The Great Reset Part 2 – A Camp With No Outside
Simon Elmer

‘Today, it is not the city but rather the camp that is the fundamental biopolitical paradigm of the West.’
Giorgio Agamben, Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, 1995
In Part 1 of this article, I identified the apparatuses of biopower by which our freedoms and our democracies are threatened in the West today, and which I described as the ‘Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse’.
As I devote a chapter of my new book, The Great Reset, to each of the last three of these apparatuses of biopower — the UN’s Agenda 2030, the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty and Central Bank Digital Currency — I’m only going to discuss the first of them here, although it comes up throughout my book, because a system of Digital Identity is the gateway to the digital camp in which the other three will imprison us.
They all rely on it being in place for their own enforcement, and in this respect it is the most important and the one that has to be most resisted and defeated. Some form of Digital Identity has been talked about for some time, and although everyone appears to know what it is, there doesn’t seem to be much opposition to its implementation in the UK, which I’d suggest indicates that in reality we don’t understand it at all.
The Gateway of Digital Identity
During the lockdown of the UK, Digital Identity was discussed in relation to the China Health Pass, which is now fully operative and linked to the Chinese system of Social Credit, and which like a traffic light has three signals of access to different aspects of the public realm and services: green for freedom of access; amber for limited access or only on condition of further proofs or acts of compliance (like taking a PCR test); and red for prohibition on everything from receiving a bank loan, accessing your bank account, using public transport, passing between zones of a city to being permitted to leave your home itself. In Europe, a lot of the member states of the European Union universally or partially imposed — for instance, on members of certain industries, like health, education, police and other public services — the use of the EU Digital COVID Certificate, which was collectively known as the ‘Green Pass’. The technology for this was subsequently taken up by the World Health Organization, which in June 2023, in tandem with the European Commission, announced the WHO’s Global Digital Health Certification Network, which it invited all member states — which includes the UK — to adopt and participate in developing.
In the UK itself, we had the NHS COVID Pass, which was never enforced as a requirement of employment except for care workers, but which private businesses were permitted and encouraged to enforce as a condition of employment, access to their premises and use of their services. In April 2022, as coronavirus-justified regulations were lifted in the UK, the Department for Health and Social Care awarded the £18 million contract to develop the NHS COVID Pass to the Danish IT firm, Netcompany Ltd. The specification for the project stated:
The government may introduce a mandatory COVID Pass to access high-risk venues if the data suggests further measures are necessary to protect the NHS. In preparation for this eventuality, we have built the changes to support two levels of domestic passes. The functionality will be toggled off until required. This enables a quick response if/when the Government invokes mandate. If a citizen is fully vaccinated, medically exempt or has been in a clinical trial, they will be eligible for an ‘all venues’ (mandatory) pass. If a citizen only has natural immunity or negative test results, they will only be eligible for a ‘limited venues’ (voluntary) pass.
In anticipation of this mandate and the functionality of Digital Identity being ‘toggled on’, in the first three months of 2023 the UK Government conducted a consultation on draft legislation for what it called — presumably in an attempt to distance it from the widely opposed ‘vaccine passport’ — ‘identity verification’.
The consultation closed on 1 March, 2023; but the legal framework for a system of Digital Identity was first put in place by the Digital Economy Act 2017, which removed the legal barriers to data sharing in the UK. It was initially anticipated that the Statutory Instrument implementing a system of Digital Identity in the UK would be made in July 2023, but we are still waiting for the Government mandate.
What will this system do?
At present, the UK Government is promoting Digital Identity in terms of ease of access, greater convenience and increased safety. So, under the Online Safety Act 2023, Digital Identity will be a requirement of access to the internet, not in order to censor what we can see, read and write but to protect children from pornography and grooming gangs.
Under the Elections Act 2022, it will be a requirement of voting, not in order to further discourage public participation in the electoral process but to stop illegal voting. It will be a requirement of receiving Universal Credit or, in the future, Universal Basic Income, not in order to force the immiserated and unemployed into obligatory retraining and work but to stop fraudulent benefit claims. It will be a requirement of gaining access to public transport, medical care, education and employment, not in order to control us whenever the World Health Organization declares a new pandemic but to protect the population from future health crises. It will be a requirement of travel and movement between nation states and within the UK, not in order to enforce the restrictions on our freedoms imposed by Agenda 2030 but to stop illegal immigration into the UK and save the planet from ‘global boiling’. It will be a requirement of opening a bank account, not to force us into opening a Digital Pound account but to stop financial crime.
And just as it is in China, the system of Social Credit that relies on Digital Identity for its enforcement will not be restricted to individuals, but will apply to both privately-owned companies and publicly-funded institutions. US asset managers like BlackRock, for example, have made it clear that adherence to the behaviours written into the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Environmental, Social and corporate Governance criteria by which they are enforced are now a condition of employment, bank loans, investment and other aspects of business formerly determined by the employment and trading laws of a sovereign state; and the monitoring and enforcement of compliance with these new norms will be increased exponentially with the development and expansion of systems of Digital Identity across the globe.
This enforcement of the biopolitical requirements of citizenship outside of the juridical frameworks of nation states or international law is consistent with the way the NHS COVID Pass was employed in the UK during the two years of lockdown. The decision to require this pass was made by the UK Government, but it wasn’t mandated through legislation, even in the daily coronavirus-justified regulations being made into law. Rather, the responsibility for the enforcement of the COVID Pass was passed onto the private sector. Ultimately, although we have been promised a Statutory Instrument making its requirement into law, I believe the UK’s system of Digital Identity will be handed over to the UK’s businesses, in both the public and private sectors, where it will be enforced as a condition of employment and custom by both employers and those who trade with and make loans to their businesses.
As I will discuss in far greater depth in this book, once the requirements of citizenship are taken out of a juridical framework and become, as Foucault wrote, ‘distributions around the norm’, the more difficult those norms are to challenge. This is the goal of biopower.
The first question any public consultation on Digital Identity should be asking the British public is not — as it did — whether and to what extent it meets this or that objective required by the Digital Economy Act 2017, but rather whether the British public wishes for such a system. The Government has no mandate for its imposition in its election manifesto, and its failure to inform the British public about the system of surveillance and control of which Digital Identity is the key constitutes a dereliction of the duty of any elected executive body to receive informed consent before interfering with the rights and freedoms of those it has been elected to govern. The Government’s sham consultation, to which I responded, provided none of the contexts necessary for the public to make such informed consent. Worse, it assumed the imposition of a system of Digital Identity as a fait accompli. Indeed, by couching its consultation in terms of undisclosed ‘benefits’ to the public and undefined and ideological terms like ‘well-being’, the consultation deliberately concealed the real import, reach and purpose of Digital Identity.
Contrary to what the Government has told us, a system of ‘identity verification’ does not benefit individuals of households or improve public services. We saw this with the UK Health Security Agency’s proposals for the NHS COVID Pass that were nearly introduced in the UK on the justification of tracking and limiting the movements of UK citizens under lockdown. What is more accurately called a system of Digital Identity only benefits those who wish to use such a system to monitor, regulate, correct and, when necessary, to punish those who do not comply with whatever new codes of behaviour, including our speech, the Government and the unelected international technocracies formulating those codes impose upon us.
The ‘Green Pass’ introduced across Europe demonstrated that these will be imposed through prohibitions on our movements, sanctions on our consumptions, extra-legal fixed penalty notices and the removal of our human rights and civil liberties, all of which the Governments of the West have demonstrated they are willing to enforce with extraordinary and in many countries unprecedented levels of police brutality.
