicon. You can read more of his work on his Substack and through his newsletter, News from the Underground


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Categories: Israel, Israel-Hamas, latest
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Nov 1, 2023 6:57 AM

This morning I found out my friends’ vaccinated 4 year old son died from an aggressive brain tumor. Two days ago I found out a vaccinated 26 year old circus student in our small community died of several stage 4 cancers in various organs. Five days ago I found out a former boyfriend just had his liver operated on to remove cancer — this following the removal of his colon due to cancer a few months back. He’s early 30s, and of course, vaccinated. And then there’s Matthew Perry, who I knew personally back in my Hollywood days. Was his heart attack in the jacuzzi also a result of his firm belief in the vaccination?

This has been a tough week, and the craziest part is how people still cannot connect the dots. It all feels more surreal than my 14 years in Tinseltown working in the Make Believe factory.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 1, 2023 9:06 AM
Reply to  Guenonsbitch

After reading a lot of stories like yours I have kept my own vaxxed real life surroundings under 5 eyes control and have found and heard nothing.
Maybe they were exceptional and just got saltwater. Just referencing my realm.

Nov 1, 2023 11:49 AM
Reply to  Guenonsbitch

I don’t want to add to your misery, but check out Children’s Health Defense Bus Tour with Polly Tommey which began in September on a cross country trek. Interviewing people injured or effected by family members death, with the cshot and protocol.
I am well aware of the injection injury and death, but was not aware the degree of the deaths before that from hospital protocols The stories are harrowing.
You forget that patient after patient got dropped off at ERs and had to say goodbye to family members. And were stuck in hospitals with only one visit per day. Family members watched love ones die, from a window outside the room.
The ventilator/remdesivir/neglect stories are as bad as the injection tales.
I know a 39 year old perfectly healthy healthcare worker who felt a lump near her rib, had it checked out, and it was Stage 4 Lung cancer.
They started immunotherapy immediately.
Things were progressing well but an autoimmune issue required a halt in the treatment.
Then an issue with myocarditis complicated things.
So this girl got the trifecta. Cancer, Autoimmune disease and Myocarditis.
Is anyone, but us, connecting the dots?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 2, 2023 2:31 PM
Reply to  judith

Could you explain? The hospital protocols were patients with real covid? What has your health care worker with cancer to do with the “virus”.
Regrets, your story sounds interesting but confusing.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 3, 2023 8:24 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

I cant even ask a question without two down thumbs? This is worse than nasi censorship hetler germany  😂 .

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 5, 2023 2:30 AM

We need a theme; a song; some visuals. We want you to produce a pageant.

There are “Nazis” in Ukraine just as there are “Nazis” in Gaza; just as there were “Nazis” at Charlottesville; just as there were “Nazis” at Jan 6; just as there was a “Nazi” at Christchurch; just as there was a “Nazi” at Buffalo; etc. But Miller seems blind to the possibility that all these “Nazis” were just a rerun of the same old, theatrical script. So now, according to Ehud Barak et al, Gaza is about to be “denazified” – and at least some of the blame lies with all the pushers of the “Nazi” crap!

The Nazis in Ukraine are just as real, and dangerous, as those “vaccines”
Some videos and articles attest to the extreme brutality of those fanatics; and the Western media’s denial that there ARE Nazis in Ukraine makes all of them accomplices to crimes against humanity
Mark Crispin Miller
12 Mar 2022

Nov 5, 2023 1:38 AM

comment image

Nov 4, 2023 4:24 PM

The divide and control is brilliantly handled.

A new country created through violence and displacement of people and with a long and bloody history of savagery and oppression that seems almost insane in its extremes.

But then this country is a Jewish homeland with all the emotions of past guilt and trauma that brings to Jews and non-jews alike.

And the displaced people make sometimes racist proclamations that can also reawaken those traumas and guilt.

Polarization inevitable.

Some will be outraged by the clear abuses of the new state, while others will view any attack on this state, physical or verbal, to be an echo of the terrible Nazi atrocities we are all told about.

Both have such unambiguous “right” on their side in the form of lost lives, persecution and trauma that they will be incapable of seeing beyond the outrage that speaks more to them. Plus fear of being “antisemitic” will further alienate any dispassionate analysis.

And so we have now a perfect tool for the globalists to use.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 4, 2023 2:37 AM

Ehud Barak is fully onboard with the genocidal land-clearance of Gaza. And his role in this scripted pageant is to push the standard limited hangout of “failings” and “incompetence”. — https://www.france24.com/en/tv-shows/t%C3%AAte-%C3%A0-t%C3%AAte/20231016-ex-israeli-pm-ehud-barak-netanyahu-doesn-t-have-the-trust-of-the-people-or-the-army Israel’s former PM Ehud Barak: ‘Netanyahu doesn’t have the trust of the people or the army’ Oct 16, 2023 In an interview with FRANCE 24, Israel’s former premier Ehud Barak (1999-2001) said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has neither the trust of the Israeli people nor that of the army following a devastating attack by Hamas last week. He also said Israel had no choice but to launch a ground offensive in Gaza in response if it wants to defeat Hamas definitively. Barak acknowledged that a ground invasion of Gaza would take weeks, perhaps even several months, after which he suggested control of Gaza should be gradually handed over to the Palestinian Authority. When asked about Sunday’s comments by US President Joe Biden that it would be a “big mistake” for Israel to occupy Gaza, he said that the staunch support of the US was highly appreciated in Israel, but that no “recommendations” should be given by the US when it comes to strategy. He admitted that the war would inevitably cause “collateral damage” in Gaza, but said Israel was careful to warn inhabitants to move out of the area targeted, brushing aside criticism from the UN that Gaza was under complete siege. The former Israeli premier described the Hamas attack on October 7 as the “greatest failure in the history of the State of Israel”, both because Israel failed to prevent the attack and also because of the delay in sending troops to protect Israeli citizens. More than 1,400 Israelis were killed, the majority of them civilians, in Hamas’s surprise attack on Israel. At least 2,670 Palestinians have… Read more »

Nov 6, 2023 4:01 AM

“limited hangout of “failings” and “incompetence”” – At least he’s not just blaming climate change or claiming coincidence LOL. Getting their excuses in line already? Hmmm.

Nov 3, 2023 6:53 PM

Is it worth noting that the mainstream is increasingly putting both sides of the conflict out there. It’s not just people like Glen Greenwald and Corbyn accusing Israel of mass slaughter. Sky News in my country (UK) features content sympathetic to Palestine. So does Channel 4 and even the BBC a little.

We never saw this during the recent Ukraine conflict. It does seem like they are trying to make cases for both sides, as if the divisiveness is a principle goal this time

Nov 3, 2023 6:08 PM

Whilst I only read this article this morning, I found it totally brilliant – like something CJ Hopkins would write, or some of the people running Off-G.

However, I must point out, that the day after the most recent event, I spent an hour watching David Icke, saying much the same thing….as numerous other people have, since at least covid, and in David Icke’s case for about the last 30 years or so.

No one has really “outed” them all, and providing conclusive evidence, that these individuals are responsible on a Global Basis, for the current on-going Worldwide Depopulation event.

One of the blokes who said it best, was the undertaker from Milton Keynes, who went to a meeting in Westminster with about 10 others re covid jabs and death.

The meeting was hosted, by the bloke who is right at the top of the Tory Party in selecting Prime Ministers etc..To give him his due, I thought he was really good, hosting this meeting – even if all the Prime Ministers are Rubbish.

So when asked “Who Exactly is in Control of Thie Global Depopulation event” – and that was just the jabs – not the wars..

“That is well above my Pay Grade”

Even Tobias Ellwood, seems to be getting worried, and even managed to get fired.

How’s Catte Black? I always thought her articles were class.


Nov 3, 2023 5:02 PM

If the so called Hamas raid was Israel’s 9/11 moment does that mean it was an inside job?? Is it not strange that during this latest money making atrocity that no one in the media has mentioned the 4 by 2’s dancing in the streets of New York on 9/11, I wonder why?

Nov 3, 2023 9:22 AM

Well an interesting framing of the recent developments in Israel but it also shows how the overall worldview shapes the analysis of a specific event and can be misleading as well in my opinion. Dealing with Israel jewish endtime believing groups like Chabad Lubavitch aiming to enact all the necessary conditions so their Moshiac returns to earth ruling the world from Jerusalem in the rebuild temple. In general I also wanna point to 2 in my view quite powerful organizations gathering movers and shakers on the right,conservative side of the spectrum one in the US and the other one in continental europe. Council for National Policy..Funded in 1981 by the former evangelical preacher Tim Lahey and originally financed by Nelson Bunker Hunt,Nelson Rockefeller,the Unification Church aka Moon sect,the Coke and Coors,Regnery Family,among others. Members of the CNP were involved in the Iran-Contra affair,funding of Al-Quaida,and the PNAC document..Every republican presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan spoke in front of CNP members before getting nominated as candidate on the republican convention. Every head of the CNP with one exception was also member of the Knights of Malta. The CNP doesn’t publish membership lists itself but lists were leaked and the CNP didn’t deny the authenticity of the lists. To name a few famous former or current members of the CNP now..Mike Pence,Rudy Giuliani,Mike Pompeo,John Bolton,Steve Bannon.Michael Flynn,Erik Prince,Peter Thiel,Kenneth Blackwell,Betsy Devos,Tom Fitton(Judicial Watch),Oliver North(iran-Contra affair),Paul Craig Roberts,Richard deVos,Joseph Coors,Pierre du Pont,Jerry Falwell,Edwin Feulner(Heritage Foundation),Foster Friess(financed Turning Point USA with Charlie Kirk),Jesse Helms,Nelson Bunker Hunt,Herbert William Hunt,Jack Kamp,Tim Lahey,Larry McDonald(also John Birch Society),Edwin Meese the third,Charles Missler,Grover Norquist,Larry Pratt,Pat Robertson,Phyllis Schlafly,General John Singlaub(Iran-Contra affair,Cleon Skousen(Mormon mafia),Edward Teller(inventor of the neutron bomb),Richard Viguerie,Paul Weyrich etc…Here an introduction into the Council for National Policy..https://odysee.com/$/playlist/25243a889377da7f090077f599968d74241a063c. Here the links to the two part documentary series provided by researcher Josh Reeves… Read more »

Manfred Meyer
Manfred Meyer
Nov 3, 2023 8:07 AM

The one organization that undoubtedly and openly has a depopulation agenda is Hamas.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 3, 2023 12:38 PM
Reply to  Manfred Meyer

“undoubtedly and openly”? Hamas? You mean that bogey man whose presence comes to us entirely through the same media that has been pushing covid, climate and men claiming to be women?

