Violins in a Musty Attic
Sylvia Shawcross
There is a kind of dark twisted amusement that strikes me sometimes. I don’t know about you. Oh I know. There is not a dang thing funny about a dang thing in this world right now but if you become jaded enough well, it is almost pure comedy.
Today I’m indulging my jadedness. Normally I don’t go there (much) but today I am because I spent part of the night watching Gaza being bombed to smithereens and in the foreground of the image of all that violence, a bird flew to a tree, down to the ground and then back again.
A black bird in an open yellow grass field like a touch of grace in hell.
Yes. I know. We’re perhaps days away from a likely 3rd world war being formally announced and everyone is hysterical and horrified and outraged and practically bleeding from their hair roots with apoplectic apocalyptic consternation. It’s a terrible thing. Truly it is.
The mooing herds in the Ukraine and the Middle East are busy killing or being killed and that’s just the wars Legacy media has decided to cover. Neither one really knows quite why or how this kill or be killed happened exactly and who started it all but killing is what they’ve ended up doing. Because everyone else was doing it?
Perhaps it is the comfort of numbers even if it means being killed if you go into battle or are killed for not going into battle. Or you’re just sitting there like a Mallard duck with other ducks on a pond waiting for the hunter. I suppose not having choices is okay if everyone else around you has no choice too. There’s a macabre comfort in that. I don’t know. You won’t go out alone I guess.
Apparently none of the mooing herd asked themselves “what if they had a war and nobody showed up?” That’s the thing the mooing herds keep missing. Historically. I guess they didn’t know they had that choice. And I guess sometimes they don’t—if we’re being ruthlessly real about Mallard ducks and stuff.
I always used to say it couldn’t get worse, but of course it does. A lot of the time it does. But that doesn’t mean we can’t laugh and laugh and laugh. We’re all supposed to be brain-damaged in one form or another from Covid or its vaccine anyway so we might as well go in that direction: that cackling inappropriateness of the mad as they trip the light fantastic to the percussion of bombs and artillery.
You can hear the violins play sometimes. The pathos everywhere blinds the heart, as Ghandi said I think, “An eye for an eye and the world goes blind.” It is after all far better to laugh to the bitter end than weep and wail. Isn’t it? Well… if you can manage it.
But let’s not think about that. We’re the mad after all for this particular piece anyway—the stark-raving mad like hatters at tea parties or sinister old women locked in attics in musty old storylines. And in that spirit let us look at the ludicrous conundrum everyone seems to have found themselves in now.
It is “pick your side” time again in Derangementville. We all now know if we’re black or white, trans or cis, oppressed or oppressor, green or anti-green, minority or majority, indigenous or colonialist, trusting the science or trusting in God, pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine, liberal-which-is-now-conservative or conservative-which-is-now-liberal, pro-truckers or anti-truckers, pro-immigration or anti-immigration, freedom-loving or communist, toilet-paper under or toilet-paper over.
We have evolved into complete self-obsessed definitions of all sorts of colourful labels almost to the point where we haven’t got any more room to stick the labels. Just when we’re busy making t-shirts saying “Leave the children alone,” we have to switch again. Jews for Jesus? Or Save Palestine? Be grateful you are here at this point and not still wearing your Ukraine flag or your #Me-too scarf. You’d be so humiliated in social situations—everyone would be laughing and pointing at you.
But here’s the funny part, isn’t it: All these people in the public eye are desperate to decide which side they’re on to proclaim to the world. The contortions and agony is so evident. The long-thought out reasoning. The deeply-emotional depths of soul and personal history and feelings exposed. The ridiculous expectations of common people demanding a stance from in-the-public-eye-people.
You know why it is funny? Nobody cares.
We have reached that point now. We don’t friggin’ care. It is only those who think so highly of themselves that they have to proclaim such things. All of it… is a so-what. It is a so-what kind of world now.
So. The only solution is to have no opinion at all.
