AUDIO: Kit Knightly on Reality Check Radio

OffG Editor Kit Knightly recently joined Paul Brennan, host of the Breakfast Show on Reality Check Radio, to talk Israel, the Great Reset, Climate Change…and how those subjects are linked.
Reality Check Radio is an independent radio station based in New Zealand. Tune in via their website.
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Yes, the wising up, common sense and humanity of the masses will be the spanner in the works. Keep spreading the words of the likes of K. Knightly and actually a fast growing number of others.
Palastine genocide is nothing compared urkiene Russia.
to even compared that is ridiculous.
one has been happening longer that last 10 mins.
Re: the part of the discussion on depopulation….
I agree that there isn’t enough evidence to say conclusively convid was about depopulation. There is evidence of excess deaths but not to the extent that depopulation would require. That doesn’t mean such evidence won’t emerge but it isn’t there currently.
The argument about depopulation not serving elite interests was intriguing. The point about the post-Black Death situation was well made. The big difference this time is robotics and A.I. I realise there were strict time constraints but I was surprised this didn’t get mentioned. It probably can’t do all they claim currently, and it probably never will, but the potential for the destruction of huge tranches of the job market is real enough.
There’s also the obsessive way the elite return to overpopulation as a theme. I can’t see this as a distraction. Reading Huxley’s ‘Ape and Essence’ has been a reminder of this – again he sees it as the root of all the world’s major problems.
Fewer people are easier to control, it seems very simple logic.
Hi Edwige. I read Huxley’s “Ape & Essence” some 45 years ago. It struck me then as a deeply insightful book. In the script, NZ scientists arrive in post-atomic wasteland California on a yacht. One’s first impression of NZ is that it is so far from Europe that you would be unaware of WWIII; when I was in my 20;s this seemed like a negative. 30 years later, it seemed like a positive and here were are, refugees from Blair’s Britain, but still under the heavy hand of the 5 Eyes imbeciles.
Talking of population, NZ is bigger than the UK but with a population of only 5 million yet able to feed 10 times that number.
Fewer psychos at the top means more equity and peace.
In the UK the death statistics are now compared to the 5 year average of 2017, ’18, ’19, ’21 and ’22.
2021 and 2022 have excess death far above the pre 2019 five year average.
There are still more people dying, they’re just being fudged in the numbers.
– Endless money forms the sinews of war. -Cicero
– The privatisation of money, issued as a debt and compounded by interest, causes bankruptcy, terrorism and war. -Napoleon Bonaparte
– Behind its showy facade, Western civilization hides hyenas and jackals that feed on unarmed peoples. -Che Guevara
– By continuing to buy US treasury bonds, China is financing US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, and perhaps the next war in Uganda or Sudan. -Pepe Escobar 2011
– Contrary to claims, the efforts to oust the government of Syria have nothing to do with al-Assad being a tyrant. He is preventing the theft of the natural wealth of Syria, if only by leaving it in the ground. -Jim Dean 2016
– al-Assad will not allow the gas pipeline Qatar proposed to cross Syria. This explains the endless lies against him. -Gordon Duff 2017
– Despite its rhetoric and legal provisions on genocide, the UN is controlled by political and business elites. That is why it routinely fails to prevent or halt wars, defend refugees or act on related issues – such as long-standing occupation, nuclear weapons and the climate catastrophe. -Robert Burrowes 2017
– Between 1765 and 1938, Britain drained India of £9.2 trillion in exports alone (equal to $45 trillion today, compounded at 5%). Instead of gold or forex, exporters were paid the rupee equivalent. -Utsa Patnaik 2018
– From 1880 to 1920, India suffered ~165 million excess deaths under British colonialism. -Jason Hickel 2023
– I would like to see the government get out of war altogether, leaving the field to private industry. -Joseph Heller 1955
– For capitalism, the poorest peoples appear as poor prospective consumers. In some countries, they may also oppose the appropriation of natural resources. Though they are the most fertile, imperial plutocracy no longer has the colonial options of entrapping them in unskilled jobs or as cannon fodder. Therefore, it has imposed genocide that it heralds as “shock and awe”. The poorest countries in each region have suffered the most violent invasions. Even sophisticated prosperous peoples have been impoverished, uprooted and forced back to tribal feuds. Most of the victims have been civilians. In addition, the attacks destroyed their neighborhoods, livestock, crops and other assets. Many died trying to flee. As the least productive sectors of capitalism in advanced countries – finance, insurance and real estate – became the largest, the scourge has spread. -Prof James Petras 2015
– In 2007, “Dominionists” stole at least 6 nuclear weapons from Minot Base of the US AFB. The subsequent cover-up implied that the weapons had been “inadvertently” loaded onto a bomber. 80 Air Force personnel were dismissed. Up to 10 of them may since have died in “suicides” or “accidents”. At least 1 weapon may still be missing.