Manfred Meyer
Manfred Meyer
Nov 3, 2023 12:49 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I mean Hamas.

You don’t know what media I use and their position on covid, climate change and men claiming to be women.
You write:
« You mean that bogey man whose presence comes to us entirely through the same media that has been pushing covid, climate and men claiming to be women? »
That entirely shows your ignorance.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 3, 2023 2:38 PM
Reply to  Manfred Meyer

Oh your opinion shows openly which media you use.

Manfred Meyer
Manfred Meyer
Nov 3, 2023 7:47 PM
Reply to  George Mc

So, which media do I use?

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 3, 2023 8:03 PM
Reply to  Manfred Meyer

THE media i.e. the great Cthulhuoid monstrosity that finally revealed itself in 2020.

Manfred Meyer
Manfred Meyer
Nov 4, 2023 12:20 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Get a job. Get a girlfriend.

Nov 3, 2023 2:47 PM
Reply to  Manfred Meyer

Straight into the trap……oh please. HAMAS was created by Israel, Mossad and the CIA and is controlled by the same hand that controls Israel and all our governments.

Manfred Meyer
Manfred Meyer
Nov 4, 2023 12:21 AM
Reply to  Ben

I wish I were as smart and well-informed as you so that I could avoid traps.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 3, 2023 6:54 AM

Where have we heard this “distraction” narrative before?

Wanted by the CIA: Julian Assange – Wikileaks founder
By Matthew Bell
Belfast Telegraph
July 19 2010

His obsession with secrecy, both in others and maintaining his own, lends him the air of a conspiracy theorist. Is he one? “I believe in facts about conspiracies,” he says, choosing his words slowly. “Any time people with power plan in secret, they are conducting a conspiracy. So there are conspiracies everywhere. There are also crazed conspiracy theories. It’s important not to confuse these two. Generally, when there’s enough facts about a conspiracy we simply call this news.” What about 9/11? “I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.” What about the Bilderberg conference? “That is vaguely conspiratorial, in a networking sense. We have published their meeting notes.”

Noam Chomsky on JFK & 9/11 truth: “Who Cares?!”

Nov 3, 2023 2:50 PM

Noam Chomsky is a c…nt of epic proportions who is clearly spouting drivel to support a line of propaganda. His position on forced vaccinations was puke inducing and very revealing as to this silly old gits agenda.

Nov 3, 2023 2:17 AM

An outline of this part of the plan has been published in advance.

“”The The World Economic Forum published a video called “8 predictions for the world in 2030”. The first statement begins “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy”. This statement about being deprived of property rights has gotten a lot of attention, but we should not fail to consider the second statement: “The U.S. won’t be the worlds’ leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate”.””

The old order must fail so the new order will be accepted.

Nov 3, 2023 12:31 AM

We should be focussing on the word ‘deception’ – this will tell us a hell of a lot?. What is Mossad’s motto again?

Nov 3, 2023 12:19 AM

Are there connections/patterns between each of these insider-people’s words/works? If there are patterns, what picture is being shown?

(1) Freemason Albert Pike in his book Morals and Dogma stated that they will try to “start WWIII between the Arabs and Zionist Israel”.

(2) The Prophecy of the Vilna Gaon (aka plan): “When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, the ‘Times of the Messiah’ have started, that his steps are being heard”.

(3) Henry Kissinger said in a speech in 2012: “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel”.

(4) Ukraine was invaded for a number of reasons including to create Heavenly Jerusalem (Israel2.0) – admitted by Israelis like Netanyahu, Russians like Medvedev, and Ukrainians like Berkut and Zelensky.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Nov 2, 2023 8:09 PM

Even when you know very well the IDF slaughtered everyone and even the released hostages were treated well you perssit the the racist bullshit of a hideous massacre by Hamas, talk about pre conditioned

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 3, 2023 7:58 AM

Yes I have noticed that the “hideous massacre by Hamas” is always shoved down your throat RIGHT AT THE START of any media story. It’s the great dogma, the automatic presupposition. Just like “the deadly pandemic” or “the defenceless transgender children” etc.

alex baton
alex baton
Nov 3, 2023 8:34 AM
Reply to  George Mc

My God, the stupidity just thunders on here, doesn’t it, unstoppably….I tried to initiate a discussion about this but no….It’s like trying to talk to your local hospital’s Nursing Union rep about COVID… So you’ve noticed a parallel between “the hideous massacre by Hamas” and “the deadly pandemic”, George? Can you be a bit more specific? I know from experience and some basic research that nobody actually died in “the deadly pandemic”. Even the statistics published by the people who ran it show that there was no excess mortality and that in 2020-22 pretty much the same number and kind of people who die in every three-year period. So I take it that you are saying, then, that nobody was actually murdered or raped on October 7th? That the idea of fanatical Islamist Arabs savagely attacking people they consider infidels, and quite especially Jews, is as without historical precedent – and therefore as unworthy of belief – as the idea that we need to institute global martial law for three years in order to combat a respiratory disease? I have to admit that they did manage to hoodwink ME on that one. Perhaps because I happened personally to BE in the 10th arrondissement of Paris at the end of 2015 and actually SAW Arabs running along the banks of the Canal de Saint-Martin gunning random people down on cafe terraces. So I have difficulty, sorry about that, about placing COVID and medieval Islamist savagery on a par with one another… What CAN be wrong with me? What WAS it that led to these optical hallucinations on my part which means I cannot rise to your level of analysis? Oh look, the previous poster enlightens us here. It’s my “racist bullshit” that makes me think I saw Islamist Arabs savagely cutting… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 3, 2023 11:41 AM
Reply to  alex baton

Well Alex, interestingly, your very first paragraph mirrors exactly the same blustering impatience as effected by the media in both the original “pandemic horror” and the recent “Hamas horror”. “Oh my God it’s just so obvious that – (insert screaming hyperbolic foaming atrocity porn) – has happened /is happening! Only a fool can’t see it!” etc etc.

And then I see you are playing the “Oh my God I was there and saw it happen!” card. Fine. Well ….(clears throat and strikes a dramatic pose) …. “I just drove past stacks of piled up covid addled corpses! Are you calling me a liar?!”

alex baton
alex baton
Nov 3, 2023 1:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Well, I hate to use a word that has gotten such a bad reputation among us “conspiracy theorists” as “dialectics” but it looks very much like we’re drawing up on a case of it here that Hegel would have been delighted to stumble upon. You deplore, I see, in a post that you wrote just before this one the ever more widely-propagated view that “a man can turn into a woman”. I share your deploration of it and I’m sure you’ll agree that one of the main reasons that people can keep saying they subscribe to it and still stay within the Overton window is because globalism has seen to it that the last two generations or more have had the philosophical principles of “post-modernism”, whereby nothing is real, everything is a narrative that can be “re-narrativized”, fed to them at college and even, for the youngest, at secondary and primary school. Our anti-globalist position, I’m sure you will also agree, has always been defined in terms of a resistance to this sort of thing. And yet here we find you taking such an anti-globalist “hard line” that you seem to have entered the very post-modernist/trans-sexualist position so to speak “by the back door”: Everything, you claim, comes to us as a construct created by “the media”. Even when someone speaks, as I just did, about a personally lived experience, you deny that it could have really been one. You put it on a par with the myths of “mass graves” created by CNN, or invented by partisan “health dictatorship” advocates, in 2020 and 2021. At this point, obviously, the possibility of debate and discussion just dies. We just have to wait in our little pods and subsist on the desperate devout faith that some nice black man will come… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 3, 2023 5:38 PM
Reply to  alex baton

Even when someone speaks, as I just did, about a personally lived experience, you deny that it could have really been one.

Astonishing logic. You assume that because you claim something happened to you then I must automatically assume it to be true. Why?

The possibility of debate, far from being negated by my “transgressive attitude”, is actually opened up by it. The alternative is that you effectively have a monologue with yourself since no-one is allowed to doubt anything you say. 

Nov 3, 2023 3:05 PM
Reply to  alex baton

Someone is abit hysterical. How do you KNOW the people in Paris were arabs? You don’t. If it was a false flag event they were operatives. One way of identifying which event maybe viewed as being suspicious of being a false flag is by who the targets are and who dies. Very rarely do the politicians or organs of the state ever get attacked. More often than not it is civilians to create the shock and awe response so desired. When the IRA blew up Margaret Thatchers government in a hotel they were targeting their enemy as they saw it. Apparently most terrorists now see civilians as their enemy. How convenient for the globalists who also want to sow fear in the hearts of everyone. You have no idea who it was who you may or may not have seen shooting guns in Paris. Could be a Mossad agent. Could be CIA. Could by WEF agents. Could be Brits. How did you know they were arabs? Cos the TV told you? That was very fortunate for you to have just stumbled into a situation like that and for you to witness first hand such an atrocity to now amplify to the world as done most assuredly by those dastardly arabs. Arabs also had nothing to do with 9/11 by the way. That was a false flag by Israel and the US.

