I’m a Jew & I’m NOT a Genocidal Racist — Why Do Israel “Supporters” Keep Telling the World that I Am?
Michael Lesher
Remember the serial murderer who called himself “Son of Sam,” and whose unpredictable homicides terrorized New York City for twelve months some 46 years ago?
If you do, you’ll probably remember the public mortification that convulsed the Jewish world when the killer was apprehended in August 1977 – because his name turned out to be David Berkowitz.
“It was a dark week in New York City” for Jews, wrote Josh Nathan-Kazis about Berkowitz’s arrest in a 2019 retrospective. In fact, so eager were Jews to dissociate themselves from a homicidal maniac that when evidence surfaced that Berkowitz had been adopted as a child, Forward ran that discovery on its front page, exulting that the killer wasn’t really Jewish after all. (Unfortunately for Forward, it turned out that both of Berkowitz’s birth parents actually were Jews.)
I’m not a fan of this sort of bad-for-the-Jews kvetching. But at least it’s predictable. Who needs a murderer for a landsman?
That’s why I’m so flabbergasted about the Jewish celebrities who have taken to the hustings over the last few weeks not only to embrace Israel’s mass murder of the civilians of Gaza – a slaughter that makes Berkowitz’s eight homicides look like a practical joke – but have even insisted that all Jews feel the same way.
What do they think they’re doing? It’s bad enough that these Jews want to display their moral turpitude to the world. But do they really have to slander the rest of us into the bargain?
Actress-turned-Israeli-propagandist Mayim Bialik is typical of the bunch. Lecturing a social media audience on October 27, Ms. Bialik purported to explain to the world “what your Jewish friends are experiencing” whenever they see demonstrators calling for an end to Israel’s mass murder in Gaza, or for the liberation of over two million people from what the Israeli sociologist Baruch Kimmerling called “the world’s largest concentration camp ever.”
And what did they experience?
Shame that such crimes were being committed in the name of a “Jewish” state? Relief that so many of the protesters (as, for instance, at Grand Central Station in New York City) were themselves Jewish?
No, according to Ms. Bialik, Jews weren’t fazed by the bloodbath in which Israel was drowning Gaza – a slaughter that had obliterated more than 6,000 lives, nearly half of them children, by the time she took to social media – but they were really, really upset about people who objected to the massacre.
Criticism of Israeli brutality, Bialik insisted, was “a strain of anti-Semitism that is alive and well.”
Unsurprisingly, given that the “facts” she reported came straight from Israeli propaganda, much of Bialik’s rant was sheer nonsense. (No one at UCLA, for instance, chanted “We want a Jewish genocide.”) But for the moment I’m more interested in the logical inferences to be drawn from her comments about “the Jews.” If objecting to Israel’s crimes against humanity offends “the Jewish people,” it follows that “the Jewish people” endorse those crimes.
And that can only mean one thing: that if Bialik is right, Jews are criminals. All of them. Just because they are Jews. Honestly, can there be a more anti-Semitic claim than that?
And just in case anyone missed her point, Bialik ended her homily by boasting that the State of Israel (her “homeland,” the San Diego-born Bialik called it) is now a cozier fit for Jewish consciences than a country where people are allowed to protest against genocide.
Wow. With friends like Bialik, why would Jews need any enemies?
Not to be outdone – and as the civilian death toll in Gaza passed the 10,000 mark – Batya Ungar-Sargon, deputy opinion editor at Newsweek, appeared on Fox News to lament that she was struggling in a “sea of anti-Semitic media and bigotry” and that all American progressives want to “kill the Jews.” (Like Bialik, Ungar-Sargon has had a remarkably successful career in a professional environment in which she claims that everyone hates her – but who’s counting?)
Egged on by her interviewer, Ungar-Sargon wasted no time seconding Alan Dershowitz’s asseveration that “liberal Jews” will never vote for anyone who doesn’t embrace Israel’s mass murder in Gaza.
So Batya Ungar-Sargon, like Mayim Bialik, has effectively accused all Jews – even “liberal Jews” – of supporting an openly-declared Israeli genocide policy. Another whiner about factitious “anti-Semitism,” Ungar-Sargon is actually spouting the real thing.
Even more unhinged in her bigotry was Allison Josephs, who runs an Orthodox Jewish website called “Jew in the City.” Ms. Josephs was invited to speak about anti-Semitism as part of a Los Angeles-based panel for Variety. But the tantrum she threw there may have surprised even Hollywood professionals, who probably aren’t used to being scolded for not reflecting enough Jewish influence.
And that was just the beginning.
“You have students on college campuses marching with Hamas,” a breathless Ms. Josephs hectored them. “They’re on the side of baby-beheadings, and burning Holocaust survivors [sic], and gang-raping women.” (Weirdly, Josephs blamed this on the movies – because, don’t you know, too many Jewish characters are “super-white” and affluent.)
Adopting the Nazi position that Jews are a race – “it’s in our DNA” – Josephs went on to claim that Jews cannot be “colonizers” of Palestine because they are “the indigenous people to the Middle East.”
What are normal people to imagine when a fuming wingnut who thinks antiwar protesters want to cut the heads off babies, and defends ethnic cleansing as a consequence of “Jewish DNA,” presents herself as an exemplar of “the Jewish people”? I can tell you this much: if her audience takes Ms. Joseph’s grotesque manqué of Judaism for the real thing, so much the worse for the rest of us.
All three of the women I have quoted describe themselves as religious Jews. And each of them, at some time in the past, has fidgeted about the public image of her coreligionists (who are also mine).
Yet all three have been guilty of venomously anti-Semitic remarks – and I doubt that they’re even aware of it. Such is the power of propaganda, and the need of a guilty conscience to scapegoat others when the alternative is an uncomfortable look in the mirror.
But please: let’s call things by their right names.
Propagandists like Bialik, Ungar-Sargon and Josephs are not only flacks for apartheid and genocidal violence. They are a disgrace to the things they claim to value most. By equating Judaism with crime, they are guilty of the very bigotry they claim to be opposing.
Michael Lesher is an author, poet and lawyer whose legal work is mostly dedicated to issues connected with domestic abuse and child sexual abuse. His latest nonfiction book is Sexual Abuse, Shonda and Concealment in Orthodox Jewish Communities (McFarland & Co., 2014); his first collection of poetry, Surfaces, was published by The High Window in 2019. A memoir of his discovery of Orthodox Judaism as an adult – Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a “Born-Again” Jew – was published in September 2020 by Lincoln Square Books.
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We’ve heard for decades that “anti-zionism is the same thing as anti-semitism.” As this article points out, it is quite remarkable how few self-identified “Jews” bother to contradict this claim. We may logically infer that the very large majority actually believe that the genocidal fascism and racism of their zionist “homeland” are natural expressions of Jewish identity.
When people show you what they are, you should believe them.
Israel Shahak — Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years
Ron Unz — Oddities of the Jewish Religion
Well, too, to be fair, they are historically a people (some serious overlap between Judaism and ethnicity involved here) who have been behind the 8 ball (a hard place and Iraq) for millennia.
“covidiot” wrote: “We may logically infer that the very large majority actually believe that the genocidal fascism and racism of their zionist “homeland” are natural expressions of Jewish identity.”
That is a deeply oversimplified “logic.” People are people, and Jews like all other groups present a continuum of many types.
You really present a false equivalency, giving way too little weight to a shared sense of being targets in the crosshairs of way too many anti-s.
As an outcome, there is a shared vulnerable sense amongst many Jews, and no doubt there are many hawk Zionists, who may or may not be Jews, who exploit that vulnerability in a whole variety of ways, for all kinds of agendas.
Sounds a lot like USAmerica too. Just for starters!
The President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster, does not see Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as a legitimate political partner for Germany. Speaking to Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (Wednesday editions), Schuster cited Erdogan’s support for the terrorist organization Hamas after the attack on Israel as a reason: “Anyone who not only denies Israel’s right to exist, but actively fights against it, cannot be a partner for German politics.”
It is about Erdogan’s upcoming state visit, who, as we all know, represents a not insignificant proportion of civic occupants of a foreign-controlled construct that illegitimately calls itself “Germany”. One thing is completely out of question: what “policy” the so-called government of so-called Germany pursues (or refrains from pursuing) is not determined by its so-called “elected representatives”, but solely and exclusively by the Central Council of Jews (in personification of Schuster).
P.S. Of course, this is all just highly mendacious and hypocritical, because who in the world needs such false “friends”? (Only Israel! Because only Israel doesn’t care whether its “friends” are total liars and hypocrites, as long as it is able to assert its power, dominance, rights and interests at the expense of all these embarrassing honorless wimps and failures.)
The unresisting submission of the (anti-)German functional elite to Israel’s dictates is, psychologically speaking, a kind of passive-aggressive defiant reaction familiar from a (seemingly) powerless victim against a (seemingly) all-powerful perpetrator: “You can rape me and take what you want, but you’ll never get real love and honest commitment from me!” There has been a kind of tacit agreement to only ever say yes, without ever even considering a no, because anything else would be considered “anti-Semitic” anyway.
