Wales: Where Agenda 2030 is already a reality
From “clean air zones” to “soundscape action plans”, Wales is trialing policies that are coming soon to a country near you.
Nicola Lund
The Welsh Labour government appears to be intent on amassing a number of ‘firsts’ in policy making and post creation. Wales was the first country in the world to declare a ‘climate emergency’ (2019) and the first to appoint a Future Generations commissioner in the same year.
It was also the first country in the UK to introduce a Public Health Act (2017) and Public Health Wales was the first – and so far, only – health agency in the UK to collaborate with the World Health Organisation (an agency of the unelected United Nations).
The Environment (Air Quality and Soundscapes) (Wales) Bill 2023 proposes an obligation to introduce a national soundscapes strategy, making Wales the first UK nation to do this. The strategy must include policies for assessing and reducing levels of noise pollution.
Climate Change minister Julie James has said:
This will put the onus on Welsh Government to make policies that not only tackle unwanted noise, but also protect sounds that matter to people, like the relaxing calls of birdsong and nature or the welcoming hum of a vibrant town centre”.
Welsh Government has a consultation open until 2nd October 2023 and states on this consultation page that:
‘Noise, meaning unwanted or harmful sound, affects health and well-being in a number of ways, including sleep disturbance, annoyance, impacts on learning, decreased productivity, hearing loss and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. It can arise from a wide variety of human activities including domestic, commercial and transportation sources.’
This consultation page contains the following statement:-
In 2018, we published the Noise and Soundscape Action Plan 2018-2023(NSAP), which reframed noise policy in Wales in terms of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 (“the WFG Act”). It resulted in Wales being recognised as the first nation to include soundscapes in national policy, and it was referenced in the United Nations Environment Programme’s Frontiers 2022 report.’
Another pat on the back for Welsh Government by the United Nations?
The consultation questions are frankly too convoluted for the average person who won’t even have considered a ‘soundscape action plan’ a priority against the backdrop of the cost of living, NHS crisis, housing shortages and everything else. They include this question:
‘The Welsh Government expects public bodies subject to the WFG Act- and encourage everybody else – to follow the Five Ways of Working in that Act when carrying out activities that may affect soundscapes. The Five Ways of Working are:
- looking to the long term so that we do not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs;
- taking an integrated approach;
- involving a diversity of the population in the decisions affecting them;
- working with others in a collaborative way to find shared sustainable solutions; and
- acting to prevent problems from occurring or getting worse.
What do you think this would look like in practice?
Can you give examples of how a public body in Wales might demonstrate all five ways of working when taking a decision that is likely to affect people’s sound environment?’
Really? This is more like an exam question than a gathering of public opinion; perhaps that is the objective – to put respondents completely off taking part. I urge everyone to participate in the consultation and to respond accordingly.
Again, the consultation page states:-
“The draft Plan covers new topics that have come to the fore within the last five years, such as issues around remote working, aural diversity, air source heat pumps, changes in speed limits, and fireworks. It also sets out what we have delivered over the last five years, such as noise mitigation works completed on the trunk road network.”
The Bill will also include amendments to existing legislation including Local Air Quality Management – to ensure that local authorities undertake an annual review of air quality. It will establish Smoke Control Areas and Clean Air Zones (think ULEZ).
Welsh Government’s 2018 Clean Air Zone Framework for Wales states (1.16) that ‘air pollution has been described as the largest environmental risk to public health in the UK’ and references this source.
The main outcomes for Particulate Matter air pollution are cardiovascular and respiratory disease. The latter makes sense, however the NHS website does not list PM air pollution amongst its risk factors for cardiovascular disease at all (and it was last reviewed in April 2022). How curious.
So, let us recap on forthcoming changes in Wales –
❗️decarbonising homes
❗️’modal shift’ away from private vehicles
❗️‘fair’ road user charging
❗️zero waste to landfill
❗️ a new ‘health intelligence system’
❗️behavioural nudge techniques to effect ‘zero tolerance of unsustainable behaviour’
❗️and Clean Air Zones.
