The Roots of Radicalism, the Structure of Evil, and the Slaughter of Innocents
Edward Curtin

My title is redundant for a reason, since the root of the word radical is the Latin word, radix, meaning root. For I mean to show how the use and misuse of language, its history or etymology, and ours as etymological animals as the Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gassett called us, is crucial for understanding our world, a world once again teetering on the edge of a world war that will almost inexorably turn nuclear as events are proceeding.
If our language is corrupted, as it surely is, and political propaganda flourishes as a result, the correct use of our language and the meaning of words becomes an obligation of anyone who uses them – that is, everyone, especially writers.
The United States government exists to wage war. In its present form, it would crumble without it; and in its present form, it will crumble with it. Only a radical structural change will prevent this. For war-making is at the core of its budget, its raison d’être – 816.7 billion for the Fiscal 2023 National Defense Authorization Act alone – a deficit-financed sum that tells only part of the story.
This amount that finances the military-industrial complex and its blood money is for a country that has never been invaded, is bordered by friendly neighbors, and is oceans away from the multitude of countries its leaders attack and call our enemies. The U.S. wages wars around the world because killing is its lifeblood, its structural essence.
In writing of the misuse of language, George Orwell wrote, “It becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts.”
So with these words Orwell slyly places us within the enigma of the chicken and the egg, a conundrum or paradox that relates to my theme in a weird way, but which I will directly ignore.
By radical I do not mean the widespread political usage as in radical-right or radical-left or radical meaning one who plays the role through dress or demeanor. I am using the word in its primary meaning – a radical is one who is rooted in the earth, which means everyone. Everyone therefore is mortal, human not a god, and comes from the earth and returns to it.
Everyone is radical in this sense, although they may try to deny it. And the more one feels alive the more one senses one will die and doesn’t like the thought, therefore many tamp down their aliveness in order to reduce their fear of death. The best way to do this is to disappear into the crowd, to become a conventional person. To act as if one didn’t know that one’s political leaders were in love with death and killing and were not obedient cogs in a vast systemic killing machine. Maybe the unconscious assumption is that these “leaders” can kill death for you by killing vast numbers of people and make you feel someone has control of this thing called death.
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, who stood strongly against the Vietnam War and marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., put the basic sense of radical well when he said:
Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement. . . . get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually. To be spiritual is to be amazed.
To be radically amazed that we exist is to be equally amazed that we will die. And there’s the rub.
Yesterday I got in our car and drove away to meet a journalist friend. It was evening and my wife had previously used the car. I had just spent time following all the dreadful news about the massive slaughter by Israel of Palestinians in Gaza, including the death of more than 3,000 children whose numbers are climbing fast.
Visions of those children and babies played havoc with my spirits, and I kept thinking of my own children and the love and tenderness that comes with being a parent. A musical CD that my wife had been listening to started playing. The case was on the console.
It was Sacred Arias by Andrea Bocelli. He of the majestic voice was singing Silent Night. I was overwhelmed with tears by his passionate words:
Silent night! Holy night!
All is calm, all is bright
round yon Virgin Mother and Child,
Holy infant so tender and mild,
sleep in Heavenly peace!
sleep in Heavenly peace!
I saw nights in Gaza as Israeli bombs burst and shattered everyone and everything to bits, all the holy infants, the children and adults.
I felt beside myself with grief, a U.S. citizen driving down a safe country road contemplating the savagery of my nation and its support for the Israeli government’s brutality and mass killings of Palestinians for all the world to see on screens everywhere.
I felt ashamed to live in a land where justice is a game reserved for rhetoric alone as it joins in the massacre of the innocent, as it always has, now together with the apartheid Israeli regime.