“Never again” means:No more genocide, slow motion or massacre-style. Ever. No more involuntary medical experiments. No more persecution of a group of people, be it through economic austerity, sanctions, inferior public education, exorbitant college tuition, out-of-reach housing prices, chemically-tainted and genetically-altered food, medical industry hijacking for patent profits, global governance bodies like the WHO that seek to override national and individual sovereignty, no more travel restrictions and check points, no more war on people. Either you stand for “never again” or you are for genocide.
Are you saying that all psychopaths must reform?
A girl can dream. They have a patent for everything else except curing their own disease.
Human Rights Lawyer PROVES Israel Is Committing GENOCIDE
I’d love to see Katie Halper debate Mayim Bialik.
There’s a great deal of psyop about this Israel-Hamas false flag, but I don’t see how the following could have been an intended outcome. The Gateway Pundit went full-on Zionist following the “attacks” and has been publishing articles like that below. However, judging from the comments section, they appear to have tapped into overwhelmingly contrarian viewpoints in their readership. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/11/another-billionaire-donor-is-abandoning-far-left-columbia Another Billionaire Donor is Abandoning Far Left Columbia University Over Anti-Semitism on Campus Nov. 10, 2023 In October, billionaire Leon Cooperman announced live on FOX Business that he would no longer donate money to Columbia University over the pro-Hamas demonstrations that were taking place there. He said that the students have s**t for brains. Now another billionaire named Henry Swieca is pulling his support from the school for the same reasons. This is a very loud wake up call for higher education in America. This is how things get changed. When these far left indoctrination factories see their funding dry up, they might finally get the message that people are tired of this. — Some top upvoted comments Where were the millionaires when they mandated young college kids to get the jab? Owning stock in Pfizer? A leftist abandoning something that he helped create but now because it’s a threat to him, he’s out. He’ll just go someplace else, do the same thing all over again, and watch the same results. But these billionaires had no problem with whites getting kept out of college and discriminated against. They only got concerned when it was their own religion that got targeted. The billionaires withdrawing their “largesse” NOW are too late. They’re now in horror that our universities have churned out students not just favoring Communism but actually capable of riots, violence & terrorism aimed at THEM, not just conservatives. The Ivy… Read more »
With ever-greater numbers of closet anti-Semites crawling out of the proverbial woodwork to wave the obligatory Anti-Zionist flag,…
… it’s worth pausing to consider what ‘zionism’ actually is. Or rather what it should be. The 1948 setting up of a State? Land grabs? Wrong. It’s origins go much deeper.
Zion. Historically, the fortress captured by King David, which grows into ‘Jerusalem’. The Ark of the Covenant (containing the 10 Commandments) being placed on its holy hill.
But Jerusalem makes an appearance far earlier, as ‘Salem’ in Genesis (Gen 14:18). A name which means ‘peace’ (Compare ‘shalom’).
This was when the mysterious character, Melchizedek, King of Salem, meets Abraham, first blessing and then being honored by the latter. Abraham, father of Ishmael (from whom came the Arabs) and the father of Isaac (from whom came Jacob, later renamed ‘Israel’). So this Melchizedek, King of Salem blesses and is honored by the father of the Arabs and Israel.
A more literal transliteration of Melchizedek would be ‘malkiy-tsedek‘.
‘Malkiy‘ meaning ‘king of’ (from ‘melek‘, ‘king’) and ‘tsedek‘ meaning righteous(ness). A King of Righteousness. The hyphen (or maqqeth) being there in the Hebrew, which makes the sense even clearer.
So, a King of Peace and King of Righteousness, who (according to the verse) brings forth bread and wine and is priest of God Most High. Who might this remind you of? (cf Heb. 7)
But for Christians the concept of Zion also goes beyond the purely historical/physical to a heavenly hope. The hope for a future heavenly city (cf Rev 21).
Perhaps something to consider, the next time you see Zionism used in its populist, derogatory sense.
I love the literate background you’ve provided. But, realistically, that literacy will not permeate the *good German* cowards who hide behind *I don’t hate Jews, just Zionism* as their politically correct shield…to say they hate Jews.
And a “salvific” footnote on how all of that played out, and always does before and beyond us now, is powerfully and deeply elaborated in Romans 11, an excerpt which I copied downthread a few posts, our 1st reading at RC Mass just last Saturday.
Thanks for your exegesis, standard scriptural and “historical” orthodoxy, as s concise review of all the roots, as it fills out [by necessity!] the transcendent context for all that with which we now muddle in practical hourly terms (con)currently.
Though the demented Israeli politicians and religious leaders, and the subversive diaspora (including dual citizens), are a scourge, the far bigger problem is the zombified Christians now reacting as progrmmed, who may number over half a billion. The biggest traitors are the leaders who facilitate (a) dual citizens (b) uncontrolled immigration that follows economic, subversive or military imperialism.
A lot of this ongoing ageless issue in Israel [et al.] revolves around history covered by the truly seminal writings of “The Apostle” [Paul, né Saul] and an historically very influential passage from his Letter to the Romans, chapter 11, which we heard again last Saturday as part of the regular schedule planned out ages ago for RC Mass [the bold print is mine]: Reading 1 Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29 Brothers and sisters: I ask, then, has God rejected his people? Of course not! For I too am a child of Israel, a descendant of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God has not rejected his people whom he foreknew. Do you not know what the Scripture says about Elijah, how he pleads with God against Israel? Hence I ask, did they stumble so as to fall? Of course not! But through their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make them jealous. Now if their transgression is enrichment for the world, and if their diminished number is enrichment for the Gentiles, how much more their full number. I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you will not become wise in your own estimation: a hardening has come upon Israel in part, until the full number of the Gentiles comes in, and thus all Israel will be saved, as it is written: The deliverer will come out of Zion, he will turn away godlessness from Jacob; and this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins. In respect to the Gospel, they are enemies on your account; but in respect to election, they are beloved because of the patriarch. For the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable Emphasis on irrevocable. This explains the… Read more »
I meant to bold the part about “a hardening” too, or just all of it, so relevant currently.
But not the irony, that shouts out loud on its own, as already embedded for centuries, take it however which way you choose!
But you make the all too common mistake of equating jews with actual, historical Israel. Even the jews themselves admit in their own writings such as the jewish Almanac that they are NOT Biblical Israelites nor Hebrews. Its all an identity theft to dupe the goy.
That’s under-informed.
They’re not criminals, but they ARE flat out racists who have killed far more of the people they hate than the KKK ever aspired to. And prior to that for the last 50 years the Israelis have been bombing hospitals and destroying schools as well as making life a living hell for the Palestinians unfortunate enough to have stayed in their ancestral homeland.
I’m interested in your definition of ‘criminal’ that does not include this behavior?
Michells Salzman
Another she devil utters evil. “All of them”.
In my rich and varied travels through the wondrous realm of twitter/X, I stumbled on the story of one Naama Levy. She is apparently one of the Israel hostages who were dragged off. See here: https://www.thejc.com/news/news/300-000-protestors-descend-on-london-for-armistice-day-march-while-british-jews-stay-home-4EcPTEsODRmHJNIkGuj1cl Note the “predictive” nature of the reporting: “It is hard to forget the footage of 19-year-old Naama Levy being manhandled into a jeep in Gaza, her hands tied behind her back and her grey tracksuit covered in blood on the bottom.” “It is hard to forget…” Right away the reader’s reactions are laid out. And look at the ingredients of the tale: She “was a peace activist dedicated to promoting values of mutual understanding between Israelis, and Palestinians” and (wait for it, wait for it!) “Naama is also the great-granddaughter of Holocaust survivors from Poland and a triathlete, who also spent her time volunteering for underprivileged kids”. …..ah …. it’s difficult to keep going here. Such is the painful contrivance of it. But of course, the reporter still can’t trust her readership to have cottoned on. And so, “….it was a “horrible irony” that many of those kidnapped by Hamas were engaged in peace activities between Israelis and Palestinians.” And – Jesus!: “Naama’s mother Ayelet Levy Shachar fought back tears as…..” But here’s the meat: “You can’t go around not seeing that footage somewhere because they kept showing it in a loop.” So have a look then …. What do you see? About a second of some girl – who may even be the same one! – being pulled out of a car. And then the scene behind her goes all woozy and “kidnapped by Hamas” flashes up. Then we switch into some old footage of her “wanting peace” before resuming the bit where she is dragged off with the stain on her bottom prominent. And… Read more »
Check out the flyer poster campaign in the city’s and towns of what hamas have done.
I worked out there was no one left in isasel as they’ve all been kidnapped.
My favorite poster was hamas even kidnapped a dog that belonged to a disabled child.
When it comes to milking it. No one does it like the chosen lot.
