The Anti-Human Agenda – Twitter (X) Thread

The following is our twitter (x) thread, compiled on Threadreader.

They’ve outlined their plan for the GR & it’s an insane dystopian nightmare of enforced passivity, medical & climate tyranny.

15-minute cities.
Little or no access to wild spaces.
Strictly monitored & limited travel.
Little to no real meat or dairy.

They’re serious…

They intend to bring all this right to YOU, wherever or whoever you are.

Unless you’re super-rich, this is YOUR future.

They know if you start focusing on this too much, you will be appalled & resist.

So they need a distraction.

And they will do literally anything to achieve that. Try to recall this when your controlled media, who told you to get vaxxed in 2021, are now laying out their stalls of race hate & rage.

They were serving an anti-human agenda then.

What do you think they’re serving now?

And when they tell you to look at this or that boogeyman, they assure you it is very scary and coming to get you.

Like this…😱

They’d love you to buy a Cold War 2 fantasy where those two pro-GR states that happily cooperate to kill their own people with the same toxic vaxx are ideological enemies, just a button-press away from mutual annihilation.

Spoiler – they’re not. It’s us they kill, not each other.

And this…

Another globalist functionary doing his duty. “Forget Agenda 2030, Hamas are coming to get you!”

So you don’t notice stuff like this…

These people used a fake pandemic to launch their attack on us.

They cynically killed people with lockdowns & DNRs & withdrawal of care just to get some excess mortality figures they could manipulate into “COVID deaths.”

Because other human lives mean nothing to them.

Now they’re cynically killing people with war. To fill us with outrage, counter-outrage, hate, fear–all the primal emotions that shut down higher thinking to divide us & distract us from the prison camp being built around all of us, & from which, once built, there’ll be no escape.

Those who pay for & promote stuff like this KNOW there will inevitably be a backlash…

The backlash is the point.

They don’t care about Palestinians or Israelis or any of us 99%.

They don’t give a stuff how many people end up dead.

It’s just a means to an end, like “covid.”

We agree strongly with this comment left on our site last week…


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Nov 6, 2023 7:58 AM

Saw the thread on Twitter. Thank you. Needs saying.

What disgusts me even more than the cynical blackhearted “covid” murder spree is the way they’re now exploiting people’s decency to get them to play along with the “race war” or “social breakdown” or whatever the next stage in the GR bollocks is gonna be. They set up a monster killing people on one side knowing good people will react in big numbers. And they have cheap nasty little populist demagogues like Douglas fuckface Murray chime in to get the “counter-reaction” going.

If there isn’t a bloody “race-war” in London next Sunday it won’t be for want of people like him trying to set one up. Have y’ever seen such disgusting language.

And like you say it’s just covid all over again. These people running the show aren’t anti-Moslem or anti-Jew, they just play with bigotries like that to get ppl all worked up.

And like you said again, if they have to start a war and kill a few thousand people in order to get the GR prison built, that’s fine by them. We’re just trash to them. Jews, Moslems, Protestants, Catholics, Atheists, whatever. Probably they’re only god is themselves or Satan.

Nov 6, 2023 8:13 AM
Reply to  Simon

oh looks like we have a bigoted old Douglas Murray fan here lads! Voted me down for saying race-wars are bad!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 9, 2023 5:08 AM

Bullshit Psyops Did they audit the Fed? Did they expose Big Pharma and the vaccination cult? Did they educate their supposed audience as to reality of global power? Did they even challenge the myth of the “Arab Spring”. No, it was just Bernaysian theatrics and sloganizing designed to create the impression of an organic movement. And August 2020 seems a strange time for a believer in Covid to go vacationing in Venice – especially when still somewhat “symptomatic” – but I suppose it would at least be free of all the plebs! — https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/sep/12/occupy-wall-street-10-years-on ‘We showed it was possible to create a movement from almost nothing’: Occupy Wall Street 10 years on [All you need is a Globalist propaganda machine!] Some say it inspired BLM and the growth of the US left. Others see it as an abject failure. A decade after the occupation of New York’s Zuccotti Park, the people who were there look back by Andrew Anthony 12 Sep 2021 We are the 99%.” Ten years ago that unifying slogan travelled around the world. Some attribute its origin to the economist Joseph Stiglitz, who first popularised the distinction between the 1% of people with great wealth and power and the rest of us. Others say that it was the late anthropologist and anarchist David Graeber who coined the phrase. But everyone agrees that it went global when it was voiced by demonstrators who gathered in lower Manhattan’s financial district on 17 September 2011. What took place that day, and the two months to follow, would become known as Occupy Wall Street, a protest movement against economic inequality and injustice that spread to 28 other US cities, to European capitals and financial centres, including London, Paris and Berlin, as well as parts of South America and the far east.… Read more »

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Nov 8, 2023 8:20 AM

“It follows that the three superstates not only cannot conquer one another, but would gain no advantage by doing so. On the contrary, so long as they remain in conflict they prop one another up, like three sheaves of corn.” – George Orwell, 1984

The establishment & its shills want us to forget that war is the ultimate psyop they use against us.

Nov 7, 2023 9:28 PM

Among other purposes of psywar, war in Ukraine aimed to move public awareness from biowar of terror launched with the covid coup and vaccination campaign, while simultaneously advancing GR/4IR agenda such as economic warfare with further assault upon resource and energy supplies beyond plandemic lockdown, contributing to coverup of the latter’s initial devastation with yet more imposition of inflationary debt and austerity upon the ‘cost of living’. Now Ukraine has suddenly disappeared from news du jour headlines and current controversy with another explosion of the longstanding conflict between the Israeli state and Palestinians. But like Ukraine, propaganda’s limited hangout conventions are meant to manage perception of events as disconnected from global war on humanity which remains in effect, as with worldwide depopulation through regional genocide.   One might call this strategic warfare a dialectic of distraction and destruction, not seeing the forest for the trees in order to march the masses of us into a prison planet beyond Gaza’s concentration camp and final solution. But simply to treat the extermination campaign in Gaza as distraction, a departure from rather than continuous with the GR/4IR, is to abandon others in urgent need of solidarity, in exclusionary support of a limited hangout of the GR/4IR which reinforces the compartmentalization crucial to conspiracy getting away with mass murder.  War, always the health of the fascist corporate state, serves multiple purposes, particularly for those profiting from blood in the streets, in the predatory style of the Rothschilds, not only banksters and arms dealers but real estate developers of new world (dis)order atop the ruins of the old like the build back better plans of digital public infrastructure. As such, war remains a major means of remaking human society in the dystopian designs of technocratic, transhumanist “masters of mankind” (Adam Smith), whose monstrous potentials for WW3 and deployment of ultimate… Read more »

Nov 8, 2023 4:11 AM
Reply to  niko

Nutnyahoo is a Polish Khazarian “semite”.

Joe Van Steenbergen
Joe Van Steenbergen
Nov 7, 2023 5:15 PM

Questions are: How can we stop them? Can we?

At this point, thinking people know (or should know) what is happening, who is doing it, and where it all will lead. The trick now is to find a way to stop it from happening, and that’s not going to be easy.

Nov 7, 2023 3:43 PM

There is no us, that is a problem. It’s easy to go to a demonstation for a few hours or post endless material online. What’s not so easy is to give up on the very system that sustains people. Because the problem is not just a few elites at the top, is it? Even if there was an “us” : An us vs them situation inevitably leads to a confrontation which we cannot win: -We cannot win in the information war because we cannot freely communicate information. -We cannot win a physical confrontation unless large parts of the military and police forces globally switch to our side. They are not going to do that even if they fell out with their paymasters: they will simply replace them. -We cannot pretend “they” do not exist and attempt to create our own parallel society- they will not allow it. At best one can be part of a small team, buy land together and live on the fringe somewhere in the mountains….this option is out of reach for many due to the dependence on money. Now, anti-human agenda was mentioned. I reject the idea that the Israel situation is some kind of show to distract from covid. The masses did not reject the narrative, despite the triumphant tone of many in the alt media. The masses never thought about covid. They had already been raised with “virus” firmly in the vocabulary, scientism, and dystopian apocalyptic scenarios galore. They just mourn their losses and carry on in their ignorance and a (barely) vaguely conscious unease about impending annihilation. The Israel situation is the continuation of the Greater Israel agenda of which Covid was a part. War with Iran has been the stated agenda for decades. The modus operandi of not only xionism but also… Read more »

Nov 7, 2023 12:45 PM

I agree wholeheartedly.
It sounds simplistic, perhaps it is, but I think that January 6, Ukraine, BLM, fires, floods, quakes, and now Israel/Palestine are a huge distraction from the murder, the outright murder, of the past 3 plus years due to their manufactured “virus” and the manufactured bioweapon follow up.
Not to mention the lockdowns, masks and utter emotional and spiritual destruction.
I knew the injections were injuring and killing at warp speed, I had no idea about the deaths from the early hospital protocols. Atrocious and frightening. And plenty of them.
I have been watching Polly Tommey’s Children’s Health Defense Covid Bus tour where she interviews people daily across the US. She herself had no idea how bad the consequences were from the early protocols.
I really do think all this global upheavel, and tragic war related death, is a huge cover up for the mass destruction of their globalist created “pandemic”.

Nov 7, 2023 4:52 PM
Reply to  judith

read “katherine watt “( lawyer) and “sasha latypova” ( i think biologist) on substack. Both have done outstanding research that could help many, i think
Also of interest is nixonlab from australian GP david nixon doing research on all ” injectables”. Shocking.

Nov 7, 2023 11:34 PM
Reply to  nina

Thank you. I am familiar with Sasha, not so much with Katherine.

Nov 8, 2023 9:15 AM
Reply to  judith

katherine has done research on the developpment of the laws that made covid/vax hoax possible. It has been planned for a very long time. The whole ” machination” has been rolled out by US MoD.
She is also looking into the (US) laws and how to take legal contra measures. This could perhaps help US victims

As for nixonlab.substack ( david nixon) : with others, he looks through a microscope the contents of ” injectables” such as for ex. dental anaesthetics, insuline etc.
From what has been produced since covid and have looked at ( not exhaustif) the examined products ( many pic for professionals) show contents of nanobots reacting to electro magnetic fields. And forming by itself all kind of patterns. It is totally abnormal
I am not a health professional, and i think many or probably most health professionals are not aware of what they inject into our body.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 8, 2023 12:58 PM
Reply to  nina

It would easy enough to prove this. I wish someone would get on with it, if so. 🤷‍♂️

Nov 8, 2023 2:07 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

well, be my guest and have look at nixonlab.substack.com

You can live a message to david nixon himself at the end of every art. and the comments of his readers can also be very informative.
Suscribtion is free .
He has also meet with other health practitionners a few weeks ago in new zealand about the subject.
They do what they can with the little middel they have.
That is why i live as much messages as i can ; – i never go to ” social “media otherwise but this kind of news should be spread. And of course verified if you need to.
Have look at what he publishes an ask trusworthy professionals to look at it

Nov 8, 2023 4:04 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 8, 2023 5:39 PM
Reply to  nina

Thanks I was referring mostly to something laid out like a science paper, with detailed procedures and control groups etc. This seems more like terrifying people not to go to the dentist, which feels a bit… odd.

‘Don’t have dental work done until viewing’… If we strip away the clickbait from this remark, what does it leave? Can it possibly be intended as responsible advice? If you’re going to steer people away from having dental work done, at least include a photo and details of the product you are testing and evidence of its provenance.

To my knowledge you can’t buy lidocaine ampoules (et al) on the open market (at least not in the uk, and I’d be surprised if you could in Australia either). Therefore WHAT has this gentleman laid his hands on? 😅

This just doesn’t seem scientific or responsible to me. A2

Nov 8, 2023 8:38 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

wel, the pfizer vax and other ” poisons” were ” scientific responsible”, were not they ? That is what we were told. I have seen what pfizer did in my neighbourhood.

When we see what is going on in the world at the moment with all those ” complotists”, we can be worried.
I think that informed people can decide for themselves what kind of treatments/ risks they want to take.
Lidocaïne can be purchased on prescription only at a pharmacy and any dentist can buy it. That is in europe and i think also in the UK
But david nixon does not look only at dental anaesthetics.
He looks also at blood anomalies and other injectables and there is a discussion going on between himself and health professional. But only for paid suscribtion, and i have no access to the discussion as
I am not a health professional .