I thought of all the compromised politicians who pledge their allegiance to the killers, Biden and all his presidential predecessors, now including the aspirant Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a man with a conscience on many important issues whom I have supported in his quest for the presidency, but a man whose conscience has abandoned him when it comes to the Palestinians, as Scott Ritter has recently documented. I have privately urged Kennedy to reconsider his “unwavering, resolute, and practical” support for the Israeli government following the Gaza breakout of October 7, but to no avail. In fact, I have been trying to get him to withdraw his unconditional support for Israel since the summer when he withdrew his support for Roger Waters, marched with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach in the Israel parade in NYC, and allowed Boteach to say that Sirhan Sirhan had killed his father without correcting him since he knew it was an egregious lie. My failure in this regard deeply saddens me.
I felt betrayed again – perhaps you will call me naïve – as when I was young and last put my trust in voting for a US presidential candidate in 1972. I thought I had learned to radically grasp the systematically corrupt nature of the U.S. warfare state. Now more than three weeks have passed and Bobby Kennedy has remained silent, only to ask for our prayers for the victims of the mass shooting in Maine. For the Palestinians, not a word. Although he considers the Israeli-Palestinian situation complicated, there is nothing complicated about genocide; it doesn’t necessitate long analyses and discussions with advisers. The facts of the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza are evident for all to see, if they wish. Bobby Kennedy has turned away. And I have now sadly turned away from him.
I remembered the Gospel words I heard long ago about the fulfillment of the words of the prophet Jeremiah: “A voice was heard in Ramah, sobbing and loudly lamenting: it was Rachel weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted because they were no more.”
But this time it is not the Jewish Rachel, for Herod has assumed the name Netanyahu and his U.S. allies, and the weeping ones are Palestinian mothers and fathers. Nothing can justify such slaughter, not the terrible killings of innocent Israelis on October 7 that I denounce; not the fear that the birth of messengers of peace might strike into Herod/Netanyahu’s heart – nothing!
Seventy-five years of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians continues apace. The Jewish child Jesus, the radical preacher of love and peace for all people, didn’t die on a private cross, nor do the Palestinians. So it goes.
I thought of the indescribable sweet wonder of holding your baby in your arms while realizing how many Palestinian parents have been holding their dead children in theirs. Rage welled up in me at the obscenity of those who support this and those who shut their eyes to it and those who remain silent.
I realized that as a Christian I am baptized into the human family, not some special in-group, which is the opposite of Jesus’s message. Every child is holy and innocent and to massacre them is evil. And to remain silent as it happens is to be complicit in evil.
I remembered how these many ongoing weeks of terror started and thought of a poem that is succinctly apposite: Harlem by Langston Hughes:
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore-
and then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over-
like a syrupy sweet?Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.Or does it explode?
And I thought that he could have omitted that final question mark because we have our answer, then and now.
Then the music stopped and I arrived at my destination to meet my friend.
Yes, to be radical is to be rooted in the earth and to realize all people are part of the human family, each of us made of flesh and blood and therefore sisters and brothers deserving of justice, peace, and dignity. But this is just a first step in the grasping of the full dimension of the radical vision. It can end in fluff if a second step is not taken: to use our freedom to uproot ourselves from the conventional government and mass media propaganda and mind control that clouds our understanding of how the world works. This takes study and work and an understanding of the historical and systemic roots of all the alleged “unprovoked” violence that ravages our world.
Thus the existential and socio-historical merge in the radical vision that allows us to grasp the structures of evil and our personal responsibility.
Today that obligation is clear: To oppose the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians.
Otherwise we are guilty bystanders.
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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RFK Jr. is afraid to confront zionism. Cornel West is scared to confront the pharma and medical hierarchy. There is no perfect candidate, and even if there were he wouldn’t be allowed to win. If voting could change anything, they wouldn’t let you do it.
yes, but there is something so off-the-charts disgusting about carpet-bombing children, that anyone who refuses to take a stand AGAINST it forfeits their humanity (or a good portion of it). And this is self-evident, for those with the eyes to see.
‘In a dark time, the eye begins to see.’
-Theodore Roethke
Well, what we see, now more than ever (more even than we did, during ‘Covid’), is what people are made of.
As Mr. Curtin pointed out, in his searing article: it is a binary proposition – you are against it, or you are guilty bystander.
By now everyone should know it’s about Oil or Gas.