Thank you sir for your honesty and courage
Thankyou for that comment. I have always argued that the problem is Israel not Judaism.
Israelis are not indigenous to Palestine. My family has Irish heritage, but we have not lived there for 3 generations. What madness would claim that I can return to Ireland, evict a family from its home and move in. An Israeli madness does that.
You cannot even answer a post on Awf-G without Knacht, Schwartz and Co putting you into pending.
My aunt was Schwartz, BTW, from Manchester, from a prominent [don’t say it] family.
But to talk like that is like Anthony Blinken and Anthony Mayorkas who begin every speech with “My family died in the ….
Comment ain’t free.
Well you certainly seem free to comment, some might say to excess. I’m not sure how much we gain from reading these rants of yours – but here they very much are.
can any one tell me how to edit or delite a post ? thank you
If the word Jewish puts a post into pending, why raise the topic at all?
Isn’t it honestly a 2% obsession projected onto the world?
Categories is the language of war. It is the colonial perspective.
Humanity sees people as individuals.
I don’t understand what that means. Are you being Woke? Why is it wrong to call people Jewish?
It is for you to answer… not to put words in my mouth.
I said… if Jewish is a third rail… electric.. and only applies to 2% of the population.. . why raise it at all.
No, MC is not being woke. Woke IS categorization, the relentless need to label people as one thing or another, and then seeing some of “those people” as enemies without knowing one damned thing about them other than the categorization our owners have bestowed on them. That is the language of war, in a nutshell. Divide and conquer.
This article prompts me that I never, ever, perceived Son of Sam, or David Bercowitz, as Jewish. It never occurerd to me.
It was one of that spasm of 1970s serial killers – a segue between the spate of airline hijackings in early 70s, and the school shootings that followed.
In retrospect, hijackings, serial killers then school shooters may have been copy cat, or they may have been deep state contrivance. I really have no idea.
What I know is that I only have this perspective because, at 62, that was my life.
BTW I am very pleased to see college-age youth waking up so rapidly.
Now this is an instructive little lecture: https://twitter.com/leahmcelrath/status/1721959767315263709 This is Ruth Wisse, a hard line neo-con Zionist (which serves as a conceptual link to Douglas Murray and his ferocious “war on terror” rhetoric). Isn’t she terrifying? Here is my own transcript of part of her sinister little pep talk. And it is one hell of a cold shower!: “And you’ll say what? You want us to make you look good? That’s not my job. Your job is to make us look good.” (points to herself) “Our job is not to make you look good, American Jews.” (And listen to the contempt in her voice!) “What do you have to worry about? Your job is to make us look good. And here’s how you do it. Every one of us has to serve three years in the army, two years, some of us five years and then for the rest of our lives. You have got to serve two or three years in the army of words. You’ve got to learn to fight the political battle which is even more important at this point than the military battle. We’ll fight the military battle. … You’ve got to learn to fight back on the campuses, how to make the arguments ….and you know how we train in the army? We don’t train for defensive warfare. If the war for Israel had to be fought on Israeli soil – do I have to tell you? It’s an impossibility …. Don’t let the war of words ever be fought about Israel’s nature. Let it be fought over why you can’t accept Israel.” The message could not be clearer. There is no room for argument here! The ones she is calling on exist only to wage a war of words for Israel. No pause. No… Read more »
I see more people now saying the point is division and distraction and I agree and it’s gratifying to see people waking to new realities. However I think it may be even one step more cynical and diabolical. I believe from what I see that we may soon witness a “flip of the script”. I believe Israel may soon be dropped by everyone but the so-called “alt right” who will elect to go down with her ship. I believe the majority of the media will fall behind the so-called “silent majority” of ordinary people and begin more and more to condemn Israel. Eventually the politicians will “reluctantly” follow suit, Israel will be condemned in the UN and there will be promises of punishment, war crime trials etc. I believe this may be presented to the masses as a “triumph for the common man”, and we will all be flattered that our protests and righteous anger have prevailed. But in reality this will all have been planned. On the back of this I believe the controlled independent media will join with the “enlightened” mainstream in calls for action to be taken to prevent such abuses as those done by Israel ever happening again. This will be presented to us as a “new age of accountability and direct democracy”, which will be a lie. I believe the masses will support this in the false belief a new age of hope is dawning. In reality I believe this will be when Agenda 2030 begins to be seriously introduced and large central authority given to the UN or perhaps a newly created body at first in the pretence of holding nations accountable and only later will the truth become obvious to all, but by then too late. I do not claim this will definitely… Read more »
You know that chimes with what people are saying about the mainstream showing the Gaza situation with sympathy which, yeah, they are doing. I thought they are just trying to keep the pot stirring but maybe not. Maybe they are gonna pull a bait and switch on us.
I really do hope not because I think what you describe would fool most people totally. It sounds diabolical and like something they would do.
There are definite signs that this is probably the case, that the mood is changing as you describe. The BBC and the Metropolitan Police are clearly reflecting/starting to reflect this.
If I understand correctly, if the Palestinian people get their State and Israel is somehow blamed or sanctioned in any way, that may be a step toward Agenda 2030. If, on the contrary, Israel keeps its international position and the West get out of this crisis more or less intact, perhaps making some concessions to Palestinians but without solving the problem, meaning continued violence in the Middle East, it wouldn’t be any better because conflicts will continue. So we may summarize this line of thinking as follows: in whatever direction History avances would be a step toward the Agenda 2030. In these circumstances, if we always frame events (we always can) as conducive to the same ultimate destination, why waste time thinking and writing articles, essays, critiques, at all? Why not give up making nuances and contrasts and analysing conflicts, it after all whatever happens is framed as provoked by “them” to get to their objetives? I can’t imagine how human spirit can coexist with such a lack of faith in humanity as life, and thus, as essentially the unexpected and unpredictable, the death but also life; it’s like watching the same black-and-white movie again and again and again: we know what to expect; it has no twists, no life, no novelty, no astonishment and no hope. I think this “Party line” is prompted by a too strong attachment to our historical, petty, finite, physical, individual and subjective life, as the precious center wherefrom everything is appreciated, instead of from the long existing historical duration, the species-being: things don’t seem to go the way our petty individuality wants, not in one year, one decade or one century; we lament that we shall depart this life without having seen things changing course in the slightest, not perhaps even for the next… Read more »
No. Palestinian people deserve their homeland of course. But I think the narrative I describe will only pretend to have that as a goal. Rather than freeing Gaza the intent will be to make the world one big Gaza. I believe we are in danger of seeing Agenda 2030 rebranded(?) as a “mass popular movement” and being promoted to us as if we desire and need these things in order to avert future terrible loss of life.
I believe us being alerted to these possibilities may reduce the likelihood of them succeeding
Your scenario is all too plausible, but I’m not sure that this war/genocide in Gaza is sufficient justification for the implementation of the Great Reset/Agenda 2030. At least I hope not. Maybe if it became a wider war they could use it towards that end, but it’s good to be aware of all possibilities.
Why wouldn’t we like them to succeed? In the name of what are we opposing Agenda 2030, to be ascribing everything occurring to an unwanted globalist plan, even as a possibility? In the name of what do we not want what is allegedly being planned? If we say it’s for freedom, then let’s talk about freedom and how it was slowly eroded. I guess that shall lead us to economic considerations, to actors, yes, but, it will turn out, only as a quick mention before getting to the primary factors which are the economic and financial processes and their discussion. But the prevailing attitude is to stop at the actors’ level without even examining the possibility of a current carrying “them” too, and without any attempt to hear what they have to say, through the papers they publish on economic and financial matters, which, needless to say, are not republished and discussed in the alternative media, if we exclude the specialised ones. Oddly enough, they are much more discussed in the mainstream media. A concrete example will suffice: we had on here a few articles on CBDC but none mentioned inflation, zero lower bound, negative interest rates, and their relation to the unemployment. And thus, we frame it all simply as “them” doing it to “us”; a constant lamentation, which however is inconsistent with its assumed purpose (recover our freedom) as it doesn’t look beyond immediate agents of that which it laments against, and what’s more, doesn’t want to look. A subjective lament as Hegel and Adorno describe, full of itself, excessively preoccupied with the short duration, with its own skin, as if the whole humanity were fitted within one’s lifetime, and finding satisfaction in the mere lamenting. That inconsistency is what I object to. Hence, also, the absolute “power”… Read more »
Can you seriously be asking WHY we do not want Agenda 2030 to succeed?
Do you want to be locked in a 15-minute city? Do you want to have your only access to food be through state-approved channels that already showed it is happy to poison us? Do you want how you spend your money to be controlled by the same state/corporate conglomerate? Do you want to have cricket flour and lab-grown meat forced upon you? Do you want to be kept away from natural places and nature’s beauty? Do you want to be surveilled 24/7?
If you say yes then sure for you Agenda 2030 will be a wonderful thing.
None of that. I want the earth open to every human to dwell upon it free as the air, and to eat of its fruits, as the product of their labour.