I give the link so that professionals are made aware of this research.
My intention is not to scare individuals. But individuas should also be informed that this kind of research is going on.
I think sasha latypova knows of it ( from memory and not sure)

But what ever research has to start somewhere. And don t forget that many different scientific opinions were through centuries villified. The earth has been flat for centuries….

I noticed that i made quite a few spelling mistakes ( not my mother tongue). No possibility to correct spelling ?

Théophile Gautier
Théophile Gautier
Nov 7, 2023 11:02 AM

Thank you for this excellent study and reminder.

Corky Ringspot
Corky Ringspot
Nov 7, 2023 11:40 AM

Théo! You’re still alive?! I studied your ‘Emaux et Camées’ at university, aeons ago. I loved it. How are you mate?

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 7, 2023 10:48 AM

It’s remarkable how the media is saturated with stories and images of the most appalling attack against a civilian population and yet this is constantly and relentlessly spun as a “humanitarian” project and the very name “Hamas” now seems to provoke bloodlust whilst the call for ceasefire is automatically rejected as “a betrayal”.

And I have seen exchanges on Twitter/X which have conflated “Hamas” with Palestinian civilians. Either Hamas are “using Palestinians as human shields” or the Palestinians are themselves terrorists. Thus we have some shape-shifting entity apparently capable of defeating the IDF with paragliders and then vanishing into the Palestinian population. How strangely convenient for “ethnic cleansing”.

Théophile Gautier
Théophile Gautier
Nov 7, 2023 11:00 AM
Reply to  George Mc

If the intention is to provoke outrage then how better than to broadcast a villain do evil things in plain sight. I notice the media make no attempt to hide the villainy of Israel while not condemning it. As if they want to provoke outrage while pretending the outrage is not desired. I think there is a very clever game being played whose end we can’t clearly see.

I saw Moneycircus say he believes Netanyahu is being set up to be sacrificed. Perhaps all of Israel is too? This may then be presented as a victory for the masses and perhaps global government will then also be presented as something these masses now demand to end slaughter.

I only put this as a possible plan

Nov 7, 2023 8:56 AM

Excellent article. Very pertinent of the moment.

Nov 7, 2023 8:51 AM

Palestinians can live like dogs or leave… and other fine quotations from Moshe Dayan:

Tesco shopping trolley
Tesco shopping trolley
Nov 7, 2023 8:24 AM

Totally agree. 500%

Nov 7, 2023 7:59 AM

Thanks OffG for once again having the courage and insight to give us some of the deeper reality here. I found you during the covid insanity when you were the only beacon in the darkness for a while in early 2020 and you continued to stand for truth throughout. You saved a lot of sanities and continue to do so

G Gl
G Gl
Nov 7, 2023 7:47 AM

Why has the quality of articles on offguardian decreased since the Hamas attack? I now feel I am reading rants not thoughtful articles.

Tesco shopping trolley
Tesco shopping trolley
Nov 7, 2023 8:26 AM
Reply to  G Gl

You sound totally genuine.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 7, 2023 10:24 AM

Never trust a complaint that makes a general noise without replying to specific instances.

G Gl
G Gl
Nov 7, 2023 12:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Eat shit and die

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 7, 2023 9:35 PM
Reply to  G Gl

And then responds with invective.

G Gl
G Gl
Nov 7, 2023 12:00 PM

You sound like a libtard

Nov 7, 2023 11:33 AM
Reply to  G Gl

Ah a fellow CBC watcher!
Except I see through the propaganda.
Oh wait …you’re paid to be here today right?

Nov 7, 2023 2:24 PM
Reply to  David

Dirty pig.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Nov 8, 2023 8:25 AM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

Hey “cloverleaf”, I think you forgot to swap ID. You were supposed to respond as “G GI” weren’t you 😂😂

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Nov 7, 2023 7:20 AM

Yes. The bad guys do have a point of view. We should give them equal time and equal protection. So that they can continue to do bad things. Otherwise, where would equality go?

Nov 7, 2023 7:38 AM
Reply to  Joe Smith

The article doesn’t say anything remotely like that. “We’re being manipulated” has no connection at all with “the bad guys have a point of view”.

Nov 7, 2023 6:30 AM

Bhakdi, Hopkins, Fuellmich, now Sharav…(then there are those who have died ‘mysteriously’):

“Wanted” by German prosecutors after speaking truth to power – Vera Sharav

Nov 7, 2023 2:48 PM
Reply to  niko

I am not really surprised, this is the playbook of the zionists and their bootlikers, the reason why they try to silence Vera Sharav is the same reason why they have been trying to silence Norman Finkelstein for years. In fact they needed the holocaust for the following reasons: to kill the german jews, who mostly were strongly opposed to zionism and then use their tragedy to hide behind by masquerading as jews to finally get to their wet dream of their own racist apartheid state and then again use the tragedy of the murdered to shield themselves from any critisism. To be Anti-Zionist does not make you an anti-semite, btw. Arabs are semites, they speak a semitic language as do a large number of ethiopians which speak amharic, the term “anti-semitism” is a made-up newspeak term, it has nothing to do with the linguistic terms “Semite” and “semitic”. Zionism is NOT judaism, it is in fact a mixture of marxism and national socialism in disguise, you could even argue that zionism is a form of proto-globalism.

Just read Jack Bernsteins book: “The Life of an American Jew in Racist, Marxist Israel”

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Nov 8, 2023 5:38 PM
Reply to  T.S.
Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 7, 2023 5:11 AM

There is no 99%. Merging absurdity and atrocity, the masses voted 62-38 for medical-fascist apartheid and genocide – and they called it “Democracy”! — https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/swiss-to-decide-on-divisive-covid-certificate/47142810 Voters again endorse Swiss government’s pandemic policy A clear majority has backed the government’s coronavirus policy after voting on the issue for the second time this year. November 28, 2021 In June, 60% approved the initial text of the Covid law, the legal framework for the financial and health measures taken by government to deal with the pandemic. Five months later, an even bigger number has now supported a series of amendments to the law, outlining more financial aid as well as the legal basis for the hotly-debated Covid [vaccination] certificate. With one of the highest turnouts in decades – almost 66% – 24 of the country’s 26 cantons said “yes”. Only Schwyz, who also rejected the law in June, and small Appenzell Inner Rhoden went against the trend. More so than in June, the campaign this time was marked by loud and sometimes violent protests, mostly aimed at what opponents called a “discriminatory” Covid certificate. On Sunday, police took the unprecedented step of cordoning off the area around parliament buildings to prevent demonstrations called by some protestors online. Entrenched positions were also seen in opinion polls in the run-up to the vote: while a survey by gfs.bern on November 7 showed 61% in favour of the law and 38% against, just 1% were still “undecided” – a much smaller amount than usual, and an indication that people made up their minds some time ago already. Ultimately, the most important factor for a typical voter is whether he or she was vaccinated against Covid, said gfs.bern analyst Martina Mousson before the vote. In Switzerland, some 67% of the population is fully vaccinated; this figure is… Read more »

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 8, 2023 8:46 AM

AU Andrews Labour Party won again a majority in 2022 after fascist camps and forced vaxx for Aborigines.
Two third of European countries parliaments backed by their welfare fat bloodthirsty voters have voted for wars since 9/11 2001 up till today.

Same pattern. I think we have to face it folks. We are a minority and can only hope for maximum 33% of the voters, and probably much less in times with tensions. I calculate it to maximum 10-15% who have a bone.

All the work and energy to “wake up” the sheeple is and will be in vain. The 1% Elite are what they are but not stupid.

Nov 9, 2023 8:39 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

“Our study provides immunological evidence that supports earlier and additional vaccine boosters [are important] for First Nation peoples and highlights the importance of being up to date with COVID vaccinations, especially for individuals with comorbidities.”


Pour me another 4X please…

Nov 8, 2023 9:28 AM

First things first.
How can one decide rightly when getting only propaganda from one government ?
Ordinary people trust or used to trust their own government an health decision untill now.

And i think personnaly, that the vax roll out was so designed that some batches were immediately lethal, some were damaging after some time and others were inocuous. That is the way to do such a thing. The one vaxed with inocuous product will ” sale” it to others, as i see around me, in european countries, vax campagnes still going on and people promoting it

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 8, 2023 1:55 PM
Reply to  nina

How can one decide rightly when getting only propaganda from one government ?

People have easy access to all the information they need and they had plenty of time to do the research on covid.

Ordinary people trust or used to trust their own government an health decision untill now.

There’s a long list of reasons which pre-date covid as to why people should not automatically trust the authorities.

With regard to changes in attitudes, other than people directly affected by vax injuries, I’ve not seen much weakening in the general level of trust.

the vax roll out was so designed that some batches were immediately lethal . . . etc

Yes, I agree with that. Indeed, that was my expectation when they started the rollout.

Doddington Whelk
Doddington Whelk
Nov 7, 2023 3:38 AM

David Icke was saying this 30 years ago and the 99% then were calling him a loon.

Nov 7, 2023 2:51 AM

This is a very good piece, compassionate also. Thank you for your sanity

Nov 7, 2023 1:07 AM

Anti semitism, anti Islam, anti Christian etc, are all divisive and a waste of energy.

Systems of belief are embedded in the human psyche because humankind has lost its way, has been misled by religious leaders, and oligarchs.

The One Per Cent prey upon the lost, have done for millennia.

les online
les online
Nov 6, 2023 10:54 PM

Universal Soldier – Donovan (2:18):

Universal Soldier – Buffy Sainte-Marie (4:22):

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 7, 2023 10:01 AM
Reply to  les online

The best. They are trying to smear her down, her life and reputation at the moment, because you and me still remember her.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Nov 6, 2023 10:22 PM

Good and timely reminder and great comment by Allie GoPro!

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Nov 6, 2023 10:12 PM

Shattered Bodies

What the sayanim on this site are saying is “don’t look at the dismembered babies in bombed refugee camps. Don’t worry about the genocide.” There are fingers pointed at the undefined 1% rather than the banksters that created the genocidal apartheid state and who are located in the countries that are supporting the gruesome mass murder.

This comment, if published will obtain large numbers of downvotes from the covert agencies that control this forum. That is fine. A red thumb from Shin Bet is a medal of honour.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 6, 2023 11:30 PM

Yes, but in a world in which we were collectively accused of killing grannies because we questioned the logic behind masks, you can understand why people are disinclined to be buffeted around by wave upon wave of moral outrage now, can’t you? Perhaps if you could acknowledge that and tone down the moral outrage yourself you’d find it easier to open a dialogue with people (which I presume you’re interested in doing?)? Thanks, A2

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Nov 7, 2023 2:01 AM

I literally don’t see anyone saying “don’t look at the dismembered babies”. I mean you say that’s what I’m saying and I’m not saying anything of the kind. I actually literally did say “blame the banksters”, but you don’t seem to read what anyone actually says.

You seem totally hysterical actually. Are you? Or is it a fake outrage act? Why can’t you have a reasonable conversation instead of screaming at everyone snd calling them shills?

Tesco shopping trolley
Tesco shopping trolley
Nov 7, 2023 8:29 AM

What are you on about pal? I’ve read the article and a lot of the comments. I don’t see anyone up to now saying don’t look at the dead babies. Where are you seeing this?

Théophile Gautier
Théophile Gautier
Nov 7, 2023 10:52 AM

I also feel the need to ask where you are seeing to ignore “dismembered babies”. I have not encountered any sentiment the least resembling this.

Caroline Fisher
Caroline Fisher
Nov 6, 2023 8:49 PM

How can we unite the common people – the not 1 percent – into a public opinion that is so powerful, it will inspire us to see our way forward clearly, and to then fight the good fight, together, and win.

Nov 7, 2023 9:01 AM

People just know. That’s the most important thing. Sleepy heads do what sleepy heads do but the awake know the game inside out and the intended outcomes of it. So when it comes to the next fork in the road, the next crunch time, a lot of people just won’t cooperate or take the bait or take orders from the WHO. And even if that’s just 3 or 4 in 20 people it’s enough millions Europewide to put a fat spanner into most agendas – national or supranational – that need public cooperation/participation.
They just cant control or work around that many people. Meanwhile the credibility of the political class and above continues to be shown up to the sleepy heads. Their lack of morality and criminality is there for all to see

Enjoy your day.

Nov 7, 2023 2:55 PM
Reply to  Robin

There is a german proverb: “Sand ins Getriebe streuen” which literally means “pouring sand in the gear box” so let us fill up the gear box with sand, I always had this crazy dream of being the tiny error that brings the stupid system to crash.