Once it is imposed, however, the intervention of the police and the juridical framework within which they loosely act will become less and less necessary, as we move into the biopolitics of stakeholder capitalism. As the UK Government well knows, Digital Identity is not being implemented in isolation from, but in conjunction with, other technologies and programmes for the surveillance and control of the UK population, including the Bank of England’s Digital Pound, 15-Minute Cities, the London Mayor’s Ultra-Low Emission Zone, the requirements of Agenda 2030 and the enforceable obligations of the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty. Currently being implemented as mere upgrades to the infrastructure of the UK state, these will fundamentally — and, as I have said, perhaps irreversibly — change the ability of the British people to scrutinise, influence or hold our rulers to account. And yet, few members of the British public are even aware of these programmes, let alone how they will be used. We certainly haven’t voted for them. Nor, as the Government’s sham consultation on ‘identity verification’ demonstrates, will we be asked to do so. Digital Identity is the gateway to this collective system of surveillance and control that truly deserves the description ‘totalitarian’.
So little has been divulged about how it will function that it is difficult to say what it will contain; but as part of system of Social Credit, Digital Identity will certainly hold our credit history. It will almost undoubtedly hold our online browsing history. And as the World Health Organization’s Global Digital Health Certification Network indicates, it will definitely hold our biometric data. It will equally certainly hold a record of our social compliance, and what we can learn from China is that social compliance will not only be with the regulations of biosecurity set by a juridical framework but also with the new norms of behaviour we have already so readily accepted and normalised since March 2020. These now include censorship of speech and opinions contrary to those espoused by our Government; increased conditions imposed on our previously inalienable rights and freedoms; and adherence to the dictates of technocracies over whose membership and decisions we have no influence. It will be used to monitor, limit and control our movement through and out of not just our countries but also the 15-Minute Cities currently being imposed on the justification of reducing everything from air pollution to global warming. To this spurious end, it will record and restrict our consumption of energy, heat, food and water.
In practice, it will monitor and record our behaviour, opinions and compliance with the new orthodoxies of woke ideology. And in doing so, it will condition our access to everything from the internet, banking and employment to healthcare, welfare and education. One day, if the Bank of England has its way, it will be the condition of accessing the only kind of currency still in existence, over which it will have complete control.
A Camp With No Outside
Why, then, is the British public showing so little interest in, presenting so little opposition to, and demonstrating such passive acceptance of our enclosure in the biosecurity camp to which Digital Identity is the gateway? It’s in order to try and answer this question that, in addition to writing about these new apparatuses of biopower, the second part of my book looks at what are not, properly speaking, technologies of biopower but, rather, the ideologies indoctrinating us for its implementation as the dominant paradigm of governance in the West.
The first of these, of course, is the US proxy war in the Ukraine, which although started in February 2014 with the overthrow of the democratically elected Government, in the minds of most Westerners began in February 2022, as we were emerging from two years of lockdown restrictions. The transition, therefore, from the so-called ‘war on COVID’ to the war on Russia was an almost seamless one, and those obedient to the terms of the former have proven the loudest advocates of the lies of the latter, most obviously about when and why it began.
In certain respects this is a new form of warfare, insofar as the US asset managers that have been driving US foreign policy for some time now are not using the lives of young US soldiers to enforce their interests, as they have in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan, but are now using the lives of the citizens of foreign countries — in this instance hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian victims — to force the public assets, natural resources and even the economy of the Ukraine into their hands. It’s a matter of indifference to them that, in doing so, they have reduced parts of the country to ruins, its people to poverty and its institutions to political impotence, except insofar as the carnage justifies them calling on even more US taxpayers’ money to ‘rebuild’ what they have demolished.
Ukraine is a bloody example and warning to the world of what can be done to a formerly sovereign state when the bodies and lives of its people are subject to a war whose goal is biopolitical control over an entire people. Indeed, Ukraine is the testing ground for the digital transformation of the infrastructure of an entire state, including online education and health services, Central Bank Digital Currency, so-called e-governance, including a civil service replaced by smartphone apps, COVID certification on the same, and a judiciary and military run by artificial intelligence. As an image of its dystopian future drawn direct from Hollywood cinema — Ukraine’s 32-year-old Deputy Prime Minister, Mykhailo Fedorov, has dubbed it ‘Judge Dredd’ — the country has already piloted an AI system that produces pre-trial and pre-sentencing reports that assess the risk of a suspect offending.
It’s to the same end, although employing different means, that the orthodoxies of transgenderism have attained their now unquestionable status as part of the official ideology of stakeholder capitalism in the West in a period of time barely longer than it took to impose the equally official orthodoxies of the war in the Ukraine. Few appear to have considered why, in the middle of the vast upheavals we have undergone since March 2020, governments, corporations and public institutions otherwise struggling to save humankind from any number of manufactured ‘crises’ should suddenly devote so much time and effort and money to writing the orthodoxies of ‘trans’ into our laws, implementing them in our policies, promoting them in our media, indoctrinating them through our institutions of education and normalising them in our culture industries.
It is my belief, for which a chapter of this book provides the argument and evidence, that the orthodoxies of trans are not incidental to the revolution in Western capitalism we are undergoing but, rather, instrumental to the new biopolitical paradigm of citizenship to which we will be expected to adhere — and compelled to obey by the technologies of biopower — in the Global Biosecurity State under construction.
Over the last few years I’ve written many times about the ideology of woke, which has now taken its place as the official ideology of stakeholder capitalism, having infiltrated the Cabinets of Western governments along with Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders, and with just as much brazenness and indeed pride.
In my penultimate chapter, I look at how the discourse of White racism developed by woke is being used not only to silence opposition to the regulations, programmes and technologies of the Great Reset of the UK, but also to force through the changes in attitudes, beliefs and behaviours they require for our acceptance and compliance with such blatant attacks on our freedoms.
As with the apparatuses of biopower, therefore, my aim in the second part of my book is to show how the orthodoxies of woke — which now include dehumanisation of the Russian people and the Lysenkoism of transgenderism — are instrumental to the incorporation of the judicial institution, through which the limits of citizenship have until now been made in law, into a biopolitical paradigm, in which the requirements of citizenship in the Global Biosecurity State are normalised by technologies of power, as Foucault wrote, ‘centred on life’.
Finally, the body of my book is topped and tailed by two short texts. The first introduces the book with the argument that one of the conclusions we can draw from the last three-and-a-half years is that the already questionable division of our parliamentary politics into Left and Right no longer has any descriptive or practical purchase on the paradigm of governance by which we are now ruled, and should be abandoned by anyone serious about forming opposition to it. The second text, in the absence of the comforting dreams with which the UK Left has rocked itself to sleep over the past forty years of neoliberalism, concludes my book by proposing one of the ways in which we can resist — initially at least — the construction of the digital camp being built not only around and between but also within us by the technologies of biopower.
In the UK, as across most of the Western World, we lived through an extreme two-year period of lockdown in which almost all our human rights and civil liberties were removed by wave after wave of legislation on the justification of combatting a respiratory virus which anyone who troubled to look at the statistics and the criteria by which they were produced knew had the infection fatality rate of seasonal influenza. Even that’s not quite accurate since, unlike influenza, coronavirus has no effect on the young, who despite being masked for two years, deprived of their education and injected with experimental gene therapies, are as statistically immune to COVID-19 as they are statistically vulnerable to the myocarditis, pericarditis and other damages to their health and immune systems caused by the messenger RNA sequencing the UK state injected into their arms as a vaccine.