– Key targets for subversion include Homeland Security, Department of Justice, Supreme Court and foreign relations. Every federal agency is infested. There are allies in the media, banking and extremist groups. Campaign financing under the new court ruling will bring members of the legislature into line. The goal is to replace the republic with a “Christian” theocracy that benefits business. The core teachings reinterpret the KJV Bible, stressing an apocalypse. USA is to participate in expanding Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates and from the Turkish border to Mecca. The catch is that the Jews must ultimately convert to Christianity under threat of another holocaust.
– Gordon Duff 2011, 2013
I appreciate a discussion where there’s original thinking. Found this gave me food for thought. I already felt the war to be contrived and convenient, more so even then Ukraine. It’s strange the atrocities done by Israel are getting so much mainstream coverage. Why are they doing that?
I sense there is a drive to make us disgusted and start hating much as the Israeli murderers already hate. They want hate to consume us all for their own reasons.
Does this forum still believe 9/11 was a media Mossad job ? Or was it Osama ?
What about 10/7 ? What lessons if any have we learned from 9/11 and the long string of subsequent false flags ? Apparently Israel has dropped 10 times the tonnage of bombs on Gaza as it’s proxies dropped on Dresden. Does anyone care ?
I may have answers to these questions about 5 hours from now. Or I may not.
Sir, those numbers you quote are just not real-world possible. 10x the tonnage dropped on Dresden on a place the size of Gaza would involve the entire place looking like Hiroshima, which ut clearly does not. Where did you get those numbers? I don’t say what Israel is doing it ok, it’s not. It’s evil. I’m appalled, but let’s keep it real, ok.
Others have estimated that Gaza has been hit by the equivalent of two Hiroshima sized bombs (15kt). I am going by Al Jazeera figures. Do you have better figures ? From where ? There isn’t much left of Gaza. Over 60% of the population is homeless. I estimate the death toll if the bombing stops today will be at least 100,000. Everyone seriously injured will die for lack of medical attention. As will everyone with an otherwise preventable disease. This may well be the worst genocide per capita ever.
I am aware of the arming of the two sides of this ME conflict re: the media. But nevertheless I note the ever more astonishing pathology of the Zionist vicitimhood mentality. It is truly lethal since it circles around a chronic expectancy of attack, indeed a demand that they be attacked. These mentally ill people insist on their victimhood. And there is a vast tradition of stoked up paranoia behind them, seemingly infinite channels of this screaming panic based psychosis. They see “antisemitism” everywhere. And if you disagree, then your failure to confirm them “proves” your own “antisemitism”!
Following the Money Behind Gaza’s Ethnic Cleansing
Good chat, alas cut short.
Thank you. It’s reassuring to hear intelligent and nuanced commentary.
“We’ve split from the anti-Covid skeptic movement which was focused on the same issue, then we had Russia versus Ukraine that split that down the middle, now Israel Hamas has split that again into two more… so we are looking at eight groups all fighting.”
Any evidence for this?
Are you joking? Take a look at the comment section on here for a start. The covid skeptic movement was buggered blind when the Ukraine war started. Now it’s happening again. I thought you were saying that yourself weren’t you? Maybe I’m remembering wrong.
What are you disagreeing with in the quoted remark?
Watch for Zionist talking points:
Is the following a fair summation of the central claim put forward by Kit Knightly?
The Globalists ordered the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Gaza “wars” so as to:
a) splinter the Covid truth and freedom movement
b) distract the masses from awakening to the truth of Covid
The term “Covid” here includes the associated agenda such as the mRNA jab rollout and digital control grid.
1) With regard to the supposed split following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in Feb 2022, the only public person I know from the covid truth movement who sides with Ukraine is Brendon O’Connell. And the only person commenting on this site who overtly sides with Ukraine is myself. I assume there must be others, but if you know of any, please let me know.