Manfred Meyer
Manfred Meyer
Nov 8, 2023 12:49 AM
Reply to  T.S.

T. S., you are not a tiny error. You are an enormous error.

les online
les online
Nov 6, 2023 8:27 PM

Our Enemy is each other…
We’ve built an entire economic system on cheating,
dis-trust, exploiting each other, doing-the-other-guy-
over, outsmarting-the-other-guy, living off others efforts,
etc, etc, etc,
If i turn the other cheek it’s because i’m …..?
If i suppress my resentment it’s because…..?

Just what is there to like about you ?

Nov 6, 2023 9:00 PM
Reply to  les online


Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Nov 6, 2023 10:25 PM
Reply to  les online

That’s because we’ve been brainwashed into ubiquitous artificial scarcity created by the 1%ers who want it all and who want us to only just have enough for us to have the energy to serve them.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Nov 7, 2023 2:20 AM
Reply to  les online

If you despise the whole human race why do you care what happens to any of us? Gaza is just full of those awful people you hate, so what does it matter how many of them die? The globalists talk & think like that I bet.

Nov 6, 2023 8:07 PM

Part of the anti-human agenda is so-called ‘alternative media’ not posting people’s legitimate comments, funnily enough!

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 6, 2023 7:53 PM

I think it’s all coming together now. When the covid manoeuvre began via a huge reversal of rhetorical polarity and “The Left” now became the carriers of ruling class mainstream propaganda which now went large on that progressive lingo, ascribing covid scepticism to “conspiracy nuttery”, I kept expecting a total transferral of “the enemy” to that old Nazi configuration. And the constant slidings into dark mutterings about “antisemitism” put me into a mood of expectation. The “antisemitism” card was always played when the conspiracy speculations became too pressing. And that seemed to me to be the case with covid. And yet it never happened. Until ….. Well, look at the Middle East situation now. And whilst the news spoke of an attack on a mosque, my wife noted there was a 300% increase in antisemitism. I pointed out that a mosque was actually a Muslim place of worship. But she made a valid point i.e. that it’s the antisemitism jingle that’s getting played the loudest. (And don’t you love that “300%”? Nothing like a percentage to generate a pseudo-scientific aura!) So it seems that this Israel/Palestine confrontation – sparked off by a dubious attack on Israel providing the pretext for “The Final Solution to The Palestinian Problem” – has also provided what may turn out to be the spring board for that full on Nazi rhetoric via dissident voices. Cue an upsurge in the old “repressed fascism of the masses” blather. Speaking of which I am curious that the Frankfurt School published a 1000+page tome entitled “The Authoritarian Personality” in 1950. This gargantuan volume collated a vast array of interviews with that fabled cross section of the public who were assessed for “inherent fascist tendencies” and subjected to, amongst other things, an “anti-Semitism” scale. Yes really! But here’s the funny… Read more »

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Nov 7, 2023 2:05 AM
Reply to  George Mc

And finally – “what we need is a one-world government (via the UN) to put an end to all this hate & strife”.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 7, 2023 8:01 AM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Indeed. “The natives can’t govern themselves! They need professional help from the truly wise.” Etc.

Nov 7, 2023 3:03 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Yep that is what I expect will be the next propagandy drivel: this pesky nationalsim can only be overcome by an o-so benelovent Communist one-world-government. The really annoying thing is, it is all so boring, couldn’t they at least be a bit more creative and less foreseeable in their propaganda ? Maybe that is the “AI” at work already: Artificial Idiocy

Dec 26, 2023 6:08 AM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

But who will control the UN? The WHO is paid for and controlled by others and it is not the UN

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Nov 6, 2023 7:24 PM

If the ‘GR’ were, in many ways, inter-related to one side in the conflict which is here presented as ‘a distraction’ (and not the other) then surely that depiction is something of a smokescreen isn’t it ?
I fear that the line of thinking here has veered from honest conspiracy theorising into a kind of conspiracism coloured by very selective reading of current events.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 6, 2023 11:22 PM
Reply to  Turning Moment

You’re obviously entitled to your opinion, but many disagree that the wide implications of the GR can be linked to any one state, religion, race or ethnic group. A2

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Nov 7, 2023 4:12 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Nobody reading widely at the moment can fail to notice both sides of opinion about the whether or not the GR is particularly associated with one group of people or one ideology/ religion.
Arguably a common feature of any and all attempts to thresh out those different opinions in a discussion, is that one side feels the need to either censor or completely ignore the other’s arguments. What I read on these pages is really little more than groupthink : all binaries are false and can therefore be ignored and fingers pointed to an ill-defined mechanism running the world (call it ‘Globocap’, or ‘the 1%’.)
I ask, What motivates people ? What motivates Dershovitz, or Blinken ,or Nuland, or Kissinger, or Harari, or Bourla, or Walensky, or Epstein, or Shapiro, or Netanyahu ?
Is it all individual self interest, somehow steered by an amorphous current of ‘global capitalism’ ? Are there some motivations in people’s lives other than or supplementing money and prestige ? If so, don’t we have an obligation to talk about them openly and freely ?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 7, 2023 4:37 AM
Reply to  Turning Moment

From what I hear, those asserting a particular ethnic group/religion is behind the great reset seem to mostly appeal to unfalsifiable bible literalism, and since religion is surely the original groupthink, perhaps stones are being thrown in glass houses in your comment? A2

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Nov 7, 2023 10:31 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I have not claimed that one particular ethnic group/ religion is


the GR. Nor do have I referred to the bible, so I don’t really get why you are claiming I am being hypocritical ? That is a straw man fallacy, surely.
My point is that there seems little room in this particular circle for exploring whether or not one side in the conflict in Israel/ Palestine is more closely related to the origins/ intentions/ ideological impulse of the GR. This, rather than simply hand waving away consideration of the motivations behind the conflict as ‘a distraction’ from the GR itself (which is how I read the article, and previous ones of similar vein).
If anything, your response confirms to me the local closure of thinking on this.
One side has arguments and a lot of things to back those arguments up, the other side has a DELETE button, this has been my experience. Atzmon’s maxim is surely vindicated no?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 7, 2023 12:46 PM
Reply to  Turning Moment

Tbh i got a bit confused about what we’re actually talking about… it’s all a bit cryptic, isn’t it! If you’re talking about what I think you’re talking (the Jews running the GR) then you’re speaking alongside (and on behalf of) a lot of characters here who constantly talk from a biblical perspective. Their argument is usually circular… A: ‘The Jew wants to squash the gentile because Torah says this and this’… B: ‘ok, how do you know Jews are so evil and so religiously motivated by these archaic passages from their Bible?’… A: ‘because MY Bible says they are, and me and a bunch of people all agree there are signs from God everywhere, exposing these Jewish demons for who they really are’. I’ve tried to discuss it further, it never goes anywhere, except round in circles like this. If you’re trying to suggest the GR is a Zionist-led thing, I guess Zionists are a more politically defined group than ‘jews’. I admit I’ve only seen attempts to reason this out fail, though. The main phenomenon which most agree characterises the GR agenda is its global scale, which bridges all traditional geopolitical divides. It is very difficult, therefore, in that case, to argue that any one group is the culprit without elevating that group to a status of such ultimate power that the argument gets out of touch with reality. We witnessed a web of cooperating elite interests running the Covid narrative, transitioning seamlessly into the GR narrative, and for a while every newspaper in the world, it appeared, was singing Kumbaya about a world united to stop Covid. That didn’t last long, and soon came the WEF campaign ‘you’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy’, which backfired quite badly. The circumstantial evidence here appears to point to a… Read more »

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Nov 7, 2023 2:08 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

There was no intention of being cryptic, only an attempt to try and open a discussion in general terms rather than specifics so as to discuss principles rather than taboos.
I am not speaking alongside or on behalf of anyone, so you are wrong to assume that. I am not an adherent of any Abrahamic religion. I do not refer to ‘the Jews’ in speech or in writing, as you insinuate. It is the default tactic of those who are not willing to really discuss this material to insert “the” as they would rather close debate with mocking derision. It makes it rather convenient for you to make assumptions and shoot them down.

I did not say that ‘the Jews are running the GR’. Again you are arguing against something you are interpreting your own way.
I can’t see merit in discussing this further with you, as you clearly are arguing in bad faith, so I best leave it to the OffG monoculture…
PS On the biblical stuff, check out Netanyahu’s recent speeches, or indeed the statements of Zionist leaders over the years. I am amazed that there are still people clinging to the concept of Zionism as a purely secular nationalist movement : something that is demonstrably false.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 7, 2023 2:19 PM
Reply to  Turning Moment

On the biblical stuff, check out Netanyahu

The problem I have is, at what point do we switch from accepting Netanyahu was an out-and-out liar, pushing the Covid agenda and needless injections onto Israeli people, and at what point do we start taking him at face value and believing what he says?

Believe me, I’ve tried to have this conversation, but it’s gone nowhere up till now.

Btw, you have clearly been mistaken up to this point about what constitutes ‘taboo’ on this site, however there’s no obligation for you to acknowledge this. Bye for now,

Nov 7, 2023 2:19 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

The issue can be pried apart from any discussion about cultural identities by focusing on the mechanism: debt. War is greed, and greed is debt. There can be no greed without debt, as greed without debt is mere hunger. A starving wolf can only horde what it can eat, and only until it has eaten it. It can’t horde the entire herd of deer because it can’t kill the entire herd, and couldn’t store it if it did. Greed is synonymous with debt: the ability to horde something possessed by someone else, or by nobody, or by the horded thing itself.  The structure of the physical plant of debt is invariant under changes of scale. Debt in a neighborhood involves three actors: the debtor — a man compelled by the urgent poignancies of life to accept a loan in order to stave off for one more day the misery of his family; the loan shark — a man with a small pile of money but no honor or self-respect, who offers the deal; and the enforcer — a hulking, silent fellow who stands behind the loan shark. The state of Israel is undeniably a loan shark on the world stage. Its creditors are other nations and large corporations, and its enforcers are the US and the EU. The instantaneous appearance of US carrier groups of the coast of any conflict zone cannot be interpreted any other way. (Israel is not the only loan shark, and it is the state — not the people — who play this part.) But the Gaza conflict is a separate affair for Israel. This is not the attack of a loan shark on a delinquent creditor — the loan shark never attacks personally in professional matters. Gaza is a loan shark murdering his neighbor (and… Read more »

Nov 8, 2023 5:15 AM
Reply to  Bloobock

The top mafiosos are not Sicilian.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 8, 2023 12:44 PM

The best jelly is made by your own mother.

Nov 7, 2023 4:26 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Nice try but this is deflection.

A rejection of the religions that pave the way for the NWO/Great Reset requires a total rejection.

The assertion you mention comes not only from christian fundamentalists ( some of whom for some reason come to this site) doing the lame old scapegoating routine.

The particular material referred to in the Bible and the Talmud (and the Quran) would be today unpublishable and would be immediately rejected as hate speech. It can only be taken literally and informs the associated cultures regadless of their current “religiosity”.
The Chabad is as real an organisation as Hizbollah, and visibly contains zero actual semites.

It is the literal understanding of what is stated in those doctrines that has driven the wars that have ravaged Europe, Middle East and Africa and fuelled the NWO- this is the bigger historical picture. Racial supremacy is a real thing among the elites and its roots are to be found in the “sacred” texts, along with warmongering, hatred of nature and women, inversion of the truth, slavery, hypocrisy.
This hypocrisy shows itself in many ways but the “eye for an eye” claim is one of the most tragic/hilarious. I doubt any of these cultures ever practiced it- they seem to prefer to take the whole head for an eye, if not the whole family.
The hypocrisy comes from being ruled by hypocrits and people getting accustomed to believing in things they know to be a lie…

The conflation of religion with race is deliberate and it is so as the prevent discussion of religion- they need to hide the root of the disease.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 7, 2023 5:38 PM
Reply to  Anarchos

I’m not deflecting. I pointed out that most people around here argue a Jewish World Conspiracy on an occult/Christian fundamentalist basis, which you acknowledge, and therefore to come on here and accuse those opposing the JWC of ‘groupthink’, as Turning Moment seemed to be implying, is not a little ironic in this setting.

I’m sure you get it.

Incidentally, surely these Occult Christian Fundamentilist guys are part of the problem, from your perspective, since you believe ‘literal’ understanding of religious texts ‘informs the associated cultures regardless of their current “religiosity”’?

So next time Occult Christian Fundamentilists come along calling Jews ‘demons’, be a good fellow and challenge them as firmly as you’ve challenged me today.