Now, however, the West has entered into a more generalised crisis carousel whose names change, week by week, from global boiling to Russian aggression to the cost-of-living to the resurrection of the threat of Islamic terrorism and, as I write, another made-to-order viral strain. But whatever their ostensible cause, the ultimate goal of the technologies of biopower whose imposition these crises justify is to make permanent what were the temporary restrictions on our rights and freedoms under lockdown.
Indeed, the best way to understand these crises is to ask how these new agendas, these new treaties, these new programmes and these new technologies make the State of Emergency under which we lived for two years permanent. Unfortunately, very few people are asking that question, of themselves or others. Under lockdown, thousands of people were forced into quarantine camps, most famously in China; but the digital camp into which we’re being corralled now, and which is enclosing and dividing us even as we return to bickering about Brexit and immigration, is co-extensive with the space of the state itself.
How is it being built? As I’ve said, Digital Identity is the gateway to this camp, over which is written not Arbeit Macht Frei — for there is no escape from a space without an outside — but rather ‘Freedom is Slavery’. And if we imagine this camp and try to visualise its structure, the Internet of Things, which includes the digital panopticon of quick response codes, facial recognition technology and now ULEZ cameras, and the Internet of Bodies to which it connects us, which as I argue in my conclusion includes smartphones, is the camp’s system of surveillance.
15-Minute Cities, which despite being proposed by the World Economic Forum — a corporate think-tank with no legislative authority over the populations of nation states — are being imposed on UK citizens by our local councils and metropolitan authorities, are the barracks into which the different areas of the camp are divided. Despite their vociferous denials to the contrary, as soon as a municipal authority or legislative body decides when, how, where, how often and in what its citizens can move about in their own country, you are on the road to fascism. 15-Minute Cities are the beginning of the transformation of the space of the state itself into a permanent spatialisation of the State of Emergency, which is why they are both justified as a means to ‘save the planet’ and denied as a ‘conspiracy theory’.
And in case we’re naïve enough — which the UK public has demonstrated itself to be beyond the dreams of even the most cynical globalist — to believe that the limits on our freedom of movement will only apply to cars, and are therefore a good thing, Transport for London has already proposed what it calls, with the ubiquity of one of the most powerful information technology companies in the world, ‘smart transport’. Employing not just facial recognition cameras but the AI technology within them, the purpose of smart transport is not merely to monitor our actions but also to learn from our behaviour, turning public transport into a vast training camp for the digital guards of our future.
Finally, Central Bank Digital Currency, in this spatial visualisation of a digital structure, is the perimeter fence of the camp, which it renders impossible to escape; for once this fence is constructed there will no longer be a space outside its extent and reach, or at least, no space inhabitable by a human society larger than a small commune, and most likely nowhere in the West.
Although the Internet of Bodies is ready and waiting to insert its system of monitoring inside us, with the proto-cyborgs for the future already implanting computer chips under their skin and ingesting them into their bodies, these technologies of biopower are, for the present, being implemented through the nation’s smartphones. This includes, of course, a system of Digital Identity; but, initially at least, Central Bank Digital Currency wallets will also go through a smartphone software application.
In anticipation of which, in March of this year the Government launched its Emergency Alert System, which was then tested the following month on the 82 million smartphones in the UK. It has not been made public how many of their owners responded; but what the UK public needs to understand, and soon, is that when the technologies of biopower constituting the digital camp are in place, this alert will not be used to inform us of whatever crisis the Government has invented to terrorise us with next, but rather to instruct us in the operational status of mechanisms of compliance it will be impossible to disobey except at the cost of our liberty.
I say it again, once the legal framework for citizenship is incorporated into a biopolitical paradigm of governance administered by a continuum of regulatory apparatuses, then legislative, legal and political means of contestation will no longer exist except as spectacles of a democracy long since dismantled. In reality, Western democracy, for some time now, has only existed in the fantasies of an endlessly deceived electorate. But it’s a measure of how far we have come since March 2020, how far we have declined as a citizenry worthy of the name, and how ready we are for the totalitarianism of biopower, that there was no protest and little outrage in response to this trial of our abject obedience. On the contrary, the same mouths and faces were wheeled out by the media to repeat the mantra of the unfailing obedient: ‘Well, if it saves lives . . .’ This is the essence of biopower to which the politics of the West is being reset by stakeholder capitalism. And, somehow, the people of the West have to stop it, if we don’t want to live in a camp with no outside.
From the preface to Simon Elmer’s new book, The Great Reset: Biopolitics for Stakeholder Capitalism. His recent books include The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State (2022), as well as two volumes of articles on the UK biosecurity state, Virtue and Terror and The New Normal, both published in 2023.
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What we see developing is what the Lord termed ‘The Beast ‘ throughout the Book of Revelation.
CBDCs will be the Beasts money, its mark/tattoo will be of a fine gold bar with its fineness shown as .999, inverted for payment to become 666, as prophesied. This will be introduced worldwide by Spring 2029 at the latest.
These are the end times friends. Only way to beat evil is with love and faith. More details and revelations at
Interesting to read an opinion re New World Order not a million miles from mine
All of the promised benefits are demonstarbly false:
“Details of a second data breach within the Police Service of Northern Ireland have emerged less than 24 hours after a “monumental” leak of staff information.”
There is no way in which a widely distributed digital system will be able to keep any information, personal or otherwise, secret once targeted by a terrorist organisation.
For the same reason, digital money is insanity. The reason is that computer systems are primitive compared to human cunning.
A Great Historical Article By James Perloff
From the Arab Platoon to Hamas—Israel’s “Abu Nidal” Strategy | James Perloff
The “small commune” you reference will turn out to be the greater part of the U.S. because most people here won’t put up with these restrictions. And they have guns. Plus all this Reset stuff is utterly dependent on the perfect functioning of industrial society which is falling apart as we speak. Their high tech is the cherry on top. For one thing the grid won’t last. These hubristic oligarchs are out of touch with reality. However all this makes sense from their point of view and is only a continuation of their prior impulses. Yes, we should resist the Reset; however more to the point we should organize alternative decentralized communities with our own education, employment, money, transport, healthcare, etc. We can “recolonize” our societies from the ground up like weeds. The top-down Reset you describe will only result in a faster decentralized low tech society. That has already started too.
The chatbots and the sexbots aren’t going to be easy to manage… deliberately:
BTW it’s nice Musk has time to do this rather than sorting out his destruction of the platform formerly known as twitter. Almost like its destruction was part of the plan….
Its normal. You buy a competitor to crush competition.
X double crossed XX
not like they dont tell you.
LOL all the numptys who pay to have a blue tick of appraisal- ID check galore whilst screaming vaccine passport Chinese credit system because twitter authenticate is so different 😂
I trust my government that they are doing the best for me and our common good 🤒 .
As a side note, it’s telling that Mr. Sunak has married into a family whose wealth stems to a great extent from the development of digital ID systems. It would be a conflict of interest were we still living in a system in which representatives actually represented those who elected them. Oh wait. Sunak wasn’t elected.