It is what it is. You are not a leader of a country making decisions. You are not an elite puppet-master pulling strings. You do not have the money to buy your way into high-ranking decision-making circles. You are not any of these things. You are just another face with an open mouth promulgating viewpoints while the world burns. This is also known as an influencer in a madhouse. Nobody cares anymore. That’s the sad truth. Perhaps in my jadedness I’m being harsh. I don’t mean to be. I’m just saying what I see as a sad truth and what I’m starting to believe about my own work here. To what end all these opinions? To what end?
We just want the killing to stop.
Until then, we’re just going to laugh. Until we cry. Which we do.
Until we have another thing to be divided over and we have to turn on the t-shirt machine again. Maybe the next thing won’t involve death and destruction. Maybe it’ll just be a mild tornado or a skirmish in a country we’ve never heard of populated by mostly albino roosters and hairy-arsed hermaphrodites. On that perhaps it would be appropriate to have an opinion.
Freedom to have no opinion at all is perhaps at this point the greatest freedom we can have.
Otherwise: Peace. Here. Now.
P.S. I’m a bit angry today. My apologies. (I’m still Canadian in that respect.)
Here’s an earworm because the more things change the more they stay the same:
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I feel exactly the same. I think we’ve reached peak societal emoting! A friend has asked me to attend a local free palestine demo but I’m not inclined to do so, I can’t even be bothered to give an excuse. Perhaps me not going will somehow have a negative effect on the outcome of that particular tragedy but I doubt it. But then I think there is strength in numbers? I went on the anti war march rally in London against the Iraq war, made not the slightest difference maybe because it takes more than attending a march to really stop war. Sometimes it feels like the obstacles are insurmountable. But how do we make positive change that will lead to a more peaceful world? I think we just turn away from it all and focus on building a parallel world of our own as many are currently, quietly doing in their own communities. Don’t be distracted by what is happening over there, the stronger and more self sufficient we become in our own communities and networks the less power we give to those who are the drivers of war. That’s not to say what is happening in Gaza can just be portrayed as a distraction, it very much isn’t for the people who are suffering through it but at this point the powers that should not be are not going to be stopped by demos, they are driving through their agenda regardless probably to the bitter end death and destruction means nothing to them.
But in the end God makes it all good, yet the waiting is the hardest part.
Hang in there underground. We never know what will wash up on the shore tomorrow.
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away,
now I know they are here to stay,
Oh I believe in yesterday.
I adore you Sofia. When at my darkest the realistic optimist comes in out of nowhere to provide the hope. TY. It does lie with “the people.” It always has. If only we “all” knew it. Yes. The demos facing this relentless agenda… well… how successful are they if the powers that be don’t really give a flying ratsarse “what” the mooing herds think about anything. We appear to be either an annoyance or expendable and if we’re lucky mildly useful. Such is the life of the mooing herd these days. Perhaps it always was.
I too am appalled at the genocide occurring in Gaza. It doesn’t help knowing it’s inevitable, as was, is and will be every genocide humans engage in, its inevitability proceeding from its root cause – a cause almost no one in the “Alt-Right” seems willing to acknowledge – the age old demon responsible for every atrocity in human history: human nature.
Instead, so very many look to central bankers, who if only they can be stopped all madness will cease. Or to government policies, which if only they can be changed peace and happiness will reign supreme. Or to religious fervor, which if only it can be replaced with the one true religion cast in the image and likeness of the one true god (our god) Nirvana, Utopia and Heaven on Earth will ensue.
Human nature: dictator to all bankers, all power brokers, all priests. Titles do not determine the fate of peoples and nations no matter how many tongues they roll off of.
“No matter how cynical I get, I can’t keep up.” – Lily Tomlin.
It Was and will be forever thus.
How is the EverythingInsideMe channel posting a distilled version of this editorial?
Are you related?
Not related. Don’t know who this person is. I suppose it is a form of flattery. I don’t mind. It is what it is. Thank you for pointing it out though.
‘Mr Fish is on fire:
Two senile, frustrated and extremely dangerous old men.