2) With regard to the split following the Oct 7 false flag by Israel, I would assume that most of those who came out strongly supporting Israel are controlled opposition – and they were planted in the truth movement so as to build a following.
3) I never considered Jordan Peterson or Douglas Murray to ever be part of a truth or freedom movement. I was calling out Peterson as controlled opposition three years ago and I don’t recall having heard of anything from Murray.
4) The idea of fighting wars to control domestic population was described by Livy.
5) Leftfield: Maybe Kissinger abandoning Multipolarity and recognising the reality of Pax Americana – except that he’s done that already!
We have undoubtedly seen almost every single “truther” who rose magically to prominence on the topic of Covid, glue themselves to the wall beside Israel.
This defies probability. As in Covid, the distribution of opinion – and death – should not depart from the norm unless it has been manipulated.
Laura Dodsworth, Jordan Peterson, Douglas Murray, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Conservative Inc, doctors like Yaffa Shir-Raz and associates (though they are based in Israel and so suffer from understandable trauma) and James Thorpe…
If foil had ever been made from tin, I would say that there is a connection between their seamless rise to prominence and their siding, when nut comes to crack, with the “right” side.
People who are agnostic – dangerous free thinkers such as yours truly – find themselves mysteriously dropped by haunts such as Off-G Towers.
For what it’s worth, the latest:
“Globalists Plan Ban On Any Critique Of Zionism – It’s all about oil, canals and big money… and Gaza… and you”
Lol nowt wrong with your ego is there mate – good for you. 👍
Ditto every single protestor against the trans shit.
So what the fuck is all that about? Are Linehan and Rowling really “in on it”? Or are they just easily led dupes? I suspect the latter – if you add on the psychofuckery of being a media pariah which is clearly effective at moulding the troublesome.
Controlled imo. Told what to do. You can be controlled without being in on it. You just do as you’re told because they got something on you or you get rewarded with kickbacks.
My God you’ve got some nerve. You’re on here every time I look in, slagging off this place and then posting links to your own website.
Like going round to someone’s house, plonking your arse on their sofa, criticising the decor & calling them names & then asking them to put a sign in their window advertising your business for free. Bloody entitled.
It’s refreshing to listen to intelligent rational people talk about the topics of the day. Off-G should do a weekly/fornightly/monthly podcast/videocast, even a bootstrapped shoestring recorded zoom call with some of the regular contributors would be good.
I wonder if the Orwell quote that eluded Kit was this one:
I think Paul Varley (The French poet/essayist) encapsulated it better:
I think Palestine made war on Israel for different, and more ethical, reasons.
It seems Laura Dodsworth is on a mission, joining the likes of Spiked on their crusade to protect the Israeli state. I just don’t understand how these seemingly intelligent people are so blind on this issue. They all seem to be following a line and swallowed the latest psyops hook line and sinker. It is truly depressing how easily the powers that shouldn’t be can manipulate people. Laura Dodsworth just seems so arrogantly forthright in her position.
There are mercenaries from Spain assisting the IDF, well paid. This is the insidiousness of privatization (fascism). Induce poverty in your global economic policy and bribe people to commit genocide or any other dirty work you require. That is empire today. Bribery, Inc.
I just don’t understand how those who saw through the propaganda scam that was covid are completely blind to this one!
Saying it’s the empire is being very much blind to what this is. The empire is dying and globalism replaces it since 2020.
Why don’t you guys have your own show? I’d be a shoo-in listener for one
I hope they take you up on the suggestion. I’d like to hear more of Catte Black too.
Good idea. I’d like a Off G forum, too, where we like minded truth-seekers can vent about anything without a “pending” pen.
Thank you for this intelligent and not hysterical analysis. I wish more of the independent media could see the forest and not simply trees. Mr Knightly always can.
I am so tired of hearing stereotype thinking from commentators who seem to copy each other and repeat nonsense about the eastern world opposing the Reset. How is it they say these things when it’s so clear the opposite is true?
Where is the real opposition to the Reset to be found? Only very few places. Here being a major one. But since the Gaza horror even less is it in focus.
Article 45 Will Roll Back Web Security by 12 Years
For those who are not very tech-savvy, what this means is another brick in the wall of our digital prison is about to be put in place. While this will affect only European countries for now, eventually every country will fall into line.
From your Link:
If you wanted to be consulted on this E-snooper charter you’re too late!
“Speak softly, softly, someone might be listening” — Beethoven, Fidelio — The Prisoners Chorus.