That’d be great, thanks! A2

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 7, 2023 8:06 AM
Reply to  Turning Moment

You want nice psychobabble? Let’s talk about Netanyahu’s childhood? How about the folk in high positions only getting there because they have already internalised the system and are perfectly aware of “the deal”? And one of the things they are aware of is that if they fail to deliver, then they’re out.

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Nov 7, 2023 10:39 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I don’t really want psychobabble no.
We could talk about Netanyahu if you want.
The essential purpose of the ‘system’ is what is at question, not the mechanics of how it maintains itself (as in “the deal”). Catherine Austin Fitts said that the true nature of the elite power structure is unknown. Is it unknowable though ? A lot of things are known about it, even if we cannot see the whole picture, I would say.
The main point is whether we are permitted to speak openly about it, or to put it another way, whether the overseers of the forums of discussion feel too threatened by such discussion to allow it to proceed….

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Nov 7, 2023 11:27 AM
Reply to  Turning Moment

The Jews. He means the Jews. 🙄

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 7, 2023 1:13 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Yes, possibly he might mean Jews. Very possibly.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 7, 2023 9:47 PM
Reply to  Turning Moment

The essential purpose of the system is power. Not that the ones benefitting think in terms of an “essential purpose”. I would still agree with Marx that the capitalist system tends towards crises through its very volatility. The propagandists were rapidly running out of excuses to constantly massage the funds upstairs. The neoliberal scam eventually ran out of steam. 2008 marked a point when the banks ran off with oceans of public funding. That provoked deserved outrage and they knew they couldn’t do it again.

Hence the psueo-pandemic which, stripped of its bogus panic, was the fastest and most extreme transferral of funds upstairs in all history. But I agree that there is a more fundamental restructuring going on. And I reckon that what fools the Left is that the classical capitalist model is no longer relevant. We are seeing the most radical mutation of capitalism possibly ever. Perhaps “neofeudalism” is more accurate.

And the Western situation – which has benefitted a majority of the population for most of our lives – is, I reckon, about to collapse. As the most affluent of the plebs, the ruling class would like to see us replaced with third world peasants.

But I don’t think there is some kind of infallible conspiracy centre. As always, there’s a haphazard aspect, always an “X factor” ingredient.

Nov 7, 2023 2:44 AM
Reply to  Turning Moment

theGR is global, the so-called “multipolar” world leaders support it as much or more than the West. A prison with no outside is their aim for us all

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Nov 7, 2023 4:37 AM
Reply to  Quetzalcoatl

I get that.
I am not talking (just) about ‘the West’.

Nov 7, 2023 9:41 AM
Reply to  Turning Moment

Even if every person in the “Great Reset gang” is a Jew that does not mean all Jews are in the gang or even that all Jews like what the gang does.

If every person in the gang is a man would you say “look, men are making the Great Reset “?

And how would you then proceed? To punish every man on earth?

Surely it is the gang & how it intends to do that is what matters.

Nov 7, 2023 3:08 PM
Reply to  Gaufres

At least replace “jew”with “Zionist” then you might at least be somewhat nearing the real culprit, although I do not believe there is a single group benind that whole crap, it is more a bunch of morons having wet dreams of ruling the world while they do not even manage to get their own lives in order.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 8, 2023 8:56 AM
Reply to  T.S.

The bible has in my opinion the best label, “the false jews”.

Nov 6, 2023 7:15 PM

The only way to stop this is if large portions of the population in every country do not comply with ANY of this global tyranny (at a local level as well as national and international level) – use cash, shun automation (e.g. tills) in any form, thrown away smart phones and appliances. Unify with local people in small groups to make sure the Agenda21/2030 SDGs are not implemented in our areas. They can make as many laws as they want against us, but if they do not have the consent of the people – they cannot rule over us. We can stop this peacefully and lawfully. Britain especially, has many ancient laws that protect the people. The most important bit of knowledge we need to know currently is the following – I repeat it because it is vital: A large part of Agenda21/2030 and The Noahide Code is that the establishment need all populations disillusioned with their governments in the hope we will want total destruction of our current systems (and they hope it will cause its toppling – which, fortunately, will not happen because the British people and beyond are too wise now and on to their shenanigans). The global establishment will try to use our discontent to institute their ‘solution’ of a communitarian, technocratic, totalitarian digital prison though. As I said before: It is very important to know that manipulation of the public is rife in all of our countries now – our current national governments have been/are being, slowly and incrementally, sidelined in order to give all the power to the communitarian (and technocratic) ‘global-to-local governance system’ – this has included the re-drawing of all our local areas into UN-planned & approved areas and the implementation of a Mayoral system. The dominance of shareholders are being replaced… Read more »

Nov 6, 2023 6:52 PM

15-minute cities.Little or no access to wild spaces.Strictly monitored & limited travel.Little to no real meat or dairy.
Sounds a lot like Gaza, less a distraction and more a template for turning the world into one big open air prison, courtesy of the GR/4IR.
comment image?resize=696%2C464&ssl=1

Nov 6, 2023 7:08 PM
Reply to  niko

Very good point. Gaza is absolutely a test run for Agenda 2030! But of course also a distraction so we do not notice this. Some will only think of hating the Moslems and other will only think of hating the Jews and so few will see the big picture.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 7, 2023 7:03 AM
Reply to  niko

Netanyahu’s: “The New Middle East”

comment image

Caption: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepares to use a red marker on a map of ‘The New Middle East,’ as he addresses the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Friday, Sept. 22, 2023

Netanyahu predicts a new Middle East, is silent on the havoc he’s unleashed in Israel
At the UN, the PM hails imminent Saudi peace, sees the breakthrough as personal vindication; says not a word about his divisive judicial overhaul, while thousands protest outside
By David Horovitz
22 September 2023

Nov 6, 2023 4:28 PM

The spirit of this article, while not incorrect, is useless. It’s like telling the three-card monte dealer that you’re on to him and then wasting your paycheck trying to find the money card.

The backlash is the point.

But this part is incorrect. There is no point. These situations are provoked out of boredom. Policy options are prepared to cover a finite number of guesses as to how the thing might play out, but it never plays out according to any of the war-gamed scenarios. They don’t count on being right, or even close. It’s just chaos. There is no point. Somebody gets rich, somebody gets poor.

The solution is very simple and quite easily effected. Give up money and anything that acts like it, today, and never go near that crap ever again. Walk out of your houses with a tent. Find or found a tent city. If you don’t have a tent: (a) if you’re a chick, find a dude and move into his tent; (b) if you’re a dude, find a smaller dude and rough him up until his tent is your tent– they usually just run; and if you’re (c) a man-in-a-dress, good luck to you.

Nov 6, 2023 6:23 PM
Reply to  Bloobock

I’ve been positively deluged with requests from tentless chicks for clarifications to option (a). “What if,” some of the chicks ask, “we find a dude but he is himself tentless? Are we screwed?” In that case, while the fault is yours, all is not lost: there must be fifty ways to leave a lover.

In addition to requesting refinement of my advice, the chicks out there also have some fine advice of their own. They like the cut of the jibs of the comparatively larger dudes whose existence is implicit in the scene as laid by option (b), and they’re keen that I should counsel these dudes thusly: “If you hear a chick scratching at the zipper of your tent in the small hours of the morning, don’t harden your heart to her! A chick can make a large dude’s life easier… for a while. Also, don’t be stingy with the sleeping bag.”

Nov 6, 2023 7:10 PM
Reply to  Bloobock

There is no point. These situations are provoked out of boredom. 

Ah the famous “cock up” version of history that we see told us in the media so much. No conspiracy, no conspirators, don’t bother to look.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Nov 7, 2023 9:17 AM
Reply to  ChilePepper

When a crime is committed, the law can’t be satisfied from just pointing to the guilty party and arrest them. They need to listen to their story too.

A whole world opens up when the story is told which points a finger nor anymore to the immediate agents of the crime but to the whole social fabric. The law of course takes note, puts the file to the archives and pronounces sentence.

The conspiratorial version of History is not better off than the accidental version. It says some people conspire, so just put them out of action and problem solved; and let’s not seriously bother why they conspire, or look at the intriguing pattern of conspiracies which invite us to investigate; might as well ascribe it to chance.

Nov 6, 2023 7:14 PM
Reply to  Bloobock

And now the balance of my inbox has taken a decided shift from the distaff toward the spear side! Undersized fellows looking for ways to trick plus-sized ladies into dreary, soggy lives lived under tarps and raincoats…. What a lot of tentless losers we have all turned out to be! Look, chums, Off-Guardian is not a dating site, and I am not a columnist! I’ve told you how to start (with the tents and without the money and all that) but I can’t live your lives for you. And with that, I’m afraid, my short career as the agony aunt of the extremist far-right has come to its end.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Nov 6, 2023 7:26 PM
Reply to  Bloobock

Agreed. Withdrawal from the system is the system’s death sentence; that’s why general strikes are more feared than protests. How many are ready to do that yet? More than a couple of years ago, I’d wager. But don’t feel guilty for not being ready; we are carrying decades and centuries of inertia. And epic discourses don’t cut it, IMO. People joined the International Brigades when they were ready to join; they had nothing to lose in their respective countries anyway. How far are we from that state?

People in the Global South are at a crossroad; on one hand, they are hoping to catch up with the “civilised” nations, have all that technology, produce their own food and have a solid industry, light and heavy, develop AI, digital currency and ID (yeah, that’s right; that means advancement for them, don’t blame them for that!). On the other hand, they can easily leave the system at any time if or when those of the North do.

Another thing, our quarrel is not against any group of people, IMO. The system doesn’t suffer if the current big cogs are put out of action. Give it some years and the system reconstitutes its missing cogs. So, we have no enemies, really. That’s the distintive character of the Social Revolution; it comes to abolish all classes, not to substitute a class for another, like the landlord replaced the slave master and the capitalist replaced landlord; each of these came with a new sophisticated way of exploitation and overthrew the prevailing dominant class to get to power. We are not, because we do not aspire to power; we don’t bring a new method of exploitation. We bear not only our condition but that of all the oppressed classes in History.

Nov 6, 2023 8:46 PM

I’m personally waiting for a revolution of the Kaczynskian Luddite variety — a bit harder to get going, I suppose. People like their flushing toilets, even if they despise their phones. But perhaps all roads lead to Rome? Money is technology, technology is money; get rid of it all and whatever’s left is the best we’ve ever done.

Yeah, a revolution of some kind really doesn’t seem very distant right now. Life can only be rage-inducing and pointless for so long before it’s simply not worth living. We’re hanging on from nostalgia alone at this point. The problem will solve itself, one way or the other.

Nov 6, 2023 4:02 PM

When you pray for Palestinians — Muslim, Christian or Jew — don’t omit to say a prayer for Jews of Israel or abroad. We didn’t make that division.

Nov 6, 2023 4:09 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

I found on ZH that however urgent for healing… the Hasbara would attack.
Abortion worshiping, lickers of Moloch’s balls, a Gnostic, Sabbatean Frankist cohort pursuing nihilism.

No wonder that the Tsar who liberated the Serfs and the Jews was assassinated by the latter.

Drawing on a cigarette, sipping a Martini, I calm, looking for the flight of shadow at my back, but calm.

Such a neurosis is theirs, not mine. I have experienced such madness from every culture. The only security is to keep maximum distance.

But, at the end of the day, we cannot exterminate each other. We must coexist.

Nov 6, 2023 6:23 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Amen to your last sentence brother, we need more of that sentiment around here to be sure.

And just my opinion but I think the Tsar who freed the slaves was probably assassinated by the rich lads who didn’t appreciate losing all their slaves, don’t ye think?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Nov 6, 2023 10:30 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Agreed – cf Allie GoPro’s comment.

Except for the Talmudic believers, the orthodox amongst them, the settlers who have knowingly been displacing the Palestinians for decades.

Nov 6, 2023 3:21 PM

Netanyahu increasingly looks like a fall guy, so who benefits from Gaza outcome?

Zionism has dropped its mask: it is a tool of globalist imperialism

Perpetrators are clear: Britain and U.S. send advisors, drones to target Gazans

U.S., UK, France mull new laws to ban critique of Zionism – why so shy?