Very droll:
More dark poignancy than droll methinks George.
After all, a picture can paint a thousand words.
Interesting that I was going to comment myself about I watched a video of Mr. Scheer interviewing Juan Cole – an acknowledged “expert” on the Middle East.
Everyone agreed, and agrees, that Israel “over reacted.” What really caught my attention though was the emphasis on Hamas’ “inhumane atrocities.” These “atrocities” have been all but debunked (in something like half a dozen articles on
Then it hit me why the Sheers, the Hedges, the Coles keep their standing despite their criticisms: they ALWAYS acknowledge the “Narrative” (i.e., the central theme of the perps). They’re allowed to criticize Israel for “over reacting” – just as long as they pay homage to the “inhumane atrocities” of Hamas.
I exited the video after Mr. Cole’s third round of emphasizing Hamas’ atrocities.
The US and its allies (or should that be sycophants?), have not effectively ‘won’ a war since 1945.
What makes the psychos in charge think they can win against Iran, Lebanon, or any other declared enemy of their violent, perverse, and crumbling empire?
“The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance…In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact.”
― George Orwell
I didn’t sleep very well last night. Watching the Max Igan video which had the smashed and burned babies and the unspeakable and unprecedented genocide in Gaza. Apparently the Israeli infantry is rounding up civilian men in Gaza , pushing them into pits and shooting them dead. Filming the ghastly deeds as the did them. Identically as the Nazi’s allegedly did in WW2. The video can’t be shown here. The sleeplessness was exacerbated by the news that a million Gazans were now homeless. That is the majority of the population , about 60%. Huge numbers among them will die from exposure and lack of food and water and medical care. The actual death toll should include the missing who are suffocating or have suffocated under the rubble. That would be more than 30,000 including 15,000 children. This must be the most rapid genocide in recorded history.
The video included sickeningly bloodthirsty speeches from the most prominent she devils of our time, Killary Clinton and Nikki Haley.Also from that sick genocidal monster Don Drumpf. Bernie Sanders has ignored an appeal from 300 of his staffers to demand a cease fire, proving that blood is thicker than water.
If true, that is extremely disturbing. But given the last ‘televised’ war Vietnam, it is not unexpected.
“..They who “say they are Hebrew, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan….”
@This must be the most rapid genocide in recorded history.
The key word here being “recorded”.
Why is this important video behind a pay wall on his Patreon? Do you trust Igan?
It’s probably behind a paywall because he wants to eat this week and pay his rent, and it’s probably his sole source of income. Yes, I trust Igan. I trust David Icke too, who just posted a video about the nature of picking sides and about the limited nature of even the alternative media.
I imagine all alternative media people need to eat and pay rent etc. Paywall is not the only solution to that. They can ask for donation or have sponsors. Given the urgency of his message it just seems quite strange to then limit the audience so severely just to make money.
He could be doing it for spite too, its a ruthless world and getting worse everyday, do not ignore the signs.
The video is freely available on bitchute. I tried to post it here but wasn’t allowed to. I myself am on the watchlist here. Who do you trust and why ?
Do you mean this one?
No it wasn’t this one. It was a more recent one. You apparently one of the many covert operatives that are protected here.
If so I seem to have been “allowed” to post it!
you can watch anything by max igan on for free, as far as i know patreon have defunded him about the time he had to do a runner from the fascist state of australia a couple of years ago
Apparently that pit footage was from Syria.
To the US governments call for a Humanitarian Pause in Israel’s carpet bombing of Gaza Israel responded “How Dare You !”
To UN calls for Israel to pause its carpet bombing of Gaza Israel responded “How Dare You !”
To anyone who decries or criticises Israel’s atrocities in Gaza Israel’s responds “How Dare You !”
Russia broke from its Pontius Pilate “we wash our hands of it” neutral stance and Israel responded “How Dare You !”
China has stated “it should not be that way”.
Sylvia, My Mum’s Dad was a music teacher, from Scotland, but teaching music in South East London at some posh school.