Quote Mr. Curtain:
“I saw nights in Gaza as Israeli bombs burst and shattered everyone and everything to bits … “
— ? Israeli bombs have not shattered everyone and everything to bits.
“ I have privately urged Kennedy to reconsider his “unwavering, resolute, and practical” support for the Israeli government following the Gaza breakout of October 7, but to no avail. “
— Good. Why should Kennedy have listened to someone who has some formal education, but lacks brains and knowledge and is only capable of writing Kitsch?
Trusting a man instead of truth will always disappoint you.
Trusting a man creates an idol.
I cannot look at videos or pics of attrocities, be them of Israelis or Palestinians for I cannot right the wrongs. But the other day I looked in amazement a short video with 2 kids, a boy and a girl, in the middle of Jabalia rubble, showing with great joy their pet fish they successfully rescued. I think they’re unbreakable.
Dear Mr Curtin, your outrage is heartfelt and sincere; the situation you describe is too vivid to be denied. On another level, it points to something even more tragic than the ritualistic sacrifice of an entire population at the altar of Zion: the appaling impotence of polite liberal society to do anything about it. Even you, dear Sir, can only admonish your audience to ‘oppose’ the unbearable cruelty of what is being done in their names, by their so-called representative governments. Of course, I oppose genocide and senseless killing in the name of a daft and false ideology. Yes, I can say it, shout it and write it a million times, but I also know that this kind of opposition won’t change anything…
I don’t blame you for this impotence, but I feel I should ask why is it that people in the West have so little control over what their governments do? Why can’t they organise and boycott rogue apartheid states; why can’t they starve the beast by withholding their tax money; why, for example, can’t they do what the 2nd ammendment of the US costitution had intended for them to do in such situation? At this stage, ‘opposing’ genocide is meaningless unless accompanied by meaningful actions. So far, it appears polite society is incapable of stepping outside its comfort zone and reign in the blood-thirsty monster with whom it is joined at the hip. Why aren’t we talking about that?
.This has long been the case, as evidenced by e.g. the globalised Covid response. It is just that people used to be under the illusion that they could influence their government through the “democratic systems” that would ostensibly allow them to do so.
Now it is, in fact, possible for people to influence their government with sufficient numbers and effort, through the means of revolution. But this has two major problems: a) that revolution requires a sufficiently large number of people to leave their comfortable lives and put their lives on the line and b) that revolutions can very easily be co-opted by “false messiah” leadership figures (for an example, think Musk) who pervert the revolution into just re-instating the same system as before under a slightly different label. Successfully achieving the goals of a revolution is very difficult, even more than the physical revolution itself, and I’m afraid I don’t have a concrete answer on what specifically needs to be done to achieve it.
In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God”. (The Gospels)
“Above all it is essential to refer to things by their correct names. If things are not referred to by their correct names, then our language will not reflect reality. If our language does not reflect reality, then our actions will not reflect reality, and will be exercises in futility.” (Confucius, 551-479 BC, Chinese Teacher[22])
ABOVE ALL IS ESSENTIAL! Yes manipulation of language is really a trouble maker!
The book of lies starts with a lie! The book in question does show that language can be used to cast spells, across centuries and generations.
The meaning of the tower of Babylon story is the corruption of human consciousness by a dictator “god” and its hate speech, in the original divide & conquer tactic.
Guys like you got everything wrong but presents an excellent opportunity to reveal how far out these guys are in their miserable life here on earth.
The Tower of Babylon was a f…finger up in heaven to God saying we down here pess on your Commandments and do what we want with child sacrificing, unholy pagan religions and global centralisation.
With God’s magic stick he made everybody speak in different lingua so nobody was able to speak with his fellowman, but had to spread over the earth grouping with those of the same language.
“Multiple yourself and spread all over the globe” and why is that? Because every spot on earth needs people who acquaint and adapt to their own local conditions.