Now, If you go to the UN website and look for Agenda 2030 objectives as they appear there you will find it is mostly framed in Human Rights language, like no poverty, zero hunger, good health and wellbeing, clean water and sanitation, sustainable cities, etc. On the face of it, it is all good. So why do we not want it?
Meanwhile, this is my answer: I’m not opposed to the objectives of the UN for 2030 but to the means it pretends to use to solve the real world problems, which are those same means that created them in the first place. In other words, the UN is tasking Capital – through capitalist classes – and the States -through governments – to solve problems they themselves had to create. Otherwise, who would be against the stated objectives for 2030? Only, in the manner they propose to solve them, they will only create patches somewhere by worsening things elsewhere. That’s why I object to the Agenda, as it is proposed to be carried out. You see, I have nothing personal against Guterres, or Schwab, or Gates, or Fink, or Zuckerberg, or Dorsey, or Musk, or any politician, as individuals; I’m against the way they operate. We should agitate against the use of Capital to allegedly solve problems it can but worsen. However, not everyone is ready to take the step from “actors” to the economic system as it implies a critique of our civilisation. Many are more confortable with “guilty actors”, even if at this point in time, it is an accepted fact that a change of actors doesn’t change objective conditions of life. So it’s a dead-end then. And one example of this empirical way of “solving” problems is the uberisation of the economy, which took off during the medical charade as part of the economy switched online. Now, it appears, all those people who lost their jobs or never found one and started working as deliveries on bicycles or motorcycles, or using their private cars as taxis are classified in many countries as employed even if they have no health or accident insurance or any other covers at all,… Read more »
Because too much of it plays out in the hard facts and devilish details as NewSpeak.
Or just plain old doubletalk. A real reality check is needed for all of it. Seriously!
“Between the Idea and the reality falls the shadow.”
I hear you, but here’s the thing: “they” very frequently operate in exactly the way described. They set up a false dialectic and no matter which narrative wins, the elements they wanted are included. Today, it’s this militarily & economically aggressive nationalism vs. globalist technocracy & disarmament. What they’re really trying to kill with this are traditional American values, like self-reliance, individualism, and human liberty. That’s the path that gets zero representation and that’s by design.
In the end, the synthesis will be Asian-style or American-style world government & serfdom. Woohoo.
Isn’t it possible that those values as understood in modern societies had anything to do with producing these globalists, wth producing the mindset that is theirs? I ask this as it is the natural thing to ask. When a crime is committed, the Law always tries to find motives. No criminal case is closed with the sole constatation of the criminal act.
This is my principal objection: the reluctance to go beyond the constatation of the facts and the possible identity of the actors; no judge would ever consider the case closed with these elements only.
Counter Attack
The Sayanim counter attack arrived as I expected it would. 43 upvotes !!!
The banksters created the UN which created the apartheid state of Israel so that the ethnostate could be created for Poles and others like the Nut.The banksters rule the world. Only they could have done 9/11 and convid. Only they could enable Jericho 2 to proceed as it is going. Kill Amalek !! Wipe out their children, their animals even.
I can’t help noticing you never seem to attack those on here expressing genuine anti-Palestinian sentiment, yet whenever anyone suggests we should not be manipulated into hating each other you savage them.
Théophile is not defending Israel or promoting violence on the people of Gaza. He agrees with you it is a terrible thing. He is only asking that we look at the possible wider agenda behind why it is happening.
Yet you savage him, as you have savaged everyone else on here attempting to make this point.
Why? Why are you motivated solely to attack people who ask us to consider the wider agenda, or that globalism is manipulating both sides?
This is very strange to me
Quote from author, poet and lawyer Michael Lesher’s article:
’So Batya Ungar-Sargon, like Mayim Bialik, has effectively accused all Jews – even “liberal Jews” – of supporting an openly-declared Israeli genocide policy. ‘
So, what does the article that author, poet and lawyer Michael Lesher links to in order to underpin the claim that there is an “openly declared Israeli genocide policy” say? This:
‘Declaring the start of a “second stage” of Israel’s war on Gaza—which he described as a “holy mission”—Netanyahu said that “you must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible.”’
Taking a reference to the biblical story about Amalek as evidence of an “openly declared” “genocide policy” is as valid, and as intelligent, as taking references to the story of David and Goliath, which happen all the time in various circumstances, for example during the resistance to Covid-restrictions, as evidence of a homicidal policy (‘BREAKING: Third division team caught plotting to kill and decapitate Manchester City players: spoke of “fighting Goliath” during training session for upcoming cup match’). And anyone who is literate beyond being literate in the mere technical sense of being literate should know that much.
Because facts really should be sacred:
There are civilian casualties, but there is no genocide. Even massive civilian casualties do not necessarily constitute a genocide. The state of Israel is not committing genocide, it never has, and there is no evidence whatsoever that that is what it intends to do.
You just got to love it when it’s a Norman Finklestein, masterclass in SPANKING.
Dumb. dumb and dumber, these three careerist types represent much that is wrong with Western media. Little or no experience or knowledge of the world they live in yet are willing participants in an attempt to normalise the crime of genocide. Quite insidious.
If Jews support the bombing and killing of children, then no matter where they live they must understand there are consequences. They cannot hide behind anti-Semitism laws to protect themselves. Its the same as Muslims cheering on the murders of Israelis. Both are of the same evil mentality.
GB and the US are supporting Israel not in a peace initiative but in creating more death and destruction. They do this because Zionists are now a large part of the establishment that controls our countries. In fact they look after Israel better than they do their own. Why is that? That is the question that needs to be answered.
Two posts down from this hysterical rant of yours there’s a post pointing to CNN covering the Israeli killings in Gaza. The poster asks why are CNN covering this sympathetically to Gaza?
Did you read it? Did you watch the video? Did you engage your brain at all to THINK as opposed to REACT like a programmed moron?
WHY are CNN showing pro-Palestinian items as well as pro-Israeli?
WHY are Hollywood celebrities supporting Gaza?
WHY are major institutions doing the same?
Do you think it just might be because polarisation is the aim here?
Do you think people getting rabidly anti-Moslem or anti-Jew and posting hysterical hate-filled rubbish is what they want?
Do you think you and all the morons unthinkingly upvoting your rabble-rousing crap are possibly being played like violins by people much much smarter than you?
But sure, go ahead, demand in your flailing dumbness that people should be punished for their opinions. Not their actions, just their opinions.
Punished for supporting something bad.
Because that won’t backfire or be abused will it, you genius? No, of course not, because you only want the WRONG opinions to be punished. So that’s fine.
Douglas Murray agrees with you about that by the way. He thinks the wrong opinions should be censored.
Only he’d be referring to YOU.
It is you who is being hysterical and probably a zionist drone. Whataboutery is their second line of defense when “antisemitism ” doesn’t work straight away. By using whataboutery they can turn it to anti-semitism. “Why are you focusing on Israel when there are so many other wars going on?”
The person you are attacking did not talk about anyone being “punished” for their “opinions”. That mentality is all yours.
Quote from the post Tilly Petersen is replying to
Where is the “whataboutery”? Seems just common sense you can’t punish people with “consequences” for just thinking evil thoughts. Imagine what our governments would do with that kind of power! It would be 1984!
NO, actually, its YOURS! So there! And–actually–I think YOU are the Zionist shill, actually!
You see how this could go on and on and on ad infinitum, right?
Yes, there is no “hysteria” in the original post.
Do you not understand that punishing a person for killing is completely different than punishing someone for thinking a person should be killed which is what you propose. That is to punish “thought crime” which is a hallmark of tyranny. Please think and do not let yourself be led so easily into foolishness that supports globalism
Your wrong……
Intent or conspiracy carrys a higher sentence in some cases.
Rickypop – For future reference, there are some real dumbasses that just read the first sentence of a writing and think they understand completely what you are saying. That wouldn’t be so bad except many respond, e.g. downvoting or replies that have nothing to do with what you said. Try to make your first sentence a summary of your thoughts, so the lazier readers can follow along.
Israel wants its canal – through Gaza. This might be the main reason why Israel wants to remove Palestinians from Gaza. They have big plans for that area.
It’s not about the bloody canal – which they could build ANY TIME because they control Gazan territory and control Hamas which runs Gaza.
It’s not about the gas – which they could take any time for the same reason
It’s not about zionism which is just a buzz word to get people predictably worked up.
None of that shit matters to the people that came out the woodwork in 2020.
All that they care about is building their neo-feudal globalist prison
which btw will turn the entire world into Gaza.
They started this war and are killing all these people just to create a massive bloodstained diversion of death and chaos and give you something to be mad about and march about and argue about while they go about turning your home town into Gaza forever.
blood canel it has achieved,
Why is this being broadcast on CNN? Why are they letting this nurse on to talk about Israeli murders? To me this is further evidence this is a globalist war in which BOTH sides are being promoted because they do not care which we choose provided we choose one and join in the cycle of hate
We in the “alt” media are censoring a hell of a lot. Why are you in the MSM letting a sliver of trurh through ?