He volunteered when asked,,,and spent 4 years in The Trenches – off and on…During the last year of World War 1, in the Trenches..he knew he was soon to die…So he wrote a tune with music words on Notepaper. He actually survived it, for a few years – died in North France, of Appendicitus, whilst my Mum was a Peaseant Girl….
My Niece, just happens to be a musician and plays Violin in a current Folk Band,,,
She also played Violin on my Mum’s 80th Birthday, and told my Mum – Your Dad wrote that..
Meanwhile, I inherited none of these Musical Skills and can’t even sing..I did however buy an Electric Violin…couldn’t play it…and my other Niece, brought her husband and young stay with us for the weekend…
She met him in Brighton (England) a really nice man and a Musician from Africa…
He could play any instrument….but had never tried a violin…
You know what these people are like.
Some people can do music…some can just make a noise
All This Artificial Intelligence (AI) from the likes of Musk is total Bollocks .
Computers have less Intelligence than your average Earthworm or Flying Bug.
We are being brainwashed with nonsense,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Is this an ad for making millions at home? 5 minutes a day?
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-11-01. Journo Julia HB: monitored, smeared, file sent to American CTU – WTAF. Sunetra Gupta obliterates lockdown (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
A (not so?) belated Halloween meme,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
(Also includes coupon for free vaccines at your local Trick-and-Treatment Clinic.)
Here’s a fun Halloween fact – ‘Halloween III’, ‘Invasion of the Body-snatchers’ and ‘E.T.’ were all filmed in the same California town.
Look up the name…
The good people know which side they are on. And all honor to them for proclaiming it, bravely, unafraid of the horrible repercussions they will be bringing down upon themselves for telling the truth.
The fundamental problem is that while you might not be interested in government, government is most certainly interested in you. In an ideal world society should be a self-organizing utopia but this apparently only works for self-sufficent groups of 150 people or less — as soon as society gets any more complex you get hierarchies with all their attendant evils. So the problem comes back to “forming a more perfect Union”. Everyone’s had a crack at it and everyone has failed due to one reason or another and it doesn’t help that if a society or country does make a bona fide attempt then its quite likely — actually, certain — to be dumped on by more ‘normal’ neighbors because success could be catching. This problem shouldn’t prevent everyone from trying. An important part of this is not to believe the snake oil about ‘freedom and democracy’ — sure, everyone wants to be ‘free’ (whatever that is) and democracy sure sounds like a great idea but these key words tend to be cover for the exact opposite. The usual set up is a tiny elite owns most of the money and controls ‘the system’, using its fiscal power (and if necessary actual honest to goodness “crack those heads” power) to maintain that system. The specifics vary from society to society but any challenge to that structure is dealt with ruthlessly. There are signs that people are wising up somewhat which makes the time we live in both extremely interesting and very annoying. After all, we were all told repeatedly “There Is No Alternative” but its quite possible there are several and its the conflict between TINA ideology and potential alternatives that fuels most of the problems in the world today. (Its also fun watching TINA advocates — those that push… Read more »
I don’t disagree, but what sort of a society can you have with 150 people? Not a hunter and gatherer society any more, that leaves pastoralism and/or agroecology at a semi-subsistence level. Idyllic for some, but what about today’s “digital natives” who know nothing but advanced technological civilisation? We ended up with a self-organising market economy because we wanted to be emancipated from the restriction of a land-based economy; free of feudal landlordism and so on. Mercantilism and then capitalism are both urban modes of existence: urbanisation is modernisation and so on. To create ‘freedom and liberty’ (‘democracy’ and market economics are contradictions, as we have seen by increasing ‘market capture’ and corruption of any notion of “We, the people” of national economies). ‘We, the people’ as one world “cosmopolite” citizenry became reliant on globalisation because no one country as a “national capitalism” can produce the standard of living we have created by dominating the land (at quite a considerable cost, I might add.) So now we have transnational ‘capitalism’ as a one world economy or one world neoliberalism — market-fundamentalism — TINA. If we want the advanced technological lifestyle and its ‘freedoms’, we need the level of global cooperative integration and energy-complexity we currently have. Any return to “national capitalism” — or “national neoliberalism” — would require a substantial drop in the standard of living that technology and market-fundamental industrial growth economics has afforded some of us. So what if the elite or “TINA ideologues” said we have to degrow and return to national economies? Can you imagine the standard of living in the UK? There actually is no alternative so long as we want to live our lives at such a highly unsustainable level of technological/technocratic, oil-dependent, world economic fantasy. Currently, there are also very few who want… Read more »
You go first…
How many people came over with the Mayflower?