Has there ever been change like this planned on this scale and in such a short space of time? Sounds like the Greatest Reset is planned here in Wales.
Nicola Lund is a former teacher with a diploma in journalism. She writes for TCW Defending Freedom, UK Column News and What Doctors Don’t Tell You magazine. She also writes on Substack about Welsh Government published plans. You can follow her on twitter here.
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What do you want to bet that the five times a day Muslim call to prayer will be deemed welcome sound, but the tolling of Christian bells at noon will be prohibited?
the welcoming hum of a vibrant town centre”.
the welcoming hum of a vibrant town centre”.
the welcoming hum of a vibrant town centre”.
Omg thank your for highlighting some of the madness going on here. I was born in Cowbridge, lived in Wales all my life. Don’t recognise the place since 2020. Government’s gone stark raving mad.
The sound of Welsh countryside:
swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh x ad infinitum, at least until the oil seals fail and the bearings seize.
No points for correctly guessing the culprit.
Too bloody true.
What happens when people want to hear birdsong in the town centre?
Also, “welcoming hum” for some people could be traffic noise.
If you’re familiar with Welsh Government policy, you’d know that the hum referred to will certainly NOT be traffic…
That was my point – Welsh Gov. will want to get rid of traffic, but what if for some it’s part of the ‘welcoming hum’?
What do the Welsh people think?
This one thinks it’s all shit and I’m not in a minority. Even a lot of the covid normies don’t like a lot of what’s going on
I agree that a lot of the Covid normies don’t like what is going on. Unfortunately, they cannot connect the dots and do not see the agenda in play, and in my experience become ‘glassy eyed’ when you attempt to explain the agenda to them. A lot of people simply do not want to know, and ignorance is bliss.
Real People knew all along, how media spins ignorance…
Into self-righteous arrogance, like Iraq Wars, or a scamdemic device.
Timed always to divide, as banking legal failures coincide…
They do not think which is why Drakeford is still lording it over them and they meekly comply, fucking pathetic.
I understand Wales had to cull a large part of their livestock. Did the farmers go through with this?
No-one is talking about this. The ‘rewilding’ forges on and questions about food security are ignored. A country that cannot put food on the table for its population is at severe risk especially in these globally troubled times.
Lot of constant noise like living in NY causes stress, that is right.
But now suddenly government starts to care about people wellbeing and health, is a big BS.
Exactly! Why now?
Norway having second thoughts about electric cars?
And the second thought is… go back to petrol and diesel? No, it’s no cars at all.
The journalist promoting this brags about flying across the Atlantic to investigate. It’s blatant mockery.
Back to horses and elephants!
Between horses and elephants and the personal automobile is an infinity of possibilities that the Great Reseters will never touch because the Great Reset is actually a misdirection play to 1) remote control the world’s 99% and 2) produce a permanent flow of profit to the 1% and poverty to the 99%. Being a bicycle commuter, critical masshole and car-free cities advocate since 2000, i see the GR as theft of portions of positive policies we were developing back then. But only the most fascist portions. It leaves out: bike and pedestrian city cores, block by block full service localized economies of scale, shared vehicle pools, block by block community parcels for: Meeting Halls, play areas, selling and trading areas, community gardens and block parties. None of this makes the 1% money and it benefits economically and socio-politically everyday people.Implementing policies like this would enable a Public Commons serving the needs of the bottom 95% and eliminating the dominance of the 1%
The only thing the 1% is good at is stealing portions of good policies and twisting them into cages to extract profit and enslave the world’s 99%. The blowback against these repressive policies makes people dismiss what could have been good. Humanity needs to see through the bad, retain and develop the good and cage the 1% from vast wealth and authority.
The peasants need to remind the tyrants, in the good old fashioned way, who it is that they serve.
The Agenda would be stopped over night…
Yes, the best defense is a good offense.
The men of action will not act until we first show that we will back them– that we affirm that they are acting for us.