Clearly she doesn’t know what exists exclusively below Gaza hospitals: not just the janitor’s cabinet… The tunnel networks have their centers.
The Israeli army seems to know more as they concentrate on those hospitals – no not to make themselves Nazis in “the world’s” woke view.
During the kings speech there will be a memorial built to remind us all of the horrors of what happened in Germany (just in case we forget) and a new bill is being introduced to combat anti S.
One of my favorite bits was………
Unlicenced cabs will be targeted.
Smart cars (driver free) will be allowed.
Sir kid starver and snake sunak walking in together talking was theatrical as it got..
Larry is at it again. Entering the slaughter house without mask after arriving in an unlicensed cab.
jewish people are no beter or worst than any other human being.
A David Icke says, there are nice, ok and bad people among any community. Also just as many criminals.
What is happening in Gaza is a crime against humanity. Committed by a jewish apartheid state called israel. All its citizen are commited in this crime against humanity as all particiate in tsahal.
And worldwide not all jews agree with or support this crime as there are also nice, human and decent people among jews
The writer needs to conduct some deeper research into David Berkowitz and ‘Son of Sam’.
Even Netflix acknowledged that Berkowitz did not act alone in the killings. See their 2021 series ‘Sons of Sam’ or better yet, read Maury Terry’s ‘The Ultimate Evil’.
Nurse Without Borders witnesses what she saw in the Gaza Hell ignited by Netanyahoo and his wild eyed fanatic regime:
DWB’s is a for profit organ trade organisation invented in France..
RFK JR. had a long series in 2006 on his radio show about the global black market trade on body parts, often “enough” contaminated.
So “Medécins sans Frontières” [French DWB] was doing it legit? Worth looking.
Please stop promoting the official globalist narrative. It’s not “fanatics” on either side doing this. It’s cold, calculation. Sacrificing lives merely to keep us hating each other. When you talk about fanatics you help to hide the real game.
Nevertheless, there are “fanatics” on both sides, millions of them.
Ah! Therein lies the rub. (Of War
At least one big one.
Erik is correct. Médecins sans Frontières as we call them are a 100% globalist/west-controlled organization who are used to extend those policies into “humanitarian” efforts.
Please recall their rôle in Syria and then reflect on why this woman from such an organization is telling the tragedy of Gaza on CNN! It must be because the globalist/west desires the story to reach us. But why?
The Lobby https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lobby_(TV_series) The Lobby is a series of documentaries produced by Al Jazeera that investigate the influence of the Israel lobby in the United Kingdom[1] and in the United States and their relationship to the BDS movement.[2] First series (The Lobby) In the UK, the National Union of Students, Jewish Labour Movement, Union of Jewish Students, Conservative Friends of Israel, Labour Friends of Israel and other UK based pro-Israel groups[3] were profiled. Additionally, the series explores claims of antisemitism in the Labour Party and also the role of MP Joan Ryan. Second series (The Lobby – USA) A US version of the film, on the Israel lobby in the United States, was made, in which an Al Jazeera reporter named James Anthony Kleinfeld had infiltrated several pro-Israel advocacy organizations in Washington, D.C. including Stand With Us, Brandeis Center, The Israel Project, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, the Israel on Campus Coalition, the Zionist Organization of America’s (ZOA) Fuel For Truth, and the Canary Mission. — First Series – UK https://altcensored.com/watch?v=FlyZfNYnUhU All 4 Parts of the series combined. 1: The battle for Britain’s youth In the first of a four-part series, Al Jazeera goes undercover inside the Israel Lobby in Britain. They expose a campaign to infiltrate and influence youth groups, including the National Union of Students, whose president faces a smear campaign coordinated by her own deputy and supported by the Israel Embassy. 2: The training session In part two of The Lobby, Al-Jazeera’s undercover reporter joins a delegation from the Israeli Embassy at last year’s Labor Party Conference. The program reveals how accusations of anti-Semitism were made against key Labor Party members – and how a former official at the Israeli Embassy was upset when her background was revealed. 3: The anti-Semitic trope In part three of… Read more »
Second Series – USA
Episodes: 1-4
Total Runtime: 3:17:40
Channel: Matthew North
From Wikipedia
In late August and early September 2018, leaked portions of the documentary series were aired by several outlets including The Electronic Intifada. In early November, The Electronic Intifada released the four episodes of The Lobby—USA simultaneously with the French media outlet Orient XXI and the Lebanese newspaper Al Akhbar. Al Jazeera issued a statement condemning its release.
Al Jazeera documentary shows pro-Israeli lobby groups organising ‘fake protests’
August 30, 2018
Leaked excerpts from a censored Al Jazeera documentary, released this week, have offered a glimpse into the workings of pro-Israeli lobby groups in the US. Short clips of the documentary said to be four 50-minute episodes long, reveal a number of prominent pro-Israeli conservative think tanks spearheading a fierce campaign against pro-Palestinian activists.
In the clips released by Electronic Intifada, students can be seen boasting about receiving $50,000 dollars “plus benefits” for taking part in fake grassroots protests against pro-Palestinian activists. One of the students described their presence at the demonstration as “astroturfing” – a term used to describe fake political activism, which pretends to be grassroots-based. The same students are later seen holding “pro-Israel” signs at the demonstration.
An expert interviewed in the documentary explained the common tactic used by pro-Israeli groups as taking corporate money and “manufacturing the image of a grassroot movement… by basically paying people to appear as activists”.
Censored Documentary Shows Israel Lobbyists Astroturfing Protest
The Grayzone
Aug 28, 2018
The Grayzone presents exclusive leaked scenes from Al Jazeera’s censored “The Lobby -USA” documentary showing how Emergency Committee for Israel Executive Director Noah Pollak and the Hoover Institution astroturfed an inflammatory protest against the 2016 Students for Justice in Palestine national conference.
And yet the “censored” documentary is available to Grayzone, an outfit with very obvious establishment funding and connections, and it all helps to keep the cycle of hate turning. Pair this to CNN showing the horrors of Gaza on primetime. What is happening is not easy to explain.
As stated above:
Various groups will have had review copies prior to release. And presumably, people at Al Jazeera wanted it released – given that they’d gone to all the trouble of producing it!
Please provide details. I’m genuinely interested!
One of the best kept secrets about the Jews, is their true numbers.
For example when I discovered my own Jewish ancestry, I found that about 1/3 of Dutch surnames are said to be Jewish. Even very common ones, like ‘De Vries’. How is this possible since their official numbers in The Netherlands are low, and Jews mostly married within their own group?
Once I read somewhere there are some laws that say the number of Jews should not be counted. If an estimate is to be given, it should be a far too low number.
This is as it seems because for the Jew to be a perfect scapegoat for the rulers to hide behind, it should be and stay a ‘religious’ minority.
But it gets even worse, the Jewish religion itself is corrupted long ago by the rulers to fit their purposes. Read Gerry’s website for more on this. A quote:
‘The Shabbath chapter of Mishnah & Talmud specifies countless things you may do or not do on Sabbath, since work is forbidden on that day. But šbt “Sabbath” puns with ṣbˀwt “war”, and secretly the very long chapter is really about how to manufacture a war: How to hoax up fake reasons for war, how to stir up the masses for violence, and how palace-bred aristocratic cowards can mingle with the cannonfodder troops without giving away that they’re just pathetic fraudsters.’
Might be relevant in light of the current events in Israel.
Globalists must be rubbing their hands with joy as their carefully crafted plan comes together.
Maybe Hitler had a point?
I think all good Jews died in the camps- look at the founders of Israel- Irgun, Haganah Stern gang.
The eminent, and preeminently interesting, German J*wish psychiatrist Victor Frankl has said in his Auschwitz memoirs that “the best people in the camps were not the survivors.” [OWTTE]
To be cynical – and these times encourage it – Bialik has had her “Mr Spock” moment I.e. “Big Bang Theory” gave her the role she will be remembered for. She was set to drift into obscurity and so this Israel desk thumping may be the last chance she has of prolonging her pitiful career. But it may have the effect of making her BBT contribution seem even more dismal.
Telegraph going large on the “human shield” angle:
“Hamas tunnel found hidden underneath child’s bed in Gaza
Discovery is latest in series of openings to labyrinthine underground system that terrorists began building almost two decades ago”
“Hamas started building the labyrinthine underground system almost two decades ago, initially to bring goods into the besieged Gaza Strip and later for military purposes.”
“Besieged Gaza Strip” raises a few moral issues, don’t you think? I.e. even if you blandly accept this item (and I see no reason to do so considering that the IDF has been writing the Western media script since the fabled Oct 7), then there is a signal that any “military purpose” served by these tunnels is the ultimate outcome of Israel’s repression.