Nov 4, 2023 6:29 PM
Reply to  alex baton

Having read several of your posts and replies I am interested in finding out quite what position it is that you are trying to take. How do you know which narrative or stance is believable when misinformation manipulation and lies are obviously involved. It would seem that you think those who don’t agree with you are all leftie woke fool’s. But I would think that the majority of people writing for and commenting on OffGuardian are past such devisional constructs and their prime objective is in questioning official narratives and hold power to account regardless of which side of a devide it is. It seems that by labeling people the way you are is exposing your own prejudices. What is the race thing about?. The truth is that we are all just trying to make sense of world events and surely the first thing to do is to always question what it is you are being told to believe and try to see things from a wider view then that which you are being tunnelled toward. And why not because if history has taught us anything it is that polititions and MSM are not always telling us the truth. You can’t get the people to fight your wars if they don’t agree with you about why your having one. And in this most things we are told have differing perspectives depending on who is telling you to make a choice and who’s side you believe in. People are thus primed to take a side and want to believe that side is right and the others side is wrong. That’s why official narratives should be held to account and never blindly accepted. As with left and right in the political spectrum narratives can act as devisional tools of polarization and rather… Read more »

alex baton
alex baton
Nov 5, 2023 10:08 AM
Reply to  Kathy

I have to admit that I didn’t read all of your post. The primary-school-child-level spelling mistakes, line after line, were just too dispiriting for me…


Admin have to admit that we haven’t published all of your comment. We don’t feel anyone is missing all that much, mostly just ridiculous, childish rudeness and posturing.

If you want this comment back, ‘Alex Baton’, you can stop making personal attacks immediately and behave like a grownup, plus you can apologise profusely to this commenter, who made a perfectly acceptable point and didn’t deserve to be attacked so classlessly.

If you fail to do this, I’ll be adding future comments to our pile of vacuous trollers and spammers, because that’s clearly all your output is intended to be.

If you can’t communicate respectfully then you clearly haven’t got anything worth saying.
Thank you,

Manfred Meyer
Manfred Meyer
Nov 3, 2023 8:31 AM

Any evidence for that (I mean: evidence, not silly ramblings like those of Blumenthal on Grayzone)?
And a released hostage stating to have been treated well while other hostages are still being held does in no way prove that the hostages are treated well.

alex baton
alex baton
Nov 3, 2023 9:59 AM
Reply to  Manfred Meyer

Of course she has no evidence, Manfred. She doesn’t need it, you see. It’s just pure a priori reasoning for her that Hamas can’t really have done any harm to anyone because Hamas “militants” have brown skin and and if you say that someone with brown skin has done harm to someone, “dasss racissssss'”… The most grotesque thing is someone who thinks like this accusing other people of being “pre-conditioned”. It’s almost impossible to credit it but there really are people in 2023 who still hold to this 100-year-obsolete notion that “the mainstream media” are “conditioning” us TO BE RACIST. Has anyone who makes such a claim watched one minute of the BBC, or read a page of The Guardian, in the last ten years? We all know that you will not find ONE IOTA of “racist bullshit” there but rather a relentless 24-hour-a-day firehose of bullshit about how “race doesn’t exist” or rather, sorry, that was LAST year, this year it’s “race DOES exist and all races consist of precious beautiful suffering saints except for white people who are devils…” As further illustration of this, and as a sequel to my anecdote about November 2015 in Paris, I remember that, right after the Bataclan attack – which was FAR worse than the media ever reported, with people being castrated and tortured in the night club while the French cops held off consulting with politicians about what to do – the French left adopted OffGuardian tactics and started a big 24-hour-a-day “why can’t we all get along?” sit-in on La Place de la Republique, that they called Nuits Debout, so as to try to drown the sense of national fury against these murdering Arab bastards in some vague “the banksters are really the ones who profit from this” narrative that… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 3, 2023 10:54 AM
Reply to  alex baton

the French left adopted OffGuardian tactics and started a big 24-hour-a-day “why can’t we all get along?” sit-in on La Place de la Republique,

How is that an off guardian tactic?

Seems like you’re attempting to agitate racial prejudices here, coming in large, saying things clearly designed to sound world-weary and mega insightful.

The persona doesn’t really come off tbh. There’s an attention seeking quality which feels kinda unmanly. Some of your points don’t make intelligent sense, like there might be an AI involved. It just doesn’t add up, and feels sophomoric and cringey.

alex baton
alex baton
Nov 3, 2023 12:09 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Every single response you’ve made to my comments in the past few days has been some kind of ad hominem speculation about personal qualities that you have no actual grounds to believe are mine and that would have no bearing on the substance of my arguments even if they were. I feel sincerely inclined at this point to recommend that you make serious efforts to swap the “admin” job you’ve been given here for the position affectionately referred to as “janny” on the 4chan /pol/ board. You can clearly claim experience in the work and, from my experience of you here, you seem to me to be a “natural” for 4chan. There seems to be nothing to you beyond endless “loling so hard I’m crying bro” emojis and the slinging around of intendedly derogatory but actually anodyne (because patently 100% substance-free) terms like “cringey” and “unmanly”. I’m expecting at any moment to be asked by you: “do you even lift?” As to your question as to how progressive-lefty “all men are brothers” love-ins like the 2016 Nuits debout operation in Paris are “OffGuardian” tactics, well, you kind of answer it yourself. Anyone who uses the ludicrous phrase “agitate racial prejudices” reveals themselves to be a person of exactly the same shallow and harmful mentality as the useful idiots – and to some extent consciously malevolent agents of the system – who ran the Nuits Debout operation. The Nuits Debout thing was precisely all about trying to damp down and cover over – with the tired old Marxist “it’s the banksters who profit from all this in the end” narrative – the sense of being under attack as a race which arose – understandably even to you, surely? – when one bunch of Arabs did to the people of France in… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 3, 2023 1:05 PM
Reply to  alex baton

If you’re gonna come onto a comment board and attempt a ‘man-of-the-world giving a bunch of boomer lefties a dressing down’ routine then I think you can do better, honestly. I don’t think you’re coming across how you think, your persona isn’t really hanging together.

Again you’re throwing a bunch of buzzwords around angrily, with no clear focus or point, giving off angry-young-man vibes.

Maybe mid-thirties vibes. That’d add up with your 4chan references. I’m afraid I don’t know 4chan very well, but I’ll bow to your greater knowledge on that one.


alex baton
alex baton
Nov 3, 2023 2:05 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I’m 64, and I’m not “attempting” anything or putting on any “persona” or playing any “routine”.
This is another reason why you remind me of the kids on 4chan, although I imagine this sort of thing also goes on on Twitter.
Whenever someone finds a poster’s argument difficult to answer they start calling them a “shill” or a “bot” or a “troll” who doesn’t actually believe what they are posting but is being “paid a dollar a ‘you'” by the Democrats or Mossad or George Soros to cause trouble on the /pol/ board.
Because, of course, I have put arguments : thousands of words of them to you and to other commenters on this article. It’s absurd that you describe what I have written as “buzzwords”. “Buzzwords” are the sort of cheap ad hominem aspersions that are all you have been able to come up with, when you’ve been able to rise above lol emojis.
Clearly, you can’t counter, or even engage with, any of them.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 3, 2023 3:24 PM
Reply to  alex baton

Nah really? 64? Gosh. Ok.

The confusion arose because you waltzed in like a fully smug and entitled dick, calling everyone attached to this site ‘evil libby-lefty slimeballs’ and accusing us of ‘active, Jew-hating malevolence that characterizes the Guardian-reading Corbynite lefties’ and other such MSM slogans, and personally attacked me, accusing me of ‘spineless, dishonest lefto-fascism’ and being a ‘midwit’ lol and then you started crying foul like some woke hypocrite about acceptable levels of ad hom.


If you can’t communicate with basic respect then you haven’t got anything worth saying. As if someone your age really need be told.


Nov 3, 2023 3:17 PM
Reply to  alex baton

You write a lot and say very little. You have no evidence for it being arabs acting on their own in Paris or arabs acting on their own in Israel on 7/10. HAMAS is a creation of Israel, Mossad and the CIA. Bountiful evidence for that and whenever they act it only plays into the hands of the Israelis so that they have the excuse to do what they wanted to do anyway. The attack on Israel was a pre arranged and organised attack and who knows who really comprised the personnel involved. You think an organisation representing Palestinians thought they would just kill a few Isrealis knowing the hell and death that would rain down on Gaza in response? It makes zero sense unless it was an action carried out to benefit Isreals agenda. It really isn’t complicated. It is blindingly obvious now.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 3, 2023 11:49 AM
Reply to  alex baton

The media is conditioning us to fixate on race – whether that is through incubation of direct prejudice or that indirect prejudice known as “political correctness” is irrelevant.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 3, 2023 11:48 AM
Reply to  Manfred Meyer

What actually happened on that day is to say the least unclear. And since the media is pushing the “Oh my God Hamas atrocity AAARGHH!” at everyone in all reports whilst recycling little evidence then we can feel free to indulge in the same rich invention.

Manfred Meyer
Manfred Meyer
Nov 3, 2023 12:34 PM
Reply to  George Mc

A pogrom happened on that day. Nothing at all unclear about that.
I am decidedly not included in your « we ». I pity anyone who is.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 3, 2023 12:41 PM
Reply to  Manfred Meyer

“A pogrom”? Hmm …. Paragliders. Baby beheaders. Reporters flailing around minimally damaged streets….

Meanwhile Gaza looks like Hiroshima.

And THAT is the reason every MSM outlet has to preface and pepper every news item with the Tourette explosions of “Hamas atrocity!”

Manfred Meyer
Manfred Meyer
Nov 3, 2023 12:55 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes, a pogrom.

Gaza does not look like Hiroshima.

You write:
« And THAT is the reason every MSM outlet has to preface and pepper every news item with the Tourette explosions of “Hamas atrocity!” »

You must have a lot of time if you are able to read/watch every MSM.
Trouble finding fixed employment?

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 3, 2023 2:40 PM
Reply to  Manfred Meyer

Granted that Gaza looks slightly less dented than Hiroshima i.e. not entirely flattened. Not yet anyway.

Israel does not look like a pogrom.

Nov 3, 2023 3:21 PM
Reply to  Manfred Meyer

Gaza does look like Hiroshima already in parts. The attack on Israel was a false flag facilitated by Israel. Even Israelis know that. That’s it.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 2, 2023 2:45 PM

While the world have been busy with headlines from Ukraine, Gaza, Maui, Syria, the 5G and IOT satellites mast have been erected everywhere.

Nov 2, 2023 10:44 AM

From yesterday:
The Guardian view on Gaza after the war: there must be a plan for the future of Palestinians

I wonder where they will have to go. It’s all so predictable.