All political “leaders” these days in any major political party are top-down establishment appointees, and “coincidentally” everyone of them are globalists who are busy usurping and transferring every personal right and power further and further out of the reach of the people into the clutches of the centralized, technocratic top-down totalitarian systems. In Canada, the “Liberal”, and “Conservative” parties are neither liberal or conservative, and the NDP is simply Marxist and blatantly globalist. All three are actually run top-down. politburo style. Their “policy conventions” are all rigged to ensure total compliance on all major globalist goals. They are all lackies to the same top-down, internationalist banking cartel order, as are all of our governments. In my view the populist party hardly got off the ground before it was infiltrated, and in any case according to what I observed in my riding only a fraction of the votes for it were actually counted – with absolutely no challenges to the fakery of the counting system where everyone gets a paper ballot to mark, but the marked ballots disappear into the electronic counting machines without initial scrutineering by the local party reps, in a physical counting. It is all BS now, and the sad thing is that most people are either too dumbed down to care, or too afraid to buck all of the top-down oppression.
If you contest an election without the requisite anointment by PTB, and actually stand a good chance of winning, your chances of a fatal accident shoot up.
Agreed. Politics appears to attract some of the most self serving greedy careerist types in society who seek only self enrichment and an unhealthy desire for power to control others. When voted into positions of authority those who elected them are an irrelevance. Their comfortable life styles are far removed from the reality of day to day existence experienced by the majority. A new system of governance is badly required whereby the Establishment’s puppet show becomes redundant.
Not really she his wife did end up paying for her non dom status after getting busted.
she has also won a few million ££ contract for child care app.
Hancock mate in the pub won a 10 million ££ contract,
it all fair and game -coincidence that they won the contracts.
It beats the Sunday meat raffle we have in our pub.. 🕵
The Indian biometric database has been hacked. Does this mean they can no longer use fingerprints or irises as means of identifying people (since these cannot be reset after a breach) ?
You couldn’t make it up.
So, it is not all hunky-dory, contrary to what Antonym stated yesterday.
Simon uses a framework of the ‘apparatuses of biopower’, ‘digital identity’ and the (global) ‘camp with no outside’; citing Michel Foucault as his conceptual source. It may be that Foucault is the most cited scholar of all time, and a much cited source of neoliberal critique – but he died in 1984, before neoliberalism really got started. So scholars tried to use Foucault’s concepts to analyse the GFC – even though Foucault was long dead and his concepts long out of date (even in 2008). Foucault’s “Birth of Biopolitics” was not even published until that year – so what the fuck is ‘biopower’ anyway – and why so much speculative philosophy grounded in dead concepts?
It is not even a concept that Foucault rigorously developed, but one that was applied ad hoc posthumously; developed by Agamben and others (notably Achille Mbembe) – but in different directions with no coherent unified theory behind it. Foucault himself seemingly preferred the term “governmentality” to describe, well, the “mentality of the governed” (see below) which he included under the rubric of the “care of the self” (epimelesthai sautou ) in his later lectures. Agamben was obviously referencing Schmitt’s “Nomos of the Earth” – so what is the contemporaneity of “biopower, biopolitics, the apparatuses of biopower” as the ongoing “technologies of the self” that the current author is presenting coherently as grounded in Foucault’s inexistent conceptual framework”?
Well, “Not this” is the simple answer. The complex answer is beyond the scope of any comment; but the framework would have to be an updating of “the care of the self” and “governmentality” to include the “earth as a “digitised camp” as the most developed of Foucault’s conceptual rubric; as the contemporaneity of the “technology of the self”. The current author subverts this for his own end, entirely missing the point of these terms – that the control to the population is carried out by the population itself as a matter of self-regarding ethical “care of oneself” – a regime of care that is market economically embodied and embedded – and that power distribution is now global governmentality far exceeding the nationalism and “island capitalism” that the author is describing.
The problem of the individual “care of the self” is that no isolated individual can care for themselves at the current level of economic energy-complexity; therefore any unified coherent theory has to be a global economic systems theory which Foucault at least anticipated as governmentality “omnes et singulatem” – of “each and everyone” by “each and everyone” — occurring as circumplanetary “care of the self” in dynamic simultaneity.
I already know that this is not something anyone wants to explore, so I’ll stop there. Agamben’s reference to Schmitt implies the colonisation of the whole earth by the self – omnes et singulatem – and that it takes the integrated economic activity of the entire species to maintain the contemporaneous ongoing “care of the self” as “one world economic” (oikos of colonisation) or “one world neoliberalism” as “marketised ecocide” (OWE ME, OWN ME). Biopower is the privatisation, liberalisation and globalisation of the self by the self as a whole species activity – a global governmentality – as a rational economic totalisation of individual economic care that has turned the whole world into in inescapable camp whose planetary boundaries are being transgressed and breached by the present technology of the self.
Having dismissed ‘western democracy’ as fantasy of an “endlessly deceived electorate”; this is not a regime of biopower anybody has over anybody but the economic purchase power-density one has for oneself; whichever is a subjective calculus of market-behaviour care exercised everywhere as individualised production and consumption of ‘freedom and liberty’ that Foucault called “human capital” (after Becker.) Bioplitics is the politically qualified pursuit of ‘freedom’ as private property as the ‘good life’ (eudaemonia, bios, bios politikos, tou eu zen – to use Agamben’s enframing) as opposed to ‘bare life’ (zoe, tou zen) as economically unqualified and therefore excepted and excluded as ‘killable’ (homo sacer.) Biopower is economic ego-engineering pure and simple. It is no longer biopolitical, but necropolitical (according to Mbembe.) We are all homines sacri due to a our everyday economic activity if considered globally, which the current author fails by a country mile to do.
Mark Crispin Miller has pointed out the bitter irony of a “Left” that is adamant about supporting Palestinians against Israel but equally adamant about Palestinians being “vaccinated”. The vicious battles going on are all ultimately battles over which path to take towards genocide.
Maybe the whole thing is a lie. Tend to agree with Bruce Charlton who wrote a nice essay on the media that he called: addicted to distraction.
Intro: The Media just grows and grows, and progressively takes-over control of all the functionally useful social systems from politics to religion, from education to the arts.
Yet the Mass Media is a system like no other – it has no function of its own, so it can just keep growing. It has no positive aim for society, and regards all knowledge just a matter of opinion. Therefore the Mass Media subverts all that is useful, and everything that gives meaning and purpose to life.
Since the Media works like a drug, the first step is withdrawal, and a ‘detox’ programme. Having escaped addiction, we may become free of the lies and lunacies of life in the Media bubble, and return to the realities of direct personal knowledge, actual experience and common sense.
I took a look. Turned off pretty quickly by his claim the media is some law unto itself. If he’s going to ignore the owners and manipulators his message loses a lot of force.
But I do like that he says the media basically creates a fake reality we all end up living in.
What gets me about supposedly “awake” people is the way they discard one set of unproven media claims only to adopt another set and sit on them like a mother hen with chicks.
Like videos are only faked by one side (the one they don’t support). Don’t they realize they’re just buying different goods from the same shop?
Sure. But an impossible task. They have to go through a tough “cold turker” (detox) as we did.
Close off all Western media and only look after facts in reality and in alternative cyber space to create an as close as possible picture. They are already too brainwashed for that.
They are safety addicts, comfort addicts, welfare check addicts, media addicts, faecesbook addicts, narcissists, law and rule addicts, authority addicts, demoralised, and therefore need heavy professional long term help to get out of their illusions.
They are like street children in third countries who have been sniffing glue for 10 years.