Note how the tunnels were beneath a kid’s bed. Perennial hallmark of propaganda: juxtaposition of soldiers and babies.
if the ” babies” did not exist, they would have to be invented !!
This sounds a lot like the work of TRG and John Rendon, who is profiled in 2010’s “PSYWAR: the Real Battlefield is the Mind.” [I have posted links several times, whole documentary free online.]
The Rendon Group was responsible for many a staged psyop in the Iraq War. The whole Jessica Lynch Marine Damsel in Distress episode was fabricated by Rendon and his mercenary crisis actors, all a matter of “perception management.” (Mostly as a distraction from the grisly annihilations at Falloujah.)
He rents out his dubious services to fascist regimes the world over.
forgod sake MC this is exactly why on radio and Tv they was saying not to spread news like this as it increases anti s attacks.
Did you no..?
holohoax victims are so scared of walking around London that they dont go out.
there leaving london this weekend as there so scared of the hate marches as it reminds them of what hiteler was doing in germany!
Hamas tunnel found hidden underneath child’s bed in Gaza
gaza tunnels: Did you no……?????? it is Same tunnels bin laden al-Qa`ida compound and saddam was using and the IRA and animal liberation front and PPO and anti vaccers anti lockdown and ETA and conspiracy theorists on blog where all using theses tunnels.
tunnel – tunnel vision….
If they started almost two decades ago then that child is no longer a child. Did they move a fresh child on the bed that hides the trapdoor? 🤔
I couldn’t give a fck if you are a jew or an arab -live your lives as best as you can, but do not do genoicde…that is a complete no no…but you are doing it with your wars and your jabs…
Now I am 70, almost all my female friends – ex, even my wife have been telling me, I am too old to have a kitten…But there she is, and I am crawling on my hands and knees playing with her.
I don’t know what is going to happen next..Sure she will probably outlive me, but before I die, she will have a litter of kittens, and we will keep one of them, before we give the rest of them away.
I am already feeling so much better. recovering from Sepsis crawling on my hands and knees playing with my new friend.
I have almost always had a cat, and in some of my depths of despair, when everything has gone wrong, the only thing that kept me going was stroking my lovely cat
My 5 year old Grandson chose her and named her like a 5 year old boy would on her appearnce…it was just so sweet…
I thought what a great name..cos she looks just like that..You don’t meet many girls looking like that…Do you remember what it was like being a 5 year old little boy – and dressing up for the show or party..you knew it was fantasy maybe from a dream, but you always felt safe and warm and not terrified in a storm, when you had every reason to feel like you should,,,,,,
Great yarn, Tony. It reminds of me of a story from my past.
I was 50-something, newly married to a beautiful, exotic Filipino girl. She had her mothers eyes, a great smile and a PhD in home economics.
Needless to say, when I became a father–everything I learned from school was out the window. Its a different world as a Dad. Flying spaceships and aircrafts, though in the guise of spoons and baby food, does have its place though.
I wonder often about ‘them’, and how ‘they’ might see all this.
But here I am, husband to a Filipino home ed teacher, three dozen children and grandchildren playing with my apron strings, nearly a thousand cats in my employ, and one deeply anxious chinchilla I picked up from a Hungarian pet salesman in Torbay, and that’s something they can never take away.
Now matter how old I get, I just seem to keep getting older.
Good luck to this generation, I say…
Good article from Global Research (comment pending censorship review):
Censorship Imperils Us When We Are Forbidden to Speak. Free Thinking Dies and People Die. Propaganda Buries the Truth – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
BBC: “When can protesting over the Gaza war be illegal in the UK?”
It has a familiar ring. Remember, “When can I have the covid vaccine?” The presentation of something shitty as if everyone is clamouring for it.
The BBC article starts,
“On 7 October Hamas gunmen launched an attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip, killing more than 1,400 people and taking more than 220 hostages.”
It doesn’t matter how dodgy this assertion is or how many question it. Nor does it matter how various arguments about it unfold. “The 1,400” will continue to be rammed down your throat from now till the end of time.
Indeed, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see,
“Exclusive: we interview bloodthirsty Hamas orc who tells us how he microwaved beheaded baby and ate it before horrified parents!”
The BBC are a cancer in our society.
It’s pretty obvious that the 1400 number is hugely inflated and that most of the Israeli casualties (if any) were military / contractors working for the military.
Since Israel lies ALL THE TIME we cannot take that number seriously.
Since the “attack” was a mickey mouse attack with hang gliders ( what happened to those?) over “one of the most militarised borders on the planet”, it is very unlikely the attackers were able to gun down 1400 Israelis. They could have done it at that fake rave party but they did not.
Since when is ‘jew’ a race?
Religion … perhaps. ?
Race, nah!
Jew means only “from Judea”, nothing else.
Then MSM labelled religious people who read the Torah for Jews, Talmud for Jews and the Zionists for Jews. But…wrong. Zionists are what the bible call “the false Jews”.
What MSM claim Jew as a race is the bloodline from people who lived in Judea and build the 1’st Temple in Jerusalem 1000 BCE by their King Solomon , during Moses, and Jesus’s time period. All fixed.
The meaning of Judea is the place of praisers, and the meaning of Jew is a praiser. So in the holy scripture these meanings are spiritual, not geographical or historical.
A Jew is the spirit who praises God.
Holy scriptures can be read with the Holy Spirit or with an unholy mind.
Correct reading and understanding means reading it with the Spirit of God, while unholy reading gets everything wrong.
All things unholy are against God.
Reminding you we were talking about the present interpretation. The articles lousy celebrity “Jews”.
There is a place in today’s Israel/Palestine which has been called Judea even in ancient times yes? Judaism. Jude. So much to the article.
Then you write about the symbolic meaning of Jew in the scriptures, and added a puzzle more to my understanding of the Bible. Grateful for that 😇 .
well, i thought killing was against god
It is. So now you can go from “i thought and believed” to “I know” killing is against God. Fixed.
Much like Frank or Franc, français, François means everything free brave noble honest pure… you get the idea, in France. It is an appraisal buttressed and endorsed by the nation and its culture perennially.
Not rendering an opinion, just a contrast and comparison.
Here’s a very interesting piece referring to this question: https://rhyd.substack.com/p/mythic-violence?utm_source=%2Finbox&utm_medium=reader2
Israel has killed a minimum of 10,000 people in Gaza of whom 5000 are children. This article has used the wrong numbers to describe the most heinous of war crimes with the total complicit of United States, Britain, Germany and France. The western world, with the exception of Ireland, is on the wrong side of history. The Global South, with the exception of India, is on the right side of history.
But that’s the scenario isn’t it. Creating the idea some governments are on the side of the angels when they’re pretty obviously not.
Just to show how tricksy it all is. I live and work in Dublin. Went to college here. There’s no more globalist-infiltrated government anywhere than in Ireland right now. Our lads are in it to the hilt with Agenda 2030. Love the stuff, can’t get enough. Pandemic legislation coming out their arses.
But they’re on the “right side of history” over Gaza. Which tells me the globalists are having their puppets playing both sides. Right?
So let’s be careful about hasty kneejerk reactions.
Yes! Each time we see governments and people rushing to take a stance and judge others as being wrong we are being shown once again how we are all being played. New people fall for each new smoke and mirrors scenario. It’s fascinating to watch! Our imprinted desire to be “good” is probably our Achilles heel.
10,000 out of 2,000,000 is 0.5% of Gaza: that is NOT genocide. As 70% of Gaza is aged below 30 of course there will be many children victims, but they already were Hamas indoctrination victims from day 1.
For a real genocide look ~ 100 years back to Islamisation of Armenians in the dying Ottoman empire where the deaths numbered around 1,000,000 out of 2,100,000, so ~ 47% of that population.
Who invited the genocide police??
Genocide isn’t defined by numbers. Genocide is systematic destruction of a people in whole or in part. A group of people can be destroyed in many ways, where direct murder is just one.
Does that mean what the Nazis did to Jews in Europe was genocide despite how many died? If we take your definition I think it must be so.
Hell, while you’re at it, let’s look at the systematic genocide of aboriginal inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere!
Bingo, if you include the Eastern hemisphere as well.