Holocaust versus Holocaust?
Pools of Blood
Those videos of children with bones sticking out of their legs lying in pools of blood after the recent school bombing was quite unbearable.
Rivers of blood more like!
It’s not unbearable, but it does hurt and I just want to be there and do something for them.
Speaking of ‘reality’, CASH IS KING:
Cash is now the pauper. Even people with cash struggled yesterday trying to use it. These outages are orchestrated to create chaos and to eventually bind the internet to just a single government entity. And we’ll be okay with that cause we don’t want to be inconvenienced in our daily drudge judging by what happened yesterday. Total control. The State’s wet dream is now a reality. Telcos will be a thing of the past. Everyone will be online 24/7 and monitored 24/7. Even while driving our online EVs. All of us corralled in the same pen. Privacy is not a priority. We’ll justify it by repeating the mantra of “if you haven’t done anything wrong there is nothing to hide”. Real freedom will be a hollow notion. In fact it already is. Hey but a least we won’t have to pay for our internet.
Governments will never control the www. The Corparasites wouldn’t allow it.
On the other hand, computer malfunctions, hackers, power outages or even severe storms could mess with the those ugly, ubiquitous towers.
The Pricks haven’t won yet.
I’ve been shopping in Carmarthen twice when the card readers went down, and frustrated obedient normies were angrily having to return their shopping to the shelves. I only shop in meat world with CASH. It should be a wake-up call, really.
It can be an ‘accident,’ or they’re doing it on purpose. The result is the same. You have NO ACCESS to your ‘power as a consumer.’ You are helpless in the modern world.
That’s CBDCs in a nutshell. Obey or starve.
seen on X (shared by Iain Davies) 😄
The US-Uniparty NATO world order and the BRICS world order are like 2 wolves deciding how and which sheep they are going to eat first.
Is this the Ian Davies who also writes here sometimes? I like him.
Yes, he does good stuff
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-11-08. “Cause Unknown” death Is A Crime & A Cover-Up. Star chamber removal @P_McCulloughMD’s certification (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
Today’s movie recommandation
“In 1987, Eleni was cited by Ronald Reagan
as an inspiration for his summit meetings to
end the arms race with the Soviet Union.”
Eleni/Helen, orig. Hellenic goddess of Troy.
I agree with every damn word you say. What is it gonna take for folks to stop buying the BRICS are gonna save us bs. I have friends who still believe it sincerely in their poor dumb hearts even after covid and watching China selling the bs about that and Putin telling his people to get vaxed with that crap that was no better than our crap.
Russia was equal partners with Astra Seneca. No matter how many Russians you kill, Russia will still love you.
Scientists still aren’t sure how or why the Earth spins or how gravity is caused, but we can be absolutely certain of one thing: the world spins and is ‘lubricated’ by oil.
An attack on US bases resulting in an Iranian oil refinery blowing up, affecting the Chinese economy, putting a hole in the BRICS cooperation.
There are people who hate islam who also hate genocide.
Anyone who hates a whole set of people based on religion is sick in the head.
Written is: ‘who hate Islam” not who hate Muslims.
Its like hating the CCP but not the Chinese.
Ideologies can be “hated” but I find it better to clinically expose them with their own words / actions. Brainwashing can go quite far as can been seen in the Hamas lab called Gaza; those lab kids will need a long time to get back to normal but there is hope.
Come on though mate, it never works out like that. Anyone who can get that worked up about how people choose to pray are not going to be able to separate hating Islam from hating the people practising it.
I don’t get it personally. I’ve spent a lot of time in Moslem countries & while I don’t want to be a Moslem I respect the people who practise it enormously. I respect practising Jews also.
You read it right !
Why not say you hate Muslims? Is that not allowed? Because it is hard to see how you can hate a whole religion that is a historical fact (which you cannot erase with your hate) without hating those who believe in it.
How about the Church of Elvis?
Here is RFK Jr. channeling James Baker III. How is this any different than what comes out of the mouths of the most hawkish warmongers in the US State Dept?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr:
“Israel is a stronghold for us… It’s almost like having an aircraft carrier in the Middle East. This is our oldest ally.
If Israel disappears, Russia, China and the BRICS+ countries will control 90% of the world’s oil, and this will be a disaster for US national security.”
I dont know but what I heard come out of mouth of the king today was pitiful, this guy thinks he’s going to tame inflation with a weak speech and sweep it under the rug, he has another thing coming.