Bankers once goaded kings to war; today the politicians are their servitors

Finance capital battens down the hatches as citizens take to the streets in protest

Near 154 years after the Suez Canal opened, plutocrats eye another one in Gaza

Levant’s gas fields lure cigar chompers who cut Russia’s NordStream to Europe

Tesco shopping trolley
Tesco shopping trolley
Nov 7, 2023 8:45 AM
Reply to  moneycircus

Netanyahu increasingly looks like a fall guy

Yeah but if you even suggest that people act like you’re saying he’s a hero! People are off their heads right now and all they wanna hear is simple hate porn for whatever side they’re on.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Nov 6, 2023 1:12 PM

I gave this a 5 & not just bcz you used my comment! Brilliant.

Nov 6, 2023 1:20 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

I missed it. Otherwise, your count would have been 81.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Nov 6, 2023 1:29 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Thanks! 👍

Nov 6, 2023 8:04 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Thank you so much for concisely saying what so many of us know to be reality but have a hard time expressing so clearly. Many condemn/marginalize the use of the meme the 99% vs the 1%, coined at Occupy around the world in 2011. But this perception is the purposeful target to neutralize the existing nightmare Humanity now experiences. The US 1%’s lowest income is $500k/yr. The top 5% starts around $250k/yr and as a class is entirely dependent upon their 1% management class. Worldwide 1% is dependent upon the super-rich maintaining power even as they misuse it into ecocide. The ruling elite’s wealth + authority, their method of control, must be revoked. Neutralize their wealth by Consumer General Strikes of all their products and services as we return to local small businesses, trade and block by block meeting halls, or equivalent. Neutralize their authority by removing a FAKE “representative” governing by their mercenary personalities, replacing them with PUBLIC EMPLOYEE managers directed by us, to implement our Policy Directives achieved by a consensus form of Direct Democracy, we create. Talk is over. Action is Humanity’s only future. Let’s effing do it!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 7, 2023 9:58 AM
Reply to  sandy

If only my family of 7 members had $500 a year we would live in luxury and we would have been happy.
But we are not criticizing anybody nor our government.

We are happy for what we have, because we have each other and this is more than most people have, and therefore we all feel that we are rich!  😊 .

Nov 6, 2023 1:00 PM

Another example of how fake Western politics now is….

From Suella Braverman’s Wikipedia:
“She married Rael Braverman, a manager of the Mercedes-Benz Group, whom Braverman described as a “very proud member of the Jewish community”, in February 2018 at the House of Commons. Rael Braverman lived in Israel, and Suella Braverman told The Jewish Chronicle that she has “close family members who serve in the IDF“.”.

There’s very little other information available about him, even his birthday seems to be uncertain. Apparently he likes his privacy – the privacy Braverman and the rest of them want to deny to everyone else. Nothing see here… move along….

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Nov 6, 2023 3:33 PM
Reply to  Edwige

It’s about time that a rigorous piece of analysis were published documenting quite how many of our 650 MPs have ‘close ties to the Jewish community’.

The Jewish population in the UK is 1 in 200 i.e. 0.5%. That means that there should only be 3 MPs who are Jewish.

If there are 50 plus MPs in effect taking orders from Israel, from powerful Jews etc, then that is a gross distortion of democracy and given that we have these ‘affirmative action’ programmes, it’s about time we had some ‘derogatory action’ programmes which limits the number of MPs that Jews can have control of.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 6, 2023 5:41 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Yes and Jewish citizens should be made to sign declarations or be expelled from the UK. Yada yada. You’ve made your opinions very clear. That you’re oblivious to the fact that this authoritarian approach is morally repugnant and completely counterproductive (since it actually justifies the whole ‘positive action’ movement) demonstrates to this admin that your bigotry is overriding basic common sense.

That or you’re being deliberately obtuse.

You also refuse to engage when challenged on this issue, perhaps because you realise your position is impossible to defend. A2

Nov 6, 2023 8:54 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2


Expressed in milder terms than my previous post ( deleted, thank you). I totally agree with craig mokhiber.

Representation of jewish people in a government of western countries raise in my view the problem of loyalty.
Loyal to wich country ? European country you live in or Israelian ?
What about commited war crimes by israel as we see happening now? Or ethnic cleansing in Gaza ? Or landgrab in cis jordanie.
Is that OK ? Are european jews solidairs with israel ?

As we now can see with the conflict israel/hamas, the question arise in which interests the jewish people of europe in government/ law/ journalists positions are acting ?
In europe israel is a foreign country and should be juged and treated on its acts and not undiscriminately backed up because it is a jewish apartheid state.
And i think that the majority of muslims are outraged at what is happening now. I understand it very well.
I am neither muslim nor jew.
I abhor religion

Nov 7, 2023 3:32 PM
Reply to  nina

Why don’t you find the answer yourself ? just type the following in youtube or rumble or whatever video platform you prefer: Judaism is NOT Zionism, then you will get an answer, the jewish religion is not a monolithic bloc, in the same way as cristianity or islam are not monolithic. There are many jews around the world thjat oppose what Israel does, it is not that difficult to find them raising their voices, is it their fault that You do not want to listen ?

Nov 6, 2023 9:05 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

The J Q is a serious and sober question, nothing to do with hatred.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 6, 2023 11:45 PM
Reply to  Paul

Read some recent German history. You’d fit right in with remarks like that 😅

You know what, when I realised that most remarks like this are attention seeking behaviour I calmed down a lot more about it. Why don’t these remarks ever stack up logically? Because they’re not meant to. Naughty kids will be naughty kids, and we never grow out of it, as much as we want to think we have lol. Nothing better than pushing ‘teacher’s’ buttons lol 😂

Nov 7, 2023 9:11 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

An immature response. Let the intellectually and spiritually mature debate, stay out of it.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 7, 2023 12:57 PM
Reply to  Paul

I already said I think you’re being immature.

To which your response seems to be ‘No, YOU’RE immature.

Let the intellectually and spiritually mature debate, stay out of it.

As soon as they show up I’ll let them get on with it, do not worry.

Nov 7, 2023 1:04 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Well, perhaps I am misunderstanding, but to a certain degree I agree with Rhys train of thought.
I live in the USA. There is a very strong, powerful Israeli lobby in Wash DC. I find it worrisome. I do not think that representatives in the US Congress should be taking cues from another country. Allied or not.
That is one reason I have parted ways with RFK Jr as a presidential candidate. His recent views, before Oct 7, regarding Israel/Palestine have given me pause to think about why we send so much money to a foreign country that is obvious not in need of food, medicine or sustenance.
It is to protect our middle east interests. Oil, power, profit.
It’s all a rich man’s trick.
Many American’s hold dual citizenship, but I would expect that if they are serving in the US Govt that there interests and support lay with America.
I am very suspect of the Israeli govt. But then, I am suspect of all govts. Nothing to do with a particular religion or culture.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 7, 2023 1:58 PM
Reply to  judith

You know ‘J Q’ means ‘The Jewish Question’, ya?

You’re ok with these vibes? You really think they’re helpful?


You could stop excusing attention seeking attempts to shock, and aim your criticism where it should be aimed in this case. Any position against Israel is completely destroyed by silliness like the above.

You realise that, yeah?

Nov 7, 2023 3:17 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

you should read :
” two hundred years toghether” by Alexander Soljenitsyne ( nobel price)
as long as you still can buy it. Might be put “on index” , though one never know as times are actually incertains and certains publications if not censured, just ” disappear”.

Very actual in different context.
Plus ça change, plus c est la même chose !

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Nov 6, 2023 10:44 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I don’t think Rhys wants the Jewish people expelled from anywhere. He does have a point about the unfair representation in parliament though.

Just like America kowtows to Israel our various elected governments should be a fair representation of the people in their constituency and make decisions independently of the big lobbies, such as BigPharma or the Israel lobbies.

Nearly every western country has not a Jewish lobby but a Zionist lobby, such as AIPAC in the USA.

And Jonathan Cook writes on Global Research:

that some Israeli embassy staff in the UK – let’s not pussy around, Mossad agents – are working with senior political activists and politicians in the Conservative and Labour parties to subvert their own parties from within, and skew British foreign policy so that it benefits Israeli, rather than British, interests.

They are members of the Conservative and Labour Friends of Israel. They dominate both parliamentary parties, but especially the Conservatives. According to the CFI’s figures, fully 80 per cent of Tory MPs belong to the party’s Friends of Israel group.”

Talk about foreign governments meddling with the national politics of so-called sovereign countries.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 6, 2023 11:26 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Perhaps you haven’t seen this commenter’s previous post, calling for exactly this? A2

Nov 7, 2023 8:43 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

why don’t you take over the entire conversation ? oh sorry you just about have.
if you want to comment, do so under another name.
if you’re supposedly ‘Admin’ then Administrate
otherwise, fuck off.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Nov 7, 2023 9:00 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

No, I haven’t seen his previous comment calling for the expulsion of Jewish people from the UK…

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 7, 2023 9:57 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Keep a look out, he says it every so often, in cycles. A2

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Nov 7, 2023 2:15 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

No, he does want the Jewish people expelled, unless they sign a statement saying the Torah is evil. He also wants every single person in America, literally, to pay for the wars their government started. He’s a bit cracked.

Nov 7, 2023 3:26 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

And he totally ignores the fact that religious jews strongly oppose Zionism, which is the basic foundation of Israel, but you have to hand it to the Zios, they are very good at gaslighting, and no I do not think that they are the only ones behind the GR. I would not even be surprised at the moment if this all was just the consequence of a neurotic herd of chicken littles running around like crazy, I think we do the GR-proponents too much favour in thinking there is some plan, to me it looks more like a bunch of morons stumbling from one crisis into another, without really knowing how to get out of this self-inflicted mess. Like Dietrich Bonhoeffer said: Stupidity is even more dangerous than evil, the evil at least knows he is wrong, but how do you want to tell that to the stupid ?

Nov 6, 2023 7:19 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Zio’s – and not said term ‘Jews’ – should be the focal point of said issue; ’cause, as many of these turncoats have articulated time and again – not just in the UK; but in the USA; Canada; Australia; etc. – their primary loyalty lies with Israel; and not the countries they purportedly represent. That is all! RGB-Y3 out!!

Nov 7, 2023 3:40 PM

Thank you, at least someone here gets the difference between jews and zionists.

Judaism is a religion, Zionism is a political ideology, like National-Socialism or Communism, in fact most early Zionists were atheists, the crazy Theodor Herzl even proposed all austrian jews convert to chrisianity.

k mc
k mc
Nov 6, 2023 12:28 PM

The Order Out of Chaos is in full swing.. If you look at it from a Biblical perspective, this intentional chaos is setting up the world for the antichrist.. He will step in and set up a peace deal that the world won’t be able to refuse… If you don’t see these from Biblical eyes, you won’t understand any of what’s going on… THe KING already warned us there would be wars, and rumors thereof.. So chill…

Nov 6, 2023 12:11 PM

Who is they? This same rhetoric has been spouted for decades. Life is very good. My advice… don’t buy into this fear mongering.

Nov 7, 2023 2:38 AM
Reply to  Dylan

Will life still be good when we live in 15 minute cities, are not permitted into the countryside without permit, have to be “good” or the bank will take our money, have to eat bugs or laboratory meat, have to euthanize our beloved pets for the good of the planet, own nothing not even our own bodies? If we keep dreaming these things will be reality soon.

Nov 8, 2023 5:36 AM
Reply to  Quetzalcoatl

Dogs and cats are pests.

Nov 6, 2023 11:51 AM

There’s summat brewing. Summat nasty. I went on Twitter or whatever it’s bloody called first time in a while after reading this – bloody hell. People going mad.

And in the meantime Russia quietly saying the digital ruble will replace cash.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 7, 2023 9:47 AM
Reply to  Cleggy

We in Russia want to be like you. We are equal partners. We are also Europeans as you are doing it. We are like you  🤑 .

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 6, 2023 11:15 AM

If, as reported, the plan is to remove the Gazan population (or what’s left of it) to the Sinai, what is the goal ?

Whatever the goal, the result will be an excuse to re-ignite islamic indignation, stirring moslems around the world and counter-measures which will curtail the freedoms of all of us even further.

Patriot act MKII ?

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Nov 6, 2023 12:16 PM

Its got that “Final Solution” feel to it.

Nov 6, 2023 2:06 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Little bit ironic you say that and a few minutes later you’re telling everyone Jews should be excluded from “high office” because they have mixed loyalties.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Nov 6, 2023 1:16 PM

Global Patriot Act more like. Introduced by the WHO & UN, signed up to by all the little puppets in suits we call “world leaders”

Nov 6, 2023 1:52 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

True enough

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Nov 6, 2023 3:45 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

So, who’s pulling the strings of these puppets?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Nov 6, 2023 3:36 PM

The goal is the creation of ‘Greater Israel’, by stealing more and more land away from non-Jews to give to Jews. Jews want the ‘Fertile Crescent’ for themselves and will kill and maim for hundreds of years to achieve it.