Double Bingo. Although the way the Spanish conquerors dealt with the indigenous is almost the exact opposite of how the Anglo settlers treated native Americans to the north of the Spaniards. John Lennon carried a sign around at times as a handy audio-visual aid noting that in Mexico, and most anywhere south of the USA Inc borders, the Conquistadors intermarried with the natives, and only about 8% of the locals disappeared, which can be accounted in many non-genocidal ways. Whereas, to contrast, the Anglo-Saxon usurpative colonists/settlers eliminated the same numbers the Spaniards had spared: 92% Bravo to Lennon & Yoko for that: very very revealing stats. WASPS have quite a closet-full of native skeletons, and the current major Scorsese production of “Killers of the Flower Moon” is painful and grim, but as is his wont, “Marty” dramatizes by way of a saga in Oklahoma a century ago, long after most of these genocides, the nuts and bolts of the daily greed and lusts that have led to so many heartless killings in this befouled society. Like much of Scorsese, the historical depth of his Big Point slowly creeps up on you, which explains and justifies its three and a half hour run time. And that is worthily quite revealing, however painful. As an Iroquois preacher of heft once put it to a Black parish 40 years ago, live on tape, “White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant and Rich. You can’t ask for a worse combination than that, baby.” [Not to be scored as undiplomatic, he, and I, only were referring to that miniscule contingent of “the Bad Seed” lol, although they attract enough mercenaries as jackals, eh?] Those, sadly, bring so much dishonor to us of their ilk but not their perspective, since most of their number is the demographic of the .001%… Read more »
At a rate of 10k deaths a month it will take over 15 years to wipe out the 2.3 million Gazans! The Israelis must be getting really annoyed!
You cant just wipe out 2,3 mio overnight. It should be done in a human way.
Over 20 years. Most woke folks are numerically challenged, but emotionally fully on. If something that slow can be labeled ‘genocide’ than there are plenty around.
But I get it: the left-overs must freak out about “something” in this tumultuous epoch and Israel is the smallest and thus easiest target, plus woke, green & Islam approved.
Wake me up when we reach the 6 million.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-11-08. “Cause Unknown” death Is A Crime & A Cover-Up. Star chamber removal @P_McCulloughMD’s certification (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
It’s business, oil and gas business, whether or not the big players are piously mouthing carbon neutral platitudes. Net Zero is just business, another fake slogan to palm the green stuff. None of them believe a word they say, they just mouth what’s expedient at the time. Religion, ethnicity or nationality are just words for them to use to exploit the suckers on both dides and how it pays. There’s billions to be made and far too many people, so why not get rich getting rid of some of them? It’s good business.
I agree with what you say except I don’t think it’s about oil or gas or natural resources, at least not primarily. If they wanted the gas off the Gaza coast they could just take it any time because Gaza is blockaded on its coast and couldn’t stop them. I think it’s just basically about creating a needless conflict with many victims to give us all something to be divided over and distracted by. The gas is just a nice bonus.
I’m sure there’s a nasty legal nicety in having conquerer’s possession of the land to satisfy the legalistic masonic mindset involved. There’s also the disputed letter to Mazzini outlining the Armageddon plan of opposing Zion and Muslims to be taken into account, eek!
If we had net zero collective insanity policy the citizens might stand a chance, as it stands now, its no chance Charlie who is running the show.
If you skip through the 400 tv channels and tv series your notice a theme of arabs or asians rightwing holhoax survivalist aktras regurgitate. they have even pulled out the extremist agenda again.
One would have to think that theses TV series have been made and replayed repeated to fit into what is happening now.
to convenient……
Do like me. Throw your tv away.
You only see junk and propaganda. Everywhere in the world.
Done with it
Wow, a load of truth there. TV defines the masses now. Reality TV? Ha! Ironically, mostly our ONLY reality now IS TV. It is mass social engineering~~in~a~tube . Most people don’t even come to grips that most of what they are about, inside & out, is processed and firmly molded by the television. What a sad tell of “vision.” . Of all our many weighty problems, at what often feels like the Eleventh Hour, the solution to TV is by far the simplest, and even easiest. There’s a kill switch on the box. I killed ours for good & all 16 years ago. Could have done it sooner, like my 20 years as a smoker! Better sooner than never, I always say. £4£&$4$+my2¢™==== [ (In)Famous Fun Fact: My first date was summer 1962 with Ann Fadiman. We were fresh grads of the Buckley 5th Grade, though as a prodigy, she was only eight, I was a backward once-dyslexic 10yo. She told me a tale that day how her father Clifton (who had launched the first ever radio quiz show, “Information, Please” featuring literati from the Algonquin Club in 1930s NYC) had watched the delivery of one of the early TVs, 1950s, carried up the walk to their door, seen through the window of their (hefty) mansion at 345 St. Pierre in Bel Air, on shipping orders from her mother, sinologist Ann Jacoby Fadiman, and whereupon he made a quick trip to the living room, where it sat deposited, encircling it in both arms, and walking it out to the entry walkway, upon which he quickly smashed it to smithereens and shards on their pavement. So she told it. That his prescience of gathering worldwide televised evils struck me and stuck, always in memory of that far away summer day, awash… Read more »
I spelled J*wish funny to dodge the knee-jerk pending Mme. La Guillotine. My own reprieve, from the transient chop..
Seems far-fetched a God that created the Universe chose Jews to be his ‘chosen people’ at any point in time, and then sent his son … to revoke his previous position and so forth. Doesn’t make a lot of sense tbh Sable
Of the thousands of tribes in his world, God needed to choose the most sinful as it was the tribe that most needed his commandments.
You forgot his last “profit” Muhammed. An illiterate whose drive was to organize mass emotion with the mind switch off completely. A robber baron with an ideology which caught on almost a strong as piracy capitalism later. Easy because both use with lower homo sapiens greeds, one mostly constructive and the older one mostly destructive.
Perhaps he is a myth, that would explain it entirely.
A “God” possessed by the most base of human emotions, no less.
A shallowest reading, but common enough. The whole problem is in that shallow trait the all-so-human trait to anthropomorphize God. To see him only in shades of our own image. Hell’s Bells, even a mind like Voltaire was prone to do it relentlessly, as was Gore Vidal. They either didn’t get, or refused to accept, that God works at a much deeper level than many are willing to entertain or perhaps even see, a minimum of distance. “As high as the heavens are above the earth so high are my ways above your ways,” so also “sings” the (J*wish) prophet Isaiah. [3 millennia past.] Part of that no doubt comes for certain types possessing “a spiritual awareness that doesn’t go higher than their hair.” Or, lack thereof. For others, they are committed to a perspective that refuses to admit any intellectual process that allows such mysteries of depth to be part of the argument. Seems like that for Christopher Hitchens, as an exemplar, whose very last words on earth in prose were a review of a biography of GK Chesterton for The Atlantic, where he opened by begrudging that GKC wrote much poetry that was “unforgettable”* but then went on a tirade how he was intellectually charming but “sinister.” His final take. There are many an “obex” or obstacle in minds, each one which can block the flow of the Holy Spirit (or let’s say for the unconvinced perhaps, the greatest spirit of “Good”) even however that may be received. Sometimes all that uncannily disappears in the light of sudden humility. BINGO. (I know that bending my own neck has often unfathomably helped!) But “we” find so many that get invested in their personal collection of blocks. “There is no bigot like the atheist.” All intellect and other chops notwithstanding!… Read more »
We are all jews. Acc to legend we all root from Adam and Eve. Abraham became the one chosen to be father of the earth. Out of Abraham came Israel’s 12 tribes spreading to the world.
The Bible differs between the true jews and the false jews.
Just to point on some of your lack of knowledge to what you guys comments on.
YOUR own lack of knowledge and bs doesnt make a lot of sense.
We are back to the eternal theme: All the other’s fault, God’s fault, not my fault!
It doesn’t always make much human sense. grant you. But before humintel, there was Theointel. Huge. Bigly. Down here, we are always on a need-to-know basis, and with good reason.
Besides, He hides his treasure in clay vessels, and they all have feet of clay to boot. And boot it, they so often do. Just look it up, the whole Pentateuch is an extended rant against the errantries of his chosen. Right amidst the blessing, “Are my ways too hard, or is it your ways that are too hard.”
Pretty clear how the chosen things bag out, mostly.
We all come into the world “damaged goods.”
And isn’t that great Good News? People would never even be bothered to look for God without the frailties. So unlike the “too cool for school” fallen prisoners through their self-overestimated excellence. Or whatever doesn’t float that boat.
Well, not to get preachy or anything, but I’m like that, whenever such things are challenged on earthly logic alone, and practical plausibility.
Obviously, there are some very different standards.
“The Christian [Ed. as at his most sincere, the New True Blue Jew ] is only worse because it is his business to be better.”
And just how deep is that.
*Those who aren’t will get quickly winded grading such, loud enough.
It’s not a Jewish, Muslim, Russian, Ukraine, or even US ‘thing’.
It’s a hierarchical addiction.
The Turds at the top need, lust after, are addicted to, their Godlike status.
They will do or say whatever it takes to cling to their pinnacles of authority.
We are merely the Useless Eaters.
A Messiah Complex or Jerusalem Syndrome?
Either way, it’s deadly:
Jerusalem Syndrome is EXTREMELY contagious.
Even Homer Simpson caught it:
Join the club maestro. As an American and long time anti-imperialist, the voices that indicate ALL Americans are murderous warmongers are many and continuous. And I remember reading many years ago about how many blacks will cringe when they hear some terrible news about someone or some people who did this or that and praying they weren’t black. Same thing only different. Then you’ll have the people, I’ve seen it many times on this site, particularly from one person, accusing ALL Americans and insinuating that it is ALL Americans’ fault and we should ALL be punished. A lot of people hate America, so they hate all Americans. So this kind of “messaging” works, and it does bring everyone else down. Kind of like ALL Germans and the Nazis. “Why didn’t they stop it”? That’s how it is, and the propaganda works.