They set RFK up. Told him go all out for Israel then made Israel into the biggest killers on the block. Never trusted RFK anyhow though.
RE: They set RFK up.
I think you are right about that. Like Ukraine, the Israel/Palestine conflict is something the PTB can turn on or off anytime, heat or simmer at will. Among other goals, this latest has done a divide and conquer on the health freedom movement, splitting those along the right/left – Israel/Palestine divide. RFK Jr previously had always been a unifying character, now he plays a polarizing role…
That makes Bobby Jr one of “Them”.
That is the desired response of the divide and rule exercise, yes.
Who knows, maybe those “Jewish leaders” RFK Jr met with several months ago, knew that he needed serious $ and offered him a deal he couldn’t refuse – $100 million infusion for CHD? Who knows?
What we need are movements that don’t rely on leaders (as they can be bought, threatened), the health freedom movement has always been ideologically fractured, populated by people naive to movement politics and unfortunately guided too much by leaders whose agendas have not been clear.
Very sad, indeed. I am naively, still reeling from it.
Yup, any member of the health freedom movement who isn’t a rabid supporter of Israel (and of course will fall in line anytime the antisemite label is thrown around), now does not trust who has been for the last 3 years the de facto leader of the health freedom movement.
Brilliant strategy, got to give whoever plotted this out credit.
And I should add, with this contrived conflict in Israel/Palestine conservatives en masse have abandoned their previous “commitment” to free speech denouncing censorship, support of political dissent, about health freedom, opposition to lockdown policies, “vaccines”, technocratic rule by ‘health officials” and opposition to the pointless war in Ukraine etc. Quite a propaganda coup.
Are you now or have you ever been a supporter of Free Palestine?
Nov 6, 2023
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
Bravo @BillAckman. It’s time to hold college administrations responsible for the epidemic of campus antisemitism by insisting on zero-tolerance policies.
Bill Ackman
Please see my below letter to the President of Harvard University sent today:
November 4, 2023
Dear President Gay,
I am writing this letter to you regretfully. Never did I think I would have to write a letter to the president of my alma mater about the impact of her actions and inactions on the health and safety of its student body in order to help catalyze necessary change. For the past four weeks since the horrors of October 7th, I have been in dialogue with members of the corporation board, other alumni, as well as students and faculty sharing and comparing our concerns about the growing number of antisemitic incidents on campus, as we wait for you and the University to act. Four weeks after the barbaric terrorist acts of October 7th, I have lost confidence that you and the University will do what is required. . . .
When you explained in your October 12th video address that Harvard “embraces a commitment to free expression,” you sent a clear message that the eliminationist and antisemitic statements of the protesters are permissible on campus. . . .
How Can You Solve the Problem?
First, the students involved in harassing and allegedly physically assaulting the HBS student on October 18th should be immediately suspended. I understand that the University is waiting for the outcome of a police department review of the situation to take action, but this makes no sense. . . .
Second, the protesters who have been chanting Intifada and other eliminationist statements should be subject to disciplinary action. . . .
Third, the University should review the student Slack message boards to identify those students who have made antisemitic statements or shared antisemitic imagery. These students should also be referred to the Administration Board for appropriate disciplinary action.
Fourth, the University should publicly reach out to students in an effort to obtain other examples of antisemitic acts that should also be carefully investigated, and for which appropriate disciplinary steps should be taken.
Because Harvard students are notoriously focused on their job and career prospects post-graduation, disciplinary actions by the administration for failure to meet the University’s standards for appropriate conduct that become part of a student’s permanent record should serve as an effective deterrent to overt antisemitic acts on campus. No law firm, corporation or graduate program will hire or admit an antisemitic or racist student. I note that the recent letter to the deans of law schools around the country signed by many of the top law firms in the U.S. has, I am told, already begun to have an effect in reducing antisemitic acts at the Law School.
Fifth, the University should form a task force to review the appropriateness of the activities of the OEDIB and whether its practice of excluding certain minority communities on campus, including Asian and Jewish students, is appropriate, which in fact may be contributing to discrimination against these groups on campus.
Sixth, the results of the antisemitism task force should be made public as promptly as possible so that we can better understand the sources of antisemitism at Harvard. Harvard’s admissions practices should be reassessed to ascertain why the university is admitting racist students, and should consider revisions to the application process to enable the University to better screen the character of candidates for admission.