Thus we got Chinese language and writing, India language and writing, Arab writing from right to left, and European writing from left to right, and all these cultures progressed and made remarkable inventions within each of their culture precisely as was the meaning with the Creation and design of the earth, in contradiction with a human made centralised depravicy and idiocy as the globalist Tower of Babylon. Fixed.
“[RFK Jr] allowed Boteach to say that Sirhan Sirhan had killed his father without correcting him since he knew it was an egregious lie…”
And you might also throw in his recent kick in the teeth by Democratic Party members of Congress, whose excuse for silencing him was that he’s actually… anti-Semitic.
So, let’s take a pause.
What do you think is going on? It seems either (a) on the surface, RFK Jr is not playing with a full deck, as MSM argues; or, (b) underneath, RFK Jr is fighting a long and complex game, certainly beyond any hope of winning the presidency (in 2024 at least).
I’ll go with (b). For many other reasons, he’s a far better candidate to play 4-D chess than, say, Donald Trump.
“…My failure in this regard deeply saddens me.” Come on! You’re pulling our legs! No matter how good a friend you are with him, it strains credulity to think an inner-circle Kennedy who grew up in the 60s is likely to tell you his deepest motives or strategies.
As a former Kennedy supporter, for his Presidential candidacy, I have also considered that he is playing some kind of long game. Because I am gobsmacked at his views on Israel, among other things.
But I am not interested in long games. Or any games. Games are politics as usual.
I never thought Kennedy would actually win the office, but I was excited at his candidacy because I thought at least he would have a bigger audience for his message – the message he’d been spreading about corruption, pollution, vaccine injury, corporate capture, Fauci, Baric, Offit, et al.
I naively thought that once people heard the truth they would realize that it is ALL CONNECTED. The corruption, the censorship, the wars, the false flags, the puppet governments.
Instead, it is politics as usual. Reparations, the border, the Israel/Palestine congflagration.
He has turned his back on the message. Thankfully, his organization, Children’s Health Defense, is carrying on. Getting the word out.
I will be forever grateful for the work he has done. I would not be unjabbed had I not started listening to him, and then others, in 2020. I do believe he is committed to the work at CHD.
I’m sure he has his reasons, but I cannot support him as President.
That’s sounds all fine. I’m not advocating for RFK Jr.
I’m just complaining about Curtin’s nutty expectations here (and other places on many occasions), so it triggered my reaction.
Nobody else seems to agree or care. OK.
I thought the anti semtic slusr thrown at RFK Jr at the ridiculous censorship hearings in Congress were just that – ridiculous. And I called and emailed everyone at that hearing to let them know.
But to counter those slurs in the way that he has has really surprised and disappointed me.
I don’t think I am alone. Obviously, Curtin and several others I have read and listened to feel the same.
The level of lies and murder over the past 3 years is beyond egregious. I assumed Kennedy would address that.
C’est la vie.
Thank you for your comments. I certainly believe FRK Jr’s life — and his family’s lives — have been seriously threatened, multiple times, in multiple ways over the years, probably much more since his campaign started. Thus, I can certainly understand his “inexplicable” behavior. I try to live in his shoes for a moment to understand it, and then it makes perfect sense to me.
Yes. Pretty scary. But, who knows. His reasons are his own. I hope he is, and remains, safe.
Painting a building is a hate crime?
Bombing Gaza and killing thousands of children is fine?
Releasing mice in a McDonalds is a hate crime?
Starving, refusing water and fuel to people is a great idea?
Who the fxxx is running this country?
“You are. You voted those people in who fokked everything up. You paid their big cars and their big salaries through your taxes to do your dirty job so you could live a comfortable safe life”.
“You work in their weapon and bomb factories, you send your children out as servicemen, officers, mechanics, attendants in foreign countries to kill innocent people, and on top you cry you cant do anything else”.
Anyone remember Madeline Albright saying, on network TV, that half a million dead Iraqi children – their deaths caused by sanctions – was ‘a price worth paying’?
Immortal words.
The resignation letter of the NYC Director of the United Nations Commission for Human Rights. owing to one more genocide, in this case since 1947, about which they are doing NOTHING, and he can’t take it any more.