A crucial point. When women realise that hot showers, baths, nice clothes and even the ability to have children will be denied them, they’ll give their men a kick in the balls and get them in action.( This message was delivered by the How to Make Yourself Unpopular Committee).
Exactly Paul, I have said a thousand times just do not comply.
Completely insane. As their council tax begins to rise I do hope the good people of Wales get rid of these Globalist fanatics.
globalist fanatics these are simply club members full filling policy
your local council is a foreign owned corporation
the role they play today is wealth extraction deception deconstruction and demolition.
literal satan spawn
since ted heath escalation the societal degradation gets faster and faster
what society
They won’t just like the rest of the spineless Brits who cowardly comply.
It’s not the politicians. It’s “us”
If the majority didn’t agree, they wouldn’t get away with it.
50 years + of dumbing down and progressive ideology has produced a generation of idiots.
Once we realise that the politicians actually represent the views of the majority, we will understand the scale of the problem.
Are you crazy? Why do they have to hide what they’re doing from us if everyone thinks it’s so great?
They don’t.
Do not comply. Compliance allowed ALL the shit shower of the so called Covid bollocks but the spineless, limp under the cap British public in the main fell for it and did what they were told. WHY????? Why are the Welsh allowing the Drakeford insanity to rule? WTFU.
Please see my explanation above.
There are no excuses for wilful ignorance.
Great Britain PLC is a criminal organisation. It was broken up to facilitate new rules for the New World. COVID and Climate Change are two parts. The banksters are testing our resolve and working out how susceptible we are and how much we will take. Remember we are all security on the country’s debt and therefore can own nothing of value. The banks have turned air and paper into real assets which they own and we have the use of. The people are now the enemy of the state which is why they need our data and follow our every move.
Part of the continuing war on gas as a fuel source:
Even by their standards, the Fraud is full of climate hysteria today (like UK “woodlands” to collapse within 50 years).This is the follow-up to the King’s Speech where good King Charles was forced to renege on all his green credentials by the evil Tories.
A curfew for car drivers.
No driving non-EV cars past 8pm for starters.
That’s the ‘noise pollution’ sorted.
The young composer Franz Schubert had a lively circle of talented friends. They called him “Herr Kannerwass” because Schubert’s first question when hearing about a new acquaintance was “Kann er wass?” (Can he deliver?).
Clean air is a good thing — can New Liebore deliver?
Quiet is a good thing — can New Liebore deliver?
The only consistent feature of British politics over the past half century has been the proverbial old Austrian: “tyranny mitigated by incompetence.”
“There’s a place for us
Somewhere a place for us
Peace and quiet and open air” — West Wales Story (with apologies to Stephen Sondheim).
‘The main outcomes for Particulate Matter air pollution are cardiovascular and respiratory disease. The latter makes sense,’
The former too.
Just look at the houses that people live in who live near to the road or polluting industries. These are (mostly) poor places where people ‘live so high, just like heaven
If it didn’t look like hell.’
That will not only give you cardiovascular and respiratory disease, it will give you all sorts of diseases and you will die early.
If policies would truly be interested in making people more healthy, maybe they should start making houses more healthy to live in.
“houses near to the road and polluting industries” is leftist bs.
Only the Military pollute the air and project their legal responsibility to ordinary people’s life.
Ever looked at a chemtrail and wondered why? Ever looked at vaccine ingredients and wondered why? Ever looked at processed foods and wondered why? Ever looked at mobile phones and wondered why? Ever looked at SMART technology and wondered why? Ever looked at the disgusting arms industry and wondered why? Ever looked at MPs and wondered why? Ever looked at the so called royals and wondered why? Ever looked at bankers and wondered why. Ever looked at the stock markets and wondered why? Ever looked at the WEF and WHO and wondered why? I could go on but getting bored now.
semaj, I am reminded of Rodriguez song I wonder when I read your comment.
The proposal evades RF, microwave and other dangerous radiation.