102 apparently. How many followed as economic migrants through Ellis Island? 8m apparently. Is there any relevance to this?
The Tragedy of the Commons and the herding of the dispossessed into the industrial prisons of urbanisation by those who swindled them of their common law rights may be the trigger here.
Just b/c his tribe cant make it w/150 people, that doesn’t mean a different tribe can’t.
The politics of peace is so hard to handle and even harder to find.
The politics of peace is a gentle hand and a serene sight.
You missed anti-United Nations. The UN is the cause of all of our problems.
I know that apocalyptic scene of the lone bird. The government sponsored mowing of grasslands in the middle of nesting season sticks in my mind. Adult ground nesting birds with grubs in their mouths as they search for their flightless nestlings which were chopped up by mower blades. A horrible site. Back and forth from the ground to the nearest shrub. Panicked. Thanks to the government. Kind of like war. They don’t care.
This scene from the movie The Fugitive, randomly popped into my mind.
‘trusting the science or trusting in God’
This is a very non-binary binary choice, since ‘the science’ is a euphemism for whatever Establishment politicians (many senior scientists are now politicians rather than practitioners of skeptical scientific experiments) deem it to be, rather than what dispassionate measurements and analysis of data deem it to be.
I have known many true scientists from 30 years ago who also had faith in God. They never saw it as a contradiction, since faith is about the unknowable and science is strictly about that which can be measured.
Of course, that which can be measured changes over the centuries, even over the decades these days. This of course takes various things out of the realms of ‘faith’ and into the realms of science, engineering and medicine. IVF would have been a ‘miracle’ 2000 years ago. Now it is relatively routine medicine, even if outcomes cannot be predicted with exactitude. Satellites above earth giving pictures of the whole planet were unthinkable even 200 years ago, now they are launched multiple times a year.
The majority of humans, of course, are not educated to degree level in sciences and thus ‘faith’ can often be a source of refuge to avoid stress about matters which sufficient understanding is not possible unless experts are open and honest.I can imagine many needing their faith when they discovered that scientists had been regularly lying to them for 20 years and now some of them are even trying to kill most of us too.
Everyone has their own way of rationalising that which they cannot change.
Faith is one way, but it’s not faith vs science. It can just be focussing on more agreeable things, like watching your young children grow up.
Of course it also matters between which science and which god too.
Behavioral and hetero.
A Plan for Peace in the Middle East (and elsewhere)
1. Get rid of religion.
The three main religions in that area are, of course, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. While each contain some useful wisdom, each of these ideologies maintain, in one form or another, that their adherents are “the chosen people.” This sows divisiveness, fear and enmity and, if allowed to continue, will never lead to peace.
2. Get rid of government.
Almost all governments in the world today are corrupt and have been infiltrated and taken over by corporate interests. This is Mussolini’s definition of Fascism, which he expounded on in the early 1930s. As we have already clearly seen, corporate interests revolve around three agendas: complete control of wealth and monetary systems; the consolidation of power; and complete control of every aspect of the lives of the populace who, as we know, are nothing more than “useless eaters” from their pathological perspective.
Religion and government work hand-in-hand to help achieve a totalitarian society that will allow their handlers to maintain and grow their wealth, power and control.
So, after both religion and government and their dogmas are gone, what would the people be left with? I firmly believe that people would realize that they have much in common with their fellow human beings and would begin to work together peacefully toward achieving common goals and cultivating a more spiritual frame of mind.
