The Innocence of the Agenda
Todd Hayen

Let’s take a moment to look at the agenda through the loving eyes of the “sheep-types”. In fact, let’s do away with the concept of sheep for a moment, and see those who seem to be blind as fellow citizens, fellow humans, and fellow travelers on this perilous path through life.
Let’s see them with love, compassion, and empathy. Let’s say we are all sheep—all blind to some things, but with the earnest intention to see what we need to see in order to navigate in a healthy manner on this journey, thus considering ourselves, and our brethren. We are all one (I mean that sincerely)—those who have eyes, see, and those who have ears, hear.
Don the sheep’s coat of silky, warm, and safe, wool for a moment, and look through their eyes. What do they see?
First of all, they see innocence in the agenda. They see government and non-government leaders and other persons of authority as doing their best to make our lives safe and more comfortable. And why not? Not only have we all been brainwashed since little children to see government, at least in a democratic society, to be benevolent.
After all, they work for us, don’t they? There is also a very strong history of benevolent government in our North American culture (so we are told). Books, movies, songs, myths, fairy tales, all have done their share in pounding into us the virtue of great American leaders such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin and the equivalent luminaries for Canucks.
The Great British Empire came before us, leading the Great-White-Male-Christian way throughout the world with their prim and proper style of imperialism and colonization. Damn those Wogs, Klings and Pakis, we know better.
I have nothing at all against “the Christian way” or even “the white way” in and of itself. It is understandable that much of the world, for most of its “civilized history,” was dominated by these two powerful forces—Christianity and whiteness. Not because of any sort of Christian or white virtue, but simply because of the roll of the dice (really?)—it just so happened that the most powerful people with the most money were both Christian and white—and male too, come to think of it.
I am myself a white Christian male, and although I have nothing against any of those three elements that make up my physical and spiritual self, I can certainly see how most of us in the free world have come to find beings that fit those criteria to be powerful, righteous, virtuous, and for the most part benevolent (at least to those made up of similar features). At least that is what we have been told, as well as were taught.
Of course, if you dig only a tiny bit below the surface you will see that not too many of these folks actually fit this virtuous model. In fact, humans of this sort have been more often than not, greedy, loathsome, treacherous, and evil. Who knew? Apparently not too many of us are good at reading a room. And again, I will reiterate, not all greedy, loathsome, treacherous, and evil men are white and Christian (or men for that matter), far from it. But those are the variety that we in the West are mostly accustomed and acclimated to. That may all change in time. All things change in time.
So, what’s my point? Well, my point is that we really have lots of reasons (so we think) to be trusting of the guys in the white hats (and the white coats as well, but that’s a slightly different story). It’s a line and profile we have been fed for quite some time. Since day one actually. Remember too, no one votes for an ugly politician. You can’t trust them unless they are pretty.
We are told all these people who run the show are, particularly if they claim to be, innocent. And of course, they will always claim that they are innocent. They will also claim they were doing the best they could, for the betterment of society. They will also, in the midst of the smoldering battlefield strewn with the dead and dying, claim what they did was for the best. “It was to ward off climate change, it was to stop the deadly virus, it was to preserve democracy, it was for peace in Europe, it was for peace in the Middle East.”
And why not?
These are all noble causes. These are all causes we can stand behind, even if the actions the “powers that be” implemented failed miserably to accomplish the said goal, at least they tried. “The reason we told you was a good reason, even if it wasn’t the real reason.”
We believe they all thought it was a good reason. They will undoubtedly say: “We didn’t know the climate was not actually changing when we took away your cars, your travel, your heat, your air conditioning, your food, your water, your freedoms. We actually thought it would make a difference.”
Innocent. Ha, ha.
And people will go along with this. They already have as the “powers that be” begin to implement their plan to fight the horrors of Mother Nature (weather and other natural disasters), who has been angered with the belligerence of the “way too many” human beings occupying the planet—with their plastic straws, plates and spoons, and all that other household garbage they lazily throw into landfills and into the ocean.
In 15 years or less people will be living in “Smart Cities” with roadblocks placed strategically to slow traffic, or block access.
People probably won’t even own cars then. They will not need to venture more than 10 minutes from their home. They will be eating bugs as their main food staple, they will live in 100º F heat in their homes in the summer and 30º F cold, or worse, in the winter because their fuel has been rationed. No one will travel anywhere anymore because all common air travel will have been outlawed.
But no one will really care, “this is the price we have to pay for being such assholes about our environment for so many years, we deserve it.” And when we are told all of these sanctions and restrictions didn’t do any good in controlling the adverse weather conditions, or the conservation of the planet’s resources, people will say, “well, it still was a good thing to do. God knows where we would be if we were not taking care of it now.”
Meanwhile, big industry will still be pumping millions of metric tons of pollutants into the air, rivers, and oceans. And the elite, the benevolent, innocent ones, will still be living the opulent lifestyle they were living 15 years before.
“It wasn’t their fault, they were only trying to make it good, trying to show us how bad we’ve all been, they were doing it for us.” Meanwhile, as mentioned before, “they” are all flying around in their million-dollar private jets, enjoying the life that we all used to enjoy, but no longer are allowed to. The Gods should live the good life, eh?