Nov 2, 2023 8:41 AM

The other genocide? Miller’s original title to this article on his substack (10/26) refers to Gaza as a “huge distraction.” I wonder if Palestinians under siege there would consider that their condition. Some people’s destruction is others’ distraction, I suppose, or melodrama. And for too few it seems, it’s not a ritual exercise of being woke to side with the oppressed, but simply an imperative of being awake to others’ suffering and struggle.   War certainly can be distracting, not least of all from enemies making a killing on the market by mass murder. But for all its wag-the-dog uses, it remains the classic racket of divide and rule to remake the world by destroying the present, enabling build-back-better schemes to rise from the ashes. And among war’s many objectives, it’s served to discipline labor resources for rulers by depopulation, final solution when subjects grow unruly.  Wouldn’t world war be complementary to biochemical warfare, providing catastrophic cover for kill shots to work their way through populations, or pretexts for enforcement of universal vaccination to slaughter all the more, much like ‘Spanish flu’ felled many beyond the battlefields of WW1?  Why wouldn’t war now serve agenda of the Great Reset, beyond its present deployment on the grand chessboard of geopolitics? If globalists are now going for broke, it’s no holds barred, by any means necessary, including nukes. And if things don’t go according to plan, as any good planner accounts for, what better backup plan can be found than world war to march the masses into new world disorder? Besides, given intraclass conflicts among elites, all sides of multipolar divides may be after the same prison planet, but relative to each is one’s place in the pecking order of power, such that partners in crime can turn or be turned on one another with a vengeance. Transnational capital remains reliant on nation-state… Read more »

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 2, 2023 11:01 AM
Reply to  niko

Thanks; no wonder I didn’t make much sense of the OffG version of the article. It’s entirely missing the word “distraction” – which seems to be Miller’s central point.

Conversely, my view is that the Gaza operation is a formulaic, land-clearing genocide and Netanyahu doesn’t give a damn about the ineffectual rumblings in Israeli society. Of course, pseudo-events and narratives are sometimes used as distractions, but they’re also used to push through preplanned agenda.

More evidence that those who “stand with” either Israel OR Palestine are being played
It’s getting ever clearer that this new catastrophe is yet another psy-op, organized to push the globalist agenda, and therefore likely to be fatal to the people on BOTH sides, and all the rest of us
28 OCT 2023

Gaza is a huge distraction from the fact that Netanyahu has been managing TWO genocides
Israelis know that he LET Hamas slaughter them, in furtherance of the vast depopulation effort started by the “vaccination” drive (a drive dictated not by Zionists, but by his GLOBALIST cohorts)
26 OCT 2023

Nov 2, 2023 7:53 PM
Reply to  niko
Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 3, 2023 8:13 AM
Reply to  niko

Can they be taken down or are they forever garbage in low-orbit?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 2, 2023 8:33 AM

We need a theme; a song; some visuals. We want you to produce a pageant.

Yes, but haven’t we seen this one before?

Caption: Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan wears a yellow Star of David at the UN Security Council on October 30, 2023.

comment image

Erdan blasts Hamas final solution wearing yellow star at UNSC
“‘Never again’ happened again,” Erdan said, and that “Khamenei is playing the role of Adolf Hitler.”
Oct 31, 2023

Nov 2, 2023 11:56 AM

How insane is that cretin ? History ain’t his strong point.

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Nov 1, 2023 11:36 PM

Here’s a relevant quote: Some claims are so bizarre and outlandish that they can’t be matched by any rational reply. 1- There was no false flag: Hamas and the Palestinians were crushed and oppressed beyond what is humanly bearable, so they organised themselves and struck back. This is not the first time they do so; they have risen up against Israel many times before, in many past Intifadas. But this particular Palestinian rebellion happened to be synchronised with the trivialization of a large range of innovative, powerful, remotely-controlled, and low production-cost weapon systems: drones, guided missiles, guided roquettes, torpedoes. Never before has it been so easy to produce so many efficient weapons, with so little resources. These technologies are now mastered by many countries from the Global South: Iran, Turkey, North Korea, Yemen. The lead designer of Hamas’ drones was a Tunisian engineer who exiled himself to Gaza to serve the Palestinian cause. All the electronics required is now profusely available thanks to China flooding the world with its very affordable and versatile industrial production. 2- Among the friends and regional supporters of Palestine, some are taking existential risks to support the Hamas offensive. – The Iraqi Resistance has been relentlessly bombing US military basis in Syria and Iraq, something they did not do at such scale even after the killing of General Soleimani. – The Yemen Houthis have been bombing Israeli targets in the Red Sea, and directly the Israeli territory by striking Eilat. The Yemeni leadership has today made a public declaration of war against Israel, promising to escalate in retribution for the massacres committed in Gaza. – Lebanon’s Hezbollah has started striking Israeli targets in quasi-coordination with the Al Quds Flood Hamas offensive; they have launched their own parallel operation, called “On the Way to Al Quds” (… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 2, 2023 6:35 AM
Reply to  Joe Smith

Do you know of any “professional” conspiracy theorists?

Hugh O’Neill
Hugh O’Neill
Nov 2, 2023 9:05 AM
Reply to  George Mc

George. I often explain to people that detectives, judges, prosecutors and juries are “professional” conspiracy theorists. You could add historians to that list. But I like your point nonetheless.

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Nov 2, 2023 4:32 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Diversionary nit-picking designed to obfuscate the clear and immutable point.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 3, 2023 8:00 AM
Reply to  Joe Smith

“clear and immutable point”

Ooh get you!

Nov 2, 2023 6:47 AM
Reply to  Joe Smith

Thanks for putting together the details of that begin to draw a picture of the ME region of this changing world. The world which we began to see in embryo when President Putin skilfully avoided the trap of taking revenge on Chechen terrorists by collective punishment of all Chechens by taking “8 eyes for one eye” Israeli fashion. Instead, Putin did a classic operation of “destroying my enemy by making him my friend”.

Putin’s next act of constructive magic was to save the multi-ethnic country of Syria from NATZO’s ISIS headchoppers and liver eaters.
Putin did not go to war against NATZO; he simply protected Syria by holding NATZO at bay, leaving the Syrian government to deal with ISIS. Today, the only remnant of ISIS to be found in Syria is, of course, where the U$ Army still has a toe hold.

Putin’s rescue of Syria stabilized the ME, allowed Iraq to recover somewhat, Iran to develope its industrial military base, and Hezb’Allah to win its spurs as a small but doughty ally of Syria and Iran.

The Anglo-Zionazi world is lashing out in panic because “the times they are a’changeing.”

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 2, 2023 7:38 AM
Reply to  Joe Smith

As Country Joe write, our world has been so sophisticated that everybody with a bone knife, a toy drone or a sling with five stones can take down Goliath or Great Satan in one shot.

Osama Bin Laden and his 40 Ali Baba did it. Diesel cars did it. Assad is still holding the free and civilised world as a hostage, they destroyed our world as we know it.
I am anxious to see what they are up to when we reach 11/9.

Kevin Craig
Kevin Craig
Nov 1, 2023 9:40 PM

Zionism is the tool primarily used to further globalism. Neither are specifically Jewish in origin- again, just a vehicle. The recent tales of Soros-funds-left, left-funds-Hamas serve as no surprise to me, as they both require a response and preventative measure in equal quantities potrtrayed to the world as “anti terror’ or “combat hate speech”.

It’s been plainly obvious to me for some time that this same playbook has been followed down from the Bolsheviks ruthless pogroms, through the capture of half the Middle East and that it’s the same people responsible for that, as we’re seeing now responsible for what ‘they’ want us to worry about. Jews/Judaism is merely the handy cover story, something else you’re not allowed to theorise over- “are you saying Jews are stupid and easily duped?”- no, i’m saying everyone is easily duped and portayed as stupid by a billion-dollar washing machine called ‘media’.

And maybe it’s really as simple as that- Bibi, Trump, Biden, Rishi, BoJo, King Chuck the Turd, are beholden to this ‘media’ than a religion or doctrine. After all, they (and others) provide something that some body of people want, and they want it because they are whipped up by ‘media’.

The great Bill Hicks once said,

“If you’re in marketing or advertsing……kill yourself”

Not a bad idea.

Hugh O’Neill
Hugh O’Neill
Nov 2, 2023 9:10 AM
Reply to  Kevin Craig

“Turd chuck-king” sounds like a great pastime. Some of it will eventually stick. BTW, I like your insights. Great food for thought.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Nov 1, 2023 8:37 PM

If depopulation was the aim of the shots, the powers could have done better by hiring a fleet of Mercedes Benz for running over people. Far more likely that the deaths are “collateral damage” from an op whose goal is to get people onto the Blockchain-based global data bank for management and impact investing, while rendering them addled, dependent for health maintenance upon Big Pharma products.

Nov 2, 2023 6:51 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

I agree. The Vaxx is an act of mass murder through fraud with criminal irresponsibility rather than global genocide with malice aforethought.

alex baton
alex baton
Nov 1, 2023 8:30 PM

God, it’s so sad and pitiful to see how OffGuardian has been broken by this – after showing some signs of being a serious truth-seeking and truth-telling organization for a few years there – and how you’ve morphed back in a few weeks into being the evil libby-lefty slimeballs you all were back when The Guardian had a Comments page. Just ask yourself this – and I say “yourself” rather than “yourselves” because I know that this brief contribution will be just a tête a tête between me and “Sam” because it appears to be “Sam” who’s scampered fastest and farthest back down the road to spineless, dishonest lefto-fascism these past few weeks and who’ll make damn sure that this question is not only never answered but that no one will ever see that it’s even been asked: How is it that, for the first time in the entire existence of OffGuardian, the views you are printing substantially coincide with the views being printed in The Guardian and broadcast on the BBC? “Yes, yes, the October 7th attack was horrible….but let’s talk about how Israel shot a missile into a hospital and killed 500 people….” “Yes, yes, the ‘raid’ on Israel was ‘bloody’…but let’s talk about how Israel had the highest ‘vaccination’ rate in the world…” You give it a “red-pilled” twist but if it looks like shit and smells like shit… Maybe, “Sam”, you are such a midwit that you really have been convinced by eedjits like the guy who wrote this article that the thing for the “cool kids” to do now is look on EVERY SINGLE ATTACK ON HUMAN CIVILIZATION that isn’t Bill Gates’s programme of depopulation as JUST A DISTRACTION FROM BILL GATES’S PROGRAMME OF DEPOPULATION and therefore something that we should just stand back from… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 1, 2023 9:57 PM
Reply to  alex baton

You are hilarious ‘Alex Baton’. You accuse Offg of being antisemites? 😅😅😅😅😅😅

I notice you have never commented in support of Offg when we’ve challenged neo-Nazis and crypto-fascists below the line, who regularly call us things like ‘Jew lover’ because we dont agree that rehabilitating Hitler is the best way to resist the Great Reset 😅😅

You’re clearly well-acquainted with our comments section. So where have you been???!! Offg would have appreciated your support! 😉😉

(I recognise your prose style btw. Take some annual leave).