** ‘do not compromise the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.’
— no more age pension schemes
— no more national health provisions
— other ‘no mores’
— we took The Jab to save The Grannies
now ‘future generations’ are to be invoked
to justify enforced changes (The Authorities
having elected Themselves to represent &
speak for ‘future generations’)…
Wales is in clown world.
But this is where Princess Diana came from. Therefore Wales can not be a clown world.
Useful language for local resistance, also useful summary:
Nice to know somebody’s standing up!
B’lieve Tennessee & Texas are taking possible steps toward alternative currency– “bullion depository”. Got this from Catherine Austen Fitts, but I usually find her somewhat opaque
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-11-06. 400 Deaths, 1 jabber. IVM: 5 inconvenient facts. Leaked msg from UK PM Boris: cv deaths inconvenient facts (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
the welsch
the oirish
the scotch
they do not exist any more
as for the englisher
all barbera lerner spector tangoed
oded yinon new khazaria is not just for gaza
Sorry, off topic.
Bojo and Scomo!
What a team!
They’re gonna sort out the mess in the latest US made war zone.
Two abject failures as PMs are gonna save the day.
Get me a bucket.
I had strong words for Scumo and his predecessors. Those words never appeared on the page. This site is rather protective of the 1% it claims to oppose.
It all reads like middle class solutions to middle class ‘problems’
Meanwhile, the real world goes to hell in a hand basket.
The real world is doing better than the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist world. Russia’s economy is stronger than ever, China has lifted 600 Million people from poverty into the middle class and entered the Big Three military powers, Iran and Cuba have survived “sanctions from hell” by the EU$A for decades, and 85% Rest of World is beginning to stick it to snooty 15% Western World,
I agree with you Nick.
By ‘real world’ I was referring to the wage slaves of the world.
Joe Bageant’s kind of people:
I wonder why the capitalists moved their money and factories east to ,first Russia and then China?
Hunllef gwaethaf yn dod yn wir-Your worst nightmare ever come true. Looks like it might be Maui time for Cymrae…(They’ll never get the bugger to burn in winter). Croeso to the new national, though not public, park.
Unfortunately wet timber combusts better than dry when they use DEW microwave energy:
It’s always the same. It’s wonderfully “New Age Eastern Serenity Chill Out” rhetoric. It’s acres and acres – coast to coast – of mellow fields and chirruping birds. Misty oceans of lazily floating smiling whales. Maybe even the introduction of a few rehabilitated dinosaurs. Everybody loves dinosaurs.
But what do all these lovely ambient pan pipe suffused landscapes mean? Well obviously – no people. That’s the true aim.
David Gosselin: Elites Seek Post-Renaissance Paradigm of Totalitarian Psycho-Spiritual Control
“David Gosselin discusses Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ and ‘The Island,’ visions of a system of psycho-spiritual manipulation. For elites the real problem has become the Promethean and Judeo-Christian image of man itself, the Classical and religious Western heritage, where the Renaissance idea of man as endowed with a divine creative spark allows him to master knowledge of “fire.” They seek to move from a post-Renaissance Western paradigm towards a new more sustainable Gaia-centric “ecological ethic” and a more efficient system of control.”
To be fair, I think they’ve made some allowance for the masses who will be crammed into high-density accommodation blocks owned and service entirely by Blackrock. They will get to hear the ‘welcoming hum of a vibrant town centre’ (or is that just the hum of the surveillance system monitoring their dwelling pod?). While Blackrock execs get to hear ‘the relaxing calls of birdsong and nature’.
I’ll be honest, I’m not hating the soundscapes legislation.
Reducing noise pollution is great but legislation is always a blunt tool. And administered by a lot of blunt tools! State organisations are full of them nowadays.
It’s a wolf whistle in sheep’s baa-ing…
Right. The rules only apply to those who can’t afford a nice bribe.
Most non commercial vehicles are pretty quiet already. And electric cars are not quiet, they have a whine which I find very annoying. What’s really noisy? Construction, well that’s not going away. Leaf blowers? I’d like to see that happen. But these are not noise sources of regular people, they are commercial noise sources.