Human beings have always thought this and allowed it, look at the worldwide monarchy phenomenon of not-so-distant times (and still going on in the UK). The rich and famous deserve their celebrity, and their perks, regardless of what it brings to the lowly serfs below them. The useless eaters. Yep, that’s us, folks.
Hey, I am no Marxist. I do not believe in the motto, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” I am not looking for uniform equality in wealth and goods. But I am looking for equality in power, thus eliminating tyranny and totalitarianism, and I do not believe that the most powerful should be allowed to rule the less powerful.
Innocent? My sweet patootie they’re innocent. But they sure pretend to be, and the sheep, yeah, we can go back to calling them sheep again, they sure believe the ruse.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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All empires arise from the luck of the dice. All are uncomfortable with this – so their myths weave a narrative of greatness: divine or human. I think both the divine and human are real: power is not. It does not last, it does not provide the (permanent) means to control reality. As a result all civilizations crumble. That has still not been learned today as the planet teeters on the brink of WW III. History comes down to a simple syllogism: every empire eventually faces the war it is trying to avoid (and doesn’t see coming); everyone wants to avoid nuclear Armageddon; therefore, that is the fate that awaits humanity. Paradoxically, the only chance of avoiding that fate might be to accept it.
“Nothing fails like success. Though specialisation brings progress, too much of it leads into the blind alleys of extinction. In the past, independent civilizations succeeded those that failed. Now, there is only one global civilisation to speak of.” -Bertrand Russell
The capitalists got too greedy.
Re: smart city plan (problem-solution, crisis-opportunity, etc.)
Innocent cases where masks proved useful and effective:
“I’ve used up most of my share of The Future
0n meeting each new day i’m heartened by
the continuing giving by The Future.’ …(anon)…
Why Israel Slept…
‘According to its secret internal operations plan Project Butterfly was aimed at executing intelligence and influence efforts” against Americans by creating an “infrastructure for narrative warfare – alternative messaging and negative platforms.” In other words, by creating fake news, phony Facebook personas and posts, and other forms of information warfare. Psy Group’s goal was to deliberately deceive the American public about Israel and its actions against the Palestinians.’
Do you honestly think they only do that one way tho? If you had that power how would you use it? I know what I’d do. I’d create fake oppositional arguments and blow in a bunch of bullshit fake facts for them to fight over. I’d do my best to bury the real truth under as many layers of total lies and half truths, misdirections, whatever, so people were dizzy and so confused they didn’t know the time of day any more.
I’m pretty sure they play us a hundred ways and they try to control skeptics like us even more than the normies.
I’d tell the truth, and no one would believe it.
Maybe the truth for you is not the truth for no one. Maybe your truth is not the truth. Maybe you think a lie is the truth, and my truth which is THE truth is a lie.
I mean, I have my truth which is the truth for me, and you have your truth which is the truth for you, and joe next door he has his truth,
Just saying.. we are all in this together…in our global village with equality.
“I mean, I have my truth which is the truth for me, and you have your truth which is the truth for you, and joe next door he has his truth…”
No, I don’t have “my truth,” I have my experiences which shape my view of the world. The Truth exists objectively.
As in the famous story of the blind men and the elephant, the elephant’s objective existence doesn’t go away just because the blind men are incapable of experiencing it/ only experience part of it. Their imperfect, incomplete perceptions do not negate the existence of that which they are perceiving.
There is no truth but The Truth
You missed out the part where after ww2 a bunch of people moved in to Palestine & just stole a big piece of their land and called it Israel. Why the hell should the Palestinian people accept that?
And you know what, before that happened the Jews and moslems lived together in the ME in peace most of the time. It’s almost like the whole purpose was to create a mess and chaos isn’t it.
The point about Hamas leaders living in luxury while the ordinary Palestinians live in misery is true across the board. ALL the leaders are in the same big club. ALL the rest of us are getting screwed by them.
One man – one vote
We have heard that one for 70 years now. The torture never stops.
Gosh, how can we complain about mass slaughter of Palestinians? There are so many.
This recitation of old lies will not clear your conscience or make you safe.
Would the African people live a better life if no Whites ever had come to the continent? Probably not. Life expectancy would be low, slavery still would be the norm.
Right question, wrong answer. They would, and they wouldn’t. If no Whites, they’d live their lives, by their own lights, and would be better and happier for it, even if their lives were shorter and harder. Of course, they’d miss all the cheap consumer goods.
This is an assumption. Why wouldn’t they have their own cheap goods? And probably better and more useful.
still it is none of our business. People (we) should leave other people (them) alone, for their own devices
Maybe, maybe not.
Maybe they would create new natural medicines, and hygiene techniques, along with their natural nutrition.
Maybe the slaves would rebel. Maybe there would be an end to slavery.
Or are African people not intelligent enough (i.e. as intelligent as white people) to make better lives for themselves.
Who knows if they would be better off. It’s really none of my business. It’s their business.
Open letter to the faculty of Columbia University
It is with great interest I read your letter, entitled “Grave Concerns About the Well-Being of Our Students”, in which you attempt to not only justify, but show support for, various statements made at protests held at your campus.
Of particular note is the following passage:
“In our view, the student statement aims to recontextualize the events of October 7, 2023, pointing out that military operations and state violence did not begin that day, but rather it represented a military response by a people who had endured crushing and unrelenting state violence from an occupying power over many years.”
I am not an educator, and you are the faculty of Columbia University, so I will respect the fact that you know more about education than I do.