Hugh O’Neill
Hugh O’Neill
Nov 2, 2023 9:13 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Pass the baton. I suppose trolls do work in relays….relay?

alex baton
alex baton
Nov 2, 2023 9:52 AM
Reply to  Hugh O’Neill

So this is the only thing we are going to see on OffGuardian in the way of an actual DISCUSSION about the events of the last month in the Middle East? The mod posts two dozen “lol” emojis and boasts about how much he’s done to fight “crypto-fascism” and all the little links in the lefty love-hug just shower him with up-votes and smirk at their own childish little puns. As I say, Sam, I’m fully aware that you are not going to allow discussion to occur here. (Although, to be honest, it appears that you’re censoring dissenting contributions like mine is redundant effort anyway, since this place is such a blue-pilled Follow the Narrative echo-chamber with just the thinnest veneer of red-pilled coating that clearly nobody here WANTS to debate this issue, just clap like seals over the Group Mind Line). But please bear in mind, after you’ve pressed the “delete” button this, that there WAS a question to answer here: Why is your position and the position of every article you publish on this issue just a cigarette paper’s width separated from the position of Novara Media, or the BBC, or even the fucking Guardian? Why do you take exactly THEIR position of “Fuck Netanyahu, he’s a right-wing friend of Trump, let’s all weep together over the poor dead Palestinian babies”, giving it only the eentsy-weentsy, pseudo-dissident adjustment “Fuck Netanyahu, he’s a MNRA-pushing friend of Bill Gates, let’s all weep together over the dead Palestinian babies”. Just throwing that out there, or rather IN there, because, as I say, I know this question will never be answered, nor even allowed to be seen to have been asked. I hope you sleep well tonight, despite the awareness that may be nagging at the back of your mind that, rally… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 2, 2023 11:13 AM
Reply to  alex baton

You are still hillarious 😅

The mod…boasts about how much he’s done to fight “crypto-fascism”

I certainly did not, I asked where YOU had been during those exchanges. You ride in as a first-time commenter on this (totally convincing) high horse, already so well acquainted with our comment section… How can this be unless you’ve been holding your tongue up till now? Why haven’t you come out so vociferously against actual antisemitic comments in the past?

There’s a comment below implying Jews are savages, offering to quote Torah… you could jump in on that? Go on…

Do that, or shut up, you silly entity. 😅

(You do realise how flattering it is that you hate this Admin quite so much lol. Whereas I really couldn’t give a fig! 😅 You seem unable to mask your utter detestation even when you switch personas. This clearly isn’t good for your mental health)

underground poet
underground poet
Nov 2, 2023 11:41 AM
Reply to  alex baton

What was the question again that wont be answered?

Nov 2, 2023 6:54 AM
Reply to  alex baton

Skipped your comment after reading the first few lines of frothy invective failed to reach their point.

Nov 2, 2023 10:18 AM
Reply to  alex baton


Nov 2, 2023 12:03 PM
Reply to  alex baton

Another supporter of genocide.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 1, 2023 7:59 PM

Off topic,

The Graud delivers a truly abominable piece on Graham Linehan:

“Tough Crowd by Graham Linehan review – all joking aside
How a self-defeating obsession derailed the career of one of Britain’s most successful comedy writers”

The idiotic transgender theology is of course taken for granted and leads to the mind bending Orwellian cartwheel of this:

“The more he is abused for his opinions, the more entrenched and maniacal those opinions seem to become.”

His “maniacal opinions” amount to stating the bloody obvious facts of actual sex. Meanwhile he is berated for “misgendering trans men and women” I.e for not confirming to a pack of embarrassingly obvious lies.

But then, considering that this execrable rag is the nurturing ground for increasingly irrelevant servile hacks like Stewart Lee, it’s merely automatic pilot drivel for the phony trans woke plastic left cult.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Nov 1, 2023 7:28 PM

I don’t think that there is one assertion or even speculation in this well constructed article that I would disagree with. And a thumbs up to MCM for including a video clip of David Icke. But there is a probable outcome to this ME shitshow/agenda that MCM did not pursue. With the horrendous successive bombing of the refugee camp, the leader of Hezbollah has been put under tremendous political pressure to invade northern Israel. They kicked Israel’s ass in 2006 when Israel invaded Lebanon, and their estimated 100K army is far better armed, trained, and equipped today. They will overrun northern Israel. This will lead to two very unfortunate events. The USA will enter the war on the side of Israel whole hog and not just by proxy, at a minimum using direct air power from its bases around the area as well as its two carrier groups in the region, which will lead rapidly to the extermination of all US soldiers in Syria and Iraq. However, this will not turn the tide of Israeli defeat and they will resort to using nuclear weapons against (at least) Lebanon, Syria, and Iran (and maybe Turkey). This will result in the total obliteration of Israel in retaliation. Pakistan’s leadership has already offered to “lend” Turkey some of its nuclear weapons. Once the nuclear genie is released from the bottle, there is no telling where it will end, though I suspect that beyond Israel, the populations of the USA, and the UK will be the most grievously affected because of its unbending alliances with Israel.. Most, if not all, politicians are puppets of a hidden power and agenda. In my opinion, the goal of the FF inside job of 10/7 was to light the fuse to WWIII, probably strategic thermonuclear, and the odds of this succeeding are high. As Miller points out, the glopshot democide… Read more »

Nov 1, 2023 7:21 PM

The mistaken take on George Floyd and “BLM”, thus “structural racism” as an operational modlity, is a deep flaw in getting the bigger picture clear. “(since when do cops engaged in murder just stand there letting someone film it?)” Is Mark kidding? Since forever. What cop and his overlord doesn’t want their torture of disobedience documented to strike terror into the underclasses they “supervise”? The parallels between the Palestinians, American Indigenous and African slaves are telling. Capture, theft, exploitation, incarceration (slavery, reservations, LOCKDOWN) and death are the script for genocide, the precursor to the eugenics we, the world’s 99%, now face.

The bigger picture. Over 500 years of conquer (war), theft, exploitation and slavery, finally subscribing the world’s elite, basically the 1%, to adopt it to vest the superior (1%) in domination and exploitation of the inferior (99%), ran unrestricted until the world was rebuilt post WW2. Earth and life on it maxxed out, exhausted. Little left to easily exploit and the peons are getting restless. War, both economic and military, becomes foreign policy. Assassinations and virtualizing of money to paper and all manner of extreme over-clocking of financialization and military spending have proceeded to maintain control over their inferiors, us. The 1%’s traditional hyper-inferiors, the Palestinians, the indigenous, the POC’s of the world have now been joined by the rest of us the 99%. Because Earth is now a no-growth sardine can limiting the 1%’s greed, the over-clocking has become a flywheel of 1% techno magical-thinking ready to blow. All of it, AI, neo-eugenic vaxxs, IoT, Police State surveillance, 5G, LOCKDOWN’s, 15 minute cities, WW3, nanotech, robots, Great Reset and more, will never function before imploding on them.

Nov 1, 2023 6:28 PM

Mainstream media’s coverage of the conflict has actually been fairly balanced (at least outside of Israel). At least from what I’ve seen. Highlighting casualties on both sides. There’s no great “fervent support for Netanyahu”. That’s a myth.

Which may signify a strategic return to balanced coverage. Covering both sides of a conflict. Drawing back those used to opposing a one-sided narrative.

And which therefore, arguably, is of greater threat to alternative media than a one-sided (tolerate no dissent) approach, as with Covid, where it’s easy to find an alternative perspective.

So caveat emptor if alt-media continues to throw in its lot in with the “Bad Israel” camp  😎 

Nov 1, 2023 7:31 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

I agree with you about the coverage. It has been far less one-sided than usual. Most likely designed to create as much division as possible.

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Nov 1, 2023 11:12 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

“Fair and balanced” is unfair and unbalanced. Everything is not equal. There are good guys and bad guys. Palestine is not the bad guys. Do the math.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Nov 1, 2023 5:12 PM

The War of Global Corporate Wealth against Life and Humanity Corporations, multinational investment banks, and the rich that they support, are trying to commercialize and control every aspect of human experience. “We find ourselves in the midst of a global war on a scale even greater than that of the Second World War. But the nature of war has changed, and as a result many cannot conceive of what is happening. They think that it is a struggle between nations over power, when in fact it is an effort of the superrich to destroy most of humanity.” Israelis May Ask Who the Real Hostage-Takers Are: Hamas or Netanyahu Regime? “In a statement, Cassif, a Member of Parliament (Knesset) for the Hadash party said: “Netanyahu and his thugs use the smokescreen of the war to impose a martial law on Israeli citizens, predominantly Palestinian ones: protests are prohibited and can now be answered with live ammunition, workers and students are suspended and dissidents are persecuted for posts on the social network. I plead to the world – supporting the Israeli government is not supporting Israeli people – it is supporting fascism, death and dictatorship. If you wish to help Israeli people in this dire time – support the peace movement, not the warmongers who waged a war against their own people.”” Neoliberalism is economic eugenics. The eugenicists who support this discredited pseudoscience have proven themselves to be the mental degenerates they sought to eliminate. Yet, these are the minds behind the great taking agenda. Let’s not lose focus on why things have been SO chaotic and dysfunctional these past 50 years – the radical libertarian right’s agenda to transform our nation to favor the Big Property Owners. Their war on the public good, on wages, unions, education and everything else that… Read more »

Nov 1, 2023 4:45 PM

Not all big events can have been deliberately planned or orchestrated. And, eventual outcomes also cannot be purely determined by some agencies will. So when reading the list of events above these are the thought I have.