Mona Fawaz on X: “Respect! The Director of the NY Office of UN High Commissioner of Human Rights just resigned: “Once again, we are seeing a genocide unfolding before our eyes, and the Organization that we serve appears powerless to stop it.” Letter below-” / X (
By design and over a period of time, there is never enough currency to repay the compounding national debt owed back to the private issuer.
This is where a radical structural change ultimately needs to take place, but first it needs to take place in the minds of the population.
Good point, Free … the only thing that matters to USAmericans is $$$, their only god is Mammon.
I would advise the USofAs Treasury to start printing their filthy money on paper that is more suitable for what $$$ will soon become, i.e., toilet paper
A couple of weeks ago it was the annual air show where I live. A long, long weekend of thunder and lightning from the storm troopers in the entertainment division of the Pentagon, providing an unwelcome break from the routine chemtrail poisoning performed by the climate engineering division.
What thrills! What fun for the whole family! And all for free, enjoyed from lawn chairs in one’s own backyard, as the city was under siege overhead to the fly boys and girls, minus the bombs bursting in air, or in one’s backyard.
As a commercial complement, the city auditorium featured Top Gun: Maverick. Maybe fans flocked past the inflated ticket prices hoping for a special appearance by Tom Cruise, fresh off the set of whatever latest Mission Impossible that franchise for the security state has reached.
It certainly was impossible to escape the grotesque displays of patriotism, and the constant gut-wrenching reminder of others under actual siege to terror and torture as captive audiences in the land of the free remain amused to death.
Only radicalism can save us. Thanks for this; shared with others.
Psycho boys with their psycho toys.
Meanwhile in the UK the Home Secretary Braverman instructs the police to stop all pro Palestinian demonstrations branding them as anti semitic and accusing those attending as supporters of “terrorism”. We are not living in a democracy.
Next time, just go to a ballgame. Baseball, basketball, football, hockey. All the same.
Who are the globalists ? The Iroquois ? The Wiradjuri ?
No and no.
if you need the basic symbology to help you, so be it…
Let me help you out of that curse:
Reply to Edward Curtin
As usual your are spot on with your analysis of the geopolitics as described in this and your numerous previous articles published here and on other websites. I grew up in Nazi-occupied The Netherlands and as a 9 year old I asked myself: “What kind of a world I have I been born into and what am I supposed to be doing here and above all, who am I.” An ancient question, found out later in my reading of the classics.
So I set out to find some answers after my high school years by reading thousands of books on geopolitics, the history of scientific ideas and most of it’s branches and after going permanently online in 1997 on university websites, think tanks, the global media etcetera.
I found out that there are two streams in scientific thought and philosophy as described since the dawn of in the written histories of civilisations and the oral histories of tribal societies.
The philosophy that holds the bully pulpit in recent centuries is the philosophy of scientific materialism which states that matter is the primary reality and the universe is machine-like. Humans and animals are machines, lumbering robots according to Richard Dawkins and hackable animals according to Klaus Swab’s offsider Yuval Noah Harari. Allopathic medicine is an integral part of this philosophy, hence the Covid debacle. You have noticed that the powers that be have ramped up the heavy promotion of fear in the MSM
Consciousness is merely as a by-product of brain activity according to materialists philosophers. Nevertheless consciousness is also regarded as the “hard problem” by these same materialist philosophers!
The other stream of scientific and philosophical thought is that consciousness is the primary reality and we are spirits having a human experience. Our individual spirits are the creation of the universal and timeless spirit.
Our bodies are time and space suits we are born into and which are discarded at death. The universe can be likened to a holographic projection of a universal consciousness. Before we enter this universe at birth we undertake to temporarily forget our true origins. This is the basis of the idea of free will. Life on this planet is like play school. For some it is a very hard play school. We are here to learn anew to love one another and live happy and creative lives.
You have noticed that the powers that be have ramped up the heavy promotion of fear in the MSM about Covid, global warming and war as a tool of psychological method for mind control. Enlightenment about the true nature of reality is the antidote of fear. Our bodily death is just abot the only certainty of life in this reality.