It’s high time that all this ‘no-one can criticise Jews’ was challenged in courts of law, not to mention giving Jews public dressings down on prime time TV about their absolutely unacceptable behaviours, attitudes and unquestioning support for a racist State.

Also, the term anti-semitic should be banned when referred to ‘Jew hating’. Jews represent almost none of the Semitic peoples in population terms, and people who criticise the state of Israel most certainly are NOT criticising non-Jewish semites.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 6, 2023 5:42 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

They should probably all wear little yellow stars too. 🙄 More attention seeking.

Nov 7, 2023 1:13 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I disagree.
I would not say ‘Jewish” as Rhys has stated. I would say “Israel” and “zionist”. But I do agree that the “anti semite” term is just not fair or accurate.
My suspicion of Israel, and my innate distrust of Netanyahu is not, in my opinion, anti-semitic.
My supsicion of the US govt and Joe Biden is not anti-christian.
Etc. etc.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 7, 2023 1:23 PM
Reply to  judith

Actually it appears you agree with me, and you agree with yourself. The only person you appear to disagree with is Rhys Jagger and his use of the word ‘Jew’.

It’s not a crime to agree with admin once in a while, ya know? It doesn’t make you a nark or a snitch 😅

Nov 7, 2023 2:12 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I have not idea what any of that means, but OK.

It’s a crazy world.

Nov 7, 2023 3:44 PM
Reply to  judith

In fact being opposed to zionism is NOT anti-semitic, btw. being a semite just means you speak a semitic language, that is the original definition, it has nothing to do with Israel or the Zionazi-crowd, arabs are semites too, they speak a semitic language.

Nov 7, 2023 5:18 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Agree. Non-Semites should not complain of anti-Semitism. If they have a valid complaint, they can mention racism.

As for your other hopes, most governments including courts are thoroughly subverted.

Nov 7, 2023 3:49 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Do you even know what the original terms semitec and Semite really mean ? They are linguistic terms, the term Semite describes people that speak a semitic language, semitic languages are: amharic, aramaic, hebrew, arab and many others, this has nothing to do with ethnicity,religion or nationality, the term “anti-semitism” is a made-up newspeak term, that is thrown around to silence all critizism of Israel and the Zio-crowd.

Nov 10, 2023 5:36 AM
Reply to  T.S.

In the 19th and 20th century the noun Anti-Semite was coined to mean someone who hates Jews. In the 2!st century it is perverted to mean someone who is hated by Jews.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Nov 6, 2023 11:06 AM

The jab was part of the anit-human agenda.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-11-03. Nearly 1/3 C-19 jab Recipients Suffered Neurological Side Effects. HQC Associated W/ Lower C-19 Mortality (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Nov 6, 2023 7:29 PM
Reply to  Paul Prichard

Nearly 1/3 C-19 jab Recipients Suffered Neurological Side Effects. 

Nah, it’s all schlong covid. Rachel Madcow told me.

Nov 6, 2023 10:43 AM

So they need a distraction.”

NATZO’s war against Russia in Ukraine and Israel’s war against Palestinians in Gaza are not distractions. People are being killed: half a million Ukrainian soldiers and 10,000 Palestinian civilians to date (to name the chief casualties in these 2 current conflicts).

Ukraine is real war: buth sides are heavily armed; and casualties are mainly civilian (which is unusual for modern warfare).

Gaza is ethnic cleansing aka genocide; One side is a very heavily armed regular army with all modern weapons and the financial / industrial backing for a massive campaign, the other is a guerilla militia with handguns and some light rocket missiles but no cannon, no tanks, no airforce and no aerial defenses; hence restricted to surprise attacks. These distinctions may be below OffG’s notice but they make a difference and work on people’s feelings in the real world.

Refusal to take sides or resolve conflict means, once again, that:

“Justice will come from the barrel of a gun” — Mao Dze Dung

Lynne Hepton
Lynne Hepton
Nov 6, 2023 11:01 AM
Reply to  NickM

I think you’re missing the point. Something being a distraction doesn’t mean it isn’t real or evil of itself. Did you not see this in the article?

“They cynically killed people with lockdowns
Now they’re cynically killing people with war.
They don’t care about Palestinians or Israelis or any of us 99%.
They don’t give a stuff how many people end up dead.
It’s just a means to an end, like “covid.”

I don’t see how any of us can disagree with that

Nov 6, 2023 1:27 PM
Reply to  Lynne Hepton

I did see the points you quote, and all of them are missed points so long as OffG says “They” as if both sides were equivalent. Russia is the injured party in Ukraine. Palestine is the injured party in Gaza. The only being who can take so lofty and detached a view of slaughter is:

“Le bon Dieu a qui le bon et le mal sont egaux” .

It was not the Trotskyists who put an end to Hitler’s genocidal stormtroops by keeping out of the WW2and saying “the only difference between Nazis and Communists is their armbands:,the real enemy is Global Capitalism”.

Stalin’s tanks destroyed the Wehrmacht and freed Europe from premature enslavement to Fascism..

“It was not my fault we lost. Our experts assured me that it was impossible for any country to manufacture so many and such good tanks as the Russians fielded against us at Kursk.” — Adolf Hitler, The Final Excuse.

China is prosperous today because 70 years ago Mao said: “The U$ Army is a paper tiger”. And proved it on the battlefield..

Nov 6, 2023 4:38 PM
Reply to  NickM

Stalin’s tanks ensured that all of Eastern Europe were enslaved to communism, Europe wasn’t really freed was it?!

Nov 6, 2023 9:36 PM
Reply to  Cloverleaf

The Red Army freed Europe from its own self-enslavement to Fascism. You seem to forget that 1920s to 1930s Europe was either Fascist (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Greece, Rumania) or Fascist sympathisers, promoters and allies (Britain, France and Poland).
Communist Russia lifted the nightmare of Fascist rule from Europe for “thirty glorious years” 1945-1975. Then the Empire struck back; which is where we are now; and once again, Russia is the only hope for a Europe free from neo-Nazism.

Nov 6, 2023 10:25 PM
Reply to  NickM

The Russians removed all tank and war production beyond the Urals. The Luftwaffe couldn’t even supply Von Paulus and the 6th Panzer in Stalingrad, however many promises Goering made. It was logistically impossible for them. The finished products were brought in by rail from the East, out of range The railway system had been constructed a long time before. and they had a lot of space. 6 time zones.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 6, 2023 11:08 AM
Reply to  NickM

The slumbering giant that is islam is being awakened by poking it with pointed sticks.

It is idiotic to think that it won’t react.

was this the plan, more “terror” around the world ?

According to UK papers, people are clamouring for new laws to limit the right to demonstrate..

Wouldn’t that be convenient?

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Nov 6, 2023 12:21 PM

Given the UK’s extension of “hate speech” and “supporting terrorism” into thought crime dissent is effectively outlawed. The irony in this is that their Home Secretary can blithely make statements about threatening British values without realizing that thought crime is not just threatening traditional British values but completely ignoring them.

(But then England has always had a way with dissent from the lower orders — you’re allowed a soap box but anything more effective gets hit with extreme violence.)

Nov 6, 2023 12:56 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

England ?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Nov 6, 2023 3:31 PM
Reply to  Grafter

“England prevails”!

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Nov 6, 2023 3:40 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

I don’t think they will be able to enforce the outlawing of dissent. There are only 650 MPs and they won’t fancy their chances against a mob of 5 million to be honest.

Nov 6, 2023 1:12 PM

Clamoring? Are they… demonstrating for new laws to limit the right to demonstrate?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Nov 6, 2023 3:39 PM

‘People’ aren’t clamouring. Certain paid agents might be, but ‘people’ know full well that if you limit the right to demonstrate, you increasingly see yourselves as slaves to Government policy.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 6, 2023 4:26 PM

With Islam’s ban on usury loans Muslims have caused billions of people out of work and extreme poverty among banker families and their relatives.

Muslim terrorist attacks against innocent IMF, IBRD and Bank of England functionaries and their property are one of the greatest global dangers we face today  😅 .

Nov 6, 2023 11:27 AM
Reply to  NickM

Like I said already, a thing being a distraction and people being slaughtered are not mutually exclusive terms. To quote myself “The fact they will start wars & kill people just for convenience is worse not better.”

Nov 6, 2023 4:51 PM
Reply to  Matt

“They”? Who are “they”?

If by “they” you mean the Anglo Zionazi Capitalists who run the EU$A then I agree. If you stretch “them” to include corporate fascist Oligarchs in Russia (the “Atlantacists”) and the Jewish Oligarch rulers of Ukraine (who certainly do not care how many Ukro-goyim get killed) then I would also agree. But if you stretch your hypothesis even further to include real patriotic Leaders such as Putin, Xi, Khameini, Assad and Nasr’Allah, that is stretching the OffG Line beyond its elastic limit.

Nov 6, 2023 6:08 PM
Reply to  NickM

If you think Putin is on the side of the masses, you need to do deeper research. For example: read (a former pro-Putin blogger) Edward Slavsquat’s blog for more info on Putin’s Russia – all going along with the UN Agenda21/2030, digitalID, 5G/6G, jabs, etc.

Nov 6, 2023 7:00 PM
Reply to  Ennes

When I lived in Russia in the 2000s, it was being : economically raped by the West, old were begging on the streets, the pensions were worthless because of market shock therapy resulting in an economic contraction of over 25% plus inflation running at times over 4000% and criminal gangs making Al Capone looking like a church altar boy. Putin reversed this and its dismembered by the West which is their millennium long obsession.

Oh yes, Putin refuses to permit the perversion and paedophillia to poison the minds of Russians children and maintains the nation state.

Nov 6, 2023 7:26 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

“raped by the West”

Actually, Russia was raped by the global oligarchs and associated corporations (including many of the oligarchs living in Russia at the time).

Nov 7, 2023 3:13 PM
Reply to  Ennes

FW Endgahl put it very succinctly!

“ Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s real crime was not stealing Russia’s assets for a pittance in the bandit era of Yeltsin. His real crime is that he was a key part of a Western intelligence operation to dismantle and destroy what remains of Russia as a functioning state. “

Nov 6, 2023 7:30 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Interesting that many people say Alexander Valterovich Litvinenko was assassinated by Putin’s men because Litvinenko accused Putin of being a Paedophile. I wonder how true this is?

Also, did you know that countless studies show that Russia has one of the highest abortion and divorce rates in the world?

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Nov 6, 2023 8:41 PM
Reply to  Ennes

There was never any evidence for that. It was just anti-Rus propaganda back in the day when Russia did seem to be standing for something a bit more moral.

Nov 6, 2023 9:06 PM
Reply to  Ennes

“ …some people say..”Define who the many people are ?

Who made the countless studies?

Nov 7, 2023 12:13 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

Re: abortion in Russia.

Just shallowly scoured online and already found these links for the abortion rates in Russia (but there are many more if you bother to look):




Nov 7, 2023 5:27 AM
Reply to  Ennes

Abortion on demand is one of the many good things that Israel inherited from its German Socialist and Russian Communist founding fathers. Also a strong belief in education, social services and technology.

Nov 7, 2023 7:15 AM
Reply to  Ennes

Just checking one of your sources at random, worldpopulation review.., I looked at their sources for compling this data and who have they relied on ? The Economist and the CDC, the UN. Who pays for and controls them ?

Nov 7, 2023 3:19 PM
Reply to  Ennes

Between 2012-2022 the Russian Federation birthrate actually increased making it one of the highest birth rates in Europe. Catholic Eire has a higher birth rate.


Nov 7, 2023 3:29 PM
Reply to  Ennes

And here is another example of the Russian Federation’s birthrate increasing compared to most Western countries !


Nov 7, 2023 5:21 AM
Reply to  Ennes

“I wonder how true this is?”

Why not check before you print?

PS Abortion on demand was one of Harold Wilson’s better innovations. It saved many young women from embarrassment; especially fresh entrants into College or the Army and other places where young adults of opposite sex are thrown together day and night. Also older women whose contraception had failed in a time of stress. In those days French women used to come to Britain for abortions. But I suppose The Pill has changed all that.

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
Nov 6, 2023 8:38 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

All of that is true but it doesn’t change the fact that now, 20 years later, the Russian establishment is totally coopted by the globalists. Maybe Putin doesn’t like it, but there’s not much he can do about. Or maybe he just sold out.