Which of these events wasn’t contrived, and of the eventual outcomes… You catch my drift?

My immediate thoughts upon the gaza crisis were that something was deliberately in terms of a false flag event, the intention just as it has been for years, the political stability of Israels ruling class depending upon a constant state of conflict and fear. But something went wrong, and Netanyahu has gone full on mental. The level of Israels response was not something that had been planned, and that the west has lost control.
We all know that he faces corruption charges, and has lost the support of his people. His intention is to take everything down with him, and has gone insane.
The battleships in the med could just as well be there to take out Netanyahu as much as anything else. The UK marines are a force to be deployed on the ground, whose ground, and for what purpose given the small threat from gaza. .

Nov 1, 2023 2:48 PM

So I have been noting the commenters who turn up and ignore entirely the argument in the article that the globalist control both sides like a fixed wrestling match, and try draw the conversation back to the divisiveness and the rather parochial “analysis”.

I can only assume, since these commenters don’t even bother to disagree with the author, that they either haven’t read the article, can’t understand the article or are on a mission to keep the conversation going in a given direction.

The commenters engaged in doing this I have seen so far are

Marilyn Shepherd
les online
Lost in a Dark Wood

None of these commenters address or even acknowledge the issue of the globalists manipulating both sides, which is the whole purpose of the article and their comments are therefore irrelevant to the article. It’s as if they want to pretend the article was really about something else they find more amenable or ‘permissible’ perhaps.

Please can we have some discussion of what this article is actually about? Namely that globalism is using Gaza/Israel and other such conflicts as distraction and agent of division so we forget the lessons learned in 2020.

If I were a moderator I would insist people try to address this important subject and the very heart of the article, in their comments.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 1, 2023 2:58 PM
Reply to  Hengist

Go fuck yourself!

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Nov 1, 2023 4:27 PM

Well that struck a nerve. 😂

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 1, 2023 4:36 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Not really. I’ve been commenting here for over three years and I can’t remember having so much as a single exchange with the above a-hole. So I thought I’d keep it short and unambiguous!

Nov 1, 2023 4:33 PM
Reply to  Hengist

Sam-admin 2, is that you? 😀

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 1, 2023 5:12 PM
Reply to  fame

Nope lol But I’m sure you won’t believe me either way lol

Funny, everyone gets all suspicious of commenters who come out in support of Offg, yet they’re just fine with commenters who are constantly roasting this site and its staff lol.

”Sat at the back of the classroom” syndrome seems to abound here. I know, it’s ‘uncool’ to actually like offg.

It’s all so original. I can’t get over just how original it is 🙄

Nov 1, 2023 6:12 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Its a joke Sam, ease up. I don’t think you are the actual above poster.

I just sent it out without thinking, without reflecting on what was written and how I should appropriately respond as you suggested some threads back(sarc).

Seems like you would agree with the above post 100%.

I actually appreciate offG very much. You are not offG.

Nov 1, 2023 7:12 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Sam, this is for you. I don’t want it to be posted. You disappeared two of my comments. Why? I would appreciate a reply to my email. i reposted basically the same comments and both went straight into pending. Surely you know they are there and are not rescuing them out.

Often times you come out in your posts as authoritarian. You are down voted alot as such. No biggie. I think most of us “true” (actual real people) commenters are anti-authoritarian. We don’t like being told on how we “should” comment.

Perhaps, you deleted my return comment to you cause it makes you look bad. I really don’t know why. I don’t actually believe you were the poster as I said. If you can’t handle peoples replies and you CENSOR them, well maybe you should stop commenting yourself.

I certainly don’t want to get on the bandwagon of making offG look bad as some commenters here do. I realize the job is somewhat tough. Yes I want to call you out when basically you are supporting censorship.

If you look into my past comments regarding the war issue from me, you will see that I was one of the first basically agreeing with the article but weeks ago. Its just how I view war, its against the people, there is no taking sides except the side of the people that do not want war, which is by far the majority of us.

However, with the explosion of comments in all the alternative media sites I read about not taking sides, I step back just a little bit as I did with the explosion of the “no virus” crowd. Why such the push? I guess it will all play out.

Nov 1, 2023 4:52 PM
Reply to  Hengist

Some people just live here, they comment on almost every post, and behave in a way that they assume you already know where they are coming from. This is not a social media platform, and as such people who use this space also use it to converse or introduce ideas that do not appear in the article. That’s my take. But also, just like other blogs out there, the people that run the site, and the authors use pseudonyms and comment in the thread under different names, even arguing against themselves. It’s what pages like this are like.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 1, 2023 5:08 PM
Reply to  Balgorg

With regard to myself:

– I’ve only ever used one ID – and the same one throughout.
– I currently comment on less than half the articles – though at times it’s been more than that.
– Other than this thread, all my comments on this article are within the subject area of the article; i.e. False Flags, “Nazism”, Israel, Ukraine, Wag The Dog, etc.

Nov 1, 2023 9:32 PM
Reply to  Hengist

Oh, If I were a moderator I would warn your ass.

Nov 2, 2023 11:37 AM
Reply to  Hengist

I agree with you about how commenters ignore the globalism and it’s daft, but I don’t think you should name names

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 2, 2023 11:33 PM
Reply to  Hengist

Please can we have some discussion of what this article is actually about? Namely that globalism is using Gaza/Israel and other such conflicts as distraction and agent of division so we forget the lessons learned in 2020.

No; let’s have some discussion about the coordinated attempt at thought management! Why do some people want us to believe that the Israeli genocide against Gaza is a “distraction”? Cui bono?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 4, 2023 2:21 AM


Please can we have some discussion of what this article is actually about? Namely that globalism is using Gaza/Israel and other such conflicts as distraction and agent of division so we forget the lessons learned in 2020.

Yes we can! is the right answer.
We dont have different opinions because yes is the only correct answer to the question.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 4, 2023 7:15 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

We dont have different opinions

Oh yes we do!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 4, 2023 7:19 AM
Reply to  Hengist

Please can we have some discussion of what this article is actually about? Namely that globalism is using Gaza/Israel and other such conflicts as distraction and agent of division so we forget the lessons learned in 2020.

To those who wish to discuss what this article is supposedly about, 

Please provide a link to YOUR discussion!

Nov 1, 2023 1:58 PM

medvedev talks of moloch bibi nutty of amelek queer starma nothing wrong with cutting off water goldmans sachs richi sunack israel has the right to defend itself.

oded yinon new khazaria baal needs feeding gets you spam pending

the heffers need the temple the temple needs the ashes of the innocent

Nov 1, 2023 4:56 PM
Reply to  gorden

His actual nickname at school was Queer Charmer. That’s actually true.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Nov 1, 2023 1:16 PM

It’s all about oil and gas off the coast of Gaza that the US and Israel want and can’t have

Nov 1, 2023 2:50 PM

Why do you ignore what the article is about and post a comment based on assuming the exact opposite of what the article assumes?

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Nov 1, 2023 6:40 PM

Bogus argument. “Can’t have.” Just like the USA “can’t have” the Syrian oil fields. Israel and the USA will take whatever they want unless an equal or superior power stops them.

Nov 1, 2023 10:11 PM

I think racial purity is more important at this stage but the oil and gas and beaches would be a welcome bonus.

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Nov 1, 2023 11:14 PM

No it isn’t.

Nov 2, 2023 7:39 AM

Hydrocarbon resources are certainly a current casus belli between Israel and Palestine; but remember, this ethnic strife goes back more than 2,000 years: to Samson vs Delilah, David vs Goliath.

Details change: this time David is the giant in armour and Goliath has the slingshot.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Nov 1, 2023 1:12 PM

Double genocide?

I am talking about the jab. Yes, the jabs are ineffective and dangerous. Yes, they kill. But they don’t kill everybody. The best evidence we have is the all cause mortality research by Denis Rancourt PhD and his team.

“We find that the vDFR [vaccine dose fatality ratio] increases dramatically with age for older adults, being exponential with a doubling time of approximately 5.2 ± 0.4 years. As a result the vDFR is an order of magnitude greater in the most elderly population than the all-population value, reaching 0.6 % for the 80+ years age group in Israel and 1 % for the 85+ years age group in Australia, compared to < 0.01 % for young adults (< 45 year olds).”

On average the vDFR is about 1 in 800 jabs overall and as high as 1 in 100 for those over 85.

If you want to call 1 death in 800 jabs genocide, well ok. As a claim, it just seems a stretch to me. Maybe we have geronticide? If I recall correctly, Rancourt’s research can demonstrate that 14 million excess deaths can be reasonably correlated to the jabs worldwide. That’s after billions of doses administered. Thoughtless, reckless and murderous – yes. But does this really rise to the level of global genocide?

Don’t forget, MCM has supported the Lab Leak Theory TM for a couple years at least.


George Mc
George Mc
Nov 1, 2023 2:54 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

The justification for the jabs, indeed their entire reason for being I.e. covid, is a fraud. Therefore the jabs serve an unstated purpose. Or several. Raking in cash from public funds? Definitely. Microchips? Possibly. The lethal “side effects”? Well the very least they show is a homicidal disdain for life. And then there is the effect on fertility. So I would say this is a depopulation project.

As for the matter of there being few relative deaths (and is that supposed to be a consolation?) I would say it makes sense that the dealers of this bioweapon would have to he stupid to make it more lethal. There are forms of rat poison that don’t work too quickly because the rats would catch on otherwise. And I have no doubt that the rulers see us as vermin.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Nov 2, 2023 1:43 AM
Reply to  George Mc

RE: As for the matter of there being few relative deaths (and is that supposed to be a consolation?)

I described them as “murderous”; you think that is a consolation?

Something I learned from MCM, is “the hardest propaganda to discern is the propaganda you agree with.”