However, being in the publishing arena for two decades, words are MY area of expertise, and so I do find myself qualified to assist you in that regard.
Rape is not a “military operation” nor a “military response”. Full stop.
Placing a nine month old baby in an oven and baking him to death is not a “military operation”, nor is it “military response”. It is a depraved atrocity that sinks to such depths that Hollywood’s most prolific horror writers would not even begin to fathom such evil. And yet, it was done. In real life. To a real baby.
And you excuse it as “military response”.
I watched a video showing an Israeli woman who was raped so brutally that her pants were soaked in blood – both the groin area and the seat area. She is dragged out of the back luggage compartment of a Jeep and shoved into the back seat with men jumping in after her. For more “military response”. Your description, not mine.
I see men all around her, cheering and shooting video. It brings a term to mind. “Rape Culture”. A term oh, so beloved on academic campuses when defending women’s rights. And yet, in the face of perhaps the most brutal, vivid, starkest example of rape culture the world has ever seen, there is silence.
Oh, no. Worse than silence. We see students at colleges marching IN SOLIDARITY with the action. We have YOUR LETTER describing violent rape as something that “represented a military response”. Don’t look now, but their marches, and your letter of support for the action, just might be “contributing to rape culture”.
As a student of the written word, I find your use of the words “a military response” to not only dehumanize the victims, but to completely whitewash the absolute horror of the depraved atrocities committed during that action. I find them to be not only intellectually dishonest, but morally repugnant. Even the use of the term “state violence” doesn’t come close to appropriately describing the ordeal these victims were – and are still being – put through.
I do wonder, what nomenclature you would have used, were the situation reversed. What if, hypothetically, it was the Israeli soldiers walking into houses, pointing at several women and announcing “This one is for killing, this one is for raping” and then went ahead with it? What if it was an Israeli soldier beheading a Palestinian baby, or putting him into an oven, burning him alive? Would you be as charitable to them as you are the Hamas terrorists, explaining it away simply as “military response” to “state violence”?
We will never know, will we. You know why? Because Israeli soldiers – as you yourself know but refuse to acknowledge – operate on a different moral plane. Israeli soldiers don’t rape Palestinian women or place Palestinian babies in ovens. Only Hamas – and Hitler – used those actions in their “military response”. This makes your moral equivalence, your suggestion that the Israeli army protecting their people from terror is comparable to a terror group bent on destruction, thirsting for nothing less than the complete genocide of Israel (don’t take my word for it, it is in their charter) nothing less than reprehensible.
So the question many want to ask is: Why? What is in you, what thoughts do you harbor, that would compel you to downplay such horrific actions and dehumanize the victims?
The only rational explanation that I could think of is explained by another term that has become popular recently in the world of academia: “Implicit Bias”, which describes the condition in which people who are convinced they are not racist actually are.
Another term used is “unintentionally racist”. So while you may THINK you are not anti-Semitic, and might even have some Jewish friends(!), your words and actions scream of a pathological and deep rooted disdain for Jews.
As I confessed at the onset, I am not an educator, and don’t profess to know what – or how – to teach.
But as a compassionate and rationally thinking human being, I do know WHO should – or who should not be – be teaching. And as the faculty of Columbia, who allows your own implicit bias to impact the words you use in such a public letter, to announce to the world that you support rape and baking of Jewish babies alive as a legitimate “military response” – that puts you squarely in the realm of “who should not be teaching”
I therefore call on you to step down, and allow people with moral clarity and strength of character to be placed in charge of educating our future generations, to send out the message loud and clear that never, NEVER will our students EVER march in support of evil and anti-Semitism.
Thank you,
Chaim Saperstein
Monsey, NY
Why do people always believe the propaganda of the side they decide to support?
Do you honestly believe they baked babies alive in ovens? Any evidence?
I don’t get what happens to people’s brains as soon as they take a side. They turn to mush. It’s such an obvious way to control us too. Control both sides at the very top and you’re controlling the minds of everyone on planet earth
Emotional puppets. Flip a switch for whatever emotion they want to ignite, rage, sadness, guilt, even joy, etc.
Emotional intelligence is the key.
But ….
….scream scream scream …. babies beheaded and raped and killed and brought back to life then killed again ….
…rage rage rage … 12 year old girls forced to have sex with microwaves ….
But ….
….vomit vomit vomit … little teletubbies forced to – oh I dunno something REALLY AWFUL ….
Exit quietly while rant explodes forever and ever…..
Bribery and blackmail.
“Power” is an amorphic, misdirective word and should be replaced by the the word “authority”.by us commoners. We want authority shifted from the shiftless mercenaries of the 1%, the poliTricksters, to the 99%. “Politics” is another misnomer, that actually means “the art of prosecuting hidden agendas” and should be replaced by the wordscape of “sociality”, the art of crafting a society for all, not a Rulers Club for overloads. Words are representations, images. If they do not accurately depict the circumstances they are being used to discuss, they are useless tools projected by the elite’s wordsmithed communication system to the purpose of controlling dialog and outcomes.
The thing with power is that we do have it! But most people willingly give it away because, well, it’s all too difficult.
We, each of us, may not have nor want the very evil power to rule over others, but we do have the power to not go along with all this crap. We have the power to disbelieve, the power to look beyond our own dinner plates and care. We even have the internet at our fingertips; never before have we had such an almighty chance at being powerful. But, nope, they’re not having it. Their TV tells them all they wish to know.