Ok, but what are you suggesting replace Religion and Governments ?
At the moment we have the illusion of choice regarding governments.
This illusion is maintained by what we call ‘democracy’ which has come to mean a meaningless cross on a meaningless piece of paper but it does mean that the elected criminals have to be accountable to some degree.
to descend into anarchy would just give a green light to an even worse free for all with the same bad actors – but this time with no restrictions on them.
Get rid of religion ?
You’ve obviously never been to a country where religion is worth more than life ?
Even if you could eliminate religion, next week there would be a thousand new ones.
And they will all be 100% convinced that their God is the only one.
I understand what you’re saying.
To answer your question regarding what would replace religion and governments, please re-read the last paragraph of my post.
I think you need to brush up on your understanding of the difference between anarchy and Anarchism.
I realize that my proposal is extremely idealistic. However, what choices do we have left? If the majority of people don’t or can’t learn how to turn their backs on the mind-doping buzzard-fuckers that are running this show, I suppose we are doomed to a life inside a dystopian nightmare for who knows how long or just ending it all with a nuclear holocaust. Either way it’s a case of, “Ashes, ashes, we all fall down.”
Ahem, you proposed Anarchism, a desire to destroy organised rule. Usually pejorative.
I mentioned Anarchy, the state of being without organised rule.
If that’s what you came away with from my post then you completely misunderstood what I was saying.
I thought the WEF or its counterpart had that covered Clutching. They have world religious leaders rewriting the bible to worship the earth and have commandments geared to environmental protection. I jest not. Seriously. They are on it. As world religious leaders they may have however forgotten the simple notion that most religious texts are believed to be the word of God and not of mortals. Given perhaps to mortals. I don’t remember God in his/her/it/theyetc.’s various manifestations handing the Word down to a committee. But perhaps I’m wrong. Perhaps thems that are re-writing it are in their own minds Gods. I suspect however, as ridiculous as it seems, the intention is to stop all these dreadful holy wars and hatred. Maybe they will succeed given the way people seem to be these days.
Thanks for your reply.
My point really was that I’ve personally seen some unbelievable acts committed by adherents of religions (Not just one)
To think you can change what has been dyed in the wool for millennia is, frankly, delusional.
“Holy” wars will never cease.
They’re too profitable.
@And they will all be 100% convinced that their God is the only one.
Except there are a thousands ways to do something wrong, and only one best way to do it right.
My suggestion is to do what we can to break up corporations. Governments don’t need to be enforcement arms of corporations. Push government antitrust prosecutions, and private lawsuits if possible. Corporations taking over western government has been the number one reason modern governments have stopped representing the values of the people they’re supposed to protect/represent. This is the one big reason the American revolution against Britain occurred. America has largely forgotten this fact.
While each contain some useful wisdom The reason these psy-ops have been succesful for so long is that people have been deceived by this. Pretty much every shred of wisdom in these syncretic pseudo-religions is lifted from genuine forms of spiritual teachings -Buddhism, Hinduism, Greek / North African/Middle Eastern “pagan”/polytheistic mysticism that prexisted the Mosaic/Abrahamic psy-ops and that were later eliminated by the propagators of the psy-ops. It is more tricky than that though, as much of this wisdom is not merely copied but distorted or outright inverted so as to hack human consciousness and seed psychopathic directives. The Garden of Eden tale is a complete inversion. Turning love into a Law is the most powerful and most diffcult of these directives for people to get past. “Turn the other cheek”, a later addition to the “wisdom”, gives perpetrators licence to abuse will never work to stop a serious assault. Every single martial arts/ self defense teacher will tell you to either run or fight back if you want to avoid serious damage, and that is how the real world works. The perpetrators do not want you to run or fight back, they want you to submit. The teaching of “Jesus” in the Bible is for slaves. The image of a god-man with arms stretched out horizontally and feet together standing in a cross posture comes from the older Orphic “pagan” tradition, and is the image of Phanes (aka Hierophanes), not a human being but a solar deity pictured in human form as an instruction, so that worshippers can stand in that posture at sunrise on summer solstice and feel the power of that deity. Human beings are not made in any God’s image! Rather, they imagine their gods with human form after coming in contact with them- because divine… Read more »
You make some good points.
thank you that resonates well
Sure, get rid of ‘religion’ if you want. That won’t stop real Christians believing the truth of Jesus.