The question is, do we actually have evidence for “genocide” or a “depopulation agenda”? There most certainly is potential for those things to happen. But I don’t see evidence for it. I see it more as a control (and profit) mechanism.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 2, 2023 6:40 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

MCM has been diligently keeping count of the large number of peculiar deaths over the last three years. But I suppose all that might be pure coincidence. And even if eventually half the population dies them it’s not “proof”. Stuff just happens. Maybe it’s due to the clock going back?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Nov 2, 2023 3:38 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I am on MCM’s list serve. I am well aware of his regular (even daily) “died suddenly” lists. He may indeed be capturing many of the 14 million excess deaths there! The problem is that it amounts to anecdotal evidence and problematically he relies on the MSM for his “data”. Rancourt’s work is scientifically rigorous. Thing is, MCM’s work could be just more propaganda, we just don’t know.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Nov 2, 2023 3:47 PM
Reply to  George Mc

MCM has been a big supporter of RFK Jr. I would comment periodically on his site, When I would challenge support for RFK Jr or challenge the support for the Lab Leak Theory TM, I would get attacked or just get silence. Few would ever engage. Same with challenging the notion of a “deadly pandemic” and Rancourt’s work demonstrating that there is no evidence for any pandemic at all. I also don’t recall much discussion of the financial orgins of the “pandemic” either. That doesn’t mean that he hasn’t done some great work.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 2, 2023 1:47 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

I see it more or less as you.
Remember the background is a majority decision in UN in 2006 and planning even earlier to make a “Global emergency test” to prepare, organise and test national governments for a global disaster.

This globalist project is off course complete idiocy but this is what UN does to preserve and strengthen a swollen up bureaucracy of fat liberalists.

With the figures you present which are the same figures I have found, the depopulation story is unlikely.
1 out of 1000 jabbed will have vulnerabilities thus its difficult to say what really caused the death or side effect.
Same with the >60 and >80 we are at that age where a little extra burden can cause a disaster.

However, we can conclude something from the scam by looking at how they think.
When Pfizer and Moderna write on their homepage that their “vaccine” bypass and replace people’s own immune system and “hack the software of life”, then we at least know that this is what they dream… the aim is to increase their “control of the market and sales figures” of their garbage/saltwater/whatever it is..

Nov 2, 2023 7:59 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Besides, many of the victims of “rare adverse effects” (harm) are now in desperate straits, far worse that before. They are unable to work or have even become a major burden to others.

Nov 1, 2023 6:44 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

I agree with you and I think the point is the totalitarian system which is imposed on the global population, the vaccine, the wars , the forest fires ,the climate crisis etc are the means for control and divide the people.

Nov 1, 2023 9:43 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

It is a slow motion genocide- The heart attacks are just the tip of the iceberg. Vaccines kill en masse by triggering cancers and inexplicable “auto-immune” (ha) diseases years or even decades after the jab. This cannot be proven without large scale, long term studies that big money ain’t there for…

Nov 2, 2023 8:05 AM
Reply to  Anarchos

The jab screws up DNA (genetic code). So, anything can go wrong: brain/nerve damage, limb damage, non-communicable disease including cancer, infectious disease, infertility..

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 2, 2023 1:57 PM
Reply to  Anarchos

We are all doomed. In a few years all jabbed will develop cancer all over and all the scumbags will laugh all the way to the bank.

If you are unvaccinated you are in it from your surroundings by jumping and shedding spike proteins and graphene antennas into your brain barrier and blood veins, meaning you cant escape…………LOL. (sarc)

Nov 2, 2023 7:51 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

“Rancourt’s research demonstrates that 14 million excess deaths can be reasonably correlated to the jabs worldwide. That’s after billions of doses administered. Thoughtless, reckless and murderous – yes. But does this really rise to the level of global genocide?”

I agree that imposing The Vaxx after insufficient testing and falsified results is criminal irresponsibility compounded with serious fraud, but it is not genocide with malice aforethought.

The one thing that deserves the death sentence under Nuremberg Convention is, The Vaxx killed young people who would have survived Covid-19 flu, because Covid-19 was no more lethal than the common cold. .

Batty Cat
Batty Cat
Nov 1, 2023 12:43 PM

I value MCM’s views on Propaganda and so on, they are very worthwhile and much of what he says in this article is correct. My main concern with this issue that the current genocide is somehow scripted and therefore a divisive tactic is this: it has created the feeling among many of the “awake” not to take sides. Firstly, it IS a genocide, now explicitly described as such by the Director of the NY UN Human Rights Office, Craig Mokhiber who resigned in protest. Not taking the side of the genocided is complicit. Secondly, I note that Allie GoPro uses an analogy to stress this no taking sides attitude. Allie sets it out as a fight club with the promotor recruiting two fighters, one large and one small. Those supporting Palestine are supporting the little guy. This analogy falls down in several ways but chiefly, it assumes that the two fighters are equal. They are both sovereign and independent, both well fed and well paid… etc. The reality is much darker and if you must use a fight club analogy, this would be more accurate. The club owner/promotor has his own prize fighter. A champion groomed and trained to peek performance. This fighter has the best of the best and is paid handsomely. Meanwhile the promotor has a slave orphan who is malnourished and traumatised with years of injustice and maltreatment. He’s dragged out of the locked room from which he had tried to escape and his punishment is to fight with bare fists the fighter who is decked out in full body gear and knuckle dusters. No one in their right mind would condone such a fight but the prize fighter’s team mates are cheering him on as he pummels the orphan into the ground. I haven’t read all… Read more »

Nov 1, 2023 12:41 PM

Some Zionist history the mainstream won’t be mentioning (and it’s not Palmerston again!):



les online
les online
Nov 1, 2023 10:13 AM

“Inside Job” ?
Israel Intelligence is informed some Gazan
Prisoners are “Planning Something Big !”
They do nothing because they know the “cockroaches”
are not intelligent enough to “Plan Something Big !”
But if the Prisoners manage to – well they’re not
clever enough to pull it off…Hubris Rules…
And, anyway, the Gazan Prison Walls are Impregnable.
So the Israeli Authorities, believing their own hubris,
do nothing…Hubris Riles…
A planned Rave party is belatedly moved to an area
close to the Gaza Prison Walls – an area some consider
not quite safe. But hubris wins out…
The Prisoners train and prepare in plain sight, and they
wait; they rightly guess Israeli hubris will provide an
So sure they know the Prisoners wont try
anything, Israel pulls two battalions away from the
Gaza Prison Wall to deal with “trouble” elsewhere…
Hubris Rules…

Nov 1, 2023 11:12 AM
Reply to  les online

Not Hubris but Fraud with Criminal Intent. You can call it Israel’s 9/11 or you can call it Israel’s Pearl Harbour but the name stinks the same: Inside Job.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 1, 2023 12:37 PM
Reply to  les online

“Hubris” is just a posh word for “incompetence”. Nice try.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 1, 2023 10:06 AM

Twitter/X is crammed full of the most crass provocations with “Jews are no longer safe in the UK!” and “It’s Auschwitz all over again!” Etc. These are invariably followed by interminable steams of, “Oh God you’re right!” Etc.

It’s tempting to respond but that would be a mistake. This is all just troll activity. Or even software generated.

Chile Pepper
Chile Pepper
Nov 1, 2023 10:36 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Very true my friend but let’s not permit ourselves to overlook that the outrage on the other side is also cultivated and curated. For a supposedly censored and buried alternative it certainly gets a great deal of mainstream and large indy media coverage and increasing numbers of celebrities too who probably never side with anything their PR teams don’t vet for being appropriate, which all coordinates with the thesis of the article that division and mutual hate is their real aim over and above promoting any side to victory

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 1, 2023 12:39 PM
Reply to  Chile Pepper


Nov 1, 2023 9:50 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Musk could offer to fix up a safe space, a home for the terribly troubled tribe in Space. No dirty terrorists in sandals throwing DIY rockets will reach them there with their motorised paragliders! What happened to those?!

Nov 1, 2023 10:05 AM

Ehud Barak is one who pushes this:

That’s a handy argument for the accelerationists. Didn’t Kissinger also make a strange statement somewhen about Isreal ceasing to exist during this decade?

Why is Barak in a position to be pushing anything?
Did he also keep his underpants on?

P.S. That video of “Ukraine in 2030” that was played in Corbett’s latest interview was one of the creepiest things I’ve heard. And it should be noted that Starmer’s speech about a “pause” in Gaza was made to Chatham House. The argument that a ceasefire would just give Hamas time to rearm is pure projection – Merkel admitted that it was exactly what NATO was doing with Russia when Minsk was agreed.

Nov 1, 2023 9:53 AM

This is very on the money. I am waiting for more alt media and people in general to wake up to this. It appalls me how sleepy and easily manipulated even the so-called “awake” can be. I’ve posted info before that there was a decision made to change tack on the GR back in late-ish 2021 when there was increasing skepticism over the covid narrative being expressed by very diverse groups of the population worldwide who were forming links of perceived common interest. Scenarios were gamed for if this situation were permitted to continue and the outcomes were not good (from the perspective of the policy makers). The plan to launch a minimum “token” war in a flashpoint zone was then gamed and found to be an effective way of breaking the developing unity of resistance. Ukraine was chosen as the flashpoint zone. I have gotten more info on how it was/is worked in the last few months after attending some “classified” meetings in Brussels & doing a minimum of snooping & asking guarded questions at the right time. As I understand very very few field commanders on either side understood the limited, token nature of the war but they were forced to play along and make it token/ineffective by being chronically under-supplied and misdirected. Hence, by the way, the rage and bafflement of men like Prigozhin and Strelkov who where not in the loop and could not comprehend why Russia was not trying to win the war. Other groups, controlled directly from Moscow & DC (Kiev was bypassed in the command structure and used solely for optics) co-ordinated isolated “blitzkriegs” on previously abandoned or evacuated zones in Donbas. (Does anyone recall the appeals for civilians to leave the area and the unprecedented mass evacuations staged before the conflict began?… Read more »

Nov 1, 2023 10:22 AM
Reply to  Junior

So they inject people with poison and start wars merely as a distraction from that, yet they don’t think of themselves as ‘bloodthirsty? OK …

Chile Pepper
Chile Pepper
Nov 1, 2023 10:39 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Is that very surprising? Do you suppose the Nazis saw themselves as evil? People have very high capacity to fool themselves and the greater the narcissism the greater their ability to live in a complete reversal of reality. I feel sure the so-called elites are highly narcissistic people.