Off course the whole thing is a lie. But if you are surrounded by lies everywhere on this planet it becomes a lonely trip being here.
What about Hamas and the vaccine?
Ah, the “Left” can reassure themselves it was the ‘good’ Russian vaccine….
What seems to have been the position of Hamas, that nasty Israelis were denying the Palestinian people the life-saving vaccine, is exactly the position one would expect from controlled opposition – upholding the fake dialectic while denying the real conflcit. The whole Israel-Palestine situation looks to me a stage-managed exercise in why ethno-states are a disaster and must be consigned. This is the greater long-term goal of the elite.
The Israel-Palestine bs has always been a staged joke.
The Great Reset.
Brought to you by the Philanthropaths:
A key issue which I haven’t yet seen addressed is that of internet cables. That is, it’s not possible for Israel in its current location to control the global kill switch and the Internet of Things. This is because it has to run cables via the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. These are extremely vulnerable to being cut – thereby isolating Israel while the rest of the world deals with the mess caused by the waves of triggered viruses, trojans and back-doors. However, if the cables were to be run from the Black Sea oblasts of Ukraine, with multiple outward directions, such isolation would be impossible.
The New Israel Project (aka “Heavenly Jerusalem”)
133. Ukraine As The Israeli Wolfs Lair – Israel Panics
Recorded: April 28, 2022
Channel: Brendon O’Connell II
Jews behind Russia-Ukraine war to form new Jewish state – Islamic scholar
According to MEMRI, Mraweh Nassar said that the West has forsaken the Jews because the Zionist project will fail in two years.
By Aaron Reich
April 3, 2022
Halford Mackinder’s Last View of the Round World
During WWII, the great British political geographer updated his Heartland theory, with typical prescience.
By Francis P. Sempa
March 23, 2015
Israel hopes new data cables can make friends of former enemies
They will also break an Egyptian monopoly on internet traffic
Mar 5, 2022
Isn’t that what Starlink is for?
The bandwidth is always going to be much lower than cable and I would assume that Starlink communications can get blocked or shutdown quite easily.
This is what they were planning.
Jul 14, 2022
Ukraine 2030 — the freest and most digital country in the world. Without bureaucracy, but with strong tech industry. Cashless & paperless. This is the future we are building.
Mykhailo Fedorov @FedorovMykhailo
Vice Prime Minister for Innovations, Development of Education, Science & Technologies — Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Joined November 2020
Mykhailo Albertovych Fedorov (Ukrainian: Михайло Альбертович Федоров, born 21 January 1991[1]) is a Ukrainian politician, and businessman. He served as a Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Digital Transformation from 2019 to March 2023. On 21 March 2023 his duties and title was expanded to Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Education, Science and Technology – Minister for Digital Transformation.
Ukraine 2030 The 4th Industrial Revolution
Digitize Now
Jul 21, 2022
Brendon O’Connell on the Israeli Tech Sector and the “Kill Switch”
Channel: Brendon O’Connell II
Published: Aug 2021
Originally Uploaded: June 2018
Part 1
6. NSO Kill Switch – Israel, Intel Corp & Microsoft, How They Subvert America
NSO Group and Israeli spying is far worse than you can ever imagine. NSO is nothing compared to the fact core R&D for both Microsoft products and Intel Corporation are done in Israel
Part 2
7. NSO Group Pegasus – Israel & Unit 8200 Take Over New York & Pentagon
Current Video Uploads
Patreon Video 14 – An Israeli Kill Switch And A Crashed F-35, Is Ukraine Finished?
Unit8200 (Brendon O’Connell)
Recorded: Sep 23, 2023
The giant investors determine the data comm projects. The godfathers on their boards would have ensured that the cables don’t just terminate in Israel.
The problem with the routing for the cables is indicated in the Economist article; namely, they can’t be routed through the neighbouring countries and therefore need to go via the Med and Red Sea. As a consequence, they are vulnerable to “accidents”.
An undersea telecommunications cable between Sweden and Estonia has been damaged, the Swedish government has said, the second such incident to be reported in the region in a week. Sweden’s civil defence minister, Carl-Oskar Bohlin, said the damage to the cable appeared to have happened at around the same time as an undersea gas pipeline and telecoms cable between Finland and Estonia were damaged on 8 October.
‘The alternative to wokeness […] is not the abstract,
liberal separation of the individual and the political, but
the interdependence between the individual and the
collective. All human beings have basic material and
social needs that can only be met socially. This is what
socialists have historically understood,’
Precisely what every psycho wants to undermine.
“the people of the West have to stop it, if we don’t want to live in a camp with no outside.”
It doesn’t appear to me “it” can be stopped. “IT” is unrelenting, unwavering, and unwittingly accepted and propagated by MOST people. Just watch how many people vote, again, for Trump and Biden in the U.S. How many can withstand the onslaught and form their own realities is the question, because all this shit is going to happen. The struggle, which has clearly started with the scamdemic and the open quest for the Great Reset and Greater Israel, is going to be long and hard, beyond all of our lifetimes. I’m tired of all the admonitions that “we have to do something”, because face it, “we” ain’t gonna do it. When push comes to shove, most of the people not included in the previous MOST, i.e., the “collaborators”, are all talk, no walk, and that includes the vast majority of the “alternative media”, which does nothing but talk to themselves and pat themselves on the back because they somehow think spreading the truth is going to make a fucking difference in the big picture. I know, I’ve been there, done that for years. I’m not going to “live in a camp with no outside” and neither is my family. We’re prepping to do just that. But there is no “we”. Comment pending of course, because “they” can’t let anyone see it unless it’s “approved”, man. I might say something “they” don’t agree with and might hurt the feelings of those reading. Sound familiar?
The amount of trolling would make the comments section worthless if they did not pre-approve of every single comment.
Their problem is their inability to have trusted usernames. Either MI5 is onto them and/or they don’t have the resources to change the spam filter or they just enjoy being able to block people on a whim. An explanation had never been given as far as i’ve seen.
The censoring of comments is making the comment section worthless.
If they censor people why aren’t they censoring you complaining about being censored? Comment waiting approval isn’t censoring it’s just checking for spam. I have my own little gardening blog which only gets a couple of visitors a day and even I get inundated with spam. Can’t imagine how much sites like these get. If I didn’t have comments set to manual approval I’d have a horrible nasty blog. I wouldn’t want to come to a site like this if it was full of nasty spam.
And anyhow they don’t have comments set to manual approval because mine always get published straight away. There’s another setting where you hold comments back for approval if they have a lot of links so perhaps that’s it. Or perhaps they hold back comments for people who have been rude or aggressive in the past.
But anyhow if your comments get published in the end that’s what matters. They even allow you to come here and have a good old chin wag about how rotten they are. Not a lot of places would let you do that I reckon so cheer up sunshine
Reminds me of most hippies who turned into yippies, then complete assholes. Or as George Thorogood said, “ya, now you too” or something like that. Standing for your principles is a lost art, especially the OffG Admin. After thinking about it, no way do I agree with this practice, its just the same thing our controllers do only different. “We” can’t be that way and its evident Off G is just another in a long line of pretenders.
Sorry, off topic.
After fifty years of monitoring sand levels on an East coast beach in Australia, the ‘results’ are in:
“We don’t yet see a very clear signal of sea level rise but my sense is that it’s going to appear in the next 50 years.”
More here:
Another “Risk Analysis” !