So, why fear what is known to be that reality?
A succinct and Truth-full comment Theo.
Down through the centuries the Great Teachers have tried to show us these Truths, but the vast majority of humanity has chosen expedience in the form of religions, science and/or materialism.
‘To be or not to be’ is the question.
To BE, is the ‘answer’.
Or, as Erich Fromm put it: ‘To have or to BE’.
As long as people are watching this, the story will continue.
If one must choose sides, and it seems that people who watch this demand that one has to choose sides, I choose the side against the gullible journalist who believes everything he hears and sees from… people, writers and agencies who have never been there, yet want me to believe that all they say is the truth and nothing but the truth…
I stand with Bolivia. Also with Chile.
Great article.
You are wrong. True Christians are not baptized into the human family, they were part of that before they gained their salvation. However, assuming you mean water baptism, as we are completely immersed in the water, we symbolize burial with our Lord; we are baptized into His death on the cross and are no longer slaves to self or sin (Romans 6:3–7)This is the opposite of being ‘baptized into the human family’. When we are raised out of the water, we are symbolically resurrected—raised to new life in Christ to be with Him forever, born into the family of our loving God (Romans 8:16). Water baptism also illustrates the spiritual cleansing we experience when we are saved; just as water cleanses the flesh, so the Holy Spirit cleanses our hearts when we trust Christ. Water baptism is not a pre-requisite for salvation, it is a choice after salvation to declare one’s salvation.
Yes, after over 1000 years of murderous opposition to indigenous humanity, that is plain to see.
The plutocrat UN-WEF-WHO-WTO-NWO globalist movement, as we know, thrives on endless mass deceptions, media brainwashing (now called “perception management”), and all kinds of oppression, keeping the public in a state of perpetual uncertainty and fear. The UN, having got its start as a result of WWII, both wars in the Ukraine and in the Mid East no doubt are being used as staging grounds for a “threat” of a WWII for the prearranged alleged “necessary solution” of shifting major powers from our nations to their centralized multipolar zones, which will come under the auspices of a puppet UN controlled by <<<the money power>>>, backing the entire globalist movement. Once such powers, including those over our national territories, resources, borders, and over our basic rights and freedoms, are shifted further out of our reach into the globalist government bodies (i.e. into hands of the same plutocrat monsters), they will institutionalize all of their evil methods they used to gain their powers over us, and just keep using them with even more aplomb and impunity out of fear of losing their controls.
No surprises here.
Ex Aussie PMs support of Israel.
Paul Keating the only exception.
Great. These comfortably off cretins think it’s just fine to support genocide in a far off land. Quite sickening.
As long as you’re citing Scott Ritter, Scott Ritter says the IDF are a bunch of incompetent, hapless, hopeless clods. Far from the omnipotent, all-knowing, 12 dimensional chess players they tell everybody to believe they are.
One can only speculate:
Does RFK jnr have a coterie of Jewish friends?
Is he beholden to the MIC or the Jewish lobby for some of his funding?
Is he just another dumbed down patriot?
Does he fear he will become a target for the PTB?
Strange times.
One thing we can say for sure is that without Jewish approval he would not be on the world stage.
See Jordan Peterson.
I’ve no desire to see that shabbas goy.
Difficult to win the Presidency without winning the Jewish vote in Florida.
If my father, my uncle before him, and my first cousin were all murdered and I knew who did it, I’d probably do my best to either bow before the assassins or to seamlessly dissemble.
I think by now the hearts of most of the world’s population are bleeding for the Palestinians.
And, no, I’m not antisemitic – that would be absurd, since the Palestinians are semites, too. I abhor the Zionists, whether Jews, Christians, Hindu, Devil worshippers or atheists; they are a death cult, the lot of them. It’s now so clear who they are around the world and what their agenda is.
An important point made by Jean Paul Sartre long ago: Arabs are Semites, so the term is regularly misused. Thus my point about Orwell and language.
