WATCH: Don’t Worry! The Border Problem is About to be Solved!
Think you’ve got The Great Travel Reset under control? Think you’re too smart to be fooled by the vaccine passports?
Well, you’d better prepare yourself for the next Problem-Reaction-Solution psyop that’s coming along to convince you that you need to be herded into the digital ID gulag: the generated border crisis! Find out all about it in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast.
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Your masters have decreed that they want cheap labour, and they will get it.
In the past, that was definitely true – but with the forthcoming robotics and A.I. it’s less the main issue.
In the future, it’ll be more about maintaining a “strategy of tension” and the ultimate Luciferian goal of dissolving the naturally-existing races into a homogeneous sludge. The Luciferians can do so much better than Nature – even if they have no more idea than to invert the natural order.
As usual, those who trumpet ‘diversity’ want to destroy the real version and replace it with a fake – the diversity of Eloys and Morlocks, the illumined and the profane.
Robots and AI are not ready. They cost something to buy, train and to maintain. Remember: profit above all else.
If you go looking for “Problem. Action. Solution.” explanations
you are likely to find such ?
If, as is repeatedly asserted, the left, and right are obsolete
political categories, are meaningless, does this mean all
claims and allegations about the left, and the right, are
strawman arguments ?
Yes. Because the money comes from the same coffers, Bank of England and City of London why left and right today are mixed into each other as spaghetti.
But, if you keep “Family, God, King and Nation” in the mentioned priority as your personal political platform, you can survive all the confused.
This is the conservative republican ideological root, the American dream, while KKK and Slavery are the leftist’s and City of London’s ideological roots.
Perhaps James should let his wife/partner/friend or bystander broadcast his reports.
His American style zealousness, for want of a better phrase, is a tad overwhelming.
Just concentrate on the content. If the content is of value anybody is worth listen to.
I have the same issue with RF Kennedy whose voice can be difficult to take, but as the content many time are worth listen to I suffer the minutes.
If the content has real value then writing is probably the best way to convey it.
Trump is awesome. This is my opinion and you can say what you want, I will refuse to hear it  😇 .
Trump is awesome.
The absence of wars on his watch was pretty good.
Except the real war through Operation Warp Speed that is…
Trump was a double speaker like the rest, but …….of two evils.
Edwige, do you understand that U.S. imperialism is a constant war? And that Trump, as CINC, oversaw 4 years of U.S. imperialism?
I assume you’re talking about the same Donald Trump who is on record as claiming to be; “The father of THE vaccination”? … whatever that was supposed to mean. And the oft’ claimed, photo-op ‘originator’ of the “Warp-speed’ development of aforementioned ‘vaccination’?
Yeah! great bloke … for America simply because you deserve the cucking funt, what a charmer. Other than that, I reckon he is a total drongo, with a capital ‘D’.
Oh, did I mention that he looked like a real ambassador for the Catholics with that tea-cosy on his bonce when he was in Israelostine?
You can make these claims even worse on the whole Congress. Trump was so bad as he was awesome compared to the rest of the Congress..
India has digital IDs for years, call “Aadhaar”. Less fake people, double, triple 4x etc IDs than before, less mix ups. No sinister stuff happening till now; India has still massive street power.
World wide 8 billion digital IDs cannot be controlled by 80,000, even with AI; even 1% protesting/disrupting unwelcome measures is already 80 million people.
The numbers are massively against it.
So you have never heard of suicides, destroyed families, privacy hacking and misuse. Extremely expensive ID project(s) with low value for citizens, eternal updates and “improvings”.
“Aadhaar is the cause of all problems”
“Aadhaar a tragedy of failures” .
Found in virtual space; on ground reality haven’t seen or heard much negative till now.
A valid point. If the majority of the people of India love their slavery they have the right to do so.
But they dont have the right to make life a hell for those whose souls cant enter into this theme.
Will James yell at the screen and tell his audience they need to get his information through their ” thick skulls”?
I don’t need his analysis anymore. His head blew up or something.