They really are building up the image of The Future
as a Very frightful Place….
(“you dont wanna go there ? Try suicide !”)
(“you dont wanna live there ? Try our 15 Minute cities!”)
They’ve got me searching online for a Risk Analysis of
cutting my toenails; of cleaning my teeth; of the saftest
way to use loo paper…
Is Paranoia infectious ?
Hilarious! More so for being unintentional
Funny Johnny
I was at this actual Coastal Conference last week, and know these dudes that wrote this paper (ABC Link Above). I love the fact that this dude been doing this 50 Years and still having a crack, even if they still can’t see a different picture. It’s weird ,the results tell them one thing and they assumed the other (Psychological Dialectic). Key Word is “AMBULATORY” meaning the boundaries are always changing between Tyranny and Liberty.
At the same coastal conference, we learnt that even the Supreme Court judges are having a hard time understanding them (scientist), and have turned on environmental planning statutes. They, the Supreme Court, are ruling that Planning Statues can be overridden by common law based on an unnecessary loss to private equity (property), especially if can’t be demonstrated if there is no equitable loss to the public. Should have seem them (scientist) loose it.
So I think the norms of public equity are really the battle ground.
So if Digital ID’s are statutory, it could mean that they are only reasonable, if they don’t lead to a loss of public and or private equity. The Supreme Court judges can strike them down, and will if the private and public understand the actual loss of equity. They will have no choice, but the battle will be about the perception of public equity.
I think common law can be applied to overturn the imposition of Digital ID’s (Registered Vessels).
We should (OFF GUARDIAN COMMUNITY) be having a conversation about common law and finding ways to lawfully abandon these DIGITAL VESSELS, if they are not useful to us as Beneficiaries, despite what the Statues or Parliamentarians say.
Think Trust Law.
I am interested to hear what people think.
West is said to have frozen $300 billion of Russian money. Everybody outside US are under some form for illegal sanctions.
Western politicians are breaking laws daily showing might and money is right.
Pay to play. I dont see a Western Court has anything to say in the real world.
It can take up to 10 years before a sleeping Supreme Court can come up with a decision. Waste of paper, time and money.
By the way, I saw China had saved 1 billion lawyer hours by letting AI do the first legal assessment, whereafter a Chinese judge and/or lawyers get the chance to agree or argue against it. Delivering competition to the system.
I admire the birds.They are free. They bring cheer with their happy song and fly to visit us in WEF’s Digital Great Reset Camp: New Alcatraz.
When i moved 12 months ago i informed the government of my new address,
as i was required to do as a useless eater age pensioner…I informed it via its
online site…Recently i learned that a large drop in my bank balance was due
to my age pension being suspended – because a department letter sent to me
at my former address was returned to the department…This latter being the
departments excuse to stop payments. They claimed they werent informed
of my change of address…(No explanation at all for why a ‘letter’ was sent)
Recently i used my state transport card to go shopping locally…The card had
$24Aust on it (the round trip $2.24)…The next day when i caught a bus to go
to my local the reading device glared in red that my card was “invalid”…After
an or or so I gave up trying to find out online why my card was suddenly
deemed “invalid”, gave up trying to find a way to have it re-activated…
I’ll never get used to living with computer “glitches”…They make life so full of
One thing i learned from authority’s responses to ‘covid’ jab caused injuries
& deaths is that when they claim something is “rare”, they mean the opposite…
This article – link supplied by a commenter – shows, digital ID inconveniences
are indeed not rare:
As far as Centrelink is concerned Les, you, and millions of other Australians, are just blips on their computer screens, impediments to their algorithms and fodder for their economic imperatives.
Welcome to hell!
How can a paradise turn to hell in 6000 years?
Why didnt God put me in as Adam the 1’st. I could have done the f…..g test!
Computer failure leads the field in excuses for not serving you at a government or big-business office. As the article mentions, the service often morphs into an impossible app.
And the more complex and interconnected the computer system, the more prone it is too failure, and more immune to being fixed or altered. The failure becomes static and immutable. No progress can be made except toward a deeper dystopia.
Are you suggesting the Fourth Industrial Revolution may not be exactly as advertised?…
I cant send that vid to family as they’ll more than likely say “bring it on !”/
Better watch what you say…
Democracy and freedom is an oxymoron.
Now work from there.
In New Normal NZ: the last few days I have had the health authorities incessantly hounding me with phone calls, texts, emails and even a door knocking (at a house I no longer live at) to get me to agree to a test and vaccinations. All because I was deemed a “close contact to confirmed measles case” on a recent internal flight.
Even though I’ve already blocked all their contacts, at this point I’m almost hoping they do turn up at my door, just so I can tell them to fuck off.
The confluence of Mammon’s effluence has submerged the world.
We have two choices:
Swim or swallow.
Sobering. Knowing, talking is not enough. Only individual and collective action by the bottom 95% to refuse all aspects of their agenda and assert our own, designed, overseen and operated by and for us, will be useful. CIA-Bush’s “thousand points of light” reveals as a thousand points of containment. The container, something not discussed is visualized in this image attached to an article by a well respected RF researcher and critic Arthur Firstenberg documenting one million proposed satellites being thrown up in space to enable 4G/5G IoT LOCKDOWN of Humanity…
Collisions in low-Earth orbit are likely start a chain reaction, destroying all satellites and making the belt impassable.
Dunno. There’s a lot of space out there.
Decentralised Trust Networks
The Past is such a Disaster, full of Failures & Fears
so we looked forward to a bright better Future, ‘cept
But The Future has become a place of Fear, and Fear,
and Fear (Such is The Future the young inherit)…
“Risk Assessment. Risk Assessment. Risk Assessment.
Do nothing, go nowhere, without first doing a Risk
“You have thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled,
Fear to bring children
into the world.”
Masters of War (1960s folksinger)…
Not forgetting that parliaments, under cover of ‘covid’. legislated easier Medically Assisted Death (MAD)(aka – putting the dog down)…And we know how compliant medical doctors are. (So few lost their jobs during ‘covid’)…And we know ‘covid’ influenced acceptance of gene manipulation ‘therapy’ – so expect lots and lots more Failed Experiments to be disposed off…
All the pieces of The Plan are coming together…
Australians have been informed digital IDs will be implemented from mid-2024…The government already has Income Management legislation in place, and has hoovered-up everyone’s medical records – The Plan is coming together, nicely.
“Softly, Softly, …………”…
‘…bodies from Failed Genetic Experiments to be disposed of….’
In the UK, the omnipotent “elective dictatorship” is held to be supreme – beyond any idea of accountability, notional separation of powers or “checks and balances” – and can passage any law by dint of elected majority alone, whether Parliament agrees or disagrees. The Lords has limited power of censure, but no power of veto. The King then assents – which is normally a mere formality. As a constitutional monarchy with a servile self-serving monarch as the only real-time check; the executive has assumed supreme sovereignty to itself. Hence: “elective dictatorship.”
On behalf of the People: the King can, in theory at least, refuse royal assent; or be petitioned for the dissolution of any exceeded democratic mandate and ‘We, the People’ of a constitutional monarchy can get rid of any monarch that refuses to do our will. Otherwise: the role of the political executive is sovereign, near-absolute and “informed consent” is given by voting; whichever in itself constitutes an act of dereliction of political responsibility, IMHO.