Good point but one which is sadly ignored by those who sanction the continuing genocide in Palestine.
You mean that either one who accuses the other of being ‘antisemitic’ is in fact ‘antisemitic.’
Plenty of Jews grew up speaking Arabic not Hebrew. My mother and her mother, for a start. Born in Egypt, speaking Arabic……..
Since antisemite now only means hostility toward Jews (and 11 other things), the point is moot.
The change of the definition of the word is deliberate, as part of the denial of the very existence of the enemy tribes.
‘[…….]..questioning the details of the official account of the 0ctober 7 attack is “Holocaust denial”. CJ Hopkins:
How (not) to Relativize the Holocaust:
Post World War Two until around the 6 Day Israeli-Arab War in 1967 the Holocaust was spelled with lower case “h”…The Holocaust subsequently became promoted as a stand-alone, specifically Jewish commemoration: it does not commemorate homosexuals, or Gypsies, or the mental or physically retarded, communists, or any others cleansed from society by the German Nazis….
It cannot be questioned, for to do so betrays antisemitism…
‘The 7 0ctober Massacre of innocent, unarmed civilians’ (TM) likewise cannot be questioned, for to do so will get you branded Antisemitic…
‘It cannot be questioned, for to do so betrays antisemitism’
should read ‘for to do so will get you labeled antisemitic.’
Hamas did not “bake a baby in an oven” Israeli journalist reports.
They surely thought about it though 😂
Globalsits trying to steal 80% of Austrialia failed but they will go again.
Hawaii land grab and now Gaza.
Do tell
Impassioned, but the image doesn’t really fit.
Herod’s intention was precisely to slaughter the Inncocents (unlike Israel’s, which is to destroy Hamas).
And which humanitarian corridors did Herod open up to allow non-combatant civilian babies to head South out of harm’s way?
(Answer: None. That would have defeated the object of the game).
By contrast, around a million I believe (of a pretty tiny population anyway) have headed South out of Gaza City to safer regions.
And where’s the sympathy for the Israeli hostages?
Samson was one of yesteryear’s earliest hostages in Gaza City, after having had his eyes gouged out after a dalliance with a wayward Delilah. His taking proved to be the downfall of the hostage takers and the building that they were in. History may repeat itself but may rhyme.
“Lo-ken hareshayim key eem-camots asher tidiphenu ruach…”
(apologies for the ad hoc transliteration)
Yes, the Bible is a legit historical document, surely – it says so in the Bible!
I liked these symbolic metaphors.
Unfortunately the Israeli troll farm went berserk and gave you -43 down votes :-D.
A thoughtful piece, thank you.
A fundamental problem is Zionism. This is a relatively recent invention but comes from the same time and place as other ‘volk’ movements (later 19th Century, Central Europe) that gave rise to that other monstrosity, Nazism. Part of the process, apart from claiming an ethnic homeland was the revival and adoption of Hebrew as an everyday language — before that time it was like Latin, an old, essential dead, language of religious significance that was the root of many modern languages. I am, unfortunately, no linguist but being also a fan of Orwell I suspect the modern version of the language is used as a form of mind control, a way of corralling thought and directing it. (As a by-product Yiddish — a widely used language that had a rich cultural tradition — was effectively lost. Logically this should have been the language of Israel, or at least one of the languages of that area.)
Now we’re stuck with a power that’s difficult to combat — I’m probably sticking my neck out writing this (except that I’m old and not important). It has, as Craig Mokhiber (the UN human rights leader that resigned recently) remarked that it has completely captured our governments. (There are many references to this, including the image of his letter of resignation, on the Web. The major news outlets tend to precis his comments rather than publish the full text.) Zionism is a cancer on one of the world’s great old religions and ultimately will cause its adherents grief — but then I suppose like before the people causing the problems will escape unscathed and it will be our neighbors and friends who suffer (except it will be our job to make sure they don’t — never lose sight of who the real villains are).
Zionism is just another symptom of the death cult, that has infiltrated all religions and seats of power globally. The Satanic ethos of the power elite, Globalists, Parsite Class, or whatever name we call them by.