Seventh, as Harvard president, you should make clear that Harvard supports free speech on campus, but that certain kinds of hate speech as well as fighting words and incitement to violence are not consistent with Harvard’s values or considered appropriate conduct for members of the Harvard community. In connection with your commitment to free speech, Harvard should form a task force to understand the constraints on free speech at Harvard that have led to it ranking last on FIRE’s annual college survey, so the issues that have led to Harvard’s last-place ranking can be addressed.
Follow The Money!
June 17, 2023
Bill Ackman
Put aside any preconceived notions about @RobertKennedyJr and listen to this @joerogan podcast with an open mind. One of the most powerful and mind opening interviews that I have ever heard. My uninformed impression of RFK pre-interview was of an anti-vaxxer, wacko, conspiracy theorist. Three hours later, I am intrigued to learn more.
I have been told by people who meet me for the first time that they had a vastly different perception of me from what they had read or seen in the media. I am similarly guilty of falling for consensus media narratives about people or situations that I haven’t had the time to examine empirically despite my efforts to avoid this trap. I am going to be even more disciplined about accepting the conventional wisdom without completing my own independent empirical assessment. I encourage you to do the same. A detailed and sourced fact check of this podcast would be an important contribution to the public dialogue if anyone is so inspired.
William Albert Ackman (born May 11, 1966) is an American billionaire hedge fund manager who is the founder and chief executive officer of Pershing Square Capital Management, a hedge fund management company. His investment approach has made him an activist investor. As of June 2023, Ackman’s net worth was estimated at $3.5 billion by Forbes.
Ackman made a huge profit from covid – and he claims to have got his information off Twitter!
Analyzing Bill Ackman’s $2.6 Billion CDS Trade
April 1, 2020
Bill Ackman turned a $27 million investment in CDSs [Credit Default Swaps] into $2.7 billion in a matter of 30 days, leading some people to refer to it as the greatest trade ever.
How . . . ? The answer is COVID and its effect on corporate debt. Ackman predicted that attempts by the US government to contain COVID will have a huge negative effect on US markets.
Bill Ackman: Funding a Scientific Investigation into Vaccinations (Sep 28, 2023)
Statement re CDS trade and Twitter @ 3:20
Maybe somebody told him what the R in BRICS stands for, and that Russia has lots of oil, because it was only the other week he was shilling for Putin!
Fact Check: RFK Jr. Claims U.S. Pushed Ukraine to War With Russia
Jul 28, 2023
America ‘wants’ the war with Russia: RFK, Jr.
Fox News
Jul 26, 2023
Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. discusses his view on the Ukraine war during a ‘Hannity’ town hall.
There are no “both sides”- that is a propaganda technique invented to turn the topic of colonialism and enslavement into a moralistic discussion whitewashing the reality of century old crimes. Is a slave rebellion just a case of “both sides?” Hardly.
Four years ago, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) published a report on “the unrealized potential of Palestinian oil and gas reserves.” The report estimates these reserves could generate “hundreds of billions of dollars” for whoever develops them. It also criticizes Israel for preventing Palestinians from developing those resources as a way to alleviate their massive poverty. You can read it here.
Since the war started, Israel has already awarded a dozen gas exploration licenses to six different oil companies.
It’s not just about oil and gas there is also the matter of the Ben Gurion canal, a high-speed rail link, water, disruption of BRICS, militarized control of the region etc.
From 2019:
The unrealized potential of Palestinian oil and gas reserves- 28 August 2019
Oil and natural gas resources in the occupied Palestinian territory could generate hundreds of billions of dollars for development.
Geologists and resources economists have confirmed that the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) lies above sizeable reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth, in Area C of the West Bank and the Mediterranean coast off the Gaza Strip, according to a recent UNCTAD study.
New discoveries of natural gas in the Levant Basin are in the range of 122 trillion cubic foot while recoverable oil is estimated at 1.7 billion barrels, according to the study entitled “The Economic Cost of Occupation for the Palestinian People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potential.”
This offers an opportunity to distribute and share about US$524 billion among the different parties in the region and promote peace and cooperation among old belligerents, the study notes.
These funds could finance socioeconomic development in the oPt as part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Like you, Kit is completely sold on mainstream history, which any competent researcher knows, is mostly lies.
Keep banging on about convid, you’ll look g(o)od and get up (youself) votes.