Ministers of the crown have increasingly seen fit to assert their own agenda as ‘democratically mandated.’ In point of fact is the Blair government’s egregious declaration of the Iraq War which lacked any real support from the People; which was done by constitutional execution as an act of mendacious impunity with no recourse other than popular uprising or petitioning the then Queen for dissolution and a new election (which never happened.) In which case, Parliament has absolute authority by the servile agreement and willingness of the People to be governed: something Foucault called “governmentality.”
Parliament set itself above the law and nobody (or not enough) did anything about it. Thereafter: there is no real accountability other than mentioned above. Worse, Blair’s governmental ‘witch project’ introduced delegated “Henry VIIIth clauses ” which meant that any unelected and therefore unaccountable civil servant could amend any act, and even alter the structure of the state without legislative or juridical sanction. Thereafter: so long as we morons keep voting we increasingly get power-hungry morons in charge.
‘Boris Johnson’ did not get a mandated approval for the scant, practically non-existent, election manifesto alone. Two PM’s and one monarch later, the conservative party can do virtually as they please. The UK’s unrepresentative democracy “derives its mandate from the legislature” whichever is legalese for fuck all accountability these days. As for the King.
“In reality, Western democracy, for some time now, has only existed in the fantasies of an endlessly deceived electorate.” The rest they say is history.
‘“In reality, Western democracy, for some time now, has only existed in the fantasies of an endlessly deceived electorate.” The rest they say is history.’
The thing is, democracy can work and can be easily implemented (especially if we diverted our taxes & aid from bogus/extortionate projects and closed tax-loopholes for the corporations, etc); and if we practice what the word ‘democracy’ actually means: “government by the people”. The representative types of democracies that we have currently do not work because representatives are too easily corrupted (lobbied, bribed, blackmailed, etc.); even if the representative system starts off with benevolent and moral people over time it can be infiltrated and subverted.
The Swiss have had an actively more efficient version of democracy for quite a while now which gives its citizens more agency (compared to our parliamentary/representative democracy in Britain/Europe respectively or the USA’s republic)? We should try an ultra-vigilant version of Switzerland’s participatory direct democracy with similar small cantons i.e. a non-digital, market-square, transparent; and importantly, a version which does not allow any manipulation of the public/voters like the use of pschological techniques to underhandedly influence outcomes***. This would mean all our information systems including the internet, all forms of media and libraries, archives, etc. should be genuinely free and open to the public (and formed of the public and over-seen by the public, etc.)? Crucially, we would need an education system that is not like its current form (which is two/three tier and is basically indoctrination); instead a system free and open to everyone which is based on genuine knowledge and taught in the same manner as the Etonians – tutored in very small groups using material from the original ‘Classical Education’ (Trivium and Quadrivium) where critical-thinking is taught and is paramount.
*** Very important to know: manipulation of the public is rife in all of our countries now – our current national governments have been/are being, slowly and incrementally, sidelined in order to give all the power to the communitarian (and technocratic) ‘global-to-local governance system’ – this has included the re-drawing of all our local areas into UN-planned & approved areas and the implementation of a Mayoral system. The dominance of shareholders are being replaced with Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): NGOs & corporate stakeholders; and their ‘change agents’ and ‘facilitators’ parachuted into our local areas who oversee all policies and decisions to help implement UN Agenda21/2030 and the SDGs – all done in an undercover way e.g. ‘people’s assemblies’ and ‘community meeting’s’ to try to give the impression of grass-roots consensus (but of course it will be anything but that). These change agents and facilitators are highly trained in deception-tactics like the Delphi Technique, NLP, and much more. See the work of the late Rosa Koire and Mark Windows for more info and vital solutions.
Should say: “psychological”
Just seen that ‘The Economist’ magazine, unsurprisongly, wants Israel to continue its terrible bombardment of Gaza. Unsurprising because history shows it has backed all the wars and because the ultimate owner of this magazine is the Rothschild dynasty. I wonder how true the following quote is? ‘Gutle Schnaper in 1849, on her deathbed, nonchalantly stated: “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” ‘
reported for antisemitism
Jog on, troll!
What anti-semitism – whatever that means (today)?! Your comment shows you cannot debate and you do not like freedom of speech; you just want to shut people down.
And really, who is it that you will be reported TO? The idiocy of that statement alone shows someone who as you stated, cannot debate and is not willing to even try to. A fully modern individual, one who fits into this world like a glove, don’t debate, just attack, or better yet, scream how your feelings are being hurt. Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing…..
Fairly sure it’s sarcasm. Don’t you know what a goy is
It truly is remarkable how the inflammatory matter of Israel/Palestine which has been subdued for decades has been mercilessly pushed right out in the open and the inevitable flames are being fanned at a hell of a rate e.g. this:
It’s the easiest thing in the world to feel fury at this divisionary belligerence from Zionist shills like Murray. But that misses the point. Murray is being deliberately provocative. And there are hundreds like him. Indeed consider the case of one Bella Wallersteiner, a “senior account director” presumably for the Community Security Trust for whom she performs charity runs to raise money “to make UK Jews feel more secure”. Bella has, with good reason, been dubbed “Nazi Barbie”. But though it may seem tempting to gleefully recycle that nickname, be aware that you are joining in a little thrashing theatre that has been gladly set up for you.
And this is the nature of the game. Ben Shapiro looks and sounds as if he was drilled into being the most obnoxious Zionist whore, unhesitatingly barking out high speed Zionist historiographies to “demolish” university students where carefully selected clips of his “triumphs” can be relayed by the likes of Mr Murray.
It’s all a lovingly prepared sparring match whose heated invective will clearly continue for as long as needed.
“It truly is remarkable how the inflammatory matter of Israel/Palestine which has been subdued for decades has been mercilessly pushed right out in the open and the inevitable flames are being fanned at a hell of a rate”
Well, I have seen quite a few people on online platforms speculatiing that this timely airing of the pure pain & terror that the Palestinians have been and are enduring is because the global establishment are now in the postition to push the items I outlined in my other comments (see above/below). Some people even speculate that there will be another ‘false flag’ – an extreme one (possibly in Jerusalem and/or in the USA)? As well the customary FF involving a ship (see the ships amassing in the ME?) – history shows this type of psyop starts off large scale wars? It would of course also be a good excuse to help along Berkut’s Heavenly Jerusalm Project?
Not as subdued as all that, George, more a series of periodic atrocities and overreactions, like Jenin, for example, murder of journalists, shooting kids, settler land and house seizures etc., which then went swiftly down the mass awareness memory hole. That is, not counting the day-to-day oppression.
For once, I wholeheartedly agree with you. Murray is a complete and utter….
Unfortunately for Hamas and the Palestinians, Lebanon’s chief has just dropped the ball on them by stating that Hamas acted on their own on October 7 and did not have the backing of either Hezbollah or Iran.
This blows any possible image of Hamas as a legit resistance movement and makes them look like the suicidal and irresponsible cretins that they probably are.
Maybe they had the backing of Netanyahu?
Yes, most of what this article says is true, but there is a bigger picture and context that the global establishment try to hide from the public (including the over-arching blueprint of The Seven Noahde Laws/UN Agenda21/2030)? Any type of evidence/receipts? Has the global establishment/insiders created any works which outline plans (recently and historical e.g. books, documents, artiles, speeches) that look like they have come to fruition historically, relatively recently and very recently? Examples:
(a) Freemason Albert Pike in his book Morals and Dogma stated that they will try to “start WWIII between the Arabs and Zionist Israel”
(b) Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson’s work about the ‘coming of the Moshiach era’?