People will always seek a way to connect to God.
For us Christians that’s Jesus.
I don’t care if you don’t believe it. Truth exists and you have to concede it’s possible that Jesus is the truth, and that all other religions are false.
I don’t care what other religions say, just like I don’t care what believers in the PLANDEMIC tell me.
See how trying to get religion is trying to get rid of what people believe as the truth?
You can believe anything you want to believe. And I don’t have to concede anything.
There is a flaw there Sal IMHO and that is this propensity of humans, the vast majority of them, wanting to be led. Those that do not want to be led are far far fewer in number and as long as this is an issue there will always be that fatal flaw. That’s what I’ve experienced anyway in looking at the world. People seem to want their leaders even if we’re smart enough to recognize our commonality and work together peacefully, there they are, those leader people. Put there. Demanded. Expected. Destined it seems to power which they will use or misuse. Religion provides the ultimate leader of course but then we’re left with those who need others to interpret for them. We are a miserable lot we are. Wait… maybe that’s just me… I’m in such a cranky mood. Sorry about that.
I think you have it in a nutshell.
That is where they’re coming from. They know how we work and exploit our weaknesses to the max.
A bit like a medieval torturer with a long iron bar. Leverage (and a little knowledge of joints) is the key.
Yes, I agree that people do want or think they need to be led and, generally speaking, they’re not very discerning about who is doing the leading and why they are doing it. But from where does this state of mind come? We are indoctrinated with it from the time we learn our ABCs. So it’s a “monu-mental” task to overcome this early mind programming.
You’re cranky and I’m tired. They’re making us miserable – or we’re allowing them to do this. But, Chin up! Onward through the fog!
[BTW, I was curious about the idiomatic expression, “chin up.” This is what I found: “The very first written reference appears from an October, 1900 publication of the Pennsylvania newspaper The Evening Democrat: “Keep your chin up. Don’t take your troubles to bed with you – hang them on a chair with your trousers or drop them in a glass of water with your teeth.” Source:]
You left out the most important thing to do away with – the overriding thing which drives all the rest: wealth. Do away with wealth and the world will experience universal peace.
Gaza is being destroyed for one main reason: the huge oil and gas fields off shore. These fields hug the coast of the entire Levant; but the hugest is right off the shore of Gaza (I could link at least two articles from but I won’t).
The Palestinians lack the resources to mine these fields. The Israelis do have the resources. End of story.
One Voice, One Purpose, One World (Government) !
But not if you are unvaccinated. Then you are living in a different world, an Avatar world, and you cant be with normal people. Why dont you move to another planet? (sarc)
‘Just when we’re busy making t-shirts saying “Leave the children alone,” we have to switch again.’
No, keep making those shirts. They are perfect for both Hamas and the Israeli government…and the Democrats, and the Republicans, and Bill Gates, etc., etc., etc.
‘Just when we’re busy making t-shirts saying “Leave the children alone,” we have to switch again.’
No, keep making those shirts. They perfect for both Hamas and the Israeli government…and the US government, and the Democrats, and the Republicans, and Klaus Schwab, etc., etc., etc.
You’re right you know. It’s THE t-shirt!!!
better ‘hey shit for brains, leave them kids alone’
You apparently believe in the 40 beheaded babies stories. Apparently broadcast exactly 33 years after the incubator babies legend was born.