I grew up with the idea that Americans were warmongers etc. Then I got to know them and discovered that a lot of them are just like everyone else, and furthermore, they were about as powerless to change their government as I was able to change my own. Eventually, through twists and turns of fate I not only ended up living in their country but also joined them — I’ve been a US citizen for nearly 20 years now. The problem of what to do about fascists in our midst — what we could call “the German problem” — is actually very real since our Republican party, exemplified by Trump, is now openly fascist. I’ve read quite a bit of material about the 1930s and even talked with people who grew up in that time (including one or two Jews) and the overriding impression I got is that once the virus took hold there was very little anyone could do about it short of being a very short lived and rather ineffective martyr. That’s a bit depressing — we’ve all come across those Hollywood fantasies that have ‘our heroes’ assassinating Hitler but the truth seems to be that once you’re at that stage assassination wouldn’t change a thing, its becomes a train to Hell which nobody can stop or get off. So the key to stopping it is never letting it start and the key to that is remembering that it was openly encouraged by a large proportion of conservatives who saw it as a useful power base, a cat’s paw that could be used as a bastion against socialism, organized labor and anything that threatened their hegemony. Their ignorance and carelessness exacted a heavy toll on the world back then and they’re going to do it again given half… Read more »
Well, it kind of baffles me how everyone in a country of 330 million people, particularly one that has been called, at least since I was young (60’s), the “melting pot” of the world consisting of all races, religions, countries, etc., could be generalized in any sense as all the same. But that’s how people tend to generalize things through lazy thinking. I try to avoid it but I can’t say I’m immune. As for Trump and his supporters and fascism, ain’t gonna happen, not like the past. For one, Trump is too stupid. The fucker really is stupid. Just look at what he came out and said about the genocide attempt by Israel today. He has no clue, never has, and no interest in having a clue, and is always winging it based on pure narcissism. That’s why he has only about a 20% support, half of them are also too stupid to know their ass from a hole in the ground, and the other half (here I am generalizing) hate the liberals so much that they would vote for Hitler, even knowing who Hitler was. But the other side of the coin is just as bad if not worse, i.e, Biden, the democrats, woke liberals, etc. The real fascist dictator at this point is called the Great Reset, aka the New World Order, aka, the crazy fuckers that want to rule the world. The zionist zealots, the neocons, the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral commission, the rich fucking billionaires who control the media, the political systems, and our lives. And I’ve come to the nasty conclusion that there is no stopping it, there is only hope that a continued resistance can eventually change the course of things. The only recourse is to prepare to resist, because… Read more »
Censorship review concluded.
Smarm – 100%
Entitlement – 110%
Censorship – 0%
Overall rating – Smug, but harmless.
Posting enabled.
Have a nice day.
Like your friend Sam, sophomoric little insults to make yourself feel better, or something. That’s OffG admin. Ya, you have a nice day too. Placing every comment in pending so it can be reviewed for suitability to post is called censoring. A censor is someone who examines material for objectionable material. That’s what you’re doing for every comment.
I’m a pretty rubbish censor then, as every comment seems to be going through.
But wag that furious chin of yours, if it helps you get through the day.
Hitler’ s war was wanted and financed by US and UK high finance.
The existence of concentration camps was also known to those who financed it. ( read the “Tower of Basel” by Adam Lebor a.o.)
Who finance for ex. Trump and Biden’ s election ? And who finance the election of your own MP?
And the French president/ government for ex.. And finance/ own most media ?
When you know this – it is public knowledge (but may not be said/written) you have answer to many questions.
Americans support wars indirectly because having cheap gasoline is more important to them than the lives of people in far away places.
They will only protest when the gas prices go up to match what we in much poorer countries are paying.
The patriot’s trauma about 9/11 was that someone had the audacity and ability to attack the USA from the sky. Indiscriminate mass death from above was supposed to be their trademark!
My anthem sounds much like this,:
.”it is my strong conviction that a realist concept of human nature should be made the servant of an ethic of progressive justice, and not turned into a bastion of conservatism, especially one which defends unjust privileges.”
~ Reinhold Niebuhr
Number of Americans who want an immediate ceasefire according to the polls: 70-80%.
Number of Congressmen supporting an immediate ceasefire: less than 10%.
Number of large donors opposing an immediate ceasefire: 100%.
America’s MIC runs the country. It’s their biggest “industry”.
This was once so very true but I fear it’s now anachronism as the agenda has undergone GR revolution
Its the banality of evil (Hannah Arent).
People like you who think “I am goody goody and not evil, they cant be talking about me, I am different, I am not like my Government”, are in reality incredible evil.
Behind the innocent American smoothie Budweiser face you are evilness and the devil in disguise. You want me to prove it? Here it is documented! https://youtu.be/OhW6t4rEJwU
One thing all you “just like everyone everywhere” USAmericans must acknowledge is how all of your “innocence” vis-a-vis the World permitted you to enjoy the most comfortable standard of living in the history of humanity.
Please go away. You have nothing to offer humanity. You never have,
Oh Victor, where are you from? Let’s compare.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has this to say about Israel.
“Israel is a stronghold for us… It’s almost like having an aircraft carrier in the Middle East. This is our oldest ally. If Israel disappears, Russia, China and the BRICS+ countries will control 90% of the world’s oil, and this will be a disaster for US national security.”
I have no doubt that he’s a part of the Globo’s Club. And I suspect that the Zionist camp runs the US, to the detriment of the latter.
Israel is looking for a new protector now that the US is collapsing. I read that they are very good friends with Russia,China, Germany and Iran in spite of propaganda to the contrary. I have no idea what will happen next.
I doubt if Israel would become best buddies with Iran. Its not ideology, that’s just noise. Its competition. Iran is ten times the population and heaven only knows how much richer in resources, both material and intellectual. If it wasn’t for us keeping them down with economic warfare they’d wipe the floor with the Israelis just through normal commercial competition.
Russia and China don’t need Israel for anything. Its a country to trade with — maybe — but it really doesn’t have anything anyone needs (unless it can steal it off their neighbors….).
(Germany is probably a bit tired of being guilt-tripped by now. A lot of nations have very dark pasts, bad things that happened generations ago that should not have happened, but continually hitting on current generations for the sins of their forefathers gets very old.)
Bialik talking about how she opposes a ceasefire:
“No country in the world would be asked to stop protecting itself under attack from all of its borders” (from Wiki)
The logic is similar to Hitler’s with respect to a false flag simulating a Polish attack on Germany. Poor little Nazi Germany defending itself!
Too much contradiction on WW2 history.
Take the BS, ““No country in the world would be asked to stop protecting itself under attack from all of its borders” and apply it at face value, please.
“This is, therefore, not about good versus evil. It is evil versus evil, trying to drag good down with it. Violence is a failure of perspective. Over lifetimes every oppressor becomes oppressed, and every oppressed then becomes an oppressor, God sees to that. Even if you win today, you will lose tomorrow, until you realise that there is no such thing as victory or defeat, at least not in this realm. God is in no hurry with this and if we really are intent on destroying the civilisation that has taken thousands of years to build then so be it, we will just have to go round again until we get the message. If you hate and kill in this life you will simply meet those you hated and killed again in the next. Oppressor now? Oppressed next time round. And so on, and so on, forever. Until you break the cycle of violence. The way out of this trap is to not fight, because the moment you do you have lost. Every dictator and tyrant began life as a freedom fighter and every tyrant eventually falls to the same, and that will not stop until there is a change in people’s hearts. This means resisting the temptation for revenge and instead casting a plague on the house of all those who kill, and all those who support them. Shun the sign of the clenched fist, the sign of violence, wherever it appears, wherever you see it. This is why Christ was a spiritual teacher and not a freedom fighter. If he had been an agitator for reparations from Rome, or for a Judean State then Christianity would have never got off the ground. Instead his message was to ally with God and to say no to all forms of… Read more »
There is no coherency in the “message” of “Jesus”.
He also said that he came to bring fire and the sword, and instructed people to “turn the other cheek”, which is a command for slaves. Bend over while I violate you, good sir.
The “message” of “Jesus” is incoherent, self-contradictory nonsense because, like Scientology, it is supposed to undermine the intellect and cause cognitive dissonace so as to perform the required brainwashing. The real message is ” submit to authority and be ashamed”. The “God ” of “Jesus” operates as a totalitarian authority that dictates The Law and is really a psychic parasite feeding on human fear.
Glad you mentioned. Gandhi … do please look up his opinion vis-a-vis the establishment of a Zionist entity in Palestine.
You’re bound to love it.
Gandhi consistently opposed the creation of an apartheid state in the Middle East. He was liquidated for that position.