No more farting in the street lest you disturb a passing woke trans drag man woman
Nah. More like limiting the reach of the thumping bass of mumble rap and other associated crotch music.
Delete ‘music’
Insert NOISE.
Music for people who hate music.
Over reaction.
Government is about maximising the benefits of society for the majority. Noise pollution is a problem that is often ignored but affects the enjoyment of life for many. I think you should give them a chance to improve things before criticizing.
I recently visited a brother in Melbourne. Despite it being a city of over 4 million, he lives in a quiet street with little traffic noise disturbed only by the raucous noise made by Australian birds. Quiet can be achieved without intruding on peoples lives. Noise will very often be a worse intrusion.
I agree. It’s wise to stay alert and keep abreast of possibly sneaky govt planning initiatives but these measures actually sound truly beneficial.
The C-shots were advertised to us as being “beneficial” too.
I’ll never trust a ‘benevolent’ government/bureaucrat or “philanthropic” billionnaire again. My default reaction is, first do my own research and wait for effects to become visible. Then wait some more. Finally, when truth comes to light, expell a sigh of relief that I didn’t trust the bastards.
Noise is a signal of life. Quiet and silence is a graveyard. This expensive Leftists heavy fluffy bureaucracy policy is as usual a death cult.
“Noise” is generally considered unwelcome or obtrusive, and when mechanical, arguably antithetical to life. If you were to sit quietly in a graveyard, you might might discover that’s it’s not as quiet as it initially seems, and there is much movement and life in it.
The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,
The lowing herd wind slowly o’er the lea,
The plowman homeward plods his weary way,
And leaves the world to darkness and to me.
Now fades the glimm’ring landscape on the sight,
And all the air a solemn stillness holds,
Save where the beetle wheels his droning flight,
And drowsy tinklings lull the distant folds;
As C.S. Lewis wrote in The Screwtape Letters, noise is the sound of Hell — mindless, mechanical, maddening.
And these days people seem never even to notice it, even when it is near-incessant. I guess people have been so long immersed in constant noise that they are now inured to it.
I’m reminded of those lines from Betjeman’s Slough:
It’s not their fault they do not know
The birdsong from the radio
And these days many seem to go out of their way to create it. In recent years a very strange tribe of car owners has descended upon my rural Welsh town. Their life’s goal is purely to make noise — as much noise as they possibly can — to which end they fit very loud, modified exhausts to their vehicles and accelerate as rapidly as possible so that their cars backfire. It is quite baffling to me why anyone would want to do this. The streets here now reverberate with their flatulent racket. I’ve written to the police about the noise nuisance, and they assure me they’re taking it seriously (while doing effectively nothing) — one might as well write to the tooth fairy as the police these days.
And the writer of the article is right: Wales seems to be a testing ground for nonsense: she forgot to mention the criminalisation of parents simply for smacking their own children (I’m glad I wasn’t raised under such loopy laws) and that the UK’s first universal basic income is being piloted here.
The Welsh Assembly Government is Westminster on steroids. It’s awful.
The car owners live. Like the wolves are howling to the moon, the cows muuhhs, the sheep maehhhs, the thunder spews its blitzes, the rain drops in water.
Noise is life!
Noise and sound are two different things. All noises are sounds, but not all sounds are noises.
I agree there is difference. I have a yard close to my house where moto cross are training and running once a week, but I dont find them annoying.
But if it was 12 hrs a day I probably would. Off course there are other occasions similar where noise is disturbing.
I set the line where people say childrens “noise” is bad, to those who say childrens “noise” are loved, being on the latter side.
Pandaemonium, the Capital City of Hell in Paradise Lost. A very noisy place! Incessant noise!
I think you’re missing the point. This article isn’t simply about noise. I live in Wales – why isn’t the Welsh Government focusing upon child poverty, disastrous health provision and everything else?
Perhaps because CLIMATE is their raison d’être? It’s what all these dystopian policies have in common.
Maybe because the “Welsh government” isn’t really the Welsh government.
Devolution illusion. A neat trick from Westminster to soften up the Welsh for the globalist hijacking of their land. There’s gold in them hills!