Your reply is a perfect example of how the word “power” can be used to mean nearly anything, thus is useless in communication. We the 99%, need to focus on authority to decide policy, which is rightfully ours. This is the only way we can self-govern. The existing system is the 99% being governed by the 1%. Authority-to-decide must be removed from them and placed under only our authority only. The government is property of the governed, not the other way around. Use of the right words makes understanding and communicating the solution simple. That’s why the keep “power” in play. That’s why every time the word “power” comes up we halt discussion, reiterating, “we’re talking authority here, not power”.
Authority without power is impotence.
Sandy is correct.
‘Power’ is neutral.
Authority is directed at someone or some group by exploitative and ruthless people.
The power of the sun, the waves the wind etc is what it is. It can be stored, albeit in a very minor way, but it cannot be controlled.
“The power of the sun, the waves the wind etc is what it is. It can be stored, albeit in a very minor way, but it cannot be controlled.”
The powers that be are working non-stop, every moment of every day to control those things. It’s quite likely they are already able to do so, at least to some extent. If you study any of those things, for an extended length of time, your desire is not simply to learn how those things work, but to replicate them.
“Authority” is the right to determine policy. Like, cut the military abroad by 100% and move some $800B in income tax revenues stolen to fund wars, to fund US Public Services, a Public Commons, to provide for the social needs of Americans.
“Power”. You mean “the force” as expressed in the Star Wars epic? You mean the electricity generated by power plants? You mean the force of a huge army to obliterate, or the threat of a nuclear weapon attack? You mean the power of a “Power to the People” poster? You mean the power of compliance? Well, i would agree with that, yes.
Your meme actually means “authority without authority is impotence”, which I agree with. And that’s actually all that we have in 2023. Authority without authority. We need to no longer acquiesce to this manufactured disenfranchisement which has existed for . Once we determine public policy, we have authority (with authority). People just want to continue to be children parented by an overlord. This is is insane.
“Authority” is the right to determine policy.”
I agree, mostly. “Authority” is a moral right. It’s an existential right. It implies righteousness, and justice, But, if you can’t back it up, it means nothing. If you can’t back up your “authority”, if you can’t persuade people of it, then what do you actually have? People with real power don’t worry about “authority,” they simply do what they want, whether morally right or wrong.”Might makes right” is their moral standard, which is why they always win, at least on this plane of existence.
I get where you’re coming from. However, your way and your concept of power is a few steps removed from where I’d like society to arrive at – the power within.
It involves self-responsibility which is the sticking point to ever achieving my vision of power for humanity.
Never Forget. Never Forgive.
Forgive them for they dont know what they do. Forgive your enemies and walk with peace!
Be the light you wish others to be.
Oh but they do know what they do
Turn the other cheek and get your face stamped on.
Forgive for your sake. Forgive does not mean condone.
Forgive, but don’t forget.
Hello Todd,
I’m struggling with your next-to-last paragraph.
You declare yourself not a Marxist which is fine. And then you proceed to encapsulate an extremely articulated analysis of political economy into a single epigram that I find hard to believe an altruist like you could object to. Huh?
When it comes to European colonialism England is just one — the most successful — of the European nations. They were all at it, with the primary contestants being France and England with Spain, Portugal, etc. being “also rans”. Empires weren’t unique to Europe as well, its just in our Eurocentric view of history there’s ‘us’, ‘them’ (on the Continent) and ‘other’.
What set the British Empire apart — and made it so successful — was that it wasn’t really the “British” Empire. It was a commercial operation based in England that eventually used the power of the British state but for a long period of history it was a franchise operation. Because of its commercial roots it was less interested in ‘converting’ the natives (Spain was the poster child for ‘convert — or else!’) than exploiting them and primarily used local leadership and political maneuvering to achieve that goal. (Force, when it was used, was used sparingly and frequently unsuccessfully.) Because of its commercial roots it was comparatively straightforward to transfer the entire operation to a larger — and more successful — host, a process that started around WW1 but was completed by the end of WW2 (when Britain effectively became a colony / dependent of the United States).
Anyway, here we are and like our forefathers we react rather badly to any kind of challenge to our hegemony. This is particularly awarkward because all the various global crises, real or imagined, have to be handled within the context of the status quo but unfortunately its the status quo that’s primarily responsible for them. So we’re living in a somewhat dystopian age where “Less is More”, “War is Peace” etc. Managing this at both a personal and a societal level requires us to look at the big picture, to see that we’re really enduring the same old / same old that our forefathers dealt with. This is why history is so important, both for people to know it and for ‘them’ to control the narrative. People remarked on problems with the environment and resource despoilation back in the 19th century and got the same ‘shut up and kick the can down the road’ response we we’ve been living with for the last 50 years (“Morning in America”!). Pretending it either doesn’t exist is a futile reaction — like every other bad thing, governments especially, just because you don’t believe in ‘it’ doesn’t mean that ‘it’ doesn’t believe in you!
There’s no INNOCENCE in the agenda, only deception, corruption, betrayal, obfuscation, pretence, lies, sell-out,…….economical with the TRUTH? No ! REJECTING THE TRUTH. In all and any form.