Point is you can’t keep living in denial of present reality because of what happened in the past. Maybe it meant a lot to you and you don’t want to to give up on the idea that the Russian state embodied something a bit more moral. But you’ve got to move with the times.

Even if it did once stand for something more moral it doesn’t much now. It’s going for the same digital panopticon as the West, it’s going to lock up its people just as much. Putin might still talk the national sovereignty & traditional values talk, but he doesn’t walk the walk any more. You just have to face it sooner or later.

Nov 6, 2023 9:21 PM
Reply to  Tilly Petersen

Some of the core tenets of the Globalists , who are controlled by the City of London, Wall Street and some European financial centres, are destruction of the family unit ie Daddy + Mummy + children, religion and the nation state. In every one of those he been up to the mark not only with talk but action as well. Ie outlawing the perverse paedophilic poison being pumped into Western children’s mind, and financial incentives for families to have more children.

Moreover in the early 2000s, the Russian Federation was on the precipice of destruction and the West’s 1000 year crusade to achieve this goal was in its grasp.


Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Nov 7, 2023 2:38 AM
Reply to  Ennes

Is Russia doing all that because it is in concert with the Globalist agenda? Or because it desires to use some of those same tools of control in service of the Russian state/Russian nationalism? Some other reason?

Tesco shopping trolley
Tesco shopping trolley
Nov 7, 2023 8:36 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

you mean Russia is gonna do Agenda 2030 in a nice way? Do you honestly believe that?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Nov 7, 2023 2:10 PM

I mean it’s going to do Agenda 2030 in a Russian way.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 7, 2023 8:47 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

A red thread since Putin became President is that Russia wanted to be like us in West, “Equal partner”, Member of Nato.
Trying to please West in every way.
Same when they revealed all their secret hypersonic weapons, it was only just to show the West they could be “equal partners”.

Same as Erdogan/Turkey who sat on EU’s doormat in 25 years howling and whining to get into the fat market place EU.

The Russian singer’s song today is a deep disappointed “if we can’t joint you to be like you, we will just copy all you do to be like you and be copy EU ourselves together with China”.

Nov 7, 2023 8:33 AM
Reply to  NickM

Xi is a globalist in sheep cloth. He hosts the WEF since 11 years in Tianjin, for his own grand scheme. Uses them as condoms, maybe what they deserve for their shortsighted greed.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Nov 6, 2023 1:20 PM
Reply to  NickM

Why are you talking as if killing people just to make a distraction is ok? Like calling it a distraction is excusing it. That’s so nuts. Killing thousands of people just because you want the rest of the world to be distracted from some other evil shit you’re doing is about the most totally psychopathic, evil, twisted thing there is!

Nov 7, 2023 1:34 PM
Reply to  NickM

I agree that the term “distraction” sounds dismissive, but unfortunately, that is what many, myself included, believe. I am sickened by any death in war and ethnic cleansing. But people are horribly injured and are dying left and right here in the USA from the murderous rampage of the past 3 plus years. And I am incensed these injuries and deaths are being glossed over, and not even admitted to, because of the constant “distraction” of one war after another. Beheading and rape and carnage carry a lot more weight than sudden stage 4 cancer, stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, miscarraige, lung disease, neuropathy, disability, ventilators, remdesiver death, myocarditis, pericarditis, fainting, blood clots, brain fog, dementia and ruined immune systems, All of which is going on right now in the United States of America. And I would imagine, other countries. And it just seems impossibly coincidental to me that we have had two major war eruptions in the wake of the murder we are witnessing at the hands of governments, health systems, pharmacology companies et al. I will not “take sides” in these wars, because I believe that is just what the creators of these wars want. More devisiveness. More distraction. More lawn signs. (which is not to say that I dont think that Israel is an apartheid state). This latest conflagration is covering up more and more people beginning to suspect that “mistakes were made”. On a hopeful note, Grace Shara’s parents have sued Ascension Healthcare (large Catholic healthcare company) for among other things, battery, in the death of their young daughter due to covid hospital protocol during the cvid lockdowns. They are not only suing Ascension, but 5 doctors and nurses. Motions to dismiss were refused and the case is going to trial. I am praying that this… Read more »

Nov 6, 2023 10:38 AM

I wonder how many wars we would have if leaders had to lead their troops into battle as in the distant past.
Perhaps we should make that a requirement for them to take up office. With enough support it shouldn’t be too difficult to make it legal.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Nov 6, 2023 3:33 PM
Reply to  Claud

There was no shortage of wars even when leaders did that; one’s willingness to do it was part of what qualified one to be a leader.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Nov 6, 2023 3:42 PM
Reply to  Claud

You need to leave NATO if you want our leaders to put our interests first. As a member of NATO, we do what the USA tells us to. It shouldn’t be like that, but the USA is full of psychopaths, fascists, Jewish dual nationals and other crazies who see the entirety of Europe as vassals to their orders.

Tebster Warbley
Tebster Warbley
Nov 6, 2023 11:43 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Not really. London has been the centre of power, sub-contracted to the US.

Both are now being taken down and the centre of power transferred to Eurasia.

From Venice to Amsterdam to London to New York to somewhere in Eurasia.

Nov 7, 2023 5:56 AM

A few cities in EurAsian countries who are waking to continue their long contribution to civilisation: Moscow, Peking, Nepal,Tehran, Damascus and perhaps Kandahar.

PS Some EurAsian cities with a distinguished history are asleep and dreaming that they live on a different continent called Europe: Brussels, London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Athens,

Nov 7, 2023 5:32 AM
Reply to  Claud

Alternatively, compulsory frontline (not administrative) military service for their children.

Dec 26, 2023 5:32 AM
Reply to  Claud

How true, but unlikely to happen. But as a similar thought. If there is an international arrest warrant out for President Putin. Could a similar arrest warrant be st for The leader of Hamas and the President of Israel, have a cease fire and let the Lawyers decide the outcome. It will take years and cost millions, but it would be a cheaper and more humane option.

Nov 6, 2023 10:02 AM

In the absence of any holistic understanding there is only nationalistic understanding of the current predicament, from an “island economic” reductive-mechanical perspective. Even though no individual “national capitalism” could produce the standard of living ‘YOU’ have achieved, particularly in the last ~40y of the “neoliberal decades.” I’m sure at least some remember the original “broken Britain” that Thatcher solved by breaking the rest of the world – exporting manufacture and importing the imperial tribute on finance capital – since when Britain has been the world leading terrorist nation, territorialising much of the world economy in axis with New York as the High Income Imperial Core (HIIC). Thereafter: any standard of living is parasitoid of other lesser peoples productivity – provided graciously ‘for free’ (Hickel et al) – and the Divide between ‘YOUR’ standard of living and ‘their’ standardisation of poverty has continued to grow. It stands to reason that the High Income Countries (HICs) of the imperial core enter the market as net consumers of other people’s goods, in return for ‘services’ that they could well undertake themselves; whichever is entirely parasitic, imperial and ongoing colonial administration of global poverty and suffering that we experience as economic ‘freedom and liberty’ to consume – by financiered righteousness. If this economic structure was not as it is, Britain’s manufacture-based (“Fordist” mass-production) economy would have collapsed circa 1980. The remaining survivors would possibly be fighting to death over the brambles in the remaining hedgerows by now; but enough of economic reality-based speculation. It seems that the import of the Thatcherite “death of society” and post-social market-economic individualism has passed almost everybody by. The embedded and embodied market-behaviour of the individual’s calculative ‘subjective utility-maximisation’ [SUM] has been sovereign and the state secondary in the interim. Thereafter: <YOU and YOUR future is the anti-human agenda>.… Read more »

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Nov 6, 2023 11:26 AM
Reply to  Bryan

Think I got that, thanks for dumbing-down for us.
I remember Thatcher when I was smart enough then to realize all politicians are fake, (even when they think they’re real). Then got dumber and dumber.
Now, sadly, I’ve realized nearly everything is fake. Still, at least I’m alive.
So I dunno, maybe Adam and Eve were around about 380 years ago.

Nov 6, 2023 10:41 PM

Absolutely anything is possible. It looks like, or there is evidence for a completely different world to the one we have had described to us, which our great (maybe another -great -if your young enough) grandparents knew. Let alone all the ANOMALIES.

Nov 7, 2023 8:42 AM

Even the beardy German fellow realised that industrial machine-technological growth is limited by resource input and the workers need to eat. Therefore: all capital production and wealth accumulation is in fact ecological. All the ‘free-market’ ideologues (Locke, Mill, Smith, Ricardo) had some sort of reference to the land as the ultimate ground of economics. Neo-classical Economics rejected this precept in favour of individual utility-maximisation and rational economic choice; whichever is a behavioural psychology, not a land-based economic provisioning and distribution of goods and services. That makes everything — including society and psychology — into a market commodity: whichever made the land, infrastructure (utilities), society and psychology for sale.

I’m sure I do not have to remind you of the Thatcherite ‘fire sale’ of British infrastructure, or the insider trading that made the current political class into who they are today. If we don’t curtail this wanton profligacy, even Braverman will be living in a tented city as a as a consequent of her owned ‘lifestyle choice’!

Nov 6, 2023 3:36 PM
Reply to  Bryan

per usual, another brilliant analysis/comment for the readers of ‘OFF-G’ to mull over if we are to make sense of the current state of affairs in the world today. It would be interesting to read more of what you have to say on this topic; or any other for that matter, viz. if you have any works that you have produced in the past I’d luv to peruse them; as you appear to a very intelligent and insightful person with an extraordinary breadth and depth of knowledge and experience. Thanks again for your contribution to this site. RGB-Y3 out!!

Nov 7, 2023 8:16 AM

The ‘book’ is in redraft 10.0! The situation on the ground is changing faster than anyone can keep up with. Thanks for the positive feedback.

Nov 6, 2023 4:19 PM
Reply to  Bryan

The Great Reset and its global totalitarian outcome will eventually complete the equalizing of socioeconomic conditions for the masses in the Global North and South that began with the imposition of globalized neoliberalism by the transnational oligarchy .Everyone everywhere except for this plutocracy will be the losers of the Great Reset, economically and in terms of liberty. ‘WE’, the masses in the North, will continue to have no input in these decisions so your focus seems misplaced.

Nov 7, 2023 9:15 AM
Reply to  TRT

‘OUR’ input is OUR day to day economic activity in the globalised market place. Without systems theory, it is impossible to convey the astronomic complexity of the population-wide permutations of human economic behaviour — but it is transverse decision-making controlled in real-time on the ground occurring everywhere, all-at-once, all-of-the-time. We are the real ‘world economic forum’ which can only occur with economic unanimity — literally single-minded, single-purpose cooperation.

If you cannot see that those further up the food-chain are in fact empowered by those further down and that there is a high degree of “obligate mutualism” then it is unlikely you will see that human economic activity is in fact an economic singularity. A singularity is of irreducible magnitude and irreducible multitude that comprises of everybody doing their bit in indivisible synchrony with everbody else.

We still have our individuality, choice, agency and rationality in isolation — but also in totalised interdependency — as a nexus individuality. If we did not all act together we could not produce and consume at such a high level. I fail to see what is so dumbfounding about this fact?

Rather than the old antiquated hierarchic politics — we control our own destiny through our labour. If we really want the sort of empowerment we demand, we’re gonna have to do it more locally which means lower standards of living for everybody with at least the possibility of “liberty, fraternity, and egality” with equality of distribution of physiologic necessity without rampant marketised speculation. This has been known since antiquity, but we ‘forgot’ what would happen if we turned life and liveability into market commodities.

Nov 6, 2023 4:58 PM
Reply to  Bryan

Degrowth? There is an enormous universe to be explored and lived in — both around us and within us. You ain’t seen nothing yet!

“In my Father’s house are many mansions”.

Nov 7, 2023 8:21 AM
Reply to  NickM

Enormous is the operative adjective. The nearest habitable planet may be 250 million lightyears away. At the speed of light; how long would it take to get there? And that is if the onboard computer does no fail! (Refers to HAL in 2001.)

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 6, 2023 9:55 AM

I’ve read a lot of stuff on here about “cabal” this and “reset” that but I have to say this is the most swivel-eyed conspiracy-loon-theory claptrap I’ve ever come across.

Unfortunately, it’s completely accurate.