Did I hear someone saying gold?
it is a foreign for profit corporation
My B-in-Law in Anglesey would agree with you.
Re “why isn’t the Welsh Government focusing upon child poverty, disastrous health provision and everything else?”
I think they have already b******d up those and are looking for something else to work on. They have to justify their existence.
This legislation will be a nail in the coffin for many small and medium vehicle related business who are in close proximity of residential areas.
With so much junk food, energy drinks and vapes on offer to kids I think the stratergy is to F as many of them up as possible.
“With so much junk food, energy drinks and vapes on offer to kids I think the stratergy is to F as many of them up as possible.”
Then, give ’em the vaxx to sterilize them.
“why isn’t the Welsh Government focusing upon child poverty,”
Because New Liebore is not the Real Left. TB.Liar’s henchman (and Link to Rothschild) defined New Liebore’s position as “totally relaxed about some people becoming filthy rich”.
Child poverty is an issue for the Real Left. New Liebore never talks about Lifting Children out of Poverty.
“We never mention Uncle Clement — he’s a Socialist”
(with apologies to June Bride)
Sadly it is governments that over react. When family life is broken down and lives split apart the discipline that once resided with the family disappears. Society’s heart, family life is broken, and yet more laws will not mend it.
“and yet more laws will not mend it.”
They don’t want to mend it; a fractured, suspicious, and divided populace is easier to manage.
Y dew U caw dem “Australian” birds 🦅
Kookabura sits in the old gum tree, merry merry king of the bush is he.
Laugh! kookabura, laugh! Kookabura, gay your life must be!
Pretty much every western city, county, state, whatever, have noise ordinances or laws just like they have trash and other ordinances/laws to keep communities, towns, and cities livable. Where I used to live, in a suburb environment, there was this kind of fad for the young ones to put some kind of devices on their cars so the cars would backfire as they were doing this or that, slowing down, speeding up, etc. You could hear them from a mile away, at least, and when they were closer, it sounded just like gunshots. I’d be in my back yard peacefully working in my garden and all of a sudden, these loud gunshots would permeate the air and wouldn’t cease until the car was at least a mile or two away. Irritating as hell. At one point, I quickly tracked down a local culprit and got his license plate number and reported him to the pigs. Anyone who knows how I feel about pigs would know I was desperate. So, do I support noise ordinances? Of course, just like I support laws that try to prevent people from throwing their garbage out their car windows or leaving trash on the side of the road. The key I think is, these should not be “national policies”. Fuck no. And the reason they’re becoming “national policies” is because of one thing, the Great Reset and the control of the citizens, what remain left, of planet Earth. Like in the states and the U.S. Constitution. National government is supposed to be ancillary to the states. But take for instance marijuana, the evil weed. The “national”, i.e., federal government decreed the weed a controlled substance and therefore illegal and that was that, until those states that had direct democracy systems for initiatives and referendums finally… Read more »
Yeah I was fined by the noise police in Geneva for the dodgy exhause on Alexei’s Citroen.
Spain, Italy, Greece may have typical noise laws but they are not enforced unless you manage to annoy someone with a lot of money.
If you go to the local authority to make a noise complaint they will politely laugh at you.
People routinely leave dogs confined to small balconies in blocks of flats, with the dog barking all day and there is fuck-all you can do about it.
The plebs are supposed to suck it up and live in intolerable urban conditions piled up like chickens in cages while the elites relax in secluded mansions! I have more things to get angry about!
I live in a quiet, urban street
sunlight 2-3 hours a day for about 3 months
otherwise shadowed by tall blocks of flats…
Quiet ?
There’s a retard in the flat above
makes RACKET day & night
cant complain about the retard’s racket
as the retard is a protected species
feel i’m already corraled in a
15-minute city…
Wait till you see how they fuck it up. Not only do they make diversionary plans. They can’t even see them to fruition right.
And still receive the money. The great reset is not so much about how to impoverish the population at large, but how to enrich oneself.