‘Conspiracy of Silence’ Carlingford Mountain 1st January 2015
eye have a very old law bookie dictionary in it
init it says under human see monster
and that is how we are seen tax slave monsters
those kosher hollywoodland zombiie movies that is you that is that is you.
nothing is what it seems
something wicked this way comes.
the devil is in the detail.
if hitlers brother lived in liverpool why did the bootleg beatles not get the emi radar office writers to knock out a tune.
this history the story we are told is always lie.
Infinity times zero, that is, if you can’t know the truth, why try ?
where i am traffic is being mangled in a way that makes me wonder re ” cutting off of escape routes ”.
Yes, where I am too, what on earth is going on? Roads closed and if not then of course the constant temporary traffic lights popping up.
Seriously is there anyone knows why it’s happening all over, now? I saw a guy from Devon posting on Telegram about it too, I’m on the greater London border.
i’m in ireland. traffic lights in roundabouts, one way systems that seem insane.
15 minute cities, 20 minute neighbourhoods…causing chaos so people will give up their vehicles and either walk, cycle, scooter or use some form of public transport if available!
How race is being used today to dissolve nation-states and much more:
Unwashed: Dr. E. Michael Jones On Israel/Palestine
Palestine 1920: The Other Side of the Palestinian Story | Al Jazeera World Documentary
“It would be ironic if Israel is remembered by history as ‘Israel had a right to exist, until it started a genocide’.”
‘Israel Is An Apartheid State’ – MSNBC’s Ali Velshi
Daniel Natal: The Global Oligarchy Wants to Remake All Nations into Slave Plantations
“Daniel Natal discusses who rules the world! To help answer this question it’s important to go back to the Middle Ages, the mercantile guilds, and the British East India company where essentially an oligarchy takes over. Their goal has been to get rid of all thrones and altars. There is evidence to suggest that America and many republics were founded by these same forces as corporate models and structures.
Globalism is essentially mercantilism, they want to re-create all nations like the South Carolina slave plantation, and take us back to how they ran Europe in the 1300s (e.g. neofeudalism). The point of the woke movement today is to dissolve the nation state. He is optimistic because large systems always break down.”
David Gosselin: Elites Seek Post-Renaissance Paradigm of Totalitarian Psycho-Spiritual Control
Psycho-spiritual control? Might she be the perfect candidate to implement this:
WATCH LIVE: Marianne Williamson files for South Carolina Democratic Presidential primary.
As Georg Carlin said, Marianne Williamson is the best our land can offer. The best!
Even if I take Todd’s sentiment seriously when he says he is looking for “equality in power, thus eliminating tyranny and totalitarianism”; and I really do allow myself to believe he is sincere about “equality in opportunity, but not equality in outcome” (as is commonly expressed by the meritocratic ideology of free-market fundamentalism.)
However, he is incredibly politically naive about the totalised destructive economic and ecologic effect of ‘liberal’ market-economic reality over the last ~200y; when no such equality has ever occurred, or will ever occur; but the actualisation of global inequality – as real-time economic and ecologic tyranny and totalitarianism – is technologically far-advanced. Equality within the structural asymmetry of “free world” market-economic purchase power: perhaps on another planet?
In this actual ‘free’ world-order: the Third world is the industrialised production and engineering facility of the First World’s “post-industrial” consumption-ego – as produced and purchased for free. In seeing nothing (or little) wrong in the global liberalisation “white way” – whichever is said to be mostly “benevolent” (caveated with the extraordinary exceptionalism he goes on to describe) – he casts himself with the same “loving eyes of the “sheep-type”” he is allegedly critiquing by seeing only the “innocence” of his owned liberal ideological truth-economy (truth-LITE).
Thereafter: there have been more than a few exceptions to white liberal dominance in the past ~200y of the structural liberalisation and privatisation of other people’s property – whenever it has become the norm to except the Black, Coloured and Indigenous peoples from the market-economic order as the collective intentional globalisation of poverty…. Excepting as instrumentally required as the enslaved producers of the current levels of psychotic white consumptogenesis nobody ever heard about or was ever moved to end.
Structural <“See no evil; hear no evil; speak no evil”> It is this overconsumption whitewashing that is the sole cause of both economic and ecologic tyranny and totalitarianism.
In this free-market world of the dominant “Great-White-Male-Christian” – where the sacred criterial order of exceptional whiteness, virtual christian morality, and hierarchic, despotic maleness have been politically, economically, structurally and psychologically normalised as the politically qualified psychiatric ‘good life’ (bios politikos.) These essential values are also the market-economic criteria of the “powerful, righteous, and virtuous” as the vitae necisque potestas (“power over life and death”) of the market-ordered liberty that we have grown accustomed and acclimatised to. A behavioural psychiatric order that is common to now everybody. Only when, ordinarily, there is a grammatical taboo on ordering the words “privilege,” “exceptionalism,” “entitlement” and so on in the same sentence with “white” – then racialised cultural hegemonic hypocrisy is rife.
Having raised the topic only to defend it; he then descends into the ordinary anti-ecology of free-market totalisation apologism whichever is the currency of innate liberal protectionism. One liberally-managed man-of-colour who is in no such delusion about the ‘white’ origin of political power is Achille Mbembe who sees the global ‘free-market’ ordering of life and death as necessarily “necropolitical” or “necropower”. Of course, there is no rendering of his entire scope in a comment; but it can be sloganeered as:
The victim-methodology that is emerging hereafter is attempting to rewrite market-economic history to legitimise market-behaviour as mostly benevolent – when the mostly “great white way” is all about the apotheosis of absentee violence whichever nobody ever saw, heard, or said anything about.