Sorry to lach on, but ‘they’ delete my comments, dunno why…
Lach has a t init,sos
Here here is the grateful dead.
Everyone should be sceptical, but not cynical of mainstream history. There are many alternative views of history out there, but in the end all history is dead. It may be filled with facts or lies but it has little relevance to reality. To the here and now.
Truth only exists in the present.
Everything else is speculation, conjecture or fantasy.
You sound like O’Brien in 1984.
“The only thing that’s real is now”. So said Charles Manson. New Age cults take a similar line. Revolutionary-totalitarian regimes from Robespiere to Mussolini have declared it Year Zero.
It’s the same thing for the same reason every time.
These $524 billions are the legal property of the Palestinian people ONLY.
Israel can and should be forced to drill holes in the Negev desert if the International Community For Peace and Freedom wants cooperation!
Offshore gas was the aim of the Yahoo’s previous invasion of Gaza. I guess that’s still the aim of the present genocidal Slaughter of the Innocents (4,000 children, and counting).Your post suggests that Palestinians in the West Bank will be next for total ethnic clearance from their territory since it seems that Palestinians have put “our” oil under their soil.
The previous post from Maxwell at 8.07pm shows that RFK Jr toes the Yahoo line about hydrocarbon reserves. Like his Uncle Jack with Cuba and Vietnam, Bobby junior thinks other countries exist only to serve the U$A:
“If Israel disappears, BRICS+ countries will control 90% of the world’s oil, and this will be a disaster for US” — Bobby Jr.
We need to thank Bobby Jr for spelling out what we knew already, that Israel is an outpost of Empire, and its tool.
The example of what happened to ordinary Ukrainians should give ordinary Israelis food for thought. But they continue to trust politicians who delivered them with their hands tied behind their backs to Pfizer.
I can’t believe anyone is still taken in by the BRICS bs. Land sakes it was started by Goldman Sachs! It’s the same shit we have now in a different carton. The oil and gas story is retarded also. Israel already controls the Gazan coast. It blockades the area with war ships. If it wants to take the gas and oil it can, any time.
They ain’t killing people for the oil and gas, they’re killing people out of hate bred into them because of lies told to keep us hating each other
I agree there are no sides. Not at the top. There’s no east v west or left v right. At the top there’s only one side. It’s always government versus the people.
Seems that if you travel East, you’ll never meet West
and if you travel West, you’ll never meet East…
The only place where East and West meet is the
spot you’re standing on…
So that guy who said ‘never the twain shall meet’
was wrong…
And, as you never meet up with the other side, ever,
is that evidence the world is flat ?
Yes. Middle Eastern Wars are never Wars for Oil. That’s just a by-product. No they are always Wars for You Know What.
Let me tell you how they are linked:
Why did US Fed, EU Central Banks, JP Morgan, BIS, EMF have yearly meetings in Atlantic Council, NATO’s side wing, the last 8 years? Big Banks with US Military?? Very very unusual.
We are living within a global hybrid war, a component of which will be the collapse of the banking, money, and payments systems globally.
War aims will be achieved by means other than kinetic war.
The foremost aim of the people who have privately controlled the central banks and money creation is that they will remain in power, forever.
They can risk no pockets of resistance. 58 VIII Bank Holiday Augustin Carstens is the general manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). One can see the following comments of his, which have “gone viral”, just after the twenty-four minute mark in the video of the virtual meeting titled Cross-Border Payments—A Vision for the Future [48]: “We don’t know . . . who’s using a $100 bill today and we don’t know who’s using a 1,000 peso bill today. The key difference with the CBDC is the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and also we will have the technology to enforce that.”
In other words: CBDC means absolute control. And so, if the “old” money system somehow collapses, new money will be provided by the central banks in the form of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), the new and improved control system.
Imagine . . . it is chaos. You have lost everything but your smart phone (If you don’t have one, don’t worry—you will be issued one.) You will download an app. You will click boxes agreeing to everything.
You will become increasingly indebted with each payment you make using the CBDC you are “given” on your phone. You will be told what to do and what not to do from then on. You will comply if you want to eat. (ref. David Webb, The Great Taking).
You’re basically repeating what Kit Knightly says. Shoulda listened in before giving yourself writers cramp with all that typing 😀
It was just copy paste from David Webb’s article. Easy.
Just read it as the heart of it all and thought it was important, but I see people are distracted.