Usually I agree on every level with everything Sylvia says and the way she says it, but in this case I had the same reaction that I had to the previous article by CJ Hopkins. The situation in Gaza has put the world suddenly beyond the reach of humor and, in Mr. Hopkins’ case, beyond the purview of his occupation as a satirist. Humor is primarily a social phenomenon. We can find something to be theoretically amusing when we’re alone, but it’s rarely possible to laugh. We want to share the situation with somebody else — preferably somebody who shares our sense of humor, but a stranger will do in a pinch. Laughter is a way of simultaneously declaring and of being assured that a situation is absurd. We point at a fool and laugh to say to (and ask of) each other, “This is not what we believe! (Right?) It is, in fact, a ridiculous misinterpretation of what we believe? (Right?) I’m not the one misinterpreting our shared beliefs, it’s him! (I’m not wrong… right?)” But this situation — the unadorned, unapologetic slaughter in Gaza — is far, far outside the reach of laughter or satire. It is not a comical misinterpretation of our beliefs, it is a sudden and deliberate sinking-into-the-sea of even the absurd mockery of a belief system that the perpetrators of this “war” just finished constructing: so-called “Woke,” the cult of the underdog. Woke was a cult of the Palestinians. But Woke no longer exists above the waves. There is nothing to laugh at here, nothing. It is a catastrophe that puts its agents outside of all systems of belief. By telling us that we, the People of the West, stand in solidarity with the military dictatorship of Israel (as distinct from its horrified citizens… Read more »
Oh well Bloobock it takes a certain level of jadedness to appreciate dark humour in this context. It was a passing shell-shock piece. Humour is a crapshoot particularly these days. I reserve still the right to have no opinion on this situation. I will say only I do not want people dying least of all children on any side. And it is painful to see.
Oh believe me, I understand! I’ve been trying my best to laugh at it, and have done so publicly in comments on this site in the past few days. It’s only in the last twenty-four hours that my shell-shock has started to subside into unadulterated fury. Dark humor is infinitely better than no humor (the purest innovation of Woke) and we must take it where we can get it.
Yes, “no opinion” is the ultimate wisdom. We can’t affect this situation, even by looking away, but at least by looking away we can isolate the perpetrators in their guilt and shame. They must know that they are entirely alone in this.
presently i am reading all quiet on the western front by erich maria remarque which i have to say is excellent. it is horrific and honest and it is dark humour amongst the main characters that helps keep them sane. it is what has kept me semi-sane also the last 4 years….iv always had a dark sense of humour but it seems to be an essential asset these days better than crying
Very few would show up if the government Treasury did not have access to unaccountable private Central Banks who routinely fund both sides.
Wonderful Sylvia, thank you.
I don’t understand the rating (or is it just bots?). Try re-reading this while listening to Vaughan Williams, thanks for the link Johnny.
Of course overlooked is the fact that the west is so unhealthy that they are running out of doctors to do all the transplants for the health care industry.
So anywhere you can come up with parts is fair game to the system, and any way you can explain it is also at a premium.
So they killed too many for the transplant industry. The organ trade in high gear but not enough surgeons……..and still not enough money off course. How could I forget the money. Shame on me.
How many collapses can a system juggle?
Like how many queens does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One, and the whole World revolves around her.
Well, Argentina is still alive. After going bankrupt a dozen times.
Speaking of violins (or cellos), it doesn’t get much better than this:
Thanks Sylvia.
Excellent rendition.
Pure magnificence. Can make a person cry really. TY 🙂
Many people know and have written it down since the days of the Nag Hammadi texts.
The warped metaphysics originating in Babylonia are akin to a neuro- hack in the human species which is perpetuated via child abuse (circumcision) and other types of trauma.
Those eith eyes to see can see that the pseudo religions of the Abrahamic lie have for over 2000 years failed to bring peaxe and love- because they are really about the opposite.
Revitalise the Holocaust? Of course we need to revitalise the Holocaust. It’s looking a bit jaded and anaemic, these days. Maybe it needs a blood transfusion.
Oh??? They’re already doing it???
Apojolies to CJ.
Violins Sylvia Shawcross, beautiful pic but the spike (endpin) at the bottom of the instrument identifies it as a Cello. … sorry just had too. 😅