This is rapidly becoming the “Eichmann Defence” of the totalisation of globally organised liberal economic order-liberalism – “It was not me. I never actually killed anybody” – but the globalised “death-world” is the resulting consequent of one’s owned economic activity. The requisite “I was only following the established liberal order” could be added….
Thereafter: the economic destruction of the world is actualising in real-time; the world-alienation of the dehumanised Rest — on the necropolitical basis of epidermalised economic discrimination — is structural, functional and instrumentally invisibilised source of white consumer empowerment whichever is driving both the economic and ecologic apocalypse that apparently very few can see as reality. There are no bad outcomes of the ending of this chaotic and despotic economic disorder.
If talking about the whitewashed “innocence of the agenda” – better ask an excluded man-of-colour like Fannon or Mbembe (although Agamben’s account is not strictly racialised – it is pretty clear who consumes the good life and who produces the good life by becoming economically displaced, disgraced, ‘sacred’, killable and dependent on the market-methodological “bare life” – subjected by the vitae necisque potestas – the globalised “Great-White-Male-Christian” power of our life over their unseen, unheard, unspoken of death.)
per usual, a brilliant rebuttal to above article. Keep them coming! RGB-Y3 out!!
As I tried to point out in my comments above:
Beware. Too much knowledge may make you ‘world-weary.’
Bring it on.
My Open Letter to Jewish Quislings
You don’t seem to understand that, by invoking Amalek, Netanyahu was announcing the end of even Israel’s tolerance for Judaism as a religious tradition. Or… wait, did you think he was serious? Did you honestly forget to read the news upside-down?
Cf. Ireland, which went from self-identifying as Catholic to self-identifying as atheist over two short years of “social distancing.” This is Israel’s fate. Amalek cannot be put back in his bottle, Israel is not even trying. If anything, they’re censoring any attempted walk-backs of the rhetoric.
You should start to make your peace with the loss of any and all cultural and religious justifications for Israel’s right to exist. The ancient justification will have to suffice from now on: might makes right. Even borrowed might makes right until the loan is called in.
When the loan comes due, I’d suggest that Israel lever up somehow. Maybe it could try to package its moral and war debt with a bunch of other collateralized liabilities into an exotic derivative, rate the instrument as triple-A, and sell it to some sucker for more than was paid for it. But remember: Israel paid everything for it! Israel traded everything it ever had for a restricted deed on another man’s home, and then, in a frenzied attempt to clear away the intolerable easements, covenants and rights-of-way, Israel gave away everything it never had, and anything it might one day have earned.
A time machine would have been a better investment.
I liked you better when you sang with the Stones.
So this is you?:
I see even Wikipedia seem to be experiencing some cold feet with this one:
You forgot straight. White, straight, christian, men: Bane of the world.
At least, they keep telling us.
They are eating their own, however. Those on the left, that is. (As predicted by Dan Bongino)
It’s happening.
Embracing every “special interest” group for political power has backfired as evidenced by antisemitic/pro Palestine demonstrations happening everywhere. Tens of thousands were in the streets of New York and the MSM wasn’t covering it.
Our only hope for regaining control and restoring normalcy.
A recent story in the alternative news: Homeland security invited a team of “Academics” to create a “backdoor” for censorship to further undermine free speech. Joyously, Academia jumped in with both feet.
The same Academia advising the WEF and the United Nations.
Weird isn’t it?
And I chose to borrow or co borrow 1/3 of a million dollars to send my children to college. Active loans still in the repayment phase 20 years later……
And Biden is still actively trying to figure out a way to turn their loans into grants.
Could there be a connection?
Straight? So this is also wrong.
White and gay (or trans) is okay, according to the rule book of leftists. Just like losing your ball on a tee shot. You have to go back to the tee, hitting a 3 instead of a 1. Not knowing the rules leads to more strokes. (No pun intended. Or was it?)
Contrary to propaganda, backdoors have always corrupted any ICT US had any influence on. Upstart Huawei had the temerity to refuse to provide such a backdoor.
I’ve given up on the system, or any of its mirrors, right down to this one.
Who even cares about Twitter?
Censorship is utterly insane. The echo chamber, filter bubble is intended to put people into ghettoes, to be monetised by big data. It is the opposite of encouraging discourse. It is categorising people into castes so that an ignorant but entitled elite can claim to be the Brahmin.
The ‘alt media’ limps along in the hope of subscribers and shekels. Morally, that is unsustatinable.
The only honest path is to turn your back on monetisation and speak truth – not to power, fuck power – just speak truth.
For what it’s worth: I don’t have many bookmarks left after the propaganda purges of the last few years, but your blog is one of them. I found you through the comments on this site earlier this year. You write with exactly the right mix of eloquence, rage, and early insight.
I agree about monetization. It would be nice if that model could work, but it can’t — not in the world as it exists. Do it like Diogenes did it, moneycircus.
You’re blog is monetized isn’t it? Don’t you have stuff behind a paywall? At least this place doesn’t do that
What is truth worth if you cant speak Mr. Anderson”? Let me tell you about truth:
Why did US Fed, EU Central Banks, JP Morgan, BIS, EMF have yearly meetings in Atlantic Council, NATO’s side wing, the last 8 years? Big Banks with US Military??