(c) The Prophecy of the Vilna Gaon (aka plan): “When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, the ‘Times of the Messiah’ have started, that his steps are being heard”?
(d) Henry Kissinger said in a speech in 2012: “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel”?
(e) Ukraine was invaded for a number of reasons including to create Heavenly Jerusalem (Israel2.0) – admitted by Israelis like Netanyahu, Russians like Medvedev, and Ukrainians like Berkut and Zelensky.
I think the most pertinent aspect here is the increasing irrelevance of the “Western paradigm” model of politics i.e. all that rhetoric about “Left” and “Right” and the presuppositions of “representative democracy” etc. My view is that one of the main objectives of the Ukraine manoeuvre was to reintroduce the old rhetoric at a point where a disturbingly large number of folk were wising up to the fact that a momentous structural change was happening. And I think the Israel/Palestine matter plays a similar role. I notice that Simon doesn’t mention this so presumably the above essay was written a while ago.
Israel/Palestine plays a much greater emotionally more charged role in public discourse than the reheated Cold War spectacle of Ukraine/Russia. The Nazi Germany scenario endlessly repeated throughout the Western media in both its entertainment field and its field of academic discourse has always been the richest bed of Pavlovian meme production. Twitter/X is now constantly exploding with the most dreary platitudinous rhetorical missiles from hacks like David Collier, Bella Wallersteiner, and of course the nauseating Ben Shapiro. On the other hand the undeniable coverage given to the devastation on the Palestinian side indicates stoking the other side as well.
And so, behind this “trump card” dealt from the old deck, as it were, unfold the NEW arrangements to usher in an unrecognisable new realm of power relations. And – if I may detour back to that nostalgic old theatre for a moment – “The Left” remain as ever caught up in their formulaic verbiage about “imperialism” and “colonialism” i.e. the very terminology used by the reset to usher in the new anonymous genderless arena of sedentary voyeurs powerlessly hooked on a pop culture whose real life input would seem to be nearing its end. How much of the entertainment media now consists of recycled shows? And the prophecy of the now ancient Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads theme has a new resonance –
“Tomorrow’s almost over/ Today went by so fast/ It’s the only thing to look forward to, the past”
Admittedly that fits in with the British leaning towards complacent defeatism. But it makes you wonder how much of that was encouraged. As with the unending pessimism of the cultural output since the 60s which at least affected a cheerful optimism.
Is there no connection between what is happening in the ME and Ukraine/Russia? Are there connections/patterns between each of these insider-people’s words/works? If there are patterns, what picture is being shown?
(a) Freemason Albert Pike in his book Morals and Dogma stated that they will try to “start WWIII between the Arabs and Zionist Israel”.
(b) The Prophecy of the Vilna Gaon (aka plan): “When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, the ‘Times of the Messiah’ have started, that his steps are being heard”.
(c) Henry Kissinger said in a speech in 2012: “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel”.
(d) Ukraine was invaded for a number of reasons including to create Heavenly Jerusalem (Israel2.0) – admitted by Israelis like Netanyahu, Russians like Medvedev, and Ukrainians like Berkut and Zelensky.
Oh I’m sure that these wars/ massacres etc. are for multiple reasons. It’s just that I have felt hypersensitive to the various developments in rhetoric since the covid coup. And the trauma – now admittedly tiresome – of feeling disillusioned by “The Left” was something that took a long time for me to work out. And I still look in to see if some awareness of the deeper picture is starting to dawn somewhere in that segment … but sadly no.
And it seemed to me that the Ukraine matter, for all its multiple reasons, definitely did serve the purpose of “rehabilitating” some of that old discourse. Since covid, there had been no true opposition even in terms of appearance i.e. the usual opposition were now in full agreement with the covid programme. We had “Right covidians” and “Left covidians” but all agreed that covid was something you were obliged to scream about. The strain of this unipolar world was starting to show since there is only so much “viral micro-diversity” you can entertain the punters with. And so Ukraine permitted something that looked more like a substantial disagreement.
From the point of view of this media pseudo-plurality, I see Israel / Palestine as being like Ukraine on steroids.
Truly a weapon of mass distraction. Plays to the gallery, the boxes and the stalls, even to the those left outside who couldn’t get into the theatre. Each however has a different view of what is happening onstage.
I was just turning off when I remembered Frank Zappa’s revealing statement, roughly that, ‘when they think there’s no more profit in hiding it, they whip away the curtain, and we see the brick wall behind the stage.’
Well, they are showing us the illusion is over, and now the chickens are coming home to roost, the cows are coming home and any metaphors similes and allegories you like.
They have and are sacrificing a lot of Ukrainians and Palestinians to maintain the illusion for those who still believe ANYTHING told them by ‘authority.’
Our turn next?
yes, look at these maps and links.. its about control of food, energy, currency and propaganda

Could unanimous consent be about control and ownership of the profits from oil and gas..?
Brilliant info – thanks!
You can already see how the money grubbing alt-con sites like Zero Hedge are approaching Gaza and Social Credit… just as they did with Covid – by slow walking it so that they can stay just enough ahead of the crowd to claim brownie points, but not so far ahead as to be exposed.
Social credit was developed by Western insurance companies – and the same companies provided consultants to China to develop its system. Hence globalism being one.
War in Gaza serves the same interests: dehumanises people, just as did the Covid response.
We have established that Israel was set up by a powerful and persistent interest to do its bidding in the Mid East.
Israel is the lever or pretext, via the holocaust, for the censorship of speech. Israel is the lever or pretext for resource wars and land grabs.
It is the perpetrator and fall guy simultaneously for many bad deeds… Organ harvesting, sex and slave trafficking, it has a monopoly on pornography as a means of control….
Most of its citizens don’t want to be involved… But, to be fair, some have been involved for centuries.
See the slave trade and opium wars, the bootleggers of prohibition, the sex traffickers of today.
Think of it as a worthy people but with a gang in their midst.
But who are the gang. That is our waking hangover.
Read Robert Friedman, The Red Mafiya – meaning the who of control of organised crime.
He was killed for exposing it.
France launches anti Zionism law.
UK firing those who call for ceasefire
Florida acts against student pro Palestine protests.
The Covid play book. But who was that’s… rabbits dig. But the uniformity of the media has already given away the game.
So many alt-con sites! Grayzone, 21st Century Wire, Daily Expose, Mintpress News. More of them than of the real thing.
I don’t read much any more but OG, Iain Davies, Winter Oak, Riley Waggaman & some smaller personal blogs. Any more recommends?
the truth seeker and the unz review aren’t too bad.
thanks I have never read them before
Corbett Report, Last American Vagabond
Winter Watch, Global Research, Wrench In The Gears, Nevermore Media, Swiss Policy Research, Red Fire Online and Brownstone Institute are useful.
Mark Crisin Miller, Jessica Rose, Daily Clout, Steve Kirsch, Children’s Health Defense (the best), Reneitte Senum, Sasha Latypova, The Highwire, Peggy Hall. FLCCC
In addition to the above.
New York Times
Why not the Guardian, NYT, Murdoch ? You can trust them.
Unz is too fluffy and soft ball for me.
“UKcolumn” have solid journalism and worth a pick-up here and there.
“Technocracy News” is in front of the real agenda, many in deep factual articles.
“”, Russian site recommended.
Katherine Watt – Researched the decades of legal changes that paved the way for the Covid assault.