Nov 6, 2023 9:41 AM

War Criminals

Max Igan has said that Israel is the most evil country that ever existed and I don’t see mush evidence to the contrary. This site is not much more than an auxiliary to the Israeli and NWO covert agencies and actually uses them to derail and redirect the conversation in a direction that is supportive of genocide.

Nov 6, 2023 12:03 PM

The country isn’t evil mate, the bloody leaders are evil. Settle down now, if you start calling all Israelis evil you’re no better than the daft bastards on Twitter telling people to bash Muslims.

And how the hell do you read what OG writes and think they support genocide? Mad. Pull yourself together.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Nov 6, 2023 12:31 PM
Reply to  Cleggy

Actually, the country is evil but I’d guess that a large chunk of the population isn’t. Its the same with the US (where I live). I grew up thinking that all Americans are war mongers etc. but when I moved there I found out that there are actually a lot of normal people living there (so I ended up joining them). However, we do have a government that’s increasingly and noticeably disconnected from the people — its not providing for the “common good” but primarily looking after its sponsors — and there is an undercurrent of “Burn it All Down” which is being deftly exploited by the ultra right — fascists — to undermine what’s left of our democracy.

As for Israel, the problem with this country is that its race based. Any time you have one peoples elevating themselves above others as some kind of ‘chosen people’ you end up with Big Trouble. Since our government’s policies are effectively dictated by AIPAC we not only subsidize the place to a degree that you wouldn’t believe if you knew it but we also tolerate, encourage and support it regardless of whatever its doing (typically expropriating any land and resources it feels it wants). Like the typical American the typical Israeli probably has little understanding or say in all this — they have to go with the flow.

Nov 6, 2023 10:58 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Aaargh. ‘The Jews’ are not a race, any more than Muslims are. They are both religions.
Israelis are citizens of Israel. Zionists are people (maybe) who believe that the State of Israel should extend from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates by divine right and/or conquest regardless of anyone else’s views or claims in the matter.
Zionists may be Israelis and Jews, but not necessarily. .

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Nov 6, 2023 1:10 PM
Reply to  Cleggy

And where do the ‘evil leaders’ come from, some foreign remote land that spawns only evil people to become leaders of countries?
No, mate, leaders come from every population. Remember covid when any shopkeeper, security guard, nurse, bus driver, policeman, fellow commuter, media personality/influencer, musician, etc. turned into an evil little tyrant?
All they need to do is give away their soul to powers of this world, and do as the moneyed tribe of Cain says.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Nov 6, 2023 1:24 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

So you’re saying every person in a country is evil because their leaders are evil? Wow race-hate is just so fucking cool right now isn’t it.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Nov 6, 2023 3:44 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

They are all responsible for having elected them. Certainly the Americans are, as they imposed collective guilt on all Germans in 1945 and haven’t lifted that to this day. I want collective guilt imposed on 330 million Americans for murdering 10 million foreigners since 1948.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 6, 2023 5:50 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

In which case all of us in the West are equally guilty. Including you. If you want to be judged using your criteria, lead the way, brother.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Nov 7, 2023 2:06 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

It’s not about collective guilt but collective responsibility.
When it comes to elections, how many of us consider the moral standing of candidates as a top priority?
It’s more successful someone who will makes empty promises, sweet talk and wheedle than someone who talks the truth.
It’s all upside down.

Nov 6, 2023 6:44 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Jaysus man do ye hear yourself? You want to see 330 million people punished for the crimes of their governments. Don’t ye see that makes you exactly the same as the hoodlums? That’s how they think. That’s how you end up with concentration camps and Gaza.

Ye make me sad, man, ye really do. God help you & soften the hardness of your heart.

Manfred Meyer
Manfred Meyer
Nov 7, 2023 3:18 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

“Certainly the Americans are, as they imposed collective guilt on all Germans in 1945 and haven’t lifted that to this day.”
— What an utter, utter nonsense.
Learn languages. Learn history. Get a life.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Nov 6, 2023 5:54 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Yes. Our comments section turns into a little Petri dish simulacrum when new agendas get rolled out.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Nov 6, 2023 6:57 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Do you believe that the sadists, psychos and bullies only exist at the top of the food chain? They exist all along it.

Nov 7, 2023 8:20 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Are you arguing a collective of independent psychos and bullies are responsible for Agenda 2030 or Gaza?

Of course there are psychos and bullies everywhere but 99.9% of them don’t have the power to inflict large scale harm, unless directed, armed & fueled by those who do have power. The point is the rage of the psychos, bullies, hurt and angry, frightened and lost is being intentionally whipped up and polarised for very cynical political ends.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Nov 7, 2023 4:45 PM
Reply to  rosy

Are you arguing a collective of independent psychos and bullies are responsible for Agenda 2030 or Gaza?

Of course not. I am saying, however, that people who are already inclined to bullying, sadism, and anti-social behaviors are energized by being given legal and social cover to act out their desires; they don’t need to be whipped up because they’re already ready to play.

For every Fauci, there are how many thousands of mask Karens and petty dictators ready to make everyone else’s lives miserable because they can. They like that power, and they won’t give it up easily.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Nov 7, 2023 1:25 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

How you conflated my coment about people’s resposibilities in how societies are run with racism is remarkable. You should think this through again if you are able or willing.

Nov 6, 2023 5:09 PM

“supportive of genocide”?

I would say, opposed to genocide in general but hazy when it comes to specifics. Thus OffG loftily dismisses current specific cases of genocide (NATZO’s genocide of Russian Ukrainians and Israel’s genocide of Palestinians) yet wastes many electrons denouncing Con-19 as genocide when it is merely serious fraud compounded by mass murder.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Nov 6, 2023 8:08 PM

This is how wars begin. It is remarkable that if one could ask every soldier that fought in WWI, WWII or any other war, I’m sure they’ll tell you “I dont like war”, and yet, the illogical happens.

What happens is that people get emotional about the economy in their country, or some other international crisis, then they are told countries X, Y, Z,… are responsible, not the people you understand, but their ruling class (people always knew it was never the people); but then they are told but to access those ruling class we must go through the army which shields them. People in their emotional drive don’t think it twice, forgetting that the army is people like themselves. Bingo!

No go and try to stop the mechanism that just got unleashed.

Nov 6, 2023 8:59 AM

The problem with ‘us against them’ is all the “Don’t give a shit” Folks in between us and them.

They’re either too busy working, making money, dumbed down by banal entertainment and what passes for news, struggling with debt, chronically ill or under the influence of drugs or booze.
They won’t pick a team because they are in limbo land fantasising about a brighter tomorrow.

Nov 6, 2023 9:43 AM
Reply to  Johnny

“Neither for God nor for Devil, but for themselves alone” — Dante, The First Circle.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 6, 2023 11:18 AM
Reply to  Johnny

If you read or listen/watch UK MSM, EVERYONE has picked a side.

And it ain’t Palestine!

Nov 6, 2023 11:40 AM

not strictly true. They have a lot of set pieces promoting Israel but they also let a lot of stuff through about the killing of Palestinians and the tragedy of Gaza. Like, they make sure you know about the other side even if they don’t take that side. They never did that with Syria, or even the Donbas. Never. There’s definitely something different. Like they are trying to encourage polarized reactions.

Look at how many celebrities are on the Palestinian side. The controlled Hollyweird Left like Susan Sarandon. I think they definitely want us split on this issue and fighting each other.

Hence Jordan Petersen and Douglas Murray spewing hate of Moslems. Also to finally discredit the “alt right” by the way.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Nov 6, 2023 1:34 PM
Reply to  Matt

This world system is based on people picking a side; it depends on it. But what about the truth? After all these years of mass communication and social media, and especially since 2020 but we could take it back to 2001, how can we be certain what we are being told from almost every angle is true?
“The truth will set us free” the powers of this world and their prince know this that’s why it’s always being obfuscated.

Nov 6, 2023 11:44 AM

PS also note Tommy Robinson allowed back on Twitter just in time to start rabble-rousing and creating divisions. It’s so obviously all coordinated.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 6, 2023 11:56 AM
Reply to  Matt

Good points !

Nov 6, 2023 12:07 PM
Reply to  Matt

I noticed Tommy Robinson was back and talking bollocks. You’re right. Couldn’t be more obvious they’re trying to get folk all worked up with each other.

Nov 6, 2023 6:40 PM
Reply to  Matt

Yes, Douglas Murray et al weren’t getting the desired riotous reaction from the public so they brought out Tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins! lol So funny because the pubic, generally, are on to these soo obvious controlled operatives too! Who will they bring out next (or will there be another false flag)?

Nov 6, 2023 6:42 PM
Reply to  Matt
  • should say ‘public’ of course!
Nov 6, 2023 8:51 AM

Great Atricle, But understand that the larger goal here in this advanced stage is to destroy the West using anti-Zionism. But in order to do this, they will have to sacrifice the state of Israel in the process, their Zionism won’t be limited merely to the borders of Palestine but will encompass the entire globe.

Championing anti-Zionism or Islam (Arabs, Palestinians, Persians etc,) is suicide for the West.

Nov 6, 2023 8:48 AM

I don’t believe opinion polls – but FWIW they’re showing a large majority of Americans favour a ceasefire, for example:

The disconnect (to use the MSM term) with the political class and MSM could hardly be starker. Then again, Anthony Blinken’s stepfather was Robert Maxwell’s lawyer….

BTW I can’t find anything much on it in English but according to Freddie Ponton on 21st Century Wire the French have an aircraft carrier stationed off Lebanon. It has state-of-the-art medical facilities but hasn’t taken anyone from Gaza. A giant floating Nightingale hospital comes to mind.

Nov 6, 2023 8:53 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Unless more people see the bigger picture tho, and get why these killings and chaos are started, nothing will change and we’ll always just be actors in their play.

Nov 6, 2023 11:46 AM
Reply to  Matt

The ‘bigger picture’ being what?
The inclusion of o NATZO war against Russia, the Co*id con, the “banking crisis”, wars on terrorism, the climate, gender , humanity and language, et al?

We ‘d not want to believe how far back the et alias go. Every major event in our lifetimes and before.

Nov 6, 2023 6:53 PM
Reply to  Matt

Spot on.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Nov 6, 2023 12:43 PM
Reply to  Edwige

There is a case for excluding Jews from high public office because they have mixed loyalties. Mr. Blinken isn’t furthering US interests but using the power of the US state to further the interests of foreign powers regardless of whether it harms the US. He’s not an outlier as well; the problem started when Zionism was (deliberately) conflated with Judaism (an old friend told me that the message was drummed into Jews almost from birth). The result is that religion is a cover for politics, something that has caused much of the strife throughout history.

The only logical end game to all this is WW3 — the destruction of civilization as we know it. Pushing back against this insanity is really difficult but fortunately large chunks of “the rest of the world” have seen through the charade of western civilization so we might yet get away with it.

Nov 6, 2023 1:59 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

There is a case for excluding Jews from high public office because they have mixed loyalties. 

Jaysus man, that could be straight outa Hitler’s to-do list! The solution to the Israeli government being a bunch of bastards is not making Jews second class citizens.

They tried that once – wasn’t a great success.

The only logical end game to all this is WW3 — the destruction of civilization as we know it. 

Ah come on now, that’s just silly. The only logical endgame is the one they already told us about, but which you, as I recall, are always very shy of bringing up. I mean of course the shit show known as Agenda 2030.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Nov 6, 2023 3:41 PM
Reply to  Simon

“A man cannot serve two masters.”

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 6, 2023 8:04 AM

Wrong. THEY dont kill you. Your neighbour kill you, and you kill your neighbour. You were, will and are just following orders and you have done that since Metusalem. Dont come and tell me this will change.
https://youtu.be/T5al0HmR4to A Hard Rain’s gonna fall.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
Nov 6, 2023 1:27 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

No. THEY kill us by working on our fears and telling us to hate each other and dehumanize each other and then giving us weapons to do it with. When we blame each other we’re playing their game.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Nov 6, 2023 4:08 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

We can take the victim role on us for some time, but we cant be victims all the time.
At some point it is also where our heart lead us notwithstanding all manipulation, and if this heart seeks the most dirty arse holes to put our heads up in out of greed or safety, we cant avoid a claim to be responsible and guilty too.

Nov 6, 2023 8:04 AM

The City of London and its subsidiaries in Wall Street, who are the master string pullers in the GR, recognised long ago that the most efficient method to impose change in order to create their Neo- feudalistic system, as described by Professor Carol Quigley in his book Tragedy and Hope, was to create wars. Professor Antony C Sutton looked at this strategy in a series of books.