Very very unusual.
We are living within a global hybrid war, a component of which will be the collapse of the banking, money, and payments systems globally. War aims will be achieved by means other than kinetic war.
The foremost aim of the people who have privately controlled the central banks and money creation is that they will remain in power, forever.
They can risk no pockets of resistance. 58 VIII Bank Holiday Augustin Carstens is the general manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). One can see the following comments of his, which have “gone viral”, just after the twenty-four minute mark in the video of the virtual meeting titled Cross-Border Payments [48]: “We don’t know . . . who’s using a $100 bill today and we don’t know who’s using a 1,000 peso bill today.
The key difference with the CBDC is the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and also we will have the technology to enforce that.”
In other words: CBDC means absolute control. And so, if the “old” money system somehow collapses, new money will be provided by the central banks in the form of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), the new and improved control system.
Imagine . . . it is chaos. You have lost everything but your smart phone (If you don’t have one, don’t worry—you will be issued one.) You will download an app. You will click boxes agreeing to everything.
You will become increasingly indebted with each payment you make using the CBDC you are “given” on your phone. You will be told what to do and what not to do from then on. You will comply if you want to eat.
(ref. David Webb, The Great Taking).
‘Unsustatinable???’ ‘Statins???’ Just say ‘No!’
I don’t think the system functions by emphasising the “innocence ” or “goodness” of the leaders. Hardly anyone would buy that. No, the system dishes up a watered down version of the leaders’ “badness” I.e. presenting them as unfailingly greedy and bloated but also stupid.
It’s not about raising a populace that is gulliblly trusting but “gulliblly untrusting” I.e. People whose vanity is appealed to via their (watered down) scepticism.
After all, the fundamental ideal of citizenship is the supposedly smart individual who is no one’s fool. And that’s how the propaganda works.
Speaking of which I just got dragged into a twitter match with a bunch of hopeless dupes who haven’t a clue they are being stirred up. You hit them with the fucking obvious and they react with utter incomprehension. You have departed from the script and they have no idea how to respond. You end up being sucked into their impotence.
Totally agree with both your posts here, but it’s a bit too nuanced for a lot of people. Takes too much effort to process and keep processing as events unfurl. Easier to just grab an “alt” opinion off the rack and stick with that. You don’t have to use too much energy but still get to feel smart and plugged in.
Link here:
This started from a now regularly disappointing badge of approval given by Graham Linehan to a transgender rejector (good!) who then sequed into the “antisemitism” mantra (bad!)
Granted that I may have sprung too much “radicalism” in there halfway through the customary phony dissident bullshit.
Well that’s a depressing read.
Pure Evil
True Evil – Thanks To Max Igan of The Crow House – Thank You Brother !!! (
I know Max personally. So I had to watch every last bloody bit of it. Max seems stunned, but who wouldn’t be.
Belief in the goodness of rulers is probably distinctly Canadian – I don’t think it applies in the US or in Europe. According to polls, levels of distrust of politicians and the media are very low. The alien psyop is trying to weaponise that distrust. The problem, as convid showed, is that too many can still be stampeded by fear porn into forgetting their rational distrust.
A machine as old as this ruling appartus is going to have more than one line of defence. Others include the fake binary (“it’ll be better if only my lot can get in”), planned incompetence and randomness (as advocated by Alan Moore in that quotation I cited on another recent thread). The last is particularly toxic because it encourages its advocates into a belief that they are highly sophisticated – and like all of them, it has some element of truth in it.
Some in government genuinely believe they are doing good, a change of parties does make some difference (although precious little now), there is incompetence and shit does happen. None of these is incompatible with a hidden hand trying to guide things in certain directions – nor is it incompatible with the notion that they sometimes act pro-actively and aren’t always going to wait for events to take advantage of.
The many layers of corruption are so thick you can’t even see through them.
When I was a child, I got a number from the Dutch authorities, a socalled ‘so-fi nummer’, so-fi standing for social and fiscal.
Some time ago they changed the name of this number into ‘Burger Service Nummer’ (Burger is citizen). Ever since I wondered if it was the government giving service to its citizens, or us giving service to the government..
Lately I feel certain its the second option. I see it as one of the examples of a rare honesty from our (very often total unreligious men with long noses) rulers. They seem to think they are so powerful, they don’t have to hide it anymore?
I wonder how Israel are mitigating their carbon bootprint, just asking.
By vaxxing away their population, just like the West.
Just like Hamas – because real anti-establishment “terrorists” would totally do that. It’s like ISIS helpfully curtailing operations during lockdown!
How do we know they were even jabbed!
Can’t see it happening Todd.
Australia’s middle class at least, are addicted to their SUVs, air-conditioning, overseas travel, meat, fast foods etc.
It would take a massive upheaval to take those luxuries away, or even ration them.
During the Plandemic the only one that was severely curtailed was overseas
The WEF and its cronies have bitten off more than they can chew.
The middle class of the world will not give up their ‘rights’ without a fight
ha they keeled over mostly and lost their businesses in droves a few years ago with hardly a murmur
They are fat now. Swimming in money as a reward for taking all the jabs. Good boys.