Nov 1, 2023 9:27 AM

Brilliant article by Crispin Miller. Good to know that so many Israelis see things the way this outsider does: that their government is as much against their own people as it is against Israel’s so called “existential enemies”.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Nov 1, 2023 5:46 PM
Reply to  NickM

I thought you said before you live in Israel?!

Nov 4, 2023 6:10 AM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Many gentiles live in the Holy Land; mainly Muslims and Christians but also a fair number of elderly Atheists of the Marxist Dialectical Materialism persuasion.

Nov 1, 2023 8:58 AM

Balfour Declaration expires on 31st of October 2023.

Israel registers themselves as a corporate entity in 1947. You cannot register a Corporation twice under the same name in 2023 after 70 plus years and it be accepted. Which means on October 31st Israel as a Corporation will expire.

Nov 1, 2023 8:53 AM

I notice when there’s an article saying to effect ‘don’t be divided, the globalists control every side and use them to distract you’ there is a massed response in the comments ignoring this point 100% and loudly telling us it’s all the Zionists or the Americans or the Nazis or perhaps the City of London, or the Chinese or Russians. In other words urging people to ignore the point of the article and continue being divided!

I suppose some of that is just humans so stuck in a certain mind-frame they literally can’t comprehend changing it. But sometimes it really feels like intentional manipulation, especially when you get pairs playing tag team and arguing ‘it’s the Communists’, ‘it’s the anti-communists’. Seems very contrived.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 1, 2023 10:29 AM
Reply to  Hengist

Yep 👍 Agreed. A2

Nov 1, 2023 1:08 PM
Reply to  Hengist

It’s a failure of imagination on the part of the authors of these screeds. Why division? Why do “they” want that, how does it help “them” and hurt “us?” It’s simultaneously too specific and too abstract. Without at least one example benefit of the strategy, it has no more rhetorical weight than saying, “They want us eating Barilla pasta, not rebelling fast-a!” An intuitive understanding of binary space partitions might help the medicine go down, but that requires everybody to be a computer programmer, which would be a catastrophe worse than anything “they’ve” got planned. It only takes twenty “efficient” cuts to reduce a like-minded population of one million to a million isolated loners. [log2(1M) ~= 20] What can be done with the latter that can’t with the former? Elections can be faked. Imagine two neighbors, both flying MAGA flags on their pickups. The only way to convince either of them that their red district swung true blue for Biden in a landslide upset is to convince them both that they have absolutely no clue who their neighbors actually voted for in a “secret ballot.” They have to create the universal suspicion that the MAGA flags are nothing more than Nazi armbands on simply village folk: outward-facing symbols that don’t reflect the inner mind. So the cuts have to efficient. Each successive split must divide the remaining population clusters into equal halves, or else it doesn’t count as a full split mathematically. The issues chosen must seem almost random, uncorrelated with previous issues. You can’t split on #MeToo if the last split was abortion; it’s the same cut, it doesn’t count. In this light, Israel was… a strange choice. I wouldn’t have imagined that this issue cut across a diverse enough cross-section of any remaining cells in the ideological atlas.… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 1, 2023 5:21 PM
Reply to  Bloobock

I have noticed, however, that the woke community are very hardline in favour of Palestine, and this places them on the same parapet as many who have previously been extremely critical of the woke/trans movements.

The same thing happened post Covid. The parapets were shifted almost 90 degrees regarding Russia. Allies suddenly became enemies. Enemies suddenly became the enemies of our enemies, and thus our friends.

I wonder whether the goal here isn’t so much to divide opinion as to emulsify opinion?


Nov 1, 2023 5:44 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

That’s an interesting theory: emulsification of opinion. Relentless, rapid-fire resettings of the board would eventually exhaust even the most dedicated players, and convince them– like it did the WOPR in WarGames– that the only way to win a war of opinions is not to play.

And that lesson is undeniably valid, even if it’s taught to us at gunpoint by people we despise for genuinely nefarious purposes. Voluntary internet-based tribes are fake. We are not genuine characters in each other’s lives, we don’t have each other’s backs. There’s really no point in pretending that shared opinion is in any way a substitute for real-world community.

Nov 1, 2023 10:06 PM
Reply to  Bloobock

Without division: we may end up with hundreds of thousands or even millions protesting in the streets, organising large scale boycotts, and eventually police and military defecting to back the great unwashed.

With division: we definitely end up with everybody alone in their cubicle, on their screen, ineffectually commenting on monitored alternative websites :/

Nov 2, 2023 12:23 AM
Reply to  Anarchos

An argument could be made that the Occupy Wall Street protests after the 2008 financial crisis proved to the system that there is really no need to expend any effort to prevent large-scale protests, because the Occupy marches, although they went on for years and were sometimes quite remarkable in size, were absolutely inconsequential in the end. And they made it abundantly clear to system that protest, in a well-fed society, is a tourist activity. The stakes are too low. It’s a hobby, not a fight. The system simply waited it out, and eventually everybody got bored and wandered away.

Black Lives Matter proved it again a few years ago.

Nov 1, 2023 9:58 PM
Reply to  Hengist

I think the common ground is that all agree on the fact that they are coming for us.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 1, 2023 8:50 AM

Its just the usual Western divide and conquer with patsies.
You kick Netanyahu out when he is used up, the people are happy and new hope, another Netanyahu II steps in and continue the slaughter.
There is nothing new under the sun.

Nov 1, 2023 7:27 AM

Any high official in the military or police who obeys an order to “stand down”, despite a major credible danger, is guilty of high treason.

Nov 1, 2023 9:54 AM
Reply to  mgeo

That depends on the oath you swear and the chain of command you follow

underground poet
underground poet
Nov 1, 2023 11:32 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Going by the book only works if you actually have the book.

Nov 1, 2023 7:17 AM

Better run, hide and don your porous mask!!
The ‘Eighth Wave’ is coming!!


Now, what comes after 8?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 1, 2023 9:00 AM
Reply to  Johnny

After 8 comes 6. 9 on its head.
Note Daniel Andrews were voted in as PM again by a big majority of the voters after all his forced FEMA camps and scandals under the scamdemic.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Nov 1, 2023 7:08 AM

Mark Crispin Miller. Have you become another Beeley?

Chile Pepper
Chile Pepper
Nov 1, 2023 11:35 AM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

Isn’t he the very opposite of Beeley? I thought Beeley very much played the east-west game and claims Russia, China are entirely on the side of the angels

Nov 1, 2023 6:51 AM

If the total nonsensical, humiliating, racist, and no relation to science at all segregation of vaxxed vs unvaxxed wasn’t outrageous enough to the population at large, I don’t know what will be…

The dirty truth is that most people like segregation, as long as they are not at the receiving end. And since this is so, all one needs to do is chose the side that is not at the receiving end. The media is very helpful by letting the reader know which side that is. And that’s, as Bugs Bunny used to say, all folks!

Looney tunes

Nov 1, 2023 9:13 AM
Reply to  Willem

That’s no joke nor metaphor – cartoons played a role in MK Ultra and were used to dissociate peope from reality. When movies show people in institutions watching TV, notice how often they’re watching cartoons.

Nov 1, 2023 10:19 AM
Reply to  Willem

Since separating people affects both sides, every one, by definition, is at the receiving end of segregation.

Nov 1, 2023 12:46 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig


Nov 1, 2023 10:14 PM
Reply to  Willem

I let them segregate themselves to be on the receiving end of that needle since they were so insistent on it.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Nov 1, 2023 6:50 AM

The Palestinians will be shipped over to Europe.
Israel gets its land grab, Khalergi plan another few million immigrants in the West…

Nov 1, 2023 9:55 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Not if they kill all the Gazans as seems the plan now.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 1, 2023 5:08 AM

The one where the script gets flipped!

Tensions Between Ukraine & Israel After Zelensky Reportedly Told “Surrender”
Zero Hedge
Mar 13, 2022

A bizarre diplomatic back and forth between Ukraine and Israel erupted this past week after a top aide to President Volodymyr Zelensky told the media that Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett urged Kiev to accept Putin’s proposal for ending the war, effectively surrendering.

“Bennett is basically telling us to surrender and we have no intention of doing that,” the unnamed senior Ukrainian official told Axios. In the wake of the report, the Israeli Prime Minister’s office issued a vehement denial of the claim.

According to Axios, Zelensky and his advisors were angry over the alleged recommendation from Bennett, which may have led to leaking the exchange to the press. Kiev says that Bennett had initiated the Tuesday call wherein the advice was given.

By Saturday, not only had Israel denied the report, but Ukraine’s government itself is downplaying it, given there’s likely concern that it could lead to unnecessary tensions between the two countries, also as Israel is increasingly looking like a possible mediator amid the war. But it remains the initial story was likely leaked for a reason.

Not a war; it’s a pageant. We need a theme; a song; some visuals. We want you to produce a pageant.

BBC Newsnight
Neo-Nazi threat in new Ukraine: NEWSNIGHT
Feb 28, 2014
BBC Newsnight’s Gabriel Gatehouse investigates the links between the new Ukrainian government and Neo-nazis

Big Al
Big Al
Nov 1, 2023 4:11 AM

And here I was reprimanded and am now censored on every comment because I dared to connect a zionist connection to the Great Reset.
But according to the author, and OffG, all we have to do is get rid of Netanyahoo, and zionism will be just hunky dory. After all, Joe Biden is a zionist. So is Trump. They’re all zionists, yippie! Ya, and zionism had nothing to do with 9/11 either.

Nov 1, 2023 8:39 AM
Reply to  Big Al

I think you need to read the whole thing again. His point is Bibi is working for the globalists and globalism is what we have to fear and guard against more than anything else, even zionism.

Nov 1, 2023 2:22 AM

Nethanyahu is Israel’s weakest link, like Biden is the US one. Harmful people for their own populations and other ones.
Xi Jinping is on the way to join them, driven by his ego like the two others. Neither his age or education is of any help here.