Even if you could irradicate Zionism, you would still have the disease, the death cult it’s self.
Satan himself..
Satan = Allah. They are surrendering to the wrong force.
Zionism is a microscopic “death cult” compared to Islamism: whatever happens in Israel has happened on half the globe for 1300 years under Islam.
Zionism is quite modest in is safe territory wish; Islam is fighting from the Philippines till Nigeria and soon in the UK too. Remember the siege of Vienna, Grenada or Aurangzeb in Bijapur?
Afghanistan was once Buddhist, like Xinjiang.
My father worked in Indonesia during the early 50s and we visited there for a time when I was 4-5 years old. We were living around Jakarta, not in an outlying area. I have some difficulty reconciling the country we visited (and bought many momentoes back from) with the “Muslim Majority” country of today.
You miss the point entirely. Zionism and Wahhabism share the same root, you can’t lay blame with a broad brush on the whole of Judaism or the whole of Islam, those who do are just buying the tail wagging the dog Sabatian-Frankist Satanic shell game, allowing their BS rent free space in their heads.
You miss the scale point entirely. 15 million Jews or 1.8 million Muslims: which group has the greatest potential to ho harm over a large territory?
The point is, you only need a scale point if you’re playing the shell game.
It is in the controllers’ interest that Judaism, Zionism and Israel should continue to be seen as inextricably mixed up and confused,
I still swear and expostulate in Yiddish because I learned to literally at my mother’s knee, although she signed away her control over us as she was required to do so she could marry my London Irish/Scottish tank officer father in St Joseph’s Cathedral in Cairo on
Zionism comes from Judaism (as does Christianity and Islam) and Judaism originally came from Babylon with the Zadikkim sect after the Hebrews returned from being slaves there.
All these religions are “great” in their psychopathy which has led to the greatest amount of war and gnashing of teeth in human history. Would you like some quotes from their books?
Anyone can lift Old scripture, describing gentiles as less worthy than Jews etc. Just as the Koran promises 72 virgins in heaven to martyrs (shahid). Just as Catholic, Orthodox and Protestantism includes the Jewish Old Testament – although most Protestantism doesn’t include deuterocanonical books, or includes them as separate Apocrypha – and as we know the Old Testament is a very grizzly read.
The Christian church used to sanction execution, torture and Holy wars.
Every modern religion can be quoted out of historical context. Context is all.
Perhaps ‘Alex Baton’ would care to jump in here? 😅😅😅
Well Sam, it’s always about the ‘other(s)’, is it not.
Kill them, drive them out and take what was theirs, god says so. Seems to be a recurring motif right up to the present moment, ‘n’est-ce pas?
That depends on whether you think religious ideology is a driving force now. I am skeptical. A2
Where do nationalism, cultural traits. xenophobia, racism, politics, greed, ‘religious ideology, and the media and opinion forming propaganda portrayals, which are all in the melting nay boiling pot together swirling about, where and how can we say where one begins and another ends?
This soup has many ingredients, some of which we may recognise. Some maybe not.
I never knew my mother was racially prejudiced until I brought a black girl home.
‘But they used to be servants in Egypt’. I didn’t speak to her for 2 years after that. Having lived abroad helped me understand that there are cultural mindsets which are different, which I’m not a part of. I may not be capable of judging them, either, Only of noticing them. There’s a Hispanic mindset, for a less contentious example, which is definitely different from the Anglo-Saxon mindset you and I share.
“Yes, to be radical is to be rooted in the earth and to realize all people are part of the human family, each of us made of flesh and blood and therefore sisters and brothers deserving of justice, peace, and dignity. But this is just a first step in the grasping of the full dimension of the radical vision…”
More precisely, it can be said:
“Yes, to be spiritual is to be rooted in the earth and to realize all people are part of the human family, each of us made of flesh and blood and therefore sisters and brothers deserving of justice, peace, and dignity. But this is just a first step in the grasping of the full dimension of the spiritual vision…”