The moment they have a digital ID, digital wallet and a personal QR code, walking around like zombies with a finger pointing down to their smart phone, they are trapped and can never get out again. They will die when TPTB want it.
How much you want to bet?
They literally just did, three and a half years ago.
They’ll do it again.
Many small businesses went down the gurgler….
Many of us come across like (new) converts
to a religion, and as proselytisers…We even
have our Truths, and cant understand why
the non-believers (aka – the majority / the
sheep / the deplorables) cant see The Truth
we speak to them…
We warn about The 2030 Agenda (aka – The
End Times), and warn about the Arch-Demon
Klaus Schwab, and his sinister minions at
The WEF…
There is not a single government on Earth which has kept their “climate pledges,” including providing the funding to “combat climate change.” Not one. Not in North America, not in Europe. Not even in Scandinavia or Japan..
That’s about all anyone needs to know.
We are STILL awaiting evidence that human activity causes global warming, after 30 years surely that must be possible? Or perhaps there is no evidence merely BS.
It is bullshit!
Or that 8 billion is the maximum number of sustainable humans on EARTH.
The subtext of the Julian Simon (look him up) soundalikes on this and similar sites seems to be that Malthus was 100% wrong that there is no limit to human population on Earth; that if commodities consequently get scarce, human ingenuity will find a way to invent new materials and methods because the price of the old ones will have risen so much due to scarcity; that the Ecology 101 narrative of how the numbers of foxes and rabbits fluctuates in a forest according to time-staggered, reciprocating curves of breeding and predation is a myth with no implications for human life on Earth.
The Artist of the Freedom movement Bob Moran has a nice cartoon showing the sort of Green leafy unpolluted future he envisages, complete with a hetero nuclear family (they are white too) having a picnic.
I wonder how he stands in relation to my para. 1.?
You cant say to people they are stupid. You have to wrap it into a polite thesis.
Therefore Malthus didnt meant overpopulation of the 8 billion but overpopulation of stupid people dragging all the wise guys down in their smut. Eugenics.
The problem is these Eugenic people have showed nothing from all their attempts, social engineering and experiments.
The outcome of their experiments and now trans-humanism are even more stupid than what we had before. A cyborg or drone is funny? No.
No one can compete with the prevailing design of nature.
Interesting, can you furnish evidence that Malthus”did not mean overpopulation” and so would have been happy to achieve 8 billion clever people?
Rancourt shows 17m dead from the jabs already and lower birth rates in all jabbee countries, this does not look to me “more stupid than what we had before” or “nothing from all their attempts”.
In fact. looks like Harari’s payors are doing quite well from their standpoint so far. Optogenetics rules, as it were.
What is “the prevailing design” supposed to mean?
Let us take the last first.
“Prevailing design” is the Creation, the way our earth and universe are designed and constructed.
Our universe is incredible complex and intelligent designed, but easy to understand with a few universal laws.
I think I have the “overpopulation concept” from one of Matthew Ehret’s many heavy lectures about Mathus theory related to Darwin.
Evidence bit difficult to pick out inside these many hours of lectures but the reason I mention it, is because it makes some sense yes?
The infantilization we see in West you can say its due to bad school, ideology, propaganda, but the result is what is stated:
The stupids are in majority and charge and dont allow any flower to get out or up.
This infantilization/stupidity are cannibalising our own specie, we degenerate. Hereof arises Eugenics.
The Eugenic theorist become then the most degenerated. Hereof comes trans-humanism which is the ultimate degeneration of humanity.
So we can agree we are too many stupid on this planet, but which human could improve this situation? Nobody. Only nature (God).
The 17m jab death and lower birth rates are still trifles in the big picture.
China has alone 11 million natural death every year.
But in the same vain, the proof lies in the debt, the amount of debt, its debt fuel growth, and once the debt becomes unsustainable, so is the growth, at like 8 billion people.
It is 40 years since they started this global warming BS
Yes, the Club of Rome concocted it, in the late 1970s/early 1980s (a book on it was published in 1981, around that time. Title…”The limits to growth”?? Not sure whether I have the title correct).
A Canadian called Maurice Strong was, I think, involved in it.
I think it first came up in the 1950s, yes, Club of Rome in Rockefeller Mansion.
Off topic. But I now have definitive proof that de Vere could not have written the Shakespeare plays.
These people are planning 50-100 years ahead, sometime more. Dont ask me why. Maybe they have a deal with the devil.
They don’t work on evidence. Society has been duped into “believing” all sorts of things they’ve been indoctrinated with by the so-called elites since time immemorial. Very few people wake up and leave the herd. Many are persecuted for doing so.
And I keep awaiting the evidence that human activity doesn’t cause global warming. Oh wait: it’s those pesky sunspots. Yeah, there’s a sun; so humans are off the hook. (Life is wonderful when you see it through tautology tinged glasses.)
Their ‘failure’ on this front is designed to scare the shit out of us that not enough is being done, so we all have to step up our efforts- it’s the same as those hard-ons who hate Johnson, Sturgeon, and their govts for not going stealth enough “following the science”, when the truth is staring them in the face that it’s all out and out lies, and THAT’s What should upset them.
The recent article in Wales demonstrates the power of the frown-upon or raised-eyebrow, i know of a friend who is harangued into driving at 20mph through his village of Wrea Green in Lancashire simply by the communication of his neighbours. That’s far worse than a talking head on the telly.